Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 3 Inside Trader
- 5 years ago
- 23
- 0
The next morning, I was mentally exhausted from the previous day’s negotiations, but not as tired as I would have expected. Between that, my more youthful appearance, and my ravenous appetite lately, I had a suspicion.
I docked with the old aircraft carrier and the androids ran cabling between the two ships so that I could control the powerful engines and shields of the big ship. I named the new ship (to me) the Phaunos, after the Greek God of the forests. With as much timber as I planned to haul to Karkalla, it was only fitting.
Six experienced and six new androids operated each ship. Within half an hour, all the new androids knew as much as the original ones. My androids had installed the three additional AIs in the new ship last night, and I named their merged personality Jaya.
Even though the merged AIs aboard the Cornucopia, and not the androids, came up with the designs for the new shields and the new jump drive, I claimed I did it because I didn’t want anyone else to start thinking about merging more AIs just yet. Besides, I intended to patent the designs in Karkalla, too.
It took a week to jump to each of my sixteen claimed planets and to set things up on each planet. At each planet, I dropped off a shuttle and androids to do a more detailed survey of the planet. The androids would set up claim beacons on each of my planets. I also dropped off the nine mining pods. On each planet receiving one or more mining pods, I left a shuttle and ten androids to set the pods up and operate them. Well, the androids didn’t operate the pods so much as they kept an eye on them.
The other thirty-eight androids were left on the planet I hoped to farm. They would plant each of the items that I currently sold, as well as guavas, pineapples, and papayas. They would also plant the date palm trees, and several other fruits that had previously taste-tested favorably. First, they would perform a detailed analysis of the soil, rainfall, sunshine, and weather to determine if the items would grow, and the best location or locations.
In the meantime, they would erect a shield and start plants to see how they fared there. Depending on the season and the weather, we might even have a few crops to harvest in a few months so we could test the flavor. Considering that the sun here was as bright as the sun for any other Terran planet I was confident they would.
Other androids would begin logging operations, determining what types of trees were on this planet as well as which were best for building and woodworking. Then they would begin cutting down those trees, replanting four trees for every tree they cut down.
Nine days behind schedule, I made it back to Earth to load all the produce I had ordered. It turned out that I would have been delayed anyway since the last loads only arrived an hour after I returned.
Once everything was loaded, I spent the exorbitant fee for a ship this large to use the intersystem gate to Terra Centauri. The government paid for the gates by charging according to the size of the vehicle so average citizens could afford to use the gates in their small shuttles.
On Terra Centauri, I picked up the last of my cargo, and told my family goodbye. My grandfather being retired has its advantages. Since he was retired, Granddad had the time to track down and buy me twenty tons of the same chocolate bars that I took with me last time.
I didn’t want my name associated with the chocolate. I didn’t want my competitors to know the chocolate was for Karkalla, because I didn’t want anyone else to think about selling chocolate in Karkalla. They’d probably find out on their next trip there, but the soonest anyone else could find out, return to earth, and return to Karkalla would be at least two years from now, and only if the government let them buy a jump drive. Otherwise, it would be at least four years. I hoped to make more than thirty round-trips by then.
I was in transit back to Toolondo for the next seven days and worried nearly every waking moment. I couldn’t concentrate on the star chart for more than an hour. My books didn’t interest me, not even the new ones. The one thing that remained on my mind the entire trip was Tiyya. How upset would she be about the extra time it took me to return? I warned her it might take longer than I projected. Would she be worried that I might not come back? Was she as worried about me not returning, as I was worried that she wouldn’t be waiting for me when I got back?
I started each morning by watching the hologram of Tiyya approaching me for the first time. Each night I watched the final hologram of her watching me leave, tears in her eyes as her mother held her comfortingly.
I did manage to maintain my martial arts training, but only because my “caring” androids would begin practicing on me wherever I was if I refused, forcing me to defend myself or to take my lumps.
The androids and AIs were busy, too. If someone else came up with the idea and used the special loads for the rail guns against us, our own shields might be compromised. The androids built and installed a blended Terran/Karkallian shield, installing it to be the first line of defense. If the special rounds penetrated it, the second round would impact on our stronger shield, not the ship.
Assuming that others would also have the special rounds, and might think of using two shields, the androids re-worked the rounds to include two of the shield disrupters, allowing them to penetrate two shields. If there were no second shield, the second disrupter would fry any electronics grounded to the hull of the ship in an area about a hundred feet in diameter right before the explosive round detonated.
As soon as we finished the jump to Toolondo I informed the harbormaster that we were inbound and then commed Tiyya, getting a message:
This is Tiyya. I’m in class right now and have my com unit off. If this is Marc, I miss you so bad. I get out of class at 3:30. Leave me a message and I’ll meet you at the marketplace. It’s close to the school.
I’m glad the androids were controlling our approach to Toolondo. My vision was too blurry for a few minutes to see anything--happy blurry, but still blurry.
I left her a message on her com unit. “I’m back, and I missed you terribly. I’m sorry I was gone for so long. I can’t wait to see you and I’ll be at the marketplace office at 3:30.
When I could see again, I called the com unit for Yuka at the Kai’ka ship repair facility and left him a message. “This is Captain Marc Parker of the Terran ship Cornucopia. I plan to be on Toolondo for several days. When I finish, I have a nearly empty hull the size of your battleships. I need the ship set up to carry cargo, and need everything but shielding, jump drives, and an AI. I also have a business proposition for you to build and sell a better jump drive and better shield generator. I’ll see you in a few days.”
Then I commed the marketplace office and reserved ten stalls for tomorrow, along with all of the other things I rented last time. When I commed Yappari, the eager marketplace owner, he promised to would get word of my arrival out to everyone. One final call left the excitable fast-food vendor Nundoro even more excited.
The next three hours dragged by, but I could live with it knowing that Tiyya had waited for me while I was gone and still wanted me. Nothing else mattered. I got to the marketplace office fifteen minutes early. I didn’t expect Tiyya to get there early, but I couldn’t wait any longer.
I stopped by to see Nundoro and he showed me how much money he deposited into a local account he opened for me. In addition to selling what remained of my fruit, he bought some of the fruit himself, adding small pieces to each of the meals he served. He raised his prices to cover the added cost, but his business was still growing. He had opened a restaurant just outside the marketplace and it was open all the time, day, and night. Even with the new restaurant, his fast-food business in the marketplace was growing.
Nundoro now used four stalls in the marketplace, and planned to use eight tomorrow, hoping I would let him set up in the middle of my stalls again. I assured him it was fine. He warned me that his wife and daughter wanted to thank me for making his business so successful. He had made more profit since my arrival here than he did for any four months last year. I warned him that his wife and daughter needed to clear it with Tiyya, getting a raised eyebrow in return.
I saw her before she saw me and hurried towards her. When she saw me, she squealed excitedly and ran towards me. We hugged and kissed, and kissed and hugged, and just held each other, happy to be together again. “Where’s your shuttle?” she finally asked, suddenly impatient to have some privacy. Ten minutes later the shuttle settled inside the ship. Our clothing had disappeared as soon as the shuttle hatch closed.
We were both gasping for breath after our third non-stop coupling. I couldn’t believe that I remained hard after coming twice, but I sure wasn’t complaining.
“What happened, you look so much younger?” she asked when she finally caught her breath.
“Do your people use nanites, or nanobots?” I asked.
“Of course, doesn’t everyone?” she replied.
“Terrans aren’t that advanced, yet,” I explained.
“Then, how did you get them?” she asked.
“From you, on our first night together. I ate ravenously the next morning, and every day after that. I also felt better each day than the previous day. At first, I just thought it was due to infatuation with you. I didn’t even think about it again until my family commented that I looked ten years younger than when I left.”
“But, our scientists said they couldn’t be transferred from one person to another,” she protested.
“Did those scientists work for the company that invented them?” I asked. “If people knew they could be transferred, nobody would have to buy them anymore, and the company wouldn’t make any more money.”
Then I got the star chart out and showed Tiyya the planets I had claimed for mining and exploitation of other resources, and the one I claimed for logging and agriculture. She gasped when I told her how much the government paid me for the territory I sold to them, even though I could have made hundreds of trillions of Terran Dollars over the rest of my life by selling or leasing land on various planets.
She was stunned by how much chocolate I brought. The government had already approved it but didn’t plan to go public with the news until I brought more. They did stipulate that I could only sell it to women.
She was also excited about the new ship. “Can you make your cabin bigger so we can have a bigger bed?” she asked excitedly. Leave it to a woman to have her priorities straight.
“And a bigger bathroom, with a bigger shower so we can shower together more comfortably,” I said.
“Can you make the shower big enough for five or six people?” she asked coyly.
“Six...” I gasped, stunned. “I think three women are plenty on any given night. I might let you try three friends a couple of times and see if I survive,” I suggested.
“But, it will take a year for all of my friends to spend a night with us,” she protested. “Besides, if you increase how much sex you have, the nanites will work to increase your stamina, as well as help you stay hard and produce more ejaculate faster,” she told me. She’d definitely thought about this while I was gone, even though she didn’t know about the new ship.
“Oh, Mom commed and invited you to dinner,” she added as an afterthought.
“I don’t really have anything but work clothes to wear,” I warned.
“I know. I checked your closet and drawers last time to see what you had. I had your androids give me your measurements the night before you left, and had clothes made for you,” she said nonchalantly.
“Wasn’t that expensive?” I asked.
“It didn’t cost a thing. The father of one of my friends is a tailor and gladly made the clothes in exchange for one of the melons you left me. He even sold half of the melon and made more money than he spent on the material,” she chuckled.
We showered before heading for her home. It felt good just to hold her in the shower, to feel her bare, wet skin under my hands.
I gasped when I saw her home; the place was a fucking mansion. Realizing that her father had to be filthy rich, I was glad that I was well on my way to being rich, too.
Zalika met us at the door and gave me kiss that revived the erection her daughter had killed earlier. I was surprised when Tiyya’s younger sister Nafisa gave me an equally rod-hardening kiss, getting surprised looks from both her mother and Tiyya.
After giving her mother the basket filled with fruit, Tiyya took me to her room so I could change. The pants were the most comfortable pants I had ever worn. I had to laugh when she told me there was no shirt. She did have a vest made, one that seemed meant to emphasize that I wasn’t wearing a shirt.
“Why are you so determined to have me not wear a shirt?” I asked. “I told you that I don’t want or need other women. It just means that I’ll have to refuse the ones who ask me,” I explained.
“Would you do it for me?” she asked.
“Why?” I queried in return.
“You came back to me,” she said emotionally, her voice catching. “I know what I mean to you now. The other women will just be fun. I’ve heard many women talking about you and wishing they could meet your wives so they could join you in bed for a night. The more women you bed, the more prestigious it is for me,” she explained. I wasn’t even going to try to figure out the convoluted logic in that statement.
“She’s right,” Zalika agreed from the doorway, startling me. “Marile tried all day after your first night together to convince Tiyya that she couldn’t really be in love with you after just one night. Marile changed her mind after joining the two of you. I was worried that Terran men gave off some sort of pheromone that attracted our women after both girls fell for you. After the night I spent with you, I understand why they feel that way. You were attentive to them, you spoiled them, and you considered their pleasure before yours. In addition, you are taller than our men, handsome, and you have the allure of being a foreigner,” she explained.
“Tiyya and I both see in your eyes how you feel about her. She even went to a Dubanian seer to confirm that you two would marry. Tiyya knows you may find other women that you want to add as wives and she already plans on you having several wives, although Marile is the only one she knows of right now.
“Those men who are able to afford it usually have a second wife. For some reason, we have ten women for every nine men in our society. That means some men have more than one wife, or many women couldn’t get married. In addition, some of the available men don’t make good husbands. They may be too lazy to hold a job that pays enough to support a family, or they may be abusive. That makes even fewer good husbands available to the women,” she concluded.
“I don’t understand it, I’ll never understand it, and I refuse to even try to understand it anymore,” I told Tiyya, throwing my arms up in surrender. “If you will be happier if I have sex with other women, then I’ll do what makes you happy,” I agreed.
I wasn’t against other women in our bed, far from it. However, my feelings for Tiyya were much stronger than anything I had felt for any other woman, and I didn’t want to screw anything up.
Annabelle had been my serious girlfriend starting when I was nineteen. She also enjoyed sex with women and brought a new woman to our bed almost every week. We dated for almost two years, and I was ready to propose. Days after my twenty-first birthday, I used my accumulated savings and a large gift from a family trust fund to put a sizeable down payment on a large, but older freighter and began hauling ore from offworld mines to offworld smelters.
My great-great-great-grandfather Parker had established the trust fund at the time he settled here. Any family member who purchased and captained a spaceship received funding. If they sold the ship without buying another, however, what the trust paid had to be returned to the trust.
Even before I made the second payment on the loan, the planet Lochnagar attacked earth--although I’m not sure that it really qualified as an attack. They were far behind us technologically, and their best technology was antiquated technology they bought from us.
Ships filled with four million Lochnagari Marines tried to sneak in using their Terran-purchased cloaking. What they didn’t realize was that the cloaking they bought from us was old gen-1 cloaking. At the time, all of our civilian ships used gen-2 cloaking, and military ships used gen-4 cloaking and could readily spot gen-1 and gen-2 cloaking.
Earth’s outer perimeter of defensive probes saw their ships a month before they arrived, and our navy positioned itself to ambush them. When they sprang the ambush, the Lochnagari refused to surrender. Even when they realized that the weapons they’d bought from us were ineffective against our ships, they continued fighting. They fought to the last man. Many of their ships were destroyed, but some hulls were repairable. I was conscripted and assigned to haul one of the derelict hulls back to Mir-11 for repair and retrofit, or to determine if it needed to be scrapped.
Using hyperdrive, the trip to their planet took our military ships seven days rather than the two years it took their ships to reach us. Using our cloaking, we were able to land our troops without them even knowing our ships were there. The battle to seize the planet should have been swift and relatively bloodless. Once again, though, the Lochnagari men insisted on fighting us. It took three months to subjugate the planet.
We learned that Lochnagari men are naturally aggressive. Fights frequently broke out between two Lochnagari defenders, even when they were under attack. With the men being so aggressive, we couldn’t leave them on the planet or they would cause trouble again, so every able-bodied Lochnagari male was sent to work in offworld mines. The average life expectancy for Terran convicts in those mines is five years. It was much less for the Lochnagari men since they still constantly fought each other.
Their women, however, were naturally submissive and actually needed a dominant male to direct them. With no able men left on the planet, the Terran government began two separate programs to alleviate the problem. First, Terran men who volunteered--both men with and without families--were shipped to the planet to keep it functioning, and to start the process that would eventually bring it up to Terran standards.
Secondly, the government transported billions of Lochnagari women to Terran planets. Technically, they were slaves, but most of them quickly became an integral part of the family that purchased them.
I was still at Mir-11 in orbit around Earth. After hauling the derelict hull back, I was getting routine maintenance done on my ship when the government began the two programs. They pressed every available large civilian cargo ship into service to haul Terrans to Lochnagar and to haul Lochnagari women to Terran planets. Every ship they pressed into service was originally designed for use in-system and didn’t have or need hyperdrive engines for that. That’s how I ended up with hyperdrive engines on my first ship; the government paid for them.
Since I was already at Mir-11, my ship was the first to be fitted with hyperdrive engines. I made twenty-three trips back and forth shuttling Terrans to Lochnagar and Lochnagari women to Terran planets. Rather than pay us cash, the government allowed us to keep ten percent of our “cargo.” Since we couldn’t keep ten percent of the Terran passengers we hauled to Lochnagar we got to keep additional Lochnagari women equal to ten percent of the Terrans we hauled there. Since I hauled fifty thousand Lochnagari women each trip, and ten thousand Terran settlers going to Lochnagar, each round trip netted me six thousand Lochnagari women.
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The girls stayed aboard the Cornucopia this morning to finish the homework that had been forgotten when they joined yesterday’s afternoon orgy. There wasn’t much happening today anyway, at least compared to yesterday. There was still a steady stream of customers, though. Nundoro saw me and waved me over enthusiastically, and insisted on feeding me breakfast. I was explaining about setting up a dairy farm on Tabjawara when one of the androids commed me to let me know that Minister Paki of the...
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When I exited the jump back to Toolondo, I had a message waiting letting me know that the Nukkalinna was ready, so I detoured to Kai’ka and took her to Toolondo to prepare for her deployment. We had the normal day of craziness with buyers bidding on the bulk goods, and the usual crowd at the marketplace. I also had to deal with reporters again. A ship as big as the Nukkalinna doesn’t just show up above a planet without causing some excitement. Once other ships began reporting the presence of...
“Now we just have to hope I can catch Fleet Admiral Paki in time,” I commented to nobody in particular. “Is Minister Paki aboard one of our ships?” I asked Ramina aloud. She immediately sent guards to accompany him to the bridge. He was nervous when he arrived. I showed him Nardu’s accusation and the noble’s confession. “Shit,” the minister hissed. “Will Fleet Admiral Paki be aboard one of the ships?” I asked. “He should be aboard the flagship,” Minister Paki replied. “Do you think there...
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Hello. I am Melissa Katain. That sounds somewhat foolish to write, but I feel like I need to introduce myself properly to the woman I hope will be the sister of my heart. I am writing this because first of all, I want to save Alex some credits, to record a proper video would take up space that would not be served. Then again, if I am to be honest with you, my sister, it’s because I don’t know if I could say these words out loud. Not where he could hear them. First, let me set your mind at...
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We were lucky, usually Geghast Station was one of those stations that at any one moment, there could be ten or more ships docked looking for a cargo, leading to sometimes someone taking a run that would barely break even, just to get off the dock and stop paying docking fees, but this time there was a pretty decent run taking us to the Morely System, which was a single jumpgate away. Even with the days to get to the jump gate, and the couple days in system once we arrived, it was going to...
For the second time in my relatively-short life, especially in an era where lifespan extenders are a regular thing if you have the credits to pay for it, my world was nothing but pain. The first time was really bad, but it was somewhat localized, as the worst hurting places were the places that they jabbed the neural shocker against my bare skin. After a while, the nerves just shut down from over use. So it was like a roaring fire rising and fading quickly. This was different. If the first...
As we pulled into the queue for taking the Jumpgate from the Geghast System, Astro Control pinged our shipboard comm. Apparently, we had a message waiting from the station. That would be unusual enough, but it that wasn’t the only odd thing about it. It was not to me, or Melissa, or even the girls. It was addressed to Heyanna! From: Jo-Anne Kerwood, Priestess of the Sisterhood of the Stars, Geghast station To: Sister H, Ship 24519-3124 Hello Sister, you have asked for a series of prayers to...
There are many sounds that can get a captain’s attention, even in the deepest sleep. The sound of escaping air from a hull breach for example, or the sounds of disrupter fire. However, there is one sound above all else that is guaranteed to wake up even the most sound sleeping captain, at least one that wants to survive to wake up. And Crystal helpfully played that sound at maximum volume, the harsh, blaring siren, along with her announcement that the ship was under attack. I was halfway...
(in Low-Planet Orbit above the planet Dromes VI) Tomas Kendrick stared sightlessly at the control pad, as he waited for the numbers to count down. Once the numbers hit 0, the universe would change. Hopefully for the better, he thought, for his own soul’s sake at least. But he privately held his doubts. If he could back out at this, the very last moment, there was not a single iota of doubt in his mind he would do so and gratefully at that. But there was no chance of that. The other people on...
Mary Donovan: Attacks on 12 separate planets across eight systems, in four different regional sectors. The medium estimation of all those killed? Three point one five million dead. And the worst thing is, it should have been so much worse. That’s what made it worse then it was. The knowledge that this was deliberately done to LIMIT the number of casualties. Because that was a number that was only going to go up. The average detonation killed over a quarter million people. However, these...
TERRA CHAT: Room XDFJAR514329KUR5 (Anonymous) Morgana: You know, I forgot how often you jump into action. Didn’t you think there was a better way to alert them then, you know, violating OpSec and revealing yourself? Tristan: Oh hello, Morgana. Fancy meeting you here. Morgana: That’s not answering my question, damnit... Tristan: Calm down, will you? Morgana: You know the rules. No endangering mission security! Tristan: Well, let’s put it this way. If you could come up with a better way...
Caym Katain, House Master of the House of Katain, grimaced as he perused the interstellar headlines. Too slow, he thought. It’s all moving too slow. As he settled back into his hover-assisted chair, ignoring the slight dip as the machine adjusted itself to his significant weight, his mind went over the steps that had been successfully taken so far, as well as the fly in the ointment that threatened to bring it all down. From a young age, Caym had been taught ruthlessness. Most houses would...
We had a pretty decent cargo, heading for a slice of the worlds controlled by the Coriolis Factor, a merchant-trading group with interests in several lower-level worlds. It was a rather benign control, mind you, not necessarily ruthlessly rubbing out any contenders to the throne, but make no mistake, they knew what was going on around their worlds. They didn’t have any side in the ongoing Merchant House struggle, so that, combined with the generally low traffic the worlds gathered, made it...
Welcome to ActiansTrader closed beta test! ActionsTrader is a revolutionary new app that lets users trade an action for another in a selected target's mind. Once a trade is successful, the target will perform the chosen new action whenever they would usually perform the original one. The target will always remain unaware of any change, having toward the new action the exact same mindset as toward the original one. This also means that the original action will now be perceived in the same way...
Mind ControlStar Traders: a review by Trismegistus Shandy ----- The short-lived television show _Star Traders_ (1972-73) has long been legendary among fans of science-fictional TV with good stories and bad special effects. Canceled after less than two seasons, it was never widely syndicated partly because of the small number of episodes and mainly because of rights disputes in the wake of the bankruptcy of Silver Silo Studios. These rights disputes prevented any official video release until...
Your name is Eric Godfrey. You are a freelance engineer working for the Republic of Vallian. While mining asteroids for rare materials on the outskirts of the known galaxy, your shuttle became seperated from the main cruiser during an ion storm and you are forced to make an emergency jump. Your shuttle emerges from hyperspace badly damaged and running out of fuel. A single habitable planet shows up on your scanner and you just manage to make a hard landing on it's surface before you lose your...
FantasyMeanwhile, in their own cabin, Carl and Verna Monroe were beginning to learn the intimate secrets of married love and each other's eager bodies... After Jim and Suzie had left, Verna closed the door of the cottage and smiled at her new husband. "Is there any booze left, honey?" "Not a drop," Carl replied, shaking the empty rum bottle. "Just what's in our glasses, and then we'll be dryer than Kansas." "Then let's polish them off and go to bed, okay?" Bed! Sex! Carl quivered as...
The morning dawned bright and clear, with the crisp nip of the mountain air which promised to invigorate the most slothful of humans. Yet young Suzie Halford lay transfixed under the bedcovers, quivering from anguish, rage, and shame. She glanced up as Jim padded naked into the bedroom from the bath, and stared momentarily at his heavy-chested, taut-muscled form before turning away, tears welling in her eyes. As she moved in the bed, she accidentally brushed against her breasts, and she...
The black-haired bride of Carl Monroe had become possessed, and was now fucking three of her fingers up between her open thighs. Her eyes were clenched shut as she writhed on the floor beneath her own driving fingers in uncontrollable passion. The rapid rhythm drove moans of delight from deep in her throat as her fingers sank up into the tight quivering little circle of her cunt, making obscene wet slushing noises as she pushed them in and out. Her face was flushed as she strained for her...
The taxi entering the long driveway into the motel was visible from the night manager's office. Osman, on duty alone in the nearly deserted motel, was surprised to see the car and wondered who could be arriving at this time of the night. He had been bored by the lack of activity, but now his interest was aroused. He quickly slipped on his maroon blazer and stepped briskly out to meet the car now pulling to a halt outside his office. He could hardly believe his eyes when he saw the young girl...
Outside in the cool night air, Osman raced up the narrow path to head off whoever had arrived at the motel office. As soon as he had rounded the last row of bushes surrounding the cabins, he could see it was Madame Afet. She met him as he ran panting up to the tiny porch outside. "Good evening, Osman," she greeted him with a winning smile. "Where's the fabulous little prize you promised me?" She could tell that he was excited to a fever pitch, and automatically her eyes dropped to the...
Nisli Bey was a dark-haired, dark-eyed man in his late thirties. He had been wealthy for most of his adult life, having made his money in all kinds of illegal endeavors, and he liked to live well. This showed in his elegant tailor-made clothes and in the slight paunch that was beginning to betray his liking for good food. One of his prime enjoyments in life was to find new innocent girls, preferably blondes from other countries, and to gradually lead them into a life of degradation and...
The Palas Hotel was located in one of the older sections of Istanbul with narrow, cobbled streets. Robert Hale watched the seedy neighborhood his taxi was entering with some anxiety, noticing the dark, surly men skulking in the doorways opening right onto the streets and the painted women who were obviously prostitutes. Finally the car stopped outside the entrance to a surprisingly modern looking hotel and the driver asked to be paid. After a brief argument which ended with Robert paying...
Robert Hale felt as though he had been transported to another planet by the intense physical pleasures Feyadin had introduced him to the last hour. Now he was lying on the bed with her, totally exhausted after God knew how many orgasms and positions they had tried in making love. He couldn't decide if the overwhelming effects were predominantly from the hashish she had showed him how to smoke from the water-pipe, or mainly from the wild sensations of their wantonly abandoned sex together. He...
The late afternoon sun filtered through the gauze-like curtains covering the windows, and Penny's eyes fluttered once and then opened wide. She was refreshed from the nap she had taken to prepare herself for the evening ahead and she stretched languidly, enjoying the feline look of her young body in the mirrors around her. The spring of her wedding to Robert had passed into fall, and now it was almost wintertime, but the Turkish sun was still strong and warm. She had spent a lot of time...
August 2012 The team proceeded as a group into the cavern, flashlights flared out like the spokes of a wheel. The chamber was similar to the others they had crossed in their journey here. Stalagmites littered the floor, stalactites stabbed downward. Except for one new feature. Ashley rubbed a snowflake from her eyelash. “Damn. It's snowing in here.” A small flurry of flakes fluttered through the light beams. Maggie held out a hand and flakes settled on her palm. “They are not cold or...
August 2012 The team proceeded as a group into the cavern, flashlights flared out like the spokes of a wheel. The chamber was similar to the others they had crossed in their journey here. Stalagmites littered the floor, stalactites stabbed downward. Except for one new feature. Ashley rubbed a snowflake from her eyelash. "Damn. It's snowing in here." A small flurry of flakes fluttered through the light beams. Maggie held out a hand and flakes settled on her palm. "They are not cold or...
Mediterranean: from the Latin for 'middle of the Earth', a calm, azure blue expanse of sleepily lapping surf, tide-less and timeless, the heart of ancient lives and the escape of modern ones. With the copper sun sinking in the lilac sky, Luke Sawyer thought it the most beautiful sight he'd yet seen in all his twenty-four years, though that was just before he had met Heather. When Heather offered him casual sex, his heart was fluttering like a butterfly in a hurricane. But it wasn't casual sex...
We met in a crowded university classroom in Seville. You, the American student recently arrived in Spain, struggling with the language but swept away by the history and color of this ancient land. I, the suave Spanish gentleman, also a student but fluent in English thanks to having spent many summers in Ireland and the UK. We glanced at each other several times in class, and after a few days of eventually I approached you and introduced myself. During the next few days we found ourselves...
“Phew! I can’t believe how hot this place is!”, you say to your self as you start getting ready for another night out. Still you’re glad that you came to the Turkish resort town of Antalya with your best friend Christine. It is the first time in three years, ever since you met your boyfriend Nick, that you had the chance to go on a holiday with your best friend and relive the wild days of university. Not that you got to see Christine for long, of course. She bailed out on you from the very...
Tom was tired and bored. Overdose of Netflix, overdose of Call of Duty, overdose of Facebook... He tried to get his wife in the mood for sex, but she was hopelessly "exhausted" again. He ended up, as too often, frustratedly watching some porn on Amazon Sex. He kept clicking through ads like a robot, from sales of billionaire mansions to cheap elephant underwear for male strippers. He wondered who bought any of these. Suddenly, an ad for cheap flights to North Africa caught his fancy. Maybe...
BisexualWE drove to Mile End very early the next morning. I parked the car near the Blue Jay Café, just around the corner from my office, but didn’t see anyone suspiciously hanging around. As agreed, I left Mary in charge of the car while I walked around the block, to approach the café from the opposite direction from where she was parked. There were four people sitting inside the café, either eating breakfast or drinking tea, two young men in working clothes sitting at separate tables, and possibly...
The interview part one I am working at my desk at home, writing my latest of my stories. I hear a knock at the door and get up and answer it. As I open the door I see it is Lady A. A close friend of mine, she has two pets on leashes behind her one female and the other male, which are carrying luggage. I bid her to enter my home, and she walks into the foyer. I kiss her cheek and ask if she needed anything she looks to her two pets and asks if there is anyplace she can...
It was a cold night and Kevin had just gotten off second shift. He was tired and couldn’t wait to get to bed. He was driving down the same secluded back streets he did every night when he saw a car stalled on the side of the road. Being the good person he was, and not having a thought of his own safety, he pulled off to see if he could help. He walked up to the car and found a beautiful young woman looking under the hood. ‘May I help you ma’am?’ he asked. This startled the young lady and she...
It was a Tuesday. There was no major convention in town like last week’s NASP convention, in which all sort of things went on, but that is a different story. I just got back to my office around 4:30PM from a late meeting. Sitting down at my desk I looked over to the hotel. There were a lot of windows with open drapes but no one in them. The earlier NASP left a lot of rooms open and needing maid service. I saw a light go on off to my left. Looking over, the window drapes were already opened...
Chapter 1 I'll never forget the sexiest girl I'd ever known growing up. How could I? She was my sister. Yes, Tara, my older sister. She was two years older than I was so when I started getting hard-ons, just entering puberty; she was already well along. And well along she was. I remember when I was ten trying to get looks at her boobs which, at twelve, were getting to be quite amazing to this always-horny brother of hers. My sister, always cute, was now turning into a sexy girl with...
Am i a slut ? I did it with him for my pleasure so i need you to tell me.It was a usual lazy afternoon until i got a text from my lover, who is 37, text was “my friend is throwing a house party wanna go?”I replied “what kind of party ?”He sent me a photo of the invitation, it was surprising how only 4 - 5 couples were invited and for them the person had sketched an invitation. There was a strange thing written below the invitation “Get your ladies, please”I called michael right away, he was...
Part Two – Fond Memories I awoke with a start. The incredible sex scene, seen through Carolyn’s window last night, was instantly replaying in my mind. I glanced toward my own window and saw the cum-splattered mess I had made last night as I lost control of myself watching my neighbor getting fucked so wildly.I knew who it was that my new neighbor reminded me of: it was none other than Mrs. K! Mrs. K was the sexy MILF next door, the object of many masturbatory fantasies, many years ago when I...
VoyeurKelly and Catherine King went to the Officers’ Club which appeared to be an English pub. Cathy told her it had been one until SACEUR took it over. Kelly was glad she was wearing her new silver oak leaves. Her rank got them a table by themselves in the corner in spite of the club being very crowded. Theirs was the last vacant table. As they were being seated, three young officers headed over toward them. Kelly thought they looked drunk. One came up and declared, “We trust you candy-assed...
I was awakened again by Suenee shaking my shoulder. There was barely enough light to see in the room. "You must return now," she said, when she saw that I was awake. I reached out and pulled her to me. She offered no resistance and came into my arms for a long kiss - but not too long. "Shower," she told me in a no-nonsense voice. We adjourned to the shower again. I was better prepared this time, but that water was still cold. We both showered and dried off. When I came out of the...
Hi I m kunal and I am 21 years old and this is a two week old story of my mom and dad. My dad works in an ad agency in Mumbai and is 50 years old and me and my mom lives in Delhi. My mom age is 45 years,so for most of the time my dad is in Mumbai and he comes home during leave after 3-4 months . One day I was talking to my friends that my dad is coming home today and one of my friend said “dude today your parents are going to have sex” and every body started laughing. But it got me curious....