Lo Baphomet IV Sex Cult Armageddon
- 3 years ago
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Lois and I generally slept separately, as the hormones of this new body tended to have me react too fast. Sometimes, though, we did cuddle through the night. I certainly didn’t object to the increasing sexuality, which, through James Bong, the Others assured me would deepen our bonding.
Images of nuclear explosions, and of killers in the night, awakened meWaking up quite early. I suppose it was partially memory and partially Others-enabled vision, but I became certain that I remembered that today, the President issued a tightly held document, National Security Action Memorandum 181. In it, he reviewed several things associated with Operation MONGOOSE, the CIA program to assassinate Fidel Castro. It occurred to me that if I needed to send some anonymous but plausible messages that could get to top leaders, mentioning the word MONGOOSE could help.
Kennedy asked for psychological analysis of public knowledge of surface-to-air and surface-to-surface missiles in Cuba. Could this be another “entry point” for me to suggest inside knowledge? It was a huge problem for me to communicate such that the top leadership would listen, but also would not have the FBI chasing me and trying to get me under control.
That gave me an idea – I might be ill-advised to try to reach leaders directly, but perhaps could find ways to leak information to lower levels, such as NSA or CIA analysts.
Looking to my side, and smiled to realize that sometime in the night, Lois had slipped into the bed. The covers had fallen away, and she deserved a minute or two of appreciation. She wore an essentially transparent black nightgown, through which her deep red nipples, and the trimmed landing zone of pubic hair, were apparent. Her breasts were proud, over a trim but not ripped waist and hips.
James appeared on the bed. “Take her into your arms and use your abilities to share your knowledge and memories.”
Gently waking her, I looked forward to the most delightful teaching technique that I could imagine. “Lois, I don’t know if this is just a memory or a message from the Others, but I know, with certainty, that the President is increasingly concerned with Cuba. Attune yourself to me, and let me share what I know.
“In National Security Action Memorandum 181, which the President issued today to an extremely tight circle, reviewed several things associated with Operation MONGOOSE, the government-wide, mostly CIA, program to assassinate Fidel Castro. It occurred to me that if I needed to send some anonymous but plausible messages that could get to top leaders, mentioning the word MONGOOSE could help. I reflected on MONGOOSE.
“After the fiasco of the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy developed a distrust of CIA, and of the Joint Chiefs at that time -- although he had been warned that the Bay of Pigs invasion was not militarily viable.
“Castro had become personal for him, clouding his judgment, much as in my timeline, Lyndon Johnson focused his ego on Ho Chi Minh.
“Kennedy ordered studies on how best he could destabilize Cuba and remove Castro and his immediate circle. Robert Kennedy was as or more emotional about it; Bobby had often been the more activist of the brothers.
“I remembered a CIA document that described how the Kennedys had “chewed out” the director of clandestine operations, Richard Bissell, “for sitting on his ass and not doing anything about getting rid of Castro and the Castro regime.”
“CIA’s infrastructure of agents in Cuba had been damaged by roundups after the invasion, but the Kennedys had trouble accepting the slow pace of such rebuilding. Having lost confidence in Bissell, and the CIA organization, he brought in Brigadier General Edward Lansdale, variously regarded as a genius and a demon for covert operations. His greatest success had been teaming with President Ramon Magsaysay to end, in a positive manner, the Hukbalahap Communist insurgency in the Philippines. His reputation was more mixed, as he worked, in 1954 to 1956, to establish covert operations in French Indochina and then the two Vietnams.
“The President set up the Special Group subcommittee of the National Security Council, charged with overseeing the MONGOOSE program. Lansdale was attached to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, although he was to work with John McCone, the Director of Central Intelligence, to use CIA resources.
“Bissell, who previously had had incredible success in creating the nation’s photoreconnaissance satellites, was left twisting in the wind. He had resigned, along with the previous DCI, Allen Dulles.
Kennedy asked for psychological analysis of public knowledge of surface-to-air and surface-to-surface missiles in Cuba. Could this be another “entry point” for me to suggest inside knowledge? It was a huge problem for me to communicate such that the top leadership would listen, but also would not have the FBI chasing me and trying to get me under control.
“Lois, that’s basic information. Where do we go from here? I might be ill-advised to try to reach leaders directly, but perhaps could find ways to leak information to lower levels, such as NSA or CIA analysts.
Code words“I’m trying to figure out how I could influence anything, if I decide to influence anything at all. I do know some code words that could connect me with the Army Command Post and at least one-stars, but I’d like to save that for something in real time.
“We’d want to be extremely careful in mailing anything, since the FBI is very good at backtracking letters. Still, I know various code words that themselves are classified, and would have instant credibility in a letter.”
“Code words?”, she asked.
“You know that there are basic security markings such as SECRET and TOP SECRET?” She nodded. “Especially sensitive documents have additional markings. For example, things that are in the area of signals intelligence, at least, carry a stamp HANDLE THROUGH COMINT CHANNELS ONLY. Do you know anything about the National Security Agency (NSA)?”
“Only that it’s a very secret part of the intelligence community (IC), and might be where the codebreakers and codemakers work.”
“That’s correct. They do a lot more. What you’re describing is part of the discipline of communications intelligence, or COMINT. There are other disciplines, such as electronic intelligence or ELINT, which analyzes radar and other non-communications things. Anyway, an especially sensitive paper describing a COMINT success wouldn’t just be stamped TOP SECRET, but, at the present time, TOP SECRET DINAR. Later this year, the DINAR word would appear in a press photograph and an annoyed NSA had to spend $250,000 for new rubber stamps and procedures.
“You can imagine, then, the flap that would take place if some letter arriving contained, in an appropriate way, the DINAR caveat. Another code word, IRONBARK, this time used by CIA, identifies material from our most important spy in the Soviet Union, whose name I won’t mention at this time.
“What I’m wondering is whether we could do some reverse honey traps. A honey trap, in CIA jargon, is the use of seduction, by a spy, to get information. What I call a reverse honey trap would be a loyal American giving information into the national security apparatus, by seducing someone in it.
“Would you, or some girlfriends, or even students, be willing to do such an operation? The powers tell me I’ll have some ability to influence people, including sexually -- but I do have a set of ethics. I want someone to make the informed decision to do things. I’m fine on using my powers to improve their seductive abilities.”
Lois could very well have some utterly loyal girlfriends that could do a reverse honey trap, seducing for the good side of the force and telling rather than taking information. I sat down with her, over tea -- this body had not yet gotten a thorough coffee habit although I was working on it. We sipped tea, thoughtfully. This body had not yet formed a coffee addiction. “Harold, what is your goal in this?”
“Let me state what I think is my key objective: keep the crisis in moderation. In my timeline, JFK’s response wasn’t ideal in every respect, but it avoided a nuclear war that was more imminent than anyone in the U.S. realized. Finding that compromise meant walking a delicate line between radicals of all views, including hard-liners in the American, Cuban, and Soviet governments.
“If things work out, we’ll have a peaceful if diplomatically awkward solution. This will contribute to preventing disasters in a couple of more years, which will strengthen JFK to avoid them.” I didn’t want to mention the Kennedy assassination and Johnson’s getting us enmeshed in Vietnam.
“I see the most important approach is to strengthen Kennedy’s position and prevent a catastrophe. Remember, he’s already had the experience of one catastrophe with the Bay of Pigs. It’s little known that he brought a graceful end to the Operation WHITE STAR counterinsurgency program in Laos.
James put words in my mind. “You can’t say anything about the Kennedy assassination, or the alternate outcome if it can be prevented. Do, however, think about it, and that JFK’s ego was much less controlling than was LBJ’s.”
Agents of access and of influence“It would be wise to try to get means of communication to people who can influence key people in the Administration. Let me share several terms. An agent of influence actually can get opinions heard by the target. An access agent gets you access to an agent of influence, or to the principal if you can talk directly to the principal.
A long shot is to the President’s sex life. His assistant appointments secretary, Dave Powers, we learned, got playmates for him, and sometimes joined him for group sex. One such person was a virginal intern, Mimi Beardsley, who sometimes slept with him during the Crisis. A couple of secretaries called Fiddle and Faddle, but actually Priscilla Ware and Jill Cowen.
“Maybe we can get contacts in the military or in intelligence. It’s funny to think that when a hostile power uses sex to get secrets, they call it a honey trap.
“Yes, Harold. I have contacts, but not nearly as many as my friend Terry, whom you haven’t really met as yet.” She hesitated. “You’re going to get intensely involved with her, but the Others want that to wait until school starts. You know her daughter, Arlene.”
“That bitch? Nasty.”
“I know, personally, that she’s much more intelligent than she lets on. The Others tell me that it’s important and possible for you two to work together, and also involve her mother, whom I know very, very...” She blushed a little. “ ... very well.”
I picked up on her cue. “You and Arlene’s mother are friends with benefits?”
“Yes. But Terry is also a Registered Companion and trains them. Think of how important Registered Companions could be to your mission. Arlene hasn’t publicized it around school, but she has Companion-in-Training status.” I really hadn’t met any RCs, but I knew of their reputation in this timeline. Charming, intensely sexual, ethical. Not that it was difficult for me to grow hard at my chronological age, my pants tented.
Amateur CompanionshipLois noticed. “Good. Now, will I do for now?
“You will do very well.” I noticed that this morning, rather than her beatnik boots, she wore stiletto-heeled bedroom sandals, of which I fully approved. “Let’s play with some kinks. Go to that nice recliner and hook your legs over its arms. Show off your lovely crotch and legs.” I slipped out of my robe. “Let’s masturbate at each other.”
She moaned happily, and did as I suggested. Lois pulled aside the crotch of her leotard, revealing that her fishnets were sheer to the waist, with no panties. For a minute or so, she fondled through them, and then said “the hell with it” and ripped them open. Her fingers rapidly strummed her clit, and then went up and down between her nether lips.
Pulling down my sleep pants, my hand moved with equal speed. She remembered a comment of mine, and stretched a leg out to me, saying “enjoy my slut shoes.” I made eye contact, and then licked her heel, not submissively but confirming how she projected sexuality through it.
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INTRO SONG: (Because I like of these. They make me think of amines but non-anime music) Lacey Sturm - State of Me "Finally. . .after a thousand years I am free! My prison gone! Free to rule. Free to lead. I'll destroy the Great Enemy. Theos. THEOS!" The dragon roared with his seven heads. Ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems. "I must have revenge! Anna. Dark feathery wings. Black hair, Pale skin. Black tunic. Sandals. She carried a sword of darkness. She flew down the tremendous hole. She...
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Lois parked, and followed Arlene, into the house. Terry, Arlene’s mother, greeted us. She was a striking woman a little above medium height -- perhaps 5’7” -- but is rarely out of heels, today being five-inch ankle-strapped “come fuck me” pumps over off black, very sheer hose. She wore a tightly tailored business suit, in a light blue that set off her matching eyes. Its skirt came to mid-thigh when she was standing. Under it, she had what appeared to be a filmy gray blouse. Terry’s slightly...
As promised, James joined me, first when I awakened with Lois, and then at breakfast. Harold, you and your staff please us no end. Lois, her recruiting being successful, joined me for the night, and to be my Companion in the morning. She would guide Frankie, Curt, and Edie, and, as we thought about it, Marcyne. Arlene and Vox awakened after their first night together. They looked into one another’s eyes, and giggling, moved closer until their noses touched. With the same whim, they rubbed...
There was to be an administrative day off at the schools for the 17th, so we were going into a long weekend. Lois and I had driven to class, but I went ahead to the history classroom while she worked on some lesson materials. When I got there, the students were bullshitting. Arlene Russo, as usual, was surrounded by flirting jocks and other admirers. A little above average height, her figure was strong but womanly. Arlene’s hair was a striking dark copper-red, falling to mid-back. Some...
When we sat down, I shared my frustration. “Today’s Central Intelligence Bulletin, a still TS/SCI extract of the President’s Daily Brief, made the first general report of a coastal defense missile. Nuclear capability was not mentioned. Can anyone think of a way to get this threat considered more seriously?” Lois did not have the detailed bureaucratic memories of the defense establishment that were mine, but after years of teaching, she sympathized about bureaucracy. I was not sadistic...
Terry awakened me this morning, as Lois had had to leave early. Lois was away talking with the school administration. James had reinforced her telempathic abilities such that, in the area in which we had given her authority, it would be virtually impossible to refuse. Terry, as always, had great style. She wore a black coatdress, which, buttoned from neck to hem, made her look like a lawyer ready for court. She caught my eyes, and very deliberately opened each button. With the buttons open,...
At the brunch table, she observed, “Lois to Harold? Come in? You seem somewhere very much elsewhere.” “You know that I’ve got some special insight. I hope you don’t think I’m insane, but the first reason I am here is to prevent a nuclear war. Believe it or not, I just could see a report that the CIA just gave to the President. They are seriously concerned that the Soviets are sending offensive nuclear weapons to Cuba, but they don’t yet have hard proof. During the summer, an American spy in...
Again, a troubling sleep brought memories to me, which I shared with Lois. She did cheer me with her intriguing looks, starting in the morning. Today, though, she called to me from her bedroom, telling me to sit down and sip coffee until she got there. She got to the dining room, but in fatigues, complete with Fidel-style cap, a beard, and a giant cigar. There are times in life when things that are seen cannot be unseen, and this was one of them. Shrieking with laughter, she ran into the...
Lois let me sleep in until school time; she had to be in earlier than me. Air Force photography confirmed MiG-21 fighters in Cuba. The first U-2 mission of the month showed increased port activity, but nothing, as yet, at what would be the first IRBM site. Senator Keating, a member of the President’s party, would refer to Engel’s statement, but insist that the Senate had not been fully briefed. He complained that a letter that he sent to the State Department on August 14 was only answered...
At brunch with Lois, I shared “Military forces of the two sides are interacting, so far professionally but definitely not being friendly. Cuban aircraft intercepted U.S. Navy patrol planes over international waters.” With concern, she looked into my eyes. “Will that trigger open warfare?” “Not so far.” “I’m scared.” I kissed her, and our tongues banished the fear. My hands explored under her leotard. At first, her tension made her dry, but I was able to connect my fingers to my...
Terry met Lois and me for brunch. She wore an interesting outfit that I couldn’t quite describe, other than having the qualities of a deeply slit cocktail dress, in a clingy red silky material. It was immediately obvious that she was braless. Either Lois and Terry had a well-established psychic channel, or they had talked on the phone recently. I bet on the latter. Lois was also in red, but a deeper one that worked with her dark complexion. Neither Lois nor James nor I had communicated the...
When I awakened, Margaret having slept at my side, Arlene, my Companion for the day, was in the doorway, asking “Could I get an early start?” She slipped out of a robe to reveal a corset flaunting her boobs. I sensed a little discomfort, perhaps jealousy, from Margaret, who actually had extremely attractive and hardly tiny breasts. With a twist to my telempathy, and one I hadn’t really known I had, I comforted Margaret, and placed the suggestion in Arlene’s mind that Margaret’s boobs were...
Today, Shelley was at my side. She had awakened me rather interestingly, showing up in a black babydoll negligee, hose, and bedroom heels. I was glad that she didn’t try to awaken me by immediately sitting her delightful bottom on my face, which might have given me a strangulation reflex. Instead, I was aware - I slept naked - that someone was licking my chest, and discovering male nipples could be erogenous as well. I realized that I had to square the morning greetings with my preference...
Tuesday, October 16: Day 1 of the Formal Crisis James Bong brought me to awareness. It’s the first day of the crisis. You need your own strength intact, plus you need to motivate the clan. To my surprise, James climbed into my arms. It is wise, I believe, that I spend more time physically in your presence, and that of the clan. Please do not confuse yourself with a Bond villain with an effete white cat, for I am an honest orange tabby. “A well-fed one, as well. You want to be sure someone...
This is a Vietnam War helicopter pilot story, based in significant detail on an actual event. I had intended to expand it into something more but was concerned that it might lose its impact if I did so. In case I decide to continue on with it, it is labeled as Part One but I’m not promising subsequent episodes. At the very end is a short piece labeled ‘author unknown’ called ‘The Man in the Doorway’. It’s been around for a few years, I received it from a man with whom I served in the RVN. I’ve...
We were to learn that it was not uncommon for politicians, expecting sex, would expect it before anything else. It was the more honorable that would keep talking after sex, which, in the case of political junkies, was just being courteous. For all of JFK’s talents, he barely treated some of his low-level conquests as human. Terry and Vox very carefully prepared Shelley for the encounter. Initially having noticed that her gold and black twirler uniform was very flattering in color, not just...
Arlene went with Greta to meet Andy and Diane after work. Terry told them, “Andy’s comments suggested that Diane might be interested in women. Now, either of you, appropriately dressed and made up, certainly can come across as of college age. Harold, on the other hand, needs more growth to be able to pass as in his twenties. Paul can’t easily get away from work for this.” Arlene grinned. “Harold probably needs some male helpers so that we don’t fuck him to death.” Terry observed, “It’s not...
This was the first morning when we didn’t have school commitments. Margaret was my lovely Companion of the day. She arrived in a casual but sexy black knit tube dress, quite short. Her bare legs with high-heeled pumps. reminding me pleasantly of some of the less dramatic street hookers in the business areas of the 14th Street strip. The fabric was thin enough to emphasize the perkiness of her lovely breasts, and show off the nipples. Giggling, she told me “I’m not wearing a living bra, but...
Overall, I realized, the last week in September was the calm before the storm. The Soviets were working on missile installations while the U.S. staff was planning. It was a good time to unwind and bond -- and work on our reverse honey traps. At brunch, I realized that Shelley had dressed a bit differently. Rather than her usual short skirts, she wore seemingly sprayed-on pants -- no, they were tights, and even semitransparent, with a center seam that emphasized a cameltoe and separated the...
Shelley and I awakened to Greta. She was in her favorite bright green, although a more casual version of her usual suit. She wore a short flaring skirt and a crop top, with suntan rather than green hose. “Ah! Is it my leprechaun, or perhaps Maid Marian?” She giggled. “Maid Marian fits, but Robin Hood, female variety, works even better. Did you know that I enjoy the bow?” “Perhaps, then, you’ll enjoy pulling my arrows. Or should you be Little John and play with my staff?” “That’s general...
"Ladies and gentlemen," Atanas began, "my shipmates and I are looking for concubines with children between the ages of nine and twelve to accompany us on a five-year mission to map the Orion Spur, primarily the area occupied by the Sa'arm." There was a murmuring among the shift-wearing occupants of the room. He held up his hand to stave off the questions that were forming. "We're not going out there to fight. We're going out there to map their stars. We're not planning to get...
What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. Crowfoot South Dakota, June 6-8 Crying for a Vision Dreams are the answers to questions that we haven't yet figured out how to ask. Fox Mulder At the end of the feast to celebrate her acceptance as a new relative, Ominotago, as Courtney would now always be known here, brought the sacred pipe to Gaho....
When I had put on my wedding tuxedo, I had assumed that my dating days were over and that if I ever needed help picking out the perfect outfit to wear out in public, my lovely wife would be able to help me. But it was a little awkward for me to say, ‘Honey, I’m going on a date with your sister, what tie looks best with this gray shirt? Oh, thanks, you’re a doll. Of course I’ll tell her you said hello. No, don’t wait up.’ So I was left standing there on my own trying to match ties and shirts...
Vision Quest, Accelerated Launch By: Bernice 14 "Mike, I'll take care of her." I wedged myself between them as I guided her out into the hallway. There were others there too, moving as if they were in a hurry. "Alexis, is that Monique?" asked Jasmin. "This is Patty, she's part of our overall team now too." Patty looked just as scared as Monique, and I saw that she was also Eurasian. Then I met Toya and Taya the Japanese twins. But they weren't scared just unsure about what...
Vision Quest, Summer Camp wk1 By: Bernice 14 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Alex Horn is about to find out that it isn't just the nerds who get ahead. But can he handle the actual reality? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It was the last week of school just three more days and Alex Horn would be free for the summer. Of course he wasn't looking forward to telling his parents that he hadn't gotten a...
I think my husband and I have a good marriage. He has a stressful job and needs to work long hours. If he ever cheated on me, I imagine it must have been on a business trip or with some of his co-workers. While I got suspicious a couple of times, I never actually caught him or found any proof. I have always stayed faithful to him. I find my husband very attractive. He is four years my senior, tall and lean, funny and charming, and our sex is great. He likes to go slow, and loves to eat my...
Sergeant First Class Mark Smith watched as the heavily laden articulated carrier approached the truck he was loading. The massive pallet of munitions was headed for the Fourteenth Infantry Division. They were about to make a big push in Charlie-sector. Mark waved his datapad at the pallet's sticker, reading its encoded information. He checked the weight on the datapad's screen and told the carrier's driver, "That's a heavy one. You better make sure it goes near the front axle. The driver...
I was laid off from my job on December 16th. It was not totally unexpected as I had known for over a year that the lay-off was coming, but I had been told the effective date would be in mid-March so I was a little stunned when they kicked me out in December. When I took the lay-off it had been my intention to just collect unemployment for a couple of months and catch up on some things that I had let slide around the house, but after two weeks I was going stir crazy. So, on the first Thursday in...
The Vision: One day I was travelling on the underground when I saw this beautiful blonde lady in a scarlet knee length dress and black fishnets. I sat down behind her to avoid staring at her. She wore a black bow in her hair and looked drop dead gorgeous. She was delicately applying her make-up with a brush and checking herself in a beautiful little hand mirror. I wanted to ask her how she hoped to improve on perfection. I watched fascinated as she got out her mascara brush and...
Vision Quest, Summer Camp wk2 By: Bernice 14 It was exciting as well as naughty, sneaking our way over to the fence between the compounds. Sure there were those little plastic inserts in the chain link to prevent people from seeing from one side to the next. And I was giddy as I followed them into the bushes, only to discover that there were actually sections cut out, big enough for a hard cock. I could hardly believe we were about to just suck off a bunch of...
When Worlds Collide: A Vision Spring story (Authors note: It's probably a good idea to read the first two stories before reading this one) Last time... (From This is how a Heart breaks) "He told me his story Itzel, and it doesn't change anything. I.. I love him anyway," Sara said "Love?" the creature said. "You can do more than summon shadows Sara. Look into his heart, and see the darkness there!" Unable to resist, Sara looked at Gregory, and suddenly her...
I wake with the memory of her message fresh in my mind and a little smile wakes me properly. I bounce out of bed excited for the plans that I'd formed last night after I'd messaged back, "11 am, you know what to do."I have a good few hours before then so set about changing the sheets, tidying up a little, though the place is pretty clean and in order anyway. I head out to the pool for some laps to wake my body up then pop to the shops and buy some supplies, food, drink, a bikini. Taking a...
MILFCopyright© "What are we going to do now, Chuck?" asked a teary-eyed Janice. "I really should divorce him, if I had any pride left. It's just that I think I still have feelings for him. I'm just not sure if it's enough." "I know exactly what you mean, Janice. Logically speaking, we should shoot them both and make it look like a murder-suicide," I suggested. "We both know neither of us would ever do that, even with all the provocation they've given us." "They probably know we...