Three Square MealsChapter 50 - A Showdown With The Merc Company, The Armoured Cobras! free porn video

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The girls looked at him attentively and waited for him to continue. You could have heard a pin drop in the room, as they all leaned forward to hear John lay out his plan to take down the Armoured Cobras.

“We’re going to form three teams,” John said decisively. “I’ll lead Team One, taking Dana and Rachel with me on a ground insertion into the base. We’ll rescue the kidnap victims, and sabotage the base’s generators. When the generators go down, that’ll knock out their planetary defence shield, and any laser batteries. Dana, I’ll need you to come up with a good way of taking them out.”

The redhead nodded eagerly, her mind already whirring as she thought about different ways to do it. Alyssa was about to protest strongly at not being able to accompany him on the mission, when he silenced her objection with a stern glance.

“You’ll be Team Two. You can sneak us down there in the Raptor, then stay on station in case we need an emergency evac,” he explained.

Alyssa frowned and said, “Why can’t Jade fly the gunship? Then I can join you on the ground mission.”

John glanced over at the Nymph and said, “Because I’ll need Team Three, which will be Jade and Calara, up here on the Invictus. I want you to stay hidden, but be prepared to engage their defensive fleet if we set off an alarm. If that happens, we’ll need those cruisers and destroyers distracted, to make sure we can make a clean escape on the Raptor. If all goes well with the generator sabotage, and getting the prisoners clear, you can hit the defending merc fleet as we’re flying out of there on the Raptor. Once their fleet is destroyed, you can start bombarding their base.”

The blonde girl pouted, but nodded her acceptance of the plan. She then looked thoughtful and said, “Actually, it might be better if I fly the Invictus and Jade pilots the Raptor. She’ll be able to make much better use of the gunship’s manoeuvrability than I can, and provide you more effective close fire support if there’s trouble. Besides, I’m the only one with real combat flying experience piloting the Invictus.”

Jade frowned and said angrily, “But you told me I could fly the Invictus!”

They all looked at her, astonished at her outburst, and she giggled mischievously. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist! Of course, I’m happy to fly the Raptor.”

John chuckled and said, “Just fucking with us?”

The Nymph winked at him playfully, then said in a more serious voice, “I have quite a bit of combat time in the Raptor now, against both the Drakkar, and the Kintark. Alyssa’s plan makes good sense.”

He looked around at them and said, “We can’t risk direct communication between the teams using normal comms channels, as the base sensors might pick it up. We’ll have to coordinate through Alyssa using telepathy, and I’ll relay my orders through her.” He then glanced at the blonde, and asked, “With you up here, and us on the surface, will you have any problem staying in touch?”

Alyssa shook her head, and smiled at him confidently as she said, “Nope. Not, unless we have to jump out of the system, then I’m not sure. Otherwise, we’ll be fine.”

Irillith masked her expression, but she was shocked to hear this. From the audio recordings, she was aware the blonde girl had some kind of telepathic talent, but assuming this wasn’t some kind of trick, the range of her ability was astounding.

Calara then looked away from the holographic images, and said to them cautiously, “From their fleet listing, the three cruisers and the dozen destroyers, all look to be modern and well equipped. They aren’t going to be a walkover like the decommissioned ships the pirates used.”

“Can you take them?” John asked her succinctly.

She pursed her lips as she thought it over and replied, “If we just stood there slugging it out with them all, it would be very close, and will depend a lot on the skill levels of their crews. We’d likely sustain considerable damage, though.”

He nodded, then said, “We should only be facing two cruisers and a handful destroyers, what are our odds against those?”

Calara grinned at him, and said confidently, “With all the upgrades Dana has done to the Invictus, we should be fine.”

Irillith looked at him with a raised eyebrow and asked, “And where am I going to be in this little scenario?”

John studied her for a moment and said, “We all saw what you did to that Maliri patrol cruiser. Can you incapacitate a Terran Cruiser like that too?”

Her sly grin was all the confirmation he needed, and he nodded with satisfaction.

Calara grinned, and said, “Even better! It’ll be like shooting fish in a barrel.”

John shared her enthusiastic grin, and said, “Alright then, does anyo-”

“Wait a moment,” Irillith interrupted him sharply before he could continue. “Have you forgotten our agreement?”

John shook his head and replied, “No, but this first phase of operations against the Cobras is too risky for you to go big game hunting, and you’ll be much more effective against their fleet. When we’ve cleaned out SerpentHold, we’ll mop up the rest of their company that’s currently on garrison duty. You can hunt as many of them as you like.”

The Maliri woman thought this over for a moment, then nodded her agreement.

John smiled, and then looked around at the girls. “Any suggestions or queries?”

Calara raised her hand with a wry smile, and he nodded at her to proceed. “I suggest you infiltrate their base at night while most of them are sleeping. It should make it much easier for you to get around without attracting too much attention.”

Irillith had been searching through the data she had assembled and said, “I think this might be what you’re looking for.”

She hit a button on her vambrace and an email appeared from Colonel Semias Morgan to Captain Hitch Mallor. It read, “Hitch, spring a surprise on the tank boys and send them out on night manoeuvres. They’re getting fat and lazy and could do with some exercise!”

John nodded and said enthusiastically, “Perfect! If they send out a group on some night mission that’s even better. We could infiltrate the base when there’s even less personnel around. When was that sent?”

Irillith checked the timestamp and said, “Two days ago. Judging by the rota shifts on patrol duty, Captain Mallor plans to send them out tonight. There’s another option as well, if you’d like to hear it?”

He smiled at her eagerness and said, “Sure, go ahead. What is it?”

She grinned and said, “They’re expecting fuel supplies today. We could ambush the incoming fuel convoy, rig it with explosives, and then detonate it while they’re refuelling at the base. All that would be left of SerpentHold would be a big smoking crater.”

Rachel frowned and said, “Sounds pretty risky, and wouldn’t give us much time to rescue the prisoners.”

Irillith grumbled and said, “Yeah, but it would save wasting the rest of the day waiting!”

John mulled it over for a while and then said, “We’ll go with the night patrol option. We can pick off their tanks at our leisure once we’ve extracted the kidnap victims. Besides, what about the fuel convoy crews? We can’t just take them out, they’re innocent civilians.”

The Maliri woman shrugged nonchalantly, and said, “Well, that’s what I’d do.”

John restrained himself from rolling his eyes, and looked around at the girls. “If there’s no more questions, let’s head out. We can sneak into Beta Draconis and do some surveillance while we wait. How long will it take us to get there, Alyssa?”

“Four hours,” she said immediately, having already mentally plotted out a course.

“Alright, let’s do this,” John said resolutely.

They all rose from the Briefing Room table and headed to the grav-tube to keep themselves occupied for the rest of the day. Alyssa glided up the illuminated steps to the Command Podium, and sat in her seat at the Executive Officers Station.

She smiled at John as he walked up the steps to join her, and soon it was just the two of them left up on the Command Deck. Her hands flashed over the console, and she said quietly, “Two hundred against seven. That sounds like steep odds, even for us!”

He smiled as he looked down at her and said, “All being well, we won’t actually have to fight more than a handful in the base. Besides, we must have killed way more than that fighting the Fulmanax.”

She laughed wryly and said, “Yeah, but they weren’t driving tanks, or flying spaceships.”

John chuckled and said jokingly, “You worry too much. Besides, we haven’t killed anything for a couple of weeks. I’m getting withdrawal symptoms!”

Alyssa laughed as she finished entering the flight path, and engaged the Tachyon Drive. As the Invictus was swathed in the soft blue glow of the Tachyon particles, and leapt into hyper-warp, she glanced up at John curiously. Something about his tone sounded a little off, and although he’d been joking, he almost sounded eager to get into battle.

Just as the blonde girl was about to ask him about it, he smiled at her and said, “If you haven’t got anything interesting planned this afternoon, how about helping me run through some combat drills with Dana and Rachel? I’d like to have them working as smoothly with me as you do.”

She grinned, and nodded eagerly, her questions immediately forgotten.

After several hours of intensive combat tactics training and drills with the girls, John left them to finish off their preparations for the mission, while he headed up to his Ready Room. He strolled into the room, and over to the heavy desk on the far side, then sank into the big comfortable leather chair behind it. Pressing a couple of buttons on the console built into the desk, the holographic comms interface appeared, floating in front of him.

He swiped his hand over the name of the man he wanted to speak to, then waited patiently for the call to connect over the secure channel. John had deliberately waited before making contact, just in case the man he was about to brief about this upcoming mission, wasn’t as friendly as he outwardly appeared. If he wasn’t an ally, it was now too late for him to intervene with unfriendly forces, and put their plans in jeopardy. John felt a pang of sadness that he had to handle one of his oldest friends and comrades in such a manner, but until they could make certain of the man’s allegiance, it was the only course open to him.

“John! It’s good to see you,” Vice Admiral Charles Harris said, his bushy grey moustache twitching into a smile that lit up his normally stern face.

John smiled, and said, “Likewise Charles, I hope you’re well?”

The older man chuckled and said, “I’m sure you aren’t calling to ask after my health, but I’ll play along. I’m fine, thanks for asking.” He then looked thoughtful and asked, “How did you get on with the Maliri? Any luck trading weapons with them?”

John shook his head as he replied, “Afraid not. Looks like you were right all along.”

“Sorry to hear that. Most uncooperative race I’ve ever dealt with, so it doesn’t surprise me,” Charles said sympathetically. He then looked at John appraisingly and asked, “Now, how can I help?”

John paused a moment, as he leant forward to tap away at his console. When he was done, he sat back and said, “I’ve just sent you some light reading, thought you might be interested.”

Charles narrowed his eyes, and looked at John curiously as he said, “What are you up to now, you rogue? I thought you were living the enviable life of a millionaire playboy?”

John laughed, and was about to reply, when a chime on Charles’ console alerted him that the transfer was complete. The older man opened the files, then frowned as he stared at the dossiers and accounts that had unfolded before him. “What am I looking at?” he asked, bemused.

“Have you heard of the Armoured Cobras?” John asked him soberly.

Charles looked at him with a puzzled expression, and said, “Of course, biggest Mercenary group in the Terran Federation. From all these files, it looks like you’re investigating them. Why?”

John’s face took on a grim cast as he said, “Because they funded their group by kidnapping wealthy civilians, and ransoming them for huge amounts. I was looking into a murder, and the trail led me straight to them. Before they formed this Merc Company, the media referred to their gang as the New Eden Snakes.”

Charles looked shocked and said, “I remember that! It was all over the news ten years ago.” He then added in a worried voice, “You must have made some kind of mistake! They’re a sanctioned Mercenary unit, they’ve even done a few contracts for the military.”

John shrugged and said, “It’s all there in the files I sent. They haven’t stopped the kidnappings. Take a look at their accounts, the money trails tie it all back to them. If that isn’t enough, the Police Captain on Avalon confessed to tipping them off about targets, in front of a few dozen witnesses, all of them police officers.”

Charles blinked a couple of times as he took in this startling news, then frowned as he asked perceptively, “And what are you up to now? Please don’t tell me you’re about to attack them.”

John grinned at him, and said wryly, “I like to keep myself busy in my retirement.”

They arrived in the Beta-Draconis system shortly afterwards, and Alyssa immediately powered down all their non-essential systems and brought them in closer to the fourth planet. With the minimal use of engine power and retro thrusters, she was able to sneak them into orbit on the far side of the planet, with the Armoured Cobras defence fleet none the wiser.

Calara brought up the tactical map, and the opposing fleet was laid out before them, clearly displayed with the wealth of information provided to them by the Invictus’ sophisticated sensor array. The Cobras weren’t bothering with mounting patrols of the system, as they considered themselves entirely safe as a legitimate Mercenary Company, fully sanctioned by the Terran Federation. The small defensive fleet had their ship hulls painted tan and brown, and the holographic representations on the map reflected the colouring.

Calara looked through the formations of ships and said, “They’ve got two cruisers stationed here, as we suspected. That’s odd though...”

“What’s up?” John asked her curiously.

The Latina pointed up at the tactical map and said, “They’ve got all twelve of their destroyers with this fleet.” She then glanced at Irillith and asked, “I thought they usually split their destroyers and sent half off as escorts for the other cruiser and the carrier?”

Irillith frowned and said, “That’s what they’ve done for the last seven garrison missions.”

John thought this over for a moment, and asked, “Could they have expanded their fleet?”

The Maliri woman looked doubtful and tapped some commands into her armoured vambrace. She scrutinised the Armoured Cobras accounts again, and eventually said, “I don’t see any new purchases on their books, and the latest entries date from today.”

He looked over at Calara and asked, “Are the extra destroyers going to make a big difference?”

She shook her head, and said, “If Irillith is able to disable one of the cruisers, it should be no problem.”

John nodded, and asked Dana, “Can you bring up a map of the base?”

The redhead hesitated a moment and replied, “Yes, but only what we’ve picked up with the passive sensors. We’ll be able to see the general structures, but nothing in any detail without an active scan.”

He smiled at her and said, “That’s fine. We just need to confirm that the maintenance schematic Irillith has is current, and that they haven’t built anything new.”

Dana smiled up at him, and then tapped in a series of commands on her console, bringing up the planetary map. The section highlighted was in a rolling area, with rugged hills to the north, and flat plains to the south. The base itself was positioned on a raised plateau that was obviously artificial in construction, and the entire base was surrounded by ten-foot-high sturdy looking walls. There was one large structure in the centre, with a dozen smaller looking buildings dotted around the inside of the compound.

“That looks roughly the same to me,” John said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “Irillith, can you bring up your maintenance schematics for us to compare please.”

Irillith unclipped the holo-projector from her belt and placed it on the console in front of her. The light green architectural plans of the base floated above them, showing the various buildings with the names tagged next to them. The largest was their command centre, with a main generator, maintenance garage, and barracks the next largest buildings. Surrounding them were fuel stores, the armoury, a backup generator, orbital shield projector, and several storage units.

Jade’s sharp eyes spotted a discrepancy, and she pointed to over a dozen shapes rising skyward on Dana’s passive map, which didn’t appear on the original maintenance schematic. “They all look new, what are those metal spires?” she asked inquisitively.

Calara squinted at the holographic map, and eventually nodded saying, “Well spotted. Fixed emplacement Beam lasers. The bottom third of the barrel must be underground, but the other twenty metres are visible. They’ll be able to hit ships in orbit, so we’ll have to draw the defence fleet away from the base when we engage them.”

John pointed to the original schematic and said to Jade, “It looks like they’ve got Gatling laser nests placed evenly around the walls, and on the roof of the Command Centre. We’ll probably have to knock out the power to shut those down, before you can come and get us. With the amount they have, they’ll cut the Raptor to pieces otherwise.”

The Nymph tilted her head, looking up at the map, and nodded agreeably.

They spent a couple of hours watching activity on the base, studying the general movement of vehicles in the surrounding area. A couple of APC’s left to perform looping patrols around the plateau a couple of times, but other than that there wasn’t a great deal of activity. The highlight of their surveillance was the arrival of two civilian fuel haulage ships, that landed in the open drop zone in the northern part of the base. They waited patiently on site for thirty minutes, as their cargo was pumped into the base’s fuel reservoir.

Irillith looked up at John and made an exploding gesture with her hands, then shook her head as though disappointed. He couldn’t help laughing at that, and she grinned at him wickedly.

Night started to draw in on this part of the planet, and as the shadows started to lengthen, lights began to flicker on around the base. There were some floodlit areas, and the main buildings were all well lit, but there were plenty of places shrouded in darkness for them to creep around in.

“I think we’re going to miss the black armour for this mission,” John said ruefully.

Dana smiled at him and said, “Don’t worry, I gave our armour a quick lick of paint. It will chip and come off pretty quickly, but it should last long enough to help keep us concealed for tonight.”

Calara looked worried and said, “What if they have mag-view or thermal imaging on those gun turrets? You’ll stick out like a sore thumb!”

Dana said enthusiastically, “I’m working on counters for those in the new body armour, but that isn’t ready yet. I’ve fitted the Raptor with something that will help get us in there, but its effects will only last fifteen minutes at maximum, so we’ll have to move fast.”

John smiled at her, and said, “Come on, don’t leave us in suspense! What have you got planned?”

The redhead toyed with some thought for a moment before she shrugged and replied, “I was thinking of leaving it as a surprise, but it won’t be very impressive. I’ve rigged up a limited EMP device, which will send out a low powered EMP shockwave. I doubt anti-personnel turrets will be EMP shielded, and any bigger buildings that are, won’t be disturbed. Anyone manning the towers will probably assume they’ve had some kind of power outage, rather than their electronic targeting systems are being scrambled.”

“Very nice,” John said approvingly. He then glanced at the ship’s chronometer and added, “They’ll be sending out the night patrol in two hours, So if we leave then, we should arrive when they’re well clear of the base. Let’s have some dinner, then we can gear up and get ready.”

The girls nodded eagerly, and even Irillith was too keyed up for the coming fight to bother with game playing. Dana and Calara offered to stay on the bridge to keep watch, while the rest of the crew headed down to the Officers’ Lounge to prepare dinner. Irillith returned to her quarters, and briefly mused over the idea of looking for the tech repository, but realised she wouldn’t have enough time.

She had grown weary of preparing her own meals over the last several days, and was looking forward to someone else doing the hard work for a change. Besides, she quite enjoyed John’s company this afternoon, as he didn’t seem quite so uptight as normal. She hooked up her armoured vambrace to the hacking portal, and sent off a fresh AI sprite off to gather another set of video footage to review.

John cooked pulled pork for them that evening, with roasted potatoes and mixed vegetables. He had also prepared them a light and sweet tasting apple sauce to go with the pork, and when he brought out the gently roasted meat, there were appreciative murmurs at the enticing aroma. Irillith strode into the room a minute later, and sat in her chosen seat opposite John, over at the other end of the table. She glanced at him flirtatiously to make sure he was watching her when she made her entrance, but couldn’t be bothered to cause trouble, and they all tucked into dinner ravenously.

Glancing at his watch after they had eaten, John looked up at them and said, “It’s getting close to that time. We better get ready.”

Rachel and Dana rose with him, and Jade got up as well a moment later. “I’ll go prep the Raptor,” she said eagerly, as she followed them out of the room.

Alyssa glanced at Calara and Irillith, then smiled as she said, “Well ladies, time to make our way to the Bridge.”

The Latina and the Maliri woman nodded, then followed the blonde girl out of the lounge as they made their way up to the Command Deck.

“I’ll join you in a minute, I need my hacking deck,” Irillith said, and descended in the red glow of the grav-tube, while Alyssa and Calara stepped into the soft blue glow on the other side instead.

They waved her goodbye as she disappeared from sight, and after ascending in that soothing blue glow, they stepped out onto the Command Deck and walked over to take their places. Irillith rejoined them a couple of minutes later, just as John strolled out of the Briefing Room in his blackened body armour.

Calara gave him a playful frown and said, “I prefer you as my white knight.”

John laughed and said, “I’ll have to rescue my dusky damsel in distress when I get back.”

The Latina bit her lower lip coyly, and nodded at him eagerly. He looked up at Alyssa’s beautiful face, and saw the worry creasing her brow. He smiled at her and said, “Don’t worry, we’ll be back in no time.”

Alyssa frowned as she replied, “This is the first time I’ve let you go off on a mission without me. I want you to be careful, okay?”

He winked at her and said, “Hopefully you won’t get injured after this one! I’ve had enough of seeing you knocked out!”

“It’s not me I’m worried about,” the blonde girl said, but smiled at him regardless.

Seriously, be careful, she told him cautiously. Something doesn’t feel right, but I can’t put my finger on it.

John smiled at her confidently and said, We’ve got this, don’t worry!

He led Rachel and Dana over to the grav-tube, and they were about to step inside when Alyssa darted down the steps and gave him a tight hug. At least it would have been tight if he wasn’t wearing double plated body armour. Pulling off his helmet, he leaned down and gave her a kiss, then rubbed noses with her.

“Keep in touch,” he said softly. “You’ll be the one coordinating all of us.”

Alyssa looked up at him, and nodded earnestly, her bright cerulean eyes staring up at him intently. He suddenly remembered just how young she was, and how much responsibility he’d piled on her youthful shoulders. At eighteen years old, she was commanding a lethal, five-hundred-metre long warship, with enough firepower to level a small planetoid. Not only that, but he was relying on her to keep their team linked together via her extraordinary telepathic gifts.

You’re sweet to worry, but I’ll be fine, she told him bravely.

He looked at her soberly, his bravado gone for the moment, and said, “You stay safe up here.”

Nodding, she waved him farewell, then sighed as she watched him depart. He descended in the grav-tube, his face cast in a foreboding red glow as he dropped down out of sight. When she turned and walked back up the illuminated steps to the Command Podium, she saw Calara and Irillith watching her intently. The Latina looked worried and sympathetic, and if Alyssa hadn’t known better, she would have said the blue-skinned Maliri woman almost looked jealous.

“Let’s get ready then,” she told them resolutely. “We’ll have to be ready to strike if they get in any trouble.”

Calara nodded, and turned back to the holographic tactical map, studying the images intently. Irillith turned to face the brunette and asked, “You’re the Tactical Officer aren’t you?”

Surprised, Calara spun her chair to look at Irillith and replied, “Yes, that’s right. Why do you ask?”

The blue-skinned woman hesitated for a moment, then asked quizzically, “Can you provide me some more detail on those cruisers? The more I know about them the better.”

The brunette smiled and nodded, saying, “I can provide you generic design schematics for a Terran cruiser. They might have done some customisation work, so I can’t provide you accurate detail without an active scan.”

Irillith nodded curtly and said, “That will suffice.” She then looked down at her vambrace, activated the holographic panel, and focused on it intently as she began to tap commands into the interface. Compared to her normally abrasive tone and mannerisms, the Maliri woman had almost been polite.

Calara exchanged a wry smile with Alyssa, who raised an eyebrow, but didn’t comment.

Jade brought the Raptor down to the planet in a long, arcing descent, slowing their approach by carefully feathering the retro-thrusters. She managed to keep their energy signature to a bare minimum, so unless the Cobras had access to an incredibly sophisticated sensor array, she was confident they would remain undetectable.

The Nymph had powered off all extraneous systems, but she kept the sensors running on minimal power, to avoid any potential navigation mishaps. As they glided silently towards the base, she could see the outline of the perimeter walls, and the buildings within, highlighted in a green wireframe image. A column of heavy tanks had left the compound and were snaking their way off to the south, over the flat plains in that direction.

“There go the tanks,” she called out to the passengers seated behind her, and they craned their necks to see.

John stood, and walked over to her, placing his hand on her shoulder as he asked, “What’s our ETA?”

Jade glanced at the HUD, checking the gunship’s velocity, and said, “Just under two minutes. You should get into position.”

Dana stood up eagerly, and said, “Try and bring us over the north end of the compound. I’ll drop the EMP device near the wall, then you can bring us down when that section goes dark.”

Jade gave her a smile and a thumbs up sign, and the redhead walked out of the cockpit, with Rachel following close behind. John leaned down and planted an affectionate kiss on Jade’s head and said, “Take care, my lovely little Nymph. Remember, I have big plans for you, so no getting hurt!”

She looked up and grinned at him happily, then waved goodbye before he turned and walked out of the cockpit to catch up with the others.

We’re nearly in position, he thought to Alyssa as he dropped down in the grav-tube. Everything going alright up there?

We’re fine, just keeping an eye on things, the psychic blonde replied to him confidently. They did send out the destroyers in a couple of groups a few minutes ago, but it seems to just be a random patrol.

John looked thoughtful and said, It might be worth hitting the destroyers while they’re away from the planet. If the cruisers join the battle, you’ll have drawn them away from the beam lasers at the base.

Alyssa paused for a moment, before coming back to him and saying, Calara’s been thinking the same thing; that we should hit them while their forces are divided. We’ll get ready to strike as soon as you’ve escaped with the prisoners.

He walked into the rear of the ship, and found Dana kneeling on the floor next to a device no larger than his armoured fist, which was attached to a small platform. He could see what looked like a couple of anti-grav cyclics, but they were the Maliri version, which Dana had appropriated while on Geniya Space Station. The redhead pressed a button on the back of the platform, and it lifted off the ground, floating silently in the air.

Same as Three Square Meals
Chapter 50 - A showdown with the merc company, the Armoured Cobras! Videos

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Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kanavanuku theriyamal ilamaiyaana kaal kathalanai eppadi love seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar jaya vayathu 36 agugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan pinbu en kanavanuku vayathu 42 agugirathu. Naan santhoshamaaga thaan vaazhnthu vanthukondu irunthen, naan oru teacheraaga velai paarthu varugiren. Naan velai seiyum classku arugil oru veedu irukirathu, antha veetil oru...

4 years ago
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Theateril Auntyai Kaai Adithen

Hi friends, indru sex kathaiyil auntyai usar seithu eppadi matter adithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Seenu. Vayathu 21 aagugirathu. Naan ithu naal varai entha penaiyum sex seithathu kidaiyaathu. Naan engineering padithu varugiren, enathu nanbargal oru naal theaterku ennai azhaithaargal. Naangal neraga bar seithu saraku adithom, appozhuthu bagubali padam oodi kondu irunthathu. Naangal oru gramathil irukum theaterku sendru irunthom. Angu pothuvaga pengal athigam vara matargal,...

3 years ago
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The women were never anything more than merc

"I was 18 when I had my first girl working for me. I still remember her name: Karin.Pimping came easy to me because I knew everybody in the business. My stepfather was a notorious pimp in the north of Holland. He was a big guy and he used to beat me up badly. My mother was a prostitute, so I really grew up in the sex industry.Already as a young boy I was a kind of pimp. Every time I wanted an ice cream or needed new shoes, I waited until the johns came along.At first Karin had her doubts, but I...

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Rosie Robert a Merc

Also had the small stains on the passenger seat, made by cum dripping onto it, remained - happy memories of one day during a hot, in more ways than one, summers day a year ago. I had often travelled along the same road in the vain hope of finding them again, but to no avail. While in the area, I had discovered a fantastic little country inn overlooking a lake, which served fresh caught lobster straight from it. A couple of times each month during the summer, I had gone up there to enjoy a...

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Rosie Megs plus a Merc

As a driving instructor and examiner, I loved driving, and teaching people to drive - cars and motor bikes. I was out cruising, enjoying the drive and seeing the scenery all around me. The windows were down allowing a gentle breeze to blow through the car, keeping the temperature at a comfortable level. Ahead, I saw two small figures at the side of the road, thumbing a lift. I started to slow my Mercedes, a top of the range luxury model, having no qualms about picking up strangers and...

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Periya Suuthu Vaithu Irukum Thevidiyavai Oothen

Ippozhuthu naan kalluriyil iruthi aandu padithu varugiren, enathu peyar kamal vayathu 23. Naan niraiya vibachaarigalai panam koduthu oothu irukiren. Aanal en vaazhvile sexyaaga thevidiyaavai eppadi oothen enbathai intha il ungalidam solla aasai padugiren. Naan chennaiyil oru thaniyaar kalluriyil padithu varugiren. Vibachaara pathumaigal endraal enaku miga pidikum, athilum sexyaaga irukum pathumaigalai ooka manam kenjum. En veetil konjam pana vasathi irupathaal maathathirku 4 muraiyaavathu...

4 years ago
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Ilam Aanai Kanavanuku Theriyamal Oothen

Hi friends, en peyar Meenachi, vayathu 35 aagugirathu. Enaku iru pasangal irukiraargal, avargal schoolku sendru kondu irukiraargal. En kanavanuku 45 vayathu aagugirathu. Ippozhuthu ellam en kanavan ennai sex seivathe ilai naan eppozhuthum iravil en kanavna udan sex seiyalam endru ninaikum pozhuthu avar asanthu poi thungi vidugiraar. Intha vayathil thaan enaku athigamaaga moodu erugirathu, pengal 35 vayathil irunthu 40 vayathu varai thanga mudiyaatha kuthi aripu ear padum. Avargal athai...

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Ilam Aanai Kanavanuku Theriyamal Oothen

Hi friends, en peyar Meenachi, vayathu 35 aagugirathu. Enaku iru pasangal irukiraargal, avargal schoolku sendru kondu irukiraargal. En kanavanuku 45 vayathu aagugirathu. Ippozhuthu ellam en kanavan ennai sex seivathe ilai naan eppozhuthum iravil en kanavna udan sex seiyalam endru ninaikum pozhuthu avar asanthu poi thungi vidugiraar. Intha vayathil thaan enaku athigamaaga moodu erugirathu, pengal 35 vayathil irunthu 40 vayathu varai thanga mudiyaatha kuthi aripu ear padum. Avargal athai...

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Threes Company0

When the clock moved a few minutes passed the top of the hour, her vehicle rode up the incline, onto the parking pad, and I walked toward the door to greet her she walking in the door. To my surprise, another car was coming in behind her, and I watched as she moved to the back of her car to greet the visitor. She disappeared around the corner of the house, and I hesitated for a moment with wonder of the goings on. I reached for the knob, unlatching the door, and headed toward the side of the...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS12E19 Emma Withe 54 from Oakham

We fade in in the middle of a quiet street, in the low-rise central area of a small midlands town, with one and two story buildings around us. To one side, a long flat warehouse/factory type unit, stocking and fitting tyres for local drivers, to the other, the town’s train station. Looking like a traditional old station, but rebuilt fairly recently. There’s a small car park between us and the station, and it’s almost full. We watch as a car drives down the road toward us, then turns into the...

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Big fun withe the young bartender

So we went at a nice hotel in town, just a night away for a dinner and some fun. Away from home and the routine. We Rented a suite on the 10th floor and intended to just relax away the day and night We checked out the bar and took a seat in a leather ensconsed booth which was very cozy and private. I got a couple of drinks from, and made some small talk with the bartender. A nice guy about 25 yrs. old. It was early, about 4pm and we had the place to ourselves As I sat in our booth I noticed him...

5 years ago
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big black cock and maried withe woman

The third person I ever had sex with was my husband so you couldn’t call me promiscuous. I lost my virginity aged 18 during a drunken student party and I was not at all impressed with the whole sex thing. The second man came along two years later; he was my first long term love, well a few months anyway. Then there was Paul, we dated; we got engaged and eventually married. I didn’t know and didn’t care if our sex life was good or not, it was good enough for me. We had and still do have sex...

2 years ago
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For Blood or MoneyChapter 7 Showdown with Billie the Kid

I CAN’T THINK OF A WORSE PLACE to die than a hospital. So I tend to avoid them. I finally got myself out of bed Monday morning and looked in a mirror at the damage Davy the doorkeeper had done to my face Saturday night. I wasn’t much surprised when Riley drove me straight through the pelting rain to the hospital instead of to the office. “I don’t need to see a doctor. I just got punched in the face. It’s not like I had a heart incident or anything,” I complained. “Dag,” Riley said...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Lost With Nothing to Lose20 Showdown With an Emperor

‘We’re entering the Tandora system,’ Al announced. ‘Rollsqmarsh, remain in your current position. You’re safe from detection, but if you approach any closer, you’ll set off multiple alarms.’ ‘We’re not moving,’ he answered. ‘As usual, your advice has been spot on. During this entire trip, there hasn’t been a single complication. Remind me to never question your insights again.’ ‘Now that you mention it,’ Al teased, ‘next Tuesday at three you’re going to question how often I mangle your...

4 years ago
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Teresa Scalia Showdown at the Hoedown

Teresa Scalia found her way from the middle school auditorium to the principal's office. The debacle between Barbara Anderson and Michele Smithson had just concluded and Teresa wanted to check on her friend. Michelle had suffered a humiliating stripping and spanking at the hands of Barbara. Teresa tapped on the office door "Michelle are you in there? Are you all right?" "Yes Teresa. Are you alone?" Michelle answered. "I'm alone." said Teresa. "Okay, come in and close the door behind...

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Age I Of The United StatesChapter 18 Its getting close to a showdown

"This is a sad and sorry tale indeed. I must remember to treat women more kindly in future else risk suffering the same fate perhaps," said Gabrain, "I'm glad I persuaded you to allow me to visit Cruachan one last time before we left the Earth. I promised Mayla and Shaygan they would one day see the beauty of Dalriada and they fell in love with it. "It also allowed me to leave my letter close to the hydroelectric station where it would be found and delivered to my family. Leaving...

3 years ago
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Teresa Scalia Showdown in the Powder Room

Since Barbara's humiliation at the Renaissance Fair, Terri had regained her social stature in the community. She was soon back to her old ways of dealing with the other women in her circle. Rudeness, intimidation, and social climbing were the norm. Barbara, on the other hand, had retreated from social life. She kept a few close friends, but refrained from larger social gatherings. After all it was difficult to face the people who had witnessed her face down over Terri's lap, her dress...

4 years ago
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Azure and Crimson Magical Girls of Light Season 1Episode 9 The Showdown

Clap. ‘WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU’RE GOING TO GET US KILLED!’ The voice inside the mask screamed out in the Dark Trickster’s head, but the Trickster dismissed it with a simple thought, ‘I know what I’m doing.’ Clap. The Dark Trickster stepped out from the underbrush and continued slow clapping as he approached the entangled heroines. Clap. “Bravo, bravo, that was some of the best pornography ever produced if I don’t say so myself. Tell me, are you two professionals?” Crimson leapt up into a...

2 years ago
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Trixies Big Case Chapter 8 Showdown at Whiteboy Hotel

Chapter 8 Entrapment at Whiteboy Hotel Naked and sticky Agent Trixie Daniels woke in Monobo’s strong dark arms, the smell of sex and pussy filled the air as did the chirping of various songbirds. The morning sun was temporarily blotted out as Trixie’s big African companion bent down to kiss Trixie good morning, a gesture which she met with an open mouth and eager tongue. “Good morning, my white angel”, Monobo whispered to the naked white whore next to him, Trixie’s eyes opened and her hand...

3 years ago
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Showdown at Sunrise in Sunset

This here town, Sunset, would be a quiet, peaceful kinda place if it weren't for them Bickle Boys. Them Bickles is the meanest, nastiest bunch you ever seen. You know how some folks'll get testy when they been drinkin'? Them Bickle boys start out actin' ugly when they is still stone sober. An' after that, every shot they swaller jes' turns up the meanness another notch! There ain't never been no controllin' them four boys, nor their rascal hired hands, neither. We've had a whole mess...

5 years ago
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Road to a Showdown

It was actually a great night for a long drive in the country. The silvery moon was full and bright with just a sliver of clouds silhouetted against the lunar sphere for aesthetic effect. Glimmering shadows stretched across the rolling hills and valleys of the Wisconsin countryside and even at eighty miles an hour with the convertible top down, the evening air was warm against his face. Under different circumstances his photographer's eye would have viewed the picturesque setting with a...

3 years ago
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Depression SoupChapter 22 Showdown

A few nights after the set to with Herm Larkin I heard a loud hammering on the back door. I hurried to see who it was, Pa right behind me. The first thing I saw when I opened the back door was a glow in the southern sky. Next my eyes focused on our neighbor, Jake Emerson. He exclaimed, "It's the place your Pa bought you for a marriage present. Y'all's house an' th' barn an' all th' out buildings is ablaze." The first words out of Pa's mouth were, "Anybody hurt?" "Naw, my old...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 6 ShowdownSagara Sanosuke

Goheh (wearing a Sanosuke wig): "The legendary Hitokiri Battousai! The street fighter Zanza has been searching for a match like you!" It's been two weeks! Where is that rooster head? Kiheh: I can't believe he would get scared and run off. Goheh: "I'm just looking forward to the fight!" Heh, what a joke!-- Zanza (boxing his ears): You're the one joking! You keep up that weird copycat stuff and I'll hang you upside down. Kiheh: O-oh, Mr. Zanza. Where have you been? Zanza: The...

4 years ago
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YakimaChapter 4 Showdown

It took three weeks before we got a court date assigned, and that was for the end of September, seven weeks ahead. Seven more weeks that I was forced to live like a hermit in the cabin, visiting my son and daughter only on weekends. There was only so much I could do at work to keep me busy. That didn't help my attitude toward Reese. The resumption of the school year would add some new tasks to my schedule, but I had the feeling that Frank and gone to some lengths to take some of my workload...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 25 A Showdown of Strength

Yahiko: Hey, Kenshin. Is Sanosuke gonna be okay by himself? That patchwork guy looked pretty strong... Kenshin: Sano will be fine. He won't need any help. (they approach the ballroom) We're breaking in. Hold on! (back at the stairway) Shikijou: Feh. So you call the one entrusted as Keeper of the Castle Gate "third-rate"? It looks like all we've got to be proud of is our arms. A literal test of strength. Sanosuke: Great. Let's do it!! (They grapple. Shikijou drives Sanosuke up...

5 years ago
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Im Not LisaChapter 6 Showdown

It was Sunday afternoon, three days after my arrival, when my phone rang and I flipped it open to see who was calling. I didn't recognize the phone number or the area code, so I decided to answer it. "Hello?" "You mind tellin' me just what the hell you were doin' runnin' off?" I didn't have any doubt about the voice. "I decided to visit my family. I hadn't seen them in a long time." It was a carefully rehearsed lie that I had not expected to have to use quite this soon. "You...

2 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 17 Showdown

They all nodded yes and started to stand to head out. “Wait, everyone,” Lee said. “Stand over here with Sean and me. We will take you up, there is too many of us for the lift, and it’s quicker.” They all moved to stand near her. The wizards made sure everyone was touching and blinked them up to the diner. They all arrived in the diner safely. Unfortunately, they surprised the hell out of the eight soldiers who were covering the exits from the room. One of them reacted to a supposed threat...

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Barbed Wire ShowdownChapter 2

Dixie made sure that both of Manuela's sons were packing iron whenever they went to work on the outside. The Henry wasn't worth the effort because of the broken sight but it would be effective indoors where there was no time or need for lining up a sight at all. But she never found where her brother had stashed the extra ammo and all she could find was about a dozen or so rounds. She gave Pablo the Winchester because he told her he had never fired a handgun before. He seemed comfortable...

4 years ago
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Barbed Wire ShowdownChapter 3

They were pretty much all out to the fence watching Running Eagle put the finishing touches to the last section when the Anderson boys, Hector and Jethro came riding up along with their favorite cousin Butch riding a grey Appaloosa that looked like some kind of "Ghost" horse. The Indian took one look at that mount and started to chant under his breath like he was trying to ward off evil spirits. Dixie was not one much to taking to such foolishness but she noticed the rider Butch was one of...

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Barbed Wire ShowdownChapter 4

Manuela's oldest son Pablo was dismayed that the mistress had allowed the big gringo with the meanest looking horse he had ever seen take her out to the high grass and play with her boobs and probably worse. It was a shocking loss of dignity for his Madonna high on her pedestal with her long flowing hair and her curved body bouncing in the saddle. He had no right to tell her to do anything differently but he wanted to put her over his knee and show her how decent senoritas were disciplined...

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Barbed Wire ShowdownChapter 5

The very first sign of winter ending was the melting snow starting to run persistently down from the foothills as the snowdrifts started to break up. Dixie noticed a family of bears down by the river and that was a sure indication that the hibernation period was definitely over. The farm was fixing to put all four fields into production this spring. They had almost a dozen helpers now who had aligned with Sheriff Dixie and the rest of the sod-busters who fought to stay on their rightful...

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Barbed Wire ShowdownChapter 7

In the aftermath of the bloody shootout at the Rocking "R" spread, the townspeople came to the support of the settlers and they were welcome in every business and every home. The threat of the bullying range riders with their bushwhacking tactics was gone. The ordinary citizens could breathe easy again. The Marshal's office sent a territorial Marshal down to wind up the entire affair so it wouldn't do anything to hurt their chances of Statehood. Dixie was relieved of her duties as...

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Oval Office: Me: Madam President, how are you coming along at signing the bill that hit your desk this afternoon? You: I am a little reluctant to sign without fully understanding some of the boilerplate and technical jargon, yet I'm getting that oh so familiar itch. Me: That's highly inappropriate and besides, this desk has probably seen its fair share of christenings. Voters are looking forward to your speech you have been drafting up for tomorrow You: Well, maybe my chief of staff...

3 years ago
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Pulaski Square

Chapter One: Jaivon Johnson As I crossed the square from the Casimir Inn, on the south side of Pulaski Square, to the General’s Café on the north side, I shuddered as the big brute of a landscaper, Caleb, rose up from a flowerbed and glowered at me. He too? Would he too make me bend to his will as if by right?—not that I deserved better. But then I saw that he was looking beyond me, at Miz. Muriel standin’ at the service door of the hotel. Lookin’ at her like he’d like to eat her up. Still not...

4 years ago
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BONEHEAD SQUARE Upon my arrival, there didn’t seem to be a lot of activity, so I stayed at the counter and conversed with the clerk. Few words had fallen before I heard footsteps, looked to my right to get a visual on a man walking toward me from the area where I should have gone right away. The look of longing on his familiar and handsome face as he walked toward and then past me with a nod of acknowledgment told me I’d arrived too late to attend to the needs of his thick and uncut seven inch...

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Sharing my Wife Another Fun Square Dance

We had a square dance weekend planned in Baker City March twelfth. We’d had it planned for a long time, to go with our square dance friends, Jim and Joan. We’d made hotel reservations at the Best Western a month earlier for Saturday night for a room with two queen beds as we enjoyed sharing a room with them. We’d been friends with them long before we started our sexual odyssey and our relationship with them was purely platonic, other than a little sexual teasing. They had no idea of how we’d...

Wife Lovers
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Champions of the Square Dance

CHAMPIONS OF THE SQUARE DANCE By Annie James As he was about to pull their motorhome back onto the highway after gassing up at a truckstop John Heywood's concentration was interrupted by an exclamation from his wife. "Wait, John! We can't leave that poor hitchhiker just standing in the rain. He's only a boy." John halted the vehicle, leaned out his open window, and waved to the figure huddled under the shelter near the gas pumps. That person came running up to the side of the...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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Three Square MealsChapter 26 Dana works on his ship and Alyssa works on his body

Dana bounded out of the Invictus, leaving Alyssa and Jade behind her, as she hurried to meet up with High Councillor Rathus and the dozens of Ashanath engineers who were staring at her expectantly. She was surprised at her surging confidence, having previously hated being the centre of attention, especially when there were more than a handful of people watching her. Instead of feeling the familiar crippling fear of public speaking, she was eager to get started and speaking to everyone at...

4 years ago
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Chatham Square

Chapter One ‘I should have brought a newspaper or a book or something.’ Nearly unpacked, having already survived her first class at the Savannah College of Art and Design in the old Barnard School building across the square, and feeling the itch to get back to her dolls, Ginny had eschewed the thought of fixing her own breakfast of burned toast and weak coffee this morning and ventured out onto the square to William’s Café at the corner at West Taylor. The serious and mournful-looking young...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Thevidiya Aunty Vimalavai Oothen

Naan oru niruvanathi velai paarthu varugiren, en peyar vignesh vayathu 26, ippozhuthu kumbakonathil vasithu velai paarthu varugiren. En udan neraiya pengal velai paarthu varuvargal, aanal athil oru pen matum sexyaaga irupaal aval peyar meena vayathu 36 irukum. Ival oru kaama very pen eppozhuthum mulaiyai perthaaga kanbithu kondu irupaal. Ivalin mulaiyai paarthu mayangaatha aangale illai, avalavu sexyaaga irukum ivalin idupu sirithaaga irupathaal suuthu mulai sexyaga irukum. Ivalin udal vadivam...

4 years ago
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Thenai Marathil Saaithu Oothen

Vanakam. Enathu peyar Kathir vayathu 25 naan pudhukottaiyil vasithu varugiren enaku velinaatil 3 maathangaluku vellai paarthu vittu ippozhuthu sontha uuril irukiren enathu gramathil niraiya thopugal irukum angu niraiya thena marangalum irukum. Enathu gramathil azhagana ilam pengal niraiya irupaargal veedugal ondraaga irukum thopugal uurai thali irukum aanal anaivaru ingu vanthu kaathu vaanga aasai paduvar. Enathu veetil naan oruvarn mattum thaan ithuvarai naan 7 pengalai currect seithu oothu...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

3 years ago
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Daughters Incestuous Therapy 2 Therapists Incestuous Treatment

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Therapist's Incestuous Treatment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Session 12 with Mercedes Daniels I kissed my patient, Mercedes Daniels, with hunger, my body burning from telling her about my earlier romp with my husband. My brother. Clint had come in here and fucked me and my previous patient, a naughty mother I was guiding into seducing her son. Mercedes Daniels shuddered as I pressed atop her...

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Threes Company Scene 2

“Laura, why don’t you just eat a cunt!” Alyson blurted across the room. “You know what wench, why don’t you just eat me!” Laura retorted in the same shrill voice. “LADIES!!” Leo popped his head out of his door. “Why don’t you use your inside voices, and why don’t you cut the potty mouth talk. That really is enough.” Leo turned back into his own cage, and he slammed the door behind him. All of the women laughed in unison, even Dana, and they all got a good laugh from the tyraid. “Whore!” You...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Hooked At The Company HalloweenThemed Costume Party

“You should go as a sexy nurse,” one of my co-workers told me.“Yeah, and get fired,” I replied.We were chatting about our company Halloween-themed costume party. I had worked at Moore Construction for about a year- a small company of about 100 employees; mostly hormone-driven guys who wanted nothing more than to take a company secretary home.Sammy was my co-heart in crime and she always had my back. We both worked in the accounting department, so we knew just about everyone in the company, from...

4 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 57 New powers unlocked and upgraded armour unveiled

John pried the lid off the storage container, then stopped and stared distractedly at the glossy white block of Alyssium. His eyes picked up the sparkling silvery flecks in the otherwise unblemished surface, and he was entranced by the sparkling lustre, while his mind was pre-occupied with worrying thoughts. He heard footsteps behind him, and turned to see Alyssa and Jade walking over to his side. “She’ll be alright,” Alyssa said with a comforting smile. Jade nodded, and said buoyantly,...

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