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Freewill 504: Mardi Gras
By: Chris A

I absently sipped at my beer and tried to pay attention to the television, but the last thing I wanted to do was watch TV. I could hear the shower running in the background, and I only hopped that Kim would hurry up and get ready. Cathy had called half an hour ago and said that she and Beth would be over in 45 minutes which wasn't going to leave me much time to get ready. I knew it was a mistake to let Kim go first since she was notoriously slow when it came to getting ready, but she was persistent. There was a knock on the door which proceeded Kim announcing that the bathroom was mine. I went and let Cathy and Beth in then headed to the bathroom. Unlike Kim it only took me a couple of minutes to get showered and dressed and within 15 minutes I was in the living room with the three of them. I was antsy to get going but the three of them seemed in no great hurry. It was after 10, early by Bourbon street standards, especially for Fat Tuesday, but I didn't want to miss a second of it.

The three of them seemed content to sip their beers and talk. I grabbed one for myself and sat down on the couch. A couple of minutes later Cathy vanished into the kitchen and returned with four shots. She handed one to each of us and we toasted to a wild time at Mardi Gras. I hoped with the shots done we could get going but instead we had another round of beers. It seemed like an eternity before the three of them were done. The four of us got up and I started for the door, until Beth began.

"Paula, you're not going to go out dressed like that are you?"

"Yeah." I answered, thinking that blue jeans and a short sleeved sweater was more than appropriate.

"Lemme go pick something out for you." Added Kim as she ran back toward our bedroom.

"This is fine." I persisted, just wanting to go.

"You need to get changed." Cathy continued.

I'm not sure why I suddenly agreed with her.

Kim returned in a minute and told me she picked an outfit out for me. I walked past the three of them and into the bedroom. I looked at what Kim had picked and had to laugh to myself.

"You have to be k**ding!" I yelled out to them

"Put it on." Kim called back.

"Whatever." I mumbled to myself before getting undressed.

I came back out into the living room in the outfit Kim picked out. I quickly modeled it for them, and turned and headed back toward the bedroom to get changed back into my original attire.

"Where are you going?" asked Cathy

"To get changed. This looks ridiculous!"

"It looks fine." Kim was quick to agree.

"Are you high?"

"What's wrong with it?" asked Beth

"Where do you want me to start?" I asked, motioning to the thin strapped black mini dress.

"I don't see the problem." Admitted Beth

"You don't? How 'bout the fact I don't have the right bra to wear with this dress." I saw fit to point out looking down at the thick white straps of my bra.

"So don't wear one." Began Kim "I never do with that dress."

"Easy for you, but mine are a little large for that." I offered. While her little perky breasts probably didn't need any support, my heavy D cups did.

"Take off your bra, lets see how it looks."

I wanted to say no way, but instead I reached up behind me and unclasped my bra. I worked the straps down my arms and pulled the bra out the side of the dress. I hoped now that they saw how bad this looked they would let me get changed.

"You look great." Commented Kim

"I look like a whore."

"You gotta loosen up a little." Added Beth

"I feel plenty loose now."

"Let's go." Kim cut in

"Can I get changed please?"

"No, we gotta go now."

The three of them started for the door.

"C'mon Paula." Urged Cathy

"Can I get my shoes?"

"You don't need them. Now lets go." Said Kim, while pulling the door open.

I don't even know why but I followed the three of them out into the hall. I felt very self-conscious walking through the lobby with my breasts bouncing everywhere. There couldn't have been a person there who didn't notice me. The night air was warm and the street in front of the hotel was packed with people. I followed behind Kim as she led the way through the crowd. We had gone a couple of blocks when it became almost impossible to move. Several times during the walk random hands had come from the crowd and grabbed at my breasts. I couldn't believe it, but it seemed to be the way it went down here this time of year. As the crowd continued to thicken, our foreword progress continued to slow. It took us nearly ten minutes to move half a block. In front of us the crowd began to break up a little and we could see the source of the obstruction. In the middle of the street was a platform and one by one women were climbing up on it and flashing the crowd. I watched in amazement as one women climbed up there and bared her breasts for the crowd. There was a loud cheer and the flash of cameras. Those gathered around chanted for her to do it again and obligingly she did. This time when her breasts were exposed, hands reached out of the crowd and groped and rubbed her. I don't know how she managed to get her shirt back down, but obviously she had enough and jumped off the platform. Kim steered us toward the platform. I was getting ready for her to tell us she was going to get up there but instead she turned to me.

"You should go up there."

"Not a chance."

"Get up there Paula," began Beth. "Show 'em what you got."

It was definitely not the kind of thing I would ever dream of doing. I kept on telling myself that even as I reached the base of the steps leading onto the it. I had no idea why I was doing this, but I felt like I had to. I climbed the two steps and looked around over top of the crowd. For the first time I heard the guy up on the balcony. He announced that they had their next contestant. I had no idea what to do.

I heard a voice yell "Show your tits."

As much as I didn't want to, my hands gripped the sides of the dress and I pulled it up exposing my bare breasts and my white panties. My eyes were blinded by the camera flashes and the cheer from the crowd was deafening. Streams of beads landed on the platform all around me. I quickly pulled the dress back down. I scooped up the handfuls of beads around me and was ready to climb down when the crowd chanted for me to do it again. It is a mystery to my why for a second time I pulled the dress up exposing myself. The crowd cheered and the cameras flashed again. Just like the woman before me, the hands from those around the podium, grabbed and squeezed my breasts. Another mass of beads cascaded down. I fought to pull the dress down and remove the probing hands. It was with considerable effort that I covered myself up. I gathered up as many beads as I could before the crowd chanted for me to do it again. From next to the podium I heard someone yell "Take it off!"

Almost on cue my hands grabbed the base of the dress. This time instead of stopping when my b**sts were exposed, I pulled it up and over my head. I stood there for a second before the hands returned in full force this time. I tried to push them away but there were too many. I tried to get the dress back on but someone was now pulling on it trying to take it out of my hands. The pulling on the dress increased and the hand I was using to brush the hands off of me was needed to fight for my dress. I didn't care about anything else right then, except holding onto the dress. I didn't know what to do, even when I felt the first hands between my legs. My mind was screaming for me to push the hands off that were touching me, but my instincts told me to hold onto the dress. The tugging on the garment continued, and I could feel the material beginning to tear. As the struggle continued for my dress, and the multitudes of hands pinched and squeezed my breasts, I felt my panties get pulled down. I was powerless to do anything about it, and before I knew it they were bunched up at my feet. With myself completely exposed, I decided to jump off of the platform. I jumped in the direction the dress was being pulled. By a miracle, the person pulling on it lost their grip and amidst the hands grabbing at my body, I managed to get it pulled back on. I was slightly dazed by the ordeal and exactly why I had gotten up on the platform in the first place. It just wasn't the kind of thing I would do, but when Beth told me to I didn't seem able to say no. I moved back around the platform and found my friends standing in roughly the same spot where I had left them.

"Oh my God Paula, you were great!" exclaimed Cathy

"Great? That was awful."

"You looked like you were having fun." Beth added

"If you call having twenty guys feel you up having fun."

"So why'd you take your clothes off?" asked Kim

"I don't know. I heard someone yell it and it seemed like a good idea."

"I know it wouldn't sound like a good idea to me." Added Cathy

"Would you mind if we went back to the room?" I asked

"Why?" asked Cathy

"Because I feel kind of awkward dressed like this."

"Don't let it bother you. Put your beads on and lets go." Kim added

I don't know what came over me, but suddenly it didn't seem like such a bad thing anymore. I put the twenty sets of beads on that I had picked up and followed along as Cathy led us away from the platform and back into the crowded street. We moved several blocks before the crowd began to dissipate and it became easy to move around. Cathy led us down a darkened side street. In the distance I could see masses of people moving on the street in front of us. The walk through the alley was short and before we knew it we were back amongst the throbbing masses. I didn't know if Cathy knew where she was going, and I disliked moving through the jam packed streets since I was getting bumped around. Occasionally a hand would come out of the crowd and grab my breasts. Once again the streets around us opened up. We moved several more blocks until we came to a small gathering in the street. There were five or six people on a balcony and about thirty in the street. The people up above were beckoning for the three women below to give them a show. None of them did, outnumbered as they were. We were almost past the gathering when Kim began.

"Hey Paula, why don't you show 'em what you got?"

"I don't think so." I answered. I had had my fill of flashing for the night.

"Just one time." Continued Kim

"I'd really rather not." I answered, sounding very definite

"Get over there and flash them. It won't kill you." Added Cathy

I know I didn't want to, but none the less I began moving toward the small group of people. I told myself to stay with my friends, but my legs seemed to have a mind of their own. I stopped when I was near the edge of the gathering and without hesitation, I pulled my dress up. Most of the people at street level didn't notice, but those above me did. They let out a cheer and rained beads down on me. Quickly I had the dress back down, but I also had the attention of everyone on the street. I scooped up my beads as my friends reached me.

"See, that wasn't so bad." Kim began

"I guess not." I answered, putting the beads around my neck

"Do it again." Cathy added

I didn't want to, but right on cue I jacked up my dress, exposing myself. Quickly I covered back up. Those gathered in the street, were now circling around us. They began cheering for me, but all I could do was hide my face.

"Give 'em a treat." Began Kim "Take it off!"

"No way." I answered, only seconds before my hands removed my dress. The beads hung down covering my breasts, but my bush was exposed. I kept the dress off for a second, before hastily pulling it back on. My gathered audience let out a loud cheer. I was never so embarrassed, but I had no idea why I kept taking my clothes off.

"You are a wild one tonight." Commented Kim

"Yeah." I commented as I began after Cathy.

We pushed our way through the small throng of people. I felt hands grabbing at me, but quickly we were through the group and back out into the open. We continued down the less crowded streets, going this way and that. I had no idea where we going, but Cathy seemed to have some sort of destination in mind.

My mind was going a thousand miles an hour, trying to figure out what was going on with me tonight. I had no idea why I decided to wear this dress, much less why I repeatedly kept taking it off. The more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable I made myself feel walking around like this. I kept thinking about what I had done tonight and the only thing I could think of was that I was doing everything my friends were telling me. I was taking peer pressure to a whole new level.

We started down another darkened alley, only this time in front of us I could see the jam packed street. Cathy was working us back toward the center of town.

"I think I wanna go back to the room." I commented.

The four of us stopped, and Cathy turned to me.


"I don't feel so good, I don't know what's wrong with me and I think I need to get some rest." I explained

"I know I'm not ready to go home, I don't know how Kim and Beth feel about it."

"You don't have to go with me, I just wanted to let you know."

"It's not a good idea for you to be walking around alone." Kim added, "You should just stay with us."

"I'm a big girl. I think I can get myself home." I explained

"It's probably not a very good idea for you to walk around alone tonight." Cathy emphasized.

"I think I can handle myself." I added, getting mad at them for not giving me enough credit to get myself home.

"Allow me to demonstrate." Cathy began, right before she started walking again.

The three of us fell in behind her. We moved about halfway through the alley when she stopped.

"OK Paula, you see those guys over there drinking?"

I looked over at the four guys leaning against the alley wall, passing a paper bag wrapped bottle around. I couldn't really get a good look at them, but I nodded.

"Do you think you would ever in a million years go over and ask them for a drink?" asked Cathy

"No." I answered, wondering why she would ask me that.

"Well I think you would." Cathy informed me

"Not on you life." I assured her.

"Paula." Began Kim, "Go over and ask them for a drink. Do whatever you have to do to get one. You really need to have a drink."

I said no, but started toward the four of them anyway. I kept telling myelf no, the entire way over. It was pretty dark and they didn't see me until I was almost on top of them. The four of them eyed me up as I stood there.

"What's up?" began one of the guys.

"I was just wondering if I could have a drink?"

"I don't know. What's in this for us?"

"Whatta you want?" I asked, knowing all I wanted to do was go back to the room and forget about this night. "I really need a drink."

"How'd you get your beads?" asked one of the guys

"You know how." I answered, wanting to leave it at that. "Now can I have a drink?"

"C'mon, tell us."

I didn't want to, only because I wanted to forget myself, but nonetheless I recounted the story of my night, leaving out no details. I just hoped when I was done I could have a drink. When I was done the four guys didn't say anything.

"Well?" I persisted, holding my hand out for the bottle.

"Can you show us?" asked another of the guys

I didn't answer, instead, against all reason I pulled my dress up, exposing my large breasts. As soon as I had it back down I resumed "Can I have a drink now?"

"Sure." Said the guy holding the bottle as he passed it to me.

I took it and had a sip. I was not much of a whiskey drinker, and I let out a few small coughs after taking my sip. I passed the bottle back.

"So you here by yourself?" asked another of the guys

"Nah, my friends are right over there." I answered, motioning to where they were standing. "Well thanks for the drink."

I walked back over to my friends.

"See I told you you would do it." Commented Cathy

"So maybe I wanted a drink." I answered, defending my actions. Even though what I did was contrary to my norm.

"OK, we'll try this your way." Commented Beth

"Try what my way?" I asked

"Don't you get it yet? You'll do anything we tell you to." Beth explained

"I don't think so." I answered

"What more proof do you need?" asked Kim

I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say.

"Fine, allow me to demonstrate." Cathy cut in

"What?" I asked getting very impatient with the three of them.

"You're gonna go over and ask them for another drink." Cathy explained

"Didn't we go down this road already?" I asked

"Yeah, only this time you're gonna do it wearing only your beads." Cathy further explained


"Gimmie your dress." Asserted Cathy

Obediently I stripped off my dress and handed it to Cathy. Suddenly I felt more self-conscious than I had all night. I knew the guys couldn't see me, but it was more than that. I covered myself as best I could with my hands and looked at Cathy.

"Put your arms at your sides." Cathy continued

I felt like a puppet as my arms fell limply to my sides. I knew I wanted to conceal myself, but I couldn't bring myself to raise my arms. They felt like staying at my sides.

"Now, go over and ask for a drink." Kim jumped in.

Suddenly I realized what they were talking about. I had enough of their demonstration. I begged for them to not let me do it, as I turned and started walking toward the guys. I had probably gone four steps when they told me to stop. I thanked god that they did, and nothing sounded better than when they told me to come back over to where they were standing. I approached the three of them and Cathy handed me back my dress. Quickly I put it back on.

"I trust you will do as we say from now on."

"How did you do this?" I asked

"That shot we gave you had a d**g in it called Freewill 504. The function of this d**g is to suppress the will of the person taking it and open their mind to accept any suggestion given to them."

"Why?" I asked, suddenly on the verge of tears.

"We just figured it would help you loosen up a little. You've been so stiff all week." Answered Beth

"I can't believe you did this to me!" I replied, raising the tone of my voice.

"Don't raise your voice. We wouldn't let anything bad happen to you." Beth answered

"She's right." Began Kim "If you're gonna get nasty with us, we'll have you walk around naked all night."

"What do you want me to do?" I asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.

"Just have fun. This is why we can't let you go wandering off alone." Answered Kim

I didn't say anything, but I thought about what they had said. They told me they wouldn't let anything bad happen to me, yet they had me running around stripping. I knew there was no way they would let me go off on my own, they would probably make me do something embarrassing the moment I tried to get away. I felt fairly confident that I could get safely to the hotel without them, but the problem was slipping away unnoticed. I honestly didn't know if I trusted them. Why would my friends do this to me?

"So let's go have fun." Cathy resumed. At my expense, I added in my head.

I followed after Cathy as she led us down the alley. I thought she was going to take us back out onto the main street, but instead, she steered us toward the four guys leaning against the wall. We approached them and the four of them looked at the four of us. I tried to remain behind Kim and Beth, feeling very uncomfortable.

"How you ladies doing tonight?" asked one of the guys.

"We're fine, we were just wondering if we could have that bottle?" asked Cathy.

"Well, it's kind of the only one we got." Answered the guy holding it, like a cherished possession.

"We're willing to make a trade for it." Cathy continued. I had a terrible feeling this is where I was going to come in.

"What do you wanna trade for it?" asked one of the guys, no doubt his head full of sexual images.

"Our friend here will show you her tits." Answered Cathy, motioning to me.

"And nice titties they are." Added another of the guys eyeing me up.

"I don't know. She already showed 'em once." Answered the guy with the bottle.

"Paula, give 'em a free preview."

Unable to control myself, I bared myself to the four of them.

"Not bad." Commented one of the guys, while nodding.

"I guess that can get each of you a shot." Agreed the guy holding the bottle as he passed it to Kim.

She took her shot, then passed it to Cathy, then to Beth. Finally they passed it to me and I took a shot. I handed the bottle back to it's keeper.

"Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" asked Kim

"Guess not." Answered the guy

"So what'll you do for another shot?" asked the guy. I assumed he was talking to me.

I didn't answer.

"She'll show you again." Answered Beth.

"We've already seen that." Answered another of the guys

"Well, "began Cathy "She has been known to take it off."

"Really?" questioned the guy with the bottle.

"Sure." Answered Kim

"Tell you what, titties there takes it off and we'll trade it for the bottle." Suggested the guy

"No way." I answered, just before Kim spoke up.

"Paula, take off your dress and give it to him."

Now understanding what was wrong with me, it made perfect sense that I stripped off the dress and walked over to the guy with the bottle. He held out his hand expectantly and I put the dress in it. He handed me the bottle and I returned to my friends. We each took a couple of sips from the bottle. I didn't want to, but they saw to it that that didn't matter, not that it was difficult for them to convince me otherwise. They had me take one final drink from the nearly empty bottle.

"Thanks guys." Cathy began. "Can our friend have her clothes back?"

"What's she willing to trade?"

"Your bottle." Answered Kim

"All things considered, I think I'll keep the dress."

"Please." I begged.

"Fine, you can have the dress if we can feel them titties."

"I don't think so." I answered

"Paula, will you go over there and let them feel you up so we can get going." Beth commented.

Oh god, I mumbled to myself, as I moved forward. I set the bottle on the ground and dropped my arms to my sides. The first guy stepped forward and I felt his hands close around my breasts. He squeezed them tightly, and all I could do was close my eyes and hope this nightmare would end soon. I felt the second set of hands grab me then the third. The fourth bypassed my breasts and moved between my legs. They six hands on my breasts continued to pull and squeeze. I wasn't sure what was going to happen to me until I heard Cathy say that was enough. It took a few seconds for the hands to release their hold on me and once they did I backed away. The guy tossed me my dress and quickly I pulled it on. I didn't say another word as I started away from the group. I looked back and noticed that my friends didn't immediately follow. I quickened my pace, realizing that this might be my chance to get away from them before the got me into another situation like that. I was almost to the end of the alley when I heard Cathy yell for me to stop. Obediently I did and waited as they caught up to me.

"I hope you weren't trying to get away from us or something." Began Cathy

"No." I lied

"Paula, tell me the truth." Continued Cathy

Unable to resist, I told her the truth.

"It's not very nice to lie." Commented Beth

"I'm sorry."

"I guess you're going to have to be taught a lesson." Cathy resumed

"Please don't." I begged, only imagining what they were going to have me do.

"So what should we do with her?" asked Beth

"Lets walk around a little, I'll think of something." Finished Cathy, as the three of us followed her.

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Three Months in Paris

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The Day I came home from school to fuck Paris

This is the sequel to the day I met Paris. Here's the link to the Day I met Paris if you want to read it'm enjoying my freshman year at the University of Michigan, banging other girls and doing well in the classroom. I made the dean's list with a 3.85 GPA. Paris was always on my mind, when I graduated in December of my senior year of high school. I knew that I was going to miss her tall, and very busty frame, and I missed fucking her too.One...

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The Day I Met Paris

It all begin my senior year of high school. I was getting ready to graduate early, so I can head to the University of Michigan, a semester early. One day in English, the English teacher assigned us our seats. So, he made me sit in the back, since I was 6'7. So, during the first 15 minutes of class, a very,very pretty, busy mulatto girl walked in. The instructor sent her to the back to sit next to me since she was 6 feet tall. She sat next to me, and said:"Hi, my name is Paris, what's yours?" I...

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Valentines Day Sex Story with Paris

I kissed her face from above, kissing it all over as her body squirmed in front of me. My hands wandered down her face and neck until they reached her nipples, still kissing her my fingers teased her breasts. Her hips started to buck ever so slightly. Moving around the table I pulled a chair up to the left of her and started to suck her nipples. Kneeling on the chair I leant over her and softly bit and sucked as my hand massaged her ample breasts. It was our first Valentine’s Day together....

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Breakfast in Paris

"This is so cool," I said with a giggle. "First class and everything!" "Hey!" Robert grinned at me. "I told you, my parents are taking care of us, baby." "Let's see..." A smiling flight attendant looked at my boarding pass. "You're in 3A, that's on the left. We'll be serving a champagne breakfast in the lounge shortly after take-off." "Great!" I couldn't stop smiling as I looked around the cabin. This was the day after the best day of my life. "We're on our...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 45 Aug 1944 French Resistance Uprising in Paris

Adolf Hitler – August 1944 “Defend Paris to the last, destroy all bridges over the Seine and devastate the city.” A black and white film titled “Is Paris Burning” is a quasi-documentary produced as a French/American project about the liberation of Paris in August 1944 by the French Resistance and the assistance of Free French Forces during World War II. If you are an Amazon Prime member, you can watch this film for free. There are multiple street scenes of Paris spliced into the film...

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An Evening in Paris

Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to be compressed in time? I have an expression I use, “I spent a week there one night.” I had one of those weeks happen to me about 30 years ago. It is something I will never forget. I look upon it today and feel it was one of the best times in my life. It was also a test for me and my wife with our open relationship. The time it happened we had been married about 12 years. When I met this young lady, she caused a spark that almost...

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The Wolves of Paris

-Charles Dickens, "A Tale of Two Cities" *** Gévaudan, France, 1769: In the village, a man was dying. Antoine Chastel drew water from the well and went inside. His father lay in the inn's largest room, a single candle lit, Bible open on his lap. He slept feverishly. Antoine wiped his brow with a wet cloth and Jean Chastel's eyes opened. He spoke between labored breaths. "I thought…you had left." Antoine shook his head. "Not until you're well." "I will not be well...

2 years ago
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An Evening in Paris

Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to be compressed in time? I have an expression I use; “I spent a week there one night.” I had one of those weeks happen to me about 30 years ago. It is something I will never forget. I look upon it today and feel it was one of the best times in my life. It was also a test for me and my wife with our open relationship. The time it happened we had been married about 12 years. When I met this young lady, she caused a spark that almost...

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Sixthirty Sleeper to Paris

Harry hated flying. He always travelled across continental Europe by train just to avoid flying. He looked around the waiting lounge in Rome's central rail station. It was busier than he expected. He'd never known a sleeper service this busy. The conductor called for holders of first-class ticket with priority boarding on the overnight service to Paris. Harry stood and walked over to him, dragging his luggage trolley in his wake, and handed over his ticket. "Busy service tonight," he said...

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Youll Always Have Paris

The harvest moon shines down on me as I duck through a hole in a fence that was once at least partially mine. I look around to make sure no one is out here to see me. Except for the occasional sounds of the farm animals and the insects, the night is silent so I move on. I cross into the cornfield and notice that the corn is already thick and very high. I try very hard not to make any noise as I stealthily move through the stalks of ripenening corn. In the center of the field there's a small...

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Paris. "We'll always have Paris." Oh please! Have you no concept of why the English and Americans, who have hardly ever been to Paris or at best spent no more than a day in it, come up with bullshit like that? Or of why the most famous French quotation about Paris, in a country not known for its early risers, is "Paris appartient ? ceux qui se l?vent t?t."? There was an English joke that hinted at the truth: "How many Frenchmen does it take to defend Paris?" The answer was "I don't kn...

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A Night in Paris

author’s note: this story gets rather extreme… I’m not sure why, I think that maybe I just really don’t like Paris Hilton and it started coming out in the story or something… but if you’re looking for a nice, sweet story involving her having romantic sex… uh… I’d wait for someone else to write it. it’s not here. * * * * * ‘Oh my god,’ exclaimed Ted, his bright blue eyes riveted to some amazing scene across the room. ‘What?’ asked his good friend Greg, craning his head and brushing the locks...

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Naked in Paris

“Veronika, I love you.”I sat bolt upright, looking at my beloved Mistress. It truly felt as if an electric shock had passed through my body, and my eyes teared up. Finally, I looked down, bit my lip, then moved down the bed towards her feet and held my forehead to her right foot in a strong gesture of submission.She pulled me up to her and stroked my head. “Sit up, my lovely slave. Sit up and let me hug you, beloved, for you are that, too: slave and loved one, both.”I slowly moved up next to...

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Paula the orgy in Paris

A year ago I had to go to Paris for a few days. I took advantage of this to visit my friend, from my youth, whom I had not seen since the 90s of the last century, and who was my younger colleague at the Warsaw gang boss called Twardy. Joasia did not work at Twardy's companies, but she was one of his whores who, like me, at the beginning earned on the comfortable life of our boss by selling their bodies to foreigners in Warsaw hotels.At the time I am writing I was 21 years old but Asia was only...

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Salt and Pepper Sugar and Spice Chapter 8 Two Girls in Paris

Salt and Pepper, Sugar and Spice Chapter 8 Two Girls in Paris On Monday, Jason walked into the apartment, and said to Ronnie, "Well, how long do you want to spend in France?" "Why?" "Well, I have all summer. They didn't understand, and figured that the job wasn't that important to me." "I'm sorry." "Don't be. With their attitude, I figure I wouldn't have been happy there any way." Ronnie wrapped her arms...

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How I Came To Be Me Part 2 Paris

I'd been working out religiously for four months, eating better, feeling good about myself. I could feel and see the changes in my body as did others. I wasn't the plain girl next door anymore. I was fit and becoming more confident. People complimented me asking if I'd lost weight; they could see it in my face. Guys asked me out who weren't losers. I was loving my new body. The changes I'd made boosted my confidence through the roof. Before, when someone screwed up my coffee order, I'd...

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The Judgement of Paris

Gene Hargreaves sat in the back of the evening Western Lit class listening to the professor’s lecture. Typical prof: short black hair, round face, built like a fireplug, looked like he worked out in his spare time, Genes, plaid shirt. Papers littered his desk.“The first book, or actually poem, we’ll read is one of the seminal works of Western literature, even of Western art, yes, even of world art, the Iliad of Homer. This is the story of how one of the greatest wars of antiquity, the Trojan...

Office Sex
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The Island Resort of Paris

The pop star Britney Spears had been wishing for a vacation. When someone liked her needed to get away, there was one person whom to get a hold off: billionare heiress Paris Hilton. Sure enough, Paris suggested a getaway on a private, remote resort on a small South Pacific island with a few friends of Paris' choosing. Britney quickly agreed to that plan, feeling a private resort in a tropical paradise was the perfect place to unwind. By the next day, Britney had snuck out of her house a few...

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An Unlikely Business Meeting in Paris

The taxi pulled up at Brussels Midi and Rose stepped out into a small puddle of water. She smiled at her own misfortune, which was common. The whole square had one puddle, and it just so happened that this was where she would put her stiletto. Somehow, despite her best efforts, complete elegance always eluded her but she accepted her flaws, as they were a reminder of her many blessings and as far as flaws go, the odd puddle was nothing to complain about. Rose walked calmly through the station...

Love Stories
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Well Always Have Paris

This Story is written by Patricia51 and Katherine-T When the taxi lurched to a sudden stop, Diana nearly fell off the back seat. "Voila!" the driver said, his right hand gesturing at the hotel entrance. Not much of an entrance, Diana thought. Well, she'd wanted the Left Bank and now she had it. When she climbed out of the taxi, she could see the St. Germain des Pres church up ahead, which made her feel much better. The hotel might be small, but at least here she was in the midst of...

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A BiAmerican in Paris

INTRODUCTION Before I get into my first bi-sexual experience in Paris, let me introduce myself and provide some background. My name is Walter McCarty and I am of Irish/German descent. I grew up in Manhattan, New York and graduated with a BBA and MBA. For the past 10 years I have worked for a large Management Consulting firm headquartered in New York City. One of the requirements to eventually be considered for partner is to work in one of the foreign offices for at least three years. At 32...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 46 Aug 1944 Liberation of Paris

This chapter is actually the second half of the previous chapter covering the Battle of Paris and the uprising of the French resistance against their Gestapo masters. After reading a lot of different accounts of the Liberation of Paris, I have reached a conclusion that the entire affair was more political rather than military in nature. General De Gaulle was probably the most insubordinate son of a bitch in history with the way that he ignored his orders from General Eisenhower and decided...

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A sexy weekend in Paris

Ian glanced across at Susie. He looked at her in profile, her beautiful young face partially hidden by her mass of shoulder length, auburn coloured hair. Aware of his look, Susie turned her head slowly towards him. Her small, white, even teeth glistened as she flashed him a delicious smile, a smile that made his heart thump and his cock jerk. For a moment, he was distracted by the French countryside flashing by behind her head as the Eurostar train they were on rushed towards Paris. Looking at...

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Erotic Evening in Paris

The last of the arriving passengers had finally trickled out of the arrival gate at the Charles DeGaulle airport. 30th of December was not a particularly busy time for air traffic in Paris. Vitorrio DeLuca scanned the faces of every last passenger that passed by. What did she look like? They had not met or seen each other in seven years. Would she recognize him? He heard she had gained some weight since they were last together in New York in the summer of 2001. She had married some wall...

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Remembrances of Paris

“Pardonnez-moi, Mademoiselle I would like to book a direct flight going to Manila tonight if possible.” she shyly inquired of the woman at the ticket counter in her limited French.“Oui Mademoiselle, let me check our schedules,” the pleasant lady at the counter said smiling at her.“Merci.”“Mademoiselle, I’m sorry, but we don’t have any available direct flights going to Manila tonight. What we do have is a five-hour stopover in Singapore going to Manila, and the earliest scheduled is tomorrow...

Love Stories
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One Night In Paris

I woke with him nuzzling me, whispering, "Belle sweet, girl time to get on the train." We found our seats. It was a weekend, not a peak time, so the train was not full. We found seats which were in relative private. There was more room on the train than on the coach, and we got a section where two rows faced each other. Another two and a half hours until we reached Paris, I was feeling cramped and irritable. I needed to move, I was restless. The journey was taking forever. Miguel sensing my...

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One Night In Paris

This is part 2 of Oral the Way to London- I love comments xoxo -Belle I woke with him nuzzling me, whispering, "Belle sweet, girl time to get on the train." We found our seats, it was a weekend, not a peak time, so the train was not full. We found seats which were in relative private. There was more room on the train than on the coach, and we got a section where two rows faced each other. Another two and a half hours until we reached Paris, I was feeling cramped and irritable. I needed to...

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My Berlin SummerChapter 7 Paris

The next morning, after our group exercise and shower and one final breakfast eaten naked and on all fours from a bowl on the tiled kitchen floor, I was allowed to say good-bye to my fellow slave girls before being "shipped." We kissed and hugged, tears in our eyes. After spending weeks together, virtually all of the time with no clothing other than our collars, it seemed completely natural to clasp another girl's naked body to my chest. Here, although we had been unequivocally taught our...

5 years ago
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Everyone Once in Paris

Paris was just as preserved as it was even before the war, no matter how strong the Germans pushed towards the city the French and British troops always pushed them back near the border. It was all too depressing that Paris fell without a shot, but then again, it was just as it was even during The Great War even if the swastika hangs around the landmarks of the artistic city. Though many of the Jewish establishments and the Jews themselves were gone, business for collaborators, or even the...

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Vacation with my Father Day 8 Paris

'So now I’m chick bait,' Ashley thought. I was wandering around the neighborhood. On our fourth and next-to-last day in Paris, I knew the area pretty well. I reveled in some time alone and the sense of almost being French. On the other hand, I didn’t much like the idea of Daddy being with that woman, Marie, up in our apartment. I don’t know what I was thinking. And now he was probably fucking her with his lovely big cock that for the past week had been all mine. Well, it was all mine if you...

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My Sex Addict Wife 8211 Honeymoon In Paris

Renu was weird. She really was! I got married to her just three months back. Our first night was my first ever time, but not hers! She had been frank with me from the very beginning. She had multiple partners over her life and she told me so when I communicated my decision to marry her. My wife told me everything that could affect our future and I honestly didn’t have any issues as they were her past. Our marriage was arranged. Renu had been engaged to someone before but had been brutally...

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flames as Paris

The first time I saw her was at a small Parisian bistro, walking distance from the Louvre. Le Petit Flore on Rue Croix des Petits Champs, a favorite of mine. Unpretentious and inexpensive. The day had been moody, despite being the first day of summer. It was, in fact, that moodiness which first drew me to her, the sun suddenly bursting from the clouds, illuminating her, setting her fiery mane ablaze. The sudden image of a moth fluttering too near a candle flame gave me but a moment’s pause as I...

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Episode 163 Sex in Paris

This story features Sperm Donation and brutal sex was submitted 9 years ago as Episode 17, if you are counting, but deleted by xhamster.It has been softened slightly to appease the censors, but please do not read if easily offended by my fantasies.In BedEarly one Sunday morning Tony roused from a wet dream to find a young woman’s body straddling his prick and rubbing her tits up and down his chest.“Hush”, she purred “mustn't wake your step-sister”.Tony had already run his hands up and down her...

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Butlers DelightsChapter 4 Paris

When the time came to go to Paris, the Emir's plans had changed and Robinson was booked on a scheduled flight, where he was treated as a VIP passenger and given a secluded cabin within the first class area of the Air Kobekistan jumbo jet. Shortly after take-off a stewardess joined him in the cabin and calmly stripped herself of all her uniform except her shoes and cap. "I am here for the Master's pleasure, to serve all his wants," she said, "I understand you have not flown with us...

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A Girl Called LenChapter 6 A weekend in Paris

I was asked to go to the States that January. The Yanks had developed a new and more powerful machine, and required me as a supposed expert, to go over and help develop the programming for UK purposes. I discovered that Geoff, the guy behind the project was an Cambridge graduate, who had become disillusioned in England with the rejection of his ideas by managements who remained firmly bolted to the nineteen-thirties. The Yanks welcomed him with open arms. We were still looking at machines...

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April in Paris

The words to the old Nat King Cole favorite ran through her mind again and again as the plane began its final descent into Charles de Gaulle airport. For years, she had hated her mother for naming her after an old, hokey song, but as she matured she had learned to appreciate it and eventually to love it for the feelings it evoked when his smoky voice drifted from the speakers. April glanced at her watch. "About time for me to get ready", she mused. "I can't believe I'm actually going...

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It was in the beginning of spring. I was travelling to Paris for a week, wanting to enjoy a solitary trip to this destination that was both familiar and unpredictable. I arrived in the afternoon. The first thing I felt stepping out in the street was the warmth of the sun on my hair. I touched it and in a second, a slight shiver traversed my body. I felt new and beautiful in this town that was not mine. My hotel was situated in the vicinity of the Tuileries Gardens. I was given a room with a...

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On my way to Paris

I am a 20 year old ‘office lady’, who works for a trading company based in Osaka, Japan. My English skills gave me this job, and my ‘personal skills’ with my boss make me enjoy it. He is in his early 60ies and very handsome. He takes good care of his body, does work-outs three times a week, and is in perfect shape. This makes him an extremely good lover. Whenever he travels abroad, he takes me with him, because he does not speak English. This time, he had his first business trip to France....

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Reminisces from my trip to meet my lover in Paris

This may be considered a bit of a honeymoon. It was very much like one, and in some ways will undoubtedly be remembered as such.Wednesday I arrived on schedule at Charles De Gaulle Airport north of Paris. Michelle met me there as planned. I snuck up behind her and surprised her out of her wits. I felt bad but she was very happy after the initial shock. We made our way to the bus which would take us to Montparnasse train station, where we would then catch a Metro and go only two stops to our...

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My meet with Mistress Vic in Paris

True story . as is my first story.. I met Victoria when i was 21 in Australia. she was 11 years older then me but we had some fun times there. we kept the contact over the years and meet several times all over the world :-). in the last 4-5 years my sexual preferences have changed as i realized that i am more into submission and BDSM in general. i started to be pn second life and had some online mistresses and since two years i have a steady online mistress i adore a lot and would do anything...

3 years ago
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On my way to Paris

I am a 20 year old ‘office lady’, who works for a trading company based in Osaka, Japan. My English skills gave me this job, and my ‘personal skills’ with my boss make me enjoy it. He is in his early 60ies and very handsome. He takes good care of his body, does work-outs three times a week, and is in perfect shape. This makes him an extremely good lover. Whenever he travels abroad, he takes me with him, because he does not speak English. This time, he had his first business trip to France....

Quickie Sex
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7 of 9 gets help from Tom Paris

Lt Tom Paris had to hurry from the Bridge to sickbay. Voyager had just received an emergency distress call from the Delta Flyer. Apparently some strange gas had gotten into the shuttle and was messing up the ship’s systems as well as physically harming Seven of Nine. Seven of Nine and the Doctor had been the only members of that particular away mission and with Tom being the only medical assistant he had to leave his post at comm. and head down to sick bay. Seven of Nine and the Doctor both...

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Mission 2 Paris

When I arrived back at my apartment, I found a letter had been pushed under my door. I emptied the contents of the envelope. A letter gave me the rundown of the next mission. I was heading to Paris. I had always wanted to go there and was actually excited. My target was an actress in an opera. She was the daughter of an important politician. Our client hopes to get her father to pull out of the race due to having to care for a traumatized daughter. The next page showed me her picture. She...

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