Lara Croft
- 4 years ago
- 40
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I Blame Lara Croft by The Qmoq
Please don't read if easily offended, obviously. If you enjoy this story,please contact me at [email protected] (removing the "_nospam" ofcourse).
In the pub after work, we were talking about the sordid sex lives of celebrities.Alyson turned the thoughts to a pretty-boy soap-star that we all thought wasgay even though we knew he wasn't, and I chucked in a quote from Angelina Jolie,something that she actually did say.
"She says that she went out with Jonny Lee Miller and Billy Bob Thornton," Isaid, "but was never completely satisfied with them because they were neverdangerous with her. She said that she thinks that the first man to tie herup would be the one."
"Bullshit," said Alyson, before turning it around to something unrepeatable,reprehensible and certainly untrue about George Clooney. And to be honest,that was all I thought of it, well aside from the usual fantasies that I wouldbe the man for Ms Jolie, of course. We all have that one.
I always flirted with Alyson, I found it easy to do so. I usually flusteraround beautiful women, but Alyson was so much out of my league that I neverreally bothered trying to make a serious effort. The plus side of this flirtingwas that I could complement her when she looked good, and take the piss outof her when she said something stupid.
And I did, a few weeks later. She'd spilt a glass of water over her keyboard,and I said that she deserved a spanking for it. I honestly didn't even meananything sexual about it (earlier that week, I'd said that a spanking was requiredfor Geoff, a jovial bearded man from accounts).
It was what she said that rang some bells.
"I'm not Lara Croft," was what she said.
"Oh ah," I replied.
And the smile that she gave me took those bells and rang them like it wasa fire alarm at a turps factory.
I decided to be more courageous. When she stubbed her toe, I said that shemight want to shout the safe word. Next time we were boozing, I suggested thatshe liked to get drunk in public because she liked feeling ashamed. And whenshe sent me an e-mail suggesting that I was being forceful, I replied witha short fantasy of me leading her round the room on a dog leash.
All of this was tame, tame enough to be laughed off as jokey comments betweenfriends.
Where it got serious was the next time we were out drinking. Don't worry,we're not alcoholics, we just used to go out a couple times a week or so, that'sall. She had too much, and leaned into me in that teasy bumpy way she alwaysdoes.
"You," she slurred.
"Me," I replied.
"You know what you are?"
"Soberer than you," I said, though I doubted myself after using a word like'soberer'.
"No. You're a pervert, you know that? You want me to be your slave, don'tyou? Your sex slave."
"Yes, I do," I said innocently.
"Your slutty little doll, that's what you want me to be."
Now here's where I was clever. I called her bluff. "Yes, that's what I want,but I bet you're too scared to do it."
"I... I could do it," she said.
"We'll see," I replied, and left it at that. I could have pressed the pointhome, just as I might have wanted to squeeze her breasts until I knew themby heart, but I didn't take advantage of drunk women. As such, I thought mychance had passed.
Next Monday, I got in early, and she was there at her desk. We 'hi'ed and'how was your weekend'ed, and she came over to me.
"I bet I'm not too scared," she said.
I'd forgotten what she was talking about. Fortunately, this made me lookless eager and perverted. "Huh?"
"I could be your slave," she cooed. "I could."
Now I was eager again. "When?"
"Whenever you want."
"You serious?" I asked. She joked a lot with me, but never about thingslike this, and never with such a poker face.
"I'm serious."
"In that case, yes, we'll do it," I said. "Let me think about it this morning,I'll come up with some ideas."
I did no work that morning. I kept drafting some conditions and scrubbingthem out. I wanted to surprise her with what I was planning to do to her, butI didn't want to scare her away before she started. I therefore had to makeit as vague and alluring as possible. I failed, but I did enough.
"We'll do it this weekend," I wrote. "The only conditions of your employmentare that you'll be my slave from the time we get to my house on Friday evening.I won't permanently hurt you physically, and I won't tell anyone or show youoff to anyone. However, you will go through a lot, depending on how well youbehave."
I handed it to her that evening in a cosy pub. She looked it over, and Icould see her blushing. It wouldn't be her last chance to back out, but itchallenged her to set her own conditions. She added "No animals" which mademe laugh, but then she signed and dated it. I did so myself, and that was it.We had a contract, of sorts. It would never stand up in court, but it gaveme enough to go on.
I was exceptionally coy about what I was going to do with her, but I didsuggest that she may want to bring an overnight bag with some suitable outfits,when she came to work on the Friday. She offered to bring drink and M&Ms,and to me that was the sexiest thing of all.
Because it proved she had no clue as to what she was letting herself infor.
Friday came round, and it took its time about it. I kept making preparations,buying supplies and surprises, most of them 'household' items, to prove toher that I wasn't a desperate pervert. I smiled warmly at her when I saw thesize of the overnight bag she brought in, and I was pleased with her appearancetoo.
She was wearing a tidy little business suit, black with a white shirt andtrim, and jet-black stockings or tights, I couldn't tell. The shoes were moderatelyheeled, about three inches or so, enough to show that she was dressing to impress.
I love it when she wears black, it's usually when she gets most of my compliments.It matches her long black hair so well, and the lipstick too, for that matter.I love the colour of her scarlet lips on her pale, rose-cheeked face. It shouldn'twork, the clashes were too great - white, pink, scarlet and black, but it worked,it always got me.
Today, however, I barely acknowledged her. When she hinted at her anticipation,I merely hinted back, even though I knew what was going to happen. Five o-clockjust took too long to come around.
"Is this your car?" she asked, as I put the overnight bag in the boot. "Nicecar. Nice and big. Shall I get in this side?"
She jabbered and yammered nervously all the way home, I answered her questionsas politely as I could.
We got out the car, I asked her to leave the bag in the boot for the moment,I'd fetch it after we settled in.
I ushered her through the door, followed her in, and closed it behind myself.
"What a nice place," she cooed before the door clicked shut.
Within two seconds of the door closing, I had one hand on her breast andanother down the front of her skirt.
"Wha- wait," she said, as I delved my hand into her panties. My other handwas wrapped round her chest and began to massage her right tit, squeezing itlike an orange. "No, no, you can't do that yet, I haven't cha-"
"You feel this?" I said calmly, clenching down on her breast.
"Ow!" she yelped.
"You feel it?" I asked again.
"Yes, yes."
"It's mine."
"It's mine," I said, squeezing even harder, digging a fingernail into itsbase. "Say it."
"It's yours," she gasped, catching on.
"What's mine?"
"My boob-"
"No, don't call them that, guess again."
"My breasts?" she guessed, incorrectly. I twisted my grip. "Ow! My tits?My tits! My tits are yours."
I then squeezed with my other hand.
"And?" I suggested.
"And my pussy is yours. Ow! My twat? My c-, no I don't use that word, owwie!All right. My cunt is yours."
"Say it again. I don't think you mean it."
"My cunt is yours, my cunt is yours!"
"Good," I said, letting her go, pushing her away. She fell on her backsideand struggled to her feet. This was the first test. She was free from me, ifshe tried to barge past me, I wouldn't stop her, but it would be her only chance.Instead, she just stood facing me, frowning and panting. "Tell me what's mine," Isaid quietly.
"My tits are yours," she said, grabbing them firmly - not as firmly as Ihad, but tight enough, "and my cunt is yours."
"Good," I replied. "Go through to the front room."
I don't know what she expected there, but it was just a normal room, sofa,telly, plant pot in the corner. I didn't go to the expense of kitting it outwith loads of gear, because I never thought it'd go this far.
I grabbed a small stool from the kitchen and got Alyson to stand on it,still in her shoes and crumpled black and white outfit. She remained therefor a moment.
"Steady?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said unsteadily.
"What's mine?" I asked her, and she repeated her oath. "What else?" I added.
"My arse is yours," she said, and I nodded.
"Correct. And since that's the case, I want you to hitch up your skirt atthe back, pull your panties to the side, and stick both thumbs up your arse."
"Wh-" she began, but then she smiled cutely at me. It was a compliant smile,not a defiant sneer. It was the smile of a happy slave.
I went round to her back and watched her tug up her skirt, revealing thatshe was indeed wearing stockings. My heart skipped a beat. I'd actively fantasisedabout the moment that I could see the flash of white skin above her stockingtop, and now I was seeing it all. She made no show of moving her panties aside,but having done so, she seemed to stop. Watching her think how she could quicklyshove her thumbs up her arse was almost as gorgeous as watching her do it.First she licked her middle finger and began to work that in, then got anotherfinger in there. To do this she had to bend slightly and nearly tumbled offher stool.
"Careful," I said. I was genuinely worried about her welfare, of courseI was. When it was appropriate, I knew that I would stick my dick up her arseholethat night, but deep down, I would never stop respecting her. I ignore thingsI don't respect, and the last thing I wanted to do was ignore Alyson, as shegradually squeezed the first thumb in.
The second followed quite soon, and she sighed nervously. "My arse is yours," sheconcluded.
"Stay like that while I get your bag from the car. While I do so, tell mewhat's mine, but keep your hands where they are."
"Yes, sir. My tits are yours, my cunt is yours, my arse is yours. My tits-"
I listened outside the door for a moment to check that she was repeatingherself, she was, so I trundled off to the boot of the car. Her bag was quiteheavy, I returned quietly to the door of the front room, where I could stillhear her talking away.
"-are yours, my cunt is yours, my-"
"Okay, okay, shut the hell up, bitch."
"Yes, sir," she said, dropping her head to the floor.
I was going to open the bag and demean the contents, but I really couldn'tcontain myself any more. "Get off the stool, keep your thumbs where they are."
She didn't risk jumping off, she elegantly snaked one leg down to the floor,gently bending her knee. As soon as the second foot touched the floor safely,I grabbed her hair, getting a nice bunch of it in my grip.
"Ow," she yelped.
I didn't say anything, I just twisted my fist so she was facing downwards,and after checking her hands, I pulled her through the door and up the stairs.The strain was getting to her, I could hear cute little grunts from her asI led her into the bathroom.
"Neh... meh... owow... juh."
I love my bathroom. At that time, it was the second favourite thing in myhouse. It was knocked through from a box room, and half of it consists of asunken bath, into which I shoved Alyson.
She was still panting, and I didn't know whether it was the exertion ofbeing dragged upstairs by the hair, or the effort of keeping her arms in aposition where her thumbs weren't tugging at her arsehole.
The third favourite thing in my house at that time was my hosepipe. It wasthe one preparation I'd made: I'd already linked up to the bath tap, and Iquickly reeled it in. Without any delay, I turned on the tap full and sprayedher.
"Ow, YOW, it's cold," she yelped.
"Shut it," I said, pointing it at her face. She squeaked and turned away,so I tugged at her hair until she faced me.
The force of the water opened her jacket, leaving her blouse unprotected.I saturated it as quickly as I could, watching the pink skin colour seep throughthe see-through material. I could see her bra for the first time, and was sureI could see the nipples poking through, even from three feet away.
Her twisting "I'll give you a choice. Hard or soft?"
"Y-you should choose," she shivered.
"Ok, we'll go soft." I turned the tap down to a trickle, and shoved theend in her mouth. "Drink up. Here, take hold. You can remove your thumbs."
She drank, smiling nervously at me again, I love it when she does that.She was still smiling as I left the bathroom. The smile drained a little whenI returned holding a couple of bags of flour.
"My, you are thirsty, aren't you?" I said, unwrapping the first one.
"Yes, sir," she said between gulps.
I realised I had been a fool. I had brought the flour up, partly to pourit over her - and I would - but mostly so I could cop a feel as I rubbed itinto her clothes. But then I remembered that she was my slave, so I could dowhat the hell I liked. I put the flour to one side.
I told her to keep drinking while I took off my shoes and socks and rolledup my trousers. I got in the bath with her and stood next to her, and pulledher close to me. She could feel the erection in my slacks, but it was the carnalfrottage that made her breathe heavily. I clenched hard, tugging at her blouseuntil a button came loose. I curved into her as I thrust a hand inside. Herbreasts were quickly pulled out of the bra, and I pinched down hard on thefirst nipple I could find. Her eyes widened and she squeaked nervously. Shebegan to mould her posture to mine, and though her spare arm remained by herside, I could see her wrist clenched hard. I kept her nipple between my fingerand thumb and twisted, keeping my eyes on that fist of hers, watching the knucklesgo white.
She kept drinking.
I bit on her neck, I couldn't kiss her with the pipe in her mouth. I snakeda leg round hers and prised her legs apart. She stumbled, lost a shoe, andaccidentally spat out a little of the water that she was now struggling toswallow.
I thought of putting my hand down her skirt again, but I knew that I wouldliterally come in my pants if I did, and I wanted to save myself. Then I thoughtI should just go for it.
I bent around her and turned off the tap. I took the hose from her and kissedher warmly on the lips.
"I think you're a slut to swallow that much, you know? I'm going to callyou Slut from now on. What's your name?"
"Slut, sir," she replied.
Right, I thought. She'd been far too obedient, it was time to turn up thepressure. "Did you feel me through my trousers, Slut?"
"Yes, sir."
"That got me excited, you little whore, too excited. I want you to get downon your knees, unzip me, and suck me off."
"No," she said.
"I'm not going to do that," she continued in her normal voice. She didn'tmove, but she wasn't saying 'sir' any more.
It was a stand-off. I could either let her be a halfway slave, but I realisedthat just wouldn't be right. It was all or nothing.
"You're a whore. What's mine?"
"My tits are yours. My cunt is yours. My arse is yours," she frowned.
"Exactly. And I'm not playing around." I moved my mouth close to her ear. "Whenyou say that your cunt is mine, that means I own it, you understand? I canstick my dick right into it, balls deep if I want. Your mouth is also mine,that's why you've been sucking off a piece of plastic for the last five minutes.And now you are going to suck me off. No fucking argument," I said calmly, "nofucking discussion."
She looked in my eyes, and the frown disappeared. She was realising justwhat it meant not to have control over anything at all.
She dropped to her knees, the water lapped up to the hem of her hitched-upskirt, and she pulled down my zip. She reached inside, pulled me out, and wrappedher mouth around its end.
I didn't have to ask her to look up at me, she was already doing so, hereyes were warm again, and her mouth was amazing. She sucked me off like a professional(or at least a skilled amateur), deep and slow, soft and tonguey, varying theintensity. The fact that I had overcome her moment of defiance meant more tome than the past half-hour's demeaning. At the last moment I realised thatshe had some control over me, so I tightly grabbed the back of her head andcame hard into her mouth.
"Swallow like a slut," I was about to say, but she was already gulping itdown.
"Show me you've swallowed it," I next thought, but she had her mouth openand it was empty.
"Smile for me," was the next idea for me, but she'd beaten me to that too.
So naturally, having beaten me to the punch three times, I only had oneoption. I stepped out of the bath, took hold of her head again, and dunkedher under the water.
She wasn't expecting that. She didn't anticipate that I would try to drownher. Her arms flailed about, but mine were longer so I could easily stay outof reach. Only when she started to punch the tiling did I let her up for air.
"No!" she yelped as I pushed down again.
It was the first thing that evening that I had thoroughly enjoyed myselfat her expense. Watching her drown and writhe and bubble underneath the water,her blouse billowing and her arms trying to bash me away, I loved it. I dunkedher four or five more times, for slightly shorter periods. I genuinely didn'twant to damage her, just hurt her a bit.
I let her go, she got up on all fours, panting to herself. Took her thirtyseconds to get her breath, her long brown hair matted across her face, tooweak to brush it away. Then she curled up her lip in a tiny little smile andturned to me, saying in a sweet, angelic voice, "My cunt is yours."
I headed downstairs at that moment, I hate getting second erections afterthe first because they never last. I told her to get dry and meet me downstairs,telling her to wear the outfit that I would lay out at the top of the stairs.
What I left for her was a small basket containing a pack of fifty clothespegs.
I had a motive for the delaying tactics, I wanted to root around in thatovernight bag of hers, looking to see what she'd brought. She had excelledherself, leaving me plenty of choice. There were several outfits, nurse, maid,a set of leather underwear, a short latex dress. More interestingly, therewere a few vibrators, some chains, padlocks, several sets of handcuffs, andthree different whips. Two had price-tags on, so I guessed they hadn't beenused.
I took the most lenient-looking whip and waited.
Slut knocked politely on the door and I called her in. It was no surprisethat she had complied, she had applied all fifty pegs to her body. I shouldhave been disappointed that most of them were on less painful parts of thebody - most around the waist and outside of the hips, down the outside of thelegs. There were about three on each breast, but far from nipples. None wasremotely close to her pussy.
This pleased me. I had a speech prepared for this.
"Slut, this is disappointing. You have no shame, you're showing all yourbits to the world. This won't do. Put your hands on your head and keep themthere."
"My hands are yours," she said.
"Right. Hold on tight."
Her smile shook slightly as I brandished the whip.
"I reckon I could take one off with each go, what do you think?" I asked. "Don'ttell me, your pegs are mine."
She found out just how accurate I could be with the first strike. I hither square in the centre of the stomach. No pegs came off. "Maybe next time,eh?"
The second one accidentally took three pegs off her right side, and sheyelped angrily. Both hands left her head, one rubbing her side, the other reachingout to stop me.
"Get the handcuffs, Slut," I said, shaking my head.
"Yes, sir," she replied. I told her to put one on. Before she put on theother one, I had her watch me put up an old chin-up bar at the top of the doorway.I knew I'd eventually use it again. I looped the cuff over the bar and clippedit on.
She was now standing in the doorframe. I told her to put one foot on eachside of the base of the frame. It didn't spread her legs particularly wide,but it did put her up on tip-toe, and her arms were stretched up quite nicely.This had an unexpected effect - all the pegs that she'd put in harmless placesof her body were now pinching her on tauter parts of her body. It almost seemeda shame to whip them off.
"This is going to hurt, Slut."
I hit her with a practice stroke of the whip, and that was enough to makeher yell. Then I hit her properly. "Yowwww!" she cried.
I had the level right. At first, I concentrated on her breasts, and whenshe twisted away, I hit her back and arse. Again, I didn't go near her pegs,I had a plan this time. I wanted to make her red raw. I watched her breastsgo pink, then gradually become more crimson, loving her "Ahh-tssssss, ahh-tssssss" noisesas she panted, then sucked in air between her clenched teeth.
It evolved to "Ow-tsssss" and "Aaargh-tsssss", and it was the first timeI thought she was turned on. I stepped over to feel her, I slipped a fingerinto her cunt and wiped it on her stomach. It was moist, but not dripping.
"I think you're enjoying this, Slut," I sneered, digging my fingernailsinto her tits. The tear that dripped from her left eye trundled down her cheek.
"Yes, sir," she moped as I clenched harder.
"I must say that I'm disappointed in the way you look naked, you know? Thesepegs have stayed on all this time. That must mean you have plenty of flab onyou. You are a fat little slut, aren't you? A chubby little bitch."
"Yes sir," she said. More tears. I was really enjoying myself.
"Tell me about the unpleasant fat bits of your ugly body."
"I've got three ugly chins," she lied, "my arms are spindly and fleshy,my tits are floppy and drab." Nothing could have been further from the truth. "Mythighs, sir. My thighs are full of cellulite and chocolate, they're pasty whiteand ugly. [In fact they were slender but slightly muscular, not a trace offat on them. They were rather white though - I'd barely whipped them.]"
"Quite right, FatSlut," I said, slapping her legs hard with my hand. I noticedher moving more than she should, more than she was before. I asked her whatwas wrong. "Go on, you can tell me," I told her.
"I really need to pee," she whispered.
"What was that? You'd like a really large glass of water? Happy to oblige," Isaid. I squeezed past her, went to the kitchen and got her a pint of waterand a pint of milk, for variety. I held them to her lips, kindly letting herknow that if she spilt any, I'd be happy to get her another full pint. Shedidn't spill any, but I got her another pint of water anyway.
Now, finally, it was time for the pegs. I took a strap from her bag, andwhacked hard on a stray peg near her waist. It was like slow motion, I couldsee it flick off her skin, leaving a white patch of pinched flesh. At the sametime, she roared loudly with pain, trying to tug her arms down to her side.
"Too loud," I said. I rummaged through the bag again, and found a ballgagfor her. I fastened it on, carefully making it far too tight for her to becomfortable. I hit the pegs hard, she writhed and twisted, legs kicking outat me, elbows spinning, eyes clenched when not weeping.
It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, and I had created it.
When the last peg sprang from an unusually fleshy part of her upper arm,I put down the whip. FatSlut's head dropped and lolled to one side. She wasexhausted at the strain and drained from the pain. I placed a hand on her rightbuttcheek, and recoiled at how hot it was, it was like feeling a hot radiator.
"I think you've had enough pain for now," I said, taking off the gag. Shedid some improvised jaw exercises to get the feeling back.
"I-I don't want to be a slave any more," she moped.
"But FatSlut, you are a slave, which means you have no choice in the matter.If you did, you wouldn't be a slave, you'd just be an employee."
"An unpaid employee."
"Ok, I'll make a concession. Just hang on for a second."
I slipped past her into the kitchen and quickly found what I wanted - alarge empty glass salad bowl. I placed it in the centre of the lounge, on thefloor. I then turned back to FatSlut and unchained her from the bar. I wasworried that she might flee, so I cuffed her wrists behind her back. Her legswere free.
"Now a while ago, you said you wanted to pee. Well, now you can, but you'vegot to go into the bowl."
"Wait a minute-"
"You have five minutes, otherwise you won't ever go."
I said nothing else, I just sat on the couch in the position nearest thebowl. FatSlut looked around for help that would not come, and I think she weighedup the situation and realised she had no choice. The needs of her bladder outweighedthe need for her modesty.
I think the absurd situation I'd put her in got to her, she began to giggle. "Ican't believe you're making me do this," she said.
She was being most insolent, but I was prepared to let it go. FatSlut shuffledwith foot either side of the bowl. She crouched onto her haunches, lookingdown regularly but being careful not to overbalance either way.
And then she began to pee.
It seemed to last five minutes, perhaps six, it just kept coming. I've gotno fetish about pee, the idea was to shame my Slut, so I found myself concentratinghard on her face as she blushed redder than the rest of her body.
"Look at me, FatSlut," I ordered, after I felt she knew she'd got the directionright.
She looked up. "My cunt is yours," she said, smiling coquettishly again.Her memory had forgotten the pain she'd been under. I'm sure she'd rememberwhen it came again, but for the moment I had other things on my mind.
"I know it is," I said as the piss continued to fill up the three-gallonbowl. I estimated there was only two or three pints in there, though it keptcoming, it kept coming. I knew she'd drunk about a gallon of fluid or so, somore was bound to come out eventually. "Though I prefer it when it's drier.Make sure you're dry when you've finished, you'll not get another chance togo tonight."
"My bladder is yours."
"What to give the man who has everything," I sneered. "Tell me when you'vefinished."
Another minute or so, and she was done. I unclipped her handcuffs, handedher some stockings, boots and a corset she'd brought, and told her to go upstairs,tidy herself up, fix those puffy damn cheeks of hers, and get dressed in thesecond bedroom, the one without its own toilet.
I told her to take her time, letting her know that it was because I hadsome preparations to make. Aside from being true, I knew that would scare theshit out of her.
She came down like a vision. The stockings were fishnet and elasticated,holding themselves up. The boots were spike-heeled and calf-length, the samenew black colour as the stockings and corset. Ah, the corset, it pulled inher waist and moved everything up and down, turning her into an hourglass.The effect was so dramatic that I told her that I wasn't going to call herFatSlut while she wore it, it wouldn't have been true. She seemed grateful.
"Do you need to pee?" I asked.
"Yes," she said. I told her she could, in the bowl, and she did. It wasa rare concession to her needs, but one that would backfire on her. This timethe peeing was less dramatic but more elegant due to the scanty clothing shewore. "Thank you," she said when she'd finished.
"I'm going to punish you for one of your past transgressions, Slut," I replied,reaching to cuff her hands behind her back again. "I was most disappointedwith the areas that you put those clothes pegs before. I just can't trust youto do anything, can I, Slut?"
"No, sir."
"Stand still while I do this," I said. I showed her what I was going todo. The previous evening, I'd gone to an office supplier and bought a wholebunch of those clamps they use to hold documents together, like the ones ona clipboard, only without the board. "Don't look so scared, Slut, I tried theseout on myself. Well, all I did was put one on the fleshy part of my hand nearthe thumb, and it wasn't too bad."
I grabbed a tit, massaged it for a few seconds until I found a nice bitof flexible skin, then clamped it on. She recoiled and cried out, twistingaway from me, breathing through her teeth and snorting through her nose.
Then she turned back and jiggled her shoulder so that the other breast bouncedinvitingly for me.
I had to acknowledge this. "Thank you, Slut."
I took the invitation, pinched her nipple and clipped another one onto it.What it lacked in symmetry it made up for in white-eyed pain.
It soon got a match of course, Slut thanked me for it as more clips cameonto the breast, four on each in total.
I don't know if she had yet noticed two key things. Firstly, I had threeclips left. Secondly, each clip had little holes on the handle - for what genuinereason I don't know, but I knew I was going to take advantage of them.
"Legs apart," I said. She complied instantly. I crawled beneath her, lookingup like a lucky mechanic. I prodded a finger into her dampish (but not dripping)pussy, in and out, in and out until there was enough to work with. I tuggedone of her labia down a little, and quickly snuck a clamp onto it. I was holdingonto it, so she couldn't move away, but she did do a little erotic jig forme, bouncing and crouching as much as she could. The other one got a similareffect, slightly more crouching and yelping, slightly less jigging and bouncing.
One clamp to go.
"I'm going to give you an orgasm," I said. "You don't deserve it, but I'ma generous owner."
"Yes, sir."
"I'm going to use one of your little toys here, I think." I stepped casuallyto her bag of tricks, and pulled out the angriest-looking vibrator I could,one of those things with a bulbous head that requires very little directionalcontrol or knowledge of g-spots.
I did a little do-it-yourself, I took some string and tied it around thehead of the vibe. I then threaded the ends through the handle of the finalclip and tied it tight, so any vibration would be fed directly through theclamp.
"Legs apart," I beamed. She shook her head nervously at me, and whimperednoisily.
Taking care to ensure that I knocked the labia clamps as much as I could,I rubbed her clitoris until it had had enough attention paid to it. I stoppedthe rubbing, and I looked to her legs for a moment, noticing how much tensionthere was, the tendons and sinews in her thighs were like guitar strings. Shewas preparing herself. So I waited, I watched her hamstrings until they eventuallyrelaxed, and she crouched a little to work out a little cramp.
That's when I clamped her clitoris.
"Neeeaahooooo!!!" she wailed.
"Waaarrrgh!!" she continued when I let go of the vibrator, letting it swinglimply between her legs, tugging down the clamp.
I got out from between her legs, and looked at her face. It was a picture,no tears this time, just absurd concentration on mine, looking to see whatI would do next.
"I'll tell you this once. I want to hold off as long as you can, but youmust tell me when you're going to orgasm, okay? Tell me when you're going tocome, Slut, you understand?"
"Yes sir," she gasped.
"Understand?" I said, reaching a hand down to her pussy. I snaked a fingerinside and scratched a fingernail around the inside of the rim. I pulled herhead back with the other hand, wrenching her back into a painful yoga shape.She roared in pain, the weights on her tits bounced happily, she said thatyes, she did understand, her clitoris was mine, her orgasms were mine.
"Come this way," I said, indicating a little apparatus I'd set up. It wasa low-backed tubular chair, simple as that. Slut hobbled gingerly towards me,'ow'ing and moping all the way.
The chair had a waist-high bar at the top of its back, and I bent her overit so that her face was drawn towards the seat. I told her to stay in positionwhilst I cuffed her legs to the base. Her wrists were fine where they were,still behind her back, no adjustment was necessary there.
"You like M&Ms, Slut?" I asked. She said she did, I asked if she wantedsome, she said sure if I had any spare. I said I had some spare and she couldhave some, then I told her to wait where she was, I'd be right back.
It was out of her sight, the preparation of the M&Ms. That was good,because it meant that she was surprised even more by it.
"No!!!" was her reaction.
"You said you liked M&Ms," I replied.
"Not when they're in a bowl of my piss," she moped.
I placed the bowl on the seat of the chair, and pushed her face forwards.Not into the bowl, but far enough down to realise that she could reach if shebent herself over the back of the chair.
"One at a time, I want you to eat those M&Ms."
She protested briefly, but knew she had no choice. I undid the scrunchyfrom her hair and it flopped forwards over her face, a few strands dippingtheir tips into the clearish liquid. To be fair to myself, if the urine hadbeen concentrated, then I wouldn't have been able to stomach it myself. Butit was diluted enough to be odourless. This was great for me, because I wouldhave no distinctive stench to cope with, but Slut would still know with whatshe was filling her mouth, eyes and nostrils. Perfect.
As she leaned in to pick off the first sweet, I turned on the vibrator.She had clearly forgotten all about it, but the head of the vibrator rattledthe clamp on her clitoris, and the chair shook nervously around her. She winced,breathed and whistled for three or four seconds, and dunked for an M&M.
She was obeying. She was going for them one at a time.
Finally, it was time for me to do what I'd idly found myself dreaming aboutfor the past three or four years.
First thing I had to do was dip my fingers in the urine. I used it as amakeshift lubricant, to work some give in her arsehole, in and out, gettinggroans and squeaks from her. I only used a couple of fingers for a couple ofminutes, I didn't want it to be too painful, but I didn't want it to be tooeasy either. Took some judgement, I tell you.
She shuffled her feet and shook her bum at me just as I was about to goin, I took it as an open invitation in every sense.
I wanted to go straight in to the hilt, but I had to stall due to friction.In any case, the effect was there, I'd timed it when she was well underwater,and I could see the piss-bubbles in the bowl around the sides of her face.
I pulled back a half inch and battered again, this time going in all theway. Her head came up and she arched her back and yelped "Yaaargh!" and shookher head and sprayed piss from her wet hair like a shaggy dog in from the rainand I pushed her neck down and she got the message and dunked again. I timedit right again, she must have snorted some pee up her nose, she came up coughingand spluttering and whimpering and I had to reach forward again and tug onone of the nipple clips to get her going down again.
The vibrator was working well, it swung back and forth and occasionallybounced into unintended areas. The third time that I reached to fiddle withher tits, I was balls-deep inside her. I must have pinched a nerve, becauseshe jerked her hips like it was the Lambada, and the vibe bounced back intome. Instinctively, I clamped my legs shut, holding the stem of the instrument,still tugging away at her clit but from a different, more intriguing, muchmore painful angle. For me it was quite ticklish, for her it was torture andjoy in unequal measures.
"Oooooh. Oh God. Ooooh. Oh God!"
As she bobbed her head again, I didn't remind her about the warning on orgasms.
"Oooh. Aaaah. Aaaah. Oh God!"
She gobbled another M&M. I knew she would hold on.
"Aaaah. Oooooh. Aaaaah. Oh God! Oh! Yes! Yes! Yes! YES! YES YES! Aaaaaah!Nooooo," she cried.
I could feel myself getting ready to climax, so I gave her a brief countdown.
"You ready to come?"
"Yes yes, yeah!"
"Ok, you can come in five, four, three, two, one-"
I cut off her scream by leaning forwards and pushing her head into the bowlwith both hands. Her arms tried to push me off her, but I was bent heavilyover her, I wasn't going anywhere. She exhaled, an unwise move, bubbles emergedeither side of her pretty head. I kept it there until she jerked like a dyingfish, convulsing as the vibe kept up its pressure, and as I filled her arsewith everything I had left. I could feel her writhing get weaker, and thatwas when I pulled her up.
"---aaaaaaargh!" she concluded. "Woo."
I sent her on her way that night, I couldn't do any more to her, I justcouldn't. Well, I could have, I had a few ideas, but I didn't have the toolsor the electrical equipment. Her slavery lasted five hours, and she was onher way back home.
I woke up the next morning, switched on the and got the e-mail from her
"Hi there! I still hurt!" she wrote. She always has a habit of overdoingthe exclamation marks. "And I don't know how much I enjoyed last night, butI know I had to do it. You were brilliant, I hated and loved the things youwere doing to me, and I hated and loved myself for enduring them. I've hadmy boundaries pushed. I don't know whether I want them pushed any further,but if I do, I'd like you to do it. Love, Alyson xxx."
I was smiling so much, I almost missed the PS.
"PS," she added. "Next time Angelina Jolie opens her fucking mouth, I'mgoing to imagine someone sticking a goddamn ballgag into it before whippingher tits with a cane!!! She how she really likes it!"
The wheels on Lara’s Jaguar convertible squealed as it powered through a tight curve in the road. The warm English air rushing past her ears with a howl and down either side of the road, the tall trees melted into a blurry green wall as the car continued to roar through the streets. “Jax? What’s going on where are you now?” she shouted at her dashboard, her long auburn hair fluttering behind her headrest and dancing in the rushing wind. “They are” a voice trembled *Kisshhhh* static interrupting...
The Ballad of Lara and Gemma The Ballad of Lara and GemmaPart One: the Story so far by Velvetglove Author?s Note A ballad is defined as a simple song or poem, recounting a story of an amorous or sentimental nature. This strange tale is a romantic ballad written in prose. A lot of the feedback received during the original postings of ?After the Pestilence? related to two characters; Lara and Gemma. This Part is mainly an edited repost of their appearances to date. Part Two, is new...
Written by: Mr. Mongo 7/10/2012 No retards were hurt in the writing of this story, but they sure do fuck and humiliate the hell out of Lara. One of Lara’s co-workers told her that his aunt hurt her hip before she was to take several mentally disadvantage men to see Aquatic World. They really needed replacement volunteer as soon as possible. He said the guys all had downs syndrome, but were well behaved. Lara was known for volunteering with underprivileged inner city youths, so he decided...
Lara hardly notices when he takes the stool beside her at the hotel bar. But when she hears him speak, gives the barman his order, his voice compels her to turn and stare.He is older than she had anticipated; older than his voice would have her believe. And he is certainly much older looking than the picture of Kurt Avar she has carried in her mind since a young girl. But viewing him in profile still leaves her room for doubt, eyes unconvinced. She needs to see him face to face. And then, as if...
ThreesomesEscaping the deathtraps of the lost tomb of Mhuntee had been bad enough, but looking around now Lara Croft reached the inescapable conclusion that things were about to get a whole lot worse. She had just grabbed her treasure--the fabled golden skull of Mhuntee--when the floor of the cave gave way, sending her crashing and tumbling down a tunnel until she emerged into some jungle... ... with ten extremely tall and nearly naked warriors armed with assegais surrounding her. She recognized them...
"Defiler!" Ratta-tat-tat! The pistols of the Tomb Raider Lara Croft cut down the guard before he could take two steps toward her. The bullets impact flung him backwards against the dry wall of the dark temple and crumpled to the floor. Lara pressed on. Further into the corridors of the formerly-lost Temple of Nehista, Dark Goddess of the Desert. The exertions of the quest thus far - the traps, the guards, and the fiendish locks - made Lara pant as she ran. Though deep underground the...
Lara was 28 and it had been four years since her life was changed forever. She had just finished her master's degree at the young age of 24 when the most dramatic thing happened to her. Even four years later, the event was still in her everyday thinking. Lara was brought up very protected and in a family that loved her dearly. She was a very beautiful young woman who was lucky enough to possess a body that left a permanent impression in every man's head. She was sexy by all standards and two...
A few years ago I hit it big in the lottery. I took the lump payment and walked away 140 million richer. My sister Lara was pissed at me when I refused to give her the time of day, let alone one dollar of my winnings. I had never liked her husband Mike. The guy was a sleaze bag. He and I got into a huge fight one year on Christmas when I saw a hand print bruise on my sister's arm. I left him u*********s in the middle of their kitchen. I was persona non grata after that. So Lara was S O L when I...
"Another quest successfully completed!" smiled Lara Croft as she emerged into the sunlight outside the Tomb of Zambusi. In her hand she held the magnificent jewel that had been the target of her latest adventure - the 'Eye of Zambusi.' As she turned it in her hand the suns' rays glinted off it in sparkling blue. 'I'm sure this in the British Museum will delight visitors from all over the globe!' Movement off to her left caught her eye. She spun round, whipping out her pistol as she...
It had been a few days since Lara and Peter had fucked in the barn. Since then, they had exchanged some lustful looks, but they hadn’t gotten a moment alone to do it again, even though they both clearly wanted to.That day when Peter had fucked her and then made her walk home fully naked, covered in his cum, he had sneaked after her and left her clothes right outside her door for her to find. When Lara found her clothes there later that day, she noticed that her panties were missing, Peter had...
Straight SexOk, we left off where Arwen and Lara were having some fun with Arwen's parents, Galadriel and Elrond. They came back to the tree-house and fell asleep in each others arms. In this 3rd one, they get married. Check out how the wedding dresses look. Lara stirred in her sleep. Some noise woke her up. She sat up in bed and looked around, but saw nothing. Shrugging and tossing the noise from her mind, she went back to bed. She woke up again, hearing the same noise. This time, she knew she wasn't...
LesbianIt all started innocently enough; Ben and Lara were two people that took a dare. Lara was a beautiful natural burnette, with 36D breasts on her slender, athletic frame. Her amber brown eyes would captivate any man, but her 150+ IQ had a tendency to intimidate most men, and Lara was not squeamish about ripping a mans ego to shreds if she sensed any weakness at all. Yet all those that saw her would give anything to make love to this beauty. Anyone but Ben. No, Ben was not gay, rather he was her...
Ok, I know that it has literally been about 5 years since i last did Lara and the Elf 4. One thing has led to another and I've not had a chance until now to actually sit down and write the 5th part of my sex epic adventure. I even had to go back and reread it so I could remember what I wrote. Luckily I had save the copy in my email. Really came in handy so that I could finish it. Enjoy the long awaited part 5. Hope it makes many pussies and cocks alike drip as they read. Email me at...
EroticFulsome was an ugly city, Lara thought to herself as she waited in a long, exhaust filled line to enter it. It was essentially owned by a corporate conglomerate, and they dictated its civic budget as they saw fit. Evidently, their view of public spending did not include beautification or anything beyond basic sanitation. It was surrounded by sixty foot concrete walls that were stained by rust and soot, and the occasional spire of a high rise or smoke stack that poked into view looked equally...
Lara groaned. Her head was pounding and her eyes felt like sandpaper. She and Ben had been up until ... when? drinking and toasting. Oh god, how much had she drank? They'd finished off one bottle of that shoe varnish that Quohog claimed was whiskey but after that ... They'd spent the last part of the night telling wild tales and comparing scars. Everything else was a blur. Oh God, had she? had he? Eyes still clenched against the world, Lara felt down with her hands to tell if she was...
It’s been a week of turmoil for both ladies. Lara wished she had put on the note to Sam to call her on a week night Sam was hardly able to suppress her excitement and nervousness, the wait was simply excruciating. Sam’s work usually ticked by with ease, but now seemed to drag by at an almost slow motioned rate. It wasn’t much better at home either, time seemed to be spent either reliving the Vegas experience, or wondering what to say when it came time for the phone call. Why had Lara been...
It was the morning after the fight in the Horny Bull and Lara ached. She had taken a few good hits in that brawl, especially near the end. She had an impressive black eye and there were a few other bruises and marks about her body. It was nothing new; Lara had spent more than a few mornings like this, nursing her wounds and exulting that she was still in one piece. She still had memories of her Natla adventure, injecting antibiotics with shaky fingers while dizzy with pain, or stitching up...
Lara Croft was walking around the forest around noon time looking for this specific flower. She came upon these arched trees that looked like a gate. She walked through and saw a woman bending over a table with leaves piled on it. "I know why you are here," said the woman. She stood up and turned around to face Lara Croft. Lara Croft drew a deep, shuddering breath as she beheld the beauty radiating from the woman. She had a light reddish hair color, the bluest eyes so crystal clear, skin so...
LesbianAren’t fantasies wonderful? I think so and I will tell you why. Because inside my head I can be anything I want and I can bring anyone along to help support what pleases and arouses me. So how does a fantasy start? Well it could be something absolutely true that you witnessed, were told about, or perhaps read. It might be one little snippet or an entire event. Now I want to tell you a story, but before I get to the really good parts I want to tell you the true parts. This list is absolutely...
Aren’t fantasies wonderful? I think so and I will tell you why. Because inside my head I can be anything I want and I can bring anyone along to help support what pleases and arouses me. So how does a fantasy start? Well it could be something absolutely true that you witnessed, were told about, or perhaps read. It might be one little snippet or an entire event.Now I want to tell you a story, but before I get to the really good parts I want to tell you the true parts. This list is absolutely...
It had been a long day, and I was glad it was over. Since seven in the morning, I'd had a studio full of people for a photo shoot. It was for a popular and irreverent men's magazine, and all the models had been scantily clad. I suppose the readership of the magazine liked their women beautiful and dumb, because that's certainly what I'd dealt with all day. Working with fashion models may sound glamorous, but it's usually not. Most of them are either vapid or vacuously chatty. My...
Date line: Baron's Head As jaded as this land has forced me to be, from time to time some things still genuinely surprise me. Last evening as I entered a hole-in-the-desert bar with a parking lot full of motorcycles, the last thing I expected to be a part of was a religious experience. Religious is questionable, but the people I met were definitely an experience. I entered expecting a fight. Bikers are notoriously territorial, especially of their watering holes. After the come-on/grope...
Despite their best efforts, Ben and Lady Grace didn't get out of the city till after 9am. They had been in line since before six, but had spent hours sitting around while the customs officials had 'lost' files and had to 'verify' their records. If it had gotten to Lady Grace, Ben couldn't tell. Despite the fact that she hadn't had a square meal or a decent night's sleep in over 48 hours, she looked as polished and as calm as a fashion model. Figured. He both looked and felt like crap,...
"I don't know what to tell you, Ben." Maury said apologetically. "Your bike is a piece of shit." It was the next morning. Despite the fact that he'd had almost no sleep last night, Ben hadn't felt this well rested in years. Spending the night with Lara had been ... He frowned. No time for that now. There were more important things at stake. Ben groaned. The last time his bike had been trashed, Mo had been able to fix it right up, better than before. Hmm. On second thought, Ben...
Ben got to his feet with a groan. Stay put my ass. He just had to sit down for a minute, and it had been a minute. He limped out of his hiding spot and heard some cheering and shouting from where Lady Grace had gone. Great. Leave her alone for one minute... He saw a ring of people and inside it the distinctive movements of Lady Grace. She was fighting Apone, the sergeant who had taken command of the bikers earlier. There were way too many guys for him to sneak up and take out, even if he...
Here's the 4th part where Arwen, Lara and Elbereth travel to Lorien to visit the grandest king in the whole land, Celebron. Lara wants to become immortal to stay young with Arwen forever and ends up meeting a handsome guy by the name of Steven on the way there.....wait and find out what happens between now and when they get to Lorien...I dedicate this part of the story to my boyfriend, Steven, who reluctantly agreed to put him in this part. Thanks Steven! You make up most of this part! *******...
LesbianBen hurt. His side was on fire from Gunny's hit and ... something else. That was a bruised rib if nothing else. He groaned and tried to open his eyes. Bright light flared and he tried to raise his arm to block it out. More pain flared. He squinted and the light became bearable. A blurry form blocked out the light. a face? This all seemed too familiar. "Mo?" he asked in a voice that didn't sound like his own. Where was he? What had happened? "No, not Mo. Lara." A cool feminine voice...
It seemed very odd to Lara that the quintessential biker bar, The Rebar, was in Fulsome, the most paranoid, controlled city in the country. The Rebar was dimly lit and spacious. A long battered bar went along the length of one wall, and an annex held billiard tables and video games. There were various chipped tables and chairs around one end, and a hardwood dance floor. Gang crests, dating back to the legendary Hell's Angels, filled the walls, along with the occasional wanted poster, license...
Well, that had been ... interesting. Lara would liked to have said that her kissing Ben had purely been for camouflage reasons, but she was it wasn't very truthful. She'd seen the Leatherneck duck into the washroom almost as soon as Ben had started on her neck. She could have stopped him then, or maybe even earlier, but it had felt very good. Admit it, girl, you've wanted to do that for days. Ben had been cold to her for the last half hour or so since they had broken their embrace. It was...
After a brief eternity, Lara and Ben had parted. It would have been easy to stay lip locked and see what developed, but the uncertainty of the situation as well as the limitations of their fleshly shells had gotten in the way. Sooner or later, whatever Leathernecks from Bastard Squad had survived were going to come back, and it was best if Ben and Lara weren't there when that happened. It was extremely difficult for Lara to stay awake right now as she helped Ben tinker and cannibalize from...
Ben slowly and painfully came to his senses. He never really lost consciousness, but he'd been in so much pain that for the longest time it was all he could concentrate on. Only now that people had stopped beating him, racking him and tearing him apart with motorbikes—again—did he slowly regain his powers of thought. "Ben?" It was Lady Grace. Ben didn't bother answering, just groaned and opened his eyes. He was laying on the ground chained to a bar by his wrists. His whole body hurt....
CHAPTER 6There was a knock at the bedroom door.“Yes?” The door cracked open and Jenna poked her head inside. “Are they here?”She stepped in and closed the door. “Yes. Apparently, they were trapped on the bridge. Some kind of accident.” She walked up to me, her eyes taking me in, then hugging me, careful not to mess my hair. She put me at arm’s length and looked at me. I took a deep breath as she watched, studying her reaction. One of the hazards of having a psychologist as a close, confidential...
Following two requests for further bestial adventures after my previous story Better Than Boyfriends, which you should read and enjoy first. Here is what I dreamed up: - Lara is now a year older and living in a converted barn on the zoo. The elephant thing, while still of interest, but difficult for Erik and Lara to enable, she is getting all the cock she craves from Erik the German boss and his Appenzell dog Kurt. Eighteen months have passed since Lara’s initiation into bestiality, having...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Ok people, a little thing right quick. There is SOME incest in this part. I still think it goes under this section though. You also gotta realize, all elves are related SOMEHOW, so give me a break on this part. The 3rd will be A LOT better and without incest. Thank you, and now to the story. **** Ok, we left off at the part where they were walking to her parent's tree-house. All during the way they kept on kissing and hugging, never getting enough of...
LesbianChapter 3- Melissa and Lara lose Their Virginity “Mother, must I go, please, stay home with me, don’t make me go to Uncle Bill’s study. You don’t know what he makes me do,” Melissa begged her mother. “Nonsense, it’s not that bad. You live in a nice house, Uncle Bill takes good care of us. We could be out on the street. This is the least thing you could do. Look at all I have sacrificed for you. I gave up a singing career to take care of you when you were born. If it wasn’t for you, I would be...
Erotic"You heard of a guy named Gunny?" Ben yelled to the bartender in the Horny Bull over the cacophony of the live music. God knows how, but they had hauled in a live band to play tonight. They weren't bad either. The leader singer was a dark haired chick in a black leather mini skirt and she and her band were dishing out a kind of retro bluesy-rock. They were inside a plexi cage that showed signs of extreme wear with explosions from hurled bottles and mugs and various stains caused by beer,...
When Lara saw the group of Leathernecks waiting she knew that the game was up. She didn't know how they had been discovered. Maybe some one had recognised a jacket belonging to the wrong person or perhaps someone had spotted the two motorcycles where they were not meant to be. It didn't really matter, for the end result was the same either way. Urging every ounce of strength from her muscles, Lara sprinted and dove behind a nexus of pipes, bullets chasing her footsteps like a cloud of...
Stars filled the sky above the villa, and in the enclosed courtyard, roses scented the humid summer air. A fountain softly splashed in the center of the courtyard, vines covered the walls of the villa. The sound of piano and harp music filled the air as Lara Croft quickly but silently moved from one shadow to the next. Seconds later a bullet took a chip of stone out of the wall next to her head. Lara froze and turned her head to see a tall muscular man pointing a gun at her. "Lara Croft. What a...
It was the sound of voices and the familiar smell of bikes that woke Ben up. Oh, shit. The Leathernecks got us. His whole body hurt and it was hard to think, but something in that equation didn't seem right. Why are we still alive? He felt a damp rag press against his forehead, and the light touch of a woman's hand brush against his jaw. It sent his addled brain reeling in confusion, but after a moment he came to the sleepy conclusion that if some one was tending to his wounds, then they...
"And here we are,” Lara smiled with satisfaction as she reached the T-shaped bottom of the red sandstone stairs leading into the deepest recesses of the latest tomb to be explored by her. It was an odd one too, Lara mused as she stood between the two pillars on the platform formed by the bottom of the staircase, ten feet above the floor of the massive subterranean chamber. Since she was on a small island off the south coast of Island, the mere presence of a vast tomb here was strange enough,...
Lara Croft sat in the large, plush chair, warming herself by the roaring fire. She grasped the large red book close to her chest as she nestled into a comfortable position. She looked around the room, admiring her vast array of artifacts she had obtained on many an adventure, realizing that she yearned more for the adventure, than she did for the artifacts. The large book she currently held close contained details of what would become her next, and maybe last, adventure. She knew all about the...
CHAPTER 7After King pulled his knot out of my pussy, I stood brazenly in front of our guests with my legs apart, my pussy gaping open, and cum running. Jake took me in arms, kissing me passionately, his hands stroking over my bare back and ass. He turned me around, pulling me into his dressed body, one hand cupping my left breast, and his other sliding up and down my stomach.“Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Lara, my newly committed submissive.” They stood as one and clapped. Several of...
The scene was timeless. The sun had always been hot here, the sky always cloudless. The rocks had always looked old and weathered, even when they were young and new. There had always been lizards and snakes, sunning on the heat blasted rocks. Lichen and cacti had always been the only vegetable matter hardy enough to eke out a meagre existence amidst the rocks and dust. The road though, that was new. Nothing in this desert stayed new long, and this road was no exception. It was faded and...
Before you begin... This story has decision based elements to it. In order for this story to function as intended, make sure you click the "Start Game" over in the right corner there. Enjoy! P.S. For more information, go to "Author's Notes" down below. There she is at non other than Croft Manor, the beautiful & busty Lara Croft sat on the sofa, with a laptop in her lap. She wore nothing but her pink panties & a plain white tank top. "I can't wait to go on vacation. Only a few more days before...
At first, it had looked like an easy jump. Of course, the clearing was small, barely wide enough for an experienced parachutist to make a somewhat safe landing, but the tall mountains that surrounded the jungle of Biggo Cocko on all sides shielded it from the wind, and Lara's descent had been a piece of cake. This was a good sign: that jungle was renowned for being especially unforgiving, and a good, swift start was mandatory if she wished to complete her mission and be back at the pick-up site...
CHAPTER 5I made the decision that I was going to live with Jake. My job was in Atlanta, though. When I told Jake of my absolute decision, he was concerned. It wasn’t his desire or eagerness to have me as his committed partner, that was a given. But, it was a considerable concern that I might someday resent giving up my job if it were to come to that. I didn’t question his desire, his almost desperate desire, to have me with him in his life. So, when he was willing to risk that by arguing the...
Introduction: my first story, hope you enjoy it Hi, my name is Lara. I am a 24 year old girl with long black hair always worn in a ponytail or a braid. I`m not tanned so my skin is white almost as white as snow and I have big green eyes. For my 5ft and 9 I have really long legs with almost 3ft 7 length. I have a nice round and perfect formed ass and I am very happy about my 38D. I started masturbating really early at the age of 10. At the tender age of 13 I had my first sexual experience with...
Croft Mansion, 13.Juni Lara erwachte aus ihrem leichten Schlaf. Irgendetwas hatte sie geweckt. Es war eine milde Sommernacht und ihr Wecker zeigte an, dass es kurz nach Mitternacht war. Sie setzte sich auf und die Bedecke rutschte zurück. Ihre gewaltige Oberweite hob und senkte sich, während sie unterdrückt atmete und in die Dunkelheit lauschte. Dann hörte sie einen unterdrückten, dumpfen Schrei, danach war Stille. Die Geräusche kamen nicht von draußen, sondern aus der großen Haupthalle im...
CHAPTER 2“Now, get back on that bed. I have an idea.”It seemed absurd on the face of it. I was a small woman and he was a big man. But more significant was that I was used to men with cocks about six or seven inches long when erect and Jake’s was that long soft and limp. Fully erect, as it was now, it was twice that size and as wide as my forearm. My reaction to it, though, proved not to be irrational based on his reaction to my reaction. He had encountered that reaction from other women. I...
CHAPTER 1I woke up slowly and peacefully. My eyes fluttered open to the defused light of the early morning coming through the sheer curtains of my bedroom. The bigger realization of the start of the day was I was still in the arms of a man. Well, maybe it was more like my arm was d****d over his lower rib cage as I lay on my side, which is why my eyes took in the filtered light of the window on the other side of the room. I kissed his upper chest/shoulder where my head was resting and I wiggled...
We start this week’s show inside a van, filming out of the front windscreen as we head along a dual-carriageway ... Dark gray road, light gray sky, black leaf-less trees whizzing by on either side us. We race on at the speed limit for a few seconds, then suddenly jam the brakes on just in time to turn off the main road directly into the driveway of a badly placed house. It’s a large red-brick and white-wash home with a steeply pitched roof – and there’s already one car in the short driveway...
I am a 24 year old girl with long black hair always worn in a ponytail or a braid. I`m not tanned so my skin is white almost as white as snow and I have big green eyes. For my 5ft and 9” I have really long legs with almost 3ft 7” length. I have a nice round and perfect formed ass and I am very happy about my 38D. I started masturbating really early at the age of 10. At the tender age of 13 I had my first sexual experience with someone else then me. But soon after my first encounter with...
CHAPTER 8Jenna spent the night with Jake in the master bedroom while Beth and I shared a bed in one of the guest bedrooms. Beth was overwhelmed by everything that had happened and fell into a deep sleep in my arms, but not before chattering away excitedly like a school girl about her rapidly developing relationship with the doctor.Over the several years of working together in the small office, Beth had opened up to divulge the trials, pain, and frustrations of past relationships and divorce...
CHAPTER 4Since the last time here when Jake introduced me to oral sex with King, I knew this was an inevitable outcome. I knew he would sooner or later suggest that I fuck King, too. I also knew he wouldn’t force me emotionally, psychologically, or physically. But, I knew, just like now, that he would want me to do it. And the way he introduced it seemed almost perfect. The three of us together was reinforcing and comforting.Because I knew this was eventually coming up to me, I did some...
I don’t know why I’m writing this, but my boyfriend John told me I should. John’s a lot older than me and my name’s Lara, I’m only 17 and now live with John and he’s 52. I seem to have this thing for older guys and he took me in because my mom is always drunk and started letting her boyfriend’s touch me and stuff. She’s a real slag and dad left her years ago because she used to go with different men all the time. He caught her with his best mate one day and just left... Now she’s even worse,...
Natürlich ist diese Geschichte frei erfunden. Weite Teile der Story sind schon fertiggestellt, jedoch bin ich mir nicht sicher ob man dies hier posten darf. We will see. -------------------PrologIch beobachtete Sie nun schon seit knapp 2 Monaten und meine Notizen sind in dieser Zeit immer umfangreicher geworden. Ich weiß welchen Weg Sie von der Arbeit nach Hause nimmt, wann bei Ihr das Licht in der Wohnung erlischt und wo Sie gerne Ihre Einkäufe tätigt. Bei der Sie handelt es sich um Lara. Ein...
I was happy because Melissa had semester break and she had free time. After waking her up she had to get dressed but this time in a 'normal' way. She got a black medium length skirt, a blue t-shirt, her bra with tits, a body-forming slip with white hotpants, pantyhose, sneakers and the blonde wig. She had to do her make-up and after we had breakfast I ordered her to clean my apartment while I went out to town. Two hours later I came back home and Melissa was still cleaning. I sat down and...
Introduction: This is part 3 of my story. Please read the other 2 parts first. That Monday morning I woke up with a smile on my face. I was happy because Melissa had semester break and she had free time. After waking her up she had to get dressed but this time in a normal way. She got a black medium length skirt, a blue t-shirt, her bra with tits, a body-forming slip with white hotpants, pantyhose, sneakers and the blonde wig. She had to do her make-up and after we had breakfast I ordered her...