Going On free porn video

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It’s the night of my forty-sixth birthday, and I’m at the bar. Edwin let me off work early today so that I could celebrate. He’s a good guy, Edwin is. He gave me the job at the motel as his maintenance guy, and as part of my pay he lets me live in one of the trailers on his property. His daughter is living in the other one, the one right in front of mine, so I know he must have some trust in me. And I know that’s not easy, being as how I had just gotten out of prison before I answered his ad.

It’s a slow night at Blue Dog’s, but it’s a Wednesday, so I guess that’s to be expected. I need to drink less than I want to, because Edwin will expect me to be working tomorrow morning, and I don’t want to disappoint him. I’ve had my fill of letting people down, and, fuck, I’ve probably still got another fourteen years or so left in me so that’s a long time to be on my best behavior.

On Friday nights this place is pretty packed, especially after it hits eleven or so and the second shift from the auto factory lets out. But on Wednesdays most people have more important things to do. I guess I used to be like that, in better times.

I get up and flip through the songs in the jukebox. I’m looking for something in particular -a particular artist- but I can’t find him and I give up halfway through. I’ve got a headache coming on and reading the tiny print is making it worse. I sit back down and rub my temples with the tips of my fingers.

‘Y’okay, Devin?’ a voice to my right says. My eyes are closed but I know the voice well enough. It’s Suzanne, a young girl who has become a bit of a regular in here since she got rid of that boyfriend who was beating on her. She’s probably twenty-six, I’d guess, long, dark hair, tall and thin. She’s sweet to me, and I feel protective of her.

‘Yeah, just got a headache,’ I say. Suzanne walks over to me and takes my big, rough hand in her tiny, smooth one, and gives me a sympathetic look.

‘Had too much to drink already?’ she says, but the look on her face lets me know she’s just joking.

‘Not there yet, girl,’ I say, and give her as close an approximation to a smile that I can muster at the moment. Truth is, I’m hurting inside, bad. Like I often do on my birthday, I’ve spent a lot of today thinking too much about the past. This is the first birthday in three years that I didn’t spend in prison. I’ve got an estranged wife, Cynthia, who, during her first and only visit to me in prison, told me not to come home once I got out, and not to try to contact her or my daughter until Cynthia could figure out whether or not she still wanted to stay with me. I haven’t spoken to her since, though she talks to my mom every week. I told my mom to make my phone number available if Cynthia decides she wants it, but so far I haven’t heard anything. I would think at least on my birthday… well, I don’t know. After all this time maybe I shouldn’t even bother hoping.

‘Todd told me it’s your birthday,’ Suzanne says, tilting her head a little when she says the word ‘birthday.’

‘Damn,’ I say, ‘I told him not to tell anyone.’ I sigh and sit back in my chair. The last thing I want right now is someone feeling sorry for me. I do well enough with that myself. I look down at my checkered flannel shirt, my stained jeans, my hands now lying folded on my belly. A face flashes briefly in my mind: my little girl, Sarah. I haven’t seen her since she was nine. Now she’s twelve. I wonder how long it will be before I see her again, or hear her voice.

‘You don’t look like someone who’s celebrating their birthday,’ Suzanne says. She’s wincing a little. I can tell she feels kind of bad for bringing up the subject.

‘I’ve never been much for celebrating getting older,’ I say with a small grin. It’s enough to ease Suzanne’s mind, and she relaxes and smiles.

‘Maybe I can help you celebrate,’ Suzanne says, leaning in. ‘I can come back to your place. You’ve seen mine, I’ve never seen yours.’

I smile and I’m vaguely aware that I’m blushing, but then a sickening thought comes to me that she is only speaking out of pity.

‘Maybe sometime,’ I say, looking down at the table. ‘I think I’d rather be on my own tonight.’

Suzanne puts her hand over mine and leans in to give me a kiss on the cheek.

‘Anytime you want. I’ll be here if you need me,’ she says, and then walks back over to her spot at the bar next to Karl, an older guy who spends most of his day here.

I watch Suzanne as she walks away, swaying in her jeans. One time last month she had too much to drink and I was at the bar later than usual -to be honest, emotionally I was having a particularly bad night- and I volunteered to walk her home. When we got back to her place she was all hands and I did my best to keep her hands off of me without offending her.

‘Please, Suzanne,’ I had told her as she tried to pull me onto the couch she had just plopped down onto.

‘Why not, Devin? Don’t you like me?’ she said, sounding hurt.

‘I do, baby girl,’ I said, ‘But I can’t do this with you when you’re like this. Maybe sometime when you’re sober.’

She looked hurt and sulked a little on the couch, and I stepped away and began looking at the various collectibles she had on her shelves and counters. She had a thing for those Precious Moments figurines, I could tell. I think she had been collecting them her whole life.

‘Dehhh-vin,’ she said in a low voice, and I turned back to see that she had unbuttoned her blouse and pulled down her bra. Her small, perfectly-shaped breasts were exposed, and she was swaying from side to side in an attempt to seduce me.

‘Wow, that’s very tempting, baby,’ I said, admittedly not able to keep my eyes off of her breasts, ‘but I’ve got to take a raincheck on this.’

I did stay long enough to help her get to bed, but I didn’t try anything. I left feeling kind of empty, but I know I would have felt worse if I had taken advantage of the girl.

As I sit here watching her back as she talks to Karl, I wonder if she even remembers that night. I wonder if it would have made any difference if I had taken her up on her drunken offer or not. Lord knows I haven’t felt a woman’s touch in a while. But I think it’s gotta feel right. I’ve got enough guilt.

I leave Blue Dog’s feeling a bit empty again, like I did that night when I left Suzanne’s. There’s a loneliness inside me that is eating away at me. Sometimes I wonder why I keep going on when it’s clear that my real life ended a few years ago. Then I decide that life is too interesting to just cut and run without a really good reason, and I don’t believe that there’s anything other than this life we have. Still, I think about suicide every day. It’s an impulse I constantly fight. I suppose eventually it will get the best of me.

I walk home. It’s not long. I live about half a mile from Blue Dog’s, so it only takes me about twenty minutes go walk home, unless I’m particularly drunk. Tonight I’m not even close, so I’m setting a good pace. I look around me. Nothing but cornfields and some scattered houses and businesses, and beyond that, the hills. Still, I like it here. It’s quiet, and though it’s only a county away from where I lived my old life, it’s far enough to begin my second life. It’s not a bad place. I’d feel pretty happy to die here.

It’s mid-summer, so even though it’s nine o’clock it’s not close to being dark yet. The road shoulder is wide, so I’m reasonably safe from being hit by a passing car. I hear noises all around me. Maybe crickets. It bothers me that I don’t know for sure. I live in kind of a rural area but I didn’t grow up here. Until I went to prison I had spent my whole life in the suburbs. My wife and I had a nice house. I had a good job. I had a comfortable life. Then I managed to fuck it all up in one night. It’s barely worth thinking about. It’s done, and that’s all.

I feel like I’m living a lie because I live out here and I don’t know what anything is. I could see a
tree in a field and not be able to tell you what kind of tree it is. I couldn’t tell you what brand of tractor is being driven in a farm I walk by. Hell, if my car breaks down, I wouldn’t know how to fix it, unless it turns out it just ran out of gas. I feel like I should know more about this stuff than I do. As my dad would say, I don’t know shit about shit. And that bothers me.

When I get to the little dirt driveway where my trailer sits -about a hundred feet behind the trailer where Edwin’s daughter Ashley lives with her four-year-old son, Russell- I stop and look up at the sky for a few moments. One of the benefits of living out here is being able to see so many stars. After several months of living here, I’m still in awe.

I turn back towards the trailers and I think I see a face peering out at me from one of the windows in Ashley’s trailer. But, in an instant, it’s gone, if it ever was there to begin with. Ashley’s a nice girl. Mid-20’s, short, a bit overweight, but with a really pretty face, freckles, and reddish-blonde hair that falls a few inches past her shoulders. She moved in about three months ago, having just left her abusive husband and seeking refuge at her daddy’s place. Edwin had talked about the guy a few times. Ashley and the guy had dated in high school, and Edwin and his wife liked the guy, but just after they got married things went south and the guy took to drinking and beating on Ashley. How she stayed with him through six years of marriage is a mystery to me, but I guess the important thing is that she got out with her son.

The first night she spent in that trailer, Edwin sat outside her door just in case that son of a bitch soon-to-be-ex of hers made an appearance, and then he spent the next few nights sitting there, too. But the guy never showed. Either he didn’t know where she ran off to or didn’t care. Thinking that I might have seen Ashley peeking out the window, I wonder if, three months later, she’s still keeping an eye out for the guy. I wonder if she feels protected at all having me close by. We’ve only talked a few times, because I mostly keep to myself. But our conversations have been light, friendly, so far. I figure Edwin probably told her about me, because she’s never asked.

I open the door to my trailer and turn off the light. There’s a slightly musty smell that hits me, but it’s one I’ve gotten used to. The trailer is old, but it’s clean and everything works. One time Edwin told me that if he’d known that his daughter would be coming home, he would have given her this one, because the one she’s living in isn’t in quite as good a shape. I know he didn’t mean to, but him saying that made me feel pretty low for a while.

I take off my shoes and check my answering machine. It says that I got six phone calls, but when I listen to my messages, there’s nobody talking. Just quick ‘clicks’ of the phone being hung up. I wonder who would have called me six times since this afternoon.

There’s a knock at my door. I get up and open it. It’s Ashley, standing on the wooden steps that lead to my door, holding a birthday cake.

‘Surprise, Devin,’ she says with a smile.

‘Oh wow,’ I say. No other words come to me at that moment.

‘You worried the shit outta me,’ Ashleys says.

‘How so?’

‘I didn’t know you went out tonight. I wanted to give this cake to you earlier, and your lights were off. I banged on your door and you didn’t answer. I tried to call you and you didn’t answer. I was afraid maybe you were dead in there.’

‘You called me?’ I say, unfazed by someone assuming I might have been dead in my trailer.

‘Yeah,’ Ashley says, and she winces a little. ‘I got your number from Daddy a few weeks ago. I hope you don’t mind. I thought maybe I could use it to call you, just in case.’

‘Oh,’ I say, knowing what she’s talking about. I look past her, toward the road, for no particular reason.

We stand there in silence for a few moments, then my eyes return to the cake.

‘Here, come inside,’ I say, holding the door open for Ashley. ‘Thank you so much for the cake. I can’t remember the last time, uh, anyone’s…’

Ashley holds the cake with one hand, and she places the other on my hand that’s holding the door open. ‘I thought it might be nice for you to know someone’s thinking of you today.’ She gives me that smile. Something in my heart melts. I find myself fighting back a few tears.

She comes inside and puts the cake on the little island between the dining and living room areas. She looks around at the trailer. It’s pretty empty. I haven’t had much time or money for decorating.

‘Quaint,’ she says with a small giggle.

‘I know,’ I say, feeling sheepish. ‘I’ve never been much of a decorator. That was Cynthia’s department.’

‘Your ex-wife?’ Ashley says.

‘Well, not ex yet. Though I don’t know what she’s waiting for.’

We stand silently, and Ashley continues to look around. Now that she’s in the light, I notice she’s wearing a pair of nice jeans and a blouse. I’ve never seen her this dressed-up before.

‘You look really nice,’ I say, almost impulsively.

‘Why, thank you,’ Ashley says, and her smile grows bigger. ‘I didn’t want to look like a slob when I gave you the cake.’

‘You didn’t have to go through all this trouble…’

‘No, I wanted to,’ she says, interrupting me. ‘I can imagine it’s not easy, you know… with your family… uh…’

‘You’re right,’ I say, giving her another sheepish grin, and holding up my hand as if to tell her I understand what she was trying to say.

Ashley notices the picture sitting on the island. She had put the cake down next to it and apparently hadn’t seen it.

‘Oh wow,’ she says, picking up the picture. ‘Is this your daughter?’

‘Yeah,’ I say, feeling suddenly wistful. ‘That’s my baby girl, Sarah.’

‘How old’s she?’

‘Twelve.’ My legs suddenly feel weak, and I sit -collapse, almost- on the couch.

‘She’s a beautiful girl,’ Ashley says, almost sadly.

‘Where’s your boy?’ I say.

‘He’s spending the night with Grandma and Grandpa,’ she says.

‘Oh,’ I say. There’s something in the tone of her voice that reminds me of something, but I can’t place it.

‘Devin,’ Ashley says after some silence, ‘what do you think is going to happen? You know, with you and your wife, your kid? I don’t mean to pry. I guess I’m just curious.’

‘It’s okay,’ I say, ‘but I don’t know how to answer your question. I haven’t spoken to Cynthia since I got out.’

‘Does she know how to reach you?’

‘Yeah,’ I said. ‘She still talks to my mom. She talks to my mom more than I do.’ I give her a small laugh.

‘Have you… dated anyone? Anything like that?’ There’s that tone again. Ashley puts down the picture and sits on the other end of the couch, her hands in her lap. She suddenly looks nervous.

‘Not really. There was one girl, but that didn’t go anywhere,’ I say. I’m hoping she won’t ask about the girl I’m talking about.

Six months ago, about a month after I moved in to this place, there was a woman I met at Blue Dog’s. She was from Chicago, she said, and she was spending a week at a cabin on the lake that was owned by an old college friend. She was by herself, and I didn’t ask any more questions about that. We talked for a lot of that evening, though she didn’t really talk much about herself, except to tell me that she worked in the billing department of a credit card company.

She took me back to the cabin, which was more of a cottage, I’d say. It had electricity and all the niceities you wouldn’t find in an average cabin around here. The lake was calm, and the night air was filled with the sound of frogs croaking. Somehow Christina and I ended up kissing on her bed. She was the first woman I kissed since the last kiss I shared with my wife before starting my prison sentence. I was feeling lonely and almost desperate.

Christina and I began pulling off e
ach others’ clothes and kissing each other all over. When I had her top off, I sucked on her nipples hungrily. It had been so long. The feelings washing over me were almost overwhelming. She had small, dark nipples, and they got hard in my mouth and hands. While I did this, both of her hands were in my unzipped jeans, in my underwear, stroking my cock, which was rock-hard from the moment she and I had started kissing.

I kissed my way down her stomach and then pulled off her jeans and thong underwear -a first for me- and I was surprised to see that she had a shaved pussy. I had only been with a few women in my lifetime, and all of them had had some quantity of hair between their legs. I can’t say I preferred the look of hers, but it was certainly easy on my tongue when I stuck it inside her.

I spent several minutes licking her, exploring everything. It had been so long for me, it felt like heaven. I had forgotten the taste, the scent, the warmth of a woman. We fucked three times that night, and then several more times over the course of the week we spent together. By the night before she was supposed to return to Chicago, I was starting to have a strong attachment to her. I thought that she felt the same.

Then, the morning of the day she was going to return, she confessed to me that she was married and had a child. She said that she was taking a break from her life and that she had decided on the way down that she would have no rules for herself.

She was puzzled when I didn’t seem happy with her confession. She said that she thought I would feel relieved, like I should be happy because I was able to have a week of commitment-free, consequence-free sex with a woman I would never have to see again. But this was a concept I wasn’t really accustomed to. I didn’t want to tell her this, but the whole experience had left me feeling broken-hearted. I think I was especially vulnerable under the circumstances. I guess I should have been thrilled with the experience. I’m not saying I’m sad that it happened. But to me it had felt like the start of something more, and then it was gone.

Ashley is staring at me, probably waiting for me to explain myself, but I look away without saying anything more.

‘Daddy said you used to be a manager in an office, and that you had a big house in the suburbs somewhere,’ Ashley says.

‘He’s told you a lot about me, I guess,’ I say, feeling a little gloomy now. I don’t really feel comfortable with Edwin telling his daughter things that I thought I was telling him in confidence.

‘Not everything,’ she says. I figure she’s implying all the stuff about prison.

‘I had a whole different life,’ I say, hoping that she won’t dig any deeper.

‘Is it hard to move on like this?’

‘Moving on? I wouldn’t call it that,’ I say, aware that there’s a shade of bitterness in my voice.

‘What do you mean?’ Ashley says.

‘It doesn’t feel like moving on. The world just moves on without me, I guess.’

Ashley simply stares at me and blinks.

‘I’m sorry,’ I say, ‘I’m just in a funk.’

‘It’s okay. I’ve heard worse,’ she says.

‘It’s just that I don’t like to talk like this. I know it brings people down.’

‘You’re not bringing me down,’ Ashley says. She slides over on the couch and takes my hand from my lap. ‘The way I see it, you still have breath in your lungs, so it’s not too late to rebuild. And, you never know, maybe you’ll get your family back.’

I blink away tears, but I don’t say anything. I don’t like being this vulnerable. I want to change the subject, but nothing comes to mind. I’m aware of how warm Ashley’s hand is. How good it is to have this contact with her. I suddenly feel a longing for her.

‘I thought my husband was going to kill me. I was just waiting for it to happen. Then one day I said to myself, ‘I don’t want to die this way,’ and I got Russell and I left everything else behind. Now I can start building a new life, maybe find someone who will be good to me.’ Ashley grips my hand tighter. I don’t know if she’s implying me in that last sentence.

‘I’m… not a good person,’ I say. I don’t know where that came from. Some subconscious, wordless feeling that suddenly found itself a voice.

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The alarm clock was making some horrible sounds. Damn, I didn't turn that on. Cautiously, I snaked my left arm from under the covers and felt around for the offending device. The weight on my right shoulder was moving around distracting me from the primary mission. Soft breasts and hard nipples brushed across the right side of my chest further disturbing the mental process of directing a searching hand to shut off the alarm. Just as my hand found the noisemaking, vibrating wake up tool, a...

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SeducedByACougar Ariella Ferrera 22829

Ariella Ferrera isn’t just hot, she’s an angel! She’s so kind that she’s opening her home to her friend’s son Richie, who’s attending a college situated near her house. She’s renting him a room at an amazing rate, she’s making him lunch, AND she has big tits? Huge score for Richie! That fool’s so damn happy about it all that he immediately goes to his room and starts stroking his cock, and Ariella sees him! Does she stop him? Hell no. The horny cougar waltzes right on in and tells him to keep...

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Private Kaisa Nord Family Matters

Kaisa Nord has come to Private Gold, Love Radio and today she gets much more than she bargained for with her stepbrother Don Diego. After practicing putting a condom on a banana these two are horny and ready for the real thing as Kaisa dives straight in for a sloppy deepthroat blowjob before offering up that curvaceous body and juicy pussy for a fuck. Enjoy the incredible big tits of Kaisa in action as this sexy girl takes a hard pounding on the bed fucking her way to a hot cumshot all over her...

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Madison Dares to Stretch her Boundaries

Madison was working for the caterer to earn money for next semester’s books. She really didn’t mind the work, with her great looks she always was assigned to the wait staff. She found it interesting to mingle with the crowd and pick up bits and pieces of the chatter. Her long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes got her the job, as well as a spot on the university cheer squad, all of which she hoped would pad her resume for when she graduated next spring and had to find a real job. She was 22,...

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Double Dare part2

A few days later after our first game of dare, me, Josie, my hot blonde cousin, and Emily, her hot ebony friend, arrived at college early because we were going on a field trip as part of our course work, and for some reason Emily wanted to get to the coach first."Why are we here so early?" groaned Josie, still half a sleep."Because I want a good seat!" replied Emily.As we reached the front door of the coach, our professor was stood there waiting to great us."Ah, morning Emily, Josie, Ron!" he...

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26 May 2008Chapter 1

Dan was cleaning the swimming pool when he was alerted by Sarg and Major that someone was at the front door. “We have an unexpected visitor,” Karen announced, escorting a beautiful, short auburn-haired woman towards him. “Tina, what a pleasant surprise, what are you doing, playing hooky from work at the bank?” he joked. “Partly, I took the afternoon off from work to be with you.” “Aren’t I the lucky one?” he smiled as she caressed her sensual body to his. His pulse instantly quickened as...

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My girl

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was a very cold night in the summer, I was heading for bed. I got out a warmer blanket for my little girl Katlin, she had just turned 18 and had a great body, she was around 5'4 and and 120 lbs and she had nice sized breasts but not to big. She had brown hair down to her back and nice long legs, she was my "little" girl. I had noticed her after she became a women. I had always had secret dirty thoughts about my daughter. I always wanted to have sex...

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I arrived at Subic Bay Naval Station in early September 1958 as an ambitious and horny 19 year old Marine PFC, and after a slow (almost four week) trip on one of the scroungiest scum buckets afloat. The first three days at my new duty station were spent in indoctrination, and with the rest of the newcomers, I was restricted to base while we taught all about our future duties as base security forces and what problems we faced if we violated any of the local laws. This was extremely important...

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Givers and Takers

So lets talk about how this all started. I enjoy being used, simple and easy. I have given head to about a dozen guys. It would have been more, but I have a tendency of chickening out right before I go through with it. Why?? Well I don’t think I really like sucking cock, I more like the feeling of degration, dirtiness, wrongness and getting used for only the person’s satisfaction. Sucking cock just seems the easiest way to accomplish this. If a guy I am talking to starts telling me how they...

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my best friend

this is a fictional story. I had a best friend since I was 5 years old. We did everything together, we watched movies together, we went to school together, we did homework together. Yesterday my best friend Mike had his 18th birthday. we went to see a movie with bunch of other friends. the movie was funny and good, I enjoyed it a lot. On our way home Mike asks me: ‘Jason, do you wanna to come and do a sl**pover?’ I thought about it for a sec and I answered ‘sure’. So we walked to his home and...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 15 Shopping

“So, what did you think of the contract?” Allison and Cerys were sitting in the coffee shop where Cerys had first raised the idea of Allison drafting a contract for her and Gordon. Cerys pulled the document from her bag. “It’s exactly what I wanted. I’m so grateful. It’s really good.” “What does Gordon think of it?” Cerys laughed. “He felt a little uncertain, I think, when I first showed it to him. I guess the only thing worse than not having your fantasies fulfilled is having them...

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Teen in the Castle 4 Anal in the Morning

The last few days have been pretty hectic for Alyssa. The teen has been exploring new functions for her body, she had never imagined possible. Getting taught by Clover, Damien and Martin is certainly a great way to practice for her marriage. Although she has to keep her virginity until then, she now has a larger knowledge about men and how to please them. Alyssa had been such unknowing and innocent teenage girl, but since her first lessons with Martin one week ago, that all changed. — As it...

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Love and Family During the Great DeathChapter 11 A Good Teasing Scrubs the Soul Clean

The next morning David awoke before anyone else, as was usual for him. He glanced around, idly wondering who he'd fallen sleep next to the previous night, but there were bodies lying all over due to everyone's having moved around during the night, so there was no way to calculate who'd started out where. Like him, both Alice and Ellen awoke at nearly the same time. David realized, once he started to think about how to extricate himself, that not only was he still naked, but the covers had...

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Under his control

I did as you ordered, I am wearing such a shirt skirt I felt entirely uncomfortable in, and a top so skin tight you could see my hardened nipples protruding through the thin silk like material. I am on my knees before your masculine body. You are wearing just your boxers which are not doing a good job of hiding the large bulge of your hardened penis. “Suck it”, you order. I’m starting to get aroused by this situation, I haven’t been dominated in days since you last saw me. I take down your...

1 year ago
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Sarasaa saalaapaalu

Asala vishayaniki vasthey priya naaku chat lo parichayam ayyindhi. Few days maumluga matladukunaam next numbers exchange chesukunnam aah next kalisaamu. Ala priya final year exams ayaaye. Aythey nennu okkadine apt lo vunthaanu. Priya interviews ki veldhaam kalisi ani anindhi. So one day memu na bike meedha Madhapur velthunaamu, priya ki emi ayyindho emito telidhu kaani jubliee hills dagaraku ragane bike appa mandhi. Uhmm endhukaa aani alochinche time lo thaanu 2 sides kurchundhi .. Haaan...

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Dagger Of KijaChapter 1

"BONG!" went the clock. The two elegantly dressed ladies glanced upwards in response to the sound from the tower. One of the ladies, although white-haired and bent over her crooked wooden staff for support, stared up at the clock with clear-eyed expression suggesting a girl barely out of her teens. Some otherworldly energy seemed to emanate from her, similar to yet essentially different from the frenetic madness many mages of great power radiated. She shrugged at the clock and grimaced as...

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BlacksOnBlondes Piper Perri 01312017

Piper Perri has a problem. She can’t be monogamous. Piper’s tried to be faithful…many times. But she just can’t, especially after getting her first taste of BBC. Ever since that incredible “full” feeling she gets every time her tight, pink cunt is stretched to its maximum, Piper’s been a cheater. She’s always on the prowl for black guys, because if she’s going to cheat, Piper wants that “guarantee” that comes with fucking black...

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Desperate camping

May, Jane was driving to college like any other week day, dreaming away about how he was going to spend the upcoming summer brake. She's been working hard lately, putting in some extra hours at her temp job at the local bar to save some money for a great vacation! She'd been looking forward to this for months with an exceptionally hard semester she's just about to finish. Obviously all this night time hours made her tired and a bit grouchy, and the day dreaming didn't help either to keep...

2 years ago
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The difference between a lsquonormalrsquo man and a wanker

You can say every (straight) man looks at women, and every man wanks. Of course. But ‘normal’ men prefer to have relations if they can. I’m a wanker because that’s all I do and all I’ve ever done. In fact whenever I can look at girls for real, I just cum in my pants – even looking at photos or videos of girls that happens. Barmaids, go-go dancers, bikini girls, micro-miniskirts, big tits in tight tops – all have made me spunk my pants spontaneously. Cleavage and topless pics, raised skirt and...

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Lifes Little Moments Chapter One

For all those who may read this, I'm really sorry for crappy writing and plotlining. Eventually I'll re-do this but right now its in my head and I have like short-term memory loss a bit when it comes to writing so I have to write it now or else it'll just go right over my head and *poof* there it goes. So, sorry about that. And sorry if you get confused by the constant POV changes. Because there are so many people in the family and out of the family, I wanted to make sure you see a...

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My Childhood Dream To Fuck My Aunt Atha 8211 Part 1

Hi these is santhu back again with another real story with happen in my life, I really got only few response to my previous stories, but I waiting for more response to continue to writing my stories, I need more encouragement and response to continue to share my experiences with you all. So please send me your valuable comments and suggestions to my mail that is So that I can continue to share my stories and experiences with you which it happen to me in my real life. So coming to story as I am...

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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 49

Ambassador Johnson wasn’t there to discuss his Ambassadorship with Junior ... he was there to discuss Ms. Flintkote’s status. Since he served at the whim of the President ... as do all Ambassadors ... he was stuck with greeting Ms. Flintkote Officially ... even though he was a personal friend of the murdered president and didn’t approve of ‘that murdering bitch’ or her offspring. The sins of the parents shall be visited on the offspring even unto the tenth generation. He got the quote wrong...

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Class Reunion

This past weekend was our class reunion in my hometown. I was so excited to see my old friends that I haven't seen in years. I asked my husband if he'd like to come with me but he said that it was my reunion and that I should have a great time. My sister still lives in our hometown, so I decided to stay with her.On Friday morning I finished packing and headed off for my six-hour drive. One of the organizers set the whole reunion up on Facebook. It was great because we got to know who was...

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The Jokers Best Jest

The Joker's Best Jest Or My Face is a Mask By Eric Based on a caption by the great artist Tebra The characters are owned by DC comics. I'm just playing with them. My thanks to Steve Zink, Prince of Editors My face is a mask. But then, everyone's face is a mask. For that matter, so is virtue or evil or religion or justice. They're all masks. What are we left with but laughter and madness, and is there any end or depth to the madness in which we can plunge? I haven't found any. This...

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1Do You Have a Big Dick Why NotChapter 16

“I should put you on restriction!” Betty told Waverly that she was now on restriction after the finished laughing about my father’s corny reaction to them and nervous behavior. I walked up to them in their front yard with Hayden by my side. “RESTRICTION! What the fuck for?” Waverly looked surprised and stomped her feet. “You just want to put me on restriction to be a bitch!” “I had eight hundred dollars hidden where Jay would never find it and you gave it to him!” Betty complained to...

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Nina and Makalea

Sylvia, who has given us the Makalea and Malena stories, has asked for Makalea to meet Nina’s strict Mum. This is their story: 38 year old Nina was crying, having been spanked by her Mum, and was still crying as she watched 20 year old Makalea being spanked. Makalea’s cries filled the room together with Nina’s slowly receding sobbing and sniffing and of course the sound of the thick wooden paddle, with holes in for extra impact, spanking down hard on Makalea’s bare bottom. Makalea’s bottom was...

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TransgenderCrossdresser Caught in Wet Dream by GF

My girlfriend had a hot, busty friend who always wore sexy dresses and outfits. One day her friend was staying over with us and the two girls were going out that evening. By the time I got home from the gym that evening, the girls had already left. I went into our room and found that the friend, Nat, had left her clothes all over the floor. I started picking them up to tidy the room, and came across her blue lace thong. I held it in my hand for a moment then got the urge. I quickly pulled off...

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      JAMIE VENN LOTT     I'm straight... And for me to be horny for this "Veronica"... What's your secret? Are you a killer? Rapist? Thief? Seductive criminal? Druggie? I got to find out! But that's the last thing on my mind (WARNING: TO MUCH SEX! AFTER THEY FIND OUT THIS WILL BE THE MOST BRUTAL SERIES OF HTHS!)      ^We all started to take off our clothes we went for a group kiss. Jessica then lead Veronica to the bed -DAMN she got her first- I said to myself. I laid Olive on the...

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SheLovesBlack Tommy King SisterinLaw Craves a Big Black Cock

Gorgeous brunette, Tommy King, is a naughty sister-in-law who loves to tease her sister’s man with her irresistible body. The beautiful tattooed hottie can’t help but crave her brother-in-law’s big black cock. With no one home right now, Tommy doesn’t want to miss the opportunity to have a taste of the BBC she’s been eyeing for too long. Without wasting any time, Tommy acts out her lustful desires. She tells her brother-in-law that he can freely use her body to...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 52

Chuck This party is an amazing testament to all of the girls' ability to organize, plan, and carry through to their objective. There were many people who showed up that I would not have expected. John, the Marshal, and their families came followed shortly by Dewey and his family. I was honored to have him here, as that man has some "cool." I had to ask John and the Marshal, "I thought you two were staying down in Costa Rica?" John answered, "I wanted to surprise you. You know we had...

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Homosexual Indoctrination the Possessor Possesses Liberty Boy

01 The fight between Control, The Possessor's minion, and Liberty Boy, the daring sidekick of Liberty Man had gotten pretty out of hand. Control and Liberty Boy, both spandex clad, Control in purple and Liberty Boy in patriotic red, white, and blue, swung at each other, but Liberty Boy was more swift and, with an uppercut, knocked out the young villainous minion. Liberty Man's sidekick tossed Control against a wall and posed, hands on hips, spandex hugging his increasingly toned body, to...

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Phantom of the Cinema

The Phantom of the Cinema By Simon It was Saturday night, and George was in the ?Dog and Duck? bar with his two best friends from his University days, Paul and John. It was a number of years since they had left education, and they were all now fairly successful in their jobs. It meant that they were unable to get together as often as they would have liked, but once every couple of months they cleared their diaries, had a few drinks and went out clubbing. Up to this point,...

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two are better than one

"Ooh, ooh!"Jean Granger was moaning slightly frigging on her clit while jumping over the penis of her husband. Jumping was a strong word, she felt. Since moving just two inches above would make the thing slip out."I'm cumming." Her husband tensed up, his legs stiffening."W-wait." She started frigging herself faster. "I'm almost there.""Can't." He gasped for breath and the next moment went limp. She barely felt anything."Hey!" She tried hitting his face but he just mumbled in sleep."Gerroff me....

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Amazing Encounter With Neighbhor

Hi to all the reader at ISS , here me writing my first post . It’s a nice incident happens with me when I am in big frustration. So here I am going to depict, hopes able to give all of you some sort of enjoyment. Me 28 yrs old from Delhi, engaged in business and had a gf with whom I was really serious, but with some misunderstanding our relation broke up which really hurt me so I was mentally disturb thinking about all the happy moment had enjoyed with, used to came home late night and spend...

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Elisa story 1

A little about Elisa is that she was recently divorced and had one son who was about ten when we started going out. She had been married for about 10 yrs and from what she said had very little intimacy during her marriage. She was 5'4" (long legs though), black hair which was either shoulder length or a little longer, curvy figure, brown eyes and great smile. Her breasts were fantastic, easily 34d or so. She always wore thongs and liked having a landing strip perfectly trimmed. She was...

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An old black mechanic

That Thursday afternoon I was returning home early, when the engine of my nice lovely car finally exhausted his last breathe and left me in the middle of nowhere.My loving husband was flying anywhere, so I decided to call for an emergency tow.Two hours later the towing truck arrived and an old black man got out and approached to check my car.The old man was not exactly good looking. He had several cut scars he probably received in a knife fight. He was the type of man that would scare me under...

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Sexperience With Bestie Before Her Marriage

Hello everyone, this is Prem again. Thank you for your comments and compliments on my previous stories. Sorry guys don’t ask me any details of my queens. I am secretive of their personal details. So don’t ever ask their details. Let me introduce me myself for those who don’t know me. This is Prem from Hyderabad, aged 25. I love bike ridings and fucking a lot. If you want to know more about me feel free to mail me. Coming to my experience, this happened in November 2018 between me and my friend....

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Slutty Girl Gets Her Punishment

When he got home I knew I was in trouble. He said in an overly sweet voice, “Honey, we need to have a talk. Come into the living room, I have something to show you.” I was worried. I knew he knew something. I gave him a kiss and said in my nicest voice, “Hey baby, what’s up?”He turned on the TV. There I was on my knees on the floor sucking his best friend's, cock. I watched with growing horror as the video kept running. Me on my hands and knees getting fucked, screaming and begging for it...


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