High School Sweethearts
- 2 years ago
- 31
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Benjamin Coleman watched with unhidden glee as his father pulled out of their driveway, carefully manoeuvring the vehicle around the hedge that acted as their front fence. As the vehicle peeled out of sight, Ben pumped his fist and yelled in triumph, the house was his for the next three days and he could do what he wanted, when he wanted and how he wanted to do it. Adults, he mused, were sometimes way too serious and needed to lighten the hell up.
Although, his father was usually a pretty cool guy – most times he let him do whatever he wanted – but it’s different when no one else is around and you can be yourself in your own company.
It was only him and his father now, living in a modest two story house in one of the quieter suburbs, and yes, one of the richer and more prosperous ones. Four years ago (he had been fourteen at the time) his mother had been involved in an auto wreck that had killed her instantly. It was the usual story, some drunken guy had decided to drive home and had proceeded to run that inevitable red light. The unfortunate side (is there ever a fortunate side?) was that the light he happened to run had coincided with the green one that his mother had been passing through. And the rest is history.
Ben had moved on, well, as much as any person can after the death of a loved one. He had accepted it and it hadn’t been easy.
He looked down at his watch and smiled. It was just past 11am, all of his friends were in school, labouring over boring notes they had to copy from the board, writing essays and compositions and God knows what else. He’d managed to wrangle the day off from his father, using the excuse that he had wanted to be there to see him off. That was a half-truth, because he’d wanted to see with his own two eyes that his father was indeed leaving and would not, at the last minute, change his mind.
He was taking a small vacation for the weekend, since his mother’s death his father had taken on full responsibility of him and he’d rarely had a chance to have some time for himself. So Ben had urged, hankered and ultimately pestered him into taking a short sabbatical into the city, rent a luxurious hotel room for the duration of his stay and live like a king.
Ben laughed to himself, for all he knew, his father was going to get himself a hooker and have a little quality time. The amount of girlfriends his father had had since his mother had died was a rather small and insubstantial number, surely the pressure cooker was beginning to boil.
He walked back into the house and proceeded to go down into the basement, which was his room. It was nice and cool down there, a stark contrast to the humidity and punishing heat outside.
His room was amazing. To begin with, the space he had to work with was staggering, the room was simply huge. He had a beautiful 76cm widescreen television, surround sound with all the trimmings and two bookshelves filled with DVDs. He loved movies and was hoping that one day he would be able to get into the film business, even if it was as a projectionist, he’d love it, he just wanted to be a part of it all, to be close to it and surrounded by it all day.
He also had a queen sized bed that was positioned perfectly in front of his television. Unfortunately he hadn’t had the opportunity to share his bed with anyone of the opposite sex yet, he was keeping his fingers crossed but it seemed that there were really no girls around worth going for, except, well, one, but he wasn’t going to go there, there was simply too much at stake.
He went over to the bookshelves that housed his DVD collection, all three hundred and seventy-one titles. Carefully looking at each one, starting from the top down (they were all in alphabetical order), he finally chose something he was in the mood for, slid it onto the tray of his player and turned on his television and audio equipment.
Grabbing his remote and whirling away, he took a running jump and dove onto his bed. While in mid-flight, about to press the play button, the doorbell rang with its incredibly dull ‘ding-dong’ sound.
‘Shit!’ he exclaimed as he hit the bed.
He hated being interrupted while watching a movie, nothing got on his nerves more. Okay, technically he hadn’t started watching it yet, but it was still annoying to halt all anticipation for the feature and go and tell some religious nut to go away.
Sighing, he put the remote down and went and answered the door.
It wasn’t who he’d expected.
Standing on their ‘home sweet home’ doormat was his best friend, his confidant and childhood pal. They’d been through all the highs and lows of adolescence together and had come out the other side so close that they were almost brother and sister.
‘Shelly? What are you doing here?’
‘Well someone – I won’t mention his name – skipped school without telling me and left me alone in second period English Lit. So I decided to come looking for the culprit and wring his neck.’
And with that, she launched herself at him, pushing her body against his and wrapping her small hands gently around his neck. Losing his footing, not prepared for her mock attack, he staggered and fell. She went with him, falling and landing on him.
‘Oh no, I didn’t hurt you did I?’ she asked, tenderly touching his face, her body pressed tightly against his.
He blushed slightly at the intimacy of her touch, and the feeling of her body against his was causing a part of him to stir. He uttered a small ‘I’m okay’ while she continued to stroke his cheek.
Boy, on one hand he loved that Shelly was such a touchy-feely kind of person, but on the other hand he hated it. He loved it because quite simply, she was beautiful. His heart melted every time he looked at her, and when she touched him…words couldn’t really describe it. She was an incredibly tender and affectionate person, so he received a large variety of hugs, touches on the arm and when she was worried, she would always caress his cheek. But he hated it because it evoked from him something that he shouldn’t even contemplate, that they could be more than just friends. He couldn’t risk it, what if telling her that she was more to him than just a friend destroyed what friendship they had?
They looked into each others’ eyes for a second, then she smiled and lifted her body off of his. Luckily he was wearing jeans, it all but saved him from her feeling his erection.
‘Sorry,’ she said.
He cleared his throat and smiled back at her. ‘Nah, it’s okay, you just surprised me, that’s all.’
In bed at night, he would quite often call up the image of her face and body. She had lovely honey blond hair that travelled all the way down the middle of her back, sometimes she let it all out but most often, like now, it was in a ponytail. Her eyes were a shade of brown that was quite common, while not unusual themselves, the intelligence behind them was. They told a story of mysteries you could spend a lifetime getting to know and learn, that she was a person of warmth and love, yet they also conveyed an air of melancholy, just enough to make her seem wise and beyond her age. Her figure was lush and head turning, her breasts full and round, though not too big. Her hips were wide and curvy, she was rounded in every department where roundness enhanced one’s beauty. In short, she was a knock-out.
‘Come on in, I was just about to sit down and watch a movie.”
After reaching down and picking up a bag, she followed him to his room. Already out of sight, he wasn’t privy to the fact that she’d bought her overnight bag with her, she’d come with the intention of staying over.
‘What are we watching?’ she asked as she entered his room.
‘Saving Private Ryan,’ he replied over his shoulder.
She made a face at him, it was one of his favourite movies of all time and she’d sat
through it with him more times than she could remember.
‘But you’ve seen that movie a hundred times, couldn’t we watch something else?’
‘It’s only sixty-seven actually,’ he grinned, ‘okay, what would you like to do then, it’s obvious you don’t want to watch a movie if you’re not in the mood for this masterpiece?’
She smiled at him and watched his expression as she did so, his face lit up whenever she was around him and when she smiled, she was aware of what an impact it had on him. She also knew that he liked her more than the boundaries of friendship allowed, hell, she knew that he was in love with her. And she loved him too. It had gone on for way too long, ever since they were fifteen or sixteen things had begun to change between them, yet they’d both been too chicken to make the first move. That was about to change, she was sick to death of waiting for him to act.
‘Well,’ she said with a coy voice, ‘it is hot outside and I did bring my new swimsuit with me.’
Two years ago his father had an in-ground swimming pool put into their backyard, and over those two years he’d seen Shelly in an assortment of bathing suits that had achieved a devastating effect on his raging hormones.
Then for the first time he noticed the bag she’d brought with her, it was her overnight bag, he was used to seeing it because over the years she’d stayed over many times, although she’d always slept in the guest bedroom and his father had always been there.
But he wasn’t there now, was he.
Cocking her head, she asked, ‘You don’t mind if we go swimming do you? I know how much you like your movies and all, but I would absolutely love going for a dip.’
And suddenly, much to Ben’s surprise and delight, she pulled her bright yellow cotton t-shirt up over her head, revealing an equally bright yellow bikini underneath. Then she slid her shorts down slowly, revealing a thong that was a matching yellow to her top and it really left nothing to the imagination.
His mouth must’ve dropped open, because quite simply he couldn’t believe that he had a girl, in his bedroom, who was wearing what effectively came down to being underwear.
‘You better close your mouth or you’ll catch flies when you go outside,’ she giggled.
‘Um, ah, yeah, good idea,’ he stammered.
Before going outside to the pool, she stood in front of him for a long moment to let him fully appreciate and appraise her body. She loved it when Ben looked at her, because when he looked at her he looked at her entire body, her face, her legs, breasts and ass…all of it. She smiled, his eyes were doing over-time right now, digesting it all. When they finally reached hers, she blushed and tucked a long strand of hair behind her ear nervously, then walked out of the room before she died of embarrassment. She knew how she looked in the bathing suit, she didn’t believe in false modesty, she was aware she had a great body and she loved flaunting it in front of Ben, although at times his gaze was just too much for her.
He watched as she walked away, her tight firm ass wiggling as she made it to the door and left the room. When he looked down at the crotch of his jeans he could see that he was so hard that it showed even with the thickness of the fabric. He’d never seen her look so gorgeous, she was the epitome of his every fantasy and she was here, with him, and they were alone! That was what got him, they were alone. He shivered, then shook his head. No, she couldn’t possibly like him that way…it was just his overactive imagination going haywire, girls like her didn’t like guys like him.
He quickly got changed into a pair of swimming trunks and rushed out to the backyard. When he came into view of the swimming pool he found Shelly splashing around in the middle, her hair wet and shiny, she was facing him and he did his best to conceal the evident bulge he was sporting.
Their backyard was huge and along with everything else about their house, amazing. The pool was 20 metres long and as per regulations it was surrounded by a fence. There was a protective covering above the pool so that those who were swimming weren’t burnt to a crisp by the intense rays of the sun, wooden decking surrounded it and off to the side, out of the shade, were four deck chairs where the avid cancer lover could catch some tan.
After unlatching the gate and entering, he took a running jump and dove into the cool water, there was no way he was going to stand around in front of her in the condition he was in. He slid through the water gracefully and easily spotted where she was, her fluorescent yellow bikini shone in the water like a target.
“Hey you,” he said as he emerged next to her.
“Hey yourself.” She started to swim around him, playfully splashing water at him while smiling her cute little smile.
“I noticed that you brought your overnight bag, you think you’re staying the night do you?”
“Nup,” she replied. “I know I’m staying the night.”
He laughed and started to splash water back at her, she had this incredible smartass attitude that he found both appealing and refreshing, in fact, it borderlined on being sexy. Most girls, all the ones he’d met anyway, took things way too seriously.
They stopped splashing each other and gazed at one another for a minute, both of them not knowing quite what to say. He squinted his eyes and scratched at his head.
“Well you see Shell, that might not work for me. I have a few of my girlfriends coming over tonight and I was hoping to spend some quality time with them.”
For a moment he had her, her eyes went wide and it was her turn to have her mouth gape open. Then she narrowed her eyes at him and swiped a particularly large amount of water at his face, blinding him.
“I’m blind,” he screamed in mock horror, “Oh no, I’m bliiiiind.”
She launched herself at him shoving him back and underneath the surface of the water, tackling and dunking him. She wasn’t a particularly strong girl but he let her do it. As much as he fought with his feelings about her touching him, he loved having her do it in all aspects and allowed it whenever he could. After a few moments, she pulled him out of the water by the arms, dripping and laughing. He opened his eyes and saw that her face was inches from his own, likewise dripping and a giggle escaping her lips.
“I almost had you, didn’t I?”
“No,” she lied.
“Tut, tut,” he said, reaching out and touching the tip of her nose, “you keep lying and this will grow, not that it isn’t big enough already.”
“Oh is it now?” she laughed.
Then his face turned serious as he realised that they were having a moment. Her face was so close to his that he could feel her breath, her gaze was piercing and her eyes had a peculiar shine to them. She still had a soft grip on his forearms and a smile painted on her lips.
“No, it’s perfect. Everything about you is perfect.”
“You fiend. You insult me and then say that…now how can I stay mad at you when you say something like that?”
Should he kiss her? Oh god, what if he kissed her and she didn’t kiss him back? She was sending him all the signals but what if his receiver was broken? They’d had quite a few moments like this and they were becoming more and more frequent, but he was unsure (he was always unsure!) and he felt that if there were any moves to be made it should be her, he just wasn’t experienced enough. Although it could be argued that they were on an even keel in the experience department, or lack thereof, yet he refused to make the first move, it was just too costly if he was wrong.
She raised an eyebrow at him expectantly, then sighed a tired sigh when she realised he wasn’t going to do or say anything. She let go of his arms and began to paddle away, her sleek body glis
tening in the water.
He shook his head. If he were like any other sane guy he would’ve kissed her. If he were like any other sane guy he would be rushing after her, grabbing her and kissing her like they do in the movies. He saw himself doing it, making it work and look epic. Instead, like always, he watched her from afar and didn’t do a solitary thing.
For the rest of the day they swam in the pool, he made sandwiches at lunch time and they chatted about trivial things. What they would do later (most likely watch a movie), what they would do on the weekend (he wasn’t surprised by that, she was staying the entire weekend like he’d suspected) and general school chat. They had a few classes together so they talked about assignments they should be doing but they both conceded that they couldn’t be bothered.
Then it became dark and everything changed.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
He brought the freshly cooked pizza down into the basement, it’d only taken him forty minutes to get, but he’d missed Shelly’s presence the moment he’d left her side.
As he walked in he saw that Shelly was sprawled out his bed, she was still wearing her tiny bikini outfit only now she had a beach towel wrapped around her middle. She’d pretty much teased him all day by displaying her body to him, at every opportunity she would bend over and show him the crack of her ass, and when she knew he was looking she’d turn around and give him a flirtatious smile. Twice she’d ‘accidentally’ rubbed her ass up against his crotch and he’d almost kissed her a thousand times, all he had to do was reach over and do it.
He looked at the clock on his bedside dresser as he sat down, 18:36 it read, army time. Leaving about a half metre gap between them, he flipped open the pizza box and steam rose.
“Okay, half has pineapple and the other half doesn’t, two, four, six, eight bog in don’t wait,” he said while pulling out a slice for himself.
She reached for a slice of pizza with her right hand, the remote with her left and pressed the play button. She looked at him with a broad grin as she sank her teeth into her pineapple laden slice. He stopped chewing, he was suspicious.
“What movie is it?” he asked with a mouthful of pizza.
The film began to play and in two seconds he knew what it was, When Harry Met Sally. He almost choked on his mouthful of pizza and she whacked him on the back until it was all the way down. He looked at her, frowning, he wasn’t sure but he thought that he knew why she’d decided on this movie. It wasn’t that he hated it, quite the contrary, he loved it and that was why he thought he understood her choice. Plus, he knew how Shelly’s mind worked, she could be very sly sometimes.
She smiled innocently back at him. “Chew then swallow, mister.”
Then he began to get worried. It meant that everything could be about to change, that tonight things could mark the new chapter in their friendship that should’ve been undertaken years ago. He began to get excited, but his stomach was filled with dread all the same. The pizza began to form a large lump in his gut and he looked at the slice in his hand, there was no way he could keep eating.
He threw it in the box and sat back and tried to concentrate on the movie, trying to take his mind off what he thought was going to happen. He wanted it to happen, but he also felt he needed more time to get used to the idea. Ha! He’d been saying that for three or four years.
“Don’t like the pizza, huh?”
There was that sexy, smartass attitude again and he couldn’t help but grin. She grinned back at him and took a big chomp out of her own slice. His stomach turned over.
“No, no, we had a big lunch so I might have some later.”
“Oh, okay then, just checking.”
They sat in silence for a little while and watched the movie. Harry and Sally leave on their road trip, he spits the grape pit at the window, they argue about death, they have dinner at the diner and leave. Then Harry says the words that Ben had been dreading since he realised what they were watching. “Men and women can never be friends.”
He watched Shelly out of the corner of his eye, she picked up the pizza box and put it on the bedside dresser but she didn’t make a move to touch the remote. Onscreen, Meg and Billy go through the whole spiel, “Men want to have sex with women they’re attracted to” “They do?” and then she reached for the remote, he screamed in his mind for her not to, but it was no use.
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THE HUSBAND, THE WIFE AND THE SCHOOLBOYSPart OneLet me explain. My name is Justin. I am a healthylooking 40-year-old married guy and in quite good shape. Not film star shape but I can still pull acompliment or two. I was lucky to marry an extremelypretty, little women called Carrie. She is still 30and we have been married for 10 years so you haveprobably guessed that she was 20 when we married. Iwas lucky, O.K? She has certainly stayed in shape andher slim body pert little upturned breasts and...
Michael? Where did you go? Ashley taunted from behind a nearby tree. I snuck up behind her quickly and quietly, scooped her up and hugged her tight. She screamed and then giggled. I kissed my sisters’ forehead and said, (gotcha.) No fair it was my turn she squeaked. Can we have pizza, Ashley asked? As we walked back to the house from Sanctuary, our little fort in the woods, the cool November air kissed my cheeks even through the trees. Birds scarcely sang in the distance, most having...
Family and friends Michael? Where did you go? Ashley taunted from behind a nearby tree. I snuck up behind her quietly and quickly, scooped her up and hugged her tight. She screamed and then giggled. I kissed my sisters forehead and said, (gotcha.) No fair it was my turn she squeaked. Can we have pizza, Ashley asked? As we walked back to the house from Sanctuary, our little fort in the woods. A little about us, my sister and I are from (Mass-a-two-shits, yes I said that right, the state is...
(This story is part fact, and part fiction. I won't tell you what is what, you'll have to figure it out on your own…Sorry, I guess it's a little long, but I hope you enjoy it.)I was a highly under-sexed, but extremely horny high school student. This was back in the big-hair days of the ‘80s. I still think some of the best porn came from those days. Beating the cum out of my cock watching a young Ginger Lynn, Nina Hartley, Taija Rae, Barbara Dare (a secret crush of mine back on the day) Christy...
It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE SEVEN Kirsty Sheraton was thirty-three years old, and had graduated from...
"Well, that was what we agreed to Mom. I would share a sexy adventure of me and my friends and you would return the favor."I tried hard to maintain my composure, to keep from acting surprised that Mom would volunteer re-stating our previous "agreement". She could have easily dismissed that weak arrangement since neither of us really made a point about the rules of our sexy story exchange. Mom looked at me intently, as if trying to see if I would break-down and release her from this flimsy...
"Horsey" had started his business at an unusually early age! Not many boys become independent businessmen before they leave middle school. Of course, Horsey had a great mentor in his oldest brother, who was one of the most successful pimps in their housing complex. Horsey's brother ran a stable with women of all ages, starting with his mother who was 39 and their youngest sister who was 17. That brother had taught Horsey all he needed to know to keep his whores in line and how to extract...
It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE ONE Nashiko Giancona had graduated from the high school five years ago, and...
It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE SIX Catherine Rankine had a preoccupied air as she exchanged small talk...
Story Summary - Brad Taylor enjoys his work as a high school guidance counselor and hypnotist. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other people's lives! Yeah, I have it pretty...
High School Girls A Rings of the Oni Story by Jaana "Three teenage boys find their simple lives completely overturned, and their friendship put to the test, when an unexpected find grants them both nightmare and gift beyond price." *** WARNING: The following story contains graphic depictions of sex, female transformation and female arousal. You have been warned! *** "Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together,...
Author’s note: If you haven’t read the previous chapters then I suggest you don’t bother continuing until you do, especially if all you’re interested in is the sex scenes. There is one, but in order to keep the reader enmeshed in a story of this length most of this chapter is character and plot development. I think you’ll be lost and disappointed without the background the previous chapters supply. For those of you who have read the previous chapters and are willing to continue to read the...
High School Girls A Rings of the Oni Storyby Jaana"Three teenage boys find their simple lives completely overturned, andtheir friendship put to the test, when an unexpected find grants themboth nightmare and gift beyond price."*** WARNING: The following story contains graphic depictions of sex,female transformation and female arousal. You have been warned! ***"Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people withwhom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart." -...
It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE THREE Moira McIver, the Principal of the school, had been standing near the...
High School Flasher Club I wanted to start a photography club in my high school but no one wanted to join. I was always considered a nerd and photography just wasn’t cool. Their loss. I got my sister to help me out. Natalie was a year younger than I was but she was certainly no nerd. In fact Natalie was part of the cool group. She was very pretty, well built, and quite popular too. At fifteen and in the ninth grade Natalie was always good to me. I was sixteen, in the tenth...
The last time I had seen Rose was at our ten-year high school class reunion. In high school, Rose had been the one girl I wanted to date, but she barely even knew I existed. At the ten-year reunion, I confided that I had always had an immense crush on her and that if I had to do things all over again, I would have said as much.To my surprise, Rose told me she had a crush on me as well, but that she had been too shy to approach me. Both of us had gone out separate ways, married and started...
CheatingHigh School Daysbynikkis©When I look back at those days I realize that the height of my most memorable high school sexual experiences started in one week. It was the week that would change the relationship between me, Mom, Karen, my girl friend, Brad my best friend and his girl friend Sasha, forever. I was an 18 year old high school senior cross country runner at the time. Mom also ran she actually got me started in the sport. Mom had been running for years just to stay fit and it showed. Her...
Bill paid a visit to the next man up the ladder in the loan sharking ring. Somewhat reluctantly, this man supplied the names and locations for four more of the men who actually made the customer contacts. This guy reported directly to Archie, so Bill learned that the loan sharking ring was not very thick and could be easily broken. There was nothing more for Bill to learn from him, so Bill sent him to the hospital with the usual complement of broken joints. By the middle of the following...
It was 1980 and I was a senior in high school. There was a guy in my grade and we had gone to school together all four years. We both did sports and we both played football and basketball all four years.During our freshman and sophomore years we were also required to take physical education. Fortunately for me we both had the same PE classes all four semesters and back then everybody showered after practice as well as Phys Ed. I don't know why the school seem to have stopped this unless they...
Gay Male"Damn! You my sweet bitch, ain't you? You sure know how to lick some good pussy, girl."Megan raised her head from between Kathy's black thighs. She didn't make eye contact, just starred off into space, detached. A stray black pube was glued to her cheek and the musty stench of Kathy's muff filled her nostrils and mouth.Kathy stroked her blonde hair as she stared into her ice blue eyes. "You still missin' them football players, snowflake? Ha! Damn! They must've fucked you good. Why don't you...
Your career is stagnant and dull. Your name is John Doe and you are an investigative journalist. You are young, having just turned 23, and your pieces have earned you a few awards. But as of late, you haven't gotten any good subjects to write about. You've been relegated to beat coverage to pass the time, mostly because your editor isn't willing to pony up the bucks required to undertake a good investigative report in these trying economic times. Though the gig has been boring the last year or...
To all those who follow my posts you already know I am very adventurous sexually. I often meet people directly from websites who respond to my postings or I often repeat similar adventures that work for us such as being a truck stop whore or being a bar slut or a beach cum bucket. All of these continue to work for me. But instead of posting adventures that are nearly the same as previous adventures, I try to keep it fresh by sharing new extremes I've tried. So yes I remain very active sexually...
When I was 16 I slept over at Kyles a lot. Mostly I slept over because he'd fall asleep while we were playing video games and watching tv. It was up to me whether I stayed and slept or went home. Kyle is black about 6'2 and has a strong build. He has a white Mother (Molly) and a black father (Wayne). He has a sister named Jazyln who just entered high school. She has her mothers facial structure and a tight little body with breasts that seem to spring over night to about a large B cup. She was...
It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE TWO Hayley Statten was restless and bored, wondering why she had come to...
They met in their sophomore year of high school, shortly after they turned sixteen. Two loners who somehow found each other, Jim and Amy became fast friends and did everything together. They attended high school sporting events, dances and other school activities. Occasionally they would kiss, and maybe pet a little, but basically theirs was a platonic friendship. The night of their graduation, after tiptoeing around the margins for a long time, they finally consummated their relationship. All...
Straight SexWhen I look back at those days I realize that the height of my most memorable high school sexual experiences started in one week. It was the week that would change the relationship between me, Mom, Karen, my girl friend, Brad my best friend and his girl friend Sasha, forever. I was an 18 year old high school senior cross country runner at the time. Mom also ran she actually got me started in the sport. Mom had been running for years just to stay fit and it showed. Her 5'6" frame was gorgeous....
It was mid-May of 1978. Kelly and I were just a couple of short weeks away from high school graduation. We were the peak of the Baby Boomers and our small-town school was crammed to overflowing with over fifteen hundred teenagers. For reasons I can’t recall, the prom that year had been moved to early April (maybe it was band availability?) from its normal May slot. Every school has its cliques. At our school, the Barbie Dolls were at the top of the pecking order for all social events.Disco was...
TeenMy interest in sex really started when I was about teens. One Saturday morning in the 1950s I was at home whilst my parents had gone out to visit my gran. The only other person in the house was my brother, Joe, who was just over a year older than me. I was doing my homework downstairs when I hit a snag. I needed a ruler and I’d left mine at school. I knew my brother probably had one and popped up to his bedroom to borrow one. He mustn’t have heard me coming up the stairs and opening his...
High School Part 2 - My Sophomore Year [In which Shaun learns to cope with the aftereffects of his surgery, notices a few changes occurring in his body, and confides in his mother and Jeff.] While I'd been wearing panties and sanitary napkins during the summer, that didn't work for me when it was time to go back to school. My problem was that while I could control the flow of urine, when I had to pee I had to go, like, RIGHT AWAY, and I only had a minute or so to get to...
High School Duke: I looked away from my physics midterm when the knock on the door occurred. Mr. Poole, my sharp as a razor teacher when it comes to science but dumb as a newborn when it comes to relaying his knowledge to his students, got up and waddled to the door. The girl revealed by the door’s opening was Penelope Sanders. She was a cute girl, shoulder length blonde curly hair with a pink headband, blue eyes partially hidden by a pair of black rimmed glasses, dimples, a button nose, and...
It was just another day at school. I parked my car and grabbed my backpack from the passenger seat. I stared up at my High School wishing I was somewhere else. Its not that I was unpopular or anything, I was on the varsity wrestling team and was state ranked with college scholarships as a junior. I was 5’9” and weighed 145 and was about five percent body fat and the girls wanted me and I had been with most of them. It was that I could not have the one girl that I wanted most. The...
High School Streakers I own a diner with a unique position in the middle of town and with an entrance on both major streets. It almost happed by accident several years ago when the guy on the next block said that he was considering selling out. He laughed when he suggested that I could triple my dinning area just buy knocking out the far wall. He made so much sense that I made him an offer and he accepted it. That was almost twenty-years ago. Somewhere about that time a high school...
10 years have passed in a blink of an eye, but here I am again, walking the halls of good ol' Northwest High School. Our mascot was a polar bear wearing a cowboy outfit, seriously. I was looking forward to the reunion, actually, because there was one person in particular who I was hoping to see again. Nancy Narwood, my high school sweetheart, the girl who took my virginity, and the girl who became a cock loving slut. Nancy and I met our sophomore year and had been dating for over a year. We...