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The Legal Pawn


Deputy Duffy

The sound of Barry White blared over the speakers and the dance floor bustledwith sweaty dancers. Julia Davis was not one of them. She sat in a booth justoff the dance floor's side. She was flipping through her case files, whileoccasionally glancing up at her co-workers, dancing away.

She shook her head in frustration. She wanted to be anywhere but in the smokydance club. She had just been given what could possibly be the case of herlifetime and the young lawyer wanted to prove her worth to her boss Mr. Harrison.She was thrilled to be given the opportunity, but not with the catch. She wasn'tpleased that she had to work on the case with two other lawyers.

("Why them?" She thought, as she watched them dance.)

The lights flickered, as Ellen Bradley shook her platinum blonde hair. Shewas the lead lawyer, and she gave the orders. She was also rumored to be closeto being made a partner. It was her idea to come to the dance club to havesome drinks and blow off some steam.

Ellen was putting on a fine display of dirty dancing with her dance partnerZack Bugler. Julia shook her head, as he bobbed back and forth. He was youngerthan Julia, but seemed to be moving along faster at the firm than Julia. Butwith this case she was determined to change that. He glanced her way. Juliachuckled remembering that he also had the nerve to ask her out for a date,after only working at the firm for two weeks.

"Wow, that was fun," Ellen gushed, as she spun over towards Julia. "You twoshould give it a whirl."

"Yeah right," Julia snickered, sliding off her stool and brushing past. Onlyan evil eye sent Zack's way as he offered his hand.

"He's a good dancer, really," Ellen said, over the loud music. But she onlygot Julia's back, as she slid into the last booth against the back wall. Zackcringed, feeling her bee-like-sting, yet again.

"Wow, this is going to be tougher than I thought," Ellen said, grabbing Zackby the hand and leading him, with subtle force, along the booths, until theyreached Julia's.

A firm hand on the shoulder, reluctantly sent Zack in first. Ellen quicklyfollowed. Now sitting face to face, Zack could feel Julia's distain, althoughhe didn't understand why.

"I need another drink," Ellen said, just seconds after sitting down.

"Yeah, that sounds good," Zack said, before he motioned to the young woman,carrying a silver tray. "Waitress, three more martinis."

Julia offered one more plea to leave, but Ellen just shook her head. Zackrolled his eyes, not because he wanted to leave, but because Ellen had sliddown excessively, her body pressing him up against the far wall. He could smellher spicy perfume now, or maybe it was her hair. He felt his body tingle. Hetried to fight it, as he wanted to think of Ellen as a boss and mentor andnot like the sexy older woman that she was portraying.

"Now, I think we need to talk about this," Ellen said loudly, over yet anotherBarry White song.

"This what?" Julia snapped.

"This's not good for the case...."

"Oh, the case," Julia interrupted. "THIS is really helping the case," shesaid, while waving her hand in their direction.

"This my dear, is getting to know each other, 'cause from now on, THIS, meaningthe three of us, is all we have," Ellen said, her voice full of force. Sheglanced over at Zack, just off her right shoulder, and put her hand on hisleft knee. "Right?"

Zack could only manage a nod, feeling pawed at yet again. He also felt workingon this case probably meant spending every waking hour together working onit. He knew this meant his social life would have to be put on hold yet again,but he didn't want to blow his shot. Zack shuddered at the thought, then, becauseEllen's hand was slowly sliding up his leg.

"And I think it would behoove us all to get along," Ellen said looking atJulia, before she spun her seductive blue eyed gaze at an ever increasinglynervous Zack's way, before purring into his ear. "Right Zackey?"

"Yeeep," Zack shrieked out, like a schoolgirl, as Ellen's hand boldly brushedhis crotch.

"Well, there is getting along and then there is getting it on!" Julia sneered.

"I didn't say that. Although, I'm the only one married here," Ellen said,while her hand was tracing small circles on the flushed-faced Zack's crotch.Zack even tried to coyly bat her hand away, after hearing her confession, butmore because of the positive effect her touch was having. For Zack, it hadbeen a long time since a hand other than his own had been down there. But thebrazen Ellen was winning the battle.

"But I only married for status," Ellen confessed, while turning Zack's faceher way. "My husband hasn't sent me to bed a satisfied woman in many a moon." Ellen,now staring into Zack's baby blues, finished with a wink, which Julia caught.

"Look at you two. I bet you have your hand on his leg right now," Julia managedto spit out, before Ellen's giggling drowned her out.

"Something like that," Ellen seductively purred, as she finally gave Zack'sgrowing cock a good squeeze, sending it to a full-blown hard-on. "Yeah, justlike that." Ellen was impressed.

Zack, sweating with embarrassment, was worried about blowing more than justhis shot now.

"Well, you two play your games...I'm outta here," Julia said, just as thewaitress brought over their drinks.

"Just one more!" Ellen shouted, but Julia was already making her way throughthe crowded dance floor.

"What crawled up her ass?" Ellen said, before gulping down her martini. Zackjust shook his head, while trying to adjust his pants. Ellen giggled as shewatched. "Need some help with that?"

"What?" Zack gasped. "Look she's gone, so you can stop teasing me."

"Tease!" Ellen snapped. "I'm a lot of things...but a"

"I think we should keep our relationship professional."

"I agree, Zack...when we're in the office."


"But here we are, and I got you all hard, so I should help know," Ellensaid, rubbing Zack's tented pants, again. "How 'bout a little hand job?"

"Not here," Zack said, batting her hands away.

"It's dark," Ellen said with a giggle, while tugging at his fly.

"Outside," Zack said, pushing on her shoulder.

Ellen slid to her feet and pulled on Zack's hand. Zack was embarrassed athis present condition, so he was glad the club was indeed dark. He also followedEllen closely, his hand massaging Ellen firm ass. They made their way out ofthe backdoor into a darkened alley.

"Geez.... I don't know about this Zack, after all. I had no idea this wasan alley," Ellen said, looking around. "Maybe we should go back into the club...orgo find my car?"

"This thing is painful you know," Zack moaned. Ellen giggled, as she grabbedhis hand. Zack quickly batted it away and pushed Ellen over to a trash filledDumpster.

"Zack, what the fuck are you doing?" Ellen cried out. But he just laughedand pulled up the back of her tight dress. She could feel the evening's coldair. "Not here...not like this," she pleaded, as she heard Zack unzip his fly.

"Look, you said you weren't a tease," he said, before he ripped off her whitepanties, in one violent jerk, and tossed them into the Dumpster, while sheshrieked. "But I only said a hand job!"

"What are we in high school!" Zack said grabbing Ellen's small wrists andholding them against the dumpsters opining. He held them in place with onehand, while he spat into his other hand and then he rubbed it between her legs.He was surprised at her smoothness. ("Must be a wax job," he thought to himself.)He ran his fingers along her pussy lips, before finally sliding two fingersin.

"Owww." Ellen moaned, "Easy, why are you doing this?" But she instinctivelyspread her legs and arched her back. Zack spit on his hand again and rubbedit on his hard cock. He ran the head of his cock along her pussy until it slidinside. She bit her lip. He let out a groan. His thrusts quickly became deeperand more powerful. (All of Ellen's sexy looks, her innocent touches, her dirtydancing, her crotch rubbing, had built him into a sexual frenzy that he wasnow taking out on Ellen's backside.) The sounds of slapping skin echoed throughoutthe ally.

Ellen tried to get Zack to slow down, as his deep thrust with his large cock,were almost painful, but her pleas only seemed to fuel his fire. Ellen shrieked,suddenly spotting a bum, sitting on some cardboard boxes, only a couple offeet away. He was watching with a toothless grin. She cringed, noticing thathe was jerking off while watching Zack fuck her.

"Please Zack, someone's watching!"

"I know. I saw him, too," Zack said, grabbing a hand full of hair. "But ifyou know how long I've wanted this...Julia."

Ellen gasped. She wasn't sure if she heard right, but she could have sworn....

He suddenly pulled down on the back of her hair, as he groaned out and releaseddeep inside of her pussy, interrupting her thoughts. Several small quiversfollowed, and then he let go of her hair.

A voice suddenly bellowed out. "Everything alright out here?"

Zack and Ellen quickly fixed their clothing. When they turned, they spottedone of the club's bouncers at the backdoor.

"Good timing, Pal," Ellen said, as she made her way back into the club andZack followed. She never looked back, while he stopped at the bar to have anotherdrink.

Zack finally made his way home. His head was still swirling from the evening'sevents. He knew the difference between right and wrong, and he was leaningtowards the later.

Unlocking the door to his one room flat, he swung the door open and headedstraight for the frig -- a finale beer on his brain. Cracking the bottle open,his nose picked up a scent, but it wasn't barley, it was....

"Hi there Zackey."

He heard the sexy voice, before he focused on the moon lit face.

"Ellen, what the…!" Zack screeched, at his surprised visitor. "Howdid you get in here?"

"Key under the mat," Ellen said with a smile, as she flipped on his polelamp. "Not real original."

"B-but what?" Zack mumbled, moving closer, a little cautiously.

"What my dear?" Ellen purred, dragging on a cigarette. "Cigarette after sex,isn't that the way?"

"No. Wha-why are you here?" Zack mumbled, as he sat down on his couch acrossfrom Ellen, who was slumped in his old recliner.

"Ok Zack, I'll cut to the chase," Ellen said, putting her cigarette intoan empty beer bottle. "You see, you and me need to have a little talk, 'causewe gut a problem."

"Problem?" Zack managed, a gulp in his throat.

"Yeah, I have a problem with being fucked in an alley, like a common whore,while some bum watched. You could have at least slipped a fifty into my braafter you were done with me. Really now, leaving me with your cum oozing outof my pussy, and running down my thighs," Ellen said. She put on her best faceof disgust, although she tingled with excitement. Zack cringed and slumpedback.

"And to top it off, you weren't even fucking me, were you?" Ellen said, teasingly.

Zack's head slumped. She heard.

"So what are we gunna do now?" Ellen asked, disgust in her voice.

"I dunno," Zack mumbled, his stomach turning.

"Well for starters, at least look at me," Ellen ordered and Zack quicklyfollowed. "That's better."

He did his best to focus, but his insides were in turmoil.

"Good, now listen and listen good, young man. The way I see it you owe meone, big time, and here's what I want." Ellen paused for effect, loving thatshe had Zack's full attention. "I want Julia."

"Huh!" Zack groaned, a little taken aback.

"Not like that! I'm no lesbian," Ellen said, with a scrunched face. "No,I just want her for one night. I wanna see her on her knees, licking my pussy…lickingmy asshole."

Zack was even more stunned now.

"It's a power thing," Ellen said, reading his face. "And your gunna makeit happen."

"What?" Zack squealed.

"Yeah, that's right buddy boy. I don't even care if you join in. Hell you'vefucked me once, and I know you wanna fuck her, so just make it happen."

"I mean, but how and why?" Zack, in a panic, quickly asked.

"Why?" Ellen said, biting a bright red fingernail. "Hmmm.… That'sa tough one...let's just say I want Miss High-Horse put in her place."

"Confused," Zack chirped, shaking his head.

"Look, when Julia first joined the firm, we bonded. I thought we were goodfriends and then she just changed...and...."

"What happened?" Zack interrupted.

"I don't know!"


"Look, it was innocent."

"Tell me, Ellen."

"Look, we used to work out together, so like we were at the gym. Well, afterour workout we were in the locker room, and it was time to shower, but therewas only one shower open, that's all."

"If you don't tell me," Zack said, moving to the edge of the couch. "It'llbe harder to help."

"Alright...alright...but this stays between us," Ellen warned. "Well I suggestedwe shower I said it was innocent."

"Ah, huh," Zack groaned in disbelief.

"It was!" Ellen hissed. "I've showered with other women before. I didn'tthink it was a big deal, so I started taking off my workout clothes. Like Isaid, I didn't think it was a big deal."

"That depends, I guess," Zack managed, the picture of them porno showering,dancing in his head.

"It was just...I don't know...maybe it was the look on her face when I startedstripping off her clothes. I thought she might faint, especially when I grabbedher sports bra and pulled it off."

Zack shivered with the thought.

"She was mumbling some protest, as there were a couple of women watchingus. But hey, I was already naked, so she was getting naked, too. I almost hadto rip her small bike shorts off, as she was so squirmy. When I finally hadher naked, I grabbed her by the hand and headed for the shower."

"And then?" Zack quickly moaned, excitement on his breath.

"Well the shower was built for one, so we, you know, were onskin," Ellen said, excitement now on her breath. "One thing about Julia thatyou've probably noticed by now is that she has some rather large breasts onher, and well I've just never...well...they were like two begging cones....I-I, ah, just wanted know...."

"Touch them," Zack added, feeling strangely jealous.

"Yeah...I mean no.... I just wanted to help her wash," Ellen said,shaking her head.

"Ah huh," Zack chuckled.

"Well, I didn't think it was a big deal, so I offered to wash her back," Ellensaid, her body consumed with exhilaration, as her mind raced back in time. "Shewas frozen like a statue. Her skin was slick and smooth. I just couldn't helpmyself. After I finished her back, I reached around and her breasts just meltedin my soapy hands. I couldn't believe how firm they were. The soap, the water,her golden brown erect was electric."

Zack, listening to Ellen's sultry voice, was suffering from a case of happypants, yet again.

"Well, I thought she was enjoying it as much as I was, so one of my handsmoved lower and lower. Honestly, she could have used a trim down there. I meanmy finger almost got tangled, but it finally slid in. Her pussy even seemedto suck me in. One hand now on her breast, another in her pussy, soft moansfrom her lips. It was heaven! I thought I finally had her...but...."

"But?" Zack snapped, excitement and jealousy fully consuming him.

"Yeah but...but she couldn't take it. She bolted from the showers and hasnever looked at me the same way again."

"Maybe she's not into woman," Zack said, with a prideful shrug.

"No, it's not that. I could tell by the way she looked at me when I strippedoff my clothes that she liked what she saw, and she definitely liked my touch.And ever see a boyfriend?"


"No, she has a problem with me being her boss, and she just has a problemletting go of her fears," Ellen said, as she rose from her seat.

"And you have a problem with rejection," Zack growled, as he shook his head.

"I get what I want," Ellen said, with a glare, before she strolled to thedoor. "You don't think I've had to suc…. Do things that I'm not proudof to make it this far! Why should she be any different?"

"But how do I?" Zack asked, before Ellen opened his door.

"I don't care how you do it," Ellen said, an evil look on her face, whenshe turned her gaze back. "Seduce her, coerce her, blackmail, I don't care,just set it up before the case is over...or...."

"Or?" Zack groaned.

"Or you're done at the firm, and I will blackball your ass so bad you won'teven get a job pumping fucking gas around here," Ellen growled in a raspy voice. "Remember,I get what I want."

Zack shook at her closing statement and from the slamming door.

He also knew that he'd been had.

Zack spent the next day trying to figure a way out of his predicament. Heknew Julia could make good on her threats. He decided to hire a P. I. thathe used on a prior case to dig up some dirt on Julia. He also gave him Ellen'sname almost as an afterthought. The P. I. took a few days before he calledback. He told Zack that Julia was clean. Zack cursed at the news. But the P.I. went on to say that Ellen, on the other hand, caused quite the stir in hersmall town when she was a senior in high school, and she had an affair withher principal and ended up getting pregnant. But what Zack was surprised tohear was that Ellen aborted the pregnancy. Her abortion made the front pageof her small town rag for days.

When Zack hung up the phone, he checked his email for the newspaper reportsthat the P. I. was sending his way. He knew this could be his out. Zack's brainwas racing. (He had gotten to know Mr. Harrison over the last couple of years,and knew that he was a radical pro-lifer. He even went all over the countrywith his wife to support the cause. And if he knew about this, Zack had a feelingthat it would be Ellen that would be through at the firm.) Zack made some copiesand headed out to find Ellen.

He found her having her morning coffee at a small Diner and presented herwith his findings. He loved the stunned look on her face when he told her thatshe would now become his "fuck toy" in exchange for his silence. "Startingtoday, in your office, after work," Zack said, as he left Ellen with a smallkiss on her rosy cheek. "And you'll have to get Julia on your own...I ain'tno pimp," he said, as he headed for work with a whistle.

At work, Zack spent most of the day in the firm's basement. Ellen had givenhim the daunting task of looking up old case after case. He was looking forprecedents, involving their case, or basically anything that would help themout.

Zack was doing his best to concentrate on work, but as the day wore on, hisconcentration was slipping. His after work sex meeting with Ellen in her officedancing in his head. He kept patting his pocket, warming a tube of lubrication,which was waiting for the deed. He had only found one lover prior willing togive anal sex a try. But she only lasted three or four thrusts before she cried, "nomas!" He sported an evil grin, as Ellen would get no such break. Although,he was pretty sure he wouldn't be the first to make that dirty trip, he wasmostly looking forward to controlling his boss.

("Ah, but first," he thought, looking at his Rolex, seeing that it was finallytime. "I think I'll get one of her famous blowjobs that I've heard oh so muchabout. I can't wait to see her face smeared with my cum.")

Zack made the long trip up to Ellen's office, his groin already aflutter,as it had been all day. His cock had been in every state there was just thinkingabout the fun things he was gunna do with Ellen.

He stopped at Ellen's door, looking around, here and there, to make surethe coast was clear. ("Not a creature stirring," Zack thought, as he rappedon the door, before swinging it open. Weakly impersonating a "here's Johnny.")

"What, you change your name?"

"Julia what the...?" Zack said, stopping dead in his tracks. "I mean, whatare you doing here?"

"What?" Julia snapped. "We are working hard on the case, too."

"No, I, ah, mean," he mumbled trying to get Ellen's eye, but she was actingbusy, flipping papers on her desk. "I'm surprised that's all."

"Yeah, we're full of surprises," Julia said with a sly grin.

The grin went over Zack's head, because he was looking a little lower, hismouth agape, and his eyes unbelieving. He focused. ("Wow!" he thought to himself,over and over, at the cleavage Julia was now sporting. Her usually fully buttonedblouse was unbuttoned down past her eye catching, red bra. Her bra was alsoseemingly trying to push her full breasts out of the blouse's opening.)

"Ah, Zack," Ellen said, snapping her fingers. "Did you want something?"

"Ah, no," Zack moaned, shaking his head at Ellen's question, although henever really heard it. He also seemingly missed the wise way in which she askedit.

Zack sat in the chair in front of Ellen's desk, one eye still on his target,now sitting on the desk's side. Lust, fighting the strands of love that hadcrept into his soul over time.

Julia was doing her best to be pretending to read some paperwork, although,she could feel his Fourth of July stare. (Ellen had met with Julia, layingout a plan to get rid of Zack, and it was well underway now, although, Juliawas still unsure she could go through with it, as she was already feeling sunburned.)

Time, unfazed, continued to tick by, as the trio managed to actually getsome work done, as they did the next three days. With each hour at work Zackwas growing more and more frustrated as he was never quite able to get Ellenalone. As there was always some sort of complication at work and she told himthat her mother had dropped in for a surprise visit. Zack was amazed at hisbad timing, and was growing tired of carrying the unused tube of lubricantaround. But he was more amazed at the transformation that Julia was seeminglyundergoing in front of his eyes. It might have just been his imagination andhis sexual frustration, but her skin level seemed to be increasing with eachpassing day. He was also surprised that he was growing ever more jealous, ashe noticed that his weren't the only eyes to notice.

Friday finally rolled around, which Mr. Harrison had surprisingly announced,would be a casual one. (A first for the firm.) Zack found his place at theFriday morning meeting, his jeans and golf shirt, a pleasant change. Ellenwas the next to enter, followed by Mr. Harrison. Zack just chuckled at Ellen'slow cut top and short skirt, wondering if she was doing this just to teasehim, or if she was just showing off her tight body.

It was almost 9am and Julia was the only one, out of the ten lawyers, yetto arrive. Zack double-checked his watch, because Julia was always prompt.Usually she was the first one to arrive and the last to leave. The runningjoke around the firm was that she had to have a bed in the basement, although,the other day Zack didn't find it.

With everyone seated around the large mahogany conference table, in the room'scenter, Mr. Harrison called the meeting to order, just as the backdoor of theconference room swung open. All eyes turned towards the door at first and thenstared at the lone figure standing in its way. It was as if each eyeball zoomedin on the creature, wearing the black miniskirt and light blue angora half-sweater,in disbelief. Her clicking silver spiked heels, the only sound echoing offthe walls, as she sauntered to an empty seat, in the table's middle. Ellen,the only other female, was also watching her every move, like a proud coach.

Mr. Harrison broke the awkward silence by clearing his throat. "Ah hum...Miss,you must be in the wrong."

"Sir that's Julia," Ellen quickly whispered into his ear.

"Julia?" He gasped, before he snapped his head back her way. "OUR Julia."

"Yeah, hi there boss man," Julia said with a snap of her gum, as she slowlysank into her seat and crossed her legs. "You said it was a causal Friday."

"Boss man...? Ellen...?" Mr. Harrison said, looking at Ellen.

"Do you want her to take off her clothes?" Ellen said, before she giggledat her wide-eyed boss's look. "I meant, change, after all you did say 'causal.'"

"NO, I ah, no," her boss stammered. "Ah, if she's comfortable, I can livewith it. Ok, let's get started."

With the meeting underway, Julia leaned back in her chair, just to give Zack,who was sitting two seats over, another look. Although inside she was dyingof embarrassment, since she knew what this was doing to her already tight sweater.She was praying the buttons would hold, while also yearning for a bra. If Ellendidn't lock her real clothes in her car's trunk, she would have backed out,when she saw her mirrored reflection, in the ladies bathroom. She cringed insidethinking about it (and the fact that Ellen made her strip down naked, as shewatched, right in the parking garage), as the meeting proceeded. But she triedto follow Ellen's plan. Her advice, to pretend that she was like that otheractress Julia in that movie about lawyers, not really working.

The meeting moved along at a snails pace, as Julia was causing many a distractionamong her male cohorts. Her gum chewing, pencil eraser nibbling, and especiallyher leans forward, effective in there design. She also got the job of handingout the paperwork around the room, repeatedly. Zack took it all in, his facea flame. He was fully consumed now.

After the meeting broke up, most of the other lawyers had some sort of excuseto talk to Julia now, as Zack sat back boiling. He wanted Julia worse thanever now, yet, he hated competition. He wanted to go back in time, seeminglyonly days ago, when he alone knew the truth about what lie in her soul andnot just on her chest.

Ellen patted Zack on the back, as the both stared at Julia collecting someextra paperwork. "See what I told you about her breasts," she whispered intohis ear, "and if you could see her long you blameme...?"

She finished by pinching Zack's cheek, which pissed him off, but he had biggerthings to think about now, as Julia was walking right towards his seat. Ellenclosed the backdoor behind her, leaving them alone.

"Hi there, Zackey, my boy."


"Yeah Zackey...have I ever told you how cute you were?" Julia purred, asshe stood right next to his seat. Her sweater covered breasts, now heaving,tantalizing inches, away from his eyes. Her sexy perfume, drifting into hissenses. Her face burned under his gaze.

"" Zack meaninglessly sputtered, his voice squeaking.

"Yeah and I'm sorry for being so cold to yah at first. I was just jealous," Juliasaid, biting a long, fire engine red, painted fingernail.

"Jealous?" Zack said, tearing his eyes up to hers.

"Yeah, jealous. I mean I was the hotshot when I came aboard and then youcame along," Julia said with a fake sexy smile, "but I'm over it now." Shewasn't. (While she was attracted to Zack, she hated his brownnosing ways.)

"Oh, I see and now?" Zack said, still a little confused by it all.

"And now, I just say 'fuck it' like Tom Cruise in that...."

"Risky Business!" Zack interrupted, like a proud Jeopardy contestant.

"Ah, yeah, whatever, he was so hot in that flick. I wanted to be that chickthat was."

"Rebecca DeMornay," Zack chipped in, seemingly regaining his wits.

"Yeah, her," Julia said. (A little annoyed now, as she was trying to followEllen's script and his interruptions weren't helping. In truth, she never evensaw the movie.) "Yeah, but what I was gunna say, was that I wanted to be theone doing Tom!"

"Oh," Zack moaned. "OH, yeah and I always wanted to bang that chick!" Zack'shead suddenly swimming again. Julia bent down and began purring, like a catin heat, into his ear. Her breasts now resting on his forearm, didn't go unnoticedeither.

"Yeah, but since that isn't gunna happen," Julia purred, with a nibble onhis ear lobe. "Why don't we pretend?"

"Pretend?' Zack managed, with a big gulp. He was also now sportin' a biggerbulge.

"Yeah tonight, come over to my place, at nine, Tom, and your little call-girlwill be there...willing to fulfill your every carnal desire."

"Tonight?" Zack gasped. "Call-girl?"

Julia added some stroking of hair to her actions. "Yeah, and bring a lotof money, 'cause I ain't cheap."

"Money?" Zack said, a little lightheaded.

"Yeah Zack, I don't fuck for free," Julia said, while pulling on the backof Zack's hair, snapping his head back.

"Really! but, I, ah," Zack's rambled words were cut off by Julia's pink,glossy, lips and then her tongue even joined in.

"Wow, I'm good huh?" Julia said with excitement, after breaking the kissand standing up. "I had you going there."

"Yeah...ah...wait...I'm confused," Zack said, while trying to get his breathback. He was also fixing his hair.

"Look, just come over tonight," Julia said, her voice back to normal, suddenlyfeeling a little silly. "If you want know...just bring something towear...if you wanna go for a dip in my pool...?"

"Pool?" Zack said with a shrug. "But you live in an apartment."

"Oh brother," Julia giggled, before she skipped to the door. "See yah tonightat nine, Zackey."

Zack sat in stunned silence. Julia's words clashing in his head, with herscantily dressed body and her killer kiss.

"Oh my god!" Zack gasped into the empty room, his mind finally putting thepieces together. "Tonight I get to finally fuck Julia!"

It had been a painfully slow day for Zack when he finally made his way intohis flat. He took a hot shower and shaved. After he dressed, he put in hisfavorite Jenna Jameson porno tape into the VCR. He took some last minute notesand headed over to Julia's. He made a stop to pick up some condoms and he washoping to finally get to use the tube of lubricant.

When Julia answered the door, Zack was trying to play it cool. But he washaving trouble doing so, as Julia was dressed to kill. She wore a short leopardprint dress and she still had on her silver spiked stiletto heels. Her softbrown hair was glowing, and her makeup, which she hardly ever wore at work,was perfect.

After some small talk, Julia led Zack into her bedroom. Lit candles providedthe only light. She opened the drapes to let in the moon's light, before shesauntered over and helped him into an old fashion, high backed, wooden chairthat sat next to the bed. She stood between his legs and slithered down toher knees. Reaching up, she started to unbutton Zack's silk shirt.

"Julia what's got into you?" Zack said, as he just couldn't help himself.

"Nothing," Julia purred, as she rubbed his smooth chest. "Doesn't this feelgood?"

"Yeah," he nodded, staring into her darkly lined green eyes.

"Good, but I can make you feel a lot better." Zack quivered when her handpressed into his crotch. "Mmmm...Mommy likes."

"Oooh Julia," Zack moaned.

"You like that, huh?" She oozed, as found the outline of his cock. "My, Ican feel you grow under my touch...I'm flattered."

"It feels good Julia." Zack ran his fingers through her soft brown hair.

"Thanks, do you want more?"

"Huh?" Zack shrugged, a little lightheaded.

"You know what I mean," Julia said, as she unbuckled his belt and slowlypulled it out of his pants. Zack just shook his head.

"Ok, I guess you want to hear me say it," Julia said, with a nervous giggle. "Doyou want me to suck your cock for yah?"

Zack gulped, and he nodded in amazement. (It was the first time a woman hadflat out asked him that, usually he had to beg.)

"Ok, but first, slip into these." Julia said. His eyes widened, seeing whatshe was talking about.

"No way!" Zack barked, as he pulled his wrist free, just before she snappedit on. He left her holding the padded handcuff that was attached to the chair'sarmrest. He noticed the other one too. He pushed her aside and stood up. "Whatthe fuck is going on here?"

"Settle down's just for fun. Please sit back down," Julia said,as she tried to grab his arm.

"Ok, I will," Zack said, and then he sat on the end of her bed. "Let's justsay I like to keep my hands free." Zack felt that something was fishy and hefigured he'd play it safe.

"Look, I just don't like men pushing on my head when I suck, that's all...justtry it, you won't be sorry," Julia pleaded. (Although in truth, she had neverhad a penis anywhere near her mouth before.)

"Maybe, but I think I want to see something first."

"Ok, but just have a seat and I'll…."

Zack barked out, "STRIP!"

"What!" Julia squealed.

"Strip! Take off your clothes. I wanna see that body talk."

"That wasn't p-part of the p-p-plan," Julia mumbled.


"Ah yeah, I've been planning this for a while," Julia said, as her face flushed.

"I bet! Call it a change of plans. Now get naked."

"But don't you know?"

"A blow job? Sure! But first, show me those tits."

Julia smacked her lips at his crude words. She looked down and blushed, whishingshe had worn more. But she knew he wanted less. She took a deep breath. Hiseyes were focused on her, but she couldn't muster the courage to meet his.She looked around, stalling.

"Something wrong?" Zack asked.

Julia sighed. She knew that she had to put on a show for him, as much asshe didn't like it. (She also suddenly remembered that Zack was about to beonly the third man to ever see her naked.) Reaching up, she slid a strap offher left shoulder. Her heart pounded. She held the front of her dress and slidoff the other one. Zack was rubbing his hands together. She turned her backto him and dropped the dress to the floor. Only her small gold panties coveredher nakedness, now. She cupped her large breasts in her hands and turned around,following his order.

"C'mon let's see those puppies," Zack said, excitement on his breath.

After she took several deep breaths, she slowly dropped her hands to hersides. She held her breath, as Zack lustfully looked her over. (Inside shewas dying of embarrassment, and anger. Zack was the last person she wantedto show her breasts to.)

"Wow!" Zack mouthed. (Even though he was trying to play it cool, as he thought, "Ellenwas right about her nipples…god dam.")

"Ok, there they let's move on."

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking," Zack said with a sly smile. "Lose thepanties, too."

Julia smacked her lips again.

Zack just laughed. "You offered to suck my cock, but your afraid to dropyour draws."

"You just don't have to be so juvenile," Julia said, hands on her hips. Shequickly covered her chest, reading his eyes. "I think I change my mind!"

She repeated her words, this time louder, as she turned around. Zack sprungup from the bed and grabbed her by the back of the hair and she shrieked. Heswung her around and flung her face first onto the bed and he quickly jumpedon her back. "What the fucks going on Julia!"

"Get off of me, you asshole!" Zack pressed on the back on her head and muffledher further protests.

"You don't think I know you're up to something! I mean, no one changes fromthe girl next door, into a walking talking slut, in days. Then to top it off,when it comes time're only interested in tying me up."

Julia gasped for air when Zack finally moved her head to the side. Focusingher eyes, she could read the evil etched on his face.

"Please Zack," Julia pleaded, before she screamed into the air, "please helpme!"

"Oh, I'll help you," Zack said, as he reached down and ripped her gold pantiesoff. She screamed again. (Instantly remembering Ellen's story about gettingattacked in the alley, and for the first time, she believed her.)

"Shut the fuck up!" Zack again pressed her face into the mattress. He reacheddown and ran his hand over her ass. "Well look at this booty...but I'm moreinterested in this." Julia's muffled cries echoed, as Zack, using his leg topry her legs apart, ran his finger in-between her ass cheeks, before his middlefinger plunged into her pussy.

"Yeah...nice and tight," Zack said, as he snapped his wrist back and forth.He was also surprised that she was shaved. "I'm going to fuck that...but first...Ithink I'll fuck this." He finished his statement by running his fingertip overJulia's pink asshole.

He let go of Julia's head, to fish the lubricant out of his pocket. Juliagasped for air and out of fear. (Although she had sex a couple of times inDanny Gate's back seat, she was an anal virgin.) "Please stop...this has gonefar enough...please...he's going to fuck my ass!"

"You bet I am! As soon as I lube you up."

Julia screamed, as she felt the cold gel. "Not there!"

"I don't know what's going on here, but I'm at least tapping that." He pressedhis finger into her asshole. Julia cried out, "please fuck my pussy! At leastwear a condom!"

Zack just laughed as he ran some gel over his cock. "And to think I thoughtyou were different, but you're just like the rest of them.... Whores. You'reall whores. Just like my mom." Zack was trembling with rage. (He found outin college that his mother was a prostitute. His father her pimp.) "That'senough foreplay. I don't care if it hurts a little. Hell as tight as it felton just my may hurt like hell." His chuckle that followed was pureevil.

Julia pulled on her bed's brass head rail trying desperately to get away,but his body weight slamming down on top of her stop her. He laughed, as herubbed the head of his cock on his target. As Zack rammed his cock into herasshole, her scream was ear piercing. He pressed in deeper. Julia flooded withpain. She made one more plea, telling him how much it hurt, but he simply laughed.He started bucking his hips back and forth. Julia cried. She was an anal virginno more.

Suddenly there was a loud thud. Zack crashed down on top of Julia's back.

"Get him off," Julia said, with all her remaining breath. She could stillfell his stiff cock deep inside of her asshole. The bed shifted and the bodyweight disappeared, but the sting remained. When Julia cleared the tears fromher eyes, she saw Ellen standing by the side of the bed, a rolling pin, stillin hand.

"Here Julia," Ellen said, as she dropped the rolling pin and picked up herdress and handed it to her. She also helped her off the bed. She gave Juliaa hug, which Julia quickly broke.

"No need for that attitude right now, Julia," Ellen said, as she climbedon the bed. "Help me out here."

Julia, clutching the dress in front of her, just watched in puzzlement, asEllen snapped a handcuff on Zack's wrist.

"Ellen, I thought we were going to cuff him to that chair?" Julia said, asEllen was cuffing him face down to the bed's head rail.

"Plan B, Julia."

"Oh! Was that what that was...? Plan B!" Julia sneered.

"Look, things don't always work out perfectly," Ellen said, as she was scanningthe room. "We need something to tie his ankles with, because when he comesaround, he'll be pissed."

"Are you sure you didn't kill him?"

"Well if I did, then it would be time for plan C," Ellen said, picking Zack'sbelt up off the floor, before she asked, "you have another one of these?"

Ellen strapped Zack's ankle to the bed's frame and then the other one followed,using one of Julia's belts. Ellen moved over and pulled the pillows off thebed, but picked one off the floor and put it under Zack's stomach.

"Ellen what's going on?" Julia said, as she scratched her head. "And whydid you let him do that to me?"

"I'm really sorry about that Julia. I just needed to be sure he wouldn'tsee me when I sneaked up on him. I didn't know he'd go right for your ass...fuckingpervert." She smacked Zack's ass, but he was still out cold. (She also lookedaway, because she was lying. She had enjoyed watching Julia's ravishment.) "Look,take a hot shower, it will help and I will make that phone call."

Julia took Ellen's advice and headed for the shower. The hot water soothedher body, but her asshole still burned. She cringed as she cleaned herselfwith a face cloth, noticing a small trace of blood. She wondered if all thiswas worth it. But a promise was a promise.

"After the shower, she put on her blue cotton robe and headed for her bedroom.Ellen was sitting in the small chair next to the bed. Zack appeared to be stillout cold.

"Is he alright?" Julia mumbled.

"He has a pulse...but I don't know if you'd say he's alright."

"Is Bruce coming over?"

"Yah, he is, and he's happy with the change of plans."

"I can't say...."

"I know Julia, I know. But now you know just how sick this fuck is, so maybeall your second thoughts have faded."

Julia shrugged her shoulders. "I still don't know if he'll go for it?"

"Well, only one way to find out," Ellen said, pointing to a vase of flowerson the nightstand. Julia picked the flowers out and handed her the vase. Witha splash, Ellen tossed the water at Zack's face. His reaction was slow: Gasping,moaning, coughing, before his eyes opened.

"Owww, my head."

Julia moved over in front of his face. "Are you ok?"

"No I'm not. What's going on? My head! Why am I tied up? Jesus Julia!"

Ellen slowly walked into view. Zack's eyes widened.

"Hi there Zackey. It's your little love slave." Ellen playfully waved.

"I knew something wasn't right here. I knew you had to be involved," Zacksaid, testing his binds.

"And you still did your thinking with the wrong head," Ellen teased.

"Fuck you!"

"You're such a simple man."

"At least I'm a just think you're one."

"Ok guys, knock it off!" Julia snapped.

The doorbell suddenly rang and the women left to answer it. Zack used thetime to test his binds, the harder he struggled, the tighter the cuffs duginto his skin. The women walked back into the room. Ellen began laughing atZack's struggle.

"Easy Zack, you're gunna rip your wrists off," Ellen said, as she sat downon the edge of the bed. She playfully slapped Zack's ass. "You bad boy." Shepulled a couple of his ass hairs out.

"Ahhh, you fucking cunt!" Zack screamed.

"Ellen, just tell him and let's get this over," Julia said, as she nervouslypaced the floor next to the bed.

"Yeah, what the fuck!" Zack barked.

"Ok, here is the deal Zack. Julia and I sat down and had a nice long talk.We worked some things out. I started by telling her how you tried to blackmailme into being your sex slave by bringing up the past."

"Your principal knocked you up. Go on, tell her how you fucked your principal.You whore!"

"Quiet!" Ellen barked, but Zack continued.

"Yeah, and then got an abortion. Fucking baby killer! I bet you fucked yourway through law school, too."

"Shut up!" Ellen screamed, slapping Zack on the ass.

"Yeah, tell her about the time you fucked two jurors, just to win a case."

"What's he talking about Ellen?" Julia said, as she stopped her pacing.

"He's lying."

"I'm not. Ellen is a world-class whore. She learned at an early age."

"This isn't going to work," Ellen said. She stood up and slid off her pantiesfrom under her dress. Julia's jaw dropped. Ellen slid off one of her thighhigh stockings and sat back down on the bed.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Ellen's panties being shoved into his mouth,cut off Zack's protests. Then the stocking wrapped around his head, kept themthere.

"There...that's better," Ellen said, as she sat back with a smirk. "You seeZack I told her about the principal. But what the papers didn't say was thatI wasn't exactly a willing participant. See I never knew my dad and he hadbecome like a father to me, and I was too scared to lose his attention to say'no'. And I was too young to have a baby. But you being a guy wouldn't understand."

Zack tried to speak, but the gag was effective.

"What's that boy!" Ellen teased, with a smack on the ass. "And then Juliatold me a similar story about an aunt that she lived with when she was goingto high school, whose affections grew more and more sexual. That's why shebolted from the showers that day. I reminded her of her older aunt, who likedto sneak into the showers with her."

"You didn't really have to tell him that," Julia said with a frown.

"Yeah, you're right," Ellen said with a giggle, before she added, "but wesolved that problem. Last night, I let her tie me up, and that way she's incharge. I've never came so hard!"

"Ellen!" Julia gasped, at Ellen's flat out lie. "You said you wouldn't tellanyone."

"Yeah Zack, and then I returned the favor. See Zack, I win," Ellen said withprideful chuckle. Julia cringed, still wondering if she made the right choice.

"And here is how stupid you are Zack," Ellen said with a smack to the backof his head. "She likes men, too, although, she has only been with one. Yousee, her strict aunt never let her date, and she just put her time into herstudies, and never found the right one. But she was really going to suck yourcock, if you had let her tie you up. It would have been her first. I talkedher into it, even showed her how on a banana. Of course she wouldn't have finishedthe job. Swallowing cum, that I couldn't talk her into."

"Ellen," Julia gasped. This time, because she was telling the truth.

"No, that would have been saved for our special guest star," Ellen said,pulling on the back of Zack's head. He groaned into his gag. "You said somethingearlier about a change of plans.... Well, remember about three years ago...therewas that blonde haired lawyer that you got fired, when you found out that hewas gay."

Ellen let go of Zack's head and dragged her fingernails down his back. "Yeah,you just couldn't wait to tell Mr. Harrison. Could yah? You know what he thinksabout homosexuals. Yep, just one more back to step on...on your way to thetop." Zack was furiously moaning into his gag. "How long before you came forme? Like you did with that juror rumor. I know you started that one."

Ellen ran her fingernails over Zack's ass cheeks. "I wonder what he woulddo if he found out that YOU were a homo." Ellen pushed one of her fingers againstZack's asshole. She pushed in and Zack screamed into his gag. "Would he turnyour life into a living hell, too?"

"God Ellen," Julia said, as she started her nervous pacing again.

"Oh, he can fuck us in the ass, but we can't fuck him!" Ellen snapped. "Imean what kind of pervert comes on a date with his own tube of anal lubrication!" Ellenpicked up the tube and squirted some on his asshole. His mumbled scream filledthe room, as Ellen's finger filled his asshole. Ellen looked up at Julia, "Youknow he deserves this. Now go get Bruce, he should be good to go by now."

Julia left the bedroom and found Bruce in the kitchen. She quickly lookedaway as she saw that he was rubbing his cock as he watched the monitors ofthe hidden cameras that Ellen's friend Tony had installed in Julia's bedroom.Tony also gave Ellen a handheld one to use for some close-ups. He would alsodo some creative editing, to make it look like Zack was a willing participant.Julia chuckled, remembering that Ellen said she gave him one of her famousblowjobs as payment, like she was proud of it.

Julia sat in a kitchen chair, as Bruce walked into the bedroom. She couldsee the monitors, but dared not look. She didn't know if Zack was deservingof what was coming his way, but she knew he'd never forget it. She was hopingit, along with threats of some rape charges, would be enough to get him tosign the resignation papers that Ellen had drawn up for him.

Rubbing her face, she still couldn't believe that she got caught up in allthis. When she arrived at the firm, fresh from law school, she was just a smalltown girl with big city dreams. She shook her head, once again feeling muchlike an expendable pawn.

Her mind raced back to the day Ellen called her up and told her to meet forsome coffee. Once there, she informed Julia that she was calling in that "favor" now.At first she didn't know what Ellen was talking about. And then the word "doctor" cameup.

The doctor suddenly flashed into her mind, like it still did, from time totime. He had gray hair, wore thick glasses, and he had this malformed nose.Her stomach tossed, as it did the day she reluctantly went to see him. (Hewas the firm's doctor and her only option if she wanted the job, Mr. Harrisonwas quick to point out, and that she would have to go every year. She had alwayshad a woman doctor and had just had a physical, but Mr. Harrison was unsympathetic.She knew about the firm's outstanding reputation and desperately wanted thejob, so she went.)

Walking into the bathroom, she could hear his gravely voice ringing in herhead, telling her to "disrobe and hand her clothes to the nurse, and make itsnappy." She shuddered and sank down on her makeup seat. She closed her eyesand tried to shake it out of her head. But when she closed her eyes, it waslike she was back in his exam room all over again. His tapping foot, the onlysound, as he watched her start to undress. And when she stopped at her braand panties, his laugh was chilling. No, he wanted ALL of her clothes off.She looked to the old nurse for help, but she motioned for them, too. Theyboth wanted her naked. She saw no way out. She trembled, as she unsnapped herbra in front of the two strangers. She could have sworn the doctor gasped,when her large breasts sprang free. Her face flushed, as she slowly peeledher panties down, a small teardrop splashing on the tile floor, below. Shehanded over her last piece of clothing, quickly using her arms to hide hernakedness.

"You will not hide anything from me," the doctor scolded, as he put her handsbehind her head and he boldly looked her over, from head to toe. Even thoughhe was a doctor, she was about to protest at his lecherous gaze, but he hadher bend over and touch her toes, several times, as he walked around her. Thenshe walked back and forth for him, in only her small-heeled shoes, withoutany explanation as to why.

Her embarrassing physical only got worse on the exam table. She could almostfeel his clammy hands again, as he checked her breasts, using both hands, whilesitting, and then while lying down on her back. If the female nurse wasn'tthere she would have sworn he was just "feeling her up" instead of "examiningher for lumps." And her female doctor never twisted on her erect nipples. Andcertainly never smiled during the whole process.

But it only got worse when he put her feet in the stirrups. He sat on a stooland poked and prodded her pussy with his fingers for what Julia thought waslonger than necessary. But her pleas only seemed to make him more deliberate.He used several tools inside of her as well, again without any explanation.

When he stood up, Julia thought the exam was over. But he ordered her toturn over on her hands and knees. She did so in a daze, not believing whatwas happening. The rectal exam was long and probing, but unlike earlier withZack, it wasn't painful, just mortifyingly embarrassing.

Still in the doggie position, the nurse wheeled over a TV. Julia's mind flashedthe malevolence look on the doctor's face, as he picked up the camera's longand thick, black tube, and started lubing up one end. She tried to jump offthe table, when he finally answered Julia's pressing questions as to his intentions,but the nurse held her in place and the doctor used leather straps to secureher to the table.

The doctor satisfied that she was secure, spread her pussy open and thenunceremoniously plunged the tube into her pussy. He moved the camera aroundinside of her stretched pussy, as Julia cried, until he was seemingly satisfied.Julia wondered if it was just her embarrassment that he yearned for. If so,he got it.

The nurse finished the exam by taking her temperature rectally, with a largerectal thermometer, and then she washed her off with a damp soft cloth, allunder the doctor's watchful eye.

Julia left his office and vowed never to return, even if it meant losingher job. When she met Ellen at the firm and slowly befriended her, she wonderedif the same thing happened to her. She finally mustered the courage to ask.Ellen confessed that it had, but seemed rather blasé about it, saying, "allthe firms employees go to him, and all the women here have had to undress infront of him, but even the men had to get naked for him, too. It's just partof the gig."

As her first year at the firm was closing out, Julia was becoming more andmore depressed. Then she got her appointment card from the doctor. She sobbedfor days. She took one more shot that Ellen could help her. After much begging,Ellen said "she would take care of it." A couple of days later, she handedJulia a new card from a female doctor. Julia's face lit up, until Ellen said "youowe me one." Julia promised at the time, while not liking her tone, but neverdreaming it would lead to all of this. She also wondered how Ellen got it done,but Ellen never told her.

Her mind shifted to Ellen. As much as she didn't like they way she used sexas a weapon, she figured, (with there being only two female lawyers at thefirm,) they better stick together, at least for now. She also felt that Ellenwas having a little too much fun, watching her make a fool of herself, (andshe knew that Ellen still wanted her, if only for a sexual conquest.) But evenstill, if Ellen's crazy plan worked, Zack would no longer be in her way. Andthen, when Ellen made partner she promised to take "special care" of Julia.

Opening her eyes, she stared at her reflection. A sly smile formed on herlips. (Thinking -- when she had used Ellen's sucking and fucking, to rise tothe top, she would find a way to get rid of her, too.)

No, she didn't plan on being a pawn for long. Ellen had taught her well.

The End.

Thanks for reading my story

Please send me your comments.

[email protected]

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The Pawn

A person dropped into the rectangular room at the end of Hadbury Hall's west corridor would need little time to recognise the room as one intended for a very young boy, one certainly no older than infant school age. The walls alone, with their baby blue paper intermittently obscured by childish pictures drawn in messy crayons and held in place by small green tacks, would confirm it, as would the deep plush shag of the slightly darker blue carpet, which was there to feel comfortable under...

1 year ago
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Demons Pawn

She awakens in the dimly lit chamber. Cersi Duvronin scans the damp brick walls of the room with bright brown eyes. Cersi lifts a hand to her neck and groans. The cold metal of the magical collar permanently fused around her soft flesh means this isn't a dream. Everything is real. She has been cast into the Labrynth of Lust and cursed with immortality. She either escapes, or she loses her mind. Naked other than her cursed collar, Cersi rises to her feet and brushes her long raven hair out of...

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In the Spring of "68" I was running Track for my High School and doing really good. I'd managed to perfect the hurdles and was blessed with better than average speed. I was mildy surprised at the attention I began receiving from the females of the school, we'd recently consolidated and being one of the few Black students, lets just say that relations were normally somewhere between tense and outright hostility. What powered me was the attention I got from the "ladies" at other schools. Yeah...

3 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 53 Queen threatens King King takes pawn

Dana and Rachel both looked delighted when they strolled into the hangar with Associate Bhaken, and they waved jubilantly at John, Alyssa, and Irillith who were waiting by the Raptor gunship with Jade. The two girls spoke earnestly with their Trankaran guide for a moment, thanking him for being such an excellent host as they waved him goodbye, before jogging over to rejoin their friends. Alyssa sighed with relief as John dropped his mind-shield, and when she was able to listen to his inner...

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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

1 year ago
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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Customer Daughter Fucked By Legal Officer

Hi I am Radha,(this is my friend web site we are close friends) My age is 18 years I am studying intermediate height 5.2 color white big eyes good physic. coming to story. We are in Hyderabad. Our father enrolled in chit for my marriage purpose for 2 Lakhs. One year back chit auctioned and take money from chit fund company. We are paying chit installments regularly due to my father sudden demise we can’t paying installments. We are not paying nearly 10 monthly. So notices came from chit fund...

2 years ago
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Okay, okay, I have wanted to write a story with Kim Possible for quite a while, come on a heroic cheerleader who saves the world was made to be abused?but she wasn’t legal. Two things have occurred that brought this story to bloom. Kim graduated and became legal and I found a couple of nasty pictures of Kim tied and being used. So here is it Kim Possible 19 and ready. [email protected] POSSIBLE, RON STOPPABLE, WADE LOAD, DR. DRAKKEN, SHEGO, DUFF KILLIGAN, SENOR SENIOR SENIOR, SENOR SENIOR...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

4 years ago
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Lesbian Peril Legal

LESBIAN PERIL LEGAL LESBIAN PERIL LEGAL  By Michelle Makens Chap. 1 A preference choice to continue a small but somewhat lucrative law practice with L.P.L Brokerage & Defense (known only to a chosen inner circle as Lesbian Power Legal B&D) easily fulfilled my secular desirers and soon became more rewarding in many ways. With the shared caseloads and practical billable hours, things were less hectic as the overall workweek schedule helped open up my personal time for many other more...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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The Ring AOChapter 27 Legal Shakeup

On Friday, Helena decided to attend the legal practice that Mrs Romano had used to administer her property portfolio. She rang the practice requesting to speak to one of the partners secretaries. The receptionist was very off putting and explained that they would ring her back at their convenience. Helena stood her ground saying, forget the secretary get a partner NOW or you will loose the total Romano business. The girl put Helena on hold for over 8 minutes. When a partner did answer in a...

4 years ago
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The Grim ReaperChapter 9 The Legal System

As I began to slowly get better, the legal situation began to slowly get worse. The high point turned out to be the week I spent in the hospital. The four guys were arrested and arraigned in juvenile court on charges of aggravated battery and sexual assault. The aggravated battery seemed like a real slam dunk to me. I was in pieces, and we had color photos and X-rays to prove it. The sexual assault charge was a bit more ambiguous. In assault and battery, assault does not require actual...

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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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NAKED LEGAL 3 Jakes Team

CHAPTER THREE: JAKE’S TEAM The times that followed proved to be both surprising and not surprising. I found it surprising how I could become engrossed in the details of a case or client information at my desk or even sometimes while in consultation with one of the other members of the team. But, it was also not surprising how a simple touch by one of them or catching one of them with a lingering gaze upon my exposed body would cause me to instantly become aroused. And, though I could...

4 years ago
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Finally Legal

Old enough to drive. Old enough to go steady. Old enough to be legal.That's what Vaughn Beachum was thinking as he scrubbed the oil and grease from his skin while sitting in the tub that spring Sunday evening in the Ozarks. He ran a little more hot water from the tap to warm up the bath water. After a day working with cars and getting dirty he needed a bath.Old enough to be legal. That was his main thought. He slowly started washing his hardening pecker with a rough cloth, thinking about girls....

3 years ago
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Finally Legal

Lilly was one of my finest students. Very athletic and very toned and one to always flirt friendly and laugh at all my corny, 24 year old jokes. 3 years teaching physical education and never had another student brightened may day like her. She was one of those ones that you would always go home thinking and hoping "One day she will finish high school and show back up (legal) and want to sit on my hard throbbing cock in the back of my red convertible."After her 10th grade year her family moved...

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Barely Legal Birthday Boys

My name is Erin. I'm an 18 year old girl living in a small Montana town. Last May i graduated from high school and now i'm living out on my own.About a month ago i answered a local newspaper ad for two cords of oak firewood to be delivered to my house to keep me warm during the cold winter. The next day a high school boy, Buzz, arrived at my house with a pick-up truck full of firewood. The ad was just for delivery of the wood and not stacking. So, i asked Buzz to dump the load on my drive-way...

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A Legal Trap Chapter 1

March 8th, 10:46 AM I had my head buried in briefs all morning and totally spaced on the time, so it wasn't much of a surprise to look up and see Lisa standing outside my office. I mouthed 'Sorry...' to which she just gave me a look like, 'Girl, get your ass out here!' I smiled and so did she, opening the door and complaining, "We're late... Gonna miss me some Bryant downstairs! Sheesh!" I shook my head, "Not like you're ever going to ask him out..." I instantly regretted saying...

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A Legal Trap Chapter 5

Author retains all rights to this original work of fiction. After Chapter 4, I was biting at trying to get this next chapter done. So many things in focus and hiding in the background for this story - I got on a roll and put this chapter together. Hope you enjoy! As always, interested in your thoughts. Keep going or wrap this one up in a nice pretty bow and move on? Thank You!!! XOXO Rachel... March 10th 5:12 AM I had managed to catch ten minutes of sleep on the way to the...

2 years ago
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A Legal Trap Chapter 7

March 11th, 1:41 PM I had to think about whether I really wanted to reply, what I should say... There was no denying there being an attraction, but Paul's fears reconciling us being more than co-workers - after arguably a stress filled last couple days of working to find Amber - was sobering. Not like, I had not experienced the same kind of reaction a few times before, but in those cases the men didn't know I was Trans or in a few cases ignored it completely - though it was clearly...

4 years ago
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Barely legal teen Ashleys babysitting goes wrong 18 year old

the sexy cheerleader to be laying naked on his bed watching one of his porn DVDs with her legs spread in mid air fingering herself and moaning. He wasted no time, as he went inside though one of the back entrances. He snuck into the room with his fake grandson and told him if he left though the backdoor quietly and went to wait for him in his car, he would give him extra money. He quickly agreed as he left the house. Perfect, he thought. Just me and 18 year old Ashley in the house alone, he...

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Helen 5 Legal Assistance

Rachael had worked for the firm for almost ten years, starting in the secretarial pool and working her way up to senior legal secretary. She and Helen had been close ever since Helen's first day at the firm and typically lunched together at least once a week, sharing the ups and downs of office life. Rachael had been Helen's first 'lunch' with the company, in fact - on her first day, Helen had eaten Rachael. So Helen was surprised when her friend dropped the bombshell over lunch that she...

2 years ago
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Concupiscent CongregationChapter 30 Legal License

"With Henrietta's testimony we can get an indictment but I don't think we'll convict then of more than a misdemeanor." Cheryl Mahoney was outlining the legal situation to Lieutenant Flett, Detective Dick Durham and Officer Louise Marker as Flett reviewed their progress in going after Deacon Robert Ramsay and George Smart on prostitution related charges. "But dammit Cheryl! We have voice and video tapes and they were all legal. Those two bastards are pimps, just as much as the flashy...

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Legal Teens

Reddit Legal Teens, aka r/LegalTeens! Teenage girls. To paraphrase the immortal words of Matthew McConaughey, I get older but they stay the same age. When you combine this perpetual youth with the fact that they’re uneducated, unintelligent, and lack life experience, teenagers have made themselves a porn goldmine.They’ve got tight bodies, uninhibited minds, and so little care for the future that they’ll willingly plaster their nudes all over the internet for future teachers, employers, and...

Reddit NSFW List
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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

1 year ago
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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites

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