Vishi Czarina Of GrokChapter 6 free porn video

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The following day the Olliphanti led the three naked (except for the ever-present collars) women to "Pleasure World", an adult theme park where exhibitions as well as participatory activities were available for those with the price of admission. The guests were taken by monorail through several native alien environments where the most unusual and erotic mating rituals in the galaxy could be observed. Sometimes special arrangements were made for inter species mating, always a great crowd pleaser.

Their masters had contracted for the three Earthers to participate in just such spectacles.

"You, Vishi, will amuse the guests here in "Aquasphere".

The naked woman was handed over to two of the handlers while the Olliphanti masters proceeded to lead Meena and Anserk to "Forestsphere" where Meena was led away.

"And for you, Anserk, we have arranged for something special. You have never been the Smay'Tai which we had hoped for. Today you will learn that when you do not please us, you will not enjoy the consequences."

The lovely brunette was taken to "Desertsphere" where her handlers proceeded to drive her into an especially remote area where she was released. Looking carefully around, the area seemed deserted. Anserk was not sure what was expected of her. Was she to stay here and wait? Was she to try to return to the park proper? She wasn't sure. There was one thing however. She noticed the monorail packed with patrons on a small knoll overlooking the especially sandy area in which she found herself. Taking another look around and finding nothing, she wondered about her two friends.

"But what am I supposed to do?" asked Vishi as she was taken by boat and left on a small platform only inches above water level in the middle of a sizable aquarium.

"Don't worry," laughed one of her handlers as the launch pulled away, "the Wapeena will let you know what it wants!"

The young woman peered into the crystal clear water but the bottom was obscured by reefs and marine plant life. She looked up to see spectators alined along the sides of the aquarium where they could see both above and below the water line. Vishi was long past the point of feeling embarrassed about her nudity, but the fact that the spectators seemed to be waiting for something left her very much ill at ease.

Meena was released in a patch of woods near a large clearing. The foliage of the trees was a strange orange, but otherwise the forest might have been one from Earth. She noted the clearing, again sporting an unfamiliar grass which rose higher than her head, but not altogether unlike the wheat fields of Kansas where she was born and raised.

The handler pointed to the far side of the meadow, a distance of about two hundred Earth yards.

"Make it to the far side and you'll earn a bonus," he said.

Meena knew that any bonus would go to the Olliphanti and although she could care less whether her masters received any extra payment, she also knew better than to disappoint them. As her handlers disappeared back into the woods, Meena sized up her situation. Obviously she was to advance across the meadow, while something... something would try to prevent her reaching the other side. Cautiously she looked around and took a preliminary step. She, at first, did not notice the monorail cars sitting just behind the tree line on the upper end of the meadow.

Anserk decided at last to at least get out of the sandy area in which she found herself. The sand was loose and hot from the overhead sun and her feet while not burning, were getting uncomfortably warm. She had not taken more than a few steps however until she heard a soft swishing sound and turned to find the sand behind her swirling in a vortex. As the first two hideous heads, with suckers extended, reared from the roiling sand, Anserk knew she was in trouble.

My God, she thought, Danoovian Sand Worms!

Vishi stood on the small platform crossing her breasts with her arms and standing with legs together, more a habit than anything else since her body had already been laid open in every way imaginable. Still she had no idea what to expect. The handler had mentioned the term Wapeena, but it meant nothing to the beautiful woman. She had studied many forms of alien sea life at the academy but this term was alien (no pun intended) to her.

Her first indication was an excited gasp from the spectators. She turned to look at the area which was the focus of their attention, but the light reflecting on the water's surface made it difficult to see clearly. All she tell was that it was black, it was large and it was moving toward her.

Meena proceeded carefully through the tall grass, so thick she could not see more than a few feet in front of her. The stalks of the grass itched her bare skin when she brushed against then, so she moved even more slowly, trying to part the grass and step through, avoiding contact as much as possible. She heard a sound behind her, froze and listened, but after almost a minute of hearing nothing more, she wondered if it had been her imagination. After several more minutes she approached a clearing which seemed to be covered only in a soft moss like flora. Taking an exploratory step she found the moss cool and comfortable, the footing not firm but not bogey either. She could see the opposite side of the clearing now, marveling at how easy it had been thus far. She knew she would be exposed in the clearing, but she had run track in high school and at the academy excelling in the sprint distances. Estimating the distance to her objective at perhaps seventy-five Earth yards. She quickly stepped out and began running as fast as she could. She had considered zigzagging but rejected the idea because it would slow her down. So on she ran, wishing the footing was a bit better as the moss did not seem to be firmly attached to the soil and was continually tearing away, making her footing treacherous. Her spirits began to rise as she could see the tree line and safety only a few yards ahead. It was at this point she made her mistake. Focusing on the approaching tree line, she was totally oblivious, until it was too late, of the shadow from above which momentarily blotted out the sun as it dove toward its prey.

The attractive brunette screamed and tuned to run, but the sand at her feet was also beginning to swirl and she could make precious little progress. Glancing back, her efforts were renewed as she saw the ugly maws sense her and begin the frightening undulating motion by which they moved on the surface. Called sand worms, the Danoovians were more a cross between an eel and leech. Stretching over fifteen feet long, the creatures were perhaps six inches in diameter at the head, their bodies somewhat flat, the tails stubby. But it was the mouth which brought terror to Anserk as it did to all who saw it. A single eye set back so the round gaping mouth, filled with small teeth, could bite and suck blood from its prey.

The sand around her loose, affording her no footing whatsoever, the screaming woman actually lost ground as the two creatures who had no trouble in slithering their bodies atop the fine sand neared.

The monorail cars now inched closer to afford the spectators a better view as the first worm wrapped itself around Anserk's leg and began pulling. The hysterical woman kicked, screamed and even tried to dig her hands in the loose granules to find a hold, but despite her frantic efforts, her nude body was inexorably drawn backward. Now the second worm joined the first, wrapping itself around her waist and as Anserk in her hysteria fought to break the grasp of the second worm, the first slithered up her leg, wrapping itself completely around her upper torso. As this was accomplished, the second worm smelled what it sought, the mouth gaped open and when Anserk, in her hysteria, flailed her legs open, it plunged.

Sand worms seek to feed on soft, warm tissue, so before the Earth woman could react the Danoovian jumped at her nest, instantly attaching itself, the teeth bringing blood so the sucking of her body fluids could begin. As Anserk screamed again in pain and terror, the second attached itself to her mouth in a grotesque kiss, biting her tongue and sucking the blood as it flowed into the hungry maw. Anserk struggled but her arms were pinned to her body by the powerful worms which continued to wrap themselves around the helpless woman until she could offer no resistance whatever. A third worm appeared also wrapping itself around the Earth woman, its mouth finding her breast, biting the nipple and sucking the precious fluid.

In a moment of intense clarity before she passed out, Anserk faced the realization she would die. The worms would simply suck her dry of blood and leave her. They would then crawl below ground where the female would prepare to lay her eggs. In a few hours the female would return to the surface, force her tail into Anserk's womb and lay at least a hundred eggs. When the eggs hatched a few hours later the young worms would devour the remainder of Anserk's tissue and organs leaving little for the carrion eaters. In two days time nothing but bones would remain.

As she began to feel weak from the loss of blood, Anserk wept, not so much at her impending death, but because she would never again be close to Vishi. Her eyes closed and she faded into unconsciousness.

There! Vishi thought she saw the shape swim past the platform, but still the surface reflection prevented her from grasping any detail. Fear was beginning to rise in her throat. The Olliphanti had told them they would simply be having sex with alien species, but they had all heard the stories from the other Smay'Tai that there were those who paid high prices to see sex and death. Her masters were always prodding her to show more enthusiasm, but overall her customers seemed pleased and the Olliphanti were piling up credits rapidly, thanks to her beautiful face and figure and the fact that Earth women were the most prized Smay'Tai in the galaxy. Still, she was uneasy. Whatever that was swimming below her, it was big. The shadow in the water had been at least thirty feet long.

Suddenly the water was roiling behind her. Vishi turned to see the creature surfacing only a few feet away. It very much resembled an Earth octopus although it had nine long tentacles filled with suckers instead of eight. The body was bulbous and satiny black, the eyes, on either side of the body were large and unblinking, its stare putting Vishi instantly ill at ease. The mouth was centered among the tentacles and what awaited Vishi protruded from the mouth, this species obviously having evolved a mouth which served both for feeding and for sex.

It swam slowly around the platform, its eyes never leaving Vishi who tried to meet its gaze, perhaps even to scare it off, but she found herself looking away, unable to match the cool intensity with which it eyed its sexual prey.

The spectators crowded closer to the cligenic glass as the circles of the creature around the platform became smaller.

Closer it swam and with each passing moment, Vishi could feel the fear rising in her throat. Suddenly the creature submerged and darted downward, Vishi unable to see it. The spectators laughed as they could plainly see the Wapeena creep eerily upward, directly under the platform.

Vishi turned first one way and then another, trying to catch sight of it, but could not. Her anxiety building by the moment, she knelt down closer to the water to try to see past the surface reflections. As her head came within inches of the water, she suddenly saw the Wapeena's face, its eyes, the open mouth with the protruding knobby penis. Startled she jumped back to a standing position but as she did so, two tentacles suddenly appeared from behind her and, grabbing both her ankles, jerked her off her feet and began dragging her into the water. As Anserk had done in the sand pit, Vishi grasped at the smooth surface of the platform in a desperate attempt to stop being drawn to the creature. But there was nowhere to secure a handhold and now five more tentacles wrapped themselves about her legs and body and as the creature pushed away from the platform, Vishi was dragged, screaming, into the water. The other tentacles now wrapped themselves about the human pulling her under. Vishi was trying to struggle but the tentacles were powerful, the suckers easily adhering to her skin. She felt their suction on her legs and hips and now her breasts as another appendage wrapped itself around her upper torso. Even in the thrashing water, Vishi could sense she was being inexorably drawn toward the huge mouth and the nearly two feet of phallus which awaited her. Quickly running out of air, Vishi tried to conserve her oxygen, but her lungs already felt as if they would burst.

Closer and closer she was drawn as the thought flashed through the lovely Earth woman that she would die in the arms of a Wapeena. The two tentacles around her ankles now pulled her legs apart and Vishi knew she would be taken. Perhaps if she ceased struggling, the creature would take what it wanted and release her. She could only hope as, no longer fighting the tentacles, she willingly spread her legs and allowed the tentacles to pull her to the gaping mouth and Wapeenian sex organ.

The spectators crowded even closer to the glass and there were ohhs and ahhs as they saw the creature suddenly impale the Earther. The water thrashed as the creature, having found a suitable receptacle, buried itself in Vishi's vagina and womb, each knob pushing mightily until her nest surrendered by stretching itself until the knob suddenly popped inside, each knob larger than the last as the alien penis was not uniform in girth, but grew substantially thicker as it approached the mouth.

Vishi was fighting to stay conscious, knowing that if she passed out she would drown, but now she feared she would meet that end anyway. Her lungs were burning, the reflex of wanting to inhale so strong she knew she could not hold out much longer.

A tentacle wrapped itself around her head, a large sucker covering her nose and mouth. Unbeknown to her, the Wapeena had sensed her distress and, while in the throes of sexual gratification, it would not release her, it did cover her breathing organs so even if she did lose consciousness, she would not inhale any water.

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Chapter One ‘Three King Ten…..’ the radio crackled, on a relatively boring night. Sgt. Rick Thorn picked up the mike, and spoke back to the dispatcher, ‘Ten, go agead.’ ‘1345 Euclid, Apartment 1C, see the woman, possible prowler.’ ‘Damn!’ Rick swore to himself. Fourty-five minutes to end-of-watch, and she gives me a prowler call! ‘Ten, clear,’ Rick responded. As he made a U-turn to go to respond to the call, he was fuming. He WAS a sergeant, after all, the supervisor of the shift, and he...

3 years ago
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Kate Draffen Chapters 24 28

KATE DRAFFEN (Chapters 24 - 28) By Swishy CHAPTER 24 "Dot! You scared the fuck out of me! Have you been sitting here waiting for me to come home?" "When you say it like that it makes me sound creepy," she said, wrapping her headphones around her iPod and putting it in her pocket. "Well, I definitely see it as creepy." "Creepy it is, then. I just miss being friends with you. I mean in over a week we've only said 35 words to each...

4 years ago
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Black cock fucked but had a shocking secret

I meet a very nice well fit older black male in the Bar at a Hotel i stayed in on a weeken trip i had. We got along real well, and had alot of fun and much great sex that weekend. i asked him if he was married or if he had k**s… But he was singel and no k**s. And on Sunday when we spilt up, we promised each other to do this again.. But it took almost Six months before i heard from him again. Then he said that he had been out of the contry on work, and he wanted to hook up again. And he...

1 year ago
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Submissived Khloe Kapri Spanking A Submissive Scammer

Wow, Khloe Kapri really thinks she is slick talking about how she stole some guys money. That is just not cool! But our stud is going to teach her a lesson. He sneaks up behind her, throws a bag over her head, and then ties her to a door frame. She is scared, but for some reason her pussy is dripping wet. Khloe tells our stud he can do whatever he wants to her, and he takes her up on the offer. He spanks her silly, while she has a gag in her mouth. Then he fucks her from behind while her arms...

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Big Secrets Opens New Dimensions Chapter VIII

Now the two beautiful women were feeling the full effects of the wine, the margaritas, their nudity, and the intimate nature of their conversation. They could both feel themselves getting aroused, and the sexual tension was obviously growing. That was when Julie said, “When you told me that you gave Jamie a DVD to watch last night, it sounded like you weren’t telling me everything.”“Well I may not have given you all the details,” Charlotte said, edging closer to full disclosure. Then she said,...

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Neighbors Play Ping Pong Strip

Terri was in her mid-twenties and worked for a local bank as an executive secretary. She was five feet five and about 135 pounds, with real red hair, a nice curvy figure and pert 36C breasts. She lived in a little house along the city’s older area by herself. She had bought it on her own and was rightly proud of it. Since working and fixing up the house took up so much of her time, she hadn’t had much time for relationships or even searching for one, so she had been pretty much taking care of...

2 years ago
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Bumpy Roads

At first, in high school, I purposely tried to confirm those words by getting fifties on tests and handing in assignments late...even though I was capable of nineties...I just didn't see the purpose of doing the extra work for generic marks that don't mean anything once you leave high school. So instead, I slacked off, focusing instead on football and music. I was a good football player, but not scholarship good and so now at twenty-one, I worked at a music store during the day and...

3 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 13

COMING TO TERMS -or- MY REALITY IS DIFFERENT THAN YOURS "This is all the information that the studio is releasing at this point." Rita sat at the kitchen table with John seated opposite her and Rose and Ed sitting at the ends of the table. "They're using the writing team from the new Mary Poppins movie for the script, the Lopez's are writing the music and Rob Marshall, who has directed a ton of musicals, is directing. There is no story outline, but Lily James is playing the one of...

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Pados Wali Ladki Ke Chudai

Hi friends! Mera naam Rohan hai age 19, height 5’10”, fair colour, dikhne me handsome (aisa sab kehte hain) main Mumbai ka rehne wala hoon and ISS ka regular reader hoon. Aaj main aapko story nahi balki ek sachchai sunane jaa raha hoon ke kaise maine apne pados me rehne wali ladki ko pehli baar choda aur aaj tak chod raha hoon please friends read full story. I know that you all will definitely like it because it’s ver sexy. Now moving on to my story main jis gali me rehta hoon usi gali me ek...

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Dirty Blonde

I’ll start this story by telling you something I’m sure many of you can relate to: I always want what I can’t have, and as a man I always want the women who would be totally wrong for me and turn my world upside down. Women seem to crave bad boys in much the same manner. I won’t spend much time describing myself because, let’s face it, the beauty of the picture I’m painting, what you all want to ‘see,’ isn’t me. Besides, nobody likes a self-gratifying rant where the writer strokes his own ego...

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FullOfJOI London River Obeying Doctors Orders

Lexie is a young lady who is learning about her body, and who better to ask then a trained medical professional. But when it turns out that her doctor is London Rivers, her check up does not turn out how Lexie expected. Dr. Rivers asks the young lady a few questions about sex, and Lexie reveals that she has had sex with a boy before and that it hurt. Luckily, Dr. Rivers has just the right prescription. She reaches around the girl and rubs her pussy tenderly, watching Lexies face react to the...

2 years ago
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A short introduction to Lilith and her Family

Despite the theme I am trying to make my stories more appealing to women, and include some reasonable background rather than a never-ending series of sex scenes. If you like reading a story about a perverted tabooless woman and her Family develop, you will surely like this. The whole world of Lilith and her Family is written in third-person limited. Each story, whether it will be big or small, will be written as seen from one person of the Lilith Family or the occasional guest...

1 year ago
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Shocking Movies is a great site title for this free porn site. It really does give you a great idea of what you can expect to find. The point of this whole site is the movies are shocking! And you already probably knew that by just looking at the title. Ok, now my job is feeling a little useless.Anyways, what you will find here is a slew of BDSM, double penetration, double anal hole stretching fun. The people who appear on this site are the ones who want to have fun and test their limits while...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Undercover RoseChapter 108

Miles and I staggered around till almost dark. It was getting cold so once we stopped, making a campfire was the first order of business. Miles gathered some firewood while I rounded up the dry weeds and twigs necessary to get a fire going. In less than fifteen minutes I had a fire, if not roaring at least flaming. Miles: Nice job, Rose. Me: Nothing to it. A few dry twigs and a flint and it's easy. Miles: Those cotton balls with the Vaseline didn't hurt any. Me: Ah so you Noticed. A...

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His Sweet Slave Pt 8

My body is so ravaged and tired from the primal, visceral sex that I had with Laurence that I end up sleeping over ten hours ensconced in the warmth and protection of his embrace. I love how he can be so deliciously dominant with me and still be tenderly affectionate with me afterward. When I flutter my sleepy eyes open and realize that he is solemnly gazing at me, I feel my nipples immediately harden and my womb tighten at the mere sight of his intoxicating green eyes staring at me.“Good...

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Every weekend my family went to the local YMCA to going swimming. We packed a lunch a would make a whole day of it. I got bored with the pool and started hanging around in the locker room to watch the men shower and change. One afternoon I was in there alone watching a man who was in his forties. I'd been watching him lathering up his body. Below his paunched hairy belly dangled a short stubby cock. He must have realized that I was watched him because he walked towards the toilet stalls at the...

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TheWhiteBoxxx Lea Guerlin Remote Orgasm

Exquisite beauty, Lea Guerlin lies bound hand and foot, and semi-nude in delicate black lace lingerie while Kristof Cale teases her wildly with his riding crop, expert hands, and remote control sex toys. First, he plays with her, arousing her desire before inserting the erotic device deep inside. The sensual beauty is helpless as he mercilessly controls the intensity of her orgasm. The restraints are never removed as she gratefully sucks her lover off and is then fully rewarded in a bout of...

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Lemonade and Pussy

Hi folks. This is my first story of the two oh one four. it's a little bit long so you can stretch out and think about how flawed the charcters are and decide for yourself where they all went wrong. I'd love to hear your opinions on this one. This is an experiment into trying to make both crowds happy. I think there's enough revenge for the BTB people and enough romance for everyone else. But you never know. SS06 She's a good baby. That's what I thought as I started the lawn mower that...

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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 9 Daughters Ready to Breed

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Daughters Ready to Breed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Maria Reenburg I trembled on the exam table in Dr. Wilson's clinic. The busty OB/GYN smiled at me as she lifted up my hospital gown. She arched an eyebrow at me as she stared down at the hairless flesh of my pudenda, my thighs pressed tight, only the top of my slit peeking out. “Someone forgot her panties,” Dr. Wilson said, an amused smile on her lips. “She didn't forget them,” said my...

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RunChapter 20 DoubleTeam

"Jesus is back." Anna's voice called out to him, no sign of the vulnerable, passionate woman who'd shared a bed with Gene an hour earlier. "Let's go meet him on the pad." He rose from where he was studying lines of code, sat aside the coffee he'd been sipping, and followed the short blonde through the corridors and back above ground. The helicopter pad was a small, unmarked concrete area on the South end of the complex. Aside from a tattered orange windsock, there was nothing more to...

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Till I Collapse

Seth Vaughn had never seen anyone so beautiful. She was in the fifth or sixth or seventh…it didn’t matter for she was captivating. Clad in red, and smiling…seemingly at him. “You here…Hello!” a familiar voice yelled jarring him from the beauty before his eyes. Seth looked at his trainer, Pops McKensie. He used to train boxers, but as time passed, Pops saw the writing on the wall, and started dealing with martial arts. Soon he became well known for training MMA fighters. He “retired” from...

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Roommates Fuck a Friend to Destress for Finals

My roommate Ryan and I have started becoming more and more comfortable around each other sexually since the year began. We used to wait until late hours of the night to masturbate until we both figured out the other was doing the exact same thing. We started masturbating in each other's presence without apprehension over time and it has proven to be quite a fine arrangement.One night Ryan brought home a really cute girl from a party who was clearly really horny. She was rubbing his thick cock...

Group Sex
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Slaves Ch4

He was right to be terrified, of course! This was a big moment for him. "You should consider yourself honored," she told him as they walked the long hallway. "The Queen asked for the most beautiful of new boys." Of course he did not understand a word. She laughed, grabbing his firm ass cheek, giving it a slap. His beauty really was something else. Of course all slaves had to condone to certain standards of attractiveness (who, after all, wanted to rape or torture an ugly boy?) but there...

2 years ago
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Warm Day Bus Incident

Warm Day Bus IncidentJohn [email protected] something occurred that challenged my presumptions as to the innocence of c***dren, a presumption that really I should not have held, given my own memories of growing up and my curiosity as to the all too hidden world of sex and the “hidden” parts of the human anatomy, which being hidden naturally intrigued me all the more.So, yesterday, a warm day at last and needing to collect my wife – she being nervous driving in the crowds...

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