AftermathChapter 12 free porn video

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"Don't let anyone try to fault you, Bracken," Barnes said as he puffed on a cigar. "You did the right thing by aborting the mission. It may not be glorious to turn away from a fight, but you stayed within our doctrine and brought everyone home."

"Yes, sir," Bracken said, sipping from a bottle of beer and taking a puff of his own stogy. "Some of the other men wanted to push ahead anyway, but I figured a forty percent casualty rate was a conservative estimate for that kind of operation. That's just way too high."

"I would've skinned you alive if you would've got half your people killed," Barnes assured him. "If any of those men give you any shit about it, you have them come talk to me. I'll straighten them out."

"Yes, sir."

They were in Bracken's modest house, just down the hill from the high school. It was the first evening since the return of the company from their broken mission. Though he had already been given an official debriefing that afternoon, Barnes had invited himself over for dinner so he could get a more informal view on the Garden Hill situation. Though most of the town ate community meals at pre-set times in the high school cafeteria, those in Barnes' inner circle, which Bracken certainly was, were privileged with a certain amount of personal groceries from the stock each week. Utilizing these groceries, Jean and Anna, two of his wives, had prepared a stroganoff dish out of dry noodles and canned beef. The remains of it were now littering the dinner table where the two men sat.

"I must say," Barnes told his newest official captain (that news had been the first offered that evening) as he patted his stomach, "your bitches surely did a good job on dinner."

"Thank you, sir," Bracken replied, pleased with the praise. Though both Anna and Jean were hovering nearby, one clearing plates away, the other delivering fresh bottles of beer, it did not occur to either man to extend that thanks to them.

"Maybe I'll send two of my bitches down here to take some cooking lessons from them," Barnes said reflectively. "God knows they could use them."

"Anytime, sir," Bracken assured him. "Anytime."

Bracken's other two "bitches", as the term went in Auburn, were sitting on the couch just outside the dining area. Kelly, the blonde, was spooning pureed meat into Sharon's mouth. Barnes looked at this sadly for a moment. "Still no improvement with her huh?" he asked.

"No," Bracken replied. "I think the comet has driven her completely insane. I've been hoping she'll snap out of it but so far she just keeps getting worse. I'm afraid I might have to... you know... put her out of her misery."

Barnes nodded understandingly. "Whenever you think the time is right, I'll sign the order for you," he said. "We can't keep feeding people that aren't able to function as productive members of the society."

"Maybe we'll do that in the morning," he said. "It's a pity. She really was a fine bitch when I first got her. She had one of the tightest cunts I've ever felt."

"Well go ahead and give her one last ride before you bring her in," Barnes grinned. "It should still be tight, shouldn't it?"

While they laughed about that Jean and Anna, their faces completely expressionless, made a trip to the kitchen with their dishes. By the time they returned a minute later to finish clearing, the subject of Sharon had been tossed aside in favor of Garden Hill.

"So what do you think it will take to counter the forces at Garden Hill painlessly?" Barnes wanted to know.

"Well," Bracken replied, "taking into account their air superiority and their bunkers, I'd say that four hundred to five hundred men would be required just to make them consider giving up without a fight."

"And suppose they demand a fight? Would that many men be sufficient to win?"

"We would have won with the men we had," Bracken said confidently. "The question is not of winning or losing but of what casualty rate we take and what sort of damage we inflict upon the spoils that we're after. I'm sure we could take them with little more than a hundred men, but in order to minimize casualties to an acceptable level, we'll need at least five hundred."

"We don't have five hundred men," Barnes reminded him. "The last class from Grass Valley has been through the training now and that brings us up to a grand total of four hundred and fifty troops, a lot more than we had in the beginning, but not nearly enough to attack in the strength you are suggesting and still maintain enough of a force here for security and self-defense. What if I gave you three hundred troops? What kind of casualty rate would you expect from that?"

Bracken thought about that for a minute. "High," he said. "But I could minimize it by attacking from two different directions at once."

"Use a diversionary force?"

"No." Bracken shook his head. "The chopper they have rules out that tactic. With three hundred men I would have two full-blown attack forces hitting them simultaneously from two different directions. Overwhelm their defenses all at once and basically use speed to get inside that wall before too many of us get chopped up. It's not pretty but its sound."

"The D-day technique," Barnes agreed. "That would do it."

"But losses would still be rather high. Maybe as high as thirty percent if we were unlucky."

"Ordinarily that would be an unacceptable loss," Barnes told him. "But in light of the need to either capture or destroy that helicopter, it becomes acceptable. We have to get our hands on that machine and its pilot, no matter what the cost."

"I understand that, sir," Bracken replied. "And I agree with your reasoning. However, if we could take that town painlessly or force a surrender, wouldn't that still be the more acceptable option?"

"Of course it would. What are you suggesting?"

"If you could give me four hundred men," Bracken told him, "I think that just might be enough to convince them to give up the fight. I could hit them from three different directions at once - three companies of one hundred and twenty men apiece and one reserve platoon of forty that could be moved to wherever it's needed. I think we'd have a decent chance of forcing surrender very early in the battle if we did this. And if not, the sheer numbers alone will make it a very short fight. I would project no more than ten percent losses at worst and we might very well be able to overwhelm them before the helicopter can even leave the ground. After all, it takes a few minutes for it to spin up and lift off. You don't just jump in it like a car and start driving."

Barnes clearly didn't like this idea too much. "That would only leave forty-five troops inside the town," he said. "What if we're attacked? That is stretching our defense way too thinly."

"Who's going to attack us?" Bracken asked him. "We've already cleaned out every other town within a thirty mile radius."

"Somebody from beyond that thirty mile radius," Barnes returned. "We don't have the luxury of that helicopter like Garden Hill does. We don't know what is out there except for the places we've physically walked to on the ground. If a major attack comes two days after you take four hundred troops out of here, we're fucked."

"What if we left you some of the most experienced men and most of the automatic weapons?" Bracken countered. "That would make your forty-five men more like ninety. And I wouldn't need either the experience or the rapid-fire capability as much. Just give me some squad leaders and some officers who know what they're doing and the sheer numbers will do the rest."

They discussed this back and forth for a few minutes as Jean and Anna finished clearing and cleaning the table. Barnes, though clearly reluctant to commit so many of his troops, eventually decided to go with the plan.

"I'll need to reorganize them in to different units and exercise them for a bit first," Bracken said.

"Of course," Barnes agreed. "When can you have them trained up?"

"Give me three weeks and they'll be ready to march," he said.

"Three weeks," Barnes said.

Jean and Anna said nothing to each other as they went about cleaning up the kitchen. Though they had much they wanted to discuss with each other - the day had been rife with rumors and stories from the returning attack force - neither dared talk inside the house. There was too much danger of Bracken or Kelly overhearing their words. It was best to pretend they knew nothing, heard nothing, saw nothing. So they washed dishes in the large tub of cold water and dried them with a towel. They put them neatly away in the oak cabinets over the useless sink. They did not even share a meaningful glance at each other.

And then it came time to take out the garbage. They each grabbed an end of the large plastic tub that they stored disposable matter in and lifted. After informing Bracken that they were going to dump refuse - it was required that a woman check with her man before leaving the house unexpectedly - they went out the back door and began walking slowly down the darkened, rainy street. A Ford F-250 was parked at the intersection, discreetly hidden in the closed garage of an empty house. This was the street's garbage collection point. Whenever it got full a work-crew of men (it used to be women until Marla's escape - it was suspected that she hid in the garbage to get out and that the other women covered for her) drove it two miles outside of town to a dumping area that had been established.

"Garden Hill is still there," Anna whispered excitedly. "They couldn't attack it!"

"It doesn't sound like Marla made it there though," Jean said. "I heard Asshole tell the head asshole that that woman they picked up said she never made it."

"Oh, fuck Marla," Anna said. "We knew she was probably dead all the time. Think about us for a moment."


"Us," Anna confirmed, slowing her pace a little more so they'd have more time to talk. "If we can get out of here, there's someplace for us to go now! Someplace where the women aren't slaves."

"Anna," Jean said carefully, "they're in there right now planning on how they're going to attack that place. What good would it do for us to go there if Asshole is just going to destroy it next month?"

"Maybe if we warn them," Anna suggested, "they won't be able to take it. If nothing else, maybe they can evacuate everyone to someplace else."

"Or maybe they'll still take the place and hang us once they do."

"It's a chance, Jean," she said. "We might die, but if there's any hope of getting out of this life, I'm going to take it. I'm going to go. You can stay here if you want."

"I'll go if you go," she said with a nervous sigh. "You know that."

"I know," she said, giving her an unseen smile.

"But how do we get out?" Jean wanted to know. "How do we escape and get far enough away so they can't catch us? And then there's the fact that it's almost a ten-day walk to Garden Hill. What will we eat?"

They reached the house where the garbage truck was parked. They set down their tub and lifted up on the garage door, which was kept unlocked. They picked the tub back up and then, with a coordinated heave, they dumped the contents into the back amid the rest of the garbage.

"We need to start stashing food," Anna said thoughtfully. "We need a place to hide it where we can recover it later."

"How will we do that?"

Anna looked at the mounds of debris in the back of the truck and had an idea. "We'll throw it away," she said.


Anna explained what she meant. Soon Jean was smiling as well. "Brilliant," she said. "Is that what they teach you in college."

"Yes," Anna said seriously. "It was a two semester class."

They shared a small laugh as they closed down the garage. They picked up their tub and began heading back home.

"How are we going to actually get out though?" Jean asked. "If we can't do that, then it doesn't do much good to solve the food problem."

"I'll have to work on that one," Anna said. "Give me a little time."

"A little time is all we have," Jean reminded her.

Not too far away, unseen and unheard by anyone in the town of Auburn, a small black and white helicopter was hovering in the darkness. It was at an altitude of three thousand feet above the north side of the town, about half a mile from the closest habitation or manned position. Brett, behind the controls, was sweating nervously, his eyes ignoring the blackness outside the windshield and concentrating on the instruments in front of him. He was experiencing a strong sensation of vertigo, common among pilots under instrument conditions. His mind, with no visual inputs to counter the notion, was telling him that he was slowly descending and drifting to the right. His instincts cried at him to correct for this. Only the radar altimeter and the artificial horizon, which told him he was holding steady, kept him from actually doing this.

"Let's do this quick," he said to Jason, who was peering at the FLIR display just as intently. "I don't like just sitting here like this. It's disorienting in the dark."

"Copy," Jason said, using the controls to move the pod back and forth. He was seeing a black and white view of the nearest guard bunkers, the four guards manning them clearly visible as light figures on the darker background. "I've got the bunkers, I'm gonna pan over the residential area now." He moved the controls, seeing rows of houses, some of them brighter on the display than others. He saw a few people on the streets, a few of them obviously women, most men carrying guns. The men seemed to be some sort of interior guard force.

"How's it look?" Brett asked him, not wanting to take his eyes off the instrument panel.

Jason told him what he saw in fairly good detail.

"The houses that show up lighter on the display," Brett told him. "Those are the occupied ones, or at least the ones that have some sort of heat source inside of them."

"Got it," Jason replied. "There's not too many of them in this section, most are dark. It must be the outskirts of town. Spin around about twenty degrees left, I'm at the end of the panning range."

"Spinning," Brett said, slowly manipulating the anti-torque pedals so the tail swung to the right. Again, the vertigo gave him conflicting signals. It felt to his body that he was not rotating at all. Only the compass told him that he was in fact changing his orientation. It moved slowly from 180 degrees to 170 to 160, where he stopped it.

"Okay," Jason said, "I'm getting some good shots now. I have a whole cluster of houses just below the hill by the bridge. Almost all of them are brighter on the display than the others. There's a few more women walking around, mostly in pairs. A lot of them seem to be carrying tubs of some sort. There's also a big building on the top of the hill. It's glowing a lot brighter than anything else and there are some guards posted out in front of it."

"I can see it on visual," Brett said, daring to look away from his instruments for a second. Sure enough, there was a glow that could only be caused by electric lights showing plainly before him. "They've got power in that building. Probably from a portable generator or something. It's got to be their headquarters."

"I got it on tape," Jason said, referring to the video recorder that was included in the FLIR processor.

"Can you get shots of the other bunkers from here?" Brett asked, putting his eyes back on the instrument panel.

"I should be able to get all but the bridge bunker," he answered. "You'll have to rotate back and forth for me though."

"I'm yours to command," Brett told him, wanting to wipe the sweat from his brow but not daring to take his hands from the controls.

For the next five minutes Jason had him rotate left and right while he filmed the defensive arrangements and staffing levels in infrared. He then took a few more shots of the sparse activity on the darkened streets. He was able to figure out that there were two distinct sets of interior guards and that the women on the streets seemed to be in the process of dumping garbage into the garages of houses. He articulated all of this to Brett as it occurred.

"Good job," Brett told him. "Now let's go get some shots of the bridge and the bunker over there."

"How are you going to get over there?"

"We're gonna go west until we're clear of the town and then cut south over the canyon. We'll creep up the other side until we're in sight of our target. We'll use the canyon itself as a reference point. So keep that FLIR pointed at it and tell me if I start to drift too far away."

"Copy," Jason agreed a little nervously.

It took them the better part of twenty minutes, with several lapses of communication that had Brett turning or moving the wrong direction, but finally they were hovering a half-mile southwest of the bridge bunker on the far side of the canyon. Jason, once Brett's positioning was stable, locked the FLIR onto it and started recording. He saw that the two men in the bunker were standing, looking off towards the town instead of towards the approaches.

"They seem kind of antsy about something," Jason said as he watched them shifting back and forth. "And they're both smoking. I can see a bright flare in front of their faces when they take a drag."

"Smoking cigarettes?" Brett asked, hoping that they were undisciplined enough to be using marijuana on duty.

"I think so," Jason said. "They each have one and they're not passing it back and forth." A brighter flare on the edge of his view caught his attention. "What's that?" he said, panning the FLIR towards the bridge itself.

"What's what?" Brett asked. Like any pilot, he did not particularly care for hearing those two words spoken while in flight. About the only worse phrase to hear was "oh shit".

"There's a truck coming across the bridge," Jason said, seeing it's bright headlights on his display. "Looks like two men in it."

"What time is it?" Brett asked.

Jason looked at his watch, pushing the light button to get a reading. "I got 6:50," he said.

"Must be crew change time," Brett said.

It was. They hovered and filmed the changing of the bridge guard. Jason narrated as the two men in the truck parked at the bottom of the hill, got out, and then, with the help of flashlights, started climbing up one of the narrower sections. It took them about five minutes to reach the top. Once up there the two off-going guards exchanged a few pleasantries with their relief, handed over weapons and radios, and then started down the hill. While the new crew settled into the bunker for their shift, the old crew jumped in the truck and drove it back to town.

"I think we got enough," Brett said once the truck disappeared over the bridge. "Why don't we get out of this place."

"Sounds good," Jason agreed. "You gonna skirt around to the north again to pick up the Interstate?" Following the Interstate with the FLIR was how they had navigated to Auburn in the first place.

"Well actually," Brett said slowly, "I was thinking we could make a little side trip."

Jason looked over at his mentor's silhouette. "A side trip?" he asked carefully.

While Paul was in the community center office with Chrissie, anxiously awaiting the return of Brett and Jason from their nighttime recon mission, Janet and Sherrie were at Janet's nearby house, getting Sherrie settled in. It was her first day free of the traction splint that had been on her for so long, her first night out of the community center bed and on her own two feet. Paul had constructed her a rigid, removable cast out of sanded plywood and bungee cords. It was a crude, bulky device but it allowed her to walk with crutches and kept her from putting pressure on the mending but still weak femur. It had been decided that she would stay with her two caregivers, Paul and Janet, until such time as she was able to walk on her own. There were still quite a few tasks that she needed assistance with.

"Oh my God, Janet," she sighed blissfully. "You can't imagine how good this feels." Sherrie was currently reclining in the master bathroom's oversized tub, her injured leg free of the cast for the moment and stretched out before her. Bath bubbles frothed around the edge of the tub and small tendrils of steam rose into the air around her. Though the community bathing center was the easiest place to take a hot bath since it had a constant supply of heated water, it was still possible to take a hot bath in the privacy of your own home as long as you didn't mind expending a little effort. Cold water could be supplied from the rain gutter system and hot water could be heated three gallons at a time in a large cooking pot in the fireplace.

Janet smiled at her. It had been a lot of work to fill the tub up but seeing Sherrie's contented face made it worthwhile. "Here," she said, handing her a glass of warm chardonnay from a bottle she had pilfered from the supply room. "Have a little wine with it."

"Wine?" she said delighted. "I haven't had any wine in... well... you know."

"I know," Janet said, taking a sip from a glass of her own.

They talked of inconsequential things for a while, each of them finishing two glasses and starting to feel the beginnings of a good alcohol buzz.

"I used to drink far too much wine before the comet," Sherrie said as Janet poured each of them a third glass.

"Yeah?" Janet asked.

"Yeah," she said a little sadly. "I think it was an escape mechanism for the marriage I was in. I mean, I was the wife of a doctor and that was real important to me then, and I had a nice house in Garden Hill and I was a part of the upper crust and all that, but I didn't really like my husband all that much."


"No," she sighed, shaking her head a little at her former self. "I married him because he was a doctor. That was all I was interested in. That was all that my mother had taught me to be interested in. I loved him for the lifestyle he was able to give me but I wasn't attracted to him in any way. I didn't enjoy looking at him, I didn't enjoy talking to him, and I certainly didn't enjoy having sex with him. He was a climb on, rut a few times, and fire off kind of guy. If I could get five minutes out of him it was a good night."

"It seems there was a lot of that in this town," Janet said with a wine-induced giggle. "I don't know how many women have told me that exact same thing."

"Sad but true," she sighed. "Being a trophy wife does have its disadvantages. Funny how my mother never mentioned any of that to me. And so I would spend my afternoons while he was at the office sipping wine from a box in the refrigerator. I would never get bombed and pass out or anything, but I would go through each day with a strong buzz and have to take a nap before Josh got home from the office."

"You weren't the only one I'm sure," Janet said. "Why do you think we have so much wine, so much booze, so much pot and crank and cocaine and Prozac and Xanax in the supply room? They're all symptoms of the trophy wife syndrome. That's what happens when you marry for status or money instead of for love, you end up needing a crutch to get you through the days and the weeks. I wasn't all that different."

"You weren't?" she asked, surprised.

"Nope," she said. "I wasn't quite in the same class as the women in this town before the comet, but I married for pretty much the same reason. I grew up poor in South Sacramento. My mother supported my half-sister and I with child support payments and alimony from two different husbands. I was taught that the thing to do was find yourself a well-off man, marry him, and then divorce him once you put in "enough time" - as my mother put it - to get yourself a good settlement. My mom always taught me to do better than she had in that department. She had only found herself a construction worker and a car salesman, both of whom were abusive and rarely employed." She gave a cynical smile. "I did do a little better for myself. I went to college on a freakin' cheerleading scholarship and got myself a bachelor's degree in education. I became a kindergarten teacher because I really loved kids but I must admit that in the back of my mind, I was hoping to meet me a nice divorced father to take me away from it all and set me up. That's why I turned down job offers from the Sac Unified system and waited until Placer Hills Unified offered."

"So did you meet the nice, divorced father?" Sherrie asked, taking a large sip of her wine and smoothing some bubbles over her chest.

"No," she said, "not quite. Instead, I found the principal of the first school that I worked at down in Newcastle. His marriage was teetering on the brink when I started working there. I pushed it over the edge by seducing him into an affair. He divorced his wife and married me once it was final. They had to transfer me up here to Garden Hill when we became an item. He probably died when the water came in."

"Just like everyone else's husband," Sherrie said sadly.

"Just like it," Janet agreed with a sigh and a large sip. "I never really loved him. I was just putting in my time like my mom taught me. I really didn't know what love was like until I met Paul after the comet. Its kind of funny that it takes the end of the world for me to find out what's really important in life, isn't it?"

Sherrie grunted a little. "At least you figured it out then," she said. "I had to get shot and almost die to figure it out."

"But you've learned?"

"Yeah," she said. "A little too late, but I've learned."

Janet held up her glass for a toast. "To the important things in life," she said.

"To the important things," Sherrie agreed. They clinked their glasses together and had a drink.

"There are people there!" Jason yelled excitedly as he peered at the FLIR display. "There are people, Brett! You were right!"

They were hovering 3500 feet above the ground a half-mile west of the remains of El Dorado Hills. It had been a rather harrowing twenty-five minute flight from Auburn, with Brett creeping along at forty knots over the shoreline between the Sacramento Valley/Sea and the foothills, Jason guiding his turns with the FLIR. They had done this until they'd found Highway 50 rising out of the black water and then they'd turned east, using the Highway as their reference point to guide them in.

Now, Jason could see that what he'd assumed was a dangerously mad mission had been worthwhile after all. On the screen before him, as he panned the FLIR back and forth, he could clearly see nearly sixty houses that were lit up with the white glow that betrayed a heat source within them. In addition, he could plainly see the white figures of twenty to thirty people walking here and there on the streets.

"What do you see?" asked Brett, who, when he dared to avert his eyes from the instruments, could see nothing but the faintest of glows before him.

Jason gave him a quick summary of the overview and then began to go into more detail. "There's a group of buildings that looks like an elementary school near the south side," he said. "That's where most of the activity seems to be. Most of the occupied houses are surrounding it. I have brightness coming from the biggest building in the school."

"The cafeteria?" Brett asked.

"I think so," he agreed. "And there's also a glow coming from the smaller building next to it. There are two guards standing in front of that building. They both have rifles - looks like assault weapons of some sort."

"What's the sex of the guards?" Brett asked. "Can you tell?"

"One male and one female it looks like," he said. "They're talking to each other but they seem to be paying fairly good attention to what they're doing."

"Coed guard teams," Brett said with a smile. For some reason this idea comforted him. "Any other people with guns about?"

"Not that I can see," Jason said, panning back and forth. He directed Brett to turn to the left so he could get a better view of the north side of town. He took shots of all there was to see there and then began looking at the hills surrounding the town for guard positions. It took a while but eventually he found two different sets. "I got two people in the treeline near the top the hill on the east side of town," he said when he spotted the first one. "I can only get a glimpse of them between two of the trees, and only from the shoulders up. It looks like they're pretty well hidden in there."

"They must've seen us coming the other day when we did the first fly-by," Brett said reflectively. "They probably have radio communications in place down there and warned everyone in town to take cover somehow. That must be their defense; to hide and pretend they're an abandoned town if an unknown force probes them."

Brett hovered for the next ten minutes, turning this way and that and allowing Jason to film a complete infrared view of El Dorado Hills.

"All right," Brett said when they were done. "Let's get ourselves home. They're probably worried about us." He increased the lift of the rotor blades, bringing them up to an altitude of 6200 feet above sea level, a height that put them well above any peaks between the valley and Garden Hill. It was also high enough that the El Dorado Hills residents would not be able to hear their engine as they passed over.

Same as Aftermath
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Fucked My Aparna Aunty

Hi everyone, I am Suva and this is my first story here. I have been visiting this site for a long time now. The stories here encouraged me to do something that I never thought I could have done. I had a very good relation with my sir as I was studying in his institution for a long time. I was even very close to Aunty. Her name is Aparna (name changed). Aparna aunty was dam sexy and had a wonderful figure of 34 28 34 at the age of 27. She was very attractive and also she was working for an IT...

2 years ago
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Two girls explore each other

A short story my sister told me years later about the sexual awakening of her and a friend.They got to our house about 3:30 and often did their homework together. They had been friends since 3rd grade. They went to her room and proceeded to study on her bed. In between studying, they talked about other things, they talked about boys and about other girls in their classes and about their teachers.These girls were different as two friends could be, my sister Becky was tall and thin, very athletic...

1 year ago
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Doctor Who Amy Captured Ch 02

Both the planet and its moon were rising, from the perspective of the asteroid. It painted the interior of the lab in soft white light, which Shimizu admired from her seat by the window. Her eyes had a dreamy, relaxed look about them as her mind wandered over the events of the last hour. As it finally settled on the image of Amy, bound naked in the other room. They had moved her, of course, but that image had looked too good for Shimizu to want to give up in a hurry.Mara, on the other hand, was...

2 years ago
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Lesley part24

"Thought you were on earlies this morning? come you get such a long shagging the boss or something? Hahaha" lesley jokingly asked Sylvia when she bumped into her at nearly one in the afternoon. "Humph...not funny....anyway...I know who's shagging the boss" she replied with disdain. "What's wound you up ya daft mare?""Guess...he's nearly thirty stone, bald, bearded, and has the charm of a Rottweiler.....and me tits are sore""McPeevie?.... Oh fuck...what's happened?""Missing...

4 years ago
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Vixen Tales

Laying on my bed listening to my music is how I prefer to spend my nights after work. But it was saturday night and my ass didn’t have a thing to do. My phone was blowing up with texts, but I was waiting for him to text me. My night always turned out right when he contacted me. I looked over at my clock, 9:30pm. Still early. He was probably on his way home from work. Now, I didn’t know him that well, Hell, I met him at the club four weeks ago. He was into his music, and he had the club...

1 year ago
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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 9 Harem Masters Naughty Consequences

Chapter Nine: Harem Master's Naughty Consequences By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...

3 years ago
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Abby Fucks Mommys Boyfriend

After her visit to the dirty old man's house, Abby was satisfied, but a little embarrassed that she had let the old man Ray fuck her and cum inside her. She also worried a little about becoming pregnant, so when they were finished with the sex, she had gone to Ray's bathroom and tried to clean up and had done her best to squirt a bit of water inside her pussy, to flush out as much cum as she could.But as she got dressed, she was still a little sweaty, and her red hair was limp and stringy...

1 year ago
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Queens Four of a KindChapter 14 Epilogue

Pam What a year. So much has happened. We still live at the same house but our sleeping arrangements have changed. Randy, Trish, and I have moved into the master bedroom with Abbey and Maggie. It now has two king size beds which we keep pushed together. For the sake of looks, we still have most of our clothes and stuff in our own bedrooms and if Master decides to use just one of us, he takes us to one of the other bedrooms. We hung the posters we got Randy in the master bedroom. Master had...

1 year ago
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Being Controlled By A Twenty Year Old

Hi my name is Shankar, I am married and live with my wife Anita .We have been married for about 20 years i am 58 and she is 49,sad to say are sex life has disappeared, she has no interest in sex also she has gotten old and she is not what she used to look like. I on the other hand weight about 200 and have a belly and 5 inches dick and still horny i masturbate very day watching porn. Now this story is how i met my neighbours granddaughter and my encounter with her that would change my life. My...

2 years ago
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How I Spent My Summer

Author's note: As with all my stories, this is a fantasy and should be read and understood as such. I would never encourage or condone the type of behaviour described, even though it is non-violent, and would not like to think that any reader believes otherwise. Some of you may find this story long, as much of my work tends to be. I try to create a believable character, within the constraints of an admittedly unlikely fantasy... that a character can be put through gender changes...

1 year ago
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Bang Bang With Friend8217s Family 8211 Part II

Madhu’s story …………………. I took Lata’s hand and gave a reassuring squeeze. Through the slightly opened window,we could hear voices and sounds faintly from inside. First there was high pitch moaning and almost screaming from Sheela and Basavanna’s grunts as he was climaxing. Then there were peals of laughter from Padma and Nagarathna. “So, Sheela how is your uncle’s cock and banging?” No mistaking pride in Padma’s voice. She was feeling like an owner of a prize bull. ” Aunty, as fabulous as...

4 years ago
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early experience

I remember sleeping with my older cousin when we used to go and stay for summer holidays. He had a bigger cock than me but I thought I would get bigger when I was older. The very first time we slept together I remember looking secretly at his cock and wondering what it would be like to touch him. I woke up through the night with a hard on and started to play with myself secretly so as not to wake him. As I was gently stroking myself he turned towards me and put his hand over mine and whispered...

1 year ago
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06 HomeChapter 28

Flashback – Major M – Undisclosed location The chopper finally landed and the base (pain in the) Rear Admiral was there to meet us. We snapped to attention, he looked at us and ordered, "At ease Sgts." They relaxed and he left me standing at attention. He questioned, "Are those the documents from the Captain?" Sgt. Reynolds handed them to him and replied, "Yes Sir!" He looked them over, then looked at us and ordered, "Major, Sgt. Reynolds and Sgt. Blaine we need to have a little...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Orion G102

Welcome back to the best part of your week! The Friday update part TWO in Episode 102 of…. the gangbangin’ and pien’. At this point you’ve seen the hot car action, and know she’s ready. She’s on the bench, up on her pedestal, and it’s about time the guys see the surprise under her skirt. That little hole she made to make it easier for Mitt is about to come in handy. The guys surround her and get to work, they go down town while...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Leah Lee 02032020

Leah wanted to get a cool gag gift for her sister that was getting married. She goes to the Adult book store hoping to find some sort of goofy party favor for the bachelorette party. Quickly she realizes that this video store isn’t for the part time adult toy and video fan. This place was for the hardened…dirty porn connoisseurs. The clerk said they didn’t carry what she was looking for…but suggested a more “hands-on experience”. Leah was intrigued. Inside a...

3 years ago
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RegretsChapter 3

First of all, neither Ed nor I ever figured out what pringle wearing Met cunt got the bright idea of sending Anne and Holly right back straight to their own home, the moment after I delivered Holly into the happy arms of the tact-team. The damned DCI, Superintendent or Commissioner responsible needs their bollocks or coonts kicked, repeatedly. If this wasn't quite obvious enough to the bad guys where Anne was, they'd even stationed a constable right outside her front door! Bloody...

3 years ago
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The precious aunt 2

I wrote in a previous story about my aunt who is an amazing woman at 50's.Top class milf,average face but with a body at least 15-20 years younger.So i told you that she had an affair with my dad and with her boss.When i caught her fucking like a whore in a threesome i decide to take actions and at last she became my whore too.Now i am writing a story about my aunt and me at a holiday trip in our village.I dont remember the year,it was 5 or 6 years ago on a July.My family,me,my parents and my...

2 years ago
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Ashley IIChapter 3

“Are you ready to try this last address?” Ed asked, as we finished eating and were finishing our soft drinks. “Sure. Let’s drive over there and see if this guy is still there,” I told him, as we collected our trash from the meal, put it in the provided trash receptacle, and left. We checked our weapons before we started out again. I had my trusty pump shotgun and a pistol. Ed had brought his double barreled shotgun, and a pistol - a .45 Colt automatic. The address that we had for Mark...

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While I was a senior in high school, grandpa offered to pay me to clean his house for him once a week, which I happily agreed to. I needed the money, didn’t mind the work, and I got to spend more time with my grandfather. So, every Thursday after school, I’d stop by grandpa’s house and clean for him, then I’d cook us a meal and we’d eat together while we chatted about our week. About two months into our arrangement, I was at grandpa’s house doing my weekly cleaning while he sat on the sofa...

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The Life Cycle of the Lesser Blue FairyChapter 3 Butterfly

In which our hero works some things out, and our heroine takes charge. In a symbyotic relationship, unlike a parasitical one, the host can gain as much as the vector. 19.14 Saturday 3rd July 2004 I've been doing some research, and I have to note this down. Photo albums. I've looked through the old photos of both of us, and it is NOT just that I am seeing her properly for the first time. I look at the picture and I look at her, asleep, and she has really changed. In the pictures, she used...

1 year ago
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8 Years Later

              “329, 331, 333…” I muttered to myself, reading the numbers off the doors as I made my way down the narrow hotel hallway.   I could almost hear the sound of my own nervous heartbeat over the quiet buzzing of a nearby ice machine as I pushed my hand into my pocket to pull out a folded, crumpled piece of paper.   Cursing myself for the inability to calm my shaking nerves, I unfolded the small parchment and read the number scrawled upon it.   “335.” My eyes moved from the paper up...

2 years ago
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Friends and adventures 2

CHAPTER 2:ANDREW AND THE SUMMER OF LEARNING.Summer time and my parents had sent me off to stay with my aunt and uncle at the beachside caravan park where they holidayed each year. At 12 and going through puberty I was actually happy to be away from the family, my body was changing, pubic hair had begun to grow, my dick was getting larger and I spent my days wondering what each boy I saw looked like naked. It was an obsession.Looking out the window the morning after my arrival I first saw him,...

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a college friend Gangbanged 1

This is a true story from my college time, about 4 years ago. As everybody must be aware, in college we have this groups thing, basically like minded people hanging out together. Well I was also part of such a group of friends too. Our group consisted of 7 guys and 3 girls. I don’t want to get your hopes up, so to tell you upfront, this story is about 1 girl from the group and 3 guys and I am one the 3 guys ;-) The girl I’m talking about is Koyal, She was an average looking girl. But she had a...

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Dark Angel Part 11

Devon had moved Alpha 7 and, as a result, they were not very far from Rhylos now. Hide in plain sight—he’d said—though not really. They were in a dead solar system, orbiting a large gaseous planet that glowed deep red. It had hundreds of moons and a thick ring circling its middle for miles. Ashriel stared longingly at Alpha 7 as the replacement starcruiser Devon had acquired for Natanael shot forward. Only a half hour had gone by and already he missed Anniel. It would take just a few hours to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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My cousin komal

This is a real incident I am sharing with you friends. My cousin Komal stays in Delhi with her 5 and 7-year-old kids. Her husband is working in Australia and he can visit her only once in year. She is also not in a position to shift to Australia. I am 20 years n my name is sunny and living in Chandigarh. This incident occurred this January, when I went to Delhi for couple of days. I was tired of the driving car alone and I checked in to a hotel. Evening I visited few of my friends. Next day I...

3 years ago
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To much time apart

This is my first time writing something like this so please go easy on me.....My husband and i have a sex life alot of people might call boring. We have been together nearly 10 years and 2 wonderful c***dren so whatever people think what we have works for us. Because of his work and me busing k**s around to various actives we got into a routine of Wednesday and Saturday night being our intimate time. Our encounters are basic by most peoples standards, typically a little bit of foreplay then...

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My true experience as proam video actor

I would like to share with you all my one (but very memorable) experience in the adult video industry. This took place in NYC, in the late 90s. It began with a classified ad placed in a local paper, seeking talent for a pro-am porn video series called "Strokebook Video". I sent in my pic, and a SASE, then mostly forgot about the ad. A few months later, the producers contacted me. They gave me the date and location of the shoot for what would be the third release of the series. I eagerly...

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Young and curious

Hello ISS Lovers! The young son is curious about a female’s body. The hesitant mother finally decides to give him some practical orientation. Whatever be your views, please send it to me at It was not a pleasant experience watching Deepak drag his feet from the kitchen. Lakshmi was quick to get over her outrage once she watched her son climbing up the stairs with a look of disappointment written large on his face. “How come Priti’s breasts have grown so big after marriage?” Lakshmi shuddered...

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Flashing My Best Friend

I've never told anyone this story before. My name is Claire and I'd just turned eighteen at the time this story started. I'm not the prettiest girl in my class, but I'm not far off. I have shoulder length brown hair, a slim toned body as I play a lot of sport, and pert 34B breasts that I can't keep my hands off. I was a virgin but I knew that wouldn't last much longer as I thought about sex all the time and touched myself every day. My best friend Lucy is the prettiest girl in our class. She's...

1 year ago
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Plantation Slave

The beautiful naked blonde hung by her chained wrists from the whipping post on the auction block, her body still bearing the scars of her vicious bullwhipping at the hands of the disciplinarian. She had received 100 lashes with the « special » bullwhip which was only used on incorrigible slaves who dared to try to escape. She was easily identified by the numbers which had been branded deeply into her breasts. « X53 » on the right breast and « 211 » on the left. The intense tropical sun beat...

3 years ago
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It Started with a Coach RideChapter 3D

I saw Ethel and I went over to her. I got her by the elbow and took her to one side. "Still want me to wait for the ten days, or will to-day do." "No I'm sorry, I have something on to-day, but tomorrow would be fine. What if I ring Carmen, I think she would really appreciate a visit, give me a minute." She pulled out her mobile telephone and was soon laughing and talking to someone, when she had finished she turned to me again. "Could you make the Grove Hotel in an hour, Room 334, just...

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My Early Story

From my earliest memory, I liked trying on girls' things. My mom’s slips, sister’s panties, even my aunt’s nightie, (that is another story). I even went as far as dressing up completely when I was home alone. Mostly I wore my sister’s things. I loved her short shorts and halter tops. We were about the same size even though I was a year older. I didn't necessarily want to be a girl, just dress up and pretend. I loved to feel like a sexy, pretty girl. But, of course I always hid it from...

2 years ago
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"Crash! Crack-crack-CRA-CRAASSH!!" This burst of thunder was even louder than the last, and the rain, already coming down in solid sheets, somehow fell even harder. The windshield wipers might as well have been off. Julie had opened her window a crack, just for a second, to try to read a road sign, and now her hair was wet and plastered across her forehead in a way I would have found cute and sexy if I hadn't been so annoyed. "Well," she said over the thunder and the rain, "we can't...

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Senran Kagura ENF

The Senran Kagura franchise has dozens of ladies. Hanzo Academy, Hebijo Academy, Gessen Academy, the Crimson Squad, the Mikagura Sisters, just to name a few factions. The series certainly isn't any stranger to lewd scenarios, but there's definitely a wide variety of ways to lay them bare and embarrass them. And that's where you come in!

4 years ago
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The Time of our Lives

One day Taylor and i were in the gym locker room. He surprised me because i was getting ready to leave to go to my next class and when i turned around to go towards the door he was standing there with a boner in his pants and he told me " Hey Dakota i want you so badly." So i told him to come to my house after school and we will talk. Sure enough he was standing outside of the school so he can walk to my house with me. We went straight to my room when we got there. There he immedietly told...

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It Started with a Coach RideChapter 2B

My mother lived in a small-town three hours drive away, so I loaded my travel bag with what I would need for a few days and drove north. My married sister stayed in the same town almost next door to each other. My mother lived alone after my father was killed in a mining accident about five years ago. It was then that I decided to move away from mining, granted the pay was good but one was always dirty and everything was covered in the red dust. That was when I moved to the city not to get...

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My friends dad 10

Jeanette and I both had stunned looks on our faces. Was he really suggesting that we should have sex? “Well what do you mean dad? That we should try it?” Jeanette asked. “I'm just saying, for some straight ladies I know, it's a bucket list item to be with another woman, I mean back me up here Christina,” John replied. “Well I guess you have a point. I mean it's on mine I guess, but she's engaged to you now. Would you really want her to have sex with Jeanette?” Christina asked. “Well I think if...

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Naughty Neighbour Part Two

Ron was in hospital. Two days after Jean and I had fucked each other. Jean came round, rang the bell, to which I went to answer. I opened the door, and there stood Jean, we both almost could not look at each other. She said, “Hi, Bob… they’re letting Ron out of hospital today. And I was wondering… if you could help to bring him back in your car? He may find it difficult on the bus.” “Sure Jean, I don’t mind at all. What time do you want to go?” I answer. “I need to get a couple of things...

1 year ago
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The Runaway

The Runaway by Mary Beth Sanford, Sep/15/2005 Players: Joey AKA John Doe, AKA John Dough, AKA Cindy; Julie Joey's Day Nurse; Nurse Tracy Tucker Joey's Night Nurse; Detective Beckman, Juvenile Division; Rose Partridge of Social Services; Dr. Sanders Joey's primary care physician: Helen Baker, Joey's Foster Mom; Carol, Helen's life long partner; Dr. Marcy, Transgendered Psychologist and Transsexual Transitions Synopsis: Joey's abusive uncle forces him, again, to run away. ...

3 years ago
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Erica The Webcam MILF Chapter 2

Erica was dripping with anticipation. Every so often a client came along that would excite her more than others. This was one of those times.Watching this inexperienced young man stroke his cock was turning her on immensely. His cock was rather large. This thought excited her, the thought that someone so young and obviously well-gifted desired her made her feel very sexy. And his dominating her had pushed that to new and infinitely more arousing levels!She didn't hear the car backfire, partly...

1 year ago
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Your New Master

For as long as you can remember, you've desired to be completely controlled by a dominant, merciless master who will turn you into his personal faggot whore. You've finally worked up the courage to seek out your new master. But who will it be?

2 years ago
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Union RebellingChapter 9

Kat had used the money she was getting from jobs to improve her station in life. She had rented a loft in a building that was not completely falling down and had running water that was even hot sometimes. It had a lockable door and she had the entire top floor to herself. She had begun to acquire belongings, some old, second hand furniture and even a few luxuries. One of those luxuries, though most wouldn't think of them that way, was a set of knives that she had stolen and paid to have...

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Gay Jerking leads to gay fucking

I had a regular jerk buddy I had found online. We would always do it at his place, different times of the day whenever we both were free. We looked forward to it for sure as we both loved watching gay porn and cumming together. We couldn't have gotten along any better. Things would escalate one day though as i was sitting next to him on his couch. Gay porn playing in front of us as we both jerked our cocks together. Both of us sitting with all our clothes off as we held on to our hard cocks....

1 year ago
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A Night To Remember If You Can

Letting out a very deep groan, Sam finally managed to open his eyes. But as the sunlight hit his face directly he let out a second groan and closed his eyes again, turning his head away from the window. "Attempt two!" Sam thought to himself as he softly opened his eyes again, this time focusing on what he could see. He gently turned his head, but with every single move he made he felt pain at some point in his brain, like he was getting stabbed by a thousand needles. Finally he was able to...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Katherines Style Part 3

The front door opened and again Frank came in, a little less dramatically than the day before but no less intimidating to me as I felt timid and weak dressed in my mother-in-laws things. Frank was half expecting me to be dressed as my normal slouchy male self, ready to put a stop to all this, but he was happy when he saw I didn't have the fortitude to do that. He actually smiled at me, "There's my little wife. That dress looks nice on you." I smiled back not knowing what to do, it...

1 year ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 8 Doubting the Future

The lights turned on in the cell at half past six, every morning since Tim got back from his trip to the past. About a week after returning from the past, his nanites confirmed his hypothesis that no one he had met, yet, had any nanites of their own. Tim theorized to himself the interrogators did not have any nanite improvements since they constantly made mistakes in their questioning and also in their answers to his questions. Oh, they answered the questions as he believed they would but...

3 years ago
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How do you solve a problem like Maria pt 23

How do you solve a problem like Maria Part twoIt is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.Georg von Trapp was such a man and having served gloriously in the Austro -Hungarian Navy during the first world war with distinction and valour had been rewarded with the title Baron von Trapp and a generous pension along with two hundred hectares of prime Farmland . With the land came several farms a...

4 years ago
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My sis Urvashi

Urvashi, she is 15 year girl, fair, slim, 5 feet tall, 28-24-28 body structure. Her boobs size is 28 a. She looks beautiful and as she is younger so always wears shorts, short skirts, strip t-shirts, sleeveless tops. Most of the time you will see in these dresses. At night also she wears same type clothes. Her nighty also short strip. I was getting very much angry on her as she never used to listen me. On one Sunday, “Urvi, Mom told me you have problem in math.” Urvi replied, “Yes, so what?” I...

4 years ago
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True Stories Part II

True Stories - Part II By Michele Nylons In part one of True Stories I discussed how my transition from part time panty wearer to part time Transvestite came about. I also told the true story of my first time with a Transsexual prostitute. In this instalment I have decided to leap ahead to the present and tell you a true story that occurred only last week; that is July 2006. I am a part time Transvestite who has had many adventures and who regularly entertains other men,...

2 years ago
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Ni Ai That Love Ch 02

He walked slowly towards her. Each step he made joined in the rhythm of the thumping in her chest. He wore his hair in an adorably rumpled messy way, running his fingers through them nonchalantly as he neared her. She noticed his shirt unbuttoned three holes down and slightly open at the collarbone, giving her a good view of the protruding muscles on his shoulders. His right hand was on the pocket of his trousers, which hung almost loosely over him. But she could have sworn that she can discern...

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A night of firstspart 1

this is a true story, date is off a bit, and the names, but its trueIt was 1980, and my wife Carol and I were living in California. We had taken advantage of VHS and the ability to rent porn, and even on occasion make a tape of ourselves. We had often talked about a lot of fantasies, such as groups, or threesomes, but they pretty much remained the stuff of our fantasies. Till one particular evening.We had a small gathering of friends at our place and we were just listening to music, getting...

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