Mistletoe! (Buffy/faith) free porn video

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"Hey B, sorry I'm late." I walked inside and hung up my coat. "Here, I got ya some presents..." I handed her the three wrapped parcels.

"Thanks Faith, yours is under the tree. You're staying with us tonight, ok?" Buffy looked amazing, her hair was shinning and the top she was wearing just looked... wow.


"You're staying." No argument.

"Faith!" Dawn came out of the living room.

"Dawn, Happy Christmas!" I gave her a big hug. "I got you a present but you can't open it until tomorrow, ok?"

"Spoil sport." She pouted and went into the kitchen.

I walked into the room and Willow, Xander, Cordelia and Giles were there. As well as a few people I didn't know. I felt a bit of dread since I didn't know how I was going to get along with everyone here. They didn't all like me.

* * *

1 hour later

* * *

I was leaning against the doorframe nursing my drink when B came over.

"Hey you." She said and stood in front of me.

"Hey yourself." I grinned.

"Are you ok?" She touched my arm.

"Yeah, why?"

"It's just, you seem very quiet."

I put my glass down on the table. "I'm fine, maybe I'm just not in a very social mood."

She smiled at me. "Well, it's not much fun when you're not here Faith. I like having you around."

I felt my heart do about a thousand somersaults. "Really?" I asked quietly.

She nodded. She was about to say something else when Dawn came over. "Look! It's mistletoe!" Dawn cried and pointed up above us. B and I raised our eyes up to the ceiling to see the fucking weed hanging there.

"Oh yeah." I shrugged. "So?"

"You have to kiss Buffy." She smirked at B and I. "It would be breaking rules if you didn't."

"Ok." Buffy smiled, leant over and kissed me softly on the cheek.

"No, Faith has to kiss you." Dawn shook her head, sighing dramatically at our stupidity.

"Why?" I glared at the small brunette.

"Cause you were standing there first."

I kissed B on the cheek and then turned to walk away.

"No, you have kiss her properly, I mean it is Christmas. Tis the season and all that." Dawn stood with hands on her hips.

"Nu-uh, there's no way I'm kissing B." I turned around again and started towards the kitchen. I needed a drink. Then I heard it – so quiet behind me. If I didn't have Slayer hearing I couldn't have heard it, cause I was half way down the hall. Everyone in the room could hear her.


I stopped, stood stock-still. Everyone in the living room was watching us; I could hear a few gasps echoing my own at the sound of that word.

But it wasn't the word that made me stop. It was the person who said it.


I slowly turned around, aware of everyone's eyes on me. Xander, Willow... I think Cordy coulda been there too. I looked Buffy straight in the eye; I could see the dare hanging there, like some kind of test. I cocked my head, gave her my shit-eating grin and then strode towards her. Without any hesitation (or resistance) I crushed her to me, pressing my lips against hers, slipping my tongue between her lips. I heard her moan and felt her press her body tightly against mine.

I don't think either of us was expecting me to do that, but neither of us wanted it to stop. I knew everyone was looking at us, but it just made me enjoy her more, I sucked on her tongue hearing her emit a tiny whimper of pleasure. My hands slid under the back of her top, drawing small circles on her spine, something she had done to me that morning. I realised that this was wrong; Buffy didn't want all her friends and her sister staring at us like we were entertaining them. I wanted Buffy to enjoy me. From the sounds she was making I guess she was, but it wasn't supposed to be like this. I could sense Dawn standing right beside us looking up in awe.

I pulled away and looked at her with a shocked expression, she was leaning up against the doorframe. Her hand went up to her lips, touching them as if she couldn't believe what had happened.

"I... "

I looked around the room – Willow, Xander... even Giles were all staring at me. I turned away and grabbed my coat, I ran out the door slamming it behind me. I stumbled down the steps, unable to believe what I had done. Way to screw up Faith! I shook my head, Buffy was going to hate me now and I was going to have to move away again. I turned around to look back at her house and stood in the driveway, touching my lips to remember her taste. The door opened slowly and Buffy came out, not even looking at me. She closed the door and walked up to me.

"B- I- I shouldn't I- mean..." I cleared my throat. "It shouldn't have happened- please don't hate me."

She snorted. "I hope you don't mean that."

"I'll move away- what?" I stopped. Did she just say what I thought she said?

"I really enjoyed that... if you move away we won't be able to do that again." Buffy tilted my chin up to look into her eyes.

"You don't think it's wrong?"

"How can something so good be wrong?"

"I dunno but I really want to kiss you again." I stared at her moist lips.

"I'm not stopping you."

I leant down slightly and pressed my lips against hers, softly kissing her, not exerting any pressure. Her hand went to the back of my neck; she drove her hand deep into my hair, sending goose bumps up and down my back. I released her lips and began to kiss down her neck, feeling her rapid pulse bump under my lips. I nipped her gently and travelled back up her neck and nibbled under her chin and then kissed her roughly. Driving my tongue into her mouth, and pulling her to me. She was responding just as vigorously when we heard a car pull up in the driveway.


Fuck a duck! If it wasn't Buffy's mom-

"Mom!" Buffy shrieked and shoved me away from her. I wiped the back of my hand on my mouth and looked at the ground.

"Whu-" Joyce sounded shocked.

"Mom, I- she- it wasn't- I mean, Mom?" Buffy tried to say something, anything. But Joyce walked by her and straight towards me. Oh crap. I closed my eyes and tried to make myself invisible. She took hold of my chin and lifted my face up to look at her.

"Look at me Faith." Her voice was not something I wanted to disagree with.

I opened my eyes and I flinched as I looked straight into her eyes.

"Hurt Buffy in anyway, and I mean any way I will not hesitate to take your stake and ram it through your heart." She let go and walked into the house. My legs felt weak; I wanted to fall into a hole somewhere.

"Oh my God... she didn't kill you." Buffy sounded surprised.

"Yeah B, she only threatened to." I said wryly.

"Faith, wait here. I'm gonna kick everyone out and then talk to my mom." She turned to the house but just as quickly turned back to me again and kissed me hard. She gave me a million dollar smile and then ran into her house to face everyone.

I stood around, feeling like an outlaw or something, when everyone began to leave. Hugging Buffy and thanking her. As they passed me I got a couple of slaps on the back, winks and 'well done's. I guess they saw it all from the window. I sat on the step of her house and lit a cigarette. B was talking to her Mom about me when Spike approached me.

"How are ya? Is it true?" Spike sat beside me and I gave him a cigarette.

"Is what true?" God, news travels fast.

"You and blondie?" He actually seemed pretty upset.

"Yes." I took a long drag on my cigarette.

"Right." He started to cry. I suddenly felt really uncomfortable.

"Spike?" I said softly.

"That's why she didn't bloody want me, she was a rug-muncher. A dyke." He glared at me and in his upset he didn't see my fist head straight towards his jaw. He fell and lay sprawled across the ground, clutching his chin. I stood up and looked down at him. I stood on his shoulder, holding his body down.

"You wanna watch what you fucking say? That's not the wisest thing to do, Buffy may not stake you because you're a pathetic, impotent vampire who has an unnatural obsession with her. But believe me when I say I would have absolutely no qualms about slamming a thick stake through your stupid heart." I lifted my foot off him, but not quick enough. He grabbed my foot and tossed me to the ground where he jumped on me.

"Ow!!! Shit!!!" He held his head in pain and rolled off me. I snickered and sat up.

"Aw, poor Spikey. Got a chip in his head and can't hurt anyone." I laughed. "It's so sad."

He growled and his game face surfaced. He turned around and punched me directly on my nose. He cried out and clutched his head again as I wiped the blood away from my nose.

"As much as that hurt Slayer, it's worth it seeing the blood on your face." He snarled at me.

"blood which you'll never fucking touch again." I shot back, trying to stop my nose from bleeding. I jumped over and was just about to punch him again when the door opened and Buffy stood in the doorway shocked at the site of both of us.


I jumped off him and he ran down the street without even a second look back. "Happy Christmas to you to, Spike!"

Buffy raised an eyebrow at me, not looking too pleased.

"He started it, B." I walked towards the house and she ran down the steps to me.

"You're bleeding!"

"Yeah, he punched me." I wiped absently at my nose.

"Boy, you must have made him real mad for him to sacrifice the pain to punch you."

"Just a couple of truths that hit home, B." She pinched the bridge of my nose.

"It's not broken, but it will be bruised, I'd say anyway." She leaned forward and kissed me again, softly pressing her lips against mine. I closed my eyes and pressed my lips harder against hers. She pulled away and put her hand on my chest to stop me from moving forward to her.

"My mom wants to speak to you."

My stomach plummeted. "Why?!" I began to panic. "I like my life B, especially now!"

Buffy grinned. "Faith, she's not gonna kill you, she's just going to lay down a few rules."

"Has my nose stopped bleeding?" I asked, wiping my hand one last time over my nose.

"Yes, I think so."

"Do I look like I've just been rolling in the dirt?" I brushed down my clothes.

"Faith! Go in and talk to her!" She shoved me towards the door and I reluctantly walked in to the kitchen. Joyce was sitting at the counter; she looked up at me expectantly.

"Hey Mrs S. How's it going?" I stood and hopped nervously from foot to foot.

"Fine. I would just like to say that I don't really approve of this relationship but after thinking about it for a while I realise you two are the only two in the world who understand what the other is going through." She eyed me up and down. "Under that façade I know there is really a very good person, Faith."

I looked down at my leather pants and tight black long sleeved see through top. I had another white top under the black one. There was a long silence in the kitchen.

"I have two rules – you sleep in separate bedrooms and no well, over touching in front of Dawn. She knows you're more than friends but she's only f******n and I don't want her to see you. Ok?" Joyce stood up. "I'm going to bed, tomorrow is going to be a long and busy day. You're welcome to sleep the night and spend tomorrow with us."

I couldn't believe my luck. "Yeah, that's cool. Goodnight Ms Summers. Thank you!"

I stood in the kitchen for a few seconds trying to figure out if I was dreaming or not. When Buffy's arms came around my waist and she kissed the back of my neck, I decided I wasn't dreaming. I turned around in her arms and leant down. I gently touched my lips to hers and pulled away again. She closed her eyes and her lips parted invitingly. I brushed my thumb against her lower lip; her tongue darted out and drew my thumb into her mouth where she licked it seductively. I moaned quietly and took it out, replacing it with my mouth. My tongue slid in and gently caressed hers. With each touch of her tongue I could feel the burning in my loins increase.

I moved her back until she was against the counter, our lips didn't lose touch. She drew my tongue into her mouth and sucked on it. I whimpered and lifted her up onto the counter. She wrapped her legs around my body and pulled me tightly against her. Her breasts pressed into mine. I could feel her hard nipples press into the skin above my breasts, my hands held onto her waist. I eased them under her top, lightly running my fingernails over the skin. Buffy pulled away from my lips and I could hear her panting. Her hands covered mine under her top and she guided them up to her breasts, her eyes never left mine. As my fingers touched her nipples my eyes slipped shut. My fingers drew soft circles around them; I could feel them impossibly tighten under my ministrations.

"Faith? Look at me, look what you're doing to me." Her voice urged me to open my eyes. I looked into her eyes, her heavy lidded, passion filled eyes. I cupped her breasts harder, brushing my thumbs over her sensitive nipples.

She suddenly fell back on to the top of the counter, pulling me down with her. I found that my head was between her breasts. I looked at her; she pulled me tightly against her. I could feel her hips rock so gently against mine. I moved my fingers away from her nipples and placed my mouth over her left nipple instead. She gasped and swore, but her top was in the way and I wanted to touch her skin. I pushed up her top and moaned when her breasts came into view. I was just about to lick one of her hard pink nipples when she sat up and pushed me away.

"My mom and Dawn are upstairs, Faith." She looked really flushed. "We can't do this now."

"I'm not allowed sleep in with you." I tried to calm down. A cold shower was looking really attractive now.

"I know. The couch is comfy. I'll bring you down a pillow and stuff, ok?" She jumped down from the counter top and walked to the stairs.

* * *

Later on that night

* * *

I pummelled the pillow and sighed as I flopped back onto the couch. I looked at the clock. It was 00:15am. Happy Christmas. I looked at all the presents under the tree. I could see the presents that I had badly wrapped. It wasn't like I didn't try, it's just I didn't know how. I did a pretty shit job, but it's the thought that counts right? I leaned over and plugged the Christmas tree lights in, they flickered on and off at different times.

I really wanted to go into Buffy's room and surprise her... in not such an innocent way but I was on relatively good ground with her mom and I did not wanna fuck that up. I punched my pillow again. sleep was not going to happen. Normally I'm still out and about at this time of night so I'm feeling kinda restless. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what kind of things I was gonna to do Buffy once the 'right time' came about. I thought about her breasts, firm, round perfect with little pink nipples that stood out and just begged to be sucked.

Without realising I was touching my own breasts, pinching and twisting the nipples roughly. I moaned and my right hand trailed down my body and under the waistband of the shorts I was wearing. My pubic hair was damp already, I slid my index finger down between my pussy lips and along the length of my clitoris, I gasped and jarred my hips up. My hand continued down and the up into my hole. I exhaled and moaned. God it was good. I pulled it out and then brought it up to clit, rubbing all of my wetness over my nub.

I slid two fingers into my tight hole, feeling my cunt flex around them. I started up a slow rhythm, pulling my fingers in and out and my palm rubbed against my clit. I could hear the sound of the wetness of my fingers in my pussy. Damn it felt good. My hips pumped a little more eagerly as my breathing quickened and I could feel the burning in the pit of my stomach increase. My eyes were tightly shut as my head leant back into the pillow and my hips rose off the couch.

"Starting the party without me, Faith?"

Oh shit, embarrassing. "I uh... " I decided not to play dumb. "I was masturbating, B. Does it bother you?" I slowly opened my eyes to see her leaning against the doorframe, where we had kissed earlier.

"Well yes, actually." She moved over towards me.

"And why would it bother you?"

"The fact that I'm just upstairs, and here you are masturbating when you could have at least been entertaining me and not yourself." She sat down beside me. My fingers were still inside my pussy.

"If it makes you feel any better, I was thinking of you." I smirked.

She liked the idea that I was touching myself with thoughts of her. "Oh." She had that flushed look again. Her eyes flickered down my body. Without warning she pulled down the sheet that was covering my body and gasped. My top was up above my breasts and my hand was down my pants.

"I can still entertain you if you like." I said hoarsely. I started up my rhythm, my pussy had become so much wetter and I could hear the wet 'click' sound immediately. I would've found it embarrassing but B visibly found it turn on. My hips ground up to meet my hand. Buffy knelt down beside me and placed a kiss on my stomach, the muscles rippled under the skin. We heard a door click upstairs and Buffy jumped away from me and my hand came out from my shorts and I fixed my clothes.

We stared at the door in fear for a few seconds, but no one descended. Buffy sighed in relief.

"It must have been my Mom going to the bathroom." Buffy moved back over to me, but I was so turned on I wanted her so bad. Before she could reach me I came off the sofa and pushed her to the ground, I laid my body onto hers.

"B I want you so bad... I need you... please..." I buried my face in her neck; her hands ran up and down my back.

"I want you too Faith, but we have to be quiet." Buffy moaned as I began to kiss her neck, lingering on her pulse point.

I moved back and lifted off her t-shirt, revealing her breasts to my hungry eyes. I leaned down and took a nipple into my mouth; she gasped and held onto me tighter, making sure I wouldn't move. My right hand slid under the waistband of her shorts and I cupped her mound, sliding a finger between her lips and testing the wetness there. She moaned quietly and raised her hips, trying to get me to touch her harder. She reached for my top and I took it off, leaving her pussy momentarily.

She rolled me over and sat astride my hips, she reached for my breasts and caressed them gently pinching the nipples. I gasped and tugged at her shorts. She stood up and kept my gaze as she eased them down over her hips. She looked pointedly at mine and I lifted my hips as I pulled them down. I kicked them off. She slowly climbed on top of me, she didn't do it quickly and she didn't lower herself completely so that we were touching, she hovered above me.

The Christmas lights lighted up her body and I don't think I had ever seen anything in my life that was more beautiful then she was at that moment. My hands explored her upper body, she finally lowered herself down and we both moaned quietly. She lay down on top of me and we kissed deeply. My tongue fought with hers, teased hers and I moaned. She moved into me and I cried out.

"God... B..." I wrapped my legs around her back and pulled her hard against me. She breathed deeply and we started up a rhythm.

"I didn't know we could do it like this." She gasped into my ear.

"Oh yeah... this is one of the best ways..."

I didn't really know what was going on down there, but Goddamn it felt fucking good. And by the looks on B's face she felt it too. She almost screamed as I thrust my hips into hers. She sat up on me again and shoved her hips into mine. I met her thrust for thrust. I looked up at her, my hands on her hips guiding them, she threw her head back and rocked her lower into mine. My hips were raised off the ground as we fought to press as hard as we could against each other.

I sat up with her, easing her legs over my hips and I slid my hand down between our bodies, she looked down and then gasped as I slid a single finger deep into her cunt. I kissed along her neck and ears and her breathing became erratic. She soon reciprocated and slid her own finger into me. I could feel her cunt pulse around my fingers as I pulled it in and out.

I pushed her back down onto the ground, this time I was on top. We still were fingering each other, but we were also thrusting against each other. I brushed my thumb against her clit and she began to frantically fuck herself against my hand.

"Faith- harder..." She groaned and arched under me, pressing herself harder into my hand.

She slipped another finger up my cunt and I began to pound my hips against hers. I was feeling so hot, so close my wetness had flooded her fingers and the sounds in the room were so hot. Breathing, skin on skin, skin on wet skin. Buffy suddenly stopped her hips and her face took on one of pure pleasure. I gasped as she began to jar and thrust against me, I could feel her cunt violently contract around my finger as her orgasm washed over her.

I collapsed over her and began to grind hard onto her. She shoved the fingers deep into me, brushing them against my inner walls. Suddenly the orgasm was upon me, I felt the pleasure explode through me as I wildly thrust against her. Finally it subsided and I eased off of her. We climbed on to the couch and I pulled the covers over us. But Buffy pulled me out and forced me to put my clothes on. I tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Happy Christmas B."

"Happy Christmas to you to baby."

We soon fell asleep, me spooning her body. It was the best Christmas ever.

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There Is No Butterfly

Athens, GreeceBethany was more than wet.  Her pussy quivered and clenched on the fingers of her unknown partner.  She leaked all over him as her orgasm started to creep closer.  With chitons and peploses flitting and fluttering about the room, she was erotically embraced by Dionysian blizzard of sexual fury and white fabric.  One hard cock rammed into her ass while she rode another.  The hot pussy in front of her was slippery with itself, as well as her tongue.Blood pumped fiercely from her...

3 years ago
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Sharing the good times of my wife I pt 16

The owners of the real estate business where Cherry worked were an older couple who looked after their employees very well and were respected by all of their staff for their kindness and generosity. Cherry had always been careful to be professional at work and to not let our personal little fun games cross over into the work scene. Her bosses would be very unimpressed with any of that behavior and Cherry would be out of a job very quickly. So all of Cherrys work colleagues remained off limits...

2 years ago
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My Observation Deck

My Observation Deck When I bought that house on the hill, the selling feature was the observation deck up on the roof. I had it enlarged so that it extended out past the footprint of the house itself. I had it fully reinforced as well to hold extra weight. I then had a sunroom added for my office. With the addition of lounge chairs, propane barbecue, and a bar I was ready to hold parties. The view was beautiful up into the mountains and the view down into the valley was not too bad...

4 years ago
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My Anonymouse Friend Part 3

I slipped on my little shorts and grabbed a beer on the way to the garden having decided to catch some late summer rays, I was just dozing off when my phone went ding and a text from a number not in my address book, I opened it in anticipation.“Thanks Frank, great lunch” and my cock twitched as I wrote back“Enjoyed it too, awesome company” I thought I would return the wink.“Loved the coffee and cream” came the reply, I loved her use of the wink face.“Always got coffee and plenty of cream or a...

3 years ago
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Road TripChapter 48

The gear wheel had hardened overnight and I had a time cutting in the two missing teeth ... but I got it done. Reassembled, the gear turned tighter than the originals ... less slop and zero backlash. Stringing up the bass, I discovered I liked playing it and I didn’t like the Ampeg sound with the Eminence. I wonder who cones speakers? Somewhere close to the average threshold of human hearing. I resorted to my phone. Dialing “Two Bit?” “Hi John. Karen Post.” “I was wondering, Who does...

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Seems Too Good To Be True Chapter 1

About a year ago I had a niggling of an idea for a story that was jump started as I was reading Alex Bridges 'Done Adulting.' Having had a break from finishing Exchanged, I finally felt some energy to begin writing a new novel in the DiaperDimension (inspired by PrincessPottyPants original work). Going into the new work I knew my work schedule this past fall would be horrendous, so I didn't start posting it - even though I had some extra material 'in the can' so to speak. I decided to...

1 year ago
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Wet Nurse Milk Filled Breasts

The little car chugged up the driveway and lurched to a stop at the end of the steps leading up the sidewalk to the large home. The wisp of steam, oily make and heat left the tiny battered car. It had been 5 days since her baby died. One minute everything was Ok and the next, he was dead. He had “stopped breathing,” what ever that meant. And then it was over. She was discharged the next day only to go home to a past due notice on the door of her apartment. A car that was dying and...

4 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 29 Joining The Convoy Plans For The Future

‘Now you understand? Ascended Elite grants you the surest path to becoming an Immortal. At which point, if you won’t recognize the generosity The Almighty has bestowed on you, then maybe His Holiness will exile you on his own accord’. ‘So I might or mightn’t be permitted to leave the Holy Palace... ‘ Zax got the answer he sought and the moment his mind conjured the scenarios of his future as a member of the church, before he reached a conclusion toward any of them, his heart felt the morsel...

1 year ago
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When Mistakes Happen Chapter 4

Rachel Coe, the thirty-ish-year-old Headmistress at the sixth-form College had been pensive since she had been caned earlier in the day by Marsha Summers, her secretary. The reason wasn't so much that her bottom still stung but more that she had been given a punishment letter that meant she had to be spanked after College and have the letter signed and taken back to College in the morning. The failure to do that would result in another six strokes of the cane.Rachel Coe lived alone and although...

3 years ago
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Home Down

From very first day of lock down, we completely locked ourselves in home for safety.I denied to all my friends to meet physically to cure from any problem. We only talked over social apps only. But we bored in 4 days only and used text chat.Really we have no work in student life rather than study, games and real fun.Me and my two cousin stuck in Mumbai as we all study here. We live in house which owned my father on very day when I take admission in university. After that my cousin bro joined me...

1 year ago
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I am back with another experience of mine which took place a couple of months ago with my aunt. She is in her late 30s, short height, slim and very hot. You won’t believe, she doesn’t look elder than me. I have very good tuning with her since her marriage with my paternal Uncle. We meet occasionally because we live in different states. This year in Feb my Uncle’s family came to Kolkata to attend some marriage functions. I spent a lot of time with my aunt during the functions !!!...

2 years ago
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Lunch with a Younger Woman turns into more

Please comment on this story!!I love writing about my exploits and things that happen in my mind.This happens to be about a young XH member who wanted to meet me in person. I agreed. She is MUCH younger and I figured nothing would happen but an ego boost.This is what happened, more or less!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It was all supposed to be platonic. We had been chatting for a while on XH and curiosity drove me as much as lust to meet with the girl the age of my own sons. A...

4 years ago
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Brothers Girlfriend

My younger brother's 19 year-old girlfriend and her friends have always been really up for a good time. They were the girls at school who all the guys wanted to sleep with. They all dressed in the latest fashions and looked hot. They regularly stay out partying till all hours of the morning and arrived at our place a loud, drunken mob to sleep it off in our large living room. Tonight they arrived at our house again and, following some sort of drunken reasoning, decided to continue the party in...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Unexpected Holiday Twist

At the start of the year my hubby, J and I were having dinner with some friends, Julie and Paul, when we got to talking about summer holidays. I knew Julie and Paul had been going through a tough patch so when they suggested we all book somewhere together I thought it could do them good. To save money we booked a big apartment that had two double beds in the same room. Privacy wouldn’t be an issue really. We’d all seen each other naked and certainly weren’t shy about performing in front of...

2 years ago
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The Lady Next Door

                                           Chapter One:  The Back Story(Chapter one covers the events that led up to the story of young Jack being dominated by his much older neighbor, Diane. )                   I don't really recall when the Marshall's moved in next door, but I was either 13 or 14 years old. The details are foggy in my memory, since I was a kid and   they being were a couple in their forties, they were not really on my radar. However, my parents would talk with them if they...

1 year ago
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A Visit By Renee At The Local Bar

Renee’s husband stopped over Saturday afternoon to invite me for a drink at Jets Bar and Grill. My first thought was to decline his offer, but I have already done that three times to him, so I accepted. I kept thinking about that one day Renee stopped over and we cuddled on my bed after she read two stories I had written about her and I. All I could think of was ‘I wish this was Renee and I, I wish this was Renee and I, I wish this was…’ Sitting at the bar and admiring all the cute young...

3 years ago
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Jeff au Poivre

"Jeff au Poivre" JEFF AU POIVRE A Playful Prose Fantasy or Short Story by Dacneus Ouch! Damn! At least that’s the very least Jeff would have shouted—or screamed—if the ball-gag hadn’t been securely wedged between the roof of his mouth and his tongue and projecting halfway down his throat. And the sharp pain of the fork’s long tines pricking playfully and selectively into different places on his naked belly and then—damn—briefly but playfully—at least that is how he gauged his master’s...

2 years ago
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Super FluChapter 3

Junior shook his head and stretched, he had to stop thinking and start doin'. Course, Gunny always said a man that acted without thinking was dead. Gunny also said if you stop to think you get your fool head shot off. Full of contradictions Gunny was, but nobody in boot camp was dumb enough to point it out to him. Junior figured he'd done enough thinking and headed up the steep drive to the Whitman place. Pulling up in front of the house he saw Sarah's father coming from the barn. Seeing...

3 years ago
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Play Daddy

He was driving in his car when he saw her walking down the street. She wore sexy short shorts and a very tight t-shirt. He could see her nipples as she wore no bra. She looked about 18 and he was 55. He was good looking and wealthy and loved young girls. Esp sexy young girls. He stopped his car next to her and asked "Hey sweetie, want to go for a ride?" She turned to him and he could not take his eyes off this young petite body with the huge tits. She smiled and answered "Where do you want to...

2 years ago
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Owners Pride Neighbour8217s Envy 8211 Part II

Hello all, this is Hungstud again. You might have read my last story about how i had made love with a middle aged housewife. Without wasting your time, i will give first time readers small intros i am 28 years old working for a MNC and living in the western suburbs of Mumbai, Her name is Anjana Sharma a housewife who is as beautiful as beautiful can be. Now coming to the story, after we made love we had a nice couple of hours of sleep, i found her sleeping soundly when the first ray of morning...

2 years ago
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Dear JohnChapter 33

“So,” said Abigail. “He’s still a little bummed by what you said about the two of them. But, thanks to the girls, he’s willing to try and forget about it. The forgive part is easier than the forgetting; that part might turn out to be the impossible dream. But, he is trying. The trick will be for you to be careful about saying those kinds of things. Yes, they are challenged with the way they look. And, I can tell you that if there was a damn thing I could do about it I would. I’ve actually...

3 years ago
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New PleasuresChapter 11

The last weekend in July was baking and cleaning the club was airless and unbearable. The mini-heatwave had exploded into sweltering conditions and I was tempted to clean the club naked. Mum didn't object to me doing it topless and Susie, the tattooed barmaid blew me kisses as I finished on Saturday. I was not joined by Abi at all during the weekend, she was having some quiet time with Angela and I didn't want to invade her space by turning up at her flat unannounced. Sarah was doing...

1 year ago
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A Sweet Sexy SleepOver

AN: A Miranda/Lizzie fic. Two hot girls, a sleepover, the right atmosphere—- It’s naughty and playful. Hope y’all like it! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Lizzie got out of her car and pecked her dad on the cheek, thanking him for dropping her off at her best friend’s house for a sleepover. ‘You have fun, sweetie!’ He told her and smiled. ‘I will, Daddy.’ Lizzie, feeling childish, headed towards her best friend’s door. She hesitated for a second, feeling nervous. Still, she proceeded and rang the...

3 years ago
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Getting Married

Let’s start with some information about me. I am a thirty-something divorced woman. Some call me beautiful, others don’t. I have rich chestnut hair and piercing green eyes. I am not considered thin, and some may even call me fat. I think my curves are perfect. I spend quite a bit of time in the gym and am resolved that this is my body. Love it or hate it. After my divorce, I tried online dating. I could regale you with the horror stories, but I did meet a few good guys. One of those good guys...

Love Stories
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TalentChapter the Tenth Valeries Wish

We drove through the downtown core and settled back into each other's company whilst gazing out at the lights of the office buildings and the street furnishings. The city restaurants and bistros were island after island of colourful extravagance. The public displays of happiness and exuberance managed to ressurect everybody's spirit and I made sure the girls' memories of the preceding incident were clouded and unimportant. Neither of them had received any physical damage and it was a short...

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Stormy Day at the Pool

Man I love summer vacation! At least I have really loved it since I turned 11 and could go to the pool without needing to be with an adult. In order to do this I had to swim two lengths of the pool without stopping. The pool had lifeguards just in case I did something stupid and was drowning. My buddies from school were always to jealous because their neighborhoods didn't have pools or you had to be 14 because they did not want to pay lifeguards. My neighborhood was so big that we had two...

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Letters to ColletteChapter 6

Dear Collette, All this writing of Carla has been making me think a great deal about her. So, I called her Tuesday night (after 5 years) and asked if I could see her Thursday evening. She seemed reluctant, but finally said o.k. Well, I went over Thursday and took a couple of bottles of wine. The story isn't really all that interesting, but she finally broke down after 3 or 4 glasses of wine and told me that she had not had sex since her divorce 7 months ago and that she was horny as hell....

3 years ago
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Better And Black Chapter 4

After I had been forced to watch Jason fuck my wife, and cleaned them both up, I was banished to the sitting room to sleep on the sofa while they continued to have their fun.I slept very little, as I kept hearing the sound of Jane sobbing and calling out his name, as he pounded orgasm after orgasm out of her with his impressive weapon.As I awoke in the morning, I was greeted by the sight of Jane and Jason in the doorway passionately kissing goodbye. She thanked him for a fabulous night, and...

2 years ago
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Sexy teacher with sexy student

Hi Friends , Kaise ho sab es Teacher ki aap ne pehle b 2 stories Pad chuki hai “Desi Jatt mood in sex” and “Neeru” jo aap logo ne pehle b both pasand ki .Ab main aap k liye ek or story jo abbi abbi huyi tazza tazza sexy sexy real story hai. Jo mere barre main nahin jaante unko btaa du I m ravi from Punjab 25 m .Muje meri colony ki ladkiyaa jo ab muje kaam dev kehne lag gayi hai lakin meri colony k log muje sab se sareef or Asshaa pda likha huya ladka samjte hai so esi liye to unho ne mere paas...

1 year ago
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My First Girlfriend vol 1

Note: names have been changed, but this is a real story of my first relationship.Chapter 1: MeetingI met Rebecca a couple weeks into grade 12. She went to a different school but we had mutual friends. I didn't think we had much in common; she was taller than me, more athletic, she drank and I didn't. She was hot. Pretty face, light freckles, long dark hair, soft skin, long legs, and a nice bigger-than-average butt that was flaunted by her tight leggings. Right away I assumed she was out of my...

3 years ago
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Male Cherry goesPOP Pt3 Male Cherry goesPO

After Dinner we headed to Caesars Palace. Bryan wanted to see me on the dance floor again so we went to the hotel’s hottest club. After waiting in line for 20 minutes we entered a small area jam packed. The music was good but it was difficult to dance. I gave up. We sat down and ordered a drink at the bar. “You’re looking very nice tonight”, Bryan said while breathing at the nape of my neck. I thanked him. “Oh my God, I want to relive this afternoon. I’ve never had a man suck the soul out of me...

4 years ago
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Still Faithful Always Chapter 8

Languishing on his bed on a Friday evening following a vigorous assault on Laura’s body that had been item one on Greg’s agenda he asked his item two question. “Hey Darling, are you going to be out here three weeks from now, three weekends? I’ll need you that Saturday night.” “If you promise to ravish my body just exactly like the marauding horde screwing you just gave me I’ll be here as fast as I can get here whenever you call me. Kiss me again and then tell me about Saturday.” “Do you...

Wife Lovers
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Blondies Gift

I can't believe that my boyfriend wants to do this, but I agreed that I'd do anything he wanted. I didn't think it would be this, though. He wants to watch me having sex with another man. I tried asking him why he wants this. All he said is that it's always been a fantasy of his. I'm not sure what kind of fantasy that is, but who am I to judge? He had me find someone. It was me who was going to have to fuck him, after all, right? We went to bar, thinking we'd just scope the place out. It was...

3 years ago
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Playing alone at home by night

I was home alone again that cold night; with my beloved husband flying out of town. We had just finished a long chat on video call, since Victor had arrived to his hotel room. He had been talking about him coming back home and the dirty things he would do with me in our bed…When I shut down my phone, I realized how horny I was and how frustrating it was to know it would be at least three more days before I could ride my husband’s hard thick cock. I tried to occupy my mind with other things but...

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Cleaning Sally

My girlfriend is a very busy lady and works long hours doing her job. However the harder she works the more money she earns to keep us in the style to which we have become accustomed. Her long working hours mean that sex between us is a rarity and unfortunately we do not make love that often. Sally, my wife has a very high-powered professional job, which entails traveling round local businesses giving advice and sorting out their I.T. problems. It means lots of traveling and long business...

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Tucks American Roadtrip Arizona Pornography

Part Four – Tuck was driving southwest making his way back to Interstate 10 and replaying the previous night’s sexual adventure with his friend’s identical twin sisters, Peggy and Maggie. Of course his raw asshole kept those two girls on his mind. Tuck could not believe that they had put a dildo inside his ass and furthermore that he actually enjoyed the sordid kinky affair. Tuck had been driving for quite awhile and had long passed over into Arizona. He just could not believe the long lonely...

4 years ago
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You and me And Master

We were both in the presence of a dom gentleman. You were dressed all sissy and in maid's uniform. Me dressed more 'slutty CD' with very short skirt, stockings, heels.Naturally, we were both locked in our chastity cages. Our keys were not with us. We were not getting out.First, our dom told us to 'say hello' to each other. We were a little confused. Oh. He wanted a 'show'. So we gently, cautiously started.... little butterfly kisses. Hands roaming softly. Standing so close, face-to-face, my...

1 year ago
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Bayonettas Abuse Chapter 7 Lurid Revelations

James' eyes opened for the first time in what felt like days, his pupils slowly adjusting to the light. He began to take in his dismal surroundings and immediately his memories flooded back. His kidnapping, the battle with Jeanne, and being hauled away by the mysterious colleagues of his lover and dominatrix, Bayonetta. He examined the small room from the top bunk of a prison bed and found his dark seductress sleeping soundly in the bottom bunk below. It was mostly quiet in the cage of...

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The Adventures Of Kitty continued

After he left Kitty carefully removed her mask and gloves, putting them in the top drawer of her bedside chest to keep them safe. It was only as she turned that the tail swished against her thigh, so with a chuckle and a bite on her lower lip she eased it from her ass. After a quick clean it, too, joined the rest of her kitty outfit in the drawer. Her fingers went up to her collar...no...that could stay on a while longer, she loved the fact she was now an Owned kitty for real. She sprawled...

2 years ago
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Wifes Best Friend

My wife's best friend is a cute blonde that I have had a thing for since we’ve met. Heather and I have flirted back and forth for years (well, more so me flirting to her more than her back, but she flirts back just enough to keep me going.) In the past we have chatted online about when she and my wife lived together. She would hint they have played naked a little bit but would never admit it. Jenny, my wife, would tease me with those thoughts once in a while too. I’m sure they never did...


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