Hades Ch. 02 free porn video

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Author’s Note: Thank you to everyone that read, posted comments and voted on Hades Ch 1. For those that have not read Hades Ch 1, chapter two may not be able to fill you in on the tale thus far. Please bear in mind, it is my own unique retelling of the love affair between Hades and Kore/Persephone and I have taken some serious liberties with the characters and story- hopefully not offending any mythology buffs out there. As always, hope you enjoy it and I consider myself a very lucky girl when I receive input from readers. I’d love to continue the story as long as the interest is there. Kindest regards.


After the festival, Kore returned to her home and fell into bed to sleep and dream of a man she had seen not with her eyes, but with her heart. In the dream she looked into his grass green eyes beneath a bronze warrior’s helmet and in a flash she saw his naked body above her, consuming her. She awoke frightened and confused by what she saw in her dream. She had never dreamt of men or boys. This was no man she recognized, and maybe not a man.

He was a stranger that entered her life through a dream.


‘Are you alright?’ asked Mina. Kore’s friend noticed she was out of sorts since the previous day.

Kore didn’t answer her. She looked out at the hills behind her home. From the balcony of her bedroom she saw the sun set a short time before and the silhouette of the hills had turned bright red. The hills themselves had turned black in the night and eerily resembled the musculature of the stranger.

‘You’re so far away,’ Mina said, urging her friend to speak. It was unlike Kore to be so quiet.

‘Do you dream of men, Mina?’ responded Kore, still looking at the hills.

‘Men? What men? The ones that I’d like to marry?’ She sat next to Kore and knudged her with an elbow. ‘Or the ones that I would like to take as lovers?’ They both dissolved into laughter.

Mina covered her mouth and gasped, ‘Don’t tell me you’ve never dreamt of being with a man?’

‘Well, I have. I did. But…’ Kore didn’t know how to describe what she’d seen in her dream. She didn’t know how to describe what she felt in the meadow. She suddenly felt out of place around everyone. She felt distinctly different since the afternoon in the meadow.

‘What do you think it’ll be like? You know, on our wedding nights.’ Kore said and smiled at her friend. She could trust that Mina would give her the most fantastically romantic stories to occupy her mind, to distract her from the stupor she had fallen into since the day before.

‘Oh…let’s see. It’ll all depend on whom we become betrothed to, my sweet girl,’ Mina was enjoying this and laughed again into her hands.

‘Well, I already know who my parent’s will choose for me,’ Mina said teasing Kore.

‘Really? Who? You must tell me! Is he handsome?’ Kore was now fully engrossed in this conversation.

‘They shall choose Castor for me,’ Mina joked and Kore clapped her hands and laughed.

‘The hero? Oh really? And who shall I have?’ asked Kore, playing along.

‘You shall have his brother Polydeuces, of course! So that we might be sisters and our children would be cousins and we shall compare our husbands’ verilities when they are gone on their great adventures!’ Mina could hardly keep herself on the bench next to Kore.

This was all great fun, but Kore still held in her heart a sense that something, someone had watched her in the meadow and that nothing would ever be the same for her. She was no longer a child.


High above the girl, at the great fountain in the main courtyard where Zeus gazed into the waters to view his beloved mortals in battles of love and war, a goddess comes upon him seeking to ask for her daughter’s return.

‘My lord, your daughter has grown into a splendid young woman,’ Demeter says to him smiling as her head tilts to one side and she remembers the day she conceived her only daughter from Zeus. She catches herself biting the side of her bottom lip. She examines his broad back, strapped with well defined muscles. Surely, they were not developed through the work of battle.

He pursued her as he pursued every goddess or woman he fancied, passionately and with total concentration, until his labors were rewarded. After the conquest that concentration would inevitably be drawn elsewhere. She still loved him, despite his eternal philandering and despite his ultimately belonging to another goddess, Queen Hera, the great matron. She thought ‘the great fool’ would be more fitting a title for his wife.

‘Mmm…?’ he muttered, his famous concentration was elsewhere, as ever. Demeter looked down into the glowing water of the fountain and caught a glimpse of what he was so interested in. It appeared to be a mortal princess. A blonde one.

‘And, do you remember that one’s name?’ asked Demeter, sarcasm in her voice.

‘Wha…? Why yes, it’s Princess Semele, daughter of Cadmus. He…ummm,’ he broke off and, just as suddenly, was again consumed by the princess he saw in the waters.

‘I pity her,’ said Demeter, turning her back to him and looking down at the polished stone floors. He had not caught any of the mockery in her tone, nor the sting in the last comment she offered, but she expected nothing less.

‘Well, it seems I have caught you at the perfect time,’ said Demeter, knowing full well that he was distracted by lust. She was often astonished by the amount of time it would take for him to realize she was making a fool of him. This banter usually terminated with his angry outbursts, but also with her having her way. Enduring his tantrums was well worth the secret enjoyment she derived from playing these games with him.

‘I’ve come to speak to you about another princess, my lord,’ she spoke more forcefully this time. ‘You’re daughter from me. Do you remember her name?’

He turned to her now, face flushing slightly red from annoyance. She had to turn her face away so as not to laugh.

‘You ask me about names? Are you implying that I do not love my children, goddess?’ the volume of his barritone voice clipping higher.

‘My lord, I know that your love is limitless,’ she said looking directly into his eyes and working hard at feigning sincerity. ‘I only bother you with the best interests of our daughter in mind…my lord,’ she added.

‘What? Has something happened to Kore? The family I placed her with has been taking care of her to this day. Have they not? That falcon was supposed to be looking after her!’ He began to panic slightly. As if he were a shepherd awakening to find his flock has dissapeared. His love was indeed without limit. It was his attention span that was considerably limited.

In truth, he had forgotten about the girl since he sent her to be raised with a mortal family when she was an infant. Demeter wanted to raise her on Olympus with the rest of the immortals, but Zues had insisted she’d be better off for it. Demeter, thought it was for the benefit of his marriage bed, though beds were of little consequence to him.

This falcon was not her daughter’s constant companion as Zeus believed. Demeter had looked in on her child everyday in secret, and had seen the falcon Zeus had spoken of. He merely looked in on her from afar and mainly when she was outside. Demeter would often take the appearance of the villagers or servants in the household where Kore lived so that she could go unnoticed. Demeter knew her daughter very well, her likes and dislikes, her intellect was strong and most of all, she was kind. She knew this just as any devoted mother raising her child herself might.

She also knew her daughter was innocent and pure of heart. The girl had grown into the sweetest flower, generous, loving of nature and of the mortals. The prospective suitors tha
t began to pay visits to her foster family, had been received too eagerly for Demeter’s taste. She knew that when this girl fell in love, it would be boundless, like her father’s love, but all enduring. The heavens and the earth would not be able to rival the beauty and scope of it. She feared her daughter would take a mortal lover and be lost forever. She would be unable to bear children from a mortal man and her lover would inevitably die. She would live on, an eternity would be spent heartbroken by the unfairness of being born immortal and believing she was human, like the mortal family that had cared for her.

‘No harm has befallen her, my dear Zeus. I merely seek to begin her education. She is, after all, the immortal fruit of your loins. Is she not entitled to grow into her full potential as all immortal children are? At least as all of the immortal children of my lord and his wife are.’ She had gone too far. He was well aware of the disdain that many of the goddesses had for Hera, and it was a direct consequence of his illicit affairs. He tolerated no one speaking of her in a harsh manner. It was his own shame that incited his great loyalty to his long suffering wife.

‘All of my children enjoy the benefit of being the child of Zeus!’ his shouts echoed off of the pillars surrounding the court yard and back to Demeter. She could feel the vibrations of his voice in her torso and they seemed to exit her body through her breasts.

‘My lord, forgive me. I know that you love Kore as much as I do. With her becoming a young woman now, a young goddess, it would be prudent for her to be brought to me so that I might protect her and guide her, teach her about her growing powers,’ she was thinking of the love she once had for Zeus and it showed on her face.

‘Forgive me, but I do not wish for her to suffer the hearbreak of having to leave a mortal man that she has fallen in love with, after she has been betrothed and then discover that she is one of us and not them,’ her voice softened now. She spoke to him the way that she spoke to him so long ago, when he had willingly given her his loving attention. These days, she had to incite his anger in order to gain any favor from him, good or bad, no matter.

‘Has she been offered for marriage?’ he asked, the concern showing in his voice. ‘I specifically instructed them not…’

‘She is so beautiful. Have you looked upon her? The time is fast approaching, Sir,’ she was begging him. ‘Please, my lord.’

It was no secret that women could encourage him to do just about anything, given the right approach. His only weakness was, of course, women. Though he may have lost romantic interest in one, he always remained greatful to his former lovers for having shown him affection. As if a debt were owed to the women for having suffered his childish demands. He had benefitted from Demeter’s affection once and a child had come from it. His payment, to date, had been to send their baby away and out of sight of his wife. He knew that it was time to right this wrong.

After the baby, Kore was sent away,

Demeter continued her celestial duties, providing bountiful harvests and bestowing fertility on the mortals, despite the sorrow of losing her daughter to them for the sake of Zeus’ comfort. He had told her that Kore would be better off being raised by the mortals. Demeter would have a daughter that knew and loved the mortals like no other goddess would. She would gain useful insite into the needs of the mortals that she could bring back to Demeter when the time was right for her to take over some of Demeter’s duties. It was all folly and Zeus had been so pursuasive that he had ultimately convinced himself that this was the right thing to do.

He got close to Demeter and took her hands in his. ‘I would never wish for any of my children to suffer any heartbreak. I will forever think of her as the baby she was when I sent her to the mortals.’ He brought her finger tips up to his mouth and kissed them. Though she had grown to hate and resent him for taking her only daughter, he could still send chills through her.

‘If you feel that she needs her mother’s care now, then she shall have it,’ he said looking into her eyes. She knew that he was sincere by virtue of the crackling electricity that fired in his blue eyes. She thought the power he used in his lightening bolts must come from his eyes and the fiery mind behind them. She took his hand and kissed the top of it as she knelt before him.

‘My lord, you shall see what a beautiful young goddess she has grown into before your very eyes tomorrow. I shall make the preparations myself.’ She stood up and leaned forward, stroking his face and kissed his cheek before leaving.

He watched her leave and sensed someone in the shadows. ‘Dear, is that you?’ he asked, but no one responded. He knew that his wife had come upon them toward the end of this conversation. He didn’t speak again, only went back to his fountain, which now glowed green and blue. The mortal princess was bathing in the ocean and he watched her.

The falcon flew upward, higher in to the heavens than any other real bird could. The air began to thin and soon the clouds and mist dampened his wings. He faltered, plummeting for a second to shake his wings then shooting back up. The flight for him would soon end at the top of the golden mountain in the clouds. Zeus had instructed him to watch the girl for anything unusual and what he had to tell his master was very unusual.

‘Peregrine, your master is busy. This way. Come,’ Hera, the matron, beckoned him. ‘Have you any news of the girl?’ she said to him, checking the anger from reaching her voice. Was she to interfere in the homecoming of this bastard child of Zeus, she would use this bird.

The falcon lengthened and landed on legs that changed to those of a man, and standing just as tall as Hera. His head remained a falcon’s, twitching side to side, his eyes black and blinking.

‘My queen, I do have news of the girl. My lady, I found her with Hades,’ the falcon said, poking his beak behind a wing, straightening a crooked feather. The bird had been granted the gift of seeing all by Zeus, for the purpose of guarding his daughter. He was able to see Hades as clearly as he saw Kore in the meadow.

‘Hades? Really… tell me everything, bird,’ Hera eyes narrowed as she tried to understand the significance of this. She guided him under an arbor in one of the gardens Zues had created for her around the time that the girl, Kore was born.

‘My lady, I don’t believe the girl saw him. Or perhaps she did,’ said the falcon cocking his head to one side.

‘The girl is the daughter of Zeus, of course she saw him…’ Hera interrupted the bird, but was so eager to hear more, she held her tongue.

‘Hades was in a meadow and Kore went to him. They remained there together, standing very close for quite some time. She then ran off, laughing. He stayed there watching her and now I am here, my lady. That is all I know,’ the falcon offered. The bird was restless on the ground and shifted his weight from one leg to the other.

‘So, the girl is in love with Hades. How delicious! They call me ‘the matron’, ‘the fool’, we will see about that,’ this she said to herself. The falcon’s stripped down explanation of what he’d seen left Hera much room to infer what ever she liked into the scene he described.

‘Bird, listen carefully. Her parent’s will be so dissapointed if they learn of the affair between Hades and the girl. Don’t you think?’ She was standing behind the bird stroking his head like a pet.

‘Zeus would be devastated if he knew his precious innocent girl was didling Hades, the morbid. The king would surely be angry with you for allowing this to go on. What d’you think he shall do with you, when he finds out? I think, better for you…and the girl, if you leave this to me.’ She spoke softly to the bird as if she were protecting him from a certain, painful death.

‘My lady, I… it’
s not my fault. I knew nothing of this going on between the two. Surely you see that I have done nothing but looked after the girl. And now with her stupidity, the girl shall bring death upon me?’ The bird’s face remained blank as the animal he was, but his voice shook now and his wings began to fan the air.

‘Now, now, I understand. You did your best. The girl is nothing but trouble and you should not be sacrificed for merely doing what you were told. Don’t you worry. I will find a way to help you. But, you must be willing to risk your life in order to save your life, my dear bird. It’s the only way,’ Hera was no longer smiling, thinking of how Demeter would cry rivers and lakes over her sweet child when she found out who she had become involved with and that the young goddess would never come to stay on the mountain with the rest of the immortals.

‘The angel of death would be any mother’s nightmare for a son in law,’ she said, patting the falcon’s head. ‘We shall fix this, you and I.’

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Aggy Book 1Chapter 44

Compared with "Crawler", the HCL project was light years more complex. The hull alone was estimated at two years although this was not time which the Flock had to exclusively provide; their experience of the building and fitting out of the HAC was put to good use. There were no entrenched positions to defend; there were only open minds dedicated to solving a problem. A major shift in approach to the building of the prototype was reached. The craft would be prefabricated and then joined....

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Bonnies Little Girl

Martha and Bonnie had been next door neighbours for going on twenty-odd years. They had raised their c***dren together, shared celebrations and commiserated with each other during bad times. They were the best of friends, and their husband’s got along together as well.Martha stopped by to say ‘hi’ and both women sat outside on the deck sharing a cup of coffee in the late morning. As Martha always said; Coffee in, coffee out, she had the urge to go relieve herself. Bonnie told her to use the can...

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MyPervyFamily Kenzie Reeves StepMom Won8217t Hear Us

She’s such a slut! I thought my stepsister Kenzie & I had something special together, but apparently not. I was checking her phone and stuff when I noticed she had been texting some douche…oh HELL NO!!! I go to confront her when she is using the bathroom. She was squating on the toilet so I knew she couldn’t go anywhere. But my attempt to figure out who she was texting didn’t last long, my stepsis knows how to distract me. She began by letting me touch her pussy and...

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Adventures of Carl

Carl is a 52 year old black male. He is 5'8 and 155 lbs. He is physically fit runs every day and goes to the gym for at least hour and a half a day. He is also a widow. He married his grade school sweetheart Dawn, and she passed away from cancer. They never had any c***dren, but each had brothers and sisters and viewed their nephews and nieces as their own, there are 8 of them they even set up trust funds for them and college funds as well. They both had excellent paying jobs Dawn was a...

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Famiy helps the need

Luanne was going crazy, it had been nearly two days since her last orgasm, and if she didn't getone in a hurry she would lose her mind! Even though she was only a eighteen year old junior inhigh school, Luanne had been having regular orgasms for over two years, and once you start, it'slike potato chips, you can't eat just one!!! She picked up the phone and hurriedly dialed LennieWebster's number, and said out loud, "Please be home Lennie, please be home!" The receiver waslifted on the other end...

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When the lift got stuck

There we were, stranded in a lift in this tower block in London. I had been calling on a client, and had just finished the meeting and was on my way home. We had just started off, the last person into the lift a middle aged woman, joining myself and a couple of other suits. Suddenly the lift jerked, we heard a shrill shriek of metal on metal and we jolted to a halt. I fell to the floor, and grabbed for a hold at the nearest object, which turned out to be the woman. I didn’t know whether to be...

Group Sex
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Oh Teacher My TeacherChapter 3

It was mid-April when we boarded the ferry for the mainland and headed to my parents' home. I phoned them in advance and told them I wanted them to meet my "girlfriend," Astrid Rasmussen. Mom was immediately interested and wanted more information about her. I gave her very little. I don't know why. I thought it was better to have them meet. Mom would give Astrid the "third degree" I was sure. Let her do it in person. Astrid did her part and called her father and Crystal, letting them...

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Kerri and Jenna had taken a day off together to go shopping. They had more money than each of them had ever had before, and hit some high-end clothing, shoes and lingerie stores, loving the spending power they now had. They figured that planning ahead for the upcoming 3-week cruise vacation involved lots of shopping. They returned around 7:30, toting about a dozen bags each, and walked into the main living room where a movie was playing on the big screen TV ... and where Ryan was casually...

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Bad Boy

‘I told you to leave me alone, you pathetic dickhead’ Emma laughs coyly at groveling man clutching his groin in agony, ‘you broke up with me weeks ago and now you come crawling back. I don’t think so,’ the broken ex slowly picks himself up of the ground, glaring at his aggressive exgirlfriend.   Emma has long auburn hair that falls over her relatively large bust. Her green eyes shine feverishly at him as she keeps smiling at his pain. For being seven inches shorter than he, she was damn...

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some where over the rainbow part three

The Sun was so warm on my skin, just laying out on the pagoda, the waves crashing against the shore, the sound of the gulls down by the docks. couldn't help but relax. i looked around, no one is sight, i took my top off and was just leaning back against the bench, the side weren't tied back but than again how cares if they see me, its not everyone hasn't seem breasts before.(i hope) you yell out to me if i wanted anything in town and i said no, just please bring me something to drink before...

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Yoga Fantacy

Just after booking my yoga class, I start getting ready. After shaving my body, cock, balls and asshole I jump in the shower to wash my new silky smooth body. Deciding I would wear my favorite running tights and a snug t-shirt I begin to get dressed. I pull my black Puma running tights up over my firm butt, letting the seam to pull slightly into the crack of my ass and allowing a nice outline of my cock to be visible to hungry eyes. I pull my small black Slayer shirt over my slim body, with the...

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The Unholy

Introduction: Wife gets blessed by her priest his way Helga Cooper thought that she was much too busy these days. In fact she knew that she was. What with working with two separate dental offices, her volunteer services to the local junior school, plus her house and family to care for, she scarcely had a spare minute to herself anymore. Now to add to her tasks, Father Timothy at her local Catholic church had asked for her help to organize a bake sale and donated clothing distribution. Father...

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A Long Wait

I waited silently in her house, barely moving, watching the front door. Waiting for the key to hit the lock, for the door to open and for her to appear. I have been waiting all day for her to come home. I suddenly hear the approaching sound of a car outside. My heart starts to race at the idea that it might be her, but the car passes by the house and I settle down again. Another car, then another and another, all the time my pulse quickening and my heart beat rising. The hours pass and I...

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AllGirlMassage Giselle Palmer Kayla Paige Aften Opal Business Audit

Aften Opal, a new masseuse, is manning the front desk when Kayla Paige, an auditor, struts in followed by her eager assistant, Giselle Palmer. Kayla is all business as she states that they’re there for a routine audit and that Aften should run along while they do their work. Not wanting to get in their way, Aften hurries away. When Aften leaves, Kayla grins to herself while watching after her. She LIKES what she sees… As Giselle hits the books, a mischievous thought crosses...

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Love Making With My Cousin Brother 8211 Part 1

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A New Secretary A Change In Robbies Status

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Getting Ready for PromChapter 4

Bob woke to find her gone. He was confused. How could something like that have happened and he not wake up until it was too late? He lay there thinking about it. He had fucked his daughter! A smile formed on his lips unbidden as he remembered her correcting him. Okay. He had made love to his daughter. Sort of. But in his dream it had been his wife. If she was still here this never would have happened. She had failed him again and she’d been gone more than fourteen years when she did it! But...

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Pakistani Couple In Chicago Part 3 First Step In

After the discussions, we decided that we will go to the ‘Swing Club’ with John and Jane. In the evening, I sent our approval for the weekend. John was very happy and said that he will make the arrangements. A day before the weekend, when I came back from the apartment, Saima greeted me. “Hey, Jane came today and has asked me to wear something sexy for tomorrow.” Saima was somewhat excited and also a little shy. “Ok. So what are you wearing?” “I showed Jane my wardrobe. I had brought a party...

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Wish Shift Breaking Point

Wish Shift: Chapter Sixteen Breaking Point Year 1 A.S. Day 91 After leaving Dr. Waverly's office Jenny asked them if they would stop at Java Jolts on the way to the grocery store. She said she wanted to get a tea and return the book that Derek had loaned her. Mom and Amelia both said it was fine and exchanged a quick look between themselves that Jenny didn't catch from the back seat. Danny didn't really have an opinion about whatever Jenny's interest in Derek was yet. Sam had, of...

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Trick or Treat

 Good! thought Peter, as the clock in the hall struck ten and he filled his glass with one last dram of whiskey. He would retire to bed soon. Peter never had been a fan of Halloween, but since Tina had left the house he had become somewhat reclusive, and the threat of teenagers or kids banging on the door calling trick or treat filled him with dread. He had a bowl of sweets ready, and would quickly send them on their way. In the event it had been very quiet. It was a sleepy village, and...

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Big Dick made me Dizzy

I love talking on the phone with Darrell the guy that installed my cable last week. He saw my body when I opened the door he started to speak but couldn't. He is a visual person, he loves Big tits big hips and Big ass. I have them all. I like to see the reaction of guys when they come to my house that I share with my GF of 3 years. She doesn't know I like to do that. If she know she would be extremely pissed. Darrell came inside mouth open and obviously staring at my tits and ass. He...

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TripinChapter 48

When I woke that next morning, I went to the bathroom with the laptop. I thought at the end of the update, that it was getting easier to update my brain. Since most things at least seemed familiar, even if new things were being added very slowly and most of the old seemed gone forever. I just went to the storage room to pick up my trike without ever thinking about where it was. That was ingrained in my memory at least. I had eaten in the breakfast house enough times, so that I didn't need...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 3 Warnings and Assurances

July – August – Year 2 The “End of The Summer Pay The Fine Party” went over like gang busters. The food trucks made money, Shorty made almost $800 in tips, the band was well received and the neighborhood grew closer together. People that lived across the street from each other and had never met became friends. It was a good time and The Bar Bar was set up as the center of community activities. I took some time to talk to the band members during the night and told them how my old band used...

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The Retreat ... Kei felt her own nipples pucker and extend while she hoped the thick top would hide her excitement from Jeff’s eyes. The grin he gave her, however, said loud and clear, that he felt the nipple that was pressed against him. “I hate bras,” he whispered into her ear. “Everyone knows when we are leaving tomorrow, and all have promised to be here a few minutes before noon so that we can arrive on 2214 at 3:00 P.M. their time,” Diana said before Jeff could ask. “Also, I talked...

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October 8th, 1995, 10:30 AM CT, Mile 1672, 22 miles east of Alpine, TX Akilah was the first one to wake up, but her motions were enough to wake Josh up, too. The two of them stared at George and Jill. They had not closed the connecting door overnight, and they stared right at them, Jill laying naked on top of George with a contented little smile on her face. They must have kicked the covers up overnight; nothing was protecting them visually from the other couple. Akilah, also naked, walked...

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My Hot Neighbours part 2

If you have not read the first part, I highly suggest you do, After I pulled up my shorts and watched as Amy scooped of my cum out of her well fucked cunt and sucking her finger as she looked at me. Luckily it seemed she had not noticed her mother standing in the door watching us, apparently rubbing one out over watching her only daughter getting fucked by her neighbour. Once she had tasted enough, Amy re-did her bikini and stood up and kissed me, making sure to rub her tits against my chest....

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Blackmailed WifeChapter 8

The pungent sweetness of the hashish smoke hung heavy in the room. Ann could see the burning tips of the cigarettes in the darkness. The room was perfectly quiet now except for the occasional sound of deep inhalation or exhalation. A cough could be heard now and then from a smoker who pulled too deeply on the conscience killing weed. Dim lights appeared behind the thin curtains that covered the small stage. A large bed was visible in the center of a set dressed as a bedroom with a small...

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Author's note - I cannot seem to get conditional branches working so for the time being I have them disabled, this will result in your path not making sense at times. The story should branch far enough eventually that it'll be hard to get mixed up but please keep this in mind until I figure out what i'm doing. You've been single for about 21 years which is coincidentally how long you've been on this lonely, lonely earth and in this city. You like to tell yourself that you’re single due to a...

Mind Control
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Caught In The Home Ofice

Caught In The Home Office by Superbuilt Like a certain percentage of the population, I was interested in girls underthings at a rather early age, the lacier and frillier the better. By nine, I was sneaking my older sister's long red nylon nightgown with the red lace hem and bodice, to sleep in. I also had two younger sisters, and as I grew up I often sought comfort and stimulation in the intimate things from my sisters' drawers. Since you're reading this, I'll assume that you...

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EverywhenChapter 3

But being an 18 year old me? Now that has some serious potential. In my base timeline, when I was 18 years old (1986) I had just finished up my senior year of High School and I was facing the prospect of finding a job. After graduation, my Mom informed me that I was not going to screw off all summer and she needed me to hit the pavement looking for full-time work. I parlayed a couple of weeks in a trade school machine shop into a job working at a mill and operating a turret lathe at a...

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