151 Reasons free porn video

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There's a common misconception that the female of our species is illogical. Taken at the macro, day-to-day level that may appear the case, but over time they are actually the most logical creatures on Earth. With logic comes predictability. And if the output is predictable, the input can be manipulated to deliver any response desired.

And do I have desires.

Take the barista over there for example. The rakish, pretty redhead, hair tied back in a bun. The one who flashes me a dimply smile when I catch her eye over my mid-morning cappuccino. That's Alina from the Ukraine, studying English part-time at the uni. Father's an independent film-maker, mother's an actress. Neither I've heard of. But despite having the means to pay for my own drink, this one's “On thee house", proudly stated in heavily accented English as I reached for my wallet. I made a fuss, but she insisted. Why? Because last month I fucked her until she didn't know which way was up. And there's nothing wrong with her pronunciation of four-letter words when her head swished side-to-side in a tangled cherry halo against my pillow.

She almost had no need of a bra, but I'd taken it off anyway, if only to suck and bite her perky nipples. Her underwear, functional and utterly superfluous, was flung aside with her jeans moments after crashing into my apartment. She was a wisp of a girl, so light, so fragile. I carried her to the bed, crawled between her willowy thighs and there I stayed, listening to her shrieks under my expert tongue.

Teasing and bringing women to orgasm is my natural drug. The urge to please swells through every fibre of my being. The sight, the sound, the smell is intoxicating and fuels my cock to capacity. By the time I sank into Alina's dripping centre, she was already 2-0 up. Loud, horny and scraping skin from my back beneath purple nail polish, she rasped hot breaths into my ear with each savage thrust. An absolute delight to fill with my boiling come and watch it ooze from her soaking red entrance, distended petals hanging open, the shape of a crucifix. Quite fitting given her religious background; information I'd gleaned during our first encounter, not fifteen feet from where I'm sitting.

The key, I've found, is observation and knowing what to ask without it appearing an interrogation. Making ridiculous suggestions is my favourite method to give her a chance to make corrections: "Lemme guess: you study… marine biology, right?" Boom! Conversation starter.

Another thing I tried on her: "Bet that woman's tattoo hurt," nodding at one of the patrons. Alina's eyes gave her away, even before she confirmed her lack of ink. With nothing adorning her body save for a cute pair of cat-shaped earrings, she was 90% likely to be affiliated with a faith. Once I'd ruled out Catholicism, it defined how many occasions I needed to spend with her before talking her into bed. Three is indeed the magic number, thank you De La Soul . On our third coffee shop "date" I'd suggested a bar. Two hours later she was scrunching up my bed sheets and making the neighbours wish the walls were thicker.

She's not dirty like others I've had, and I genuinely respect that. I'm not going to suggest anal; she's not that type of girl. Unlike Chloe. I'd gone for a run around the park and spotted her warming up by the cricket pavilion, iPhone ear buds already nestled in delicate ears below a chestnut ponytail. Improvising, I steered my route past her, making a show of annoyance at my phone, pretending to notice her and popping out one of my own ear buds.

"Sorry to bother you. My phone's playing up. Would you mind if I try your earphones so I can check if it's the phone or the cable?"

"Uhh sure."

"Thanks. If it's the earphones I'll order some more on my way round."

As she twisted to unclip her cable, I noted two things. One: her athletic midriff peeking below her sports top was supple and revealed a cute belly piercing. Two: she was listening to Deadmau5 . Unlikely religious, and into dance, respectively.

I fumbled the white cable on purpose so I could brush her fingers against mine, then plugged hers in. Of course everything was fine. I nodded to the beat, swiping to the 'D' section before handing them back, indicating her screen – cracked like pretty much everyone's – as she reattached them. "Hey, Deadmau5. Snap.” I showed her my display. “I like The 16 th Hour . 130BPM is about my pace. What's yours?" Boom! Conversation starter.

Ended up jogging with her, going halvsies on coffee and cake afterwards. Then a cheeky pint, which turned to two, which led to walking her home and being invited in, culminating in jogging of the horizontal variety. Naked, sweaty and raw, we were both a bit ripe after the exercise but she tasted fucking fantastic as she sat on my face and started to drizzle onto my insistent tongue. When she slithered back and impaled her neatly trimmed bush on my steel I was mesmerised by her breasts bouncing as she rode me. They were a good handful and she loved having her nipples pinched, tipping her head back, panting to the ceiling.

Based on my profile of her I took a risk, ran my hands down her toned abdomen, brushing her flower-shaped belly jewel and round to cup her voluptuous bottom. Peeled her cheeks apart and swabbed my finger along her rear. Bringing my hand to her face I let her suck my dirty fingers then returned them to gently penetrate her bum. She sighed. "If you want that you're gonna have to make it wetter."

Challenge accepted.

Flipping her onto all fours, I began to lick, probe and prepare her bottom for invasion. Such a delicious rear, firm yet elastic enough where I needed it most. She cried out as I pushed my fat cock in. Fuck she was tight, grinding back against me inch by vice-like inch, whimpering as I reached the base. When I picked up speed she began masturbating, which continued throughout her orgasm. And mine.

Showering together was her idea. We definitely needed it. I couldn't resist going down on her again, warm water raining from her tidy thatch and splashing my face as she gripped the shower screen and came with a gasp. I knelt there watching her body twitch, gradually regaining her composure. She sucked in a deep breath and smiled. Turns out she was full of kinky ideas.

"Ever had a woman pee on you before?"


"I'm kinda desperate after that orgasm and the booze. Would you…?"

I was surprised, but far be it for me to disappoint. "Where would you like me?"

"You're fine as you are."

She spread her juicy slit and bent her knees, aiming at my chest. Even under the warmth of the shower, her clear stream was hot as it splashed against my pecs, ran through my pubic hair and drained away, spiralling with the shower water. It felt dirty, but kind of thrilling. I'd been drowned in female ejaculate more times than I dared count, but pee wasn't something I'd ever considered before. And she certainly looked like it did something to her internal circuitry, her mouth falling open.

After her flow dribbled to a stop, we ended up groping and soaping one another to a frenzy, her lathered hand jacking my shaft until I was rock hard again. She turned around and begged me to fuck her arse once more as the water cascaded off her shoulders, dappling my chest while we bucked as one. Utterly depraved, I loved it.

I swirled the cappuccino and smiled at Alina for the twentieth time. Poor girl couldn't get enough of my charms. A bit like Laura in that regard. Against my better judgement I'd taken a contract at an upstart to spec their IT infrastructure. The CEO seemed fairly switched on and they were offering ludicrous money to get it done quickly ready for launch. Fifteen grand. Three weeks' work for my crew. 'Vulture capitalists', as I call them, had swooped and injected more money than sense into the business in exchange for varying chunks of the post-launch pie. But what sealed the deal for me was Laura.

A late 30s brunette with big tastes and bigger tits, she exuded status. Her hair dusted the shoulders of a killer body for her age, with only faint signs of wear around the edges, and intense emerald eyes behind designer glasses. At the initial negotiation meeting she breezed into the boardroom in a charcoal pencil skirt and aqua blouse. I could hardly wrench my eyes off her as she glided around the table to sit opposite me, taking notes with a curious air of demure confidence, occasionally sliding the tip of her pen between lightly glossed lips.

Clearly she had influence over who was appointed, though I couldn't tell if she liked me. I tried not to stare, but she was magnetic. Powerful. Maybe it was the challenge of attaining the unattainable older woman, but I knew at that moment I had to have her.

Over the contract period we saw a lot of one another professionally. She had a Southern twang to her voice, more Home Counties than the grating London drawl. Maybe Surrey or Sussex. Yet I found her hot/cold nature baffling. She could be cheeky and playful one minute, then somewhat aloof the next. Despite my best efforts at employing trademark ambiguous statements to garner a response, she virtually withstood them all.

It only made me want her more.

My attempts to profile her like every other woman met resistance. She had barriers I hadn't encountered in anyone else, perhaps erected through age or bitter experiences. It was frustrating, to the point that on more than one occasion I didn't go straight home, hit a club, sank some shots, chatted up the hottest thing I could find and fucked her senseless, all the while imagining it was Laura's cries echoing off the walls.

Every so often I'd see a flash of mischief in Laura's eyes when we talked, but it would fade quickly, normally when her husband was nearby. I sensed she loved him – perhaps it was more admiration -- but wondered if he satisfied her, and if not why the hell not. Given the chance, I'd be in her every day.

I did manage to draw her on the subject once as we chatted about favourite foods. "So what would be your ideal dinner date then?"

"Cantonese. There's a gorgeous one in the next village that we visit. Used to visit," she corrected.

"Did it shut down?"

"No, we just haven't… had time." A faraway look eclipsed her freckled cheeks. "We love each other dearly, I just need to accept that the businesses he starts are his mistresses."

Something unspoken passed between us and I became excited at the longing in her eyes as she set them on mine. She shook her head quickly and changed the subject, but the chink in her armour had been revealed: loneliness. Maybe the pair of them were usually frisky, but the lead-up to the launch had taken its toll on his time and energy, while she became restless. The key to her underwear, therefore lay in empathising with her predicament.

A couple of days later, towards the end of the contract, I made sure to snap a few times then apologise. Said it was stress about finishing on time, but could sense she was intrigued. When quizzed about it one lunchtime, I confided that I was going through a rough patch with my girlfriend. In truth, the only rough patch I'd been in was the pussy of a girl called Faye the night before. I implored Laura not to mention my situation to the guys because it'd probably work itself out, but the seed had been sown. She looked at me differently from then on. Opened up a little more.

Back in the game, I just had to close the deal.

I was invited to the launch after-party at their mansion. The place truly was fantastic, with a central staircase sweeping up to balconies ether side of the great hall in which animated chatter ebbed, piano music flowed, and canapés were consumed. The chandelier was something else.

Hobnobbing isn't my thing, but it was likely to lead to more business so I whored myself around the room to the suits, swapping cards. It did give me a last chance to admire-slash-ogle Laura in a sensational burgundy strapless evening gown, complete with black velour opera gloves and four-inch heels. She'd accentuated her delicate neckline with a silver chain and heart-shaped pendant that probably cost what I earn in six months. I thickened at thoughts of nuzzling her neck, brushing her shoulders, whipping off her dress and laying waste to the treasures beneath. She seemed distracted, though. Slightly withdrawn as she downed her second flute of champagne. Maybe they'd argued prior to the shindig.

My path ultimately led me to stand alongside my employer.

"Ahhh, here he is, man of the moment." He clapped me on the back, turning conspiratorially to the greying businessmen in his midst. "He's worth his weight in gold, this one."

I nodded curtly and quipped, "As are you, Troy."

The suits laughed and Troy gave a thin-lipped smile. “Very droll.”

“Thank you. Speaking of which, I'll take gold if you have any to settle the balance.”

“I don't.”

“Then cash is fine.”

Troy blinked. “You're expecting it now?”

“Not this minute. But we agreed half up-front, half on completion. Isn't the launch 'completion'?”

He seemed a little irritated to be discussing the deal in front of his buddies. “Of course. Tell you what, come by the office Monday, Melissa will sort you out.”

“Sorry, I'm not around next week.”

He sighed. “OK. Find me later and we'll settle up.”

Laura interjected, stepping alongside us and catching hold of my arm on one side and his shoulder the other. “Honey," she purred. "You look after the guests, I'll take care of Mr. Noble if you like.”

He regarded his wife, some ten years his junior. “Thank you, darling.”

The air fizzed as she led me away. Besides the occasional contact during the failed attempts at wooing her, we'd barely touched. The warmth of her body made me tingle. Was "taking care" a euphemism for what I hoped? Had I done enough to snare her at the eleventh hour?

We breezed up the staircase together, leaving the chatter behind and she guided me left to a large set of double doors with ornate handles, slipping inside ahead of me. It was the master bedroom. A colossal four-poster that would dominate my whole apartment, looked minuscule against one of the huge walls. She was nonplussed as it was her home, but I was taken aback by the sheer grandeur of everything, from the ottoman and writing bureau to the art on the walls and springy carpet.

She spun. "You like?"

I nodded. "Wow."

"Me, not the décor."

"Oh. Yes. Stunning."

She beamed, more at ease away from the party. Maybe the alcohol was talking. "I'll get your money. Just need to use the bathroom a moment."

I circled the room, still aghast at the opulence. The TV on its pivot had to be over fifty inches, and the wall lamps from which soft glows emanated looked to be solid silver. Entrepreneurialism wasn't without its material benefits.

The click of the en-suite door signalled her re-entry and I turned, my jaw dropping. Naked, save for the heels, and opera gloves to her elbows. She pirouetted again, ballerina style. "Prefer this look?"

I goldfished. "Uhh, I… yeah. But-" I checked over my shoulder reflexively, "-if he sees you… us like this I'll find a horse's head on my pillow."

She chuckled and strode to a picture on the wall, moving it aside to reveal the safe. Very James Bond. I watched her flawless behind flex as she keyed in the code and the mechanism unlatched with a whirr. "Seventy-five hundred?" She didn't wait for an answer, counting out packets of what looked like 50s, removing the rubber bands from each as she went.

Closing the safe, she strutted within inches of me, her scent as tantalising as her body. At the edge of the four-poster she launched the stack of bills into the air and they fluttered to the sheets as she clambered on and laid face-up in the scattered pile of money. "Come and get it."

I gawped, nailed to the spot despite a naked siren and a hundred and fifty paper reasons to approach the bed. "Why now?"

"You put so much effort in. I couldn't let it go unrewarded."

"So, all this time you…"

"… were playing hard to get," she finished. "You know how tough you are to resist? I've seen the hunger in your eyes, Ryan. It makes me feel alive. Desired. I haven't seen that look in anyone for months. I want to feel wanted again." She waved two wads of notes she'd kept the bands on. "Here's another thousand if you do it before he finds us."

I fumbled with my shoes.

"That's far enough," she called. "Clothed is fine."

As I approached the bed and crawled on she scissored her legs open, her fuzz of hair moist with anticipation. She placed the stack of bills on her belly and I wasted no more time, diving for the wet snatch I'd lusted after for weeks. She was like a fine wine that improved with age. A fragrant bouquet with a delicious tang as her nectar slithered against my tongue and I drank. Made the Chloes of the world seem like Lambrini in comparison.

Though I hardly needed tutelage, Laura's fingers ran through my brown hair to clutch the base of my skull and guide me to where she needed, beginning to pant. I grazed, licked, sought her clit peeking from its dark hood and she groaned. "Oh Ryan, yes."

I lifted a fraction, savouring her lithe, damp form beyond the money stacks, our eyes connecting. She fluttered hers closed as she saw the want in me and I circled her clitoris, languid yet insistent. "Fuck yes." It was the first time I'd heard her swear. But not the last. "Ohhh, make me come, yesssss," she hissed.

Introducing a digit to her drooling entrance, I slid inside easily and began sawing back and forth wetly. "Oh God, yes. So good. Ohhh. Ooohhh."

Her snapping pussy caught me by surprise. Hadn't expected her to come so soon, but I wasn't complaining. Her juices were thick and I lapped every drop of mouth-watering grool before sitting up.

Laura drifted, eyeing me through half-closed lids, then pointed at my trousers and crooked her finger. I unzipped my fly and moved the underwear aside, my phallus springing towards her, full and veined. She let out a little squeak, chewed her lip and whispered, "Just fuck me."

I crawled over her and sank inside with no resistance. She sighed as our faces drew level and tasted herself from my lips, tongues lancing, our bodies beginning a harmonious rhythm. She was a sensual, wet, passionate lover, becoming wilder and more animated as my cock repeatedly split velvet insides that drooled desire, staining my trousers. I didn't care.

My usual self-control evaporated when she swished her gloved arms in the cash, grabbing fistfuls of notes, her mouth open, pulling my tie and stuffing money inside my shirt. "Fuck you're so BIG. Earn every penny. Come inside me. Fill my aching pussy."

Her legs wrapped my torso and she bucked against me, grabbing my head and kissing me roughly, moaning and gasping into my mouth. I roared and unleashed slash after slash of hot spunk where she needed it most, crushing her to the bed, sated. Fulfilled. Bought.

That was three days ago and I've yet to find a horse's head anywhere. My company's up fifteen grand, another one in my wallet, and I got to fuck the client's wife. Win-win-win.

I sank the remainder of the drink, the caffeine swirling my system, returning the cup to Alina, promising to hook up later in the week. She smiled sweetly and I reciprocated, genuinely looking forward to her sexy screams. The world really is my theme park, its women the rides, and I have an all-access pass that money simply cannot buy.

Stepping to the exit, I held the door for a strawberry blonde in a low-cut top who was also leaving. I followed her out, watching her arse rising and falling rhythmically in tight jeans, the familiar surge welling inside me, thickening, lengthening.

My fingers traced the wallet's outline. The office could wait a little longer.

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Man watches my wife on video

I recently went on a business trip out of state. I was going to be there for almost a week and knew that I would most likely be eating dinners at the hotel. So, a I picked a nice place that had a couple of options for food. There was a swanky restaurant and a casual bar where food you could also order food. After a day of travel and a hand full of meetings, I was ready to sit down and have a beer and a burger. I went to the bar and sat down. Shortly after I ordered a beer and asked for a menu,...

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The Deadfall

The hill was an escape, a portal to an easier world. In fact it wasn’t much of a hill at all, more like a rise in the ground and a path that went up among the rocks under the trees. Kaiser, the Rottweiler, watched them from behind the fence and barked at Chano because it was too stupid to see that he was a trusted friend and that no one had put Chano in the back of the yard inside a fence. The smart dog lived in the house where it was warm because she was old and gentle and took a piece of...

1 year ago
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College Humiliation 8211 Part 7

Thank you, guys, for the appreciation. Before continuing with the seventh part, let me give a brief background. This story is of a country which was male dominant. A girl studying in a college commits the mistake of stealing the exam paper and is punished and humiliated by the Dean of the college. She is stripped nude and punished. She had a humiliating session in Anatomy class. She had a pee compilation punishment. Later she had a blowjob compilation. She is exposed to body shaming, and her...

2 years ago
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Doing MandyChapter 14 Taffy Becomes Closer to Mandy

Mandy was lying on her bed the next morning thinking about the way Tom had forced her to copulate with her own fully grown male Golden Retriever. She could vividly remember the feeling as she was kneeling there on the floor in front of her own bed, her husband off flying somewhere in the country on his job, and she was feeling the massive size of Taffy's hairy body covering her as her dog's engorged rampantly bucking cock suddenly found her cunthole and began penetrating her pussy. Mandy...

1 year ago
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By drinking Choda Beer to the neighboring aunt

oli- Raj, this is the best gift of my life. I was happy and immediately put Land in fourth gear and started fucking him at full speed. After a while I put Anjuman on the bed and put his legs on his shoulder. Then I inserted the lund in the pussy and slowly started jerking. Now both were getting tired, he started running ass from below. The room began to resonate with both the sobs and the breath began to intensify. I have fuck many women, girls but the fun that Anjuman gave today, never got it....

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Dads and Daughters on VacationChapter 4

Ted, Mark, Amber and Stephanie returned to their hotel suite still damp from their latest romp in the pool. No one quite knew what to do next. They were all aware of the weight of what had just happened. The girls had each gotten their own dad to cum. And they all wondered, what was next? Should they talk about what had gone on in the pool? The girls weren't dragging their dads back out the door as they had previously, so it seemed that they would be willing to talk. Mark had begun a...

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The New EmployeeChapter 2 Wage Slave

The next morning, a nice sunny Monday that promised an unseasonably warm spring day ahead, Marcy and Melissa were dropped off by her mother in the parking lot – already nude, aside from runners and ankle socks. I was waiting for them by the Resort's 1930's-era pickup truck, parked behind the registration hut. "So, Melissa, ready for some fun?" "Yes, Mr. Jackman. Do I get to swim?" "Yes, Melissa. All day long, if you've a mind to. Have you put on your sunscreen yet?" "Yes Mr....

1 year ago
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Fat Assed Fatima

Fatima Zahra is a hijabi wife, teacher and a mother of 2 k**s, however, this is just the start of who this Indian bitch is since she is the above only when her husband is around. Her other side is a wild, sex-crazy MILF with a massive, seat-swallowing ass that covered 2 guys when she sat on their knees during orgies at the school she worked in. Fatima's size attracted many as her figure-hugging abaya gave onlookers a great view.The Indian MILF wife was always jumping from dick to dick after her...

1 year ago
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06 HomeChapter 19

Flashback – Major M – Undisclosed location The L.Cpl. stated the obvious, "Sir the firing stopped, maybe they left?" I shook my head and the Sgt. suggested, "Well if you really think so why don't you step outside and waltz around the Humvee." He said, "No, I don't think that would be such a good idea." I briefly considered making it an order - but I still needed the L.Cpl... Flashback – Ira – Undisclosed location My sister Mira jumped upward, what in hades was transpiring? I...

1 year ago
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wrong bar

It all started a few weeks ago while I sat in a bar after a long day of searching through the want ads."How's it going?" said the clean headed muscle man who sat down next to me."Not the best," I said, looking up from the paper. "I've been slogging around town all morning, looking for a job.""No luck?" he asked, looking me over with ice-blue eyes."Not really," I said."Well," he said, motioning the bartender, "maybe I can take some of the sting out of that for you. Two more here, Ben."I smiled...

3 years ago
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The Student Lodger Part 2

This is just a FantasyAfter James had graduated we had taken in a new Lodger, Chris. Chris was tall, black and in his early 20s having started university a few years later than most. This meant he came with a bit more experience of life. He was confident, but not cocky, and friendly to chat with, and as my wife put it ‘easy on the eye’. After he moved in my wife and I discussed how we could broch the subject of him becoming my wife’s lover during his tenancy. I first checked with my wife that...

4 years ago
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The Staring Contest

"Let's have a staring contest," you suggest out of the blue. "What are you? Six?" I shoot back. "No," you say, pouting cutely. "Come on, I'm bored." 'Bored' doesn't even begin to describe the situation. It's Sunday afternoon and raining. Your military husband has been deployed for the past month. My wife's gone out of town for her work this weekend. Neither of us has much to do. We've been across-the-street neighbours for just about two years. You and your husband are like the All-American...

2 years ago
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PrincessMy mind is a fucking slugfest. Muhamed Ali versus George Foreman. The Rumble in the Jungle. I sit in my car, pensive. Two massive personalities square off inside my indecisive head. Punch after punch controlling my every thought.In one corner, Peter the jock. Twenty-two year old, six foot, blonde hair, blue eyed, former all-American football phenom. In the opposing corner, Princess.Princess loved dorning my mother’s flowery sundresses while she was at work. Squeezing oversized feet into...

Quickie Sex
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Me and Mum Starting Again chapter 2

The dance floor was probably very crowded, but I wouldn't have known. As far as I was concerned it was just her and me. We moved together perfectly, our eyes fixed very firmly on each other, every song the D.J. played seemed to mean something to us, every line of every song was for us, she clung to me with every step, she moaned softly in her throat when she felt my hands on her bottom."It's fat Danny," she whispered and then held me tighter when I told her it was perfect.We stopped halfway up...

1 year ago
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AssParade Alina Belle Alina8217s Underwater Fuck

Alina Belle’s big ass is as hot as the sun today so she decides to take off her shorts and get into the pool. She plays with her ass and jiggles it in front of the camera before we go underwater to see what’s underneath her bikini. Shortly after Luke comes in and starts fucking her exotic pussy. They get out of the pool and that’s when things get heavy. Alina shakes her ass for the camera while getting fucked so you know this one gets real hot. Listen to Alina moan with joy...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 41

Lupe opened her water bottle and took a small sip as Anita situated herself in the chair again. "Would you like to continue, Lupe?" Anita asked. Lupe turned in her seat to look at Andy. He only gave her a small smile before she turned around. "OK," she said. "I think I was talking about the bus." "You were," Elizabeth said, patting Lupe on the arm gently. "The bus is filled with kids from different blocks – and different gangs – from our neighborhood," Lupe said in a firm...

3 years ago
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Divorced Dry Spell is Over Lesbian

Well, hell, I was feeling horny. So what was new? I just had to get out of the apartment, so I decided to slip down a few doors and see Pamela, a good friend and fellow apartment dweller. We had found a common bond as we were both divorcees in our early thirties with no thoughts of rushing into another marriage. She loved to talk about sex, so did I! She was a delightful neighbor to have.As I started to knock on Pam's door, I distinctly heard the sounds of lovemaking. I hesitated a moment, then...

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My horny kaki in Ahmedabad

His all began when I was in 14th class. My Chachi who also lived with us (mine was a joint family) was married to my uncle who was around 10 yrs older to her. They were living very happily. But one thing which used to baffle me was that whenever me and my Chachi use to be alone she used to tease me by showing off hers legs or the cleavage of her boobs. Sometimes she used to touch my private property or used to scratch her pussy in front of me. She purposely used to slip the pallu of her saree...

3 years ago
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First time me and my dad had gay sex FANTASY

It all started on a Friday night after getting home from work. I had just graduated college, and was working at a local restaurant delivering food. It was around 10:30 PM. I went upstairs to change into some sweatpants since I was tired from a long shift and was ready to throw on some sweatpants and a hoodie and watch some television downstairs. I noticed my mom was already a sleep which wasn’t too out of the ordinary since she works early every day. I threw on some clothes and headed...

4 years ago
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My sister Khadijah

Dear friends, I have never before tried to write a story and almost I decided otherwise but after a lot of consideration I am going to narrate how in the world this happened. My name is Abdullah (I have to unfortunately change my name and others names for our privacy and security) and I am from Quetta Pakistan. I am now 49 years old but what happened about 30 something years ago is still so clear in my mind that as if it was yesterday. I used to go to a school called Yazdan Khan High School at...

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Moving to a Retirement Community

Chapter 5 I stood there in the open doorway with my mouth wide open, unable to say a word. "Well don't just stand there," Ed told me, as he entered the house and went over to where Gene was sitting on the sofa. "You're wasting a perfectly good opportunity here," he grabbed Gene's cock and started pumping it up and down, drawing a few beads of precum as a result. He plucked the first one with his finger and licked it up. "Tastes good to me," he said. "You sure you won't be joining us?" After...

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House guest

Megan hung up the phone and took a deep breath. Going to the kitchen she stood behind her husband and wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. Patting her hand he asked, what's gotten you all excited. Moving her hand down his bare chest she said, Rebecca's coming to stay with us for a while. Really, he said. Turning the stove off, he took Megan's arm and pulled her in front of him. Placing his hands on the sides of her face he said, you know I like it when she comes to visit. Reaching down...

1 year ago
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The Sweet Punishment of Mim

“Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit,” Mimi muttered, as she ran down the sidewalk. Late again for her weekly appointment with Mistress Katrina, she knew that her strict Domme would be highly irritated with her disrespectful behavior. She had warned Mimi that if it happened again that there would be consequences. “Oh, God. She’s gonna skin me alive,” Mimi thought. Her four inch stilettos, not made for comfort much less running, clicked on the concrete. Sprinting up the stone steps leading to the...

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Honey BareChapter 14

The rain was gone. The sky was clearing rapidly. From the couch in the front room of my apartment I was able to see the moon shifting around behind the cloud clumps. I'd turned on the radio and it was playing softly. A short time ago it had been midnight and they'd given the news, a long with the weather report. "Today, Monday, was to be a beautiful day. No rain. No smog. Lots of sunshine." And I still didn't have a client. But I had Honey. After she'd made the telephone call from...

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GirlsWay Reagan Foxx Ginger Banks The Porn Advocate

Reagan Foxx, a conservative housewife, is enjoying a quiet day at home when there is a knock on the door. She is a little confused, murmuring that she’s not expecting anybody today. When she opens the door, Ginger Banks, an enthusiastic and bubbly young woman, greets her. Reagan is wary but puts on a fake smile, saying that whatever she’s selling, she’s not buying, since her darling husband takes care of that. Ginger insists that that’s not a problem, since she’s...

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Becky and I exploring togetherpart 2

  Becky and I exploring together...part 1I met Becky through her dad. He was my immediate supervisor and over the summer I believe that he saw that I had a good work ethic, was respectful to others, and always went the extra mile to make sure our customers were satisfied. I would be willing to bet that he didn't foresee how Becky and I would put those qualities to use. From the moment we met I was enchanted with her beauty. Her golden blonde hair was just past her shoulders in length,she didn't...

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Sharing his gf

I had just started working in a new town and didn’t know anyone. I was bored, horny and curious. So I checked out one of those online personal ad websites. I found a guy who was looking for exactly what I wanted: a no-strings attached purely sexual relationship with another guy. Most of these ads were guys wanting a lot of kissing and things I had no interest in. I told him upfront I wanted to find a guy to fuck me in the ass and maybe watch gay and straight porn while we jacked off or sucked...

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Czech Toilets

Looking for hidden toilet cams at CzechToilets? Well, I was out to lunch the other day and filled my cup with Mountain Dew from the fountain. It made me think about girls sitting on the toilet, letting a stream of bright yellow fluid flow from their fleshy piss-dispensers. I went to the local spy shop and bought some voyeur cameras, but then I got cold feet about installing them. I loaded up CzechToilets.com instead.Sure, the premium pee site costs a few bucks a month, but it saves you the...

Premium Scat & Piss Porn
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Lisa and Jonah

Lisa and Jonah   A short interlude in the lives of ………. Jonah drove along taking in the wonderful scenery that he passed.  He had been on the road for 2 days now and except for an overnight stay last night and to fill up the tank, hadn’t stopped anywhere.  He had a goal and was determined to get to where he was headed as soon as possible. As he drove he noticed something up ahead, it looked like a moving figure.  He saw that they had their hand outstretched as though thumbing a ride.   This was...

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SLuT9 pt 22

"High On Life" Sunday December 23rd, Night For the next two hours the house was organized chaos as Jennifer drafted everyone into the effort to clean and prepare for the party. Dave and Emily were put to work dusting, vacuuming and cleaning the living room, Olivia and Hayley were drafted as assistant cooks for Jennifer as she prepared as much food as possible for the party tomorrow. Megan was sent to her room to get it clean while Molly swept and mopped the hardwood floors in the main...

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Lucky DogChapter 3

The two of them were gone for a couple of hours, which couple of hours I spent thinking about all the nasty, evil things he might be doing to her. But, probably, they'd just been out to a restaurant, because when they got back, Brenda was still looking as cool and neat as she had been when she'd left. And so was Mr. Beefcake. Whatever he was going to get tonight, he clearly hadn't gotten it just yet. They got cozy on the living room couch, and the way they were talking, I knew this...

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First Experience Is The Best One I Had It With My Cousin

Hiii everyone. This is Fedrer here. I have been reading ISS for some time now. After lot of consideration I felt of posting my own experience. This is my first post so bear with me for any mistakes. This happened 5 years back when i was 19 years old. Let me tell you about myself. I am 5.11 in height, well build and muscular but a little over average on the tummy. I have a 6 inch cock I was in college first year and Michelle was a year younger to me and in her 12th. Michelle was my dads brothers...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Slaver

CONFESSIONS OF A SLAVER: PART 1 CONFESSIONS OF A SLAVER: PART 1 I am a purveyor of female flesh. It=s really the only work I've ever done.? I learned it from the ground up, on my own, and eventually became a major player in the procurement and training of slaves.? Male and female, though I do prefer the thrill of turning a haughty, college educated, snobby female into a quivering mound of obedient, submissive slave meat willing to do anything for an orgasm.? Breaking males is also...

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Day Thirty-seven, 3:22 PM "Well, this is where they came from," I said. I stood there looking at the empty pallets and the two remaining SEMCO's hot air balloons from the 1960s. The pallets looked like they originally held twelve of the balloons in their baskets. Turning, I started walking further, and came to some open crates that contained M-16s, and Colt .45s. I knew if I could sell them back home I would make a killing. I passed ripped open crates of clothing, survival gear, and...

4 years ago
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Karma part 9

Karma part 9 By Amanda D "Get the fuck off of me!!!" I screamed. I thrashed and struggled but I couldn't free myself. As a matter of fact the more I tried to escape the tighter my restraints seemed to become. Finally I gave one great kick and I was free. I bolted up right and looked around the room I was in. Slowly it came to me I was home in my bed and the restraints that had trapped me was my blanket, now lying in a crumpled heap on the floor. "Oh god!" I exclaimed....

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Home Maid part 2

Home maid, part 2 Part 2 All night long, as I scrubbed the floors and floorboards, I thought about how to change my room. I guess my mom did too! The next day, when I had returned home from school and changed into a lavender uniform, mom took me into her office. "Felicity, we're going out to do some shopping this afternoon for your new room. I have a few ideas about how to turn it into something that will satisfy both your sissy side and your maid side." Of course she made...

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