Hospital sex
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"Karla, let's carry on. Some problems cannot be solved while sitting down. Besides, I'm getting hungry and thirsty."
Without a word, she got up and started walking along the trail, her dejected bearing sufficient proof of her desolate state. I used her silence to try and formulate answers in my head, without much success.
Eventually, I spoke again. "Karla, some of our best thinkers have pondered this question throughout the ages: Why were our reproductive tools coupled with our excretory organs? I can't find an answer either. But perhaps it could have been so done to ensure that cleanliness and hygiene would be a determining factor for success at procreation. If this was the case, the idea failed on a grand scale. Many people behave like debased pigs. The aberrations are endless, and the sheer beauty of the act, that grandiose togetherness, got lost entirely in most instances.
"Then take people like your parents. They are the truly unloved ones, with the diseased bodies and warped souls, the cold hearts, their withered feelings coupled with twisted minds. You need to leave them behind.
"I don't know much about your everyday environment. But for once, try to break out of it. Go somewhere where you are completely alone, in nature or in your home. Take off your clothes and get to know your body, intimately. Feel the texture of your skin: on your arms; your thighs, front and back, inside, outside; your stomach; your buttocks; all planes of your face; your neck; your breasts; explore your fingers and toes and between your legs. Feel for the sinews and muscles underneath. Live your body! If you run your hands over your body, susceptibly, you will feel sensations, different all the time, which will tell you much about yourself. Where it is nice to be touched, and where it doesn't feel so good. Rough and smooth, soft and hard.
"Also get to know your secretions, their smells and taste. One very hot summer, a long time ago, I saw two small children running around naked, playing happily. The little girl would grab hold of the boy and lick the sweat off his face and his chest. They had great fun taking turns. It was not disgusting to them, they followed their instincts. Their bodies lost salt, it felt and tasted right to replenish it this way.
"You know, of course, that your sweat smells different all the time, depending on the type of exertion, your cycle, your health and so on. But it tastes differently too. Try it and remember it. Get to know yourself and store this knowledge. This shall be the key to yourself. A key which you can then share with Helmut, if you wish.
"Come to think of it, there is another reason for the improbable placement of our sexual pleasure centres: it wouldn't have worked anywhere else on our bodies! Don't you agree?"
I don't know what results I expected from my lecture. As we crossed a low ridge, a shallow basin opened up, a small glade really, enclosed by huge oaks, beech trees and tall shrubs, which ran right up to the edge of the mountain range. It was not on our way, I wanted to stay on the path. But Karla decided otherwise.
"Let's go there, Berthold, I want to try out what you have told me, now. There's nobody here to disturb us. And it's so beautiful."
Alfred's and Elise's admonitions were loud and clear in my mind. – Whatever we do, nothing sexual at all should happen between the two of us. – We were doomed, I knew it.
"Karla, please, listen. You should do this on your own. Not here, not now, not with me around. Please."
But she would not listen. Her eyes pleaded with me, I surrendered. The glade was very nice and isolated. After a careful overall scan she went right to a small rocky outcrop, turned around to me and said. "Over here, Berthold. Sit. I want to do this exploration now. Before I chicken out. And I want you here because I shall be able to gauge myself through your eyes."
I could not follow her logic, was too stumped to think properly, too much of a coward to run away. I sat down on a fallen tree and wished that Alfred hadn't taken away my smoking habit, wished that I had a strong drink to hand, wished to be elsewhere, wished...
Without haste she stepped up to the rock formation and started to take off her clothes, folding them neatly and placing them on the ground beside her. She hadn't been wearing all that much, some sturdy shirt and shorts, sensible underwear. She was naked soon and stood up, facing me and the sun, not more than a few paces away, much too close.
Whether she was aware of it I couldn't tell, but Alfred had done a lot for her body. All traces of her pregnancies were gone, her belly and buttocks trimmed down and taut, the still small breasts fuller and firmer. Her face did not show any of the earlier tiny wrinkles. However, in general her body was still the same. Slightly too narrow in the shoulders, a bit too wide and too flat in the hips. No actress material, yet an attractive mature woman all the same.
She stood very upright and looked straight at me. I dared not look away, was afraid of shaming her and held her eyes when she lifted her arms high over her head and started by smoothing out her hair. Then it became a ritual, excruciatingly erotic but with no explicit sexual overtones. She did exactly what I had told her to do, her eyes following her hands as they travelled the length and breadth of her body, more quickly here, slower there, hesitating often, the lightest of touches between her legs with her right hand while her left explored her lower back, might even have strayed into her cleft. She spent quite some time on her ears, stroking and kneading softly, before running her hands down her flanks, the inside of her thighs, the backs of her knees. In places, the results of her explorations seemed to surprise her, as when she touched and felt her toes, all at once with both hands and then each single one with careful, unhurried movements. Her face carried a wondrous expression when she straightened up again and just stood there, head held high, her eyes huge, a smile starting to form at her lips. – She had not touched her vulva.
She stepped up to me, reached out with both hands...
"Let's go to that restaurant now, Karla, I beg of you!"
She just smiled some more, touched her hand to my face and got dressed. We hardly spoke till we reached the country inn.
The inn was all we could have hoped for. It was quiet on this working day, with only a few of the many tables occupied by mostly elderly couples. I was still disturbed by Karla's actions and didn't feel like speaking at all. Karla must have felt this since she didn't talk a lot either. Only when we were on our way back after a delightful lunch, she squeezed my hand and told me what had made her act like she did.
"Berthold, the way you told me to do this, I could have done it anytime. It would probably have worked just as well. But I needed to see myself mirrored in your eyes. You pretended to be my doctor and you seem detached. Still, you are a man and you do look on women with practised and evaluating eyes. Don't deny it, there's nothing wrong with that. I was certain that your eyes would tell me the truth. That's why I am very happy now. But, Berthold, will it work for real? These sex things. Just thinking of them, some aspects still creep me out. What will it be like when Helmut and I try again?" She blushed very heavily. "This oral fetish of his?"
I pondered over this till it occurred to me to ask about her previous experiences. "You did tell me that you had some companions before Helmut. What about those encounters? Was it love or lust, or just curiosity, hormonal overload? What did you feel then? How did they turn out?"
Karla was startled and, apparently, embarrassed by this new direction. "Berthold, my first time was terrible. It was messy and hurt a lot because I was so dry there. Thankfully, it was over in a couple of minutes. I did not much like the boy before, and certainly even less after. The others, two, were not much better for me. Or, perhaps, I was wrong for them, too. They also wanted me to do things, do things to me. Loathsome, foul things."
From the map, I knew of a small spring quite close to our route and led her to it. "Karla, wash your hands."
Bewildered, she did as told. I made her stand in front of me and unbuttoned her pants. Stunned, she suffered this in silence, only her eyes telling of her torment.
"Touch your vulva, insert one or two fingers into your vagina. Do it, now!" She trembled all over but complied again, in stops and starts.
"Enough, give me your hand."
I had to grab her hand quite forcibly against her frantic resistance, brought her fingers to my mouth and licked them, one after the other, looking at her while I did this, never allowing her to turn away. Tears streamed from her eyes, mucus from her nose. A sight to behold. I only let go when all fingers were wet from my saliva.
I rearranged her panties and pulled up her shorts. "There, Karla. You had a shower this morning, you are clean; the walk was a bit strenuous at times, some perspiration. The taste and smell are tangy, a little sharp perhaps, genital, salty; but certainly not odious. That's exactly as it should be. You are strong, clean, healthy. – If you don't like any of this, you don't have to do it, ever. But remember, tactile and haptic sensations are part of our bodies, tastes, sounds and smells too. So don't condemn people for delighting in them while enjoying sex. When you are with a man, your man, you will notice that these sensations differ all the time. Moods are important, stress situations play a role, health, harmony of mind and soul: in fact, we project ourselves through them.
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DISCLAIMER: This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the sex story are fictional. I suggest you read the previous parts of this series in order to keep up with the plot. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated. Please don’t ask for personal details. I prefer my private life to stay private. Also, don’t ask for pics or video chat, such emails will not be entertained. (). This story is the second installment of the series. Here I explored my sexuality and...
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Introduction. "All characters in this story are at least 18 years old." Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar The last airbender or any other material featured in this work. These Storys are purely fictional and don't represend real life apropriate behaviour. this is my first story so it may not be verry good. english is not my native language. Enough With the boring Stuff lets get started.
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Set In New Zealand * * * CHAPTER 1 The new CEO of the construction company where Buck had worked for two years since his divorce smiled toothily and said, ‘Sorry Buck but you have been with us only four years so were foreman to sign on. We are downsizing your division. You are no longer required here.’ Buck thought of grabbing the CEO by the throat and breaking a kneecap with his steel-toed boot but thought she’d only cry, making him feel sorry for the bitch. So he signed for his final pay...
Oh the fun I ended up having that night. The first thing I did before settling down for a night of questioning was to secure the entire compound. I handed that job over to Talbot and Danvers. I didn't want the slaves released until morning but I did want them reassured that they had nothing to fear, either from my people or from Ali's troops. I ordered them to post guards and to keep a lid on the situation. The last thing I wanted was to have to deal with a slave uprising while I was...
Confederate General Jubal Early and most of his staff spent Sunday evening near Gaithersburg, Maryland, a few miles north of Rockville, at the home of a very angry slave owner and Union sympathizer named John DeSellum. Mr. DeSellum was particularly unhappy because passing Rebels had pretty well cleaned him out of food and fodder before someone on the General's staff decided that his home would be a good place to locate the invading army's headquarters for the night. The few dark hours of...
Ed turned to Hy, "I'm going over to see Mrs. Bynum. She also an innocent in this mess and I feel she has a right to know about what's going to explode at the news conference tomorrow. I guess she's going to windup paying for her husband's sins." Ed left the apartment after getting assurances from Hy that he would stay with Ann and Betty until he had to leave for the news conference. He knew that Hy would be on the phone with his publisher before Ed left the parking lot. Ed knew that...
Maureen and I had been lesbian lovers for going on three years now. As crazy as this seems we met at a PTA meeting and became friends. She had just moved here from Ireland and knew no one, but for some strange reason Maureen and I had a special attraction to each other almost instantly. We were both happily married to two great guys. We had money, nice houses, new cars and were “good girl” suburban house wives with five k**s between us. Who would guess that today we were madly in love with each...
Ahmad al-Haytham tried to relax in the crowded pod. The Confederacy was treating them like cattle! They had locked four families into this pod and there were too many children running around making too much noise. Things would be better on the Salah al-Din, the crew there would recognise his importance and give him the necessary respect. These ignorant infidels had no proper idea how to treat someone as important as himself. His uncle Tareq had helped get him a place on the Salah al-Din, but...
"Uhhh, fuck!" Heather shrieked, pulling her two sore fingers out of her gushing bald vagina and immediately sticking them in her mouth to suck off her sweet juices. Her knees trembled from the shattering orgasm as she lay back on her bed, her naked body flopping backwards to relax from the exquisite masturbation.The masculine giggle over the phone rang in her ear. "Baby, you sound like you had quite a good time!"The 18 year old didn't have energy left to even smile at the thought, her dozen...
So, it was one more thing to tick off my list.BDSM.I asked what did they all mean? I knew a basic understanding of those 4 little letters but reading between the lines was all about experiencing and gaining a true feel for BDSM.BD = Bondage & Discipline DS = Domination & Submission SM = Sado Masochism Before we even started, I was asked via text what I wanted to do or not want to do.I said I wanted to try it ALL.However, due to my European background the thought of being spanked did not...
This is the story when my first visit to Sydney, Australia.i am a 6ft, well built with a 9 inch cock. Contact me at Jennifer and i met as a result of a setup by by friends i worked with, and our first date was a doozy. I picked her up at her parents’ house and when she answered the door i was pleasantly surprised to see a 19 yr old 5’7″ blonde with shoulder-length hair and a thin shapely body. With long legs and medium sized breasts, she was dressed in tight blue jeans and a tight v necked...
THE AMAZON QUEEN (Straight Gay F/mteen M/mteen Cuckold Gangbang)By: XTALESAll characters are 18+ Years Old. This story contains sex between adult teenagers and Male/Female. A couple is captured and abused by a lost tribe in the Amazon forest. But even in this unlikely scenario, a romance will blossom between the married man and the young guide, while his wife rediscovers an interest for sex.If you don't like this type of story leave right now, you've been warned.PS: I am not a native English...
So I placed an ad on Craigslist, (1st time in the personals) Add stated going to “Neptunes lagoons looking for a friend or 2 to enjoy the warm Jacuzzi and sauna for a couple hours. Since it’s a cold and rainy day. 5’ 11”, 210#, 34W, 52 Y/O like to get my cock sucked and ass rimmed.” Got the typical 4 million reply’s from scammers. Found a couple that seemed really great so responded and gave them the link and that I would show about 2:00 pm. Arrived at 2:000 exactly, started to pay for the...