Vishi Czarina Of GrokChapter 16 free porn video

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The weeks passed quickly and true to the physician's word, Vishi was showing by the second week and into maternity wear by the end of the third. Even though she was constantly reassured, she was still somewhat alarmed over the distention of her abdomen. Her belly protruded twice as far as normal. In fact on Earth, by appearance, she would have been thought ready to deliver by the end of the first month. And still her belly grew larger. She suffered no mourning sickness which was unknown among Grok mothers-to-be, but her back hurt constantly and her breasts were swollen and lactating by the third week. The physician smiled and told her she would need all the milk her body could make, for Grok babies were notoriously hungry.

As the weeks progressed however, Vishi came to accept her discomfort and body size. Although she rarely left the palace grounds, she went for long walks every day and watched her diet carefully, doing everything she could to assure the baby would be born happy and healthy. Never a singer, Vishi found herself humming to her child, even talking softly and reassuringly to him when she felt him move within her (no one had warned her about how hard Grok babies could kick). Eteenasa would sometimes join her on her walks or the two would wile away the hours talking. Sometimes Raynoor would join them, but his duties on the Council accounted for a great deal of his time.

Once, on a sleepless night, Vishi had ventured downstairs into the study. She was learning to read Grok and a particular volume of Grok mythology captured her attention. As she sat and struggled with the Grok word-pictographs, Raynoor entered, searching for some documents he had been working on earlier and felt he must finish before Council the next morning.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he said, "I had no idea..."

"I was just enjoying a bit of Grok mythology," she replied, rising to leave.

"Must you go just yet?" he asked.

"Yes, My Prince."

"I thought you were going to call me Raynoor when we were alone."

"That was a long time ago. We were different people then. Now I am Faunwa, you are my Prince. Besides, I have made a promise to the Princess."

"Haven't you ever wondered..."

"While I was Smay'Tai and later Eloi'Tai I often wondered what might have been, what we could have meant to each other. But that was long ago and far away. Now I take comfort in having your child, serving you and the Princess and hopefully the cause of peace."

"But," he asked, "there could have been so much more..."

"We cannot live in a world of could-have-beens my prince. You are Prince, soon to be Czar. You have a wife and soon a baby. I am the baby's Faunwa. I shall serve your son as I serve you, the Princess and the throne. For me there is and can be, nothing more. Good night My Prince."

"Good night Vishi Andarus. Sleep well."

But although she left quickly, she could not completely hide the tears.

One morning, some time later, Raynoor had come down to breakfast in deep thought. There was trouble brewing at Council again and he had spent a sleepless night.

"You worry too much," said Eteenasa pouring him some juice as Vishi sat opposite, nursing her daily glass of Bonwon juice which the physicians had told her was essential for the baby's development, but which Vishi found hard to stomach.

"Perhaps, but the Council..."

"Can go to Blardoc," smiled Eteenasa. "Your son spent a sleepless night as well."

"Oh?" asked Raynoor walking over to Vishi.

"Yes, My Prince. He decided just last night he wishes to be a Travphen player."

Raynoor laughed at the reference to the Grok game roughly akin to Earth's soccer, only much rougher.

"May I?" he asked, indicating he wished to place his hand on Vishi's enormous belly.

"Of course, My Prince. After all he is your child..."

His eyes sought hers as his hand felt her abdomen jump.

"... and the Princess's," Vishi added, turning demurely away.

As Vishi entered the fifth month of her pregnancy, Eteenasa was as radiant as Vishi. Eteenasa would soon have her child while Vishi had resolved herself to life as Faunwa. She would find contentment, if not true happiness, in raising the child as the son of the Czar and Czarina. The pregnancy was progressing well, although the physicians were still concerned about unforseen complications and twice Raynoor had, at Council, beaten down Quacut's attempts to undermine the peace process. Life was good at the royal palace. But that was not to be for long.

"What do you propose Quacut," asked his confederate, the two conferring in a secluded part of the council chamber.

"I had hoped to simply discredit that fool Raynoor and his ideas in Council, but apparently I underestimated him. On three occasions he has spoken so well as to rally the necessary number of ministers to his side."

"He argues well in Council."

"Don't remind me. I would love to..."

"We have discussed this before. He is too well guarded."

"Yes, I am aware any direct attack on the Prince would be foolhardy. But, if we cannot attack the dusilak (UT - Wild mountainous mammal of Grok) head on, we shall attack its lair."

"Yes" smiled Joukil, "and strike at its mate."

"And its offspring, Joukil, don't forget its offspring."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Didn't one of our cruisers just dock for repairs and refitting?"

"Yes, the Lapantak.

"Surely there must be two young, expendable, officers who can be talked into a patriotic mission."

"Yeeees," mused the confederate, "let me see what I can do."

"How much longer?" asked Raynoor a bit impatiently.

"The court physician says two months perhaps less," replied Vishi, as the three sat around the dinner table.

"Patience, my husband. The young one will let us know when it is time," smiled Eteenasa.

"And there is still the name," stated Raynoor. "Faunwa, I prefer Jontu but the Princess likes Raporta. What do you think?"

Vishi saw the Princess look up at her, both now expecting an answer.

"I think this son of yours will be handsome and charming and wise no matter what his name."

"Vishi Andarus, you should be a minister at council. You speak better than most and you certainly know when not to take sides," laughed Raynoor as he and Eteenasa enjoyed the moment.

"It is an old Earth custom to often give children two first names," offered Vishi.

"Two first names? I never heard of such a thing," countered Raynoor.

"But it does resolve the conflict, now doesn't it?" added Eteenasa.

"Hmmmmmm, yes, Vishi Andarus perhaps you have solved our dilemma."

"Raporta Jontu. I like it," smiled the Princess.

"You mean Jontu Raporta, don't you," replied the Prince.

"I have played diplomat as much as I care to for one day. I shall leave the two of you to negotiate a settlement while I retire for the evening," smiled Vishi.

"Are you all right, Faunwa?" asked the Princess.

"Yes, My Princess, just a bit fatigued. The baby is large and I seem to tire easily as the time grows closer."

"Well I hope you and Jontu Raporta have a pleasant night," smiled Raynoor playfully.

"Sleep well and we shall see you and Raporta Jontu in the morning," retorted Eteenasa.

"Good night My Prince and Princess. Both of us will see you in the morning," laughed Vishi and made her exit.

Less than an hour later the Prince received a message indicating a member of the Council wished to discuss a matter of utmost importance in the privacy of the Council chamber. Despite the late hour, Raynoor felt he must honor the request since he was told it came from Honmur, a constant ally in Council. Indicating he would return as soon as possible, he and his royal guardsmen departed the palace. Eteenasa read a while and then, she too retired for the evening.

All was quiet for the next hour as the palace guard settled in for another uneventful night. However, just before the Grok midnight hour, two figures surreptitiously crept into the palace unnoticed. Both moved furtively in the shadows and crept up the long staircase to the second floor. At the top of the stairs, one headed for the royal bedroom of the Prince and Princess while the other moved silently down the hall, approaching Vishi's room. He paused, listened for a long moment before gingerly opening the door and entering the darkened room. A stiletto appeared from under his cape as he crept toward the bed where he could just make out the figure of the sleeping Faunwa. Now standing over the bed, he hesitated, then lifted the knife above her swollen belly and hesitated again.

"The Gods, what am I doing?" he whispered, dropping the knife on the bed and turning to flee.

"Assassination not something you wish to have on your resume?" came the soft voice out of the darkness.

He spun as Vishi brought up a small night light which made their faces barely visible to each other.

"I... I..." he stuttered.

"Your name?" Vishi asked.

"Dianto Toynol, Third Officer of the Cruiser Lupantak."

"Why didn't you finish what you came to do?"

"I have killed in battle many times, some in hand to hand combat. Once I even fought Earthers. However, as I stood over you with knife in hand, I realized my war is with the enemies of the Empire. You Faunwa, and your child, are not my enemy."

"And neither is the Prince," she replied. "There are plenty of real enemies in the galaxy. You need not create them."

"I am sorry Faunwa. I beg your forgiveness." said the young officer, throwing himself on his knees at the side of her bed.

"I shall summon the Prince back from his meeting. Perhaps not all is yet lost."

"What do you mean?"

"You once swore an allegiance to the Czar and the Empire. Tonight you came close to betraying that allegiance, but in so doing, perhaps you have learned that the true enemies of the Empire are those who would have you kill sleeping mothers and their babies."

He said nothing, but Vishi could sense his agreement, knew because of her Eloi'Tai training that he was sincere.

"What a fool I have been," he said quietly.

Suddenly there was fright in his eyes.

"Blaknon! Another officer was sent to kill the Princess! Quickly, we must..."

At that moment Raynoor and several palace guards came bursting in the door. The lights were brought up full, Vishi slipping the unseen knife under the covers.

"Arrest him!" cried Raynoor.

"No, the princess is in danger!" cried the young officer.

"Princess Eteenasa is dead!" said the Prince, barely controlling the vengeance which raged within him, "killed by an assassin who I had the pleasure of killing myself. And now a second traitor in our midst. I think I shall cut your throat too. Just as your accomplice got what he gave, I shall give to you too!"

Vishi was horrified to hear of Eteenasa's death.

The young officer stood at attention, ready to accept Raynoor's revenge, but it was Vishi who regained her composure and spoke.

"My Prince, please hear me out. This is Third Officer Toynol of the Cruiser Lupantak. He overheard a plot on the ship and came here to warn us. When he found you were gone, he came here to protect me, thinking the threat was to me and the child. We had just surmised that the Princess must also be in danger when you arrived."

"Is this true?" asked Raynoor.

"The Faunwa is protecting me Prince, I..."

"He was ready to forfeit his career by disobeying orders and coming to warn me," added Vishi. "I think you have an officer here whose loyalty you will never have to question again. Is that not so, Third Officer Toynol?"

"That is most certainly true!" replied Toynol.

Raynoor turned to Vishi for a brief moment. The pain was evident in his face and Vishi felt tears running down her cheeks, both for him and for the woman she had grown to respect and admire.

"I was lured away from the palace by a false message so the assassin might strike. Who is responsible for this?" demanded the Prince of the Third Officer.

"Quacut Tomalker. He apparently used an intermediary in making the arrangements, but the plan is his."

"I shall enjoy cutting his villainous throat," said Raynoor, with a calm, almost palpable hatred.

"My Prince, before you exact that revenge, I suggest we talk," she said.

"I am through with talk. Now I act."

"My Prince, your heart is filled with both sorrow and hatred at this moment, either of which clouds the mind. May I suggest that if you simply rush off and kill Quacut, there will be many who will think you used the Princess's death as an excuse to eliminate your greatest threat to succession. Some might even believe that you..."

"That is preposterous!" cried Raynoor.

"Yes, to those of us who knew you both and the love you and Eteenasa felt for each other. But there are many who would use the situation against you. Let us think of a means of exposing Quacut and exacting the revenge you want."

"How?" asked Raynoor, impatiently.

"Toynol, does Quacut know you?"

"No, we have never met."

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If you’re a guy, and you’ve just spurted your sperm into a woman without asking her if that’s okay, the thing you do is ignore the issue and talk about something else. It’s just easier than apologizing and begging for forgiveness or whatever. I guess I should say if you’re me and you do that ... you do that. It’s probably not fair to paint all of us with the same brush. Not that I had a lot of experience doing that. Before I met Val, during the few liaisons I had that were on that level, I...

4 years ago
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ButleredChapter 19

I bowed to her, and announced, “John Hawkins Freeman, at your service, ma’am.” “Hello, John. Nice to meet you at last!” “Likewise. I am presuming you really are Miss Felicity Frobisher?” “Unfortunately, yes. My bosses said they couldn’t devise a better name, so my real one was used. I don’t like Felicity, though I prefer to be called...” “Flick,” I finished for her. You couldn’t even use that in the Dawes household, or it might have given you away, with it being French slang, without the...

1 year ago
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Bronze Age BootyChapter 4

One rock woman was uncommonly filled with the blood-lust of the warrior clan. She knew it was not the role of a female cave-woman to be out there breaking heads and generally fucking up enemy fighters from opposing tribes. Her new role of defending the home territory came from a sense of horror at the way some of the other tribes treated the captive women and children from the losing tribes. The strong and beautiful woman was more inclined to savor the pleasures of taking it from behind...

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My Wife And I Made A Slave Of My Colleague

Hi to all beauties and handsome. Myself Sujith, Age 29 living in Chennai. I started craving for sex at the age of 19. For all these years, had been feeding my porn diet. I have a mid-sized dick with 7 inches length. Of all the categories of porn, I love BDSM. I am both dominant as well as a sub. I got married 2 years back to my beautiful Vidya. She looked so attractive with dusky looks. Her boobs are a stiff 34 and her round butt is her main attraction with the size of 36. She has a curvy...

3 years ago
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Charlotte part 2

THE FOLLOWING DAY I open my eyes and stare around at the strange room. It's undoubtedly a man's room- very formal, with hardwood wardrobes and chests of drawers lining the walls. For a moment I don't remember where I am, but all of a sudden, yesterday's events come flooding back to me. With a sigh, I throw back the covers and walk into the en-suite bathroom. I smile as I look at the package waiting for me on the counter. the label has a very simple message written on it- 'with all my...

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My older and young slut experience1

I am now in my forties married with children, this happened when I was around fifteen. A lot of the story is true, although some of it is fiction to make the story more interesting. I grew up on a council estate and in the eighties it was a great place to spend my adolescent years, loads of decent families with loads of other kids to knock around with. Not like it is nowadays with most council estates being rife with crime and drugs. I knocked around with my best mate, let’s call...

1 year ago
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InLaw LoveChapter 7

As I have explained in my previous stories my wife Peggy and I have undergone a real change in our sex lives because of our experiences with our inlaws. The first time was with my wife's sister Ruth and her husband and swinging friends. When we returned we were looking expand our circle of sexual friends and managed to first lure my brother Rob's wife Pat into a hot sex orgy with us. Then got Rob involved with my wife Peggy and his wife Pat making us all one big fucking family. My chance...

3 years ago
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I sucked my brothers cock in front of his friend

My brother's friend was an OK kind of guy and as is usual in these cases, he took a shine to me, resulting in him teasing me at every opportunity.He would stay over and the three of us would drink too much, I would tease for the hell of it, but he never, and sometimes frustratingly, never rise to the bait.I was never shy about my womanly attributes, and sitting showing my knickers, or wearing a t-shirt with pert nipples, was normal for me, even my brother remarked and would say things like I...

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I Met a Hot Babe While Getting Cigarettes

What a night! I was having flashbacks from the night I had just had. I felt like I had been to hell and back. I was hung over and not feeling good at all. I wasn’t sure if I had a dream or if what had just happened really did. My body felt like it wasn’t a dream. My heart told me it wasn’t a dream. I was hanging out with my buddies at our favorite watering hole. We were shooting pool and playing darts. We drank lots of beer and had some shots. I was buzzed and was having a great time. I...

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A Quickie At The Zoo

“Can I have the last sip?” Aubrey asked, looking up at me with her big blue eyes and a smile that could have convinced me to do anything. Treason, murder, convert to Scientology, literally anything.“Of course,” I said, handing her the blue slushie we’d been sharing. She took it and wrapped her lips around the straw to suck out the last few slurps of sugary blue deliciousness. That alone shouldn’t have been enough to rile me up, but I knew what her mouth could do and a majority of our...

2 years ago
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Dancing Video Game Boy

He was a beautiful boy. He’d been in the games shop fronting on Hendricks Avenue in the San Marco district of Jacksonville, Florida, in a bend of the St. Johns River, about half dozen times in the last two months. He always came at the same time, about 7:30 p.m. It was late, even in the summer, for a beautiful fourteen-year-old boy like this to be out alone, especially in the red light district of San Marco, and Lew, the proprietor of the games shop, had asked the boy about this. That’s how he...

4 years ago
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A Taste of Vengeance

A Taste of Vengeance Chapter 1 It was in the summer of 1976. Tom has just turned fourteen. He was what could only be termed as average in every respect. He was five foot seven and weighed about 127 pounds. Tom's hair was shoulder length, straight and light brown. His big eyes were hazel and adorned with thick, long lashes. Tom was involved in baseball and was a relatively good hitter and an average third baseman. He loved baseball. He loved being out in the warm sun on the...

1 year ago
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My Sweet Little Marie VI Final Chapter

Over time, their role-playing evolved from a niece and uncle scenario to Bonnie pretending she was Marie and started calling Mark daddy. Telling him how she wanted her daddy to fuck her hard. To grab her from behind and fuck her like a little bitch. Telling him how much she wanted to suck on daddy's big hard cock. When Bonnie first accidentally used the word daddy, one may call it a Freudian slip, she noticed how Mark became more aggressive in his actions. He grabbed her hips and started...

1 year ago
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Two StrikesChapter 16

It was late September and the baseball season was winding down. Paul still had well over half of his four-month broadcasting course to complete, but he got an unexpected telephone call at the radio station from ESPN's own Alex Fain. "People whose opinions I respect at your school tell me you are their star pupil!" Fain said. "Well, that's good to hear. I don't get all that much day-to-day feedback. You sure they're not just blowing smoke?" "No, no. I talked to a couple of people...

2 years ago
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Abroad Encounters With Anamika 8211 Sweet Sweat Session

Hi everyone, I am back, Vijay with another hot encounter with Anamika. For the readers who does not know, i am 34 years old, Chennai boy now working in Nepal. Athletic built, with a tool of 7″ which is good enough to satisfy the partner. Very genuine and have never touched any one without their full consent and respects the partners feelings. Always maintains confidentiality, secrecy if any girl, divorcee, widow and unsatisfiable soul if required pleasure, sheer pleasure. Will ensure that the...

1 year ago
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The Lebanese Barbie doll

The Lebanese Barbie dollA story of blackmail told by a young maths teacher with two children who slowly finds her life taken over and controlled by two 18 year old boys.How I came to be in the position I’m in today is complicated. My over protective and controlling parents possibly started the chain of events. My rebellious teenager years that led me into early motherhood and a rushed marriage were a big factor. But like most of life it was mainly just bad luck. I’d created a new, good, life...

3 years ago
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The Body Politic

I was leaning against a wall. Henry Wayne’s election party was in full swing and I couldn’t give a damn. I didn’t like the man personally and would never have voted for him or his shitty party. So, why was I there? Well, I am ambitious. I intend to get a lot further in the world of politics, not as a politician but as an adviser. It’s a slippery pole and the politico you work for or the party they claim to be a part of is irrelevant. All that matters is that each one you work for is senior to...

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The Joys of Success

When everything goes just the way you want you have to think that there is something odd to the events that unfold. Just how do they unfold? What causes someone to reach the pinnacle of success and get everything they could ever want in life? Is it fame or fortune? Is it hard work, perseverance, and skill? It seems in most cases that it is purely a bout of good luck. But what happens when that wheel of fortune takes a nasty spin. Jack was about to find out what happens to those that reach...

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Galfriend Ko Ghodi Banaya

Hi i m amit i m4m aipur aaj men aap ko 1 storie batata hon men or meri galfriend jiska nm neha tha ek roj ghumne gaye kafi time ghumne ke baad hum kuch kahne ke liye ek restorent men gaye humne nasta kar le dethe ki ,ere najar ek kone men gayi jaha kuch andhera tha waha kuch chote chote room the ton mene neha ko kaha ki neha kuch der akele bethte hen ton ne kaha ki kaha ton mene neha ko jagah dikhyi neha ne kaha ok mene wetar se baat kar ke room le liye hum dono room men chale gaye fir mene...

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Auditions An old sign reappears

Auditions************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan April 2005The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************Three or four times a year a sign saying ‘Auditions’ used to appear at the entrance to...

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Body Painting

My husband is in complete control of my body. He decides what I will wear, how I will groom myself, and who I will fuck. I love it that someone who loves me has complete mastery of my physical being. It is quite liberating, but terribly embarrassing at times. There are situations when I wish he would let me dress more modestly, but I love it that this lifestyle choice really turns him on. He knows that forcing me to wear a tiny top that exposes my breasts a bit, or lets my nipples pop out...

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SKIN DEEP Urban Legend Chapter Nine The Way Of Things

SKIN DEEP - Urban Legend - Chapter Nine: The Way of Things by Mark McDonald That embrace in front of my old home was the last time I was that close to the life I had been born to and I felt a profound sadness leaving it behind. It was more than being forced to go forward in life wearing someone else's body. It was a separation from the place where I had started my independent life. It was the point in time where my journey into male adulthood had begun and, it seemed, had...

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A New Years Eve to RememberChapter 2

I followed my girlfriend into the family room. I sat down, expecting Mia to sit beside me. She unbuttoned and removed her sweater, to my surprise. “Take your shirt off, Davey,” Mia purred. She helped me pull it over my head. “That’s better. Now we’re on equal footing.” Mia pushed me down on my back on the couch and climbed on top of me. We kissed while Mia pressed her chest, including those lovely, pillowy titties into my chest. Oh, God! Those hard nipples rubbing my chest felt sooo...

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Tommy gets his slave 3

It had been 6 months since that day Tommy had walked in on Cynthia using his slave. He had fun punishing her for not asking permission first. Afterwards a relationship developed and eventually Cynthia moved in. They were madly in love and shared an appetite for dominating slave girls. As a doctor Cynthia was able to treat it's wounds and even managed to fake a medical need to give it a hysterectomy. Now there was no danger in impregnating it and if it tried to tell anyone how it was being...

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Party Girl

My name is Amy and I have always been quite a horny girl and always fantasised about things, but was always too shy to act on it. I have to say I am Bi, although I had never had a boyfriend before and well, I was still a virgin to be honest. I was quite insecure & I often talked about it with my best friend Lexi who used to always tell me i was hot, saying i had a great figure and that she loved my ass! She always used this as an excuse to fondle my tits and ass as well! Lexi was beautiful,...

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