Leslie In Paris
- 2 years ago
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"This is so cool," I said with a giggle. "First class and everything!"
"Hey!" Robert grinned at me. "I told you, my parents are taking care of us, baby."
"Let's see..." A smiling flight attendant looked at my boarding pass. "You're in 3A, that's on the left. We'll be serving a champagne breakfast in the lounge shortly after take-off."
"Great!" I couldn't stop smiling as I looked around the cabin. This was the day after the best day of my life. "We're on our honeymoon."
"Really?" She nodded at that and then did a double-take as she realized I was talking about Robert and me. "You're married to him?"
"Yeah!" I narrowed my eyes and I knew why she looked shocked, but the woman wasn't paying attention to me anyway.
"Good morning, sir," she purred. "I'm Denise and I'll be servicing you all the way to Honolulu."
"Really?" My husband of less than 24 hours gave her a dazzling smile, and a slow, deliberate look up and down. "I'm looking forward to it, Denise."
"So am I," she sighed, batting her big brown eyes and drawing a deep breath. Her breasts, which were already formidable, seemed to grow right before our eyes.
"I should probably help my girlfriend find her seat," Robert said. "I mean, my wife. Sorry. We just got married yesterday."
"She's a very lucky girl," Denise said. "Would your wife like a sleeping pill?"
"Uhhh..." He chuckled and then caught the look on my face.
My husband escaped the flight attendant's evil clutches and sat down beside me in seat 3B, avoiding my eyes and looking through the complimentary first class fruit basket.
"Would you like a cherry?" he asked, and I shook my head.
"I've got one, remember?"
I couldn't stay angry for long. I mean, we were on our honeymoon! We had a seven hour flight to Hawaii and reservations for the Honeymoon Suite at the Turtle Bay Hilton, which doesn't sound all that appealing, but it sure looked nice on the internet. Six whole nights to ourselves in a tropical paradise and I was really looking forward to losing my virginity!
That sounds strange, I know, since Robert and I were legally married and we'd spent all night in the Valentine Suite, since the Marriott's Honeymoon Suite had been booked by someone else. Anyway, we should have consummated our wedding vows the night before, but we'd all gotten a little tipsy at the reception and my sisters, Jilly and Julie, had talked us into going skinny dipping. Except they forgot to tell me! By the time I found Robert and my twin siblings, they'd moved to the Jacuzzi because my four best friends had shown up. Since they were also my bridesmaids, they decided to strip out of their gowns and take turns sitting on the groom's lap and giving him long, deep congratulatory kisses.
Never mind. It's a long story. Suffice to say, my husband had been in no condition to consummate anything by the time those six girls were done with him! And even if he had been, Kylie, my Maid of Honor, was wasiting for us on the bed wearing nothing but a sexy smile. He felt bad about blowing his last load into her womb instead of mine, but their point had been that we'd have a whole week to do nothing but fuck while Kylie went back to work. At least I could sleep with a clear conscience, right?
That morning, feeling much recovered and more like his old self, we had no time for popping my cherry because the desk clerk had forgotten to enter our 6am wakeup call in the computer. We barely made our flight after a security dog had sniffed out one of Jilly's used dildos, at least I think was hers, and Homeland Security had made me empty my suitcase before I could check-in and get a boarding pass. Why my little sister would think I needed a dildo on my honeymoon was beyond me! It was pretty embarrassing, I'll tell you that much.
At least we made the flight and I was glad. Robert's parents were paying for the honeymoon, which was only fair. My parents had paid for the wedding and the reception, of course. Both of our families were kind of rich anyway, although I couldn't say how rich. I only knew we'd always had everything we always wanted, and now we had each other. Sort of alone, I mean, because there was actually a sort of half-wall around the seats, if you can imagine that, and being in first class was a lot like flying in the world's smallest living room. Except we'd pre-boarded ahead of all the people flying business and cattle, so we had kind of a long wait ahead of us.
"Hey, I think these seats fold down," Robert said, wiggling his eyebrows like a little boy. "There's curtains, too."
"Oh!" I giggled and then frowned. "This stupid armrest won't come up."
"Push the button and it'll slide down," a woman said, peering over the wall in front of us. "Hmmm ... Do you want to change seats?"
"What?" I realized she was peering at Robert. "No! I'm sitting with my husband. See?"
I held up my left hand, wiggling my ring finger at her.
"Not you!" she said with barely a glance. "The view is much better up here, believe me."
"Me?" Robert chuckled and fixed me with his adoring gaze. "No. I like the view here just fine. Thanks anyway."
"Paris," she said, lifting her blonde head a little higher.
"Wrong way," I snorted. "This flight's to Hawaii."
"Paris Hilton," she continued, ignoring me completely. "Are you famous?"
"No, I'm Robert," he replied. "I've seen you on the internet."
"Would you like to see more of me?"
"I saw quite a bit already."
"You don't want a guided tour of Paris?" she teased in a little girl voice. "I can show you all the hot spots."
"He's already got an all access backstage pass to Janeville," I informed her, and I was tempted to stick my tongue out at her, but famous people frighten me.
"Where's that?" she wondered. "Never mind. Come on, Robert. Sit with me, just until we're in the air. I get so frightened during take-off and Lindsey Lohan drank all my vodka."
"Well..." My husband shrugged. "I guess I could hold your hand."
"What?" I blinked at him.
"Honey," he protested, giving me his best Boy Scout smile. "She needs me. What else can I do?"
"It looks more like something needs her," I sighed, looking pointedly at his crotch. Robert was blessed with an unusually large penis and it always seemed to be hungry.
"Shhh..." He leaned close, whispering, "How many guys get a chance to nail Paris Hilton?"
"All of them?" I guessed, but he shook his head.
"This is just for fun, you know that." He kissed my cheek. "It'll be a good honeymoon story to tell our kids someday. Please? Don't be mad, baby."
"Hmph!" I made a face, rolled my eyes, and finally gave in. I could never say no to the man, not even on my honeymoon. "Alright. Get her autograph for me."
"I will," he promised with a nipple popping grin. "You're the best, Janey! I can't believe you married a slut like me!"
"Me neither," I agreed, but I was giggling and that kind of spoiled it.
"Who's a slut?" Paris wondered, flashing her blue eyes between us. "Are you coming or not, cowboy?"
"I will be!" Robert promised, giving me one more kiss for good luck before he changed seats.
I looked at the wine list while I peeled a banana, but I'm not much of a wine person and I had better things to worry about anyway.
"Oh my God!" Paris gasped. "Is that for me?"
"Yeah, baby. Do you think you could sign it first?" Robert wondered. "Ow! Ouch!"
"Sorry!" She giggled. "I kinda dot my i's too hard sometimes."
"Well, now you have to kiss it and make me feel better."
"Oh! Let me get comfortable first," she sighed. "Jesus! That's a big fuckin' dick, and I know some big fuckin' dicks, believe me. Have you ever met Eminem? He's the biggest dick in the world, but not like yours! He told meeemmph!"
"All the way down," Robert sighed. "You've sucked some cock before, huh?"
I leaned forward, loosening my seatbelt so I could half-stand and see what they were doing. It turns out those first class seats do turn into a bed, because my husband was laying flat on his back with his pants around his knees while Paris Hilton crouched beside him in a flimsy mini-skirt and a t-shirt. She had her butt pressed right up against the window, but she obviously didn't care about that. The woman had six inches of Robert's fat cock stuffed in her face and wanted more!
They hadn't even pulled the curtain closed, although I suppose neither of them really cared if anyone knew what they were doing. My husband was a slut and Paris was ... Well, she was Paris. Enough said. But it was still kind of embarrassing for me when Denise, the flight attendant, came around with a complimentary box of chocolates.
"We usually don't hand these out on the morning flights," she explained. "But you look like you could use a little something to cheer you up."
"Thanks," I said, and I meant it. "He just can't say no to a pretty face."
"Who can?" she replied with a giggle. "I did Paris the last time she went to Hawaii."
"Oh." I cleared my throat.
"Just push the button if you need anything else," Denise told me before leaning over the seats. "Excuse me, Ms. Hilton, uh ... Robert, but we're going to be taking off soon. If you wouldn't mind, I need you two lovebirds to strap yourselves in."
"Can we do it like ... Ugh! ... This? Spread your legs a little more ... Yeah ... Oh! You're pretty tight for a blonde, Paris!"
"Oh! Fuck! Uhhhh ... Yeah! I have a ... Uh ... Thai ... Trainer! Jesus! I think it's in my uterus!"
"That'll work, I guess," Denise agreed. "I'll come back later and help you guys get loose again."
The plane taxied away from the gate while I listened to the breathless panting of two beautiful people having sex. I decided to eat a chocolate covered cherry. There were only a couple other passengers in first class. One of them looked a lot like that House guy on television, except I heard him speaking on the phone and he had an English accent. The other two were a couple old ladies, like my grandmother's age. They had blue hair and all that, a lot of gaudy jewelry, and way too much makeup. It made me wonder what I'd look like when I got real old, but then I found out they were a couple guys from Twisted Sister and I didn't worry about it so much.
"Oh my God! I'm cumming again!" Paris announced. "I love your fucking cock!"
"I'm gonna cum, too," Robert warned her. "Oh man! I'm gonna blow hard, baby!"
"What? Pull out! You can't cum inside me!"
"Pull out?" My husband laughed. "I think my cock's stuck in your cervix! Jesus! You're tight!"
"Where's the buckle? Can you reach it? Ugh! I'm stuck! My daddy's gonna freeze my trust fund if I get pregnant again!"
"I can't ... Uh! It won't open. Shit ... Can you call the stewardess? I'm stuck, too! Stop fucking my dick!"
"I'm not fucking anything! You're fucking me! Oh jeeze! That feels so ... I'm gonna cum again!"
"Oh no! Sorry ... Paris, but ... Yessss ... Take it, baby! Feel that? I'm cumming!"
"Good morning, ladies and gentleman, this is your captain speaking. We're waiting for our final clearance to depart Seattle-Tacoma. We're going to be delayed a few minutes because of the weather, but we should be taking off shortly. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing Virgin-Pacific Airlines this morning."
"Delayed?" Paris giggled. "I thought we were already in the air."
"I was, baby," my husband replied. "That was incredible. Are you ready to do it again?"
"Do I have a choice?" she wondered. "I hope they sell morning after pills at the Duty-Free shop."
I had to sit there for another ten minutes listening to my husband fuck Paris Hilton. I could already imagine how excited he'd be to tell all his friends about his brush with fame. They'd wonder where I'd been and it wouldn't even occur to Robert that he could lie and say I was asleep or in the bathroom, or ... Well, there aren't too many other excuses, really. But that's not the point. Everyone would know that I'd been sitting in the seat directly behind them, reading a boring in-flight magazine and allowing the man I loved to fuck another woman right in front of me.
True love, that's the only excuse I had. From the very beginning, I'd known Robert couldn't keep his dick dry. He admitted as much and often lamented his weakness for pussy. Of course, most men have the same problem, but with my husband's looks and personality, it wasn't just that he loved fucking women -- They loved fucking him! Beautiful women, like Paris Hilton, had no problems with stealing Robert right out from under me. Heck, my own sisters didn't have a problem with it.
Was I the only woman in the world who thought it was wrong to treat a man with respect? Probably, and only because I wasn't attractive like my sisters, or outgoing like Kylie, who had stood by me in front of God, my parents, and a hundred guests with the groom's semen spilling down her long, black legs. And I certainly wasn't famous, like Paris Hilton, although I wasn't exactly sure why she was famous. I figured she was probably one of those manufactured celebrities, you know? America used to be good at making cars, but now we just made people who looked good on television.
Sadly, I wasn't one of those and we both knew it.
"Your husband's a great fuck," Paris told me, returning him after the plane leveled off at thirty thousand feet.
"Hi, Janey." Robert kissed my cheek and he looked exactly like what he was, a slut who had spent the last hour on his back. His face was red, his hair all over the place, and he smelled like some other girl's pussy.
"You're a mess," I told him, frowning.
"So am I," Paris said with a frown of her own. "Where's that stewardess. I know she likes her eggs runny. How about you, wifey?"
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It was in the beginning of spring. I was travelling to Paris for a week, wanting to enjoy a solitary trip to this destination that was both familiar and unpredictable. I arrived in the afternoon. The first thing I felt stepping out in the street was the warmth of the sun on my hair. I touched it and in a second, a slight shiver traversed my body. I felt new and beautiful in this town that was not mine. My hotel was situated in the vicinity of the Tuileries Gardens. I was given a room with a...
I am a 20 year old ‘office lady’, who works for a trading company based in Osaka, Japan. My English skills gave me this job, and my ‘personal skills’ with my boss make me enjoy it. He is in his early 60ies and very handsome. He takes good care of his body, does work-outs three times a week, and is in perfect shape. This makes him an extremely good lover. Whenever he travels abroad, he takes me with him, because he does not speak English. This time, he had his first business trip to France....
This may be considered a bit of a honeymoon. It was very much like one, and in some ways will undoubtedly be remembered as such.Wednesday I arrived on schedule at Charles De Gaulle Airport north of Paris. Michelle met me there as planned. I snuck up behind her and surprised her out of her wits. I felt bad but she was very happy after the initial shock. We made our way to the bus which would take us to Montparnasse train station, where we would then catch a Metro and go only two stops to our...
True story . as is my first story.. I met Victoria when i was 21 in Australia. she was 11 years older then me but we had some fun times there. we kept the contact over the years and meet several times all over the world :-). in the last 4-5 years my sexual preferences have changed as i realized that i am more into submission and BDSM in general. i started to be pn second life and had some online mistresses and since two years i have a steady online mistress i adore a lot and would do anything...
I am a 20 year old ‘office lady’, who works for a trading company based in Osaka, Japan. My English skills gave me this job, and my ‘personal skills’ with my boss make me enjoy it. He is in his early 60ies and very handsome. He takes good care of his body, does work-outs three times a week, and is in perfect shape. This makes him an extremely good lover. Whenever he travels abroad, he takes me with him, because he does not speak English. This time, he had his first business trip to France....
Quickie SexLt Tom Paris had to hurry from the Bridge to sickbay. Voyager had just received an emergency distress call from the Delta Flyer. Apparently some strange gas had gotten into the shuttle and was messing up the ship’s systems as well as physically harming Seven of Nine. Seven of Nine and the Doctor had been the only members of that particular away mission and with Tom being the only medical assistant he had to leave his post at comm. and head down to sick bay. Seven of Nine and the Doctor both...
When I arrived back at my apartment, I found a letter had been pushed under my door. I emptied the contents of the envelope. A letter gave me the rundown of the next mission. I was heading to Paris. I had always wanted to go there and was actually excited. My target was an actress in an opera. She was the daughter of an important politician. Our client hopes to get her father to pull out of the race due to having to care for a traumatized daughter. The next page showed me her picture. She...
One night both Charles and Arlene end up at the Pavillon De La Reine, a four star hotel in Paris France. They made reservations just a few days ago and it’s not for a honeymoon or vacation it’s just a getaway for two people to escape and enjoy their sexual passion and desires for one another. As they are both escorted to their suite on the 14th floor overlooking the city of Paris both Charles and Arlene turn to each other and start to kiss. Charles has been waiting for this day for awhile and...
The taxi pulled up at Brussels Midi and Rose stepped out into a small puddle of water. She smiled at her own misfortune, which was common. The whole square had one puddle, and it just so happened that this was where she would put her stiletto. Somehow, despite her best efforts, complete elegance always eluded her but she accepted her flaws, as they were a reminder of her many blessings and as far as flaws go, the odd puddle was nothing to complain about. Rose walked calmly through the station...
The shop fronts streamed past while our taxi made its way through the streets of Paris. We were on our way to what Emily described as an adult circus. She had a friend who was involved with the event and was able to get us prime tickets and it was all very hush hush.Emily gave me a cheeky smile as our eyes met.“Don’t worry, this is going to great!” she reassured me with a wicked smile.My eyes strayed down her long neck to where her breasts turned into an elegant cocktail dress. A surge of...
ExhibitionismI like to spend my holidays at home most of the time, but from time to time I take trips around European cities and go sightseeing. On one of these vacations, I travelled to Paris and treated myself to a stay at a more fancy hotel than I usually do, just because I fell in love with the interior. It was an old place, with lots of scrollwork, nice stucco ceilings and golden inlays in almost all surfaces. It even had a waterfall in the lobby and a great room.I stayed there by myself, but had taken...
LesbianAfter my first year of university, I visited Paris in early May to take in the sights. One particular day is very memorable.I visited Montmarte and Sacré-Cœur and then I wandered along to Place Pigalle, the “red light” district.In front of one of the sex clubs, an older, grandmotherly lady with curly grey hair approached me and asked, “Would you like to look? It’s free.”I hesitated for a moment, but thought to myself, “Why not?” and followed her inside. She led me up some stairs and said, “It’s...
This happened in February 2015 in Paris. I'm having to rely on my memory but it's still very vivid as we use it so often when we have sex to make us both cum so strongly. We were in Paris with friends and had done the usual Eiffel tour tour etc and had gone out for a few drinks after. The time was reaching midnight and our friends wanted to head back to the hotel. I persuaded them to stop on route at a nightclub I had heard about. I didn't tell them it was a Libertine Club as I wanted to just...
Lt Tom Paris had to hurry from the Bridge to sickbay. Voyager had just received an emergency distress call from the Delta Flyer. Apparently some strange gas had gotten into the shuttle and was messing up the ship's systems as well as physically harming Seven of Nine. Seven of Nine and the Doctor had been the only members of that particular away mission and with Tom being the only medical assistant he had to leave his post at comm. and head down to sick bay.Seven of Nine and the Doctor both...
So I Was In Paris France Last Year Hanging Out With My Best Friend Maya Now Maya Has Been My Friend For About Ten Years Now And Me And Her Had Always Been Close Sometimes we would Cuddle Kiss and a Little Bit More, Even Tho She Had a Gf at the Time and One Night I was At her Pine House she She Asked Me To Come To Her Room she Took MY Hand and Just Kissed Me and not Just a peck on the Cheek i mean like Kiss Kiss French Kiss it was amazing she told me, iv been wanting to do that for a long time i...
We went to Paris last weekend to catch up with some friends of ours, Marc and Johan. Johan loves photography so spent the day out taking shots, while the rest of us went to a café and got through some wine. After a couple of hours John came back and showed us the photos he has taken during the day and boy are they good. So Marc looks through the photos and accidentally scrolls through some photos of a young girl posing for some nice and naughty stockings and suspenders photos. Johan is a bit...
One night both Charles and Arlene end up at the Pavillon De La Reine, a four star hotel in Paris France. They made reservations just a few days ago and it’s not for a honeymoon or vacation it’s just a getaway for two people to escape and enjoy their sexual passion and desires for one another. As they are both escorted to their suite on the 14th floor overlooking the city of Paris both Charles and Arlene turn to each other and start to kiss. Charles has been waiting for this day for awhile and...
Straight SexGreeting, I am Rohan, 18, from Gujarat. I am a very big fan of ISS and today I am going to tell you guys about my mom’s first cock party and guys believe me it was really happened. In my family, there are three members. My father Bhargav mostly stays abroad. I Rohan, just cleared my 12th and my sexy hot mom, Ritu. She is a 39 year old MILF, with milky white body with perfect curves, she has a beautiful round face with big brown eyes and long black hairs touching her ass, she had a perfect pair...
IncestI like to spend my holidays at home most of the time, but from time to time I take trips around european cities and go sightseeing. On one of these vacations I travelled to Paris and treated myself to a stay at a more fancy hotel than I usually do, just because I fell in love with the interior. It was an old place, with lots of scrollwork, nice stucco ceilings and golden inlays in almost all surfaces. It even had a waterfall in the lobby and a great room. I stayed there by myself, but had...
This is what I can remember from my last month's business trip to Paris. It was on a rainy day, when I strolled around the streets of St. Germain, when I came by a kind of old-fashioned hairdressing salon. As I passed it my attention was drawn when I saw an older but still very attractive lady in a chair near the window. Her bouffant hair was being teased and sprayed with lots of hairspray. I didn't dare to stop walking and stare in the shop because I had already drawn attention slowing down my...
Dés mon plus jeune âge, j'ai été attiré par les choses du sexe. A Paris, lors d'un séjour chez une copine, il m'est arrivée une histoire cocasse. Aux heures de pointe, nous étions serrés comme des sardines dans le wagon. Tout à coup, j’ai senti une main se poser une fesse. Au début, j’ai cru à une maladresse, mais la pression des doigts de l’inconnu se faisait de plus en plus franche et commençait à s'insinuer dans la raie de mes fesses. J'ai voulu me retourner vers l’importun mais serrés comme...
I had booked a trip for me and my wife to Paris for a long weekend. It was in August and that year it was a heatwave with very high temperatures. After a day out in the city we always needed a long shower to get away from the heat (the hotel had no air-condition). This particular day my wife took her shower first and I took off my clothes and sat down in a chair. I looked through the window and saw that on the opposite side of the street a man just walked out on his balcony. He was totally...
I find myself sitting alone in a café waiting for my wife to reappear. Although we had been together for a year, and had already established the sort of relationship it was to be, we had now taken the plunge and got married. During the ceremony, when we promised to foresake all others, etc., I had given her a big wink which she returned. That was not for us! And now we were on our honeymoon in Paris. It had taken us no time to find out that there were other things to do than visit...
EroticThis is the story of what happened to me one sunny afternoon in Paris. I was in France on business, but my return flight was cancelled due to an air traffic controllers' strike. My wife was also away on business and I was in no hurry to get home, so I checked in to a hotel and decided to see the sights. By early afternoon I had had enough. It was unbearably hot, the streets were crowded with tourists and I was losing what little sympathy I might have had for the air traffic controllers. I sat...
Group Sex