Vishi Czarina Of GrokChapter 5 free porn video

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"Quiet, whore!" cried the Olliphanti as Meena's shrieks filled the cabin of the small scout ship.

Anserk and Vishi were chained against the bulkhead where they watched the petite blonde try to wiggle away, her anguished cries trying the patience of the Olliphanti piloting the craft while his companion enjoyed the fruits of their purchase. The Olliphanti proboscises were obviously used for more than olfactory sensation as the taller alien had over a foot of one nose buried in Meena's nest while even more of the other was already into her bowels where it flailed about keeping the girl in a constant state of relieving herself. Far from finding it offensive, the Olliphanti was deriving great pleasure from feeling Meena's bowels continue to void themselves. He would enter her anal track, penetrate far into her bowels and then flagellate her until she lost control, whereupon he would withdraw as her bowels emptied. Meena's bowels, however, were long since empty and now the stimulation would simply result in a series of uncontrolled grunts by the helpless girl as her insides tried futilely to void themselves.

"The Grok was right. This one is most entertaining when her body betrays her," laughed the alien. He withdrew suddenly from both anus and nest, Meena emitting a gasp of pain as her anus continued to spasm as if in a continual bowel movement.

Vishi thought for a moment Meena's torture was over, but apparently the Olliphanti was only toying with the Ensign. He grabbed her again and his penetrations this time were even deeper and more violent than before.

Vishi pulled at the chains, but it was useless. Unable to help or bear to witness Meena's agony any longer, the auburn haired Ensign turned her head, closed her eyes and tried to shut out the obscene grunting of her friend as the Olliphanti flagellates probed even farther into the cute blonde, now crazed from pain, dehydration and terror.

Vishi looked over to Anserk and, although their eyes met, there was no response from the attractive Lieutenant, not even recognition that she knew the naked woman next to her.

For the first time since the Grok had entered Raynoor's cabin, the day before, Vishi turned her mind to the Grok officer. Had he betrayed her? Had he arranged for her disgrace, defilement and, she had no doubt, eventual death? But why? Why not simply hand her over to the Admiral or sell her himself? And why the elaborate story of a resistance movement on Grok? It made no sense. She realized she wanted to believe Raynoor had played no part in this, but, her feelings aside, to simply play a cruel trick was not the way the Grok operated. If he had wanted to see her become Smay'Tai, Raynoor, as a Grok would have raped her for real, given her to the crew, as Meena and Anserk had been, and then either sold her or used his schtook to screw her to death. Trying to ignore Meena's grunts, Vishi simply could not find a reason why Raynoor would have played such an elaborate game. No, Raynoor had not known. He had believed she would be on board when he returned. He would look for them, find them, rescue them. She had to believe that. It was the only hope they had.


Meena's voice brought her back to the moment. The girl's voice was weak, pleading. "Please!!! I... I... can't... take... any... more."

The Olliphanti ravishing the girl did not seem inclined to show any mercy, but Vishi knew the exhausted girl's heart could not take much more.

" You'll kill her!" shouted Vishi.

"So what? We've got you and the other one. "

"She's worth money to you alive, not dead."

"You'll make us all we need. The truth be known, the Admiral is not such a great bargainer after all. You're much tighter than the other Earth women we have purchased from the Grok. We'll make back our investment five times over just selling your services alone."

The Olliphanti showed no sign of stopping and she could see Meena growing weaker by the moment.

"Then take me!" she cried. "I'm tighter than she is and I haven't been... in two days."

"Hmmmm, not a bad idea," said the pilot setting the autopilot now that they were past the asteroid belt.

The other alien let Meena slide to the floor nearly unconscious, her bowels still spasming.

The pilot aimed a remote at the locks which held Vishi's chains. There was a click and the naked woman briefly considered running, but there was no place to run and besides, she couldn't bring herself to desert her friends.

"Come here, whore," said the pilot.

Vishi walked to the pilot, standing now between the two aliens.

"Spread your legs!"

Vishi, now with second thoughts, spread her legs. She gasped as her vagina and anus were simultaneously invaded by the long olfactory appendages, each not only winding its way into her body, but writhing, whipping, flagellating as it bore into her. She was soon trembling as Vishi felt the first sign of the imminent loss of her bowels.

"Oh, God. I... I have to... I have to!!!!" she cried as the alien in her anus suddenly withdrew and she voided herself uncontrollably. Wishing she could run, hide, escape the defilement and degradation, Vishi staggered.

"Remain standing, whore!!! That was only the appetizer. Now for the main course!"

"You should know that I am the personal Smay'Tai to the son of Tiripodes VII, Czar of Grok."

"And I am the King of Gaxeez," laughed one of the aliens.

Vishi knew she was playing a wild card, but it was the only one she could.

"I am serious. He is no doubt searching for me right now and I am sure he will provide you with a healthy reward..."

"I don't think the Czar's son will be offering a reward to anyone. It came in on sublight a while ago. The Czar's son was killed in an accident earlier today."

Vishi felt her heart skip a beat. Her eyes teared. He had been her one hope, now he was gone. Gone were hopes for a peaceful settlement to the war. Gone was her hope of rescue. Gone was Raynoor... more than a Grok... a man... a man she could have...

All hope for Vishi Andarus had just vanished.

"Bend over whore. Show me that tight vaat and wop of yours."

For the next six hours, what little self respect Vishi might have still harbored was utterly destroyed as she was made to vomit, urinate and defecate long after there was nothing left to expel. Constantly reminded by the Olliphanti, as they took her, that rescue would never happen, that she and the others would soon disappear into the sex slave market never to be seen or heard from again, completely demoralized and filled with despair, the young woman wept bitterly. In the space of two short days a promising career in space exploration had disappeared, replaced by the hopelessness of becoming a Smay'Tai, a whore, whose body was for sale for anything the customer wanted.

Finally, as she lay amid her own waste and Olliphanti semen, Vishi Andarus came to the hard realization that she had indeed become a Smay'Tai, a filthy whore no longer good for anything except to offer a hole to be filled. Her own sobs joined those of Meena as the two, now without hope, slept fitfully amid frightening dreams of decadence and degradation.

Their first stop was a Smay'Tai training facility on Phonicus IV. The women were given over to a female alien named Qualk who tortured them unmercifully for three straight days, eliminating any self respect not already destroyed by the Grok and Olliphanti. Then the three Earthers were introduced to the life of Smay'Tai. They were taught the sexual characteristics of virtually every species in the galaxy capable of buying what they had to offer. They learned to use their bodies in ways none of the three had ever imagined. Aliens of every conceivable sort were brought in and the Earth women were given practice in pleasuring them. Day and night for almost a month their bodies were violated in astonishing, unbelievable and unspeakable ways until the three could copulate with and pleasure all the known species of the seven galaxies.

The day following their being returned to the Olliphanti, the three Smay'Tai were entertaining several dozen ore smelter operators on Fluvus III. The smelters were humanoids, ugly, brutish and not at all bright, but although not as large as the Grok, they still stood at least a head taller than even Anserk who was the tallest of the three Earth women. The smelters passed the women around like bottles of wine, sampling each orifice before giving them to the next horny hominoid. Two days later the women emerged from the underground pleasure dome exhausted, bruised and so sore they could hardly walk while the Olliphanti counted their credits, whisked the women into the shuttle craft and shortly thereafter their ship was on its way to another carnal rendezvous.

Over the next several galactic months, the three Earth women were made to endure every pain and indignity the human body can suffer. One alien species after another violated them while the Olliphanti counted their profits. The women were fed and permitted to bathe, especially after being drenched with semen as had been the case on Hapatheus IX, but they were always kept naked and often went for two to three days at a time without sleep when their services were in demand... and the Olliphanti made sure they were kept busy.

Try though she did, Vishi could not get Anserk to utter a single word. The lieutenant's body was used and abused every bit as much as Vishi's and Meena's, but while the two ensigns often cried out in pain or begged for relief, Anserk never so much as moaned. It was as if her mind had gone to a far place, leaving her body to endure the indignities forced upon it.

"Why can't we get through to her?" asked Vishi as they were being shuttled to Tropus Rigel.

"Do you remember the torture device the Admiral used on her to make her submit?

Vishi shuddered as she nodded in the affirmative.

"Well, when she and I were given to the crew, she continued to resist. They used that device on her more than a dozen times before she just suddenly quit resisting and went silent. She hasn't spoken a word since."

"I'm really worried about her. She just seems to withdraw deeper and deeper into herself."

"I'm worried for another reason. I overheard Weet, the taller Olliphanti tell the pilot that Anserk was not satisfying her customers like she should. He said she submits, but then does nothing to make her customers enjoy it. Then the pilot said if she doesn't begin to pleasure her customers, they should get rid of her."

"What does that mean? Will they sell her to someone else?"

"I'm not sure, but it means we won't be together and without us to at least look after her, I'm afraid of what might happen to her."

"As if it could be much worse than what's happening to us now," Vishi replied in a bit of irony.

Calaphasus was a pleasure planet offering every carnal amusement known to the seven galaxies with a resident population of over three hundred Smay'Tai representing almost as many species. Most of the entertainment was what might be expected, a sexual adventure with an alien species of ones choice. There were several multi suite lodges where these rendezvous took place, but there was also another area of the small planet where "special" rendezvous were arranged. Here owners brought their Smay'Tai to be displayed so that the wealthy aliens who wanted more than the usual could contract to have those services provided.

Vishi, Meena and Anserk were herded into the hall where they were chained to overhead bars so the interested might inspect the merchandise, select what they wanted and haggle over a price. Anserk, as usual, stood immobile, unseeing, her naked, unresponsive body exposed to the browsers who occasionally would touch and grope, but Meena and Vishi, despite being convinced that rescue would never come and having already had their bodies defiled in unimaginable ways, still looked away in embarrassment when they became the center of interest for a possible client. Neither could bring herself to actually act seductively as the Olliphanti wanted, but they were Earth women, one of the most sought after species and despite their lack of enthusiasm, they were kept busy for several days pleasuring several different clients, some species of which they had not only never encountered before, but which they had never even heard of, not even in their academy studies.

The three were often contracted for individually, but just as often, their client would take two of them or even, at times, all three. Such it was that their Olliphanti masters informed them that all three would be entertaining three Stargatti that evening.

"Now the Stargatti are quite different from anything you've encountered. They are empaths and take their pleasure from what you feel. So, my little Earth whores, tonight you are actually going to enjoy yourselves."

"What... do we do?" asked Meena.

"Just relax and enjoy it. The Stargatti are also pliants. They can take any shape or form they desire. They will first bond with you. Don't be alarmed when they mold themselves to you. They will then reach into the deepest recess of your mind seeking out your hidden sexual desires. You needn't try to hide your thoughts from them -- you can't. As a matter of fact the harder you try to suppress your thoughts, the easier they are for the Stargatti to access. Once they are aware of what you want sexually, they will transform themselves into that very thing or entity and take you. Each will then feed on the ecstasy each of you experiences, then they join."

"What do you mean, join?" inquired Vishi.

"The three of them will join their masses, sharing the pleasures each has experienced and thereby reach a state of what they call Zum'qua, their own form of orgasm," he laughed.

The three women, wearing nothing but their collars, were ushered into a rather luxurious suite. Vishi and Meena looked nervously around while Anserk stood silent, immobile.

"I don't know why, but I haven't been this nervous since we were given to those Hurq'Cerbon on Albion III," said Meena, picking up and examining a metallic flecked carbonite vase.

"I just wish they'd get here so we could get this over with," replied Vishi.

"I've been wanting to tell you how sorry I was... about Raynoor. I don't exactly know how you two felt about each other, but when you explained what he was trying to do..." Meena's voice died away. "I know that you, we all hoped it wasn't true, but that Noveen they sent me to entertain told me he also heard about the accident... I'm sorry Vishi."

Vishi had thought she would never cry again, but tears now misted her eyes and she turned to her other friend.

"Anserk, please talk to us. Whatever they did to you, don't let it come between us."

The former lieutenant turned her head and for one brief moment stared deeply into Vishi's eyes as if she were about to reply. Then, the moment passed, her eyes grew cloudy and unseeing and she looked at the far wall.

Meena went back to examining the exquisite vase, turning it over and over in her hands, discovering a new and different color, pattern or texture with each new facet explored. Suddenly, as she peered into an iridescent patch of trianium, the vase seemed to melt in her hand, turning instantly into a plastic, resinous gel which began flowing over her hand and up her arm.

Meena cried out in alarm, but Vishi recognized what was happening and attempted to calm her.

"Meena, it's OK. It's a Stargatti. After the Olliphanti told us about them, I remember hearing about such a species at the academy. They won't hurt us."

She hoped she was right as she caught sight of a similar blob making its way across the floor to Anserk's feet. The mute Earth woman hardly looked as the mass flowed over her feet and began to make its way up her leg.

Despite the fact that Vishi remembered being told by an instructor at the academy that the Stargatti were peaceful, Vishi took a step back, bumping into a small table which instantly dissolved into yet another amorphous blob which attached itself to her hip and began to flow around her, exploring this Earth body, so new to it.

"Vishi, what should I do?" cried Meena as the mass flowed over her breasts, then circled her body as it descended to her navel and pubic hair.

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a friend of mine who I met in class 13 years ago at georgebrown,,,,,in short talk online facebook, see her once every 2-3 years,,,,,but we talk 1 time a week online or short,, I put on her facebook she posted sexy picture of her nothing revealing just pretty,,,she is 37 5'3 150 little thick thighs, but not a lard, meat in right spots,,,when I first met her I could tell she would get bigger but she isn't a butterball she awas about 120 when we met,, 1st day we met in class, after 1...

2 years ago
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Eric will Make a B MovieChapter 6

My latest Battle Babe book, Goddess of The Golden Galaxy, was the best selling in the franchise history. Even serious critics commented on it. Ed Silver of Critic's Choice said it was the best erotic romp he'd ever read. "Whoever Rock Stone really is should consider writing some serious stuff. The love scenes were exciting without being vulgar, erotic tapestries woven with skill and style. Some made my wife blush. And smile. And the unfolding of the interpersonal relationships showed...

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My Best Friends

Ci frequentiamo da un po'. Siamo amici ed ognuno di noi ha una vita completamente diversa. Ci vediamo una volta al mese e scommettiamo su tutto, carte, cavalli, calcio, qualsiasi cosa. Sempre con molti soldi in ballo. E non sempre vinco. Nella vita faccio il consulente per un'agenzia pubblicitaria, Luca ha un sexy shop, Aldo un locale in provincia e Gianni non fa niente, ma ? molto ricco di famiglia e passa la sua vita sui computer. Questa storia ? ambientata nella casa di campagna di Gia...

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My date with the bosss daughter part 2

Part 2As we walked into the lobby of the hotel, I asked her, "Lissa don't you think that this place is to much in price? Besides, they ain't going to give us a room, we ain't even 18 yet. What if they ask for id?"She replied, "Don't worry. I wrote a note saying to let us have a room for two nights, and signed Mamma's name. We will get a room."I could not believe it. It worked. The check-in clerk read the note and felled for it, and gave us a room. As soon as we got in the room,, that's when the...

4 years ago
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Falling For It

Falling For It Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on a caption by Commentator] A smile came upon Joss's face as his gaze drifted across all the costumed characters in the convention room. He thanked his luck that his employees had all turned down his offer to take them with him to the convention. Joss had been going to it for years, and it remained one of the highlights of them. He loved looking at the costumed attendees, but, more than that, he loved being in costume...

3 years ago
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Most Kinky And Adventurous Way To Make Love And Mate

Hey, people, Hot guys and girls and women, this is my sex story. I had already given away a couple of sex stories, hope you liked it.”Stranger fuck in falls”. Introducing myself again, Ram, fair enough and fit, with lots of sexual hunger.A big time porn addict especially porn as they are really hot, wild mating sessions with no inhibitions.A big fan of Indian sex story. I felt most of the Indian sex story lovemaking were decent and soft.I wanted to pour out my wild incident.But this sex story...

4 years ago
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Better Alive Than DeadChapter 2 Departure

Jack awoke to the pleasurable feeling of fellatio. As he opened his eyes he saw Quillé already working hungrily on his cock. The petite goddess was sucking long and deep, while grinding herself against his leg, leaving wet trails on his shin. Jack couldn’t help but smile. Is it me or is she like this with everybody? Looking at the time on his bionic lenses he saw that he had slept for eight hours. Fuck. This was going to be an expensive visit. However, he paid by every commenced hour, and...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Eveline Dellai Venera Maxima Couple Joins Slutty Real Estate Agent Venera Maxima in DP Orgy

Slutty real estate agent Venera Maxima is running an open house in hopes to sell a newly renovated flat in the heart of the city. To maximize her chances of selling the flat, she ends up sucking, fucking, and getting DP’d by two of the potential buyers. As she’s having her holes stretched out, the DP threesome is interrupted by a couple who’ve also come to check out at the house. Being the shrewd real estate agent that she is, Venera invites them to join the party, which they agree to. From...

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Broken PromisesChapter 46

“A nice visit then?” said Marian. I half smiled. “It was okay,” I said. “Julian?” she said. “Mister Coffee,” I said. “Our coffee maker?” she said. “No, my ancient nick name. Back in the day I drank more coffee than anybody. She called me that,” I said. Marian nodded. “Yes, I remember, now you say it. So?” she said. “Just brought back some memories of times that were, better than they got to be after the bad day,” I said. “Kind of a case of nostalgia. No biggee, really.” She nodded, but...

1 year ago
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Wank Tube, the domain name actually gives everything away: this is a porn tube where you can find all the wank material you may need. And you will be able to watch as many porn videos as you can handle for absolutely free. Whether you are looking for female solo masturbation scenes, hardcore group fuck, sensual lesbian action, double penetration, hardcore anal, or whatever the fuck your porn reliant brain can conjure, you will find all of it here.First impressionIt doesn’t take a rocket...

Porn Aggregators
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My Favorite Babysitting Stories Part 1

“Fuck. I’m sooo bored. Why the fuck did I ever move here?” These were the thoughts going through my head as I lay in my bed in my mother’s house in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I had moved there after my father and mine’s fighting had culminated in a fist fight in which I received a broken nose and he went to the hospital for a couple of days. I had immediately moved from my nice home in Colorado to this dump with no TV, no videogames, and no internet access. I had gone from being a...

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It was midnight when she started screaming. Ellen groaned. Stephen sat up but she grabbed his arm. ‘No!’ she said. ‘We agreed.’ ‘Honey, for God’s sake listen to her. She’s terrified!’ Ellen turned on the beside lamp. ‘I don’t care. She has to learn. If you go in there it’ll be like every other night. You’ll look under the bed and in the closet and tell her nothing is there and then in two hours she’ll start again.’ Sarah’s screams became higher and more frantic Stephen threw up his hands....

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Misty 2

Snake was pissed and kept slamming his cock deeper in my asshole, “Snake, I mean it man, this bitch was telling the truth. He father is some big wig with some crime syndicate. Spencer called, he says this guy controls most of the drugs coming into Texas.” Snake was too close to coming to stop, he kept fucking me until I felt him shudder then unleash his load in my ass. He jerked his cock from my ass, “Are you telling me we snatched this bitch for he husband and her father is connected and we...

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Caught in the Storm

‘I’ll be careful, Mrs. H.,’ Robbie said confidently. ‘I’ve been making the drive now for four years, and we’re leaving ahead of the storm. It shouldn’t catch up to us.’ Mrs. Henry looked back and forth between the slightly grubby college senior and her daughter, Emily. She did not want to let Emily drive back to school with him, but she had little choice in the matter. It had been planned that way, and Kevin, Emily’s father, was on a plane en route to Detroit at the moment. So there was no...

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Destined Hearts Ch 02

The bed was warm despite the lack of any covers but the sheet. A damp, almost sex-laden, air hung throughout the room. Luke was having one of the best dreams he could remember. What made it better was that it had actually happened. A beautiful woman had laid beneath him, played a very active role in their lovemaking, and had eventually clung to his shoulders and come with his name on her lips. Then his mind took it to the next level. Camryn was on all fours, her face buried in a plush pillow...

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Zelenas Story 6

After the lunch was over Zelena had four hours before she had to serve dinner and her photographer friend, Jay, wanted to do a special sitting so she changed quickly and walked over to his studio. There were a couple of men standing in the lobby of the building who she said hello to on her way up the stairs. She didn't like the way they looked at her, although she thought it might be because she was wearing a short denim skirt. The dark skinned man smiled and said "hello", but the short, skinny...

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Celebrity fuck buddy

Continuation of my story from celebrity sph. If not read here’s a little review of it You were on a tour bus with your friends at Nickelodeon when suddenly they pranked you by taking your clothes and leaving you naked. You run into a room and find Kira Kosarin in there she sees your tiny penis and humiliated you. You find a way to get her naked and also find out new things about her. You get her to agree be your fuck buddy as you swore to keep her secret of her kinks and how it looks down...

1 year ago
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Meri Sunder Biwi Aur Habshi Jaisa Buddha Coolie 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, hum fir aa gaye nayi story le kar. Isme meri biwi ek buddhe coolie ko train ke compartment mein maze karati hai. Waise aapko pata hi hai, ki hum dono ko sex mein experiments karna bahut pasand hai. Hum log nayi-nayi cheeze dhoondh kar try karte hai. Hum dono ko kaale lund pasand hai, jo mote aur tagde ho. Shemale aur cuckold sex bhi kaafi dekhte hai hum. Mujhe koi gande se dikhne waale buddha ko, kisi sunder ladki ko chodte hue dekhna pasand hai. Aur agar uska maal us ladki ke andar...

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BrattySis Mia Kay Stepsister Needs Help With Homework

Mia Kay hates college. It’s way too much work! She begs her stepbrother, Tony, to help her out. Tony declines the first time, but Mia is desperate. She asks him again and offers to show him her boobs. Tony isn’t sure that he wants to see that from his stepsister, but Mia insists that this is a good deal for both of them. She flashes Tony to get him to agree. To ensure that he’s going to commit to helping her, Mia turns around and pulls down her shorts so Tony can see her ass...

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The Academy Part 5 Sacrifice

Chloe watched Kaylee as she slept. She was worried about leaving her alone, but she hoped she be able to give her some sort of advantage before she left. And she knew she didn't have long. She knew who she was. She remembered Tobias and everything about his life and what he did. She knew how to do things and that meant trying to make a difference for Kaylee, but also to get something back. The journey wouldn't be a hard one, but she knew there would be no coming back. She remembered,...

2 years ago
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The ArrangementChapter 11 Indulgences

March, 2022 (4 months later) For the fourth time in the last twenty minutes, I swept my kitchen floor, looking for any last crumbs or other detritus. I tidied the family room again, for the third time in the last hour. Riley’s parents were scheduled to drop her off at any moment. It was a Sunday afternoon, and the three of them had flown into Boston, intending to start Riley’s college visits in New England. Her parents were spending the night in a local hotel; when I invited Riley to spend...

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Lynns first Black Experience

Lynn’s first Black Experience My name is Snapp and I am your not so typical husband, I would like my wife to take on a black lover, I am just not sure how to go about it, I have dreamed about it for years until it just happened recently, so here is her story. Lynn my wife is 48, she is 5’4” with 38D breasts. She has long brown hair and beautiful bedroom eyes. She’s your typical lady on the streets, wild woman between the sheets. She has never ‘stepped out’ on me, at least I am not aware if...

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Agents of Gor Part 4

Agents of Gor: Part 4 A Girl is Trained and Has a Glimpse of her Possible Future by Albedo This is a fan-fiction set in the world of the Gor novels. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorizes the readers to archive it themselves. No other dissemination without the author's permission,...

1 year ago
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Master PC Creampie EditionChapter 4 Shopping For More

As Sandy walked out of her office building, she could feel the eyes of the security guards on her body. She was not surprised really considering what she had worn to work that day. On her newly improved body was her light grey designer pant suit. It was figure hugging and would look great normally but Sandy left out the shirt part that morning, opting for just her black pushup bra underneath the low cut jacket. The result was huge amount of cleavage on show for everyone to see. The only other...

1 year ago
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TeenPies Lovita Fate Perfect Pose For A Creampie

Beautiful blonde babe Lovita Fate has always had dreams of being a model, so when she shows up at our studs studio looking to do some naked posing, she refuses to take no for an answer. He finally lets her inside, and she takes off all her clothes as he watches her every move. Her body is flawless, and he is sure to create a masterpiece. He oils up her body and then rubs her clit with his fingers. Her breathing gets heavy, and her pussy gets moist, and soon the artist is sticking his cock deep...

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Im on my way

Ive decided on sexy and sweet. A Silver headband with Ruby jewels encrusted shaped like cat ears. Curled my hair so it is just that perfect messy chic. My make up is dark…. eyes coaled and sparkly, pale face and red red lips. I always wear the collar he brought me. A pretty red and silver chain linked collar. I was so happy when he gave it to me but now I wish he would get a different one because it bores me. Tonight I chose the little black crotchless panties, I attached my tail to my...

3 years ago
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Dear Dirty Diary part 14

Dear Dirty Diary, The weekly games nights were fun but too much emphasis was placed on debauching and not enough on paying our expenses. Fortunately we had posted advertising in malls and the Chamber of Commerce info offices throughout the area to catch shoppers. One weekend in early October, a young woman with dark olive skin and sparkling black eyes arrived, saying she saw the signboards. Rija, a late twenties Montrealer, took the front room next to the stairs. As she was going out for...

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Cocksucking college sister 2

Truthfully, I tried to pretend it didn't happen. I tried to pretend that the best blow job I had ever received hadn't come from my 18-year-old college-freshman sister. I tried to move on...but the reality was when I was with another girl all I thought about was Lilly. When I had late night fantasies it was my sister I was beating off to. We avoided each other for just over a month, which was pretty easy as she lived at the dorms and I lived with buddies, but my parent's 25th wedding anniversary...

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Honeymoon Cruise of Briana and Uncle Jake ltpart 2gt

Introduction: This is continuation of part 1 of this fictional story. This is the continuation of the first part to this fictional story. It is purely fiction, it is a story. It involves love between a man and young girl, if you do not approve do not read. These are fictional characters, any real life similarities are strictly coincidental and unintended. Not a life life was harmed in the writing of this fictional narrative. ————————————- ————————————- It was lunchtime, so I headed to a...

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Vicky and Ray

In response to the shifting of the bed from you sitting up, Ray groggily pushes himself up. “Vicky? What's wrong?” he asks, eyes still closed, thinking you woke from a nightmare. “Nothing darling, just a vivid dream...” you reply, as you lay back down, and you feel his side of the bed shuffle. You begin to doze off slowly, your mind still reeling from the dream, and your cunt soaked beyond belief. You see the clock move over to 2:08, and you close your eyes. Immediately, you feel a hand...

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A Knock At The DoorChapter 13

After their shower Cat and Joel had dried each other lovingly and then, naked, went to bed together in the guest bedroom. As they passed by the open door to Cat's bedroom, Cat looked in at her sleeping sister Tina. She lay naked in the middle of the bed, curled into a tight ball. Joel stood behind Cat and gazed at the buxom woman he'd so lustily fucked. Tina's back was to them and they could see the crusty pussy lips between her legs. In the mirror on the vanity, on the opposite side of...

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