Blacktown 1950 Chapter Two free porn video

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Blacktown 1950 Chapter 2 By The Princess Well dear Readers, hasn't my life taken a turn in the last few months? Three months ago I was to all intents and purposes the stereotypical successful career man, husband, father and community leader. I was forty years of age and the rest of my life to enjoy. My life had looked to be perfect except for a few tiny, weeny, insignificant things. One, my wife and I had grown apart to the point of little or no physical contact and very little feelings between us at all. Two, my daughters were living their lives with little input from me. As my relationship with their mother disintegrated, they became closer to her and more distant from me. Oh and number three, I spent nearly every single moment of my life feeling a deep envy of all females to the point of wishing I could become one. This envy could manifest itself at any time. I only had to look at my secretary and I would wish I lived her life, in her body with her family, clothes and looks. I would observe little girls jumping rope and find myself wanting to be dressed in a little dress, wearing a ponytail playing alongside them. I would see a young mother wheeling her baby in a pram and the rising envy would be all consuming. It was so much so that it was all I could do to force the image from my mind in order to get any of my own activities done at all. Any image of a woman being made love to by a man would bring such an ache to my breast that breathing became difficult and my jealousy of the woman threatened to envelope me. I had been crossdressing since the age of three and like a lot of transgendered people my feelings had intensified with the years. I knew that something had to happen but what would that be? Then I read the 'advert' on the web. It offered to transform successful t-girl applicants into women to take their place in a wonderful society that prized old-fashioned fifties morals and ideals. I initially responded believing it to be a gag but as I now sit in the den of my house in Blacktown typing these words, wearing a gorgeous blouse, poodle skirt, heels, full makeup, pearls and the most sumptuous ladies underwear I have ever owned; and waiting for my husband to return home from his lodge meeting, I can assure you that advert was very genuine. I suppose it's time to reflect on my new position in life. I'm sure you would like to know if I am happy? I have gone from my old stressful life as a senior administrator to one of sheer bliss as a wife, a woman, a secretary to my wonderful boss, and I am now Mrs Tracy Chapman. Or to be more accurate, Mrs Mark Chapman. Happiness is not the word. Try ecstatic and you may be getting close! How do I feel about my new body? It just feels right! I have lost 29 kilos since my transformation started and although tall, I'm slim and dare I say petite. I have lost most of my upper body strength but as a woman in Blacktown that isn't a problem. There is always a man willing to assist a woman to lift heavy objects and I must say the return to fifties manners is lovely. To have men stand as I enter a room, to have doors opened for me, to have my darling husband seat me at a restaurant is pure bliss. Speaking of pleasure there is one aspect of being a passive, demure fifties wife that I have not adhered to. But as this takes place in our bedroom in private I cannot see us being admonished for it. I am a lioness in bed and I love sex. Our lovemaking is perhaps the greatest joy of my new life. I initially thought that my libido may wane without any testosterone but believe me my carnal desires and my intense desire to please my husband have combined to expand out of all proportion! Mark the poor man is put to the test regularly and I am proud to say that he rises to the occasion admirably. Some new experiences have really stood out though. Things I wasn't expecting. A few examples of these are after Mark empties himself into me and I return to our bed after visiting the toilet it's a little disappointing to find him fast asleep. I want to cuddle, feel safe and be loved. Speaking of toilets and queuing in the ladies room! I never knew that this took place. No wonder girls go in pairs. We need someone to keep us company while we wait. It makes sense though. All you guys have to do is step up take it out and aim. Nothing to it. We have to enter a stall, lock the door, remove half our clothing, sit, do our business, wipe, get dressed, adjust our clothing, repair our makeup and do our hair. How's that for a small cultural difference? Oh and one more difference that I didn't expect. My opinions are discounted by men. If the conversation has any merit at all and I contribute, my ideas count for nought with the men. I must have had my brain removed when the surgeon removed my testicles. I have the pleasure of working with lots of wonderful people but two of the girls have become my best friends. Sally Jones is a fellow secretary in City Hall. She was a senior accountant with Price Waterhouse in her previous life so Mr Black (our town founder) made her secretary to the Town Treasurer Mr Grey. Sally is a great girl with a love of life. She adores her new husband and can't wait to start her family. My other girlfriend is Wendy Campbell. She is single but very much on the lookout for Mr Right. Wendy was a landscape gardener running a successful business in charge of fifteen men. She is now the personal assistant to Blacktown's municipal engineer, Mr Thompson. Poor Wendy has a constant battle with her arms. As a man she had 22" biceps from her manual work. She cannot lift anything heavy without her arms bulking up. As a result she lets the guys around her do all her lifting, we are hoping that as time goes by the oestrogen will remove this problem from her life. Mr Thompson is single and we girls know that Wendy has her sights locked on him. He is cute and we are always designing ways to help these two get together. Whenever I can think of an excuse for a dinner party I sit them together and if we throw any social gathering at all, Mr Thompson is always on the guest list. I have discovered a love of hosting parties. It kind of feels like being mother to all my guests. Making sure they have enough to eat, are comfortable and happy. My maternal instincts are kicking in big time! These two wonderful girls were my bridesmaids and when the time comes I am looking forward to being involved in Wendy's wedding. One day I arrived home to find an envelope addressed to Mrs Mark Chapman. My husband Mark handed it to me, "This looks important honey, you had better see what it is" It was a letter advising me of an appointment with the surgeon who transformed me into a woman. It was for one week from today. "I imagine it is a routine check up to see how my new equipment is doing." Mark, who had been a resident in Blacktown six months longer than me shot me a wry, knowing smile. "What's going on honey?" I exclaimed. "You know more than you are letting on." "You just do as you are told missy and you will find out soon enough." I knew better than to press him as a wife in Blacktown lets her husband have the last word in matters like this. The next week was a busy one for us. As Blacktown High's Principal, Mark had to attend the Debutante Ball as guest of honour and as his wife I was expected to look my best as he led me in on his arm. Dress fittings, hairdressing appointments and a makeover took all my attention that week. I loved it all! The Ball was lovely and the young women presented to Mark and myself were absolutely gorgeous. As Blacktown was relatively new, the children who had been born were too young to be in high school. These debutantes were ex boys ranging in real age from eighteen to twenty five. All of them came from transgendered backgrounds and were processed by our feminising clinic. The clinic had some very advanced new techniques. If the girls came out looking young they were assigned positions as schoolgirls and as such could be trained to take their special place in our society as required. These girls would become the future nurses, nannies, supermarket girls, typists, factory floor girls and of course wives and mothers necessary to ensure the smooth running and future of Blacktown and the massive hormone producing plant which it served. Young boys? Now where did they come from? The high school had a healthy gender balance consisting of lots of, cute as a button, schoolboys. All bursting with budding manhood and looking forward to taking their place in our society as men with all the privileges that being a male in Blacktown guarantees. It turned out that these schoolboys were actually eighteen to twenty five year old male admirers prior to their new life here in Blacktown. Our gender reassignment research serendipitously discovered a most fortunate phenomenon. By combining just the right quantities of testosterone, oestrogen and several trace elements they could turn back the body clock! A real honest to goodness fountain of youth. This treatment took approximately six months to take full affect but what it did was to strip the body of the last stages of hormonal growth and replace that growth with a more perfect result. This regression was not a linear number of years but more of a percentage. Typically twenty five percent. A twenty year old would assume the looks and physical age of a fifteen year old, a forty year old became the equivalent of a thirty year old. So all these strapping young guys were being re-engineered as if a new mould. They would become husbands, fathers, tradesmen, professionals and the future masculinity of Blacktown. It was like living in a town of beautiful Lil' Abners. Back to the ball! I was overwhelmed by the desire to be held. "May I have the pleasure of this dance Mr Chapman?" I asked him. "It would be my pleasure Mrs Chapman," he said and he led me to the dance floor and took me into his arms. He led beautifully and as he twirled me the swish of my evening dress against my legs was pure delight, as was his erection pressing into me through his trousers and the skirt of my dress. "Why Mr Chapman you seem to have something hard in your trousers?" I asked. "Well then my dear you had better come up with a plan to deal with that a little later on." "Consider it done sir," I playfully replied. "With all the testosterone and oestrogen coursing through these kids, I can imagine what will be going on in the backseat of cars all over Blacktown tonight." To be honest these beautiful boys were making me hot but in true fifties style I was a one-man woman. I had only desire for one guy and he was enough man for this girl. "I don't know about the kids but I sure know what will be going on our bedroom later on tonight!" said Mark. "You just make sure you don't let your little wifey down Mister," I said in reply. That was enough to get my sporty little turbo charged four-cylinder motor running. Mark would only have to click his fingers and I would have been one of the schoolgirls on her knees in the toilets with him. But he knew better than to click his fingers, he could tell I was hot and he recognised that look on my face! After the night ended, he was all I hoped he would be and I awoke next morning a very satisfied woman. The next day Mark rang to say he would be home a little late. I turned down the food on the stove that I was preparing for dinner and decided to do some housework while I waited. "Sorry I'm late babe," he called as he came through the door. I brought him his usual beer as he arrived home each night and as usual I pretended to keep it from him until I received my required payment. I was not disappointed. He took me in his arms and kissed me deeply while the rustle of my skirt as he held me close only added to my pleasure. I handed over his drink and took up my small glass of white wine. "What was the emergency darling?" "Do you remember a pretty girl by the name of Stacy Williams that was presented to us at the Deb Ball?" he asked. "Of course I do. She was wearing a gorgeous halter neck gown in ivory with a drop waist and the most darling little silk slippers and matching bag." Mark looked at me and grinned, "You're not getting into this girl thing much are you?" I playfully punched his arm and pretended to pout. "Would you rather I played soccer, stopped shaving my legs and took to wearing slacks every day?" "Yeah like that would happen in Blacktown. You would be labelled a queer and sent packing to the isle of Lesbos! Anyway babe to stay on topic, it turns out that young Stacy is not happy with her new life. She was a 22 year old Civil Engineering graduate when she answered Mr Black's advert and now she has realised that she was not a transsexual but simply a fetishistic crossdresser." All of Blacktown's adult population were well versed in transgendered terms. Just mention autogynephilia at a dinner party and the conversation would rage for hours! "Oh the poor girl What is the state of play now?" I asked. "Well I had a meeting with Stacy and her parents in my office tonight and I suggested that as you were also a Civil Engineer and an ex man, (I punched him playfully again,) that perhaps you would have a talk with her and see if you could help." "Of course I will darling but I don't know what I can do. I'm not a trained councillor but I am a woman and perhaps a problem shared is a problem halved?" It was arranged that I would meet Stacy the next night. I would leave work a little early, after asking Mr Graham's permission, and pick up Stacy from school. I decided to dress a little young in a little black skirt, that came about mid thigh, and a pretty pink T shirt. Stacy was in her school uniform of a short dress, white socks and black school shoes. "Hi Stacy do you remember me from the ball?" I asked. "Of course Mrs Chapman, thanks for agreeing to see me." "It's a pleasure Stacy." I went easy on the 'honey' or 'sweetie' as I knew this being a girl was difficult for her. "Mrs Chapman is my mother- in-law Stacy, so how about calling me Tracy, especially when we are alone?" The fifties values required that she addressed me as Mrs but I felt that in this case we could make an exception. "Ok Tracy, thanks," she replied. "First thing lets get you out of that school dress and then we shall have a good old heart to heart." We drove to one of the three ladies clothing shops in Blacktown. The one that catered for teenaged girls. Girl town! "Lets see if a new dress helps the situation?" Stacy shot me a look like a deer caught in the headlights. She ended up choosing a skirt and top set not unlike I was wearing. Good! "Now for shoes." Show me a female of any form that doesn't love a new pair of shoes. Once bought we drove to a quiet park on the edge of Black's lake and sat on a park bench and commenced our little chat. "Tell me what's troubling you dear?" "Well Tracy I have been dressing for the past few years and when I saw the advert I thought that was what I wanted so I went for it." Wait a second. "Did you say the only last few years? "Yes." "Why did you feel that you wanted to be a girl?" I asked. No answer. I waited for a while and repeated the question. Still no answer. "Stacy can I hazard a guess?" I went on without waiting for a reply. "You experienced a sexual thrill when dressed and you mistook that for transsexualism? Am I right dear?" Stacy nodded slowly and I could see she was beginning to cry. "Well dear what do you want to do about it?" "I don't know but I do know that I don't want to live my life as a girl." Then it suddenly hit me that Stacy was now living the life I was living when I was a man. Pretending to be a gender she was not. We had to help her. I took her home after talking some more and told her to keep her new clothes as a gift from me. After all she was a crossdresser even if not a transsexual. I talked to Mark and he agreed to try to arrange a meeting with Mr Richards, the man who conducts the interviews for potential citizens of Blacktown. Mr Richards agreed to meet me and it was quite nice to see him again. He was so busy recruiting that he did not spend a lot of time in Blacktown so I hadn't seen him since my transition. "You look lovely my dear" he said to me. "Thank you sir, you look pretty good yourself" I couldn't help but flirt with him and he did not seem to mind. "Now what is the problem?" I told him Stacy's story and he was a little perplexed. " I can assure you Tracy that this is at odds with the information she gave me at her interview." "I'm sure it is Mr Richards but we all know that many trangendered people will say what they think you want to hear if it gets them what they think they want." "Hmmmm yes, I am aware of this but I was sure about her, she seemed the classic early transitioning transsexual" "Is there anything we can do for her sir?" "Well she has the same equipment that you do and her old equipment is long gone. There is no way to undo what has been done I'm afraid. Also she signed an iron-clad agreement stating her wish to remain in Blacktown. We cannot allow people to come and go as they please and risk the security we enjoy here." "I have an idea but I know that it may prove unpopular with the powers that be." I said. "Go ahead Tracy." "Could an exception be made for Stacy to regain semi male status, train and work in a man's field?" I asked. "Highly irregular. What would that achieve?" "At least she could stay and contribute to the society and if she stays the way she is now I fear she may harm herself." So it was decided that Stacy would leave school and take up an apprenticeship as a mechanic at the local garage. She jumped at this and special dispensation was granted for her to wear overalls at work. At all other times she would dress in skirts but at least she had some vestige of a male existence. (Epilogue concerning Stacy:-. Stacy and her parents readily agreed and I am glad to say that she became much happier girl and one hell of a car mechanic. She eventually capitulated and fell in love with her boss. It seems love is about the person not the gender. Stacy made a beautiful bride, the crossdresser in her saw to that, and she eventually became the mother of three wonderful girls.) Back to my story! Something that struck me as strange happened over the next three days. Mark, who could never get enough of me suddenly stopped making love to me. As a demure wife I was not about to beg for it but it took all my will power not to jump his bones at every opportunity. He was too tired or too busy or too stressed. "I know a way of reliving stress," I said as I unbuttoned his trousers and dropped to my knees. "Sorry babe but not right now," and he buttoned up and left the room. I was flabbergasted! And hurt. And horny! The morning of my appointment I made Mark's breakfast and took a long luxurious shower. I wanted to look my best for the man who 'made' me and I took extra care in my preparations. I selected a very June Cleaver dress, matching bag and heels and took the utmost care with my makeup. I arrived at the clinic and was asked to wait in the waiting room. Three other girls were already there, some I knew from my work and one a high school girl with her boyfriend, a rather hunky young man who was on the high school football team. The young couple went in first and came out fifteen minutes later looking a little upset. I would later find out why. "Mrs Chapman," I heard my name was called. I went in and Mrs Webster greeted me and told me to get undressed and slip into an examination gown. She had me lie on the exam table and she securely locked my legs into the stirrups. She left me there alone for a few minutes and Dr Casey (I kid you not!) came in carrying a small box and followed by Mrs Webster. I had found out that Mrs Webster was a leading Paediatrician at a major city hospital in her previous life so it made sense she would be awarded the chief nurse's job at the clinic assisting Dr Casey. "I'm sure you are curious to know exactly what you are here for my dear," started the doctor. "Well Doctor I thought this was to be a routine check-up but I'm not so sure now." "Clever girl. Allow me to bring you up to speed." As he was talking, a drip was placed into my arm and his speech took place as the solution was doing its job of relaxing my pelvic muscles and numbing my nether regions. "To all intents and purposes you are now a healthy thirty year old female." 'Fantastic!' I thought. 'As well as everything else I had picked up ten years! Does it get any better than this? I was about to find out.' "When I performed your genital reassignment surgery I implanted an artificial uterus. Now I know you cannot menstruate or ovulate but the purpose of your womb is to allow a baby to develop inside you and enable you to give birth to your baby naturally as women have done since the beginning of time." That was given but I'd stopped being a smart-ass when I stopped standing to urinate. By this time I had about seven hundred questions but I had been a Blacktown resident long enough to know that a woman did not interrupt a man like Dr Casey. He would tell me all I needed to know in his own good time. "Your womb is a marvel of modern science. It will stretch and contract enabling multiple pregnancies. It is self cleaning and infections are rare. We select eggs from women all around the globe with whom you share common characteristics and place them into you for fertilisation by your husband in the traditional fashion. We have a store of frozen eggs and can select from those especially to fill a need in our society. For instance if we require more trades people we may select an egg from a woman with that background. If we need more nurses we would select an egg sourced from a woman from that field. If we had a shortage of manual labourers we would select an egg from a woman with a not too high an IQ and so on. Our computer program keeps track of all the children to ensure a good cross section of types," he explained. "One thing though, we never accept eggs from anyone with the slightest hint of a criminal background or any genetic disease. Mr Black does not stand for a weakening of the gene pool. That's why you had to provide your bodily samples at your initial interview, to see if you would make a good breeder. Even though you are basically only a vessel to grow a baby, a test tube if you will, your body is still able to pass on such things to an unborn. Any questions my dear?" "Yes Doctor. If this isn't a routine exam what am I doing here?" "For an educated woman you are being a little dense Tracy. You are about to have an egg implanted in you neo-uterus. Once done you will go straight home and you will be made love to by your husband for the duration of the day. All being well you will be a mummy in forty weeks time!" Now I knew the reason for Mark's reluctance to engage in any form of sex. He knew he would need to be as potent as possible in order to impregnate me and three days 'storage' was the optimum. I remembered this from making babies with my wife in my previous life as a man. "One more question if I may?" "Of course dear." "Why was today kept a secret from me? Mark obviously knew, so why not me?" "It has been our experience with newly made women that they respond better to this treatment when it is a surprise. At least for her first pregnancy. You see dear you are a complex machine with a lot of hormonal action going on in that little body of yours. If anxiety was allowed combined with what you are about to do it can influence our success rate due to stress and hormonal problems. Sorry if you feel deceived but when you are in the maternity ward nursing your new born baby you will forgive us all our sins I can assure you." "I can't argue with that Doctor." With that Doctor Casey donned a latex glove, liberally coated his entire hand with lubricant and artificially inseminated me in reverse. He placed the egg in my womb and sent me to my male for joining. "Time you got that hot little body home and let your husband do you like there's no tomorrow!" I didn't need to be told twice and was quickly in my little car and on my way home. My dress was unzipped as I entered our front door. Mark was there wearing a silly grin on his face and nothing else. He helped me out of my dress and underwear and carried me up to our bed. For the next six hours he........ hang on a minute, a lady doesn't tell! End of chapter two, more to come? PS The young couple who came out of the Doctors office prior to my treatment had a reason to be worried. It seemed that they had given into temptation and had been caught having sexual intercourse. Very un fifties (?) The visit was to determine whether her hymen was still intact. It wasn't and they admitted to what they had done. Mr Black's rules were clear on this. Underage sexual intercourse was a serious offence and even though their biological ages were well over sixteen for her and eighteen for him their new ages were just fifteen and seventeen. The two children had to attend the weekly City Council meeting with their parents and be judged by Mr Black and his council. As it was their first offence it was decided that community service would suffice. God help them if they offended again. Lee Kwan Yu was a sweetheart compared to Mr Black in this regard! She had to do 180 hours unpaid work in the nursery of the hospital and he had to do 360 hours with the City Municipal Department, gardening and doing town maintenance. Being a guy may have its privileges in Blacktown but it also carried greater responsibilities. If she couldn't wait to engage in an act that created babies she would have the opportunity to look after lots of new borns. If he couldn't wait to spread his seed he could practice with the town gardening crew. Mr Black did love irony! He was a true smart ass! (See you in the soup!) The Princess

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A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 19 - 21 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

2 years ago
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The 1950s

I look back on the 1950s now, an old man, and see myself as a college student, innocent, in khakis and the penny loafers and crew neck sweaters; Eisenhower was president, cars were big and sleek, television was small and black-and-white, and gay men were ‘faggots’ or ‘queers’ who lived in the shadows, coming out only to a few bars in every city, usually a dingy place where they could at least be themselves for a few hours; or, for the less genteel, in the men’s rooms of bus stations and...

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Emerald Princess Chapters 15 v2

Foreword: In 2016 I began posting this story, Emerald Princess, set in the Whateley Universe. Real life happened, along with a major case of writer's block, and I stalled out in the middle of Chapter 21. Several people have tried to get me to return to this since I stopped, but I just could never get my head back into the story. Finally a new friend, Chloe, badgered me enough I decided to take another look at it. As a result I have managed to finish the full novel, which is...

1 year ago
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Kate Draffen Chapters 18 19

Kate Draffen By Swishy Hi there. Firstly thank you everyone for the amazing feedback. It has really spurned me on to write better and better. Unfortunately real life has a way of intruding and therefore I haven't been able to release the entire last third of the story as one large part but instead I will be posting two chapters at a time until Gemma's story is complete. These are chapters 18 and 19, the rest of the story (to a total of 26 chapters) will be coming out in regular...

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Author of THE SATYRICON - Gaius Petronius Arbiter (c. 27 - 66 AD) was a Roman courtier during the reign of Nero. He is generally believed to be the author of the Satyricon, a satirical novel believed to have been written during the Neronian era (54-68 AD). Tacitus, Plutarch and Pliny the Elder describe Petronius as the elegantiae arbiter (also phrased arbiter elegantiarum), "judge of elegance" in the court of the emperor Nero. He served as suffect consul in 62. Later, he became a member of...

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Swapped Life Chapters 16 18

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 16 - 18 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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Swapped Life Chapters 12 15

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 13 - 15 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and his...

3 years ago
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smokeSCREEN bookTWO

bookTWO : STARshine * * * silence swimming in a pool of dreams / beneath its depths the forgotten streams / above the city of the evening star / behind its walls, the grand bazaar / as she walks through its endless ways / cursing those who mistrust her ways / please my friend no matter what she sees / tell my lover come back to me * * * * * * The power runs on sunlight. That’s what I’m thinking as I wake. Early morning rays stab through the chinks in the single blocked window. Tiny...

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"Oh no! He’s not here" Luna said pouting. Shaking her head her short honey brown hair bobbed side to side. She walked forward on long shapely legs that matched her slender body. Luna had shocking yellow eyes that was always hard to look away from. She was wearing a pink skirt that went down to mid-thigh and with a tank top with a matching pink cardigan. She climbed onto the platform and looked around but Mewtwo wasn’t there. Dammit Luna thought and sat down on the platform frustrated....

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Also this is the begining of an actual book i am writing and if enough people like it i will write more. The day was bright and sunny just like any other day. A young noble named Kevin was on his usual morning walk, his long black hair flowing in the wind. He was good looking and he knew it with his solid 6 ft of height n finely toned slinder body he often caught the eye of many of the females in court and on occasion a few of the males. As he turned the corner of the forest path he...

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Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole

She has been my slave and she loves it. I torture and train her to my liking. The night is right, Amber gets her tight little bald slit licked by dog tongue, her dog’s tongue, she goes wild for it, feeling it tonguing her so deep with her ass high in the air wiggling non-stop, her sweat glistens, it’s such a sight for me to witness, to be a part of. Her chest flat on the floor, only a black dog collar with dog tags on it around her neck to show all, but mostly myself she’s mine...

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Mrs Goodytwoshoes

“I don’t really know how to tell you this, but my son is coming to stay with us, on Wednesday.” she muttered. “That’ll be nice for you. I didn’t know that you had a son,” I replied, somewhat in shock. We’d lived next to Mary and Ron for over two years and they’d never mentioned a son. “He’s been away,” she continued, “in jail.” The last two words were whispered. “Oh!” I put my hand over my mouth, “You never said.” “Well, we were embarrassed, and we didn’t think that he would...

4 years ago
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Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole

Introduction: Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole Amber is 18 now as of this writing. She has been my slave and she loves it. I torture and train her to my liking. The night is right, Amber gets her tight little bald slit licked by dog tongue, her dogs tongue, she goes wild for it, feeling it tonguing her so deep with her ass high in the air wiggling non-stop, her sweat glistens, its such a sight for me to witness, to be a part of. Her chest flat on the floor,...

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An abrasive train whistle cuts through your gentle sleep. As you groggily open your eyes, you see the familiar antique decor of your private train compartment. The bench across from you is empty. You sigh: it's been a while since you've had any kind of company, human or otherwise. Hopefully, those administrative privileges and the sexual endurance pill the park gave you will remedy that problem. As you turn and peer out of the crystal window, a small town slides into view: Sweetwater. It looks...

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Westworld April 3, 2028 "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the CEO of Future Global, Malcom Sanders." The lights in the conference hall dimmed and a spotlight appeared on a man dressed in jeans, tennis shoes, and a Hawaiian aloha shirt as he walked across the stage. After an initial robust round of applause the attendees fell silent. Malcom Sanders was the latest Silicon Valley technology wizard that had quickly established himself far above his competitors in recent years....

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Ariel the Hitwoman

Hitwoman. Ariel the Hitwoman. By GabbyLez ([email protected]) Story Codes: F/F, F+/F, violent, snuff, nec, urination, scat, humiliation, lingerie, toys, BDSM. Summary: Ariel is a glamorous hitwoman, addicted to money, kinky sex and haute couture. She is also a vicious sadist.  Part 1. Ariel and Olga. 1. Ariel examined her voluptuous body in the three way mirror. She was fresh from her perfumed bath. Her silky skin was rubbed with scented oils and lotions; her nipples were tingling from...

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Fantasy Sex Night With Diana Antwoine

Diana had this fantasy before and tonight Antwoine was going to fulfill it for her. The room was very dark a security light from the backyard caused a sliver of illumination in her room, but just barely. Diana usual bed attire was a satin pajama top (no pants) and a pair of devilish socks. Antwoine knew this.Antwoine was wearing all black, ski mask, t-shirt, running pants, running shoes. He did not wear underwear or socks. Antwoine came through the backyard gate toward her bedroom, which...

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I settled down on the bus, taking out my phone. I scrolled through my downloaded files and clicked on the file marked anthros. My mother had sent me the file after all, something about learning 5he tools of me uncles trade. " Anthros will be your primary source of income as a rancher. Unlike their cousins the beasts meat selling isn't an option so byproducts are your primary source of income milk mostly from mammalian female anthros though there are some more specialized products, such as eggs...

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Souvenir from Westworld

Copyright© 2001-2005 by DB. I remember Westworld before the troubles happened. I was fortunate enough be able to go more than once before the Big Crash, and later the Big Scandal. Like too many good things in life, you come to count on them always being there. Then suddenly you turn around, and they're gone. I've loved westerns all my life. When I was young, it seemed that was all that ran on television. My grandfather taught me to shoot starting when I was six, and I can't say how...

2 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart X 3 Threesomes and Twosomes

"Tim, I want to ask you something," Suzi started before our third hour class a week later. "But you have to promise me you will tell me the truth about how you feel about it." "Shit. This doesn't sound like I want to hear it, but okay. I promise. You want to go someplace private?" "Uhm, yeah. I can't get this out of my head. Let's go upstairs." Nobody noticed us leave as the tardy bell rang, nor did the few people passing notice us holding hands climbing the stairs. She was...

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What It Takes to Succeed in Slutworld

Note: Please activate Game Mode for the best experience! It is Sunday, September 4th, and the golden sun of a late-summer afternoon is streaming into Natalie's window as she lies on her bed reading, getting ready for the start of school. Stretched out on her bed with a mug of tea and her phone on the table next to her, she's got her summer reading book open on her knees: Basic Anatomy, Sexual Education, and Sluttery for Women. Nat turns the page and keeps reading as she takes another bite of...

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Lisanna Craig was lounging in her mansion on a Friday Night. She had just slipped on a fleecy nightgown and was enjoying a glass of wine while she stroked her cat and read a paper. She had made the headlines again in her superheroine persona, Knightwoman. She had prevented the nefarious Clownman and his henchwoman Jenny Jester from robbing the first national bank of Renisance City. She smiled at the picture of her in a superhuman pose as the two villains where lead away in a van. "Sometimes I...

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What can we find on Adult Work besides UK escorts? Well, this is just in: it is possible to do other things besides just masturbate all day long on the internet. Like what, you ask? Well, you don’t have to always watch porn every time you’re horny, you know. Sometimes you could try to make your own! Or maybe you could browse escorts in your area, see if you can’t land yourself some real-life pussy. I’m sure your hand would appreciate the break anyway. Or you could get real old-school with it...

Escort Sites
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Scat World! There are no two ways about it; scat porn is degenerated, weird, and repulsive. And that is me being nice. This is no genre for ‘normal’ people if at all you could term people who jerk off to porn normal. As a matter of fact, if you are reading this review while having lunch, my apologies for ruining your meal. The shit I’m about to talk about is messy and gross, and if I’m, to be honest, I don’t understand how y’all sick fucks get turned on by the sight of chicks shitting all over...

Scat Porn Sites
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Have you ever wished for an adult social network that you could go to just to enjoy some nice content and have a friendly chat with people and maybe a dirty chat or two with a girl here and there? I know that there have been many attempts to make something like this, but most of those end up being niche sites for some kind of kink. If you’re looking for a broad website that acts like a general adult social network, it’s pretty much impossible to find something like that. However, you can hit...

Reddit NSFW List
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What’s the deal with Pissy Network? Is it a message board for bitchy Karens to air their daily grievances about not being the center of the world, or maybe it’s a cable channel devoted only to the most furious of angry dudes? Come on—why the hell would I be talking about that kind of bullshit around here? If there’s one thing I love, it’s something to jerk off to, and sometimes that goes well with a refreshing eruption of is a network of premium piss porn paysites all...

Premium Scat & Piss Porn
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The Bet Chapters 1 3

The first thing you should know about this story is that it's long - very long! Don't let these first few chapters fool you. As the story becomes more complex, the chapters become much longer. When taken as a whole, my official word count for this version of the story is 1,159,450 words. If you do a little bit of research (such as at ) you will find that if this was a legitimate piece of printed published literature, it would stand...

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Footprints In The Sea Chapters 13 and 14

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 13 & 14 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven't read Chapters 1 and 2, please do so. Two doctors agree on their assessment after Charlotte attends a meeting and has...

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The Sisterhood of Athena Chapters Four and Five

Finally, here are the next two exciting chapters in my on-going saga. I want to thank reviewer 'anon' for his comment on 9/23/10 for inspiring me to finally get these chapters finished. I'd been just short of half done with these chapters for the better part of a year but between lack of initiative and wondering if anyone even cared if I kept going I'd just sort of let it fall through the cracks. I apologize to any readers that thought I'd given up on this series and just want to point...

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The Writers Secret Chapters 34

Thanks for all the wonderful comments on the first two chapters! Here are the next two chapters. It's time to teach Loren a bit about being Laura before their dinner party. The Writer's Secret (Chapters 3-4) by Ann Michelle Chapter 3: The Education of Laura As they settled on the couch, Stephanie slipped her feet out of her slingbacks and pulled her legs up underneath her. Loren sat uncomfortably on the other end of the couch with...

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Meeting Jenn Chapters 3

MEETING JENN Chapters 3 & 4 Note to the reader: Please read chapters 1 & 2 of 'Meeting Jenn: How I fell in love with my best friend.' All feedback and more ideas are welcomed. I'm working on Chapters 5 & 6 now and should be able to post it in a week. Thanks for reading... Indy CHAPTER 3; What next? I seemed to toss and turn through the night, I wasn't used to sleeping next to anyone. Jenny slept like a baby, at one point letting out a cute little snore. I...

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Footprints In The Sea Chapters 5 and 6

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 5 & 6 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific region known as the Wilderness and more than one thousand miles from the nearest known habited land and located between New Zealand and South America,...

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All day crossdressing twosome

This experience was a twosome with my closest tranny friend.We got together one Sunday morning and transformed ourselves fully into hot sexy sluts. We were both wearing well stuffed bras, suspender belts, crotchless panties, stockings and high heels.We lay on the bed together kissing and stoking each other. We had made sure we had full balls for each other, so we were very horny.I got a pair of handcuffs and we closed them tight around our genitals, joining us closely. The twist was that the...

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DaughterInLaw Tricked Into Sex Twosome

Raj and his friend shyam sat down on the couch with a can of beer each and started to watch the basketball. Raj was a married 55 year old who lived with his wife of 30 years out in the countryside. Raj was a slightly overweight man who had a large beer belly, and had gone completely bold. Since he retired five years ago, he would spend most of his days, and night drinking with his buddies. His wife had gone to her friends for the night, so raj had invited shyam over to watch the basketball with...

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A Lesbian Love Story Chapters 4 and 5 of 7

This is a continuation of the story I wrote for an XH user that challenged me to write a Lesbian Love story in the first person, meaning I need to write as if I was one of the women.I am relying on flashbacks based on the first chapter to make this more than a love story and more than erotic sexual contact between two women. So if you jumped into this story without reading the previous chapters you may be confused.This work, when completely posted, is over 40-pages long so breaking it up in...

2 years ago
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A Swapped Life Chapters 10 12

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 10 - 12 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and his...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 7 9

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 7 - 9 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and his...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 4 6

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 4 - 6 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and...

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Roberts Metamolphisis Chapter Two

Robert's Metamorphosis (Chapter 2) By Vivian Bird Please read the first chapter of "Robert's Metamorphosis" before you read this second chapter. The events of Chapter One are reviewed somewhat, in Chapter Two, but not nearly all of them. Chapter 2 Roberta carefully dressed for work the next morning, knowing that it would be a huge day for her. Although she had been wearing lingerie hidden under her male suits for a couple of weeks, her outfit today would be a huge...

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Leave It To My Beaver A 1950s Era Housewifes Fantasy

It was a hot summer day and the boys were out in the garage working on their bicycles. I was in the house doing some of the seemingly endless vacuuming when in came Ethan Huffington, one of the neighborhood boys. "Good afternoon Mrs. Chandler, you are looking especially lovely today," he said in his usual too polite way. Ethan had this way of talking that sounded so condescending and overly polite, it just grated on me. But he was one of my son Willie's best friends, so I put up with it. "Thank...

4 years ago
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Twin Switch Chapters 3336

Twin Switch Chapter 33-36 By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction featuring an evil step-mother who is determined to switch the sexual identities of her twin step-children. I highly recommend that you read all preceding chapters before reading this one. The basic plot to Chapter 33 was written by Trish Simpson who did a wonderful job. Thank you Trish. Chapters 34 plus had a lot of help from Troxis. This story may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use not expressly...

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Mutual Benefits Chapters 1115

It was a miracle that the memories of that second date didn’t make me fail all of my finals. School should have been the first thing on my mind, but it came at a distant second place, after Morgan, and the time we got to share together at the movie theater. Any time I wasn’t texting her, I was thinking of her. Kevin of all people reminded me that I should study for the finals, though Mother also was glad to give her two cents as well. That said, I tried to be humble but I wasn’t delusional –...

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Exhibitionist Sister Chapters 4 6

This portion of the story covers chapters four, five, and six. If anybody has any feedback or requests in the comments, I'd be happy to hear 'em! A brief synopsis of the first three chapters if your'e starting out here: Brian and Ashley are dating. Madison is Ashley's sister. Madison is dating a girl named Alyssa. The four of them are having a movie night in Ashley and Madison's basement when Brian and Ashley break away to have sex. Nobody suspects anything initially. After the...

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