- 4 years ago
- 35
- 0
My interest in bra’s began when I was nineteen, I remember getting ready to go to bed and washing up. Mom just left the shower and I saw her white lacy bra hang out of the red wicker hamper and I picked it up. I don’t know why her white silky and lacy bra turned me on but it did and that bra found its way into the back pocket of my jeans and the bulge covered by a flannel shirt. When I thought of the times I saw a bit of moms boobs, well that only made romancing her bra a lot nicer. When I finished having my way with her bra it was balled up and stuffed as far back into my drawer as possible. Had I remembered mom distributes laundry on the Saturday of every week I would have stashed the bra in my closet.
Two weeks later on a Saturday morning I was working on a five horse power Go-kart engine when I hear, JERREEEEEE!. That was moms voice all right and I had a sneaking idea someone’s ass was going to be mowed. I got to my bedroom and sitting on my bed was mom with her white silky lacy bra across her lap.
‘Any idea how my bra got into your drawer and why it is damp … Jerry?’
‘Yeah mom I do.’ So I stood there not saying a word.
‘Well?’ I realized she also wanted me to explain why her bra was in my drawer.
‘Why is it so damp Jerry?’
‘I was holding it … Mom.’
‘I believe that Jerry, that you were holding it, as it would be so easy to wipe up the mess after you came into it … Right?’
Bob Dylan’s song, ‘My back pages.’ comes to mind as he speaks of crimson flames and I am telling you said flames were licking at my pride and my face was red.
‘Yes mom, you are right.’
‘It did not come to your mind that that was my bra, and you had no right to do what you did. How would you like it if I stole the magneto out of that go-kart engine? would you like it if I stole the magneto out of that go-kart engine? You should know you can’t start a gas engine without a spark. . . right?’
Damn, she knows about magneto’s, I was really surprised, I had no idea mom knew what a magneto was. Only one thing to do, say I am sorry and throw my self upon the mercy of the court.
‘Mom, I know you are really mad and that I am in serious trouble but I have to ask,’What do you know about magneto’s?’
‘You are right, you are in serious trouble, and I do know about magneto’s as your uncle Bill or my brother works on one and two cylinder engines. A magneto is a magnet that works with a coil of wire to make the spark for the spark plug.’
Mom was partly right but left out some details and I felt it was up to me to let her know I was really learning about the ‘Gas engines’ course I’m in.
‘Mom, what you say is true but actually the magneto has two coils of wire, a primary and secondary winding,’
I guess I was so into letting her know I knew how a magneto worked, I did not see or understand why she sat there with her eyes shooting sparks and her mouth wide open.
The primary winding which is made up of a few hundred turns of 22 gage wire and the secondary coil has like four thousand turns or a twenty to one ratio. And the primary winding is opened and closed through a cam switch called the points and as the flywheel magnets pass over the coil frame and the. . .
‘Shut up Jerry! I am not here to learn how a magneto works! Damn I don’t believe this!’
‘I mean you go and have your way with my bra and when I chew you out for it, you give me a lesson on magnetos?’
‘So what was it like Jerry, playing with my bra?’asked mom with a lot of vinegar to a small amount of honey
I guess mom realized her son found out a cock could give a guy some pleasures, and used with a silky lacy smooth white bra was a great thing to do. So I figured if I could go and visit uncle Bill I could learn even more.
‘Yes Jerry?’ she asked with a snap of high voltage in her voice.
‘Any chance I could go and visit uncle Bill, so I could learn more about engines?’
I think the question removed any anger and she seemed to think I knew exactly what I did, She probably figured, don’t make a big deal out of this, he likes woman’s things and he has a nice girlfriend.
‘Just leave my bra’s alone, o.k.?’
‘Sure mom.’
I was getting very good marks in high school and it looked like I would graduate with honors I had been dating Sarah, a nice girl two years older then me and we really got along quite nicely.
Her Mom is a large woman as is my mom, plenty of boob for sure. Well one day her mom had me over for Sunday dinner and when I went to wash up I saw what had to be her moms bra hanging over the shower curtain bar. Oh man, I saw a big bra, mauve in color, smooth and lacy.
When I thought of the times I had with my Moms bra, I snagged it. Right into my back pocket and my leather motorcycle vest covered the bulge.
After dinner we were on the sofa listening to Connie Frances and her mom walked into the living room. ‘Sarah, have you seen my bra? it was in the bathroom?’
‘I saw it there this morning.’
When I left Sarah’s home that evening I had a great time with that bra and her mom never got it back. I guess they figured where it went and considered me a pervert. I did not see Sarah again until graduation day and of course her mom was also there.
‘Hello Jerry, I see you made top honors too!’
‘Yes Mrs. Hingham, I did, thank you.’
‘Mom, I’ll be back in a few minutes.’ Said Sarah.
‘O.K. dear, So Jerry, have you been enjoying that smooth lacy mauve brassiere of mine?’
I guess she thought she would embarrass me by asking that but truth be known, I figured there was a good chance of that question coming up and I was ready for it.
‘Yes Mrs. Hingham I have and it just so happens I found out its worth over at Dillard’s and can pay you for it right now.’ So I pulled out two twenties and was surprised when she asked,
‘Why did you grab it, Jerry?’ thought it was Sarah’s?’
‘I did not know much about these but I knew it could not be hers, I guess when it comes right down to it, I found myself liking you a lot Mrs. H.
I guess I said it with real meaning as she believed it.
‘Jerry, what exactly were you thinking when you were uh, well, having a nice time with with my brassiere?’
‘To be very honest Mrs. H, I was thinking and wondering what happened to your husband and yes I was wondering how good a time a guy could have with your boobs.’
‘My husband drove a gas tanker truck which due to something wrong with a bonding wire, a spark was made and that was the end of the truck, my husband and part of a neighborhood.’
‘So you think my boobs could give a guy a good time, do you?’
‘Yes Mrs. H but what would really make the whole thing nice is to be in love with the woman whose boobs they are.’
‘Love is a beautiful emotion, Jerry and I am not angry about you taking the bra although I looked in vain for it.’
Mrs. H looked at me in a meaningful way, probably wondering if I could really understand love and maybe could she be interested in a young guy.
But I do have a few ideas. As I understand you are quite the guy when it comes to small engines, like lawnmower engines?’
‘Yes Mrs. H, I am.’
‘Well, I want to keep my place looking good and I tried to mow the lawn but could not get the mower running, think you could check it out? And if so, I will consider that bra as payment, if you get it running.
‘Sure Mrs. H. I will come over tomorrow.
I was there the next day and the mower was by the garage, so I would not have to bother Mrs. H. I found the magneto was no good and went to the public landfill to scrounge one from another mower and grabbed the points as well and in a few hours I had that mower running. I did her front lawn as well as trimming the grass around the front steps and her small flower garden.
Mrs. H. Was grateful, even pulling my h
ead into those awesome forty four D’s
‘Well Jerry, you are a great guy, what was wrong with the mower?’
The magneto was no good, no spark. So I went to the dump and got one from another engine, no cost at all.
‘Well that is good and you mowed the lawn as well as trimmed. I think you are entitled to a course in Boobs and bra’s 101. Follow me.
I willingly followed her to her bedroom and watched in amazement as she removed her house dress and bra, keeping on her slip panties and heels.
When she took off that bra, her two red hot nipples were erect and I looked at them with passion Mrs. H was up on the bed and patted a spot on the sheet motioning me to come on up, which I did.
‘Jerry, I know you know what nipples look like but did you know there is a way to make them extra sensitive?’
‘No I did not know that.’
‘Well grab my boob with two hands and squeeze hard.’
I did so.
‘See it getting redder and plumper?’ Mrs. H. asked.
‘Oh yes, very nice.’
‘Lick my boob, Jerry.’
So I grabbed her boob like Tarzan grabbing a vine and started to lick her boob and this was this was very nice .I licked long and slow or short and fast and Mrs. H. is starting to breathe a bit heavier as well as some little noises here and there which I knew were expressions of contentment.
‘Oh Jerry, that is so nice, how’d you know about the long slow, short fast licking thing?’
‘Gosh, I don’t know, I mean it’s not like I get to do this often.’
‘That could change, Jerry.’
She then gave me a feather and told me to tickle her other boob, which I did and I was pretty hard by now and Mrs. H. saw it and said,
‘Too bad you don’t have my bra with you, I could jerk you off into it.’ Said Mrs. H. with a smile.
I guess she just assumed I did not have it, but I did.
‘You would really do that for me?’ I asked, my voice filled with wonder.
‘Sure Jerry, you got my mower going and even mowed my front yard.’
I pulled out her brassier from my rear pocket. I had it in a plastic food bag.
‘Well, here it is.’ I said as it hung from my hand.
‘Well Jerry I can’t jerk you off with your pants on!’
I was out of my pants in a jiffy and back up on her bed. With my heart and mind full of lust.
‘Well, Mrs. H. I bet you did not know I would have that bra with me.’
‘What’s with being so formal, call me Alice.’
‘And it looks like I’m heading for wonderland!’
‘Cute.’ She said as she looked at me with a grin.
She grabbed a bottle of skin cream and put a bit on her hand and slowly jerked me off. It was so nice having an older lady fill my fantasies.
‘Let me see that bra Jerry.’
I gave it to her.
‘You have great taste in brassiere’s Jerry, that’s for sure.’
She said that as she slowly jerked my cock and she went faster and faster. Seeing I was close to getting off she was ready to let me cum into her lacy, satin, mauve bra. And then I came and she was still jerking it as I shot out a few good wads of the stuff. Alice made sure it went into the cup of the bra so she could lick it out. And she loved the stuff.
‘Well Jerry, I am sure you will love romancing my bra now.’ She said with a smile.
I had to get going as did Alice and I thanked her very much for what she had done for me.
‘No kiss?’ she asked in a slightly hurt way.
‘I did not want to be improper, Alice.’
‘It is o.k. Jerry, I like what we did, I know you did too.’
I thought I would be mowing her lawn and that things could or would happen, but I saw her mowing it herself and figured she did not want to get involved with me. It was probably just a nice time between us that was not meant to happen again. Ships passing in the night.
Five years later
I had found work here and there, the economy took a dump and people were being laid off by the hundreds. By the time I turned twenty six the economy turned on a dime and there were a lot more jobs out there.
I started looking for work and found a company the next town north who ran a good size shop fixing industrial type engines like Wisconsin two and four cylinder jobs for air compressors, generators, and pumps.
The shop employed three people two mechanics and a stockroom and parts lady named Daisy, she also helped customers who came in to buy parts or equipment.
There was something very fresh and spring like about Daisy. She had a personality that was quite charming and she was always in a jolly mood. Why she was not married was anyone’s guess.
I was making good money as I had a lot of experience but what I really liked was working on those big Wisconsin one and two cylinder air cooled engines.
Being around Daisy was great too as I really like her and would often buy her a coffee and muffin. Well half a year had gone by and we were getting along nicely. The two guys knew I was a good mechanic but they were a bit too cool so far as wanting me to join them at lunchtime. No problem. Daisy and I spent most of our lunch time together and we loved each others company.
One day Daisy asked me to get a medium size box from the stockroom as she did not want to fall off the ladder. I was up the ladder by six rungs and I could see down Daisy’s lovely cleavage and was quite impressed, Of course she noticed.
‘Like what you see, Jerry?’ asked Daisy.
‘Very much so, I think that the way you look has been providing me with plenty of fantasy material.’
Man, the smile Daisy had could guide ships through a heavy fog.
‘Oh, you are just saying that because you know I am fifty eight.’
‘How would I know that Daisy? Really, how could I know that?’
‘Ya know Dais, I have wondered, those two guys, are they married?
‘No… Why?’
‘Just seems they would be interested in you.’
‘No they could care less as long as I do my job, that’s all that matters.’
‘How about me taking you out to dinner Daisy, say the Olive Garden?’
‘Really, Jerry?’
‘Yes really, I am serious and I hope you don’t mind me saying I would so much like to see more of you when you’re not working.’
‘O.K. Jerry I like that idea a lot, of course I could have you over my place at times for Sunday dinner. She started to say more but the intercom buzzed her.
One of the men needed her to check for an engine part.
Daisy also wore a pair of half-glasses that fed my erotic fantasies. When she was not looking through them they hung from a fancy glass beaded neck chain across her ample bosoms.
She left them on the counter over by the computer. I just had to see if they were free of smudges or finger prints. How is she going to see anything through these?
I grabbed a clean hanky from my back pocket and I was looking through them to see if they were ready to be seen through, I did have the beaded chain sitting on the back of my neck.
‘Hi Jerry, having a hard time seeing up close are you?’
‘Not at all, I saw them here and wondered if they were clean enough to see through, I mean 3’s 5’s S’s and 8’s can look the same at times.
‘How do you know about that?’ asked Daisy.
‘My grandmother told me.’
‘Jerry, these are like new, what did you clean them with?’
‘Just a cotton hanky.
‘So Dais, Can I take you to the Olive Garden?’
‘Of course, lets get going, the two mechanics just left for lunch.’
We drove over in my pick-up truck, I was very courtly, I opened doors for Daisy and did not sit till she was seated, little things yet she noticed.
When we were at the Garden we talked for a bit about Daisy’s hobby, being piano and stringing beads. I had taken an exploratory course in music when I was in high school music when I was in High School and would have loved to take up piano and music but I needed something of a trade that would garner me a
good paycheck as compared to working at Crap Donald’s fast food skinny-ass burger joint, where you get the after taste halfway through the sandwich. Screw that, takes some brains to figure why an engine will start but not run at higher speeds.
‘Daisy, what kind of music do you really like?’
‘Classical.’ she answered.
Now it just so happened I love Classical, such as Chopin’s etude opus ten number three and his nocturne opus two number nine as well as Ludwig Beethoven’s ‘Moonlight sonata.
Daisy could not believe it.
‘Jerry, you are a lot deeper than I ever thought, I mean those are well known selections of classical music. You don’t play piano do you?’
‘I always wanted to Daisy, I had a chance in High School but I felt it more more important to get myself a good trade.’
‘That is very understandable, considering it would take some time, a long time really before you could start making a buck with it.’
‘What kind of piano do you have, Daisy.?’
‘A nice Baldwin model L, What do you know about music, so far as the mechanics of it?’
‘Well Daisy, I know there is a time signature which has to do with how many beats to the measure 4 four ‘s which is 4 quarter beats or two half notes or four groups of four sixteenth notes then there is harmony which is in the lower clef and backs up the melody.
Knowing how to read sheet music is very important. Being able to play the music as soon as you see it on the score sheet. And of course having a good idea of the keys, which have sharps and flats. C, E, G, and B is a C7 chord but if the B is flatted than it is a five7 chord in the key of F.
‘Jerry, that is great, how about me giving you some lessons, you know, see if you want to really get into this.’
‘That’s great Daisy, I have always liked that Chopin piece and I know there are simplified versions of it but some are too simplified and one has to really strain to get the gist of that piece.’
‘So Jerry, would you say my half-glasses are a fetish item for you?’
And I am thinking, does she really know I like the look of a woman in half-glasses and my fantasies about what she could do with them as well as her beaded eyeglass chain? I guess I better answer or the lack of an answer could be an answer.
‘What is a fetish, Dais?’
She was wearing her half-glasses, these were a brownish pair with a higher bridge with a pearl beads style eyeglass chain that had a small cut glass diamond between the pearls.
‘Well Jerry, some call it a lucky charm but mostly it is considered to be something that might be used with sex, that has erotic powers that get a person, usually a guy turned on or aroused sexually.
‘Daisy, I feel as though we have known each other longer than we have and that I could talk to you about anything, Actually I have tried your half-glasses a number of times when you would leave them by the computer and doing that made me feel rather nice in ways I don’t really understand.
‘Does your mom wear glasses or just for reading?’
‘Yes for reading, something like these but no beads and Daisy why is it that although you have your glasses on a beaded neck chain you leave them on the counter at times?’
‘You do notice things.’
‘I don’t like to wear them in the stockroom, if something falls from a shelf, it could get hung up on my glasses and break the chain, you do notice I keep them hanging when I am out of the stockroom though.’
So Jerry just what kind of feelings do you get when you sneak peaks through my half- glasses, and be truthful with me Jerry.’
‘Well I get a hard-on.’
‘Sit next to me Jerry,’ and she takes her beads and half-glasses and puts them on the table.
I sat next to her as she told me to.
‘Put on my half-glasses Jerry.’
I did so and was hard within minutes.
Daisy placed her hand under the table and felt my cock and ran her hand along its length.
‘Oh Jerry, this is quite the piston you have.’
I was rather surprised in a very nice way, and I got the idea things could happen.
‘I bet if I touched you down there with my half-glasses and beads as I wore my other pair of halves you’d cum in quarts.’
‘Would you actually do that for me Daisy?’
‘Sure as long as you would consider me to be your lady, I’d be happy to and I would wear them as I give you piano lessons. Did you ever do anything with your mom’s glasses?’
‘No, she only has one pair and is very strict about keeping them in her purse.’
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In continuation of my previous story, Years pass by, my brother shifted to Saudi Arabia for a job. A few years later, I also joined him and was working with him. My father passed away at a relatively early age, he was 52. My sister got married in our home country. My mom started living with us in Saudi Arabia for the most part of the year. She was just spending a couple of months back home with my sister each year. I was obviously spending more time with my mom. She was lonely as well and of...
Incest“Ned, get the camera where we can get Sam at the game.” It seems that most of time seeing my 15 year old daughter’s involvement in cheerleading has been viewed through the lens of out camcorder. She had been a middle school cheerleader and now has become a varsity high school cheerleader on a very prestigious competition cheer squad. The 12 girls are all very attractive and in exceptionally great physical condition. It seems like they work out more than the football players do that they cheer...
I come over to your house and we go though the things that need tobe fixed. We end up in your bedroom where we sit on the bed and talk about them. You lean back as you always do against the headboard andI sit at the foot of the bed. While talking I notice that you are sitting with your legs spread again. I can see the faint outside of your womanhood though your shorts. I also notice that your bra-lessnipples are semi swollen though the thin shirt you are wearing. I hope this is because you have...
Chapter 1 Labor status pending?’ What on earth is going on? Kimmi Riasco thought as she watched the evil red light blink on the computer screen in her cubicle. Labor status pending! What does that mean? Kimmi looked over her shoulder to make sure none of her co-workers were close enough to see what she was doing. Not that it would matter for very long she thought. Once something like this comes up on a labor status report there’s very little time before the shit hits the fan. Kimmi silently...
Let’s just say Rascal loves the water and the sexual desire it creates in her. When you add in beach and ocean waves, things can get really passionate and sensual. We started our family vacation at the beach in a nice beach house on the oceanfront. We settled in to relax and enjoy each other. After a few days of enjoying the sun, surf, and sand, we let the k**s watch a movie as we went to enjoy the stars, moon, and sound of the crashing waves. We set up our beach chairs in the sand with a nice...
Free Will by Tigger Copyright 1999, all rights reserved Doctor Reginald Danvers smiled as he watched his patient, Victoria Smith, walk out of his office. The unconscious little butt-wiggle that was sneaking its way into her natural movement was a sure sign that her therapy was taking hold at last. She'd be ready soon. Reginald smile grew as he considered that phase of her "treatment" and the payment he would collect upon its successful completion. From Victoria's husband. ...
Introduction: third installment in this series. Maybe more? Once again, this is fiction, it is a story. All characters are fake. This is just a story, I do not condone nor engage in these activities. Part three may be the last part to this story It has been nearly a month since myself and the girls arrived at our private island retreat. We have enjoyed every single day together. Amanda has been all over me, her sister and Julie ever since I switched her birth control pills with the...
101. Assphilia:- The desire to put your Toungue on an ass Image. 100. Pyrophilia:- The burning desire to have sex with a partner who is on fire. Tip: lighter fluid works well and doesn't smell as bad as petrol. 99.5. Pyrocoprophilia:- The desire to take a shit on your partner and set the shit on fire. 99. Cropohilia:- Liking for rumpy pumpy in a field of corn. 98. Frodorism:- Lusting after a small person's ring. 97. Dwarfism:- Dressing up in silly pointed hats and wanking over a sleeping person...
Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....I work at a nice resort in Lake Tahoe. It was just beginning to snow as I was driving to work. I was on call for the weekend. I'm the snow rescue guy. If you get trapped outside in the snow. Ski off a cliff and need to be rescued. Have to much to drink and hit a tree. They call me to rescue you. I've been skiing most of my life. I normally just pack a few items in a pack back to take while skiing. The forecast was for about 4-6 inches. I'm pretty sure for the...
The Prom Queen Part 1 There it was, the long floor length bronze coloured satin dress with the hip high slit on the left front. Beautifully trimmed in satin copper and black velvet. I could hardly believe they had another. It was a size 5 too, perfect. The sales lady came over to me, "Can I help you?" she asked. I wondered if she remembered me from four months ago. I want to buy this dress, and some black gloves too. She seemed to remember now, "Oh...
"Gwen," her mother nearly shouted after answering the door only to find her twenty two year old standing on the front stoop, "what are you doing here, I thought you were going to Paris with the rest of your college chums!?!" After giving her mom a big hug and kiss, she replied, "Well, I was going to go, but lately I've been having these feelings, if you know what I mean................" Virna Olson reached out and caressed her oldest daughter's cheek and whispered softly, "I think I know...
Group SexHi friends, ye meri pehli chudai story hai jisme mai apna experience share kar raha hu ki kaise maine apni maa ko choda.Mera nam aarya hai aur ye story 2 sal pehle ki hai jab mai 18 yrs ka tha aur tab mai apni 12th ki exam de chuka tha. Mere ghar mei mai papa maa aur bada bhai rehte hai..Holidays the isliye mai ghar par hi rehta tha din bhar. Ab mai jara apni maa ke bare mei batata hu.Meri maa ek school teacher hai aur unki figure bahut hi sexy hai.Unke boobs to mujhe bahut pasand hai.Unki size...
Dakota Rain said she had a surprise for us. We were totally hoping it was a glimpse at her outrageously massive tits, and it was! They were perfectly perky and had a wonderful curved appearance to them. She wasn’t just hired to show off her tits off though. She was also hired to show us how she fucks. She started by slowly lubing our studs cock with her mouth then slid it between her tits. Our boy was ready to penetrate that pussy now, so he moved his cock from her breasts to her twat and began...
xmoviesforyouHi All hope everyone had a great New Years Eve. My date Robert (a few stories posted about him) picked me up. I opened the door and he just said WOW you look amazing. I was wearing my new black lace trim party dress, black stockings with bows up along he seams, red high waist 6 strap garter belt, black lace panties, my new falsies under a black satin lace trim push-up bra, red heels (went well with the thick red leather belt around my waist.) Wore my shoulder length black wig that framed my...
Hi, I am Madhan here. First, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback on my last story about . Genuine Couples looking for real fun like Swap/Group/Orgy/Cuckold/Lesbian can approach me. I am a Bengalurean of 28 years of age, 6″ tall. Horny unsatisfied housewives and sexy young baby dolls can reach me on my hangout/mail and Telegram @msarsstr. Total anonymity and secrecy are guaranteed. This story will be narrated from the footsteps of Madhushree, the...
We meet, in an easy to find location late at night, I am already parked and waiting for you to arrive. You pull up next to me and see me sitting there through my car window, smoking, and secretly waiting to rock your world. I get out of my car, grab my purse and get in your vehicle. I’m wearing either a very short skirt with a tight t-shirt, a tight pair of booty shorts, or a one piece mini dress/chemise that really is only appropriate for pajamas or club wear, but I always dress skimpy! I have...
ExhibitionismChapter 1Patti Adams rolled over in bed. She blinked her eyes and squinted, the light from the window bright. She stretched, her lithe teenage body writhing erotically. She kicked the lightweight sheet from her naked body and enjoyed the warmth of the morning sun.Dropping her legs over the side of the bed, Patti stood, catching a glimpse of her shapely body in the mirror. A horny smile spread over her soft pouting lips.She padded to the window and peered out. Her pale blue eyes brightened as...
Daddy did something that totally surprised me. He brought home a potential girlfriend. Miku taught upper level Civil Engineering classes at the university. Her age was between daddy’s and mine. She was pretty and fluent in English. When they started sweet talking each other in Japanese, I wanted to be sick. After dinner, I took daddy in the bedroom and asked him what we were going to do, since I slept in his bed, and there wasn’t a guest room in our new apartment. Daddy said he didn’t know....
Linc Walker parked his hog in front of the run the down mobile home, flipped away his half burned cigarette, and entered the cluttered kitchen-living room area of the twenty five year old trailer!!! "Anybody here," he shouted into the silence, "hey, Linda, you home yet!?!" "Dumb cunt," he muttered to himself while opening up the refrigerator to grab beer, "if she was ever on time it'd be a fucking miracle," before taking a long drag from the long necked bottle!!! He was just about ready to...
IncestIt was one of those Sundays with nothing happening, but there was a dance recital at the local high school. I happen to like that sort of thing, so I went. The high school auditorium was terrible for that kind of presentation. The stage was too deep so from the side seats you couldn’t see half the action. The stage was too high so from the front seats you couldn’t see the dancers from the knees down. There was a big box-like structure in the middle of the seats, which I’d been told is the...
Gay MaleThis happened in February 2015 in Paris. I'm having to rely on my memory but it's still very vivid as we use it so often when we have sex to make us both cum so strongly. We were in Paris with friends and had done the usual Eiffel tour tour etc and had gone out for a few drinks after. The time was reaching midnight and our friends wanted to head back to the hotel. I persuaded them to stop on route at a nightclub I had heard about. I didn't tell them it was a Libertine Club as I wanted to just...
Jim sat cross-legged staring at Kathy's sleeping form. God, but she was a pretty woman, so mature, yet soft and firm. Not at all like his own mother who always had a hard look about her from all the make up she wore to cover up her age lines. Just looking at Art's wife was making his balls ache and his stubby young cock stiffen and jerk inside his pants. Especially the way she was lying now, since Mark and Robert and he had taken off all but her undergarments while she slumbered on. He...
At one time Gerald had a home. But when he left for college, his mother had sold the house he grew up in and Marian finished high school living in an apartment. That certainly wasn’t a home. As soon as Marian got out of school she got married and moved into a real house in Seattle. She didn’t consider the apartment a home. Gerald lived in an apartment while he was in college, shared with Brian. But neither of them considered the apartment home. “Home,” said an old adage, “is where the heart...
The night before: Jake had disappeared somewhere after a private little conversation with his wife, who was leading Alicia upstairs. "Where's Jake going to sleep?" Alicia wanted to know. "Don't worry about Jake," Béla said, non-commentally. "He'll be fine." They reached the top of the stairs and went right – the opposite direction from where the wild-looking, flaming young girl had appeared from and vanished into. A faint smell of scorched cotton came from that other...
Donny Gentile listened with his eyes closed to the splashing of his sister as she swam in the clear water of their family swiimming pool. Their parents were both off on an afternoon of flea market shopping, and they had the house to themselves. Jenny always demanded they take advantage of such oppotunities, and he would taunt her with other things he had to do, girls he wanted to visit, all the while as excited as she was. The pool was well protected by both a high fence and landscaping, so...
“Dude! I’m telling ya, that’s your mother! Look at her face not her tits, that’s her!” My friend and I were watching porn on my laptop, killing time and getting horny. We had watched dozens of teen girls giving blow jobs and getting long fat dicks stuffed into their tight hairless pussies. I had a seriously big erection jammed in my pants but like addicts we couldn’t get enough so I suggested we watch something different. My friend moved the mouse to the ‘Vintage’ category and we moved into...
I was thinking to myself one day while lying in bed. If men think with there dicks, what do women think with? I realize that not all girls have this nympho desire or nothing. But, you see, I know some who like to be bad, do bad things. Are we just that type? I was trying to come up with a story to write. A good one. Then what do I think about doing to someone. But noooo. I go start to the sex. It was like saying: heyyy, no waiting here! And hurry up I need some! Went to this chat room. And...
I had just taken my second serving; I was feeling really hungry after having a really tiring day along with the last night session. Naveen walked up to me and literally dragged me from the mess all the way to the room. I didn’t get a thing why he pulled me realizing that his roommate is in the room. We were standing outside the door and it seemed that Naveen was having some difficulty in putting the keys on the door lock. The moment we entered Naveen didn’t waste any time and pulled me in while...
To Really Know Someone: Chapter 3Drip.The sound is hollow as it echoes through the cave.Drip. Drip.But even as hollow as it is, it's enough to wake her from her sleeep with the hazy pain that follows it.Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.Her eyes open to the near pitch-black darkness of her surroundings and the shadows of the flickering lights don't do much to help her blurry vision despite her slayer senses when she tries to focus. Figures seem to form in the shadows and as they group together she starts...
The final loading for the trip came on Sunday morning, and once again there were extra hands there to help with it; some would ride up to the river to help with the rigging and come back after dark. Karin was one of them, of course, but so were Bill and Michelle. It was a busy morning, a three ring-circus, and Scooter had to ride herd on everything. She'd done pieces of it before, but now it was in her lap. She thought about the story of Josh leaving for Alaska without the dogsleds again....
Saturday and Some Interesting Times with the Boys We arrived home around noon on Saturday as planned. I greeted each of the parents and told them how much we enjoyed having them and hoped the boys enjoyed it as much as we did. We gave very maternal looking hugs to each of the boys just before they got in their parent’s car for their ride home. I said goodbye to Patty and thanked her for stepping in at the last minute to be a chaperone. All the time trying to act like we had a normal week at...
This is the continuation of my previous episode about their trip to Ooty. In this part she transforms into a whore and will be detailing the events that lead her to fuck a stranger. CHEATER MOM. [email protected]
AffairThe Pencil Never Lies Chapter 1 The young couple were sitting on opposite sides of a small round table in the college's student union bar, having a midweek drink to celebrate being closer to the following weekend than the previous one. The room was smoky and the old, ripped vinyl of the seat cushions always remained sticky, regardless of how often the steward ran a damp cloth over them. The only attractions for the students of the college were the cheap...
However, I was starting to get tired of this and it was making me incredibly horny so I decided when they were home for the summer the next week I would kick things up a bit. That first week they were home for the summer, I decided to move things along. I had asked them to go run an errand for me. I purposely hid my car keys so they would have to come find me before they left. It was a very nice summer afternoon; I changed out of my clothes and put on a very skimpy thong bikini. My sons came...