Blacktown 1950 free porn video

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Blacktown 1950 By The Princess The advertisement on the transgender website was subtle but fascinating. "People who are interested in pursuing a life immersed by transgenderism and are self motivated, qualified in two fields of expertise and willing to relocate are invited to apply for an exciting life changing experience" How could I as a lifelong crossdresser possibly not follow up on this? The advert went on to explain how to express interest by filling out an electronic application form. Hmmm, let's see. Please give your email address. I gave my web based address I use for my trans related activities. Question 1: What is your birth gender? a/male b/female c/other -Male Question 2: Year of birth? -1964 Question 3: What is your involvement with transgenderism? a/crossdresser. b/transsexual c/admirer d/intersexed -Crossdresser. Question 4: Have you entertained thought of becoming the opposite sex? -Yes Question 5: What are your fields of expertise? -Senior administration / Civil engineering and martial arts instructing Question 6: Would you be prepared to relocate? -Yes Question 7: Do you have a strong sense of community? -Yes and the last question - Question 8: Do respond well to change? -Yes Please submit -OK I figured what the hell. It is just another silly Internet quiz put up by some lonely guy trying to get a thrill. I've done thousands of 'em. To be honest my life could be described as an ideal one to most observers. I had a great job as Senior Town Planner with a go ahead county, great family life with a beautiful wife and two wonderful daughters, nice house, fast car but was I really happy? I played all types of sports as a boy and excelled at most. Had no trouble finding girls and after a football knee injury took up martial arts and became an instructor and gained my 2nd Dan. I sat on several community boards and was Mayor of our town for a term. So was I happy? Would you believe that all this overachieving was to numb my innermost desires to dress and act as a woman? This desire was never far from my thoughts and if I allowed it, it could totally consume me and make me lose focus on all else, so when I was surfing the 'sites' and read the above ad I was happy to play along. However I quickly forgot all about the application until checking my emails a few days later when I came across a most interesting message. It read: 'Thank you for your expression of interest. You could be the type of person we are looking for to take part in a wonderful venture. If you would like to learn more please ring the number below during business hours to arrange an appointment. Quote reference number 900652 and a mutually acceptable time will be allotted.' Well dear reader, what would you have done? Initially I decided to do nothing as I was pretty sure the whole thing was a gag or perhaps a trap to embarrass people like myself. I put the whole thing out of my mind but as I'm sure you can imagine it kept on popping into my head with alarming regularity. After a couple of days I was having a quiet moment at work and thought what the hell? I rang the number and on the third ring, a man with a very pleasant voice answered and we arranged a meeting for that very afternoon at three. It was to be held at a quiet restaurant that I knew and I was to ask for Mr Richards. With a stomach full of butterflies I asked for him and even through my extreme anxiety an excitement that this could be something I really needed kept me from fleeing. I was led to his table and I found a pleasant looking man waiting patiently. On my arrival he stood and gently took my hand as a man would a woman. He asked me to sit and he waited for me to be seated before he seated himself. I realised that he only knew me by my reference number so I volunteered my name, "Steve Marshall is my name." He instantly floored me by replying, "It's your female name I'm interested in." Without hesitation I said, "Well then my name was to have been Tracy if I had have been born the way I would have preferred." "Very well Tracy it is then!" "What shall I call you?" "All females generally address adult males as Mr so Mr Richards will do nicely." This was a little weird but again also very intriguing! He addressed me as Tracy from then on even in the presence of our waitress but because what he was telling me was so fascinating I did not have the time to feel odd. "Well Tracy I am sure that I have your undivided attention. What I am about to tell you must go no further, do you understand and agree?" "Of course Mr Richards." "I am acting on behalf of a powerful and very affluent client. I shall refer to him as Mr Black. Mr Black has some unique ideas and some very strict ideas regarding how the society in which he lives is conducted. I am not at liberty to divulge all of these at this initial meeting but suffice to say Mr Black feels that society was more pure in the fifties before feminism robbed children of their stay at home mothers and political correctness became an excuse for the disintegration of law and order. Mr Black is also an ardent admirer of transgendered women and as he has the resources to act on these beliefs and interests he has decided to do something about it." By now my curiosity was well and truly piqued! "Just how does Mr Black's plans involve me?" I asked. "The society Mr Black is setting up consists of men who are admirers and supporters of T-girls and T-girls themselves. If you prove suitable you would become one of the T-girls who make up our society." I couldn't help but notice Mr Richards had included himself in the society so I asked, "Are you a T-girl admirer or a transgendered person?" "I can assure you Tracy that I am perfectly happy as a man and that is how I shall remain! However in answer to your question I am an admirer and as such will take my place among the men of our society." "You said if I prove suitable. How would that be determined?" "We can prove it very simply here and now if you choose. Let me warn you though Tracy if you go further you will be required to sign an ironclad document stating that you will willingly become a member of our society. Make no mistake there will be no changing your mind!" Mr Richards said this last sentence slowly and deliberately and left me in no doubt whatsoever that this would be so. "Now Mr Richards you must realise that what you are suggesting, even if it is possible it's a huge step into the unknown for a person like me. How do I know that even if I am chosen that I will be happy?" "Then let me ask you a few questions regarding your current happiness. Are your thoughts consumed with your crossdressing behaviour?" "Yes." "Have these feelings intensified with the years?" "Yes." "Have you ever looked at a girl or woman dressed in pants and flats and thought if you were her you would be dressed in a pretty dress, heels and make up?" "Every day of my life." I confessed. "Do you have to imagine yourself in the passive role in order to perform as a man during sex?" Oh my God! This guy was inside my head! I had never divulged that little nugget to anyone. I looked down as I quietly affirmed. "Have you ever Tracy, wished out loud that you were a woman?" Again I sheepishly affirmed. "OK Tracy, you must realise that these feelings are going to continue to intensify. If you become a part of our society all your dreams can come true. If you choose not to the alternative is not good. Eternal envy of women and an increasing urge to be one of them. It is no wonder that a lot of transgender people self destruct." "OK just what do I have to do?" Mr Richards produced a legal contract from his briefcase and instructed me to read it and ask any questions regarding it and if satisfied sign it in several places with him as the legal witness. I took the contract and began reading, stopping now and again to ask for clarification. "Why do I have to forgo all my worldly possessions?" "Because Mr Black wants you to provide properly for those you leave behind and you in turn will be provided for in your new life." "Just what will my new life involve?" "I cannot give you too much detail but suffice to say your current skills will be utilised and you will be treated fairly and provided for admirably." Hmmm, pretty sketchy but he would give no more clues than that. If I wanted in I would have to trust him so I signed on the dotted line. He produced a small black box from his case and had me roll up my sleeve. He then discreetly took a blood sample, a saliva swab and he gave me two bottles and asked me to use the lavatory to provide him with urine and semen samples. I must have looked perplexed because he then gave me a magazine full of T-girls modelling absolutely gorgeous clothes in very seductive poses with some pretty hot guys. This guy was in my head again. I was back within ten minutes with the required goods! "Ok Tracy, with the answers you have given to my questions and the results of these samples we have all we require. A decision will be made within seven days. Thank you for your time and if this means anything to you I will be hoping to see you as a part of our society. Good day and good luck." With that he took my hand in the guy to a girl way again and was gone. I sat there wondering just what I had agreed to? If this story was genuine, and I was beginning to believe it was what was to become of me? Would I be happier as a woman? I did know that I was becoming more and more depressed in this existence and if Mr Richards predictions were anything to go by this was my saviour. I decided to see it through. The next week was hell. Would I be accepted? What if I wasn't? Wait and see Steve, wait and see. On the evening of the seventh day after checking my emails every five minutes there it was. I trembled as I opened the message. I gingerly peeked at it and read, 'Sorry to inform you that you request to join our society has been unsuccessful. Thank you for your interest and good luck for the future. Mr Black.' So that was that! I can't describe my feelings at being turned down. I began to weep which quickly became sobs. I felt crushed. It was at this point that I knew I really wanted to become part of Mr Black's society. I decided to reply to the email. "Mr Black, Thank you for the courtesy of letting me know of my lack of success in being invited to become a member of your society. However I feel that perhaps you may have been a little hasty. I feel I have much to contribute and I would welcome a second chance to prove my worth to you, Tracy." Good. Not too long, not too begging just straight to the point, hit send and it's off. To my surprise I received an answer within ten minutes. "Dear Tracy, Sorry to sport with your feelings but this was a test to see if you were prepared to go to bat to become a member of our society. Please call the same number to receive your instructions. Congratulations." Now how did I feel? All of a sudden I knew the answer to that, I felt great. The following phone call told me to turn over all my worldly goods to my wife and children, file for divorce and to meet Mr Richards at the same restaurant in three weeks time at nine am sharp. I did as instructed and once again I was sitting with Mr Richards at the same table with the same butterflies in my stomach. After some small talk and a light breakfast I found myself in a rented car with Mr Richards at the wheel. We drove to the airport and boarded a plane. During the flight I learned more of our destination and my future life. Mr Black owned a very lucrative industrial plant that produced artificial hormones. You guessed it, female hormones. Female hormones were in such demand all around the world for many things from treating menopausal women, birth control pills and even to treat people like me. This plant was isolated from civilisation in a remote part of the world and it took five hundred people to run it. It was massive. Mr Black built a town to service the plant and the people who staffed it and in accordance with his peccadilloes the plant and town was run to fifties ethics and morals. Except that all the adult females were male to female transsexuals. Dishonesty and crime were dealt with an iron fist. Drugs were not tolerated. A man who swore in front of a child or a woman could expect a demotion or worse. A wife beater received the ultimate punishment but I was not yet allowed to know just what that was. "Why the fifties?" I asked. "Because my dear the fifties were a time when children came home to find their mother waiting for them, a time when women enjoyed being women, being looked after and provided for. Women enjoyed being homemakers and society was much the better for it. "Ladies dressed like ladies and didn't protest because a man stood up for her on a bus. Criminals knew if they were to take liberties with a woman's virtue they would be punished to the full extent of the law. Families attended church, children attended Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, men attended lodges and their women attended church committees to raise funds for the community, in short my dear because the fifties were a time where people cared for each other and behaved like caring human beings." Something was not adding up in my little mind and I wondered if this was the time to broach the subject. "You look as if something is troubling you my dear." He is in my mind again! "Well yes Mr Richards there is. If all the women are transsexuals where do the children come from?" "Very good my dear, you are thinking all the time. That too shall be divulged soon enough!" We changed planes and boarded a Learjet to take to our new home that I finally found out was in a town called Blacktown. Very original I thought but kept that thought to myself. Blacktown was just picture perfect. Brand new houses, hospital, town hall, shops, picture theatre, courthouse and supermarket. The tree lined wide streets, many parks, large lake and of course the icons of the fifties, the drive-in theatre and the drive-in restaurant. Here's the thing. All the women I saw from the window of our car were dressed like June Clever or Donna Reed! They had permed hair, dresses with full skirts to the knee, pearls, full make up and heels. They looked wonderful. If I was to become one of these women I had no complaints so far! Our car whisked us to the Town Hall where Mr Richards said that this would be an important meeting and I was to pay close attention. We entered this new but very fifties styled building and I was taken to a very stately office and told to wait. After five minutes a very classy, handsome older man entered and I was face to face with Mr Black. He carried a folder and after saying hello sat down at his desk across from me. He started to read from the folder which from where I was sitting I could see the name of Tracy O'Neill on the cover. He said nothing and ten, twenty and then thirty minutes passed. I began to get nervous and then he suddenly addressed me, "I see you are a life-long crossdresser." All I could think to say was, "Yes sir." Great answer that! This impressive man had me wetting my pants and I didn't know why. In my old life it was me who intimidated others but here I was totally at his mercy. "Would you rather be dressed now?" "Yes Sir." "Why?" Great question. I have only asked myself that one perhaps eighty five million times. "I have absolutely no idea sir." I replied. Mr Black looked at me over his half moon spectacles and for a second I thought I was in big trouble. Then he chuckled. "Good answer! I wish I knew why T-girls interest me but I sure as hell don't know either." The ice was broken and I was sure that Mr Black was a good guy and one who I could respect. "Ok now Tracy, let's see what we have in store for you. I see you were a senior civil engineer and a sports person. Our psychological profiler has decided that you will become?.," I was sure he was about to say town engineer or perhaps PE teacher at the local highschool, but instead he said, "?.personal assistant to our city engineer." What the hell! I who had previously held posts much more important than his would be his secretary! I regained my composure and as politely as I could, I asked Mr Black if my skills might be put to better use as an engineer and not a secretary. To this he replied that in Blacktown men fill the management positions and women fill the support positions. He went on to say that not only that but any woman who has a child under seventeen years of age is not permitted to hold any job at all. Also unmarried mothers are not tolerated, their children are given up for adoption at birth. "You my dear Tracy have been selected to become the wife of our high school Principal Mr Mark Chapman." 'Oh very funny, I'm to become Tracy Chapman!' I thought. "Do I have a choice in this matter Mr Black? After all Mr Chapman may not wish to have me as his wife." "Mr Chapman will do as he is told and he will be an excellent husband to you in every way let me assure you on that!" "Now as to children, you will be expected to contribute to our population and if you do you will become a housewife and you will care for your family as any good woman would. Do you understand this?" "Yes Sir I have no problem with that." Except I had absolutely no idea how a forty year old male to female transsexual gets pregnant. A matronly woman entered the office and Mr Black introduced her as Mrs Webster, the wife of our Hospital's Managing Director. "She will take care of you from now on." I was being dismissed! I stood and turned to leave. Mr Black looked at me and said, "I'm sure you are going to be an asset to Blacktown, good women always are." Mrs Webster took me by car to the hospital and without going into fine detail, I emerged five weeks later a very different person than when I entered. SRS, breast augmentation, facial feminisation, and scalp advancement to give me a woman's hairline. I also shed eighteen kilos and became determined to achieve my goal weight as a woman as soon as possible. Now about dilation! Is it fun or is it a chore? I have to vote fun, especially since I unexpectedly had my first female orgasm with my largest stent! I was also self-lubricating which I felt was a godsend and the team at the hospital are truly angels on earth! The day arrived for me to leave the hospital so I dressed in a beautiful baby blue dress and all matching accessories. Blacktown had three ladies clothing stores and none of them sold any woman's trousers at all. The only women's garments in town that had a crutch were panties, pantyhose and tights. It would be skirts forever for we transformed ladies of Blacktown. I waited nervously in the hospital foyer as I was to finally meet Mr Chapman. A car pulled up with a Blacktown High insignia on its door so I guessed this is it! A tall quite handsome guy hopped out, dressed nicely in a suit and tie with a good head of hair and a pleasant look on his face. It was clear that he was excited at meeting me and I suppose as an admirer why not? I stood to greet him and the look on his face as our eyes met was just perfect. He looked deep into my eyes and took me into his arms and planted the biggest, wettest, sloppiest, deepest kiss on me that I ever thought possible. He picked up my suitcase and escorted me to the car. Held the door open and drove us to our home. We had an elegant two-story home, nicely furnished and it was quite clean and neat. Straight away I knew that this woman was going to add her touch! He took me upstairs and without giving too much away I can tell you that forty years wishing to be the girl in a relationship exploded that afternoon. I don't know if my behaviour was terribly fifties but I drained that poor man to the extent that when he came dust was all that was left. My tummy was like a fish pond with all the tadpoles swimming in there! I took to my female life like a duck to water. I loved being a housewife and homemaker. I loved my Donna Reed dresses and makeup. I loved having to get half undressed to urinate. I loved loving as a woman. I loved having to ask my husband to lift heavy objects for me and to open tight jars as I cooked our meals. I loved grocery shopping and gossiping with the other girls. My job as the secretary to the town engineer was a pleasant surprise too. Mr Pierce was a nice man who treated me well. I honed my typing skills and developed my shorthand skills. I found I enjoyed bringing his coffee and running after him in his daily duties. I used my previous skills and knowledge to make him look good in other's eyes and even though I did not receive any credit it made me feel good to know that I had made my boss look good. I also loved working in skirt suits and high heels. If I was Donna Reed at home I was Donna Summer at the office! I loved catching Mr Pierce peeking up my skirt and the embarrassed look he would give was priceless. Back to fifties ideals. No living in sin! Mark and I were given special dispensation to sleep together as we were a little older than most new couples but it was made perfectly clear that our union was to be made lawful as soon as possible. I had a wonderful time choosing a dress and two girls at work were just delighted to be asked to be my bridesmaids. Blacktown had three churches. Protestant, Catholic and Alternative for those who didn't feel they fell into the two camps. Mark was Catholic so as all Blacktown women were expected to conform to their husband's religion I had to convert. I agreed to lessons and to be confirmed as a Catholic. I figured if I could convert to being a female this was a relatively small step and anyway I'd get to wear a pretty dress on my confirmation! I also secretly liked the idea of conforming to my husband's wishes. The wedding was just great! I loved every single second of being a bride. We decided to curtail our bedroom activities three weeks prior to our wedding and as such come the big night we practically devoured each other! Pity help the poor people in the next room. Well if I wasn't getting any sleep that night why should they? What of my questions regarding having babies here in Blacktown? Still I was none the wiser! What was next on my horizon? End of chapter one! More to come!

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At 22 and Matron to 100 young men

This morning I awoke inspired, a powerful sexual surge coursed through my body, as if awakening from a dream, a dream where my perversions were carried out, without question, to a newer realization, of the things I had done or practised, now to be savoured anew, to excite me, so much so my body is alive, electric, driven by a new power, propelled by sexuality, my feminine abuses on young men, feeding my healthy appetite for their cocks, numbers for which I have lost in the mists of time.I was...

1 year ago
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My first time swallowing

Story of my first encounter with an older man sucking him, and swallowing his cum(Names and numbers were changed because... you know)HOW IT ALL CAME TO BEAt that time I had little sexual knowledge, I was very curious and had searched online for porn, who hadn't?; but also had searched about the human body knew a bit about sexuality. I even had the experience of getting completely naked with a male classmate at home, we explored each other's bodies, touching, poking and etc (that's a story for...

1 year ago
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The Fantasy House by loyalsock

There is one advantage to living in a large city - you can find more people who share your dreams. One day, my friends Mary Kate and Barbara were over for lunch. As usually happens when several 30-something women gather, the topic soon turned to sex, and how dissatisfied we were with the imagination of our husbands (in their case) and my boyfriend."Wouldn't be great if we had a safe way of living out our fantasies for a day.. or even a weekend?" Barbara asked wistfully. I looked over at Mary...

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three of us

She was horny and needed release but she also wanted a show. She called her two friends and invited them over. When they arrived she was wearing only a sheer robe. She had them strip to their underwear. The girl was sexy and had a very hot body. The guy was gorgeous and well hung. They were fun to play with and did not mind letting her run the show. She laid the girl on the bed and sat the man in a chair to watch. First she pulled his cock thru the opening in his tight briefs. She wanted to see...

3 years ago
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Cadet Guard

I was twelve and visiting a friend. Like me he was member of a cadet branch. Mine was for a ducal family in another empire. His was from a secondary cadet branch of the royal Ming family. We did not know the heir Mara was visiting or that things were going to go bad. Men attacked through the gate and killed the guards. Rog tried to protect Mara as her guards were killed. As for me ... I attacked the men. I shoved a pistol to the side and struck into a throat with the walking stick I had just...

4 years ago
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A husband is humiliated by a sexy slut wife

My wife Beth had been getting ready for the party all day. She is one of the most attractive women in our neighbourhood, and was always one of the hottest women whenever we went to a bar or somewhere in public. Men were constantly checking her out, and what’s worse, she was constantly giving them something to look at. You see, Beth is the kind of woman that makes a man tremble in her presence. She has long blonde hair that is usually tied up. She has large breasts, probably 40DD, that...

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Demetrius Ch 25

Chapter 25 ‘The only intrinsic evil is the lack of love.’ — John Robinson He came to accept he wasn’t going to be able to love her as a human–when he became vampire. So he decided he was going to do it while he still could. When he discovered she didn’t know what a bubble-bath was–he bought some along with a bottle of champagne. After they made love–or should we say, after they had sex–he told her he had a surprise for her. He took the bottle of champagne from the refrigerator and two...

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Rachaels Story Mother and Son Chat

  “So, do you think that’s the first time Greg has fucked your tits?” Eva crassly asked with a smile. “Eva!”“What Rachael? That is what he did and despite what you say, you allowed him to do it!”“I hardly had a choice now did I?”“Rachael, you had all the choice in the world! You said yourself that once you moved he ran like a little kid out of your room!”“God, don’t say that!”“What?”“Little kid.”“I said he ran LIKE a little kid, and plus you are just going to have to accept that...

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Cindy was walking home from school with her best friend Sherry, as they walked they were looking at the cards Cindy had got from her school mates for her 16th birthday, they heard people shouting but did not pay any attention, suddenly both girls felt somebody diving on them pushing them through a gate where they landed in a heap on the ground, when the girls regained their wits they saw 13 year old Abdul laying next to them, before the girls could say anything a crowed had gathered pulling the...

2 years ago
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Daddy8217s Erotic Whore

“Hey, mommy. I need to go to college, i am running late. Where is my breakfast?” I shouted from living room. “Yes Raj, coming wait” his mom replied from bedroom. Meanwhile in bedroom, “Hey wifey, ignore Raj and satisfy my hunger” said my dad having a morning erect. “Baby, please let me go. Raj is also getting late. Let him go and then we can have our steamy session” my mom replied wearing her blouse. “Ok, i am waiting come soon” he said and gave a bite on her boobs. Mom comes down with her...

Gay Male
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Seer 2 The Demon Inside 22Part 2

Dawn was pacing back and forth in the waiting room, wringing the sheath of her sword in her hands while she mumbled under her breath. She stopped and stared at the closed door to Konrad's office. "Goddamnit," she said. "I could have found her by now. On my own!" "Hey," Philip interrupted from the sofa, he was keeping his voice low. After all, disturbing Melissa and Konrad right now was probably the best way to ensure he'd never see Alexandra again. "I'm worried too. She's my...

1 year ago
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Rima succumbs to curiosity

Rima and her husband Abhi moved into a new town consequent upon his transfer and they picked this new apartment complex to live in until they could find a place of their own. Abhi was 33 and Rima 29 years old and had been married since she was 24.She had done a lot of research to find one of the better neighborhoods as her husband was now becoming established in a well paying job so they would be able to afford a nicer home than the one they just moved out of. Their marriage was good and...

1 year ago
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I set her up

Dawn and i have been married for 27 years and our sex life is like 99% of the country's, normal. we have done most things to improve it but its like all things once you have done it that's it, so i said lets try something new and what ever it is we go with it so i put some suggestions on paper scrunched them up into a bowl and i told Dawn to pick one out and what ever it was we do it, but the thing was i had wrote all the same things down, i had wrote down fuck have sex with 3 men in a hotel...

4 years ago
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Evelyns Carrot Cake

I ran into Evelyn at the local supermarket. Evelyn had been our next-door neighbor for several years before we sold our house. She was a single mom of three and while we only knew each other peripherally, as neighbors, I always quietly admired Evelyn, because she was not only friendly, but very cute, especially when she was wearing her skin-tight yoga pants which showed off her svelte figure.Because I was married, I didn’t put much effort into getting to know Evelyn. Somethings and some folks...

3 years ago
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Meeting her at her office

I honestly didn't think anyone would notice. It was only $300. I was out on a business trip and it was Saturday, and a tire blew, strapped for cash and out in the middle of Texas, I used money from a business account hoping to put it back in on payday. Like any guy I forgot, it just slipped my mind. My cell phone rang, it was Miss Allison, my boss. She said I needed to meet her immediately at her office. It was 8 pm. I work as an independent contractor selling software for a small company owned...

1 year ago
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South Beach Strip Club

**Thanks for all the support.  Please comment & vote feedback appreciated** After months of planning, our girls only weekend was finally here.  Me and my three girl friends were on our way to airport when my friend Candy said “We have got to hit all the clubs especially the strip clubs".  We all looked at her and laughed.  I had broken up with my boyfriend back in 2006 and have been celibate for 3+ years.  The idea of finally seeing strippers was exciting and I was filled with anticipation. We...

3 years ago
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My Best Friend 8 Sneaking Over Pt 1

I walked into my home, “Mom…Dad. I’m home.” My house was quiet. Which really didn’t surprise me. I looked at the time and saw that it read 8:27pm. I spoke to myself, “Strange they should be home by now.” Normally my parents work strange hours and most of the time because of their work they usually travel a lot. When I was a kid I got used to babysitters or relatives taking care of me. Now that I’m old enough to take care of myself I got used to coming home to an empty house. But I couldn’t...

Love Stories
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Sallys Lust for Cum

Sally and I sat at a round table in the Mexican restaurant's bar, sipping our margaritas and talking. I had asked her to dress slutty for the evening so she was wearing a lowcut white top that revealed much of her round breasts. That wasn't all, she had not put on a bra so the thin white fabric pressed against the tips of her nipples. We heard a voice behind us, "Excuse me, are you Sally?" We turned around to see a tall man with salt and pepper hair, he looked to be in his late forties. "Yes, I...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Threesome With My Friend And His Plump Wife

Hi Friends, I am also one of the fans of Indian sex stories. I respect for the people who made such a platform available for us to read and share natural sex stories, I love stories more than porn as it helps me in running my imaginations wild. Although recently I started loving Savita bhabhi comics. I also respect people who in the absence of having a partner satisfy themselves with masturbating reading stories etc instead of doing any ugly crimes like rape. I feel availability of easy porn...

2 years ago
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Sex Money Chapter Four

It was freezing. Heidi had put her old fashioned oil heater on full power but still she shivered beneath the duvet. It was Monday morning, 5am. Dragging herself out of bed, she stripped and showered, before getting ready for work, her flat eerily silent. Eating a banana, she picked up her bag, put on her winter coat and locked the door behind her. It was barely September, yet the sky was dark as she walked out of the apartment block and down to Leon’s house. A promise was a promise. The house...

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AF Variations

I really like Jennifer Adams' Altered Fates universe. I particularly like the stories in which a loving couple find the medallion and have fun with it. In addition, I have seen many TG transformation situations in which a transformed male gets stuck as a female because he gets pregnant. I thought that there had to be another way, so I wrote this one. Altered Fates: Variations By Mr. Ram Colin pushed open the back door and called into the house, "Gina, we're havin'...

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ThisVid Scat

This Vid Scat is all about the freedom to explore fetishes your nasty perverted mind takes you to, even if that means landing on some pretty weird, repulsive, and even immoral destinations. The scat section of the site is not a place for ‘normal’ folks, leave alone the faint-hearted. Now, if you’ve just had lunch, you will have to excuse me as I explain to you what scat porn is all about as you might suffer from an ill stomach. I can handle the dirtiest shit, and although I’d never touch scat...

Scat Porn Sites
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Senior Trip

My name is Allison, my best friend Sommer and I had just graduated high school and decided to head to Panama City for our senior blast off. On the drive down we started talking about ways to make this trip wild and memorable. Sommer came up with a contest, a sex contest. While we were down in PC we were to see who could sleep with the most guys. At the end of our trip we would compare notes. We arrived in PC late in the afternoon and got settled into our condo. It was a 2-bedroom condo with a...

2 years ago
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Threesome Fun In Bangkok

Hi everyone this is my first story on indian sex stories dot net..hope you like it. This is Anika, 27 year old loyal married woman.. but I have always been a horny girl.. so this all started when I was very drunk and was giving a blow job to my boyfriend Shashi(now my husband) in his car parked in an isolated spot and he was abusing me which was turning me on.. I confessed to him that night that i am a bisexual and would love to suck his cock with a hot woman. it turned him on and he came in my...

3 years ago
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Landlady In Service How It Started Chapter 4 Prequel

Jackie Lewis, forty-one-years-old, was in her favourite place with her nose pressed against the wall of the punishment room in her house, waiting for Miss Lucy to come and discipline her. By favourite she meant the place where she calmed herself down by looking at the blank wall an inch from her eyes and thought about what she had done wrong and the punishment she had earned from her boss lady. Today as she waited, she was also thinking of how her life had changed from being a highly regarded...

1 year ago
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LocoweedDay Two

Locoweed -Day Two On the second day I woke up feeling great. No, more than great, I felt fabulous. It was a Monday so I had to get up at seven and do some work. I looked at myself in the mirror, blushing a little when I remembered last night's dreams. I went to the gym I have in our basement and spent thirty minutes on the elliptical machine. Sergi, one of my assistants was there and ready for me. Sergi was dressed for the workout; he was wearing skin tight yoga pants. I could...

3 years ago
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Cameron Finds His GameChapter 5

By the end of the summer Cameron's first Starweb game had come to an end. The alliance led by Chandler swept the top four spots. The guide work had gone well and Cameron had a $5000 dollar cushion going into the school year. He persuaded the housing office at WWU to put him in rooms with other older students. A standing order at Flying Buffalo got him a start in a new Starweb game as an EMPIRE BUILDER. The day after Labor Day Cameron packed up his 8 year old Toyota 4-Runner for the trip to...

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Fulfilling Her Fantasy

I heard the front door shut from her upstairs bedroom. I softly made my way to her closet and closed the door without latching it. I went over my supplies again in my pocket just to make sure I had everything I needed. Sally, according to the mail on her kitchen counter, came up the stairs to her bedroom. Through the slats of the closet door I watched as she removed her work jacket and placed it on a chair back next to the bed. Her red hair was short and straight coming to just above her...

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you love it

i really was surprised at your reaction.are you really that high strung?you didn't mind doing it to girls yourself. remember that one in germany?how did we end up at that stage anyway? no girls around to play with?you weren't even that wasted really so don't use that were the one who started it, you practically begged for the hand job.and i pretty much remember you pleading for me to suck it, just a little bit...then off course it was a lot. and yes, pushing my head down is annoying.but...

3 years ago
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Slut mom bangs her sons coach

It was hot summer day in july and I was going over Mikey,s house. He was one of my players and I thought I would help him out with his football game. He was relitivley new so I figuerd I could give him a few pointers. I knocked on the door and when Jane opened it I thought my eyes were going to fall outa my head. There she stood, the beautiful 5'4'' latina goddess of my fanatsies. She was about 135lbs which was no problem with me as I liked my women more shapely than most girls. Her...

2 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 13 A Dalliance with Debbie May 1990

March and April went by with Pippa waiting to hear how her thesis had been received. She knew it could take up to 4 months to complete the review procedure, but had hoped that friends in the various universities where the thesis was being reviewed would get some idea of how things were going and let her know. "How will they know which is yours?" I asked, "I thought your thesis was entered anonymously." "They are but I've told my friends the title, so they should pick up any news by...

2 years ago
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A Game Best Left Alone

A Game Best Left Alone By Jennifer Adams Author's Note: This one has been bouncing around in my head for several days. I know there are other stories in the vein as Jumanji and Zanthura. One even posted to FM a few days ago, but I have been thinking about this one for a little longer than that. Anyway, this is my story. I would like to warn you about a game my friends and I played recently. We tried to dispose of it, but you never know about these things so I'll tell you my tale....

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Lockdown sex with an old friend

Hello everyone, I am Kishan, back with . During the pandemic lockdown, this story started in my life and went on for many months. I thought it would be nice to share it with you all. During the first lockdown, I received a text message from an unknown number one day. It turns out that person was my old acquaintance. She asked how I was, and we slowly talked about many things. Soon we were talking about our love lives, how we are alone etc. She had a boyfriend and was just broken up. Therefore,...

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Camscom Anal

Camming websites have been a huge part of the adult industry in the last decade or so. During the time, several amazing camgirls have come forward to do nasty stuff for the camera to entertain horny fuckers. Currently, cam websites are technically over-saturated, so more and more models tend to branch out to different kinks to diversify their services, targeting specific audiences.Well, anal is among the most popular kinks, so it makes sense that there are so many camgirls willing to engage in...

Live Anal Sex Cams
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Fantasy Flight Book 3Chapter 10

Tatyana had never dismissed the girls in that way before. She had never dismissed any of her group that had been with me when we had discussed some serious matters in the past. Something is up. I sat back to wait for the ax to fall. Being pinned to the bed while she stripped us both wasn’t what I expected. Her body had only changed slightly from having children. Even then, seeing her naked as she was now I would never have guessed her more than being in her late teens. She was as energetic...

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Sweet Girlfriend becomes Cruise Ship Slut

I still remember that first time I caught her smiling. Effervescent and pure, sitting on the clothed seat at the terminal. Her slim body in a tight blue tank and khaki shorts, she turned to me while I was talking to my friend trying to spot any other students heading to Italy to study abroad, “So you’re on this trip too? I’m Ariel.” Her bright blue eyes locking with mine as I returned the smile and introduced myself. Her sweet voice tickled something inside me, immediately putting me under her...

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