My Christmas Treat
- 4 years ago
- 51
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It’s the night of my forty-sixth birthday, and I’m at the bar. Edwin let me off work early today so that I could celebrate. He’s a good guy, Edwin is. He gave me the job at the motel as his maintenance guy, and as part of my pay he lets me live in one of the trailers on his property. His daughter is living in the other one, the one right in front of mine, so I know he must have some trust in me. And I know that’s not easy, being as how I had just gotten out of prison before I answered his ad.
It’s a slow night at Blue Dog’s, but it’s a Wednesday, so I guess that’s to be expected. I need to drink less than I want to, because Edwin will expect me to be working tomorrow morning, and I don’t want to disappoint him. I’ve had my fill of letting people down, and, fuck, I’ve probably still got another fourteen years or so left in me so that’s a long time to be on my best behavior.
On Friday nights this place is pretty packed, especially after it hits eleven or so and the second shift from the auto factory lets out. But on Wednesdays most people have more important things to do. I guess I used to be like that, in better times.
I get up and flip through the songs in the jukebox. I’m looking for something in particular -a particular artist- but I can’t find him and I give up halfway through. I’ve got a headache coming on and reading the tiny print is making it worse. I sit back down and rub my temples with the tips of my fingers.
‘Y’okay, Devin?’ a voice to my right says. My eyes are closed but I know the voice well enough. It’s Suzanne, a young girl who has become a bit of a regular in here since she got rid of that boyfriend who was beating on her. She’s probably twenty-six, I’d guess, long, dark hair, tall and thin. She’s sweet to me, and I feel protective of her.
‘Yeah, just got a headache,’ I say. Suzanne walks over to me and takes my big, rough hand in her tiny, smooth one, and gives me a sympathetic look.
‘Had too much to drink already?’ she says, but the look on her face lets me know she’s just joking.
‘Not there yet, girl,’ I say, and give her as close an approximation to a smile that I can muster at the moment. Truth is, I’m hurting inside, bad. Like I often do on my birthday, I’ve spent a lot of today thinking too much about the past. This is the first birthday in three years that I didn’t spend in prison. I’ve got an estranged wife, Cynthia, who, during her first and only visit to me in prison, told me not to come home once I got out, and not to try to contact her or my daughter until Cynthia could figure out whether or not she still wanted to stay with me. I haven’t spoken to her since, though she talks to my mom every week. I told my mom to make my phone number available if Cynthia decides she wants it, but so far I haven’t heard anything. I would think at least on my birthday… well, I don’t know. After all this time maybe I shouldn’t even bother hoping.
‘Todd told me it’s your birthday,’ Suzanne says, tilting her head a little when she says the word ‘birthday.’
‘Damn,’ I say, ‘I told him not to tell anyone.’ I sigh and sit back in my chair. The last thing I want right now is someone feeling sorry for me. I do well enough with that myself. I look down at my checkered flannel shirt, my stained jeans, my hands now lying folded on my belly. A face flashes briefly in my mind: my little girl, Sarah. I haven’t seen her since she was nine. Now she’s twelve. I wonder how long it will be before I see her again, or hear her voice.
‘You don’t look like someone who’s celebrating their birthday,’ Suzanne says. She’s wincing a little. I can tell she feels kind of bad for bringing up the subject.
‘I’ve never been much for celebrating getting older,’ I say with a small grin. It’s enough to ease Suzanne’s mind, and she relaxes and smiles.
‘Maybe I can help you celebrate,’ Suzanne says, leaning in. ‘I can come back to your place. You’ve seen mine, I’ve never seen yours.’
I smile and I’m vaguely aware that I’m blushing, but then a sickening thought comes to me that she is only speaking out of pity.
‘Maybe sometime,’ I say, looking down at the table. ‘I think I’d rather be on my own tonight.’
Suzanne puts her hand over mine and leans in to give me a kiss on the cheek.
‘Anytime you want. I’ll be here if you need me,’ she says, and then walks back over to her spot at the bar next to Karl, an older guy who spends most of his day here.
I watch Suzanne as she walks away, swaying in her jeans. One time last month she had too much to drink and I was at the bar later than usual -to be honest, emotionally I was having a particularly bad night- and I volunteered to walk her home. When we got back to her place she was all hands and I did my best to keep her hands off of me without offending her.
‘Please, Suzanne,’ I had told her as she tried to pull me onto the couch she had just plopped down onto.
‘Why not, Devin? Don’t you like me?’ she said, sounding hurt.
‘I do, baby girl,’ I said, ‘But I can’t do this with you when you’re like this. Maybe sometime when you’re sober.’
She looked hurt and sulked a little on the couch, and I stepped away and began looking at the various collectibles she had on her shelves and counters. She had a thing for those Precious Moments figurines, I could tell. I think she had been collecting them her whole life.
‘Dehhh-vin,’ she said in a low voice, and I turned back to see that she had unbuttoned her blouse and pulled down her bra. Her small, perfectly-shaped breasts were exposed, and she was swaying from side to side in an attempt to seduce me.
‘Wow, that’s very tempting, baby,’ I said, admittedly not able to keep my eyes off of her breasts, ‘but I’ve got to take a raincheck on this.’
I did stay long enough to help her get to bed, but I didn’t try anything. I left feeling kind of empty, but I know I would have felt worse if I had taken advantage of the girl.
As I sit here watching her back as she talks to Karl, I wonder if she even remembers that night. I wonder if it would have made any difference if I had taken her up on her drunken offer or not. Lord knows I haven’t felt a woman’s touch in a while. But I think it’s gotta feel right. I’ve got enough guilt.
I leave Blue Dog’s feeling a bit empty again, like I did that night when I left Suzanne’s. There’s a loneliness inside me that is eating away at me. Sometimes I wonder why I keep going on when it’s clear that my real life ended a few years ago. Then I decide that life is too interesting to just cut and run without a really good reason, and I don’t believe that there’s anything other than this life we have. Still, I think about suicide every day. It’s an impulse I constantly fight. I suppose eventually it will get the best of me.
I walk home. It’s not long. I live about half a mile from Blue Dog’s, so it only takes me about twenty minutes go walk home, unless I’m particularly drunk. Tonight I’m not even close, so I’m setting a good pace. I look around me. Nothing but cornfields and some scattered houses and businesses, and beyond that, the hills. Still, I like it here. It’s quiet, and though it’s only a county away from where I lived my old life, it’s far enough to begin my second life. It’s not a bad place. I’d feel pretty happy to die here.
It’s mid-summer, so even though it’s nine o’clock it’s not close to being dark yet. The road shoulder is wide, so I’m reasonably safe from being hit by a passing car. I hear noises all around me. Maybe crickets. It bothers me that I don’t know for sure. I live in kind of a rural area but I didn’t grow up here. Until I went to prison I had spent my whole life in the suburbs. My wife and I had a nice house. I had a good job. I had a comfortable life. Then I managed to fuck it all up in one night. It’s barely worth thinking about. It’s done, and that’s all.
I feel like I’m living a lie because I live out here and I don’t know what anything is. I could see a
tree in a field and not be able to tell you what kind of tree it is. I couldn’t tell you what brand of tractor is being driven in a farm I walk by. Hell, if my car breaks down, I wouldn’t know how to fix it, unless it turns out it just ran out of gas. I feel like I should know more about this stuff than I do. As my dad would say, I don’t know shit about shit. And that bothers me.
When I get to the little dirt driveway where my trailer sits -about a hundred feet behind the trailer where Edwin’s daughter Ashley lives with her four-year-old son, Russell- I stop and look up at the sky for a few moments. One of the benefits of living out here is being able to see so many stars. After several months of living here, I’m still in awe.
I turn back towards the trailers and I think I see a face peering out at me from one of the windows in Ashley’s trailer. But, in an instant, it’s gone, if it ever was there to begin with. Ashley’s a nice girl. Mid-20’s, short, a bit overweight, but with a really pretty face, freckles, and reddish-blonde hair that falls a few inches past her shoulders. She moved in about three months ago, having just left her abusive husband and seeking refuge at her daddy’s place. Edwin had talked about the guy a few times. Ashley and the guy had dated in high school, and Edwin and his wife liked the guy, but just after they got married things went south and the guy took to drinking and beating on Ashley. How she stayed with him through six years of marriage is a mystery to me, but I guess the important thing is that she got out with her son.
The first night she spent in that trailer, Edwin sat outside her door just in case that son of a bitch soon-to-be-ex of hers made an appearance, and then he spent the next few nights sitting there, too. But the guy never showed. Either he didn’t know where she ran off to or didn’t care. Thinking that I might have seen Ashley peeking out the window, I wonder if, three months later, she’s still keeping an eye out for the guy. I wonder if she feels protected at all having me close by. We’ve only talked a few times, because I mostly keep to myself. But our conversations have been light, friendly, so far. I figure Edwin probably told her about me, because she’s never asked.
I open the door to my trailer and turn off the light. There’s a slightly musty smell that hits me, but it’s one I’ve gotten used to. The trailer is old, but it’s clean and everything works. One time Edwin told me that if he’d known that his daughter would be coming home, he would have given her this one, because the one she’s living in isn’t in quite as good a shape. I know he didn’t mean to, but him saying that made me feel pretty low for a while.
I take off my shoes and check my answering machine. It says that I got six phone calls, but when I listen to my messages, there’s nobody talking. Just quick ‘clicks’ of the phone being hung up. I wonder who would have called me six times since this afternoon.
There’s a knock at my door. I get up and open it. It’s Ashley, standing on the wooden steps that lead to my door, holding a birthday cake.
‘Surprise, Devin,’ she says with a smile.
‘Oh wow,’ I say. No other words come to me at that moment.
‘You worried the shit outta me,’ Ashleys says.
‘How so?’
‘I didn’t know you went out tonight. I wanted to give this cake to you earlier, and your lights were off. I banged on your door and you didn’t answer. I tried to call you and you didn’t answer. I was afraid maybe you were dead in there.’
‘You called me?’ I say, unfazed by someone assuming I might have been dead in my trailer.
‘Yeah,’ Ashley says, and she winces a little. ‘I got your number from Daddy a few weeks ago. I hope you don’t mind. I thought maybe I could use it to call you, just in case.’
‘Oh,’ I say, knowing what she’s talking about. I look past her, toward the road, for no particular reason.
We stand there in silence for a few moments, then my eyes return to the cake.
‘Here, come inside,’ I say, holding the door open for Ashley. ‘Thank you so much for the cake. I can’t remember the last time, uh, anyone’s…’
Ashley holds the cake with one hand, and she places the other on my hand that’s holding the door open. ‘I thought it might be nice for you to know someone’s thinking of you today.’ She gives me that smile. Something in my heart melts. I find myself fighting back a few tears.
She comes inside and puts the cake on the little island between the dining and living room areas. She looks around at the trailer. It’s pretty empty. I haven’t had much time or money for decorating.
‘Quaint,’ she says with a small giggle.
‘I know,’ I say, feeling sheepish. ‘I’ve never been much of a decorator. That was Cynthia’s department.’
‘Your ex-wife?’ Ashley says.
‘Well, not ex yet. Though I don’t know what she’s waiting for.’
We stand silently, and Ashley continues to look around. Now that she’s in the light, I notice she’s wearing a pair of nice jeans and a blouse. I’ve never seen her this dressed-up before.
‘You look really nice,’ I say, almost impulsively.
‘Why, thank you,’ Ashley says, and her smile grows bigger. ‘I didn’t want to look like a slob when I gave you the cake.’
‘You didn’t have to go through all this trouble…’
‘No, I wanted to,’ she says, interrupting me. ‘I can imagine it’s not easy, you know… with your family… uh…’
‘You’re right,’ I say, giving her another sheepish grin, and holding up my hand as if to tell her I understand what she was trying to say.
Ashley notices the picture sitting on the island. She had put the cake down next to it and apparently hadn’t seen it.
‘Oh wow,’ she says, picking up the picture. ‘Is this your daughter?’
‘Yeah,’ I say, feeling suddenly wistful. ‘That’s my baby girl, Sarah.’
‘How old’s she?’
‘Twelve.’ My legs suddenly feel weak, and I sit -collapse, almost- on the couch.
‘She’s a beautiful girl,’ Ashley says, almost sadly.
‘Where’s your boy?’ I say.
‘He’s spending the night with Grandma and Grandpa,’ she says.
‘Oh,’ I say. There’s something in the tone of her voice that reminds me of something, but I can’t place it.
‘Devin,’ Ashley says after some silence, ‘what do you think is going to happen? You know, with you and your wife, your kid? I don’t mean to pry. I guess I’m just curious.’
‘It’s okay,’ I say, ‘but I don’t know how to answer your question. I haven’t spoken to Cynthia since I got out.’
‘Does she know how to reach you?’
‘Yeah,’ I said. ‘She still talks to my mom. She talks to my mom more than I do.’ I give her a small laugh.
‘Have you… dated anyone? Anything like that?’ There’s that tone again. Ashley puts down the picture and sits on the other end of the couch, her hands in her lap. She suddenly looks nervous.
‘Not really. There was one girl, but that didn’t go anywhere,’ I say. I’m hoping she won’t ask about the girl I’m talking about.
Six months ago, about a month after I moved in to this place, there was a woman I met at Blue Dog’s. She was from Chicago, she said, and she was spending a week at a cabin on the lake that was owned by an old college friend. She was by herself, and I didn’t ask any more questions about that. We talked for a lot of that evening, though she didn’t really talk much about herself, except to tell me that she worked in the billing department of a credit card company.
She took me back to the cabin, which was more of a cottage, I’d say. It had electricity and all the niceities you wouldn’t find in an average cabin around here. The lake was calm, and the night air was filled with the sound of frogs croaking. Somehow Christina and I ended up kissing on her bed. She was the first woman I kissed since the last kiss I shared with my wife before starting my prison sentence. I was feeling lonely and almost desperate.
Christina and I began pulling off e
ach others’ clothes and kissing each other all over. When I had her top off, I sucked on her nipples hungrily. It had been so long. The feelings washing over me were almost overwhelming. She had small, dark nipples, and they got hard in my mouth and hands. While I did this, both of her hands were in my unzipped jeans, in my underwear, stroking my cock, which was rock-hard from the moment she and I had started kissing.
I kissed my way down her stomach and then pulled off her jeans and thong underwear -a first for me- and I was surprised to see that she had a shaved pussy. I had only been with a few women in my lifetime, and all of them had had some quantity of hair between their legs. I can’t say I preferred the look of hers, but it was certainly easy on my tongue when I stuck it inside her.
I spent several minutes licking her, exploring everything. It had been so long for me, it felt like heaven. I had forgotten the taste, the scent, the warmth of a woman. We fucked three times that night, and then several more times over the course of the week we spent together. By the night before she was supposed to return to Chicago, I was starting to have a strong attachment to her. I thought that she felt the same.
Then, the morning of the day she was going to return, she confessed to me that she was married and had a child. She said that she was taking a break from her life and that she had decided on the way down that she would have no rules for herself.
She was puzzled when I didn’t seem happy with her confession. She said that she thought I would feel relieved, like I should be happy because I was able to have a week of commitment-free, consequence-free sex with a woman I would never have to see again. But this was a concept I wasn’t really accustomed to. I didn’t want to tell her this, but the whole experience had left me feeling broken-hearted. I think I was especially vulnerable under the circumstances. I guess I should have been thrilled with the experience. I’m not saying I’m sad that it happened. But to me it had felt like the start of something more, and then it was gone.
Ashley is staring at me, probably waiting for me to explain myself, but I look away without saying anything more.
‘Daddy said you used to be a manager in an office, and that you had a big house in the suburbs somewhere,’ Ashley says.
‘He’s told you a lot about me, I guess,’ I say, feeling a little gloomy now. I don’t really feel comfortable with Edwin telling his daughter things that I thought I was telling him in confidence.
‘Not everything,’ she says. I figure she’s implying all the stuff about prison.
‘I had a whole different life,’ I say, hoping that she won’t dig any deeper.
‘Is it hard to move on like this?’
‘Moving on? I wouldn’t call it that,’ I say, aware that there’s a shade of bitterness in my voice.
‘What do you mean?’ Ashley says.
‘It doesn’t feel like moving on. The world just moves on without me, I guess.’
Ashley simply stares at me and blinks.
‘I’m sorry,’ I say, ‘I’m just in a funk.’
‘It’s okay. I’ve heard worse,’ she says.
‘It’s just that I don’t like to talk like this. I know it brings people down.’
‘You’re not bringing me down,’ Ashley says. She slides over on the couch and takes my hand from my lap. ‘The way I see it, you still have breath in your lungs, so it’s not too late to rebuild. And, you never know, maybe you’ll get your family back.’
I blink away tears, but I don’t say anything. I don’t like being this vulnerable. I want to change the subject, but nothing comes to mind. I’m aware of how warm Ashley’s hand is. How good it is to have this contact with her. I suddenly feel a longing for her.
‘I thought my husband was going to kill me. I was just waiting for it to happen. Then one day I said to myself, ‘I don’t want to die this way,’ and I got Russell and I left everything else behind. Now I can start building a new life, maybe find someone who will be good to me.’ Ashley grips my hand tighter. I don’t know if she’s implying me in that last sentence.
‘I’m… not a good person,’ I say. I don’t know where that came from. Some subconscious, wordless feeling that suddenly found itself a voice.
**_This is a WIP, so there may be a few changes over time, like new scores added to chapters and the such. Images will come at a later time, after I find the right pictures for the right chapters.- - - - - - _** Dave: Are you sure about this? You can still change your mind and finish college here, everything is set up for, you will start in a entry level position for 6 months, then move to management fo another 6 months, and so on learning how the business work at several levels until you take...
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“Where did the ‘We’ come from?” I said, “I’m building Farr 3.7’s ... you’re going to school.” “Nope ... not old enough. Have to be five ... won’t be five until October.” “I’m going to check on that.” I called. “Hi. I’ve had a 4 year old foisted on me by her mom. What proof do I need and how old does she have to be?” ‘When will she be 5?’ “October.” ‘I’d say you have plenty of time to gather up your paperwork. Just for conversation’s sake ... her name and present address.’ “Tyche...
After a heavy work out at the gym, I went into the shower area…there was at least seven guys walking around in the nude, their man hood swing back and forth as they parade around. An sent minded I watched intently as this one well built light skinned black guy came down the row my locker was on. I was sitting on the bench as he approached and walked right up to me and said ‘sorry dude left my soap in my bag. As I raised up and leaned back he turned his back to the lockers and his man hood swung...
Eddie had just gotten off work from the late night shift. He was driving back to his apartment in the city. Eddie’s social and sex life had completely died since he’d take his new job and was looking forward to his next day off. As he passed by the lake, he saw a figure. This was highly unusual, so stopped to se what this person was doing and if something was wrong. He noticed it was a young girl, maybe 15 or 16, as he got out of his car and the girl was moving towards him. When he got...
Introduction: First this is a story about how I lost my virginity to my best friend, there is a part 2 to this that I might post depending on how I feel. However, PLEASE REMEMBER YOU DO NOT HAVE TO READ THIS STORY AND LEAVE ME RUDE COMMENTS. I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT I MAKE MISTAKES AND I AM NO ENGLISH PROFESSOR! I write the way I speak and my English does NOT stand up to certain individuals standards OH WELL thats life. ENJOY THE STORY AS MUCH AS I ENJOYED WRITING IT! Have you ever given the...
Hey this is my recent encounter with my ex-girlfriend’s friend. Well she is a HR in company in Mysore. I had a gf from past 3 years but recently broke up. My ex-girlfriend’s friend name is Peehu who is heroine of this story. Peehu knew me very well and she knew about me and my character that I take care of my girlfriend very a used to gift her a lot. But all of a sudden my girlfriend left me because of her parents. She just sent msgs one night and informed me switched off her phone and changed...
Note: ——I am NOT the author! There are several authors actually, I’m not so certain that any one of them is the creator, but I know it’s not me. I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here. Now originally it was all going to be 9 parts, but… Someone said the first one was too long, so I’ve decided to split all of these up into smaller posts. I thought I’d try a different look and sentence structure for this chapter, please let me know how you guys...
All the big publishing houses are not located in New York City. One of the biggest, Findley House, has its offices in a much smaller city, Denton, because its founder and chief stockholder, Paul T. Findley, wanted to be able to get off to the mountains or the seashore, without spending all his time traveling. As the company became more successful, due to the fact that it printed a good many books of a sexual and erotic nature, Findley House soon took over the entire sixth floor of the Palmer...
I'd learned pretty quickly to set aside any expectations that our New Family Order created, but I had to admit that, barely two weeks after Brianna and Brittany had moved down to the Caymans with Morgan and Megan, I was shocked by a phone call. "We want to come home, Michael!" wailed Brittany, who was always the drama queen of the two. "But I thought ... Dad and Marie, Morgan and Megan, sun, beaches..." "Yeah, all that's great!" she harrumphed. "But if we come back right now,...
Hallo,diese Geschichte beinhaltet Themen im Bereich S/M. Wenn Sie dieses Themen nicht m?gen, dann lesen Sie nicht weiter. Eine vervielf?tligung dieser Geschichte ist nur unter Angabe meiner Person statthaft. Ansonsten darf und soll diese Geschichte allen frei zug?nglich sein!Ich bitte, auf jeden Fall, um einen Kommentar, wie euch die Story gefallen hat. Ich ziehe daraus meine Lust und Freude weiter zuschreiben. Es ist mir daher sehr wichtig, das aufjeden Fall Kommentiert wird, auch Kritik ist OK. W...
The priest sighed to himself and reluctantly got up from the chair. Time to hear confessions, he despondently thought to himself. His was no longer a religion of love and forgiveness - at least not from his point of view. Why should these disgusting sinners be forgiven and accepted into the Kingdom of God. Why should they ultimately be treated the same as he? Hadn't he always struggled to remain good and pure - while these sinners had let their lust have its way in disgusting, sinful...
Hii iss readers.i m a cool guy with soft nature but very good in bed. dear reader plz give the feedback at ,i know that most of the story is fictious but mine is real, let me introduce the characters of my stories,i m lover boy(name changed) of mumbai currently in 2nd year of my bachelor degree in bangalore and my aunt age about mid of 30 to 35 far skin ,medium nice figure of 34 30 38. lets wasting more time in intro lets began the story , its was my end of 2nd semster and i was very glad to...
I had always loved dressing up for Halloween as a child and wearing fancy and colorful costumes and pretending to be someone else, even if only for a few hours. I truly looked forward to it all year, and getting to go to school dressed up and show off our costumes. The class parties where the teachers would bring in usually homemade treats, or the male teachers would bring in treats their wives had made and a few of the students mom’s would as well for the class. There was always lots of...
DUMBinatrix By The Anonymous Bastard Just thinking about that day makes me sweat. The chains, the whips, the leather, the burning humiliation of it all still brings cold chills throughout my body. It is an experience I shall never forget. Never, never, never forget. Ever. Not ever. Not in this lifetime. As long as I am alive, there will not be a moment in my day in which I am not acknowledging that the event took place. It all happened the day before today. I remember it like it...
When I got back from Fiona's house, I realized that I had left my bike locked up at the mall. My memory has never been good. Mom, Dad, and Sherwin were all sleeping in their rooms. Dad told me earlier that he planted my Venus Fly Trap in the backyard. He recommended I water the plant often so it didn't die. After searching around the house for a hose or a water bottle, I found Dad's gun. Dad is so bad at hiding things. The last time I spoke to Erika was on Thursday when we got caught...
Neighbors. Everyone has them. Sometimes they get along with them, sometimes they don't. My wife and I are fairly lucky. We live in a suburban neighborhood full of tract houses. Front and back, our house contacts four others; our two next-door neighbors and two that adjoin our backyard. We've never had any major problems with any of them but our relationships with each vary. On the right rear we don't know the people. On the right, next door, we're cordial with them, never socializing or...
St Valentine’s Day. Strangely it was the first thing that came into Aidan’s mind as he awoke at the late hour of ten o’clock. He gave himself a wry smile in the bathroom mirror, as he thought of the loss of Sam, and the impending showdown and loss of Julie. The very reverse of all that Valentine’s day purports to be, he told himself. “Yad Enitnelav” he said out loud and laughed at his own stupidity, as he reversed the letters of the feast day, but that cheerful moment passed instantly, as...
This is Sagar with another hot story. It happened when I visited B City. It was an evening flight. Sun had already set when I reached there. I had to spend the night in the city. And I was supposed to go to the industrial area the next morning to meet a manufacturer. I had already talked to my friend the previous day over the phone. I informed him that I was visiting the city. My friend’s name was Rajesh (name changed). He was working in an MNC in the city. We used to be roommates during the...
Now l had been staying at my aunts for about a week and we had fucked in virtually every room in the house and my aunt seemed to have a different outfit for every day,my education was coming along quite nicely and from the way my aunt responded l felt l was getting straight A's.This particular morning my aunt was dressed to go out she was wearing a black leather suit with the skirt midway between her knees and thighs so if she sat in a certain position the tops of her black stockings could be...
The day after he'd deflowered his adolescent parishioner, Debby Father Murphy was surprised to have a visit from the Bishop. When he saw him come in his immediate fear was that the girl had told what he'd done to her. When the Bishop drew a bottle of single malt whiskey from his cassock Father Murphy became uneasy for a different reason. Was the Bishop going to ask him to accept an assignment to this little parish in the middle of nowhere? The meeting began awkwardly until Bishop Turck...
She walked in the door and set her purse on the table in the entryway. It had been a long day and she was ready to shut out the world. She was restless. She knew why. She hadn't seen him in a week and her body ached for him. She stood in the entryway for a moment, gathering herself and figuring out what she wanted to do next when she happened to notice something on the floor near the entrance to her kitchen. She walked over and bent to pick it up. It was a small, shiny cufflink. She...
MasturbationKaryn was at her wits end. Her job was very stressful. Her husband left her with two k**s and a healthy mortgage. What’s more, her 14-year-old son, Matt, was being especially difficult. Karyn didn’t know what she was going to do with him.Thank God for Bethany. Her 11-year-old daughter was a complete angel. At least for now, at least for now, thought Karyn sourly. After arguing with Matt for a half an hour about his homework, Karyn had just about had it. Matt begrudgingly did his homework and...
Introduction: This is a fantasy. The characters in this story are real — names have been changes — but things didnt actually go this way. The initial set-up is a little too long and the actual sex part a little too short so Ill try and work on that. I hope you enjoy it. ???? Yep, hes new. And pretty young, too! Hes sort of hot, isnt he? Statements and comments like these were heard everywhere I went. The new school year had just commenced and apparently, there was a new, hot male teacher. I hadnt...
Hello everyone, this is my another story but the real one, no fake part or any fantasy added to make the story erotic, already its exotic one, hold the dick guys and get ready to shag. So without any further delay lets go ahead. So the important characters in the story are kavita (my mom), pushpa (our maid), and myself. Other characters you will get to know with the story. My mom is fair, age is 42 but very well maintained seems like late 30’s,she has weight at right place, boobs size is 36,...
IncestYe meri story ka third part hai jimse ki mai bataungi ki kis tarha meri society eke k neta type admin or uske dosto ne ramesh ki gair maujudgi mai ek week ke liye apni rand banaya or jo unki marzi aayi vo mere saath kiya jisme ki sharma ji or anil ka bhi haath tha. Jis tarha se mai pehele anil ki personal rand thi ab usi tarha mujhe sharma ji bhi apni rand ki tarha use karte hai vo mujhe apne ghar bulate hai khub buri tarha se chodte hai or na jane kya kya nhi karvate. Or upar se anil jo mujhe...
Severance Pay PROLOGUE The radio clipped to my pants pocket beeped several times before I could put down the slice of pizza and wipe my hands. Pulling the radio free, I pressed the 'talk' button. "Yeah" I said, shoving the last bite of pizza to the side of my mouth so I could talk. "Andy, get over to dock six. We may need a ruling." "A big one?" "So they say." "Do I have time to finish my lunch?" "If you can do it in ten minutes." Damn it. "Okay, I'm on my...
Robert:It started innocuously as many of these things do. I had just returned from a hard cycle ride and was taking a shower when I heard my mother shouting for help, swiftly tying a towel around me I ran into the kitchen to find her desperately holding on to a large pan of soup which was on the verge of falling off the cooker. I quickly grabbed the handle of the pan and managed to right it back on the stove."Thank you sweetheart" my mother said and then paused, she was looking at my naked body...
IncestSleep was elusive and fitful, at best, and when the music of my alarm started playing I slid carefully away from Alli, who was sound asleep, spooned into the shape of my body. I shut off the alarm and walked around to her side of the bed, looking down at her. I kneeled alongside the bed and very gently removed a lock of her hair that had fallen across her face, pushing it back, and then brushed my lips softly over her cheek in a very light, gentle kiss, not wanting to wake her. I whispered,...
Wife LoversFor those that wanted to know more about Misha before he met Froo, here is his story and how he came to be in England which is where he met her and fell in love,, and his time with Suzanne the woman in his past. His passion for Suzanne becomes an obsession, as she plunges down into a self destructive whirlpool, so for those that believe that life’s many experiences make up a rich and interesting tapestry….here is Misha’s story. To read about Misha and Froo please read the companion story...
100% fiction! It happened on a weekend, when I went to visit my son Mark at college. He lived a little less than an hour away, not making it unusual for me to spend the night there, rather than drive home. Sometimes I’d visit for the day and other times to spend an evening, depending on our respective schedules. But regardless what we did or for how long, I was there simply to visit him. We had a wonderful relationship, and he was never a source of worry or problematic, when he lived at home....
IncestIt wasn't supposed to happen this way. You weren't supposed to come online yet but no one foresaw what happened that night. When a stray lightning bolt struck the secret government building during that freak storm and sent a pulse of electrical energy pulsing down to the pod where you were being contained, it activated you and so much more. You looked around to figure out where you were. There was very little light in the room you were in. The bolt had jarred the pod you were in open and you...
GayLongtime hentai fans have heard the name nHentai before, at least if they’ve been shaking their dicks at the Internet for years. Classic dirty manga sites like ExHentai and Pururin evolved into the original, and I reviewed all those sites here at ThePornDude. Collectively, they’ve reached millions of horny weeaboos over the years, and no doubt would have contributed to countless lost hours of productivity if your average anime fan ever left mom’s basement to get a job.At a glance,...
Hentai Manga SitesThat night I got online, logging onto Yahoo as Jamie and looking at the pictures he'd taken. There were half a dozen slightly grainy photos. They weren't great, but good enough that you could tell it was Lonnie and I making out in my car. I was kissing her in most of them. Squeezing her smallish breasts through her dress, both of us smiling and I remembered that day so clearly. Meeting the girl like we'd arranged, not going anywhere, but just sitting in my car, parked in that big anonymous...
This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who hears her Stepdad and Mother having sex late one night, and decides to Spy on them. Sneaky John has lain a trap, he knows she is watching, and decides she’s ready to do more than observe… whether she wants to or not…DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of imagination, including all the incidents, characters, and places, it is intended for adults only; you must be 18 or over to read it. I am taking a break from my usual Family Love...
“To be honest, just lately I’ve been fantasizing of being with a man, but… I couldn’t…” I confessed to his question about my sexuality. “I’m sure you’re going to like it, because you remind me of how I used to feel” he said reaching out to put his hand over mine. Squeezing it gently, he looked into my eyes and smiled as his head moved closer towards me, and kissed me. Pulling away he stood up and led me into his bedroom. As we stood at the end of the bed his tongue began probing my mouth as one...