Luchia free porn video

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Life can lead you down many strange paths. At nearly forty years old I tried a lot of them. No, I'd never been married but I had one hell of a time in my younger days. As a teenager I'd been a randy little bugger known for a high score count. In my twenties I'd turned into the office wolf and shagged my way out of several good jobs and some good relationships, if it comes to that.

No, none of my relationships ran the course. We would set up house together for a while but in the end they would catch me out. You see, I had always found attractive women a challenge. Come on, I found nearly all women a challenge. Married or single, it made no difference to me. I had to experience them in bed; or rather they had to experience me. God, I'm good - well I bloody should have been with all the practice I'd had.

I never though I was particularly handsome. I suppose that by some folk's standards I might not have been considered handsome at all. But what I had was "the gift of the gab" as they say and I could normally talk any bird I fancied into bed. Of course once I got her there I had the experience to keep her there. Come on, you ladies know what I'm talking about. Well, if you don't, get yourself another bed partner!

Morals? Yeah I've always had morals. Well, my own interpretation of morals, that is. I have always steered well clear of my buddies' women. If she belonged to an acquaintance, that was a completely different matter. But my buddies' women were completely off limits; even if they did give me the old come-on.

You see morals are a man made thing. You know, some old Git thought them up years ago and everyone else has to choose whether to live by them or not. Now me, I wrote my own moral code and I've stuck by it for most of my life.

But all good things must come to an end sometime I suppose. Now I'm pushing forty and with over twenty-five years of hard living behind me beginning to show, it was like someone had turned a switch off. Suddenly my bed was empty as the younger bucks took all the best pickings. I was beginning to wonder whether I'd lost the "knack" and beginning to feel real old.

Or maybe it was just that I was fed up with playing the game. I still got invited to lots of parties, but I was tending to show up less and less nowadays. If I left a party alone, people noticed. I had a reputation to uphold; in the past I always left with company. Female, of course, and you know, I would get those little knowing winks and sly smiles off of the other guys.

They had all stopped now, as I usually tended to go home alone. Yeah, there were often a few disparate women about, but I had my standards. And besides, sometimes I wondered just where my life was going. There I was thirty-nine years old and with nothing to show for it. No wife, no kids, just a flat in a rather nice block. But if I kicked the bucket tomorrow, who the hell would care?

Anyway this story really starts in a supermarket; Safeway, to be precise, right by one of the frozen food cabinets. There I was sorting through the instant microwave dinners. No, I never have been much of a cook. When suddenly I got rammed in the leg by one of those bleeding killer carts. Shit, those things can do some real damage, especially when they're fully loaded.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" A female voice said. I think I had probably cussed out loud a bit.

"No, lady, I'll live. Don't you go worrying your pretty little head about it. I just hope you don't drive your bloody car like that?" I hadn't looked at the woman. I was too busy inspecting the damage to my ankle.

"I'm so sorry some of these trolleys are so hard to control. I'm afraid my daughter picked a bad one this time."

I finally looked up at her, and the woman's face was somewhat familiar to me. Apparently she recognised me at the same time.

"Oh, my, it's George, isn't it?" She said, "Long time no see, George; how have you been keeping?"

I must have looked confused as I tried to place her face.

"Luchia, Luchia Roberts, surely you remember me? Mind, it must have been nearly twenty years since we last met."

"Of course, I recognised you, Luchia," I said, lying my head off and somewhat relieved that she had told me her name. For one horrible moment I'd been worried that she was one of my ex's. It's one thing for them to catch you out cheating on them and dump you. But to forget an ex's name, that would have been really embarrassing. Luckily Chia was not an old flame of mine; she'd married a one-time friend.

"I was sorry things didn't work out for you and Jerry."

"Oh, that's been over and done with for years now. Do you know, he never comes to see the girls and we haven't heard from him in years. Do you see him at all?"

"No, I haven't seen him since he married that little tart."

"Twice, he's been married twice since he walked out on me. My solicitors had all kinds of trouble getting the child support money out of him.

Strange that she said Jerry walked out on her as I had always thought she had thrown the silly Pratt out. To be honest the conversation was going in directions I really didn't want it to. But just then two young ladies walked up to join us.

"Oh, girls, come over here and meet George. He was an old friend of your father and I whilst we were courting. George was best man at our wedding you know. George, these are my daughters, Amelia and Claire."

I said hi to the two quite beautiful young ladies. If my memory served me correctly, the elder Amy must have been about twenty or twenty-one now and the younger one Claire would be about eighteen-ish. They smiled at me as they first approached, but once Chia mentioned that I'd been Jerry's best man at the wedding, their faces took on a cold expression.

"Do you have any children, George?"

"No, I never did get married, Luchia. You know me, I never stayed with one girl long enough to get spliced."

"No, I didn't know you, George - well, not closely anyway, but I always found you to be a gentleman."

Um, unexpected and surprising one that. Perhaps Chia had forgotten some of the things she said to me in our younger days.

"Oh, now there's a lot who wouldn't agree with you on that one, Chia."

"I say it as I see it, George, you know that. Now, I gather you're single."

'Whoops, alarm bells ringing, where is this conversation going now?' I thought. I must have looked confused.

"The TV dinners," Luchia explained, "you wouldn't be buying those if you had a woman at home looking after you, now, would you?"

"I never was much of a cook, Luchia. I eat out most of the time. But I keep the freezer stocked for when I have the odd evening in." Not the whole truth, as I was spending a lot of evenings alone indoors nowadays.

"I see youÕre into Bar-B-Q's by the look of what you've got stacked into that trolley," I commented wishing to turn the subject away from me.

"Yes, we're having a bit of celebration this evening; Amy has just got herself engaged."

"Good for you, Amy; who's the lucky guy?" A silly question for me to ask really, as I wouldn't know the guy from Adam anyway.

"Oh, just a guy I met at college," Amy replied, her tone telling me to mind my own business.

"I know. What are you doing this evening, George? Why don't you come along and join us?" Chia asked. "It'll be fun to talk about the old times."

I could see the girls weren't overly enamoured with this suggestion, but Chia persisted. She said she would enjoy talking about the old days before she was married. In the end I said I would go. Really, just to bring the conversation to a close, I didn't have any intention of actually turning up.

Then we went off in opposite directions to complete our own shopping. It was as I was leaving the checkout line that Claire came up to me.

"I don't know who you are, but my mother hasn't got very many friends. She's spent most of her time bringing up my sister and me. It's against my better judgement as you're a friend of my fathers, but I hope you do show up this evening for her sake. It appears she's looking forward to your company. Mind, if you do anything to upset her, I'll hunt you down and you'll be sorry you ever set eyes on her again. She's had a hard time since that bastard left us."

The venom in the girl's voice was unmistakable.

"Claire, I haven't counted your father amongst my friends since their divorce. I was never anything other than a friend to your mother. I think I told both your mother and father that I thought they were too young to get married in the first place. I always thought your father was much too immature to make the commitment. What he did to your mother and you two girls, I found inexcusable and I have told him so on many occasions."

"Very well then, we'll expect to see you about seven." With that she turned and stomped away.

I suppose this is a good point to tell you about Jerry and Luchia. Jerry had been a friend of mine whilst we were at school and then college together. Somewhere along the line, I can never remember exactly how or when, he hooked up with Luchia. So for most of our teenage years Chia was around somewhere. Normally a very quiet girl, she and Jerry would go out together a couple of times a week. Sometimes he would bring her along with us - us was our little crowd, about seven guys along with they're respective assorted girlfriends - who regularly went out on the town together.

Chia was a nice girl, but she never really fitted in. As I said, she was very quiet for most of the time. But one thing about Luchia that no one ever missed was that she had no idea about tact and, when she did speak, would often say whatever came into her head. That could sometimes lead to embarrassing situations for all of us and never helped much in enlarging her own circle of friends.

Personally I had always liked her. No, not as a piece of skirt to chase. She was my buddy's girl. I did have some standards, but her openness meant you knew exactly where you stood with her. I knew that I wasn't ever her favourite person. Because she didn't like my wandering ways when it came to women and on occasions, she had been quite vocal on the subject. Damn we'd had some right old set-to's on the subject.

She came from a strict Catholic background, her parents kept her on a tight rein and she had a strict curfew. Jerry appeared to be besotted with her when he was with her. But when she wasn't around, he would always seem to be on the prowl for a bit of spare.

I think they were both about seventeen when they got engaged. I honestly advised Jerry against it. I never thought he was mature enough to make that kind of commitment. Shit, I had no plans to tie myself down and I thought I was much more mature than Jerry.

Come on, I told you that I ran around on my women but I never gave any of them a ring. I never promised them anything in the long term. So don't go thinking I'm some kind of a hypocrite.

Jerry was chasing bits of skirt all the time he was engaged to Chia. I never did think that was very fair of him. Christ, he had asked the girl to marry him and he was shagging anything he could lay his hands on, on the side. I went as far as to get a mutual girlfriend to warn Chia off. But it didn't appear to achieve anything, except Chia refusing to talk to Marion anymore.

Well, the inevitable happened. Jerry and Chia got married, and you don't have to guess who did the best the man bit. But after the wedding Jerry didn't change his ways; he was still apparently chasing anything in a skirt that he could. I tried to play the father figure character - I was a year older than Jerry and Chia - and I told Jerry his behaviour was well out of order.

Of course he just pointed out that I was playing around on the girl whom I was living with at the time. What he couldn't seem to get his head around was the fact that he was married, whereas my girl was just sharing my flat and my bed. And she definitely knew the score. To my mind there's a big difference there.

Several years went by, during which Chia had the two girls. Actually I think it was whilst Chia was pregnant with Claire that, during the course of one of our frequent discussions in a pub. Jerry, after he had drunk one or two pints more than he could handle - he had always had a low tolerance to alcohol - started to give me the old sob story.

Apparently he had not been very truthful with us over the years. He had always led us to believe that he and Chia had been enjoying a full sex life all the time they had been together courting. That night he revealed that he had married a virgin, who he now claimed was very repressed in bed. Well, she was to his mind, that is. I've always found that opinions on sex are very subjective, aren't they?

Jerry claimed that he was running around on Chia because she was rationing the amount of sex that she would let him have. I found that somewhat hard to believe because Chia had by that time had one child and was carrying her second. But from the way he told it, Chia was frigid in bed. This really was more information than I really needed to know; I never was one to play the Agony Aunt if I could help it. Luckily once Jerry was sober he never mentioned the subject again.

Maybe six months after that Jerry was arrested. Apparently he'd got some other girl pregnant and her father had gone after him. Jerry had somehow got the upper hand, but overdone things a bit and finished up being charged with GBH or something. I'm not sure as I kept my head down around that time. I really didn't want to get involved.

Well, that spelt the end of his marriage to Chia. Catholic or not, there was no way she was going to stand for that kind of crap and I don't think anyone could blame her.

Jerry got himself out of the can with the courts by marrying the silly little tart that he had got pregnant. I think her father must have dropped the charges in return for him marrying her, as I can't remember hearing anymore about it.

I saw Jerry a few times after that, but not much, if I could help it. I don't know; I suppose it must be the dual standards thing. I never thought anything about seducing a married woman. But Jerry doing the dirty on Chia, that, for some reason, I found unacceptable.

The girl that Jerry had put in the club had only been sixteen years old at the time. Cradle snatching, was looked down on by myself, and most of our peers. Any stupid Pratt could get a youngster drunk and shag her. No man would need to stoop so low.

So that was it really. Now nearly twenty years later I'd run into Luchia again and I'd been invited to Amy's engagement party. I had no illusions that I was being invited in any other capacity than that of an old friend.

I arrived at seven on the dot, a couple of six-packs under my arm and half a bottle of rum in my inside pocket. I like rum, but very few folks keep it in the house.

Amy and her soon-to-be husband Mike greeted me at the door. He seemed to be a nice lad and I warmed to him straight away. Amy dragged me off to one side and gave me a similar lecture to the one Claire had given me earlier, only a little bit more forcefully. I got the feeling they had questioned their mother about me and Chia had - as she always did - told them the truth about me.

Chia appeared and welcomed me with a kiss on the cheek. That wasn't what I was expecting! Then, she took me round and introduced me to her friends and relatives.

An interesting experience that, as it appeared some of her relatives remembered me from her wedding to Jerry. I got some very funny looks, I can tell you.

They had the party split over two downstairs rooms and the back garden. The front room was like a reception area where all the old fuddy duddies were holding court. The back room had been stripped of almost everything except the stereo and was where all the dancing was going on. Out in the rear garden there was the Bar-B-Q and a bar.

I circulated for a little while; then settled myself in a garden seat not far from the bar. Chia came to sit with me for a while and we talked about old times, but then she had to go a circulate herself. Both her daughters came and chatted for a while. I think their worst fears had been allayed when I told them I'd advise both their mother and father against marrying.

Chia came back about nine thirty and asked me to dance with her. We hadn't been on the cramped dance floor for more then a couple of minutes when raised voices drew our attention to a disturbance in the front room. Chia, of course, had to go to investigate the cause of the disturbance and I, out of curiosity, followed.

As Chia entered the front room I heard someone start to throw obscenities at her. I didn't recognise the voice, but I knew it had to be Jerry and he was obviously worse for the drink. He was shouting that his daughter was getting engaged and he hadn't been invited to the party.

Chia told him that Amy had not wanted him there, as I was getting into a position where I could see what was going on. I heard Amy's voice saying that Jerry hadn't wanted to know her all the years she'd been growing up, so she didn't want to know him now.

I'm not too sure what happened then. I think it could have been that Jerry went to backhand Amy. I know I heard him say something about her being a cheeky little bitch and he'd teach her some manners. But Mike was not about to let that happen.

Unfortunately for Mike, Jerry - like myself - had in his younger days always been a bit of a roughhouse. We'd been in more street fights than I'd care to remember and learnt the hard way how to handle ourselves. Although Mike was the much younger man, he didn't really stand a chance against a street fighter like Jerry.

Jerry laid him out with the first blow. Okay, my cue, muggings to the rescue. I stepped forward and Jerry saw me.

"Fuck me if it isn't super stud! What the hell are you doing here, Georgie boy, fucking my ex-wife, are we?"

"No, I'm not, Jerry. I'm here as an old friend, which apparently is more than you are. Now I suggest it would be a good idea if you were to leave now, whilst you still can."

"Ooh! Threatening words, Georgie boy. Now, you don't look like you're in too good a shape to me, Georgie boy. I think you've gone soft in your old age."

Oh, the Georgie boy bit? That was Jerry trying to wind me up. He knew I objected to being called Georgie boy and he hoped I would lose my cool over it. You know, lose your temper and lose the fight.

"On your bike, Jerry, whilst you can still walk. You really don't want to find out how fit I am."

For a moment Jerry thought. I think he was undecided whether he could take me or not. Mind you, I wasn't too sure that I could take him either. I hadn't resorted to fisticuffs for nigh on twenty years. Maybe if he hadn't been drinking for most of the afternoon things might have turned out differently. But in the end he squared up and took a swing at me. Christ, he advertised it with neon signs and it missed me completely as I side stepped it.

I didn't even punch him, I caught him with the back of my forearm on the side of his neck as he swung around and he joined the now recovering Mike on the floor. I was on Jerry in an instant. I pulled his right arm behind him and twisted it up behind his back, holding it there with my left hand. I placed my other arm around his throat and dragged him back up onto his feet. Before he had time to realise what was happening, I was marching him out of the front door that someone had opened for me.

"Jerry, me old mate, I think you can gather that you're not welcome here. Now I'm going to release you, and if you know what's good for you, I would suggest you'll keep on walking down the road and do not look back. I always was better that you when it came to a punch-up and I keep myself in shape no matter what it looks like."

Bullshit, of course. I have never been near a gym in my life, but Jerry wasn't to know that. Jerry did just that; he walked or rather staggered down the street without looking back, although he was muttering something. I decided to ignore it, as I was really getting a bit old for all this scrapping lark.

I was just about to re-enter the house when a police car arrived. I assume someone must have called them. I informed the officers that I had been forced to eject Jerry from the house and pointed him out to them. The officers said they would make sure he left the area.

When I got back inside, I was met by Chia at the door. She went to say something, but I put my finger to her lips to silence her and then led her back to the dance floor. Some folks wanted to make a big thing out of me throwing Jerry out, but I quickly made it clear to that the incident was over.

The rest of the evening went off very well. I think Mike was a little embarrassed about Jerry taking him out so quickly. But I told him that in the old days Jerry and I were in a lot of street fights. A more experienced man outclassed Mike. But if it had been down to stamina, Mike would have beat Jerry hands down.

Around one A.M. we were down to the clearing up. When most of that was done, I announced I was calling a taxi to take me home. Chia asked me if I would mind staying the night, as she claimed she was frightened that Jerry would return. I doubted he would, but I agreed to make myself comfy on a sofa.

In the morning I awoke to the sounds and smells of bacon and eggs frying. In the kitchen I found Chia slaving over a hot stove.

"Good morning, Chia. How's your head? You were putting it away quite well last night."

"It's fine, George, I never get hangovers. How did you sleep?

"Out like a light, girl. I can sleep anywhere."

Chia looked over my shoulder as if to check if anybody else was around.

"I thought you might have sleep-walked a little during the night, George."

Taken by surprise, I didn't at first get what she was talking about.

"Sorry, where did you get that idea? I've never sleep-walked in my life."

"That's a pity. I was hoping you would come and find me."

"Luchia, are you saying what I think youÕre saying?"

"Yes, I am. You were always supposed to be the bogeyman. I thought you might have come looking for a shag."

"For crying out loud, Chia!" I said, as this time I checked to see that no one else was within earshot. But I think they were all still asleep up stairs.

"Come on, George, you been into more women's nickers than they've got in Dorothy Perkin's. I remember what they used to say about you when we were young. If it wears a skirt, George will shag it. ArenÕt I good enough for you to shag."

"Well, of course you are, but hold on a minute, girl. I don't know where you got that idea, but it isn't exactly true, you know. I've never shagged a woman in my life. I make love with a woman and I'm bloody good at it. Even if I do say so myself."

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September 15, 1994, London, England All those life lessons I’d learned recently rushed to the forefront of my mind. What had happened with Ailea, Mitsuko, and Sakurako, as well as with Michelle, meant I needed to treat Pippa’s request properly. The only question in my mind was whether or not there were special circumstances which would warrant me trying to talk her out of it. I was concerned about regret, but I’d discussed that with the three Japanese girls, and in the end, I couldn’t...

2 years ago
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We Choose One

My friend has a flat in the middle of the town, where we sometimes meet with women. e have had some pretty wild times there.A few weeks ago in the summer we started walking through the park in the early evening. Soon a group of girls who hung out on a particular park bench caught our eye. Each evening we would say hello to the group of five or six girls.We chose one, who looked to the ringleader.We started chatting to her, asking about her school etc. Just small talk. Eventually she talked over...

1 year ago
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My Slutty Mom Fucks My Brother 8211 Part 3 SecretInLaw

My Mom, Yamini and Brinda were best friends even before marriage. Mom is the only daughter of the village head. My dad’s father is a wealthy landlord back in the day. Dad knew Mom through his sister Brinda, who schooled together with Mom. Dad was the first graduate in the village. The village head is more than happy to wed his daughter to Dad. After Dad took Mom to the city, his link to the village was limited. Brinda stayed looking after the family lands and farms. She married at the age of 21...

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True Story

Going back over my life there's been a few things i've wished i'd done and few things i wished i had'nt done, but one thing i thought i would never do happened with my best friend. For years me and my friend mated around with eachother, we went to school together and hung out together through our teens into adulthood but this story elevates from our late teens.We often used to do daft things, u******e drinking being one of them, daring eachother to go into the newsagents to buy something from...

4 years ago
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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 8

Her proposal to masturbate for each other was an interesting one. Supposing all she had told me was true, she was going to see her first live penis, and see it in action. She was going to discover if the thought of it made her excited or not. I was going to see her lithe shapely body that I was sure held treasures a man could discover. "OK," I said, but if it gets to a point where we've defeated my reasons for being conservative, we stop and that's it." "I understand. Using that word...

3 years ago
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First time outdoors in a dress

I know there are some gorgeous TV's, CD's and TS's on here, and this story might be a bit boring to them, but for me, it was one of the greatest thrills I've hadi have been wearing panties and hold up stockings for a few years now, and obviously much prefer them to regular bloke underwear.j also have a few dresses, skirts and tops, which I often wear around the house, or when I'm entertaining a guy. All this is fine and I am totally happy and confident to do this, although at 6' 2" and around...

2 years ago
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My First Time

At the casino yesterday I was playing poker with a guy named Jim and it got me thinking about my first guy and so I thought I would tell you that true story. I was in my twenties and had just moved out of my parent’s house. I was between girlfriends and had grown up with a very limited view of sex. What I did know about was jerking off since I did it a lot, and I knew about porn because I bought a fair number of magazines. In high school there had been a kid who had hit on me, and even jerked...

4 years ago
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Anita asks me for a big favor

That night we fucked like crazy in our bed. While we were catching our breath back, my sweet Ana said she needed a big, big favor from me. Of course, I quickly replied.Ana wanted me to fuck her old girlfriend Alicia.I knew this lady; she had a nice face and big round boobs, but she was chubby. Good smiling girl, but chubby. Not my type at all…I asked what about her husband, since I knew she was married. But Anita said that Alicia was going to divorce and now poor girl was feeling extremely...

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Hotwife Kim Such a Kinky Slut

Chapter 1Given just how revealing the slutty little outfits are that my hotwife wears to pubs, clubs and bars,I'm amazed that she's never been arrested for indecent exposure, breach of the peace or grossindecency! She constantly pushes out the boundaries of what she wears and what she gets up to.I first met Kim four years ago at a property exhibition I'd rented a stand at. Through an agency I'dhired four promotions girls to help out on the stand. They were all in their twenties,...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Lauren Phillips Luna Lain Keeping Mom In The Dark

Luna Lain is frustrated, searching around the house for her car keys so that she can go hang out with some friends. She searches high and low but comes up empty-handed… until her step-mother, Lauren Phillips, dangles the keys in front of her face. Luna is relieved but Lauren insists that she’s not giving the keys back since Luna KNOWS she’s grounded! As Luna tries to make up an excuse about how she was innocent and doesn’t deserve the grounding, Lauren shoots her down....

2 years ago
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Rejection Is But A Memory

Copyright© 2001-2003 There was a young parson of Harwich, Tried to grind his betrothed in a carriage. She said, "No, you young goose, Just try self-abuse. And the other we'll try after marriage." When I attempted to open my eyes the room spun so fast I had to close them again. Trying to sit up caused a wave of nausea to threaten my existence and I had to lay back down. Every inch of my body hurt, including my fingers and toe nails! How could I drink so much last night? Oh...

4 years ago
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Caught with Consequences Pt VIII

Caught with Consequences Pt VIII By Teaser "Are you trying to tell me that this woman is your network architect?" the computer thug said with a hint of doubt in his voice. I guess he never heard of Women's Lib. "No." she said very slowly, as if talking to a moron, which I guess she was. "I'm saying this gentleman here is my network architect." On that last comment, everyone's eyes locked on me. Thug number two, who promised me I'd just love his dick, looked furious. He...

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The Pick Up

It was a cool fall night when the lady walked into the lounge.   She was dressed to kill her hair and makeup was perfect.   She wore all black, dress, nylons and high heels.   She ordered a “pink Lady” at the bar and walked to a corner table in the back.   Every guy in the bar noticed her especially one gentleman standing at the bar having a beer.     This tall blond stranger eyes the lady with his intense blue eyes enjoying what he sees, enjoying it even more as he undresses her in his mind....

Straight Sex
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Randi Maa Ko Choda Aur Usko Apni Maa Se Biwi Banaya

Mera naam rahul hai. Me nagpur ka rehne wala hu.Meri umar 19 hai.Meri maa ka naam sandhya hai,uski umar 42 hai,uska figure 34-30-34 hai. Mai apne maa aur papa ke sath rehta hu. Meri maa bahot sexy hai.Uski gand pe puri colony marti hai.Har unlce hamesha uski gand ko hi ghurte rehte hai. Meri maa low waist sari pehnti hai aur ek no. Ki chinal hai. Maa na jaane kitno ke sath apni gand marwa chuki hai,baju wale uncle to maa ko har dophar chodte hai jab ghar par koi nai rehta.Mujhe meri maa bahot...

1 year ago
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Zombie Rule

People have recently been saying that soon the world will end. Their fortune has come true. The world has ended and zombies are about to take over it. People are dying in incresing numbers every day. It was only a matter of days until the virus spread over all of america. The virus shuts off the higher functions, and as such bypasses the conscious mind. All that is left is one basic scripts: Breed. In its fianl stages, it reworks the body's digestive system to a worm like state where enzymes...

4 years ago
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The Resistance

The Resistance (Universe 1) Josh kicks open the stairwell door, chasing after the scumbag that ruined their country. Josh holds his pistol upward with both hands as he steps into the stairwell wearing a bulletproof vest with a white button down on underneath, blue jeans and boots, looking back at Ashley in her bullet proof vest, black pants and black boots. He gives her a nod and she returns it as they start heading up the stairs. Elsewhere in the stairwell Jay trips and falls. The out...

4 years ago
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Janey Part 3

Janey lay on the bed, her cunt still twitching from her recent orgasm. "I'm ready now." she whispered after breaking off a deep, wet, sloppy kiss. "Are you sure?" I said, hovering over her."Yes," she sighed. "I want you inside me, bro. I want my first time with a man to be special."I pressed myself into her prone form, kissing her neck. "I love you, Sis, and I want this to be special, too."I kissed down her throat until I reached her left nipple."You have no idea how long I have...

2 years ago
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Beautiful Trap 4 Inside Hannah

I woke up about two hours earlier than normal and fucked my wife. I wanted to have as much time for my balls to refill before Jen and Hannah came over. I wasn’t sure which one I would get it be inside first, but they deserved as much seed as I could give them. Many hours later I opened the door to find Jen and Hannah standing on my porch. Jen was so cute in loose jeans and a tshirt with her hair up under a baseball cap and her glasses on. It was her boyish look, but she was more like a hot...

4 years ago
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Im Not LisaChapter 6 Showdown

It was Sunday afternoon, three days after my arrival, when my phone rang and I flipped it open to see who was calling. I didn't recognize the phone number or the area code, so I decided to answer it. "Hello?" "You mind tellin' me just what the hell you were doin' runnin' off?" I didn't have any doubt about the voice. "I decided to visit my family. I hadn't seen them in a long time." It was a carefully rehearsed lie that I had not expected to have to use quite this soon. "You...

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Navy LarksChapter 6

Tony felt desperately angry, as he reviewed his options. He was late when he got home and he managed to get to bed without waking anyone. When he arrived downstairs next morning he was surprised to see Mary and Arleen her sister having breakfast with Freddie. " Look who's here." Freddie said excitedly " I thought you would be in Brussels arranging your fathers funeral. "Tony said, as he sat down and reached for a slice of toast. "No darling he's in good hands with Debbie and the...

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Bade kaam ki mehrin

Hi i m karan 18 male yeh baat kal ki hai meri ghar ki mehrin ek mahiney se kaam kar rai hai wo pandit hai uski beti jyoti uske sath aya karti thi bad me mujhe pata laga ke uski umra 19 hai aur usne bhag ke shadi ki thi par uske sasural walon ko manjur nai thi aur uske admi ne use chhod diya uske pet me 4 months ka bacha mar gaya wo roz mujhe ghurti thi mujhe lagne laga ke uski jawani machal rai hai phir ek din wo pocha laga rai thi aur mai naha k aya tha maine towel bandha tha aur underwear nai...

2 years ago
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A Deadbeats Diary First night as a Bouncer1

You have to understand that to a 19 year old who was shy and had a severe lack of confidence at the time, a gig as a bouncer was like a shot of powerful steroids in to the arm when it came to self image. Up to that point I had been with 3 girls in my entire life and 2 of them were only 3rd base. I did have a sort of long term relationship with the 3rd girl but that lasted about 9 months when I was 17. I will tell you about that in a later Diary. On my first night, I was shown the ropes...

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Future Perfect

Sex in space is amazing. The main event requires some forethought to avoid chasing each other around the room. But there are things you can do that just won’t work on the ground.All the plans and preparations led to this hour with just the two of them. Their garments hovered about the small room.“You first,” said Sooz. She was tall—in heels, taller than him— with long legs and full breasts. Long red wavy hair was almost her trademark; the business press called her the Titian Titan or Amber...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Electricians HaremChapter 2

I was home one Saturday with Monica, hanging out by the pool, watching her swim, but my brain was off in La La Land and I wasn’t even checking out her hot teenage body. Monica’s friends came over to swim. I tried not to be in the middle of things. It’s easier not to stare at cute teenage girls in wet bikinis if I’m in the house. I put drinks and snacks, out by the pool, then went to the den to watch College Football on TV. After about an hour the girls came into the den, and sat on the...

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Heavy Traffic Ch 12

Amanda let Carol lead her and Wendy through the house, pointing out antiques and other items of obvious pride or sentimental stature among all the furnishings and decorations. Graciously acknowledging the presentations while limiting her own questions and comments seemed to Amanda to be the best way to expedite the tour and allow her to get back to Sean. When Carol led them into the basement of the house, Amanda was prepared to excuse herself in order to bring the tour to an end. However,...

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Lap Dance

Francis waltzed into my room where I was lying on my bed reading a Cussler novel. “Hey, what the hell is a lap dance?” I was focused on the book so I asked “A what?” “A lap dance. Mel asked me last night to give him a lap dance but I don’t know what he was talking about so I said no way. What is it?” My mind started running, first off I was going to have to body slam Mel for asking my 17 year old sister to do something like that, second, my sister was still naive enough not to know, third,...

1 year ago
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Dost Ki Behen Pinki Ke Sath Sex

Dear all and I am sassy from Cuttack. Ye mera pehela story in ISS main ISS ka regular reader hnu or me aaj mera pehela experience likh raha hnu main kyese first time sex kiya tha ek yasi ladki ke sath uski ghar me apni mumy ke presence me jo ki dikhne mai to sundar thi per us se jyada sexy thi. Aub kahani me chalte hai. Ye ek Sachi ghatna hai ye undin ki bad hai jub mai mera MBA khatm karke new job join kiya tha CTC main. Main bahut hi Handsome tha aur attaractive bhi. Par har insan ke pas...

2 years ago
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Lonely Forest Filled With Her Scream And Cum

Hi, guys, this is erav again (name changed). Do not feel like ( ennada ivan thirumba thirumba varaan).Actually this the second part of sex with maid uma but as it is a separate incident. I’ll narrate it as an individual story.Please do check my previous story.Coming to the story.The heroine is Uma and she is a bombshell.She is dark creamy in colour.I am not sure about her size please apologize me.But she would look like Sneha ( Tamil actress).After sex in the kitchen with her.I didn’t even get...

3 years ago
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Working together

My wife and I worked for the same company and so we road to work together. Sometimes while were getting ready for work she or I would load a VHS prono tape in the VCR and watch a little fucking and sucking while we were getting dressed. It always had the desired effect on both of us as normally she’d be dripping and my cock would be hard. Sometimes I’d lick her pussy and other times she’d suck my cock. Rarely did either of us cum. That was just a good start of the day. We always had our...

4 years ago
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When Two Eyes Meet and Something Sexual Happens

After being married for 16 years I suddenly found myself in divorce court with the woman I thought I would spend all my life with. We called it “irreconcilable differences”, but it was trust, she didn’t trust me. My hand to God, she never had to worry about me for one second. Yes, I’m somewhat of a flirt, but never acted upon any response I may have gotten from any woman. A flirt, yes, but in most cases. I was always used to being the “flirtee”, rather than the flirter. I’m not bragging when I...

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Summer camp and the glory hole

I had taken the week as vacation from my job and was excited about going, just to get out of the house for a week. The thought of being at a summer camp brought back good memories from when I was a young girl and had attended one for two summers. I was really looking forward to it, and so was Lori. That is until two days before leaving, she came down with chicken pox of all things. Well on the doctor’s advice, I called the woman in charge at the church that was running the camp to explain...

4 years ago
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East of EdenChapter 5 Morning

"Holy shit!" I shook Mark awake. "What?" "It's noon! Mom and Daddy came home early. They're downstairs discussing what to do about us! They know! And they know we watched their video!" My heart was in my stomach, somewhere. I clutched at Matt's neck. He sighed deeply. But he just lay there, warm against me. "Ohmigod! Now what? Ohmigod, Carly, I am soooo sorry. I shouldn't have..." "It's not your fault! My fault, all my fault!" We lay silently awaiting our fate. "What...

2 years ago
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The LA ConnectionChapter 7

I must have called practically every new and used car dealership in the metro area before I found an SUV like what I wanted. Jenny and I went to take a look, but she noticed a used Ford nine-passenger van on the lot that was more nearly what we wanted. The color was a shade of orange, but, otherwise, it was exactly the kind of vehicle we wanted. We forgot the SUV and went for the van instead. After some negotiation, I got the price down to something that I was willing to pay. I know, I...

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Abby TwoChapter 26

We didn’t get to go for two weeks. Duty at the mine ... discussions with Pater about the Uhaul, repairs to the Uhaul, a run out to Napoleon Reef to the widow at the place where we got the trailer and another of ‘those’ Dreams. You know... dreams featuring the Cowfaces and Jim ... from next door. The dreams responsible for the magma tunnel mine and the 17 million dollar Ophir trust fund find. This time we were instructed to take Janna and Alice Li when we went. David Napoleon Reef has been...

1 year ago
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Mum Mum

I’m not really sure where to start with this story; so I guess I’ll go back and tell you a little about myself. I’m Connie and I’m nearly 40 and have a 19 year old son called Rudy. Rudy is now nearly 6 feet tall; very athletic (very good at soccer and athletics) and has a shaved head. I’m 5 ft 6, size 12-14, with very short curly reddish hair. I have a round ‘feline’ face with lots and lots of freckles and a small pixyish nose. My boobs are 34b and the nipples are pink and very sensitive....

4 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 36

Geese! "I'm coming, I'm coming! You don't need to break it down?" Vee swung the door wide open. "What?" When the Island was bombed and destroyed the family and home, Junior was turning sixteen and late for her birthday party. She arrived to a smoking hole still filling with Great Lakes water. For about two years, Junior went three miles past wild. She was pregnant at 18 without a clue as to the male who produced the sperm and really didn't give a fuck ... she probably should have...

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College Sex Diary Ch 01

Date #1 Roger September 7 There is a running joke among the Asian female population about what could potentially be the most annoying problem in dating: the Asiaphile. I first received an email forward in high school from my friend Anne, and I couldn’t believe it. I mean, I’ve dated assholes, but I never thought that I would ever meet an asshole who specifically targeted Asian girls. The stereotype is that Asian girls are more docile and subservient, know a lot of sexual secrets and other...

4 years ago
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Repo Auto CenterChapter 4 Adventure Begins

[Hotel street today courtesy of Google Earth. I would be lost, totally] In my new home I’d suddenly suffered about two weeks of epic new allergies but got over that, antibodies assumed. I tried out a new product pill called Contact, one of the very first TV advertised remedies for hay fever. It may have had a positive placebo effect or not but I lived to see another day, by far the worst hay fever attack ever. But I should not complain. The air was so filled with beautiful flower aroma....

2 years ago
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Jason and Kym Part One

I think back to the day I’d met Jason; it was at one of the biker rallies that I attend through the riding season. I say ‘season’ because where I reside it gets bitterly cold and the ground snow covered for slightly less than half the calendar year. That being said, one must make the most of the good weather if motorcycles are a passion to which you subscribe. For example, can you imagine Sturgis being held in the middle of January? I was standing looking at the bike that was parked next to my...

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Late Night Movies chapter 3

I was unable to keep from thinking about what I saw the night before from the moment I woke. The images were as clear as if they were still playing on the screen in front of me... The strange woman, tugging, pulling and sucking on the mans penis. It culminating in a fountain of thick, milky-lookin white stuff and her, desperately trying to catch each bit like it was the best candy in the world. I didn't know what to make of it all but my curiosity burned. Why was my dad watching that movie?...

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