Healthcare Reform A nurse fantasy
- 3 years ago
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"Toni, can you see what they want in room fourteen, please?" called the senior nurse.
Antonia finished her coffee quickly and went along the corridor. She worked as a nurse in the recovery unit of a private medical facility, you only got in there if you had money, and plenty of it. The only patients they got were those who had been treated and were already on the way to recovery after an operation.
This made the job easier than working in a National Health Service hospital and had little in the way of trauma or stress, but it had its own problems. Because the patients were over the worst and recovering well, they were more active, more restless and hornier than hospital patients, which was sometimes a problem if you happened to be an attractive twenty-year-old nurse in a rather sexy uniform designed to look good and please the patients.
"Rather sexy" was somewhat of an understatement, the uniform consisting of a short, white, almost see-through dress with a plunging neckline, fastened by a single zip running from bust to hem, the dress ending several inches above the tops of the white hold-up stockings, and the outfit complemented by white high-heeled shoes.
There was a variety of rooms and wards, depending on how much money the patient was willing to spend. They ranged from the luxury single rooms with television, music system and mini-bar, double rooms, four-person rooms, and one large twelve-bed ward. Room fourteen was a double room, and she had been there before so knew what to expect.
"What is it, Mister Jackson?" she asked as she entered the room, "your sheets again?"
"Yes, I am afraid so," the fifty-something male told her, "and I wish you would call me Bill."
"I have told you, Mister Jackson," she replied, "we have to call patients by title and surname, first names are not allowed."
"Nobody would know, so what harm would it do?" the man countered. "Anyway, if you could just straighten them, please?"
He stood to one side, he and the other patient watching as Antonia bent over to straighten the tangled bed-sheets, both men taking in the view of her gorgeous ass, nicely displayed by the short uniform riding up over her buttocks.
"I really do not know how you manage to get them so tangled," Toni told him, stretching further over and giving the two watchers a nice sighting of the skimpy thong between her legs, "I don't think it could be any worse if you had done it on purpose."
She straightened up, smoothing her uniform down, unaware of the treat she had inadvertently supplied.
"Is there anything else while I am here?" she asked, "No? Okay, dinner will be coming soon. Bye."
The two men sighed as she left, bottom twitching sexily.
"Bill, I know I am almost sixty," the other patient said, "but when I see that ass, I feel a whole lot younger."
"John, that is strange," Bill told him, "it makes me feel old, but I could still show her a trick or two given half a chance."
Antonia went back to the nurse's station, to check on what her next job was, sighing as she found it to be changing the sheets in the main ward. Twelve beds, just wonderful. At least the patients were all fit and healthy enough to get in and out of the beds without assistance, and most rarely bothered using the beds during the day, preferring to sit in chairs or even use the facilities in the gym or the games room with its pool table and dart board.
Some would be in the swimming pool under the supervision of one of the staff, as swimming was encouraged as being healthy exercise. She loaded the sheets onto a trolley, and went to the main ward, finding all but two of the beds empty. Some of the men were sat at the centre tables, reading or playing cards.
She started at one end of the ward, stripping the bed, and putting new sheets on the bed, leaning across to tuck the sheets in, and totally unaware of the men pausing in their activities to watch her and to enjoy the display of legs and ass.
"I wonder if she even knows what she is showing?" one of the men mused, "Or even what effect she has on us?"
"Al, I honestly don't think she knows how hot she is," another told him, "it's not even like she flaunts it, she is just herself."
"You are probably right, Rod," Al admitted, "she has somehow managed to stay modest and naïve, yet she must have had men queuing up for a chance to bed her."
Rod laughed, "If I were a few years younger," he confessed, "I would be in that queue myself."
"Bugger my age," one of the other men added, "I would queue as long as I had to, for a chance to get between those legs."
They watched happily, as Toni worked her way from bed to bed. Rod looked at Al and the other men sat at the table.
"I wonder if she would go along with a bit of fun, next time she is on nights?" He murmured idly, "how many of the others do you think would join in for the chance to see her strip, and maybe even get to touch or tease her?"
"She is a nice kid, Rod," Al told him, "I wouldn't want her to get hurt or even scared."
Mumbles from the others told Al that everyone seemed to share that sentiment.
"Of course not," Rod explained, "I like her too, I am not talking of rape or assault, but I think if we started playing, that she would not mind some fun, all within her limits, and she gets to say yes or no to anything."
The men looked at each other, and nodded, smiling at the thought.
"Okay, so we find out who else wants in," Rod stated, "and then we can get it organised. When is she on nights next?"
Another man, Charles, spoke up. "Night after next," he told the group, "Saturday. I heard her complaining to another nurse about having to miss her Saturday night out with the girls."
"Gives us plenty of time to arrange things then," Rod offered, "any ideas or suggestions, let me know later."
Nods and smiles, then the group resumed watching the sexy girl as she bent and leaned, innocently unaware of showing so much of her sexy body to the watching men.
Saturday night finally came. As Toni went to take over the main ward at eight that evening, her colleague, Diane, warned her.
"Watch them tonight, darling," she told Toni, "they have been restless all day. I think they are up to something."
"I will watch them, Di," she agreed, "Thanks for the warning."
"Anytime, angel, "Diane laughed, "Just remember that you are the only one on duty tonight, thanks to Jackie calling in sick. Not that there should be much to do, there never is on nights. Hardest part is staying awake."
Toni sat at the desk at the end of the ward. Most of the men were watching television, some film involving fast cars and some shooting. One call from room fourteen at around ten-thirty was only Mister Jackson needing his bed made yet again. Football was on the television when she got back to the ward, and the men watched until the programme ended.
Usually after the television ended, the men would all get into bed. Tonight though, they sat in the chairs as if waiting for something. A group of them were chatting, heads together and speaking quietly, then the group, six of them, came towards where she was sat.
"Hey, sexy nurse," one of them said to her, "we are bored, and hoping you could help us out?"
"How do you mean?" she asked, standing up and moving backwards. "How can I help with that?"
She backed into one of the men behind her, feeling his groin press against her lightly clad bottom.
"We were hoping you would sort of dance for us," one told her, "maybe help us get over our randiness?"
Antonia considered her situation. She was alone with twelve men from the ward plus another six or so from the smaller wards, and while she did not think it likely, the possibility did exist that she could be assaulted by them. On the other hand, dancing might relieve some of the sexual tensions, and besides, she didn't mind showing off her body.
"Just a dance?" she queried, "That is all you want?"
"Well no, not really," admitted another, "but if that is all you want to give, then we will accept it gladly."
One of the others, Rod she seemed to recall, murmured to her.
"Don't worry sexy girl, " he assured her, "we will not do anything at all that you do not want, promise."
Antonia considered her options. She knew some of the nursing staff had enjoyed sex with certain patients, and she herself had given the occasional hand job, plus a blowjob or two when the mood took her and the patient made it clear he wanted some special treatment.
She had never had any kind of sex though in the side rooms, and certainly not in the main ward with God knows how many watching. Not that the idea of group sex bothered her, she rather enjoyed it the few times she had indulged in it at University. She was just unsure of how many she could accommodate if it came to that. Now for the immediate problem.
"Why do you want me to dance for you?" she asked Rod, "I am not very good at dancing and I am not sexy enough for lap dances or stripping."
"Are you joking, sexy girl?" he gasped, incredulously, "You are the hottest girl I have ever seen, and most of the men in here will agree with that. And yes, please. We would love a strip and lap dance from you, it would be a dream come true."
"Are you sure?" Toni questioned uncertainly.
"Lads," Rod called, "Toni doesn't think she is sexy enough to do some dancing for us. What do you think, is she?"
From the yells and cheers and whistling, Toni gathered they felt she most certainly was sexy enough.
"We have no music though," she prevaricated, "I can't dance without music."
"We can solve that," she was informed, "what music would you like?"
An MP3 was produced along with mini-speakers. Toni knew she was beaten. The men seem to have anticipated every objection she could come up with.
"Well, okay then," she conceded, "just don't expect it to be much good though, I really am not a good dancer."
The chairs were arranged in a square, five to a side, plus one dining chair in the centre for Toni to use, giving Toni an area of around twelve foot square in which to dance. A selection of music considered suitable for her to dance to had already been arranged on the music player, with a few nice slow numbers for her to show off her body to the watchers. Rod had a quiet word with Antonia before the show started.
"Are you still up for this, sexy nurse?" he asked, "Remember, you are under no pressure at all, nobody will make you do anything that you do not want to do, I promise you that."
"Thanks, Rod," Toni acknowledged, "I am just so nervous. I really don't dance well enough for this."
"You do not need to, gorgeous girl. Move to the music, take things off slowly, that teases us," Rod laughed, "and act like you are in your room dancing alone with nobody watching. They are not looking forward to a display of dancing, they are looking forward to watching more and more of that sexy body being shown. And before you start with that 'not sexy' crap, we all agree that you are very sexy."
Rod went to take a seat. So long as Toni moved around, everyone would get a good view of her whole body. Antonia had always thought her worst nightmare would be to stand naked in front of a group of people. Now she realised she had been wrong. The worst nightmare was to be naked in front of people who did not find her sexy.
She walked to the centre of the square and sat on the chair, hands shaking and mouth dry. The music started and she stood, walking slowly around the inside of the square, not dancing yet, just walking close to the watchers so they could reach out and touch her if they wished, and most did want to touch, either with a gentle pat on her bottom, or a quick stroke of her stocking-clad legs.
Encouraged by this display of enjoyment, she began to sway in time to the music, trying to forget those watching, and just moving her body, totally unaware of how sexy that simple action was. As she moved, she ran her hands over her body, inadvertently pulling the short dress up to show fleeting glimpses of her bottom and crotch, then sliding the zip down a few inches to give a peek at the swell of her boobs.
A few more inches and the lacy bra was seen. Remembering Rod's warning about rushing, she walked slowly around the square again, giving the men a close-up view of the parts now on show. The music changed to a slow song and she sat on the chair. She had intended taking off her stockings but thought the men might prefer them left on.
Instead, she raised one shapely leg slowly, higher and higher, then stretched to put her hands on the ankle and smooth the stocking along the length of her leg, all the way to the stocking top. Then the same with the other leg, seeing the men watching in fascination and bated breath as her hands traveled every inch of the way down, from the foot above her head to right near her exposed crotch, covered by a strip of flimsy lace.
She stood again, swaying gently as the next song came on, a faster one, but she moved to her own rhythm, now inching the zipper down bit by bit, until it came free at the hem. Toni held the two sides of the dress together, as she circled the chair, opening the dress briefly from time to time to give them all tantalising glimpses of her body, then slowly slipped it off, placing it carefully on the chair.
The tiny bra and briefs set did not hide much, and the men were all leaning forward, hardly breathing as she caressed her boobs through the thin fabric. By now Toni could see how aroused the men were becoming, and she herself could feel her own arousal, her nipples hard and tingling and a wetness between her legs.
She began straddling each man in turn, wriggling her body and sitting briefly on their laps, feeling their hardness through their pajamas or trousers, She pressed into each man, kissing them on their lips before moving to the next. The third man was Rod. As she leaned into him she whispered.
"Rod, unclip my bra, please," she told him, "thank you, darling."
When she stood again, the bra was held in place by her hands, and when she straddled the next men, she let it fall away from her, leaving her topless, to the cheers of the watchers. Now, straddling the men meant trying to keep their hands or mouths off her tits. Then she thought, 'why bother?' and let them touch or kiss as they pleased.
Besides, by now she was so aroused, she needed physical contact, reveling in it as she grew more aroused than she could ever recall being before. When she sat on Bill's knee, (she thought it silly to think of him as Mister Jackson when she was astride him almost naked) she kissed him softly.
"When I stand up," she murmured to him, "slide my panties down, please."
He smiled hugely, as he took hold of the flimsy fabric, sliding them down to her ankles and watching her step out of them, then wiggling her naked pussy inches from his face.
She returned to her chair, straddling it to show her snatch wide open, then caressed her boobs, squeezing them together, then with an effort, pushing each, in turn, up and just managing to touch each nipple with her tongue, something she had never done before. She pinched the nipples hard, until they were throbbing, then licked her finger and ran it over each nipple, seeing them hard and erect.
Then she was running her hands so slowly down her body, teasing ribs and belly, then down inch by inch to the wet pussy, pulling the outer lips apart and stroking along the slit. She forgot about the watchers as her fingers slid inside herself, thumb rubbing her clit and her free hand back up to a firm tit, pinching the nipple hard again.
Her legs opened as wide as she could get them as she rubbed and finger-fucked herself until she came, arching her body back and screaming her pleasure while the men sat mesmerised at the sight.
Then raucous applause and cheers for her stunningly erotic performance. Eager helpers lifted her, laying her on a bed, with hands holding her arms and legs wide. Rod pushed his way to her head.
"You really okay with being fucked?" he asked her, "that is what they all want. Just say the word and it stops now."
Toni turned dreamy lustful eyes to him.
"Fuck me please, Rod," she murmured clearly, "you first, please?"
"I kind of hoped it would get to this," he said, half to himself, "condoms, bottom drawer of my bedside unit," he called.
He had stocked up with them, a friend bringing boxes of them for him the previous day. As he put the condom on, he saw Toni already had a cock in each hand, wanking them nicely, plus one using her mouth, and the rest of the men stroking, teasing and touching wherever they could.
He slid into her tight wetness, enjoying the way she thrust up to meet his lunges. That performance had made him so horny, he knew he was not going to last long, at least not for the first fuck, but he was hoping he could recover enough for a second later. Maybe her ass next time. With almost twenty horny men all turned on totally by that performance, the sexy nurse was going to be well fucked by morning.
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My Stepmother Teresa hadn't done much, it seemed, in quite a while, since her last experience documented in her other stories. She dressed pretty conservatively again, and all seemed quiet and placid in our lives.This peace was broken one day, however, when I was walking with Mum around the corner, past the local shops. There was a group of youths in their late teens hanging around outside the shops, and although I knew their faces from experiencing their nuisance making and petty vandalism in...
My Mum Teresa hadn't done much, it seemed, in quite a while, since her last experience documented in her other stories. She dressed pretty conservatively again, and all seemed quiet and placid in our lives.This peace was broken one day, however, when I was walking with Mum around the corner, past the local shops. There was a group of youths in their late teens hanging around outside the shops, and although I knew their faces from experiencing their nuisance making and petty vandalism in the...
My Stepmother Teresa hadn't done much, it seemed, in quite a while, since her last experience documented in her other stories. She dressed pretty conservatively again, and all seemed quiet and placid in our lives.This peace was broken one day, however, when I was walking with Mum around the corner, past the local shops. There was a group of youths in their late teens hanging around outside the shops, and although I knew their faces from experiencing their nuisance making and petty vandalism in...
I have no idea why I decided to skip school for the fourth time that term.It was a totally stupid thing to do and I knew it. I just hated my Friday timetable at school, and knowing that my adopted mum, Zoe was out at work from early morning until late evening that day made it easy for me to skip school. Zoe Rudd was far too trusting when it came to me, and over the years I had been living with her, I had managed to find out what her email passwords were and even the code to unlock her mobile...
SpankingSchool Nurse Confidential by DirtyMindedMom I watched Michelle do a flawless cartwheel. Her perfect ass in those tight shorts was the star of the show, but her outstretched legs were what got my attention. They were so toned and smooth. I thought for a second that I might’ve caught a glimpse of her panties when she was upside down. Now all I had to do was make sure I didn’t get a boner in front of everyone. “Let’s go, Kussler!” Mr. Watts, the P.E. Coach, growled at me. “You’re up!”If it...
School Nurse Confidentialby DirtyMindedMomI watched Michelle do a flawless cartwheel. Her perfect ass in those tight shorts was the star of the show, but her outstretched legs were what got my attention. They were so toned and smooth. I thought for a second that I might’ve caught a glimpse of her panties when she was upside down. Now all I had to do was make sure I didn’t get a boner in front of everyone.“Let’s go, Kussler!” Mr. Watts, the P.E. Coach, growled at me. “You’re up!”If it wasn’t for...
The patient’s mother, Miss Smith, phoned me to set up her son’s examination. The boy had just turned 18. She felt he required a special exam session due to what she had seen him doing with another boy of his own age. She had came home from work early one day to find her son and the boy “playing doctor” in his bedroom. She explained how she watched as her son played the role of the patient, the other boy having him lie on the bed in just his briefs as he sat beside him...
I’m a bisexual guy living in Bangalore. In this story, I would like to narrate an unexpected sex with a nurse in hospital pharmacy. My grandfather had got admitted to hospital as his sugar levels had hit high. I and my family took turns for staying right next to him. As I used to go to my office in the day time, I used to stay in the hospital at nights. There were a couple of nurses who used to be on duty at night. One of them was very cute and chubby. Her name was Navya. I believe nurses are...
It's not often that an article begins with the ending, but in this case, the end of the story is very important. My visit to Lady Ashley - Nurse Mistress was excellent! She is a true professional and knows exactly what to do in a medical scenario. By her own admission, the medical scenario is her favorite. And, through at least ten years of experience fraught with many disappointments and money spent foolishly, I can tell you that there's every truth to the adage, "You get what you pay for." A...
FetishI watched Michelle do a flawless cartwheel. Her perfect ass in those tight shorts was the star of the show, but her outstretched legs were what got my attention. They were so toned and smooth. I thought for a second that I might’ve caught a glimpse of her panties when she was upside down. Now all I had to do was make sure I didn’t get a boner in front of everyone. “Let’s go, Kussler!” Mr. Watts, the P.E. Coach, growled at me. “You’re up!” If it wasn’t for being able to watch the girls jumping...
TabooSo You Want To Be A Nurse? By Michele Nylons Chapter One - Bound to Her Calling Males make up around 10 percent of the nursing workforce in the UK. Nurses are typically regarded as female and males in nursing can find themselves referred to by the public and patients as 'male nurses' or 'murse' to distinguish them from other nurses. After the Second World War, large numbers of male nurses moved into the work force as they were demobilised after the war and had gained medical...
Amy Jameson was pissed. Amy was a student nurse, and she had just begun a new rotation on the geriatrics ward. While she had so far had some very nice experiences in other areas, this one was marred by the nurse in charge, Joanne Richley. Joanne was, simply put, a bitch. Amy had been warned by her friends in the program when she was assigned this rotation, but there was nothing that she could do about it. "Watch out for her, Amy," Anne had warned. "She watches you like a hawk, and...
Sonya lived in a loving, close knit family. She loved both her parents dearly and was even fond of her younger brother, Mat, even though he always commanded all the attention.Sonya was a shy character who offered nothing extraordinary to those around her, though she was loved by those closest to her, both friends and family. If Sonya was not in her room playing her clarinet, she would be studying at the library or reading poetry on the decking in the back yard. To look at, Sonya came across as...
IncestLucy was devastated by the news that her beloved boss Pamela was rumored to be considering a trip to America. America seemed so far away and the people so very strange and unpredictable. She had dated a young man from a place called Buffalo and she always giggled at the thought of an entire city named after some lumbering animal on the verge of extinction. He didn’t appear to appreciate her amusement and found her lack of knowledge about his homeland quite disconcerting. She was more than...
If you haven't read Part I, or haven't read it recently, I recommend you do so here: you have, please enjoy Part II'The Nurse = Part II'by DizzyDFor Connie, thanks for your inspiration - Love, DDNow it was 1998. I was thirty-eight years old, and twenty-four years had passed since my best friend Becky had her first sexual encounter with her cousin Timmy. If you’re not sure how old we were when it happened, do the math. I had long...
As i walked to my first class I was trying not to think about mum and the nurse discussing the history on the laptop, Mum thinks i'm some sort of perv, but then again maybe it would put an end to having my cock in a cage,I entered English class and sat down, my bum still slippy and slightly sore, like a reminder of what happened, like i was still being spanked an entered.I was paying no attention to what the teacher was saying, instead my mind was wondering , its funny how a boy cant think...
Welcome to Carefree Daycare! This story will be far more linear than regular CHYOA stories. It consists of 5 days of which all have a specified ending. Because of this you can add chapters on how the main character got into this situation, but you can not change the course of the story. There is a 6th day that serves as a free day a couple months after the original story. You can write any story line here you'd like. Because of the said restrictions, the are strict guidelines for adding new...
FetishJUAN or The Youth Health Control Program. By Angel Fouco A devious woman dominates young boys and girls and makes them fullfill her sexual phantasies. (F+/m, F+/f, F+/f+m+, M/m, M+F+/f, humil, cons) Main Characters: Ana C?rdova In?s Ju?rez, a female Doctor Mariana Garc?a, assistant secretary Juan Cuadrado Casilda Cuadrado, his sister Several others from the neighborhood Chapter 1: The health program Ana C?rdova, was a stout, short woman of around forty five years old. She was like the ruler over...
Well if you have read my other to blogs or stories you will see where this is leading. Well I made the phone call to my nurse I had in the hospital, well lets get this straight, my wife and I had her. So my wife really enjoyed sucking on the young nurse breast and tasting her milk and I enjoyed watching it all take place. We like my wife told me to make it happen and for me to call the nurse up and arrange it. Well I made the call I think the nurse was waiting on the call. As she answered the...
Lisa was in high school and had noticed; as did a lot of other students, that the new school nurse was young and pretty. After hearing rumors that the nurse might be a lesbian, Lisa got excited. Of course she didn’t know how real the rumor was, it could be that the boys were expecting to get BJs during sports physicals and were disappointed that she had no interest in them. Lisa was just getting into the fact that she might be gay. She was at the start of her senior year and had not dated at...
Tom lay in bed looking at his leg; the cast on his foot still looked odd no matter how many times he looked at it. He was used to seeing his feet clad in an assortment of boots or shoes, but this cast was difficult to accept. An independent man, he was not used to having to be assisted with all of his daily activities. There was no privacy either in this facility. The staff, though pleasant and accommodating, was persistent in their constant care. He just wanted a few minutes for himself, by...
ReluctanceSchool Nurse Confidential, Ch. 2by DirtyMindedMomMy heart was thumping and my palms were sweaty as I presented Mr. Brundowski with my appointment slip. He eyed me suspiciously, but wrote me a pass to go to the nurse’s office anyway. It wasn’t that I was getting out of Geometry class that had me so excited; it was that I was going to see Nurse Cady again.I must have jerked off to thoughts of her at least a hundred times. I forced myself to stop yesterday so I could save up a nice load for her...
It’s not often that an article begins with the ending, but in this case, the end of the story is very important. My visit to Lady Ashley - Nurse Mistress was excellent! She is a true professional and knows exactly what to do in a medical scenario. By her own admission, the medical scenario is her favorite. And, through at least 10 years of experience fraught with many disappointments and money spent foolishly, I can tell you that there’s every truth to the adage, “You get what you pay for.” A...
Chapter Two: Futa's First Nurse By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Two nurses?” Adelia Tash asked me, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaning closer to me. That did such interesting things to her breasts pressing at her blouse. “That must have been such an exciting time.” “Oh, it was,” I said. “I just wish the past me had been relaxed enough to really appreciate what was happening.” A chuckle ran through the studio audience watching the celebration of my life...
She could do this.That’s what Amy Markwell kept telling herself.She could do this.The tall, dark-haired Year Twelve girl smiled awkwardly as she waited for Miss Whitley outside the PE office. Amy knew that she could rely on her new PE Mistress to fall for her fake illness in order that she got sent home and wouldn’t have to attend the Open Evening event that her mother, and Head of Sixth Form at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College, Mrs. Stacey Markwell, had volunteered her for. The Sixth Former...