Lara Takes the Retards to Sea World
- 4 years ago
- 28
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Lara was 28 and it had been four years since her life was changed forever. She had just finished her master's degree at the young age of 24 when the most dramatic thing happened to her. Even four years later, the event was still in her everyday thinking.
Lara was brought up very protected and in a family that loved her dearly. She was a very beautiful young woman who was lucky enough to possess a body that left a permanent impression in every man's head. She was sexy by all standards and two years ago married Steve who she had dated for about three years. Lara was not very experienced in sex and that was maybe the reason for one fateful weekend having such an everlasting affect on her.
After fantasizing and dreaming about the weekend for four years, Lara decided the only way she could move on with her life was to see it again. She had to relive the dramatic events of that weekend four years ago when she was brutally ravaged by four boys. That was Lara's problem! She never considered the event immoral or sinful, but as something amazing and the most wonderful experience. She realized that what happened should never have happened, yet she dreamed about it every day.
Lara would be dishonest if she said the weekend was the worst of her life. She vowed to use the upcoming Saturday, and Sunday if need be, to fully grasp and understand what took place. She was determined to go over the entire two-day affair and relive what the boys did to her. Lara's plan was to look at her past, as if she was watching it happen in real time, and it would be like sitting in a movie theater. She would have a third person's view of her life, which she considered would alleviate the guilt and shame from what happened to her.
Lara's theater would be the spare bedroom in her home. Her husband was gone for a few days on a business conference, which meant she had all the time in the world to daydream. She came home from work on Friday and had supper all by herself, getting more excited with each passing minute. Right after eating, Lara rushed up to the spare bedroom and immediately stripped all of her clothes. She donned her skimpiest bikini and laid flat on the bed with her arms by her sides. It seemed like a stoic pose, but that was how she wished to start the flashback.
Even before she began the dramatic recollection of the action-packed weekend, Lara's emotions were at a feverish pitch. She needed to be dressed in her bikini, which might have seemed odd, but that was how she imagined herself when she was with the boys. Lara recalled how her eventful, babysitting weekend started and now it was time to go over exactly what happened.
The day, month or year didn't matter. It happened years ago when she was 24.
That weekend started just like many in the past. She had willingly agreed to babysit for one of her neighbors. The husband and wife went away for two days and needed someone to stay at their house to ensure their teenage son plus the house was looked after. At fifteen, Sax was certainly old enough to look after himself, but he would definitely starve to death and not do anything around the house. Lara often looked after Sax when his parents went away, so that weekend seemed like any other.
Lara arrived at her neighbor's Friday evening about seven o'clock. The couple was in a big hurry to catch a plane so they gave Lara some quick instructions and departed in a rush. Lara never thought anything was unusual when they mentioned that their son was having three of his buddies spend the weekend with him. At the time she found the thought quite thrilling in that she loved watching Sax and his friends pretend they weren't ogling her every move.
As she lay on the bed dreaming, Lara realized that she was far too naïve to realize what an obsessed teenage boy would do. She never knew her sexy body was all Sax talked about to his buddies and that one of them came up with the perfect solution for Sax's dilemma. He suggested they just fuck the blonde bombshell and do it in such a way that Lara couldn't report them to his parents or the police. The boy was a genius when it came to covert planning. In no time he suggested an almost foolproof scheme to Sax and two other friends.
At first, Sax thought his buddy's plan was ridiculous. Then he pondered it more and suddenly he saw the great potential. Kenny was right. Lara did wear the skimpiest bikinis and she certainly liked to parade around half naked. He wasn't sure about Ken's claim that the young woman did it on purpose, but the fact remained that his babysitter left doors open and she did wear very sexy clothes.
"C'mon. She's asking for it. Look at that fucking bikini she wears ... if it was any smaller, her tits and cunt would be hanging out," Ken said. "Remember last month when she hopped out of the pool and her titty practically popped out? For fuck sake, it took her forever to cover up."
As Lara looked back on the weekend, she recognized one of her troubling personality traits was her stupid attempt for attention. Now years later, she realized those cries to be noticed were the ones that got her in trouble. It was the way she dressed, the way she acted and the way she liked teasing the opposite sex.
Lara recalled how things progressed after she arrived. The family had a big pool in the backyard and only Sax was home, as his friends hadn't come over yet. Since Sax was busy playing Game Boy games, she decided to take a quick swim, like she normally did every time she babysat. When she was in the pool, the other boys arrived and Lara never gave a second thought about staying in the pool. Sax and his buddies stayed inside the house and now she realized they only pretended to ignore her.
Even though Lara caught them peeking at her every now and then, she didn't mind, thinking they were merely being typical teenage boys. She had no idea that they took great pleasure in watching her swim and they enjoyed her parading around the backyard. The thought of them taking advantage of her never entered her mind, as she was the one in-charge.
Sax and Kenny obviously knew Lara's routine since the boys studied her every move in the past. They played it smart when she got out of the pool and headed up to the parents' bedroom for a shower. Lara noticed how the boys stayed at Sax's Game Boy, which was in the games room, and it gave her a little thrill when they giggled as she walked by. Lara simply wrapped a towel around herself, so as not to show off too much, and rushed up the winding stairway to the big master bedroom.
She was in the middle of rinsing off the swimming pool residue when she heard a shrill yell. Lara instantly recognized Sax's voice and she panicked, not knowing what was wrong. She quickly shutoff the water and grabbed the first towel she could reach. Wrapping the bath towel around her dripping body, Lara rushed to the head of the stairs. She glanced down at Sax who was lying at the bottom of the stairs holding his ankle, as if he had sprained it severely.
"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" she asked. "Sax! Are you okay?"
"I tripped and think I sprained my ankle," the boy replied, trying hard to keep a straight face.
"Here, let me get you to the kitchen ... get some ice on it."
Just as Lara was about to start down the stairway, she got the surprise of her life. Sax's friend, Kenny, hit her in the back and grabbed the towel at the same time. The boy's shove pushed her off balance; all she could do was make a desperate grab for the handrail or wind up falling down the stairs. Completely naked and stretched out for all to see, Lara froze for a brief moment.
She steadied herself and then quickly stood up straight, tying hard to cover up. Lara held her right arm across her chest and put her left hand over her exposed crotch. She looked down the stairs at Sax who was now standing beside one of his buddies and then she looked up at Kenny who was with the fourth boy. Kenny held up the towel, almost daring her to make a grab for it. Lara trembled and waited for someone to say something, as she felt absolutely helpless. It might have been a few seconds, but at the time it felt like an eternity, as she knew the boys were all glaring at her.
All of the formalities were done and Lara now understood what led to her eventual downfall. She thought back to the fateful weekend and saw herself marching straight up to Kenny in a most determined manner. The two boys moved to stay in front of her and Lara noticed how they blocked any escape she might try towards a bedroom. "Look you little creep. Give me back the towel before I get mad," she yelled.
If there were defining moments in a person's life, this was one of them for Lara. Kenny merely growled at her. "And what are you going to do when you get mad?"
"Give me the towel you little twerp, or else!"
"Or else, what?" Then Kenny stepped towards her and she froze. The boy glared at her and his expression said volumes about how wicked he was. Looking back on it, Lara realized her biggest mistake was taking her eyes off the ringleader. She wheeled around when she sensed Sax and his friend approaching from behind. They were already at the top of the staircase and she realized there wasn't much time, as she was surrounded on all sides. In a flash, she decided her best option was pleading with the boy. "Sax! For gawd sake, make him stop ... make him give me the towel."
The teenager merely looked at her and didn't say a word. Abruptly Kenny came up behind her so fast that he gained complete advantage over her. He wrapped his right arm around her neck and choked her until she was forced to raise her arms. The boy was a little shorter than Lara and her back arched severely when Kenny held her in a viselike chokehold. She frantically struggled to grab Kenny's arm and alleviate the pressure on her neck so she could breathe, but the boy refused to relax the hold.
She couldn't remember how long Kenny held her captive with her arms flailing around like crazy. All of a sudden her feet were moving and she was heading down the long hallway. Kenny held her around the neck while Sax and another boy held both arms, as they pulled her down the hallway. It was impossible to cover up and she could only imagine what the boys thought of her boobs, as they swayed back and forth in an enticing fashion. When Lara saw her towel discarded off to the side, she recalled experiencing the worst panic attack of her life.
Lara desperately wanted to take charge. She was a mature young woman who was not only much older than the boys, but also taller and supposedly stronger. Looking back on that day, she felt completely overwhelmed by the sudden show of force by Kenny and the other boys. Suddenly she was shoved into Sax's bedroom and it took her a brief second to steady herself. When she did regain her balance, again she tried to shield her private treasures from the leering teenagers. It quickly became a cat and mouse game, as the four boys surrounded her. She stood in the middle, turning one way and then the other, not knowing where she should focus her attention.
Just as she turned and faced Sax, the only boy she could trust, Kenny grabbed her arm, which was covering her breasts. The boy spun her around so that she faced his friends and then he pinned her arm up behind her back. Kenny sternly yanked her against the front of his body, as her shoulder length blonde hair fell over her face and he put his lips to her ear. "Let's see your sexy tits," he said. His voice was demanding and Lara couldn't believe the strength of the teen. "My friends love your tits ... and they've waited forever to see them. Show them your tits ... you cockteaser!"
Then Kenny shocked the daylights out of her by displaying his superior strength. He grabbed her other arm and easily pinned it behind her back with her other arm. Lara felt her power slip away and she hysterically tried to overcome the teenager's bold move. "Kenny! Stop this instant, or I'll report you," she said. Lara struggled to get her arms free, but Kenny was far too strong and determined. "Please, dear gawd, let me go."
Kenny devilishly licked her ear, sending more pangs of embarrassment through her body. "You've been showing off your sexy body ... purposely showing us your juicy tits," he whispered. "You love being the biggest cocktease ... don't you?"
Lara knew her entire body was exposed to the three leering teens who were now in front of her, but there wasn't anything she could do. Kenny was in-charge and his brute strength seemed virtually overwhelming. She peered through the long strands of hair that hang in front of her face and noticed how the boys didn't take their eyes off her chest. Lara was extremely proud of her boobs, but suddenly she hated the fact her nipples got overly erect whenever she was emotional. She knew it wasn't a sexual reaction and didn't want the teens to think she was reacting positively to their molestation.
She thought about what Kenny told her. 'My gawd, ' she wondered, 'can the little bastard be right about me? Do I like showing off?' Lara thought back to the number of times someone called her a big tease. In her group of friends, one or two of the guys kidded her a lot about being a prick-tease.
Lara tried to think about the various times she deliberately showed off. She found it hilarious, yet very stimulating, as she recalled how the boys sneaked around the house and hid whenever she babysat. Not that Lara minded their boyish flirtations; she consciously showed off when they peeked at her and got a charge when they displayed their youthful fervor. Lara seldom missed an opportunity to use the family's swimming pool on most babysitting occasions and often Sax and some of his friends were around.
Every time she used the pool, Lara showered and changed in the parent's bedroom. All of a sudden she remembered leaving the door open on more than one occasion and seeing Sax and his buddies spying on her. At the time it gave her the biggest thrill when she caught the boys running away. Then Lara remembered one exhibition when she allowed her reflection in a big bathroom mirror to be flaunted through the open door of the bathroom.
It was brazen at the time, yet Lara never doubted her ability to control the teenagers. Her maturity alone built assurances that she was in command and being physically bigger than the boys also added to her self-confidence. Four years ago Lara knew the ogling boys saw her shameless nudity because of their obvious whispering and nervous snickering. She would never forget coming out of the bathroom to find the teens scurrying off to Sax's bedroom, which was down the hallway from his parent's room.
Lara considered what transpired that eventful day. She dressed and followed the teens in an effort to demonstrate her grownup superiority and thought chastising them would confirm that she was in-charge. When she entered Sax's room, to her utter dismay Kenny still sported a large bulge in the front of his jeans. That was one time Lara should have kept quiet, but the devil in her refused. "My, my, Kenny! Are you happy to see someone?"
Although the boy shrugged off her suggestive comment at the time, he vowed to get her. That should have been a defining moment when Kenny glared at her, yet Lara missed the determined glint of revenge in his eyes. Four years later, she recalled the embarrassment she caused the boy. Suddenly Lara understood his resentment and she grasped why Kenny forced her to submit to his demands. Dreaming about her experience, Lara felt slightly traumatized by having to endure what the teenager did to her and the four years didn't lessen her guilt.
Lara's recollection of the weekend continued and she wondered if she tried her hardest to get away from the boys. She remembered standing in the bedroom, her tits thrust forward with her arms pinned behind her back by the scheming teenager. At the time she simply glanced down at her bare chest, noting the pronounced nipples sticking out for the teens to admire. It was impossible to shield herself from the leering teenagers and years later Lara could only imagine what the boys believed. When it happened, she wasn't excessively afraid, as she believed her maturity would be enough to overpower the teens and allow her to gain control over the situation.
After she was captured by the teens, everything happened so fast that Lara had no time to prevent the outcome. She was shoved towards Sax's bed, as Kenny pushed her hard, and she landed on her stomach. Her arms softened the landing and before she could move, the four boys were on her. They quickly flipped her over onto her back and each boy grabbed a limb, pinning her arms and legs on the bed. Outstretched like a sacrificial lamb, Lara felt totally helpless when Kenny leaned forward. "Your cockteasing days are over. You won't be teasing anyone from now on," he whispered. "Have you ever been fucked by four horny guys?"
Lara listened to the disparaging comments and knew Kenny was not kidding. "I'm soooo sorry. I promise not to do anything again ... ever," she cried. "Please, gawd, you have to let me go."
"Sweetheart, keep begging. I love it when a cockteaser begs for it," Kenny said.
"Kenny, please don't do this."
All of a sudden his free hand slapped her in the most vulnerable place. His flat hand made a loud slapping sound when it landed on her upraised pelvis and then he cupped her precious, furry mound. "Oh, my. This is the wettest pussy I've ever felt," he said. "Remember the time you saw my hardon ... and made fun of me," he asked? "Well you won't make fun of me this time ... when I fuck your cockteasing cunt."
Kenny let go of her arm and for a fleeting moment she fought to escape. "Sax! Hold both arms while I strip. I'm going to fuck the slut ... show her what cockteasers get when they tease," he said. "We'll take turns!"
Lara recalled the most historic moment of her life. The three teens held her down for their buddy. She stared down between her widespread legs, as two of the boys held them apart, and noticed Kenny remove all of his clothes. When the teenager was naked, Lara saw something that sent shivers up her spine. Kenny's cock was bigger than she could imagine and the size alone made her cry out. "Dear gawd, Kenny, you can't. Please, not with that thing," she moaned, getting more frightened by the second. She sobbed and her entire body trembled, as she stared at the well-hung teenager. "Kenny, please no. You can't."
Kenny was well aware of his rare endowment. He had been in many change rooms with his friends and knew he was much bigger than average. Suddenly full of confidence after hearing her pleas, he fisted his big cock. Kenny held it mere inches away from the shivering young woman and relished the dramatic effect of her torture. Then he slowly bent forward until he was close enough to touch the burning flesh.
Kenny rubbed the head of his cock across Lara's neatly trimmed, light-colored pelvis and then he rubbed it along the velvety thighs, one at a time. His first impulse was to stick the bulbous head into the lustrous opening, but he resisted the powerful temptation. Kenny slapped the shaking woman with his pecker and made her jump each time he banged her between the legs.
Kenny watched the head pry the glistening labia apart and then slip into the wet opening. He had heard all about sex and knew what to expect, but nothing prepared him for the intense heat. The teen's eyes opened so wide they almost popped out of his head when he pushed forward. The flared head slipped into Lara's honey-hole and suddenly his thick penis was surrounded by a fiery inferno. His meat slowly entered, inch by inch until he was buried to the hilt and he started to sweat.
Kenny felt Lara squirm and emit loud, animal sounds of protest, but they were music to his ears. Then he pulled back and realized that it would take one or two more thrusts before he erupted. He fully intended prolonging the wonderful experience, but his stamina was extremely limited the first time. Kenny quickly decided to make the best of it and he ravaged Lara just like he had dreamed of doing.
The teenager lost control. He dug his sharp fingers into the soft flesh of Lara's hips and then reached under the struggling woman, grabbing her luscious ass-cheeks. He squeezed with all his might and pounded his hips at her, driving his massive cock into her heated epicenter. Kenny was a crazed teenager and he emptied his vast load deep inside Lara's cherished womanhood in record time.
With the last blast of teenage joy-juice, Kenny rolled off Lara. "It's your turn bud ... do it, Sax. Fuck her hard and fast," he ordered. "We'll all fuck her. Fuck the cockteaser ... then we'll do it right," he whispered. At the time, Lara didn't' know what Kenny meant, but looking back on it, she now realized they used her as a cum bucket and then gangbanged her at will.
Lara watched the vivid movie of her life float through her head. One scene ended and another began and there was nothing she could do to change what happened. Kenny fucked her; Sax fucked her; another boy fucked her and then the last boy fucked her. Each had the enthusiasm of a sex-starved teenager, but that was understandable because of their inexperience.
She remembered sincerely wanting it all to stop and begging the boys to leave her alone. For the first time in her life, Lara was powerless to stop what was happening to her. At the time she dearly wanted to cry out loud and plead with the boys to stop, but that was before a spiritual phenomenon. Lara fully recognized it was sinful to have sex with young teens, yet the total helplessness of the situation seemed to make the guilt more acceptable.
Lara knew exactly when Kenny reached the end of his limited stamina that first time. His muscular body jerked out of control and she felt the molten lava fill her most inner sanctuary. Then Sax took over and she was afraid to move in case the most wonderful sensation was destroyed. Sax's stamina was also very brief and his body went into uncontrollable convulsions within a minute or two after experiencing the intense heat of her internal being.
When Sax rolled off her sweltering torso, Lara kept her legs spread wide, allowing the next boy to mount her. The teen did so with a loud grunt and then he was pumping his throbbing pecker in and out so fast he created immense friction. His climax was swift, but very lengthy, and Lara wondered how much male semen a woman could consume. As the boy finished, he was cruelly rolled off her body so the last boy could ravage her.
Lara obediently lay motionless and allowed the remaining teenager to use her battered body. When his orgasm exploded in her guts, she merely twisted back and forth, secretly trying to please the boy. In all of her innocence and naivety, Lara thought her sexual adventure and experiment was over.
The full-length movie played out in her dreams. Act one was completed and to her utter amazement, act two began, as she imagined utopia on the horizon. She remembered when the last boy finished with her and how she felt totally exhausted. The only thing she could do was roll over in a vain attempt to not only hide from the boys, but she thought they would think she was too distraught for any more abuse.
Much to her astonishment, someone rolled on top of her prone body. The weight of the boy's body was suffocating, but not nearly as disturbing as what was poking her between the legs. Her legs were crudely pulled apart and then something hard and pointed jabbed her in the crotch. At first Lara twisted and shifted from side to side, trying to evade the poking, but then Kenny took charge.
Kenny grabbed a big handful of her hair and roughly jerked her head up off the bed and backwards to stretch her neck severely. His ruthless jerk arched her back and the boy held her head high in the air, putting his lips next to her ear. Lara heard the boy's remarks as if they were made yesterday. "Now my cocktease ... it's your turn. Your turn to climax all over my big dick," Kenny whispered.
The teen wanted to hear her talk. For months Kenny fantasized about having sex with the sexiest woman and he planned for the day he was in complete control. Kenny wanted Lara to know she was a slut for teenage boys and he wasn't going to relent until he heard her succumb. "Get ready cocktease. When I stick my prick inside your cock-teasing cunt ... I'll leave it there until you cream," he whispered. "You're either going to cream all over my cock ... or I'll fuck your sweet ass until you do."
At the time Lara was confused and she really didn't understand the feelings that were flooding her brain. She questioned the teen's obvious rejuvenation, but then she attributed it to youthful enthusiasm. Nothing this drastic had ever happened to her and Lara struggled for the rationale of her body betraying her logic and reason. Visions of Steve filled her head and then of her boyfriend's warm, thoughtful smile. Then she felt her legs spread wider and the boy's cock touched her defenseless opening. "I can't ... can't do anymore. Please stop."
Kenny ignored her useless pleas. He deviously rubbed his cock up and down the long, narrow slit, pausing at the bottom where he pushed on the most sensitive clitty. The boy yanked Lara's head higher and arched her back even more. "Do you have a steady boyfriend?"
Her response was immediate. "Yes. Steve ... I plan to marry him."
"Well does Stevie boy do this to you?" Kenny kept molesting her precious pussy and ensuring to caress her clitty in a most unforgettable manner.
"Please stop. No more ... please, no more, it's not right."
"Do you like fucking Steve? Do you let him fuck your brains out?"
"Please stop. He isn't vulgar ... like you. We make love ... Steve makes love to me."
Kenny rammed his hips at Lara and forced her groin into the mattress, as his cock found the waiting hole. Her hips bounced back at the boy and she desperately gasped for air when numerous inches of burning meat entered her womanly domain. Kenny liked taunting the young woman and couldn't resist doing it more. "Are you a cockteaser with Steve? Do you show him your tits ... your little cunt and then not let him screw you?
"No. Never!"
"The next time you strut around, showing off those juicy tits ... letting guys see your snatch, you'll get fucked just like today."
"No, no, please let me go."
"Do you want my cock in your belly?"
"No ... you little bastard. No!" Lara struggled to understand what was happening. She was older, wiser and more mature, which gave her false hope that she could prevail over the teenager's sudden domination.
"Does Steve's have a big cock?"
"No ... I mean you don't need to know that about him." Lara didn't know what to say or how to respond. If there was one thing she could never do, it was lie. She tried to remain quiet and gasped for air, as it was hard to breathe with her head forced backwards and her neck severely arched.
Kenny almost pulled the hair out of her head, as he yanked her head harder and upwards so her chest was completely above the bed. "I asked you a question. Is Steve big ... bigger than me?"
She fully intended on not answering, but somehow she couldn't keep her mouth closed. "He ... he ... he's not. He's not big, or as big. Are you goddamn happy?"
Kenny was in his glory. He slowly pushed forward, letting more of his cock slide into the heated opening. The heat was intense, but this time he vowed to holdout until the very end when he forced Lara to succumb. "Are you going to cum all over my prick?"
"Never! You're nothing but a creep and I won't give you the satisfaction."
Her breathing came in short raspy gasps, as her neck and back were arched so harshly, making it hard to breath. She felt the boy's cock sink deeper and deeper into her inferno, yet she gritted her teeth, determined to survive Kenny's assault. Then he licked her ear and the side of her face almost taunting her to protest. Suddenly she felt hands around her ankles and then her legs were spread-eagled so wide that she couldn't imagine not being seriously hurt.
Kenny had never had so much power or control over anyone in his life. He thrust his hips and something very taut squeezed the head of his embedded penis. He had no idea what a cervix was, but Lara knew exactly when he speared her delicate being. She couldn't see a thing even with her eyes wide open, as they rolled back, into her head. That was when the other boys joined the tussle and her struggle seemed hopeless.
Lara desperately wanted to fight, but there seemed to be too many attackers. She felt soft hands reach under her heaving chest and grab her tits. Her nipples were seized and roughly pulled out to the sides so the ends of her boobs were exposed for sharp teeth. She yelled out loud when her tender buds were bitten, but she was powerless to stop the assault. Then a cock slapped her face and left a wet trail of shameful cum all over her flushed cheeks. She didn't try to close her mouth, as her neck was arched by Kenny's hair pulling, and abruptly her mouth was full of Sax's teenage cock.
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Ok, I know that it has literally been about 5 years since i last did Lara and the Elf 4. One thing has led to another and I've not had a chance until now to actually sit down and write the 5th part of my sex epic adventure. I even had to go back and reread it so I could remember what I wrote. Luckily I had save the copy in my email. Really came in handy so that I could finish it. Enjoy the long awaited part 5. Hope it makes many pussies and cocks alike drip as they read. Email me at...
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Aren’t fantasies wonderful? I think so and I will tell you why. Because inside my head I can be anything I want and I can bring anyone along to help support what pleases and arouses me. So how does a fantasy start? Well it could be something absolutely true that you witnessed, were told about, or perhaps read. It might be one little snippet or an entire event.Now I want to tell you a story, but before I get to the really good parts I want to tell you the true parts. This list is absolutely...
It had been a long day, and I was glad it was over. Since seven in the morning, I'd had a studio full of people for a photo shoot. It was for a popular and irreverent men's magazine, and all the models had been scantily clad. I suppose the readership of the magazine liked their women beautiful and dumb, because that's certainly what I'd dealt with all day. Working with fashion models may sound glamorous, but it's usually not. Most of them are either vapid or vacuously chatty. My...
Here's the 4th part where Arwen, Lara and Elbereth travel to Lorien to visit the grandest king in the whole land, Celebron. Lara wants to become immortal to stay young with Arwen forever and ends up meeting a handsome guy by the name of Steven on the way there.....wait and find out what happens between now and when they get to Lorien...I dedicate this part of the story to my boyfriend, Steven, who reluctantly agreed to put him in this part. Thanks Steven! You make up most of this part! *******...
LesbianFollowing two requests for further bestial adventures after my previous story Better Than Boyfriends, which you should read and enjoy first. Here is what I dreamed up: - Lara is now a year older and living in a converted barn on the zoo. The elephant thing, while still of interest, but difficult for Erik and Lara to enable, she is getting all the cock she craves from Erik the German boss and his Appenzell dog Kurt. Eighteen months have passed since Lara’s initiation into bestiality, having...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Ok people, a little thing right quick. There is SOME incest in this part. I still think it goes under this section though. You also gotta realize, all elves are related SOMEHOW, so give me a break on this part. The 3rd will be A LOT better and without incest. Thank you, and now to the story. **** Ok, we left off at the part where they were walking to her parent's tree-house. All during the way they kept on kissing and hugging, never getting enough of...
LesbianBevor wir beginnen, möchte ich kurz drei Dinge klären, die mir durchaus wichtig sind. Erstens: Sie ist vieles - Abenteurerin, Grabräuberin, Schatzjägerin, Heldin, Retterin der Menschheit, Sexsymbol, feuchter Traum einer ganzen Generation von Nerds... was auch immer. Aber eine Sache ist sie ganz sicher nicht: eine Archäologin. Wo zur Hölle hat diese Frau studiert? Wer hat ihr beigebracht, historisch gesehen unermesslich wertvolle Tempelanlagen mit Dynamit und Pistolen zu erforschen? In dieser...
Just for the clarification. This is a translation of Thormgravis story into English. This is done with his knowledge and I wanted to bring his nice story into another language. Before we start, I would like to clarify three things that are very important to me. First: She is many things - adventurer, grave robber, treasure hunter, heroine, savior of mankind, sex symbol, wet dream of a whole generation of nerds ... whatever. But there is one thing she is definitely not: an archaeologist. Where...
Stars filled the sky above the villa, and in the enclosed courtyard, roses scented the humid summer air. A fountain softly splashed in the center of the courtyard, vines covered the walls of the villa. The sound of piano and harp music filled the air as Lara Croft quickly but silently moved from one shadow to the next. Seconds later a bullet took a chip of stone out of the wall next to her head. Lara froze and turned her head to see a tall muscular man pointing a gun at her. "Lara Croft. What a...
"And here we are,” Lara smiled with satisfaction as she reached the T-shaped bottom of the red sandstone stairs leading into the deepest recesses of the latest tomb to be explored by her. It was an odd one too, Lara mused as she stood between the two pillars on the platform formed by the bottom of the staircase, ten feet above the floor of the massive subterranean chamber. Since she was on a small island off the south coast of Island, the mere presence of a vast tomb here was strange enough,...
Lara Croft sat in the large, plush chair, warming herself by the roaring fire. She grasped the large red book close to her chest as she nestled into a comfortable position. She looked around the room, admiring her vast array of artifacts she had obtained on many an adventure, realizing that she yearned more for the adventure, than she did for the artifacts. The large book she currently held close contained details of what would become her next, and maybe last, adventure. She knew all about the...
At first, it had looked like an easy jump. Of course, the clearing was small, barely wide enough for an experienced parachutist to make a somewhat safe landing, but the tall mountains that surrounded the jungle of Biggo Cocko on all sides shielded it from the wind, and Lara's descent had been a piece of cake. This was a good sign: that jungle was renowned for being especially unforgiving, and a good, swift start was mandatory if she wished to complete her mission and be back at the pick-up site...
Introduction: my first story, hope you enjoy it Hi, my name is Lara. I am a 24 year old girl with long black hair always worn in a ponytail or a braid. I`m not tanned so my skin is white almost as white as snow and I have big green eyes. For my 5ft and 9 I have really long legs with almost 3ft 7 length. I have a nice round and perfect formed ass and I am very happy about my 38D. I started masturbating really early at the age of 10. At the tender age of 13 I had my first sexual experience with...
Croft Mansion, 13.Juni Lara erwachte aus ihrem leichten Schlaf. Irgendetwas hatte sie geweckt. Es war eine milde Sommernacht und ihr Wecker zeigte an, dass es kurz nach Mitternacht war. Sie setzte sich auf und die Bedecke rutschte zurück. Ihre gewaltige Oberweite hob und senkte sich, während sie unterdrückt atmete und in die Dunkelheit lauschte. Dann hörte sie einen unterdrückten, dumpfen Schrei, danach war Stille. Die Geräusche kamen nicht von draußen, sondern aus der großen Haupthalle im...
I am a 24 year old girl with long black hair always worn in a ponytail or a braid. I`m not tanned so my skin is white almost as white as snow and I have big green eyes. For my 5ft and 9” I have really long legs with almost 3ft 7” length. I have a nice round and perfect formed ass and I am very happy about my 38D. I started masturbating really early at the age of 10. At the tender age of 13 I had my first sexual experience with someone else then me. But soon after my first encounter with...
Natürlich ist diese Geschichte frei erfunden. Weite Teile der Story sind schon fertiggestellt, jedoch bin ich mir nicht sicher ob man dies hier posten darf. We will see. -------------------PrologIch beobachtete Sie nun schon seit knapp 2 Monaten und meine Notizen sind in dieser Zeit immer umfangreicher geworden. Ich weiß welchen Weg Sie von der Arbeit nach Hause nimmt, wann bei Ihr das Licht in der Wohnung erlischt und wo Sie gerne Ihre Einkäufe tätigt. Bei der Sie handelt es sich um Lara. Ein...
I was happy because Melissa had semester break and she had free time. After waking her up she had to get dressed but this time in a 'normal' way. She got a black medium length skirt, a blue t-shirt, her bra with tits, a body-forming slip with white hotpants, pantyhose, sneakers and the blonde wig. She had to do her make-up and after we had breakfast I ordered her to clean my apartment while I went out to town. Two hours later I came back home and Melissa was still cleaning. I sat down and...
Introduction: This is part 3 of my story. Please read the other 2 parts first. That Monday morning I woke up with a smile on my face. I was happy because Melissa had semester break and she had free time. After waking her up she had to get dressed but this time in a normal way. She got a black medium length skirt, a blue t-shirt, her bra with tits, a body-forming slip with white hotpants, pantyhose, sneakers and the blonde wig. She had to do her make-up and after we had breakfast I ordered her...
Droplets of water dropped from the sky as the long and narrow streets of downtown Prague became moist with natures generousness. Most of the people were happy and grateful because of this gift but some were not. Between those who were not happy there was a specific person who this rain was not pleasant at all to. The person was a pedestrian who was walking without a destination or purpose. Most people started running towards their houses after the rain started but the cold water pouring on her...
Swaying. That was the first thing Lara became aware of. Was she aboard the Endurance? Had the storm been just a dream? Lara Croft is a young archaeology graduate student, out on her first expedition in search of the lost island of Yamatai. Yamatai was once the home of a great kingdom ruled by the "Sun Queen" Himiko whose descendants, the Nishimura's had agreed to fund Lara's expedition. It was Lara's belief that the island was located somewhere in the Dragons Triangle off the coast of Japan....
Introduction: This is part 2 of my story. Please read part 1 first. Have fun! Lara & Jack to Melissa – the 1. day continues When I came back from shopping some hours later, first thing I did was looking for Melissa. She still slept so I went back into the living room and checked my new bought stuff. I got some new and bigger butt-plugs, dildos and strap-ons which i really wanted to try. 3 new latex-outfits, one for me and 2 for Melissa. One new whip and two new wooden paddles, a package of...
The wheels on Lara’s Jaguar convertible squealed as it powered through a tight curve in the road. The warm English air rushing past her ears with a howl and down either side of the road, the tall trees melted into a blurry green wall as the car continued to roar through the streets. “Jax? What’s going on where are you now?” she shouted at her dashboard, her long auburn hair fluttering behind her headrest and dancing in the rushing wind. “They are” a voice trembled *Kisshhhh* static interrupting...
When I came back from shopping some hours later, first thing I did was looking for Melissa. She still slept so I went back into the living room and checked my new bought stuff. I got some new and bigger butt-plugs, dildos and strap-ons which i really wanted to try. 3 new latex-outfits, one for me and 2 for Melissa. One new whip and two new wooden paddles, a package of bondage robes, lots of short and slutty dresses, skirts and tops and of course new shoes for her. After I unpacked...
i came back from my jog feeling good, all sweaty. as soon as i opened the door i could smell it. i could hear them talking and laughing, my son trent and someone else in his room, hanging out and listening to music, partying like school k**s. his door was open so i went to say hi. you guys having a party? i said as i stood at his door, oh, hey mom! trent said all casual, his friend’s eyes opened real wide as he checked me out in my little runner outfit, super tight, little shorts, tight tank...
i came back from my jog feeling good, all sweaty. as soon as i opened the door i could smell it. i could hear them talking and laughing, my son trent and someone else in his room, hanging out and listening to music, partying like school k**s. his door was open so i went to say hi. you guys having a party? i said as i stood at his door, oh, hey mom! trent said all casual, his friend's eyes opened real wide as he checked me out in my little runner outfit, super tight, little shorts, tight tank...
I was left in the room, on the table still unable to close my legs or cover my chest with my arms. Soon after the doctor’s left nurses came in and began to move the exam table. I was rolled through the corridors and into the main hospital. They had not covered me with a sheet and I remained with my tits exposed and my obviously soiled white panties barely covering my pussy and ass. So many people, employees, visitors and patients stared at me as I was led to my room. I was put in a room with...
The sunlight flows into the room indicating the start of a new day. Touched by the change in room color, Lara flutters her eyes open and opened her thick, luscious lips to let out a big, big yawn. She writhes around to get her blood pumping, and as she stretches, her thin, silk nightie reveals all the curves of her body: from her double D breasts, jiggling as she moves, to her slim waist. Downstairs, Winston Smith, the only other person in the Mansion and the Crofts butler for many years,...
The black satin dress still clung to my body as master told me to get out the car. My ass felt stretched and full with the plug still inserted and my nipples ached where the clamps still bit hard into them. We were in a car park at the edge of a wood and although there was no one around, there were a large number of cars and vans parked with no one in them. Master told me to stand with my hands at my side and produced a blindfold from his pocket. He moved behind me and covered my eyes,...
You are nineteen years old and you have got an interview about a private job at some country manor. It pays well and you think it is right up your street. You are somewhat a geek and you have been at college for a year and a half and want to gain some on the job experience. You haven't got any real friends, and are not even close to getting a girlfriend. You have been told to go to a house in Hertfordshire, which is just outside London, where you live. You are told to go down this country lane...
WEEKEND TO REMEMBER Holly When I arrived home, the first thing that came to mind was how quiet it was. There were no sounds of playing kids, a rarity in our house. As I put away my briefcase and changed my cloths, my wife entered. I asked her where the kids were and she indicated that they were staying with friends so that we could have an 'adult' weekend. It had been a long time and I nearly came then and there. She handed me a drink and the strong liquor scent made me aware...
"I DON'T NEED A BABY-SITTER!" There was a lot of yelling at the Eastman residence this Wednesday evening. OK, George did the yelling, his parents were maddeningly calm. George, at 16, was fuming. His parents were going away for the long Memorial Day weekend - some pampering get-way for senior management from his dad's company and their spouses. George had planned a party to end all parties. It was a brilliant plan - party wildly all Saturday night, chill out Sunday, clean up Monday - and...
I was just a regular kid. But at age sixteen, I was still a virgin. I was a little bigger, weighing at around 200 pounds, but as most kids at that weight range, they are all muscle, whereas there was some muscle, you could still see part of a belly when I took my shirt off. Now I honestly didn’t think I was ugly, but I was way to average in the looks department. Every day in school I would look at every single girl with a sense of longing, knowing that no one would ever so much as kiss me....
A Weekend To Remember by Vivian Bird Hello. My name is Elena Russell and I am enjoying life to the fullest. I am 36 years old, 5 foot 8, with long, blond hair, large boobs and I enjoy the company of both men and women. I wear very feminine, sexy clothes and I'm not adverse to showing off my substantial cleavage, or long legs, in public. I am the epitomy of a "girlie girl" and I never tire of flaunting my femininity. The funny thing is that I wasn't always a woman. I was a...
Introduction: Hello. I posted half of this story on a different account, but something went wrong so I could not post the second part or it could not be up/down voted. So Ill try again and Im posting the entire story right away. This is my first ever story, and I apologize in advance for spelling/grammar mistakes. Enjoy Chapter 1 My name is Cora. 24 years old, slim, but got good curves, and big boobs, I got a double D cup. I got hair like Ariel, and it reaches down to midwaist. Im 1.57m tall....
Last weekend my girlfriend Sue and I were invited to a girls-only twenty-first birthday party, being held at a Country Club Golf Resort. To make a weekend of it, Sue and I checked in the night before. I am older than most of the girls but we both knew them all well. Sue was the youngest of the group.On Saturday morning while doing some laps in the pool I noticed a guy pacing me. He looked familiar.I stopped at the end of the pool after a few laps and he joined me.“You can still set a good pace....
First TimeI really don’t know what possessed me to take this trip. I know it was Josh’s 16th birthday and bringing his younger brother Simon was a given, why on earth did I let them invite 4 of their friends as well. Driving from our home in Hertfordshire UK to our Spanish villa was long enough without having a car load of excited teens. I suppose after the last year when my husband had decided to leave us they both deserved a break, and lets be honest just having your mother to celebrate with, is not...
Chapter Twelve: Earning that A with Anal By mypenname3000 Commissioned by n1one Copyright 2021 It was time to get back at those smart bitches, too. Clara was eager for that. She remembered how that bitch who was going for valedictorian had rubbed her brains in Clara's face before she had dropped out of school. “It's so easy. Even a hamster can get it,” Rebecca Goldstein had said. “Why not you?” “Let's see what the deep fakes and rumor mills make with this,” muttered Clara. Her life...
WARNING: This story is an act of fiction that contains graphic sexual descriptions and language. If you are a minor (under 21) or if you are offended by this kind of material then you should stop reading now. Any resemblance between this story and a real event is coincidental. The participants are imaginary; their actions have no negative consequences other than those portrayed in the story. The story is intended for entertainment and should not be emulated in the real world. Clara had no...
Lara is your normal 18 year old girl with the exception that when a hand is placed on her she can be transformed into anything just by strongly thinking of what you want to turn her into. She was 7 years old when the curse was first noticed, she was playing with her twin sister Abby, Abby had her hand on Lara and was thinking about how much she wanted another doll to play with and in flash Lara was a doll, even through the change was over in an instant Lara could feel the change, she couldn't...
FantasyClara was turning 40. Her friends had made a big thing of it, taking her out and celebrating with the usual amount of fake funereal trappings. It had been a hoot but now she was home and was left with it it, just left with it. She was turning 40 and was mopey about it. She wandered around fairly early that Saturday, and moped. She had a cup of coffee and just looked her house over. She called it always ‘the old girl’, and at times, when sadness was on her, she talked to the house. ‘What do...
Weekend Slavef-self, F/f, reluctance, mild humiliation Linda was really stuck this time. She had placed herself in a hogtie via handcuffs placed around wrists and ankles and the linking chains crossed to complete the hogtie. This did give her enough slack so that she would be able to squirm her way to the keys in the next room.To make the trip more interesting, she had placed a vibrating egg in her pussy, just turned to low to keep her constantly aroused, but (hopefully) not enough to cum. ...
Clara And MeClara gasped in pleasure, her chest heaving, her large breasts swaying, her nipples hard, as Me delicately licked her dewy labia. She gripped the immortal woman's long, dark hair as she rolled her hips up trying to hump her fellow time traveller's face, desperate for more friction but Me continued teasing her by barely touching her over-heated pussy.Me held Clara firmly by her thighs as she teased the school teacher with her tongue. She smirked into Clara's wet pussy as the taller...
Chapter Fourteen: Tutoring the Fertile Sluts By mypenname3000 Commissioned by n1one Copyright 2021 There were three sluts Clara was really interested in getting back at. Clara had such a crush on their instructor, Chase. He was a senior who tutored the trio. They all wanted him like the sluts they were while pretending not to be whores. Could Clara join? No! They bullied her. Drove her away. It had been the last straw that had banished Clara to exile. Now it was time to get back at them....
CHAPTER 1. HIS STORY I was putting the breakfast dishes away when she walked into the kitchen. I still thank God for her every time I see her, even though we have been married for two years now. I am a realist enough to know that the honeymoon feeling should have ended after six months and I am amazed at each day that passes without that first major fight. Don’t get me wrong, there are times I wonder why a sane man would move into a house with a woman and her two daughters, the estrogen...
Clara visits Sextopia Summary: Clara asks the Doctor to take her to a planet where she can explore her wildest sexual fantasies."Where shall we go next?" The Doctor asked."Is there a planet where I could get a good fuck?" Clara asked.The Doctor looked up from his console. "What?"Clara laughed. "A good fuck, Doctor. A place where I can indulge all my sexual fantasies without fear. Surely, in all of time and space, there must be a planet like that.""Sextopia," The Doctor said. "It is a pleasure...
Our favorite place to fuck was the old railroad pumphouse I had found and converted into my own little hideaway, but we would gladly fuck anywhere we could get away with it. Since my mother worked during the day and my two younger brothers were often off visiting friends, we were able to fuck in my own bedroom a few times, and even managed it on the couch a couple of times without anyone walking in on us. My brothers and I had managed to get a large wooden cable spool from the phone company...
by Vanessa Evans A young girl gets manipulated into being naked at home by her older brothers. I’m Clara and I’m 14. I live with my 2 brothers, Josh 19 and James 16. Josh got custody of James and me when a terrible illness took both our parents from us a year ago. Fourteen was a big milestone for me because my long awaited puberty arrived. Although my first period gave me a lot of discomfort I was happy that I was at last a woman. I may only be skinny and have tits nearer to the size of a...
Girl's Weekend Getaway NOTE: When I started this story, it was just supposed to be a short story. It got away from me and it looks like it set itself up for a sequel. Guess I'll start working on that. I glanced over at the clock and saw it was past time to go to lunch. I had been so absorbed in my work that I hadn't noticed everyone else in the cubicle had already gone. I got up and made my way to the stairway that would take me down to the area downstairs where my two best...
INTRODUCTION This is the last of four interrelated recollections by a man in the late summer of life, recalling the events of some unusual summers, and the members of the female persuasion who made them so unusual and worth remembering. My Summer In Remembrance By: Zylux It was near the end of summer in 2006 on a resort island in the Pacific Northwest. The weather was cloudy but warm, a nice break from the week long rains. Most people would enjoy the respite before the...
AS BEST AS I CAN RECALL By Lewis Chappelle I am writing this now because my husband and master wants an accurate record of the events which occurred last night.I will do my best to remember the significant elements of our evening for posterity.Frankly, my mind is a jumble of erotic thoughts as a result of the activities which took place here; my body is still sore and aflame, and my libido is still tremendously aroused by the recollections of those events.Let me start by acknowledging...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...
THE WEEKEND by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas My sense of anticipation heightens as the Grandfather clock strikes the first of seven tones, signaling the time for your arrival. Although I have had many clients over the years, the first meeting always excites me. The front doorbell rings, and I smile to myself, knowing that you will not recognize the musical piece it sounds. Even if you are a student of classical music, your own feelings of nervousness at this moment will...
A Weekend with Peg A crossdressing and bondage fantasy by Brenda Heels - The drive Peg had been an online buddy for years. She has been supportive of CD's in her area, and actively recruited them to join her MSN club. She more than any other had helped re-enforce "Brenda" as a true persona rather than just an online handle. Peg had helped introduce me to other CD's on the web, and was amazing with her understanding of what I was going through. Peg is a woman, (a real one) and a...