Free Trader Mary s DreamThe Right of Protection
- 2 years ago
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After Crystal’s words, it took me several minutes to make my way safely back into MARY’S DREAM. Space does not forgive mistakes, even if the person making them is exhausted mentally and physically, two conditions that I definitely fell under at that moment. But I had to do it. Crystal could have done it remotely, and probably did a better job than I could. Despite all her features, she was an AI, I was a human and this was my life. Well, it was the best part of my life. An AI could accept that there was nothing that could have been done to save someone. I knew better. There were times when I lost a rescue that her AAR (After Action Report) showed that I had taken all the right steps. I just didn’t allow myself to believe that for the next weeks as I kept beating myself up over things I could not have known.
As she sealed the bay doors behind me, Crystal pinged my communicator. “Alex. We have a small problem” Wow, if there was any phrase more guaranteed to send ice up and down my nerves after the rescue we had just performed, I’m glad she wasn’t programmed to say it. “Report, Crystal, are they ok?” I snapped off, as I started to hurriedly shuck my skinsuit, nearly tripping over it as I started to move towards the door that led back into the ship proper.
“They are recovering from their ordeal nicely. Despite the trauma they have been through, they came through the ordeal with minimal physical harm. It is a different problem. They had no personal effects before their rescue, and between the emotional shock and the embarrassment of being under clothed for meeting their rescuer, they’re a bit close to shock and being overwhelmed and breaking down in tears. Well, that would probably be an issue as they had been through a lot, with their ship being attacked, being taken as slaves, possibly used as such in all senses of the word and their rescue, my attacking the slave ship and the ... wait ... what did she say about embarrassment? “Crystal, define “Underclothed”. I asked my AI. I was pretty sure I didn’t want to know the answer, but well, if I didn’t ask the question, then whatever issue there was would still be there. “The two youngest, teenagers, are completely without clothing, while the caretaker in her 40’s is just wearing a bra and the young lady who was the last one in the rescue tube is just wearing the matching panties.”
Ok, there are two parts of me that responded to that. One of course being the normal healthy male, with the fantasy of slavegirls in the harem, barely dressed at all ... and then there was the other part of me who wanted to go back into that ship and shoot the bodies a few more times for their sake. “And ... let me guess, actually, no, I know. Because I don’t often have female companionship on these trips, there are no clothes that will fit them, correct?”
“You have grasped my meaning quite well, Captain.” One of these days I was going to find out who programmed my AI to be sarcastic some of the time, and then I’ll reprogram THEM with my wrench. (No I’m kidding. Mostly). But, at least this was a fairly easily solved problem. One of the good things about being a free trader and a pirate hunter simultaneously, was that there was times that I didn’t have to rush from one place to another. If I had to deliver 10,000 tons of nullwheat to the Coriolos Habitat, for example, I’d be facing a hundred thousand credit fine EACH DAY for late delivery if it was my fault. But, on this part of my route, I wasn’t carrying any cargo so it made my decision much easier.
“Right, so ... we probably need to take care of them. Offer them a light sedative if they desire it, and set course to the nearest jumpgate. Also, see if you can take some of the heavier fabrics and at least give them something to wear while we travel.
“Yes, Captain Alex. The nearest jumpgate is Radstadt, approximately 12 light hours away. I have plotted a course, and already sent our notification and records of combat and rescue per the Utla Accords. They will probably have reviewed it in the Geghast System when we arrive.”
Sometimes I wondered why I was doing the piloting at all, since Crystal was doing everything for me, but I tried not to think about it too much, namely that I wouldn’t miss out on this foreverything, and I wouldn’t be around to fix the small mistakes she made that would have damaged or even crippled another ship. There’s a reason that ships with a jumpgate drive are not allowed to jump without a trained human pilot aboard at the controls. A misjump can be catastrophic, not only to the ship itself, but to the space around it.
Jumpgate drive malfunctions have a way of breaking some of the basic theorems of the Universe, and the backlash can be bad. Real Bad. “Sterilize planetary populations” level bad, if one such world was unfortunate enough to be near a jumpgate when a malfunction happened. That’s why most of them are well away from any populated worlds. That’s why Astro Control and all the space control folks are quite some distance from the gate ... that way, all they lose is the mechanical part of the gate, and not the personnel working on it. It’s fairly easy to replace the hardware, but not so easy to replace decades of ship controlling experience.
But I was glad Crystal had already sent on my combat records. Most system authorities get antsy when you show up with unexplained cargo and passengers, not to mention combat. They offer bounties on confirmed pirate kills as part of their efforts to deter piracy that could break the interstellar economy, but they didn’t want what Sarge would have called a “Wild West mentality”. As an aside, I asked her what the Wild West was, and what planet it came from, she just groaned and called me a kid.
Oh, that reminded me. “Have you identified the people that we rescued?”
“Yes, Captain, I have gathered their information from DEFENSTRATOR’S computer banks as part of the scan. You have recovered Melissa Katain, heir to House Katain; her younger sisters Daniella and Erene, and her registered caretaker, Heyanna. They are all in good shape, bar the mental trauma they have gone through.”
Wait. NOBLES??? Oh, lords of space, this had just turned more ... well ... complex I guess I could say. I could also say this threw the starving Trustin Neocat amongst the Katalwings. There were several reasons why this made things more complex.
First of all, pirates usually do not take only prisoners when they attack ships. After all, what’s another piece of floating debris hundreds of light-minutes from anything usual in the human worlds. Space is very, very big. Ships could go missing all the time for different reasons, and it was fairly easy to refit a vessel so there was no indication of its previous history. So, if they were taking slaves, then where was the ship that the woman had originally come from? Our late unlamented pirate friend had not suffered combat damage before I had punched his ticket.
Introduction: This story was originally written for a competition on the XNXX Stories forum and is a relatively short story at 12,000 words. I hope you enjoy it. Authors note: This is a story, and the author is aware that it is not 100% historically accurate, although efforts have been made to ensure some degree of realism. It is a work of fiction, however, and intended to be no more than that. Marys Unexpected Journey MORE ALE, WENCH, MORE ALE! the man cried, slamming his empty tankard on...
Introduction: The second chapter in this story is already halfway done, so tell me if you like it and I might post Authors note: This is actually the first erotic story I have ever written, and I have no idea how to do it. This is only the first chapter in a story that I am in the middle of writing. The plot gets better in other chapters. I was walking home one night, when I started to think about my life. I work as a secretary at Briggs and Jefferson Law Corporation. It sounds great on paper,...
“The trip to Geghast” Having vacuumed DEFENSTRATOR clean of anything useful, we prepared to depart. Before we did, we left a salvage beacon, to properly mark its location to salvage crews. One moment of levity came when Crystal was in the middle of a, well, I don’t want to say rant, only because I don’t think AI’s can be programmed to rant, but let’s say an extended diatribe on the pirate’s sloppiness. She had commented on the fact that the ship’s sensors could have theoretically picked up...
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Caym Katain, House Master of the House of Katain, grimaced as he perused the interstellar headlines. Too slow, he thought. It’s all moving too slow. As he settled back into his hover-assisted chair, ignoring the slight dip as the machine adjusted itself to his significant weight, his mind went over the steps that had been successfully taken so far, as well as the fly in the ointment that threatened to bring it all down. From a young age, Caym had been taught ruthlessness. Most houses would...
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SwingersMonday turned into Tuesday, then Wednesday, and Thursday, as it has an annoying habit of doing. Archie barely noticed though. All he thought about, all he could focus on, was Samantha. And Ginger’s revelation about The Accident. More than anything, he wanted to talk to Samantha, but like Gabe had admonished him, he couldn’t call her without her number. He briefly considered asking Ginger for it, but something inside stopped him. Pride? Stupidness? Fear? Hard to say, but he just couldn’t bear...
A few days after the installation of my storm shelter had been completed one of those isolated summer thunderstorms came along with its torrential rain, thunder, and lightning, just before full darkness descended. I was enjoying my second SM&BW (that’s sour mash and branch water for those who don’t know) highball when the phone rang. When I answered the divorced Thai lady next door, Lisa, asked if she could run over and stay in my storm shelter with me. I said, “Lisa, this isn’t a severe...
A few days after the installation of my storm shelter had been completed one of those isolated summer thunderstorms came along with its torrential rain, thunder, and lightning, just before full darkness descended. I was enjoying my second SM&BW (that’s sour mash and branch water for those who don’t know) highball when the phone rang. When I answered the divorced Thai lady next door, Lisa, asked if she could run over and stay in my storm shelter with me. I said, “Lisa, this isn’t a severe...
MatureThe icy chill of the cold, November evening that marked the first snowfall of the year could not even compare to the chill in John Burke's heart. As he walked the four blocks from the corner store to his apartment with a gallon of milk in his hand, he stared down at the ground, lest he catch the eye of one of the few people who ventured out on a night like this in the otherwise silent and deserted streets. He didn't want to talk to them. He didn't even want to acknowledge their existence....
Mary pulled up next to the barn at Nick’s Christmas Tree Farm, the first Saturday of November. The farm opened for business the weekend before Thanksgiving. Mary had worked each season for the past seven years, and always came out a week early to walk through the fields of evergreens. It was the slowest time of year for her design business and this seasonal job allowed her to utilize her creativity. The sun felt warm on her shoulders, while the air was cool against her face. The dried autumn...
Ann asked, when will your boyfriend stop by. Blushing Mary said I don't have a boyfriend. Not yet an ways. Oh, anyone special in your life, Ann asked. No, I worked so hard to graduate early, and living at home I haven't had time for a relationship Mary answered. Smiling to herself Ann finished her glass. You must be stiff after all the work you've done today, Ann asked. I am a little bit sore Mary said, I figured I could work it out in the gym later. As she filled Mary's glass Ann asked, how...
Ann poured Mary an other glass of wine, she noticed her guest was starting to relax. I can't believe how hard it is to move, Mary said. When I moved back home my dad helped me. Going to the kitchen to fill the platter with more cheese and fruit Ann asked, would you like me to massage your shoulders. Taking a drink Mary said that would be great. Setting the platter on the table and came around the table and stood behind Mary. Soft at first she rubbed her shoulders. Ann knew she couldn't go to...
After Mary left, Ann rushed to get ready. Showering she used her best body wash and shampoo. Rubbing her pelvis she decided she needed a quick shave. The water felt good as it rained down on her vagina. Spreading her lips, she held her head back as the water massaged her clit. Her thoughts went to Mary's soft breast and large nipples. Slipping a finger in she moved herself to an orgasm. Remembering why she was there, she quickly finished her pelvic area and legs. Drying Ann found the sented...
Beth took Mary's hands and said follow me. Taking her to the bedroom Beth ordered, take those things off. But, Mary started to say. Get rid of them, Beth said sternly. Mary stood in front of Beth. Hands shaking she pulled off her vest, and started unbuttoning her blouse. Looking up Mary asked, what did I do wrong. Beth just watched silently. Stepping out of her pants, Mary hung her head, feeling ashamed standing in only her lingerie. Turning her around Beth said, look at your self. Mary looked...
As Ann worked the kinks out of Mary's legs, Mary felt something being to build inside her. Ann squeezed and rubbed Mary's muscles on her right leg. Massaging her calf, then her foot, Mary's breathing quickened. As Ann started working on Mary's left butt cheek, Mary moaned loudly. Feel good Ann asked. With a shaky voice Mary said yes. Mary felt her pussy start to moisten. As her thoughts began to deserve her Mary's body started to react to Ann's knowing hands. Mary moved her hips and raised her...
Mary breathed heavy as she dreamed. Her breasts being kissed, and her nipples softly bitten before being sucked. She moaned as she felt soft kisses go down her stomach to her pelvic area. Smiling she moved her legs giving her lover full access to her virgin woman hood. Dreaming she openly let her vaginal lips be sucked and parted by a knowing tongue. As an orgasm wash over her she opened her eyes to find Ann laying between her legs. What are you, she started to say before she felt Ann's tongue...
It was Christmas and the homeless persons shelter had opened, this year there were more people than normal there, 14 year old Colin was there, his family had been made homeless when his parents fell into arrears with the rent and they were evicted, Colin was in a quiet area when he saw 16 year old Sara walk by, he had gone to the same school as her she was well liked at school, Sara was a volunteer at the shelter and had spoken to him a couple of times. as she passed she said if you want some...