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August 2012

The team proceeded as a group into the cavern, flashlights flared out like the spokes of a wheel. The chamber was similar to the others they had crossed in their journey here. Stalagmites littered the floor, stalactites stabbed downward. Except for one new feature. Ashley rubbed a snowflake from her eyelash. “Damn. It's snowing in here.” A small flurry of flakes fluttered through the light beams. Maggie held out a hand and flakes settled on her palm. “They are not cold or wet.” Lisa shouldered her way to Ashley's side. Brushing at the sifting of flakes.

“This is bad.”
“It's not snow. It's gypsum crystals.”
Lisa pointed her flashlight to the branches of gypsum crystals festooning the ceiling of the chamber, like twenty-foot white chandeliers. “They are fragile, delicate structures. Body heat can cause them to weaken and flake away.”
Ashley brushed flakes from her shoulders. “I still don't see the danger.”
“For this snowfall to be happening now, a lot of body heat had to recently pass through here.”
Ashley's eyes widened with the implication.

“We're not alone down here.”

Perhaps a few of you readers recognize the above opening excerpt from the thriller novel SUBTERRANEAN by author James Rollins, published in 1999.

I had fun adapting his story into an short “adult” thriller minus the bloodshed and adding the gratuitous sex.

By the way, I highly recommend James Rollins thriller novels as a great read. All his stories are full of adventure in outdoor settings involving modern day explorers, geologists, archaeologists, lost temples with powerful artifacts etc.

Now, on with my adaptation of his story...

Maggie and Lisa met at the university they attended and quickly became lifelong best friends having so much in common. Both Maggie and Lisa loved strenuous weight training, mountain biking, extreme winter sports, camping, backpacking, horseback riding and jogging which keeps them in peak shape with toned bodies and well defined and ripped abdomens – all of which came in handy as both were also very experienced cave explorers. On a lark while in university, both women had entered the Miss Hawaiian Tropic contest and both were selected as Hawaiian Tropic models whose company activities and promotions they performed during their undergraduate university years until the job pressures interfered with their beginning graduate academic work and their scholastic studies were more important.

Lisa earned her advanced degrees as a geologist while Maggie earned hers as a biologist/botanist.

Maggie – is five feet eleven, stunning dark cinnamon-red auburn hair, bright sparkling emerald green eyes, dark skin complexion, with very firm high set full large breasts with a very pronounced European up-tilt to them as befitting her Irish-Nordic ancestry, and a tight shapely muscular ass.

Lisa - five, feet nine, has long beautiful blonde hair that shimmered like yellow-white gold, and sparkling bright almost unnaturally blue eyes. Her breasts likewise are large yet very firm, lovely slim curvy hips and a small tight shapely muscular ass

In the small spelunking community, both women were widely known for their exceptional caving skills and their advanced degrees enhanced their reputation. In the caving community they met two others whom they quickly became good friends with – Linda and Ashley. Linda was another geologist while Ashley was a small invertebrate biologist.

Linda and Ashley were similar to Maggie and Lisa – tall, statuesque, extremely attractive women with generously well endowed firm breasts and highly toned physiques as benefiting their active lifestyles and cave exploration activities.

The four women were selected as an exploration team to explore an extensive deep cavern network in a region of the Transylvania Alps. It was thought to rival in extent the Mammoth Caverns in the United States. The exploration is to include mapping, cataloging, collecting samples and recommendations on preservation.

As part of their preparation they immersed themselves in Romanian since their above-ground support team would mostly be Romanian.

Due to the rugged mountainous terrain and the very sparse population, which never recovered after World War II, and in fact declined drastically as the post-war population trended to move from rural to urban areas also affected this remote mountain realm, the government saw the importance of protecting this beautiful rugged area of the Transylvania Alps and recently designated the mountains as a National Park. Part of this was to map and catalog the underground natural resources so it could be protected, as well as developing as a tourist attraction under strict controls.

For centuries myths and legends abounded in these still sparsely settled extremely rugged mountains. Even during World War II the German's feared to go deep in these mountains.
Tales abounded throughout the German regiments of squads that had gone missing or been found mutilated. Superstitions spread as many of the German regiments had conscripts of people native to the area.

Some of these tales were of the Blajini - creatures in Romanian lore, creatures that could be kind – or malicious. Of pale-skinned monsters, powerful goblins and huge wolf-like hell hound creatures from the underworld that during the deepest nights raided small villages and isolated farmsteads for food, but also did unspeakable despicable things to womenfolk...

Upon first discovery the caverns were found to be linked by a mysterious features that were dubbed “worm holes” - smooth narrow circular passageways just large enough for a person. The were uniform in size and polished to a remarkable smoothness. For the exploration by the four women, someone had come up with a great concept of using individual skateboard like devices they were modified to expand and retract that could be laid upon and act as transport sleds to rapidly traverse the wormholes.

The caverns were also warm. And they got warmer as the cavern depths increased. To help combat the heat the four researchers/explorers had to restrict the amount of supplies they had to pack in and this included a very limited change of clothing. They had to sensibly choose a very few items of lightweight clothing that would help them shed heat and perspiration as well as protect them. For each of them the clothing consisted of one Kevlar thread reinforced lightweight overalls, one thin wicking athletic bra, two thin ribbed athletic tee-shirts and two silk panties.

Several days of exploring the passageways and caverns that went deeper and deeper left them all with barely serviceable Kevlar reinforced overalls and tee-shirts. The remainder of the tee-shirts they all wore had multiple rents in it from being snagged during the numerous narrow passages they had to squeeze through. Two of the researchers had an overall strap torn loose and Lisa had a large rent in her tee-shirt and athletic bra that had almost completely exposed one large firm breast. Even the overalls they wore were holed and ripped despite the Kevlar reinforcing thread. They had previously joked they would have to call ahead once they got back to their starting point or found another exit so someone could bring them some more clothes or else the support staff were going to get more than an eyeful! As they had proceeded deeper underground it continued to grow warmer.

Then they came across an amazing discovery in a cavern. Large translucent cave pearls, while not uncommon, the sizes were. But what the cave pearls contained inside that had acted as a seed to build up concretion shells like what a seeded oyster does that forms a pearl was the startling thing – humanoid skulls, with heavy protruding brow ridges. The geologists discussed this must have happened hundreds of thousands of years ago to have cave pearls of this size but exactly how the skulls became the seeds eluded them, except the former beings must have been cave dwellers.

As the two geologists studied a particular interesting crystal formation, Ashley thought she saw something move at the edge of her helmet light. Startled, she almost lost her grip on a muddy rock. Swinging her light in the direction of movement, she searched but saw only the usual twisted stalagmites. Nothing was there.

Maggie noticing she had stopped, turned to her. 'Do you need a hand?”
“No, I just thought I saw something moving over there, but it was nothing, just shadows moving with my lamp, I guess.

Suddenly a frantic hissing from Lisa drew their attention over to her and Linda. They had frozen into a crouch. Maggie pulled Ashley down beside her keeping hold of her hand. Lisa held a finger to her lips and motioned them to come forward... quietly.

There is something else in here with us, more than one. All I can tell it sounds like they are large. We need to move as quietly as possible to the next wormhole entrance. As the four women slowly and cautiously proceeded they could begin to hear guttural, rasping sounds. A primordial fear began to arise within each of them, wanting to cower and flee.

Just as they neared the wormhole loud bellows erupted. As one they all swung their helmet lights and hand-held lights to the source and they momentarily froze at the sight that was unveiled by the light.

Monstrous creatures! They ranged in size from seven to ten feet tall with thick torsos, long muscular arms and legs, smooth slick oily skin. Their thickly muscled arms ended with long hands taped with long claws. Their eyes were black as polished obsidian. Their nostrils, open wide, snorted the air, searching. Each of the researchers could not help immediately noticing the creature's nakedly exposed prominent genitalia – most of the creatures were all very obviously male with huge thick penises the width of a soda can with lengths that ranged from fourteen inches to horse-size eighteen inches, each with equally huge dangling testicular sacks the size of a large bull!

“What the hell” Ashley began, but Linda silenced her with a hand over her mouth. She whispered in her ear “slowly move to the wormhole and prepare to jump in.” Maggie and Lisa noticed Ashley and Linda easing over to the wormhole. Luckily they all had their transport sleds out ready to dive in the wormhole once they got to the entrance.

One of the creatures bellowed sensing their quarry was about to escape and started advancing. Quickly each of the four women launched themselves into the wormhole. After several hundred yards they came to a small cavern where they quickly discussed they should push on non-stop for the next several hours to try to get as far away from these creatures as possible.

But after only two hours they had to briefly stop as they came into a wondrous cavern. They stood stunned. Before them opened a chamber the size of a ballroom. Iridescent crystals, some as small as thumbnails, others the size of watermelons, encrusted the walls and floor, casting back the lamplight in scintillating sparks. Rainbows reflected everywhere. Maggie crossed to the center of the chamber, her mouth hanging open.

“Do you know what this is?” Lisa stated.

“We are in a gigantic geode,” Lisa said. Linda, the other geologist numbingly agreed. Then Linda let out a loud gasp and inhaled deeply.

“This is not quartz!”
“What!” Lisa said.
“It's diamond, look at the angle of crystal fracturing.”
Thunderstruck, everyone looked again at the pure mass of stone around them.

Lisa wondered aloud, “I wonder how many other, similar chambers there are down here? This much wealth! This one alone would ruin all the major diamond corporations!”

Linda's sharp excitement dulled with concern. She shook her head.
“Before everyone starts counting their pennies, we still need to get out of here. Let's map these coordinates and get the hell out of here, we are still not far enough from those creatures as I would like to be!”

Lisa was examining one large particular flawless specimen next to a wall with a small laser. She turned off the laser and then she became aware of something just before she turned her helmet light back on, the crystal was still reflecting light...

Lisa yelled “Everyone, turn off your lights for a second!”

But their lights stayed off longer than that. As the helmet lights and flashlights were turned off the small cavern glowed with light.

Maggie said “Bloody hell, it coming from the walls, reflecting off the diamonds.”

Maggie crossed over to a wall and using a knife scraped with the edge of the blade, she studied the rock, then turned to them with the blade upheld. It glowed yellow. “It's a fungus. What a find! This makes the fifth phosphorescent species I have found so far down here but this species far outputs more light than the others. This is almost worth being chased by the monsters.”

With this pronouncement everyone became somber and quickly agreed to push on for a few more hours. They came across several more diamond caverns and oddly each succeeding cavern had more ambient light.

As they exited into another cavern they shot through a stream of water which soaked them all. While not another diamond cavern it did contain a lot of large crystals, some up to fifteen feet in length and up to a few feet in width, like the other caverns, this one was also illuminated to an extent they did not need to use the flashlights, similar to a dim twilight. They reconnoitered the cavern for other entrances/exists and determined none other existed except for three, the wormhole they came through, another wormhole on the far side, and a hole high upside the cavern wall about one hundred feet high which the stream poured out of in a waterfall which had soaked them as they exited from the lower wormhole.

Determining they were far enough from where they got ambushed by the creatures, and the only entrance in the cavern the huge creatures could utilize was the one high up on the cavern wall that the stream of water poured out of, they made camp near the wormhole they would have to traverse the next day. They removed their wet clothes to dry out leaving them in just the silk panties they all wore. They lit a small fuel pellet fire to heat their dinner and help dry out their clothes.

The conversation centered on the creatures. Determining they all saw at least eight, two they believed were females as they did not have any external genitalia that could discerned except for what clearly appeared to be large firm breasts.

Maggie said “ I can't figure out what were those things. The zygomatic arch was wrong and the pelvic structure was odd. And did you notice the way they moved?

Ashley shrugged, sweeping her light across the boulders and large crystals in the cavern they were holed up in. “Hell, they been isolated here for centuries. No telling what evolutionary pressures created these monstrosities.”

Lisa then stated what was on everyone's mind but was afraid to broach the topic

“My god, did you see how huge their cocks and balls are!

With a relief by all, this opened the topic discussing the grossly oversized genitalia of the huge creatures that had chased them. The biologists of the team, Maggie and Ashley, postulated the creatures were “overcompensated”, just like a majority of cavern species competing for scarce resources, with a seemingly lack of females. When a male was fortunate to get a mate, the “overcompensated” genitalia would ensure a successful fertilization due to both the size/length of the penis and the huge testicular sacks that would produce a large quantity of semen.

Lisa snorted “just like a typical male who does not think their “package” is big enough and overcompensates!”
A couple of hours after they had finished dinner, Lisa and Maggie went over by the wormhole to check on their drying clothes where they had hung them to catch the breeze blowing from the wormhole. Suddenly they all heard a loud splash. Ashley and Linda grabbed their flashlights and shined them over to the small pool that had formed by the waterfall from the stream pouring out of the hole high up on the cavern wall but nothing was revealed.

“I guess it was just a rock that got dislodged by the stream that fell” Linda stated.

As pounding hearts started to settle and the girls gave each other nervous looks. Maggie collected their athletic bras and took them over to the fuel pellet fire. They were proving more difficult to dry than the other clothing, then Maggie went back over to help Lisa still by the wormhole sorting thru the packs.

A horrified scream whipped Lisa and Maggie around. What they saw almost made them scream as well but an immense sense of preservation prevailed not to bring attention to themselves...

Two of the monstrous creatures were between Lisa and Maggie and the other two women. The creatures were staring at Linda and Ashley in just their skimpy silk panties as both women slowly backed toward a large boulder. A nearby snuffling brought Lisa and Maggie's attention to two others of the monstrous creatures sidling their way on an intercept course to Lisa and Maggie.

Linda and Ashley were cutoff from any escape by the wormhole and Lisa and Maggie instantly realized that in a few more seconds the other creatures would be upon them as well!

Lisa whispered “we have to get out of here, we can't help them!”

Lisa and Maggie were able to quickly grab their overalls and tee-shirts and then barely had time to grab their two transport sleds and get to the wormhole.

As Lisa and Maggie jumped onto their sleds, they could hear their two colleagues began screaming, then ominously their screams turned to even louder hysterical shrieks which propelled them down the wormhole, Linda's and Ashley's piercing shrieks continuing behind them and diminishing with distance and time.

After a few hundred yards Lisa and Maggie came into a very small cavern where they stopped and quickly got their clothes on. A faint renewed shriek came down the wormhole. With a quick shaken glance at each other, both jumped back onto their sleds and continued down the wormhole.
Quickly both noticed their speed picking up. The wormhole not only led downward, but at a frightening steep slope! Maggie and Lisa attempted to slow themselves down by braking with their heels of their gloved hands and the toes of their boots, but succeeded in only slowing down slightly.

Lisa shouted “It's like a slide. Let's see those bastards try to catch us now!”

Maggie did not respond, too shook up as to the fate of Linda and Ashley.

By now their rate of descent was such that the friction burned their hands to brake. And as they flew farther down the wormhole, the glowing fungus began appearing in large patches on the walls.

“We're in a big corkscrew!” yelled Lisa. “Can you feel the centrifugal force?”

Maggie did. Her transport sled climbing higher on the walls as their speed increased and the tunnel's curves tightened. To try to brake now was impossible. During their flying descent, the fungus had grown thicker and thicker, its glow almost blinding now in the close confines of the wormhole. The fungus had also made the walls slick so even the tips of their boots dragging across the floor failed to offer any significant breaking.

The tunnel exit appeared around the next bend. No time to brake! No time to slow down! Only time to cover their heads and cringe. Just as they exited the wormhole the two women shot under another stream that soaked them as they rocketed out of the wormhole into the cavern.

Blinded for a moment by the bright light, they jolted and bounced across the slightly rugged vegetated floor. When Lisa's eyes adjusted, she saw herself barreling toward a solid wall of yellow vegetation. Closing her eyes, she slammed into the thick stalks of growth. Her collision tumbled her from her sled, but the field cushioned her fall as she rolled for several yards.

Once stopped, she pushed to her knees. She was almost up when Maggie tumbled into her with a wild yell. She fell in a tumble of arms and legs.

'Well, that was different,” Maggie stated, speaking to Lisa's left knee.

They untangled themselves and stood up with groans. Bruised everywhere, they glanced around. The field of yellow vegetation, like wheat, stood chest high and spread for thousands of acres across the rolling cavern floor. Thousands of acres in a brightly lit cavern!
The cavern was monstrous!
The walls stretched for hundreds of feet above them. The cavern roof, far overhead, glowed with thick fungus, some patches glowing as bright as sunlight! They glanced across the smooth fields that undulated across the wide plain, broken only by tiny groves of spindly trees.

“I don't think we are in Kansas anymore,” Maggie stated, with her mouth hanging open. Lisa, being a geologist, was dumbfounded by the magical sight, not even the barest comprehension how a cavern like this could be. Knowledge that this was the largest cavern ever discovered, all others around the world insignificant in comparison, not even mentioning the vegetation or the amount of ambient light given off by the fungus.

A rustle of vegetation drew their attention from the panorama. From several yards away, something was working through the field towards them, maneuvering around clusters of trees. Too low to be seen except for the wake of bending stalks, like a shark through water...

Lisa and Maggie backed away, then Maggie pointed off to the left. Two more wakes arrowed toward them. She studied the field more closely, now noticing three other trails moving in their direction. Six in all. Maggie backed away, pulling on Lisa's coverall.

They stumbled backwards until they stood by the wormhole opening. Their sleds lost somewhere in the field. They stared at the six trails inching slowly toward them. Not good. The nearest one was only ten yards away now. It had stopped and held its position. Waiting. Soon the others had drawn even with it.

The two women frantically looked around for something to use as weapons, but there were no large sticks anywhere and even the loose stones were too small except to be annoying.

“The wormhole?” Maggie asked.
“Sounds good to me” Lisa replied.

Their words seemed to jar the stalkers in the field. They rushed with lightening speed. With their sudden movement, both women froze crouched by the wormhole, like a deer in headlights.

The six creatures burst through the wall of vegetation, then stopped in unison, hunkering on all fours, haunches raised, ready to spring, tails slashing. They were huge! The size of Great Danes but thick in body like Mastiffs. They were over three feet tall at the shoulder and appeared to weigh at least 225 pounds. They looked like a cross between a wolf and a lion. Amber-furred, a cowl of thick mane around their necks, huge eyes, slitted pupils, long jaws bristling with fierce teeth, and like the other cavern creatures - grossly oversized genitalia the size of a stud pony.
“Freeze,” Maggie whispered. “No sudden moves.”

Lisa wasn't about to move! Still frozen in her crouch, her eyes glued to the six sets of unblinking eyes that stared at her. And she was willing to stay that way for as long as it took, until something shot from the wormhole and grabbed her ankle. A high-pitched scream in her throat.

With Lisa's panicked scream, the furry grip tightened on her ankle, like a closing vise. What the hell? Lisa sprang to the side, yanking her leg and breaking the hold of her attacker. She collided with Maggie.

Damn It Lisa! Maggie blurted, her eyes still glued to the pack of slathering wolfish creatures.

“Something's in the wormhole. It g-grabbed me.” Lisa stammered.

Maggie darted a look toward the hole. Nothing was there.

“I don't see any ---Bloody hell!” It was Maggie's turn to hop away from the wormhole as something crawled out of the passage, No, two somethings! “Shit!”

Maggie thought at first they were dirty children, naked and covered in filth. But when they stood up and turned to the two women, she knew she was vastly mistaken.

They stood four feet high, very compact, very well muscled, and unclothed. From the exposed grossly oversized genitalia, they were very obviously male. Their oversized monstrously large genitalia was especially contrasted given their small but extremely muscular compact size, their soda can thick penises were restrained upright against their bodies and over their hips, held in place with a leather penis ribbon around their waists. The length of their penises appeared to be approximately fourteen inches, with testicular ball sacks the size of a bull dangling to their knees. Clearly both women could see the penises were ribbed along the length but also had large bumps evenly spaced along the penises. Their compact bodies were thickly solid with corded muscles, with oversized thickly muscled disproportionate long arms with powerful hands with long powerful fingers. The black hair of the two creatures was tied back from their faces with a leather ribbon. Their chests and legs were covered in coarse matted hair.

Maggie's first thought was that they faced a hominid or protohuman. Maybe some type of dwarf Neanderthal. Several of the features supported her supposition: the thick bony brow bulging above huge eyes, the wide blunt nose that sniffed in their direction, the protruding jaws and maxillary bones that created a muzzle-like countenance.

Maggie, though, had studied the fossil record of all the hominid and protohuman species. And these breathing specimens conformed to none of them. The closest might be the Australopithecine species, but these creatures were vastly different., The bodies, though thick with corded muscle, was not as bulky as the early hominids, and the neck was too long and slender. Their ears too were striking: slightly tufted and pointed, they actually swiveled back and forth, wary. None of these features matched the fossil record of any ancient protohumans! And lastly, what researcher would have projected any protohuman in a pictorial representation depicting such hugely oversized penises and testes! They would have been the laughing stock of the community!

Suddenly one of the creatures stepped toward them causing the two women to stumble backwards a step. The creature turned away and waved a muscular arm toward the pack of beasts and grunted toward them – “Unkh! Unkk!” Like a precision drill team, the six huge wolf-like beasts all turned and vanished back into the field. The creature turned back toward the two women, crossing his arms.

Lisa spoke out of the side of her mouth. “What do you make of this, Maggie?”

“I'm not sure,” she said with wonder in her voice. “ But I think we've just met another species of our cave dwellers.”

Damn! What's with all these cave creatures and their oversized cocks and balls!” Lisa harrumphed.

One of the creature's ears swiveled away from them. They both seemed to be listening, their eyelids drifting closed. After several heartbeats, their lids snapped back open, then both creatures began walking away with a rolling sort of gait.

Maggie watched them, dying to run a hand over their pelvic structures. It didn't appear right either, matching none of the hominid species. Who was this? What was this?

The creatures walked several yards, then stopped and turned to them, one crossed his arms again. Waiting.

“I think they want us to follow,” Maggie said, stepping forward.

Lisa touched her elbow, stopping her. “We don't know where in bloody hell they are taking us,” she whispered. Lisa raised her voice, calling to the waiting figures. “Hold it right there, hairy buddies. Where are we going?” The creature glanced at Lisa, then both turned and resumed walked away.

Maggie stared at the retreating figures. She had to find out more about these creatures. Deciding she had nothing to lose, she started to follow, calling over her shoulder, “I think it's safe, Lisa. They could have let those wolf things attack if they meant us harm.”
Lisa shook her head, but she followed cautiously.

Trailing several yards behind their guides, they were led to a thin path in the field of yellow vegetation. Before the creatures started down the track, each took a long dagger from their leather penis wraps, which was the only article of clothing besides the leather headband ribbon. The blades were long crystal shards. It was diamond!
Lisa held a restraining arm against Maggie's chest, obviously worried that their guides were about to attack.

“Dogaomarubi,” one of their guides said, as if explaining, hefting up the knife.

Lisa nodded. “Uh-huh. Whatever, little fellas. Just keep those little pokers in your belts.”
“My god,” Maggie said, “he's trying to speak with us. Verbal communication! It's incredible.”

The two creatures swung away and led them into the yellow fields. The grain-like seeds at the tip of the stalky vegetation waved above the heads of their guides, while reaching only chest-high on the much taller women. They had to push down the narrow path, shoving their shoulders through the barrier of vegetation on either side, while their guides seemed to glide down the path without disturbing a single stalk. After an hour they both stumbled more than pushed through the growth. Lisa followed, grunting with effort to haul through the dense growth. “I'd love a machete,” she said huffing. “Or a four-wheeler,” Maggie added. 'I need a rest.”

As if in answer, they entered a clearing in the field. A small creek crossed the path, forded by a well-constructed stone bridge. Their guides waited at the foot of the bridge, sitting on a stone bench, daggers in their hands.

“Dogaomarubi,” one repeated. He pointed at two rocks.

Maggie looked at Lisa, mystified. Lisa looked at their guide.
She watched as their guide pantomimed sitting down.

“Dogaomarubi,”he said more forcibly.

“He wants us to sit,” Maggie said, crossing over to the stone, taking off her pack. “Dogaomarubi must mean 'rest break.'”

Lisa sat on a neighboring rock, dropping her pack with a sigh. “Bout Time.”

The creature that had been trying to communicate crossed over to Lisa and offered her his dagger. Lisa accepted the dagger. “Thanks...I guess. She turned to Maggie. “So this is a gift? Do I give him something in return?”
“I don't know. Cultures vary. Sometimes it's an insult to give a gift in exchange for another.”

Their two guides stared at them during the conversation. Ears swiveling back and forth as they spoke. Finally, he grunted loudly and stepped forward, snatching the knife from Lisa. He knelt by Lisa's leg and yanked her pants leg up. Lisa began to snatch her leg away – then froze.

Maggie saw it too and gasped. “What is that!” Lisa said in a panicky voice. Maggie crossed to examine it closer, bending down beside Lisa. A palm-sized black slug was attached to her shin. As she watched, its body quivered in a wave of undulating tissue; it grew a few millimeters larger.

Their guide reached forward with his blade and deftly scooped the creature off Lisa's leg. Its sucker caught stubbornly on her flesh, then popped free. Two small pink circles with pinpoint holes in the center marked Lisa's leg where the creature had attached. A couple of drops of blood oozed out.

“Fucking leeches!” Maggie exclaimed, a shiver ran through her. She stood up and and frantically stripped off her overalls in disgust, standing there in skimpy silk neon pink panties and torn tee-shirt. Three more parasites were attached to her body.

Grimacing, Maggie noticed one had climbed as high as her right buttock. Lisa glanced down at her own coveralls. Suddenly it felt like thousands of the scabrous blood-sucking creatures were crawling up her legs. Knowing it was only her imagination, still she frantically undid her own overalls and climbed out of them, now clad similarly as Maggie, just skimpy silk turquoise panties and extensively torn tee-shirt. Holding her breath, she looked down. Two black patches covered her left thigh and there was one on her right. Shit! There was no telling what sort of diseases these slugs were carrying!

Lisa, standing in skimpy neon bright silk panties and torn tee-shirt, looked green as her last parasite was extracted by the creature. Once finished, the guide came back to Maggie with the knife. “I can do this myself,” she said, holding her hand out for the knife. Their guide glanced at her hand, then up to her face. She pushed her hand out further, insistent. He paused and seemed to understand...even nodded! He placed the hilt of the knife in her hand. Before pulling her overalls back on, Lisa had decided to search for more of the leeches and had discretely turned her back to the two guides and searched under her tee-shirt making sure none of the nasty things had climbed any higher.

Unknowingly both women in their frantic and disgusted state had caused their nipples to harden in their excited state and were clearly visibly protruding thru the thin worn ripped tight athletic tee-shirts they were both wearing, perspiration had soaked the tee-shirts of both women as they had hiked, the wet tight tee-shirts had become sheer clearly outlining their firm well-endowed breasts, tan lines clearly visible.

Lisa's frantic reactions to get the leeches off had shifted her ripped tee-shirt allowing a small hard nipple to slip into view along with an bare expanse of large firm tanned breast from a large tear in Lisa's tee-shirt.

Both women were slightly hyperventilating from the disgust of having leeches on them, not realizing that by removing their overalls and exposing most of their very well toned and muscled deeply tan-contrasted torsos, wearing skimpy panties and torn thin wet tee-shirts with no bras, combined with their frantic jiggling actions and heavy breathing, had instantly grabbed the attention of the two creatures.

The two creatures stared at large unfettered hard nipple breasts repeatedly shifting under the tight, thin and torn wet sheer tee-shirts of the two tall athletic voluptuous women. Their gazes then wandered over the flat muscular six-pack ripped stomachs and lower abdomens of Lisa and Maggie, the curvaceous tightly muscled firm buttocks that the brief silk panties did not fully cover, both creatures wondering at the strange decorative but attractive white contrast lines on the darkly tanned women, not knowing these were tan lines from the skimpy Rio-style bikinis both women favored.

Maggie turned around and let out a huge gasp and Lisa looked at what she was staring at, shocking Lisa to her core.

“I think we are getting some very unwanted attention.” Maggie whispered.

Indeed both creatures had freed their cocks from the penis waist strings and now sported huge erections, swollen to the thickness of a soda can and a full fourteen hard swollen inches. Lisa and Maggie could see the grossly oversized penises throbbing powerfully, the tips of both copiously seeping fluid which dangled in long flowing stringy streams. The evenly space bumps on the penises had also swollen to a larger size, swollen bumps that made the penises look rough and menacingly brutal. The unguarded blatant displays of sexuality was gripping to both women. Both Lisa and Maggie looked at each other with trepidation as both women could not help images instantly flashing through their minds of the huge ribbed and rough penises trying to rape them. Maggie's attention was then riveted to Lisa's exposed tan-contrasted breast and hard nipple. In a low whispered voice she told Lisa to slowly cover her breast back up. A look of horror crossed Lisa's face as she looked down and saw a large portion of bare breast and hard nipple exposed through a large tear in her tee-shirt.

Little consolation was to be found even as both women knew the humongous oversized cocks could not even possibly penetrate their tight passages but extremely fearful of what the two creatures would do in response to their frustrated coitus attempts if they did try to assault them...

Lisa and Maggie could see both creatures breathing was agitated, their cocks beginning to flex up and down. One creature tried to touch Maggie, but she jumped back smartly at his brief scorching touch on her bare shoulder, shocked at the inhuman heat that emanated from his palm. Slowly with unhurried movements the two women reached for their coveralls...

The creature again reached with one large powerful hand and placed it firmly on Maggie's shoulder and yanked her toward him, grabbing her from behind and pressing himself tightly against his body. His monstrous erection pressing between the cheeks of her firm ass, reaching up in height, emerging over her tailbone, contrasting it’s true enormous size against Maggie's body. The look of horror on Lisa's face drove Maggie into panic as she could only feel the humongous massive rough organ start slowly and repeatedly sliding up and down pressing against her slick skimpy silk panties - up between the cleft of her buttocks, Maggie imagining in her mind the massive hot member as the size of a baseball bat! She could feel the beginnings of the copious fluid seeping from his monstrous cock against her back, could feel it running deep down the cleft of her buttocks. She felt the creatures copious secretions run over her anus and then trickle onto her pussy, oddly she felt a tingling sensation begin in and around her intimate areas. The creature pressed hard against her, Maggie could feel his whole body was vibrating, knew it was from his pent-up sexual tension, he was on the edge...

Though both women were almost two feet taller than the two creatures and in outstanding physical shape, they were no match for the immensely strong small creatures...

The other creature seized Lisa. Their fears realized, the creatures began stripping the remaining clothing from them. Their exceptionally firm, lithe darkly tan contrasted naked toned skin was exposed, generously full firm breasts topped with small diamond hard nipple and small areolas heaved into view. Lisa felt a long finger slip inside her panties...

With a single pull he shredded her panties, leaving Lisa exposed to the creature's advances, pawing at her exposed and bare genitals, the only hair just a thin decorative strip on her pubic mound. Like a majority of other women their ages, Lisa had grown tired of shaving and waxing her pubic area and had most of the hair removed by laser treatments.

Stripped, the two creatures paused staring at their two exquisitely beautiful nude women, obviously fascinated with the skimpy Rio-style bikini tan lines of the two darkly tanned women as they slowly traced with long fingers each of the tan lines, thinking it was some strange but very attractive skin decorations.

Lisa tried to push her creature away but couldn't budge him. She flinched at the shock of one very hot hand clamping onto her left breast as the other slid under her left thigh lifting, dragging her tightly against him until she lay prone with her legs splayed widely on either side of the creature. His monstrously long cock lay on-top of her flat muscular ripped stomach - almost reaching her breasts.

Then, the creature began sniffing Lisa. Inhumanly hot breath upon the her neck. A long powerful thick very hot tongue that must have been six inches in length snaked out and began lavishing her small nipples which had already become diamond hard due to their dire situation and the rough handling they were being subjected to. The creature repeatedly swiped his long hot tongue under and around Lisa' heaving breasts, alternating licking her small diamond hard nipples. As he pulled slightly back his heavy humongous cock dragged against Lisa's stomach. She could feel the tip of his cock copious weep its secretions onto her lower belly at a impressive rate. Her stomach was saturated and slippery and the leakage was covering her pubic mound and dribbling down onto her pussy, oddly she felt the beginnings of warm tingling sensations on her vagina, then Lisa was startled as she felt a slow heated pulse deep in her groin. After a few very brief moments the pulse repeated. Then again she felt the hot pulse but this one came sooner than the last one. Just as she finished this thought another one surged powerfully thru her loins shocking her with astonishment at it's intensity, as a growing heat suffused her loins as she realized it was centered in her pussy...

Then without warning the creature pulled back and roughly yanked Lisa's legs widely apart and held them widely splayed, his encircling powerful finger tips around her legs reminding her of their danger as the creature suddenly buried his head between the juncture of her thighs. Lisa felt his hot breath repeatedly snuffling her exposed sex. His head began pressing tightly against her, she could feel his hot mouth pressing with some force against her hairless pussy while his hot breath snorted upon the area of her clitoris. Suddenly Lisa shrieked as she felt his long powerful hot thick muscular tongue shoot out and begin forcing it's way into her tight pussy! Lisa began thrashing and continued shrieking as the powerful tongue thrust ever deeper into her tight vaginal passage, ravishing the interior of her vagina, repeatedly thrusting in and out of her vagina. Lisa frantically thrashing and twisting her body heedless of the powerful fingers that kept her legs splayed widely apart as the creature continued savaging her pussy with his six inch long hot thick powerful tongue.

For at least a minute the creature lasciviously ravished Lisa's pussy with his powerful tongue. Lisa quickly became exhausted from her thrashing about trying to break free from the powerful creature and also from the shock of the oral assaulting of her pussy by a tongue that was just as large and long as the cocks of the few men she has had. Maggie could see Lisa's long tanned legs trembling as the creature continued tongue-fucking her pussy, her hard nipple breasts heaving up and down with her heavy breathing, her flat stomach undulating and her abdominal muscles fluttering under the massive oral assault.

Maggie was astounded by the intense violent oral sexual assault upon Lisa, frozen as she watched Lisa's hips involuntarily began bucking up and down upon the rapine thrusting tongue, momentarily forgetting her own nude body and her own predicament, and of the unusual intense tingling of her most intimate areas where the creature's copious secretions had previously come into contact...

Maggie's own attentive creature seemed content, for now, with just smelling and touching her and tracing her tan lines. Occasionally an equally long powerful hot tongue would snake out and lick her neck or her bare breasts and nipples but it seemed more intent on watching what the other creature did to Lisa and Lisa's reaction - more like he was a spectator at a sporting event!

Suddenly the creature flipped Lisa over onto her hands and knees, Maggie soon found herself in the same position....

Maggie felt the creature repeatedly snuffling her sex. Suddenly an incredibly powerful and incredibly hot tongue slashed through her swelling labia openly parting them. Again, and again the creature repeatedly slashed his powerful hot tongue through her parted labia and over her clitoris as he lasciviously licked her pussy. To her disbelief, Maggie could feel her clit grow hard, what more she could feel herself become intensely aroused despite the horrible situation she and Lisa were in, the tingling sensation in and around her pussy and anus she had felt previously had exponentially increased. Then the creature began darting his tongue into her tight vaginal entrance. Maggie bore down with her Kegel muscles trying to keep his tongue out but his tongue was just too powerful. She began to feel it snaking its way into her vagina. Disbelief at the size and the heat of the powerful organ, more incredible disbelief at the depth the tongue was delving to, sinuously repeatedly slipping in and out of her pussy.

After a minute or so Maggie felt the tongue withdraw then was immediately shocked feeling the sensation of the powerful tongue tip circling her tight anus. Quickly Maggie bore down with her sphincter creating a tight barrier to this most intimate erogenous area. But Maggie begin feeling the tongue tip batter away at her tight anal entrance, the tip of the tongue darted in and then back out, picking up speed as it thrust repeatedly forward and rapidly withdrew, only to be thrust forward again, the tip just barely penetrating past her anal ring. It was not long before Maggie could no longer keep her sphincter tightly squeezed and her defenses slowly but rapidly began to break down as she felt the tongue delve deeper past her clenching sphincter. Then her sphincter became involuntarily spasmodic as the tongue slowly began surging into her, her spasming sphincter allowing greater access. Maggie felt the powerful hot tongue began tongue-fucking her ass, she was shocked that the creature could get his huge long tongue into her small tight ass. It wasn't until some time had past that Maggie realized she was involuntarily undulating her hips onto the deeply ravishing tongue...

Inhumanely hot hands gripped the cheeks of Lisa's firm tan-contrasted ass as the diminutive creature mounted the lithe curvaceous statuesque blonde. The creature began to raise and lower himself against her body and her now widely splayed legs, all her erogenous zones bare and open to the hot massive body pressed against her. Shortly thereafter Lisa felt the just barely tolerable inhuman heat of his humongous slick cock against her pussy, than felt the slick ribbed rough cock began sliding against her swollen labia, the sensation making her labia involuntarily swell even further.

With a shock Lisa quickly realized her swollen labia had openly parted and now were parted and sliding on either side of the cock as the massive shaft was slowly thrust up and down her swollen parted furrows. Lisa could feel each ridge and bump as the huge cock repeatedly sluiced back and forth through her swollen openly parted labia, the way the creature was leaning on her was also forcing her hard clit against the sliding ribbed and bumpy shaft. Lisa could not comprehend how her body involuntarily had responded nor the quickness of the response! Then Lisa felt the creature nestle his huge immensely broad penis head between her swollen labia lips wedging it directly against her tight vaginal portal. The creature than began exerting tremendous excruciating pressure as he attempted to slowly push the monstrous sized penis head into her small tight vaginal entrance. Lisa found scant relief with the realization that his immense penis was too huge to ever be able to penetrate her...

Lisa was suddenly startled by powerful explosive jets of hot precum blasting against and INTO her vaginal entrance, shocked by the intense heat of the copious fluid now jetting deep into her. Instantly she felt her loins suffuse with a rapidly growing heat mixed with another unfathomable deep-seated feeling that in her dire straits she did not immediately recognize. Then to Lisa's utter growing horror, shock and incredulity she actually began feeling the soda can sized width penile head ever so incrementally begin to slowly forcing it's way past her tight narrow barrier entrance!

“NO! NO..No... nooooo...”

Lisa redoubled her efforts to break free as she felt penetration, now not concerned with the width but the length! Her intense struggles unknowingly facilitated further penetration also causing her to involuntarily and unconsciously spread her knees far apart to try to accommodate the massively oversized invasive organ as she began trembling as the pressure increased sending waves of pain through her body, feeling as if she was being split into two, incredulous that the huge thick cock could even enter her small tight vaginal entrance...

Lisa felt the creature lean upon her as it reared back pushing against her tight entrance. Lisa sucked in a deep breath as she felt the huge penis begin to slowly slip into her, stretching her beyond her widest limits, she was unable to let her breath out due to the tremendous force she felt as the monstrous penis slowly invaded deeper into her depths as the creature slowly and deliberately began to fuck her. Lisa could feel every slow inhumanely hot quarter inch advance deeper as the 14 inch long thick ribbed organ that was visibly swelling to an even greater girth began to slide deeper into her with gentle repeated thrusts that eased a little more in with each thrust.

The brutal knobby ribbed member grated against her smoothly silken, tightly clinging narrow vaginal passage. His cock was only halfway into her vagina with seven inches still remaining to delve into her when Lisa was finally able to let her breath out in a loud drawn-out shrieking scream from being filled as she has never before been filled!

With each thrust into her, Lisa felt the creature's massive penis poking far beyond where anything else had gone before, bashing against her tight cervical entrance. Deep enough that she thought her insides will be forced out of her mouth on the next deep thrust. Low guttural moans escaped her lips as Lisa felt it incredibly slowly buried deeper inside...

Maggie was able to glimpse several glances at Lisa. She was astounded to see that the creature was able to penetrate Lisa with his horse-sized cock, even more shocked that Lisa was able to stretch enough without tearing to accommodate the huge width of the cock, now Maggie wondered if Lisa can accommodate the long length as well. And what about her own predicament...

The creature held Lisa tight, using her as his fuck plaything. Lisa was only able to to revert to breathless grunts and moans as she was fucked by the creature. Oddly she realized his knobby ribbed cock no longer grated inside her but had become actually extremely stimulating, each exquisite inch!

Lisa was terrified but then became quickly outraged as she felt her body began to quickly betray her, could feel her body involuntarily start to move with the rhythm of the creature. With a tremendous shock Lisa suddenly realized her clitoris had become hypersensitive! With a trembling hand Lisa reached beneath her and touched her clitoris...

Her tentative touch upon her clitoris sent her into a spasming orgasm, she found she could not remove her manipulating fingers as she unwantedly prolonged her orgasm, stunned finding her clitoris had become swollen way beyond any normal proportions, plainly standing out, visibly throbbing with each beat of her pulsing blood that she could feel between the vee of the two fingers that encircled her protruding clit as she continued the pleasurable ministrations of her fingers...

Lisa felt each rough inch of the impossibly large cock draw out of her tight passage with loud schulrping noises and then plunge back in, traveling deep inside her almost to her core, her firm buttocks quivering with each deep thrust as he repeatedly slammed into her, trying to drive the remainder of his oversized fourteen inch cock into her.

Lisa shifted her position slightly unknowingly aligning her cervical tunnel, the next deep thrust she felt with mounting horror the huge squirting cock slowly push past her dilated cervical entrance and then slowly fucked several inches into her womb feeling the head of the massive cock pushing against the back wall of her womb, then the creature gently began fully seesawing ten inches of his monstrous cock in and out of Lisa while still leaving four inches embedded into her on each withdrawal, fully fucking her with fourteen inches causing Lisa to let out a loud drawn out unhindered lustful groan...

Apparently to get a better angle on her, the creature began leaning backwards pulling Lisa up on him, the creature's new angle and depth of penetration propelling Lisa into an unwanted deep explosive climax as her hips involuntarily began bucking against the creature's thrusts intensifying and prolonging her orgasm.

Maggie was shocked to her core with the intensity and loudness of Lisa's screams - orgasmic cries the likes of which Maggie had ever heard anyone ever emit before as the sensation of a thunderous racking orgasm shattered Lisa's trembling body!

Slowly at first and then with increasing intensity, a behavior their species shared, that being the rhythmic thrusting method of copulation of both species, Lisa consciously began thrusting against the creature...

Swollen outer and inner labium’s tightly clung to the massive organ as it was pumped in and out of Lisa's tight narrow vaginal sheath. The fucking was very human in duration and surprisingly tender, the humongous cock was now somewhat but still not easily being plunged into her, which further increased the passion as the hot member slowly pistoned into Lisa's powerfully contracting pussy, almost withdrawing then plunging deep into her tight rhythmical contracting depths.

Again and again the creature brought Lisa to numerous thunderous screaming climaxes, pounding away at the exquisitely beautiful voluptuous statuesque woman with inhuman vigor. Maggie despite the horror of their situation could not help herself from becoming aroused as she watched her beautiful friend being raped by this creature with his monstrously oversized cock. Watching the creature ream orgasm after screaming orgasm out of Lisa with his monstrously over-sized cock. With a start Maggie realized that what started as rape no longer fit this situation as Maggie watched Lisa enthusiastically and lustfully fuck back against the creature! Watched as Lisa's overheated pussy almost totally engulf the entire 14 inch long thick cock, as it surged again and again deep into her!

Lisa began feeling a swelling protuberance banging against her vaginal entrance, like a ball trying to be forced in, several thrusts later and with an intentional hard thrust back by her, it passed through and simultaneously she felt the deeply embedded cock tip push firmly against the back wall of her uterus.

Finally, fourteen full massive inches were gently sawing in and out of her as the thrusting again very, very slowly picked up tempo and as more and more cock was withdrawn with loud sucking noises and then fully thrust back in with loud squishing noises.

"Fuck, Fuck, FUCK, YES!
Fuck me you brute! Slam my cunt!

Lisa howled, shocking Maggie to her core with Lisa's passionate outburst. Shocked at Lisa's lust fueled furious primal actions as she forcibly fucked herself violently onto the huge cock!

Maggie was astounded and bewildered how Lisa could take such a massively thick and massively long cock. Nor of the unrestrained primal lust and fury of the animalistic fucking that Lisa was exhibiting. Never before had Maggie witness such a magnitude and intensity of primal raw intense sexual display the likes of which Lisa was displaying with every fiber of her being, nor was aware that a woman was capable of such a sexual fury! For a moment Maggie was mesmerized by Lisa's firm heavy hard nipple breasts heaving back and forth with Lisa's furious assault upon the huge cock, then Maggie felt her own creature begin to be more attentive...

The massive cock was now thrusting deeply in and out of Lisa's womb, powerfully stimulating her womb; amazingly the shaft was still slowly swelling in girth, gaining another inch to four massive thick inches! Lisa now feeling the hot ejaculating fluid deep within, feeling not only the massive thrusting organ but a building pressure of fluid akin to a water balloon being slowly filled inside her womb, which combined will soon culminate into an intense powerful first ever uterine orgasm!

Lisa then became aware of a swelling to huge proportions at the inside entrance of her pussy that was exerting tremendous pressure against her G-Spot. In her depravity, it felt wonderful, a hot hard fleshy bulge swelling to immense proportions, swelling to the size of a softball that she ground against with lust, feeling it press against her sensitive G-Spot, feeling powerful hot jets squirting deep into her body, a hot filling warmth developing.

Lisa loudly moaned un-abashedly and rocked her hips and ass into the humongous cock, feeling the huge bulge grind away at her G-Spot, feeling heavy balls resoundingly slap against her hard protruding hypersensitive clitoris, reveling in the jets of hot fluid that continued to spurt deep inside of her. She could not believe the overwhelming sexual hyper-sensations nor the ravenous insatiable sexual hunger she was awash in. The only thing she wanted to do is FUCK, FUCK and then FUCK some more!!! She could not get enough! And it did not matter with who or with what! No cock was too long! No cock was too thick, to plunge into the incredibly tight, molten volcanic chasm that her vagina and uterus had become. The only thing that mattered in this moment of time was to feel the sensation of SOMETHING repeatedly thrust and plunge exquisitely deep into her - to assuage the uncontrollable and insatiable primal lust that emanated deep within her sexual core. To trigger the cataclysmic orgasmic explosions churning within. She even felt an overwhelming hungry desire to feel a huge long cock slamming repeatedly balls deep into her small tight shapely ass – something that was contrary to the few just bearable but uncomfortable previous experiences with anal sex.

Lisa, lost in the throes of passion and pleasure, had mistakenly thought the creature had been ejaculating into her. Then the tip of the huge cock began repeatedly flexing upwards two inches from the force of each of the powerful explosive pre-ejaculations erupting from the tip. Lisa deeply moaned each time she felt the tip moving deep within her and then again from the hot pre-cum blasting onto, then rebounding off the walls of her womb, triggering her first ever uterine orgasms.

The hot pre-cum was exploding deep into her womb like a fire hose squirting hot water in powerful explosive pulses; she could feel each jet of cum hitting the walls of her womb. It seemed endless. Lisa could feel her pussy and womb swelling even further from the inside, suffused with the blood rushing from other parts of her body to their sexual and reproductive organs as well as from the immense quantity of adrenaline and sexual hormones being dump into her system, triggered by the furiously intense fucking, and from the copious quantity of fluid being ejaculated into her. The softball size bulge just inside her vaginal entrance kept the cock and pre-cum locked inside her pussy, there was nowhere for it to go...

Suddenly Lisa was overwhelmed by the most intense repeated body racking earth shattering shuddering multiple orgasms she had ever experienced and loudly screamed with ecstasy as the triple whammy of uterine, G-Spot and clitoral orgasms overtook her which triggered the creature into his own immensely powerful orgasm.

Suddenly the creature let out a hot triumphant roar hot upon her neck. Lisa felt a powerful surge thru the long length of the thick cock tightly embedded into her, felt a large bulge slowly travel up the immense length of the cock toward the cock tip, then she felt an incredible pressure as the cock head suddenly flared to massive proportions inside her womb, expanding three times it’s normal size, locking the flared head tightly within.

Lisa felt the bulge reach the deeply embedded cock tip and incredibly felt the head flare even more. Suddenly an incredible voluminous amount of hot cum explosively erupted directly into her womb with extreme force, she felt copious hot semen hydro-blasting the walls of her womb, instantly triggering another very vocal earth shattering orgasm, her womb filling and swelling. A volcanic explosion of fiery incandescence blazed within her womb as the seemingly lava hot copious fluid filled her pussy and womb by what felt like endless eruptions within her! Lisa felt an intense heat suffuse her abdomen, the increasing fluid pressure combined with her blood and hormone swollen sexual and reproductive organs, felt a tremendous pressure begin ballooning as her womb expanded from the immense endless volume being pumped into her. It felt like a balloon was being inflated with hot water inside her uterus!

These powerful copious ejaculations lasted for five full minutes, filling Lisa's womb completely and visibly distending her once flat taut and ripped muscular abdomen from the volume. Finally after she thought she was going to explode from the fluid pressure, the creature's copious ejaculations diminished but did not quite stop as she could feel an occasional surge, cock twitch and then a jet of hot cum erupt inside her.

The softball size bulge swollen inside the entrance of her vagina begin to shrink and after another five minutes, the creature started slowly tugging on the still quite sizable bulge: first one slanted edge of the bulge very slowly edged out side ways, then the other side slowly edged out, briefly hanging up at her tight portal, and then the still massively swollen cock very slowly slithered forth with loud prolonged schlepping noises, then the still flared tip begin to emerge, fl


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Hindsight 2020 Book 4 Johnnys StoryChapter 4

It was still early so I made my first call to ESPN. I was transferred from one person to another until I finally got to someone that would listen and could decide on what I was asking for. Mr. Archer asked what he could do to help me and I laid out my ideas. “Mr. Archer, I am sure that you have heard of Sport Support and that is who I work for. We’re putting together a last-minute volleyball tournament that will take place over five weekends, along the west coast of Florida. I want to hire a...

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After work suprise

Well, One day I was at home watching and downloading some movies of what I would like to do and watch Tiffany do for me. Well, The phone rang about the time she was supposed to get off work and I answered it. It was Tiffany. She was kinda beating around the bush as to trying to tell me something. I told her to just tell me because it was getting late and I want to go to bed. Well she told me that she understood how fucking and sucking another guy would haveturned me on, Well, She was supposed...

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The Collapse A New Beginning Book 1Chapter 9

For the second morning in a row I woke up early wedged between Irene and Kari. This time there was no knee on pressed against my bladder and no urgent reason to leave my comfortable confines. I guess most married men know that one of the joys of marriage is the wonderful feeling of being snuggled close to your mate. For me this pleasure was multiplied threefold and on our second night sleeping together we seemed to have each discovered our place in the nest. My hand, seemingly of its own...

3 years ago
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Not for Me

This story contains descriptions of the breasts of adult women. No lewd acts take place, although they probably will shortly after the story finishes. It is intended as a masturbation aid for imaginative men and women and should be used solely for this purpose. Readers who are significantly below the age of consent will probably go blind, so they should stop reading it while they still can. A Braille version will shortly be made available. August 1998 It was such a small shop that she...

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I'd come to Metropolis a few months previously. It isn't that much different from where I was from. All tall buildings look tall, you know? Like people. They don't change from one coast to another, not like you might think they would. It's sort of a disappointment, really. But life's full of disappointments. I learned that early. Real early, like the first time my daddy taught me how to play 'mommy' with him. Disappointment and pain, oh yeah. It took me three tries in four years to get...

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Saying goodbye

‘It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas’ Bing Crosby crooned over the airwaves. The volume was low, but still audible, as Reagan pulled her moms lumbering SUV out of the mall parking lot and into the chaotic flow of traffic. She would have much rather been in her VW convertible but with Lilly and Cora in tow, along with all the gift shopping they had to do, it just wasn’t roomy enough. ‘Where are we headed now?’ Lilly asked from the backseat. ‘I’m hungry.’ ‘You’re always hungry.’ Cora...

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A woodland adventure Chapter Two

Chapter TwoYour heart rate finally begins to slow as the whirlwind of abuse you have just suffered has no finally subsided, for now.. You suck my cock slowly and then eagerly, alternating between and quick and a slow action, your hand massaging my balls, weighing them gently, anticipating how much cum you will be swallowing very soon if you perform as only we both know you can. You trace your tongue along my pulsing shaft, pulling my foreskin back gently and lapping at my fat knob end, pushing...

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She Invited Me To a Nude Photo Shoot

This is a totally true story.I am a 64 year old senior and I have a great xHamster friend that I chat with a lot! She is if you want to see her awesome profile. We both live within a few miles of each other so we kind of bonded easily. I told her that one of my all-time favorite fantasies was to be present at a nude photo shoot. We talked about it for several months and the stars finally aligned for both of us and she invited me to a shoot October 3rd 2019....

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Arent you afraid Part 4

She hears Kylo Ren moving around the room behind her. This was one of those moments where she could almost forget she was surrounded by enemies. She could momentarily pretend they were a couple going on vacation to a… desolate planet. She sighs. Rey turns around, leans her back against the wall and slides into a sitting position. She watches Kylo Ren dress himself, putting on the dark uniform that made him so intimidating. She was learning what she could get away with from Kylo Ren. She could...

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Vegas for birthday

My wife and I are very grateful for the wonderful lifestyle we’ve been blessed with. I pursued the right computer related degree in college and everything fell into place.Some weeks I work long hours, but when the projects are done I’m rewarded with weeks off at a time. I make bundles of money, more than we’ll ever spend.Cindi works in marketing just for something to do. We belong to the snooty clubs and go to great parties.We’ve both been fitness fanatics, that was a big part of our...

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HussiePass Lani Rails PintSized SizeQueen

Lovely MILF newbie Lani Rails ❤ makes her Hussie?Pass debut today, and we paired her up with our good friend Jax Slayher ?? for this update that was shot YESTERDAY! ? After our esteemed director Johnny ?? Robins helps us get to know a little about the Army vet-turned pornstar ??‍♀️ Lani strips naked and warms up her moist vagina with her fingers. In steps Jax with some lube ? for Lani’s awesome boobies and lovely backside, which she, of course, twerks for us. Next, the self-proclaimed...

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I Was a Teenage SuccubusChapter 3

Tanya loved her parents bathtub. They had installed a massive, old style with the clawed feet, porcelain tub. The end away from the tap and outlet rose higher than the sides of the tub and was sloped back. There were folds in the sides of the tub where you could rest your arms, and just soak. The tub was set in a nook, with a louvered window right beside it. The window had a wide sill, convenient for holding drinks or books or whatever. There was a shelf on the wall near the tub that...

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Pickup LinesChapter 3

Lyle didn't know just how long his sponsor, Kat, had been riding him in the reverse cowgirl position, but he certainly didn't object. Her warm cunt massaged his cock with its delicious heat and friction, the contact of his skin and the depths of her pussy driving him especially wild. He was soon ready to cum from the exquisite delights of being inside her, but she controlled the pace of the fucking, and she wasn't done with him just yet. Of course, since she wanted to have his babies at...

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hot aunty with young guy

I’m a guy aged 24 years and have finished mygraduation. I am from Kolkata. Having a little healthy figure I do have a good 7″tools under my underwear. Therefore I decide to tell you a very truly incidentwhich I can’t forget ever. This is not any kind of great work or contributionstory.I was living with my friends in Bangalore. Beside our house a man stays with his wifeand only one daughter. I called the man uncle, as he is neighbor of me and calledhis wife aunty but I don’t speak with their...

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POVR porn! I have to wonder what the smut peddlers at paid for the name. Four-letter domains are valuable Internet real-estate, tough as fuck to get and even tougher if you want something that sounds relevant. The domain’s been registered since 2004, and until relatively recently, would have sounded like just another bullshit acronym that needs to be explained. In 2022, it’s obvious what those letters stand for, making it obvious what you’re going to find inside.POVR is a freemium...

VR Porn Sites
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Senior Year Part IChapter 5 Hotness

Sunday September 11 I was getting ready to go running when my cell rang. I looked at the caller ID, and it was an 859 area code. I tried to think where that was. “This is David,” I answered. “David, Coach Styles,” said the head coach for the University of Kentucky. “Morning, Coach, how can I help you?” “I saw you left us off your visit list. I know you’ve been on campus a couple of times. What I’d really like to do is to schedule an in-home visit before you get much further into your...

2 years ago
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Coming HomeChapter 8 Mutual Joy

Weeks passed and Fall came. Since that first wonderful night we'd coupled in her bed, there had been no more attempts at denial. We fucked almost every day, sometimes twice a day. We fucked in the morning, slowly and deliciously under her warm covers. We did it in the living room, on the still-warm couch minutes after she had entertained prim and proper visitors, her legs now wantonly over her head, toes touching the cushions behind her. We fucked on the kitchen table one morning in the...

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NaughtyBlog BBW

Do you enjoy BBW porn? You do? Great, I have just the perfect website for you: Naughtyblog is among the best platforms that provide users with the finest BBW porn on the internet today. Why? Well, two reasons. One is that the website offers incredible quality and genuine BBW porn videos. The pornos you find on this platform, in their BBW section, features babes absolutely bigger than the regular video whores you see in other porn videos. And two is that all of the content you...

BBW Porn Sites
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An Officer and a GentlemanChapter 17 April Meeting the InLaws

"Tory, we're here!" Mitch called up to the second floor when he didn't find Tory on the first. "I'll be right down," she called back. Everything was going smoothly for Mitch and he hoped his luck would continue. The packing and the "first move" at the end of Tory's spring break went well; very few items had to be put into storage. Tory and Mitch also decided on which of his larger items would be brought down and which would be sold. So, by the time Mitch finished packing to...

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Showroom Se Bedroom Tk

By : Cooljaat Hi ISS readers I am Rohit from Chandigarh I am a regular reader if ISS having read so much of stories I have decided to share my personal experience with you all as this is my first story so please forgive me for anykind of mistake I am 20 years old 6″ ft tall, good looking guy. I am a student of btech frm delhi bt holidays k chalte apne ghar pe hu chandigarh me kuch din pehle mai apne friends k saath 17 sector ki market me kuch shopping krne gya tha wahin ek showroom me mujhe...

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Thats That

From: "Sagista" That's That By Sagista It was supposed to be a simple delivery. What can I say? It was my first day on the job and I kept getting lost along the delivery route. I finally made it to the house I was supposed to deliver a package to but it appeared nobody was home, however when I knocked on the front door it slowly creeped open as if on its own. "Hello?" I called out. "Anyone home?" No answer. I walked inside and stood there in the...

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SecretsChapter 12

Linda was disappointed. The three hour drive, a check with the local police who could provide nothing new, and interview with Susan Landryʼs mother had proven fruitless. The woman simply reiterated what was already in the police file and sobbed continuously. The only new information she had provided was that she had divorced her husband seven years ago after he had returned from a hunting trip obviously shaken. She had accused him of having been with another woman, an accusation he denied....

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Rachnar Narom Gude Amd Gorom Feda

Ami takhon banglore akta flat niea thaki. Ami thaktam 3rd floor. Akdin ami office jawar jonno taratari ber hochhi hathat dekhi lift ase 3rd floor a thamlo. Akjon sexy bou height aai 5’5″, gayer rong forsha, Puro gaye bleech kora aktao loom nei figure 36-24-38. ane Pod/Dudh ta besh bhaloi chhilo. O amar lift a other age o lift theke beriea alo aar bollo o ata 3rd floor, bole abar dhuke gelo. Ami bujhlam maal ta bangalai. Lift a takhon ami aar se o 4th floor a nebe gelo. Ami bujhlam ora amder...

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Employee Becomes Boss 2

Over the next few weeks Jerrod would think of new ways to use and fuck me. One evening he came into my office. My asshole twitched thinking about his cock. He told me it was time to go home. I was nervous wondering what it was going to be like. Sara and I had talked and fantasized extensively about the possiblity of both of us fucking Jerrod but now here it was. We pulled up in the driveway. He looked around the neighborhood and we walked in the door. Sara came around the corner and...

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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 10

“THAT’S THE WAY - RIDE HIM, MOM!” Sharon shouted as Sandra Simmons mashed her pussy against my groin, taking all of my cock. With her butt sliding back and forth, my cock was slamming as deep inside her pussy as she could possibly take me. Carol and Judy were on their knees, sucking their Mom’s nipples as if they were starving babies. “Come with me now, Jerry. Oh Yes! I love the feel of your cock shooting cum inside my pussy just as I get my come. I hope you do give me a baby boy, I’ll name...

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Breaking Drake Ch 03

Drake woke up to the command ‘Out.’ He looked around, not sure what was going on. Once again the command was given, and this time he realized Raell was out of the wagon and they were standing in front of a massive house. He got up, but Raell was already walking away, his ties in her hand. Drake was yanked out of the wagon, right onto his scraped chest and hands. He yelled, but scrambled up. He didn’t want to get dragged any more than he already had. He followed her around the house and to a...

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The one thing Fred liked was young girls and the taste of young pussy. He was fifty two and had no trouble finding all the the young girls he needed to satisfy his hunger. Today he was driving down the road and a hot young gall was hitch hiking. She had nice big tits in a tight short and she was sexy and pretty. He pulled over and she hopped in his truck. They drove a few miles and she said that she had just turned eighteen and was running away from home and then he put his hand on her leg and...

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One Plus One

A few days back……… I was sitting in a room waiting for Seema. My life had turned upside down in the last two days. My parents and I had been called back to the village by a close family friend. Dewan uncle had been like family to them. His son was to be married to a girl of the same village with whom he was in love with. The family of the girl had refused the boy because of his unmarried younger sister. They wished for her to be married first and wouldn’t let the marriage take place unless...

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The wine tasting SIL domination part 3

So, football season is here, and I am paying back my SIL for allowing me to cum on the 4th of July. All good....loving it actually. I am out doing some contract work when I get a call from Linda. She is at wok in her salon and I wonder what she could want. "Hi Ty, I am having a wine tasting at my house this evening and I know you know wine and have all the appropriate glassware......could you come over and be our sommelier?" "I think I am free, Let me check with Sarah". Linda comes back with "...

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Genetic Modification

Today was to be the day, all of the tests, the hypothesis and fights with ethical groups had been either worked out with scenarios considered, probed and prodded, or just discarded. Elaine, or just Laney to her group of friends, was ready. A small thrill of fear and doubt coursed through her, but she pushed it to one side and revelled in the luxury of the no expense spared comfortable room. "Hi Laney, would you like anything?" The mechanical and electronically filtered voice of Trisha came...

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My Best Friend

I had been cross dressing since I was about 10 years old, I’m now in my thirties and this story is about my first encounter with another man. It all started one day when my wife would be out for the day and I had settled down to surf the net looking for transgender sites, I was only dressed in a black lace garter belt, black hose and high heeled black pumps. I had just found a promising site and my cock was getting hard, as I started jerking off the phone rang, I almost decided to ignore it but...

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How my love for Nylon started

I must have been walking around with my eyes shut, or maybe I was just a late bloomer. I don't know, but what I do know is that I'm glad I found the delights of nylon. I have always loved the look of a woman in heels and boots, but couple that together with nylon whether it be tights / pantyhose or stockings and, for me, it's an amazing sight to behold.As I said I must have been walking around with my eyes closed, I was 18 and the first time I really took notice of the nylon and heels combo was...

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Fine Italian Wine Chapter 03

The warm Jamaican sun was streaming down on Veronica’s voluptuous nude body. She felt Clive’s hands rubbing sunscreen over her back as they lay on the beautiful tropical beach. “Turn over!” he said. She turned, exposing her bare skin on her abdomen, her 36DDs which didn’t sag, and her slick bare mons pubis. Her vaginal area was bleached and her labia extended from her vulva, indicating her high level of sexual excitement. Clive continued to rub sunscreen on her body. His hand went down to her...

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Anniversary Celebration

AnniversaryCelebrationby Honda  ©Copyright 2003 Honda-Matic, AllRights Reserved. This story may be reproduced only in its full, original,unedited and unmodified posting where: 1) full credit is given to itsauthor and, 2) no commercial gain of any sort is realized as a resultof its reproduction. No permission is granted, actual or implied, toreproduce a modified version of this story, in whole or in part, withoutthe express consent of the author.Warning: This story is intendedfor mature adults...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 663

A Luxury Hotel in Berlin Germany Six Weeks Earlier Continued. Phillip awoke with Dessie’s breast pushed firmly against his right chest and her groin moving slowly but rhythmically against his hip. Between his full bladder and her body, he was as erect as he was ever going to get. “Want a blowjob to start your day?” she whispered sexily into his ear. One of the hardest things he could remember doing was to say, “We agreed there would be no more sex until we were on the trail.” “That ......

1 year ago
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A Day of Roleplaying

Robinwood ???????????????????????????????? A Day of Role Playing  ??????????????????????????????????????????? (Chapter One) I was in the shower for over and hour, making sure every hair below my neck is removed. I apply baby oil over my body, trying to keep my 42-year-old body silky, soft, and smooth. I watch myself in the full-length mirror as my hands spread the scented liquid all over my natural 38 double F tits. I gently squeeze them, and then cup my massive tits with my hands. I...

3 years ago
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The night we met up

I hurried into the pub; ignoring my ringing phone, he was to be there already. It was only 7pm so not many people were there yet. All eyes were on me as I checked the room, he was not here. Disappointed I grabbed my phone, it was ringing again. "Change of plans, Babe. Come to my friends place, I have sent the address via sms." Smiling I left the bar and rushed to my car; I drove like a woman possessed, only stopping for red lights. When I pulled up at the address given a buxom blonde greeted...

4 years ago
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Mom Joins the team

Janet was an attractive 41 years old, shoulder length brunette hair, a pretty face 38g tits and tight curvy ass. She was a MILF, her son Lee was a nerd who was only concerned with watching porn and tutoring the cheerleaders so they could pass tests. He would tutor them he would always cop a feel the girls knew it but since he didn’t charge them, they figured it was fair. Janet had been divorced for 6 years she had three vibrators a large supply of batteries but lately this wasn’t cutting it...

1 year ago
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Loving moments

As a teller of stories, the author needs to introduce you the reader to the main characters, to do this in this story it would be advantageous for you to understand how Joyce and John were introduced to each other. Now many stories tend to refer to the characters as young love in that they meet at school and become interlinked from that time. Not in this case, for John was introduced to Joyce by a work friend and five years later at a second meeting they finally hit it off and end up...

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