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He was beginning to snort. He always snorts just before he came.

I love to watch him come. His face always scrunches up and he always clenches his teeth. Then when I feel his buttocks go tight, his mouth goes slack and his eyes roll up. He always lets out a long groan when he starts to beat frantically into me, grunting with each sharp thrust. He becomes such an animal!

Just like always, when he was finished, he fell onto me, gulping air. His heaving chest pressed onto my breasts and I felt his heart pounding against mine. He began to gently nibble at my ear and I shivered at his gasping breath on my neck and his semen streaming from my pussy onto the mattress.

Every night, after we make love, I say a silent prayer of thanks to God that He gave me Don. Especially after some of the assholes I went out with before I met him. Don's so different from any guy I've ever known. He's smart, he's funny and he dotes on me constantly. He makes lots of money, but it wouldn't matter to me if we had to live in a station wagon as long as we were together.

He's such a gentle lover. He's so caring. Most of the guys I've been with never liked to go down on me, but Don never hesitates. He always makes sure I come even before he thinks about his pleasure. Sometimes before he comes inside me, he caresses me while I get off with the vibrator.

Sure, maybe I've had more intense orgasms with a couple of other guys, but they were real jerks. Don may not be the most handsome guy in the world, but I can't imagine loving anyone anywhere near as much as I love him. Sometimes I love him so much it hurts.

Don kissed my neck. "Well," he whispered into my ear, "when do we stop practicing and really start making a baby?"

"Soon," I breathed, stroking his head. "I start my period tomorrow. The doctor said that the best time is a little more than a week after I finish, but we could do it earlier and your seed should stay inside me for days, so it could happen anytime."

"I can't wait to make you pregnant," Don said as he nuzzled into the hollow of my neck. "Aw," he sighed, as always, as his soft cock slipped out of my pussy. His thick seed poured out of me. He always came a lot.

"Neither can I." I caressed his back. "The doctor told me that I'd be real fertile just coming off the pill, so by this time next month I'll have your baby inside me."

"I love you,." he whispered, staring into my eyes.

"I love you, too," I replied. We kissed each other deeply.

My period, as usual, started on schedule. I know those few days when I was menstruating bothered Don even though he never complained. Even though he couldn't come inside me, it wasn't like we didn't make love. Don loved to come in my throat almost as much as he loved to fill my pussy. It was because he couldn't make me come. I told him that I didn't care, but he still tried extra hard to make me happy. He really is a gem.

The day after I started my period, he gave me the bad news.

"I have to go out of town."

I pulled back from our welcome-home hug and asked, "When?"

He looked at me with sad puppy dog eyes. "Tomorrow."

I cried, "Tomorrow? For how long?"

He looked as if he was going to cry. "Almost a month."

I was heartbroken. Don had told me his job might send him to other sites for brief periods of time, but this was the first time it had happened since we'd been married. This would be the first time we would be separated.

"But the baby," I whimpered.

"Is going to have to wait. I'm so sorry, Kathy, but I'm the only one in the entire company who can fix the problem. I did tell you this could happen."

"Don," I suddenly realized, "can't you take me with you?"

"No, the company insists that wives don't come with their husbands on business trips. Don't worry. When I found that out I was on the phone with a couple of different headhunters. This won't happen again." He was angry about it, that's for sure.

Then he said, "But there's nothing I can do about this. I've got to go. I'm so sorry."

"I am, too." I hugged him tight. "I'm going to miss you so."

That night I must have swallowed gallons of his semen. He just came and came, but it didn't seem enough for him. Or for me. He looked at me with a puzzled expression when I got up and went into the bathroom. I came back with a towel and put it under me, then I pulled him down onto me. When I reached down and put his cockhead between my pussy lips, he said, "Are you sure?"

In answer I pushed up my hips and his cock buried itself into my pussy. I was really tight and sticky from my flow and it really seemed to turn him on. It wasn't long before he started snorting and coming.

When he was done draining himself into me and lay gasping at my breast, he panted, "Do--do you think--"

"No," I sighed, "it's still much too early. And even if it wasn't, the sperm would just spill out with my flow."

"Kathy, I--"

"I know," I soothed, "I'm disappointed, too. Next month. Next month we'll make a baby. A beautiful golden-haired baby with beautiful light blue eyes, just like ours."

"Just like ours," he sighed. "Next month."

"Next month for sure," I whispered. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

I thought the first few days without Don would be the worst. They were pretty bad. I busied myself with my housework and my hobbies. I put up a new shelf in the bathroom. I started on making a dress. And I spent a lot of time on the phone with my best friend, Sandy, mostly complaining about how much I missed Don.

During the couple of days, he called every night, but the calls came later and later because he was so busy. On one call, he fell asleep in the middle of a sentence. I yelled into the phone to wake him up and told him that while I really missed hearing him snore, I didn't want him to get sick from lack of sleep. After that he didn't call much in the evenings.

The night were horrible. I got ready for bed, but it was so lonely without Don. He loves to watch me change into my skimpy nightgowns. But his eyes weren't staring at me when I slipped out of my bra and let my firm breasts free. He loves how they're so full but don't sag at all. He wasn't there when I pulled my jeans down over my pelvis and let them drop to the floor. He loves to caress my wide hips. But it was just the cold air I felt on my bare skin, not his gentle hands.

That first night when I tried to go to sleep, I kept reaching over to where he should be laying and I'd wake up with a start when I discovered he wasn't there. I just couldn't get used to sleeping alone in our big bed, so I just got up and went into the living room. Eventually I fell asleep in the chair in front of the TV.

I spent over a week sleeping in that chair. One night I woke up and there was this really erotic movie on the TV. The doctor told me that it wasn't uncommon for a woman to feel, as he put it, "more responsive" just after she stopped taking the pill, but I was caught unawares at the intensity of my horniness. I stared at the screen getting hotter and hotter until I was burning with desire and my fingers wandered into my lap to play along the folds of my pussy lips.

I couldn't stand it. I got up and practically ran to the the bedroom. I pushed the fabric and sewing supplies off the bed, and pulled out the vibrator. I slid off my panties, spread out on bed and poked the tip of the quivering plastic between my legs. I rubbed it up and down against my clit, imagining it was Don's tongue, and I felt the flutter of my orgasm beginning.

As the spark of pleasure ebbed, I slid the vibrator lower, letting it slip between the folds of my pussy. I began to groan as I slowly pushed the hard shaft into me. It was thicker than Don's cock and I felt myself stretching to take in all in. I was imagining Don grunting and thrusting above me, but then suddenly the image of an old boyfriend flashed through my mind. An explosive orgasm roared through me. Wave after wave of intense rapture buffeted my senses. It seemed to go on forever. Finally it waned and I immediately fell into a deep contented sleep. It was the first decent night's sleep I'd had since Don left.

In the morning I awoke with the vibrator tight between my thighs, its tip still poking into me. The picture of the same old boyfriend I'd thought about the night before again came into my mind. It was strange because I hadn't thought about him in years.

I had the hots for him in high school. He was the second boy I ever had sex with. It was only the one time, but the memory sent shivers up and down my spine. I remember I just came and came and came. He turned out to be a real jerk, tho. He promised to wear a condom, but after it was all over I found out he'd pulled it off. If it hadn't been so close to my period, I'm sure he would have gotten me pregnant.

My thighs started to rub together at the memory, making the vibrator between them poke into my pussy. Suddenly I shuddered fiercely as I came, the waves washing over me again and again. When they finally ended, I decided that was enough of that, so I I put the vibrator away and went to shower.

I was edgy all day. That evening I tried working on my dress and I tried to watch TV but I ended up either pacing or staring at the phone waiting for Don to call. When it rang, I jumped to pick it up.

"Oh, Don," I sighed into the phone, "I really miss you. Please, can't you come home this weekend?"

"You're really losing it, aren't you?" Sandy's laugh came from the receiver.

"Oh," I whined.

"Well, if that's how you feel, I'll call my other best friend," she sniffed.

"No, Sandy, it's just that--"

"I know," she mocked, "'I really miss Don!' You know, girl, you really got to get out of that house. As wonderful as it might be, life isn't all just cleaning and sewing and Oprah. Why don't you go out with me tonight?"

"Where?" Actually, it sounded interesting. I guess I was getting a little stir-crazy.


"Don and I tried to go there a couple weeks ago and there was a line around the block. We'll never get in."

"I can't, but we can if you wear something hot."

I met her outside the club. I decided to go with the tight white dress, the one Don likes so much. For good measure, I decided to go without the bra, a decision I began to regret when I got outside and into the chilly night air. I also started to wonder what possessed me to not wear panties. The argument that the panty lines would show didn't seem too smart when I saw my reflection in a shop window. Not only could I clearly see the outline of my aureoles around my hard nipples, but I thought I could even see a hint of my pubic hair. God, I just as well could have been naked! Well, Sandy said hot.

When Sandy saw me she said, "Wow. You look like you're dressed for big game hunting. There's no way we're going to wait in that line."

Sure enough, we were let right in. As cool as it was outside, it was sweltering inside. Sandy made a beeline to the bar, ordering Long Island Iced Teas for the two of us. I sipped at the drink and it tasted both warm and cool as it slid down my throat.

Sandy looked about. "My God, Kathy, every guy in the place is staring at you!" She leaned back on the bar stool and took a long pull at her drink. "This is going to work out great! You attract 'em and I'll take my pick."

I glanced out onto the dance floor. She was right. It did seem like all the guys were eyeing me hungrily, their gaze jumping quickly between my breasts and my tightly clenched thighs. I found myself growing warmer in a way that even the humid air in the room couldn't explain.

I don't think I'd ever seen so many good looking guys in one place before. My eyes fluttered from one to the next, lingering when I saw an especially hot-looking one, taking in the broad shoulders, the hard stomachs, the tight butts. A bead of perspiration slid down my neck and into my cleavage. My skin was glistening and I felt the material of my dress clinging to me from the dampness. It vaguely occurred to me that it was probably growing transparent from the moisture. I gulped at my drink.

Then I saw him. Our eyes locked and I couldn't look away. He was huge, perfectly built and drop-dead gorgeous. Dark brown hair, dark olive skin and perfectly symmetrical dark brown eyes that pierced into my very soul. And an immense bulge in his tight pants that grew alarmingly larger with each electric moment. Even through the material, I could tell it was much larger than Don's. My breath became short and I felt my heart beating wildly in my chest. Involuntarily, my back arched, making my heaving breasts thrust out and up, and my thighs began to part.

He began to walk over to me. My heart raced faster and breath came shorter. With each step he took, my legs spread wider apart. I felt my pussy churning with moisture. What was happening to me?

He stood over me, inhaling as if he was savoring my scent. He stared down into my cleavage, then moved his gaze down to the gold patch that now showed clearly through the filmy fabric. Then he saw the ring on my finger.

His eyes again took possession of mine. "Waiting for your husband?" His voice was deep and smooth and sent shivers down my spine.

"No," I said, my voice quavering, my eyes still held by his.

"Waiting for me, then. Come dance with me." When his hand took mine, it was as if an electric spark raced up my arm, making me shake. I slid off the bar stool and he put his arm around my shoulder. I leaned into him, pressing my body tightly against his as we moved to the crowded dance floor.

He turned me to face him and wrapped his great arms around me. Putting a hand on each of my buttocks, he crushed my body into his. My breast flattened against his massive chest and I felt the huge, bulky mass at his groin grinding against my abdomen. My arms slid up his back, my hands grabbed his shoulders and I pulled at him so his head pressed against mine and his hot breath inflamed my neck.

We didn't so much dance as we rutted at each other. His hands roamed up and down my bottom, rising to press his palm into the small of my back, making me arch backwards and grind my hips into the hard swelling at his groin, before moving back down to knead the quivering globes. Wetness flowed from my dripping pussy, running in streams down my legs.

As I felt the thin fabric of my dress start to ride up my rump, I realized that this had to stop. In the old days, there wouldn't be any hesitation at all. As aroused as I was, there would have no doubt we'd end up in bed. But that couldn't happen tonight. I was a married woman now and I was beginning to lose control. I had to stop this.

"I--I have to stop," I whispered into his chest. "I can't be doing this. I--I'm married."

"That's fine, darlin'," he said, clutching my butt tighter.

"N-no, really, I h-hohh!" The short dress had ridden up and I suddenly felt his hands cupping bare buttocks. His fingers slid into the crevice between and I began to moan as he massaged in little circles down toward the juncture of my legs.

"No--no, don't-- I can't--" I sighed. I tried to pull away from him, but my body refused to listen. Instead, I grabbed at his shoulders, pulling him even closer. As his insistent fingers moved lower, my legs parted wider, letting his fingertips probe between the moist, swollen lips of my pussy. He bent at the waist, leaning me backwards. His knees came between mine and his stroking fingers slipped deep between the folds. My hips began to rock back and forth, even as I moaned, "No-- no--"

Then his hands pulled away and he straightened. Thank god, I thought, even as I moaned in disappointment. Then he said, "Come with me." My body glued itself against his as he led me across the dance floor and through the bar. I think Sandy tried to tell me something, but he wouldn't stop. Then we were out on the street.

"N-No," I protested, "I can't. I don't--I have to--"

He pulled me into him and pressed his mouth against mine. Instinctively, my lips parted and his tongue was entwined with mine. At the same time his hand slid under my dress and he cupped my pussy, rubbing the ball of his hand into my clit as his middle finger slid deep into me. My mouth sucked at his tongue while my pussy sucked at his finger.

He suddenly let me go and I found myself draped across the front seat of a car. As he moved around to the driver's side I fought to gain control of my gasping body. What was I doing? How did I get here? I didn't have time to think about answers. He was immediately next to me and pulling me back into him. As he kissed me, I melted into his arms. Again he let me go and I fell back onto the seat. As he drove away, his hand sank between my legs. My hips rutted into his caressing fingers as I moaned over and over, "Please, no, don't, I can't do this, I can't."

We soon reached the destination and, kissing and stoking me, he took me to his apartment. I kept saying, "No, please, I can't, I'm married, don't do this, please, don't do this," but my body just went where he told it to go.

Once at his place, he guided me into the bedroom and began to pull my dress over my head. I lifted my arms to ease its removal as I moaned, "No, don't, please." He slipped it off and I was completely naked before him. "Oh, God," I cried as his hands cupped my breasts and his thumbs flicked at my thick, pointed nipples, "please stop, please don't, pl--Ohh!" He sucked one of the swollen tips between his lips and my arms went around his head, pulling his nursing mouth tighter to my heaving breast.

He urged me backwards and I fell across the bed. I looked up at him, pleading, "No, please, I can't do this." He just stared down at me, lust burning in his eyes, as he took off his shirt. The thick hair that covered his chest couldn't hide the firm muscles that rippled as he undid his belt. His pants fell to the floor and I gasped as his rigid cock sprang free.

"Oh, God!" I cried. I knew his cock was big, but I didn't expect it to be so incredibly huge! It was almost twice as big as Don's, bigger than any I'd ever bigger than anything I'd ever had inside me. As I stared at it in wonder and alarm, my knees rose off the bed and separated widely as if I was offering my pussy to him. He fixed his gaze at my dripping, parted pussy lips and began to move to the bed.

"No, please, I can't! Don't do this, please!" I cried as he got onto the bed and positioned himself between my legs. I stared down at the thick column of flesh pointed at my inviting, open pussy. His desire was already oozing out of the slit at its tip. I realized he wasn't going to wear a condom. I howled, "No! I'm not protected!" even as my hips rose off the mattress toward him. "Don't put it in me! Don't! No!"

His body fell forward. "No! N-Oh!" I felt his bare cockhead pressing against my bloated pussy lips. Then with a grunt, his hips sharply pounded down. I screamed in pain as the thick head jammed itself between the folds, forcing them apart. My back arched and my buttocks lifted off the bed as my body tried to take the immense knob.

He reared back and rammed himself back down, forcing his huge cock into my tight pussy. I howled in pain and pleasure as the thick rigid cock stabbed into my inflamed flesh, tearing and stretching my pussy, making it larger, making it take in its great size. My legs kicked themselves around him, my calves against his buttocks, pulling him down to me, trying to drive the brutish spike deeper into me.

It drilled in deeper and the fullness I felt within me was incredible! I didn't think he could get any more into me, but then I felt my pussy lips closing around his thick shaft and realized that he gotten only his bulbous cockhead inside me!

Suddenly my body shuddered in spasms as I came, the most violent orgasm I'd ever had. My hips rocked up and my leuid squirted out of me onto our thighs. He grunted as again he pounded down into my spasming pussy. My bottom rose off the bed to meet his thrust and the massive shaft buried itself deeper into me. My cries became inaudible as my breath was taken away by the unbelievable fullness crammed into my stretched and quivering pussy.

With my throat constricted in response to the pain, I screamed soundlessly each time he gored into me. My thrusting hips met each sharp piercing, making each fierce thrust drive his great cock deeper into my aching pussy. I lifted my head and stared down between us at the thick flesh that was penetrating deeper with each violent stab. I couldn't believe I was taking so much of him into me! And there was still more to go! My head snapped back against the mattress and I began to shudder madly as I came even more intensely that before.

With his next mighty thrust, I felt his pubic bone collide into mine and his balls pound against my bottom. He was finally completely inside me, but not for long. He pulled his complete length out of me and I gasped as I felt my pussy tightly contracting as his enormous cock receded. Then he jabbed back down. My buttocks instinctively rose to meet the violent thrust and my narrow pussy walls were again cruelly stretched open, taking him in to the hilt. I felt a sharp stab deep inside and I knew the head of his huge cock had hit the back of my pussy and was pressed against the opening to my womb. The pain just increased the waves of pleasure that continued to roar through me.

He quickly pulled back out and my bottom ground into the mattress as he withdrew, increasing the friction of his flesh stimulating my pulsing pussy walls. My throat finally opened and I gasped as I felt my insides being yanked o as he savagely speared back into me and my hips thrusted up to accept him. His massive staff cruelly split apart my pussy lips and tore through my narrow channel, pounding into my cervix, stretching me wider and deeper to accommodate his girth and length.

"God, No!" I shrieked as his cock began to thrust fiercely in and out of me, each sharp piercing enlarging my pussy to match his size. I felt myself opening, the pain growing less intense and his thrusting becoming more and more pleasurable. My hips found his rhythm and my pussy rutted up again and again into his pistoning cock, trying to get it as deep and tight into me as I could.

It went on forever. Over and over, he hammered his hips down and I returned each fierce thrust with one of my own. My cries of anguish became cries of passion as I spasmed again and again under him as wave after wave of pleasure flashed through me.

Then I felt his buttocks begin to tighten. "Oh, God!" I cried as I realized he was about to come. "No!" I howled, "Don't come in me! Don't come in me!"

He only grunted in reply and his savage thrusts became even more intense. He grabbed my legs and threw them over his shoulders, pulling my buttocks high off the bed. My pussy was vertical with my womb directly below it and he hammered his spike straight down, violently stabbing in deeper and deeper again and again.

"No!" I cried, "No!" He groaned loudly and I felt his thick cock swell up even bigger inside me. "Don't come in me! Please! Please!" His head snapped back and his back arched as he brutally jammed his immense cock down, driving it deep into me, the head pressed tight against the entrance to my womb.

"No!" I gasped as I felt the sharp jerk of his cock and the dull pressure of his cum jetting oneper into me, sucking it through my cervix and into my womb.

He growled in pleasure as my rippling pussy pulled and nursed at his spurting cock. I cried out in rapture at the power of the orgasm that ravaged my being. Each time his thick flesh grew in preparation for another blast, the tightening in my pussy drove me into another wave of orgasmic spasming, making it clamp down on the pumping flesh, drawing his surging sperm up to my fertile womb.

My hand reached down to cup his balls. His scrotum was still full, heavy with the potent seed that his rigid cock would plant in me. I rolled the thick balls in my palm, kneading and caressing the velvety skin.

As my enraptured body heedlessly drank in spurt after spurt of his virile semen, terror flooded my mind. The doctor said a little more than a week after I finish my period. It had been that long. It should be Don putting his seed into me, not a strange man whose name I didn't even know. This man was making me pregnant. How did I let this happen?

Maybe it was still too early, I reasoned. Maybe my egg wasn't close enough yet. Maybe all his sperm would die before it impregnated me. Maybe I could find an all-night drug store and get some spermicide. Maybe it wasn't too late. Maybe he won't make me pregnant.

The throbbing within me began to ebb as the last of his cum drained out of him into me. I shuddered as his tight fullness began to lessen and his cum seeped out of me, rolling slowly down into the crevice between my buttocks. He rested his full weight upon me, crushing me into the mattress. My legs tightened on his thighs and I wrapped my arms around him. I held his groaning body tightly against mine, my pussy still rutting gently into his still-enlarged cock.

"Oh, God," I so."

"No, please," I cried desperately, "I can't! You came in me, oh, God, you came in me and I'm not protected! I need to get to a drug store! You came in me, oh God, I can't get pregnant, oh, God, please, please, let me go, I have t--Oh!" He began to rotate his hips and his cock, semi-erect and buried in my twitching pussy, slipped up and down in my cum-soaked sheathe, the base of his slick shaft grinding against my clit. My insatiable body responded by intensifying my pussy's thrusts and clutching him tighter to my rocking breasts, my nipples grinding into the rough hair on his chest.

"P-please, no", I moaned, "just--just let me douche, oh, God! Please!"

He pressed his lips against my neck and sucked hard at my skin. His hands mauled my breasts, his fingers digging into the soft flesh. "No," I groaned, "Don't! Stop!" The delicious heat of his mouth on my skin was electric and my nipples grew tighter against his palms. My back arched, pushing my body up into his brutal embrace.

I felt my pussy tightening as he again grew rigid inside me. His hips began to slowly thrust his great cock in and out. I cried out, "No! Wait! Put on a condom! Please, oh, God, please, don't come in me again!"

"Don't got any," he grunted. "Never use 'em."

"Please," I begged as my pussy rose up to meet his thrusts, "please don't come in me again! Please!"

"Fuck," he groaned, "you're good!" He slammed his cock deep into me and I shrieked as I came, my body shuddering against his invading spike. I felt my pussy again clenching and pulling at him. The spasms sucked into my womb the cum left in my pussy from his last ejaculation and made my body thirsty for more.

My beating hips drove my pussy up to him, matching him blow for blow. He increased his tempo, thrusting faster and deeper, heightening the orgasmic flames that licked at my insides. "Please, please," I cried again and again, "Oh, God, please don't come in me! Please! Please!" It only made him pound his immense shaft harder and deeper into my quaking, grasping pussy. My body drove up to take each deep stab. Our bodies met again and again, his flesh burying itself deep into mine as I cried out over and over in endless rapturous orgasm.

His grunting grew loud and sharp as his thrusts became even more intense. He grabbed my hips and pulled me up off the bed, stabbing himself down into my upturned pussy again and again, driving deeper and deeper each time, pounding harder and harder into my cervix as if trying to push right into my womb. Then his back began to tense and his buttocks grew tight as his body prepared to shoot his cum into me.

"No!" I screamed, "Pull out! Get it out!! Get it out, please!! Don't come in me again!! Please, not again!! Not again!! No!! No!!" I felt his cock grow tighter inside me as it swelled, getting ready to inseminate me again. "God, no!! God, no!!" He let out a long low groan as his back arched and he rammed his cock in deep, painfully ramming the tip hard into the bottom of my battered pussy.

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Hi all, I am a great fan of ISS. I am Jayashree and am a software engineer. This is the true story happen in my college life. When I studied in my engineering 1st year , I had a good friend come best friend called Jayalaksmi. We both used to say No good boys in the world , mostly we will get used boys. Finally we got a good boy in my class called Karthik. He is very active in studies but very silent in nature. So we try to love him. AS i was very friendly to him , I started loving him and jaya...

4 years ago
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GO FIGURE This is a different sort of short story. I love the fare on Fictionmania, but sometimes get tired of the same bump-and-grind sex plots, just because there aren?t that many ways to present the material. This story is subtle, has no graphic scenes, no explicit language or descriptions, and really no transformations? all that is in the character?s future, and left to the reader?s imagination. Some language may be slightly offensive in it?s crudeness, so be forewarned. ...

1 year ago
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More than cousins Part 2

100% fiction! ...Tommy already has a boner. I can tell he was already horny, but 30 seconds into the sex scene is really horny. I adjust my shirt so if he were to look down, he would be able to see down through my cleavage and know I'm not wearing a bra. After about half way through the sex scene, I decide it's time. "Tommy," I say with a little giggle. "Yeah?" He is trying to hide the fact he's horny. I can tell it in his voice. "You have a boner..." I giggle a bit more. I look at his face and...

3 years ago
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The Princess Chronicles Guest House Consequences

My mind is racing, thoughts, so many thoughts: What did I do? Did I disappoint him, again? Is Sweets in trouble? He was really angry sounding, am I scared of Him angry? You are nuts princess, you trust Him with your life. You are no more scared of Him than of your pinkie finger, just stop. I keep thinking and thinking. I haven’t even made it to the door of the house yet, I know better than to run around the pool. The last thing I want to happen is for my swimming privileges to be taken away....

1 year ago
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Just by chance she knocked on my door

Just by chance really > she was in the area doing a raffle.When she knocked on my door during a very very severe thunderstorm and an extremely rain period.She asked if she could shelter on my front porch as her mum was trying to get here to pick her up but she was having car problems and would be some while.As it was not only wet it was freezing cold so I invited her in to sit by the fire and dry off a little.While she was sitting there I brought her a coffee which she enjoyed.We got to...

4 years ago
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Sex With ISS Reader Sonali Bhabhi

Hello friends, it’s Rudy and I am back with another sex story. This is a real life experience which I tried to narrate with utmost sincerity. Please forgive me for any mistakes. It was a fine Monday morning and I have finally reached Mumbai. I called Sonali bhabhi but she didn’t pick the call. Maybe she was busy with her son getting ready for the school. So I didn’t bother to call again. I dropped few msgs on her WhatsApp regarding my arrival and that I would be checking in the hotel...

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Beloved incest mom

100% fiction! Hello friends, this Aman sen from kolkata, and here i'm going to share my sex life with my family... I come from Bengali Hindu family, i'm 5ft 9inch with good physique, at present i'm 25 yrs old. And i work in a private firm as a relationship manager. Let me tell you about my family, my father Amar sen age is 41yrs and is a manager in a private firm, he had to frequently traveled to Dubai on business trips. My mother Anitha sen is 5ft 4inch with attractive figure and look younger...

1 year ago
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Fucked My Chithi Anal Hardcore

My first story, please forgive me. My self dark guy, average built, was virgin till this incident, serial jerker, and lover of incest stories. Native of Tamil Nadu but now studying in Bangalore. My aunt is 34, has 2 kids, she is fat, she worked till her marriage and not after that, husband works in Malaysia , and has heard that she was a bitch before marriage. Like she was horny and had boyfriends fucked in late 90’s. she now stays in a city in Tamil Nadu (don’t want to tell the city cause I...

3 years ago
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One Last Look

Once upon a time my family lived in the truly idyllic town of Greenhills Ohio, just above Cincinnati. In the middle and very heart of this town was a school. The name of the school's main structure was the Community Building. I went to school there from the 1953 to '59. By the sixth grade, before we moved away, I had been literally every place in the school, except one. It took me a full fifteen years to finally see that one last place. No, it wasn't the girls' locker room; I'd seen that...

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Night Games

Introduction: never know what can happen on late night walks It looks like rape, but keep reading you never know what can happen late at night in an old subarban neighborhood Thud Thud Thud, that was the only sound that hit her ears as she walked through the endless rows of houses in her neighborhood. For some reason, she had so much energy tonight. At 15, she had the body of someone almost ten years older than her age. She stood 54 and was dark skinned with black hair, and, coming straight...

4 years ago
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trying out mums new man for size

On arriving home from another term at school I was introduced to Jeff, mums sexy new boyfriend. She had been seeing him for around 5 months now but had never brought him with her when she visited me at school. He had, like all the previous Mr. rights, moved in with her already.      I was feeling hot and horny after my experience in the taxi with Andy the cab driver and was eager to get in the pool and cool off. I invited Jeff to join me much to mums disappointment. ‘I want to sit and chat with...

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My Hot Cousin Sama

My cousin and I were never really close. Now we weren’t first cousins or even second cousins, all I know was that we were cousins somewhere along the line, so it’s not like we were close because of blood or anything. Yet we lived pretty close from each other, only maybe a 10 or 15 minute drive. She was the youngest of four, and I was the youngest of two. Her name was Sama. She had dark brown hair, with slight highlights, big brown eyes, and juicy lips. She was a few inches shorter than me, and...

3 years ago
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The Neighborhood MILF Emma 2

You may remember Emma, my husband’s receptionist, who I wrote a story about earlier. The birthday sex video that she and DJ made was definitely arousing, even though it did confirm my belief that they were fucking around on the side. I knew it was too good to be true, believing that my horny hubby could keep his hands off the cute sandy haired blonde with the nice ass. He seemed to turn things around by making the video and saying it was for me, instead of fooling around behind my back.Well...

2 years ago
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THE Harem Tales 4 We Gotta Get Outta This PlaceChapter 6 Sweet Talkinrsquo Woman

Katie knew absolutely nothing about ships or a Merchant Marine, so she decided that she was going to learn the basics so she could take on responsibility for that part of their charter. Her first step was to transport herself into her spouses’ cabin aboard the Summer Paradise. Dressed to the nines, she took a small risk and marched herself to the dining room for lunch where she joined Michael and her other spouses. “Can you get me maybe an hour with the captain?” she asked them, “and then...

2 years ago
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"Fingercuffs". Okay, I admit it, its all my fault. I was the one who suggested going out for a drink. It was me who thought we could take Mark along as he seems a bit down just recently. It was also me who agreed to going back to his for a nightcap. I gladly accept all the blame for what happened next. Even if none of it was my idea. It had been a fun if low key sort of night. Just three friends hanging out in a local pub. Mark's a bit like me in his sense of humour. He doesnt so much...

1 year ago
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It Takes Two

Perked tits mushed against his face as she held him against her. He kissed his way up to her mouth and slipped in his restless tongue. Micheal's wife of 10 years, Jade, moaned as she kissed him back passionately. Micheal could feel the sweat beginning to form on Jade's body. As he pushed her on to the bed he slipped a black lace bra off of her body. He gazed into her pools of deep blue lovingly. "I love you, you know that?" Jade smiled back at him and closing her eyes pulled him onto her dome...

1 year ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 34

July 20, 1977 Benny graduated and, as a result of his parent’s demand, he walked the stage and received a roll of paper that was supposed to represent the diploma. Tim told him that he had walked the first time through, but he didn’t remember it. It was highly unlikely he would remember this time, either. He had spent the walk mostly staring off into space thinking about things. After the ceremony, he went to the office and picked up the actual diploma. With the high school diploma, and his...

2 years ago
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Halo Ch 01

Hallo to all who follow my stories. I have been asked numerous times to put a note on which story goes where in the series I have written. It all started with Stolen. Then Ren: Shades of Grey overlaps from Chapter 6 of Stolen, this is Ren’s side of the story as it unfolds. It also overlaps into the next story inline: Shattered Dreams starts where Stolen finishes as Ren puts Sky/Janey on the bus home. Brad & ‘Tanaya takes up the story a year later. I did say I would add a final chapter to Ren:...

1 year ago
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The Bikini

The Bikini By Margaret Jeanette Trudy Holcomb was a successful woman. She had her own store specializing in pretty dresses and women's accessories. The store was a huge success. She was considering opening another store in a neighboring town. Her husband of two years, Dave, had just been laid off because the company shut down. It was Sunday and as usual she was up way before he was. She had had her breakfast and saw it was past ten. He had agreed to go to the zoo with her...

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The Cuckolding of Neil Dodds Part 9

Claire smiled nervously as Neil approached their table. She didn’t know what to expect. Neil glanced at Karl and then looked back at her. “Hi darling,” she said as he reached them. “I was just taking lunch. Have you eaten?” Neil shook his head as he stood there impassively. “Let me get you a sandwich and a coffee,” she said to him. Karl stood up. “Let me get it,” he said. “I’m Karl, by the way.” Neil reached out for his outstretched hand and shook it. Claire quietly breathed a sigh of...

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The Sex Rehab Diaries Staceys Confession

Author's Note: The Sex Rehab Diaries is an ongoing series, featuring the intimate confessions of the patients of Dr Clark's group therapy class for sexual addictions at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health "I'm Stacey, and I'm a sex addict." I knew I wasn't the only person in the room that was in denial over that statement even as it left my mouth. ‘Admit that you need help and recovery will come quicker and last longer'. I had to hold back my initial laughter as I'd read the...

4 years ago
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FTL III The End of The GreysChapter 5 Preparations

Harden your heart, and resolve yourself to doing what is right. In so doing, you shall chart your course truly, and you will not detour from the path you need to take. Admiral Rainer Star Date 7.102 Sue Lin said, "Mr. President? We found all five planets. They are all in one system. The problem is that there are more than Grays in the system." Jim replied, "What? Who?" "Unable to tell at this point." "Crap!" "There is one other problem." "What is...

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Moving ForwardChapter 3

It took thirty hours to unload the transport on arrival at the colony. Tenders transferred the pods from orbit to the surface while the families transported down separately. The colonists’ families had settled in by then, so there were no real problems moving them through the transporters, just a few wayward children. Once on the ground the colonists were someone else’s problem. The ship’s crew handed over to a dockyard crew while they took a short home leave. This system wasn’t Craig’s...

3 years ago
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Hey Mom watch what I can do Mama taboo taboo

Her name is Annabel Simpson, she's 24 and works as a receptionist. She’s a slim, bubbly, young woman with long wavy strawberry blonde hair flowing down over her shoulders. Her face is dominated by an oversized pair of spectacles which make her hazel eyes look huge. We had been talking online on and off alot over the past year and she finally decided to meet me and follow through with a fantasy she has had since she was in elementary school. She talks with a high pitched midwestern accent. She...

1 year ago
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Jimmy Neutron Sex Story Chapter II

“Oh God Carl, that is amazing.” Jimmy said as Carl began the long, slow stokes with his tounge and suction. Grabbing his head, Jimmy sped Carl up onto his Shaft, so much that His face was slapping Jimmy’s balls adding a sense of gratification to the motions.Carl was getting into now, with the Motion he was exploring Jimmy’s cock with his tounge, wiping the sides and adding to Jimmy’s already building orgasm. Looking to the Side, Jimmy saw his Mother, still nude taking her shower. The timing...

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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy Part 3

I hear her steps on the upper level, but this time Nadine stops half-way down on the steps. “Frank?” her voice is vibrating slightly as if she’s nervous. “Yes, what’s up?” “Um… could you come up and help me out with something? I’ve ordered some clothes online and I’d like your opinion. Which ones to keep and which ones to return? Please?” My heart is racing. She wants me to come up? To her room? Give an opinion on her clothes? I’m getting very nervous. This is new. Me going to her room? I’m...

2 years ago
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The changing

I couldn't move. The sun shone through the blinds and it was beautiful. My vision was like captured slow motion and I could do no wrong. I couldn't lift my limbs. I wasn't physically restrained, but there was some mental block stopping me from moving. It didn't matter. Even though I was concentrating on moving I only had enough effort to move them fractionally - if that. I was on my back, my head propped on a pillow, looking down at my body. I was clad in something light, something soft that...

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High and Nasty in the campground

  Bear with me. I\’m a 50yr. old w/m who has lived most of my life addicted to one or more of a number of mood and mind altering substances.I concicdered myself a heterosexual though I had experienced, over those years, occasional sexual activity with men.I\’d for the most part attributed these encountersto two main factors,I was high and horney and they we\’re genually looking for male sex. I was usually the reciepiant of satisfaction to completion and as time went on was more and more...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 336 New Homes

I’m not even asking why that happened, but I suspect Mary, Skylar, or both. The next two weeks were hectic for me and those in my Sultan’s apartment. Children arrived from all over the state. They didn’t all have the same backstory, but the majority were physically, mentally, or sexually abused. Their parent(s) were undergoing long-term psychiatric care or were in jail. Others were great kids, from great families, who ended up on their own, sometimes along with other siblings, when things...

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MySistersHotFriend Gia Derza 24467

No nudity? No problem. Lucas tricks his sister’s friend Gia Derza into coming over to hop in the the pool in her bikini so he can post pics of her on his social media and get millions of views. Suspect at first, Gia eventually gives in and decides shaking her ass in her swimsuit wouldn’t hurt anyone. But after the shoot, she tells Lucas she wants a higher number of views, so he tells her that a video of her giving him a blowjob would blow up her page. Gia agrees to suck him, and then goes on to...

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It Isnt FairChapter 4

While we were satisfied and relaxed, we were still the same horny people we’d always been. I woke daddy up in the middle of the night for a session of slow, gentle love making. I came, then daddy drenched my pussy with a heavy load. We cuddled on the giant wet spot and went back to sleep. We woke up, brushed our teeth, I used the bidet attachment on the toilet to clean daddy’s cum out of my pussy, and then we showered together. We got dressed. I made breakfast for us, and daddy headed off to...

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Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor Sex Pollen Part 2

So, right. Normal. Except for the dreams. Now, Amy had always been a woman not afraid of and in charge of her own sexual drive. She was also well aware of the fact that the orgasm that the Doctor wrenched out of her in the hallway was, honestly, definitely in her top five orgasms of all time. (If she was being brutally honest, it was actually in her top two.) So, she'd had plenty of fodder to draw upon in the dark nights aboard the TARDIS after the running for their lives had ended...

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Secret Santa

This was originally posted for the 2014 Winter Story Contest as "Special Occasions" ... but needed some rework. Sorry it took so long to get done. I glanced over at my wife, all muffled up in her parka and scarf, as we pulled up the long drive to her folks home. I quickly looked over my shoulder into the back seat to make sure that our daughter, swaddled up to look like a lump in her car seat, was still sleeping. Sandy had been born in September and this was going to be the first time that...

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Yearning for Urination Ch 02

Gigi began to salivate as she watched the girl pull down the zipper of her shorts. She looked on intently as the girl slid them down her slim legs and struggled to pull her boots through the holes. When she managed to free herself, she tossed the shorts behind her at the base of her tree. "Get down," she commanded, pointing a finger to the ground. Gigi complied and crouched down, leaning her back against the tree. The girl strutted towards Gigi, swaying her hips widely. The leggings clung...

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Wendys Gangrape

It was in the early 1960’s and Wendy was in grade school in central California. It was a small rural community of only about 300, there were orange groves surrounding it in every direction, and her school was just outside of town. She was walking home from school alone one hot day in May. She usually walked with her girlfriends but that day she had gotten out two hours early as a special treat for winning a spelling bee. Wendy took the usual rout home along the railroad tracks, then...

3 years ago
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Housewives of Valley County Ch 04a

Across town, a mile away from where she had dropped off her daughter and her boyfriend, Amarika pulled into Valley County College. On the campus, since it was Jabari day, the black students and faculty, similarly as Amarika were all displaying their proud heritage by dressing in African-styled garbs. The other students and faculty were, of course, showing their appreciation and admiration for the proud tradition by being either topless or bottomless which was customary.Having parked in her...

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The Husband of Tatsumaki

(Disclaimer: The art is custom made by the artist Gokusi on please go and show him some love. Hello, just a quick question before the story starts. I have an issue with my writing. I would publish a story then a few weeks go by and find I don't like how I've been writing it. This causes a problem for some of you that enjoy what I've already written, so I would like to know if I should keep the originals and re-publish the story as new chapters, re-edit the existing...

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Amandas Fantasy1

By: DamonX ([email protected]) Amanda hummed to herself as she pushed the door open and stepped into her dimly lit apartment. Tossing her backpack on the floor, she let the door swing shut behind her before sliding the deadbolt shut with a satisfying ‘clunk'. The blinds were open enough to allow a sufficient amount of moonlight to shine through the lone meager window in her tiny one bedroom basement suite. Reaching over, she flipped the light switch on, her brow furrowing in...

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Nancys GuysChapter 2

Karen was a bouncy little blonde, nice tits, great ass, an All American type if there ever was one. And deep inside her, there was a seething slut. Karen would drop by our house and Nancy would have a guy or two for her to check out. It wasn't the excuse that was used, but that was what was being done. She'd just stop by to return a blouse she'd borrowed and some potential stud would be interviewed without ever even knowing he was at an interview. I was bouncing in and out of L.A. for...

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The Overlords GambitChapter 2

"He did WHAT?!" The Imperial Guard was trained for bravery and courage in the face of danger to protect the Emperor from all threats. Yet even they cringed slightly at the bellow from the ancient Mage that now cast two burning eyes at them from his lined and wizened face. "My apologies, Mage Q'yros," said one of the guards, bowing in respect. "I only know what my orders are from the Emperor." "I do not have time for this!" Q'yros thundered, his voice booming despite his aged...

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Laura and Joanna

I had begun to feel lonely. I had graduated quite some time back and, true, I had got a job doing accountancy, but I didn't find it satisfying. And I had had to go to a new part of the country where I didn't know anybody. At university, I had had a good number of friends, and from time to time I had gone out with girls, but nothing had become serious. Yes, we had enjoyed each other's company, but somehow that special something needed for a deeper relationship had not been there. Now...

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Private Paola Hard Glory Hole Massage

After a long absence, we’re thrilled to be reunited once again with the ever sexy Paola Hard, and this busty redhead returns to with quite the bang… literally! Paola sure knows how to put her big tits to work, and Jesús Reyes is the lucky recipient today in Private Specials, Busty Masseuses where Paola oils herself up and gives his BBC a special Private massage that includes everything from a gloryhole blowjob, to a wet and slippery titfuck, to some POV interracial gonzo action,...

3 years ago
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Newbie Struggle

Newbie StruggleBy: Londebaaz Chohan It was not easy but Rashad finally decided to experiment with his fantasy. He was lucky to have a girlfriend that was also a sex player even more than him and they had watched many a porn videos together. Sometimes they had a third partner for threesome, mostly a man. While the third man fucked Rashad’s girlfriend, Rashad looked especially at his male equipment. He was also eager to make some comments about men and their cocks and balls seen on the TV screen...

3 years ago
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Your Girl On Her Knees

My eyes are glued to your phone’s GPS, helping you navigate to our destination for our spontaneous date day. We share an appreciation for history and culture, and our passion for exploring keeps our relationship quirky and exciting. The explosive sex is admittedly another major contributor, but we will get to that later. We drive along a tall barbed-wire fence line until finally I direct you to pull into the small regional airport parking lot.We are on the outskirts of a major city, and this...

Oral Sex
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Desire is mightier than the mind part IIrlm

So it had been a few days since I had sex with my grandmother. I hadn't been able to get it out of my mind and when my girlfriend came over one night I fucked her hard but I was thinking about my grandmother the whole time. I felt really bad inside but I kept getting hard every time I thought about my grandmother. Then a couple days later my grandmother called not and wanted me to come over for dinner. She didn't seem mad or sad, or like anything had even happened. So of course I agreed, but I...

1 year ago
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In der Hochzeitsnacht meines Freundes Etwas Reali

Fortsetzung der Hochzeitsnacht bei FreundenAn dieser Situation knüpft ein meiner Träume an. Ich stelle mir vor, Birgit berührt mit dem Metermaß mein Glied und fragt meine Freundin, ob sie mal anfassen dürfte. Meine Freundin guckt daraufhin erst mich an um dann mit etwas Verzögerung „Warum nicht“ zu sagen. Birgit bekommt ein breites Grinsen im Gesicht. Ich genieße es wenn die Hand meiner Bekannten sich das erste Mal um meinen Schaft legt. Sie fühlt meine Wärme und Härte. Sie übt leichten Druck...

2 years ago
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The Recliner

I saw her sitting at the end of the bar, chatting with her friends. Tall, auburn, not skinny, not overweight, dressed like you’d expect somebody coming from an office job on a Friday. She had on a nice fitting pair of jeans, white top, you could just see the outline of a pretty lace bra. Boobs were small, but attractive. She was animated, laughing, having fun. It was what caught my eye. It’s funny; women often think they need to be super gorgeous, or made up, and dressed to the nines to attract...

Straight Sex
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The VolunteerChapter 5

THE FREE CLINIC was on 8th, just across the railroad tracks. Twice G2 realized he’d turned the wrong direction and was heading away from it. He sat to rest, sleeping a while each time. When he reached the tracks, he stumbled and fell. He just lay there, thinking that if he didn’t get up he’d get run over, but too exhausted to drag himself further. While he was lying there, Ben Johnson came across the tracks. G2 had ridden the rails with Ben a time once before. Ben was good company and told...

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It is Saturday night and your sister is staying over for the weekend. We are relaxing around the house. "Cadee what would you like to do tonight?" You look at me kind of mischievously and say, "I think I want to watch a movie." I know you are up to something. But I am not worried. I usually like your surprises. I say, "OK, pick one out." You answer, "I already have it in the CD in the bedroom. Let's watch it in there. It will be more relaxing lying on the bed.” You and your sister head for...

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MommysGirl Harley Haze Shay Sights TongueTied

Harley Haze is practicing a speech in her room when her stepmom, Shay Sights, comes in and overhears. Shay is surprised to learn that Harley made valedictorian, but wasn’t told about it. Harley admits that she didn’t say anything since she’s nervous because being valedictorian means she’ll have to give a speech at the graduation ceremony. She has trouble with public speaking. Shay is comforting as she helps Harley practice enunciating with some verbal exercises, but they...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 14 Erica BradfordChapter 26

Erica thought she was being artful. When Bobby came on the line, she told him that part of the railing on the ramp had cracked and he needed to come take a look at it. She didn’t tell him, of course, that she’d had to throw all her weight at the railing ... several times ... to get something to break. She’d done it at night, when the neighbors couldn’t see her. She couldn’t admit that she just wanted him. Not on the phone. She wasn’t even sure she wanted him. But she was full of nervous...

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