Vishi Czarina of GrokChapter 11
- 4 years ago
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Over the following weeks Vishi visited Twania's room nightly, each night a new lesson and new adventure for the wide eyed young woman who never knew such pleasures existed or even could exist. She and Vishi grew to know each other as well. Sharing their bodies and feelings with each other, they became close friends. Vishi was still a slave and never once assumed otherwise, but Twania treated her almost as a sister, albeit an incestuous one, when they were alone.
Vishi brought up the Princess's impending wedding, but Twania, despite her torrid bed sessions with Vishi, remained afraid of men and refused to see her fiancee except in public or when there were chaperones present. The Prince was growing impatient. He did not mind the two women having an affair since Vishi was spending every spare moment she was not with Twania in his bed. Vishi felt regret that she had yet to tell Twania about her affair with the Prince. The two had grown so close that her feelings for the Princess were now beginning to override her own selfish motives of self advancement.
"Twania, the Prince is a patient man. He loves you dearly but he cannot wait forever."
"I have told him I will bear him children."
"But by artificial means?"
"I cannot share my bed with a man. I just cannot."
"Are you being fair?"
"What do you mean?"
"He bought me for you, knowing I would seduce you. He wanted you to experience the pleasures you knew nothing about."
"So, you and I have lain together every night since we met. The Prince has no one."
"He will have me soon enough."
"But not in the real sense. He can also provide you with pleasures, you know."
"Pleasures you cannot?"
"Yes. I have given you many pleasures in many ways, but I have always been careful to safeguard your virginity. It is he to whom you should first give your womanhood."
"I'm... scared Vishi. I was always told men would..."
"You were told many things to fear. Vatoon is not to be feared. He truly loves you and wants your happiness."
"I'm... just not sure I can."
"Of course you can."
"Is there pain? I was told there was much pain."
"There is a small amount of pain as he takes your virginity, but it is minimal compared to the pleasure you will feel with him inside you."
"But to be violated..."
"It is not a violation if you want him there. Invite him into your body Twania. You will never regret it."
"I just need more time."
"Don't wait too long."
"What do you mean?"
"The Prince is a virile man... or so I have heard. He has needs. Knowing what you know now about what pleasures I can bring you, how would you feel if suddenly I were cut off from you."
"Oh, Vishi, I don't even want to think about such a thing."
"Then realize what the Prince is going through. He needs you Twania, but if he can't have you..."
"You mean... ?"
"He's only Sqazecterian."
"But who might he... surely he would not seek a lowly..."
"Smay'Tai?" Vishi finished it for her.
"I'm sorry," said Twania blushing with embarrassment, "I only meant..."
"It's all right. I understand. But it still doesn't solve our problem."
"Help me Vishi. Help me to find the courage to take him into my bed."
"But in the meantime?" asked Vishi.
"I must find someone for Vatoon. Someone who can satisfy his needs until I can, but someone I can trust."
The girl looked to Vishi, her eyes lit up and she smiled broadly.
"Oh, no!" replied Vishi, trying to look as innocent as possible.
"Yes, Vishi, don't you see, you're someone I can trust and I'm sure you'll keep Vatoon satisfied until..."
"Are you sure about this?" asked Vishi, still acting as if she was not convinced of the idea.
"Very sure!"
"Vishi, I order you to go to Vatoon and share his bed until I tell you otherwise."
"Yes, Princess," Vishi replied subserviently, inwardly extremely pleased she would not have to confess to what she was now being ordered to do.
"Of course, I want you to keep seeing me too," said Twania, pouting a bit.
"Of course my Princess. I shall see you are not ignored," smiled Vishi as she dropped to her knees, spread Twania's gown and began to administer oral pleasures to the Princess's twin clitori.
Vishi you are a crafty one," laughed Vatoon as the two took a break from their lovemaking.
Vishi had explained to the Prince how she had maneuvered Twania into ordering her to come to his bed.
"Perhaps, but I do not enjoy deceiving the Princess. She is inexperienced and naive and yes, I will help get you into her bed for she will be the happier for it, but she is also a loving and caring young woman. She does enjoy your company and finds you attractive and personable. It is only the bedroom she fears. Yet I am sure, once she has felt you inside her, she will be yours forever."
"Being crafty with me now?" he asked smiling.
"No. I am through deceiving either of you. You are a worthy prince who shall someday be king. Twania is a beautiful young woman who is intelligent and sincere. She will be a great asset to your reign. The truth is, that while I find you both wonderful lovers, I have come to admire and respect you both. My lies have been innocent ones, intended only to bring you both happiness. I belong to you and to Twania. I serve you both because I am your possession, but I also serve you both because you deserve my loyalty. You are a just and honorable Prince. Yount will flourish under your leadership with Twania at your side, a loving and supportive wife and mother of your children."
"But when? The wedding is only weeks away."
"Soon, my Prince. Very soon."
As the wedding approached, Vishi continued to talk with Twania, trying to convince her to take Vatoon to her bed, but even though the Princess-to-be was completely comfortable sharing carnal knowledge with Vishi, she remained reluctant when it came to men. She had obviously been indoctrinated with many misconceptions, misconceptions which Vishi was having a hard time overcoming.
She and Vatoon had talked several times about the situation. One of Vatoon's advisors had even suggested he simply take her against her will, but the Prince was too much a man for that. Yet he was growing desperate. Not only would his wedding night be a major disappointment if Twania did not change her mind, but dignitaries from every country on Sqazecter and several from other planets in the system had been invited. According to custom, Twania would be expected to share her bed with them during the week long festival accompanying the wedding. If she maintained her adamant stance, the wedding and festival would be a disaster.
Vishi attended to Twania as the whirlwind of activity surrounding the upcoming ceremony monopolized a great deal of their time. The wedding dress, of a luminous, flowing material looked beautiful on the beaming bride to be. Odd, thought Vishi, she looks forward to marriage but is frightened by her conjugal obligations, activities to which she should be looking forward. Yet, as persuasive as she tried to be, the bride still feared sex with men.
As the day of the wedding dawned, Vishi knew she would have to resort to desperate measures. She had been summoned to the Prince's quarters and this time, she was sure, it was not for carnal pleasure.
"Well?" he asked.
"I have been able to make some inroads. She, of course, loves you deeply, but her fear of heterosex runs so deeply I am afraid it will take more time."
"Time we do not have, Vishi. I am to be married in a matter of hours."
"I understand."
"I'm not sure you do. As for myself, I would be willing to wait. But there are representatives here from Luxor, Meridan, Fetok and Rasnom as well as from several of the outer planets. All will expect to receive a Fait'twa (UT - Literally - Royal Greeting - to spend a night with the Royal Princess). Our relations are shaky with these countries and planets. The war between your Alliance and the Grok have divided our governments. We can afford to do nothing which might offend them."
"I do understand. Is there any way that I might substitute for, or we might find a Sqazecterian Smay'Tai who could pretend to be..."
"A wonderful idea if not for the fact that all of the representatives have met Twania. I am sure you could certainly satisfy them, but it must be the Royal Princess with whom they couple."
There seemed to be no other way out.
"Prince Vatoon, I have hesitated to tell you this. It is something about your bride-to-be of which I do not believe even Twania herself is aware."
"And that would be?"
"Something which may be a way out of our dilemma"
The wedding was beautiful, regal and romantic. The entire ceremony was bathed in candlelight as the Prince in his royal uniform and Twania in her lovely wedding gown exchanged vows. Vishi, for the first time since assuming the life of a Smay'Tai, was self conscious of her nudity as she stood among the scores of royal attendees.
As he pronounced them Chakalaya (UT - husband and wife) the Royal Spiritual Guide indicated they were to seal their marriage with the exchange of rings and a kiss. The Sqazecter did not wear wedding rings on their fingers, but rather through the lobes of the ears. The male earrings were plain polished Uridimobium, but the females wore highly decorated and ornate earrings, often with chains and dangles. As Twania reached to attach Vatoon's self piercing ring, he saw both love and fear in her eyes.
"For you my husband."
"And for you my wife," he replied, positioning the ring over Twania's dweet or orgasmic sweet spot.
Before activating the self piercing mechanism, he drew her to him tenderly.
"I look forward to tonight, my Princess," he whispered.
She tried to smile but the fear was still evident in her eyes.
His lips met hers and in that moment he activated the self piercing ring, the small wire running through her earlobe and more importantly, through her dweet, giving the unsuspecting bride an instant and powerful orgasm.
Her cry of delight was smothered by his kiss. She opened her lips to him and as his tongue slid into her soft warm mouth, he touched the earring again, providing another stimulation of Twania's dweet and another orgasm swept through her, leaving her breathless, her knees buckling, he catching her and sweeping her into his arms to the delight of all.
"Will it be like that when you are inside me?" she whispered.
"Even better!" he smiled in return.
"Then let us hurry to the royal bedchamber," she breathed, feeling very foolish that she had ever doubted what Vatoon and Vishi had been telling her for weeks.
The royal couple slept late the following morning. "Slept" might be a misnomer since both had been awake all night, Twania giving Vatoon her virginity as soon as the two of them could shed their clothes and she could spread her legs for her new husband. Neither had been disappointed, Vatoon's penetration stimulating both her clitori simultaneously and on several occasions giving her twin concurrent orgasms, sending the young woman into repeated spasms of carnal ecstasy. She, on the other hand, though young and inexperienced, had learned much from Vishi who had counseled her on pleasuring a man. The result was that Vatoon discovered a now enthusiastic bride who willingly gave up her virginity and then proceeded to use her tight nest in ways with which even Vatoon was not familiar.
The couple finally emerged in the early afternoon and only then because they had to prepare for the royal ball that evening. Vishi tended to the Princess who bubbled over with joy as she related her sexual adventures with Vatoon.
The preparations for the royal wedding went forward with all haste. As nearly as the Grok physicians could determine, Vishi would be delivering any time now. However, events would occur which would delay the wedding. The Czar, perhaps feeling his life's mission at an end, with an heir on the way, his son's succession to the throne now unchallenged and Raynoor's upcoming marriage, as unorthodox, yet advantageous, as it might be, died peacefully in his sleep, perhaps his only regret that he...
"Quiet, whore!" cried the Olliphanti as Meena's shrieks filled the cabin of the small scout ship. Anserk and Vishi were chained against the bulkhead where they watched the petite blonde try to wiggle away, her anguished cries trying the patience of the Olliphanti piloting the craft while his companion enjoyed the fruits of their purchase. The Olliphanti proboscises were obviously used for more than olfactory sensation as the taller alien had over a foot of one nose buried in Meena's nest...
"Why did you say those things yesterday?" whispered Vishi at breakfast the next morning. "Because I love you Vishi. Neither of us want to live this life. Perhaps I'm taking the easy way out, but for you there might still be hope. I can't protect you, just like I couldn't protect Meena, but if you wind up being sold to someone wealthy you may be able to at least live the life of a Laila (UT - Mistress) or, you're beautiful enough to wind up as a royal Eloi'Tai (UT-...
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Life was not easy for Vishi in the next few weeks. The Olliphanti were still angry, not so much that she had put an end to Anserk's agony, but that they had had to give a partial refund to Crumanni because with the woman dead, he would have to find another source of food for his Vreekters. Vishi was made to service some very undesirable clients whom she found repulsive, but putting her personal feelings aside, as she had done with Crumanni, the human Smay'Tai performed her services with...
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"Vishi!!!" cried Twania as she rushed to the smiling Eloi'Tai, each hugging the other warmly. "We were worried we might never see you again," said Vatoon, also smiling broadly. "You weren't the only ones!" "Did they... ?" asked Twania gently. "No. As soon as they recalled Raynoor's directive, they took me to him immediately," replied Vishi, deciding to omit the Grok Commander's initial behavior. "Raynoor, eh?" said Twania, noting the use of the first name only, "sounds...
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DISCOVERIES IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWESTCHAPTER 2: MY TOWNHOUSEThe song Unity was still ringing in my ears as I rode my bike up the driveway of my townhouse. While having sex with Zoe in her Rav4 we listened to the words flow over our entangled bodies in the back seat:You are my energy My guiding light, we are unityWe are, we are… We are unityWe are, we are… We are unityMy bike shorts had become so damp Zoe had given me her cargo shorts to borrow and I also grabbed her cute floral bikini underwear...
En kuthiyil nandraga urinthu naaku potu kanjai kuditha prem indru en veetirku varugiren endru solli irunthaan. Enathu kanavanuku irukum sunniyai vida ivanathu sunni sirithu perithaagave 7″ irunthathu, athanaal en kuthiku ithu sariyaaga porunthum aanal premku intha vayathile sunniyai perithaaga valarthu vaithu irukiraan. Avan sunniyai umbiya suvai naavile irukirathu, manam eppozhuthu aduthathaaga avan sunniyai umbuven endru eakathudam irunthathu. Mani sariyaaga 11.30 aanathu prem varum neram...
A PIRATE'S LIFE FOR ME CHAPTER 1 The salty spray of the sea tore up the chasm between the stern of a mightyship and the port that it nearly crashed into. Broadside cannons let loosea fury of fiery lead that sank the town into a brilliant display of fire. Villagersran screaming for cover as the loathsome pirates careened into town takingwhat they would. Plundering taverns and houses. There was nothing spared asthey looted and pillaged. Even the town militia couldn't take the assault.In only an...
Growing up in rural Wisconsin has many advantages. However, having a large school with lots of course offerings isn’t one of them. In fact, many of our teachers have to cross departments and teach different content areas to make up a full schedule. That’s also why we tend to get a lot of new, young teachers who get experience and then move on to larger districts. Since we were seventeen and eighteen year olds, our teachers were often close in age to us.My senior English teacher, for...
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POV Porn SitesIn Private Blockbusters, Trip of my Life, it’s time for Cherry Kiss’s surf lesson with Máximo Garcia, and if there’s one thing that we know about this Private star, things are about to get wet… and we’re not just talking about the ocean! That’s right, lust and desire soon overcome this hot couple as they take things back to the motorhome where Cherry treats her instructor to a sloppy deepthroat blowjob before going on to enjoy an incredible fuck that has her hairy pussy squirting all the way to...
xmoviesforyouPrologue The light fog added moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel, sending a shiver up her spine. She was lucky she knew the area so well, or she could have easily become lost. She looked through the trees at the house where he lived, slightly smiling at the one candle burning in the kitchen window. Part One: Seductive Arrest Gabrielle Garrison was a woman on a mission and neither cold, fog, or wetness was going to deter her from its swift...
I gave Abi all of the money we got from selling the livestock and the buckboard. She was thrilled because she had never before had money of her own. She had $62, which was a veritable fortune in 1852. She kept the money in a money belt which she wore everywhere, except for baths and for bed. I was delighted for her. We were going to have to search all of Las Vegas in an effort to find Hudson. To do that, I needed his picture. When we returned from supper, two daguerreotypes of Hudson were...
Sam was excited, more than ever he has been in his 29 years of existence. He got married today and to the most beautiful lady he has ever seen, to one he was deeply in love with. He fell in love with Rashmi the first time he saw her about six months ago in a party thrown by a common friend. Where he was besotted by her perfect Indian beauty he was enamored by her elegance, intelligence and a confident aura around her which was almost captivating and yes captivated he was from the moment he...
We fell asleep on the bed, Mei Mei on her back the whole night to keep my semen inside of her. In the morning I was awakened by her breath on my cock, still unwashed from the previous night of what can only be called love...and breeding.Watching her face so close to my prick it started to move and grow. Her eyes opened wide and she looked up to my face. She smiled sweetly and asked, "My son, I wish to taste your...cock. I caressed her dark hair in the early morning light and said, "Please...
I was at the club when my phone rang and I was very unsure who it was so I picked it, then I discovered it was my Mother-in-law...she told me that she was in my house and that my wife was really feeling very terrible and not that happy. As a loving husband I hurried home to check on her, only to find my M-I-L naked in our room and she told me that she wanted to become a mature mom in a pornographic movie, though I tried to convince her, that what she was doing was wrong, she walked up to me and...
(Author's note: I had this idea to find a resting place for various themes I wanted to explore as myself either now or when I was younger. Some factual, some based on online chats I've had, some based on characters or scenes in books I like (I'll adjust to avoid plagiarism). I thought it might be fun to get other authors join in and shape them.It might work, it might not! (Feel free to add new ideas and I'll see if I can oblige with a chapter ) Sophie is a seemingly respectable woman with a...
BDSMEveryone says that you have hundreds of life altering moments in college. They also say that you’ll find that one person that makes a permanent impact in your life, even if you never talk to them again after you walk across that stage and get your diploma. I’m not sure how true the first statement is, but the second is unarguable. I never doubted it, but I never expected that my life-changing, awe inspiring, beginning-to-end-all-beginnings, once in a lifetime person would come as it did. I...
LesbianA Life Accidentally Planned Chapter six Two to Tango Momma and I went home with our packages and put everything away. I wanted to ask what it was she was going to tell me, but didn't ask. They said I'd be told when the time was right and I trusted them. The weekend was uneventful until Sunday night. Momma came into my room about bed time and sat on the bed. I was under the covers. She swept unkempt hair from my face and smiled. "Tomorrow you are going to school. It won't be for...
So this is a story told to me by my friend, he swears it was all true. Naturally I had to improvise on some of it has he couldn't have witnessed everything. He grew up outside of town, his family bred horses on their ranch for a living.He told me this drinking one night.In the 80s growing up on the ranch he and his sister didn't get to go to town often and usually had to find their own entertainment. They both had friends over a lot because the parents were usually out of town gone to the horse...
When I think back now on where my life went off the rails, I'm sure it was the concert. We should never have gone. Before the concert, our lives, our marriage, and our relationship were normal. However, that's all gone now. I met Valerie back in college. She was a bit on the short side, with olive skin and the longest prettiest black hair you've ever seen. That hair was alive. There were streaks of brown, red and even a few errant strands of blond in it that catch the light from time to...