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Neighbors. Everyone has them. Sometimes they get along with them, sometimes they don't. My wife and I are fairly lucky. We live in a suburban neighborhood full of tract houses. Front and back, our house

contacts four others; our two next-door neighbors and two that adjoin our backyard. We've never had any major problems with any of them but our relationships with each vary. On the right rear we don't know the people. On the right, next door, we're cordial with them, never socializing or anything else. On the left, next door, they are very good friends of ours. We socialize with them frequently and they are among our closest acquaintances. And then there are the left rear people.

They're different without a doubt and neither my wife nor myself cares too much for them. Their names are Maggie and Jonathan. Jonathan sells real estate for a living. Maggie is mostly a housewife but she works part time as a receptionist at some insurance company. They have a son named Joseph who is the same age as my oldest daughter; seven. Maggie and Joseph are born-again Christians with all of the zeal that goes along with that particular breed.

Now I have no problem with religion. I don't believe in organized religion myself; I think it's so obviously a form of mass behavioral control that it sometimes surprises me that so many people fall for it, but I've always been a firm believer in live and let live. I have my own views on God and morality and for the most part I like to think I'm a good person. I rarely lie, I don't steal or kill, and I do my best to think of others than myself in my actions. I'm proud of the fact that I do this voluntarily, without the threat of eternal damnation if I don't. I don't know or profess to know what happens after we die, figuring I'll find out eventually anyway. Maggie and Jonathan have both professed to me that if I don't believe in Jesus Christ as the Savior that I will burn in hell after death for this.

"Even though I'm a nice, moral person?" I ask them on the many occasions that they'd discussed this with me. "Even though I live my life pretty much according to the Bible's standards of saintly behavior? Even with all of that, I'll be cast into hell simply because I don't believe in J.C.?"

"Exactly." They would reply, and then usually admonish me for referring to The Lord as 'J.C.".

"I simply cannot accept that as the workings of a so-called kind and rational God." I would tell them. "It's completely without logic. By your own argument, Hitler, if he believed in Christ, is up there in Paradise right now while all of those six million Jews he killed, no matter how moral they were, are burning in hell."

"That's correct." They would say, pleased that they'd made their point so nicely, completely unaware of the madness of what they were saying.

That's the problem with devout believers in the bible. You simply can't argue with them. It's frustrating beyond belief trying to argue a point with someone who does not find it necessary to incorporate logic and common sense into their arguments. Religion is one of those subjects I do not like to debate. You will never change anyone's mind about it. There are others of course. Gun control, abortion, republican vs. democrat. I stay away from those subjects whenever possible but when someone like Maggie or Jonathan insists upon bringing them up, I have my ammunition always ready (and interestingly enough, Maggie and Joseph disagree with me on ALL of the previous examples).

Now their born-again zeal is annoying but that is not the main reason that I don't care too much for them. The main reason is their hypocrisy. I respect people who believe in what they preach and practice it. One of my co-workers is a Roman Catholic. Though that seems to me to be one of the more bizarre manifestations of religion, he follows it to the letter. He is moral to the point of sainthood. He follows every directive that the Pope hands down. He does not practice any form of birth control and as a result has fathered six children to this point. He does not believe in public schools so his wife home-schools all of his children. I've met these children and they are intelligent, thoughtful kids that any parent would be proud to have. He lives his life according to the rules set down in the bible and he is one of the nicest, most honest, decent people I've ever met in my entire life. He does not impose his views upon others unless he is asked to and he does not come across as if he and his family are better than others because of their beliefs.

Maggie and Jonathan however, are not like this. They preach to you one minute, telling you you're a sinner, inviting you to bible studies, and try to stab you in the back the next. Jonathan has more than once tried to get me involved in shady real estate deals. Maggie has tried to bully my wife into hosting one of those pampered chef parties, one of those deals where the distributor, Maggie, is the one to make all of the money while the host does all of the work and has her house get trashed. Both of them have lied and smooth-talked while trying to convince us to join in these ventures. Maggie has tried to sell us household items like curtains, throw rugs, or furniture for outrageously inflated prices. When we've been strapped for a babysitter on occasion and forced to call on Maggie, she actually charged us for watching our two girls, despite the fact that we've watched her kid multiple times for longer periods for free.

The best example of their legacy is their child, Joseph. He goes to school with my two daughters and often talks to them through the fence when they're playing outside. Sometimes he comes over to our house to play (often these are actually babysitting episodes, his mother will sometimes ask if he can come over to play and then take off to run some errands). He is the most spoiled brat I've ever encountered in my life. My children are well behaved if I do say so myself. My wife and I are strict but fair with them. If we tell our kids not to do something, they damn sure don't do it. Joseph however, will listen to you explain the rules and then break them two minutes later when your back is turned. He is a manipulator, talking my kids constantly into doing things they shouldn't be doing ('your daddy won't mind if you turn on the hose and squirt you mommy's flowers'). Maggie and Jonathan do not discipline him at all. They'll threaten him with punishment for doing something anti-social but they never follow through with what they threaten. Joseph, I imagine, picked up on this long ago.

Carla and I long ago decided to keep our contact with this family to a minimum. For the most part we're successful. But then came the attack of the dreaded stomach flu.

When you have kids that go to public school they pick up all kinds of weird viruses and bring them home with them. The stomach flu is perhaps the worst of this variety. As fate would have it, it was during my shift of childcare that it struck my two girls with a vengeance.

My wife is a nine to fiver, Monday through Friday as an accountant at the local television station. I am not a nine to fiver. I work at the same television station in the news department (at work is where we'd initially met each other). I am nothing so glamorous as a reporter or an anchorman. I'm a computer technician and an expert on graphics. When you watch the news and see all of those weather satellite pictures, captions beneath newsclips, maps, or cute little graphic pictures in the background, you have someone like me to thank for them. I work the weekend swing shift. My hours are Thursday through Monday from 4:00 PM to 11:30, the hours that encompass the afternoon and nightly news broadcasts.

On most of my days off I watch my two girls, getting them up in the morning, feeding them their breakfasts and sending them off to school. When they get home I feed them a snack and prepare dinner for the family. On that particular Tuesday morning my wife got ready for work while I fried up eggs for the girls, Megan and Ashley. They seemed a little slow that morning, a little lethargic, picking at their food instead of wolfing it like they usually did.

"Daddy." Ashley, the younger child who was in kindergarten told me. "My tummy doesn't feel good."

"Mine either." Megan agreed.

Just as Carla, dressed in a smart business outfit was preparing to kiss them goodbye, Megan hiccuped and then vomited an incredible amount of stomach contents all over her shirt and pants. Her face turned instantly green as she struggled to rush to the bathroom and the toilet. She spewed vomit out of her as she went.

As if on cue, Ashley, who was still sitting at the table, did the same, blemishing her own favorite dress. She headed for the other bathroom, leaving a similar trail behind her.

I closed my eyes in resignation as Carla fought to suppress a chuckle of amusement. "I don't envy you today." She told me, grabbing her purse and car keys and heading for the door after giving me a quick kiss. I gave her a vaguely obscene curse as she left.

I'd been through this before and though it is not pleasant, it's simply one of those things you have to put up with as a parent. The kids knew WHERE they were supposed to vomit but the problem was that they had a hard time reading the warning signs that their bodies gave. The result was soiled clothes and carpets. So far the sickness had been routine. I wouldn't realize that a major problem was developing in my household until later that day. I comforted the kids and called them in sick from school. I changed their clothes and threw the soiled ones in the laundry pile, which was already quite high from yesterday's clothes. They promptly barfed on their fresh clothes, adding them to the laundry pile. They had diarrhea as well, soiling several pairs of underwear. They threw up on their favorite stuffed animals, causing them to be added to the laundry pile. They went to bed to lie down and they vomited and/or defecated on their linen, not just the bottom sheet mind you, they managed to stain every piece of bedding in one way or another. I replaced the linen and had the same thing happen again.

Again, this was all routine unpleasantness until I decided to start washing some of the huge pile of laundry. The first load went through the wash cycle without any problem and I transferred it to the dryer. It was when I went to pull this load out of the dryer an hour later that I realized that fate was shitting on me. The laundry was still soaking wet and cold. Some experimentation finally showed me that the heating element in the dryer had picked this particular, inconvenient time to go out on me. There was no way to dry the clothes.

A call to my friendly appliance repairman revealed that I could not get the thing fixed for two days. In the meantime I had at least four loads of laundry to do, some of which was vital to the progression of the household. I considered stringing a clothesline out in the backyard but a quick glance at the weather told me that this was impossible. A typical Seattle early spring day was in progress. Grey clouds filled the sky and misty moisture, not quite heavy enough to qualify as rain was drifting down from them. Clothes hung outside would do nothing but get wetter.

I needed to borrow someone's dryer in a bad way. I called our next door neighbors, Tim and Lisa, but only got an answering machine. I called our across-the-street neighbors, another couple we were friendly with and got another answering machine. I called Carla's mother who lived a few miles away, receiving nothing but perpetual rings. Finally, out of desperation, I called Maggie, who I was reasonably certain would be home, though I figured she would want to charge me for the use of her dryer.

She picked up the phone on the second ring and greeted me politely. I explained my problem to her and, to my delight, she offered to come over and take my wet laundry for no charge whatsoever. She showed up at the door a few minutes later.

I had heard from Tim and Lisa that Maggie was pregnant but it was surprising to see her anyway. Maggie is an attractive woman with a well-proportioned body and large, firm breasts. She has dark blonde hair, always styled smartly, and is fond of short skirts that show off her attractive legs. She was wearing one of these skirts despite the weather and her stomach bulged out considerably with her mid-term pregnancy. Her breasts had also grown considerably too. I remembered hearing from Lisa once that Maggie had been "a little wild" before she'd found salvation with Jonathan and The Lord. Looking at her pretty legs I wondered just how wild she'd been.

I thanked her gratefully as I showed her into the house. She wobbled her stomach behind me, looking at the pile of soiled laundry that sat before the washing machine.

"You're sure you don't mind doing this for me?" I asked her as I handed over a basket full of wet darks.

"Not at all." She smiled. "Is it the stomach flu? I heard that it's going around the school. Do you need any more help?"

I was about to tell her that I didn't when Megan wandered in to see who the visitor was. She was about to speak but her face turned green again and fresh vomit sprayed out of her mouth, splattering her pajamas and the carpet at her feet before she rushed off to the bathroom.

I lowered my head once more, resigned to my fate, before looking at Maggie. "I don't suppose." I asked, "That you have any carpet cleaner? I used the last of mine about three vomits ago."

"Sure." She smiled, eyeing the stain that Megan had left. "I'll bring some right over."

By the time she returned I had things stable once again. The worst of the stain was removed, the two girls were in their beds with their third set of linen of the day, sleeping soundly, their faces feverish and moist. I took the opportunity to crack open a bottle of beer and sip it while watching the History Channel on television. I invited Maggie in and she demonstrated her carpet cleaner for me and then offered to sell me a year's supply of it from the distributor she was associated with. I told her that Carla handled all of those sorts of decisions and that she would have to talk to her about that. Unfair to Carla maybe, but then she didn't have to deal with the stomach flu and the broken dryer at the same time.

"Didn't you just love the way it cleaned the carpet though?" Maggie asked me. "Be sure to tell her how great of a job it does."

"I will." I promised absently, although I hadn't noticed any difference in cleaning ability from standard carpet cleaners. I waved to the couch. "Would you like to sit down?"

"Sure." She smiled, waddling over to the couch and planting herself there.

I offered her something to drink and, although I didn't have any caffeine-free diet cola on hand, she settled for some herbal tea that Carla kept around. I served her and that sat down in my chair across from her, sipping at my beer, which went down my throat like the finest wine.

"It's really strange." Maggie told me, eyeing my beer. "I haven't drank alcohol since I found The Lord, but since I've been pregnant, I've been craving the taste of it. The same thing happened with Joseph." She shrugged. "I guess God is testing me."

I nodded, though I figured it was probably just one of those bizarre cravings that pregnant women had. Carla used to crave honeydew melons and Cornish game hens when she was pregnant. She once ate three honeydews at a sitting and then threw it all up twenty minutes later. The alcohol thing interested me though.

"You used to drink?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Oh yes, back in high school and college, before I was saved, I used to drink some." Her eyes glazed a little with nostalgia. "I never really liked it that much, you understand, but I drank a little."

I could see in her eyes and hear in the tone of her voice that she was lying. I got the impression that she used to drink a lot and liked it immensely. I decided to pursue this line of questioning and see where it led. "Did you ever smoke pot?" I asked next.

"Oh no." She said, much too quickly. "I never touched THAT at all."

"What were you like?" I enquired. "Before you found The Lord?"

"I was a little bit of a wretch." She said, taking her words directly from 'Amazing Grace'. "I used to, you know, have a lot of boyfriends and such. I used to go to parties all of the time where everyone got drunk. But when I found the Lord, He showed me the errors of my ways."

So she used to have a good time, I figured, but now she was repressing it. It was a pity she was pregnant. Had she not been, I would have offered to roll a joint from the supply of greenbud I kept in the top shelf of the pantry and smoke it with her, just to test her resistance to temptation. Oh well, maybe some other time when she was not pregnant.

"You ever miss those days?" I asked her next.

"Never." She said, with conviction that was much too firm. "In the Lord I've found the strength to live a moral and decent life."

"I see." I said.

A minute later she was offering to make us a set of curtains for our dining room window. She could probably do it, she figured, for less than two hundred dollars. Again I belayed that decision to Carla, taking a perverse delight in doing so. I knew of course that Carla was perfectly capable of making new curtains with her own sewing machine for less than forty bucks worth of material.

She helped me throughout that miserable day, bringing my fresh, folded laundry to me and taking the wet loads back to her house. Together we finished all of the loads that had accumulated. In between loads she would sit and talk with me, drinking my wife's herbal tea (I was tempted to offer to sell her a supply of it for an inflated cost, but restrained myself) while I drank soda, water, or beer. She discussed frequently her favorite subject of conversation when talking to me, the personalities of the newscasters I dealt with at work. She particularly delighted in finding out that they were arrogant assholes, which most of them are. She tried to sell me things about ten times. She tried to invite me to bible studies or their church about twenty. But also, she seemed to be flirting with me in a friendly way, chatting in a way that she probably hadn't done since she'd found The Lord. I admired her looks and her body while we talked, entranced by her legs. They were really very pretty, shapely and well muscled, the edema of pregnancy only shaping them more alluringly. Pregnant women had always turned me on.

When it was time for her to go pick up Joseph from school and start making dinner for her family, she bade me farewell, reminding me to talk to Carla about the curtains and the carpet cleaner and all of the other things she tried to pawn off. I assured her I would. She then offered to help me with the laundry the next day if I required it. I gladly accepted for more than one reason.

Carla came home on schedule and helped me the rest of the night. She sympathized with me about having to put up, not only with stomach flu and a broken dryer, but Maggie as well. When we got the girls put down we shared a bottle of wine and then went to bed, stripping down and engaging in a typical session of marriage sex. As I thrust into my wife I found myself imagining that it was Maggie beneath me, her swollen stomach pressing into mine. I enjoyed the orgasm that this produced very much.

The good thing about the stomach flu is that it burns itself out very quickly. The girls stained one more set of bedding and two sets of pajamas but in the morning they were back to themselves, wolfing their breakfasts down and chattering happily to each other about how many times they'd puked the day before. I deemed them well enough to go to school and, once Carla left for work, drove them there and dropped them off. I ran into Maggie there as she dropped Joseph off.

"So they're better huh?" She asked, smiling.

"Much." I told her.

"Do you still need my help with laundry?"

"Please." I said. "It's not as much as yesterday but I still have quite a pile."

"What time should I come over?"

"Gimmee an hour to clean up and get the first load done. Sound good?"

"It's a date." She grinned, heading for her car, hands supporting her stomach.

She came over to pick up the first wet load precisely on time. She looked very pretty I noticed, dressed in a pair of loose-fitting bluejean overalls that bulged outward at the abdomen, and a white sweater. Her hair was pulled back in it's usual ponytail. I felt a strong tug of sexual attraction for her as I stood aside to allow her entry into my home.

She carried off my load of laundry and, although there was no reason for her to do so, she came back five minutes later to sit with me. I made her some tea as I emptied the dishwasher and then poured myself a cup of coffee and joined her in the living room. As we chatted she became slightly flirty again (in between trying to sell me things or save my soul that is) and I realized that she was starved for conversation. Bringing up the image of Jonathan in my mind, I didn't find this very surprising.

At one point I brought up her son. "So how is Joseph going to react to having a new baby in the house?" I asked her. "It'll be quite a change for him."

"Oh he's as excited as the Jonathan and I." She answered automatically. "He already loves the baby."

I nodded though I had my doubts. Joseph was a spoiled brat already and he'd had his parents to himself for seven years. I didn't think he was going to be too keen when he suddenly found his parent's attention taken almost completely by a squalling infant. I commented on how much time they'd chosen between their two children.

"We've wanted to have another one for a long time." She said. "I guess God finally decided to bless us again after all this time." She paused, and then said something completely out of character. "Or maybe Jonathan just finally picked the right time to get his dickens up."

While I translated the archaic statement in my mind I saw her blushing at what she'd said. She was talking about sex. Maggie! I certainly wasn't going to let this door shut once it had been opened.

"Really?" I said, raising my eyebrows. "Carla and I found that if we passed each other in the hall at the right time she was pregnant. I guess it just takes a little longer with some people. Did you have to do the temperature thing and ovulation prediction and all that?"

"No." She said. "We just let God's will take care of it." She soured. "Of course God could've put Jonathan in the mood a little more often and it might have saved a year or two."

Again she blushed, as if unable to believe that she'd said that.

"So Jonathan's not in the mood that often huh?"

Her face was now as red as a stop sign. "I really shouldn't be talking about it." She said. "It's not proper."

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An hour later Bryan was in the shed unloading the trailer and sorting the supplies into categories diligently. The three trailer loads of supplies had seemed like so much when he had paid for them and hauled them home, but stacked into piles they really didn't look like all that much. He frowned, wondering how he was going to get all the food into the storage room without anyone knowing. He could enlist the kid's help, but quite honestly what they didn't know they couldn't tell. He...

2 years ago
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Lustful Family And Friends 8211 Part 1 First Impressions

Hello ISS readers. I am back . This is the fictional fantasy story, with the first impressions of my family. My name is Aafi, and I am 21 years old in this story. This is the first day of my new life. Until recently, I was living in a different part of the country with my father. My parents divorced when I was very little, and the family has ripped apart after a fierce custody battle. My mother took her three daughters home while my father moved away with me. I haven’t seen my family since any...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 54

More from St John‎ There was a man who had a girlfriend named Lorraine. Then one day a new woman was hired at his office. Her name was Clearly, and he soon fell in love with her. He thought about breaking things off with Lorraine. But he just couldn’t do it. Then Lorraine learned her employer was transferring her across country. The guy pretended to be sad when Lorraine moved. But deep down, he was happy. As he left the airport after seeing Lorraine off, he could be heard singing “I can see...

1 year ago
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Jaq enquires about watersports

We had been talking to Joe for several months via an internet platform. Joe was a similar age to ourselves, around the sixty bracket. Jaq realised that Joe often referred to watersports and wanted to know a little more, I did my best to explain what it entailed. Jaq at first dismissed the idea, over time she became more inquisitive.Joe lived around an hour away by car from where we live, not so far that we could not invite him over for the evening. After a few more chats over the coming weeks...

1 year ago
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A Woman Waiting to Happen Part TwoChapter 3 Mike

I was checking out the camper, making sure it was weather proof as possible when Carrie came back. I really hoped Sarah would be with her, but she wasn’t. I could tell Carrie was upset, as soon as we got inside she jumped into my lap, hugging me hard. I petted her as I watched the storm grow worse, the wind blowing so hard it actually shook us a few times. Lightning was flashing, thunder an almost a continuous roll. I couldn’t help thinking about Sarah in that flimsy tent, so I gently slid...

2 years ago
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Aunt Beatrice and I have some good farewell fucking

I was lying naked on the bed in the spare room of my aunt’s house. I was here by choice, trying my best not to masturbate or think of sex. So far, it was torture. I was nearing the end of my visit to my Aunt Beatrice. I had been here for over 3 weeks, staying in her house during my summer break. Last month, we’d started a sexual relationship. Unfortunately, I had to go home on Saturday, something we both hated. It was on Wednesday of the same week that she had the bright idea. She...

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my step daughters frend

when my step daughter came home from new york for christmass she brought her best friend with her!The third night i was fuckin my wife .We sometimes get loud the bed room door was barely open.I looked up an mystep daughters friend was watching us!(her name was Lisa)I acted like l didnt see her it really turned me on so i got our toys out my wife started sucking my dick and fucking me with a dildo that really got lisa hot she was standing in the door watching us and rubbing her pussy i think we...

3 years ago
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In a Lust of cock I had choked my own loving brother

And it’s a 100% true story! Well i dont know it’s good or not for felling such things Its sure that I love my brother cock wow m wetting when it’s come to my mind! Well read it it’s a Wonder ful 1st exerience :- & do enjoy it! My brother and I had were driving home from a movie one night that had left us very turned on. This was over summer break and his girlfriend had broken up with him before exams were over so it was safe to say that he hadn”t had a fuck since April and it was now July. I...

1 year ago
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The GameChapter 9

Every seat was taken as all twelve collectors and their entire bevy of pets were present for the finals. Erik looked splendid in his tux while Elena wore a royal blue satin gown, her neck bejeweled with rubies. Coleen also was fetching in a floor length black gown which hugged her every curve. Erik and Elena were both impressed with how well the fifty year old looked. Coleen might never be a beauty queen but the years had been kind and she maintained a trim figure. As before, Pierre served...

4 years ago
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Hey Peaches

HEY, PEACHES by Throne "Hey, Peanut!" How I dreaded to hear my wife's boyfriend, Frank, call me. He's big and rough and loves to see me feminized and cuckolded. My wife Tyra takes care of the former and he's always grabbing and pawing her, which leads to lots of the latter. In the year since they met my life has changed drastically and it doesn't look like anything can reverse that. When he hollers I'm quick to respond. I set aside his work boots, which I had been cleaning,...

4 years ago
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SAO Sex Art Online Part 2

SAO: Sex Art Online Part 2. December 3, 2022 Floor 1: Forest Field. 2000 have died so far. During one of our outings. Looking up at the big muscly man, "How tall are you, Ben?" I ask, genuinely curious. "Seven foot. Why?" he replies. "Because I guesstimated wrong." I coyly answer. No doubt feeling left out. "I'm five-five, but my heels add six inches. Making me look over six foot," Minx interjects. She also asks, "How tall are you Daisy?" "Five-six, I think. And I only...

2 years ago
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GF first time not with me Cuckold

After E left I felt sad for a while but beeing busy with work and talking to A made me feel better.A started to plan a week-end get-away with A. We agreed that we'd go in the mountains, at a nice hotel and spend a week-end there.The day came, I went to her town, and we headed together. It was starting to snow, but the weather was not to be scared of.When we got there the blizard really setted in. We checked in, and a few hours after we realised that there was nothing we could do outside.I was...

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How I Met The Swensons

How I Met The Swensons   Chapter 1 Joey The Sad Donkey by roccodadom44 [email protected] an original story by roccodadom44WARNING  this story is fiction, contains violence, snuff, gay, underage, scat, please read with caution   rocco  I was a victim, of my own success, having made millions by the time I was forty, done fashion models, movie stars, pretty boys, lived a wild life, an endless parade of willing cunt and ass, it wore me out, dulled me, became a screaming bore, in an act of...

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The early years with Tammy

Cars well ,they had to look good and go fast and if they did I found that they attracted the pretty girls.My first car was a 64 chevy impala that was fast and looked good the best part was it had a big back seat. Now at 17 I wasn’t looking for a serious relationship and the longest was about 2 months .It all depended how long it took to get them in the backseat with their pants down. This story is about two girls that were friends and the fun I had with each of them separately . Tammy was...

3 years ago
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Enticed pt 1

As a 24th birthday present back in September of 1989 the Universe saw fit to give me a job as a photographer at a small daily newspaper. Regardless of the size of the paper, it was a great stepping stone. I'll never forget the man who helped me deal with all the changes I was going through.I had wondered if Blaise was gay from the first time we met. But, sometimes you couldn't be sure. Several years older than me, in the first few weeks he took a special interest in me. When I thought about it...

Gay Male
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Neighbor Aunty Fucked

My name is Sandesh and I am living in Vizag. This is a true story happened in this summer how i seduced and fucked neighbor aunty. Please give your valuable comments on this story to This is some what long story and my 1st story so please forgive me if any mistakes are there. I am Sandesh of height 5.10 feet and average body and fair complexion with smart look. Now about beauty of the story Mani of wheatish complexion and long hair upto hip and smooth sexy and waxy hands and legs with a...

1 year ago
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Mom Takes Son in Absence of Husband

100% fiction! I am telling my sex story with my son. This happened when my husband was working in gulf. We had a big debt because of business failure and husband had to sign a bond to work abroad for 5 years. He left last year and I was alone without sex for almost 1 year. My son was in school at that time and after one year, he joined PUC. He was not good in study and failed in some classes in school so he was 19 years old at that time. I was a beautiful woman with good body. My vitals were...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Riley Star Gets A Facial Shower From Manuel Ferrara

Riley Star makes her JJV Debut in this hot & heavy scene with Manuel. This chick is brand new to the industry and is quickly making a name for herself as one of the biggest sluts in town. Riley’s got that ‘girl next door’ feel to her, but make no mistake, this whore loves rough sex. She’s dressed in plaid mini skirt with white knee high socks and a white button down shirt that barely covers her at all. Riley strips down and plays with her tight pussy as she waits for...

4 years ago
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Dr C

So, as I’ve said in my past journal entries, I work in medical billing for a large dental firm. Yeah, I know, thrilling! The only sex in the work place I’ve had was with that beautiful Cape Vervain woman two years ago and, by the way, we’ve had no contact since they moved away. I’ve always wanted a playmate at work, male or female, just somebody who can understand my desire and need for sex and attention. But, actually, I'm a wallflower and not really social at work. Nobody knows in my office...

1 year ago
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FamilyXXX London River London Learns The Step Mommy Rules

Big tit blonde milf step mom London calls out for her step son Jake to give her a hand in the bathroom. Jake helps unhook her bra as her big juicy tits come out and as he exits he takes a quick pic. Fortunately she hears the snap and demands to see the pic only to admit she has some pics of him too. With that London throws Jake onto the bed quickly stuffing her hungry mouth with his cock for a good face fucking and then Jake slides his cock into her hot pussy for a good hard fuck, especially...

3 years ago
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I was fucked by my aunty 3

Story so far: i was forced by varsha aunty to roam around her house naked. She had given me a blowjob. Her friend nilima also gave me a blowjob. But they never had removed their clothes. After some 2-3 days, varsha aunty called me to her room. Aunty(a): today you will experience some new thing. Saying this she went and picked up some pieces of cloth from her cupboard. A: lie on the bed and stretch your arms and legs. Me(m): why? What are you going to do? A: do as i say. I lay on back on the...

2 years ago
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Hikers Trail

Ginger lived with her husband Adam, in the mountains near a lake. They had been married for 10 years and both seemed happy with each another. They were both content with their lives with each another and their family they’ve made together. Every year Ginger put up with her husband’s college mates coming to visit and have their reunion. The boys had been very close through all the years. Ginger always found something to do when they arrived. She could only take the practical jokes for so long...

3 years ago
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The Dark StoneChapter 11

The weeks passed and there wasn’t a day Sam didn’t take at least one of the women in his life. He did consider further conquests. Mostly he watched the neighborhood wives, thinking about which ones would look good bouncing on his giant cock. The trouble was, the women already in his life kept him plenty busy. At one point, Lakshmi mentioned that her sister’s family would be staying with them for Diwali. It was a Wednesday afternoon and her hips rhythmically undulated as she rode Sam on his...

4 years ago
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SupergimpChapter 4

The date was not much if you are looking for excitement. We went to a science fiction movie that we both wanted to see, and we held hands during the movie. After the movie, we went to a parking place where we held hands some more and talked, mostly about what the people in the movie should have done instead of what the script writers had them do. Jack delivered me home just after midnight, and I want to say how much I enjoyed the date. Getting a boy’s point of view was very interesting. I...

2 years ago
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The Brothers Return

Much like the time between our first and second sexual experience together, little was said about anything that had happened. Strangely our relationship had remained much the same, no awkwardness or pauses in conversation. Basically life went on as though nothing had happened; which was fine for me and evidently for Derek too. The happy atmosphere was broken, however, when Derek's brother came back from New York. He had arrived only 3 hours before Derek hadd led me back to his house as usual...

4 years ago
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The War of the CrystalsChapter 7 Using The Power

Tina was on the phone when Jack walked in. He leaned against the open doorway of Don’s office ignoring the look she gave him. Don waved him in, and Jack went in, closing the door behind him. “What’s up, Jack?” He motioned for Jack to have a seat across from him. Jack sat down and answered, “I’m thinking about my future at the agency.” “I’d say your future is a bright one, based on the work we saw today. What do you think your future is going to be like?” “I’m looking for something more...

4 years ago
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Strangers gathering around my wife

We were spending some vacation days at a Caribbean beach.The previous afternoon Ana and I had arrived to the resort and had spent the rest of the day there; since it was a bit cloudy.We had enjoyed a nice meal for dinner and had fucked like wild rabbits until late night in our room.But now a new morning had come and we set off for the beach. We went by walking, until we arrived a nice secluded spot among some sandy dunes. Anita soon was lying on her stomach over a big towel, reading a book.I...

4 years ago
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The Red Light Club

After my encounter with Lance Graham, I found my way home and went to sleep. I awoke to the sound of Jen stumbling home at 6 A.M. She had been at a guy’s apartment up town in a three way. I was jealous, but recanted my story and, to my surprise, Jen flipped out. “You met Lance Graham? No! You fucked Lance Graham! Lucky slut!” She exclaimed. “Who is he?” I questioned. “Carly, how have you not heard of Lance Graham?” She stared at me for a moment, realizing I had no answer to her question....

3 years ago
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Shaadi Me NRI Se Chudai

Hello friends, I am Alvin. I am back with another story for you. Special thanks for all my readers, thank you for the feedbacks. I am from Mumbai. Mail me at You can also add me on facebook. Please give your feedbacks. It means a lot. This story is a real experience of one of my reader. She mailed me few days back and asked me to write her story. Her name is Rajwinder, she is from Punjab. She is 25 years old. Her figure is 34-30-36. A punjaban with such a great figure, you can imagine how...

2 years ago
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Since the early days of my youth as a teen I have had a fetish for sucking cocks. Whenever my friends would come over to visit we would go downstairs to the playroom and sit around looking through the stash of porn magazines I had hidden away. Mostly it was the normal guy and girl stuff but I also had a few gay magazines. My buddies and I would look through the pictures and get so horny, as all young boys do. Our young cocks were easily aroused and we didn't hesitate to strip off our pants and...

4 years ago
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RebelChapter 57 Captured

The men who captured me were a mix of Scots and Germans under the command of a young Englishman with an aristocratic look and a sadistic streak. His mixed and motley company had been out stealing horses when they found me late one morning disporting myself in a barn with a young maiden who had been around the track a few times. We were so busy with our efforts to please each other that neither of us heard the horsemen approach until they were in the barnyard. The girl squealed, slithered out...

2 years ago
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Chucks Forced VacationChapter 17

I woke first in the morning and saw Nancy watching me. She kissed me and said good morning. Frieda awoke, smiled at me, and did the exact same thing. As we slid from bed, Judy said, "Good morning, Lover, I'm not getting up yet. I love to sleep too much." As soon as I was in the shower, Lisa joined me and we were soon making love under the spray. She said, "This is exactly what my body needs. It's a good thing the shower will wash away the evidence." Lisa was in the middle of her period...

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Operation Rescue The New CoEd chapter 1

This is part 1 of a story in my new mini-verse. I hope you like it. It's only the beginning - this threatens to get out of hand as I've been writing. (Kind of like riding a tiger - hard to get off, but you know you don't really have control.) Many thanks to Jezzie Stewart for helpful comments and editing, and also to Ellie for the same. Couldn't have gotten it this far, or in this state, without their help. ElrodW ********************** Operation Rescue: ...

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Skiing In Vermont

Last winter my girlfriend, Kayla, and I took a weekend trip up to Vermont, and stayed in a beautiful ski resort near Killington Mountain. She’s a snowboarder and I’m a skier, I know it’s weird right? But anyway, we checked in Friday night and made sure we had our weekend passes. We were exhausted after the drive and ended up crashing soon bafter we unpacked. I woke up to Kayla getting changed and ready for a long day of skiing and boarding. The light from the sunrise was shining through the...

2 years ago
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Voyeur Wife On VacationChapter 10

The party room looked like a disaster area. Clothes were strewn everywhere and bodies were all over, writhing about in sexual bliss. The only sounds were the grunts of the lovers mixed with the obscene slaps of cocks pounding into pussies, mouths and assholes. "Oh, this is terrific!" Kim was crying as another cock spewed its load into her clean-shaven cunt and she squirmed through yet another incredible orgasm. She'd lost count of how many times she had cum and how many guys had...

3 years ago
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Forever Autumn

Watching the leaves tumble slowly, softly, silently to the ground, of course I thought of her. I thought of her beside me, snuggled into the hood of her jacket, pretending not to be cold. She would sit just looking at the trees, her eyes alight with wonder, like a small child. And she would run, kicking at the drifts of fallen leaves, laughing and gasping as they crackled and crunched beneath her feet, barely noticing the misting rain, creating a halo as it settled on her hair. A line from a...

3 years ago
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Duty Bound part 2

The red stilettos, though new, were surprisingly comfortable as Hannah stepped out into the warm evening air; her cock bulged with excitement under her tight leather pencil skirt, her black silk top with chiffon sleeves capturing her sweet feminine shape perfectly. She met Simone and Babs at a bar close to Transcendence; the other two equally sexily dressed. They had a few drinks and then walked the short distance to the new venue. Inside, the girls were not disappointed with the new club;...

1 year ago
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Im Wetting Myself

Some years ago, I found myself working behind the bar of a small, undistinguished night-club, strictly for extra cash and only at the weekends. One Saturday night, not an amazingly busy one, I was having a drink with Alice, another barmaid, while we both waited for the manager to add up the takings and put them in the safe until Monday. I was twenty-one at the time and unattached. Alice was a year younger with a regular boyfriend. We were chatting about this and that, waiting for our lift home...

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