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This time last year I was 24 years old and had just moved into my first apartment. It was an exciting stage of my life. I had just finished graduate school and accepted my dream job. I had known what my goals were since the start of high school and had focused all of my attention on achieving those goals.

My intense focus resulted in people misunderstanding me. People mistook my drive for being stuck-up. I’m actually a very friendly person, but I knew that if I spent time socializing and dating it would be easy to become distracted from my goals. I came from a poor family, so my only chance at the college education I wanted was to get an academic scholarship. Once I was in college, my only chance for a graduate degree was to get a research assistantship. Even with a graduate degree, I would still need to stand out to get a great job.

Standing out isn’t something that comes naturally to me. I stood out as a teenager because I was the last girl in school to start developing. Changing in gym class was the worst. All of the other girls had pubic hair and noticeable breasts. I was bald and didn’t even need a training bra. I didn’t exactly have to turn down a bunch of requests for dates in high school. My biology lab partner did ask me to senior prom. I was probably the only one in the school nerdier than he was. Our awkward attempt at kissing after prom was the only time I had kissed a guy.

College didn’t change being small. I’m 5’ tall if I really stretch and even when my breasts finally developed they never were much more than little bumps on my chest. I was still a nerdy looking who rarely wears makeup. Somehow makeup always makes me look like an even younger girls trying too hard to look older. College was different in one very important way, being a late-blooming geeky girl didn’t stop a steady stream of guys from hitting on me.

In hindsight, I wonder if my no-dating policy really was the best idea. It seemed like the more guys that I told no, the more intensely other guys hit on me. It was like I was a challenge that they couldn’t resist. But I was determined to focus on my studies and get my dream job. I didn’t date anyone throughout college and graduate school.

I was 24 years old and had never even french kissed a guy. But now I had my dream job and I rented a loft in an area that was undergoing gentrification. I would have preferred a loft just a few blocks south, where the area was already fully converted, but that wasn’t in my price range. Still, I was within walking distance of the best nightlife in town and was ready to start dating. My only rule was that i refused to date anyone from work. No chance I was going to let anyone assume that I was being promoted for anything other than my brains and hard work.

All of my plans went up in smoke less than 3 weeks after moving in. I was sitting on my balcony enjoying the crisp September evening. I had the lights off so that I wouldn’t attract bugs. My attention was drawn to an argument over drugs in the street below. I watched as 2 men efficiently shot and killed 4 other guys. It happened much faster than what you see in the movies. I was about to go inside for my cell phone to call 911 when I heard the 2 men on the radio reporting the shooting. They were police officers. I stayed on my balcony until a loud truck idled nearby. I hoped the truck would cover the sound of my door opening and closing. I didn’t turn on any lights or adjust any blinds. I didn’t want anything that could alert the police to what I had seen. I wasn’t sure I could trust anyone on the force. The next morning I called the FBI. By evening I was completing paperwork to enter witness protection.

The Marshal who came to the office to process my paperwork into the program looked familiar. When he introduced himself he mentioned that we went to college together.

“I thought that you looked familiar, but I couldn’t quite place your face.”

“I didn’t figure that you would. I was in several classes with you, but wasn’t very successful at getting your attention.”

“It wasn’t personal, I was completely focused on my school work.”

“No worries. That was so long ago I barely remember it.”

I suspected he was lying. He sounded a little edgy about it.

“Right now the most important thing is keeping you safe. And the best way to be safe is to be hidden in a place that no one would look. I discussed it with my boss and we have the perfect plan. We are going to hide you as a teenager in foster care.”

“What?” I’m not sure whether I was more shocked or angry.

“Hear me out. We aren’t sure yet how widespread the corruption is within the police department. That will take the FBI a month or so to start figuring out. Hiding someone’s identity from criminals is hard. It is many times harder to hide it from police who are motivated to find someone. One of the best precautions I can take is to avoid any new government issued photo identifications. A teenage girl without photo identification is normal. An adult would draw immediate suspicion. It shouldn’t take more than a couple months.”

I calmed down when I heard his very logical explanation. “I’m sorry, I guess that makes a lot of sense.”

“I’m glad you understand, because some aspects of this aren’t going to be all that pleasant. I need to make you young enough that you wouldn’t have a driver’s license or even a learner’s permit. You are going to be pretending to be 14. To make that more realistic, you will undergo several cosmetic procedures. You will be getting braces. A doctor will inject you with a modified birth control implant that will give you highly irregular periods, simulating a late-blooming 14 year old. Do you wax your bikini area?”

“What kind of question is that?”

“A very necessary one. If you do, you might need to be extra careful if you let in grow in that no one notices how suddenly your amount of hair changes. Any little thing could be the trigger that raises someone’s suspicion or causes them to talk about you. The less people talk about you, the better.”

“I don’t do any regular grooming down there. Since I’m not dating anyone or going to the beach, it didn’t seem to matter that much.”

“That is actually perfect. We will arrange for you to have a custom laser hair removal. Instead of taking all of the hair, I am told that it can be carefully done to simply thin the hair. What grows back is supposed to be slower and finer than waxing or shaving, so the specialists tell me that it will resemble more of what would naturally happen for a young lady. There is one final thing, and this is also a little uncomfortable.”

“After discussing my pubic grooming habits?”

“Discussing your new bras. You will be custom fitted with bras that make you look smaller, more like a developing teen.”

“I’ve got news for you. It won’t take any special bras to make me look like that. It takes special bras to keep me from looking like that now.”

“Then let’s get started. By tomorrow you will be meeting your new foster family. To make sure that you are safe, the only 2 people in the world who will know that aren’t really a 14 year old girl will be me and my boss.”

I stood in front of a full length mirror at the hotel where I was hidden. I had already taken my shower for the morning, but wasn’t dressed yet. The laser treatment had removed more hair than I expected. I wasn’t completely bald, but there were only a few wisps of hair that didn’t do anything to hide my girl parts.

My breasts were the same size they have been for almost a decade, tiny. The braces certainly sold the look that I was young. I might have a hard time convincing people that I was 14, instead of being even younger. The Marshal was right, even though I was less than an hour away from the city, there was virtually no chance that anyone would think I was an adult with a real job.

On the drive to my new home I learned more about what to expect. I was already registered to attend a small, Christian school. The size of the school assured that they wouldn’t be taking any picture IDs. I would be living with a family that was filing adoption paperwork to make me a permanent member of their family. As a result, the school was registering me under the family’s last name. The couple was in their late 30’s and had two teenage boys.

We arrived at the house just as the family was preparing to eat supper. The Marshal carried my single suitcase to the door.

“Are you with the adoption agency?”

“Yes, I am. Allow me to introduce Sharon.”

They had kept the name change small so that it would be easier for me to recognize. Instead of Sherri, I was now Sharon.

“Sharon, why don’t you change into a dress and join us for dinner.”

“I don’t have any dresses.”

“Then head straight into the kitchen, I’ll be there in a minute.”

I could overhear the discussion about my adoption paperwork. They had described the process as a formality to me saying that I probably wouldn’t be here long enough that the paperwork would even get started. But the Marshal was telling my new Dad that the papers should all be signed by the judge in the next couple of days. That was my first clue that everything might not be exactly what it seemed.

You might have noticed that I never refer to the Marshal by name. I don’t believe that he ever told me and I was too embarrassed to admit that I didn’t remember him at all from school. That turned out to be a big problem later when I wanted to leave witness protection.

The Thompson’s insisted that I call them Mom and Dad beginning with our first interaction. That first interaction surprised me.

“Sharon, why did you choose to flaunt your disobedience of our house rules on arrival? Are you trying to test us?”

“No, I’m not testing anyone. I wasn’t aware of the house rules.”

“Please don’t start our relationship by lying to us. We provided the list of rules to the agency, and they assured us that you had reviewed them.”

I am beginning to suspect that I was set-up by the young man I had rejected in college.

“Sorry, the agency has so many forms to read and sign that I didn’t read everything as carefully as I should have. I wasn’t lying to you. I truly wasn’t aware of the house rules, but that appears to have been my fault.”

“Taking responsibility for your mistakes is always better than trying to blame others, so I will reduce your punishment. But you still deserve to be punished for breaking the rules. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“Yes sir.”

I expected that I would have to go to bed early or maybe be grounded for a couple of days.

“Take off your jeans and bend over a chair for a spanking. Caleb, show your sister the right position.”

Caleb was my younger brother. Yes, both boys were much younger than me; but Caleb was a few months younger than Sharon. Caleb stood up, faced the seat of his chair, bent over and placed his forearms on the seat of the chair.

“You want me to undress in front of boys?”

“Quit stalling and get those jeans off or your brothers will be watching you get a bare bottom spanking.”

I recall getting a couple quick swats of the hand to my backside before I started school, but my parents hadn’t believed in spanking kids. The fear of the spanking was even greater than the humiliation of teenage boys seeing me in my underwear. I stepped out of my jeans quickly and bent over the chair.

“Don’t make a mess. Fold those jeans neatly.”

I quickly folded the jeans and placed them under the chair. I assumed my position again on the chair. It was one of the few times that I was glad to be as short as I am. I didn’t have to bend over that far to place my elbows on the seat.

“Have you ever been spanked with a belt before?”

“No sir I haven’t”

“This will not be pleasant. Do your best to stay in that position no matter how much it hurts. Since this is your first spanking with a belt, I won’t give you any extra swat for moving out of position. But you will get back into position quickly. Today’s punishment will only be 10 swats. Are you ready?”

I wanted to scream “hell no, I’ll never be ready for a spanking” but that didn’t seem prudent. So getting this over with as quickly as possible seemed like the best idea.

“Yes sir”

I heard the belt swish through the air followed by a loud crack. There was a delay between the sound and the pain. I had enough time to think “that wasn’t so bad” before the sting hit me. I stood up and grabbed my butt.

“Remember, try to stay in position. Get ready for the next swat.”

I bent over and grabbed the edges of the chair to hold my position.

I tolerated the next few swats and stayed bent over the chair. I had lost track of what number we were on, but with the next swat my knees buckled. My entire bottom felt like it was on fire. I was crying so hard my body was shaking.

“Get back into position, you only have three more swats to go.”

I forced myself to straighten my legs. I think that my new Dad may have gone a little easier on the final 3 swats. Or maybe my butt just hurt so much already that the additional swats weren’t that much worse.

“You are allowed to put your jeans back on, but I will warn you that jeans that tight will probably hurt to wear. Your alternative is to spend the evening wearing just your panties.”

My new Dad let me try on my jeans. He was right, they hurt like hell. Funny, the Marshal had suggested that really tight jeans would help me look younger. I can’t help but suspect that he knew exactly what would happen. I spent the evening around my new Dad and teenage step brothers wearing nothing below my waist except for my panties. It is true that my panties covered more than most swimsuits would, but they were also thinner. I still felt exposed the whole night. Fortunately, Dad wouldn’t have tolerated my brothers staring at me, unless they wanted the same thing I had just experienced. I only had to put up with occasional glances.

Mom checked with me for sizes and went shopping right after dinner. The clothes were much more plain than anything I would picked out for myself, but at least I could comply with the family rules. Speaking of which, Dad gave me a new copy of the rules to review before I went to bed. The rules shouldn’t have been that hard to follow. I could summarize them as: dress conservatively, do your chores, respect your parents, and stay out of trouble at school.

Fortunately my new parents weren’t completely overboard on what constituted acceptable female clothing. Some families require girls to wear skirts, even if they have pants or shorts on underneath because of the physical nature of the activity. My parents were far more realistic. If I was doing a sporting event, I could wear clothing appropriate for that sport. I just need to make sure that it was conservative. Likewise, work or leisure activities that were most appropriately performed in something other than a dress, didn’t require a dress. If the family was going bouldering, Mom and I wore jeans. Jeans were obviously more modest than trying to climb rocks in skirt.

I stayed out of trouble at school and at home for almost 2 weeks. But I couldn’t keep my mouth shut when one of the ignorant teachers was completely wrong in how he was explaining a science concept. When I challenged him on the information, he accused me of being insubordinate and called me to the front of the room for a spanking.

The school was, I felt, rather lenient on how and when a student could be spanked. A teacher was allowed to pull up someone’s skirt or have them drop their pants as long as the student’s bottom was facing away from their classmates. I bent over his desk and he raised my skirt. His twenty swats with the wooden ruler were mostly on my thighs rather than my butt, so they hurt even more.

Getting spanked in front of my classmates should have warned me enough to keep my knowledge to myself. However, being wrongly spanked just raised my indignation even more. I spoke up again and was sent to the principal/pastor’s office.

“Apparently a ruler over your panties doesn’t get your attention. Take off everything except your bra and kneel on my desk.”

“Why can’t I just lift my skirt?”

“It is that exact attitude that is getting you into trouble. I’m going to amend your punishment, take off everything and kneel on my desk.”

That shut me up quick. I knew that I could expect the same punishment at home that I received at school. I wondered if that included taking off all of my clothes. Part of me hoped that it did. The first swat with the strap stopped my mind from wandering.

It didn’t seem like our principal spanked as hard as my Dad did. Or maybe that was just because it was my first time in his office. Either way, I was able to stay in position for all 15 swats with the strap. I was crying. My bottom ached. But I felt a small sense of victory that I had stayed completely still for the entire spanking.

“Stay in exactly that position until you are done crying and ready to go back to class. Then you can get dressed and return.”

This was the first I realized just what an exposed position I was in. The principal sat in his chair and his face was level with my privates. I didn’t dare turn my head to see if he was looking at me, but I felt like he was staring right at my cunt. It was the first time that any man had seen me completely naked. I wondered if he liked what he saw. I could feel myself getting damp between my legs, like when I rubbed myself against a pillow. I know, I was plenty old enough that I could have had a dildo before I came to Hicksville. But I never had. I think I was afraid that if I liked that too much, I might lose focus on my studies. I never bought a sex toy. I never even touched myself. But I did rub myself against my pillow and stuffed animals.

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2 years ago
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High and Dry Part 1 Protection

A call on my mobile at about ten in the evening was how things would normally start. A withdrawn voice, possibly infused with tears, would ask a simple question: “Can I come over?” It would be the advisory that I should expect a girl and her bicycle at my window within the next twenty minutes. It had become something of a routine over the past few months…----I had first met Emma the previous year when she accompanied her mother to a barbecue at the home of my family and me. My parents had been...

First Time
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Witness to a College Girl Whipping

The flight from Don Muang to Chiang Mai was rather pleasant in first class. Even though the welts on her bottom had mostly faded away during the last three days, Simone still felt a little sore sitting on her backside. She was wearing a Ralph Lauren outfit just purchased in a Bangkok mall: Thompson skinny jeans that hugged her curves like a second skin, designed to show off her backside. The ankle-high black leather boots had four inch heels that clicked noisily wherever Simone walked, drawing...

4 years ago
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Witnessing the Complete Degradation of Cassandra and Sierra

Witnessing the Complete Degradation of Cassandra and SierraBy The Qmoq (c) 2010Story codes: M/f+, F/f+, M+/f+, anything else with /f and /f+! exhibitionism, humiliation, S/M, bondage, serious, consensual, watersports.Synopsis: Two buxom women consent to be degraded, teased, fondled and screwed by a mixed audience of perverts over a long evening.The arena most reminded me of one of those Victorian teaching hospitals, where there’s a corpse in the middle of an oval arena with a couple of tiered...

2 years ago
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Witness abused

“Kathy, the Judge would like a word if you don’t mind, he is in his chambers,” her minder a Police Inspector known as “George” told her. She didn’t mind at all. The nightmare was over. Her abusers were going to prison for between 10 and 22 years. The Judge reminded her of her grand dad. A greying middle aged man, slightly flabby around the waist and jowls but with twinkling eyes. “Ah the hero of the hour!” he laughed as she walked in. “Not really,” she replied shyly. “But my dear your...

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Witness ProtectionChapter Two

Willow stopped and stared for several seconds, before rushing forward and planting a big, warm kiss on the mouth of who she thought was her Tara. "Tara, you're back, but how?" "I found a way to bring her back," said Rack. Willow rushed up to him, planted kisses on his cheeks and pressed all the money that she had in her pockets into his hands. "Thank you... I'll always remember this, if you ever need a favour from me, just ask." "Willow," said Warren, expecting his disguise to fall...

3 years ago
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Witness ProtectionChapter Three

It had been two hours of lovemaking. Warren had accidentally bitten Willow's nipples. "Ow! Be careful, Tara, be gentle. I know you've been through a lot but be careful." He had been luckier when it came to Willow's pussy. "Willow, I want you to show you how much I love you." This was it, if he couldn't eat pussy there was no way he could ever pass himself off as Tara. He planted a warm kiss on Willow's forehead and then another on her mouth. Then he gently undid her trousers, before...

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Witness Protection Chapter Four

Warren quickly muttered the words from a spell he had read in Willow's own personal hand written Book of Shadows. Even before becoming Tara he had learned a couple of spells from Andrew, who knew several of his own. Andrew groaned in pain and dropped to his knees as his guts felt as if they were twisting around inside him. "Listen, you freaks, if you try anything, one of two things will happen. Either Willow will come after you after killing me, with murder in her mind - she would...

3 years ago
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Witness Program

“Kathy, the Judge would like a word if you don’t mind, he is in his chambers,” her minder a Police Inspector known as “George” told her. She didn’t mind at all. The nightmare was over. Her abusers were going to prison for between 10 and 22 years. The Judge reminded her of her grand dad. A greying middle aged man, slightly flabby around the waist and jowls but with twinkling eyes. “Ah the hero of the hour!” he laughed as she walked in. “Not really,” she replied shyly. “But my dear your...

4 years ago
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I was in the ancient warehouse practicing with one of two old replica crossbow pistols. I am a architect and this whole area was scheduled to be destroyed so more huge sky buildings could be built. The crossbows only had a light pull so they were not considered deadly weapons. I had three dozen of the small bolts and was aiming across the empty space. When I heard the yelling I crossed to the broken window and looked out to see three men facing another. I blinked and pulled my comm and started...

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Order of Protection

Larry collapsed to his knees as she was hauled out of the courtroom, being taken to the field out back where punishments were carried out. John helped him back up. "Come on, you don't need to see this," he said as he turned him around. "NO!" Larry shook him off. "I promised her I'd be there to the end. Someone has to be there for her." I looked at him, he was dying inside but he couldn't abandon his mate and I respected that. "Come on," I said. "We'll stay with you." We joined the crowd leaving...

4 years ago
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No Protection

M/FFrankie and I had been dating several months by now. She had recently start the pill and we were waiting to be sure before we tried anything. Se without a condom? I bet that's amazing. We drove after track practice in her little purple neon until we found an abandoned parking lot to an old factory on a no name side road in our town. It was May, The sun was setting and the air was warm and fragrant.She shut the car off and turned to me. We just looked at each other for a while. She was 5'7''....

2 years ago
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No Protection

M/FFrankie and I had been dating several months by now. She had recently start the pill and we were waiting to be sure before we tried anything. Se without a condom? I bet that's amazing. We drove after track practice in her little purple neon until we found an abandoned parking lot to an old factory on a no name side road in our town. It was May, The sun was setting and the air was warm and fragrant.She shut the car off and turned to me. We just looked at each other for a while. She was 5'7''....

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Fucking My Uncle8217s Daughter Without Protection

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers, myself Akash, 6′ athletic built, wheatish in complexion and have a penis of 6 1/2 inch. This is my real life story when I was in college. I was staying in a hostel. My uncle was staying in the same city. I used to visit his house quite often for good food and some homely relaxation. He has a daughter sunaina (su), age 28, figure above average 34 32 36, not very pretty but was having rose petals lips, the part of women I am most attracted to.she was...

2 years ago
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The Panty Accord of 2010Chapter 17 Bimbo Protection

Emily was at her locker about to get her books for her calc class, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. It was Stacy. Her friend, seeing that she had got Emily’s attention, leans over, saying, “Did you hear the latest?” “No.” Which was not surprising, since Stacy was always the first one getting the latest gossip at school. “I just heard, Laura Henschel is pregnant.” “You’re kidding.” Emily replied, now turning her body around o face her friend. Just hearing Laura’s name brought back...

5 years ago
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Free Trader Marys DreamChapter 2 Gimme Shelter Right Of Protection

After Crystal’s words, it took me several minutes to make my way safely back into MARY’S DREAM. Space does not forgive mistakes, even if the person making them is exhausted mentally and physically, two conditions that I definitely fell under at that moment. But I had to do it. Crystal could have done it remotely, and probably did a better job than I could. Despite all her features, she was an AI, I was a human and this was my life. Well, it was the best part of my life. An AI could accept...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 423 Offline for Your Protection

I remember showering and Ellen telling me my phone was off, but not why. Damn! I have a catheter! Why? I checked the place in my head, and it was neon purple. It made no sense. My shield was doing as always, and I had no harmful bacteria inside me. The implant was there still. I did a quick double-check from head to toe, and I was fine. I tried to sit up, but I found myself strapped down. I knew I could snap the straps with my muscles alone, without any power from my shield or place in my...

3 years ago
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Witnessing a BBC taking my sweet wife

When I came home on Tuesday, my sweet wife told me she had arranged a date with one of her black lovers… I asked if I could witness the action.But Anita said I could stay at home and she would send me messages or some pictures through her cell phone.She was dressed so sexy: a short red dress, high heels and of course, no panties at all…After kissing me goodbye, Ana left the house swaying her round nice hips. She told me it would take at least half an hour to meet her lover.I stayed there...

3 years ago
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Witnessing sex for the 1st time

This is a true story, and it was life changing! Until this night, I had never witnessed people having sex, not even on video. I had never seen a cock either. I had been very curious about sex, and had asked my friend about it. We had many conversations about what we thought it would be like. My father was a professional baseball player. My mom is a gorgeous lady from Spain. My mom had a great friend that she spent a lot of time with. She was a beautiful petite woman, with a...

2 years ago
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Witnessing Secrets

There is a series called Silent Witness on British TV, a fictional thriller about a forensic laboratory and it’s dealing with gruesome murder cases. A recent two part episode’s main story line was care staff abusing disabled inmates in posh care home. S’funny how ideas smoulder and burn. “Shit! This one’s been well and truly fucked,” exclaimed Police Inspector Ryan Beatrand, gazing down at the naked young girl’s torso laid out on the examination table. The stressed Paramedics who had...

4 years ago
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Witnessing everything by the poolside

That warm afternoon I came back home from my office and went directly to get a relaxing shower; since I needed to cool off a bit, because I had some wild bad thoughts in my head, about killing my very stupid Boss…It was everything fine after the cold shower and I just put on a pair of swimming trunks; I was sure my sweet wife was outside by the pool.I grabbed a beer from the fridge and heard Ana calling me from the back yard. Once outside, I found she was sitting there with the company of our...

4 years ago
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Bikini Beach To Serve and Protect

Acknowledgments. My sincere thanks to ElrodW for his review and approval of this story in his universe using his characters, to Ellie Dauber for her help with the basic plot and storyline, for her comments and for the use of her character, to Denise Em (the daughter of the Blue Pen) for her detailed proofing, and to my special friend for her thoughts, help and comments. Permission is granted to Fictionmania, Nifty and ElrodW to post this story to their respective sites. Anyone else...

3 years ago
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The Props Master 1 Ritual RealityChapter 11 Serve and Protect

There was nothing wrong with her doing this, Judith told herself. I love him. Well, I think I do. Even if I didn’t, finals are over and I’d do it anyway. Probably. She wasn’t completely convinced, but he certainly wasn’t going to argue about it. And she knew The Huntress wasn’t above using sex to raise power. Their climax together on Oester was evidence of that. And frankly she’d enjoyed it. That was refreshing. She applied her lipstick and looked at herself critically. Frosty pink lips....

4 years ago
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To Serve and Protect

Detective Pat Gibson signed the case report she was writing and closed up her clipboard. Stretching, she turned off the interior light, put on her seatbelt and started her unmarked patrol car. She shifted into drive and pulled out of the parking lot and back on the road. Glancing at the clock, she saw it was right at 10 PM and decided she could deliver the report in the morning when she went in for court. She would go straight home now. Almost absently she picked up her radio mike and called...

2 years ago
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The Tale Of Humpy

Humpy McSaddle greeted the following day with a sly, clownish smile on his face, and it never left. Not that day, nor in the weeks that followed. She came to him most every day now, never at the same time. If she didn’t appear for several days, McSaddle would stomp around the slaughterhouse, out of his mind with the clap, tearing at his hair plugs, bending at the waist to contain the nuclear urgency of his ever-ravenous hump tentacle. He never knew when she might appear-morning, afternoon,...

3 years ago
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Living With My AuntEpisode 33

We nodded and waved as we turned the corner of the garage. I opened the gate to the patio and ... stopped ... dead. Aunt Jane was lying on a pool mattress with naked black man and was kissing him passionately. "Ah hem," I pretended to cough to get the attention of the lovers. "Ah hem!" It was only on my second try that I got Aunt Jane and the man's attention. I was stunned to say the least, but not at the nudity. I was surprised (and pleased) to see that Aunt Jane had found a man with...

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A strange place called Florida The happy Florida wife

Erica woke up naked on a hot and humid morning with her husband Divya over her, having his hands wrapped around her back. On this Saturday morning, Erica laid in bed while her husband was still asleep on her soft skin but the smell of sweat and musk from the previous night of fucking was really bothering Erica. The couple were interracial and lived in a well off town in Central Florida where they faced little to no issues. Erica was a tall blonde who looked almost exactly like Amber Valletta...

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DominationChapter 15 Resolution

The divorce was finalized a few weeks later. Catherine at first tried to contest it, but when it became evident that Manny wanted nothing more to do with her, she signed the document allowing the divorce to proceed. The house was sold and although she received a fair settlement Catherine was forced to move into a small apartment and take a job clerking at a department store. She was miserable, not sure whether she missed Manny, Mark and Serena or Alexandra the most. At last she could take...

3 years ago
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I was 22 and had been single for about 4 years straight. Then one day I went to visit my freind dave and his wife alice. After I got there alice started telling me she was going to hook me up with a girl from her work named crystal. Alice and her are both bar tenders at a local bar. Then alice continues to tell me that I need to get laid and put out and that crystal is a freak in the bedroom and will rock my world. I had been single and horny for way to long and i said ok sounds good. The next...

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