Jerry and Stacy
- 2 years ago
- 34
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Jerry was stretched out on the sofa, Stacy was cradled in his arms as they watched the Red Sox taking it to the Yankee’s. While Stacy enjoyed the game, she didn’t have any team preferences. Jerry, on the other hand, was a life-long Bosox fan and eagerly looked forward to the Sox Yankee’s games.
Stacy was rubbing his forearm, ‘I understand Maria stopped by yesterday.’
‘Huh, yeah, you could say that’ thinking about his encounter on his desk top.
‘She told me’ Stacy smiled, knowing she had set Jerry up.
‘You coulda told me or at least forewarned me’ he said. ‘I was scared shitless at first.’
‘What fun would that have been?’ laughing, envisioning his predicament. ‘But you screwed her anyways, didn’t you?’ knowing full well he did.
‘Well. What can I say? She was sitting on my desk totally exposed. And you did tell me to make her happy.’
‘Yes, I did’ Stacy smiled as she replied. ‘You know, she’s going to want more.’
Jerry was silent for a few seconds. He had gone from being single to being in love with a beautiful woman whom he cherished and he loved being in bed with. In addition, he was now expected to have sex with Stacy’s ‘aunt’. ‘I kinda figured’ was his only reply. ‘Dammit Poppy, that’s two strike outs in a row!’ Jerry yelled out as he watched the camera follow-up Ortiz back to the dugout for the second time.
‘Honey, it’s just a game’.
‘Not when it’s the Yankee’s it’s not’ he proclaimed.
Watching the TV, she rubbed his arm some more, ‘She’s important to me Jer.’
‘I know she is. It’s just weird, that’s all. She’s my boss. People don’t usually go around fucking their boss.’
Turning to face him, ‘No, they don’t.’ It was an unusual situation, she had to admit. Even she didn’t see this one coming. ‘I know that she enjoyed it. She said that she doesn’t want to mess things up between us, but she wouldn’t mind some more time with you. But I understand if you’re reluctant to.’ Sitting up a little, she placed her hand on the slight bulge in his trousers, ‘I don’t blame her really. I know that I can’t seem to get enough of this.’
‘Oh god, Stacy, you keep doing that…’
She simply smiled, feeling his penis respond to her touch. Rubbing the outside of his pants a little more, ‘Maybe we should play our own game, I think you have a good chance of scoring a home run’ Stacy smiled and she turned and looked at Jerry.
Seeing the desire in her eyes, Jerry picked up the remote and hit ‘record’. Any other game and he would have turned off the tube. This one he’d come back to.
Friday afternoon found Jerry deeply immersed in the details of the contract between Ambrose and their new Dallas customer. He didn’t hear Stacy come in until she was standing beside his desk. The aroma of her perfume wafted across his nose, causing him to finally look up. Breaking into a broad grin, ‘Hi there. I didn’t hear you come in.’
She sat on the corner of his desk with one leg dangling in front of him and the other still on the floor, ‘I know. I walked by several time and you never looked up. Are you almost done? You’ve have been so focused on this deal this last week that I sometimes think you’ve forgotten about me.’
Jerry looked at the leg swinging in front of him. She was wearing black nylons and he wondered if they were stockings or pantyhose. He quickly glanced at the door to see that it was closed. Looking up at her and placed a hand on the inside of her knee, ‘I know. I’m sorry. This is important to me and to the company. I just want to make sure it’s right.’
Moving her leg just a little to give him better access, ‘I know it is. It’s important to me as well. But I need some of you too. Look at you. You’ve been all tensed up all week long. We haven’t had sex since Sunday and I’m a lady in need.’
Moving his hand higher, he was able to determine that she was wearing stockings. ‘I know. I’ll make it up to you this weekend.’
Scooting a little more onto his desk, ‘Promise?’ She could feel his hand rub the outside of her panties. She missed the feel of his tongue there.
Jerry could feel his cock begin to stir, feeling the heat coming from her ‘I promise. We’ll go out to the lake tomorrow and stay naked all day.’
Stacy pulled his hand out from under her skirt and hopped off the desk. ‘Let me give you something that will help make sure you keep your promise.’
He had to scoot back just a little as she crawled under the desk between his knees and pulled down his zipper. Reaching in, she pulled out his erection and took it into her mouth. Fortunately the desk was an old style wooden desk where it touched the floor all the way around. Jerry looked at the door again and realized that it was not locked. Once again, they didn’t take the precaution that they should have. As she worked her mouth and tongue over his shaft, he sure as hell wasn’t going to stop her now. He just leaned back and closed his eyes as he felt her engulf him.
Her ministrations combined with the fact that he hadn’t been intimate with Stacy for nearly a week caused him to come close to orgasm in fairly short order, until there was a knock at the door. He quickly grabbed the sheets of paper on his desk, hoping it would give the impression that he was reading. Maria opened the door just enough to poke her head in. ‘Jerry, oh good, you’re working on the contract. Are you almost done?’
Jerry was too afraid to say a word and simply nodded that he was.
‘Good, don’t let me interrupt you. Bring it in to my office when you’re done and we can get it signed off.’ He nodded again as she stepped away closing the door behind her.
Jerry looked at the closed door relieved that Maria apparently was not concerned with his lack of speech. Just then, the door opened again and Maria’s head popped back around the corner, ‘Oh and tell Stacy when she’s done under your desk to come see me as well.’ Maria smiled and winked before leaving.
‘Oh god’ Jerry nearly choked with Maria’s parting comment but his attention was immediately drawn to the renewed vigor that Stacy was taking with his cock. He erupted into her mouth and felt like he was being drained.
Stuffing his drained penis back into his pants, Stacy crawled out from under the desk and stood up. Wiping the residual come from the corners of her mouth, she grinned ‘That was wild.’
‘Wild?’ Jerry exclaimed. ‘She knew you were giving me a blowjob!’ He was still shaken from having his boss know what was going on.
‘So?’ patting the center of his desk, ‘Seems to me that you had that same cock buried in her, right here’ she looked at him and smiled.
‘Shit’ was all he could mutter.
‘You’re funny.’ Stacy kissed him on the forehead and made her way to the door. Smoothing the front of her skirt, she told him ‘Finish up so we can get out of here. I want you naked and in my arms.’ Opening the door, ‘In the meantime, I’ll go see what Maria wants.’ With a smile and a wink, just like Maria did, she left, closing the door behind her.
Jerry looked at the closed door. He should feel exhilaration but instead, felt trepidation. What he did know is that it all seemed a little surreal to him. Returning to the contract at hand, he did what he could to get refocused. He was nearly done and he didn’t want to spend a lot more time on it.
Stacy poked her head into Maria’s office, ‘You wanted to see me?’
Maria had her back to the door thumbing through a file cabinet. Turning, she smiled at her visitor ‘Stacy! Please, come in.’
Stacy stepped into the office and closed the door behind her. Closing the cabinet drawer, Maria stepped up to Stacy and wrapped her arms around her and squeezed her tight. She gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as she pulled away, leaving her hands on Stacy’s arms. ‘Look at you. You look like a woman in love.’
Feeling the love in her heart for Jerry, Stacy beamed ‘Thanks Maria. I have been a
little happier lately.’
Motioning to a chair for Stacy, Maria sat down and crossed her legs, ‘Just a little?’ Maria smiled, knowing full well that Stacy was head over heels in love.
Smiling, ‘Well, maybe a little more’ she replied with a smile.
Maria looked at the woman sitting in front of her. She had become very close to Stacy over the years. She was closer to Stacy than any other person, save her sister. While Stacy was young enough to be her daughter, she often felt that the age difference was not as great.
‘He’s treating you well?’ Maria wanted to know.
Leaning forward and resting her elbows on her knees, Stacy smiled ear to ear, ‘Better than I ever expected. He’s kind, gentle, funny. He knows how to take care of me.’
Smiling, ‘Well I saw just a little bit ago that you certainly know how to take care of him.’
‘Yeah, he seemed a little tense lately. That and I wanted to give him something to think about for the weekend, if you know what I mean.’
‘Oh I do. I just wish I would have thought of it’ Maria responded, envisioning herself as the one easing his tension under the desk. ‘Maybe I’ll have to pay him a visit later’ she said with a smirk on her face.
‘Oh lord, he’d have a heart attack. He’s probably in his office still trying to recover from when you poked your head in a little bit ago. He’s still adjusting to the idea of having sex with his boss. But, I do know for a fact that he’s interested’ Stacy smiled.
‘How’s that?’ curious as to how she knows.
‘I just plain flat-out asked him, would you consider having sex with her if she wasn’t your boss?’
‘Really?’ rather surprised that Stacy would ask such a bold question.
‘Well, he looked at me and commented that he thought you are a sexy, good looking woman and they did find you desirable. So then I told him that if he felt so inclined when the opportunity offered itself, to please make you as happy as he has made me.’ Stacy assured Maria.
Maria put her finger to her lips and thought for a moment, ‘You sure you don’t mind?’
Moving her head to indicate no, ‘Maria, I am totally sure. He’s a wonderful and gentle lover. I want to share him with you.’
Thinking a little more, ‘Well, I don’t want to scare him off nor do I want to do anything to mess up what you two have. But I have to admit,’ breaking into a smile, ‘his cock sure felt good.’
Stacy thought for a moment and then broke into a smile, ‘Well, he has some property by a lake not far from here. We’re nude most of the time there.’ Thinking a little more, ‘Listen, we’re planning on going there tomorrow. How about I give you the directions and you come up, I don’t know, say in the afternoon tomorrow?’
With a nod of her head and a smile, ‘Okay. It’ll give me a chance to get away for a little while myself. I could use the break.’ She could feel herself become slightly aroused at the thought of spending Saturday with the two of them. It’s been a long time since someone truly has made love to her.
Stacy grabbed a piece of paper off the desk and wrote out the directions to the lake and handed it to her. ‘There. I can’t wait to see his face when you show up.’
Their conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door. Maria called out ‘Come in.’
The door opened and Jerry’s head poked through the gap in the door. ‘Hmm I’m not interrupting anything? Am I?’ Jerry looked at the two women who were both smiling at him. Not sure what was going on, he hesitated before stepping into the office.
‘No, not at all. Please come in and pull up a chair. We were just catching up’ Maria explained, looking at Stacy and then back to Jerry.
Sitting down, Jerry took another look at the two ladies. His gut told him that there was something else. But he was not going to pry. ‘Well, I’m done’ he said as he handed the contract to Maria. ‘Everything looks great. I don’t think it needs any more changes.’
Maria accepted the papers and quickly scanned them. Looking back at Jerry and then to Stacy, ‘Nice work you two.’ Displaying the contract, ‘This is a big step for us and I don’t think it would have ever happened without the effort you guys put in to this.’
Jerry looked at Stacy and then Maria, smiling ‘Thanks.’ Nodding to Stacy, ‘She deserves a lot of the credit. It was her materials that put the whole thing over the top.’
‘Well, you both deserve credit.’ Standing up to indicate that the meeting was over, she waited until the two love birds also stood up. ‘Now you two get out of here and enjoy the weekend. We start a new project on Monday.’
Maria whispered into Stacy’s ear as the two gave each other a parting hug, ‘You still want me there tomorrow?’
Stacy smiled and whispered back, ‘You bet your ass I do. I can’t wait to have him make love to you.’
‘Okay’ Maria responded. She could already feel herself become excited at the thought.
Stacy sat at the dining table with a glass of iced tea as she watched her love prepare dinner. He was preparing a sautéed dish with some fish that Jerry had picked up on the way home along with some greens for a salad topped with avocado slices. She tried to help, but he insisted that she just sit and relax.
The table was set with a small vase of her favorite flowers and a couple of candles. Jerry turned out the kitchen lights as he brought two plates out and set them on the table. Looking at her face lit by candlelight, ‘I hope you enjoy, hon. It’s not much, but it’s something that my mother taught me years ago.’
‘I’m sure it’ll be fine. Everything you’ve cooked for me so far has been delicious. I’m sure this will be too’ Stacy assured him. Seeing his smile through the candles, ‘I love you very much, you know.’
‘I’m glad, because I’m very much in love with you too.’ Picking up his glass of tea, he raised it to a toast, ‘To us.’
‘To us’ she replied, as she tapped her glass to his.
Dinner finished, Stacy insisted that he allow her to clean up. Jerry didn’t put up any objection. He had something he wanted to do while she was occupied.
With the last of the dishes in the dishwasher, Stacy turned to say something to him. But he was nowhere to be seen. ‘Jer?’ But there was no response.
The room darkened as she blew out the candles on the dining table. But it revealed a soft glow in the hallway. She slowly made her way down to where the light was coming from, ‘Jerry?’ She stepped into the doorway of the bedroom to see a number of candles lit surrounding the bed. The sheets had been pulled down and a bouquet of red roses sat in a vase on the nightstand. She put her hands to her mouth as she felt tears beginning to form. ‘Ohh’ was all that she said.
Jerry stepped from the bathroom wearing a robe, ‘I want you to know just how much I love you and how glad I am that you stepped into my life.’
Stacy started crying a little more as he approached her, her heart felt like it was going to burst out her chest. She stood still as his hands went to the sides of her face and he placed his lips on hers. Putting her arms around his neck, she returned the kiss with fervor and passion unlike she’s felt before.
She allowed him to lead her towards the bed where he looked at her, ‘I love you more than anything, Stacy. I don’t ever want to lose you.’
Smiling, tears still on her cheeks, ‘I love you too. And I don’t plan on letting you go.’
With a smile on his face, he slowly unbuttoned her top. Reaching up, he slid the garment off her shoulders. He reached around and unclasped her bra and also pulled that off of her. Leaning down, he gently wrapped his hands around her breasts as he took them into his mouth, gently nibbling on her nipples until they were firm and erect.
Kneeling in front of her, he looked up as he unzipped the side of her skirt and let it fall to the floor. She was still wearing the thigh high stockings she had on earlier in the day. Deciding to leave those on, he
grasped the waist band of her panties and pulled them down. He was greeted with the tantalizing aroma of her arousal. He could hear her quickly take in a breath of air as he reached in with his tongue and located the top of her slit.
Placing her hands on the back of his head, Stacy widened her stance so that his tongue would have better access. She felt herself quiver a little as it found the center of her sex. She let him explore a little more before she pulled him back to his feet. She looked at him as she found the knot in front of his robe. Untying it, he shrugged the robe off of him. Now equally as nude, his penis fully erect, he guided her to the bed and had her lay down.
He crawled onto the bed beside her and started gently kissing the sides of her face and neck, his hand caressing her breast and his fingers tracing circles around the buds of her nipples. Stacy closed her eyes and tilted her head back as the warmth began to build inside.
She started rubbing her hands through his hair as he made way down and kissed each of her breasts. Her legs widened a little further as she felt his hands caress the inside of her thighs.
Jerry moved down the bed a little so that he could run both hands up and down her legs. There was something about the look and feel of a woman’s legs wearing nylons. He gently applied pressure on the inside of her knees, causing her to spread a little wider. Her outer labia opened like a flower revealing the pink skin hidden beneath, already damp with moisture. Starting at her knees, he kissed the inside of her legs until he reached her sex. Gently pulling her lips apart, he reached in with his tongue and found her clitoris.
Her hands returned to the back of his head as the sensation of his tongue on her clit created waves of pleasure throughout her body. She could feel herself become more and more aroused, her juices flowing freer as he alternated between her nubbin and her vagina. She took in a breath of hair as she felt his fingers penetrate her and rubbing her most sensitive area just inside her entrance. With her clit between his teeth and his fingers massaging her, she felt her orgasm hit her. Raising her hips to his face, ‘Oh god. Jerrrry. Don’t stop, don’t stop.’
Jerry did all he could to keep his mouth in contact with her, his tongue on her clit, as her hips bounced up and down off the mattress. He felt his hands become covered in her come. It was only when she stopped and tried to squirm away that he stopped. His face covered in her juices, he raised his head to see her eyes closed and her chest rising and falling rapidly as she slowly came back down. He lightly kissed the insides of her thighs and the crease between her leg and her labia.
She finally opened her eyes and reached down with her hands, trying to pull him up to her. She kissed his come covered face, tasting herself. Smiling at him, she reached down and guided his erection to her opening.
With a small push, he started to enter her. He looked into her eyes as he continued to slide his penis inside until their pubic bones touched each other. Raising her knees, allowing him to sink a little further, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him again.
Wanting it to last as long as possible, Jerry slowly moved his cock in and out of her. The walls of her vagina gently massaged his erection with each stroke. He continued until he could feel his own orgasm reach the point of no return. Increasing his pace a little, he kissed her forehead, ‘I love you, Stacy. I love you so much.’
‘I love you too. Come for me honey. Come.’
Jerry could feel his semen surge through him and out the end of his penis. His strokes became shorter as he could feel spurts of his cum leave his body and enter hers. His heart racing and his breathing quicker, he lay on top of her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and locked her ankles behind his waist.
He opened his eyes to see her eyes had closed and a smile was on her face. Not wanting to crush her under his weight, he rolled on to his side, holding her so that his penis, soft as it was, would stay inside her for as long as possible.
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About three years ago I dated a girl named Stacy. Stacy was seventeen and I was twenty on our first date. I knew she was the girl of my dreams when I first saw her. She is what most people would call a big beautiful woman. 38dd hooters and big curvy hips, chubby face, sexy blue bedroom eyes, long straight, dirty blonde hair that she grew to her shoulder blades and it was great for pulling to arch her back when going doggy style on her. She kept her pussy trimmed but not bare and had that...
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Though it was a fairly short walk, it seemed to go on forever, and with each step Jerry took, his anxiety shot up several levels. To him, it felt like he was being led to the gallows. And even now, he foolishly wished he was; right now, death felt like a blessing compared to what he was about to be subjected to. Other prisoners watched as Jerry was led to his doom. Some of them had pitying, sympathetic looks on their faces, while others snickered behind their hands. Finally, they reached a...
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Gay MaleI can now say the best sex is ex sex. About three years ago I dated a girl named Stacy. Stacy was s*******n and I was twenty on our first date. I knew she was the girl of my dreams when I first saw her. She is what most people would call a big beautiful woman. 38dd hooters and big curvy hips, chubby face, sexy blue bedroom eyes, dirty blonde hair that she grew to her shoulder blades and it was great for pulling to arch her back when going doggy style. She kept her pussy trimmed but not...
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Sam sighed as he looked at the electrical tape pentagram on the carpet of his bedroom floor. The website that was oddly only viewable for a few moments around midnight had insisted this would work for summoning a demon and still allow you to get your rental security deposit back if you lived in an apartment. It was also recommended if you lived with your parents or just had nice carpet. If he was honest this was stupid and he was probably just to obsessed with an outlandish idea anyways. Still...
I suppose my interest in bra's began in my late teens, as I remember getting ready to go to bed and washing up. Mom just left the shower and I saw her white bra hanging out of the red wicker hamper and I picked it up. I don't know why her white silky and lacey bra turned me on but it did and that bra found its way into the back pocket of my jeans and the bulge covered by a flannel shirt ... When I thought of the times I saw a bit of moms boobs, well that only made romancing her bra a lot...
Thank you to LadyCibelle and Techsan for editing my story and making it a better read for all of us. * Chapter 1: Life hasn’t been the best. Dad and I were returning from our hunting trip. We had just bagged an eight point buck, and I did the actual shooting this time. It was nice walking through the woods with my dad. A chance to get back to nature after a rough couple of years. As dad pulled up at the general store I got out to check in the deer. Dad said he would wait in the truck....
It was only a 10-minute walk to the Doctor’s so I quickly showered and threw on a tee shirt and a pair of sports shorts and headed off.It was actually in a nice part of town in a leafy street, big houses and nice cars, I was honoured. I found the house and walked up the gravel drive to the front door, took a deep breath and knocked.The door was opened by a young girl in a white coat, about late teens quite pretty with blonde hair and brown eyes, “Hello” she said looking me up and down, “Are you...
I watched as Alice’s hand went up the back of her white coat with Andi responding by widening her legs as she took a deep intake of breath, her arse still dribbling a little cum which Alice must have felt as she pulled her hand out and licked her fingers, “Mmm” she sighed before putting her hand back up Andi’s coat.I stood there watching and felt my cock getting aroused as Alice widened her legs popping open the bottom two poppers of her coat, her little white panties came into view and the...
I thought a lot about Mia, she is so cute and ambitious and I offered to help her on the quiet free of charge as she was such a willing and enthusiastic student, I had her trust.I made sure she had my number and made sure she got home safe and boy, was I glad to hit the pillow, I was totally knackered.I would have loved to have slept for longer but the smell of coffee on my nightstand forced the issue, I opened my eyes and focused on my darling sister looking down at me, “Morning Bro, who’s...
I could hear lots off giggling and could feel someone pushing at my shoulder, “Are you alright mate?” came the concerned voice and I jolted awake to see the last of the people getting off the bus, I focused my eyes on the young face peering down at me.. “Are you ok mate?” she asked again and I tried to focus as to where I was, I had no idea apart from the fact I had fallen asleep on the bus.“Huh” I replied focusing on this young girl standing next to me, “This is the last stop mate, you need to...
Beverley’s words were comforting and made me feel wanted as to be honest she was all I have and although I wanted to experience life I didn’t want it to be at her expense. I put my hand on hers and squeezed it and we looked in each other’s eyes, “Thanks sis, love you” I said softly and bless her she put her head on my shoulder, “Love you too bro” she said and we kept our hands together on my thigh, it was nice.I didn’t stay up tonight as the beer had knocked me a bit so when Bev announced she...
Paddling StacyStory two of the Ms. Saba Spanking SeriesPOV work of FictionSo I just finished up a phone with the principal who just informed me that a student who just got kicked out of her science class was being sent to me for discipline. I quickly finished off my cup and tea and waited patiently for this naughty girl to arrive.Four minutes later my door opened and in she came. A tall teen with her blonde hair wrapped in a ponytail and dressed in a white blouse and orange plaid skirt....
“So did Tiff settle alright” I asked while I thought of ways she could repay me, Terri looked at me and smiled, “Yes, you must have worn her out” she said giggling and if nothing else was getting me hard listening to her sexy husky voice certainly was, “Is she ok sleeping with you then Terri?” I asked trying to dig a little deeper, her eyes widened giving me a warm smile, “Oh yes Jerry, she loves a cuddle and the affection” she answered and I could tell by the look in her eye exactly what she...
I walked across to the doctors office which was in fact in the basement and slowly and carefully went down to the front door and rang the bell, my jaw dropped when the door opened.Maybe I was expecting a pretty receptionist but I certainly wasn’t expecting an old man well into his 70’s dressed in a button up white coat and from what I could make out, not much else.“Hello, I’m Dr Goodwin, I am a doctor you know” he said very professionally while looking me up and down, “You must be Jerry” he...
I made my way downstairs and luckily my cock was semi at best; I still had no idea where my shirt was so went to find Mrs Roberts who wanted to see me before I left. I entered the lounge and could hear some music coming from out in the garden, I walked up to the open patio doors and OMG there was Mrs R laying on her belly on a sun lounger, my initial thought was she was naked however on closer inspection I could see the thin white string of her thong wedged between the cheeks of her sweet...
Peter could not believe his eyes as he traveled throughout the suicide sector slums the next day. Everywhere he turned, there was a female superhero he knew dressed like a 2$ whore or an old girlfriend on a street corner looking like a slut who was just begging for cock. He had been careful not to be seen by them but knew that by the time Starfire made her rounds, the whole female population of the slums would know he was there and what huge cockmeat he was packing. Seeing the actual...
I think Kay had led a sheltered life having to look after her elderly Grandpa which must have taken up a lot of her time, she was amazed at how I enjoyed sniffing her panties which told me that her Grandpa wasn’t into that and as she made his tea she encouraged me to do it more, OMG this was so horny.The old man was already flagging as Kay put his tea down, “He’ll be asleep soon Jerry” she said with a giggle, “Got time for another beer?” she asked as she watched me sniffing and licking her...
I don’t know why but I was a bit nervous as I got off the bus and walked up the street to Mrs Robert’s house. I was sweating in the heat and realised I was a little bit early but decided to go along anyway.As I approached the house which was in a leafy street in one of the better parts of town I noticed Mrs Roberts pottering around in her well kept front garden, she hadn’t noticed me standing by the front gate as she had her back to me so I stood quietly soaking up the atmosphere.From what I...
Roger explained that the room wasn’t ready yet so there was no rush in making a decision and he wouldn’t be advertising it which was a great relief as I didn’t want to make a quick decision especially as things were looking better with Bev, he was so kind and considerate even inviting me over any time I wanted any physio or just to hang out, for me it was a win/win situation.“How are the hips this morning son?” he asked as I was getting dressed and I had to compliment him on his expert...
Time had to move on and eventually she reached forward and with one hand she cupped my balls while the other wrapped around the shaft gently pulling the skin back exposing the swollen head which for some reason looked bigger as it glistened with precum.She gently squeezed my balls feeling every inch like she was counting my pubic hairs with her fingers while she just held on to the shaft with the other, “Mmm Jerry, your testicles feel so nice Jerry, no lumps” she said which was reassuring and...
I went up to shower before dinner and didn’t even think about shutting the bathroom door, why would I anyway as Bev was cooking plus it’s not that kind of household, privacy is not only hard to come by its also deemed unnecessary. I was happily soaping my body and as often happens was a bit over zealous in the nether regions but then my parents had always instilled in me to give that area a good clean, it’s something that has stayed with me all these years so it was no surprise that I ended up...
Mia was doing a great job and I wasn’t backwards at telling her, she loved the encouragement and was eager to know what was next.“Ok Mia, your doing great, now I want you to face me and bend down so I can check your shoulders and back, you can hold on to my hips for support” I said giving her then next set of instructions, “OK sir” she replied enthusiastically and spun around straight away noticing my shorts were halfway down my legs.“Oops sir, your shorts are down” she said with a giggle as...
It was a lovely evening so I decided to have a walk home to familiarise myself with the area as I didn’t know it too well. I took a shortcut through a small leafy park and found I was bursting to use the toilet and luckily tucked away in the corner I saw an old toilet block, happy days.I walked in and with only some old guy standing at the urinal I happily pulled my cock out the top of my shorts and let out a big sigh of relief as I emptied my bladder.I wasn’t paying much attention to the old...
I wasn’t sure if Lynn had ever seen a cock before but there was no mistaking I was aroused, “WOW Jerry” she sighed softly as she looked at my angled bulge, my shorts were a snug fit and I was only glad the button was holding out. Lynn giggled as she looked at the pulsing bulge, “Have you ever seen a penis before Lynn” I asked with a cheeky wink and she looked up at me taking another gulp of her beer.“It’s not something I am really interested in” she replied confirming her sexuality and I...
I had a feeling today was going to be a good day and after my morning routine with my dear sister which involved taking my daily pill I got an alert from Sophie that I had a booking come in from a lady called Alice who wanted me to look at some odd jobs for her. She gave me the heads up that when she booked me online she gave her age as 48 and occupation as school teacher, I just hoped she wasn’t one of my old teachers although I don’t remember an Alice, Sophie also remined me to take a...
So I am a nudist now eh! Well at least that solves the problem of what to wear for the interview process and as I hadn’t even got dressed from my shower I didn’t have too much preparation so I sent a quick reply.. “Hi Andi, yes can interview you this morning” and it was seconds before she replied, “See you soon x” which was an interesting use of the ‘x’, was it a sign of endearment for a job interview?I decided that it may not be appropriate to answer the door naked so I slipped...
“Come on Bev, lets do some girly shopping” Sam said which excited my sister, “Ella has homework to do” she continued which Ella accepted, “Can I help you with it?” I asked trying to break the ice and make her forget about her mummy going shopping without her, Ella smiled sweetly, “Hmm, yes please Jerry” she replied and I told her to call me Jez, “Thanks Jez” she said with a giggle as she sat on the sofa and got a couple of books out her bag, “I do love your shorts Jez” she said softly with a...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
She reached forward taking hold of my stiff shaft, her little fingers wrapping around it like a glove as she gently pulled the skin back giggling as the swollen head popped out of it’s cover, a little droplet of precum oozing out the tip. I lifted my legs up over the arms of the chair giving her better access and OMG when I felt the warmth of her lips as they enveloped my helmet shivers ran right through my body.She looked up at me as her tongue scooped the surface of my helmet and I felt the...
“That was something else, thank you Jerry” Lou said as she recovered her breath, I pulled myself off as my cock softened and helped the old lady to her feet, her dress falling back into place she left the room.I got myself dressed and gave Mia my phone number telling her to call me to arrange the fitness program.Lou returned with an envelope and gave me a hug, “Thank you very much Jerry” she said softly and I was simply happy to have helped.After a brief conversation it appeared that Mia didn’t...
“I can sort this out for you son” he said softly and I was so happy that a guy I had just met was happy to sort out some issues I have had for a while, “Really?” I asked and my head felt so relaxed right now.He spun me back around and told me so technical jargon about interlinking muscles which quite frankly went straight over my head, “A few exercises and gentle massage should make you right” he said smiling as I stood in front of him again, my only concern was my cock was bulging under my...
Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
I had just gotten off work and it had been a bad day so I stopped at Duke’s for a wind-down drink. I was halfway through my vodka tonic when she came in. She being my wife’s best friend Addison. I was in a back corner and it was a bit dark and I hoped the Addie wouldn’t see me sitting there. No such luck. She scanned the room like she was looking for someone in particular, spotted me and headed my way as I thought “Fuck! Just what I need right now.” She walked up to me and asked if I would...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
I must say Abi did look familiar and I think she recognised me from school, “I know you don’t I?” she asked as she moved to the edge of her seat and I could feel her eyes burning through me, my cock was starting to twitch under my shorts, “Did you go to St Mary’s?” she asked and I had to confess I did, she giggled..“Ah yes, I saw Emily Bradshaw giving you a blow job in the library” she quipped with a giggle, “Dead jealous I was” she said as her gaze seemed to land on my impending erection, I...