Hunters Ch. 02 free porn video

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**This is a direct continuation of Chapter 1, please read it first so you have some idea of what’s going on.

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to vote!**

Max came back to reality, but he fought it the entire way. He was at home on Io and everything was neat and perfect. He had never joined the military, but instead chose to stay on Io and go to school for ship diagnostic and repair. He married his high school sweet heart and they had three kids together. It was a beautiful afternoon and they were all outside playing in the sunshine. The dream had started to distort, everything sounded distant. The image began to shift, as if someone had thrown a rock into a still pond that contained the dream. Max didn’t want this to be a dream, he didn’t want this to be not right. He was comfortable and it’s where he wanted to stay.

‘I don’t want to be,’ Max said in his dream-stupor. His eyes opened and he saw the end table with its cool blue digital display showing that it was 5:30 in the morning. ‘Here,’ he said a little louder, a look of hopeless disgust crossed his face and faded away. He sat up in bed and a soft light came on in the ceiling and slowly brought itself up to full illumination. Max wiped the sleep from his eyes and swung his legs over the side of his bunk. He looked around and his clothes had been washed and folded, put on a chair on the other side of the small room. A towel was just barely seen peeking out from under them. Max grabbed it and headed off for the showers in the barracks.

The barracks were empty already. Robinson no doubt had them hard at work on something. The shower was hot and good, but it left him feeling lonely as he stepped out from the hot water into the coolness of the dorm. He put his clothes back on, laced up his boots and secured the armor plates on them. He got a look at himself in the mirror on the back of the door, as he was ready to leave his room.

A road-weary but awake face stared back at him. Two green eyes shone over the rest of the picture, clear, sharp, and alert. The neatly combed short brown hair wouldn’t stay that way for long if there was trouble, but it was in place for now. His cheeks had been shaved smooth in the shower, and his tan skin was clean and free of nicks and cuts. The powerful jaw muscles clenched once and the power under his skin shone through the smooth exterior. Max’s eyes traveled up to his hair again and his brow knitted slightly together.

‘Get a hair cut, hippie,’ he said quietly to himself. He laughed a little bit and pulled the door open, walking again out into the empty barracks, his thick combat boots echoing solidly in the virtually empty room. The hanger lay directly across the barracks, separated only by a steel door set into the concrete wall. It wasn’t more than 50 feet, but it seemed to take 5 minutes to cross. Max’s hand hit the handle and he pushed down. ‘Gonna be one of those days,’ he said quietly and pushed the door open.

The hanger was not quiet, and it was obvious in a heartbeat where all Robinson’s men were. They had moved the Megalodon inside and they were working on it. The ship was large enough that the roof trusses barely cleared the hull of the ship. Her gear weren’t even down because it would have made her too tall for the hanger, she was wheeled in and the treads used to do it were still under her.

The men working on the ship had stripped off most of the outside armor and were working on removing some of the weapon systems. Massive power cables went inside the underbelly of the ship and were sprawling around the hanger like an explosion of instant noodles. Max spotted Tom and walked over to him.

‘Morning,’ Max said.

‘Last time I checked,’ grunted Robinson. ‘Some of us haven’t been to bed yet,’ he added gruffly. He took a sip of the coffee he had in his hand and fished his cigarettes out of his coveralls. The pack was shaken and a cigarette danced half way out of the opening. ‘Breakfast?’ Robinson offered.

‘Don’t mind if I do,’ Max said and took the cigarette. He produced his own lighter and struck the flame, drawing the nicotine deep into his lungs and exhaling slowly, savoring the taste.

‘The Mako is ready to fly. You’ve got 50 thousand rounds of machine gun ammo, we patched your armor, cleaned the cockpit, reloaded you with 20 missiles, and she’s got a fresh coat of paint. Like normal, we deducted the costs from your credit,’ Robinson said as he got himself a cigarette from his pack. He seemed to make a point of not looking at Max while saying this, instead focusing on the tear down of the Megalodon.

‘How much was all that?’ Max asked. He took a draw on his cigarette as Robinson lit his.

‘Hundred and seventeen five,’ Robinson said, the cigarette bouncing with his lip. Max coughed the smoke out of his lungs and tried to catch his breath. Robinson continued to survey his crews working.

‘Jesus! Was she that beat up?’ he asked after regaining some composure.

‘Expensive paint,’ Robinson said matter of factly, stealing his glance from the work before them to look at Max just for the instant it took to speak. Max shook his head. He wasn’t quite sure what to make of Robinson some days. ‘Anyway, key’s in the ignition, she’s got enough fuel to get to Neptune if you absolutely had to,’ Robinson added.

‘Good deal, I don’t plan on going to Neptune,’ Max said and started walking to the Mako. It had been parked at the very front of the shop, a good 50 yards from where everyone was working on the ‘Don. His cigarette hit the shop floor as he got near the Mako and it burned itself out on the cold concrete. He climbed in, his pants sliding on the conditioned leather of the seat and making that creaking and sliding noise that only new, clean leather does. He looked around the pod and saw that it was probably cleaner now than when Max stole her, and it hadn’t been this clean since. He shut the door and turned the key in the ignition. The system checks ran, lights flashing rhythmically on the instrument panel. The display screen went through the regular start up procedures and Max felt the Mako come alive. He kicked the gas and she lifted up off the ground. He spun her around quickly and Max saw the door was still down.

‘Wanna open this thing up for me?’ Max said after turning the VOX on.

‘Open Sesame,’ Robinson’s voice came over the speakers without emotion and the door started opening. ‘Oh, one more thing,’ he added, some of the spark entering his voice again.

‘Yeah?’ Max asked as he waited for the door to open enough that he could leave.

‘I stole your last cigarette.’

‘Bastard,’ sighed Max and kicked the thrusters down, blasting out of the hanger with just enough room to clear the door. Laughter came over the speakers in the Mako and Max switched the VOX off.

The trip out of Robinson’s protected space was fairly fast, and Max was pleased to see that the radar was clear. He needed some time to cool off, and he was hoping to get it at Robinson’s, but that just wasn’t going to happen. He wasn’t feeling like Venus, and Mars was out of the question. The next closest place this time of the cycle was Earth.

‘What a shithole,’ Max said to himself. He still had to get to Mars to go through the gates, but he didn’t think the government would find him in the time it took to get through. Max leaned down and one-fingered the keypad and a small rectangle of static popped up in his head’s up display. He pulled the trigger on his right control stick and the channel changed. He stopped when he got to 99. The static changed to the end of a commercial and then the familiar cheesy western music cropped up.

‘AMIGO!’ shouted an all too familiar man. ‘How are all 450,000 bounty hunters in the Sol System doing!’ Max actually cringed down in his seat, producing another squeak from the leather.

‘It’s been a long six months off the air, but we’re back to give you all the news on the desperate desperados and the vile villains in t
he system!’ the blonde bimbo squealed. They were replaced by the ‘Today’s Menu’ screen and Max was almost pleasant to see that he was the first one shown.

‘Maxwell Morgan is wanted for destruction of private property, destruction of military property, theft of military property, and forcing his way out of a Martian Military compound! He was last seen in the Mars vicinity and should be considered very dangerous!’ the man said again, with some extremely too close close-ups on his face and eyes.

‘He’s worth a 7 and a half million! His bounty was raised by an anonymous source right before the broadcast! Keep your eyes on this one!’ the dizzy blonde squealed. The picture they flashed up of him was in his Martian Special Forces uniform, his dress blacks. His hair was closely cropped to his head and he was a year younger, but the eyes were unmistakable. They were the calm, cool eyes of a predator simply waiting for his opportunity to strike.

‘Next up is this city slicker from Io, Lelund Kromwell. He’s wanted for armed robbery across the system and for massive damage to public property. We don’t have any leads at all on his whereabouts but if you see an explosion, he’s probably not too far behind! It seems that . . .’ the dude in the cowboy getup started saying but was cut off by Max shutting off the TV.

‘Why couldn’t they have just stayed cancelled?’ Max groaned to himself. At least the gate trip would only be a couple hours, he was bored already. Max’s mind started drifting to his dream and how much better things could have been. He went again to the children he could have had, the family he should have had, and the place to where he belonged. That picture slowly changed in his mind to Robinson’s and the Martian Military and the small cockpit he’s currently in being his home for the last year or so.

‘You chose it buddy, you did it to yourself,’ he said softly into the silence. He looked down with a deep sigh and saw a blip ahead of him, just on the edge of his radar. His eyes seemed to light up a little and he leaned back and fastened his harness. He switched on the VOX and set the radio to scan. It cycled quickly through the channels, but it picked up nothing but static. The blip was getting closer in a hurry, and apparently it wasn’t moving. He slowed the Mako down and swung wide of the object in question so he would miss it or turn around to get a better look at it if he chose.

As he was just passing it, sunlight hit the object, it looked to be a torn up two-seater fighter. Max looked down to the display and grunted.

‘You weren’t here yesterday,’ he said to himself. He slowed even more and circled around again with his maneuvering thrusters. He got a better look at it on the slower approach and saw that the entire craft was riddled with small craters in the metal and there was a halo of slivers of armor around the craft, looking like a never-falling metallic snow. The glass of the cockpit was completely smashed out, and only jagged shards along the edge of the frame were still part of the craft. Inside, there was what looked like remains of two people, though it was hard to tell what killed them first, the bullets that shredded the cockpit or the explosive decompression of exposure. Either way, everything on the inside of the cockpit was covered in red chunky carnage. ‘Probably the bullets,’ Max said to himself and kept looking through the craft from his pod.

He stopped the ship and put it into a holding position with the other craft. Max unbuckled his safety harness and stood up as best he could in the pod while trying to dig around in the compartment under the seat. He found his space suit, and it too had been cleaned and was neatly folded under his helmet. He put it on quickly, over the tops of his clothes and locked his helmet into place. The small computer in the suit registered that the suit was locked and that he had 45 minutes of breathable air. Max punched the keypad and the lights in the pod began to flash red. The small display screen read, ‘Depressurization in Progress’ and flashed it in time with the lights. After 5 seconds the lights stopped flashing and Max opened the pod to go outside.

Using what he could for handholds along the hull, he made it to the storage compartment under the pod and unlocked it. He dug around for his tether and hooked one end onto his ship and the other end to a clip in waist of the suit. Max pointed himself at the destroyed ship and kicked off the Mako. He drifted slowly toward the other ship and turned around so he could absorb the impact with his legs and not simply push the other ship out of his way or worry about cutting himself on broken glass. He connected with the ship and carefully worked his way inside.

The blood had been there a while, all the water had flash boiled out of it in the heat of the sun. All that was left was a thick, hard deep crimson residue with the occasional spur of bone and other formerly pulpy organ that added some color to the whole scene. It was nothing Max hadn’t seen, or done for that matter, before. He looked and saw the same deep craters in the cockpit as he had in the outside hull.

’40 mm penetrators from the looks of it,’ Max said to himself and turned to where the pilot’s head would have been. ‘I don’t know what you did to whom, but they were pissed,’ he said to the empty space in front of where chunks of hair and skull were embedded into the leather around bullet hole that two of Max’s fingers could fit into. He kept looking through the cockpit and started moving around bits and chunks of its former inhabitants. He got the seat compartments opened and found an envelope made of a large sheet of rice paper and sealed with black wax and a signet impression. Max didn’t even need to look at it to know that they were Black Dragon couriers. He kept looking through the compartment and found a black metal briefcase with gold dial locks. He picked them up very carefully and looked through the other seat compartment. He didn’t see much of interest, it looks as if their lunch had been in there before the decompression got it. Little bits of fruit and chunks of God only knew what were all over the inside.

‘Easy come, easy go, fellas. Hope the next world treats you better than this one did,’ Max said and kicked off their ship. He turned around and connected softly with the Mako and put his tether back in its compartment along with the briefcase and the rice paper envelope. Once they were safely sealed inside, he made his way back to his pod and closed the door. He got in, punched the keypad and the cabin lights started flashing green while ‘Stabilizing Atmosphere’ flashed on his display. Once the cabin lights returned to normal, Max took his helmet off and unzipped his flight suit. He pulled his arms out of it and rolled it down to his waist and then sat back in his own seat. The Mako’s engine powered up and he was off.

‘Could be a bomb,’ Max thought out loud. ‘Only one place to take a possible bomb in a suitcase,’ Max added to himself and started to nod. ‘I just hope the old bastard doesn’t shoot me before I can talk.’

The trip to Earth went much faster than Max was thinking it would before he found the Black Dragons’ ship. Much faster.

After his ship was scanned and the credits deducted for the gate toll, he blasted into Earth’s atmosphere and headed for Tijuana. It was the armpit of Earth, but you could get anything there, and best of all there were almost no cops. He made for a parking that would take mono-racers and fighters and landed there. It was expensive, but they took good care of your ship while it was there. He parked the Mako on a spot inside the multi-storied hanger, as close to the center as he could to keep as many people from just noticing the military fighter as he could. He’d never had any problems before, but Max was never casual about parking just anywhere, either.

Max got out of the pod and got a good lungful of the air and started coughing. He took a deeper breath and smelled the rank on the air and sighe
d deeply. ‘Ah, TJ, my hell away from home,’ he muttered and made his way to the street. At street level, the city really came alive.

Everything could be bought and sold in Tijuana. Top flight drugs, government secrets, government agents, sex slaves, you name it, they sold it. More importantly, if you had it, they could tell you what it was. Max wanted to get that case to Bernie as quickly as possible, but he didn’t want to get caught with it in broad daylight, either. He’d take care of getting a satchel to carry it in first, and then he’d worry about the rest later. Most importantly he wanted some food, real food. Not that crap they grew on Mars. Nothing beat a range fed beef cow, but outside of the cities on Mars there wasn’t any range, so no range fed beef. That was the first order of business. Take care of that, and then get a bag to get the case to Bernie’s.

Food stands were everywhere. It didn’t take him long to find one that sounded interesting, if not just down right good. ‘Beef and Bell Peppers’ was a small cart that Max could have smelled from the hanger if he was paying attention. He walked up to the cart and nodded to the old man running the stand.

‘What do you have?’ Max asked. The old man gave him an incredulous look.

‘Caintcha read th’ sign?’ he half yelled at Max. Max raised an eyebrow and dug a neat fold of bills out of his pocket. He gave the man 20 woolong and he got a pint container full of rice and beef and bell peppers smothered in that brown sauce that all Chinese food is drowned in. It was the best tasting food he had eaten in weeks. While eating and wondering, he found an army surplus store and bought a drab green duffle bag that would work well enough. With his goals accomplished, he wandered back to the Mako and got the briefcase and the envelope out. With them in the duffle bag he hiked the two miles to Bernie’s permanent booth, deep in the market district of Tijuana.

The lights were on when he got there, and he was pleased to see that a make shift door had been bolted into the empty frame that Max was used to seeing. He pushed it open and he heard a service bell ding over the top. The interior of the shop was dimly lit, and most of the items lining the shelves were clocks and small boxes with locks on them. Junk was crammed everywhere in the shop and the only thing that looked to be organized in the small room was a piece of pegboard with what was probably thousands of keys on hooks. Then there was Bernie, standing behind the dirty glass counter with a pump-action shotgun, pointed at Max’s head.

‘That’s close enough, damnit. You nearly had the Consortium close down my shop last time you was here Morgan, I don’t need that again. I’m getting’ too old and too tired to be putting up with the shit that you track in with you. I don’t need that shit, Morgan, you hear me!’ the old man raved as the door shut.

‘Well, if the Consortium is that pissed off at you, I suppose you don’t even want to see what’s in the bag.’

‘Hell no! Take your AWOL ass out of my shop!’

‘Guess you don’t want to be set straight with the Consortium then,’ Max said, he gave a shrug and a deep sigh and opened the door to leave.

‘No wait just a galldern minute. Set straight? You got rocks in your head boy?’ Bernie said and began easing the shotgun down. Max unzipped the bad and reached inside, grabbing the envelope and the case. ‘What do you think you have in there that would possibly . . .’ he started back up again and Max set the case on the counter with the envelope on top. The Black Dragons’ seal stood out prominently on the rice paper.

‘Think that might do it?’

‘I’m not even gonna ask. Some stray dropped it off, and as fer as I’m concerned, that damn stray will find it in the dumpster by 9 tonight! Now get the hell out of my store you damn hooligan! Out!’ Max smiled and walked back out the door. He looked at a clock as he left and saw that it was 5 in the afternoon. What could he possibly do for the next 4 hours in Tijuana? A smile crept over Max’s face and he wore it all the way to the Soldier Bar.

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We three throttled back on the intoxicants after that. I said to my men, “In wintertime, we really can’t tell what time it is after dark. With the smoke and drink romance, it might be close to ten, or eleven or even midnight.” I announced, “If anyone looks at a watch, clock or cellphone, I am cutting him off. This is too nice an evening to care about the time. We’ve nothing to do but have a good time, for a long time.” With that, I took the first shift in the shower. The hot water and luxury...

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Just Another Day at the Office

It's early in the morning.. you're unlocking your office as you do every day.... you think you smell a floral scent.. mmm maybe the cleaning crew is using a new air freshner in your office. You drop your briefcase near your chair and slip into the office chair, lean back to put your feet up on your desk..... You're suddenly startled as you feel your chair move slightly, twisting a bit to the side. Thinking you're falling, you lean over to catch yourself as you look under the desk and see me...

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I closed the office early the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. The house had been completely cleaned and Sara and I had bought everything the weekend prior. I’d have two pounds of jumbo shrimp and a variety of raw vegetables in addition to chips with onion dip and nuts as snacks before dinner. Mom had agreed to come over around ten that morning to help with the meal. I had cleaned and rinsed the twenty-pound turkey on Tuesday night, saving the heart and liver for the soup I planned to make...

2 years ago
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Hello. My name is Jeannie. Jeannie the Genie who was created by Sidney Sheldon and a cult tv show aired back in the 1960s starring the handsome RIP Larry Hagman As Major Tony Nelson and the stunningly beautiful Barbara Eden as me. My real name is Fatima Hussain, But I prefer Jeannie. I was so happy when my Master Tony found me in my lamp washed up on the shore of that tropical island after that horrid visier Ahmed sealed me in the bottle and I had to spend nearly three hundred years cooped up...

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My Facebook Friend Became My Sex Partner

Hey readers, this is Abhi from Coimbatore. Though my native place is not Coimbatore, I live here to complete my college studies. This is my first story in ISS. I have read a few stories here so thought of sharing my experience here. This is a real incident that happened to me during my final year. Kindly forgive me for the mistakes, since this is my first story. You can mail me at Girls and aunties if you like to have a conversation with me, you can ping me. 100 % privacy. Ladies in and around...

4 years ago
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Birthday For Janet Part Three

Janet and I were enjoying the afterglow of our first coupling. My cock was still fully engorged, it was deep in her no longer virgin pussy. She was still purring like a kitten."Happy Birthday, Janet, now you are a woman, and I love you so. That was such a good fuck. Thank you for giving me your virginity for my birthday present. I am going to really enjoy teaching you all the ways there are to fuck!""Oh, I love you too, grandpa, That was so awesome, I want you to teach me, that will be your...

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Bonding With Her StepBrother Part 2

Please note that this story is part 2 of a series. It is recommended you read part 1 first. Ryan slowly walks over to Mer. He stands in front of her for a moment, stroking his slick cock and pinching at her erect nipples through her thin tank top. She throws her head back in pleasure as he continues to tease her, twisting them slightly before stepping away. He then goes towards his closet, slides a small bin out and starts to rummage through it. After a few moments, he throws the lid back on...

1 year ago
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Lieams Horrible Exprience

*This Story is completely fake. Please don’t try it yourself. Let me say I do not promote rape and it is a very serious crime. Never try it in real life. But fantasizes are okay.* Let’s start with describing our main characters. First there is Lieam. She’s 14, stands 5’6, and weighs 120 lbs, thin waist, shaven pussy, long smooth legs, 38 c’s and a girlie face. She had brunette hair down to her shoulder blades, but she always had it up. She had deep turquoise eyes with a very evil stare. Then...

3 years ago
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AlifChapter 2

Binta escorted Ana from the Canteen, along another series of corridors, illuminated by lights over the doors, around a confusion of corners and up disconnected flights of stairs. Ana felt very self conscious of accompanying a naked woman and averted her eyes as much as possible. She had no idea where they were in relation to the Canteen and the elevator by which she had originally arrived, but she understood better the scale of the Brothel. Binta chatted idly to Ana and greeted the...

4 years ago
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Lucy my daughters best friend

So the music blaring from my daughter’s room tells me that she is in as I enter the house. As I put down my keys I can hear that she is playing that new Aussie group 5 seconds of summer, again! I’d tell her to turn it down but I know that whilst she will oblige after some persuasion that within 10 minutes we’ll be back to where we are now, so I decide to leave it. Anyway at some point in the next 15-20 minutes one of her mates is bound to phone her for a really important chat about someone’s...

2 years ago
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MagicChapter 11

Under the insistent and irritating prodding of his little sister, Sean was up bright and early. After a breakfast of cereal, he went out to the garage to finish cleaning it up. His plan for the day was to finish the garage and then search for a job. He opened the garage door and stared at what he found inside. The garage was spotless. Someone had cleaned up the workbench, swept the floor, and dusted all of the test equipment. Sean muttered, “I hope the job hunt goes this well.” Rather than...

1 year ago
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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 19 The Delivery of Christmas Cheer Part III

Following an absolutely EPIC afternoon of harrrd lovin' with Mary, she threw the satirical question at me, wondering if I was giving Barb the same kind of attention. Truth was, I hadn't seen or heard from Barb in days ... weeks? I more or less assumed that she had set up shop with the sweet little Sung. It made perfect sense to me... So now it was Monday morning, and the trend continued that allowed me to lay low and hide out until my Mom cleared the driveway, en route to work. So on this...

4 years ago
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For Master

A big smile appeared the moment when I heard your car pull in the driveway. I looked in the mirror one last time; to make sure I looked perfect for you. I decided to wear a slutty cheerleader uniform. A very short skirt with no underwear and a tight shirt, showing very well that I did not have a bra. I hurried into the living room and kneeled on my knees."Cum Slut, where are you?""I'm in the living room, Master."You entered and my heart started beating very fast. Were you going to use me or...

4 years ago
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Diary of Sex 8211 Part 1

Hey everyone, I am back with another story. Thank you all, for your amazing response and feedback. I am overwhelmed with your feedback. I hope everyone is safe and fine and please do follow some precautions during this pandemic and be safe. As I am a regular ISS reader, I found my name and Usha’s name familiar in another author’s story. So, not to confuse guys I have only changed my name in the upcoming stories. I hope all the readers are fine. This story is lengthy so, to make it enjoyable I...

4 years ago
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Making DecisionsChapter 4 Setting things straight

I needed to get her something that I knew she'd love. What could I get? I remembered she liked the little ceramic dogs. Maybe I could get her a few of those. The problem is I didn't have any idea what she had already. It was Friday and I had to go to work. I decided what I would get her and take it to her first thing in the morning. I got up and headed over to the pet store. I remembered that they had a little pug puppy. I might be crazy but I bought it for her. I had them tie a little red...

2 years ago
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Power Play Part 4

“Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.” ― Oscar Wilde Ted felt a surreal calm settle over him as he made the short walk to the deli. The shock of Becca's appearance and the torrid sex they had just shared in the garage left him feeling as if he were having an out of body experience. Now, even the simple act of making his way to get his breakfast seemed to be strangely incongruous. He ordered his daily bagel and coffee, and, feeling the need to compose himself,...

Straight Sex
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The Trials and Tribulations of Amy Sue MaxineChapter 7

Less than five minutes after the two policewomen leave, I hear the guy fucking the girl pilloried beside me grunt and fill her ass full of cum. As he cums, she lets out a yell. Either he just hurt her, or she's really enjoying her assfuck. I don't know her from Adam, but if he had just fucked my ass like that my yell would be one of joy. After he comes back down to Earth, he quickly pulls his cock out of her ass and then, without saying a word, walks around to the front of our pillories....

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The hot maid pt1 The seduction

This is sidhorny with my second story. This a true story of the time I was 18 years old. I am a muscular man of about 6'1" height with 4-pack abs and a 9-inch penis. At that time my mom used to be busy as she used to be taking care of the business and had hired a maid to take care of all the housework. She was a woman named Mansi of around 20 years of age. She was tall,slim,beautiful and had awesome size 40D breasts. These breasts turned me on very much and I wanted to bang her senseless. I had...

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The gift that keeps giving

I had taken a step to the dark side a few months ago when my husband got me a present that Will always be my favourite ever. Another man. The man who was the present was broad, muscular and looked good enough to eat. The sleeve of tattoos on his coco coloured skin, were some of the sexiest inkings i had ever seen. His arms were toned and huge and I wanted to be wrapped up in them at all times. It was my husband who introduced Me to this fine specimen of a man.My husband is a sensible man, with...

4 years ago
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My Slutty Experience

Hello everyone! I’m Bhavna here to tell you the last experience of mine as a slut. It was more like others but very different in same way. I had to write this one as it’s a goodbye to you all too as I have no more experiences to share and don’t want any as I am a beloved wife of a very nice man. I am his by now forever. This one was when I left my school and went to another city for a few weeks. It was a new city for me where no-one knew about my slut phrase. I had to go to shop once and that’s...

2 years ago
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Professor Tom Ch 03

Tom Smith was startled when he heard a young voice say, ‘You really didn’t think I would leave without saying goodbye, did you?’ He almost tripped when he spun around to see where the voice was coming from. He had just about opened his car door when the voice startled him. He saw Suzy walking towards him. He smiled and said, ‘My, you startled me! What are you doing out here? Do you park your car out in this lot too?’ ‘Are you kidding me? I don’t think you can park any farther away from...

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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 8

My body was hurting, I was moving slowly to the kitchen where Mam handed me the glass of water and saltines. Back in the bathroom holding Lana my body still hurt. She felt as good as ever maybe better, but I still hurt. Lana helped me up when she was feeling better, and I took more than my usual time to finish. I didn't get in the shower. I simply washed up and hoped I would smell okay given from that. When I opened the door Lana was there smiling at me. "Good morning Angel I love...

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Husbands Fantasy Becomes Hers

The story really begins about six years ago when my husband introduced a little fantasy to me in our bedroom. His latest dream work was to watch me and another man! Well I have to say that I was more then a bit shocked, I am not a prude or anything and have always encouraged my husband to openly talk about his fantasies but this one was different. We were both about 35 at the time and married for almost 10 years so I don't even remember what its like to be with anyone other then my husband....

1 year ago
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Send me home

My best friend Jocelyn : Jocelyn walked briskly on to the bus station, glancing nervously over her shoulders. There had been a spate of rape cases the area and with her voluptuous body, she certainly had something to worry about. Hugging her duffel bag close to her body, she took out her mobile phone. As she was about to call one of her friends to accompany her home, she saw her friend, Derrick, sitting on the railing by the sidewalk. Happy to see someone she knew, Jocelyn immediately ran over...

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The Warriors and the Kiowa

For years the Warrior's and the Kiowa fought in battle. The Warrior's consisted of men, sex-craved shapeshifting people, and the Kiowa consisted of Females, beautiful and elegent, knowing how to use their bodies.

3 years ago
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STORY of SkyDancer

Let me tell you a little bit about myself I'm five feet 10 inches tall around 220 pounds, brown hair and eyes very muscular, I'm an ex-professional boxer.Around 10 years ago I I was working as a bouncer erotic a nightclub in Fort Lauderdale, when one night I heard a commotion in the parking lot. There were several men beating up a beautiful woman, when I tried to break it up I ended up getting very banged up myself.Her name was misty, she thanked me for helping her and asked if I need a ride...

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Mom Permission To Uncle To Deflower Me

Hi Smita, this is Kavya telling you my first incident which happened because of other women and you will surprise to know who the other woman was. I will tell you with my story and you will come to know. We stay in Jogeshwari E in one bedroom flat. Yes we were and are a middle class family. Father burdened with loan because he was partner with one of his long distant cousin brother who died in an accident and We had our difficulty financially I had another cousin uncle who happens to be my...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 108

Laura suffered through a curious mixture of emotions. She felt an exhausted but warm sense of well-being after her wild and fulfilling episodes in bed with Kim. Gosh, the girl can fuck, she thought. It's all she thinks of. But she also felt a throbbing, hollow emptiness over what had happened with Trina, on the sidewalk in front of her apartment house. Trina had clearly been hurt to see her with Kim. That was something, of course. She couldn't be hurt if she didn't care. But Laura was...

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A Weird OneChapter 17

I woke up at eleven in the morning on Saturday, showered and dressed and then headed for the Village Inn for breakfast. Over French toast and bacon I tried to think of things I could do with two dates on a Saturday night. I decided that the teen club would be the way to go. I called Carol and made arrangements to pick her up at four and then I had a thought and asked: "Should I pick Becky up first and then come get you? You know; the bad influence thing. Should we not take the chance of...

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Mom Peeps On The BoysChapter 4

Alice fled the basement in as state of disbelief bordering on shock. She'd always known that Mark was a girl-chaser, and that all the girls thought he was hot stuff. Even in grade school he had girls calling him all the time. She'd known he was hot with the girls, all right, but she'd never guessed just how hot. It was obvious that her son was sex maniac who had probably fucked every girl in his high school by now. On the ground floor, the house was quiet. Shawn had either finished his...

4 years ago
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Gamer GoddessChapter 13

It wasn't perfect after that. We still had issues. A couple of times she had to get on the phone with Sandy, and talk things out, before she could calm down enough for sex. Sandy came over at least a couple of times a week. We kept the suite for almost a full month, until I found a nice apartment for us. I had a surprise for her. When we moved out of the hotel and into our apartment, I stopped her in front of the door. Her eyes got big as I dropped to one knee. "Make me the happiest man...

1 year ago
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Rainy day

Ive just got home from work and had to write about the day ive just had while it`s fresh in my mind.This morning after a few sunny days that will amount to our summer it rained so hard for hour`s to make up for the sun we had just had, i got drenched going from my van into the office,i got in and shook my head to get rid of the few drop`s, i walked into the reception and noticed no one around,Janes bags were next to her desk but she wasn`t in sight,i took my coat off and went into the kitchen...

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Kannada Chinna In Jail

Hi nanna hesaru chinna anta bangalore inda, nodoke medium aagidhini light fat body  naanu lg company li kelsa madthidde avaaga naanu costumer cash 70000 savra amount na company ge gottagde iro haage kaddu safe ag ittidde avaaga manager police ge complaint madidru avru enquiry maddaaga naanu sigaakonde nange 70000 savra plus 20000 saavra fine matte 2month jail ge hakidru.. Adhu nange hosa jaaga tumba baya agtittu nanna a block alli ond cell holge akidru alli 2 ibru hudugru idru nodoke dodd...

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Shevampire a fantasy

I have to share this with you. - Two of my closest friends (who have the perpetual hots for each other) continually flirt and beat around the bush with their attraction, but neither of them had got up the nerve to actually act on their blatant mutual desire for one another. Tina (not her real name) came to me and asked for advice as she had several fantasies about Chris (not his real name) and wondered if she should let him know. I advised her to send one to him in an email and see what his...

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