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Chapter One: Jaivon Johnson

As I crossed the square from the Casimir Inn, on the south side of Pulaski Square, to the General’s Café on the north side, I shuddered as the big brute of a landscaper, Caleb, rose up from a flowerbed and glowered at me. He too? Would he too make me bend to his will as if by right?—not that I deserved better. But then I saw that he was looking beyond me, at Miz. Muriel standin’ at the service door of the hotel. Lookin’ at her like he’d like to eat her up. Still not a healthy thing to do in Savannah, a black man lusting after a married white woman.

That might be unfair, though, I thought. Caleb’s thing for Miz. Muriel seemed from affection for the goodness of her—a wish to protect—thing. Miz. Muriel was good to everybody—even to the likes of Caleb and me. But the look caused me to shiver. He had the body of a god, workin’ on the beds in Savannah’s Pulaski Square day in and day out. If I had a choice of the man I was to lay under . . .

Everything in the square was just so—a world unto itself. And it all fittin’ in with the Polish general the square was named after. General Casimir Pulaski, the Revolutionary War hero who fell in the battle to snatch Savannah back from the British in 1779. The inn’s name came from the man’s first name, the café’s name from his rank. Flankin’ both on the north and south sides of the square were row houses, some now turned into apartment blocks, mostly owned or rented by people havin’ somethin’ to do with the Savannah College of Art and Design, the main part bein’ only two blocks away to the east. This helped make the people of the square both arty and eclectic. They’s all—well, most of ’em—more free with themselves and open with pleasurin’ themselves than most people are.

Maybe all this art and expressing themselves stuff made them a bit more, shall we say passionate, to make it seem less randy, than most folks were. They certainly was game for bein’ open and not a bit shy and doin’ what some other folks wouldn’t have the guts to do. Mas. Terrence, his term for the lot of them was that they was fools. Well, if they was, so was he in this pleasurin’ hisself bizness. Nobody knowed that better’n me.

The east and west sides of the square were dominated by the mansions of agin’ white folk from moldering Savannah families that, rumors had it, went back to before General Pulaski was born. Now the two mansions glowered at each other, each possessed by a sole stiff-backed resident. They also glowered at each other from the two sides of the square, not havin’ spoken a word to each other except through clinched teeth since they had divorced a good thirty years ago.

That said, both still had their teeth. They’d both aged well—probably from stubbornness, both of them.

Although Miz. Emily, livin’ in the heap to the east, scared the bijezus out of me, it was Mas. Terrence, from the pile on the west, who possessed me and reminded me daily of the low worth of a young black man of little education in Savannah even in the twenty-first century. Mr. Martin, who owned and managed the Casimir Inn and who employed me as a porter and doeverything, wasn’t like that, nor was his sister, Miz. Muriel, head housekeeper. ‘Course, as far as Mas. Terrance and Miz. Emily stood, they both was too tainted themselves—on account of Leo—to have the true Savannah attitude on that.

It was Leo I was goin’ to now, going straight across the square from south to north, tryin’ to stay out of Caleb’s reach, just in case, as I moved—the people loiterin’ in the square today not even noticin’ me go by, not even lookin’ at me, treatin’ me like I wasn’t even there. But then it was my place in life to not be there until someone wanted to use me.

Leo, Leo Tinley—I think I was the only one from the square who knew him by another name, another life as well—was standing at the host’s desk at the café—in the open-air section, where folks now were congregatin’, the Savannah weather having fooled us all again that summer had come in early April. Leo was the one I’d come to see—for the breakfast rolls and such for the inn the next day—but when I saddled up to him, it wasn’t me he was lookin’ at. Mr. Martin was passing by the café from downtown on his way back to the inn. As always, though—the two fools—Leo made like he was going to say somethin’ to Mr. Martin, even coming a step away from the host’s podium, but he hesitated too long, and after a glance his way, Mr. Martin turned his head and marched faster past the entrance into the café, crossing the street, his expression set and focused on the inn across the square.

If only the two wasn’t so pigheaded—especially Mr. Martin, who was so reasonable in all other ways. Sometimes I’d hear Miz. Muriel workin’ on him about Leo, but he’d have nothin’ to do with it. It was the twenty-first century. Those folks should be able to get past that, to my thinkin’. None of the three of them had caused the hurt between them to begin with. They all three was innocent of that hanky-panky.

But what was I thinkin’, lettin’ the nineteenth century rule me as well? That’s what Miz. Muriel would say to me sometimes when I said I had to leave work for a while because either Mas. Terrence or Leo wanted me. Somethin’ in my face, I guess, gave away what they wanted me for. She’d say I didn’t give myself enough credit. I was being a fool, she said, but the sad smile she made when she said it kept the ‘fool’ from stingin’ so much. She said I didn’t need to sell myself to other men like that if I didn’t want to.

It weren’t exactly sellin’, though. The two of them just took what they wanted. They didn’t pay me or nothin’.

How could I tell her that, on some level, I wanted to—even that I went all aflutter when I saw the big, black bruiser Caleb Freeman workin’ on the landscaping out in the square, all shirtless and muscles. I wanted Caleb too, but he don’t bend that way.

I couldn’t really help myself. But then maybe the fool part she was talkin’ about was in just goin’ with who called me to their need—not pickin’ and choosin’ for myself. Truth be known, though, I’d probably choose someone cruel like Caleb. Not that he’d call, I didn’t think, as much as he was takin’ from the women hereabouts—all being pleased as punch to give to him, as far as I could see. Even some that would surprise the hell out of some folks. Not Miz. Muriel, there, and there’s the rub that made Caleb a fool. With all that he could readily get, still he pined after a married white women, still married even if her husband ain’t been seen around here in a pack of months.

And as far as Miz. Muriel was concerned, she had her hand in on the fool bizness her own self, if you asked me. I knew it, because I had to pick up medicines and such for her—and I did much of the cleanin’ around the staff areas of the inn. I don’t know why she just didn’t tell folks—especially her brother, Mr. Martin, why she was gittin’ so draggy—and why her husband, Buddy Roberts, was off in Memphis playin’ his saxophone every hour of the day he could get gigs. I don’t know why she let folks in the square gossip that he’d walked out on her for good—although maybe he has. What do I, an unlearned black porter in a small hotel, know about such things among the white folks?

But here I was, entering the café, already being guided by Leo’s wavin’ hand toward the shadows of the café, away from the patrons—all of who I knew by name, livin’ on the square just like they did—to wait for what I came for. The folks sittin’ in the middle, the younger people, most who worked at the art college—SCAD—briefly nodded to me in passing. It was the old-family royalty of the square who gave me no mind—putting me in my place.

Just like the houses they moldered in in the square, Miz. Emily Goodwin sat at one end of the café, with a gaggle of the elderly widows living in the row houses or apartment blocks made out of row houses—the little world of Savannah
matrons Miz. Emily lorded it over. Meanwhile, sittin’ at the other end, looking out toward the square and so self-important that he looked at no one else—other than Caleb, as, shirtless, the muscular black hunk worked the soil of General Pulaski’s square—Mas. Terrence Rowland was lost in a world of his own.

It was the middle ground that gave me some hope—although I knew, or could see, the problems and foolishness that trapped these folks too. The two young blonde SCAD students who always seemed to be here at the café rather than in class, were there. Of course, the older one, Miz. Tracy, was doin’ all she could to look like the younger, fizzy one, Miz. Donna, and mooning over Miz. Donna so obviously—without Miz. Donna, havin’ much goin’ on in her brain that I could see—not seeming to have any idea that Miz. Tracy wanted to be more than just friends. I had never seen one without the other, and, with each passing day, Miz. Tracy was lookin’ so much like Miz. Donna, that I expected to see her disappear into the younger woman at any moment. I sort of thought that was what Miz. Tracy was hopin’ for, though.

Then there were the newest residents of the square. Two lovers, or so some—not necessarily me—would think. Mr. Mark and Miz. Kathy. As I heard it, both came down from Richmond way together to teach at SCAD—Miz. Kathy right away in the fine arts department and Mr. Mark by the summer in textiles. They had moved into the row house, made into apartments, right next door to the café to the west. They lived on the second floor, and the two SCAD blonde students on the third. The other woman sitting with them—and doin’ a good job of disappearing into the landscape without the others noticin’ her much, Miz. Olive, lived on the first floor. She was a librarian at the SCAD art library. She had her eyes boring into the back of Mas. Rowland’s head in unmistakable worship. That had fool’s errand writ all over it, as I well could have told her. Not that I would.

Talk about a woman pining after somethin’ she’d never had and only dreamed about, which was kinda funny on a square like this where the sexy business was just below the crusty surface. No telling who was doin’ who this week.

Anyhow, although Mr. Mark and Miz. Kathy had come here together and were livin’ together, I could see there was some foolishness in that as well—and, for the life of me, I couldn’t see why others couldn’t see it, although maybe it was just because I was a nobody fly on the pillar that I could see what was what when other, more important—or more self-important—folks couldn’t. Miz. Kathy was almost as attentive to the scatterbrained Miz. Donna as Miz. Donna’s shadow, Miz. Tracy was—but I saw the looks she gave Miz. Tracy too. And Mr. Mark’s mind was off somewhere else entirely, as if the man was struggling hard with something. The furtive looks I saw him give Leo, though, a fine figure of a half black and half white man, having gotten the best attributes of each race, screamed at me, if at no one else.

‘Course I had more reason than the next person to know all about those looks.

The folks in the middle were talkin’ about Miz. Muriel, who they had seen at the door of the inn across the square. The newcomers, Mr. Mark and Miz. Kathy, seems as how they hadn’t seen her before, and Miz. Tracy, with Miz. Donna’s head wagging in agreement, had said what she did in the square—it was a close-knit community in Pulaski Square—and everyone soon learned who everyone else was and what they did.

And everybody got into everybody else’s bizness. No surprise there. This was the South. This was Savannah.

‘That’s Martin Lewis’ sister, Muriel Roberts,’ Miz. Tracy said. ‘He’s the owner of the inn across the square—you saw him pass by just now, I’m sure.’

‘He’s a dreamboat,’ Miz. Donna said, her own voice showing dreamy.

‘She used to take coffee with us here regularly, Muriel did,’ Miz. Tracy said. ‘Don’t know why she stopped, though. She hasn’t been around in a while. Maybe it’s her husband. He plays the sax. Used to work in the clubs downtown—some of those drag queen clubs, I think. He’s been gone for a while, though. I heard he went to Memphis or something.’

‘She’s looking ill,’ Miz. Olive said, and the other heads at the clutch of café tables in the middle swung toward her table as if they only now knew that the quiet, mousey SCAD librarian, Olive Odom, was sitting among them. ‘Maybe she’s pining away for her philandering husband,’ Miz. Olive continued. ‘Romantic and sad at the same time. She’s always been the one to help others deal with their ills. Now it looks like she’s the one with the problems.’

‘Or maybe if you people took the time to really look, you’d see that the illness goes beyond a husband problem and that we should be doing something about it.’ The rough, baritone voice cut through the softer conversation that had been transpiring. We all, including Mas. Terrence, looked about to see who had intruded so cuttingly into the café atmosphere. Caleb Freeman stood at the entrance into the outdoor café, shirt on now, obviously intending on entering the café, when he’d overheard the conversation about Miz. Muriel.

‘We?’ Miz. Emily snorted, obviously excluding the black gardener from the world of the square that he worked in the center of day after day. She dismissively turned back to her group of matrons—but not as quickly as the square’s patriarch, Mas. Terrence, had done with a snort that had matched hers.

‘What do you mean?’ Miz. Tracy said, as she turned to Caleb. All the others were lookin’ at him too now, but with somewhat different expressions. All of the center group, other than Miz. Tracy, were looking with an eye of assessment and appreciation that I well knew, though. To my knowledge Caleb hadn’t plowed through the set of women sittin’ in the middle tables here yet, but I wouldn’t put it past him to do so sometime soon—and to be welcomed by most, if not all. Probably not by that Miz. Tracy, at least. I couldn’t see her wantin’ any man to put his hands on her.

‘Open your eyes and you would see,’ Caleb said, his voice belligerent, as he entered the café.

Miz. Emily turned and gave Leo a sharp look. Catching the signal, Leo came forward, laid a hind on Caleb’s forearm, and guided him through the outdoor section into the interior of the café, usually only in use in the short winter months. As they passed me, I heard Leo ask Caleb to explain what he meant about Miz. Muriel.

Was I the only one who knew what he meant about Miz. Muriel? Were all the others so self-possessed and steeped in their own foolishnesses that they didn’t know? Apparently so, as the conversations at the outdoor café had already turned to other subjects.

My attention went to Mas. Terrence, who was giving me the eye—that eye. He stood and strode out of the café, not looking left or right, marching directly toward his forbidding mansion on the west end of the square. The pastries I’d come for arrived, with Leo reminding me I was to come to him at Club Copa, down near the Savannah riverfront, late that evening. I had to hotfoot it back to the inn to deliver the pastries and then back over to the west end of the square to avoid a scolding.

Mas. Terrence didn’t like to be kept waiting.

I let myself into the dark house with my own key and went up the wide black oak staircase to the second floor, knowing where he would be waitin’ for me. I lay with the small of my back on the end of his massive mahogany bed and opened my legs to him, as he came out of his bathroom, opened his robe, and let it flutter to the carpeted floor. I might as well have been any other hole around. He took his pleasure with me quickly and left me layin’ there to finish myself all by myself.

* * * *

As was often the case, Leo’s dresser at the Club Copa had the night off, so I was there to help him to prepare to go on stage as April Fools, the delight of the drag show that went on at the club. That’s where
Leo ruled nightly—as the drag queen April Fools, with the sultry walk and voice, just as he ruled the General Café on Pulaski Square during the day, where, known to only a few of us, he didn’t just hold down the café’s host’s desk, but he also owned the café, through his black mother, willed to her by his white father, who had willed the Casimir Inn across Pulaski Square to his white son and daughter, Martin Lewis and Muriel Roberts.

As I dressed April in her tight evening dress and helped her with her makeup and gettin’ her wig on straight, she asked me about Miz. Muriel.

‘What do you know of Muriel Roberts being ill? You work there with her.’

‘She wouldn’t want me to tell you,’ I said.

‘Nonetheless you will tell me,’ April said, clasping my forearm in a strong claw. ‘You know she’s my half sister. If she has a problem, I need to know it. You know Martin would never tell me.’

In this case, Mr. Martin doesn’t know either, I thought. But I held my tongue on that.

‘Caleb said she’s ill,’ April continued. ‘He couldn’t tell me the specific problem.’

‘I wonder how Caleb knows anything,’ I said evasively, playing for time.

‘Caleb and Muriel’s husband are—or were—close. Buddy Roberts must have told Caleb something about it and Caleb has been worrying about it. He pines for Muriel, I know. Although why he does, with all of the other women he could have, is beyond me. So, tell me. You come and go over at the inn without anyone noticing you are there. What have you overheard?’

Of course, I thought, it was because of the invisible me that April assumed I would know somethin’. ‘Miz. Muriel couldn’t possibly regard me enough to confide in me,’ I said. ‘I’m just that little black hotel porter you only see when you want somethin’ I can give you.’

‘Don’t try to tell me you don’t want to give me what you do,’ Leo’s voice was sharp.

‘Yas, sir,’ I conceded. ‘Don’t mean I know ever’thing that goes on in that inn.’

I looked up in the mirror over the dressing table to see if my nose had grown. Truth was, I was about the only one Miz. Muriel would confide in. There was no reason for Leo to know—much less his other self, April. But then he’s her half brother, I thought, and something should happen to bring this screwed up family—and they are family no matter what Mr. Martin thinks—together. They share a father.

‘Miz. Roberts needs a new kidney,’ I blurted out. There, I’d said it. I’m sorry, Miz. Roberts, but you are a fool yourself for not sharing this with family—not even telling Mr. Martin. You are putting your faith in your husband earnin’ enough money down in Memphis to pay for what you need, but you need it sooner than he’s appearing and you need lots more than he ever could earn. And he may never come back.

‘Miz. Roberts’ husband is off in Memphis, where he says they pay more for musicians and have more work, and she thinks he’s workin’ his butt off to earn enough money to get her a new kidney on the sly. But she looks more and more ill every day. She be a fine lady. Somethin’ needs to be—’

‘Thanks for telling me, Jaivon,’ April said, taking her claws out of my arm and patting it. ‘I appreciate it. Now, I hear Juliet’s song half through, help me get this wig straight. It’s time for me to go on. And don’t you leave, now. I’ll need help getting undressed.’

And not only that, I thought. But I stayed. April never left me to finish myself.

As always, she came off the stage all keyed up and euphoric over her time in another world, as April Fools, what she called a chanteuse, whatever that is. I just think of it as horny, because when she comes back this way, with the applause following her from the stage, I know there’s one thing she wants.

She doesn’t even undress. She always wants me this way—her dressed to the nines as a handsome woman and me naked as a jail bird. When she came back, she just bent me belly over her dressing table, lifted the front of her skirts, freed that big, hard old dick of hers, slid it inside my ass, and gave me the pounding of a lifetime—bigger, thicker, pumping harder than Mas. Terrence could manage.

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When Leah came home from work she casually looked across the street. Brenda was so busy with the new baby, she wondered when she ever got time for herself. Shawn was always gone. When did they ever get time together? Brenda was a beautiful 36 year old house wife. She was about 5'10, and still a size 8 after 2 kids. And not to mention, those 34DDD tits she was sporting. Leah had bought this house about 3 years ago and never even saw so much as a kiss between the two of them. Leah gathered that...

1 year ago
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Taboo IslandChapter 2

Grace went to look for Walter and saw him sitting on the rocks near the ships wreckage. She walked over and paused behind him. Silently she took off her clothes and then sat on his lap. She saw a small smile crease his lips when he realized that she was naked, but he didn't say anything. They were silent for a long time, staring out at the sea. Finally Walter spoke. "The last of the ship is being washed out to sea with every tide," he said idly as if he was talking to himself. "We have...

3 years ago
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Boning sr mf teens boss semicons

Boning s****r By SpectreOfHell Sometimes events don’t work out the way you pictured in your head. Like when my s****r Toni came home from her date two weeks ago. Being a year younger than her, I’d always kinda looked up to her. At 16 she was trying her best to break out of her niche as a nerdy girl, but if you remember high school at all you know that was impossible. People saw her as a chubby pale girl with glasses and braces who was smart and made good grades, and no amount of new clothes...

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A Unique Relationship Prologue

 I would occasionally babysit for the couple across the street. Just into their forties they had two kids in elementary school. They lived in a very nice house with pool and all, and they drove very nice cars. They got divorced one summer. I had just turned 19 and was attending a community college only a few minutes from my house. I still would babysit for my neighbor, Lori, from time to time, because the money was easy and plentiful. Lori is in her early forties, but she doesn't look a day...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 54 The Waiting Is the Hardest Part

July, 1985, Chicago, Illinois On the way into the house, I got the mail from the mailbox and found a letter from Jessica. I opened it and read it right away. Like the previous one, it was short and to the point, telling me about the long days, the desperate conditions, and the abject poverty of the people. She was spending most of her time changing dressings, sweeping floors, and washing instruments. I put the letter on my desk to answer on Sunday morning. Despite the late hour, I told the...

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NubileFilms Taylor Sands Tiffany Tatum Lesbian Romance

Taylor Sands and Tiffany Tatum sit together in front of the fireplace, each of them smiling and shy. They explore one another with slow movements, gradually exposing each other’s breasts and hard nipples. Scooting closer, Tiffany leans in to capture Taylor’s lips in a passionate kiss. Rising to her feet, Tiffany sheds her shorts and smiles as Taylor reaches up to caress her bottom that is hugged by a thong. When she drops down to her knees and relieves Taylor of her shorts, Tiffany...

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Wife with past

Introduction: Just a little fun writing. I stumbled on the web site while surfing one day. It was titled amateur xxx beta tapes. Seems that someone had developed a site for downloads of some of the first videos made on the old Sony Beta-Max format. Most of them were grainy and definitely poor in both action and the quality of the women performing in them. One however was really amazing in both quality of the tape and the beauty of one of the women that was performing on the tape. The reason...

3 years ago
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TalentChapter the Sixteenth Allies

Aiden and his brother found me in an almost catatonic state. They had to pry my fingers from the steering wheel and nearly carry me to their truck. We didn't speak much on the way to his farmhouse and upon arrival, they just let me sit for a while before starting. I was almost tearful with relief to have found someone who seemed to know at least a little about what was going on and gladly agreed to answer their questions. They were very insistent that I tell them the complete details of my...

3 years ago
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Sweet Christine a Sexual VoyageChapter 3

Heather took to being naked most of the time, and the two of us did too. It was weird, yet became normal. Cocks swinging around the place, furry groins on display, Heather’s firm little tits bouncing as she walked, the damp tropical sea air. Heather sucked Mike off daily, but not always in one event. She’d give him a little fondle, a hug and a kiss, maybe go down on him for a minute, then move away. He’d just grin, stroke himself a few times, and then let his hardon slowly deflate. She...

1 year ago
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California Central Valley Summer HeatChapter 8 Late Night in the Garden

HOT, EVEN IN the shade in our backyard, where Sam and I were lying side-by-side on our backs under the big tree. I felt my t-shirt sticking in back, even in the shade. Left the clouds on their own for a moment, opened my eyes, and turned to look at Sam. I wanted to lick those little drops of sweat off of her upper lip. I closed my eyes again, but I could hear the smile in Sam’s voice. “Go ahead, Buddy.” I turned on my side. Salty, warm sweat, and my tongue liked every little drop. Then my...

2 years ago
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SisterInLaws Thong

It all began with several phone conversations with my newly divorced sister-in-law, Deedee. She would call and ask my opinion about different guys she'd met and before long our conversations turned sexual. We would talk about different things that turned each of us on. For example, Deedee likes sex best from behind, doggy-style and I am turned on by a fine heart shaped ass and also like that position the most, so we found we had similar turn-ons. Our conversations continued to get more and more...

3 years ago
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The new conundrum II

THE NEW CONUNDRUM II Surrounded by six-woman that have just wasted their evening, possibly witnessed the downfall of womens' high standing, Mrs. Breckenridge seems lost in her thoughts. Shaking her head in quiet disbelief, she heads to the kitchen as if no one is in her presence. The surreal happenstance has overridden her need to maintain cultural pleasantries. Under the influence of strong drink, her child and his best mate have just constituted a joining contract. Forget the...

3 years ago
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Thomas sighed as he sat at his computer. He loved that his parents left him the run of the house. It was nice. It gave him time to think. Emily was still in her depressed stupor. Haley was being the nice little sister that Joey expected her to be. And Felicia wasn't talking to anyone. Things were better. Just as Thomas was about to turn off his computer and take a nap, Emily walked by his door. She was wearing a long black t-shirt and no pants. He licked his lips and followed her. Once...

3 years ago
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Bus Rider Ch 02

She caught my hand and began to lead me to the back of the bus. I followed her wondering what was going on till we got to the very last row. I was kind of surprised as she unzipped my jeans and reached into play with my cock. A quick little shove and I was sitting in the last row. I looked up into her face expecting to see nothing but sheer naked lust. I was surprised however when I saw something more. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised I was already pretty sure I was in love and that...

2 years ago
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The Captive

Footfalls sounded on the stone steps, and a knock at the door turned him around. “Come,” he said in a deep, commanding voice. The soldier opened the iron bound wooden door and stepped inside. He braced to attention and clapped his fist over his chest in salute. “Forgive the intrusion, Sire, but we have brought the prisoner per your orders.” “Thank you, Sergeant. Bring her in.” The sergeant nodded and turned toward the door. “Bring her.” “Take your damned hands off me!” A pair of burly...

4 years ago
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Corys Heart

It had been a rotten day at school. The heat of the approaching summer didn't help my rotten disposition one little bit, either. Not only had my teachers been on my case for every little nit-picky thing that week, but my girlfriend was also being worse than her usual bitchy self. After almost two weeks of her current attitude, I was getting really tired of it. I wondered if Brianna had the faintest idea of how close we were to breaking up. For that matter, I wondered if she even...

1 year ago
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From Salesman to Secretary Part 4

Chapter 7: 6 months later. It had been 6 months since Emilia had stopped working at the office. She was sat in the car park checking her lipstick in the mirror. She hadn't gone back there since she left, life had gotten busy for her, but she thought it was time she paid a visit. As she got out of the elevator and entered the office she was greeted by a familiar and wonderful sight, James was typing away at his desk. Of course, it was the secretary's desk right at the front of the...

4 years ago
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The HoneymoonChapter 4

She awoke to soft light and the tweeting of birds. Their hotel room was facing the wrong way to see the dawn, but she could see flickers of motion outside: birds hopping around, some people down on the beach in the blue pre-dawn, and even the roll and drag of the waves outside. Their bedroom had a balcony, and she realized they had never used it. Gently she disengaged herself from her husband's arms (noting in passing his erection nestled between her legs—why was he erect now, while...

1 year ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 29

I dried off and dressed. Black slacks, a shirt with buttons, if there were belts and shoes I might have looked good enough to serve coffee in an office. The girls fared better. They had dresses, blouses, attempts at class. There were no laces or sashes by which we could asphyxiate ourselves. “I thought black guys were supposed to be really big,” Marin did not need to enunciate that. She was saying, “Oh, he’s just another Dean.” An under the breath mumble, that’s all it would’ve taken....

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I Dream of Demie 6 A Midsummer Nights Scream

--- I Dream of Demie 6 - A Midsummer Night's Scream (MFF, MF, bi, cons, magic, oral, impreg?) by Krosis of the Collective --- A week ago... Siobhan barreled out of the house, leaving the front door open. She held her arm where her stepdad had yanked on it. That had hurt! After a block the auburn haired girl rounded a corner and leaned back against a fence, breathing heavily and holding back tears. Her stepdad's attitude toward her was getting worse, and she was afraid...

3 years ago
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A Bottle of Wine

God, my head hurt. I was having such a hard time thinking straight. Everything hurt, not just my head, but that was definitely number one on the list. I couldn’t remember where I was, how I’d gotten here. Why did everything look so familiar? This wasn’t my stuff. So why did I recognize it? Think, Justin. Retrace your steps. What do you remember? The weekend. It had been the weekend. Yes. Ssssssunday night? Yeah, that sounded right. Something about… a special occasion? Not a happy...

1 year ago
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Me and Billy and a crazy doctor

DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE NOT INTO WEIRD THINGS HI my name Is Mat. I was a student In middle school and was on my spring break when this happened to me. It started on a Saturday morning and my mother told me to wake up because I was not going to sleep all day. She suggested I ride my bike since It was the first warm day we have had this year. I got up and took a quick shower and went to the garage to get my bike down off the rack. I noticed the back tire was flat but my father had...

4 years ago
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A Night with the EX

I was invited out to a party one night by some old friends and decided to go even tho I would be attending alone. My latest beau and I had parted company about a month before but I was tired of staying home just because I didn’t have a date. When I arrived , I discovered that they had invited my ex-husband Sam as well. I think they expected us to both show up with someone else but interestingly enough, he was also by himself. I had to be honest as I thought he was looking pretty good. I had put...

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My name is Martin Blackshaw. I am sixty four years of age and a retired long distance driver. It all seems so long ago now, but the details are as sharp in my mind as they were at the time. My wife Susan and I were both in our late thirties and regularly took packaged holidays to Spain. We often saw the signs for nudist beaches as we passed in a car or bus. I suggested going to see what they were like every time, but Susan hastily declined the idea on each occasion without giving it any...

3 years ago
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Me Kemo SabeChapter 3

Melanie was there getting dinner. "Have you eaten?" "Not yet. I'm just here to get more of my stuff. I left some things being washed and I'll need them before the week is out." "I couldn't sleep last night so I finished them and put them into your bureau. I have spaghetti with canned sauce. There is more than I will eat. I will heat up the rest of the garlic bread too. You might as well eat with me." I shrugged my shoulders and sat down. "Brad, are you really going to divorce me?...

4 years ago
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How to Give the Perfect Hand Job

Sex means more than intercourse; exploring all the different variations enhances your sex life and keeps it from getting stale. Masturbating your partner can be very exciting for both of you. So read on and learn how to let your fingers do the walking.Mutual masturbation can be a thrilling experience, but first, we need to study the basics of manual technique. Most men feel women aren't skilled at handling penises. Their grips are too limp, lacking conviction and exuberance. They seem afraid to...

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Adventures Of Sarah 8211 Part 2

DISCLAIMER: This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the sex story are fictional. I suggest you read the previous parts of this series in order to keep up with the plot. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated (). This story is the second instalment of the series. Here I will narrate how Paul helped me explore my sexuality and fucked me in the most amazing way. Chapter 2: The next morning, we both woke up in each other’s arms, completely naked. I slept...

2 years ago
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I Was Sitting in the Bar on a Monday NightChapter 10

“So, what did you have to do?” “I had to take care of my father,” she said. “What?” “I had to finish what you started tonight.” “What did you do to him?” “I finished him off.” She looked straight into my eyes and the shock of the potential meaning of her words chilled me. “Kendi, you need to explain that.” “I will.” “You didn’t hurt him, did you?” “No! What did you think I did, stand on his air hose?” She gave me a sly smile. “You sounded kind of cold-hearted towards him today. I...

3 years ago
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My First Encounter with Kat

I moved into my place about 12 years ago and became quick friends with all of my new neighbors, most of who had young kids that I have had the pleasure of watching grow up. The oldest of the kids was Kat who is now 23 and what can I say but she has grown into an amazingly beautiful young woman. She is about 5’ 10” with long brownish red hair and a perfect body that I attribute to her long dance career. As Kat got older I began to notice what a beautiful young woman she had become. We would talk...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Hot weekend part 1

It was the hottest day of the year so far. We could only bear to stay on the beach for about half an hour at a time. The sea was a welcome refresher and helped wash the sweat from our bodies. We’d all been friends for years, grown up together and been through school together. Anne and I had tried to be a couple once or twice but jeopardising our friendship was just not worth it. Kym and Anne had had most of their classes together and helped each other out with studying. It was no surprise that...

2 years ago
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Getting even

By now you all know my wife Kat and my story this however is very different about two weeks ago I ran into one of Kat's girls that we haven't seen in awhile, seems her and her husband had moved and were trying to get close again. She had her sister in law with her and when we seen each other we huged and kissed and felt her up and she rubed my dick then remembered the sister in law and begged for forgiveness. I went home and told Kat who called to see if things were alright and was informed yes...

1 year ago
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Final Decision

Final Request We had been living together for 6 months. Things were great. Our sex life had been wonderful. We were willing to try just about anything. Brittany always was willing to dress as I requested. I loved to have her in 4" heels, garter belt and nylons. A short skirt with a belly shirt to show off her flat tight stomach. At night she always wore sexy lingerie. Brittany is 5"6, 110 pounds, 36C 22 34. Her legs are to die for and her long blond hair finishes the perfect...

2 years ago
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The Angel the Old Man

The cry of a raven wakes me, and I find myself in a bleak forest. By the smell in the air, bare trees and the layer of frost, it must be mid fall. Trying to sit up, a dull ache rushes to behind my eyes and my right shoulder. Managing to roll just before collapsing back to mother earth. A second attempt allows me to stand, and now on uneasy legs I gather my meager belongings and my sword. Finding my way along a treeline, under a cold and grey sky, I peer out over what I’m sure was once a wheat...

1 year ago
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Part 2 of Horizon

This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone's real life is purely coincidental. Part 2 I can’t believe it. I don’t think I ever will. After I ask Allison on a date, she ran out of the room, left the dorm, and I haven’t seen her in two days. I’m so worried about her. I pace the common room for hours hoping she will show up. I can’t sleep, because I wish I could just talk to her. She didn’t have to leave. I would have. I’m so sorry. That was the dumbest mistake of my life. It’s about...

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Progressive Growth

Progressive Growth Reddit, aka r/ProgressiveGrowth! I haven’t just said this once – I’ve said it probably 1000 goddamn times now: Reddit is the place to be if you want to see unique communities that you wouldn’t be able to find anywhere else. Whatever your fucking kink is – whether we’re talking about you wanking off to BBWs or dragons having sex with Cadillacs (what, you thought I could come up with some bizarre shit like that?) – you can most likely find it on Reddit. Rule 34 exists for a...

Reddit NSFW List
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OyeLoca Luna Corazon Creaming The House

Did you know corazon means heart in Spanish? Well, now you do, because Luna Corazon certainly has our hearts. Especially in that silk black maid outfit. It suits her silky black skin so well. But while this maid is cleaning up, she starts to get some crazy ideas. She reaches inside a drawer and finds a big dildo to play with. Wow, that is caliente! She hikes up her skirt and reveals her fishnet pantyhose. Then she rams that big dildo right up her service entrance. She rides it on the floor...

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How I Got My BootycallTB

It was a pretty warm and shiny day. I was pretty glad that my lecture was over to step out of the lecture hall into the open to enjoy the weather. I just wanted to grad a coke and lay down on the lawn and chill out from this hard day of studying.I went just out of the building when I realized a person walking up to me. The person was a really hot girl: Long, blonde hair, blue eyes, slim, fit figure and some rally nice D-cups. "Hey, what's up b*o?" She asked me. "Well, not much. This time the...

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NubileFilms Gina Gerson Young Lust

Gina Gerson has been waiting for her lover Nick Ross to wake up, but this impatient little hottie can’t wait another moment. Joining Nick in the best, the young beauty uses gentle caresses to wake him. Nick is instantly ready to rumble, pressing Gina onto her back beside him so he can worship her small breasts with his mouth while sliding her sheer panties aside to caress her bare twat with his big hands. Sliding one finger deep into Gina’s horny snatch, Nick waits a moment before...


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