Lara Croft And The Temple Of Death free porn video

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The pistols of the Tomb Raider Lara Croft cut down the guard before he could take two steps toward her. The bullets impact flung him backwards against the dry wall of the dark temple and crumpled to the floor. Lara pressed on. Further into the corridors of the formerly-lost Temple of Nehista, Dark Goddess of the Desert. The exertions of the quest thus far - the traps, the guards, and the fiendish locks - made Lara pant as she ran. Though deep underground the oppressive heat of the Syrian Desert above made itself felt in the dry air.


The guard seemingly appeared out of nowhere. He whipped out his sword and with a look of determination and hatred in his eyes sprung towards the Tomb Raider.


The man's sword and his frail body were no match for a hail of 9mm bullets.

'Advantage Croft I'd say!' thought Lara as she leapt over the corpse.

The guards of the Temple were men from the local villages who had been captured and enslaved by followers of Nehista. Their minds were wholly bound to the Dark Goddess they now served. They were put into Ancient Assyrian outfits and given swords, now existing only to guard her temple. Reasoning with them was pointless. Lara pitied them as she blew them away.

But only a bit.

And not enough to try for a wounding shot.

"Outsider!" screamed the guard at the door that Lara presumed led to the Dark Chamber.

'Makes a change from 'Defiler!' I suppose, ' thought Lara.

"Here's a change for you!" she yelled producing a shot-gun from her knap-sack and firing.

The blast drove the guard back against the door with a gasp. Somehow he managed to stay standing. A second blast sent him down. Lara stepped over him, heading for the door.

'Yuck!' thought Lara catching a whiff of the freshly-killed man.

The body was already starting to decay, doubtless caused by the deathly atmosphere of the place.

"That's life... ," Lara shrugged, "and death."

Lara used the key she had retrieved earlier to open the door. She entered the room, gun ready...

It wasn't the Dark Chamber - that lay beyond the door on the far side of the room. In front of the door were two dogs - large, dark, monsters each with a drooling mouth and eyes of pure evil red. Slowly and with menace the beasts advanced on Lara, carefully getting ready for a pounce...


Dog plus M-16 equals dead dog.

'Oh c'mon!' thought Lara with a hint of irritation, 'make it a challenge!'

Lara reached for the handle of the final door. Movement off to her left caught her eye.

It was one of the dogs, whining in its death throes.

'Poor pooch!' thought Lara idly speculating what breed it was, wolf and Rhodesian Ridgeback crossbreed perhaps?

A bullet ended it's suffering.

'Down boy!'

Lara opened the final door and entered. She was in a dingy room. There was no way of telling just how big it was. Stale air filled Lara's nose. Carefully she lit a flare and held it up to the wall.

"Good Gracious!" Lara gasped as the pictures there assailed her sensibilities.

The walls were decorated with ghastly pictures of death.

People dying in a myriad of color (predominantly red) adorned the entire wall.

"Do you approve of my art, Lara?"

The voice came from a corner of the room. As Lara peered closer candles ignited, filling the room with their flickering flame.

Nehista, Dark Goddess, sat serenely on a throne atop a raised dais twenty feet from where Lara was standing. Between them was a table splattered with dark patches - the blood of sacrificial victims.

Slowly Lara eased her guns out of their holsters and moved closer. She studied the woman smiling in the chair closely. Short black hair topped a face that was paler then the average Arab - the price of necromancy perhaps?

Minimal jewellery and minimal clothing. Assyrian style.

Long slim arms. Nice legs.

'What the hell made me think that?' thought Lara.

"Not really my style," she got round to saying, "I prefer something with more ... life."

"You noticed that most of the figures are naked," purred Nehista with a smile, "Do you like that? The sight of naked flesh..."

"I didn't come here for art classes," said Lara grimly, levelling her guns at Nehista's head, "your reign of terror is about to end!"

"Reign of terror!" snorted Nehista, "all I did was reunite grandparents with their children."

"You raised people from the dead and sent their soulless bodies to attack the local villages!"

"Both our interpretations are valid," smirked Nehista with a glint in her eye.

"Now then," continued the Dark Goddess in a friendly fashion, "lets talk about you. So far I'm very impressed."

Part of the wall to Nehista's right rotated to reveal a mirror. It shimmered to reveal pictures of Lara as she had moved through the Temple.

"Assyrian CCTV!" thought Lara.

"Running, jumping, fighting ... you stay fit don't you?" murmured Nehista gazing at the screen.

A sequence where Lara leapt up, gunned down two giant scorpions, spun in the air and landed on her feet was shown.

"Powerful legs ... tight butt ... and those fantastic breasts... ," Nehista licked her lips and turned to Lara, "do you ever knock yourself out?"

"Now look here!" shouted an indignant Tomb Raider, "I don't know what perverse game you're playing..."

"Yes, yes!" interrupted Nehista waving her hand airily, "enough of the British stiff upper lip..."

She stood up, unclipped he bra and revealed her own ample bosom.

"C'mon Lara," she smiled, "lets get it on! Don't you want to know what the pussy of a goddess tastes like?"

Ever since Nehista's first words Lara had been somewhat phased by the track the conversation had taken. Usually when she confronted her ultimate opponent they spat defiance, transformed into a monster and tried killing her. Never before had one given her the lesbian come-on.

"I don't know what school you went to... ," she screamed, " ... but at Cheltenham Ladies College your kind knew their place!"

Lara cocked her guns.

"Save it for the shower after gym class!"

Ratta-tat-tat! Ratta-tat-tat! Ratta-tat-tat!

The bullets hit Nehista in the chest (biggest target) and spun her round. She fell off her raised dais and slammed into the floor. Spluttering she raised herself on her arms and pushed herself onto her back. Breathing heavily her eyes fixed upon Lara as the Tomb Raider advanced.

"You're a dull girl Lara," she wheezed, "I see you need to be shown how to enjoy yourself..."

With that Nehista smiled, died and fell back.

'Strange woman!' thought Lara, 'total lack of social graces!'

She looked at the body of Nehista. A crucifix around her neck arrested Lara's attention.

"The symbol of Christianity!" said Lara, "on someone who was born thousands of years before Jesus?!"

It was a shame she would be unable to solve that question. Nehista clearly wouldn't be supplying answers.

Something else caught Lara's eye. A simple red ring on Nehista's left fore finger.

Put me on!

The voice was heard by Lara and instantly forgotten. Without a thought in her head Lara bent down, took the ring off Nehista's finger and put it on her left forefinger...

"Time to get going!" said Lara breezily.

She glanced back at the corpse of Nehista as she left the room.

'I wonder what she would've tasted like?' was the thought that popped into her head.

"What the hell made me think that?" said Lara shaking her head.

This puzzled Lara so much that as she made her way out she didn't notice that one of the dogs wasn't where it had fallen...

As Lara went round a corner path her progress was arrested by the sight of one of the guards shambling towards her

"I admire your determination," said Lara noticing the bullet wound in his belly, "but you would have been better advised to stay down."

She whipped out one of her revolvers, took careful aim and fired a bullet into the guard's chest. Down he went. Lara moved on, but then something made her turn to look back at the

fallen guard...

... who was getting to his feet!

"That doesn't happen too often!" thought Lara producing both her pistols.


The word was softly spoken and seemed to be carried on the air. Lara gave it no thought and concentrated on her shooting.


The hail of lead hit the target and sent him staggering back.

But not down!

With a grin the bullet-ridden guard lurched forward once more.

"Goodness!" gasped Lara, "he's some sort of animated corpse!"

A knot of fear formed in the pit of the Tomb Raider's belly.

"She who fights and runs away..." said Lara spinning on her heel and running off.

'How can I kill something that's already dead!' she thought, 'and who is animating that corpse? Nehista is dead ... isn't she?'

From a corridor to her left she caught sight of movement. Another zombie! Instinctively Lara stuck out her arm and fired. Though the bullet hit him the zombie barely paused in his lurch towards her.

'At least I can out-run them!' thought Lara trying to remain upbeat as she jogged along. She could hear the zombies following her, but falling behind.

But you killed dozens ... they block your exit...

'That voice again, ' thought Lara, "who is it? Where is it coming from?'

You're trapped!

"It seems to be inside my head!"

This unsettling thought worried Lara so much that she lost concentration.

She turned a corner and ran right into a whole gang of zombies!

Lara gasped in shock as the nearest zombie leapt at her. She only had time to half raise her arm and fire into his hip as he shoved her backward. The zombie recoiled from the hit as his zombified mates pushed past. Lara was slammed into the wall behind her, sharp pain streaking up her spine

as air was knocked out of her. Struggling to regain her breath Lara weakly raised her guns and fired.


The nearest zombies danced the danse macabre as Lara's bullets riddled their bodies. Zombie flesh and blood splattered everywhere as the sound of gunfire filled the room. But still they wouldn't stay down!

They recoiled and then came on again, each time more mutilated than before!

As she steadied herself on her feet Lara gritted her teeth. Grimly she realized that she was at least holding the zombies back. For every step towards her they took bullet impacts pushed them back. If she could just hold them off with bullets and slowly sneak her way by...


'Oh Shit!'


'It's a woman's voice... ' was the thought that passed through Lara's mind.

She flung the empty pistols at the on-rushing mob and turned to make a run for it.

But a zombie flung himself forward and grabbed her ankle. Lara tried to stagger forward and shake him off, all the time aware that the other zombies were closing...

"Let me go!" shrieked Lara.

Becoming desperate she turned and booted the zombie full in the face. He let go, but that then caused Lara to lose her balance and fall backwards...

"Noooooo!" screamed Lara as the zombies leapt on her as one.

A swung foot caught one of them, a right hook saw another off but her left arm was seized, her ankle firmly grabbed. Another punch from Lara's right fist landed a glancing blow on a zombie's face but then that wrist was also held and pinned to the floor. Though she thrashed about as much

as she could both her wrists and both her ankles were in a vice-like grip and Lara Croft was helpless.

One of the zombies knelt down between Lara's legs shuffling between her thighs. The duo holding Lara's ankles pulled them wider apart to give him more room.

"Leave me alone!" gasped Lara in a weak, frightened voice as the zombie reached for her neck.

He grabbed the top of her vest and with a brutal tug ripped it open, exposing Lara's massive breasts barely contained by her white cotton bra. Gurgling incoherently the zombie bent his head down and took the center of the bra into his mouth. At the touch of the zombies' cold nose on her

bare skin Lara felt vomit start to rise in her throat. The zombie flung his head back and tore Lara's bra open with his teeth. As she gasped Lara's breasts burst free!

With a massive grin on his face the zombie again moved his head towards Lara's chest...

'Dear God!' thought Lara, 'he's going to rip my heart out!'

You're a dull girl Lara. No imagination at all!

Nehista! It was her voice! But how!?!

The zombie nuzzled his nose in Lara's cleavage and then moved to her left nipple, mouth gaping. Lara closed her eyes tightly and waited for the zombie to rip her open.

Instead she felt dampness on her tit. She opened her eyes. The zombie was sucking on her breast!

"Oh No!" gasped Lara realization dawning, "oh please no!"

In horror Lara tried to worm away from her assailant but to no avail. She thrashed about some more but couldn't escape, indeed her efforts seemed to increase the zombies' enjoyment of Tomb Rider titty. As he sucked more vigorously he grabbed her breast and then gnawed her nipple.

"Ahhhhh!" mewled Lara in pain.

Tears started to well up in her eyes. Blinking she looked around for help. All she could see were zombies. All had grins on their putrid gray faces, leering grins of bestial desire.

The zombie enjoying Lara's tit stopped and reared up. Chuckling he reached for her belt buckle. Swiftly he unclasped it. Shaking with fear Lara was helpless as the zombie grabbed her shorts and ripped them open. He paused to run his black tongue over his dry lips before tearing off Lara's panties.

"W-What are y-you doing?" stammered Lara now almost paralyzed with terror.

He wants to fuck you!

Nehista's voice laughed inside Lara's head.

And guess what! He will! They all will! They are all going to fuck your brains out!

In confirmation of Nehista's words the zombie pulled off his Assyrian skirt, revealing his cock - a large gray monster with dark veins. Fully erect and throbbing like a living creature. Its owner took it in his hands and slowly positioned it at Lara's pussy.

"N-no ... p-please ... no... ," gibbered the wide-eyed Lara.

The zombie rubbed the purple head against the lips of Lara's cunt before slowly inserting the swollen meat-stick into her dry vagina.

"Uh-huh!" gasped Lara as the zombie slowly drove himself into her pussy, cackling with demonic glee as he did so.

Lara groaned, closing her eyes, feeling the zombie's cock stab into her belly. She could only moan in despair as the zombie on top of her grabbed her breasts and painfully squeezed them as his stiff cock began humping Lara's cunt. Lara tried shutting her eyes as tightly as she could but still couldn't block out his hot, rancid breath panting on her face, his cold, clammy hands on her breasts.

Can you feel it Lara? Can you feel that big dick inside you?

Nehista sounded excited. Lara could sense the other woman was enjoying witnessing her rape.

"Go to hell," she managed to murmur.

He's gonna cum, Lara! Right up your slutty cunt!

Lara felt sick as she felt the zombie climax. She moaned as she felt the cum spray into her womb. The zombie gave a couple final thrusts to make sure she got his full load and then withdrew.


The zombie got to his feet. Lara looked up to see another take his place. This one was also erect. He quickly got down to it, inserting his dick into Lara as she let out a sob. When his throbbing shaft filled her vagina he started to pump her violently. Lara moaned with every stab, her body

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Lara Jack to Melissa the beginning

Introduction: my first story, hope you enjoy it Hi, my name is Lara. I am a 24 year old girl with long black hair always worn in a ponytail or a braid. I`m not tanned so my skin is white almost as white as snow and I have big green eyes. For my 5ft and 9 I have really long legs with almost 3ft 7 length. I have a nice round and perfect formed ass and I am very happy about my 38D. I started masturbating really early at the age of 10. At the tender age of 13 I had my first sexual experience with...

3 years ago
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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 16 The Temple of Death

At first, I thought I was dreaming. How could Zayne Masters be with Eloise de la Zouche? He was at Palakkad Fort awaiting trial. But if it was a dream it was uncannily lifelike. “You are not dreaming Elijah,” Eloise said, reading my mind. “How did I get here? The last I can remember was drinking a glass of --” Realisation then struck me, the drink had been drugged. But by whom, and why. Eloise answered both my spoken and unspoken questions. “When my High Priest arrived at Doctor...

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Lara Jack to Melissa the beginning

I am a 24 year old girl with long black hair always worn in a ponytail or a braid. I`m not tanned so my skin is white almost as white as snow and I have big green eyes. For my 5ft and 9” I have really long legs with almost 3ft 7” length. I have a nice round and perfect formed ass and I am very happy about my 38D. I started masturbating really early at the age of 10. At the tender age of 13 I had my first sexual experience with someone else then me. But soon after my first encounter with...

1 year ago
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Lara rotes Haar 19 Jahr Teil 1

Natürlich ist diese Geschichte frei erfunden. Weite Teile der Story sind schon fertiggestellt, jedoch bin ich mir nicht sicher ob man dies hier posten darf. We will see. -------------------PrologIch beobachtete Sie nun schon seit knapp 2 Monaten und meine Notizen sind in dieser Zeit immer umfangreicher geworden. Ich weiß welchen Weg Sie von der Arbeit nach Hause nimmt, wann bei Ihr das Licht in der Wohnung erlischt und wo Sie gerne Ihre Einkäufe tätigt. Bei der Sie handelt es sich um Lara. Ein...

2 years ago
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Lara Jack to Melissa part 3

I was happy because Melissa had semester break and she had free time. After waking her up she had to get dressed but this time in a 'normal' way. She got a black medium length skirt, a blue t-shirt, her bra with tits, a body-forming slip with white hotpants, pantyhose, sneakers and the blonde wig. She had to do her make-up and after we had breakfast I ordered her to clean my apartment while I went out to town. Two hours later I came back home and Melissa was still cleaning. I sat down and...

4 years ago
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Lara Jack to Melissa part 3

Introduction: This is part 3 of my story. Please read the other 2 parts first. That Monday morning I woke up with a smile on my face. I was happy because Melissa had semester break and she had free time. After waking her up she had to get dressed but this time in a normal way. She got a black medium length skirt, a blue t-shirt, her bra with tits, a body-forming slip with white hotpants, pantyhose, sneakers and the blonde wig. She had to do her make-up and after we had breakfast I ordered her...

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Discipline on The Croft Part 2

The MacDonald croft was on the edge of the village in a spectacular elevated spot, set back from the road and looking out to sea. I had just started walking up the long track leading up to the croft as a Land Rover appeared from one of the fields and turned towards me. Iain MacDonald leant on the door and smiled a greeting to me. “Young Angus! Fine day it is! You’re up and about early for being on your holidays, are you not? I thought young lads didn’t see much before early afternoon surely?” I...

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I Blame Lara Croft

I Blame Lara Croft by The Qmoq Please don't read if easily offended, obviously. If you enjoy this story,please contact me at [email protected] (removing the "_nospam" ofcourse). In the pub after work, we were talking about the sordid sex lives of celebrities.Alyson turned the thoughts to a pretty-boy soap-star that we all thought wasgay even though we knew he wasn't, and I chucked in a quote from Angelina Jolie,something that she actually did say. "She says that she went out with Jonny...

3 years ago
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Lara Jack to Melissa part 2 the 1 day continues and the 2 day

Introduction: This is part 2 of my story. Please read part 1 first. Have fun! Lara & Jack to Melissa – the 1. day continues When I came back from shopping some hours later, first thing I did was looking for Melissa. She still slept so I went back into the living room and checked my new bought stuff. I got some new and bigger butt-plugs, dildos and strap-ons which i really wanted to try. 3 new latex-outfits, one for me and 2 for Melissa. One new whip and two new wooden paddles, a package of...

2 years ago
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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Lara Jack to Melissa part 2 the 1 day continues and the 2 day

When I came back from shopping some hours later, first thing I did was looking for Melissa. She still slept so I went back into the living room and checked my new bought stuff. I got some new and bigger butt-plugs, dildos and strap-ons which i really wanted to try. 3 new latex-outfits, one for me and 2 for Melissa. One new whip and two new wooden paddles, a package of bondage robes, lots of short and slutty dresses, skirts and tops and of course new shoes for her. After I unpacked...

1 year ago
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Taweret and the Tales of Heroes Erotic VersionChapter 13 The Floating Temple of Alexandria Part 2

“I can’t believe that Anubis hurt you!” Taweret told Ammit. “Why? Did he felt that you would be useless to him now that you became a mother?” The demoness shook her head as if she was unsure. “Anubis and Ammit were always close in the past,” Sekhmet said. “I wouldn’t be surprised that he was angry at her for becoming a mother.” “You just wanted to do something different,” the hippo goddess added. “You didn’t want to feel like you were his lap dog. No offense, Ammit, but I know that people...

4 years ago
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Discipline on The Croft 1

I’d never known or even met my father and when I was young my mother always told me he was working overseas. I later found out from a friend of my mothers that he’d come to work in Fort William at the aluminum smelter in 1958 and had met my mother at a dance. They’d gone out together for a few months but when my mother had become pregnant with myself, he’d simply disappeared, and nothing had been heard of him since. I’d grown up in a small crofting community and had attended the local primary...

1 year ago
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Discipline on The Croft 1

I’d never known or even met my father and when I was young my mother always told me he was working overseas. I later found out from a friend of my mothers that he’d come to work in Fort William at the aluminum smelter in 1958 and had met my mother at a dance. They’d gone out together for a few months but when my mother had become pregnant with myself, he’d simply disappeared, and nothing had been heard of him since. I’d grown up in a small crofting community and had attended the local primary...

2 years ago
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Shemale And A SouthIndian Girl In An Abandoned Temple

Hey readers, this is my 4th story here in ISS. I am a fair-skinned bisexual male. I usually write erotica partially based on things that happen in real life. Let’s jump into my story. This is a story of a shy South Indian girl with a pretty face, fair skin, big natural Indian boobs, and a juicy bubbly ass. She meets a natural Indian pretty shemale to realize her wildest dreams come true! So the story is being narrated in the South Indian girl’s point of view. Her name is Lavanya or Lavi for...

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Lara Crofts new geek

You are nineteen years old and you have got an interview about a private job at some country manor. It pays well and you think it is right up your street. You are somewhat a geek and you have been at college for a year and a half and want to gain some on the job experience. You haven't got any real friends, and are not even close to getting a girlfriend. You have been told to go to a house in Hertfordshire, which is just outside London, where you live. You are told to go down this country lane...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

2 years ago
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lara the milf

i came back from my jog feeling good, all sweaty. as soon as i opened the door i could smell it. i could hear them talking and laughing, my son trent and someone else in his room, hanging out and listening to music, partying like school k**s. his door was open so i went to say hi. you guys having a party? i said as i stood at his door, oh, hey mom! trent said all casual, his friend’s eyes opened real wide as he checked me out in my little runner outfit, super tight, little shorts, tight tank...

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lara the milf

i came back from my jog feeling good, all sweaty. as soon as i opened the door i could smell it. i could hear them talking and laughing, my son trent and someone else in his room, hanging out and listening to music, partying like school k**s. his door was open so i went to say hi. you guys having a party? i said as i stood at his door, oh, hey mom! trent said all casual, his friend's eyes opened real wide as he checked me out in my little runner outfit, super tight, little shorts, tight tank...

4 years ago
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The TempleChapter 8

Alice threw her head back and screamed with ecstasy as she felt her orgasm approaching. Her lover this evening was Geeta, who was lying on the floor face up, and Alice was straddling the beautiful Indian, her vagina moving rapidly back and forth as Geeta licked her with powerful strokes. It seemed to Alice that Geeta's tongue was tireless - the girl never seemed to know fatigue. Geeta had brought Alice to two powerful orgasms that evening already by licking her, yet there was no sign that...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

3 years ago
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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 21 The Temple of Love

Next morning Nathan set off for Shangri La with most of the supplies and the six African girls. Lillian, Mimi, and I, in a cart hired from the hostelry, drove eastwards off the main track along a narrow but well-used trail towards the temple Lillian wanted to show me. “I hope you have your sketching pad handy,” Lillian said to Mimi. “I never go anywhere without it,” Mimi replied. As we travelled the twisting, rutted track I realised where we were bound. “Is the temple we are about to view...

4 years ago
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Temple of Brahamgiri 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, I am Urvashi. I am an archaeologist by profession and love to explore the unseen, unheard parts of the country. This story is about one such trip I took to South India for work. South India has a lot of ancient archaeological monuments and temple. I was sent on a trip to find and explore such monuments and temples in the deep forests of Karnataka. I did some research and took a flight straight to Bangalore. Language was not a problem in Bangalore but to find such ancient monuments...

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Kathali Piranthanaal Andru Kanjai Parisaaga Koduthen

Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana kathaliyai pirantha naal andru avaluku parisaaga sunni kanjai kodutha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Praveen vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru kathali irukiraal aval vayathu 19  thaan aagugirathu aanalum intha vayatilum miga sexiyaaga irupaal. Naan muthal muthalil avalai chuditharil paarthen, aval palli padikum pozhuthu avaluku mulai perithaaga irukathathu pola irukum. Naan appozhuthu suma sight adipen, aanal enaku appozhuthu theriya...

4 years ago
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The TempleChapter 16

The judge rose and bowed. Counsel bowed back, and after the judge quitted the courtroom, Thompson began to pack his file into his litigation bag, pleased that his argument had prevailed, and that his client would collect over five million dollars from the defendant. Unless the defendant appealed. And he might appeal. Like his lawyer, he was stupid enough. A hand tugged at his robe, and he turned with an irritation that evaporated the moment he saw who was doing the tugging. “Geeta! How did...

2 years ago
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The TempleChapter 10

The driveway of Thompson's Highland Avenue home in Rosedale was filled with cars. Ferraris, Beamers and Mercedes occupied all the available nearby spaces. The surrounding streets, too, were all full, and the gathering at Thompson's home was the reason. His brother had died, the funeral had been held earlier that day, and now anyone who was anyone in the city's legal community was at Thomson's home. "Actually, he was my half-brother," said Thompson for the umpteenth time. "After my...

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The TempleChapter 9

It was 5:30 a.m., and as usual, Thompson was at work. It was not that he was a workaholic. Nor was he trying to impress anyone. He was, after all, the firm's senior partner. He wasn't even trying to set an example for the young associates; they were all hard workers (those who were not were swiftly shown the door). Thompson was at work because he loved his job. He wasn't missing out on family time; his wife and children were still asleep. Because he'd arrived so early, he'd be able to...

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Ariadne and the Tales of Heroes Erotic VersionChapter 17 The Temple of Guicang

It had been hours as Xuanwu told them that they were now in the province. She held up her hand and closed her eyes. She used her senses to try to guide her movements. Sárkány was still holding Daiyu in her arms and lap that was still asleep. The cloud carpet was slowing down as the tortoise felt around. She used her arm to try to sense where the magical disturbance was coming from. “I do feel something ... it is very faint,” Xuanwu said quietly. “It is coming northeast of here.” Her hand...

1 year ago
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Tomb Raider Temple of Xzolotecl

In the depths of the jungles of south America, the temple of Xzolotecl had stood preserved in time for many centuries, almost as if something otherworldly was preventing it from decaying. Those few foolish explorers that have ventured inside it have never returned from their raids, instead being swallowed by the sands of time and forgotten by those beyond the surrounding villages and tribes. Certainly the stories floating around about the many mysteries that surrounded the temple, had much to...

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