Stacy Lancaster Stacy s First Swing pt5
- 2 years ago
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Lost in her thoughts, driving the four hour trip from
the city, Molly turned off the exit at Junction 33, the
big brown and white Forest-Service sign reading,
“Entering Chattum River National Forest.”
Molly remembered a prominent memory from when she’d
visited when she was a girl, how she’d often wear just a
light summer dress around the cabin, with nothing on
underneath, the breezes blowing around her bare skin,
She was in a hurry to get to the cabin after the long
drive, to take a quick shower and change. She wanted to
feel that thrilling feeling again, her breasts and
freshly shaven pussy naked under her flowery sundress
out here in the forest.
The sound of the car moving through the trees on the
narrow two-track road, the dirt and gravel under the
tires, was a sound she remembered from when she was her
daughter’s age.
She remembered going down to a favorite spot along the
river, where she’d lean against a tree, and touch
herself, slipping her fingers inside herself, touching,
squeezing her young breasts, pulling on her aching hard
She remembered the one day when, off on a walk, she saw
her grandfather through the woods. She started to call
out to him. Then as she came around a tree she saw what
he was doing; he’d come out into the woods for a little
relief too, her grandfather was jerking off. Molly
couldn’t look away. She ducked behind the tree, and
lifting her sundress, touching herself, watched her
grandfather pulling on his erection she felt feelings
she’d never felt quite this way before. She’d never seen
a man masturbate, and she was mesmerized by her
grandfather’s hand sliding up and down his huge hard
cock, jacking his cock, hearing his whispering words,
unable to make out what he was saying. She remembered
how she felt, almost breathless, so excited, her nipples
and breasts swelling, her little pussy so, so hot, so
slippery wet. How she touched herself watching him,
sliding her fingers into herself, imagining her fingers
were his swollen thick cock.
Molly masturbated night after night at the cabin to that
image of him, his head back, his eyes closed, his body
tensing and then convulsing, his loud sigh as he came,
his cum spurting out onto the forest floor, his knees
practically buckling under him. She loved saying the
word to herself, his, cock, she’d whisper, making
herself squirm and push her hot little cunny into her
fingers. She imagined kneeling in front of him, her
pulling on his cock, jacking her young grandfather’s
cock, in her little hands, sucking on his thick swollen
cock, fucking him with her hot little mouth until he
came and came in her mouth, on her face, on her
sundress, her naked underneath.
She realized years later how he must have gotten so
horny being out here on his own with his daughter and
granddaughter. The thought made Molly wet. Her pussy
hummed on the car seat, the vibrations on the gravel
road vibrating her clit. She imagined him lifting her
little dress, her naked underneath, his big strong hands
on her tender little hips.
She didn’t wake Stacy, asleep laying across the back
seat. Not even their dog, Max, their unusually big five
year old golden retriever Molly’s grandfather bought
from a breeder and trained, restless in the back of the
Land Rover, smelling the woods around them, his
persistent whines in his excitement, could shake Molly’s
sense of release being here, at last.
The cabin bordered the National Forest, and her worries
slipped away almost as she turned off the blacktop. She
felt her nipples tingle, and the sensation shoot between
her legs, remembering her grandfather and that day in
the woods, how she’d fantasize wanting him, him coming
into her room at night in the cabin, their shared
secret, him touching her, sucking her nipples, her
pulling on his hard cock, him sliding it inside her,
spreading her open, him taking her virginity.
The fragrance of cottonwood, the soft earth tone browns
of River Larch trunks, the mountain rush; deep lush
greens with deep reddish brown cattails; the fragrance
of pine and the soft beds of pine needles on the ground,
all came sweeping back from her childhood here.
The all but forgotten sensations, her laying on the pine
needle beds, looking up through the trees, clouds
passing by, her raising her tender little hips into her
fingers, cumming in the middle of the forest, her
panting breaths subsiding, the sounds of leaves falling,
of the pine branches rubbing against each other in the
breezes, her picturing her grandfather jerking his
incestuous cock, her licking her lips.
As she drove in, bursts of cooler forest breeze
propelled through the car windows, the push of the river
as the road curved and wound close to it; she was home.
She’d been coming here since she was a young girl with
her family, and now she and Stacy were moving here, to
live. It was their home now, surrounded by trees and
lakes and the river, not another house for miles around.
She stopped the car and got out, the motor running, and
unhooked the cable hanging across the road into the
property. It was remote, isolated wilderness, the fresh
earthy scent of the woods filling her; she felt free,
completely herself, strong, assured of her place in the
Driving through the entrance, overgrown branches lightly
slid along the sides of the car. She got back out and
relocked the cable, and then drove on through the woods.
She made a mental note she’d have to cut the branches
The cabin at last appeared through the trees, just as
she remembered it. Rustic but modern, the almost new
green metal roof her grandfather told her he’d put on
his last time down, just before he passed away, the big
open windows, the pine and cedar structure he’d built by
hand. She smiled to herself, fondly remembering him, his
presence still very much in her heart.
Turning off the car, the forest seemed like an echoing
silent canyon. She felt welcomed by the bird songs
sounding through the woods, as if, they remembered her,
the little girl who tended to the bird feeders every
summer, now a single mother, who all through her youth
would masturbate in the forest, them fluttering from
branch to branch above her, exciting her to think they
were watching her touch herself, imagining her
grandfather watching her at a distance through the
woods, the fantasy making her writhe in pleasure.
Molly, had at her young age, accumulated a small
fortune. She’d also just inherited enough money that it
was up to her whether, or not she worked again. Her
grandfather left the cabin to her and Stacy, and she’d
sold their house in the city to come live here.
“Wake up, baby. We’re here, sweetie” she said opening
the passenger side rear door for Stacy, the joy obvious
in her voice.
Stacy sat up sleepy-eyed, yawning and then smiling.
“We’re here?” Stacy asked sleepily, immediately feeling
good, like her young mother, absorbing her mother’s
excitement that they were finally at the cabin.
The revitalizing effects of the forest air, the silence,
the solitude palpable and refreshing, Stacy could sense
the immediate change in her mother.
“We’re here, baby” Molly affirmed, her voice thrilled
almost laughing as she opened the back gate of the Land
Rover for Max, impatiently waiting, both Molly and Stacy
laughing at his glee to get out and into the woods.
(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}});Molly was amazed that it had only been six days since
she and Stacy had arrived at the cabin. She felt like an
entirely different person, worlds away from her state of
mind before they’d left the city.
She announced she was going to take a walk, leaving
Stacy and Max content to play while she walked down
through the woods to the river. She was going to her
favorite place, to her favorite tree, to think about her
Molly felt tremendously horny. She’d masturbated each
night to fresh, incestuous fantasies of her and her
grandfather. The forest always made her feel this way,
this place, the feeling and smells of him. She’d made
herself cum the night before, her favorite fantasy of
her grandfather between her legs, his hard cock deep
inside her belly, her legs wrapped around him, pulling
him into her, him kissing her, deeply, lovingly,
Practically bounding down the trail, the slaps of her
flip-flop’s echoing into the forest, she looked back and
could see the cabin through the trees; out here there
was little to be concerned about – Stacy had Max there
with her, Max, all male and very protective of both her
and Stacy.
He was a big dog. His paws so broad, people had
commented since he was just a puppy. He was pure bred,
broad-chested, sturdy, muscular, and the sweetest dog
Molly ever had. He already outweighed her, Molly, at 5’
2” and 105 pounds, and seemed even bigger next to Stacy,
his long golden yellow fur hanging down around him
glowing in the forest.
Max was their protector, and best friend. The one male
in their little family, and his gentle, reserved
masculinity was always a kind comfort to the young
mother and her daughter.
She took off her sandal’s to feel the forest floor under
her bare feet, calming her rush, padding down the path
in her summer dress, and true to form, she hadn’t worn
panties or a bra and felt deliciously naked underneath
Her dark brown hair blew around her face in the breeze
as she got to the river, the cooler air giving her
goosebumps. The breeze blowing up under her dress and
over her nakedness, her nipples erect, her already over-
brimming horniness turning into instant lusting arousal.
She hadn’t had a boyfriend in two years, and despite how
much she valued her independence at this time of her
life, it was in moments like this she missed having a
lover. As she approached the riverbed she smiled to
herself at just how sexual she was, how horny she was.
She’d always been kinky, and had kinky lovers. Her
breasts tingled, swelled under the thin sundress.
The warmth spread through her belly, and she felt that
tingling sensation between her legs. She couldn’t help
running her hands over her summer dress in front of her,
over her thighs, and between her legs. She lifted the
hem, and brushed her fingers over her bare soft pussy.
Slippery, creamy wet. She felt a thrill shoot through
her picturing seeing her grandfather jerking off not far
from here.
In her sexual reverie she pictured the young woman park
ranger they’d talked to in town at the grocery the day
before, happening upon her here at the river. The woman
was Native American, Molly thought, probably of mixed
descent. Molly found herself drawn to the woman’s almost
translucent skin, her beaming smile. She kept thinking,
“Gorgeous” and wondered what it would be like to kiss
her. She kept looking at the young woman, her narrow
shoulders, tiny, petite like Molly; her hair was the
thickest, silkiest shiny brown-black hair, and Molly
fantasized the scent of lingering fragrances in her
hair, the woman’s thighs being as soft and smooth, her
belly, her breasts, what her skin smelled like, soft,
powdery, naturally perfumy.
The young teenage boy working at the store noticed the
ranger, too; he kept looking at both of them, probably
fantasizing a three way, Molly grinned. He was strong, a
good build. She decided in her fantasy of him, that he
was well hung. She purposefully kept exaggerating her
body’s curves, wanting him to look, wanting the ranger
to notice too.
Molly knew from all her workouts that she had a tight
little bottom, and her narrow waist like the ranger’s,
showed off her large breasts. She turned heads in her
bikini’s, her firm breasts, her perfect, petite little
body, her also thick dark brown long hair; she’d been
called “a hottie” by a guy she hoped would come visit
them there at the cabin. An artist she’d met. Broad
shouldered, handsome she thought, and sexy. She
fantasized calling him, “Daddy” something smoldering hot
about him, the way he’d look at her, hungry,
mischievous. He made her laugh. She felt happy with him
around. He reminded her of her grandfather.
Molly had no sooner gotten to her favorite little spot
along the river when she decided she wanted to go back
for her toy. This was too good a fantasy. Images of him,
what he would be like as a lover in real life, versus
just over the internet. She wanted to slide her silver
vibrator inside her, leaning against a tree, pretending
it was him pushing her up against her favorite tree
trunk, raising her sundress, and fucking her like a wild
animal here in the forest; or, both the ranger and the
boy at the store who had found her by the river, and
were having their way with her. Her grandfather watching
through the trees, jerking off.
Coming back up the well worn trail into the clearing
surrounding the cabin, she heard Stacy squeal, once and
then again, delighted about something. Molly felt an
irrepressible smile come over her sense of being,
pleased Stacy was loving being here too.
As she got closer to the cabin she could hear Stacy
making sounds like she was thoroughly entertaining
herself. She heard Max bark playfully too, and thought
they must be up to something fun, and she wanted to be
with them. She decided her session by the river could
wait. She wanted to spend as much time with Stacy as she
could, especially in these first few weeks. Her private
session would be nicer in bed tonight anyway, when Stacy
was asleep and she could really enjoy herself.
Molly listened to Stacy’s giggles, and her shhhhh’ing
Max, not whispering, but obviously trying to keep her
voice down, and trying to keep Max quiet too. The forest
was so quiet, sound traveled, her little girl’s voice
emanating from the bedroom window at the back of the
house, right where the path from the river ended, her
daughters giggles and laughter wafting through the
trees. “What are they doing?” the young mother pondered
quizzically, smiling as she approached the back of the
cabin; she’d worried Stacy would grow bored out here all
on their own. When she heard a sound from Stacy she
hadn’t heard before, and then the woods grow still, and
almost too quiet, Molly hurried to the window, curious.
She’d noticed back in the city that, Stacy would
sometimes usher Max off to her room, and that the house
would be really quiet like this. Struck by the
similarity of the moment, something vaguely familiar,
something she didn’t want to acknowledge to herself, but
maybe knew: Sometimes when she’d get home from work,
after calling to Stacy and Stacy not answering, Stacy
would suddenly come into the room where she was, and
looked like she had been up to something.
Nothing terribly obvious; she’d be flushed, or her hair,
or her skirt would be a little ruffled as she and Max
came out of her bedroom, both of them happy and
bouncing. Stacy’s blushing smile greeting Molly, would
quickly do away with any curiosity on Molly’s part, and
she hadn’t thought much about it after until now.
She decided to approach the cabin quietly, to peek into
Stacy’s bedroom window. Stacy’s window was open, the
shutters affixed against the wall of the cabin, the
interior of the room dark from outside in the sun
dappled forest. She wasn’t snooping so much as just
wanting to see Stacy happy, in her own environment here
outside the city, wanting to surprise her daughter as
she tiptoed up to the window, thinking she’d say, “Hi
baby!” and join in on her daughter’s fun.
Just as she got to the window, as her eyes adjusted to
the shaded room, and Molly squinted to see in, she heard
Stacy making sounds like she’d never heard her daughter
make. Chirping, soft little mewling sounds. They were
sounds of being pleasured.
Startled, a flurry of thoughts went through her mind.
Her protective-mother side kicking in like a spear. Was
she masturbating? She knew she did, they’d talked about
it. When she heard Stacy’s moaning voice saying, “Ohhhh
Max, ohhh, Max, nnn, yessss, don’t stop, ohhh, lick me,
oooohh Maxi” in her softy little girl voice, Molly
almost fell over, stopping in her tracks, stunned.
She’d never heard her daughter’s young voice making
sexual sounds, in the throes of sexual pleasure. She
wasn’t sure what to think. She didn’t understand, or
even know to imagine what was happening. Could she be?
No. Impossible. Her first inclination was to charge up
to the window, afraid, startled, protective, frightened,
concerned, angry, at Max. At the same time, hearing her
daughters sounds, her whimpers and chirping little coos
and squeals of pleasure, Molly’s own pussy was tingling,
her nipples getting hard, that familiar ache deep inside
her, that warm buttery fluttering feeling in her belly.
She was already so horny, the sounds of pleasure
regardless from what, were turning her on involuntarily.
She’d always had a kinky side to her. Loved voyeuristic
porn, and something inside her made her want to see. She
eased up to the window, and slowly peeked in, her hand
on the sill at her mid-chest. She felt her pussy
immediately flood, her nipples harden like rocks.
Stacy was laying on her back on the floor, almost
completely nude. Her pert breasts and puffy nipples were
fully erect, swollen, as big as Molly could imagine them
being, strawberry red, ripe. Stacy’s soft pearlescent
skin was flushed. She looked angelic.
Molly’s seminude little girl was laying on her back on
the floor, her matching sundress bunched up around her
waist, her bare legs open, her bare feet, her toes
curled, Max’s head between her legs, her little body
undulating, writhing, Max licking her smooth bald
glistening mound, her pink sex open and swollen and
glistening shiny wet. Molly felt herself gush, an image
of her grandfather, between her legs, licking her shiny
wet smooth bald humming little slit, Max’s body turned
sideways to Stacy’s, standing over her, Stacy’s torso
bent around, his long, thick swollen red cock hanging
down and in Stacy’s little hand. Again, an image of her
grandfather’s cock in her hand swept through Molly.
She was breathless. In shock, but also startlingly
aroused by the scene before her, her heart beating,
thumping in her chest, the sounds of the forest and
Stacy’s cooing moans, Max’s bestial licking and snorting
and growls almost like a man’s sounds making her
instantaneously dripping hot wet.
Stacy’s legs were spread wide. Her knees up, her feet
dangling in mid air, to give Max full access to her
sweet little slit, her hips rocking, pressing her pelvis
up to his long wet tongue. Stacy was pulling on Max’s
cock as he licked and licked and licked her bare smooth
bald little mound, his tongue snaking into the pink
folds of her soft little cunny, pushing up inside her.
Molly didn’t realize Stacy was shaving her little pussy
bald smooth, or how sexually excited it would make her,
reminding her of when she was a young girl fantasizing
about her grandfather. Molly gushed hearing her little
girl’s next words.
“Ohhh, Maxi, yess, nnn, lick me boy. Nnn, want to make
you feel good too” and turning her upper body further,
pulling Max by his cock, she leaned her shoulders and
head over and under Max, her little fingers wrapped
around his mammoth cock in comparison to her small
hands, guiding his red, shiny, slippery wet cock to her
mouth, and licked it again, and again, cooing and
moaning, her little hips undulating into Max’s long
tongue as she hummed and moaned happily licking Max’s
huge cock.
Molly knew immediately this wasn’t their first time;
they both licked the other, practiced lovers. Molly
slipped her hand under her dress, touching herself, her
fingers sliding through her slippery wet folds watching
her little girl and Max through the open aired cabin
window. Staring at Stacy’s swollen breasts, Molly undid
the top buttons of her dress, and slipped her hand
inside to cup her own swollen, aching tits, her body
shaking with want, watching the prurient scene unfolding
before her like it had however many times in secret, in
private, like she had wished, fantasized, about her
grandfather, in secret, making her gush with excitement.
When Stacy opened her mouth, and raised her head to suck
Max’s cock into her little mouth, Molly almost came. Her
little innocent girl, humming and chirping and sucking
Max’s huge doggie-cock lustfully like a far more
experienced woman. His thick red cock, sliding into her
little girl’s mouth, Stacy moving her head to suck him,
as much as she could take, moaning and cooing
delightedly, incessantly, humming a little purring
sound, just like Molly had, sucking on her grandfather’s
cock in her fantasies.
Molly ducked back, afraid Stacy would see her at the
window. Stacy sat up pushing Max away, guiding him
around to her, between her legs, and as Max swung
around, knowing exactly what Stacy wanted, Molly looked
back in and watched as Max climbed over her daughter,
the bulk of his larger body over her little girl and
lowered his hindquarters, thrusting at her, as Stacy
guided his huge cock to her pink little sex.
She watched spellbound as Max’s thick red cock slipped
effortlessly inside Stacy, spreading the smooth bald
lips of her little girl’s pussy apart, sinking his cock
into Molly’s little girl inch by inch, Stacy moaning,
“Nnn, Max, ohhhhh, nnn, nnn” his fat red hard cock,
fucking deeper and deeper, impossibly so, disappearing
into her little girl, sliding back out coated in Stacy’s
juices, and then pushing back in, Max gripping Stacy
tight to him, Stacy wrapping her arms and legs around
his furry torso.
As Max continued to fuck his cock deeper and deeper into
Molly’s little girl, Stacy moaned in pleasure, hugging
Max to her, his big furry body, her legs around him, her
knees bent back, her feet in the air her legs bouncing
to his thrusts, humping back at him.
“Nnn, uh, uh, uhh, nnn, ohhhh, Maxi, nnnnn” Stacy
purred, hanging on, bouncing to Max’s thrusts, being
fucked hard and long and deep by the big dog. Molly’s
knees were weak watching his thick swollen cock fucking
into her little girl.
“Nnn, yes, fuck me. Ohh, ohh, ohh, nn, feels, so good.
So big. Nnn, fuck my little pussy, Max. Nnnn, god, nnn,
fuck me lover” Molly purred, gasping and grunting and
Molly began cumming as she watched Stacy kissing Max,
their tongues licking at each other, Max’s long tongue
coated with Stacy’s pussy juice slipping inside her
little mouth in a deep French kiss as Stacy moaned, and
moaned, fucking her little hips up at Max, the big dog
fucking her little girl, his huge dog-cock buried in her
daughter, so hot, so erotic Molly couldn’t take her eyes
off his cock fucking in and out of her daughter’s tight
little slick shiny bald pussy.
Max’s back was almost turned toward the window, so she
could see his huge thick cock fucking so deep and hard
into her little girl, Molly had to contain a growling
groan from deep within her, the temptation to let go, to
moan out loud, with Stacy, the dog’s cock was so thick,
Stacy spread open so perversely, her little cunny
wrapped around Max’s thick, hot swollen flesh.
The thick hunk of dog-cock, bigger than any man’s cock
Molly had ever had, filled her little girl. The lips of
her swollen little cunny gripped madly tight around the
hard swollen erection buried inside her, gliding between
her lithe pale white legs, Max’s balls slapping against
her, fucking her hard and deep and fast, the lips of her
pussy stretched wide, their juices running out and down
between the cheeks of her tight little bottom.
Stacy said something Molly didn’t hear, and again afraid
Stacy had seen her, she panicked and ducked below the
window sill. She was breathing so hard, her heart was
pounding. She squeezed her breasts and rubbed her
sopping wet cunt listening to the sounds of her little
girl being fucked so hard and deep by Max, images of her
grandfather reeling through her thoughts, Stacy’s moans
exciting the air around them, and as Molly raised back
up and looked back in, Max was on his back now, and
Stacy was astride him, his cock still buried in her bald
little pussy.
Stacy was riding him, his big thick doggy-cock, up and
down, working his cock, the cheeks of her bottom flexing
as she squeezed him inside her, that thick hot hard
thing fucking into her little girl.
Molly rubbed her cunt furiously. She ‘d never seen
anything so intensely erotic, so beautiful, Stacy’s pale
white legs half covered in Max’s long fur, her rocking
back and forth on top of her dog, his dog-cock so big
and thick and swollen hot-hard inside her, her tight
little bottom, her bare smooth skin flushed and shiny
Molly watched as Max humped faster and faster, Stacy
cumming, urging the big dog to cum inside her, his cum
pouring from between Stacy’s legs as she rolled and
rocked her dripping wet little cunny on his cock, her
stretched open bald little cunny, Max’s huge thick red
dog-cock plainly fucking up inside her daughter’s
swollen pink sex.
Molly came with them, her fingers fucking as deep as she
could push them into her dripping wet pussy. Still
buzzing from her orgasm, uncertain what to do, shocked
she’d just cum watching her little girl being fucked by
their dog, she quietly slipped away from the window. She
decided to walk back down to the river to collect
herself, to give Stacy and Max time to come back
When Stacy walked back up to the cabin, she made the
point of announcing herself. Stacy and Max came smiling
out of the cabin as if nothing had happened, just like
back in the city. Molly wasn’t sure what to do, or say,
if she would or should say anything. She was still
shaking inside with a perverse excitement. She wanted to
admit she’d seen, that she’d watched. She wanted to
share in her and her daughter’s delicious secret. This
was completely new territory to the young mother. As the
rest of the afternoon went by, every time she thought
about what she’d witnessed, she’d get creamy wet again.
What she witnessed was the most erotic thing she’d ever
seen but it was her little girl. She felt she should
intervene. She felt conflicted about what to do, so the
rest of the evening she just pretended to not have seen
what she did until she knew how to best handle it. Even
as she tucked Stacy in that night, and kissed her
daughter on the forehead, she looked deep into Stacy’s
eyes with a certain sense of pride, her little girl a
woman now. She didn’t want to admit top herself, going
down the hall she felt her nipples harden, wondering if,
hoping, she’d get to witness the lurid scene again. Even
as she lay in bed, she found herself listening intently
for any sound that would signal Stacy and Max were
She imagined herself slipping down the hall, and peeking
through Stacy’s bedroom door, seeing her sucking the
dog’s huge cock again, him between her legs, fucking his
cock into her little girl, almost exactly the same
fantasies Molly had of her grandfather.
It was a full moon that night, and the moonlight pushed
through the curtains in Molly’s bedroom. The warmth and
sweetness of Stacy’s goodnight kiss still on her lips,
the young mother pressed her fingers into her tingling
hot pussy through her nightgown, imagining Stacy and
Max, imagining her grandfather as she pulled her full
hot swollen breasts out from her nightie, her fingers
sliding into her already creamy wet cunt; Max had been
laying on the end of Molly’s bed as she turned off the
lights, and climbing into her own bed, she fantasized
Max licking Stacy, him licking her little Stacy, Stacy
sucking Max’s huge doggie-cock as she left Stacy’s room.
Molly imagined that cock inside her. She resisted the
image. “No, what am I thinking. Its so wrong” she
struggled, her pussy on fire, her breasts swollen, her
nipples hot and aching. “I have to talk to Stacy in the
morning. I have to” she tried to convince herself,
picturing herself sucking him, moaning and humming on
his huge hard dog-cock, throbbing hot in hands, in her
mouth. She couldn’t undo the images of her little Stacy
rocking her hips at Max’s snaking long tongue, her legs
wrapped around him, that huge cock stretching Stacy’s
little cunny, fucking into her so erotically. Her pussy
ached with want. Images of that thick, hard dog-cock
sliding inside her daughter’s bald pink sex, her
grandfather’s big cock sliding inside her.
She closed her eyes and images of when Stacy had rolled
over on top of Max, his cock still embedded in her young
little pussy, her leaning over him, them kissing each
other as Stacy rocked her little hips, fucking Max into
her, rolling her little hips, moaning and cooing and
licking Max’s tongue with her own, flooded Molly’s
heated imagination. Molly thought of herself fucking her
grandfather as her little Stacy fucked Max with a rhythm
and knowledge that made Molly realize they’d been
fucking each other for some time.
Molly gushed imagining the dog fucking that cock into
her own hot little cunt. Seeing her daughter’s slender
long coltish legs spread wide, the animal between her
little girl’s legs, him fucking that big hard throbbing
cock into her tight little bald cunny. She pictured
Stacy hugging his thick torso to her, his fur rubbing on
her belly. She murmured under her breath, “Fuck her Max.
Good boy, fuck her little pussy with that huge cock.
Fuck her bald little cunny.
Mmmnnn, yess, slide that thick doggie cock into my
little girl” Molly groaned, rubbing her pussy furiously,
letting go, letting herself imagine herself being fucked
by Max. “Ohhhh god, yes, slide that huge cock inside me,
fuck me, Max, slide that big hard cock into her little
pussy. Fuck my little girl with that huge doggie-cock”
she hissed under her breath. Molly could hardly believe
herself. She didn’t stop though. “Oh god, Stacy, yes,
kiss Max, kiss Maxi baby, let him fuck you, let him
slide that huge thing inside you, baby.”
Max could hear Molly’s whimpering moans from Stacy’s
bedroom. He heard her say his name. He could smell her
sex, and climbing down from Stacy’s bed, Stacy sound
asleep, he walked down the hall and pushed Molly’s door
open with his nose.
Molly was startled when Max jumped up onto the big bed.
She opened her eyes and there he was, such a big animal
standing between her spread knees looking down at her,
half naked and vulnerable, her bare pussy swollen hot
and dripping wet, her fingers coated in her juices,
fully exposed in the moonlit silvery darkness, Max
panting, staring, knowing, his tongue lolling from his
mouth, him looking right at Molly’s hands, her fingers
dipped inside her, her juices shining on her fingers in
the moonlight.
Molly tried to cover herself, her swollen breasts, her
fists to her chin. Something caught her attention, and
looking down, she saw it. Max’s cock was already hanging
down, thick, bloated, hard.
“Ohhh god, nooo” she said startled out of her fantasies.
“Max. Get down Max” she shushed at him in a loud
commanding whisper, but Max laid down on his haunches
between her legs. He just looked at her. He was close
enough that Molly couldn’t close her legs. He dipped his
snout down between her thighs, and sniffed at her
swollen, dripping wet pink sex. Molly was between
wanting him to lick her, and being so afraid she wasn’t
sure what to do. Max’s tongue took a first lap at her
hot, wet cunt. He took the decision away from the young
The warm hot sensation of Max’s long tongue swept
through her, already so on the edge of cumming, already
so hot she could barely stand it, her entire body
enflamed, her pussy swollen, her breasts aching
throbbing hot. She let it happen, she let Max lick her,
her fear quickly giving way to the incredible sensations
of being licked, his long hot wet tongue everywhere at
once. The more his tongue lapped at her, the more she
opened her legs. The more she opened her legs, the more
Max moved forward, licking, pushing his tongue into her
hot creamy wet cunt, lapping her tangy female cream from
inside her, preparing her. She tasted like Stacy to the
hungry dog. Max wasn’t going to stop.
“Ohhh, ohhh god, feels, feels so good” Molly thought to
herself. “Ohhhh, his tongue. So good. It’s so wide, so
long, so hot. Ohhhh, my god, ohhhh, nnnnn, he’s pushing
it inside me, ohh fuckkk” she uttered under her breath,
understanding now her daughter’s frenzy.
“Oh my god, good dog” she whispered, giving in, letting
go “good dog, Max, lick Mommy” she moaned, whimpering,
cooing, reaching down and gently touching the side of
Max’s head, like a lover, spreading her legs wider and
wider for him, letting him have her, her fingers on his
head approving, coaxing, guiding.
“Nnnnuhhhh, ohhh, god, good boy, mmm, yes, lick me,
yesss lick me, Max, feels, so, good. Mmm, lick Mommy,
big dog. Nnn, good boy” the sound of his slurping tongue
filling the moonlit room, images if his huge bloated
doggie-cock racing through her mind.
Molly was beside herself. No wonder Stacy let Max lick
her. Images of Max between her daughter’s legs that
afternoon, how sexy she looked, how much pleasure Max
was giving her squealing delighted little girl, Molly
rolled her hips, pushing her bare pelvis into Max’s
snout, his tongue pushing inside her, the taboo,
thrilling. How much Stacy was loving it, laying on her
back, her legs spread, her shiny bald little cunny pink
and wet and swollen hot. Her little girl writhing under
the big dog’s tongue, fucking her hips up to his huge
Molly groaned, “Nnnngghuuhh, I watched, I watched you
fuck Stacy, with that big cock” she whispered out. “I
saw you, Max, your big cock in her, little pussy” Molly
panted. “Good boy, lick Mommy, mmm, nnn, yess, lick my
pussy, Max, lick Mommy just like Stacy.”
Molly surprised herself. Let herself go, completely, to
Max’s long, wide hot wet tongue licking her. It had been
so long since she’d had per pussy licked, and this
ravenously sexual dog was making her crazy with lust,
her pelvis rolling under his amazing tongue.
“I, I want, you to, fuck me too” Molly blurted out in a
heated frenzy. “Want, that big cock. Want… your…
doggie-cock, Max. You, to fuck, Mommy.” She imagined his
huge cock fucking into her, images of her grandfather’s
cock, fucking her. She felt Max lift off his haunches,
driving his tongue into her, his snout pushing against
her sex. She looked down, and in the moonlight she saw
him, and her pussy creamed. Between Max’s legs, hung his
huge dog cock. It seemed even bigger up close. He must
have been nine inches long, and five inches around. It
was huge. Rock hard. Molly’s pussy spasmed, imagining
that thing inside her. She pictured Stacy licking it,
sucking it. She had to feel it. She turned her upper
body, letting Max continue to lick her, and reached out
just like Stacy had.
Molly wrapped her fingers around Max’s cock. Startled at
its heat, its thickness. Pulled on it, squeezed it in
her loose fist. Admired it, its size, its weight, its
thickness throbbing hot and wet in her hand so much like
a man’s.
She almost gasped it was so thick. Slippery wet, smooth
as silk, rigidly hard, Molly moaned with lust, a
gushing, guttural, perverse lust like she’d never
“Ohhhh, my god,” she said under her breath “it’s, it’s
huge. Ohhh, Max” the dog’s long hot tongue making her
work her hips in circular motions, pushing up at him,
letting him have her. Molly never imagined she’d do
something like this. Right now she felt like she was in
heat. It had been so long since she’d been fucked. So
long since, … she’d sucked, a man’s cock. Staring at
Max’s cock, she gushed out an excited breath yet again,
“So, big. You’re, so big” images of Stacy sucking Max’s
cock so hungrily, so lovingly, she leaned up to Max’s
cock, guided it to her mouth, sucking him into her
mouth, moaning on Max’s huge cock.
“Mmmmnnn, mmmm, nnnnn” she hummed, sucking him,
luxuriating in the feel of a hard cock in her mouth, the
taboo of sucking a dog’s cock, feeling ashamed, even
more exciting because of it. Sliding her other hand up
and down his length like she would a man’s cock, loving
him, her grandfather smiling down at her, the dog he’d
trained. Molly loved sucking cock, and this was no
different. It had always made her so wet, so horny. She
purred and moaned and loved on Max’s swollen thick cock
in her mouth, lavished it with her tongue. She sucked
and sucked his cock, until Max began pulling away.
Molly knew what he wanted. She rolled over under him,
onto her belly, and then onto her knees. She was going
to let him fuck her. She wanted it. She needed it. She’d
been so horny all day. It had been building all week.
She pushed her bottom up, on all fours on her bed,
pressed her breasts into the blankets, her nightgown
fallen up around her shoulders, her narrow little waist,
her tapering back, her lovely firm breasts jostling
under her, her nipples hard as rocks, her breasts
swollen hot to the touch, her pussy dripping hot wet,
needing, needing to be filled, needing to be stretched,
needing a cock, needing to be fucked.
Max jumped up onto her back and Molly quivered as he
wrapped his strong forearms around her hips, pulling her
into him with brute force. Locking her heart shaped
bottom into his belly, his groin, he began humping his
hips, his huge cock sliding on her back and Molly
groaned, sliding over her bottom between her cheeks, and
then, against her pussy, searching, pushing, slipping
inside her.
“Oh my god” Molly gushed, “he’s, he’s in me, his, his
cock is, in me. He’s fucking me. Ohhhh, Max. ohhh fuck,
it’s, so big, so good, feels so good, ohhhhh, fuck. He’s
so, so fucking big, nnnn, so, good, so good. Nnn, good
boy, fuck Mama, fuck Mommy, Max. Good boy. That’s right,
fuck Mommy.”
Max knew what he was doing. At first he fucked into her
deep and hard. Her hot, wet swollen pussy taking him
inside her. He couldn’t not start out fucking her deep
and hard.
“Ohhh, ohhhh, ah, ah, ahh, fuck, me, Max, ohhhh god,
fuck me hard!” Molly groaned out under her breath into
the nearly dark room, not wanting to wake Stacy, trying
desperately hard to be quiet, her bottom high in the
air, Max fucking his huge cock into her tight wet pussy,
his hips moving rhythmically, his huge throbbing hot
cock fucking deep inside her, fucking her with the tempo
and pace and knowledge of a lover, of a man.
Images of her grandfather filled Molly’s thoughts. She
couldn’t believe the pleasure Max’s cock was giving her.
Deep in her belly, his huge thick cock sliding back and
forth, in and out, deeper and deeper.
“He’s in me. Max’s cock is in me. His, … “ she almost
couldn’t say it. “His dog-cock, is in me. His huge
fucking cock. Oh my god. It’s so hot, so hard, so…
bigggg!” she hissed out in her thoughts. “He’s, fucking
me. So good. Nnnn, ohhhhgoddd, feels, so, good. Good
boy, yesss. Nnnnn” she moaned as Max shifted, his cock
burying inside her, hitting her deep, and then drawing
back out. Molly arched her back, thrust her bottom up,
pushed on her arms, pushed her pussy up to Max’s deep
long strokes, his soft, soft fur rubbing her all over.
She pushed until his chest filled the swell of her
arched back, her shoulders, her face alongside his.
She turned her head, and began cumming on Max’s cock as
he licked her mouth, as she opened her mouth, and
moaning, cooing, purring just like Stacy had kissed Max
back. Her body shook, her breast jiggled to the force of
his thrusts. Her mouth hung open, long, cooing moans
escaping her. She’d never felt anything like it. Had
never had a cock this big. His fur on her back was so
soft it made her want it to touch her everywhere, like
silk sheets made her want to rub herself all over him.
Max began panting differently. She sensed him showing
signs of being happy. He was responding to something.
Molly suddenly opened her eyes, and was shocked. Stacy
was half laying on the bed just to her right, smiling in
the moonlight, looking right into Molly’s eyes, propped
up on her forearms, one leg on the bed, her nightshirt
hiked up around her waist rubbing her little cunny on
the edge of the bed. Her nightshirt fallen off her
shoulders exposed her young swollen breasts, her hard
nipples, her pale soft smooth skin, her eyes wide with
sexual arousal.
“I knew you’d like Maxi, Mommy” she giggled. “He loves
putting his doggie-cock inside girls, Mommy” she
breathed out, aroused by watching Max fuck her young
mother. “Now we can both play with him Mommy. He knows
how to make me feel so good. He’s big, isn’t he Mommy?
Wait til’ he cums Mommy. Ohhh Mommy, it feels so good
when he cums. His cock gets bigger and bigger, and then
he shoots inside me. You’re going to love how it feels,
Mommy. Here, I’ll make you feel good too” and at that
Stacy rolled onto her back and leaned up under her young
mother, and sucked one long extended nipple into her hot
wet little mouth.
Molly couldn’t speak. Max was thrusting so deep inside
her, his cock had swollen so large, he filled her
completely. Her first thought was, how does Stacy take
all of him? He’s so huge. Uhnnnngod, her mouth is so hot
and wet. Feels, so, goooood.
“Oh baby, yes, suck Mommy’s tits, baby” Molly gushed
out, couldn’t believe herself, images of Max licking her
little Stacy’s shiny bald little cunny, her little girl
moaning and sucking on his huge doggie-cock, licking it,
squeezing it in her little hands, feeding it to her hot
sucking little mouth. Her little girl sucking on her
aching nipples. Her pussy flooded, and Max feeling it,
drove in hard and deep, his fat cock stretching her
completely. It had been so long since she’d had a cock
inside her. Molly was practically beside herself.
“Yes, baby, Mommy likes it. Mommy, likes, Max’s, big
doggie-cock” her words coming out almost one at a time.
Her words making her cream all over Max’s huge cock
fucking up into her belly. “He’s, he’s so deep in Mommy,
baby” she gushed out loud
“Mmm, he likes fucking you, Mommy. I can tell” Stacy
cooed, her little mouth on Molly’s breasts making Molly
grind her hot cunt back onto Max’s huge cock. Her little
Stacy sucking hungrily on her breasts, squeezing them,
fondling her sensitive swollen breasts.
Stacy reached up and rubbed Max’s head encouraging him
to fuck her mother. Max was in no hurry. He knew how to
fuck. He kept up a steady, rhythmic slow pace, sinking
his cock deep into Molly’s belly. He’d only pull out a
few inches before pushing his nine inch cock back in,
holding himself in her, fucking Stacy’s young mother
just liked he fucked her little girl. Stacy crawled
under her mother, and squeezed both of her large breasts
in her little hands, leaning up and sucking her mother’s
“Ohhh god, baby, yes, suck Mommy’s nipples. Just like
that. Ohhh god, baby. Uhhhnnn, Maxi’s cock, is so, deep,
in Mommy. Feel’s, so good, baby. So good, in Mommy”
Molly panted, moaning in heat, whispering out to her
little girl.
“Ohhhh god, baby, yes, suck Mommy’s titties, baby, suck
Mommy’s nipples. Ughhhh god, Max. Nnnn” she groaned as
Max gripped her even tighter around her hips, pulled her
even harder to him, fucked his huge doggie-cock even
deeper, harder, longer into the young mother’s spasming
pink swollen dripping wet cunt.
“I, wanted, to tell, you, Mommy. I knew you’d like it,
too. I knew you’d like Max’s big doggie-cock. Did he
lick you first, Mommy? Mmmm, he did, didn’t he, Mommy?”
Stacy wiggled under her mother, her legs spread, pushing
up on her heels, humping as if Max were fucking her,
too, her belly rubbing her mother’s belly, soft hot
smooth skin on skin making them thrill to the sensation.
She wiggled her way up between her mother’s arms,
Molly’s hands pressed hard into the mattress and
blankets. She wiggled up onto the pillows, and again
raised herself up on her heels, pushed her little hips
up so her little pussy was reaching up toward her
mother. “Lick me, Mommy, like Maxi does, Mommy, I’m so
wet, need you to lick me, Mommy. Lick my pussy, Mommy.
Feels so good” the girl hummed.
“Oh god, baby” Molly almost came. Images of Stacy
pushing her little bald cunny up to Max’s long tongue,
his muzzle pushing into her creamy little cunny made her
tremble and shake with excitement. Without hesitating
she put her mouth on Stacy’s hot little pussy, licked
and sucked her little girl’s sweet cream. So smooth, so
satiny soft, so girly fresh. She put her tongue out and
let Max’s increasingly fast thrusts move her mouth, push
and slide her tongue over Stacy’s young little pussy.
Molly was already cumming when Stacy began cumming, too,
just as Molly felt Max’s cock swell bigger and bigger.
His huge, thick, beautiful cock, fucking her hard and
fast and deep. Molly humped her hips back at him, sucked
his cock with her tight pussy, licked her little girl,
moaning as she came and came, humming into Stacy’s pussy
as she felt Max grip her hips with his forearms tighter
and tighter, as he humped at her madly, driving his cock
deeper and deeper, as he began cumming, filling her with
cum, as she exploded, a wave of orgasms hitting her all
at once, Stacy pushing her bald sweet creamy little
cunny into her mouth.
“Nnnn, Maxi, fuck Mommy, Max, ohhhhh Mommyyyyy, cumming,
making me cum Mommy, ooohhhh Mommyyyy.”
Molly groaned on her daughter’s sweet little cunt.
Mouthing her entire bald slit, Max fucking her so deep
and hard, exploding inside her.
The next morning, walking along the river, Molly decided
to tell Stacy about her fantasies of her grandfather.
Stacy grinned. “What baby?” Stacy kept smiling, and
stopped, looking down at the ground, as if she had a
secret of her own. “Stacy, what baby? What are smiling
“Well, before you went for you walk yesterday, Mom? You
know how I was looking for books to read on the shelf?
Well, there was a book behind the other books. I saw it
when I pulled out one from the shelf. It wasn’t a book,
it was his journal. I know I shouldn’t have, but when I
began reading it” Stacy fidgeted, toeing at the ground
with her sandals “I got so horny, and then you went for
your walk, and that’s when I had to have Max.”
Molly didn’t understand. “What do you mean, baby?
Where’s his journal? I want to see what he wrote. What
did he write that made you so horny, baby?”
“I flipped through it until I came to your name,
‘Molly’. Mommy? He fantasized about you, just like you
fantasized about him that way.” Stacy grinned up at her
young mother. “He saw you that day here in the woods,
watching him, after he came. He was thinking about you,
Mommy. You and grandma. He said how hard it was being
here alone all the time without a woman, and then having
you and grandma here, just made him so horny he had to
jerk off out here in the woods. I was just at the part
where he wrote that grandma, your mom, saw him jerking
off one day too, and that…”
“What baby?” Molly’s voice urgent, her pussy throbbing,
aching, slippery wet, “That what, baby?”
“That she helped him.”
Molly drew in a breath just as Max walked up between
them, rubbed against and around her and pushed his snout
between her legs, smelling her excitement.
“Look, Mommy, Max knows you’re wet” she grinned again.
“We should go for a swim and get him clean. Then, Mommy,
we can go into your room, into your grandpa’s old room,
and we can pretend Max is him” Stacy beamed, rubbing her
legs together.
Soaking wet, lightheaded, Molly smiled, almost staggered
by the revelation, and then by just how kinky Stacy was
at her age. All the fantasies she’d had of her
grandfather came flooding in at once, images of him
licking her, of her sucking his hugely hard cock, of Max
between her legs, pretending, made her quiver in the
forest breeze.
Molly grinned back at Stacy.
“Let’s take Max for a swim baby” mother and daughter
smiling knowingly into each other.
Stacy crawled forward, her eyes locked on the dick she called her own. Swooping in low like a stalking cat, she locked her mouth on the pliant member. The taste was exquisite. She had about half his shaft in her mouth, cradling it with her tongue. She could faintly feel the beating of his heart. She stayed that way several minutes, allowing her body to wind down a bit while gently nursing on her favorite toy.Minutes passed in silence. Betty was still flat on her back, breathing deeply but...
SwingersHelen turned out to be a slim woman of below average height with the thin features that could easily look severe but were likely to age well. And they had. Having left forty behind by several years, her deeply tanned features were a bit careworn. But her high, elegant eyebrows and strong cheekbones still lent an air of allure. Her hair was short, much like Stacy's, and pitch black. She was wearing no makeup and her lips were thin, displaying what appeared to be a forced smile.Everyone was...
SwingersVaguely, Stacy was aware of her husband and Betty exchanging a few words. Jared got up and went across the room for something. When he returned, he was tearing open a foil condom wrapper.Helen was still showering attention on Stacy's tits and playing with her cunt. Frank got between the young woman's legs with cock in hand, ready to give the nymph a good strong fuck. Helen held up a hand. "Now honey, I want you to fuck this little doll and I want you to make her cum. But, you are not to cum...
SwingersStacy Lancaster was working on her makeup when she heard her husband's cell phone ring. She didn't think anything of it. She was a bit preoccupied.Stacy usually didn't wear makeup. Even at work where she was an office manager she only wore a little lipstick and skipped that half the time. She had become reasonably proficient with blush and eye-shadow, occasionally using it in moderation for important business events.This evening, she was going for a different effect and had spent the last hour...
SwingersStacy Lancaster was working on her makeup when she heard her husband's cell phone ring. She didn't think anything of it. She was a bit preoccupied.Stacy usually didn't wear makeup. Even at work where she was an office manager she only wore a little lipstick and skipped that half the time. She had become reasonably proficient with blush and eye-shadow, occasionally using it in moderation for important business events.This evening, she was going for a different effect and had spent the last hour...
SwingersHelen pressed a hand against her sex as she lifted herself off Jared's softening member. Her inflamed labia were open so wide that her entire palm nestled between them. Cupping her sex as she stood, the hard-bodied older woman crossed the few feet to where Stacy lay sprawled. The pale younger woman's hand was jammed to the knuckles into her own cunt but seemed frozen there as Stacy stared at Helen. Specifically, she stared at the other woman's groin. Despite her best efforts, goo was...
SwingersAs Betty attacked her sex with both hands, the building wave of ecstasy within Stacy crashed down in climax. Stacy let herself wail and scream as her orgasm wracked her body. In truth, it wasn't actually one of her strongest climaxes but the swinger had been able to bring her off a lot faster than she would have believed possible.Jared too recognized the signs of what was for his wife a moderately powerful orgasm. She had a broad range, from pleasurable little sighs to earth-shattering...
SwingersAs Betty attacked her sex with both hands, the building wave of ecstasy within Stacy crashed down in climax. Stacy let herself wail and scream as her orgasm wracked her body. In truth, it wasn't actually one of her strongest climaxes but the swinger had been able to bring her off a lot faster than she would have believed possible.Jared too recognized the signs of what was for his wife a moderately powerful orgasm. She had a broad range, from pleasurable little sighs to earth-shattering...
SwingersHi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
Saturday morning, we lingered over our coffee as the kids got into their activities in the living room. No one needed chauffeuring that morning, which was good for us. Stacy was geared up with her questions for the weekend. I laughed at her thoughtfulness, and gave a gesture for her to start. Stacy said, "You sometimes travel for business, and your trips have been getting longer as you get more senior in your company. You used to do one overnight, but the number of nights you're away has...
"Mom, do you think that I will ever have a boyfriend?" Stacy asked Barb one night as they ate dinner."I'm sure the right guy is out there for you, honey. He just hasn't found you yet." Barb replied but at the same time secretly shared her daughter's fear."Well I sure wish he would hurry up!" Stacy replied.Stacy was on the verge of turning eighteen and in just a few months she would graduate from high school and then head off for college. Barb had watched as her only daughter had struggled with...
————————— Part 8: Practicing w/Stacy————————— I tried to bury myself in school and work in the weeks after the "pool party" at Stacy's house. I was working evenings during the week, and Saturdays too. But I found it hard to concentrate on anything since my mind was either filled with visions of those two young girls, naked and spread open for me, or worrying about the possibility of Stacy being pregnant. Studying for my classes was nearly impossible, and the only way I could sleep was...
Claire couldn't type another word. Sure, she had unlocked the office door at 6:30 a.m. to take advantage of the quiet and had decided to stay late to finish a client project. She could attribute her wayward mind to the fact that it was now dinnertime. The search engine optimization firm was doing well thanks in part to her efforts, and the CEO of the parent company had noticed her dedication. She had been hired on as a freelance writer and at age forty-two had finally taken a major step in her...
LesbianAs we scrambled to get dressed Jill gave me a worried look. The doorbell rang again and my phone was still ringing. Checking to see who it was I saw that it was cousin Ashley. Disregarding the phone I dressed as fast as possible as Jill had finished before me. She came up to me and gave me a kiss while also squeezing my bulge. “Jim wait here and I’ll deal with Stacy. If you want, wait here for ten minutes and then walk over to my house and I can let you know where things stand. It’ll...
Introduction: this story takes place in a gents public toilet Public toilet blowjobs This is the second story I have written about my wife stacy.she is 21 years old a natural blonde with shoulder lenth hair. A size 12 figure and is 5ft 7 in height. Stacy is a total nympho{hence the story headine}and will suck any cock she can get her lovely hands on she has blown roughly 500 different men of all ages,shapes,sizes and well as about 10 dogs and 2 horses.she doesnt have sex with...
It's a bright, beautiful weekend day, and Stacy the Asian pharmacist is on her way home after an early afternoon of playing tennis with a friend. She's changed out of her white tennis shirt and into a dark brown halter top, which shows off her slender shoulders and accentuates her little B-cup breasts. She still has on her white tennis skirt though, as she didn't have time to change fully, since she's in a rush to pick up her kids from day care. Her smooth slender-yet-shapely legs work...
I took a shower and spent a long time letting the hot water cascade soothingly over me, my mind racing with possibilities.My little sister had leant against my bedroom door while I finger-fucked her and had wrapped her girlfriend's damp panties around my cock, masturbating me until I came into them.Kimberly's panties.I hadn't a clue what to make of it.Cupping my hands beneath the spray, I slicked back my hair, rinsing off the suds. Right now I hardly needed to add another complication to my...
Jerry was stretched out on the sofa, Stacy was cradled in his arms as they watched the Red Sox taking it to the Yankee’s. While Stacy enjoyed the game, she didn’t have any team preferences. Jerry, on the other hand, was a life-long Bosox fan and eagerly looked forward to the Sox Yankee’s games. Stacy was rubbing his forearm, ‘I understand Maria stopped by yesterday.’ ‘Huh, yeah, you could say that’ thinking about his encounter on his desk top. ‘She told me’ Stacy smiled, knowing she had...
Stacy and I hadn’t seen each other in a while, I had been working extra shifts and for some reason Brendan had wanted to spend more time with her. We’d stayed in touch over text and the odd quick phone call but that was it. The winter was just setting in, the temperature had dropped and the evenings were getting darker. It was Friday and I’d been at work all day and had been looking forward to meeting with one of my friends for a few drinks. We had decided to go to one of the nicer bars in...
Straight SexTo Stacy's surprise, the stewardess greeting them at the plane's door--Lynda--is a customer at her pharmacy back home. Lynda is in her late thirties, about 5'7 with long dark hair, brown eyes, breasts that are easily 36-Bs and curves that make her the virtual poster girl for the "coffee, tea or me" jokes that still circulate airlines to this day. Lynda greets Stacy with a hug, and the young Vietnamese woman's nerve endings tingle at the light, friendly raking of Lynda's nails at the...
Introduction: the 3rd story about stacy .My sexy young slut wife stacy (PART 3) CAMERA CLUB If you have read my other 2 stories about stacy you will know she is a complete slut. Since sucking her first cock at the age of 17 until I write this story she has sucked off between 650 and 700 guys cocks. Stacy is 21 now and has an insatiable appetite for giving oral sex. She will suck of any man young or old black or white. she has also sucked of 12 dogs including our 2 rottweillers starsky and...
In the tiny foyer of their hotel room in San Diego, Stacy Lancaster used her husband. He was flat on his back on the floor. They were not making love; she was riding Jared's dick like it was her own personal toy.The smooth motions of Stacy's hips sped up. She lowered her upper body onto Jared, bowing her head beside his and resting her chin on his shoulder. Her sensitive nipples tickled along his chest. As she humped more forcefully along his shaft, her body pressed lower and lower. Soon, her...
Straight SexIn the tiny foyer of their hotel room in San Diego, Stacy Lancaster used her husband. He was flat on his back on the floor. They were not making love; she was riding Jared's dick like it was her own personal toy.The smooth motions of Stacy's hips sped up. She lowered her upper body onto Jared, bowing her head beside his and resting her chin on his shoulder. Her sensitive nipples tickled along his chest. As she humped more forcefully along his shaft, her body pressed lower and lower. Soon, her...
Straight SexIf you have read my other 2 stories about stacy you will know she is a complete slut. Since sucking her first cock at the age of 17 until I write this story she has sucked off between 650 and 700 guys cocks. Stacy is 21 now and has an insatiable appetite for giving oral sex. She will suck of any man young or old black or white. she has also sucked of 12 dogs including our 2 rottweillers starsky and hutch. She loves the taste of semen and will also do gangbangs and bukkake. She loves to...
I had no more than shut and locked the motel room door, when Stacy grabbed me and started to kiss me. As she forced her tongue into my mouth she was pushing me towards the bed and working on getting my pants undone. She pulled my shirt over my head and pushed me down onto the bed. She then reached down and began to pull my jeans off and with them came my underwear. I was completely naked and could see the lust in Stacy’s eyes. My cock stirred to life and she smiled as she pulled off her shirt...
Forty minutes after the phone call, my army buddies arrived with both Miranda and Emma in tow. We were soon all out by the pool in our swimming costumes. Miranda looked stunning in her tiny red bikini and Emma was elegant in her more modest black one."Hey Jack," Miranda said, taking her first plastic glass of beer from Mitch. "How old is Stacy now?"Stacy was a topic of conversation I would have preferred to have avoided around Emma. There was just something about her that made me uneasy; almost...
This is the 4th story I have posted about Stacy If you have read any of my other stories about her you will know she is a total oral nympho. If you would like to find out more about her then can I suggest you try my other stories. Now on to my story. Stacy and I had both booked a week of work together to do some stuff about the house like decorating and spring cleaning and as usual Stacy was her usual slutty self. She would parade about the house naked during the day and...
Introduction: my slutty wife sex adventures Hello readers , This is the 4th story I have posted about Stacy If you have read any of my other stories about her you will know she is a total oral nympho. If you would like to find out more about her then can I suggest you try my other stories. Now on to my story. Stacy and I had both booked a week of work together to do some stuff about the house like decorating and spring cleaning and as usual Stacy was her usual slutty self. She would...
Later that morning Stacy emerged from her room with a cheerful smile. “Good morning boys” She chimed. “Oops, I almost forgot…” She went back in her bedroom and returned with the bright blue strap-on penis in hand. I cringed at the sight of it. The devastation it inflicted on me the night before was still fresh in my mind. It was stained with my dry blood. Stacy proceeded into the kitchen, humming as she went. She turned on the water in the sink and I heard the rubber dick thump as she tossed...
After two years of flirty texts and phone calls Stacy and I had finally met up and had sex. She lived with her boyfriend but it seemed that the idea of no strings sex appealed to her. It was Friday afternoon and I was sitting outside a coffee shop enjoying the warm summer sun. Stacy and I had been flirting on and off all week since the last time we’d met up, spending all afternoon and all night naked at my house. My phone buzzed. It was a text from Stacy. Stacy: I’m horny!! Me: Really? ...
Straight SexIn her last year of college, Stacy took an internship with a pharmaceutical company in order to earn credits toward her degree. She was young and in love with her fiance, who was studying to be a doctor and had proposed to her only a few months before she accepted the internship position, and the future looked bright and amazing. Unknown to her, the small company she was interning with was almost on its last legs, supported mainly by its reputation for its long, friendly relationship with the...
Stacy’s body shuddered as her orgasm subsided. I looked up from where I lay between her slender legs, my mouth still covering her vagina, my tongue resting on her lips. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was shallow. I watched as her breasts moved with each breath. I wanted to take them in my mouth again but I knew that they would be sensitive so I settled for watching them as she lay there. I was still hard and had been since Stacy had climbed off me to answer a phone call from her...
Stacy’s body shuddered as her orgasm subsided. I looked up from where I lay between her slender legs, my mouth still covering her vagina, my tongue resting on her lips. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was shallow. I watched as her breasts moved with each breath. I wanted to take them in my mouth again but I knew that they would be sensitive so I settled for watching them as she lay there. I was still hard and had been since Stacy had climbed off me to answer a phone call from her...
Straight SexI had known Stacy for a while and she had been a great friend to me, we had messed around a bit and she had let me lick to an orgasm and then wank in front of her but we had never had full penetration.Stacy had asked if I wanted to go to a club dancing and having a few drinks, I said yes and hoped I could take her back home and fuck the shit out of her. When I arrived Stacy was ready, she looked stunning in a tight black dress and the highest heels I have ever seen, as she walked passed I...
My cousin Stacy settled into life around my house quite well. She helped with the house work and spent time catching up with her old friends. They had no idea of her new “job” and Stacy didn’t let them in on her secret lifestyle. I spent my nights with Stacy in my bed as we soon fell into a pattern of fucking and fondling for hours on end. The things that Stacy could do with her pussy and mouth should be taught to all new wives and willing girlfriends. She had a blow job method that is hard to...
IncestI spent my nights with Stacy in my bed as we soon fell into a pattern of fucking and fondling for hours on end. The things that Stacy could do with her pussy and mouth should be taught to all new wives and willing girlfriends. She had a blow job method that is hard to believe. She would swallow my cock all the way down her throat, then slid her tongue out and lick my balls. The first time she used that method on me, I blew my load instantly and did my best to drown her with the amount cum sent...
Introduction. The ways of the Official are many, varied, and often formal. That their methods and phrases – often arcane or even quaint to the modern ear – are accepted goes without saying. In dealing with an ‘Official’ you have to listen very carefully, often to long sentences and unfamiliar words that almost borders on ‘legalese’ or ‘jargon’. We seem to live in a world where ‘ticking the box’ and recording target achievements seems more important than doing the actual job. This story is...
It was mid-afternoon when the Lancasters hit the beach outside their little hotel. The sun was hot and high in the sky over the Pacific. Mission Beach stretched out before them. It was Thursday so it wasn't very crowded. There was the usual collection of sun worshipers and a few families with kids who were probably other vacationers.The couple paused at the retaining wall. Jared looked back and up at their hotel, picking out the second-floor window of their room. The recent and intense memory...
Straight SexIt was mid-afternoon when the Lancasters hit the beach outside their little hotel. The sun was hot and high in the sky over the Pacific. Mission Beach stretched out before them. It was Thursday so it wasn't very crowded. There was the usual collection of sun worshipers and a few families with kids who were probably other vacationers.The couple paused at the retaining wall. Jared looked back and up at their hotel, picking out the second-floor window of their room. The recent and intense memory...
Straight SexFor some reason I awoke early and felt so refreshed and full of life that I could not lie there any longer. I visited the bathroom and then could not resist poking my head around Stacy's door on my way back.I had expected her to be on the camp bed, as was usual whenever she had a friend sleepover, but she was not. She was in the single bed, her back to Kimberly and, despite just having turned eighteen, was every inch the image of a young girl.She had one arm thrown around her favourite teddy...
For some reason I awoke early and felt so refreshed and full of life that I could not lie there any longer. I visited the bathroom and then could not resist poking my head around Stacy's door on my way back.I had expected her to be on the camp bed, as was usual whenever she had a friend sleepover, but she was not. She was in the single bed, her back to Kimberly and, despite just having turned eighteen, was every inch the image of a young girl.She had one arm thrown around her favourite teddy...
The office bitch. The woman who didn?t know her place. Gary?s stoolie.Stacy had been called all manner of things. She didn?t care. She knew who held the power in this office. Contrary to the belief of all the other workers, Stacy had not slept with her boss. In fact, she had not slept with any man in over a year. She supposed this could be why she was referred to as ?the office bitch.? The title gave her some power, however, and she loved to wield it. She would often smart off to her...
Neil ran into Stacy at the end of the following week and she told him that the effects of her last treatment were finally starting to decline. That meant that the one-hour treatment he had given her lasted for approximately 8 days. Neil wrote this down in his notebook and smiled when he wrote the words "Her Treatment" the images of her bouncing up and down on his dick oblivious to what she was doing, flashed through his mind. "Well time to go home and have a beer." Neil said to the...
It wasn't something Jared would readily admit but he was in love. No, his love for his wife wasn't the secret; he loved Stacy deeply and would shout his devotion from the rooftops if given half a chance. His secret love was reserved for something else.He loved his new TV. They'd had it for months now and he still thought it was just awesome.The sixty-inch flat-panel almost didn't fit properly in their cozy little house. He was virtually infatuated with it. So infatuated, in fact, that he had...
HardcoreIt wasn't something Jared would readily admit but he was in love. No, his love for his wife wasn't the secret; he loved Stacy deeply and would shout his devotion from the rooftops if given half a chance. His secret love was reserved for something else.He loved his new TV. They'd had it for months now and he still thought it was just awesome.The sixty-inch flat-panel almost didn't fit properly in their cozy little house. He was virtually infatuated with it. So infatuated, in fact, that he had...
HardcoreStacy told me was catching a morning flight out and would meet me at the airport that evening. I got her flight number and made sure everything was set. Stacy is 25 years old, 5'3" tall and weighs all of 110 pounds soaking wet. When she was growing up in the neighborhood, I often wondered what kind of woman she would grow into. With her silky black hair, tight athletic body, “B” sized tits and her perfectly shaped hips, she reminded me of Alyssa Milano. I get in my car and make...
Our aunt Stacy was about thirty-five, single, and generally not much to look at. She stood five foot three, with a slender build but with a little bit of flab around her midsection. She had straight stringy brown hair that came about half way down her D-cup breasts. We’d not had much exposure to our aunt, and why she even agreed to take us in was beyond me; but there we were standing at the door of her tiny, run-down house. I knocked and moments later the door jerked open and we were...
My cousin Stacy is two years older than I. She will always have a special place in my heart because she was my first sexual experiences in my life. I am 47 now and I still think of days gone by, when I was 13 and sitting on the couch at my grandparents house next to Stacy. We were alone and had been tickling, and flirting when Stacy leaned in and kissed me on the lips. Stacy has full luscious lips. I was surprised and kind of froze. Then she leaned in again and this time plunged her tongue into...
Stacy was quiet as I drove through the gate. I knew she felt guilty about what we were doing and I was aware that she could, and probably would, end it at any time. I reached over and gently touched her leg. “Hey, you alright?” I asked. She looked over at me and smiled but I could see something was bothering her. “What’s wrong?” I enquired quietly; pretty sure I knew the answer. Stacy was quiet for a moment, then she spoke. “Do you think they’ll tell anyone? Do you think they’ll call the...
Straight SexIt was late, after classes, at a point when both of us were home. I waited about an hour or so – I don’t know what for, it just felt like waiting was somehow tasteful. When I decided it was the right time, I marched up to her room and knocked tenderly on the door. I heard some shuffling and then heard Molly clear her throat. “Come in.” she called out articulately. I opened the door and walked in. At her desk sat Molly, head slightly lowered, looking off towards the floor. “Hey.” I started...
It was hard to say how long the sex had lasted. An hour? Two? Neither of us showed any signs of stopping. Both of us knew by this point that Holly was my pit stop, my stress relief, my little pet. Even so, I liked to make sure she knew her place. “Whose ass is this?” I asked, releasing her left hip just long enough to give it a stinging slap as I kept drilling her from behind. “Yours, Daddy.” she moaned, rewarded with a confirming chuckle from me and a quickening to my pace. “That’s a good...
“Yeah. This is nice.” she replied politely with a small smile. “When you live so close to a place you kind of forget to check it out and play tourist from time to time.” “Yeah! This place is really cool. There’s a neat little ice cream place here too. I saw one last time I was here with D- with Diane.” I couldn’t let it slip that I was hanging out with Daisy behind Molly’s back – even if Molly eventually bought the supergenius story, me hanging out with her sister who was twelve at the time...
Mark I sat in the conference room at Darwin Architectural Group with Greg, Sean, and Elsa. They were all grinning. Sean explained, “You’re the first client to see this new system. It’s like the fly-through we showed you several times of the house on the large laptop, but this is like a hundred times more realistic. For one, it’s big screen TV, and then we added music given the kind of venue, and some of the avatars actually move around the screen giving the feel of a movie. We can create...
Well, ‘going with Molly.’ It didn’t really count as going with her, seeing as she had no idea I was there. One side of me knew that I couldn’t reveal myself. Even with the amount of time that had passed, I couldn’t just re-inject myself back into her life. But at the same time… I had to protect her. Yes, I could protect her from myself, but that didn’t mean there weren’t other things she needed protection from too. Probably most of those things co-existed together perfectly in the atmosphere...
Stacy is 25 years old, 5'3" tall and weighs all of 110 pounds soaking wet. When she was growing up in the neighborhood, I often wondered what kind of woman she would grow into. Her mother was a sexy tight bodied woman whose 5'5" well shaped 120 pound body had me lusting after her since the day she married my Cousin Paul. Stacy was a slightly smaller version of her mother with her shoulder length black hair, tight athletic body, 32C tits, slim shapely hips, and Jessica Biel ass, she...
100% fiction! Stacey laid in her bed staring at the blinking numbers on her alarm clock. According to the clock it was 1:42 in the morning, but Stacy knew that it was wrong. The power must have gone out for a bit while she was asleep because it was actually closer to 4 a.m. according to her wrist watch. Stacy sighed as she closed her eyes to try to force herself to sleep. It wasn't working. The ceiling fan was suddenly whirring too loudly, the room was too stuffy, and her mom's cat Whitney...
IncestNote : This sex story is completely fictional! I drive to the airport and wait for my beautiful cousin to arrive from California. After a long wait I see Stacy’s beautiful face and flowing black hair. After getting her bags, we head for the car and to my house in the country. I tell her how sorry I am about her boyfriend’s philandering, and tell Stacy we’ll have a good time and do our best to forget him and his wondering ways. Stacy is 25 years old, 5'3" tall and weighs all of 110 pounds...
IncestMolly: Making of a SlaveMolly was a very unfortunate young girl. Life had thrown many obstacles in her path at an early age. Attractiveness wasn’t one of her problems though, she didn’t look like a model by any means, but that’s not to say she wasn’t a beautiful young girl. She was really more cute, a cute beautiful. Molly stood 5’3? tall and had shoulder length red hair much befitting her Irish heritage. Her skin was a very light, interspersed with freckles, which only intensified her...