Rhonda Mary Ann and John new neighbor 2
- 4 years ago
- 63
- 0
Author’s note: I served in the relative peace of Korea instead of in the little understood US action in Viet Nam, and therefore ask the brave men and women of my generation who fought, cried, and bled there to forgive the inaccuracies in my depictions. I salute your sacrifice, and hope you may enjoy this story in spite of my errors.
* * * * *
As the Huey dropped quickly down to the bomb crater, we un-assed the bird and scrambled for the relative safety of the crater edge. While the rest of the three birds unloaded, we scanned the surroundings for signs of movement, and then started in the direction of our objective, the small knoll known to the generals as Hill 127, and to us grunts as just another piece of Viet Nam to be walked to, fought over, and then abandoned to it’s fate. With rifles cocked and unlocked, and all senses honed to a razor edge, we started the slow route step to the base of the hill. I was taking my turn at point, and was congratulating myself on drawing this task on a day when we seemed to be the only people around. I was so involved in being pleased that I didn’t see the thin wire stretched between the two of the trees on the paddy dike.
The homegrown VC mine was wired to the tree at waist level, and was designed to spray shrapnel at whatever tripped the wire, or at least that’s what they told me afterwards. All I knew is that there was a small explosion to my right at the same time that I felt my right thigh turn to hamburger and hurt like no pain I had ever felt before. I screamed, and fell down, my legs no longer able to support me. Quickly, Doc Macon was at my side, wrapping me in bandages to stop the bleeding, and shooting me up with morphine. As he wrote the time of the injection across my forehead, he smiled and said, ‘Don’t worry, Flanders, you’ll be OK. Just hang in there. The bird’s on the way to pick you up. You’ll be drinkin’ Jack and fuckin’ round-eye nurses in a couple days.’ Then he was gone, on the way to join the platoon, and I laid on the ground slipping into the reverie of the dope, as a small rear guard waited to load me on the Huey.
I don’t remember much of the flight back to the field hospital, just some noise and unrelated sights. When they unloaded me, and took me to the hospital, I remember a doctor saying, ‘Well, this boy’s going to go home less one leg,’ and then another voice saying, ‘Wait a minute. It’s not as bad as it looks. Let’s get the bleeding stopped, pack it, and send him to Saigon. Let them decide.’ I went out just after I felt the needle slip in my arm.
There are more fuzzy sights and sounds that I recall if I think very hard, but the next thing I have actual memory of is waking up in a hospital bed, and looking down to see if my leg was still there. I couldn’t lift my head very high, and was cursing my weakness when arms lifted my head and chest up so I could see. ‘It’s OK, they’re both still there,’ said the medic behind me. ‘It was close, but they think they’ve saved it. You’re going to Japan this afternoon, so don’t get too comfortable.’
After the flight to the hospital in Japan, I was placed in a ward with twenty other guys suffering from wounds serious enough that Saigon couldn’t take care of us. I was feeling pissed about being away from my unit. I was pissed that I had done something so stupid as to step on a tripwire and almost get my leg blown off, and was also feeling pretty sorry for myself. I was just waiting for someone to say something to me that would let me vent. I wanted to hit something or someone, just do anything to get this out of my system. Later the doctor’s told me that some patients reacted to the medications by becoming aggressive, and that I had been a real ass for a while.
‘Well, welcome to Japan, handsome,’ said the little red-haired nurse as she placed a clipboard on the hook at the end of my bed. She was about five-two, and her otherwise slender body was accentuated by the large breasts that thrust out the front of her white uniform. I figured her age at about twenty-five, and decided immediately that I didn’t like her. I knew I hated her when she stuck a thermometer in my mouth, and grabbed my wrist to take my pulse. I pulled my hand out of her grasp and yanked the thermometer out of my mouth. I said, ‘Hey, bitch, just get the hell away from me, and leave me alone.’
She just smiled, and said, ‘OK,’ and walked to the next bed. I laid there feeling very satisfied that I had shown her she couldn’t make me do anything.
In about an hour, she came back with two orderlies. I was pretty weak, and couldn’t resist much as they strapped my hands and my one good leg to the bed. They stepped back, and she approached the bed, smiled again, and then leaned down to whisper in my ear.
‘OK, Flanders, here’s how it works. I’m going to take your temp’ and get your pulse. Now, do you cooperate or do I have these guys sit on you while I do my job?’
I was furious, furious at being tied down like an animal, and furious that a nurse would say anything like that to me.
‘Well, fuck you, bitch. I told you to go away once, so just fuck you!’
She smiled again, a little strained this time, I thought, and was again pleased with myself. Then, she motioned to the two orderlies. One held my head still and opened my mouth as she slipped in the thermometer. ‘I wouldn’t bite that thermometer, if I were you.’ she said casually. ‘The mercury is poisonous, and if it doesn’t kill you, your hair will fall out, and you’ll be impotent.’ The other held my arm as she took my pulse. She took the thermometer, read it and made a note on my chart. Then she motioned to the orderlies, and they released me. She came back to the side of the bed.
‘I think I’ll speak to the doctor about your medication. It seems to be affecting your temper, but that happens sometimes. I’m going to keep you restrained until you calm down a little, but don’t worry, you’re going to be all right. Your leg was shot up pretty bad, and it’ll have to have some time to heal. When you’re ready, we’ll start rehab, and get you up and walking again.’
During the night, another nurse came to give me some pills, which I wouldn’t swallow. She just shrugged and produced a syringe, saying in no one to particular, ‘Well, they said you’d be a problem. We’ll see how you like this, instead.’ She jabbed the needle into my arm and quickly pushed the plunger before I could react. ‘Now, go back to sleep. Rhonda will be back in the morning.’
The next morning, I felt a little different, not so much on edge, and not quite so ready to fight the world. My leg was hurting, and I was hungry. I saw the doctor’s entourage walking from bed to bed, and shortly they stopped at mine. One of them, the one in charge, I assumed, looked at my chart for a while, and then said, ‘Well, Flanders, how’re you feeling today?’
I said I hurt and was hungry.
‘I changed your prescription yesterday after Rhonda said you were being a bit of an ass. Sorry about that, but we gave you what we thought was best. It turns out you reacted a little stronger than we anticipated. The new medicine will do about the same thing, and you’ll be a lot easier to get along with. I’ll have Rhonda get something for the pain, and breakfast is in about half an hour. Now, I want you to get plenty of rest, and don’t get out of bed for the next week. That leg’s got to have time to heal, or you’ll lose it, is that clear?’
I said it was, and the group moved on to the next bed. I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn’t. I could, however, lay there and stew in my own self-pity, and by the time the little red haired nurse came in with the cart of medications, I was pretty well on the way to a really rotten attitude, and my leg was hurting more than ever.
She rolled the cart up to the bed, and for the first time I realized she had a really nice figure, even in the nurses uniform. She also had a very pretty face with soft, deep eyes. She came to the edge of the bed, and looked me in the eye. ‘I’m
going to take your temp, and check your pulse. Do I need to call those two big friends of mine again, or are you going to be good?’
‘I’ll be good. The doctor said my medicine made me a real jerk, and you asked him to change it.’
She unstrapped my right hand, stuck the thermometer in my mouth, and checked my pulse while she talked. ‘Yes, sometimes certain medications cause temporary mental problems, and it’s hard to predict. I asked him to give you something else that might not affect you that way. You really weren’t a jerk. You were more of a totally obnoxious, self-pitying, uncooperative, asshole bastard, at least that’s the way I described you. That’s why he changed the meds.’ She smiled innocently, read the thermometer, made a note on my chart, and then brought me a cup with six pills and a glass of water. Again, she looked me in the eye. ‘Jenny said she had to give you a shot because you wouldn’t take your pills. You going to take them this morning, or do I have to do the same?’
I silently took the cup of pills and tipped it down, and followed with the glass of water. ‘Is that better?’ I asked.
‘Yes, it was. One of those pills is to stop the pain in your leg, but it’ll take a little while to kick in. I think we can take the rest of these straps off now. I just had them tie you down because you were a little hard to handle, bad leg or not. You seem to be calmed down now.’ She unstrapped my other hand and leg. She looked at me seriously. ‘Doctor Mills says you’re to lay still and rest, or you still might lose that leg. Do you understand?’
I nodded yes.
‘OK, now I’ll finish my round, and then I’ll be back to change your dressings. Oh, and by the way, being still includes not getting up to go to the bathroom. If you need to go, just press your call button, and I’ll bring you a bedpan. OK?’
I nodded yes again, and she smiled and moved to the next bed.
Breakfast was actually pretty good after the months of C’s and mess hall chow. I had oatmeal that wasn’t like paste, eggs that were fresh, bacon, toast, and coffee. It wouldn’t have mattered, I was starved. About midway through my second cup of coffee, the pain in my leg started to go away, and I started feeling better. By the time she came back, I was feeling good enough to notice that not only was her figure pretty good, she was just a really pretty girl. The sunlight coming in through the windows highlighted her short, red-brown hair with glints of copper, and when she saw me staring, she smiled the most dazzling smile I’d seen in a long time.
She was pushing a cart again, this time loaded with gauze and cotton. It took her an hour to get to me, and when she pushed the cart up beside the bed, that smile blazed again. She produced a pair of scissors from the pocket in the front of her uniform, and said, ‘It’s time to change your dressings. This might hurt a little, but I’m pretty good at this, and I’ll be careful.’ She flipped the sheet and blanket down to the end of the bed. I yelled ‘Hey’, and tried to cover myself with my hands. The standard issue hospital gown had slipped up during the night, leaving me naked from the waist down.
The little red head laughed, a full, uninhibited laugh that caused all sorts of delectable little jiggles all over her lush body. ‘My, my, my, aren’t we the modest one? Hmmm, I’ve seen a lot of uh,,,men, and you certainly don’t need to be modest. Now, just let me do my job, and then I’ll cover you back up. Think you can handle that? My friendly orderlies are still around, you know.’
It was useless to resist, she’d only call those guys again. It was the first of many lessons I would learn about military hospitals. There was no modesty in a ward of twenty guys, most of them were too sick or injured to care anyway, and the nurses showed no mercy. Modesty just got in their way, and caused them to get behind in their many tasks. I resigned myself to the fact that I was going to have to get used to this, and laid back while she worked.
She was gentle, although some of the bandages had adhered. She carefully teased the cotton and gauze away from the wound, and I felt little pain as she removed all the packing and bandages. When she had removed the last bandage, she began cleaning the wound. She finished and said, ‘Well, I’m ready to do you up again. Want to see before I do?’
I looked down at my leg, and a wave of nausea pushed my breakfast to the back of my throat. I’ve never been able to deal with blood very well, especially my own, and even closed wounds tend to make me queasy. I couldn’t look for very long, but from what I saw, I was a mess. A good chunk of my thigh was just gone. The skin had apparently survived, and they had pulled it together and stitched it, but there was a hollow where the muscle should have been. I fell back on the bed, my heart pounding in my ears, and the self pity rising again to new heights.
She looked at me, and said softly, ‘Don’t worry. You’re going to walk again. It’ll take a while, and you’ll have a limp, but you’ll walk. You know, lots of you guys who end up here, go home without a leg or an arm or both. Just think about that, when you get down, and you can always call me if a little talking will do you good.’
She became all business again. ‘Well, I can’t stand around here while you stare at yourself. I’ll just get you wrapped up again, and then you can cover up that little thing you’re so modest about.’ She said the last part just loud enough for the rest of the ward to hear, and the embarrassment made me forget about my leg until she left.
Just after lunch, she made rounds with medication again. She stopped by my bed and handed me the usual cup of pills and glass of water. As I gulped down the pills, she sat on the edge of the bed. She waited until I washed them down with the water, took the glass, and said, ‘I’m sorry about this morning, but we’ve learned that the best way to get patients ready for rehab is to get them to accept their injuries. I had to show you that, so you would be ready when it’s time for you to try walking again. You had to see that you were hurt pretty badly, but that you still have a leg that can walk, if you work at making it strong again. You’re healing well, and I want you to look at your wound every day, so you can see how it’s getting better. You’ll be surprised at how quickly it heals, and seeing it will help you believe the rehab will help.’
I was a little astounded. This was the heartless bitch that had me strapped to the bed, and then threatened to have orderlies sit on me the next morning. She was the same uncaring nurse who whipped the blankets from my nakedness, exposing me to the world, and then had the nerve to laugh. And now, she was sitting on my bed, consoling me, and explaining her actions, even though I hadn’t asked. I felt that I needed to say something, anything, or I would break down and cry. I murmured, ‘What is your name?’
‘Excuse me, you have to talk louder than that if I’m going to hear you.’
‘I said, what’s your name?’
‘Oh,’ she smiled, ‘I’m Rhonda. Rhonda… well just Rhonda for now. I know your name, you know. It’s on your chart. You’re Terry Flanders, Specialist Terry Flanders.’
‘Well, Rhonda, I don’t know what to say. You were such a bit-, so hard on me the first day, and pretty hard this morning. When you changed my dressings, you laughed at me. And now, you’re talking to me like a close friend. I’m a little confused here.’
‘You were going to say bitch, weren’t you. That’s OK, lots of guys think that about me when they first get here. I don’t mind. When you hurt, or think your life has changed forever, you sometimes say things because you don’t understand. See, if we pamper you guys, you’ll never get well. The wounds will heal, but your mind won’t, and that’s the worst injury of them all. So, we treat you like you’re well, even make you mad, so you’ll realize your life isn’t over. We also talk to the guys, if they want to talk, because that helps. I’ll be glad to talk wi
th you, but if you start feeling sorry for yourself, I’m going to be a bitch again, until you start to realize you’re fortunate to be alive, and start acting like a normal man. Now get some sleep, and I’ll be back to see you before I leave for the day.’
So began our relationship, Rhonda’s and mine. It wasn’t a very good start, really, but as I grew to understand this tiny nurse, I also grew to respect her skills, lightening wit, and intelligence. If I was happy, she was happy. If I was feeling a little down, she would sit on the edge of the bed for a few minutes and talk, and sometimes would hold my hand. If I dived back into the depths of self-pity, she was merciless, taunting, teasing, and laughing at me until I had to come back out of shame or anger. As soon as I returned to mostly normal, Rhonda would again become the friend who talked out my thoughts and worries, or who traded jibes with the skill of a fencing master teaching her student.
The first week passed slowly, but it passed. The Doc came every day and looked at my chart, but didn’t say much except ask how I was and if I needed anything. Rhonda came everyday, at least three times, to check on me, or bring my meals or medications, or sometimes just to sit and talk. That weekend, Rhonda was off, so I didn’t see her until Monday morning. I was feeling down again, because the Doc had said I had to stay in bed for another week. Staying in bed wasn’t so bad. It was just boring as hell, and also really embarrassing when Rhonda had to bring me a bedpan. She never seemed to mind, and always smiled, but I just couldn’t get used to that.
Mid-way through the second week, I started asking the Doc when I could get up. On Friday, Rhonda was all giggles when she brought my lunch, and I could tell she wanted to tell me something.
‘Guess what?’
‘I do’o, wha’,’ I slurred around a mouthful of meatloaf.
‘On Monday, I’m going to get your lazy ass out of that bed, and take you to rehab. They’re going to work you so hard you won’t be able to feel sorry for yourself anymore, and I won’t have to keep being a bitch. That’ll be fun for a change.’ She giggled again, and then the soft voice returned. ‘Doctor Mills say’s you’re healing well, and wants to get you back on that leg as soon as possible. You start on Monday, only for a half hour, but it’s a start. Just do the best you can, and you’ll get stronger every day. Soon, you’ll be walking with a cane, and then you can go home.’
It was funny, but I really hadn’t thought of going home. I read the letters that had finally found their way through the Army mail system, and thought about home a lot, but just never thought of going back, until she said that.
It seemed that Monday would never come, and when it finally did, I woke full of anticipation. Then, after thinking about it for a while, the anticipation turned to fear. My leg was shot to hell, and I hadn’t walked in, what was it, almost three weeks now. I couldn’t do this, I wasn’t ready.
Rhonda brought me my breakfast and pills, and after she had taken care of the rest of the ward, came back to sit on the bed with me again.
‘OK, Terry. I know you’re scared. Just remember, you won’t ever walk again unless you try. You’re wound is healed enough to start, but you have to want it, you have to want it more than anything you’ve ever wanted before, because it’s going to be hard. Your body is strong enough, but you have convince your mind, and that’s the hard part.’
A little later she rolled a wheelchair up to my bed. Between her supporting me and my effort, I managed to sit down in the chair. My wounded leg felt like so much dead weight, or would have if it hadn’t started hurting. Once in the chair, it calmed down a little, and she wheeled me through the ward door and down a corridor. We came to a door marked ‘REHABILITATION ROOM 1’, and she backed through, pulling me behind her.
We woke up the next morning in each other's arms... looking into each other eyes, fully aware of what we had done, and we about to do again. I put my hand through Rhonda's sexy red hair, and I could see in here eyes that she was game for another round. We started to kiss and fondle one another again and were enjoying every minute of it until I heard a loud knock come from the front door. I had decided to ignore it give Rhonda my full attention, but the knocking continued and after a few minutes...
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Chapter Two: Futa's First Nurse By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Two nurses?” Adelia Tash asked me, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaning closer to me. That did such interesting things to her breasts pressing at her blouse. “That must have been such an exciting time.” “Oh, it was,” I said. “I just wish the past me had been relaxed enough to really appreciate what was happening.” A chuckle ran through the studio audience watching the celebration of my life...
She could do this.That’s what Amy Markwell kept telling herself.She could do this.The tall, dark-haired Year Twelve girl smiled awkwardly as she waited for Miss Whitley outside the PE office. Amy knew that she could rely on her new PE Mistress to fall for her fake illness in order that she got sent home and wouldn’t have to attend the Open Evening event that her mother, and Head of Sixth Form at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College, Mrs. Stacey Markwell, had volunteered her for. The Sixth Former...
SpankingLisa was in high school and had noticed; as did a lot of other students, that the new school nurse was young and pretty. After hearing rumors that the nurse might be a lesbian, Lisa got excited. Of course she didn’t know how real the rumor was, it could be that the boys were expecting to get BJs during sports physicals and were disappointed that she had no interest in them. Lisa was just getting into the fact that she might be gay. She was at the start of her senior year and had not dated at...
Tom lay in bed looking at his leg; the cast on his foot still looked odd no matter how many times he looked at it. He was used to seeing his feet clad in an assortment of boots or shoes, but this cast was difficult to accept. An independent man, he was not used to having to be assisted with all of his daily activities. There was no privacy either in this facility. The staff, though pleasant and accommodating, was persistent in their constant care. He just wanted a few minutes for himself, by...
Reluctance"How are you Janet," I said to a former classmate of mine in med school. The woman turned and looked at me. I stared up into the eyes of Dr. Janet Nichols. She was as alluring as ever. She was a tall woman 5'10," but seemed larger in the 2-inch heels she wore. Plain brown hair pulled back accented her still vibrant 38-year-old face. She smiled and leaned in and kissed me hello on the cheek. We had talked from time to time in med school. I was a higher achiever, finishing sixth in...
By : Demongay I am an Indian living in Mumbai but travel a lot. Any girls or adventurous aunties anywhere in India whatever size or shape, who wish to have anonymous relation are free to contact me on Confidentiality is expected and will be provided. Now for my story based on a true incident. Laxmi grew up in central Chennai in the 1980s. Her parents divorced when she was 12 years old, which changed life much for the worse for her and her mom, who received no money, only the house from the...
LesbianApril 17th, 2047 “Two nurses?” Adelia Tash asked me, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaning closer to me. That did such interesting things to her breasts pressing at her blouse. “That must have been such an exciting time.” “Oh, it was,” I said. “I just wish the past me had been relaxed enough to really appreciate what was happening.” A chuckle ran through the studio audience watching the celebration of my life as the world’s first futa. When I grew a cock almost thirty years ago, it...
Darcy was a really devoted nurse. Great nursing is a gift that very few people are born with. You either have it or you don’t. If you are empathetically challenged, then it is not your calling. In the oncology section of the hospital he worked in, Dr. Johnson recognized his special talent with the terminal patients and often made mention of it to Darcy.In fact, Dr. Johnson was the one to advise Darcy to become a freelance night nurse and do his own thing. Many terminal patients who were not...
Gay MaleNote : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestThe internet has rendered commuting superfluous for many types of jobs. I realized this years ago, but many employers, control freaks that they are, are still resisting the idea. I’m among those fortunate’s whose “commute” is from my bedroom to my den, though once a month I must make the two- hour drive for “co-ordination meetings.” There are advantages to living out where there are trees and grass, clean air, and where no one thinks I’m a terrorist if...
The young lady is coy and quite introverted. She was called in to do one of her first jobs as an In-home nurse. “Yes mam” she told the supervising nurse through a phone call as she nodded her head. “Yes mam, I understand” this 26 year old quiet and quite bashful long haired but curvaceous girl added. “I can be there in about thirty minutes.” “That’s great. You know where the address is” the supervisor said. Olivia said she did. “That’s great. And listen up” she went on to tell Olivia. “This man...
The young lady is coy and quite introverted. She was called in to do one of her first jobs as an In-home nurse. “Yes mam” she told the supervising nurse through a phone call as she nodded her head. “Yes mam, I understand” this 26 year old quiet and quite bashful long haired but curvaceous girl added. “I can be there in about thirty minutes.” “That’s great. You know where the address is” the supervisor said. Olivia said she did. “That’s great. And listen up” she went on to tell Olivia. “This man...
MatureNancy was a really devoted nurse. Great nursing is a gift that very few people are born with, you either have it or you don’t. If you are empathetically challenged, then it is not your calling. In the oncology section of the hospital she worked in, Dr. Johnson recognized her special talent with the terminal patients and often made mention of it to her. In fact, he was the one to advise Nancy to become a freelance night nurse and do her own thing. Many terminal patients who were not going to...
Straight SexJack listened to the sounds of wailing come from his little brother's room and sighed, "Doesn't that kid ever shut up," he thought bitterly. It was bad enough that his dad had married his stepmother so soon after his actual mother had disappeared, but within the span of three years she had already had three kids. There was his one and half year old brother Jackson and the twin girls that his stepmother had just had a few weeks ago. "Come on," Jack thought to himself trying his best to...
Tom sighed as he waited to be seen by the doctor in casualty. It wasn’t his lucky day. His girlfriend was away with work and now he had dropped a car battery on his foot. To cap it all, tomorrow was Valentine’s Day. “Mr Roberts?” Said the young nurse, appearing from behind the curtain. “Yes.” Tom hobbled past the other patients who were waiting in the row and sat in the small cubicle, where the doctor was waiting. The white-coated medic looked tired. It had been a hard day. “Bad foot?” He...
Oral SexThis is the story of a young man by which we will refer to him as ‘Mr. Fernando,’ well, Mr. Fernando, a 25-year-old was in a hospital, had suffered a car accident, but mild, recuperating in hospital , Mr. fernando met a very special nurse, she referred to as ‘Heloiza’ Heloiza was particularly special, as it was a very dedicated and loving with Mr. fernando nurse, was a woman much older than the young fernando, but what lamaba the young of this nurse’s attention was her big hips, which so...
This is the story of a young man by which we will refer to him as "Mr. Fernando," well, Mr. Fernando, a 25-year-old was in a hospital, had suffered a car accident, but mild, recuperating in hospital , Mr. fernando met a very special nurse, she referred to as "Heloiza" Heloiza was particularly special, as it was a very dedicated and loving with Mr. fernando nurse, was a woman much older than the young fernando, but what lamaba the young of this nurse's attention was her big hips, which so...
Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
It was about four summers ago when I had to get rid of this polyp I got on my intestine.Nothing major. I have a 2mm scar where my pubic hair is and an easy surgery to laser this pimple sized lump in my stomach. It was a hot and humid day and my mother helped me to get to the hospital. So the next morning was the day, everything went smoothly and I didn't feel a thing obviously with the help of anesthesia. Next thing I knew, I woke up, my mother next to me asking if I was ok.I also distinctly...
My loving husband had been at the hospital for an entire week after a simple surgery and I was happy he would be at home in just two more days. I was feeling horny and wishing Victor would come home to fuck me as I really wanted and deserved.Friday had been a busy heavy day at my office; but I wanted to pay a visit at his hospital room. As I was driving, I noticed a costume shop and I decided to stop. Victor and I were always talking about dressing up and doing some role play games. But as I...
Sasha Green was a nurse at Loving Heart nursing home. She had worked there for a few years. Most days were very depressing, but other days were happy and bright. Some of the patients there had no family visiting them. Sasha tried to be nice to everybody but some of the patients were hard to deal with.Their health problems made them difficult. A lot of the patients had dementia and really were not in their right mind. Some of the women would sit in their wheelchairs rocking plastic dolls who...
OccupationsI was on detention at school, I had been told to empty the litter bins an clean all the blackboards in the classrooms it wasn't hard just took up a lot of time walking back an forth to the big bin outside to empty the rubbish into. As i walked along the corridor an past the gym i seen the after school netball class was just starting so i peeped at the sixth form girls, who where a year older then me as they done a quick warm up. I could feel myself getting hard an needed to have a quick wank,...
Dr. Maxwell Straus finally warms up to his new nurse Eric Hollis, a 30-year-old personal aide to Dr. Maxwell Straus, knocked on his boss’s door before entering, ‘Cabot has you by the balls on this one.’ ‘Goddammit. For the last time, No! How much more paperwork am I going to have to fill out now to make them go away,’ Maxwell Straus replied. ‘There may be no away out of this one. The budget for all our supplies and medications now go through his office. The governor signed a new order...
While camping alone in northwestern Montana , Ben accidentally brushed his penis on the leaves of a poison huckleberry bush when he went out of his tent to urinate during the night. Poison huckleberry causes intense itching but no visible rash, and it is not transmissible from one person to another. By daybreak he was in intense discomfort and could hardly refrain from scratching his penis so hard that he nearly made it raw. He quickly drove to a nearby hospital he had passed the evening...
Straight SexIt makes me laugh seeing on the news at the moment about how nurses are treated badly etcetera, it made me think of how badly I was treated by a nurse that visited my home a few years ago, this is a true story.I had had an operation and left hospital, but needed to be treated for open wounds by a home visit nurse for a few weeks until they healed sufficiently. The first day of my nurses arrival was the Monday morning and my Parents were there to meet her, it was 10:30am and she rang the...
My last patient of the day needed a check-up after a minor operation. I was running late so I’m the last one at the outpatient clinic, the rest of the staff had already left for the day.“Wow, this is a very nice young stud,” I thought, as soon as I saw him. I invited him to come with me to the examination room. He had dark hair, brown eyes, was a little muscular, not too tall and an aura which made me at the least, very curious. As soon as we were in the examination room, I locked the door. I...
Oral SexDot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
Well, I just had my health insurance renewed and went through my yearly physical while meeting my new doctor at the same time. I would never have guessed that my physical would get so...well, let's just say so physical. In fact it was positively orgasmic!After I had gotten stripped down to my tighty-whities and into that very thin, light hospital gown that is open in the back, I sat on the hospital bed in anticipation of meeting my new doctor. "Good afternoon, I'm Dr. Smith," said a tall, White...
Introduction: This is my second story. Part 1: Is absolutely 100% true down to every word of dialog (as I remember it.) Other than minor descriptive embellishments, its true. It was just a really hot erotic experience that still turns me on when I think about it. Part 2: Is fiction. Its inspired by a real event and a real woman (a hot nurse.) But what I did with that nurse was a fantasy I had after meeting her. I know its a bit odd to mix non-fiction and fiction, but the stories are related...
After I finished my schooling, I had an opportunity to take a gap year, so I backpacked around the world. During my journeys, I met many people and experienced life in many ways. It was a most rewarding experience.When I returned home, I settled down and decided to pursue my ambition to become a nurse. I studied and graduated and found work in a large hospital close to my home.I worked in the Emergency Department (ED) for almost a year before requesting a move to the wards. Initially, I loved...
MedicalMaybe it’s just me, but I’ve always had this thing about nurses, I swear I’m going to marry one someday, or in the very least buy my wife a nurses uniform and accessories to dress up in. There is something about the white uniform, I even like the old fashioned hat, but the stocking thing gets me going and it just makes my hard. Anyway as Luck would have it I’ve been hanging around with some new friends, and don’t you know it, one of them is a nurse, in fact she’s a teaching nurse at a local...
Had a call from MrJ who told me he was not feeling very well ,had a high temperature, a stiffness that ached and needed sorting out and could the on call nurse visit to make him feel better.Well nurse Mandy to the rescue. I got my uniform on PVC White nurses outfir, hat, and oh yes some sexy stockings. I was feeling a little warm myself so decided not to wear any underwear so I did not get too flushed if you know what i mean. I arrived at MrJ's house and was met by a man who did look a little...
The Royal Wet Nurse By Celeste Ann Taylor Being the youngest child can suck big time, especially when your name is Frederick. My oldest brother is the heir to the kingdom and my sister's married to the heir to the neighbouring kingdom, so I'm left on my own; the forgotten spare that no one wants. Most of my days are spent just wandering the castle being shepherded politely away from anything that's remotely interesting. I spend a lot of time reading, I get lost in the tales...
I’ve spent the last thirty days in this hospital and it’s costing my insurance company a fortune. After twenty years without a claim for anything I figure I got it coming, so fuck ‘em. During the day I plug my computer in, log into the wireless internet and work, just like I would if I were out and at home, so it’s not like I’m actually slacking. It’s more like I’m working from a really expensive hotel room with only mediocre food. It’s the side benefit that keeps me here. I would have been out...
Jim is a friend of mine. He told me about an encounter with a nurse a couple of years ago. That night nurse was... well, go ahead and read.Long story short, Jim was 48 years of age and alone in a physical rehab center, nearly 500 miles from his home. He had been rock climbing, had a piece of slate break loose. When the safety rope caught him he broke a forearm and badly dislocated his other shoulder, both of which required surgery just an hour after they got him down to the parking lot.That had...