Marys Christmas
- 2 years ago
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Caym Katain, House Master of the House of Katain, grimaced as he perused the interstellar headlines. Too slow, he thought. It’s all moving too slow.
As he settled back into his hover-assisted chair, ignoring the slight dip as the machine adjusted itself to his significant weight, his mind went over the steps that had been successfully taken so far, as well as the fly in the ointment that threatened to bring it all down.
From a young age, Caym had been taught ruthlessness. Most houses would simply designate their oldest progeny as the Heir-apparent, and only remove that status under extraordinary circumstances but House Katain had always taught that prestige, position, and power was not given. It was TAKEN. If you did not take from others, others would take from you. It was one of the truths of the universe. The strong took from the weak. Or put another way, the weak existed to serve the strong.Caym’s first political advisor had thought to mold him in his ways. He taught him that “Nice people do not make history. Nice people write histories that deplore the awful people who actually MAKE history.”
Caym had decided to be an avid learner and to apply his lessons THOROUGHLY. So much so, that instead of letting him retire peacefully as most past-their-prime political operatives would like todo, he made sure that there would be no future students to learn those same lessons. Framing him for the embezzling of nine billion credits from a failing sub-clan was simple. Once he was actually IN prison, it didn’t take more than the tiniest fraction of the nine billion credits (that had actually been siphoned off shortly before his mentor’s arrest into an account that Caym himself controlled), to hire someone to literally stab his mentor in the back. Generous bribes to the guards on duty and a camera technician to make sure that no one actually saw the killing was even less costly. He hoped his mentor appreciated the touch of the classics about the betrayal. He thought about having the assassin whisper the famous line from Julius Caesar after his assassination “Et tu, brute?” into his mentor’s dying ears, but decided it was a little over the top.
Caym’s interest in classic history not only spread through the Terran Empire days, but pre-Terran spaceflight history. One of the first treatises on ancient warfare he had read was a chronicle known as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The first lines of the translation had always stuck with him. “The Empire, long divided, must unite. Long United, must divide. Thus it ever has been”. He saw parallels between the three kingdoms era and his own situation. The Kingdom of China, like the Federation, and the Terran Empire before it, had grown too big to govern effectively. This allowed regional power blocs to form, which quickly turned into sinecures that vied for power at the expense of others. With no power able to rival the united nation, the squabbling regions turned for glory and power the only way they could ... by lessening the power of others in their glory. This oppression and corruption caused the people to seek redress from those in power. Once those in power were seen to ignore the plight of the common rabble, the people rose up in revolt. When central authority could not effectively quell the revolt, they had to turn towards the regional warlords to do their work for them. Of course, once the regional warlords saw off the common rabble, they realized that they were truly more powerful then the central authority, and the dynasty quickly faded into dissolution and destruction. The wars raged through China for over a century of Terran years, and the amusing thing to Caym was that none of the great powers that had risen up during the period ended up claiming the Mandate of Heaven of a united China at the end. Instead, a group that had loyally served one of the titular three Kingdoms saw its chance when the ruling family in turn proved unworthy of holding such power, overthrew them in turn.
The lesson he learned, along with the dissolution of the “Two Superpowers” era of history at the beginning of mankind’s space age, is that humanity does not function properly as a contented whole. There must always be an enemy, an OTHER, for mankind to struggle against, to advance. In the Three Kingdoms, the Other was first the common rabble, then the regional warlords, and then the ruling families. In the Superpowers era, one power only diminished when its dominion was unchallenged by others. When the Terran Empire hit the same issue, combined with a series of weak Imperators, the rot set in and even the greatest General, Tobias Hennessey, who was said to have won every battle he had ever participated in, before taking the office as the Last Imperator of the Empire in its death throes, could not fix the issue. Such a time was rising again, and even if it would happen organically, Caym was the type of person to ... give the whole process a kickstart to happen on HIS timeframe, not anyone else’s.
Even before he had fully consolidated his reign over House Katain after his father’s “Tragic Grav-boat accident” (that just happened to also claim the lives of two of Caym’s brothers, such a tragedy) he had researched the likely causes of the Federation’s dissolution. One had to know about what the common plebian considered an infringement on his pursuit of a contented life. After intense studies, he came down to a few key factors that would shape the future of mankind:
First off, of course, was Safety: The common pleb would put up with a lot, if they and theirs were safe from attack. The ongoing “God’s Hammer” (what his group called the Slinger Project) attacks were an obvious threat to everyone’s safety. Not only that, because of the random nature of the attacks, and the method of the attack leaving no clues to the origin of the attackers, billions of Federation citizens and serfs fruitlessly scanned the horizon of their own worlds, wondering if they would be the next to suffer an atrocity. And while even a hundred “God’s Hammer” attacks could not kill a world’s population, the fact that it affected so many, yet left so many untouched increased the paranoia the attacks caused. A pre-Terran spaceflight dictator once said “A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is just a statistic.” But even a million deaths is still a tragedy on a world with over 250 million on it, was indeed a tragedy. Because so many were left behind, and most of them had at least a theoretical connection to those killed, it caused additional anguish.Combined with the “encouragement” of open piracy in some areas made interstellar travel and trade dicey. Better to stay home and safe rather than risk those ... foreign worlds, with things unfamiliar, after all.
Then there was Identity. People wanted to believe that their origin, no matter how lowly, was better than others, and particularly better then nearby rivals. People did not want to be classified as a whole, in general. They wanted to divide the universe into US and THEM. Who US and THEM were would differ from region to region, and really THEM could be left unsaid, that people would automatically substitute their preferred THEM for a nebulous threat. For the Merchant Houses, Identity was more with the House, then the region of space. You couldn’t be too heavy handed, but if you were subtle enough, over time, (years stretching to generations), people would identify with something local and against something distant and far away. For example, most luxury goods on Katain-controlled worlds was made by a Katain-controlled corporation. Only the base level, shoddily built products of other regions were imported. Sure, you could get a House Tarkan grav-car for a couple thousand less credits then the Katain-created version with minimal feature changes, but the resulting lack of quality from only importing base models would shine through, and the public would automatically look at things made be other regions as “foreign junk” and “not fit for a TRUE connoisseur”. The only things that carried the House Katain brand was reliable, high-quality products for a reason.
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After Crystal’s words, it took me several minutes to make my way safely back into MARY’S DREAM. Space does not forgive mistakes, even if the person making them is exhausted mentally and physically, two conditions that I definitely fell under at that moment. But I had to do it. Crystal could have done it remotely, and probably did a better job than I could. Despite all her features, she was an AI, I was a human and this was my life. Well, it was the best part of my life. An AI could accept...
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As we pulled into the queue for taking the Jumpgate from the Geghast System, Astro Control pinged our shipboard comm. Apparently, we had a message waiting from the station. That would be unusual enough, but it that wasn’t the only odd thing about it. It was not to me, or Melissa, or even the girls. It was addressed to Heyanna! From: Jo-Anne Kerwood, Priestess of the Sisterhood of the Stars, Geghast station To: Sister H, Ship 24519-3124 Hello Sister, you have asked for a series of prayers to...
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For the second time in my relatively-short life, especially in an era where lifespan extenders are a regular thing if you have the credits to pay for it, my world was nothing but pain. The first time was really bad, but it was somewhat localized, as the worst hurting places were the places that they jabbed the neural shocker against my bare skin. After a while, the nerves just shut down from over use. So it was like a roaring fire rising and fading quickly. This was different. If the first...
(Note: This chapter takes place shortly after Chapter 4 and 5, and takes place with a different point of view) I would have sighed wistfully if I was in my body as I finished sending the message back to Alex and MARY’S DREAM. Of course, being in a HI-AI (Human Intelligence Artificial Interface), I didn’t really sigh, or ... well do much really. But in the electronic world? I was the freakin’ quantum ghost in the Machine, the fastest thing ever to hit the Alternet. I didn’t do much of my...
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Well, she had mouse trapped me. I had no choice to accept, but I swore to myself, if there was some kind of game being played, I’d drop them off on the first world I could and to hell with them. My voice was granite as I replied “I grant you the right of protection. But I want you to tell me now, and I mean RIGHT NOW, what’s going on. Why don’t you want to speak to your family?” “Have you heard of House Iraske?” I hadn’t heard much about them, but what I had heard wasn’t good, and I said...
We were lucky, usually Geghast Station was one of those stations that at any one moment, there could be ten or more ships docked looking for a cargo, leading to sometimes someone taking a run that would barely break even, just to get off the dock and stop paying docking fees, but this time there was a pretty decent run taking us to the Morely System, which was a single jumpgate away. Even with the days to get to the jump gate, and the couple days in system once we arrived, it was going to...
There are many sounds that can get a captain’s attention, even in the deepest sleep. The sound of escaping air from a hull breach for example, or the sounds of disrupter fire. However, there is one sound above all else that is guaranteed to wake up even the most sound sleeping captain, at least one that wants to survive to wake up. And Crystal helpfully played that sound at maximum volume, the harsh, blaring siren, along with her announcement that the ship was under attack. I was halfway...
TERRA CHAT: Room XDFJAR514329KUR5 (Anonymous) Morgana: You know, I forgot how often you jump into action. Didn’t you think there was a better way to alert them then, you know, violating OpSec and revealing yourself? Tristan: Oh hello, Morgana. Fancy meeting you here. Morgana: That’s not answering my question, damnit... Tristan: Calm down, will you? Morgana: You know the rules. No endangering mission security! Tristan: Well, let’s put it this way. If you could come up with a better way...
We had a pretty decent cargo, heading for a slice of the worlds controlled by the Coriolis Factor, a merchant-trading group with interests in several lower-level worlds. It was a rather benign control, mind you, not necessarily ruthlessly rubbing out any contenders to the throne, but make no mistake, they knew what was going on around their worlds. They didn’t have any side in the ongoing Merchant House struggle, so that, combined with the generally low traffic the worlds gathered, made it...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
Classic Free Ones Board! Back in my day, forums about porn were the best thing around. They were our sweet sin if you will. If you wanted to find nudes and videos of that one girl you liked you would have definitively taken it to a dirty forum like this one. Interestingly enough, some of these pages didn't lose popularity, and there are still plenty of people using them because there are some things that simply don't work on tube sites.'s forum is as popular as ever and if you came...
Porn ForumsHi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil kama veri pidithu iruntha nilaiyil velaikaariayai matter aditha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar ragul vayathu 27 aagugirathu. Naan iru varudathirku munbu oru thirumanam aagiya auntyai matter adithen athan pin enaku entha penaiyum ooka vaaipu kidaika villai. Naan Kalakurichiyil vasithu varugiren, enathu veetin aruge oru velaikaari velai seithu vanthu irunthaal. Aval paarka ilamaiyaaga irupaal vayathu 31...
Mary pulled up next to the barn at Nick’s Christmas Tree Farm, the first Saturday of November. The farm opened for business the weekend before Thanksgiving. Mary had worked each season for the past seven years, and always came out a week early to walk through the fields of evergreens. It was the slowest time of year for her design business and this seasonal job allowed her to utilize her creativity. The sun felt warm on her shoulders, while the air was cool against her face. The dried autumn...
Ann asked, when will your boyfriend stop by. Blushing Mary said I don't have a boyfriend. Not yet an ways. Oh, anyone special in your life, Ann asked. No, I worked so hard to graduate early, and living at home I haven't had time for a relationship Mary answered. Smiling to herself Ann finished her glass. You must be stiff after all the work you've done today, Ann asked. I am a little bit sore Mary said, I figured I could work it out in the gym later. As she filled Mary's glass Ann asked, how...
Ann poured Mary an other glass of wine, she noticed her guest was starting to relax. I can't believe how hard it is to move, Mary said. When I moved back home my dad helped me. Going to the kitchen to fill the platter with more cheese and fruit Ann asked, would you like me to massage your shoulders. Taking a drink Mary said that would be great. Setting the platter on the table and came around the table and stood behind Mary. Soft at first she rubbed her shoulders. Ann knew she couldn't go to...
After Mary left, Ann rushed to get ready. Showering she used her best body wash and shampoo. Rubbing her pelvis she decided she needed a quick shave. The water felt good as it rained down on her vagina. Spreading her lips, she held her head back as the water massaged her clit. Her thoughts went to Mary's soft breast and large nipples. Slipping a finger in she moved herself to an orgasm. Remembering why she was there, she quickly finished her pelvic area and legs. Drying Ann found the sented...
Beth took Mary's hands and said follow me. Taking her to the bedroom Beth ordered, take those things off. But, Mary started to say. Get rid of them, Beth said sternly. Mary stood in front of Beth. Hands shaking she pulled off her vest, and started unbuttoning her blouse. Looking up Mary asked, what did I do wrong. Beth just watched silently. Stepping out of her pants, Mary hung her head, feeling ashamed standing in only her lingerie. Turning her around Beth said, look at your self. Mary looked...
As Ann worked the kinks out of Mary's legs, Mary felt something being to build inside her. Ann squeezed and rubbed Mary's muscles on her right leg. Massaging her calf, then her foot, Mary's breathing quickened. As Ann started working on Mary's left butt cheek, Mary moaned loudly. Feel good Ann asked. With a shaky voice Mary said yes. Mary felt her pussy start to moisten. As her thoughts began to deserve her Mary's body started to react to Ann's knowing hands. Mary moved her hips and raised her...
Mary breathed heavy as she dreamed. Her breasts being kissed, and her nipples softly bitten before being sucked. She moaned as she felt soft kisses go down her stomach to her pelvic area. Smiling she moved her legs giving her lover full access to her virgin woman hood. Dreaming she openly let her vaginal lips be sucked and parted by a knowing tongue. As an orgasm wash over her she opened her eyes to find Ann laying between her legs. What are you, she started to say before she felt Ann's tongue...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
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Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
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Hello friends, sontha thangai en nanbanudan oothathaai paarthu avalai kama veri pidithu eppadi oothen enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En tamil kama kathaiyai padithu anaivarum rasiyungal, vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam. En peyar Vishnu vayathu 25 aagugirathu, en veetil thatha paati muthal amma appa matrum thangai naan ivalavu perum ondraaga irunthom. Naan pothuvaaga veetirku kudithu vittu selum pozhuthu pin puram oru kathavu irukum athu vazhiyaaga thaan veetin...
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UNDER THE SPELL of Ibin Arriaga, Steven was soon running all manner of errands throughout the great house. After the fire was built and drink was served, there was food to prepare and a tub of water to bring for Ibin to soak his ankle in. Steven gathered a pillow from the master’s bedroom for Ibin’s back and a silver chalice from the cabinet in the eating room for Ibin to drink from. Steven marveled at the size of the house. It seemed most of his village could have lived in its many...
My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
"Is Rapemeat crying again?" you ask. "Yes, master." Alice answers. "What do you suggest then?" you say, grabbing one of her tits. You sit in your garden, naked in your comfortable chair next to a table, right in front of your mansion. You are the only person out there. Right next to you is Alice, a blonde gorgeous 19 y.o female of 1,75 height and a big c-cup cleavage. Like all other objects in your mansion, she does not wear clothes inside your property. Unlike most of the other slaves, she is...
BDSMAn inconspicuous vehicle is traveling down the back roads of a nameless city. It's 5:30 PM. A man- Joe Smith- is driving the Dry Cleaning Pick-Up Truck. A mysterious moaning is coming from the back of his truck. He pays it no heed. He pulls off of the main road and into the South side of town. It's not a place that many people like to go to. A few minutes later, he pulls his truck up to an abandoned warehouse. The place has seen better days- at least twenty years ago. He leans his head out of...
BDSMPhoebe walks into the room leading Shannon by the leash. Shannon is a sex slave. She is naked except for the iron collar around her neck and a pair of black spiked heel shoes. Shannon’s hands are cuffed behind her back. Phoebe looks beautiful today. She is wearing a subdue outfit. Phoebe has a white blouse with buttons on the back and a below the knee navy blue pencil skirt. She is wearing natural colored stockings and she is wearing navy blue high heel shoes with a square heel and round...
Despite it still being dark outside, there was a flurry of activity in the marketplace. My androids had already set up the special produce tables that I rented from the owner of the marketplace. The tables tilted slightly with raised edges so that we could stack the produce. Even though the sun hadn’t yet cleared the horizon, there were at least two hundred people anxiously waiting for us to open. Showing how smart he was, the fast food vendor had his kitchen open, although he was only...
The next morning, I was mentally exhausted from the previous day’s negotiations, but not as tired as I would have expected. Between that, my more youthful appearance, and my ravenous appetite lately, I had a suspicion. I docked with the old aircraft carrier and the androids ran cabling between the two ships so that I could control the powerful engines and shields of the big ship. I named the new ship (to me) the Phaunos, after the Greek God of the forests. With as much timber as I planned to...
Four days after Ramina showed me the changes she had made to the ships, Yuka arrived with the Phaunos. He also brought the top brass from the Karkallian Navy who wanted to thank me personally for helping uncover the plot against the government, for helping to capture the conspirators on Toolondo, and for all the new ideas. They were surprised that I had come up with so many new ideas. Yuka’s work was exceptional. From the outside, the Phaunos looked like nothing more than a huge, slow,...
The girls insisted that I take them out to dinner in one of the restaurants aboard the Tomkit Station. I was surprised when they wanted the ten slaves to accompany us. At least they had Terran clothing for the women, not that I minded the view the Karkallian clothing provided. Still, aboard the station, the usual view would be disruptive. The girls knew exactly what they wanted to order, showing that they had been out to dinner with my family, and that they were quick studies. Tiyya ordered...