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Free Will by Tigger Copyright 1999, all rights reserved Doctor Reginald Danvers smiled as he watched his patient, Victoria Smith, walk out of his office. The unconscious little butt-wiggle that was sneaking its way into her natural movement was a sure sign that her therapy was taking hold at last. She'd be ready soon. Reginald smile grew as he considered that phase of her "treatment" and the payment he would collect upon its successful completion. From Victoria's husband. Victoria thought she had come here to deal with stress-related headaches. In point of fact, the headaches were from a mild herbal preparation Reginald had sold to Victoria's husband. The real purpose of Victoria's treatment was to "cure" her of what her husband considered to be her rather archaic, prudish view of sex. "She's got a great ass, Doc," the rugged construction CEO had complained to Reginald in their initial interview, "but she freezes up when I so much as pat her on the butt." And what Mr. Smith had in mind went well beyond mere pats. During their first meeting, Reginald had offered Victoria a glass of iced tea to break the ice, to help them "connect as people before we have to worry about being therapist and patient." The carefully formulated concoction soon had Victoria dozing in a highly suggestable state - precisely where the very talented hypno-therapist wanted her. A few more sessions and Mr Smith would have his lovely wife precisely where he wanted her. Reginald would have her, too, since he always left a "back-door" in his programming of his patients - a term that was particularly appropriate for the modifications he was making to Victoria's mindset. Reginald would have his very own "back-door" to Victoria's very own back-door. "Doctor?" his receptionist's voice called, made slightly tinny by the electronic intercom. "Your three-thirty appointment is here." The interruption to his salacious day-dreaming was as unexpected as it was unwelcome. *Now she damn-well knows that I never have appointments after three o'clock and that there is nothing on my calendar for today. She updates the schedule herself every morning.* Angrily, he rose and walked to the door of his office. A woman sat in the reception area. She was dressed in an obviously expensive, severely cut, black business suit of coat and skirt. Reginald sized her up quickly. She was rather tall for a woman. *Handsome woman.* he thought appreciatively. *Might as well find out what this is all about.* "How do you do. .. " he said, letting the name drop obviously. "Mrs. Charlene Davis, Doctor Danvers," the woman answered in a softly inflected voice that sent tingle down Danvers' spine. "My husband said you are well known for treating stress. He made me this appointment for me." Suddenly, Danvers remembered. Her husband was tired of having her at the gym instead of keeping his home and waiting on him. Evidently, she'd been much more shapely before she'd started competitive body building. Well, that would be relatively easy to fix. *Wonder how what it is like to go to bed with a woman built like this. Guess I will find out before her treatment is complete." "Please, come into my office and let's get acquainted." He turned to his receptionist. "Gina, some iced tea would be nice, please." "Of course, Doctor," she cooed. Gina had been one of his first conquests when he'd opened this practice. Over time, he'd strengthened her blind devotion to him by means of weekly hypnotic sessions. It may be theoretically true that a person won't do something against their basic nature under hypnosis, but that wasn't Reginald's experience. He'd learned that it was possible, given enough time with a subject, to gradually step around those barriers to his will, and to adjust a subject's basic belief structures. This usually required many hypnotic sessions, but it did work, as it had with Gina who now saw nothing wrong, morally or otherwise, with helping Reginald in his "treatments". Reginald made the usual small talk as they sipped their drinks while he waited for the woman's eyes to become heavy and her head to loll. He glanced at the clock several times, becoming more concerned each time. *She should have been deeply under by now. Maybe she needed a stronger dose? She certainly is bigger than any woman I have ever treated before.* A strange smile crossed Charlene's face just then and a cold chill ran down Reginald's back. "I won't be going under, Doctor," she said in a very different voice. "Your cute little receptionist conveniently forgot to add your little date-rape drug to my tea." Reginald tried to open his mouth to deny, but found that he couldn't. In fact, he couldn't move anything. He was literally frozen in his seat, barely able to blink his eyelids. The woman stood and looked down at him. "Not much fun to have your free will stripped from you, is it? Well, it is going to be worse for you than it is for your so-called patients, Reggie, because *you* are going to be completely aware what's happened to you." The chill came back and Reginald found that he could move his head again. Tentatively, he tried to speak and found that he could, albeit at very low volumes. "What. . what have you done to me. Did you get Gina to drug me instead of you?" "I don't need drugs, Doctor Danvers," the woman smiled. "All I need is the power of my own brain. I can control minds, Doctor, and I have put a temporary block on your voluntary muscle controls so we can have a nice little talk." "I. . I don't understand. . " "Oh, you understand enough for the moment and you will understand even more as we go along." Charlene said as she began to unbutton her suit coat. "As I said, like you I am something of a mind controller, which is why you and your receptionist both "agreed" I was a new patient, even though neither of you had ever heard of me before I showed up in your reception area. However, unlike you, I consider myself to be an *ethical* mentalist. I use my powers to help others, or at least, in ways that don't diminish them. You, my friend, don't seem to care what damage you do. Well, all that *ends* right here, right now!" "I've never hurt anyone!" he retorted as indignantly as his whisper-soft voice would permit. "Oh, really?" Charlene's voice became harder, less feminine, as she tossed away the jacket and began working on her blouse. "What about that young woman who just left here?" "She was sexually repressed! I am helping her get past her inhibitions so that she can more fully enjoy her husband's lovemaking." Reginald countered, his eyes wide at the unusual strip tease the woman was performing in his office. "Ri-ight," she retorted with icy sarcasm, "You've effectively taken away her free choice at her *husband's request*, not hers and let's not forget about that cute little code word you've planted so that you could reap the benefits of her new . . . openness?" The blouse fell away to reveal a black lace bra filled with "FALSIES??" Reginald all but squealed. "You're a guy?" he asked in disbelief. The wig and skirt followed before the figure continued. "You only treat women. I needed to get close enough to you, in private, so that we could have this little discussion." He began to pick up the discarded clothing, folding them neatly over the vacated chair and then opened the large attache he'd carried in. He removed a running suit and a pair of sneakers. "I am good, but I do need some proximity to work my little whammy, and besides, part of your punishment is to know what is happening to you and why." "Why?" Reginald repeated. "Why are you doing this to me?" "Because you piss me off, perhaps? Oh, do call me Charles, by the way." his tormenter responded in a discordantly pleasant voice. "Remember Jennifer Dean, Doctor?" That brought him up short. *Jennifer Dean? Who the hell was he talking about? . . .oh, yeah. . * Reginald recalled, *the little redhead with the nail-biting habit and the poor self image. . .* "That's her." Charles said softly without needing to hear Danvers' thoughts aloud. "You sought to "improve" her self image by turning her into a constantly horny, roundheeled little sexpot so you could have easy use her body. Unfortunately, she went beyond that and became a slut who, in momentary flashes of recall, came to hate herself for that behavior. I found her ready to commit suicide. Fortunately, I was able to undo most of the damage you did to that girl. She's now one of mine, by the way. Once I healed her, it was an easy matter to probe her mind and find out the source of her mental injuries. I've spent the past couple of months watching your little operation and I have seen what you do to the women who come to you for HELP!" the last word came out on a snarl of raw fury. Raw fear burned through Danvers. "What. . what are you going to do. . . kill me? Or turn me into some kind of slave?" Charles paused in pulling on the running suit and gave Richard a quietly amused look. "You weren't listening, Reggie. Killing you won't help Jennifer and making you into a mindless slave would certainly diminish you. No, that is not what I have planned for you at all, especially since you are a very talented practitioner who might actually help some folks if you got yourself turned around." The now familiar cold chill ran down Reginald's spine again, which he recognized as a physical manifestation of Charles' power at work on him. "What. . .what have you done to me?" he asked fearfully. Charles finished up lacing up his shoes and stood up. "Three things, actually," he said cheerfully. "Nothing too bad, really, considering what you did to Jennifer and what you have been doing to the other women who came here for help and are betrayed by you and the men who pay you. First of all, you can't tell anyone what has happened to you. From this point on, you are mentally incapable of communicating in any way what has I've done to you except when you are with me. Then, a frighteningly wicked grin lit Charles' face. "Tell me, Reggie, are you familiar with the concept of yin and yang?" "The male and female balance of the universe?" Danvers answered, surprised at the change of topic. "That type of thing?" "Yep. Well, I have just made a pretty massive reorientation of your personal mental yin and yang. You are now squarely inclined toward the feminine side of the balance. Unless you fight those inclinations strongly, well, I suspect that if I were to return here in a year or so, the doorplate outside your office will read "Doctor Regina Danvers" instead of Doctor Reginald Danvers." "You've brainwashed me into turning myself into a woman?" the silenced scream sounded almost pleasantly feminine in Reginald's ears. "You weren't listening, Reggie. Forcing that change on you would be diminishing. What you do with your life from now on will be your own choice. That is the beauty of my vengeance for Jennifer. You still have free will and you will know, if no one else ever will, what I have done to you." "I am still able to keep my own mind? I don't understand." "Oh, but you will, my friend. You will understand very well indeed in very short order. You can fight the urges to dress in a feminine manner, to ogle cute guys or to assume the mannerisms and behaviors of a modern society woman. It will be very hard because you will be resisting what is now your basic nature, but who knows, you might be able to do it. If it is important enough to you. Still, you being a trained psychologist, well, you'd be aware of the downside of fighting yourself that way. Still, it is your free choice." "Oh god," Reginald sobbed, tears beginning to stream down his face before he realized what he was doing. Resolutely, he fought the tears that seemed to come from nowhere. It worked! *I can fight this.* he told himself mentally. "I said you would be able to fight the compulsions, Reggie, and I don't lie," Charles chided. "But there will be times when your guard won't be up. You'll get up in the morning and look for your bra, or worry if you should go on a diet because your hips are a bit too wide. You'll smile flirtingly at some hunk you see in an elevator or sigh over a particularly cute outfit you see in a storefront window. You might even find yourself watching children on a playground and dreaming of being a mother yourself some day. You will be able to catch yourself, but you won't be able to keep up that kind of mental effort 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Unless I miss my guess, sooner or later you will just get tired and give in. Once that happens, you will probably be in a hospital operating room undergoing SRS within a year." Charles paused meaningfully. "But you will never forget why you are acting this way, and a part of you will always know that it is wrong." Reginald swallowed hard, trying to get past the fear clogging his throat. "You. . .you said there were three things. . ..?" Charles chuckled. "Well, the third thing is really two things. First, anytime you try to play your old game with a patient again? Something exactly the opposite will happen." "You mean, a woman who is denying her husband will become even less responsive in bed?" Reginald sounded horrified at that notion. "Not quite. Let's take that lady you just finished with. She is going to have that anal fixation you tried to give her, but with a little twist. I suspect she will be making a short detour on her way home, stopping at an adult toy store. Moreover, it will her scheming hubby who will be squealing and squirming on the receiving end of his newly dominant wife's strapon tonight. That was part of her real problem anyway - she wanted to be the boss in bed. Oh, and I wouldn't activate that back door code word of yours on her, Reggie. . .unless you decide you *want* to try taking it like a girl. I think Vicky would be more than happy to accommodate you." *Oh, God,* Reginald thought, *I am going to get killed by some of these guys. Can it get any worse?* "You said there were two parts to the last thing you did to me?" "Yes, I did, didn't I?" Charles' eyes twinkled merrily. "Well, if you really do try to help your patients, you will find a new empathy with them - a side benefit of your own feminine inclinations. I suspect that, if you are a good little boy or girl, however you may choose, you will be a very successful and sought after therapist in the coming months." Reginald considered that and shook his head. "What about my old patients? What about them?" "Oh, they will still be satisfied with the results of your . . .treatments, but the nastier the trick played on the woman, the nastier the new reality will be for man who paid you. Tit for tat. The guy who wanted the woman to have an oral fixation will suddenly be addicted to cunnilingus. The woman who became a masochist is now a sadist with her hubby on the receiving end. Only this time, the compulsions will wear off, once the hubby has gotten a taste of what he put his wife through. Then, how they live will be up to their free choice, too." "God, you are so damned high and mighty," Reginald retorted caustically, his fear giving way to anger and humiliation. "You say you refuse to diminish others with your powers. What do you call what you've done to me?" "What makes you think that being feminine diminishes you? It's a perfectly respectable set of attitudes. Certainly, my little gift of empathy does nothing to reduce your effectiveness as a therapist or your worth as a human being. If anything, you have been diminishing yourself all these years with your vile practice. But not anymore. *THAT* I have taken care of for you." Charles chuckled at the still immobile Doctor and then continued, "So, I must be on my way, Reggie. Your life is back in your hands - complete freedom of will to handle your compulsions as you see fit." Charles walked over to the door and opened it. "A word of advice, Reggie? You will probably be happier in the long run if you just give in and let your new nature happen so you can get on with your life. Perhaps when you come to respect the femininity within yourself, you might not feel so compulsive toward it. I suspect you will have to learn that the hard way, but I thought I would pass that on to you, anyway. Oh, and you'll be able to move again in about ten seconds." Reginald watched the door close and silently counted to ten. Miraculously, he found he once again could move. Slowly, he stood up and then straightened his tie. "What a load of fertilizer." he said to himself, forcing out a laugh as his fist clinched and unclinched on the back of the chair Charles had used when he'd first arrived. "Yin and Yang. What garbage." Only then did he realize that he was unconsciously stroking the soft, sleek silk of the blouse Charles had discarded, with a small contemplative smile on his sadly unmade-up mouth. And jumped back in absolute horror at the sudden, vivid mental picture of himself, happily modeling that very garment for a wickedly smiling and oddly outfitted Victoria Smith. The End

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An Act of Goodwill

An Act of Goodwill by Jessica Viblis. Chapter 1: Clearing My Head To be honest, this all started because I had that dream again. The dream that starts with my wife and I leaving the hospital with our newborn daughter, Rachel and ends with me on the ground, shielding Rachel from the gunfire. I always look to my left, just as I did on the horrible day, and I always see my lovely wife Sarah on the ground near me. Her eyes become glassy as her life bleeds out from the hole in her head....

4 years ago
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William had a lot on his mind. First, there was football. Their season opener was in a week and training camp was going full speed. College football was taken seriously in this city and their team was favored to win their division. There was a lot of pressure riding on his performance. Second, classes were beginning. He was a senior poised to graduate hopefully with honors. He wanted to study law and it was important to do well in his classes and when he took his LSATs. ...

2 years ago
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The Neiborliness of Andrea Williams

PART ONE Andrea Williams was ecstatic. The phone call told her that the part-time job was hers. Just what she wanted. Nine to three, five days a week. She could get her kids off to school by 7:30, jog for half an hour, shower, dress for the job, and be home by the time the kids came home from school at 3:30. Her son, Jeremy, was in the second grade, and now that her youngest child, daughter Megan, had started first grade, Andrea at last had the time she dreamed of to get out of the...

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Fellation Desires Episode One The Fellation of Dewayne Williams

My name is Dewayne Williams. I'm the 37 year old Vice President of Operations for Quik Connect Media Group Southeast Region here in Marcustown Georgia. I am married with no children. For the eight years Rose and I have been married I've never cheated on her, at least not until now. You see, I am now a firm believer that every man has his own personal vice that can greatly weaken his resolve to the point where he would compromise things that he ought not compromise. No one is exempt. No one! My...

Oral Sex
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True tales of submission and crossdressing Chapter Two William

Introduction ------------ Following on from my first instalment, here is another true story. As before, I have tried to remember events as accurately as I can, but of course all speech is paraphrased. I hope there are people out there who enjoy reading this, and perhaps it will inspire people to go ahead and indulge their fantasies. Whatever your kink, there's probably someone out there who will be into it too, and it's not a crime to enjoy life! Curiosity... ------------ So...

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Port William

Note. I have had this kicking round on my computer for a while and have never felt happy with it but I cannot really get motivated to do anything else with the idea. So if anyone fancies writing something else in the Port William world please help your self, just mention that I invented the world and I'll be happy. Port William. By Trish. When I mentioned that I was stuck for somewhere to spend the seven weeks leave I had between contracts a work mate recommended Port...

1 year ago
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Carefree Cove Ch 07

It was a quiet evening at the Q and A Bar amd Grill in Seville Hills, MO. Thomas Albright sat with two of his friends, Petey Harms and Freddy Kleinschmidt, nursing beer. The hour was just past 8:00. Tom was a relatively young man at 51 compared to his two friends, who were grizzled old men in their 70s. The old men was on furlough from their wives of many years, Tom was a fugitive from his home at Carefree Cove, trying not to think where his lover of the past few days, Michelle Hawkins, might...

3 years ago
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My Funhaus Summer Internship Breeding Elyse Willem

So starts another busy day at the Funhaus office in Los Angeles - although it turned out to be no average day at all.I’m on a summer internship as a video editor for the YouTube channel. As well as editing the videos the channel makes, I’m also in charge of helping post stuff onto the channel’s social media accounts.The stuff that gets the most views and likes on the socials are pictures of Elyse Willems. So I’m sitting on the couch sorting through spreadsheets and files, just away from the...

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My Little Sister and my Willy

Part 1: Innocent Curiosity.Being two years older than my little sister my “seniority” compelled me to protect her at all times. So much so that I would often let her have my favourite chocolate or biscuit when there was only one left. I was her hero. Even my parents acknowledged that. She watched me like a hawk. She knew more about me than my parents or closest friends did, especially if it involved my ‘willy’.She loved my ‘willy’ and I loved my little sister!As kids we got on so well together....

2 years ago
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Every Vote Matters Featuring Hayley Williams

If you're under 18, do not read this story. F/M, F/F/MHayley Williams tries to get more people to vote... The crowd. It gave Hayley a sense of happiness that she usually only got on stage. However, this was different. This was important to not only her but the world.Election day was ten days away and with all the stuff going on around the country that disgusted her, Hayley was very motivated not only to vote but to volunteer as well. It seemed that her friend, and fellow singing sensation,...

1 year ago
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Carefree Cove Ch 05

Tom Albright drawing in the summer Missouri morning. He wore his swimsuit and surfing shoes beneath his white T-shirt as he stood on the dock of his neighbor, Michelle Hawkins. She was a voluptuous woman of forty whom he just started a physical relationship the night before. She posed on her lounger for forty five minutes in her white robe in different positions before removing it so he could draw her naked. Her face was a little tired from lack of sleep, but aglow with the aftermath of great...

2 years ago
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Carefree Cove Ch 01

‘Sing the song, Daddy!’ The small voice rang brightly across the waters of the cove, and Thomas Albright shook his head a couple of times. A long, lean, nut brown body turned around and swam back past him, the blonde head poking indignantly out of the water. The nymph demanded: ‘Sing the song, Daddy! You know I’ll keep this up ’til you do!’ Tom took a deep breath, and in his shaky tenor did his best Peter Blegvad impression: ‘That’s my daughter in the watereverything she owns I bought...

1 year ago
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Carefree Cove Ch 06

Another Seville Hills, Missouri Wednesday, and the Methodist Domino Club gathered on an August evening at the shelter house by the community pool. Mutt Hayes talked his grandsons and their friends into playing Texas Hold ‘Em with his usual companions, with Reverend Hoot Pidgeon acting as dealer for the evening. ‘Check.’ ‘Call.’ ‘Fold.’ ‘Raise the pot.’ ‘Fold.’ ‘Call.’ Mutt Hayes looked smug as he peeked at his cards. His grandson Todd studied the old man, searching for a clue to his hand....

3 years ago
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Freedoms Touch

The lake engulfed the landscape, glinting and gleaming with the colors of its surroundings. It met the sky’s gaze with a fever of its own, deepening in color the farther out it reached. The evergreen forest that surrounded the body of water left, in their shadow, a deep green mark upon the water – as if to remind you just how far from the world you really were. Waves, churned up by the mountain wind, lapped up against the shore. The steady thrumming of the water was broken only by the echoes...

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Freeuse for One

Author's note: Feel free to add onto the story yourself, but please use proper grammar and prose. Enjoy! You are Stephen, a 19-year-old living by himself in a modest apartment, who has just woken up after a strange dream. In your dream, a mysterious being told you that you had the power of something called 'freeuse.' You'd never heard of it before, but it was explained to you: "Anybody in the world must submit to your command. They may resent it, or love it - they have no choice but to follow...

Mind Control
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Freedonia A very exclusive adult resort

"Welcome to Freedonia, where the very finest in adult resort entertainment awaits! Stay in one of our luxuriously appointed rooms, or pamper yourself with a multi-room suite. Enjoy the spectacular views, the gourmet cuisine and our unique entertainment opportunities. Whether you choose to visit us alone or with a guest you can be assured of our attention to your every need and desire. Our friendly, efficient staff is ready to welcome you and assure you make the most of the opportunities...

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Freeuse Society

Today is my birthday! I'm finally 18. Once you're 18, you can finally experience the pleasures of the Freeuse Act. In 1984, a new law was passed in the United States called the Freeuse Act, which allows anyone age 18 and over to have consensual sex with anyone else of legal age, anywhere! Nudity and incest were also legalized. This mean that I have to switch over to the secondary campus, Charger High School. To keep everyone at our high school from constantly having sex with underage kids, the...

2 years ago
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You open up the box, grinning at the contents. FreedomVR. The newest and biggest improvement in Virtual Reality in years. Reaching in, you pull out a black suit covered with wires and sensors, setting it down to find the centerpiece, the headset. Fucking awesome. You flip through the instructions briefly, tossing them aside. You've done your research for this; you don't need them. You know you need to strip first, doing so before putting on the suit, watching lights on it come to life. You sit...

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3freewishes now with pictures

You'd been married for 10 years, and miserable for 8 of those. Sure, to start with you'd been happy. You'd married the woman of your dreams, things were going great, and the sex was incredible. But then it started getting less frequent. After the first year, it was once a week, and then soon after double that. Eventually, you were lucky if you managed to get a hand job on your birthday. Looking back, it was hard to remember when the sex had started to dry up. It might have been when your wife...

Mind Control
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Freewill 504 Part 9 Brendas Back

Freewill 504: Part 9 Brenda's Back (By Chris A)Disclaimer: If you are u******e and/or easily offended by stories of an adult nature, then you should probably go away. This story and characters are purely fictitious, and any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Any one who believes they should try and recreate these situations and events in a real life situation needs to get serious help. With that said: enjoy!It had been two weeks since the night that Laura and Jamie had...

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Freewill 504 Part 8 Campus Slut

Freewill 504: Part 8 Campus Slut (By Chris A)Disclaimer: If you are u******e and/or easily offended by stories of an adult nature, then you should probably go away. This story and characters are purely fictitious, and any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincedental. Any one who believes they should try and recreate these situations and events in a real life situation needs to get serious help. With that said: enjoy!It was a warm spring evening as I walked across the center of...

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Freewill 504 Part 7 Fun and Games

Freewill 504: Part 7 Fun and GamesMe and my two roommates sat quietly in our room studying. For me this wasn't an unusual way to spend a Friday night, especially so deep in a semester, but for Carol and Jessica, it was a rarity indeed. Usually their idea of studying included the stereo blasting and the television on at full volume so it could be heard over the music. This was doubly strange since it was a Friday night. They never stayed home on a weekend night. I sipped at my Diet Coke and...

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Freewill 504 Part 6

Freewill 504: Camping TripDay 1:After five hours in a van, I was so happy to finally get out and have a chance to stretch my legs. The smell of the clean air was refreshing and four days away from everything were going to be great. The eight of us took a few minutes to gather ourselves after the hellish drive before unpacking our stuff. I looked around at the other vehicles in the lot, but none of their owners were in sight. I was lost in the solitude for a minute before Scott called everyone...

2 years ago
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Freewill 504 Part 5

Freewill 504: Roadside AssistanceBy: Chris AI stood, arms folded across my chest in disbelief. I felt so stupid as I watched the traffic slowly move past me and my stricken car. The sun was low on the horizon and as I looked back over the mile of traffic that I could see, all the cars were lost in a shimmering haze. I couldn't believe how fast a traffic jam of these proportions started. I really didn't know what to do since I had never been in a situation like this before. I figured before to...

1 year ago
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Freewill 504 Pary 4

Freewill 504: Mardi GrasBy: Chris AI absently sipped at my beer and tried to pay attention to the television, but the last thing I wanted to do was watch TV. I could hear the shower running in the background, and I only hopped that Kim would hurry up and get ready. Cathy had called half an hour ago and said that she and Beth would be over in 45 minutes which wasn't going to leave me much time to get ready. I knew it was a mistake to let Kim go first since she was notoriously slow when it came...

2 years ago
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Freewill 504 Part 3

Freewill 504: Part 3By: Chris A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part III:For the record, my name is Paula, and I'm 22 years old. I probably fit the description of the perfect little stuck up bitch. I never had a lot of friends, and the few that I do have are not exactly close with me. Sure we hang out together, but it's probably because they know when we go out, I'll be the one buying. I never minded this. It had come a shock when Liz called me...

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Freewill 504 Part 2

Freewill 504: Frat PartyBy: Chris A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part II:My name is Leslie and I was in my final year at state. Up to this point I had had a very quiet college career. I was never one to go in big for all the partying and stuff that went on on campus. So it was a considerable effort for me to go with my roommates to the party over at Beta house. They had been talking about it for weeks, and even though a quiet night at home was...

4 years ago
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Freewill 504 Part 1

A story in nine parts(really nine vignettes) involving a mind control formula.Freewill 504: Test SubjectBy: Chris A--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part I:My name is Lori and this episode of my life occurred between my sophomore and junior years at state. Thus far my college career had been less than stellar. And once again it was no surprise that I had to enroll in summer session just so I could graduate on time. My study habits are poor and quite...

1 year ago
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Freelancer Call Boy Service In Chennai

Hi myself George()I’m a freelance call boy in Chennai. My age is 22. This is my 4th encounter. Rest 3 encounters have not been posted due to privacy issue of the clients. Only my 4th client has agreed to post it. Let me start I had posted ad in *** dating website 6months ago. I waited for some time I haven’t received any mails after 15 days I received a mail stating that I need your service. So I said my terms and conditions that before I start my service first meet me in person spend some time...

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