Tomorrow Is Another DayChapter 21 The Missiles of October
- 4 years ago
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“He had never liked October. Ever since he had first lay in the autumn leaves before his grandmother’s house many years ago and heard the wind and saw the empty trees. It had made him cry, without a reason. And a little of that sadness returned each year to him. It always went away with spring.
But, it was a little different tonight. There was a feeling of autumn coming to last a million years.
There would be no spring. (“The October Game”)”
{r}Ray Bradbury, Long After Midnight
During the night, James Bong communicated with me. “You can’t do everything yourself, and you have some smart people with you. We will set up means by which you can go into rapport with one or two people, and transfer knowledge. They will accept that without trying to go back to how you know it, although they will know that they got it from you. Rapport will be best with everyone touching, and probably after sex. I recognize that some humans might take this as an imposition, but you will not.”
““Even before full rapport, you will transfer some strong visual sexual memories.”
I didn’t know that James was capable of irony.
I meditated on some images, and tried to think who best could play them. One was of a dancer in a high-mileage mingling strip club, with lots of customer contact. I remembered the first time I went to such a club, went back to a private booth, and was pleasantly shocked when the dancer immediately pulled her top below her breasts and raised the bottom to her waist, and slid in next to me.
Another was of a reasonably high-end streetwalker, wearing what was either a long-sleeved knit shirt, or maybe minidress, with long bare legs.
It was grounds for a mental laugh to flash back to high school and recall some lovely images. I remembered a time when Shelley and I were not especially on speaking terms, but I watched her, on a bus, struggle with trying to get her first miniskirt to cover her stocking tops. Another was from class, thinking of Carol the D, the cheerleader captain, seated in a math class, with her fashionable wrap skirt, held closed only by a decorative safety pin, falling open to reveal a long, lovely, stockinged leg, garter, and a flash of panty -- well, it was exciting at the time and I was tapping into the emotion of the recollection. It struck me that Carol was a good candidate for us.
When I thought of the intellectual rapport and knowledge transfer that he described, it cheered me to think of the words of Machiavelli: “The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.” This insight still worked with lovely women.
First callEarly this morning, Lois got a very grateful call from Diane. “The party was fantastic. You pushed so many of my buttons. I have more buttons to push, and I’d like to do so with you and your friends. Maybe I can do it with Harold, as a warmup for Andy, and then have someone help me with Andy?”
Lois was delighted. “I have to check on schedules, but let’s do this soon. Would Wednesday evening work? I’ll call you if there’s any problem.”
“I’m quivering, which I haven’t done for a long time, given my age and my professional dignity. Of course!”
A second callAndy, separately, called Greta, in delight. He thoroughly enjoyed the larger scene, but he and Greta had a mutual personal attraction. “Greta, again, thank you, and also thank Terry and Harold, and anyone else who set up that wonderful scene. For me, it was an introduction to new worlds, worlds to which I hope you will continue to take me.
“I am amazed at the mind you have inside an incredible body, and no, that is not remotely meant to be patronizing.”
“Andy, I’m a beginning professional Companion, but dammit, I like you. I want to see more of you as well. I’d like to do some nonsexual things with you, although we started when we talked about Cuba.
“Let’s think of a date-type thing this weekend. In the meantime, shall we get together some evening? Maybe dinner here, with the clan, and then adjourn to my bedroom?”
“Great. Is tomorrow too soon?”
She laughed delightedly. “That would be great. Tell me, is there something I can wear to turn you on?”
He thought for a moment. “How about a very professional suit, modestly cut if you have it, but with nothing but stockings underneath? During dinner, give me some flashes.”
“You’ve got it.”
Beginning the dayWhile Lois hadn’t gotten full exemptions for our people, I knew that she had the authority to excuse lateness. Still, it helped get things done in the morning that the building had a catering service on which we could call, such that a nice breakfast buffet was set up while we were still stumbling. Happily, in my reincarnation, I enjoyed coffee much earlier in life than I had done so in the past.
Bacon also makes things go better.
“Margaret and Vivian, would you please come to my bedroom with me? Oh, we’re going to have fun, but you’re going to come back with some new knowledge. Think of the way you get it as magic. All of you are going to get specialized knowledge.”
They all were intrigued, especially the first two.
I was already turned on by Vivian’s look. Margaret had taken to heart an image that I had shared with her, of the club dancer. She wore a deep red sleeveless tube gown, showing off her breasts but dropping to floor length, where it met matching red heels.
Shy Margaret, once we were in the bedroom, yanked down her top, baring her breasts, and raised the hem to her waist. It was casually and devastatingly provocative.
Precise, controlled Vivian also went into an odd mood -- I wondered if the Others were at work. She raised her skirt, in front, pushed her panties aside, and began to finger fuck, muttering what were probably nasty syllables.
I was becoming drunk with lust, and, before my mind went to the animal level, knew the Others were doing something beyond the basics they had told me about the rapport to be created.
Pushing both onto the bed, I started to undress, but they rose and pulled off my clothes. Dropping back, I slipped my arm around normally cautious Margaret, sucking and licking her flaunted nipples, and then moving to meet her mouth in a delightfully sloppy kiss. Behind me, Vivian kissed my back, and dropped lower, licking my anus.
Something told me that the knowledge would flow better if we were all in contact, with sexual energies flowing in our circle of sensation. I chuckled when lines from a Christian song popped into my mind.
Will the circle be unbroken?
By and by, by and by
I broke free for a moment, lay on my hack, and pulled Margaret to my face, it now becoming my turn to lick a lovely bottom. Vivian, responding to my gesture, mounted me in a cowgirl position. She and Margaret leaned toward one another, stimulating nipples and kissing deeply.
The circle is formed
As we went into trance and rapport, I was aware that I began with principles of military mapping, and then GEOINT, geospatial intelligence, or the matching of images (IMINT) or signals (SIGINT) to specific coordinates.
Was the knowledge actually being transferred, I wondered, or were the Others giving them a channel to call on the information in my mind? Did it really make a difference, as long as they could make use of the information and free me from having to do it all?
I then filled them in on radar and electronic intelligence (ELINT). In particular, I differentiated among early warning, height finding, target tracking, and fire control radars.
Our driver took us to school, only a little late. I’m sure that all of us were amused with Lois teaching about the Civil War, when we were facing a more immediate conflict, and Margaret teaching basic algebra when I had imparted the math needed to understand radar.
After schoolWhen Lois and I were driving home, I asked “If you had help from the Others, could we come up with a good story for the school administrators, so they thought that our people were on excused absence for home or independent study? It’s getting silly to have to coordinate only at night.”
“Yes. Remember, we’re an experimental school anyway, under auspices of the university. In fact, it actually might make sense to get the administrators and selected faculty to think that having some of our people in college classes makes sense. AU doesn’t have ROTC, but George Washington (GW) does and we might actually recruit from there.”
“Could you also get a leave of absence?”
“Under similar conditions, yes. Further, Harold, I think that you need to have someone available to be with you as an assistant for both thinking and for your morale. All the girls are happy to share a bed with you, which just helps bond. I suspect you sleep with me more than anyone, but I’m not the only one that can be an emotional support.
“I also believe that all of us are tense, and might just want to have more quick sex -- as well as exercise -- to help that. We do have our 6-day-per-week workouts. Maybe when we get home, we both would enjoy a quick, no preliminaries, fuck, or perhaps to get a couple of the girls to get each of us off. I do expect we’ll add some guys, which at least will help the bi women.”
When we got home, Lois followed up on her suggestions. She took my hand and towed me to her bedroom. Once there, she dropped her skirt to the floor, followed by her panties, rubbed my hand against her sex. “Undress. Now.”
I did so. Actually, I just had my pants off when she pushed me onto the edge of the bed, pulled off my shorts, and knelt to start a vigorous blowjob. I didn’t complain. She reached into her purse, pulled out some lubricant, and anointed my cock, and then turned to the bed and bent over the edge. “Here’s the lube. Do my ass and then stick it in. Minimum preparation -- you know I can take you easily. Fuck fast and cum quickly.” She stuck her hands underneath and began masturbating, waiting for me
Who was I to refuse such a romantic proposition? In a couple of minutes, I was against her anus, sliding in my cockhead. “OK, Harold, you’re in. Go fast and deep.” I did so.
Lois reveled in the naughtiness of her act and reached her first climax while I was just warming up. She shook in excitement. I couldn’t hold off for long. She sighed happily, as I fell back on the bed, and turned around to flaunt her ass, a creampie dripping. Before I could do anything with it, she turned around, masturbating in front of my face, until she climaxed again. Lois fell to my side, took me into her arms, and told me “quick nap for us both.”
Today’s reviewVivian had been designated, by Terry and Lois, to be my “personal Companion” of the day. Vivian wore an intriguing gray outfit, with what looked like an officer’s blouse, white shirt and black tie, and short matching skirt. There was metallic trim. It looked like a tailored uniform. As she sat down, she touched her knee, covered in silvery hose, to my leg, and then slid firmly next to me, warm hip and thigh exerting a delightful pressure. At the same time, she took out her notebook, multiple colored pens, and schedules, ready to operate in many ways.
“People, we are starting to move into military operations, or at least planning for the short term. It’s scary.
“Colonel John Wright, at DIA, seems to be consistently making good calls. I’d be less tempted to send a honey trap his way, and more just to reward him if he needed great sex, simultaneously hoping that he has an absolutely great home sex life.
“The Chiefs, as a group, are trying to get the SECDEF to delegate at least some authority about the use of force. Perhaps some very, very limited authorization is appropriate, as for holding down submarines and using very small explosive charges to signal. I know that, but American intelligence was not, that four Foxtrot-class submarines left Murmansk for Cuban waters. Those vessels carried nuclear-tipped torpedoes for final defense.
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Author’s note: This is my own retelling of a very common story, that of Hades and Persephone. This is my most favorite mythological love story. I’ve always identified with the transformation from innocent girl, Kore, to dark queen of the underworld, Persephone, and Hades is the ultimate strong male-love that. It’s more about passionate burning love than sex, though I plan on inserting more erotica into any further installments if there is an interest. Please feel free to let me know what you...
Persephone gently pushed Hades away and stepped back, his hands reluctantly sliding from her flesh. She turned and walked toward the gate behind her. Still on his knees, he stared enthralled at the coxinant twists of her retreating buttocks. His callipygian captor paused and looked back at him and gave one word. "Follow." Hades scrambled to his feet and was fast on her heels, even as she retreated into a long, unlit tunnel. He followed her into darkness so thick he couldn't see his own hands,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiGifts of every decadent form began arriving at the estate of Kore’s foster family that morning. Fragrant floral arrangements, statues in effigy of the soon-to-be betrothed, sweets filled with nectar and honey and nuts, pastries piled high on Long tables, silk fabrics of every jewel tone hue imaginable. All of these had been streaming in for days, trumpeting the arrival of the prosperous Certese family. The servants worked for days cleaning, cooking and creating a fitting house to greet the...
Hi friends its Sumit Bang back with a new series of stories for you. After overwhelming support by all the ISS readers I owe a ton of thanks to them. This series is a story of a part of my sex life and as the story is little bit long so it will be presented in parts. I’m also thankful to ISS for providing such platform which helped me to get in contact fuck many girls and aunties. So coming to the story this story is about my friend vrush (name changed). Being in an engineering college I met...
Hades gritted his teeth, fingers twitching at his side. He was panting, drips of sweat running down his bare back, his shoulders, his forehead, soaking the blindfold. It annoyed him, though it was fine silk, he fought the impulse to take it off. He had been preparing for this night, deep in the caves that span the foundations of the Alsitor mountain range, and his role as [prisoner/guest/slave/student] was not one he had volunteered for without heavy consideration. He didn't blame his beloved...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAuthor’s Note: Thank you to everyone that read, posted comments and voted on Hades Ch 1. For those that have not read Hades Ch 1, chapter two may not be able to fill you in on the tale thus far. Please bear in mind, it is my own unique retelling of the love affair between Hades and Kore/Persephone and I have taken some serious liberties with the characters and story- hopefully not offending any mythology buffs out there. As always, hope you enjoy it and I consider myself a very lucky girl when...
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Here I am back at “J’s” the Guy that took my anal virginity.I have used his bathroom and ensured I am squeaky clean were it matters.Today he already has a friend staying with him so I know I will be busy. ”S” is his name and I know they have been friends and fuck partners for many years so they know what they want and how to get it.It starts the second I enter the bedroom I am encouraged to get on my knees and I am presented with two cocks to suck on. I opt for “J’s” as it is almost 10” long...
Hi! Ella malayalee vayanakkarkkum vayanakkarikalkum ente namaskaaram. Enttammo o! Enthoru sukham, pattathiyude aa neyappa pooril aadichu kayattumbol; aa maathanga mulakalil onnu thottal pinneh parayukayum venda. Iyppol. 42 years, 5” 10” height, 42” chest, 80 kgs weight (9”x 4” size) ithu ennude thu; inni en pattathi yudethu 39 years, 5”7”, 42-32-38”, 77 kgs (venna niranjha ponthiya neyappam) 11 years munne widhva yayi., iyppol keralathil sthira thamasam, 2 sons + prayamaya amma ithryamannu...
Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright ©2018 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by...
SRU: Chad's Story By Bashful Chad walked into the mall and looked around. He needed some girls to come to the frat party tonight. So far he had struck out. Last year he had come up with the idea to bring back the party committee and party fund. He had been appointed party chairman as a result. This was to be the first big party of the new school year. Chad was a senior and he wanted to make this last year of college a memorable one. Chad stopped and stared at a little...
Oru naal nala mazhai peithu konde irunthathu appozhuthu naan thinamum kalluriku bikeil sendru varuven. Aanal ippozhuthu athigamaaga mazhai peivathaal perunthil selalam endru mudivu seithu irunthen. Thinamum en nanban en udan varuvaan aanal avan indru vara maaten endru soli vitan, athanaal naan thaniyaaga andu perunthil sela aarambithen. Naan andru ennaku kaama anubavan kidaikum endru sirithum ethir parka villai, naan perunthu pin puramaaga ulle erinen. Appozhuthu ennai suri penga niraiya per...
I heard giggling and woke up. It was still dark in the salon, but I could see Erin and Frank as they scurried to the door leading to the cockpit. "What time is it Erin?" I asked, sitting up and trying to adjust to the darkness. "Four o'clock," Erin said. "Why did you to get up so early?" Erin told Frank to wait a minute, came over to me and whispered, "We've been up all night, Jen. Frank and I have been making love all night." I giggled. "You two are going to be beat...
The next week seemed to drag as I waited for Sunday and the chance to go fishing with my brother and the others. I was glad we were going to have the Gordon's along to teach us, but I also would liked it if it was just the family so I could go topless. My brother and I ran every morning before school. I started leaving my bedroom door open a lot more and would get all giddy when Eddie saw me prancing around in my underwear or naked. Because we were so busy with school and sports, my brother...
I wasn't all that interested in the movie and decided to have a little fun. I started to rub Brad's leg, slowly working my way from his knee to his crotch and back. Brad slipped the arm he had on my shoulders down, cupped my boob and began to massage it through my top. I slid my hand over his hard cock and squeezed it through his cotton shorts, moving my fingers along its length. "Are you playing with my brother's dick?" Kathy asked, giggling. "Yeah and he's playing with my tit," I...
Zum Charakter: Dr. Remy Hadley ist eine Internistin, die im Team des ebenso genialen wie berüchtigten Dr.House am Princeton Plainsboro Lehrkrankenhaus in New Jersey arbeitet. Sie bekam ihren Job bei einer Art Ärzte-Casting, in dem sie die Bewerberin mit der Nr.13 war, weshalb sie von ihrem Chef und ihren Kollegen oftmals auch einfach mit "Dreizehn" angesprochen wird. Sie leidet unter der unheilbaren Krankheit Chorea Huntington, an der auch schon ihre Mutter verstarb, und hat eine absehbar...
I stood looking at her teach in the classroom as I sat at my desk. Her perky lips moved as did her nicely sized boobs as she maneuvered. My panties got wet again as deep breaths were taken in. Admiration had a lot to do with my attraction and getting over my crush wasn't an option. A few years before, I sat in one those student chairs in her math class. Even as I hated the subject, I always arrived in the classroom as an anxious woman. Two years after I graduated from high school, I came back...
TabooHai friends, enathu peyar Tharik vayathu 26, naan coimbotureril vasithu varugiren ippozhuthu vellai illamal thinamum perunthil sendru vellai thedikondu irukiren. Enathu veetil naan oruvan matume irukiran udan piranthavargal yaarum illai amma matrum appa irukiraarga. Appa oru niruvanathil velli paarthukondu irukiraal athanaal veetil pana thatupaadu illamal irukirathu. Oru naal enathu thanthaiyil niruvanathil enathu resumemai koduthu vellai ketkaalam endru kaalai perunthil kelambinen. Angu...
Vanakam thozhargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en 19 vayathu kathaliyai eppadi oothen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Varungal kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar ashok naan kalluri padithu mudithu vitu veetil suma thaan irukiren. Enathu veedu kalluriku arugil thaan irukum, niraiya pengal vanthu povargal. Naan thinamum kalluri pengalai sight adithu kondu irupen, en veetirku ethire oru puthithaaga veedu kati kondu irunthaargal. Athil ippozhuthu thaan kudi vanthaargal, antha veetil ilamaiyaana pen...
You are sleeping in your bed, having a great dream about you and Angelina Jolie in a very swanky hotel in Venice, having wild sex on the balcony, overlooking the canals. The dream ends. You think you hear a tiny little voice say, "And sprinkle this one good. I think Peter and Wendy need something to break the logjam. This one will do nicely." In your sleep-stupor, you open one eye a bit and see a glowing moth hovering over your bed. The moth's body looks strangely like a person. Then you go...
The four of them had been inseparable, best friends since elementary school. Now, having just graduated from high school, it made perfect sense for them to get an apartment together in the city. On their first night in the apartment, Stace breaks open a bottle of champagne and calls for an apartment meeting. Stace was the ringleader of the group, she had the strongest personality and usually had set the tone for their activities together. She was a curvaceous brunette with a rockabilly style,...
Ah YES! The lands of Toril! What a place. A land of myth, and lore. A land where dangers, and adventure are around every corner. The infamous Spine of the World, Baldur's Gate, Helmsdeep, Waterdeep, the Underdark, Undrentide, Luskan, Amn, and Nevewinter city are just a few of the places any adventurer would seek. Some would go to these places to gain power, wealth, or even fame. Some go to these places to do villainous acts of evil, and some, heroic deeds of good. But for THESE 4 adventurers,...
FantasyA Wish the Heart Makes: Fornever in Blue Genes by Tigger Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. Fictionmania and Nifty may archive this story. Anyone else, ask me first. From Walt Disney's "Cinderella": "A dream is a wish your heart makes When you're fast asleep. In dreams you lose your heartaches Whatever you wish for, you keep. Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on...
This is the twenty-second story in my Legacy Universe and was written as a serial over a several month period. Normally, this is where I'd point out that the story could be read on its own, but in this case, it helps to have read some of the previous Legacy stories. A complete list of the Legacy stories will be provided at the end of the story as well as the order in which they were written. The Return of Nevermore By Morpheus Part 1 It was early afternoon but Julie Matthews...
NeverWorld Chapter One Randy Butler curled up in a comfortable armchair in the corner of the Student Center. There were students all around him talking, eating, and working. Even though they were all strangers, he felt comfortable here in the large crowded hall. Randy was lonely. He hadn't made any new friends in the two weeks since college began. He had hoped to meet other freshmen taking classes at Philadelphia College, but it wasn't happening. He wasn't meeting anyone...
NeverWorld Chapter Two Althea Smallwood found herself drifting off as the lawyer representing the group of fairies would not stop lecturing her about his clients "God given rights". She wanted to close her eyes and put her head down. She even considered taking a recess but wanted to end this case now. She tried what the other justices had suggested. She had pinched herself, she had tried chewing gum, she had pushed her fingernails into the palm of her hand. Nothing was going to keep...