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Village life


Dasha was a healthy, golden haired girl, but strong willed. She had got into trouble with a boy in the city. Thankfully it didn?t go so far as to cause a lasting shame, but it was a close shave, and her parents decided to move her away before she got into trouble for real. She was to go and live with her sister, who had been married the year before to a peasant of the villageof Zhukovo, the next village along from where their own family came from. The peasant, whose name was Simeon Likhranov, had six acres of his own and two milk cows, and only got drunk on Sundays and market days. Dasha would stay and help with the housework and the milking until she could find a position in service or better, and there was no reason to doubt it, a good match into a village family.

?A girl is better off in the country, out of harm?s way,? said Dasha?s mother. ?Here no one knows what?s right and wrong any more.?

Dasha arrived at her sister?s home towards evening. Simeon Likhranov?s hut was at the end of the village, with a stake fence and a yard around it. Swallows were dancing overhead, and the air was sweet with honeysuckle and the haze of summer dusk. Chickens in the yard were pecking away under a plum tree. Behind the hut a birch wood shivered in the breeze, and beneath the silvery sigh of the wood Dasha could hear the deeper whisper of a stream not far away.

As Dasha moved to open the gate two scrawny black mongrels appeared and started barking and leaping at the fence. She froze there for a moment watching the dogs jump up at the gate, baring scummy anxious jaws. There was a flash of fear in her stomach. Was she really going to live in this empty, brutish place? Sweeping floors and carrying milk pails, cowering from dogs and waiting on her sister?s husband, who?d come home wielding his belt? This wasn?t the life she?d planned for herself. What did she have to hope for, her own ignorant brute of a husband and a litter of peasant kids? It was all very well for Sonya, maybe, but she?d seen a bit more of life in the city. There?d been a boy who told her she was beautiful and took her to the theatre, and read books and knew the names of stars.?

She started laughing, laughed out the panic. Look at you stupid dogs jumping and falling over yourselves when you?ll never get over that fence, you never have and you never will. Come on jump higher you idiots. I won?t be here long, just a few weeks and I?ll find a way out.

Here was Sonya at the door, shouting at the dogs. They didn?t stop barking though until Sonya threw something and hit one on the leg. The dog turned and growled at its mistress, then skulked off into the yard, the other one too.

?Is that you, Dasha? Oh, Dasha, come in. Those stupid mongrels won?t bite you, they just make a lot of noise. Come in sister.?

Dasha thought her sister looked very thin. She noticed there were no lights lit inside the hut. Inside was a sleepy, musty smell. Sonya went round lighting the lamps ? ?I?m sorry, sister, I don?t know ? I wasn?t expecting you already.?

?Are you ill, Sonya? You look so thin??

?Here, I?ll light the samovar, we?ll have tea. Here, sit on the bed, you must be tired. Don?t worry, everything?s well. That?s right, lie down, you must be tired. I was just lying down ? I was tired too, but now I?m glad because I?ve got my little sister to talk to. We?ll be happy together, I won?t let you miss the city.?

The tea was good, there was sugar and bread, and they talked all evening. Sonya asked about mother and father and Moscow life, though she didn?t pry into what had happened to Dasha. There would be plenty of time for all that, no doubt. Whereas Dasha herself had a ton of questions. Her fear had passed as quick as it had come, now she felt playful and full of curiosity. What was Simeon doing away at the market? He sold the summer rye, and fruit from the orchard. Yes, they had an orchard, baskets of apples and cherries. They did well, Simeon worked hard. Not like some of the other peasants, who spent all their time in the tavern. So he was a good husband? They did well, everyone in the village respected Simeon. Would he bring Sonya back a present from the market, something pretty? Simeon was a careful man, he wanted to save and buy more land, he didn?t believe in any extravagance.

?So he?s a careful, sober, husband. But is that all ? is he handsome, does he ? does he make you feel butterflies in your tummy??

Sonya laughed. There was something slightly bitter in that laugh. ?Yes, he?s very handsome, and strong like a bull. And ? and, he?s my husband, I don?t know there?s anything more to say about it. But you?ll see, when he comes back from the market tomorrow. You?ll be alright with him, just be good and make sure you don?t get in his way. Men have their own ways, Dasha. But they are our masters, that?s the way God has made the world. It doesn?t do any good to question them ? bear it in patience, that?s all we can do.?

Dasha was stretched out on the bed, tired and dreamy now. ?Maybe it?s not so bad,? she said, ?here in the country. If I meet a husband who?s handsome like a devil and strong like a bull. Do you know any going with coal black hair and deep blue eyes? I won?t let just any man be my master, he?ll have to conquer me first. But when he does, I?ll melt, and I?ll be on fire for him. He won?t need to go to the tavern drinking vodka, he can drink me all up ??

?Dasha, silly little sister ? you keep on dreaming.?

They were falling asleep. An owl was calling outside in the night, and one, then both of the dogs were howling, part of an intermittent chorus that relayed across the village. Wild things, they were, with the birch wood and the stream around them.




The sky was thick blue dawn outside, the bedclothes were damp with morning cool. Dasha woke to the sound of her sister coming through the door with the milk pail. One of the dogs had its nose in through the door after her, but Sonya shut the door on it, cursing under her breath. Then Sonya was lighting the stove and dusting the icons, washing the dishes, sweeping. Dasha roused herself, stretched, and went to help her sister. Yesterday by the lamplight the hut had been shabby, close and homely. Now all the windows were open as they worked, first with brooms then with mops and cloths, every surface wiped not once but two or three times. No, says Sonya, that cup goes here ? here, let me, let me show you how to turn the sheet corners right. Then by mid morning when the house was ? as far as Dasha could see ? perfect, they were out feeding the chickens, collecting wood. Then Sonya put the pots on to boil for the washing.

??????????? In the afternoon, Sonya lay down on the bed. She looked exhausted. Again Dasha was worried ? she was sure her sister didn?t look well.

??????????? Now Sonya told her ? she had miscarried two weeks before. She had been pregnant so her belly showed, their first child after months of trying. Still she felt weak from it, like she wasn?t right inside. When she talked about it she bit her lip to keep from crying. It would have been their first child. Simeon worked so hard and saved their money to buy more land, so that there would be a living for his sons, and she had lost the child. Now she was afraid, that was the truth. What if there was something wrong with her? With her insides?

??????????? ?Oh, Dasha, when I lost the child, Simeon was silent ? for two days he didn?t speak to me. Then for three days I didn?t see him, he was gone. When he came home, he beat me with his fists, but then he was drunk, he fell asleep. Then the next day ? he was sober, and silent again. He said to come with him outside. I followed him, we went into the wood. He was walking fast ahead, not looking back at me, and I was following. Then we got to the stream and he stopped, he turned and looked at me ?so cold? I had never seen his face like that before.

??????????? ??Take off your clothes,? he said. I was very scared, his voice was quiet, not like when he was drunk and shouting at me the night before. When he was drunk he called me terrible names, said that I had lost the baby on purpose. Now he was very calm and cold, but I was even more scared than in the night. I did what he said, I took off my clothes, all of them, while he stood there watching me.

??????????? ??Now, you useless bitch, I am going to teach you how to be a wife,? he said. He had some leather cord, he tied my hands together with it. I was crying and begging him, but I knew it was no use. He looped the end of the cord around the branch of a tree so that my arms were up above my head, so high and tight that it hurt, I was nearly standing on my toes. Then he left me there while he went and cut birch rods with his knife, I could hear him cutting the rods and stripping away the buds. I was so scared, Dasha, more scared now that he was sober, I knew he wouldn?t stop for anything. He beat me so hard I thought I would die. I wanted to die, it hurt so much. And all the time he didn?t shout or say anything, just used up one bunch of rods and then another and carried on ?

??????????? ?Here, you can see ? this was a week ago ??

??????????? Sonya pulled up the back of her white cotton smock. All across her back the stripes of the birch rods were still plain to see. Bruising brown and blue in lines, like she had been pressed against a grill. And dark blotches of scabbing where the switches had cut into her skin. A fierce mess of hurt flesh and battered white skin.

??????????? ?Oh Sonya ? your back. My god, what he?s done to your back.?

??????????? ?Not just my back, sister. There are marks like this all over me, front and back. This will remind me to be a good wife, he says. Now I hurt inside and out. But Dasha, there is nothing for me but to be a good wife, and pray to Our Lord that I won?t let Simeon down again.?

??????????? Sonya was sleeping now. Dasha watched her sighing and shifting in her sleep, her mouth slightly open, her lips seeming to shiver. Dark under her eyes, worn out with worry. But now at least she had rest for a while.




Dasha sat in the yard in the sunshine. The dogs sat off by the barn. Some moments they appeared to be asleep, then they would open their eyes and look over at her. There was a challenge in their eyes ? who was she to be sitting in their yard? Nasty, stupid, suspicious animals. Dasha threw a stone at them, but missed, and they just stared at her indifferently.

??????????? Dasha walked towards the wood. The end of the road from the village turned into a path that led off into the trees. Soon she was out of sight and alone with the sound of the wind in the leaves and the stream. As well as birches there were aspens and thorn trees. When she got to the stream she took off her shoes and stockings and sat on a big round white rock with her feet in the water, letting the cold numb and rush over them. ???

??????????? Hiking up her skirt, she waded upstream. She came to where the stream widened into a deep brown pool, the sound slowed, and sunlight soaked into the thick calm water. She lay on a patch of grass on the bank and watched trout jump and pondhoppers skip on the filmy surface of the pool. This would be a good spot for bathing, she thought, maybe she would go in. But first just lie there a while in the sun and daydream.

??????????? At first she resisted the thoughts that were coming to her, flowing soft and incessant like the water in the trout pool. But they became so delicious, she had to give in.

??????????? She was imagining that she was following Simeon into the woods. A wave of luxurious fear swept through her. He kept walking silently, and she kept following, watching his strong back, shoulders swaying as he walked. When they got to the stream he turned and looked at her with eyes that ate her soul. There was no escape, he possessed her totally. He was going to beat her mercilessly she knew, it would be much more than she could stand, she would scream out to die. But it would be no use. However much she screamed or begged, he was her master, there was no escaping him.

??????????? ?Take your clothes off,? he said.

??????????? She took off her smock. She could feel his eyes on her, assessing her like livestock at the market ? horseflesh, or another milk cow. She wanted him to approve, nothing mattered more. She pushed back her shoulders, stuck her breasts out. She had full, round breasts, skin as white as milk, soft as the finest silk. Why buy a silk scarf for Sonya at the market? See how soft are my breasts, the white of my belly. Her nipples were purple buds of flesh, curling up and hardening under his stare. Only one little boy in Moscow has touched these breasts. Forgive me for letting him touch them, beat me for letting him touch them - now they are all yours, no one else will ever touch them.

??????????? She was undoing her skirt, her fingers numb, struggling with the knot. Soon I?ll be naked for you. I long to be naked for you. Here, it?s gone. She bent down to pull down the skirt, breasts dangling under her, her nipples aching hard. This is your flesh to knead and press. If you want to squeeze on my breasts, pull them like a cow. My legs are shaking, darling master, I?m sorry I?m so slow for you, I can?t control my body shaking like this. I?m scared you won?t like me. But I?m bold as well, I know I?m pretty. Aren?t I pretty? I?m not all skin and bones like Sonya. You can grab me, pull me about, it?s all yours, dear master.

??????????? Now she was pulling down her knickers. Here I am, now I?m all naked for you. Do you like it master? I always want to be naked for you. Yes I?m ashamed, but the shame shakes in my belly, it feels warm and good. I can see you looking at my cunt. Here, I?ll spread my legs a bit wider, push it forward. No one has ever touched this cunt before, I swear. It is waiting for you to touch it, grab it, sink your fingers in it. Only I have touched it. Forgive me for touching this cunt, beat me for touching your cunt, dear master ?

??????????? Dasha, lying on the bank by the stream, now had her knickers down around her knees and her hand up her skirt. Her fingers were working inside her lips and starting to probe in cruel, brusque strokes inside her. Rubbing back on her red flesh as they pulled out, pressing against her clit, against the bone. Her breath was heavy, pregnant with wetness, need to come. She thought she?d never been so excited before - when the boy in Moscow had his hands mauling her tits and his tongue in her ear, it was nothing like this. Oh god, this felt good, God forgive me. God forgive me? Never mind that, but just hold on - would she come already even before Simeon had even touched her, even before he?d taken the birch to her? Surely not, she had a little more pride than that still ? he had to conquer her first. She would be all his, but he hadn?t broken her just yet. First the blows must fall ?




When Simeon came back, two days late, he wasn?t drunk, and he wasn?t alone. He brought mother Likhranov with him. Until then she had been living with Simeon?s brother, who had a cobbler?s shop in the same town where they took the produce to market. But now mother wanted to go home to the village.

She told Simeon ? ?I?ll keep those girls in line for you when you are out working.?

?Well,? he said, ?if I?m going to have a house full of women, one more won?t hurt.?

So it was both better and worse than Sonya had feared. The last two nights of waiting Dasha had seen the fear building up in her sister. She was sure he would come back after a terrible drinking spree and take it all out on Sonya in another terrible beating. Sonya was either cleaning neurotically, or praying in front of the icons, or sleeping. She was afraid in the house but she was even more afraid to leave the house ? what if he came back and didn?t find her there, what would he think? So she sent Dasha in her place to sell the eggs and the milk in the village.

And when her sister was sleeping and there was no more she could do, Dasha walked down through the wood like she had the first day, went upstream to the trout pool and spent a delicious secret hour with her hand up her skirt. Spinning out her own fear into the same shameful, but irresistible, fantasy of Simeon stripping and beating her in the wood.

Mother Likhranov was a nag and had no love for her daughter-in-law, that was sure. But at least with her around, maybe, Simeon wouldn?t treat her so severely. In her honour, and because she had arrived on the feast of St Vladimir, they killed a chicken. Sonya waited on her, pouring tea, fetching and carrying.

Simeon was only in the hut with them five minutes, and went out to look over the fields. He was much as Dasha had imagined. Like Sonya had said, handsome and strong. He was absolutely certain in his mastery of the house. But outside the house, too, he would be afraid of no one. What she hadn?t expected was the touch of the dandy about him. His clothes were tidy, nearly new black boots and clean black trousers. His face was shaved, broad and very smooth, a little boyish, with a wide jaw and his mouth rather tightly clenched. She saw solemn cruelty in the way he held his jaw, the curl of his mouth.

But above all she couldn?t stop looking at his broad chest, his thick shoulders and arms. Yes, he was built like a wrestler, power in every sinew. Hard, conditioned by strong genes and a lifetime of work in the fields.

She caught herself imagining the feel of his hard chest, with his arm pressing her into him. He was solid, she was melting, gushing, woman flesh. He was still, thoughtless, hard. She was hot, writhing on his knee. He was her master, she was nothing. All the time he was in the room she couldn?t stop from trying to look at him, he was a magnet for her eyes. And he didn?t even glance at her.

God, yes, this was the man she had fantasised about by the stream. She had thought ? my man will have to conquer me, prove that he is my master. But now she knew ? he would just have to look in her eyes, and nod his head, and she would crawl over to him on her knees and prostrate herself in front of him.?




With Mother Likhranov in the house, there was no chance any more of escaping down to the stream for a dreamy hour. Dasha?s life in those next weeks became an endless cycle of drudgery. When it wasn?t milking, fruitpicking, or working in the kitchen garden then there was always housework to do. Mother was a scold, and woe betide them if a cup was out of place or a dustball left unnoticed in a corner. When Simeon came back at nightfall there must be hot water for his bath, food and tea on the table, and two attentive women to wait on him and Mother. Then they cleaned and scrubbed the last time while he sat over his tea, grunting now and again at his mother?s gossip and complaints. And then it was time for bed, to begin all again before dawn on the morrow. Sonya and her husband slept on the bed, of course, and Dasha had to curl up next to Mother on a thin rush mattress on the floor.

??????????? How she hated that old woman, at night as much or even more than in the day. Exhausted as she was by the day?s hard labour, sleep was hard to find as she lay listening to Simeon pound himself into his wife on the bed. Every night it was the same. And Sonya, as well as she could make out, lay there motionless, thin and weak, letting out those little moans of pain and forbearance rather than pleasure. What a suffering little martyr her sister was, as her ox of a husband ploughed away in her barren cunt. Dasha, in her place, would have given him a ride to remember. And here with that old bat pressed up beside her she couldn?t even let loose and pleasure herself as she listened. The best she could get away with these days were a few minutes in the outhouse when Mother was away in the village.

??????????? And so the days and nights dragged by. It was on a Sunday two weeks after Simeon?s arrival that the moment the girls had been dreading finally arrived. Simeon came home drunk and wild.

??????????? They had gone to bed hours before. Yelping and barking of dogs in the yard woke them. Dasha woke up with a start, and it took her a moment to understand what was happening. The two evil looking mongrels were devils with her and Sonya, but they doted on their master, who liked to sit on the step and feed them meat from his hands. But it seemed in his drunkenness he had tripped over one or both of them coming through the gate, and now was lashing out with kicks and curses.

??????????? Now, as the dogs whimpered off, he was at the door. And, as the door flew open with another kick, a terrible long growl of a shout.

??????????? ?Sonya!?

??????????? And again, ?Sonya, you devil?s bitch, where?s the light? Answer me Sonya!?

??????????? Dasha lay stiff, every nerve stretched to listen. Next to her, the old woman was sitting up attentive. Through the moonlight that came in behind Simeon in the doorway Dasha could see her bony old face, and she could have sworn the old hag was smiling.

??????????? ?Go on,? Mother said, ?stop lying there quivering and light the lamp for your husband.?

??????????? Sonya got up and walked to the table, found the flint and, after a few attempts, the lamp was burning. Simeon could be seen clearly now where he stood in front of the door, leaning back on the doorpost with a lazy air of a sleepwalker, though his face was red and bestial with drink. Sonya put the lamp down on the table and stood there frozen, shivering.

??????????? Simeon didn?t shout again. He walked up to his wife and swung his fist into her face. She stumbled and grabbed hold of the table. Blood was pouring out of her nose.

??????????? ?Useless bitch,? Simeon told her, ?this is what I get for marrying a skinny little runt of a city girl. She can read and write, but she can?t light an oil lamp for her husband ? or do what comes naturally to any other woman ??

??????????? There was a fear in Dasha?s belly that was growing warm and strange. Next to her, mother was still sitting up, watching avidly, following the scene like a crooked old black crow. Sonya, for her part, just stood gripping onto the table and looking down terrified, her legs shaking.

??????????? ?You think I?m dead drunk?? said Simeon. There was an eerie calm in his voice. ?You?re wrong. I?m not too drunk to give you the lesson you need. Have you forgotten that day at the stream? It?s due time to give you a reminder. You get back on the bed, Sonya, take off that nightdress, and we?ll have a little taste for you to remember.?

??????????? Now here was Sonya, naked and thin and white, shoulder bones and hip bones sticking out like the wings of a scrawny chicken, kneeling up on the bed with her arms bent against the wall. Simeon was raining blows of his belt down on her back, her arse,? her thighs. And by the side of the bed on the little rush mattress, Dasha and Mother were sitting up on their haunches silently, not paying each other any attention, but both fixed watching the whole scene.

??????????? ?Well I?m as bad as her and she?s as bad as me, the old witch,? thought Dasha.

??????????? And Simeon, with no thought to the audience, struck blow after blow.

??????????? But what was happening to Sonya? She couldn?t hold herself up any more, she had stopped even screaming, and was collapsed against the head of the bed, shaking more wildly than ever. It was clear she was having some kind of fit.

??????????? So then Dasha made her move. In one determined movement, before her legs could falter, before the old woman could clutch at her and hold her back, she stood up, walked over to the front of the bed, and stood in front of Simeon.

??????????? ?Please,? she said, looking up into his two wide cold eyes, ?please brother Simeon, beat me.?

??????????? Everything was still. Sonya lay collapsed, shaking on the bed. The old woman up on her haunches staring. Simeon with a blank look on his face, the belt in his hand, stared at Dasha, and didn?t move, waiting, becalmed.

??????????? Dasha, still looking deep into his eyes, lifted up her nightdress and pulled it off.

??????????? ?Please, brother Simeon, beat me. Sister Sonya is so thin and weak, she can?t take any more punishment. But I am to blame as well. I am a stupid lazy girl, I know my sister is weak and tired, I should have rushed to light the lamp. Please beat me instead.?

??????????? Dasha turned and got up onto the bed. She knelt on the bed and lowered herself onto her elbows, her head down with her golden hair splayed on the sheet. She offered herself to her sister?s husband. Her plump white arse up in the air, her thighs, her legs apart with her cunt exposed for the belt.

??????????? Still the moment hung. The only sound was Sonya?s sobbing a hand?s breadth away. Dasha, her eyes shut tight, her face pressed into the bed, waited, feeling the cold air between her open legs, every nerve strained, alive. The die cast, utterly exposed, she was in a state of expectation that transcended hope and terror.

??????????? Then the belt struck. Full against both cheeks of her arse. Her mind flashed red with pain. She let out a desperate animal cry.

??????????? As he beat her Dasha lost all sense of herself. She was an animal, a bitch, moaning and screaming and gurgling on her tears and spit and snot. Pain came in flashes, a storm of lightning. Her knees gave way and she lay curled up, or kicking, writhing, as the belt fell on her back, her arse, her legs. She screamed broken noises from her throat. She begged ? ?please master, please, please ?? ?She was begging for it to stop, begging for it to continue, just begging. She was begging for nothing. He would beat her as long as it was his will. She who had no reason and no will, she would be beaten and grovel and choke, thrash about kicking her legs, open her legs and give up her cunt to be beaten, beg for him to beat her there, beg ?

When he stopped and the pain was becoming numb, she even got back up onto her knees again, pushed her arse out waiting for more. But no more came. She heard him laughing. Then, for the first time, she felt shame. She was coming back to her senses again. He hadn?t said a single word to her. She had lost herself becoming an animal, become nothing, lost all will, given herself completely to him. Now he was just laughing at her, and walking away. She heard him walk away and sit down at the table, pour a glass of vodka. Her eyes shut all the time. ?Pain was a rough tongue of fire licking over her again and again, licking into her blood. She lay down and sobbed. Her sister was just inches away, but Dasha was too alone and ashamed to reach out and touch her. The man, her master, was sitting at the table drinking.

Yes I am a disgusting worthless animal, Dasha thought. They all hate me now, and I hate all of them.

And if that?s what I am, she thought, that?s what I will be. She moved her hand down between her legs, and started to rub at her cunt. Just as she did by the river. Remembering now the real blows, her blood throbbing with them. As she rubbed herself she was saying silently ? I am your whore, master. Look what a whore I am for you. I took all your blows and I could still take more. Kick me and beat me all you want. Keep me naked crawling on the floor like the lowest mongrel bitch. Just signal me with a nod of your head, and I will come back for more. My desire is stronger than anything you can give. All this I will give to you, and I ask nothing in return.

She came, shuddering, and laughing through her tears. She opened her eyes. Simeon was sitting at the table, drinking silently, and looking out through the window into the night. The old woman was standing over her by the bed, her mouth pulled back showing her the last of her rotten teeth. The old woman pursed her mouth and spat. The spit landed on Dasha?s thigh. Dasha, smiling, just stood up, not looking at the old hag, and went to lie down on the rush mattress again. Pulled the blanket over her, and went to sleep.




Village life


Dasha was a healthy, golden haired girl, but strong willed. She had got into trouble with a boy in the city. Thankfully it didn?t go so far as to cause a lasting shame, but it was a close shave, and her parents decided to move her away before she got into trouble for real. She was to go and live with her sister, who had been married the year before to a peasant of the villageof Zhukovo, the next village along from where their own family came from. The peasant, whose name was Simeon Likhranov, had six acres of his own and two milk cows, and only got drunk on Sundays and market days. Dasha would stay and help with the housework and the milking until she could find a position in service or better, and there was no reason to doubt it, a good match into a village family.

?A girl is better off in the country, out of harm?s way,? said Dasha?s mother. ?Here no one knows what?s right and wrong any more.?

Dasha arrived at her sister?s home towards evening. Simeon Likhranov?s hut was at the end of the village, with a stake fence and a yard around it. Swallows were dancing overhead, and the air was sweet with honeysuckle and the haze of summer dusk. Chickens in the yard were pecking away under a plum tree. Behind the hut a birch wood shivered in the breeze, and beneath the silvery sigh of the wood Dasha could hear the deeper whisper of a stream not far away.

As Dasha moved to open the gate two scrawny black mongrels appeared and started barking and leaping at the fence. She froze there for a moment watching the dogs jump up at the gate, baring scummy anxious jaws. There was a flash of fear in her stomach. Was she really going to live in this empty, brutish place? Sweeping floors and carrying milk pails, cowering from dogs and waiting on her sister?s husband, who?d come home wielding his belt? This wasn?t the life she?d planned for herself. What did she have to hope for, her own ignorant brute of a husband and a litter of peasant kids? It was all very well for Sonya, maybe, but she?d seen a bit more of life in the city. There?d been a boy who told her she was beautiful and took her to the theatre, and read books and knew the names of stars.?

She started laughing, laughed out the panic. Look at you stupid dogs jumping and falling over yourselves when you?ll never get over that fence, you never have and you never will. Come on jump higher you idiots. I won?t be here long, just a few weeks and I?ll find a way out.

Here was Sonya at the door, shouting at the dogs. They didn?t stop barking though until Sonya threw something and hit one on the leg. The dog turned and growled at its mistress, then skulked off into the yard, the other one too.

?Is that you, Dasha? Oh, Dasha, come in. Those stupid mongrels won?t bite you, they just make a lot of noise. Come in sister.?

Dasha thought her sister looked very thin. She noticed there were no lights lit inside the hut. Inside was a sleepy, musty smell. Sonya went round lighting the lamps ? ?I?m sorry, sister, I don?t know ? I wasn?t expecting you already.?

?Are you ill, Sonya? You look so thin??

?Here, I?ll light the samovar, we?ll have tea. Here, sit on the bed, you must be tired. Don?t worry, everything?s well. That?s right, lie down, you must be tired. I was just lying down ? I was tired too, but now I?m glad because I?ve got my little sister to talk to. We?ll be happy together, I won?t let you miss the city.?

The tea was good, there was sugar and bread, and they talked all evening. Sonya asked about mother and father and Moscow life, though she didn?t pry into what had happened to Dasha. There would be plenty of time for all that, no doubt. Whereas Dasha herself had a ton of questions. Her fear had passed as quick as it had come, now she felt playful and full of curiosity. What was Simeon doing away at the market? He sold the summer rye, and fruit from the orchard. Yes, they had an orchard, baskets of apples and cherries. They did well, Simeon worked hard. Not like some of the other peasants, who spent all their time in the tavern. So he was a good husband? They did well, everyone in the village respected Simeon. Would he bring Sonya back a present from the market, something pretty? Simeon was a careful man, he wanted to save and buy more land, he didn?t believe in any extravagance.

?So he?s a careful, sober, husband. But is that all ? is he handsome, does he ? does he make you feel butterflies in your tummy??

Sonya laughed. There was something slightly bitter in that laugh. ?Yes, he?s very handsome, and strong like a bull. And ? and, he?s my husband, I don?t know there?s anything more to say about it. But you?ll see, when he comes back from the market tomorrow. You?ll be alright with him, just be good and make sure you don?t get in his way. Men have their own ways, Dasha. But they are our masters, that?s the way God has made the world. It doesn?t do any good to question them ? bear it in patience, that?s all we can do.?

Dasha was stretched out on the bed, tired and dreamy now. ?Maybe it?s not so bad,? she said, ?here in the country. If I meet a husband who?s handsome like a devil and strong like a bull. Do you know any going with coal black hair and deep blue eyes? I won?t let just any man be my master, he?ll have to conquer me first. But when he does, I?ll melt, and I?ll be on fire for him. He won?t need to go to the tavern drinking vodka, he can drink me all up ??

?Dasha, silly little sister ? you keep on dreaming.?

They were falling asleep. An owl was calling outside in the night, and one, then both of the dogs were howling, part of an intermittent chorus that relayed across the village. Wild things, they were, with the birch wood and the stream around them.




The sky was thick blue dawn outside, the bedclothes were damp with morning cool. Dasha woke to the sound of her sister coming through the door with the milk pail. One of the dogs had its nose in through the door after her, but Sonya shut the door on it, cursing under her breath. Then Sonya was lighting the stove and dusting the icons, washing the dishes, sweeping. Dasha roused herself, stretched, and went to help her sister. Yesterday by the lamplight the hut had been shabby, close and homely. Now all the windows were open as they worked, first with brooms then with mops and cloths, every surface wiped not once but two or three times. No, says Sonya, that cup goes here ? here, let me, let me show you how to turn the sheet corners right. Then by mid morning when the house was ? as far as Dasha could see ? perfect, they were out feeding the chickens, collecting wood. Then Sonya put the pots on to boil for the washing.

??????????? In the afternoon, Sonya lay down on the bed. She looked exhausted. Again Dasha was worried ? she was sure her sister didn?t look well.

??????????? Now Sonya told her ? she had miscarried two weeks before. She had been pregnant so her belly showed, their first child after months of trying. Still she felt weak from it, like she wasn?t right inside. When she talked about it she bit her lip to keep from crying. It would have been their first child. Simeon worked so hard and saved their money to buy more land, so that there would be a living for his sons, and she had lost the child. Now she was afraid, that was the truth. What if there was something wrong with her? With her insides?

??????????? ?Oh, Dasha, when I lost the child, Simeon was silent ? for two days he didn?t speak to me. Then for three days I didn?t see him, he was gone. When he came home, he beat me with his fists, but then he was drunk, he fell asleep. Then the next day ? he was sober, and silent again. He said to come with him outside. I followed him, we went into the wood. He was walking fast ahead, not looking back at me, and I was following. Then we got to the stream and he stopped, he turned and looked at me ?so cold? I had never seen his face like that before.

??????????? ??Take off your clothes,? he said. I was very scared, his voice was quiet, not like when he was drunk and shouting at me the night before. When he was drunk he called me terrible names, said that I had lost the baby on purpose. Now he was very calm and cold, but I was even more scared than in the night. I did what he said, I took off my clothes, all of them, while he stood there watching me.

??????????? ??Now, you useless bitch, I am going to teach you how to be a wife,? he said. He had some leather cord, he tied my hands together with it. I was crying and begging him, but I knew it was no use. He looped the end of the cord around the branch of a tree so that my arms were up above my head, so high and tight that it hurt, I was nearly standing on my toes. Then he left me there while he went and cut birch rods with his knife, I could hear him cutting the rods and stripping away the buds. I was so scared, Dasha, more scared now that he was sober, I knew he wouldn?t stop for anything. He beat me so hard I thought I would die. I wanted to die, it hurt so much. And all the time he didn?t shout or say anything, just used up one bunch of rods and then another and carried on ?

??????????? ?Here, you can see ? this was a week ago ??

??????????? Sonya pulled up the back of her white cotton smock. All across her back the stripes of the birch rods were still plain to see. Bruising brown and blue in lines, like she had been pressed against a grill. And dark blotches of scabbing where the switches had cut into her skin. A fierce mess of hurt flesh and battered white skin.

??????????? ?Oh Sonya ? your back. My god, what he?s done to your back.?

??????????? ?Not just my back, sister. There are marks like this all over me, front and back. This will remind me to be a good wife, he says. Now I hurt inside and out. But Dasha, there is nothing for me but to be a good wife, and pray to Our Lord that I won?t let Simeon down again.?

??????????? Sonya was sleeping now. Dasha watched her sighing and shifting in her sleep, her mouth slightly open, her lips seeming to shiver. Dark under her eyes, worn out with worry. But now at least she had rest for a while.




Dasha sat in the yard in the sunshine. The dogs sat off by the barn. Some moments they appeared to be asleep, then they would open their eyes and look over at her. There was a challenge in their eyes ? who was she to be sitting in their yard? Nasty, stupid, suspicious animals. Dasha threw a stone at them, but missed, and they just stared at her indifferently.

??????????? Dasha walked towards the wood. The end of the road from the village turned into a path that led off into the trees. Soon she was out of sight and alone with the sound of the wind in the leaves and the stream. As well as birches there were aspens and thorn trees. When she got to the stream she took off her shoes and stockings and sat on a big round white rock with her feet in the water, letting the cold numb and rush over them. ???

??????????? Hiking up her skirt, she waded upstream. She came to where the stream widened into a deep brown pool, the sound slowed, and sunlight soaked into the thick calm water. She lay on a patch of grass on the bank and watched trout jump and pondhoppers skip on the filmy surface of the pool. This would be a good spot for bathing, she thought, maybe she would go in. But first just lie there a while in the sun and daydream.

??????????? At first she resisted the thoughts that were coming to her, flowing soft and incessant like the water in the trout pool. But they became so delicious, she had to give in.

??????????? She was imagining that she was following Simeon into the woods. A wave of luxurious fear swept through her. He kept walking silently, and she kept following, watching his strong back, shoulders swaying as he walked. When they got to the stream he turned and looked at her with eyes that ate her soul. There was no escape, he possessed her totally. He was going to beat her mercilessly she knew, it would be much more than she could stand, she would scream out to die. But it would be no use. However much she screamed or begged, he was her master, there was no escaping him.

??????????? ?Take your clothes off,? he said.

??????????? She took off her smock. She could feel his eyes on her, assessing her like livestock at the market ? horseflesh, or another milk cow. She wanted him to approve, nothing mattered more. She pushed back her shoulders, stuck her breasts out. She had full, round breasts, skin as white as milk, soft as the finest silk. Why buy a silk scarf for Sonya at the market? See how soft are my breasts, the white of my belly. Her nipples were purple buds of flesh, curling up and hardening under his stare. Only one little boy in Moscow has touched these breasts. Forgive me for letting him touch them, beat me for letting him touch them - now they are all yours, no one else will ever touch them.

??????????? She was undoing her skirt, her fingers numb, struggling with the knot. Soon I?ll be naked for you. I long to be naked for you. Here, it?s gone. She bent down to pull down the skirt, breasts dangling under her, her nipples aching hard. This is your flesh to knead and press. If you want to squeeze on my breasts, pull them like a cow. My legs are shaking, darling master, I?m sorry I?m so slow for you, I can?t control my body shaking like this. I?m scared you won?t like me. But I?m bold as well, I know I?m pretty. Aren?t I pretty? I?m not all skin and bones like Sonya. You can grab me, pull me about, it?s all yours, dear master.

??????????? Now she was pulling down her knickers. Here I am, now I?m all naked for you. Do you like it master? I always want to be naked for you. Yes I?m ashamed, but the shame shakes in my belly, it feels warm and good. I can see you looking at my cunt. Here, I?ll spread my legs a bit wider, push it forward. No one has ever touched this cunt before, I swear. It is waiting for you to touch it, grab it, sink your fingers in it. Only I have touched it. Forgive me for touching this cunt, beat me for touching your cunt, dear master ?

??????????? Dasha, lying on the bank by the stream, now had her knickers down around her knees and her hand up her skirt. Her fingers were working inside her lips and starting to probe in cruel, brusque strokes inside her. Rubbing back on her red flesh as they pulled out, pressing against her clit, against the bone. Her breath was heavy, pregnant with wetness, need to come. She thought she?d never been so excited before - when the boy in Moscow had his hands mauling her tits and his tongue in her ear, it was nothing like this. Oh god, this felt good, God forgive me. God forgive me? Never mind that, but just hold on - would she come already even before Simeon had even touched her, even before he?d taken the birch to her? Surely not, she had a little more pride than that still ? he had to conquer her first. She would be all his, but he hadn?t broken her just yet. First the blows must fall ?




When Simeon came back, two days late, he wasn?t drunk, and he wasn?t alone. He brought mother Likhranov with him. Until then she had been living with Simeon?s brother, who had a cobbler?s shop in the same town where they took the produce to market. But now mother wanted to go home to the village.

She told Simeon ? ?I?ll keep those girls in line for you when you are out working.?

?Well,? he said, ?if I?m going to have a house full of women, one more won?t hurt.?

So it was both better and worse than Sonya had feared. The last two nights of waiting Dasha had seen the fear building up in her sister. She was sure he would come back after a terrible drinking spree and take it all out on Sonya in another terrible beating. Sonya was either cleaning neurotically, or praying in front of the icons, or sleeping. She was afraid in the house but she was even more afraid to leave the house ? what if he came back and didn?t find her there, what would he think? So she sent Dasha in her place to sell the eggs and the milk in the village.

And when her sister was sleeping and there was no more she could do, Dasha walked down through the wood like she had the first day, went upstream to the trout pool and spent a delicious secret hour with her hand up her skirt. Spinning out her own fear into the same shameful, but irresistible, fantasy of Simeon stripping and beating her in the wood.

Mother Likhranov was a nag and had no love for her daughter-in-law, that was sure. But at least with her around, maybe, Simeon wouldn?t treat her so severely. In her honour, and because she had arrived on the feast of St Vladimir, they killed a chicken. Sonya waited on her, pouring tea, fetching and carrying.

Simeon was only in the hut with them five minutes, and went out to look over the fields. He was much as Dasha had imagined. Like Sonya had said, handsome and strong. He was absolutely certain in his mastery of the house. But outside the house, too, he would be afraid of no one. What she hadn?t expected was the touch of the dandy about him. His clothes were tidy, nearly new black boots and clean black trousers. His face was shaved, broad and very smooth, a little boyish, with a wide jaw and his mouth rather tightly clenched. She saw solemn cruelty in the way he held his jaw, the curl of his mouth.

But above all she couldn?t stop looking at his broad chest, his thick shoulders and arms. Yes, he was built like a wrestler, power in every sinew. Hard, conditioned by strong genes and a lifetime of work in the fields.

She caught herself imagining the feel of his hard chest, with his arm pressing her into him. He was solid, she was melting, gushing, woman flesh. He was still, thoughtless, hard. She was hot, writhing on his knee. He was her master, she was nothing. All the time he was in the room she couldn?t stop from trying to look at him, he was a magnet for her eyes. And he didn?t even glance at her.

God, yes, this was the man she had fantasised about by the stream. She had thought ? my man will have to conquer me, prove that he is my master. But now she knew ? he would just have to look in her eyes, and nod his head, and she would crawl over to him on her knees and prostrate herself in front of him.?




With Mother Likhranov in the house, there was no chance any more of escaping down to the stream for a dreamy hour. Dasha?s life in those next weeks became an endless cycle of drudgery. When it wasn?t milking, fruitpicking, or working in the kitchen garden then there was always housework to do. Mother was a scold, and woe betide them if a cup was out of place or a dustball left unnoticed in a corner. When Simeon came back at nightfall there must be hot water for his bath, food and tea on the table, and two attentive women to wait on him and Mother. Then they cleaned and scrubbed the last time while he sat over his tea, grunting now and again at his mother?s gossip and complaints. And then it was time for bed, to begin all again before dawn on the morrow. Sonya and her husband slept on the bed, of course, and Dasha had to curl up next to Mother on a thin rush mattress on the floor.

??????????? How she hated that old woman, at night as much or even more than in the day. Exhausted as she was by the day?s hard labour, sleep was hard to find as she lay listening to Simeon pound himself into his wife on the bed. Every night it was the same. And Sonya, as well as she could make out, lay there motionless, thin and weak, letting out those little moans of pain and forbearance rather than pleasure. What a suffering little martyr her sister was, as her ox of a husband ploughed away in her barren cunt. Dasha, in her place, would have given him a ride to remember. And here with that old bat pressed up beside her she couldn?t even let loose and pleasure herself as she listened. The best she could get away with these days were a few minutes in the outhouse when Mother was away in the village.

??????????? And so the days and nights dragged by. It was on a Sunday two weeks after Simeon?s arrival that the moment the girls had been dreading finally arrived. Simeon came home drunk and wild.

??????????? They had gone to bed hours before. Yelping and barking of dogs in the yard woke them. Dasha woke up with a start, and it took her a moment to understand what was happening. The two evil looking mongrels were devils with her and Sonya, but they doted on their master, who liked to sit on the step and feed them meat from his hands. But it seemed in his drunkenness he had tripped over one or both of them coming through the gate, and now was lashing out with kicks and curses.

??????????? Now, as the dogs whimpered off, he was at the door. And, as the door flew open with another kick, a terrible long growl of a shout.

??????????? ?Sonya!?

??????????? And again, ?Sonya, you devil?s bitch, where?s the light? Answer me Sonya!?

??????????? Dasha lay stiff, every nerve stretched to listen. Next to her, the old woman was sitting up attentive. Through the moonlight that came in behind Simeon in the doorway Dasha could see her bony old face, and she could have sworn the old hag was smiling.

??????????? ?Go on,? Mother said, ?stop lying there quivering and light the lamp for your husband.?

??????????? Sonya got up and walked to the table, found the flint and, after a few attempts, the lamp was burning. Simeon could be seen clearly now where he stood in front of the door, leaning back on the doorpost with a lazy air of a sleepwalker, though his face was red and bestial with drink. Sonya put the lamp down on the table and stood there frozen, shivering.

??????????? Simeon didn?t shout again. He walked up to his wife and swung his fist into her face. She stumbled and grabbed hold of the table. Blood was pouring out of her nose.

??????????? ?Useless bitch,? Simeon told her, ?this is what I get for marrying a skinny little runt of a city girl. She can read and write, but she can?t light an oil lamp for her husband ? or do what comes naturally to any other woman ??

??????????? There was a fear in Dasha?s belly that was growing warm and strange. Next to her, mother was still sitting up, watching avidly, following the scene like a crooked old black crow. Sonya, for her part, just stood gripping onto the table and looking down terrified, her legs shaking.

??????????? ?You think I?m dead drunk?? said Simeon. There was an eerie calm in his voice. ?You?re wrong. I?m not too drunk to give you the lesson you need. Have you forgotten that day at the stream? It?s due time to give you a reminder. You get back on the bed, Sonya, take off that nightdress, and we?ll have a little taste for you to remember.?

??????????? Now here was Sonya, naked and thin and white, shoulder bones and hip bones sticking out like the wings of a scrawny chicken, kneeling up on the bed with her arms bent against the wall. Simeon was raining blows of his belt down on her back, her arse,? her thighs. And by the side of the bed on the little rush mattress, Dasha and Mother were sitting up on their haunches silently, not paying each other any attention, but both fixed watching the whole scene.

??????????? ?Well I?m as bad as her and she?s as bad as me, the old witch,? thought Dasha.

??????????? And Simeon, with no thought to the audience, struck blow after blow.

??????????? But what was happening to Sonya? She couldn?t hold herself up any more, she had stopped even screaming, and was collapsed against the head of the bed, shaking more wildly than ever. It was clear she was having some kind of fit.

??????????? So then Dasha made her move. In one determined movement, before her legs could falter, before the old woman could clutch at her and hold her back, she stood up, walked over to the front of the bed, and stood in front of Simeon.

??????????? ?Please,? she said, looking up into his two wide cold eyes, ?please brother Simeon, beat me.?

??????????? Everything was still. Sonya lay collapsed, shaking on the bed. The old woman up on her haunches staring. Simeon with a blank look on his face, the belt in his hand, stared at Dasha, and didn?t move, waiting, becalmed.

??????????? Dasha, still looking deep into his eyes, lifted up her nightdress and pulled it off.

??????????? ?Please, brother Simeon, beat me. Sister Sonya is so thin and weak, she can?t take any more punishment. But I am to blame as well. I am a stupid lazy girl, I know my sister is weak and tired, I should have rushed to light the lamp. Please beat me instead.?

??????????? Dasha turned and got up onto the bed. She knelt on the bed and lowered herself onto her elbows, her head down with her golden hair splayed on the sheet. She offered herself to her sister?s husband. Her plump white arse up in the air, her thighs, her legs apart with her cunt exposed for the belt.

??????????? Still the moment hung. The only sound was Sonya?s sobbing a hand?s breadth away. Dasha, her eyes shut tight, her face pressed into the bed, waited, feeling the cold air between her open legs, every nerve strained, alive. The die cast, utterly exposed, she was in a state of expectation that transcended hope and terror.

??????????? Then the belt struck. Full against both cheeks of her arse. Her mind flashed red with pain. She let out a desperate animal cry.

??????????? As he beat her Dasha lost all sense of herself. She was an animal, a bitch, moaning and screaming and gurgling on her tears and spit and snot. Pain came in flashes, a storm of lightning. Her knees gave way and she lay curled up, or kicking, writhing, as the belt fell on her back, her arse, her legs. She screamed broken noises from her throat. She begged ? ?please master, please, please ?? ?She was begging for it to stop, begging for it to continue, just begging. She was begging for nothing. He would beat her as long as it was his will. She who had no reason and no will, she would be beaten and grovel and choke, thrash about kicking her legs, open her legs and give up her cunt to be beaten, beg for him to beat her there, beg ?

When he stopped and the pain was becoming numb, she even got back up onto her knees again, pushed her arse out waiting for more. But no more came. She heard him laughing. Then, for the first time, she felt shame. She was coming back to her senses again. He hadn?t said a single word to her. She had lost herself becoming an animal, become nothing, lost all will, given herself completely to him. Now he was just laughing at her, and walking away. She heard him walk away and sit down at the table, pour a glass of vodka. Her eyes shut all the time. ?Pain was a rough tongue of fire licking over her again and again, licking into her blood. She lay down and sobbed. Her sister was just inches away, but Dasha was too alone and ashamed to reach out and touch her. The man, her master, was sitting at the table drinking.

Yes I am a disgusting worthless animal, Dasha thought. They all hate me now, and I hate all of them.

And if that?s what I am, she thought, that?s what I will be. She moved her hand down between her legs, and started to rub at her cunt. Just as she did by the river. Remembering now the real blows, her blood throbbing with them. As she rubbed herself she was saying silently ? I am your whore, master. Look what a whore I am for you. I took all your blows and I could still take more. Kick me and beat me all you want. Keep me naked crawling on the floor like the lowest mongrel bitch. Just signal me with a nod of your head, and I will come back for more. My desire is stronger than anything you can give. All this I will give to you, and I ask nothing in return.

She came, shuddering, and laughing through her tears. She opened her eyes. Simeon was sitting at the table, drinking silently, and looking out through the window into the night. The old woman was standing over her by the bed, her mouth pulled back showing her the last of her rotten teeth. The old woman pursed her mouth and spat. The spit landed on Dasha?s thigh. Dasha, smiling, just stood up, not looking at the old hag, and went to lie down on the rush mattress again. Pulled the blanket over her, and went to sleep.





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Village Slave part 1

Well this was supposed to be summer, and all it seemed to do was rain. We had been trying to get a long weekend away for the last couple of months. Finally, the forecast was looking good for the forthcoming weekend, so arrangements were made. My husband and I decided to go down south for three days of fun and sex. We made our way down on the Thursday evening and booked into a small hotel in a fishing village on the coast. Friday was spent walking on the beach and sunbathing. I decided to do...

4 years ago
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Village Sex Slave

Well this was supposed to be summer, and all it seemed to do was rain. We had been trying to get a long weekend away for the last couple of months. Finally, the forecast was looking good for the forthcoming weekend, so arrangements were made. My husband and I decided to go down south for three days of fun and sex. We made our way down on the Thursday evening and booked into a small hotel in a fishing village on the coast. Friday was spent walking on the beach and sunbathing. I decided to do...

3 years ago
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Village Days 8211 Part 3

Hi dear readers. I’m back with the next part of my long series titled ‘Village Days’. About me, I’m Sarfaraz Khan, a 24-year-old professional author from a conservative family. Though I’ve received some lovely feedback from many readers I’m also sad that it’s not up to my expectations. So please feel free at least to give feedback either positive or negative on how you feel about this series to encourage me more to write. Those who haven’t read my previous parts are requested to do so before...

2 years ago
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Village Ki Yaade

During my college days, I was a hiking and mountaineering buff. Every weekend, by Friday evening or Saturday afternoon, our group used to go to scale peaks in Matheran, in or around Bombay or long distance. By Sunday evening we used to be back. Once we were on a Bombay University sponsored hikes to Nashik. There we were to scale about 6 – 8 peaks. We were a group of 14 initially, but as the weather was turning bad, with constant rain and thunder, with flood warning, most of the group returned,...

2 years ago
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Village Tales Alexia Pt 02

Village Tales Book 1 A Measure of Breeding Alexia: Persuasions and Passions Part 2 3. Escape to Olfberg Before Ingenar had hidden them in the closet he had instructed them to go to Olfberg and find a hostler named Ulric. He was reputed to be pessimistic and stolid but honest and had been paid some weeks earlier to take the girls to the monastery at Saint Michel if anything happened in their village. The invaders had covenanted to respect the religion of neighbouring countries and not impose...

1 year ago
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Village Tales Alexia Pt 03

Village Tales Book 1 A Measure of Breeding Alexia: Persuasions and Passions Part 3 5. Journey to Saint Michel (beginning) Dawn broke in the stable and the girls were wakened by the sun streaming through the cracks in the wall. The three girls, still weary from their night time exertions, rolled groggily from their blankets and dressed quickly in the cold morning air. Climbing down the ladder from the loft, the women splashed cold water from the trough onto their faces to wash away the traces...

4 years ago
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Village traditions

I grew up in a small village with maybe 100 families and every single family attended our non-traditional church. Most couples were married into arranged marriages and it was widely accepted as the norm. There was many more unusual traditions.My parents were a very happy couple and I had several siblings. I was the second oldest with an older brother. There was only about a year between us so we were close.The church had dinners every week and most of the k**s had sleepovers when the adults...

3 years ago
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Village Adventure Of An Idiot Wife

Please read the first part,“” to get the plot of this story. And second part for continuation “Glooming at Gents Hair Saloon” would add spice to the current story. It was now a month of the saloon incident, when Neetu asked me to drop her at my in-laws place. She said that she wants to meet her parents for few days. I also find it an excellent idea and we moved to her place next day itself. This time I took a flight for that as my salary was extended and got a bonus recently. I myself wanted to...

3 years ago
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Village Fun Dancing And Fucking In Front Of Everyone

Hello friends, This is a fictional story and is a part of a series. You can send me feedback on I am writing this sex story from the perspective of a village girl rani. Hello, guys and girls. I am rani from Arapur. I am 19 years old and have a well built sexy body, with perfect curves and assets. I have several friends in the village mostly of my age group. We often hangout together by the stream where we usually bath together (nude). In my village, there is chaudhary, who is very rich and...

3 years ago
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VILLAGE LIFE Living in the Midlands, in a rural village, most would say was not an exciting lifestyle, with just two pubs a few shops and the post office, but we do have beautiful countryside to amble through, good friends and neighbours. My husband David, has a small business locally, which has kept us in a style we enjoy, I would call it comfortable. Our sex life has always been once or twice a week, and very basic, which had suited us both. I suppose it was about two years ago when I turned...

2 years ago
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Village Where Incest Wasn8217t A Taboo 8211 Ancient Sex Story

This is fictional fantasy story depicting ancient sex and about a man’s struggle to unite with his lover. STONE AGE Morning star was a widow and was 18 years old. Her husband died during one of the village’s hunting trips. But she had a little daughter of 3 years old called Evening Star. It was hard life for women especially women during those days. They had to depend on men or warriors to hunt the food. Women mainly cooked, bore child, gather some fruits or tubers from nearby places, and...

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Village Tales Alexia Pt 01

Village Tales Book 1 A Measure of Breeding Alexia: Persuasions and Passions Part 1 Introduction His gleaming and swollen erection thrust eagerly into her responsive slot. Her legs wrapped tightly round his waist as his limber cock stretched her vagina to surfeit and extended into her until his fleece covered balls slapped noisily against her squirming bottom. Small gurgles of passion trickled from her lips as her legs stretched out wide and her pent up orgasm shuddered through her. The...

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Village Girl Turns Society Lady

visit here to see real pic of these story www.papahaxx.comI am married but have my own life now.I grew up in a rural Maharashtrian village. I was tall for my age of16 years, about 5'7" and thin. I had round breast with big pointednipples, thin waist and well moulded buttocks and tapering legs. Mycolor was slight dark and my face was oval shaped. I had slanted eyes,thin pointed and slighltly upturned nose, pouting lips and good eventeeth, which sparkled when I smiled. I was not considered...

4 years ago
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Village Gays 8211 Part 1

Myself Mani I am from pollachi a beautiful village in Tamil Nadu this is my real experience this happened when i was waiting for my plus 2 results. I am very slim, fair, 5.5 height, never looked like some one going to join college, looks like school student 50 kg is my weight, my tool is 7 inches. I am little under weight some time when i stand nude in front of the mirror i use to thing major part of the food i intake goes directly my dick for my body looks like monster. Coming to the story I...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Village Sex

Hi friends!! My name is Anupreet and I am from Mohali, Punjab. I am 36 years old, married with 1 kid who is now 10 years old. We stayed in Mohali and my family consisted of my parents and a younger brother who was pursuing a course in engineering. My parents were working in government jobs. I was an average looking fair Punjabi girl around 5 feet 4 inches tall. I was around 48-50 kgs in weight throughout my college and university years and was considered round at the right places. I hope some...

2 years ago
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Village Father In Law Makes Into Me

Hi ISS readers, I am Sagarika from Bangalore – my age is 29 and got married at an age of 28 which is quite late for a south Indian girl. Let me just tell you my social surroundings – Married to a software engineer – Project manager to be precise, who is 5 years older than me. He was 33 when we got married. We moved to Bangalore after we got married because I husband was working here and his native was a village in the south of Tamil Nadu. We currently live in 3 bedroom apartment and I have...

3 years ago
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Village Me Padosan Ko Choda

Hi friends and this is my first story, hope you guys love it. I am a student in Bangalore. I’m fair in colour 5 feet 10 inches long and have an athletic body Bat tab ki hai jab mai 18 sal ka tha, mere boards k exam khatm hue the aur mai holidays manane apne village gaya hua tha. Mai wahan bohat bore hota tha village me hamara jo ghar hai wahan par TV nai tha to mai TV dekhne apni bhabhi k ghar jaya karta tha. Meri bhabhi jo ki meri padosan thi wo bohat sunder hai, doodh ki tarah gori aur unki...

4 years ago
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Village girl

This is a true story that has happened in my life. I have been selected as an officer in a bank and i was posted in a small village. So i went to that place to join. As i am new to the village i went to to a known person in that village through my firend. The person i met was one of the rich lady in that village and she invited me to her house. After the initial introduction i understood that the lady is a land lord and has no husband who died in an accident and she only is managing the...

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Village Virgin


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Village Days 8211 Part 4

Hi readers. I’m Sarfaraz Khan back with the next part of my series ‘Village Days’. I’m happy with the many emails from both male and female readers giving me their honest reviews after each story. I love you all and would love to hear more from each one of you. Briefly about me, I’m a 23-year-old male from a South Indian city. Those who haven’t read my previous submissions are urged to read them once, you’ll enjoy it. So coming to the story Chapter 3: Bindu my cock slut It was the same day I...

3 years ago
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Village Tales Alexia Pt 04

Village Tales Book 1 A Measure of Breeding Alexia: Persuasions and Passions Part 4 6. The Slave Market Alexia awakened to find herself and other women she had travelled with, in a large bare warehouse. She was saddened that Wanda, the only person in her wagon she knew, was no longer with them. Wanda had been taken from the wagon one night by a brutish looking man and never returned. Although she realized that Wanda was probably better off now than being here in this cold building, it would...

4 years ago
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Village Idiot

My father had called me an idiot from the day I was born. I’m not even sure that he knew my real name. The thing was that I wasn’t an idiot at all I actually got very good grades in school. I was just shy and sort of clumsy that’s all. As I hit puberty Mindy the preverbal girl next door used to tell me that my village had called and that they wanted their idiot back. That was just about the time that the Village People were singing YMCA and In The Navy. Mindy often teased me about...

2 years ago
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Village Incest Chapter 3

Hello ISS readers, first of all, I thank you all whole heartedly for your likes but would appreciate some feedbacks and comments .lets continue our journey together on the path of lust, fantasies and carnal desires. We (Tinu and Miku ) met on the summer vacations of the late 2000s .it was scorching heat and humidity which was the trouble maker !! Amidst all these, there was a function in your village, which was attended by our close and distant relatives. Among them was our friend cum elder...

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Village Girl Lachi

Hi friends, this is a story about a village girl who was working in my house and tell her village life of her to my wife. Her name is Lachi from Hassan. A place in Karnataka. Actually she was 22 years old and married to an uncle of hers (her mother’s brother) and he is looking after the fields and cows in his native place in her father’s house itself. She stays with us and goes to her native for all the festivals and once in a month otherwise to meet them and give money for their need. She is...

3 years ago
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Village FeteChapter 8

"I wish you two would wear something. I allow you to run around the grounds naked, but I think you might appear for breakfast properly dressed, my dears!" "Why, Uncle? We're going to be very publicly naked most of the day. Why bother to dress, only to have to take it all off later? We're walking to the village like this and we'll stay this way all day. You let us in for this, Uncle dear, after all said and done, trying to get yourself back on the Council - fat chance of that, by the...

2 years ago
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Village Slave part 2

Well we decided to go to the village for the weekend. I mailed John (the mechanic) to tell him. We went down early on the Saturday morning and arrived early afternoon. John greeted us at his garage and said he had mentioned it around the village and everybody was eagerly looking forward to it. We had something to eat and drink, then John asked me if I wanted play it and be treated like before as a slut slave. I said what do you think, of course I do. With that John said well we might as well...

4 years ago
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Village Me Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Hello, indian sex story loving friends. I am Sumit from Punjab. Again with my new and real kamukta story which was happened three years ago. I want to thank for their feedbacks for my last story. Ye baat tb ki hai jab me apna graduation complete krke university me post-graduation ki admission li. Waise es kahani ka main hero mere saath rehne wala ladka means mera room-mate hai. Wo ek village se belong krta the aur kafi rich tha. Uski umar 22 saal thi. Kahani mai asli twist tb aaya jb mere dost...

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Village Incest Chapter 8211 2

Hi guys . Hope you enjoyed my previous story ‘village incest chapter 1’ . I will continue from my last story .Please submit your reviews and feedbacks to The story is 100% real and not a work of fiction . After me (miku) and my cousin(tinu) had our first make out ,were happy and curious to try more of these endeavour. Tinu had a friend (jhili) ,older to us by 2 years . Height 5 feet 5 and figure 34-30-32 . She was the beauty queen of our village . Her color was snow white and very pretty . My...

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Village Life 8211 Part I

This is the story of Sex extravaganza of my family in the early 60’s when I was only very young then and our family resided in a village of uttarpradesh near Rampur. We were big land lords and my grandpa was a sort of leader of the locality. We were Brahmins but that did not deter our family of wild sex escapades at every opportunity. We were not supposed to drink alcohol in public although in private a drink or two was a must for our grandpa and many others in our joint family even at the...

3 years ago
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Village FeteChapter 5

"Darling Julia" Giles smoothed back the hair from his beloved's forehead and kissed it lightly, before drawing back and looking fondly at the vision beside him, at the sweet face and the long golden locks spread over the pillow. How he yearned to earn the right to look on this heavenly sight every morning for the rest of his life! "Darling Giles" Julia alternately tightened and loosened her grip on Giles's penis, feeling it harden under her sweet and increasingly violent stimulation....

1 year ago
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Village FeteChapter 9

That admirable man of business, Mr Fenton-Jones had shepherded the last of his charges into the coach, which then glided smoothly away on its journey to Little Sprodwell under Fosse and tea with his Aunt, the redoubtable Mrs Jenkinson, while the tourists drank in their fill of the fete and its lurid attractions. This lady had phoned him a minute or so before his departure to brief him on the latest developments and he had been able to assure the excited party that they would arrive shortly...

2 years ago
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Village FeteChapter 14

Mrs Patterson, for this was the jealous lady's name, brandished the high denomination note before Julia's horrified eyes. "I suppose you know how many blows I get to give you with this much money?" she asked with a nasty smile. "Meaning you're too thick to work it out yourself, I suppose, you half-wit. Well, I don't make a habit of helping low-class idiots like you with their sums, but I'm in a good mood today, luckily for you! You get twenty, but as you're a bulk buyer, so to...

1 year ago
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Want to get kinky at Fet Life? Never before have fetishes and kinks been as popular as they are today. I don’t know if it is because the invention of the internet has led to a greater level of transparency and communication when it comes to peoples’ deepest sexual desires or if it is because we are just becoming more open and accepting as a society. Or maybe it is something else altogether. Whatever the reason, more and more people are embracing their kinks, and it is a beautiful thing to...

Hookup Sites
2 years ago
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PART 1 Them fuckin’ Armed Services get all the credit, but who gets their asses blown out of the water to get them their crap, for chrissake? Us fuckers in the Merchant Marine, that’s who. Goddamn sub-bait. And then they don’t send nobody to fish us out. Goddamn Krauts. Goddamn war! Cookie bobbed in his lifejacket and watched his ship disappear, a sorry excuse for a vessel, to be sure, but nonetheless, his ship. Sailors deep-six all the time, the risk they signed on for, perhaps. Bad luck,...

4 years ago
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Village Woman8217s Love For Sex

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers , this is Mohan Reddy (). I live in Indore and am 50 yrs. I have been putting up a number of stories I have experienced. Its just that I am mostly staying alone that I get such opportunities. I am a person who likes to go out on expeditions and sometimes go out alone. On one such occasion I went to a forest beside a river. Had piled up my car and hired a tent. This happened in Gujarat near Baroda. I went near a river and set up my tent in a lonely place...

2 years ago
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Village Incest Chapter 8211 1

First of all, this is my very first story. I have been an avid reader of ISS. But unlike others, I am going to share some real ordeal of sexual wildness. Please give me your valuable feedbacks at It was around early 2000. When I visited my village. Its remote and a beauty. The amalgamation of nature and human settlement. There are river, orchards, canals etc. I (miku ) was 18 (to avoid underage) year old highly sexually charged puberty stricken guy. I was born with a high libido. I and my...

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Village Me Politician Aur Police Ne Choda 8211 Part 2

Hi Doston, Mein Hema. aap logo ne meri pichli chudai story padhi hogi “Village Me Politician Aur Police Ne Choda” Mujhe aap sub ka pyar e-mail per mila. Mein aap sub ki sukriyada karti hoon ki aapne mujhe mail kiya. Agar aap log meri pehli story nahi padhe toh pehle use padh lijiye, jo ki uper k link me hai. Mujhse kuch logo ne mera figure pucha tha mail pe. Toh mera figure kuch aisa hai. 34DD-28-39 inches hai. Meri Gand thodi zayada hi chaudi hai aur mera rang thoda gora hai. Mere hanth pe ek...

1 year ago
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Village Gays 8211 Part 2

I hope you guys enjoyed the first part of the story ( village gays). Coming to the story, as I was only covered with lungi head to hip, I could not see the face reaction of maarie anna. So I purposefully moved my arms which on my chest so the lungi would remove from my face naturally, as I did so on the light of the oil lamp I could see him, he had his lungi covering his leg only everything was nude as he also not wearing any underwear like me and murgan. He had one hand supporting his head and...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Village Adventure

Hi ISS fans thanks for comment for my earlier stories and also thanks for my sisteres those who adviced me and also explained their experice on thier request I am sending another story herewith. If you want to advice or if you have experience please mail me at Hi I am Navya from Dharwad and this is my first story for this lovly ISS I am regular fan of ISS. I am 24 years old and I am in my final year when I was at 10th, my parents purchased a pc for me. I am a Student regularly I used to...

1 year ago
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Village Maid Lost Her Virginity To Me

Hi this is Ashok again and I will share an experience with a cunning virgin maid when I was studying whom I screwed like hell when I broke her hymen. After she lost her virginity to me she became my sex toy. I was in my third year of engineering and used to stay in hostel but used to come home to town during weekends and holidays. It was monsoons and I had come home and I saw my mom had kept a young live in maid And her name was kumud and she was a village girl and she was black and well built...

3 years ago
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Village God

In the world of Destare, the people worship spirits giving them their faith, good, servitude, and money in return for this the spirits provide benefits for them in their specialty and power. This was the case for many centuries until recently when only a few main Pantheon spirits, the strongest type of spirits, began monopolizing people's faith causing the smaller Diety, Guardian, and Village spirits to die out leaving their altars empty. The world of Destare is in disarray with the remaining...

1 year ago
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Village Comes in City

My uncle married a city girl. He, himself, had become a city boy because he worked there and that’s where he met a friend of her family who then introduced the two of them before the families got involved and arranged for the marriage. My aunt is a delicate little flower that was picked from the tree of Lahore and thrown in the fields of Toba Tek Singh. Fortunately for her, my uncle worked in Lahore and lived with her family, so she didn’t have to spend that much time in Toba area....

2 years ago
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Village TaleChapter 2

Albert Ferrers was up early - again! Three nights ago he had been kept up with the most persistent diarrhoea that he could remember in a long while. It had been a terrible night, during which he had been forced out of bed time after time to go to the toilet. Finally, just as the unwelcome fluidity had finally shown signs of easing he had pulled the curtains apart and looked outside at the icy wilderness that this usually idyllic village had become since that heavy snowfall of the day...

3 years ago
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Village FeteChapter 4

The Colonel and the Brigadier, fortified by a good lunch, were deep in conversation in the lounge of the Conservative Club, discussing the ways in which the village's available female pulchritude might best be unveiled and exhibited both for the greater good of the community and also, and very importantly, their own perverse gratification. They agreed that the amiable and willing Dorothy should be allowed to be displayed as the "Spotted Lady" once again, and further that she should be...

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Village FeteChapter 10

It was a little after ten when the apprehensive, and soon to be very wet and even more cold, trio of Darlene, Tracy and Kylie arrived at the scene of the small town's festivities, and their misery. As with the two earlier arrivals, Julia and Beatrice, they had decided to undress at home and parade through the village barefoot and swimsuit clad. They had collected an enthusiastic retinue along the way. Particularly vociferous, if crudely expressed, appreciation was voiced regarding the two...

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Village FeteChapter 13

Twenty minutes after losing her tiny bikini top, Kylie had deftly and smilingly removed her equally tiny thong, waving the minimal garment triumphantly around her pretty head a few times before tossing it down to the cheering crowd below to join the rest of her meagre outfit. This caused even more of a riot than the earlier discard, hospitalising two unfortunates and leaving several others bruised and bleeding. The Colonel, who was watching from the vantage point of the Rose and Crown's...

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