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August 2012

The team proceeded as a group into the cavern, flashlights flared out like the spokes of a wheel. The chamber was similar to the others they had crossed in their journey here. Stalagmites littered the floor, stalactites stabbed downward. Except for one new feature. Ashley rubbed a snowflake from her eyelash. "Damn. It's snowing in here." A small flurry of flakes fluttered through the light beams. Maggie held out a hand and flakes settled on her palm. "They are not cold or wet." Lisa shouldered her way to Ashley's side. Brushing at the sifting of flakes.

"This is bad."


"It's not snow. It's gypsum crystals."

Lisa pointed her flashlight to the branches of gypsum crystals festooning the ceiling of the chamber, like twenty-foot white chandeliers. "They are fragile, delicate structures. Body heat can cause them to weaken and flake away."

Ashley brushed flakes from her shoulders. "I still don't see the danger."

"For this snowfall to be happening now, a lot of body heat had to recently pass through here."

Ashley's eyes widened with the implication.

"We're not alone down here."

Perhaps a few of you readers recognize the above opening excerpt from the thriller novel SUBTERRANEAN by author James Rollins, published in 1999.

I had fun adapting his story into an short "adult" thriller minus the bloodshed and adding the gratuitous sex.

By the way, I highly recommend James Rollins thriller novels as a great read. All his stories are full of adventure in outdoor settings involving modern day explorers, geologists, archaeologists, lost temples with powerful artifacts etc.

Now, on with my adaptation of his story...

Maggie and Lisa met at the university they attended and quickly became lifelong best friends having so much in common. Both Maggie and Lisa loved strenuous weight training, mountain biking, extreme winter sports, camping, backpacking, horseback riding and jogging which keeps them in peak shape with toned bodies and well defined and ripped abdomens – all of which came in handy as both were also very experienced cave explorers. On a lark while in university, both women had entered the Miss Hawaiian Tropic contest and both were selected as Hawaiian Tropic models whose company activities and promotions they performed during their undergraduate university years until the job pressures interfered with their beginning graduate academic work and their scholastic studies were more important.

Lisa earned her advanced degrees as a geologist while Maggie earned hers as a biologist/botanist.

Maggie – is five feet eleven, stunning dark cinnamon-red auburn hair, bright sparkling emerald green eyes, dark skin complexion, with very firm high set full large breasts with a very pronounced European up-tilt to them as befitting her Irish-Nordic ancestry, and a tight shapely muscular ass.

Lisa - five, feet nine, has long beautiful blonde hair that shimmered like yellow-white gold, and sparkling bright almost unnaturally blue eyes. Her breasts likewise are large yet very firm, lovely slim curvy hips and a small tight shapely muscular ass

In the small spelunking community, both women were widely known for their exceptional caving skills and their advanced degrees enhanced their reputation. In the caving community they met two others whom they quickly became good friends with – Linda and Ashley. Linda was another geologist while Ashley was a small invertebrate biologist.

Linda and Ashley were similar to Maggie and Lisa – tall, statuesque, extremely attractive women with generously well endowed firm breasts and highly toned physiques as benefiting their active lifestyles and cave exploration activities.

The four women were selected as an exploration team to explore an extensive deep cavern network in a region of the Transylvania Alps. It was thought to rival in extent the Mammoth Caverns in the United States. The exploration is to include mapping, cataloging, collecting samples and recommendations on preservation.

As part of their preparation they immersed themselves in Romanian since their above-ground support team would mostly be Romanian.

Due to the rugged mountainous terrain and the very sparse population, which never recovered after World War II, and in fact declined drastically as the post-war population trended to move from rural to urban areas also affected this remote mountain realm, the government saw the importance of protecting this beautiful rugged area of the Transylvania Alps and recently designated the mountains as a National Park. Part of this was to map and catalog the underground natural resources so it could be protected, as well as developing as a tourist attraction under strict controls.

For centuries myths and legends abounded in these still sparsely settled extremely rugged mountains. Even during World War II the German's feared to go deep in these mountains.

Tales abounded throughout the German regiments of squads that had gone missing or been found mutilated. Superstitions spread as many of the German regiments had conscripts of people native to the area.

Some of these tales were of the Blajini - creatures in Romanian lore, creatures that could be kind – or malicious. Of pale-skinned monsters, powerful goblins and huge wolf-like hell hound creatures from the underworld that during the deepest nights raided small villages and isolated farmsteads for food, but also did unspeakable despicable things to womenfolk...

Upon first discovery the caverns were found to be linked by a mysterious features that were dubbed "worm holes" - smooth narrow circular passageways just large enough for a person. The were uniform in size and polished to a remarkable smoothness. For the exploration by the four women, someone had come up with a great concept of using individual skateboard like devices they were modified to expand and retract that could be laid upon and act as transport sleds to rapidly traverse the wormholes.

The caverns were also warm. And they got warmer as the cavern depths increased. To help combat the heat the four researchers/explorers had to restrict the amount of supplies they had to pack in and this included a very limited change of clothing. They had to sensibly choose a very few items of lightweight clothing that would help them shed heat and perspiration as well as protect them. For each of them the clothing consisted of one Kevlar thread reinforced lightweight overalls, one thin wicking athletic bra, two thin ribbed athletic tee-shirts and two silk panties.

Several days of exploring the passageways and caverns that went deeper and deeper left them all with barely serviceable Kevlar reinforced overalls and tee-shirts. The remainder of the tee-shirts they all wore had multiple rents in it from being snagged during the numerous narrow passages they had to squeeze through. Two of the researchers had an overall strap torn loose and Lisa had a large rent in her tee-shirt and athletic bra that had almost completely exposed one large firm breast. Even the overalls they wore were holed and ripped despite the Kevlar reinforcing thread. They had previously joked they would have to call ahead once they got back to their starting point or found another exit so someone could bring them some more clothes or else the support staff were going to get more than an eyeful! As they had proceeded deeper underground it continued to grow warmer.

Then they came across an amazing discovery in a cavern. Large translucent cave pearls, while not uncommon, the sizes were. But what the cave pearls contained inside that had acted as a seed to build up concretion shells like what a seeded oyster does that forms a pearl was the startling thing – humanoid skulls, with heavy protruding brow ridges. The geologists discussed this must have happened hundreds of thousands of years ago to have cave pearls of this size but exactly how the skulls became the seeds eluded them, except the former beings must have been cave dwellers.

As the two geologists studied a particular interesting crystal formation, Ashley thought she saw something move at the edge of her helmet light. Startled, she almost lost her grip on a muddy rock. Swinging her light in the direction of movement, she searched but saw only the usual twisted stalagmites. Nothing was there.

Maggie noticing she had stopped, turned to her. 'Do you need a hand?"

"No, I just thought I saw something moving over there, but it was nothing, just shadows moving with my lamp, I guess.

Suddenly a frantic hissing from Lisa drew their attention over to her and Linda. They had frozen into a crouch. Maggie pulled Ashley down beside her keeping hold of her hand. Lisa held a finger to her lips and motioned them to come forward ... quietly.

There is something else in here with us, more than one. All I can tell it sounds like they are large. We need to move as quietly as possible to the next wormhole entrance. As the four women slowly and cautiously proceeded they could begin to hear guttural, rasping sounds. A primordial fear began to arise within each of them, wanting to cower and flee.

Just as they neared the wormhole loud bellows erupted. As one they all swung their helmet lights and hand-held lights to the source and they momentarily froze at the sight that was unveiled by the light.

Monstrous creatures! They ranged in size from seven to ten feet tall with thick torsos, long muscular arms and legs, smooth slick oily skin. Their thickly muscled arms ended with long hands taped with long claws. Their eyes were black as polished obsidian. Their nostrils, open wide, snorted the air, searching. Each of the researchers could not help immediately noticing the creature's nakedly exposed prominent genitalia – most of the creatures were all very obviously male with huge thick penises the width of a soda can with lengths that ranged from fourteen inches to horse-size eighteen inches, each with equally huge dangling testicular sacks the size of a large bull!

"What the hell" Ashley began, but Linda silenced her with a hand over her mouth. She whispered in her ear "slowly move to the wormhole and prepare to jump in." Maggie and Lisa noticed Ashley and Linda easing over to the wormhole. Luckily they all had their transport sleds out ready to dive in the wormhole once they got to the entrance.

One of the creatures bellowed sensing their quarry was about to escape and started advancing. Quickly each of the four women launched themselves into the wormhole. After several hundred yards they came to a small cavern where they quickly discussed they should push on non-stop for the next several hours to try to get as far away from these creatures as possible.

But after only two hours they had to briefly stop as they came into a wondrous cavern. They stood stunned. Before them opened a chamber the size of a ballroom. Iridescent crystals, some as small as thumbnails, others the size of watermelons, encrusted the walls and floor, casting back the lamplight in scintillating sparks. Rainbows reflected everywhere. Maggie crossed to the center of the chamber, her mouth hanging open.

"Do you know what this is?" Lisa stated.

"We are in a gigantic geode," Lisa said. Linda, the other geologist numbingly agreed. Then Linda let out a loud gasp and inhaled deeply.

"This is not quartz!"

"What!" Lisa said.

"It's diamond, look at the angle of crystal fracturing."

Thunderstruck, everyone looked again at the pure mass of stone around them.

Lisa wondered aloud, "I wonder how many other, similar chambers there are down here? This much wealth! This one alone would ruin all the major diamond corporations!"

Linda's sharp excitement dulled with concern. She shook her head.

"Before everyone starts counting their pennies, we still need to get out of here. Let's map these coordinates and get the hell out of here, we are still not far enough from those creatures as I would like to be!"

Lisa was examining one large particular flawless specimen next to a wall with a small laser. She turned off the laser and then she became aware of something just before she turned her helmet light back on, the crystal was still reflecting light...

Lisa yelled "Everyone, turn off your lights for a second!"

But their lights stayed off longer than that. As the helmet lights and flashlights were turned off the small cavern glowed with light.

Maggie said "Bloody hell, it coming from the walls, reflecting off the diamonds."

Maggie crossed over to a wall and using a knife scraped with the edge of the blade, she studied the rock, then turned to them with the blade upheld. It glowed yellow. "It's a fungus. What a find! This makes the fifth phosphorescent species I have found so far down here but this species far outputs more light than the others. This is almost worth being chased by the monsters."

With this pronouncement everyone became somber and quickly agreed to push on for a few more hours. They came across several more diamond caverns and oddly each succeeding cavern had more ambient light.

As they exited into another cavern they shot through a stream of water which soaked them all. While not another diamond cavern it did contain a lot of large crystals, some up to fifteen feet in length and up to a few feet in width, like the other caverns, this one was also illuminated to an extent they did not need to use the flashlights, similar to a dim twilight. They reconnoitered the cavern for other entrances/exists and determined none other existed except for three, the wormhole they came through, another wormhole on the far side, and a hole high upside the cavern wall about one hundred feet high which the stream poured out of in a waterfall which had soaked them as they exited from the lower wormhole.

Determining they were far enough from where they got ambushed by the creatures, and the only entrance in the cavern the huge creatures could utilize was the one high up on the cavern wall that the stream of water poured out of, they made camp near the wormhole they would have to traverse the next day. They removed their wet clothes to dry out leaving them in just the silk panties they all wore. They lit a small fuel pellet fire to heat their dinner and help dry out their clothes.

The conversation centered on the creatures. Determining they all saw at least eight, two they believed were females as they did not have any external genitalia that could discerned except for what clearly appeared to be large firm breasts.

Maggie said " I can't figure out what were those things. The zygomatic arch was wrong and the pelvic structure was odd. And did you notice the way they moved?

Ashley shrugged, sweeping her light across the boulders and large crystals in the cavern they were holed up in. "Hell, they been isolated here for centuries. No telling what evolutionary pressures created these monstrosities."

Lisa then stated what was on everyone's mind but was afraid to broach the topic

"My god, did you see how huge their cocks and balls are!

With a relief by all, this opened the topic discussing the grossly oversized genitalia of the huge creatures that had chased them. The biologists of the team, Maggie and Ashley, postulated the creatures were "overcompensated", just like a majority of cavern species competing for scarce resources, with a seemingly lack of females. When a male was fortunate to get a mate, the "overcompensated" genitalia would ensure a successful fertilization due to both the size/length of the penis and the huge testicular sacks that would produce a large quantity of semen.

Lisa snorted "just like a typical male who does not think their "package" is big enough and overcompensates!"

A couple of hours after they had finished dinner, Lisa and Maggie went over by the wormhole to check on their drying clothes where they had hung them to catch the breeze blowing from the wormhole. Suddenly they all heard a loud splash. Ashley and Linda grabbed their flashlights and shined them over to the small pool that had formed by the waterfall from the stream pouring out of the hole high up on the cavern wall but nothing was revealed.

"I guess it was just a rock that got dislodged by the stream that fell" Linda stated.

As pounding hearts started to settle and the girls gave each other nervous looks. Maggie collected their athletic bras and took them over to the fuel pellet fire. They were proving more difficult to dry than the other clothing, then Maggie went back over to help Lisa still by the wormhole sorting thru the packs.

A horrified scream whipped Lisa and Maggie around. What they saw almost made them scream as well but an immense sense of preservation prevailed not to bring attention to themselves...

Two of the monstrous creatures were between Lisa and Maggie and the other two women. The creatures were staring at Linda and Ashley in just their skimpy silk panties as both women slowly backed toward a large boulder. A nearby snuffling brought Lisa and Maggie's attention to two others of the monstrous creatures sidling their way on an intercept course to Lisa and Maggie.

Linda and Ashley were cutoff from any escape by the wormhole and Lisa and Maggie instantly realized that in a few more seconds the other creatures would be upon them as well!

Lisa whispered "we have to get out of here, we can't help them!"

Lisa and Maggie were able to quickly grab their overalls and tee-shirts and then barely had time to grab their two transport sleds and get to the wormhole.

As Lisa and Maggie jumped onto their sleds, they could hear their two colleagues began screaming, then ominously their screams turned to even louder hysterical shrieks which propelled them down the wormhole, Linda's and Ashley's piercing shrieks continuing behind them and diminishing with distance and time.

After a few hundred yards Lisa and Maggie came into a very small cavern where they stopped and quickly got their clothes on. A faint renewed shriek came down the wormhole. With a quick shaken glance at each other, both jumped back onto their sleds and continued down the wormhole.

Quickly both noticed their speed picking up. The wormhole not only led downward, but at a frightening steep slope! Maggie and Lisa attempted to slow themselves down by braking with their heels of their gloved hands and the toes of their boots, but succeeded in only slowing down slightly.

Lisa shouted "It's like a slide. Let's see those bastards try to catch us now!"

Maggie did not respond, too shook up as to the fate of Linda and Ashley.

By now their rate of descent was such that the friction burned their hands to brake. And as they flew farther down the wormhole, the glowing fungus began appearing in large patches on the walls.

"We're in a big corkscrew!" yelled Lisa. "Can you feel the centrifugal force?"

Maggie did. Her transport sled climbing higher on the walls as their speed increased and the tunnel's curves tightened. To try to brake now was impossible. During their flying descent, the fungus had grown thicker and thicker, its glow almost blinding now in the close confines of the wormhole. The fungus had also made the walls slick so even the tips of their boots dragging across the floor failed to offer any significant breaking.

The tunnel exit appeared around the next bend. No time to brake! No time to slow down! Only time to cover their heads and cringe. Just as they exited the wormhole the two women shot under another stream that soaked them as they rocketed out of the wormhole into the cavern.

Blinded for a moment by the bright light, they jolted and bounced across the slightly rugged vegetated floor. When Lisa's eyes adjusted, she saw herself barreling toward a solid wall of yellow vegetation. Closing her eyes, she slammed into the thick stalks of growth. Her collision tumbled her from her sled, but the field cushioned her fall as she rolled for several yards.

Once stopped, she pushed to her knees. She was almost up when Maggie tumbled into her with a wild yell. She fell in a tumble of arms and legs.

'Well, that was different," Maggie stated, speaking to Lisa's left knee.

They untangled themselves and stood up with groans. Bruised everywhere, they glanced around. The field of yellow vegetation, like wheat, stood chest high and spread for thousands of acres across the rolling cavern floor. Thousands of acres in a brightly lit cavern!

The cavern was monstrous!

The walls stretched for hundreds of feet above them. The cavern roof, far overhead, glowed with thick fungus, some patches glowing as bright as sunlight! They glanced across the smooth fields that undulated across the wide plain, broken only by tiny groves of spindly trees.

"I don't think we are in Kansas anymore," Maggie stated, with her mouth hanging open. Lisa, being a geologist, was dumbfounded by the magical sight, not even the barest comprehension how a cavern like this could be. Knowledge that this was the largest cavern ever discovered, all others around the world insignificant in comparison, not even mentioning the vegetation or the amount of ambient light given off by the fungus.

A rustle of vegetation drew their attention from the panorama. From several yards away, something was working through the field towards them, maneuvering around clusters of trees. Too low to be seen except for the wake of bending stalks, like a shark through water...

Lisa and Maggie backed away, then Maggie pointed off to the left. Two more wakes arrowed toward them. She studied the field more closely, now noticing three other trails moving in their direction. Six in all. Maggie backed away, pulling on Lisa's coverall.

They stumbled backwards until they stood by the wormhole opening. Their sleds lost somewhere in the field. They stared at the six trails inching slowly toward them. Not good. The nearest one was only ten yards away now. It had stopped and held its position. Waiting. Soon the others had drawn even with it.

The two women frantically looked around for something to use as weapons, but there were no large sticks anywhere and even the loose stones were too small except to be annoying.

"The wormhole?" Maggie asked.

"Sounds good to me" Lisa replied.

Their words seemed to jar the stalkers in the field. They rushed with lightening speed. With their sudden movement, both women froze crouched by the wormhole, like a deer in headlights.

The six creatures burst through the wall of vegetation, then stopped in unison, hunkering on all fours, haunches raised, ready to spring, tails slashing. They were huge! The size of Great Danes but thick in body like Mastiffs. They were over three feet tall at the shoulder and appeared to weigh at least 225 pounds. They looked like a cross between a wolf and a lion. Amber-furred, a cowl of thick mane around their necks, huge eyes, slitted pupils, long jaws bristling with fierce teeth, and like the other cavern creatures - grossly oversized genitalia the size of a stud pony.

"Freeze," Maggie whispered. "No sudden moves."

Lisa wasn't about to move! Still frozen in her crouch, her eyes glued to the six sets of unblinking eyes that stared at her. And she was willing to stay that way for as long as it took, until something shot from the wormhole and grabbed her ankle. A high-pitched scream in her throat.

With Lisa's panicked scream, the furry grip tightened on her ankle, like a closing vise. What the hell? Lisa sprang to the side, yanking her leg and breaking the hold of her attacker. She collided with Maggie.

Damn It Lisa! Maggie blurted, her eyes still glued to the pack of slathering wolfish creatures.

"Something's in the wormhole. It g-grabbed me." Lisa stammered.

Maggie darted a look toward the hole. Nothing was there.

"I don't see any --Bloody hell!" It was Maggie's turn to hop away from the wormhole as something crawled out of the passage, No, two somethings! "Shit!"

Maggie thought at first they were dirty children, naked and covered in filth. But when they stood up and turned to the two women, she knew she was vastly mistaken.

They stood four feet high, very compact, very well muscled, and unclothed. From the exposed grossly oversized genitalia, they were very obviously male. Their oversized monstrously large genitalia was especially contrasted given their small but extremely muscular compact size, their soda can thick penises were restrained upright against their bodies and over their hips, held in place with a leather penis ribbon around their waists. The length of their penises appeared to be approximately fourteen inches, with testicular ball sacks the size of a bull dangling to their knees. Clearly both women could see the penises were ribbed along the length but also had large bumps evenly spaced along the penises. Their compact bodies were thickly solid with corded muscles, with oversized thickly muscled disproportionate long arms with powerful hands with long powerful fingers. The black hair of the two creatures was tied back from their faces with a leather ribbon. Their chests and legs were covered in coarse matted hair.

Maggie's first thought was that they faced a hominid or protohuman. Maybe some type of dwarf Neanderthal. Several of the features supported her supposition: the thick bony brow bulging above huge eyes, the wide blunt nose that sniffed in their direction, the protruding jaws and maxillary bones that created a muzzle-like countenance.

Maggie, though, had studied the fossil record of all the hominid and protohuman species. And these breathing specimens conformed to none of them. The closest might be the Australopithecine species, but these creatures were vastly different., The bodies, though thick with corded muscle, was not as bulky as the early hominids, and the neck was too long and slender. Their ears too were striking: slightly tufted and pointed, they actually swiveled back and forth, wary. None of these features matched the fossil record of any ancient protohumans! And lastly, what researcher would have projected any protohuman in a pictorial representation depicting such hugely oversized penises and testes! They would have been the laughing stock of the community!

Suddenly one of the creatures stepped toward them causing the two women to stumble backwards a step. The creature turned away and waved a muscular arm toward the pack of beasts and grunted toward them – "Unkh! Unkk!" Like a precision drill team, the six huge wolf-like beasts all turned and vanished back into the field. The creature turned back toward the two women, crossing his arms.

Lisa spoke out of the side of her mouth. "What do you make of this, Maggie?"

"I'm not sure," she said with wonder in her voice. " But I think we've just met another species of our cave dwellers."

Damn! What's with all these cave creatures and their oversized cocks and balls!" Lisa harrumphed.

One of the creature's ears swiveled away from them. They both seemed to be listening, their eyelids drifting closed. After several heartbeats, their lids snapped back open, then both creatures began walking away with a rolling sort of gait.

Maggie watched them, dying to run a hand over their pelvic structures. It didn't appear right either, matching none of the hominid species. Who was this? What was this?

The creatures walked several yards, then stopped and turned to them, one crossed his arms again. Waiting.

"I think they want us to follow," Maggie said, stepping forward.

Lisa touched her elbow, stopping her. "We don't know where in bloody hell they are taking us," she whispered. Lisa raised her voice, calling to the waiting figures. "Hold it right there, hairy buddies. Where are we going?" The creature glanced at Lisa, then both turned and resumed walked away.

Maggie stared at the retreating figures. She had to find out more about these creatures. Deciding she had nothing to lose, she started to follow, calling over her shoulder, "I think it's safe, Lisa. They could have let those wolf things attack if they meant us harm."

Lisa shook her head, but she followed cautiously.

Trailing several yards behind their guides, they were led to a thin path in the field of yellow vegetation. Before the creatures started down the track, each took a long dagger from their leather penis wraps, which was the only article of clothing besides the leather headband ribbon. The blades were long crystal shards. It was diamond!

Lisa held a restraining arm against Maggie's chest, obviously worried that their guides were about to attack.

"Dogaomarubi," one of their guides said, as if explaining, hefting up the knife.

Lisa nodded. "Uh-huh. Whatever, little fellas. Just keep those little pokers in your belts."

"My god," Maggie said, "he's trying to speak with us. Verbal communication! It's incredible."

The two creatures swung away and led them into the yellow fields. The grain-like seeds at the tip of the stalky vegetation waved above the heads of their guides, while reaching only chest-high on the much taller women. They had to push down the narrow path, shoving their shoulders through the barrier of vegetation on either side, while their guides seemed to glide down the path without disturbing a single stalk. After an hour they both stumbled more than pushed through the growth. Lisa followed, grunting with effort to haul through the dense growth. "I'd love a machete," she said huffing. "Or a four-wheeler," Maggie added. 'I need a rest."

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Well Dammit! I said to myself as I boarded the 6:30 AM train to town. I rarely worked Saturdays, let alone worked on a Sunday. But today I found myself heading back in to work to finish what I didn’t get done yesterday. The only reason I had to return today I mumbled to myself, was because of you, you fucking rich bitch. You fucked with my head so badly yesterday I couldn’t ever clear your image out of my head. Now it’s early fucking Sunday morning, and I’m headed to work. Plus, I didn’t sleep...

2 years ago
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The Encounter

  The Encounter   This story is written with no names involved so that you, the reader can place you and your lover’s names within the lines. I hope you enjoy and feedback is always welcome! Enjoy!   The sexual tension filled the room as she entered. They were always good together whether in work or play, they clicked. But this was different. Would there be time for small talk? Would they talk and make each other laugh as they so often did or would the fact they wanted...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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JewelChapter 2

I was having that same Heather Morris dream from the night before. Suddenly she changed from Heather to Jewel, and the snake changed into a four-foot long hard plastic dildo. Now Heather was using the dildo on my sister, pushing it in her pussy, then in her ass, than back into her pussy. Then Heather seemed to vanish and my door opened and Jewel was walking on an endless moving sidewalk that came to a doorway. Then the doorway had silently opened and Jewel had on a pair of crotch-less...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Aspen Romanoff Party In My Pants

My stepsister Aspen & I are prepping for a party, the kind you have when your parents are out for a night. We’ve done other things together when the parents are gone for a night, the kind of things you don’t talk about in polite society. She can’t even focus on getting ready when I’m around, instead she is pulling out her tits and trying to get me to touch them! Her stepdad is still home but she can’t stop herself. Even when he comes to see us before he leaves,...

3 years ago
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The Dancers Fight

Chris was in his second year at University for Stage management and Jacob was doing a carpentry apprenticeship. The University Chris was at had weird hours and lectures usually ran into the night. They were living together in a small apartment. Chris' mum was sad to see him move out but Jacobs mum encouraged it. Chris usually came home to find Jacob asleep, sometimes waking him up if he was feeling horny but mostly he just let him sleep. Chris got home one evening but Jacob wasn't...

1 year ago
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When it comes to cartoon porno, it’s hard to imagine that there are professional companies dedicated to drawing, animating, and voicing full-length movies and shows. But in Japan, this shit is super common, with literally hundreds of studios dedicated to making hentai jerkoff is here to provide you with the latest hentai videos straight from Japan for your stroking pleasure. This includes episodes and movies from studios such as Milky, Sakura Films, Discovery, and Bootleg...

Premium Hentai Sites
2 years ago
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Drilled by Desmond

Don’t bother reading unless you’re looking for a story about sociopathic wives forcing their unwilling (and unknowing) husbands into an act of same-sex rape. Otherwise, enjoy. It was a late summer afternoon—warm, humid, a little breezy to take the edge off. Fat bees clambering on the marigolds, monarchs flitting around the Mexican sunflowers. Wind chimes humming. Lily and I on the back porch with Jill and Desmond, sipping our ice teas. Quietly, awkwardly, again. Why did Lily and Jill keep...

3 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 76 Suzies Graduation

Saturday, May 28, 1983 The house was mostly complete by Thanksgiving, but there were still enough items on the punch list to keep us from moving in. The kitchen needed some more work, as did the hardwood floors, and the driveway was going to be gravel until the following spring, when the weather would allow us to lay down some blacktop. We were ready to move in by Christmas, but that was just too hectic. We would wait until January. Dum-Dum got some nice presents at Christmas. Following the...

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What My Roommate Didnt Know

I heard a knock on her bedroom door. "Come in," I said, thinking it was Becca, my roommate. After the door opened, I realized it was not a woman standing there. It was Michael, dressed in briefs. His tanned chest had whorls of dark hair on it and his physique honed from hours spent outdoors working construction. "What are you doing here," I said. "Becca's gone to sleep," he said, "I thought I would see if you were still up." "Why," I said, "This is my bedroom. Not hers. You...

3 years ago
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Daddys Little Girl Part 2Chapter 3

Early Monday morning, Bill felt Gail get out of their bed. It was still dark outside and he needed a couple more hours of sleep. He felt her kiss his cheek, whisper "good bye, I love you" into his ear, and head out the door. The next thing he knew his alarm went off and reluctantly he got up and headed for the bathroom. By eight-thirty he was in his lab, looking over the results of his latest experiment. He chuckled to himself as he glanced over at Megan; her left hand was indeed wrapped in...

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For 23 years, Chris was a normal person. He was fairly smart, but not a genius, kind of tall but not a giant. He was a perfectly average guy. Except from one thing, Chris kept having these really strong dreams, a man was talking to him, “Soon you will have power equaled only by your imagination,” this man said, only he wasn't really a man. He was something bigger, something more important. Chris was single, lived in a small apartment, and worked at an unnamed upper class restaurant in Boston....

1 year ago
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Training Tanya Ch 02

Raquel and Tanya were sitting in Raquel’s favorite bar, each on their 3rd drink. They weren’t intending to get drunk, but Raquel’s newest girlfriend wasn’t available that evening and Dennis was out of town again, leaving Tanya on her own again, so they both figured why the hell not? They’d intended to make a night of it anyway, brunette Raquel was in a cream-colored mini with high white leather boots and a silver, spangled top that plunged deep. Her caramel skin was dusted with glitter and...

3 years ago
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Slave Night

This story has been passed down for years in my family's history, of course the sex part has been added but then again sex between the white master and female slaves did take place. By the 1820's the importing of slaves was illegal in the US, but there was still selling [auctions] up to the time of the war. When there was a female mulatto they were often sold since they were mostly the offspring of a slave and her master. This is a story of one such young girl who was shipped to the slaves...

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The Mistress Ch 02

Christmas was coming. Emman knew where I’d attend dawn masses. It was just a walking distance from where I lived while it would take him four jeepney rides to reach it. It was a great effort to do on his part just to hear mass with me, but I’d ignore him and I’d make sure to be at a comfortable distance away from him. Call me heartless. There’s a chapel in Legarda (Our Lady of Manaoag) where after mass and rosary, a caretaker (Peping) would have a session for parishioners who want guidance or...

3 years ago
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The Window Worker

The Window Worker Part 1ByRubberwolf2012?Storycodes:  f/f, display, reluctant, humiliation, bd, work, petHannah Reynolds had worked for Tanaka since leaving university.  Her combined honours degree in business and Japanese had served to start her on the career ladder with the large Japanese conglomerate.  She had been interested in the East since she was a little girl, getting her first taste of oriental culture from television shows like Monkey or the Water Margin.  Classic Japanese films like...

3 years ago
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BackscatterChapter 6 Revelations

Three months later. Time: Sunday May 31, 2048 8:42 AM It was late springtime in Funchal, and the sun was bright and halfway between the horizon and vertical in a cloudless eastern sky. Megan Lopes had been up since sunrise at 5 AM and had just returned to her apartment after attending a church service with her husband. She locked the door and decided to indulge herself with another shower, in spite of just taking one yesterday evening after returning from her honeymoon. She washed quickly...

3 years ago
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8 at the Gangbang

She gave me a business card with a phone number & address on it. The card was well made with ornate vine & flower artwork punctuated with a tagline in calligraphy that read, "Erotic Adventures with Allison." She told me to be at the address listed on the card at 7PM that night. She said, "We will see if you measure-up." This cryptic statement was intriguing but intimidating. I knew who she was, how could I've forgotten her? She was Allison Mott, the head cheerleader from my high school....

3 years ago
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Take Her Down to Paradise City Pt 3

Lena sat behind her desk at work, smiling fondly at the framed photo of Arion and herself which stood before her. She could hardly believe it had been so long since she'd first received the magic jukebox. 2015 was coming to an end and she realized with every passing day, she would lose him soon. The thought broke her heart and caused her to tear up. She wouldn't allow herself to break down at work, but she was terrified at the idea of losing her beloved. She had gone over a thousand scenarios...

3 years ago
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Slutboy for Mr Apart 2

Usual disclaimers apply.This is about how Mr A introduced me to his hot son and how we ended up in a mega-hot 3way! After me and Mr.A had a rocking hot session,me gagging and slurping on his thick,veiny slimy un-cut daddy-cock and choking down his thick,chunky load of daddy-spunk,and him sorting out me throbbing 15yr old un-cut boy-cock I knew I was gonna be the filthy little slut-boy whore he’d instantly got me down as!And before ya all tell me it was abuse,nah,fuck that,I was a total fucking...

3 years ago
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The Devils PactChapter 36 The GodKing

Saturday, September 28th, 2013 – Mark Glassner I watched in stunned horror as the US soldiers opened fire on the Tacoma Police blockading the street in front of the courthouse. The soldiers had just roped out of a pair of hovering Black Hawk helicopters, attacking the police blockading the stretch of Tacoma Avenue in front of the Courthouse. As the soldiers spread out, I shouted orders into the microphone; my voice boomed out of the speakers placed around the square. The soldiers ignored my...

2 years ago
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His Sister in Moonlight

She squeezed her fingers in a ring around the base of his cock and brushed the soft hair on his balls with her pinkie. His hips began to thrust and she felt the shaft thicken and pulse between her lips. She pulled the cock from her mouth with a wet pop and turned it away as it loosed its seed to splatter on the grass beside her. The boy grunted and Carrie smiled as he looked wide-eyed down upon her. Another kid stood next to him in the shadow thrown by the stage, shallow breaths coming from...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Anna Claire Clouds Whitney Wright Experimenting With Friends

Two couples have decided to rent a condo together. Anna Claire Clouds is married to Robby Echo, while Whitney Wright is married to Codey Steele. The girls retire to a bedroom to unpack, which turns into a bit of a striptease as Whitney changes into a bikini right in front of Anna Claire. Anna Claire can’t take it; she slides her hand down Whitney’s shorts and urges her friend to hold the moan as she rubs her clit. That’s just the start of Anna Claire’s plan for the...

3 years ago
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Introduction to my Slutty Roommate

I know that because of my upbringing I'm a bit more reserved, ok a lot more reserved, than most people our age. I knew the small town, very religious, conservative values I was used to would be difficult to find at college, but I was ok with that, really. I've never been too partial to religion or that stereotypical small town life, so I really felt this would be a great way to expand my horizons. But I wasn't expecting this! First, any chance Megan gets to be naked, she's naked. I...

1 year ago
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Wife turns the tables on husbands fantasy to

For years I have been exploring with my wife the fantasy of her having sex with another man. It started off with simple questions, exploring what she might like and what she didn't. Almost always when I would story tell in bed about another cock joining in, I would notice a little extra hunger and wetness in her pussy. And she never said no, just maybe or she wouldn't know unless she tried.This progressed to me writing stories for her to read and creating assignments, complete with pictures,...

3 years ago
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Hot Work Friend Or more than that

It was just another routine hectic day at work. I work out of my native state and was looking for a work friend. I had some work on the 9th floor of the office. I noticed someone new. Not a goddess out of Greek tales, but she could turn a few heads her way, that beautiful. I glanced at her a few times while doing my work. She was fair, almost 5.5 ft, long hair in a single piggy tail till her bums, big eyes, thin upper lip. She had a slightly pouty lower lip, dancing earrings, perfectly fitting...

2 years ago
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Zoes Mini Adventure

My wife and I recently bought a convertible. It’s hard to believe that a car can change your sex life, but it can! I now wonder why automakers don’t sell a lot more ragtops.Zoe and I are a middle-aged couple living in London. Years ago, following the death of Zoe’s parents, we inherited a small holiday home in rural France. The surrounding countryside is beautiful: rolling hills, fields of sunflowers during summers and picturesque mediaeval villages all year round. We spend several weeks there...

Straight Sex
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After exam party turns into a rape party 1

What can be worse than a horny teenager being stuck in his house for almost a year now. Let me tell you, a horny teenager being stuck in his home for a past year, with a hot, busty maid working there and them being alone at home for almost the entire day. Yes, Andrew was alone in the home when his maid used to work as his parents used to go to work daily. And he had always fantasized about fucking his maid one day. This all started when one day he was watching porn in his room and shagging...

1 year ago
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Mistress Chapter TwoSevens Story

I couldn’t believe my luck! Not only had I fucked my beautiful new mistress on the very first day, she’d even turned a blind eye at my total lack of self-control. Lying back on the rickety, uncomfortable bed, I put my arms behind my head and closed my eyes with a contented smile, thinking through the events of the day. This morning had a terrible start at that slave auction. I shuddered at the memory of the bidders and their probing, pinching hands, of being stared at by hundreds of eyes, every...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Adventure In Train Part I

Hi friends and I am Vibhore 38 yrs old male from Delhi. Happily married since last 10 years and my wife Anu who is 36 years now and has a great figure and we have two kids Me and my wife has been doing regular sex and are fond of it. We had tried all type of sex and even some times enjoy teasing crowd in public places. My wife has a great figure of 38 32 38, her boobs and ass is the best part. This story is 100% true and just happened about a month back. Let me introduce myself first, I am...

3 years ago
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Me And My Maids 8211 Part 5 Blackmailing Rashmi

Hi friends. I am back with the 5th part of my erotic journey with my domestic helps. For those who have just joined us. Please follow the links for the previous installments… Nikki kept me hard and pumping for almost 11 months. She was the hottest whore I had banged….. even today I masturbate remembering our bed breaking fuck sessions. Two maids came after her but didn’t stay long enough due to family issues.. So I couldn’t fuck them. They did see my dick ample number of times. I was flashing...

2 years ago
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My sexy barber

Pinky 30, is a delightful barber to visit because in addition to a great hair cut each guy gets a wonderful sight of her body and enjoys her playful conversation. Today she wore a tight white sweater and red pants with white heels. Her lovely large breasts were clearly outlined and her nipples were hard and Obvious. Pinky is a blonde about 5’9″ tall with a lovely figure and long blonde hair. She is happy and smiles a lot as she bends close and moves around to cut hair. The guy can watch her in...

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Femming the Cuck Chapter 1

The first Sunday after my introduction to cuckolding, we took a break. Our children and their families were over, and we spent the day as we had the Sunday prior. It was a full day of fun for everyone, lots of food, games, and a little alcohol. Prior to their arrival, I made sure all of our new life had been put away. After they had all left, we cleaned things up a bit, and Nancy brought back our new life.“Harriet,” Nancy began, as she stood by the backdoor. “Once you've finished putting those...

2 years ago
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Part 4Chris had phoned Lori and told her that they wouldn't see each other until the party. She had then spent the time organizing and arranging the 'do.' She had invited more than usual, so it would give Chris a better chance to blend in. Even extra caterers had been drafted. Everything was going to plan.Come that Saturday morning, Lori still hadn't been intimate with her husband, which was well overdue, going by their normal sex life. But only one person now floated her boat, and she was...

Mind Control
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Mr Hightower takes his new friend Cydney on a date

"Thanks for getting the groceries. Wash up; dinner will be ready soon." I nodded in approval but didn't register anything my wife had just said. All I could think about was Cydney and our date Friday. Cydney and I exchanged many texts over the next few days, mostly about how excited we were for Friday. I enjoyed hearing from her and was thrilled each time my phone rang. I came to find out that she was twenty-four and had just moved into town. She was also a jogging enthusiast and loved to keep...

Oral Sex
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En Kathaliyin Tamil Ammavai Sex Seithen

Hi friends, indru kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana paiyan thanathu kathaliyin ammavai usar seithu matter podugiraan. En peyar Ramesh, vayathu 23 aagugirathu, kalluri padithu mudithu vittu velai seithu kondu irukiren. Enaku oru kathali irunthaal. Aval peyar saranya, saranyavai naan iru varudangalaaga kathal seithu vanthen. Ithu naal varai aval veetirku sendrathe kidaiyathu, saranya oru naal aval veetirku ennai azhaithu irunthaal. Naan velai mudithu vittu neraga avargal thangi irukum veetirku sendren,...

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A surprise at the neighbors part 1

On a cold Saturday morning a couple of weeks ago my husband Paul and I were lying in bed, naked and rubbing our bodies together to keep ourselves warm when there was a knock at the front door. Paul turned to me and said, “run along, I can’t go like this”, then lifted the covers to show his cock was hard. I laughed and told him that it had better still be like that when I get back. I grabbed one of his t-shirts and slipped it on as I walked down stairs.“Good morning Rebecca” I greeted as I...

3 years ago
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Yin and Yang Walking in your Shoes Part 3

Part Three. Craig and Lisa are still in each other's bodies. Lisa finds out what being a man can be like and Craig get some news that changes his life forever, but offers him a chance at redemption that he never thought was possible. Again I want to thank everyone for their wonderful support and praise. I'm so pleased that things have come out so good, yes I have been using rather basic grammar but I wanted to keep the conversations real and natural by writing them like a normal person...

2 years ago
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Slaves Of Locust StreetChapter 10

During the following week Chico talked with Trica about how she would lose her virginity. She had always looked up to her older brother and knowing his reputation as a lady's man she was quite willing to let him help in coming up with a plan. She told him she was so anxious to lose her cherry the particular boy did not matter so much as the experience being erotic and pleasurable. She added a couple of ideas of her own, especially that of putting their mother in another untenable situation...

1 year ago
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More summer of 65

That night as I lay in bed, I thought about John, his cock, how big it had got and the way he had pulled and pushed mine, also the wonderful feeling I had when the “white pee” had squirted from the end of mine. As I lay thinking about every thing, I realised my cock was big and hard, I started to do the same as John had done, it felt really good, I pulled it, I pushed it and finally the head came out, “WOW” I thought, I can make it do that as well. I kept on pulling and pushing, up and down...

3 years ago
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Wild Night

It was early in the morning when I heard the garage door open, my wife returning from a night out with her friends. I was sitting in the kitchen doing some work on one of my art projects when she walked in with her friend Amanda. Amanda was holding my drunken wife up as I made my way over to help with her. Amanda said "She is wasted and I had to drive her home, I will help you get her to the bed" We both struggled to get my wife to our bedroom and once inside we flopped her on the bed. Amanda...

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Flat Mate

So I had been dating this gorgeous shapely Indian girl for a few months. We were still super horny for each other, however this was a little stifled due to our distance from each other. We lived and worked at different ends of the country, a good 3 hour drive away. This didn't stop us meeting and fucking our way through our weekends. She had recently moved apartments, I helped her move her stuff, the extra car making short work of moving a few things she kept in her room while the...

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I lost my virginity to my cousin

I was struggling to find a job some years ago and was still living with my parents at the time, I was 25 and I really wanted to get out of there. Life was hard at home and I was getting to a place where life didn't matter anymore, still a virgin at 25 is hard to cope with and I didn't even had a girlfriend at the time.One day my parents asked me if I wanted to go with them to my cousin's place, he is way older than I am and he had a daughter that just turned eighteen two weeks before.I used to...

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Love Thy Neighbour Chapter Two

Cathy closed the door behind her and leaned against it. “What the fuck have I just started?” she said. A quarter of an hour before, she had been kneeling beside a sixty-year-old man, sucking him off. Now she had agreed to be his partner in a swingers group. She had no idea how this was going to play out, but right now, she knew if she didn't rub off, she would go mad. Ten minutes of sucking the first cock she'd touched in a year, had soaked her panties and made her pussy itch like crazy.Five...

Group Sex
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KellyChapter 27

The 101st Airborne and the 82nd Airborne were positioned on a military reservation in New Mexico. The 101st was the defending Blue Force and the 82nd was the attacking Red Force. Mike and Kelly agreed that the 101st was as ready as it possibly could be. They thought they had an edge because the very survival of the 101st depended on its performance against the 82nd in the Red-Blue War Games, while to Jim Ames and the 82nd it was only a game. It was February 1st. Kelly had not had her command...

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Mo And Betty And Me

I was just leaving the posh supermarket, having paid over the odds for a whole range of things from milk to organic broccoli. They got away with it because this was an affluent part of the island and also midway between the two main supermarkets, both of which sold good stuff at reasonable prices. But the fancy one was here, right in the heart of Simpson Bay, and didn’t require a road trip to get there. And it was organic this and finest that and types of bread you’d never heard of.I grudgingly...

4 years ago
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BurrChapter 59 Cindy Meets Suzanne properly

I ripped the letter to Becky into shreds and went downstairs to find that Suzanne had just arrived. She had been to an engagement dinner with the girls from the office. "Is that as far as you got before John left?" she asked, looking at the chessboard with only one pawn out of its starting position. "He didn't see me move that piece. I moved on my own," I said. Suzanne looked at me, questioningly. She may have recognized my need to talk with someone or perhaps she just wanted to catch...

2 years ago
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Cockfest with three young guys

Cock-fest with three young guys Wow what a weekend.Here we are Emma, Annie and me relaxing on my bed reminiscing about our action-packed cock-fest with three teenage college guys.Our cunts and arses used to excess by them over the weekend.It all started on Friday evening. Emma, Annie and me sitting in my lounge with a glass of wine awaiting our guests Ollie, John and Mike my 17-year-old son. Annie wore an extremely short white dress, almost translucent. Plunging neckline to her naval revealing...

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