How Did It Come To This? Part I free porn video

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I slowly open my eyes, Squinting as they adjust to the sudden invasion of my lightbulb. I look over at my alarm clock to see I had been asleep for three hours. "Damn it!" I whisper. I completely slept through the rest of my day. I had homework to do and hated the world for it.
I grudgingly stand up, My back popping uniformally. I wipe my hazey eyes and blink a few times. I clumsily walk to the kitchen, Feeling as though I had been asleep for two days. I pour myself some orange juice, watching the miniature tsunami wave of bright orange cascade in to the glass. I swig it down quickly, wetting my dry and raspy throat. I set the glass in the sink, Knowing my sister would do the dishes the next morning before school.
As I walk back to my room, I notice the feeling of something watching me, The lights are off and everyone is asleep. I hurry back to my room, Shutting the door, As if I'm being chased by murderous demons. I feel a bit stupid, Being scared of the dark at age fifteen. I unzip my bag and pull out Mrs. Eubanks geometry assignment. I sit on my bed and turn on some Snow Patrol, Putting in my headphones. I prop my math book under my worksheet and lazily scribble Anthony Jean in the name slot.
As I listen to Chasing Cars, I start humming along. My math problems slowly being completed. Thankfully after about fifteen minutes of gruelling geometric torture, I shove the book, Pen, And paper into my bag.
I realize I'm still quite tired, And turn off my light. I lie on my bed and turn on my Samsung Galaxy Tab and browse around on YouTube. I watch a few Tobuscus and PewDiePie videos before finally drifting off in to a light sleep.

"Yeah Tom, I really have to agree with Jeremy on the issue of the recent outbr-" I shut off my alarm and sit up. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I swing my legs a bit over to the side of my bed. I shrink back a bit as I touch the cold hardwood floor, But again press my feet to the ground. I stand up, A bit dazed. I walk in to my bathroom, Shutting the door. I look in to the mirror at my tousled dark brown hair. The uncontrollable mop that I cant seem to find a style for.
I fight with my hair a few minutes before giving up, I went in to that one knowing It would be a pointless endeavor. I brush my teeth and take a short shower. I get out and inspect myself as everyone does, My Six and a half inch (When erect) penis flacid and drooping. I again try to comb my hair, It's a bit easier now that It's wet.
I throw on some Old Navy Khakki's And a red Polo. I take out my contacts and wet them, Cursing myself for falling asleep in them. I slowly push them back in to my Dark brown eyes. I go back in to my room and grab my bag. After I get my keys and Wallet I'm out the door.
I walk up to the bus stop, Standing near the stop sign that someone wrote "DONT" on. I stand there for about ten more minutes before my bus finally shows up. I hastily step on, Grateful for the icy blast of the Air-Conditioning. I walk towards the back and slump down in a seat near the middle next to my best friend Josh. He looks at me and smiles.
"I know that smile, What you got for me man?" I smirk at him as I say it. "Yeah man, I got the good shit, You know Red shirt dude? Uhhh... What's dudes name... Caleb!?" He replies a bit too loud. "Dude shut the fuck up man, Don't be so damn loud! Yeah I know him, He's Cool people." I punch him in the arm for his audacity. "Chill! But yeah man, He gave us about a quarter for the price of a dime." He says, A bit quieter now. My jaw almost drops. "No way? Straight up dude? See, I knew dude was chill." I smile, knowing tonight would be fun, As all fridays are. "It's at my house man, Just drop by around Four and I'll take out the shepard." The shepard was Josh's Famous bong, Shaped like a shepards staff.
"Sounds legit bud, You do Eubanks homework?" I ask him, Unzipping my bag because I know the answer. "Nah, Hook me up?" I hand Josh my geometry worksheet and the rest of the ride is him sloppily copying my answers.
After about fifteen more minutes, The bus squeaks to a halt. I walk to the front, Stepping in to the March heat. Josh is behind me. "I hate North Side man, It is like, My least favorite place on planet earth." I nod in agreement. North Side was by far the worst high school in Madison County. Some kids here were scared for their lives. Luckily, I usually stayed to myself and my small group of friends.
"See you third man." I nod and start walking to first block, Mrs. Rainwater. I get to the class thirty seconds to bell and rush to my seat. The bell rings just as I drop my bag to the floor next to me. Rainwater glares at me over her glasses, If looks could kill.
As soon as class officially starts, I slug Gavin in the shoulder. He turns around and flips me off, We both chuckle a bit and I whisper to him, "Yo, Wanna come to Josh's later? I can hook you up, Just bring wraps, I'm out dude." He nods and bro fists me. He turns around just as Rainwater starts to write something about Iambic Pentameter on the board. I dont ever give out weed for free besides Gavin, Him and I go way back.
I trudge through the rest of class, Getting yelled at twice for sleeping. After Rainwater pulls a bitch move and assigns homework for the weekend, The bell rings.
I happily walk out of the class, Glad that my 10th grade year was almost over. The rest of the day goes along normally, Untill lunch. I walk in to the lunch room and buy a Dr. Pepper from the machine, After I sit down at my usual table next to Josh and Gavin. "Whats up dudes? Sucks ass that Rainwater is making us read ten fucking chapters." I open the soda and take a swig. "Nothing much, Eubanks is out, We have a sub."
Gavin pipes in, "Yeah, and she has no idea what shes doing, We get to watch a damn movie!" He happily states. I tap Josh on the shoulder and point at his pizza, He shrugs and I take it. "Seems legit, What movie?" I take a bite and listen intently. "I don't fucking know, I just texted Lily." I shrug and finish eating my pizza. As I take my last bite, I look around. My eyes stop on some girl I've never seen before, And shes staring at me. It feels like shes staring deep in to my soul. I sort of raise my eyebrows and stare back for a moment.
This goes on for awhile before A crash next to me startles me out of my trance. I look over and Will is picking up his laptop, I take another drink of Dr. Pepper before the bell rings.

Three hours later I'm In Mrs. Eubanks class and we are watching some movie about how fast food is bad. I am half asleep as the last bell rings, signaling that the day is over. I hop up, grab my bag and walk out. I stroll out of the west campus doors and go to the bus pick up. I step on and sit next to Josh. "So is it still cool if I drop by at around four bud?" He nods and smirks, he pretends he's smoking a blunt and then goes back to staring out the window. Halfway to my house, He nudges me with his elbow, And asks, "You see Jenna's ass in those pants dude?" I snap out of my stupor and laugh, "No bro, Was it nice?" He chuckles, "Oh yeah, I got a great view in Physical Fitness, She was fucking running and I just wanted to..." I laugh louder, "You proud?" I ask sarcastically. After which he punches my arm.
I close my front door and walk in to the living room, going in to the kitchen to snag a snack. I see something out of the corner of my eye as I'm busy ransacking the fridge. I look over my shoulder and nothing is there. I shrug and close the refridgerator door. I turn around and I walk in to my room. I drop my bag and take off my shirt, changing in to a Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising tee. I throw on some Khakki shorts and Slide in to my DC shoes. I grab my bong and walk back in to the living room. I write a small note to my sisters. 'Gone to a friends, Be back in a couple hours. CLEAN YOUR ROOM!' I stick it to their door and walk outside.

I bang on Josh's door a couple times before I walk in, knowing he knows full and well that its me. I walk through his kitchen in to his living room. I enter his hall and walk in to his room. He's playing Max Payne Three on is Playstation three when I walk in. He nods his head in greeting, Then He pauses his game. "Whats up broseph?" I ask him, Knowing that we're about to be Up, As in high. "Craving weed dude." He then walks to his bed, he reaches under his mattress and pulls out a zip-lock bag filled with probably the biggest amount of pit I've ever seen in one place.
"Holy shit! For ten bucks?!" I almost yell and laugh. "See, Red shirt dude is the shit." We both walk outside and sit on his back porch, Knowing that if we smoke in his room his parents will smell it. As I'm packing my bong, I hear banging on the front door, I stand up. "Thats gotta be Gavin, one sec dude." I walk in to his house and to his door, I open the door and sure enough it's Gavin. "Dude you're gonna shit yourself when you see this shit!" I beckon him inside and shut the door. "How much is it?" He asks. "A fucking quarter bud, A quarter." His jaw also practically drops. He whips out his bong as we walk back outside. Josh has finished packing mine and his. "Thanks dude, Josh, Hook Gavin up with a dime." Josh nods and tosses the zip-lock baggie to Gavin, Who precedes to pack his bong hastily.
Josh and I wait for him to finish before finally he's done. We all take a long, slow hit at the same time. We precede to finally smoke about half a dime each before we're to fucking high to pack our bongs. I bust out laughing at absolutely nothing, And am joined by Josh and Gavin. We sit there for a good hour before We even talk. Gavin is the first to speak, "You got any food fatass?" Josh laughs loudly at Gavins joke insult. "Yeah, But can your gay self stomach man food?" We all laugh as they fail to have any comebacks whatsoever, Before we all stand up and walk to Josh's kitchen. Josh grabs doritos (a family size bag) And I grab chex mix. Gavin takes some Cheetos and we all go to his room and play Trine 2 for an hour, Too high to really solve any puzzles.
I stand up, "Gotta go home, I am super tired dudes." They nod and continue playing Trine. "Thanks for the weed bud." I thank Josh and walk out. I notice I have no shoes on and Go outside to grab them. I put them on and walk around the house to the front yard. I walk on the sidewalk a couple houses down before I get home. I open my front door and go to my room. I check my phone, Which I had foolishly forgotten and I listen to a voicemail from my dad explaining he and my sisters are gonna be gone for a couple days at my grandmas.
I do a sort of victory dance in my drugged state and get up, Still suffering from the munchies. I get to my kitchen and I start boiling water for some mac' and cheese. I turn around from the stove and jump harshly. Crouching in a cat like pose is a woman. Her hands and feet are large paws with insane claws. She has almost no clothes on, But her body is covered in small patches of white fur that seems to act as coverup. Fur wraps around her tits (Which I admit are pretty nice) And her pussy is also covered. She has a patch of fur that looks like a U on her stomach. Her sharp teeth seem to stick out over her pouty and luscious lips. She has a long wavy mane of beautiful vivid blue hair that bounces lightly with her soft breathing. Her left paw is up, she seems to be kneading the air. She has a long white tail thats waving around behind her, And large cat haunches serve as her feet.
I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out so I close it. There is a cat woman crouching about sit feet in front of me in my own home, and I'm all alone. She scares me, but in the back of my mind I know I am attracted to her. She has to be the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Suddenly she opens her mouth revealing sharp cat fangs and says, "Hi! I'm Felicia!" In a high, Succulent sing-song voice.
I rub my eyes, Thinking the weed is messing with me. But when I open them, She's still there in front of me.

To Be Continued......


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Doo Wah Diddy Diidy Dum Diddy Doo

Do Wah Diddy Diddy Dum Diddy Do The words of the 1964 song by Manfred Mann that I was humming to myself were, very apt when I saw the person I was due to meet walking towards me. It was a beautiful crisp, clear autumn day with the sun shining out of a clear blue sky but with a cool northerly wind blowing the browning leaves around in gusts. "There she was just a walkin' down the street." Her beauty was immediately obvious. Her long blonde hair was blowing in the wind, a lovely...

4 years ago
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Howe Watson 3sum

“So Watson, where the hell is Howe?” the Lt asked. “She called me this morning. She said she was stopping by the personnel office. Before you ask I have no idea why.” I said. “So, you haven’t seen her since the shooting,” he asked. “I carried her Eclairs the morning after. She has been calling me every day since. I think it’s so I won’t stop by again. I knew she put in for an extension of her days off,” I explained. “So did I Marion, I had to approve it. She looked pretty rough when she...

4 years ago
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Howe Watson 5th Ave

Mary Ann had a large crowd at her memorial service. I went for Sally, not Mary Ann. She was a stupid bitch, as far as I was concerned. She didn’t deserve to die, but she had to know that what she did was dangerous. Any half smart individual, knowing what she knew, would never have agreed to meet up with that jihadist asshole. “I won’t speak ill of he dead, just know my sympathy is for baby Sparrow.” I whispered to Maze. Maze sat between me and Sally, since Sally was still really pissed at me....

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Jimmys Comeuppance

Jimmy's Comeuppance By Cheryl Lynn This is a spin off from my Little Leroy story recommended by a fan. This is a female domination/humiliation story and Not sweet or sentimental. If such stories are not to your liking, Do Not Read. It may be downloaded for personal use and any other use forbidden unless approved by the author. All standard disclaimers apply. [email protected]. Jimmy's Comeuppance Jimmy stood from behind the large ornate teak wood desk, stretched and picked...

4 years ago
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Cordelias Corporal Comeuppance

Cordelia’s Corporal Comeuppance. This is a parody I do not own any of the characters or Angel the TV Series. They are owned by Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and Warner Brothers Studio.Warning:  This should be read by adults only, eighteen years of age or older  All characters are over 18 years of age and this is a hard spanking with humiliation and sexual overtones.  (FF/F)  Bodily noises just happen sometimes in your life at the most inappropriate times.  I remember such an incident when the...

2 years ago
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Thistle street middlesbrough escort

6 or maybe 7 years ago I was working 6 days a week, 12 hour shifts with only a Wednesday off. So no time for a girlfriend so I started seeing escorts again.At the time I was still old school and finding them in back of the sport newspaper in classifieds section, there used to be around 5 adverts for Middlesbrough in northeast section, there was one think it said something like mboro female 6 days then had home phone number and a mobile number. I phoned talked to a very nice sounding lady who...

3 years ago
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Transform My Didi 8211 Part II

Dear readers this is the 2nd part of my story “Transform My Didi”, aapke bahut se emails mile or mujhe bahut khushi hui ke aapko meri kahani pasand aayi. Prastut hai kahani ka dusra or antim bhaag. Didi ke sath hui ghamasaan chudai ke baad hum dono thak kar so gaye the. Kareeb 2 ghante baad didi ne mujhe aakar jagaya. Didi : Sanju uth..dekh 10 baj gaye hain…chal uth jaa…or tayaar ho jaa hume market chalna hai. Main angadai lete hue utha or achnak mujhe hosh aaya ke mein toh ekdum nanga hi so...

2 years ago
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Didi ke chudai

Hi! Mera nam ASHOK hai aur mai 20 sal ka ek juvak hun. Meri didi ka nam Sangita hai aur uski umar kareeb 26 sal hai. Didi mujhse 6 sal bari hain. Humlog ek Middle-class family hai aur ek chote se flat me Mumbai me rahate hain.Humara ghar me ek chota sa hall, dining room do bedromm aur ek kitchen hai. Bathroom ek hi tha aur usko sabhi log istemal karte the. Humare pitajee aur maa dono naukri karte hain. Didi mujhko Amit kah kar pukartee hain aur mai unko didi kaha kar pukarta hoon. Shuru shuru...

2 years ago
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Married Didi Ko Nukar Nay Or Mainy Choda 8211 Part 1

Aik din jab main bhair say ghar aya to pata chala didi or jijju ki fight hoe hai or wo naraaz ho kar aye hai . Didi ki shaadi ko ko koi 1 and half year hoa tha or es beach kafie baar in ki fight hoe thi . Dad out of city job kartay thay to mom school main job karte thi baqi bacha main  . Study main kafie nalaaiq tha . Edhar didi muj say koi 6 saal bare thi or bhohat he piyare thi . Unki shaadi kar to di thi magar ghar main khush nahi thi . Roz saas bahu kay jaghray . Didi bohat he piyare thi...

2 years ago
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Transform My Didi

Mera naam Sanjay hai, umar 25 saal, 6ft lambai or dekne mein hatta katta or sundar hoon. Yeh kahaani aaj se 4 saal pehle ki hai, Jab mein college mein tha. Mere ghar mein mere alaava meri mummy or Didi Priya 28 saal rehte hain. Mere papa ki 6 saal pehle heart attack se death ho gayi thi. Papa ke jaane ke baad Didi ne padai ke sath sath job karni shuru kar di thi. Waise toh papa ki insurance policy se hume kaafi paisa mila tha jiski vajah se financially koi problem nahi thi. Didi jab 25 saal ki...

2 years ago
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Aditi Didimara Sab Kuchh

Hi i m Raj ye meri paheli story hai jo bilkul sacchi hai bahot sari incent story ko padhke mujhe bhi khayal aaya ke muje bhi apni story share karni chahiye. Ye story meri aur meri sagi bahen ki hai abhi me 24 saal ka hu aur bahan 28 saal ki dono ki abhi saadi ho chuki hai silsila saadi se pahle ka tha. Aajse 6 saal pahle jab me javani me kadam rakh chukka tha didi 22 salki ho chuki thi mujhe didi ka body bahot hi attract kar raha tha. Meri didi ka figure aur khubsurti din b din badti ja rahi...

1 year ago
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The Dead Dick Diddle

Salem was never this good. Witches of the northeast have not only survived, they have thrived and evolved. Their great dark magick gives them ulitimate power over all men. And the men actually love giving all they can give for Gina the goddess. ***************************************************************** Before today, she has lived every fantasy. Except one. At 20, Gina is at her peak of perfucktion. Roller-blading has shaped her legs and ass to be even more equisite than her...

1 year ago
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Threesome With Didi Jiju

Hi friends, Deepak Sharma here again with another real part of life Story ,Mene ISS pe 3 real stories likhi ap logo ko bahut pasand ai, thanks again ISS and all of u, abb apni 4th story leke aya hoon I hope u’ll like it,,ek baar fir koshish kar raha hoon ke apne dimag mai yadon ki film ko apke samne rakh sakoon ,,mai jab bhi wo guzra waqt yaad karta hoon to sex ka mood naa hotey bhi mera lund khara ho jata hai,,normal sex to sari dunya karti hai lekin incest karne ka apna hi maza hai apni hi...

1 year ago
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Mai Aur Meri Pyari Didi 8211 Part II

Maine apne kapade utare aur apne lund pe oil lagana shuru ker diya. Khoob malish ki. Lund aur gotiyan dono hi oil se bhiga li thi. Ab to main ready tha ki sweta jaise hi aayegi use pakad ke khoob chodunga. Kareeb aadhe ghante baad gate ki ghanti baji aur main fanfanate hue lund ke sath gate pe gaya aur gate khola. Tab tak didi bhi baher hall main aa gayi thi. Gate khola to dekha ki sweta ke sath uska chota bhai bhi aaya hua tha. Use akele nahi bheja uske gher walon ne. To main apne sale ko dekh...

2 years ago
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Didi Ne Di Sab Kuch

Mera nam Raj 18, mumbai ka rehane wala hun, hamare gar me hum 4 log hai, me mera mummy, papa aur 25 age ki sister. she is married.. ok ab me mere first sex experience ke bare me app ko bata ta hun. jab me 16 yrs ka ta tab mere sister unmarried 23 age ki ti, uski shadi ki bath ho geyi ti aur shadi ke liye sirf 20 days baki ti, hamare ghar me mere mummy dady alag kamre me sote hai aur me aur sister alag kamre me sote hai, ek din mere sister ki seheli sister ko ek sex book lakar di, sex kaise...

3 years ago
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Birthday Per Diya Didi Ne Anmol Gift

Hi, friends kaise hain ap sab log nd umeed karta hu ki thik hi honge.jessa ki ap jante ho i m rahul nd my sweet sister palvi. ap sabne meri stories jo iss per publish ho chuki hain ko bahut passand kiya or muje mail kiye jinne read kar main or meri didi palvi bahut khush huye or unmain se kuch mere frd bhi bane jessa ki ap sab jante hain ki main or didi ek dusre ko bahut like karte hain or hum sex bhi karte hain hum dono apne is sex se bahut khush hain or chahte hain ki hum sada karte rahain....

1 year ago
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Didi Se Liya B8217Day Gift 8211 Part II

By : Bajaj.Rahul25 Hello to all ISS Readers! Agar aapke paas pura time ho to meri real story ko pade otherwise apna time waste na kare Jin logo ne meri pichli story didi se liya b’day gift nahi padi mai unko apne bare me bata deta hu ki ye story meri aur meri badi behan Sonia ki hai Isase pahle ki mai next part of my pervious story start karu mai un sab behno aur bhabhiyo ka dhanayawad karta hu jinhone meri purani story ko bahut saraha. Mere pass bahut saare emails aaye aur bahut saari ladkiyo...

2 years ago
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Didi Ko Breed Karwaya Mom Say Mil Kar 8211 Part 1

Jab ghar main enter hoa to dhahka didi aye hoe thi , didi bed pay bhathe hoe apnay dono bazoo gothnoo pay rahkay apni motti motti or lumbe kali ankhoon say ansoo nikaal rahi thi or amma pass bhathi unhay chup karra rahi thi or bol rahi thi , bus chup kar jao ab jo karna hoga mujhay karna hoga . Tum parayshaan mat ho . Sab theek ho jay ga . Itnay main mian kamray main aya to bola kiya hoa sab theek to hai ? Amma boli kiya theek hona , tumharay jijja aik bacha to payda nahi kar sakta or es...

3 years ago
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Didi chudi boss ke sath

Hello! I am Vikky from Haridwar. I am 30 year old. We are three child’s of my parents.(me 30, my elder sister Varsha(35) working as a hr and my younger sister Payal(24) studying) the story is 10 years old.when my sister got married , her hubby was working in pvt company as manager so she got transfered in doon. Achanak mere jija ko company ki kisi training ke liye bombay jana pada for 2 months. Jiju requested my parents to send me to stay with sis. Main dehradoon dav mein padhta hun, aur...

1 year ago
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Ek baar phir guddi didi

Ek baar phir guddi didi Meri pyaari sexy guddi didi ki kahani aap sab pah hi chuke hain .ab main apko agey ki kahani bata hoon jab didi ko main shaadi ke kareeb paanch saal baad mila lyonki papa ka transfer ho gaya tha to hum bahar chale gaye they . Hua yoon ki main padhne ke liye mausi ke yahan aya graduation ka second year tha . Pat chala ki jija ji ka transfer ho gaya hai posting lucknow ho gayi hai. Mausi to bechaini se intezaar kar rahi thee . Akhir didi waapas aayi dekhta kya hoon ki jis...

1 year ago
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Didi Ka Doodh

Im Raju from Bombay meri big did jo muj se 5 sal bari thee…1 sal pehlay os ki shadi ho gai or shdi k 5 moth bad did ki apnay pati un bn ho gai is liye wo rooth k wapis hamaray ghar a gai….jb wo ai to pehlay b moto type means soft body or shadi k bad thoro oor moto or nikhri nkhri dikhai deti thee 1st day os ne mom ko btaya wo 4 moth ki pragnent hy ye bat me sath walay room me honay ki wja sun li os time muje itna pta tha pragnent means kal ko baby aye ga…….os k anay se dad mom pareshan rehnay...

3 years ago
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Chote ka baad bari didi ko choda

Chote ka baad bari didi ko choda story nomber 007 ap logo na mare pehli story prhi ho ge jis main maina apni ayesha didi ko choda tha. Ab ya story maree doosree didi jin ka name sadia hai, dakhna main bohat sexy magar halka sanwla rang tha. Age 28, figure 34c 26 34 , is waqt mare age 23 saal thee. Or is baar chutyaan guzarna ka leya ashee didi ki jagha un ki bahan saida a gae. Jin ko maina air port par sa recieve kar ka parents ka ghar sa ho kar apna flat par la aya, to dosto is bar ki story ap...

3 years ago
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Morning Harding Didi Kay Saath 8211 Part II

Dosto morning harding part 2 hai plz read first part 1 phir aap ko samj aye ge .ita soft story agar jalde hai muth marany ki to koi or read kar lay ,qukay mare stories ayse he hoti slow slow. Sorry friend didi nay lund pay kiss or thora sa mu main laynay kay bad didi to chali gaye bedroom say but mara to bura haal kar gaye mujay itna sakoon or itna maza a raha tha jab unho nay apni piyaray red color kay lips main mara lund liya tha or un kay mu he heat maray lund ko or be pagal kar gaye thi...

2 years ago
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Meri Pyari Pummy Didi 8211 Part I

Hi doston. Mera naam Ravi hai. Ye ek sacchi kahani hai jo ek mahine pehle ghatit hui. Is kahani me mai aap sab ko bataunga kaise maine apni badi behan ko pata kar uski mezi se choda aur apna banaya. Mujhe aasha hai aap sabko meri kahani bahut hi pasand aayegi. Sabhi pathakon se niwedan hai kahani padh k kripya apne wichar mujhe per zaroor prastut karein. Jaisa ki maine aapko bataya mera naam Ravi hai. Hamara char logon ka pariwar hai – Mummy, Papa, meri badi behan Pummy didi aur mai. Hum log...

1 year ago
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MERI MAA,MAI AUR DIDI By – Rahul. Mera naam rahul hai. Mere ghar mein char log hai, mere pitaji 42,meri maa 36, meri didi 22 aur meri age 18 saal ki hai. Meri maa bahut hi sexy aurat hai unka figure hai 34-30-36 unki coochiyan aur gaand dekhkar to kisi ke bhi lund se paani nikal jayega. Who aksar saadi pehanti thi mere pitaji ne hum ko paida karne ke baad apna family planning ka operation kar liya tha aur meri maa ki chudai bhi jyada nahi kar paate the shayad. Ek raat mere papa night shift...

3 years ago
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Didi Ka Jism Daba Ehsan Ke Niche

Hi, pornasaxena again brings u another didi story the idea was shared by the experienced writer prasha, with my modifications. And om wanted to be a hero in my story, so this story all goes for u 2 guys. Usdin bhi mai aur om college se uski car me laut rahe the, wo mere college ka dost tha, maine naya naya college join kiya tha, jab mai aur meri didi pehli bar mere admission ke liye gaye the, om ne hi hume principal se milwaya tha. Wo waha ke mla ka bhai hi nahi balki college students union ka...

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