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This is an original work of fiction, written by the Wanderer. It is posted on this site with his permission

I thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. I’d also like to add that we don’t always see eye to eye, they tell me off sometimes – well quite often really. Anyway as I’ve been known to fiddle, after they’ve seen it. I take full responsibility for the content and any cock-ups in this story.

My thanks must also go to Just Plain Bob. The grain of an idea for this tale formed in my head after reading one of his stories. No, don’t go looking for similarities with what Bob writes, I’m pretty sure you will not find any. Well, not many!

The Wanderer


Life can lead you down many strange paths. At nearly forty years old I tried a lot of them. No, I’d never been married but I had one hell of a time in my younger days. As a teenager I’d been a randy little bugger known for a high score count. In my twenties I’d turned into the office wolf and shagged my way out of several good jobs and some good relationships, if it comes to that.

No, none of my relationships ran the course. We would set up house together for a while but in the end they would catch me out. You see, I had always found attractive women a challenge. Come on, I found nearly all women a challenge. Married or single, it made no difference to me. I had to experience them in bed, or rather they had to experience me. God, I’m good – well I bloody should have been with all the practice I’d had.

I never though I was particularly handsome. I suppose that by some folk’s standards I might not have been considered handsome at all. But what I had was ‘the gift of the gab’ as they say and I could normally talk any bird I fancied into bed. Of course once I got her there I had the experience to keep her there. Come on, you ladies know what I’m talking about. Well, if you don’t, get yourself another bed partner!

Morals? Yeah I’ve always had morals. Well, my own interpretation of morals, that is. I have always steered well clear of my buddies’ women. If she belonged to an acquaintance, that was a completely different matter. But my buddies’ women were completely off limits, even if they did give me the old come-on.

You see morals are a man made thing. You know, some old Git thought them up years ago and everyone else has to choose whether to live by them or not. Now me, I wrote my own moral code and I’ve stuck by it for most of my life.

But all good things must come to an end sometime I suppose. Now I’m pushing forty and with over twenty-five years of hard living behind me beginning to show, it was like someone had turned a switch off. Suddenly my bed was empty as the younger bucks took all the best pickings. I was beginning to wonder whether I’d lost the ‘knack’ and beginning to feel real old.

Or maybe it was just that I was fed up with playing the game. I still got invited to lots of parties, but I was tending to show up less and less nowadays. If I left a party alone, people noticed. I had a reputation to uphold, in the past I always left with company. Female, of course, and you know, I would get those little knowing winks and sly smiles off of the other guys.

They had all stopped now, as I usually tended to go home alone. Yeah, there were often a few disparate women about, but I had my standards. And besides, sometimes I wondered just where my life was going. There I was thirty-nine years old and with nothing to show for it. No wife, no kids, just a flat in a rather nice block. But if I kicked the bucket tomorrow, who the hell would care?


Anyway this story really starts in a supermarket, Safeway, to be precise, right by one of the frozen food cabinets. There I was sorting through the instant microwave dinners. No, I never have been much of a cook. When suddenly I got rammed in the leg by one of those bleeding killer carts. Shit, those things can do some real damage, especially when they’re fully loaded.

‘Oh, I’m sorry, did I hurt you?’ A female voice said. I think I had probably cussed out loud a bit.

‘No, lady, I’ll live. Don’t you go worrying your pretty little head about it. I just hope you don’t drive your bloody car like that?’ I hadn’t looked at the woman. I was too busy inspecting the damage to my ankle.

‘I’m so sorry some of these trolleys are so hard to control. I’m afraid my daughter picked a bad one this time.’

I finally looked up at her, and the woman’s face was somewhat familiar to me. Apparently she recognised me at the same time.

‘Oh, my, it’s George, isn’t it?’ She said, ‘Long time no see, George, how have you been keeping?’

I must have looked confused as I tried to place her face.

‘Luchia, Luchia Roberts, surely you remember me? Mind, it must have been nearly twenty years since we last met.’

‘Of course, I recognised you, Luchia,’ I said, lying my head off and somewhat relieved that she had told me her name. For one horrible moment I’d been worried that she was one of my ex’s. It’s one thing for them to catch you out cheating on them and dump you. But to forget an ex’s name, that would have been really embarrassing. Luckily Chia was not an old flame of mine, she’d married a one-time friend.

‘I was sorry things didn’t work out for you and Jerry.’

‘Oh, that’s been over and done with for years now. Do you know, he never comes to see the girls and we haven’t heard from him in years. Do you see him at all?’

‘No, I haven’t seen him since he married that little tart.’

‘Twice, he’s been married twice since he walked out on me. My solicitors had all kinds of trouble getting the child support money out of him.

Strange that she said Jerry walked out on her as I had always thought she had thrown the silly Pratt out. To be honest the conversation was going in directions I really didn’t want it to. But just then two young ladies walked up to join us.

‘Oh, girls, come over here and meet George. He was an old friend of your father and I whilst we were courting. George was best man at our wedding you know. George, these are my daughters, Amelia and Claire.’

I said hi to the two quite beautiful young ladies. If my memory served me correctly, the elder Amy must have been about twenty or twenty-one now and the younger one Claire would be about eighteen-ish. They smiled at me as they first approached, but once Chia mentioned that I’d been Jerry’s best man at the wedding, their faces took on a cold expression.

‘Do you have any children, George?’

‘No, I never did get married, Luchia. You know me, I never stayed with one girl long enough to get spliced.’

‘No, I didn’t know you, George – well, not closely anyway, but I always found you to be a gentleman.’

Um, unexpected and surprising one that. Perhaps Chia had forgotten some of the things she said to me in our younger days.

‘Oh, now there’s a lot who wouldn’t agree with you on that one, Chia.’

‘I say it as I see it, George, you know that. Now, I gather you’re single.’

‘Whoops, alarm bells ringing, where is this conversation going now?’ I thought. I must have looked confused.

‘The TV dinners,’ Luchia explained, ‘you wouldn’t be buying those if you had a woman at home looking after you, now, would you?’

‘I never was much of a cook, Luchia. I eat out most of the time. But I keep the freezer stocked for when I have the odd evening in.’ Not the whole truth, as I was spending a lot of evenings alone indoors nowadays.

‘I see you’re into Bar-B-Q’s by the look of what you’ve got stacked into that trolley,’ I commented wishing to turn the subject away from me.

‘Yes, we’re having a bit of celebration this evening, Amy has just got herself engaged.’

‘Good for you, Amy, who’s the lucky guy?’ A silly question for me to ask really, as I wouldn’t know the guy from Adam anyway.

‘Oh, just a guy I met at college,’ Amy replied, her tone telling me to mind my own business.

‘I know. What are you doing this evening, George? Why don’t you come along and join us?’ Chia asked. ‘It’ll be fun to talk about the old times.’

I could see the girls weren’t overly enamoured with this suggestion, but Chia persisted. She said she would enjoy talking about the old days before she was married. In the end I said I would go. Really, just to bring the conversation to a close, I didn’t have any intention of actually turning up.

Then we went off in opposite directions to complete our own shopping. It was as I was leaving the checkout line that Claire came up to me.

‘I don’t know who you are, but my mother hasn’t got very many friends. She’s spent most of her time bringing up my sister and me. It’s against my better judgement as you’re a friend of my fathers, but I hope you do show up this evening for her sake. It appears she’s looking forward to your company. Mind, if you do anything to upset her, I’ll hunt you down and you’ll be sorry you ever set eyes on her again. She’s had a hard time since that bastard left us.’

The venom in the girl’s voice was unmistakable.

‘Claire, I haven’t counted your father amongst my friends since their divorce. I was never anything other than a friend to your mother. I think I told both your mother and father that I thought they were too young to get married in the first place. I always thought your father was much too immature to make the commitment. What he did to your mother and you two girls, I found inexcusable and I have told him so on many occasions.’

‘Very well then, we’ll expect to see you about seven.’ With that she turned and stomped away.


I suppose this is a good point to tell you about Jerry and Luchia. Jerry had been a friend of mine whilst we were at school and then college together. Somewhere along the line, I can never remember exactly how or when, he hooked up with Luchia. So for most of our teenage years Chia was around somewhere. Normally a very quiet girl, she and Jerry would go out together a couple of times a week. Sometimes he would bring her along with us – us was our little crowd, about seven guys along with they’re respective assorted girlfriends – who regularly went out on the town together.

Chia was a nice girl, but she never really fitted in. As I said, she was very quiet for most of the time. But one thing about Luchia that no one ever missed was that she had no idea about tact and, when she did speak, would often say whatever came into her head. That could sometimes lead to embarrassing situations for all of us and never helped much in enlarging her own circle of friends.

Personally I had always liked her. No, not as a piece of skirt to chase. She was my buddy’s girl. I did have some standards, but her openness meant you knew exactly where you stood with her. I knew that I wasn’t ever her favourite person. Because she didn’t like my wandering ways when it came to women and on occasions, she had been quite vocal on the subject. Damn we’d had some right old set-to’s on the subject.

She came from a strict Catholic background, her parents kept her on a tight rein and she had a strict curfew. Jerry appeared to be besotted with her when he was with her. But when she wasn’t around, he would always seem to be on the prowl for a bit of spare.

I think they were both about seventeen when they got engaged. I honestly advised Jerry against it. I never thought he was mature enough to make that kind of commitment. Shit, I had no plans to tie myself down and I thought I was much more mature than Jerry.

Come on, I told you that I ran around on my women but I never gave any of them a ring. I never promised them anything in the long term. So don’t go thinking I’m some kind of a hypocrite.

Jerry was chasing bits of skirt all the time he was engaged to Chia. I never did think that was very fair of him. Christ, he had asked the girl to marry him and he was shagging anything he could lay his hands on, on the side. I went as far as to get a mutual girlfriend to warn Chia off. But it didn’t appear to achieve anything, except Chia refusing to talk to Marion anymore.

Well, the inevitable happened. Jerry and Chia got married, and you don’t have to guess who did the best the man bit. But after the wedding Jerry didn’t change his ways, he was still apparently chasing anything in a skirt that he could. I tried to play the father figure character – I was a year older than Jerry and Chia – and I told Jerry his behaviour was well out of order.

Of course he just pointed out that I was playing around on the girl whom I was living with at the time. What he couldn’t seem to get his head around was the fact that he was married, whereas my girl was just sharing my flat and my bed. And she definitely knew the score. To my mind there’s a big difference there.

Several years went by, during which Chia had the two girls. Actually I think it was whilst Chia was pregnant with Claire that, during the course of one of our frequent discussions in a pub. Jerry, after he had drunk one or two pints more than he could handle – he had always had a low tolerance to alcohol – started to give me the old sob story.

Apparently he had not been very truthful with us over the years. He had always led us to believe that he and Chia had been enjoying a full sex life all the time they had been together courting. That night he revealed that he had married a virgin, who he now claimed was very repressed in bed. Well, she was to his mind, that is. I’ve always found that opinions on sex are very subjective, aren’t they?

Jerry claimed that he was running around on Chia because she was rationing the amount of sex that she would let him have. I found that somewhat hard to believe because Chia had by that time had one child and was carrying her second. But from the way he told it, Chia was frigid in bed. This really was more information than I really needed to know, I never was one to play the Agony Aunt if I could help it. Luckily once Jerry was sober he never mentioned the subject again.

Maybe six months after that Jerry was arrested. Apparently he’d got some other girl pregnant and her father had gone after him. Jerry had somehow got the upper hand, but overdone things a bit and finished up being charged with GBH or something. I’m not sure as I kept my head down around that time. I really didn’t want to get involved.

Well, that spelt the end of his marriage to Chia. Catholic or not, there was no way she was going to stand for that kind of crap and I don’t think anyone could blame her.

Jerry got himself out of the can with the courts by marrying the silly little tart that he had got pregnant. I think her father must have dropped the charges in return for him marrying her, as I can’t remember hearing anymore about it.

I saw Jerry a few times after that, but not much, if I could help it. I don’t know, I suppose it must be the dual standards thing. I never thought anything about seducing a married woman. But Jerry doing the dirty on Chia, that, for some reason, I found unacceptable.

The girl that Jerry had put in the club had only been sixteen years old at the time. Cradle snatching, was looked down on by myself, and most of our peers. Any stupid Pratt could get a youngster drunk and shag her. No man would need to stoop so low.

So that was it really. Now nearly twenty years later I’d run into Luchia again and I’d been invited to Amy’s engagement party. I had no illusions that I was being invited in any other capacity than that of an old friend.


I arrived at seven on the dot, a couple of six-packs under my arm and half a bottle of rum in my inside pocket. I like rum, but very few folks keep it in the house.

Amy and her soon-to-be husband Mike greeted me at the door. He seemed to be a nice lad and I warmed to him straight away. Amy dragged me off
to one side and gave me a similar lecture to the one Claire had given me earlier, only a little bit more forcefully. I got the feeling they had questioned their mother about me and Chia had – as she always did – told them the truth about me.

Chia appeared and welcomed me with a kiss on the cheek. That wasn’t what I was expecting! Then, she took me round and introduced me to her friends and relatives.

An interesting experience that, as it appeared some of her relatives remembered me from her wedding to Jerry. I got some very funny looks, I can tell you.

They had the party split over two downstairs rooms and the back garden. The front room was like a reception area where all the old fuddy duddies were holding court. The back room had been stripped of almost everything except the stereo and was where all the dancing was going on. Out in the rear garden there was the Bar-B-Q and a bar.

I circulated for a little while, then settled myself in a garden seat not far from the bar. Chia came to sit with me for a while and we talked about old times, but then she had to go a circulate herself. Both her daughters came and chatted for a while. I think their worst fears had been allayed when I told them I’d advise both their mother and father against marrying.

Chia came back about nine thirty and asked me to dance with her. We hadn’t been on the cramped dance floor for more then a couple of minutes when raised voices drew our attention to a disturbance in the front room. Chia, of course, had to go to investigate the cause of the disturbance and I, out of curiosity, followed.

As Chia entered the front room I heard someone start to throw obscenities at her. I didn’t recognise the voice, but I knew it had to be Jerry and he was obviously worse for the drink. He was shouting that his daughter was getting engaged and he hadn’t been invited to the party.

Chia told him that Amy had not wanted him there, as I was getting into a position where I could see what was going on. I heard Amy’s voice saying that Jerry hadn’t wanted to know her all the years she’d been growing up, so she didn’t want to know him now.

I’m not too sure what happened then. I think it could have been that Jerry went to backhand Amy. I know I heard him say something about her being a cheeky little bitch and he’d teach her some manners. But Mike was not about to let that happen.

Unfortunately for Mike, Jerry – like myself – had in his younger days always been a bit of a roughhouse. We’d been in more street fights than I’d care to remember and learnt the hard way how to handle ourselves. Although Mike was the much younger man, he didn’t really stand a chance against a street fighter like Jerry.

Jerry laid him out with the first blow. Okay, my cue, muggings to the rescue. I stepped forward and Jerry saw me.

‘Fuck me if it isn’t super stud! What the hell are you doing here, Georgie boy, fucking my ex-wife, are we?’

‘No, I’m not, Jerry. I’m here as an old friend, which apparently is more than you are. Now I suggest it would be a good idea if you were to leave now, whilst you still can.’

‘Ooh! Threatening words, Georgie boy. Now, you don’t look like you’re in too good a shape to me, Georgie boy. I think you’ve gone soft in your old age.’

Oh, the Georgie boy bit? That was Jerry trying to wind me up. He knew I objected to being called Georgie boy and he hoped I would lose my cool over it. You know, lose your temper and lose the fight.

‘On your bike, Jerry, whilst you can still walk. You really don’t want to find out how fit I am.’

For a moment Jerry thought. I think he was undecided whether he could take me or not. Mind you, I wasn’t too sure that I could take him either. I hadn’t resorted to fisticuffs for nigh on twenty years. Maybe if he hadn’t been drinking for most of the afternoon things might have turned out differently. But in the end he squared up and took a swing at me. Christ, he advertised it with neon signs and it missed me completely as I side stepped it.

I didn’t even punch him, I caught him with the back of my forearm on the side of his neck as he swung around and he joined the now recovering Mike on the floor. I was on Jerry in an instant. I pulled his right arm behind him and twisted it up behind his back, holding it there with my left hand. I placed my other arm around his throat and dragged him back up onto his feet. Before he had time to realise what was happening, I was marching him out of the front door that someone had opened for me.

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After the gloryhole surprise

After the gloryhole surpriseNo sex. Transition between Gloryhole surprise and the next year.GuiltAs soon as I got home after the party I stripped my clothes off and noticed I still had some lipstick around the base of my now limp cock. I swore I would never have sex again as I stepped into the shower.But even staying in the shower until the hot water ran out I still felt dirty and ashamed.Everywhere I looked I saw my baby girls. The marks still visible in the doorway where I measured how tall...

2 years ago
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Friends With Benefits

Hi guys! My name is Gufran and this is my story which happened to me when I was in my 12th. First, about me, I am 20year old guy from Mumbai in my third year of engg. I have a slim but athletic body and quite good looks (girls say that). My partner in this story is my best friend from my tuition classes when I was in my HSC. I won’t tell her name as I respect a woman’s privacy. But her stats were eye catching as she became the centre of attraction of boys the day she joined classes. She had a...

4 years ago
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My Assignment 8211 Part 7

Hello readers, I am your writer Twinkle Asher with some special edition of “The Assignment.” This is my seventh sex story on the site. Those who are reading the sixth part directly can get the earlier parts on the following link- . This is the link to my personal page on ISS and you will get all my stories at this one link. I also wanna personally thank the ISS Support Team for being so kind and helpful to me. I have received a depressing appreciation for my last story. I couldn’t make out...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Aubree Valentine October 2022 Fantasy Of The Month

Aubree Valentine is enjoying some self loving as she daydreams about her crush Jay Romero. She’s liked him for a really long time, and she’s positive that he wants her right back. Decked out in sheer green lingerie and a white robe, Aubree slides her hands all over her delightful body to warm herself up. Taking her favorite vibrator in hand, she teases her nipples to hard peaks and then begins working her way south towards paradise while daydreaming about being ravished by Jay. When...

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Watchin Anita fucking a BBC

Watching Anita fucking a BBCI found out that my sweet wife Anita loved to be fucked by big black cocks, but still she hesitated to confess it to me.When living in Miami, I had to go one time to New York on business and Ana asked me to come with me and pay a visit to some friends there.We were resting in our seats during the flight and I could notice that she was looking in a persistent way at a black male flight attendant. He was a tall young man, handsome, but I thought he could be gay.I asked...

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The Promise 02

“Hey! Earth to Seven, hello?” With his sisters words Seven returned back to the present day, in the kitchen, with Bella. “With my sister….my twin sister" he suddenly was awake. “Hey Bella, yeah sorry. Thoughts you know… Memories" Seven said to his sister, glad that she couldn’t see his erection through the table. “You looked like you were in pain, yet you were smiling from ear to ear. If I didn’t know any better I would say that it is a good thing the rest of you is under the table"...

3 years ago
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Happy EndingsChapter 10 To Market

"You should take JC." Larry said finally. "Why in the name of Lincoln's cat should I take JC?" I frowned at Larry. New stock was needed and I had figured Larry would be going with me. "I've been here a long time. I've handed a bit of everything." Larry shook his head. "I don't buy." "I'll be buying Larry." I said puzzled. "You'll be paying." he corrected. "You need someone with an eye for flesh." I knew JC had an eye for flesh alright. I just wasn't sure it was for...

2 years ago
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Turned into a Slut for BBC PT2

The rest of my day went like any other normal day. I cleaned myself up, did the chores for the day, and began preparing dinner. The only difference was, I did everything while remaining completely naked. It so much more naughty for me to be naked and do my normal housekeeping duties. In my mind I was doing it for Jerome, and I wanted to please him with my ability to be his slut. I know that is crazy considering he wasn't their, but in my mind he was, and I was performing for him. I couldn't get...

1 year ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Andi Rose Chloe Temple You Owe Me An Orgasm

Chloe Temple has been dumped just a little while ago. She’s already having a hard time with the breakup, but ten minutes later her ex posts some photos of him with another girl! Andi Rose, Chloe’s roommate, is here for Chloe. They’re sitting together in the kitchen when Andi goes to get a soda. She asks if Chloe wants one, but then discovers that she has taken the last one. Andi jokes that since she took the last pop, she owed Chloe an orgasm. Chloe tries to laugh it off, but...

2 years ago
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The Nerds First Time

It isn't a bad thing to be the youngest of five children, especially when you are the only boy in the family. Let me explain. My name is Earnest Winston Mallone. I am the product of a loving couple who are still married to this day. When my Mom and Dad started out, like most couples, they wanted a son, a daughter, a nice house and the proverbial white picket fence.There first born was a girl, April. April was a perfect baby. She was in tumbling, ballet and eventually grew up into a beautiful...

First Time
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BeatenChapter 7

Blackness, void, noises coming from one side, in a void how do you tell where a sound is from? Sensation starts to sink in, pain, how do you stop the pain. Drowsy now, can’t help it, can’t fight the sleep. Darkness again, more noise, louder in the void. Sensation gone. Floating. Sleep returns. Again the darkness, who am I, where am I. I Can’t feel anything, how long have I been like this? In the blackness how do you tell the passing of time? No reference point. Sleep returns again to claim...

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Mothers Day Fathers Day

Mother's Day, Father's Day Mother's Day and Father`s Day are in different months in countries around the world; in the UK Mother's Day is in March and Father's Day is in June -o-0-o- Thanks, once again, to my editor and friend Chris, who finds the time in a busy life to review my stories with comments and insights and edits. Busy editing for other authors at the same time, he is also an author in his own right. -o-0-o- The family are gathering together to see Dad between...

1 year ago
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The trouble with Tess 2

Mom looked at me with a look of pure lust. She began slowly walking on her knees up towards my face keeping her hairy brown slit open, she even reached down to pull back on her lips to open up and expose her clit hanging down. She continued with her whispering asking if this was what I wanted, did I want mommy to open up her slit for me? Did I want mommies slit in my face so that I could suckle on mommies slit? Do you want mommy to cunt fuck your mouth? She finally got her musky slit up by...

3 years ago
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 13 The 600Am Alarm

“Would you like to fuck me?” the voice behind Jared’s back said. Jared spun round from the kitchen sink where he was peeling some very odd shaped potatoes. When he saw who it was that had addressed him like that he dropped the two spuds in his hands straight down onto the floor. It was the sixteen year old Vanessa Benson and she wasn’t waiting for a reply but was starting to unbutton her blouse in anticipation of the positive response she somehow knew that she was going to get - and she...

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Whore within

After Tish read my posting on when and how she became a slut, she has been on me (physically on my dick) wanting to post more stories, saying “oh, you need to tell them about the time we did this.” Seriously, I think I’ve created a little monster (a fuck monster). So this one is for Tish, it’s her favorite for me to tell at swing parties.Tish and I had been going to a not so local hotel/lounge for some role playing (hooker/john), and it was pretty fun, so one night when Kelly was over (our...

4 years ago
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The Painting

When he looked up again, Oleg savored the scene with all his senses. The small room was hot and humid, countless candles were strewn about, providing a flickering, cozy atmosphere. The young woman slowly rotated around herself, her eyes obscured by a crimson leather blindfold. Oleg couldn't get enough of the view. The color of that blindfold contrasted so well with the model's short, blond bob and her flawless, pearly-white skin. Drool was seeping out of her stuffed mouth and made its way...

2 years ago
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Study Break Surprise

I think I hit all the themes so, if you don't like any of them, don't read this and don't flame me. Keep your negative comments to yourselves, please. My girlfriend, Cathy, and I had been studying hard in the library of our small, Midwestern college when we decided it was time for a study break. Little did we know, as we headed back to my dorm for some privacy, my roommate Jason had the same idea – with his hot friend Mark. I'd met Cathy, a petite, 17-year-old freshman with fiery...

3 years ago
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Never Enough

My phone buzzed as I was fixing lunch. When my hands were free, I checked to see what the message had been. It was from a young guy by the name of Jeremy, around 23 or 24 years old. He'd started coming over to my glory hole earlier in the spring, and had been doing so fairly regularly ever since. He was what I suppose you could call a 'skater.' He had a girlfriend (so he claimed, and he was good looking enough that I had no reason to doubt his assertion), but, he'd mentioned before, with a...

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Sarahs Honeymoon

1 SARAH WAS NUDE WHEN I first saw her, but she didn’t see me because she was heading away up the beach. Tall, maybe as tall as me. Red hair, now wet and plastered against fair creamy skin with the faintest touch of color. Not a single tan line to break the curve of her bottom as it issued Nature’s invitation with each step she took. I came to my senses in time to move into the water before she saw me staring. This particular beach is secluded enough that no one cares whether you...

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Callboy Sex Experience In Bangalore

Hi everybody, this is Shiraak, 24 yr young guy from Bangalore and I am a call-boy (part time) for ladies and girls. This is one of my sex experience which happened a week ago, I had many experience but due to of no time, did not submitted all. I am an independent call-boy doing social (sexual) service for those ladies/ girls who believe in youth are to taste not to waste!!! I love being call-boy because I love to have sex with different ladies and girls by satisfying their sexual urge. One...

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Notes; Based on the twine game byArmyofRobots found here: & id=1337 (without spaces, formatting messes up for some reason) or This alternate and extensively changed version is posted with permission from the creators. The original was about a jelly tentacled alien. The basic premise that you awaken, not knowing what you are and with a compulsion to breed, is the same. Story...

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The Cheaters Map of Prague

That Prague's old city was never torn down to be rebuilt in concrete was perhaps the only positive legacy of communist misrule. Not that this was intentional of course. Given the chance, the party would have razed St Nicholas Cathedral and everything around it. But the sputtering economy and Moscow's greedy hands in the Czech treasury had kept most of the party's ambitions in check. Lacking the funds needed to actually tear down and replace Prague's bohemian grandeur, the party printed maps...

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Boss Promised Me Promotion 8211 Part 1

Hi friends this is Nandini from Bangalore I am a big fan of ISS And always wanted to share my experience, I am not good in writing, if you like my story please give your feedback or if you have any suggestions, please write to me Let me introduce myself first I am 24 years old and my height is 5’9″ and weight is 58 kilos and my body stats are 34D-32-36 my biggest assets are my height and big boobs. I lost my virginity at my 20 years to one of my college friend, I started enjoying my sex life...

4 years ago
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Diamonds in the Rough

I showed up at five to nine and knocked on the door. The woman behind the desk pressed a buzzer that let me in. That was the kind of neighborhood it was now. As I entered the girl behind the counter came forward and greeted me warmly. She was a petite girl, maybe 5’1” with pale white skin and long dark hair that naturally curled down around her shoulders like Elizabeth Mastrantonio (the chick that played Maid Marion in the Kevin Costner Robin Hood movie). Her mouth was small and her eyes dark....

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Shy Indian Muslim Housewife Swapped 8211 Part 2

This is the continuation of my previous story. Let’s get it into the story without any delay. I took off my friend’s wife Zainab’s kurti and there were her white boobs caged in pink bra. Without waiting for anything, I unhooked her bra, and off came her boobs. They were much tighter then my wife’s and her nipples were pinkish brown. I took one nipple in my mouth and bit it. With my right hand, I played with her left boob. She gave out a moan as played with her. Within a moment, we had shed all...

2 years ago
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Full CircleChapter 2

Wendy had not, of course, been privy to the discussion at director level which preceded her promotion. "Project Icarus," Richard Bartlett told his director, "has now reached the design and development stage and I'd like to appoint two Assistant Project Managers to manage the two main components of it." "Have you anyone in mind?" "Yes and no. The 'Yes' is Wendy Richards." "Bit young, isn't she?" "She's young but she's damn good, as you would be the first to admit. Not...

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How It All Began Ch16

Fay had been back only a few hours and the atmosphere crackled with a sexual tension. Jack and Fay had the run of Tanya's villa for the weekend as she was visiting friends in La Rochelle. Leaving a welcome home note for Fay, Tanya had in typical style left a few bottles of Champagne and a well-stocked fridge. The weather was cooler now, rainy and darker and the sumptuous art-deco villa catered for every eventuality. After a flight and a two hundred mile round trip to collect her; the sauna was...

1 year ago
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Tushy Abigail Mac Kissa Sins Abigail Part 4

Abigail is back – and hungry for more. The next job is up and her targets are a young couple who are about to embark on their engagement – and this needs to be stopped before the wedding. The client has decided to remain anonymous and it’s time to put the plan into action. Acting as a magazine wanting to cover the event, she starts by interviewing the bride to be. Making herself irresistible to both men and women alike, it looks as though Abigail already has this one in the...

3 years ago
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Naughty Aunt

When I was younger my aunt Paula used to babysit me, she wasn't really an aunt but a family friend. I was stopping over one saturday night while my parents went out. After dinner her 2 k**s, being younger than me went to bed, and me and Aunty Paula were watching tv. I remember it was the generation game and I had a massive young boys crush on Isla St Clair, the assistant. I was fantasizing about her and felt an erection growing. I had not long since begun to masturbate and had seen a...

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Here Comes the Bride Chapter 6

Emily said, "Mikey will do fine and he needs to do this on his own, Snookums," as Steve was looking up at the house waiting to see his brother emerge. Those words were truthful but not reassuring to Steve. His E was right, Mikey needed to be the one who talked with Jill's parents, Phil and Anita Bourque, about the wedding. Mikey might of had a mental disability, but that did not mean he was incapable of handling his personal life. Steve knew he would be just like all the people...

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Nina Chapter 3

At eight PM I let Nina go. My hands had wandered over her back and shoulders and arms and her hands had done the same to me. Neither of us had teased or attempted to touch skin that was covered by clothing. Chaste. It was little wonder that after seeing her out the front door, I was in the shower easing the pressures that had built all evening. I wasn't a constant masturbator. I wasn't asexual, it's just that I didn't do fantasies very well. I didn't have a fantasy in mind on this...

2 years ago
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Wand Book and Candle Part 5

Wand, Book and Candle, Part 5 By Elliot Reid A scorching plain of fine white mica lay beneath an obsidian sky. Above it hung the Moon, wreathed in flame. Before me hovered a figure I did not recognize, pale and cold. It looked nothing like my father and yet I knew it was him. "Why do feel these things?" I asked the specter. "Why do I want to mutilate my girlfriends?" "The wand asserts itself," the ghost said, its voice dry as a library. "The what?" "The wand. Your old...

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My Bi Side 3 Way

I have always wanted to be with another woman. For years I've had fantasies about them. Touching them, sucking them. Unfortunately I found myself married without ever fulfilling that fantasy. I've been married to Kevin for 12 years now. We met during college and married right after graduation. He's about 6'2 brown hair and eyes. With a thin build. I suppose people see us as a pretty normal couple. We drink but not too much. Neither of us have ever been smokers.Anyway for the past few months...

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Bua ki jee bhar ke chudai ki

Hallo iss readers kaise hai aap logon ke land aur choot meri kahaaniyaan pad kar aap sabki chooton aur land se paani to zaroor nilta hoga aur bahut se doston ko meri kahaani itni pasand aayi ki mujhe mail bhi kare jinka main tahedil se sukrgujaar hoon aur mail me ladkiyaan bhi saamil thi so thanx again ab main apni bua ke saath ki teesri kahaani sunaata hoon jabki pichli baar maine unko khaali apna land chusa kar apna maal unki choot me jhaad diya tha magar wahin par kahaani khatam ho gayi thi...

1 year ago
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Incest Irish Style

Declan and Eileen O'Keefe had a daughter, named Tara, while Angus and Dana Finnegan had a son, named Connor. Knowing full well that there was a family connection between the 2, in that Connor and Tara were 1st cousins, and Connor was also Tara's uncle, the 2 families schemed to ensure that they would be lovers, no matter whom they married. They could not wed each other, due to the family relationship, but Connor would take his niece Tara as his mistress. This "arranged affair" was set up by the...

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Sins of the Farher

My Mom passed away when I was young and my Father and I lived alone. He used to lounge around the house in his white boxer shorts and t-shirt, his "skivvies" as he called them. His boxers had no closures and when he walked around the house I would catch glimpses of his cock and tufts of hair through the opening. When he laid on the couch and watched TV, sometimes the opening would gape and I could see more of his thick cock, other times his boxers would ride up and I could see half his dick...

3 years ago
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Mission MisadventureChapter 4

Olivia really didn't know what to say. She thought that she knew what had happened, but it all seemed so strange that she was not really certain. Finally the lady that had performed her exam responded, but with a question, not an answer. "How are you feeling now, Regina?" "I feel dreamy. I am very comfortable--a little tired perhaps, but very relaxed." "And you, Olivia? How do you feel?" "I feel the same way. Whatever it was in those gauze pads sure does make you relax and stop...

3 years ago
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Dinner by Jen

Two weeks after my birthday gathering, my husband was away on a business trip for a few nights. Jen and Rodger invited me and my daughter over for supper the Wednesday night while he was away. I rocked up by Jen a little bit after 17h30 where Rodger opened up for me. He greeted with a kiss on the lips and a firm hug, before leading my daughter and I to the kitchen to greet Jenna, who was busy with dinner. I got myself a drink as we started chatting  and my daughter played in the back garden. We...

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