Vishi Czarina of GrokChapter 11
- 4 years ago
- 26
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"So you are the Earth woman I have heard so much about," said the Czar.
"I am honored, Your Majesty," responded Vishi, bowing gracefully. She was fully adorned in Eloi'Tai sheer gown, splendid jewelry and the scent of the Rawqu vine of Balistar IV, reputed to be one of the rarest of fragrances."
"Raynoor was not exaggerating. Your beauty is exceptional."
"Thank you, your majesty."
Vishi stood before the Czar who sat on a throne in the royal court chamber. The old Grok had thought it best to present her privately, but Raynoor had insisted she be formally announced to the court. He wanted the court and the citizenry to see her loveliness and begin to accept her as his wife's proxy as soon as possible.
Eteenasa stood among the members of the royal court as did Raynoor. Perhaps two hundred had assembled to see this Earther, this Eloi'Tai who was about to conceive the royal offspring. Not all approved, but they said nothing as the Czar signaled for Vishi to stand closer. He smelled the Rawqu with great approval.
"You have agreed to stand as Eteenasa's proxy?" he asked.
"Yes, Your Majesty."
"What are your plans after the child is born?"
"I have agreed to serve as Faunwa."
"And what of your position as Eloi'Tai?"
"I shall retire as Eloi'Tai in order to devote my time to help raise the child."
"You do not intend to continue as Eloi'Tai?"
"That is correct Your Majesty."
"A waste of a fine body if I do say so," he observed, "but, if that is your choice."
"It is, Your Majesty."
"Then I accept you as proxy for my son's wife. You shall open your womb and accept my son's seed."
"Yes, Your Majesty."
He signaled her to bend over closer where he could whisper in her ear.
"But for the moment, you remain an Eloi'Tai. Come to my chambers later this evening."
"Yes, Your Majesty," she whispered back.
He dismissed her with a wave of his finger, she bowed again deeply and retreated down the long carpeted approach to the throne to the leering eyes of the Grok men and the jealous looks of the females.
"I have asked you here because we need to settle a few things between us," said Eteenasa, offering Vishi a chair, the two alone in one of the smaller waiting rooms on the second floor of the palace.
Vishi now had her first chance not only to meet Raynoor's wife and the woman who her child would grow up calling mother, but also to observe a Grok female. It would be an oversimplification to call Grok women smaller versions of the men. While they did share the muscular structure of the males, they were almost a foot shorter and their facial features were softer, less harsh than the men. Vishi had to admit that, her personal feelings aside, the woman sitting across from her was attractive, certainly more so than any of the other Grok females she had seen at court earlier today.
"Princess Eteenasa, I want you to know I would never..."
"Please do not attempt to placate me, Eloi'Tai. You and I shall never be... what do you call it?... friends? But I am not the ogre I have been portrayed to be and I am not stupid. I know you and my husband have feelings for each other. Feelings which can lead to disaster."
"Princess, I..."
"Please, let me finish. Ours was an arranged marriage, I, forced into it as must as the Prince, but over the past year I have grown to love Raynoor. He is a decent and honorable man and we both agree that these senseless wars must cease. I have tried desperately to give him the child he wants... I cannot. So now you stand ready to bear his child."
"Your child, Princess," interrupted Vishi.
"Yes, and it is this very thing I have brought you here to discuss. I want you to know how important... no, vital this child is to Raynoor's succeeding to the throne. Without an heir, everything Raynoor is working for may be destroyed. Perhaps you have not been aware that there have been overtures to the Alliance, the first attempts to find a way to the conference table."
"It is wonderful news."
"But, there are still those who would have us continue the old ways. They oppose Raynoor in council and seek every way possible to return to full fledged war."
"Yes, Raynoor told me of his uncle."
"Quacut, a dangerous man. Raynoor and I believe he murdered Raynoor's younger brother and now plots to take the throne. He is one of the main reasons why an heir is so important. Raynoor feels Quacut will attempt to murder him as well. If he succeeds and there is no heir..."
"Then Quacut could make a strong argument for his becoming Czar."
"Exactly. He never strays far from court and never ceases with his plots and maneuverings."
"I'll be careful."
"See that you do for he is clever as well as evil."
Vishi read the other woman's face.
"There is something else?"
"Yes. On Grok, power is based upon stability. One of the reasons why the Czar has reigned for so long is that he has provided a stable and powerful government. You will be accepted as my proxy because not only Raynoor, but the Czar himself has decreed it so, but If you allow your feelings to create a scandal, especially a scandal between Grok and Earther, you will weaken Raynoor's position at council and you will be playing into Quacut's hands."
Sadly, Vishi knew what she must do.
"Princess, once I am pregnant with his child, I shall see that Raynoor and I are never alone together again."
"You will give me your word?"
"I give you my word as an Eloi'Tai"
The Princess rose, the meeting at an end.
"I am not your enemy, Princess."
"Nor am I yours. If you truly care for Raynoor..."
"I do care for him Princess. I would be lying if I said anything different. But I am not stupid either. I realize that what is at stake here is far bigger than Raynoor's or my feelings. I promise I will not dishonor him or you in any way."
"Very well."
Vishi started to rise.
"Yes, Princess?"
"What did the Czar whisper in your ear today at court?"
"He... wishes me to come to his bed tonight."
"And are you going?"
"Should I refuse?"
"Not at all. I can use the rest."
"What do you mean?"
"The Czarina died many years ago. The Czar is old and lonely. No one begrudges his indulging himself, but he often chooses those he should not."
"You?" exclaimed Vishi.
The Princess smiled.
"In the past year he has filled me with more seed than has Raynoor."
"Does Raynoor know?"
"No. It would do nothing but create bad blood between them at a time when Raynoor needs the Czar's support and the throne needs to show strength. With you here, perhaps the Czar will find a new toy, at least for a while."
"What if someone sees me enter his chambers?"
"That poses no problem. He no longer has a wife and you are still Eloi'Tai, at least until you conceive... speaking of which, the Czar is perhaps feeling his mortality now that he is no longer as young as he once was. As such, he is, shall we say, sowing the royal seed liberally. Since I cannot bear, it was not a problem for me, but he had already impregnated four Eloi'Tai, all of which can cause further complications for succession if Raynoor should die without an heir. "
"Perhaps the Czar is not in as bad health as I had been led to believe," smiled Vishi. "But with electronic contraception..."
"He orders them turned off. Be careful, he may seem old and infirm but his rifle still fires very potent bullets. I will raise your child as my own because it is Raynoor's. I have no desire to raise the Czar's"
"I understand," replied Vishi.
They rose and the Princess started to turn away.
"Yes, Princess."
"Do we have an understanding... you and I... about everything?"
"Yes, Princess, we do."
"Good. Perhaps we might talk again sometime."
"Quiet, whore!" cried the Olliphanti as Meena's shrieks filled the cabin of the small scout ship. Anserk and Vishi were chained against the bulkhead where they watched the petite blonde try to wiggle away, her anguished cries trying the patience of the Olliphanti piloting the craft while his companion enjoyed the fruits of their purchase. The Olliphanti proboscises were obviously used for more than olfactory sensation as the taller alien had over a foot of one nose buried in Meena's nest...
Over the following weeks Vishi visited Twania's room nightly, each night a new lesson and new adventure for the wide eyed young woman who never knew such pleasures existed or even could exist. She and Vishi grew to know each other as well. Sharing their bodies and feelings with each other, they became close friends. Vishi was still a slave and never once assumed otherwise, but Twania treated her almost as a sister, albeit an incestuous one, when they were alone. Vishi brought up the...
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Life was not easy for Vishi in the next few weeks. The Olliphanti were still angry, not so much that she had put an end to Anserk's agony, but that they had had to give a partial refund to Crumanni because with the woman dead, he would have to find another source of food for his Vreekters. Vishi was made to service some very undesirable clients whom she found repulsive, but putting her personal feelings aside, as she had done with Crumanni, the human Smay'Tai performed her services with...
"You have the Earthers?" asked Quacut, Imperial Minister, brother to the Czar and Raynoor's uncle. "Yes, minister, two are "entertaining" the crew; the other, Raynoor's "pet" is safely locked in his cabin." The face on the view screen scowled. "And Raynoor will be gone for at least two galactic days?" "Perhaps longer. I have an agreement with the Ravi Ambassador. He will keep your nephew busy until I send him a signal." "Very good. Raynoor doesn't know we are aware of his...
"Vishi!!!" cried Twania as she rushed to the smiling Eloi'Tai, each hugging the other warmly. "We were worried we might never see you again," said Vatoon, also smiling broadly. "You weren't the only ones!" "Did they... ?" asked Twania gently. "No. As soon as they recalled Raynoor's directive, they took me to him immediately," replied Vishi, deciding to omit the Grok Commander's initial behavior. "Raynoor, eh?" said Twania, noting the use of the first name only, "sounds...
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It had been several seconds since the firing had stopped outside the door. Both Darknok and Sarwin knew what that meant. The three Earthers were either dead or captured. Darknok hoped they were mercifully the former. "Captain?" He turned to his engineering officer. "Yes, Lieutenant? "Sir, we are the only ones left. The Grok will be blasting through the door any moment and while they prefer Earthers, they attack women of all species," she said, withdrawing the blaster from the small...
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“M-m!” mom disagreed when a powerful spurt of thick goo suddenly shot into her mouth. “M-m-mm-m!” complained my mother, who was on her knees. Her lips had been the warmth I had been feeling, although I had closed my eyes and tried to think about pretty Jenny Fisher rather than my mom. Constantly feeling my mother’s breasts against my legs had made that difficult, though, and I knew I hadn’t really been thinking about Jenny at the final moment. Clearly mom had not been expecting me to shoot,...
Chapter 1Patti Adams rolled over in bed. She blinked her eyes and squinted, the light from the window bright. She stretched, her lithe teenage body writhing erotically. She kicked the lightweight sheet from her naked body and enjoyed the warmth of the morning sun.Dropping her legs over the side of the bed, Patti stood, catching a glimpse of her shapely body in the mirror. A horny smile spread over her soft pouting lips.She padded to the window and peered out. Her pale blue eyes brightened as...
SRU- Vipress Editors Note: I thank all of the reviewers for my last story, which has inspired me to write the second chapter of the trilogy. This time there is no killing as it seemed to have offended some people. But, this fits into the trilogy of horror. John needed a break. Overworked and underpaid, he was constantly stressed out in all parts of his life. He worked in outside sales. Constantly trying to meet quota and working 70 hour weeks. Having no time to himself, over...
It was proved. To the horror of millions, science couldn't hide it anymore.Vegans had always been right.The dairy industry was the main responsible for climate change, its product the root of the recent cancer epidemics and cows were just straight on evil. There was no way that humanity could allow them fuckers to build an army.As there were no chances that the human race could overthrow millennia of culinary traditions centered around one single product: milk.This is how the Pharm project was...
Hi everyone, I am Ani (name changed) from Chennai. New to ISS as a writer, I will feature some of my encounters with you people which will make you feel horny. My age is 24 years, completed my bachelor’s degree from a decent college. This incident happened when I was studying in my second year (age 20) at my college. Usually, college students will be eager to talk with girls a lot. I was good at talking with girls even though I studied my schooling in a boys school. In my class, there were...
**Everyone is 18 and over. This story is a slow burn, but I hope you find it worth it in the end. Constructive criticism is always welcome! I hope you enjoy as always - Alyssa*******"Oh my god mom I don't want to go!" I threw myself back onto my bed."I already paid for it, so you are going" mom followed me into my room. "Next year you do not have to, but humor me one more time before you leave for college and I lose my baby girl."I groaned and growled, "Fine, but this is the last time."Eighteen...
It was our Friday poker night and we’d been playing for about 3 hours. Tonight we all seemed to be getting bored with the same old thing. When everybody got up from the table for a stretch, Mark jokingly suggested that we should play strip poker. "Sure," said Tom, even though there were only guys in the house. "You’re k**ding," I said. "What, you got something to hide?" Tom said.So all five of us sat around the kitchen table and started playing strip poker. Only the loser had to remove a piece...
(Authoress's note: of course all disclaimers are still in place regarding characters etc. This particular episode is very XXX with pee scenes etc. However, I do know many parts of my stories will not appeal to all of you. I only wish there is enough to make each of you happy. To those who have given me constructive criticisms as well as those with praise thanks. Lauren Westley. ([email protected]) High School Dilemma Part Four By Lauren Westley A bubble bath is one of the...
I sat down on the couch and placed my coffee on the end table. Dollars got on top of me straddling my legs. She took my face in her hands and kissed me hard. Long, lovely minutes later, she said, "Now, I'm ready to talk." "Dollars, I have some concerns about sleeping with you in the same bed. Your continued status and my promise cannot be allowed to suffer. There are long-term implications that we must consider and those considerations must be discussed coolly and calmly. We have already...