Scarlet free porn video

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The crescendo roar of applause prompted the pale-faced stage hand to leap into action. Grabbing the handle, he tugged at the door separating the dressing room corridor from the stage. He held it open, his eyes lowered. Just in time. Having finished her turn for another evening, Miss Scarlet Carter barged her way off stage in a full-on flounce.

“It’s ‘alf bleedin’ empty. Again,” she whined at anyone who’d listen.

Miss Scarlet, a diva whose auburn locks and fiery temper matched her name, was accustomed to being a ‘star.’ She hated performing to anything short of a full house and the declining audience figures plaguing our once thriving theatre drove her to distraction.

“Something’s got to be done,” she ranted as she stomped towards me, heeled boots scraping the flagstones and her tall, feathered hat brushing dangerously close to the gas lamps.

Standing outside her dressing room, I shifted awkwardly. Normally, I had little to do with Miss Scarlet, just dropped off her costumes and collected her laundry. That particular evening, however, was different. I was to be her personal dresser for the first time. It was a role in which I wasn’t altogether comfortable.

Mrs Baxter usually dealt with our resident red-headed ‘volcano.’ Fifty years old and unshakable, she’d dressed countless ‘Scarlets’ and didn’t bat an eyelid at the constant tantrums. But Mrs Baxter wasn’t there. Hearing of problems at home, she’d upped and left, leaving me to take her place. For my part, I was no newcomer to the theatre; I’d been a dresser for the ladies chorus for years, but they were pussy-cats compared to Miss Scarlet.

Dubbed ‘Scarlet The Harlot,’ Miss Scarlet had gained notoriety in the theatre world and beyond. At nineteen years of age, only a year older than me, she commanded top billing in our burlesque production and had a burgeoning presence on the London social scene. Such a rapid rise to fame had, inevitably, evoked bitter jealousies. On top of that, her intimate association with one Sir Henry Brooke had left her branded a ‘whore.’

Sir Henry was widely considered to be London’s most eligible widower. Filthy rich and old enough to be Miss Scarlet’s grandfather, he’d fallen for the charms of the feisty burlesque showgirl. Their affair was flaunted publicly, much to the horror of London’s elite upper classes. It was quite the scandal.

I found it all rather amusing and was secretly fond of Miss Scarlet. She had a formidable presence, quite awe inspiring. Her confidence amazed me. Even with a background more dubious than mine, she managed to mix with the upper echelons of London Society as if she’d been born amongst them.

I bobbed a curtsey as she swept past then meekly followed her into the dressing room. “Help her change, collect her laundry and leave. Do it quickly and quietly.” That’s what Mrs Baxter had told me and I planned to follow those instructions to the letter.

Miss Scarlet, hot from performing, poured herself a glass of water. “Anne, isn’t it?” she asked, her gaze upon me.

“Yes Miss.”

“Well don’t just stand there gawping, Anne. Get me out of this costume.”

Not a great start. She didn’t like me. I’d been warned that might be the case. Cautiously, I set about unfastening her tunic.

“No, not like that, remove the collar first. You’ll never get anything else free until that’s done,” she sighed impatiently. “Careful. Don’t damage anything, this tunic’s my favourite.”

Was it? A smile flickered at the corners of my mouth. Miss Scarlet was obviously unaware that her outfit was one of my own creations. My mother, a seamstress, had been making costumes for the theatre since I was small and I’d become her assistant. I was highly skilled and my imaginative creativity had recently been let loose on my own designs. I’d crafted Miss Scarlet’s costume especially for her. It thrilled me that she liked it.

I admired my own workmanship as I undid the fastenings. The tight-fitting, velvet tunic hugged Miss Scarlet’s body in exactly the way I’d envisaged. It clung to her hourglass figure, enveloping her voluptuous breasts before tapering around her minuscule waistline. The material then flared out over her sensuously curvaceous hips. It was perfect and I couldn’t help feeling a swell of pride.

‘Breeches’ part costumes were my specialty and making them for Miss Scarlet was a joy. No-one else looked as devastatingly alluring in breeches and stockings, or wore the provocative garments with such unabashed poise. Miss Scarlet always looked scandalously stunning and many a gentleman paid to see her time and time again.

I slipped the tunic off her shoulders and pulled the cuffs over her tiny hands with their slender, red-nailed fingers. As the garment came off, a whiff of lavender tickled my nostrils. The scent was emanating from Miss Scarlet’s milky white skin. How lovely. I breathed in deeply, luxuriating in the fragrance before stepping away to arrange the tunic on her hanging hooks.

“Boots next,” Miss Scarlet instructed.

“Yes Miss.”

I waited for her to plonk herself down on the wooden chair in front of her dressing table, then I knelt at her feet. Each calf length boot had stout, black laces meshed around a bank of hooks and eyelets that ran down the boot like a spine. I paused, my fingertips grazing the shiny black leather. It was soft and clung to her like a second skin, flattering her narrow ankles and shapely legs.

“This place is going to the dogs, Anne, ‘ave you noticed?” Miss Scarlet complained as she began removing her carefully curled hair pieces. She dropped the hair pins, one by one, into a ceramic pot. “I’ve told ‘em, I ‘ave, but they don’t bleedin’ listen. Burlesque’s ‘ad its day. We need to do something new or we’ll close.”

“Close Miss?”

“That’s right, close. We need to bring our show up to date or we’re done for.”

“Yes Miss.”

Closure? Miss Scarlet was astute, she could be right. My mind wandered…closure of the theatre was something I didn’t wish to contemplate. For Miss Scarlet, it would be no more than an inconvenient hiatus. She could sing, she could dance and she was pretty as a picture. With those qualifications, she’d find new employment long before she went hungry.

Not so for me. I’d find a new placement but it wouldn’t happen overnight. Mother and I would lose everything; our income and our home. I’d spent my entire life wandering the maze of ‘backstage’ corridors in that particular playhouse. I’d been raised on a diet of feathers and greasepaint and knew every word of each musical farce we’d staged. It was my world. The thought of moving on made me shudder.

“’Ave you been to The Savoy?” Miss Scarlet inquired.

I shook my head.

“Gorgeous it is. Totally modern. It’s got incandescent light bulbs.”


“That’s right, it’s incredible. Folks are saying they don’t look good but I disagree. It’ll catch on, you mark my words. We should follow suit.”

“Put electric lights in ‘ere?” I stifled my amusement. Our little theatre hadn’t changed in decades. The thought of introducing new-fangled technology was absurd.

“Why not? Sir Henry says we should.”

Her eyes twinkled as she mentioned Sir Henry and she took care not to drop the aitch in his name. What’s more, her face lit up with the most endearing, impish smile. She looked perfectly adorable. No wonder Sir Henry was smitten if she smiled at him that way.

“There Miss, done,” I declared, having finally defeated the tightly knotted boot laces. I eased her boots off her silk encased feet and placed them beneath her dressing table.

“Thank you. Now ‘elp me get this wretched corset off, will you?”

Miss Scarlet stood behind her chair, bracing herself as I pulled at the laces fastening her corset. Once loosened, she unclasped the whale boned garment and cast it contemptuously aside.

“Bleedin’ thing was killin’ me,” she gasped, rubbing her ribs through her cotton petticoat. “Way too tight. I could ‘ardly breathe.”

“Sorry Miss.”

“What for? Mrs Baxter did it, not you. An’ to be fair, I did ask ‘er to.” She flashed a crooked smile. “’Ave you set out my undergarments? Are they behind the screen?”

“Yes Miss.”

“An’ my gown, where’s that? I can’t see it.”

A shiver crept down my spine. Miss Scarlet’s gown was in ‘Wardrobe’ awaiting a repair. I’d intended to do it but I’d got side tracked. “I just need to fetch it,” I lied, lowering my gaze to avoid detection. I’d never been any good at telling fibs.

“Can you go now while I finish taking my ‘air down? Be quick. I’m entertaining Sir Henry soon and I don’t want to be disturbed.”

“Yes Miss.”

Miss Scarlet stared at me, as if expecting a reaction to the news that she’d be ‘entertaining.’ I didn’t flinch. Why would I? Miss Scarlet’s dressing room antics were a constant source of bitchy gossip but I, for one, never took part. Her private life was none of my business and besides, she certainly wasn’t the only actress to ‘entertain’ gentlemen in her dressing room. They all did it from time to time.

With a quick nod to my young mistress, I scurried away. That dress wasn’t mended and I’d have to do it fast. Holding up my heavy skirts, I ran down the backstage corridor, carefully dodging half-dressed performers and mounds of costumes left strewn around after quick changes. Reaching the stairs, I thundered upwards avoiding those on their way down.

‘Wardrobe’ was on the second floor. It was a large room packed to the rafters with all manner of costumes. They hung from hooks and stands or were crammed into baskets stacked against the walls. There was hardly room to swing a cat. A quick glance around revealed that mother wasn’t there. That was good. She’d reminded me twice about mending that dress.

The gown in question was hanging on a hook near the door. It was a beautiful garment. Fashioned from intricately embroidered white lace, layered over pale pink, pure silk petticoats, it looked like a tainted wedding gown. It was one of many extravagant gifts from Sir Henry and had not, as yet, been worn. Poor Miss Scarlet, she’d been distraught when she’d accidentally caught her foot in the hem whilst trying it on. The tear wasn’t too bad though. I’d soon have it mended.

I wondered how I’d look in something other than my black work dress. Standing in front of mother’s full length dressing mirror, I held Miss Scarlet’s gown against my body. I sighed, disappointed; it didn’t suit me. The pale pink colour made my skin look sallow and my dull brown hair, scraped into a neat bun, was altogether too plain. Shaking out the gown, I pictured Miss Scarlet modelling it for an approving Sir Henry. She’d do a twirl, her eyes lighting up as he moved closer…

“Anne? What are you doing?”

Mother. Laden with costumes and shaking her head. “Didn’t you mend that?”

Shamefaced, I snatched up a needle and cotton while mother, seeing the panic in my eyes, refrained from shouting. I hurried across to the sewing bench, turned up the oil lamp and began stitching. I worked fast, ensuring the repair was invisible. Quickly done, I draped the gown over my arm and hurried away.

I was out of breath by the time I’d wound my way back to Miss Scarlet’s dressing room. My corset dug into my ribs as my chest heaved and I had to take a moment to steady myself. I hadn’t been gone long, but I’d kept Miss Scarlet waiting. She’d be cross with me, for sure. Bracing myself for a tongue-lashing, I knocked quietly and ventured in.

Miss Scarlet wasn’t there. Swallowing hard at my lucky escape, I sought the best place to display her gown. Where to put it? The dressing room had been tidied during my absence. The red velvet chaise longue had been pushed back against the wall and a small, mahogany table had been placed beside it. Upon the table was a polished silver tray bearing a crystal brandy glass filled with rich, translucent liquid.

The scent of French Brandy invaded my nostrils along with a floral aroma. Ah yes, a dozen long stemmed red roses, absolute beauties, carefully arranged in a china vase that had appeared on Miss Scarlet’s dressing table.

The dressing table itself had been cleared. Gone were the pots of make-up, the brushes and hair accessories that had littered its polished surface moments earlier. In their place, laid out on a red velvet cushion, was Miss Scarlet’s exquisite pearl necklace; three strings of the finest pearls with a diamond encrusted, gold clasp. The necklace, her first gift from Sir Henry, was worth more than I’d earn in a life time.

I crept towards it, unable to resist the temptation to take a closer look. This wasn’t costume jewellery, it was the real thing. My fingers gravitated towards the tiny, white beads then withdrew. It wouldn’t be right to touch. I wondered at the wisdom of leaving it out on display. Many a friend would turn thief to get their hands on such an item.

Turning away, I draped the gown over Miss Scarlet’s ornate walnut changing screen - another gift from Sir Henry. Miss Scarlet had a wealth of oriental treasures in her dressing room; material tokens of affection from a gentleman who’d made his fortune trading in the Far East. Lucky her.

I was about to leave when I remembered Miss Scarlet’s laundry. I spotted her white cotton petticoat and bloomers discarded behind the screen. I scooped them up, frowning as I uncovered her corset hidden beneath. Her clean undergarments were there too, neatly folded, as I’d left them. I picked up the corset…where was Miss Scarlet and what exactly was she wearing?

It was while I was contemplating Miss Scarlet’s attire that my problems began. It all happened so fast - footsteps, girlish giggles, a door creaking on its hinges. The gas lamps flickered as two bodies swept into the dressing room, tangled together in a passionate embrace.

I should have stepped out from behind that screen. I should have apologised and left, straight away. Instead I froze. My feet seemed to be nailed to the spot, my eyes glued to the crack between the panels of the changing screen. It was Miss Scarlet’s laughter that held me riveted, that delightfully playful, tinkling giggle. And when I saw her…well, my heart fluttered like a bird in a cage. I had never seen a woman more beautiful, or more exposed.

Miss Scarlet was wearing a sheer silk dressing gown of oriental design, an insubstantial wrap through which I could make out every contour of her body. I held my breath, hand flitting across my mouth at the realisation that she was naked beneath. Her nipples poked at the fabric and bare legs peeped through the slit in the material as she moved. Goodness, had she been walking round the theatre like that? I couldn’t help admiring her audacity.

And she looked absolutely gorgeous. Always divinely attractive on stage, Miss Scarlet was even more beautiful without the heavy make-up and styled hair. Her face looked radiant and her hair, free of adornments, hung over her shoulders in a rich mass of auburn curls that glowed like embers in the flickering gaslight. I marvelled at its lustre. She looked like a flame, scorching her lover.

The gentleman, in whose arms she was willingly entwined, was equally fascinating. He oozed opulence from his tailored greatcoat to his silk waistcoat and matching cravat. A wide, gold pin gleamed at his throat, glinting red. Rubies, I presumed.

I watched, wide eyed, as Sir Henry Brooke, a debonair gentleman with manners as polished as his boots, behaved disgracefully in the company of Miss Scarlet. His lips met hers, mashing violently against them, his jerking movements sending his tall hat toppling. With a look of pure lust in his eyes, he grappled with Miss Scarlet’s dressing gown, tearing it off her. The material fluttered to the ground like a dying butterfly.

I scarcely dared breathe. I wanted to run away, to hide from the sight of the licentious man ravishing the showgirl. I tried averting my eyes but I couldn’t. Mesmerised, I watched, sweat dampening my brow.

Miss Scarlet stepped away from her lover, exposing her nakedness to his longing gaze. Then, submissive as a servant, she retrieved Sir Henry’s hat, dusting it down and placing it upon her dressing table. She then assisted in the removal of his coat. That too was carefully stored. With a mischievous smile dimpling her cheeks, Miss Scarlet turned down the oil lamp on her dressing table leaving the single, flickering gaslight to fill the room with ever changing shadows.

Retreating, I concealed myself in the darkness behind the screen. To reveal my presence now was unthinkable. I was trapped. I tried not to breathe and I stood, statue still. Closing my eyes, I told myself not to watch, I mustn’t watch. But the temptation was too great.

Such a sight. I had never seen the like. Miss Scarlet, plumper than I, had soft, white flesh, the smoothest I’d ever seen. Her perfect rounded breasts wobbled as she moved, her dark, engorged nipples standing hard and erect. I watched her glide across the room to the chaise longue and there, position herself on the red velvet.

Arms above her head, thighs open; her soft belly writhed as she lay back. The movement stirred the mass of tightly curled auburn hair covering her mound. Beneath that, oh goodness, her fleshy pink sex glistened, moist with juices.

“Come my love, come to me.”

Her alluring tones enticed her lover as irresistibly as a siren on the rocks. I marveled at her power. How could a woman barely older than I know how to seduce so effectively? Throat dry, I observed from my hiding place, enthralled.

Sir Henry turned, the angle of his body revealing a distinct bulge in his trousers, the unmistakably sign of sexual arousal. Miss Scarlet smiled impishly, a strange, purr-like moan rumbling in her throat as Sir Henry advanced towards her.

What I witnessed next sent quivers of excitement racing through every fibre of my being - it was so naughty, so despicably rude. Seeing a woman’s sex was shocking enough, but to have a man’s erect penis revealed to me, sent me into palpitations. I’d never seen one before. I’d viewed the naughty photos passed around by the ladies chorus, but I’d never seen the real thing.

The hard, throbbing phallus Miss Scarlet released from her lover’s trousers was astonishing. I never knew they were so big. How was it possible? And then she placed her lips upon it, kissing it tenderly and lapping her wet tongue over it as if it were the most delicious delicacy. A powerful scent perfumed the air, a strange aroma that was oddly moreish.

Cheeks burning, a sweat broke out upon my upper lip. My breathing quickened and something else happened, a primal reaction I’ve never experienced before…my loins ached. The tingling heat of arousal erupted within me with an intensity the like of which I’d never known. Davie, the messy-haired stage hand made me blush, but he’d never set me alight. Not like this. My loins were on fire. How could that be?

Moaning in a peculiar, pleasured way, Miss Scarlet rolled from her perch and dropped to her knees before her lover. There, genuflecting before him, she opened her lush, rouged lips and swallowed the swollen member she’d previously been licking. She took it deep, closing her lips around it and sucking hard. Groans filled the air, sighs of pleasure from him and her. Then, Miss Scarlet’s pale hand dropped between her thighs to stroke her own puffy sex.

Struck by a spasm radiating out from my throbbing sex, I let out a gasp, “Oh…”

It was the tiniest sound, a mere breath, but within the confines of the dressing room, it must surely have been audible. My heart stopped. What had I done? Terrifying scenarios flooded my mind as I awaited my fate. Miss Scarlet would shout, Sir Henry might beat me.

In the event, however, Miss Scarlet’s eyelids fluttered, but her head didn’t turn. She continued slurping her lover’s meat, and he groaning, encouraged her. Exhaling slowly, I steadied myself and rubbed my clammy palms on my skirt. I felt giddy, hot. Perhaps I was sickening for something?

A sudden commotion in the room caught my attention. My gaze was drawn once more to the gap in the screen. Now on her feet, Miss Scarlet had moved to the dressing table and stood, hands gripping her chair, in much the same way she’d done when I’d loosened her corset. Her legs were spread and I could see her longing expression reflected in her oval make-up mirror.

Sir Henry, with a look of desire matching Miss Scarlet’s, moved up behind her. He fisted his manhood, pumping it hard before positioning it against Miss Scarlet’s moist sex. With an animalistic grunt, he pushed. He penetrated her in one slick move.

My jaw dropped as I watched his thick penis slide in and out of Miss Scarlet’s flower. It disappeared right down to the root before each rapid withdrawal and further thrust. His claw-like hands gripped Miss Scarlet’s fleshy hips, pulling her forcefully against his thrusting groin, while she, face a mask of ecstasy, arched her back.

I never dreamed sex was so rough. I’m not sure what I imagined it to be, but certainly not that. Sir Henry pounded Miss Scarlet like a rutting stag, slamming into her with enough force to rock both chair and dressing table. The vase wobbled, so did the oil lamp. I feared at any moment it would topple, setting the room ablaze.

Suddenly, Sir Henry shuddered and, with an almighty grunt, he ceased his relentless pounding. One last thrust and he was done. Panting, sweating, he withdrew from Miss Scarlet’s quaking body, his penis dripping with a glistening, white secretion.

The same viscous goo dripped from Miss Scarlet’s reddened slit and her body, flushed with a rosy hue, quivered uncontrollably. With the most satisfied smile upon her youthful face, she turned to Sir Henry and, for the second time that night, sank to her knees. She licked up every drop of that sticky gloop, lapping hungrily like a dog extracting the marrow from a bone.

The act was vulgar, utterly depraved and yet Miss Scarlet looked angelic. Naked, drenched in sweat and devouring semen from a wilting penis, she managed to look like a cherub. How was that possible? Was it her smile, the glint in her eyes, or the hands gently cupping Sir Henry’s penis as she cleaned it? I don’t know exactly what it was, but I think that was the moment I fell in love with Miss Scarlet.

“Enough. Stop.”

Sir Henry’s command was spoken with affection, but was an order all the same. Lowering her eyes, hands dropping to her sides, Miss Scarlet slowly rose to her feet. Silently, cat-like, she retrieved Sir Henry’s brandy and offered it to him. While he drank, she arranged his trousers, carefully tucking away his now flaccid penis. No trace of a bulge remained once she’d smoothed down the material.

Empty brandy glass replaced on the table, Miss Scarlet proceeded to wipe Sir Henry’s brow, then straighten his cravat. She dusted down his waistcoat with a horsehair brush and, beckoning him to sit before her mirror, combed through his thinning, white hair. She took her time, ensuring that he looked every bit the dapper gentleman.

“Twenty minutes. The usual place,” he told her.

“Yes, my dear.”

“Wear the pink dress. I see you have it ready.”

“Yes, I do,” she smiled sweetly.

Sir Henry touched her cheek affectionately. “You’re a good girl.”

Miss Scarlet fetched his greatcoat, holding it open while he put it on. Then, reaching into his pocket, she extracted his gloves and handed them to him. Next came his hat. She became the devoted dresser and played the part well. A most grateful Sir Henry Brooke kissed his naked mistress on the cheek, and left the room a satisfied man.

Miss Scarlet’s broad smile illuminated her face as she snatched up her dressing gown and slid it on. Then, suddenly, she spun on her heels. “You can come out now,” she declared, facing the screen with arms folded. “Come on Anne, I know you’re there.”

The blood drained from my face and guilt threatened to choke me. I had never felt so terrible. She knew I was there? No! Terrified to face her, I tiptoed from my hiding place with a heart as heavy as a convict’s on route to the gallows. My hands shook and when I tried to speak, tried to tell her I was sorry, nothing at all came out.

“Look at me. Look at me, Anne.”

Eyes brimming with tears, I slowly raised my head.

“What do you see?”

I gazed at her, mute. Her voice was quiet. Why? Why wasn’t she shouting? Where was the raging tantrum I so justly deserved?

“Do you see a whore?”

“No Miss,” I croaked, tears staining my cheeks.

“Why not?”

My brow furrowed. I didn’t understand.

“I asked you a question. Why not?”

“Because he loves you,” I blurted out.

Miss Scarlet’s mouth turned up at the corners. “Loves me?”


“Don’t be so naive Anne. He thinks he loves me but he doesn’t. I give him what he needs but he’ll tire of me eventually.”


“No, Anne. Don’t you pity me, don’t you dare. I admit, I’m rather fond of ‘im, but someone else will take ‘is place.” She snorted, “Probably one of the stuck-up pricks who keep telling ‘im I’m a cheap tart.” There was an awkward silence. “Be honest Anne. What do you think of me?”

“I think you’re beautiful.”

I meant it and as soon as I said those words Miss Scarlet’s eyes shone with moisture. Her guard dropped, just for a moment.

“Well, Anne,” she said, with wry smile. “I’ve got a proposition for you. I’m tired of Mrs Baxter so I think I’d like to keep you. What do you think? Can you handle me?”

Wiping my eyes with the backs of my hands, I smiled, “Yes Miss, I’ll try.”

“One rule Anne; no more spying, is that clear?”

“Yes Miss, very clear.”

“Unless I say you can,” she added with a smirk. “I do like an appreciative audience.” When my mouth dropped open, Miss Scarlet laughed. “Oh come on, stop gaping and ‘elp me. I need to look like one of them toffs by the time I leave this room and I’m running out of time. Can you perform miracles?”

Her fingertips brushed against my arm and she moistened her lower lip. It was enough. She’d ensnared me as completely as Sir Henry Brooke and, somehow, I knew our bond would be lasting.

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She awoke the next morning to her phone buzzing, feeling relaxed and refreshed, and a little sore between her legs. Oh my God. Was that for real? Her eyes drifted around her room and settled on the picture of the two of them taken when Chris was an infant. My, you’ve certainly grown. The insistent buzzing of her phone drew her attention. What is so important on a Sunday morning??? 6 missed calls, and a dozen text messages. Jennifer, one of the varsity cheerleaders was on the...

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Maine uncle ki gand me ghusaya

Ye kahani aaj se karib 8 din pahale ki he mere ghar ke pas ek uncle aur anty rahete he uski umar karib 55 sal ki he aur anty ki 50 ke aas pas hogi vo bahut khubsurat thi uske boobs kafi bade the vo subah ko sirf gawn pahanti thi aur me subah jab bhi uske ghar jata to uske boobs ko hi dekhta rahata tha aur uske jukne ka intejar karta taki muje uske boobs dikhai de uske do ladake he vo dono america me rahate he yaha par sirf uncle aur anty hi rahate he anty agar koi chij lani ho to muje hi bulati...

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446 life at mallow manor

446 life at mallow manor Part 4 Bessy was up as usual early, her backside painful, her sex full of her young partners seed, but with a spring in her step that said she had enjoyed the whole experience, even if sitting was a chore today. Monty in turn had got out of bed somewhat tired, before Mary had arisen and could have caught him leaving the flat, he had stolen away and returned to his own room. A timid knock from the bathroom heralded the butler returning his mother, thanking him and...

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TransAtlantic part 2 Monte Carlo

TRANS-ATLANTIC: PART 2 - MONTE CARLO The next morning the ship entered the harbor at Monte Carlo. At 7am Veronika, Max, Mark, Anne, Jean and Jack met for breakfast. The first tender for Monte Carlo would leave at 8 am and everyone wanted to be ready. "Jean, have you been to Monte Carlo?" Veronika asked. "No, but I've heard about it," replied Jean. "Playground of the rich and famous." "That's true, and so beautiful too. My uncle will spend the day in the Casino, so I am free...

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Surviving 2Chapter 4 Eilean and rebuilding

His first priority was to find bow makers and set them to making long bows. The Yew tree was considered in some way a holy tree and it could be found in reasonable numbers around those of his camps where churches were attached. He had brought some bows with him to Oban and gave these to the bow makers as a model for what he wanted. He asked Dougall to find him four hundred men, scattered throughout the lordship, and told him of the exercise regime he wanted these men to begin. While they...

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My Dream

Sorry guys I haven’t been writing lately but here is a new one.  Here is a Dream I had recently I had a dream that starts at the beginning of our first the date, I am wearing a cute little purple dress (you can tell from the deep V I am not wearing a bra). We head off to dinner both very nervous even though we have instant messaged and talked on the phone lots. On the drive we just chat about family and other everyday stuff. When we get to dinner I need a drink with my supper it has been...

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Smokin Hot GILF

Recently I got a call from my Mother-in-Law she asked if I could stop by on my way home. She said her neighbor Dianne’s smoke detectors were beeping. She realized she had never changed the backup batteries since she moved in three years ago. She purchased a pack of batteries and got out her ladder but then she realized she was afraid of falling and injuring herself. She asked her neighbor my MIL if she thought I could stop by and install the batteries since my MIL had told her of all the work I...

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I cant stop sucking his bbc

I love it, i love it so muchWalking to his big truck the little hello kitty tshirt and skirt he bought me on the backseat , I made him hard as he look at me change into his sissy doll , ending by putting as usual the pink hood sissy mask , cindy ready to have fundaddy in his boxer looking at his young white sissy in training''good girl , you are cute''''thank you daddy''''come here baby i want to put your plug in ''ass up daddy pouring lube on my pussy hole''good girl cindy, you are a goooood...

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Furry farm

It was a beautiful day on the wolfheart farm when Amanda wolfheart awoke to her mothers kiss on the forehead "good morning Mama" "Happy birthday babby" Samantha says as she moves to sit on the edge of the bed "Oh shit I forgot about that" Amanda says unconvincingly. " Ok sure Ill believe that when pigs fly" Samantha says as she goes in to to tickel her. "Hahahaha ok ok I didn't forget " "I know that you have been bugging me to show you the barn for a week now but today is the day" " now follow...

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Blindfolded Girlfriend Fucked Hard By Dirty Strangers

Hi, I am back with another story about my ex-girlfriend being used by strangers blindfolded. The incident includes a beggar, rickshaw-puller, and a fruit hawker. As you have read before, we used to love kinky sex. Anything goes except a few things. We often speak about sex with strangers – someone we would meet just once, have fun and then leave without ever meeting them again. Once we were watching porn and there was a scene of a blindfolded wife used by 3 old men while the husband watched....

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Culture Shock Ch 16

When Elaine woke the next morning, she was shocked. Her bed sheet was wound around one of her ankles and she was sprawled sideways across her bed, completely naked. She was laying in a wet patch the size of Kansas and she ached all over. She made herself a promise. Never again would she challenge herself to ‘see how many times she could cum’. After four or five she’d lost count and could only estimate that it was the sixth or seventh that had knocked her into unconsciousness. Sitting up, she...

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The AdministratorChapter 6

Lisa was in Doug’s office when the subject of Walter Karl’s passing and what was going to happen to his realty business came up. “Do you think Nancy is going to try and manage the business?” asked Doug. “No, because after the funeral I talked to her and she said she was going to try and sell the business. Nancy told me she will probably move back to Tampa which is where she was living when she met Walt. Her parents are fairly well-to-do but need help because of some medical problems. I...

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The neighborhood sex slaves Part 3

I looked at Kelly and then back to Jack and Mary and said, "what's up"?Mary laughed and then said, "well it looks like you're up and I know that Jack here is. How would like another BJ from him"?As Mary said this, Jack moved down to his knees on one of the cushions he removed from one of the other chairs. Kelly looked at me, gave me a light kiss on the lips and said "have fun" as she pushed herself up off of my chest and slowly removed her cock from my ass. Her cum was starting to leak from me...

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Spizoo Alina Lopez Jealous Wife Alina Lopez Punishes Her Cheating Husband

Hot wife, Alina Lopez, sensually punishes her husband for his infidelity. Clad in sexy latex gear and fishnet stockings, the disappointed bombshell leads Damon Dice to the bedroom. She then ties him upon the bed and starts giving him the erotic discipline he deserves. Alina gives Damon’s big cock a sloppy blowjob before riding on top of him like a crazed cowgirl. She then lets her cheating husband bang her wet pussy in missionary, doggstyle, and spoon. Alina’s moans get louder and...

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TheDickSuckers Laney Grey The Maintenance Man Fantasy

Every woman has a fantasy. Here’s Laney Grey’s: she’s home alone, and she’s very horny. I mean her cunt is dripping wet. Laney can’t keep her hands off it…but Laney wants more. Laney wants it so bad, she’s willing to fake a broken pipe, or a faulty internet connection…or a garage door that won’t open. All in hopes of hiring a Maintenance Man to come fix her problem. Of course, Laney’s only problem is her insatiable sexual desires, and...

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Family Of My Slaves 8211 Part 3

You can read the first two parts before reading this one. After around half an hour of cuddling like that, Rekha arrived. I slept like I know nothing. Pavani opened the door and let her in and she went to the sofa and started watching TV. She came sweating as it’s summer and she is fully drenched in sweat. She came to the bedroom and saw me sleeping. Her clothes were in the bedroom. She thought of changing dress. But as I was sleeping, she took the nighty from her closet and went to the...

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Finding Adaptability of the GayVirusChapter 2

Oh ... that was a good break. It looks like we went about an hour over our time. But by the satisfied looks your faces' you don't mind. Let us move on. This is the part of F.A.G. where we delve into the changes that the virus has had and is still having on society, law and everyday morals. As you know my daughter is my wife and she is sixteen. About a year ago this would be considered illegal. That is no longer the case. Five months after the virus went global, You guys most likely...

3 years ago
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First of all let me introduce myself I am mohit ,24,from Kolkata I’m going to share my experience the very first one that I had with my loving, sexy, romantic cousin. She had a or marvelous figure of 32, 25, 30 with lovely round and hard boobs. The incidence happened about two years back when I was 22 years old and she was 16. She had completed her high school and had got admission in eleventh as my uncle and a aunty live in sub-and they are not having intercollegiate their so she had to take...

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The ProtectorChapter 48

Sally and I stood around talking about the village and how much she liked it, until Kat finally showed up to rejoin us. She was accompanied by several of the village women and they were talking and laughing as they walked. I could only stand and marvel to myself when I looked at her this way. For some reason I felt humbled and a little guilty because she was so beautiful. Sally must have been having the same thoughts because she had a comment for my ears alone. "She is really beautiful,...

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Blackmail In The Cabin Part 1

The cool mountain wind brushed over Lucia’s skin as she hiked back and forth up the switchback trail. Her long brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail, keeping the back of her neck exposed to the gentle breeze. It really was a wonderful day out, the sun provided plenty of light, but the cloud cover kept the sun from being overbearing, and the breeze kept her from becoming drenched in sweat. It didn’t stop the occasional bead from trickling down her cheek, or down between the impressive...

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High School Days RepostedMy Big 10

In math class the teacher is a fat guy we call Porky, he was a mean prick. I sat next to Debbie Mann, who was one of the most popular girls in our class. She was real pretty with auburn hair, nice body, great personality. In the middle of class she leans over to me and ask, “why do they call you Wiener all the time?” Boy did my face get red, and I just mumble, “that I did not no why.” But she was persistent and kept asking. All of a sudden Porky is by us and hollers, “Miss Mann,...

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Super FluChapter 5

Sticking to the back roads Junior took his time getting to Gatlinburg. He wanted to avoid the possible heavy congestion of the main highways, and get a good look at the town from the side of the mountain. Finding a suitable spot, he studied the town through binoculars. He wasn't sure what he would see, and wasn't looking for anything in particular. He had promised Sarah that he would be careful and scouting the town would help. It would also give him a general idea of any major changes....

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The sexual adventures of Jake Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! I stared in sheer amazement at my mothers amazing body. Taking it all in. Her slim toned legs. Her nice perfectly shaped ass. The way her breast looked in her white lace bra. So soft looking. For being a 40DDD cup her breasts showed barely any sagging. We both stood there shocked by the sight of one another. I could visibly notice my mother staring intently at my big rock hard 7.5 inch cock. Finally she spoke. ‘I was just going to come talk to you...

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RookiesChapter 5

The next morning I woke up to the smell of bacon frying. Oh, my! The new house was quieter, cleaner, bigger, better in every way than my grungy old apartment, although it lacked a swimming pool, and the only good-looking babe around was Amy. But Amy was better-looking than any of the young women who haunted the old apartment's pool on weekends, and she was sleeping in a bedroom right down the hall! And now she was making breakfast! When I came into the kitchen, Amy asked me to summon...

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“Yes baby you were fantastic. Now come up here.” I pulled her gently up my body. I found her mouth with mine and we kissed deeply. I pulled back and looked her in the eyes. I caressed her body with my hands, feeling her firm body under the sheer nylon.“I want you to fuck my ass.” I said. “I want to feel you inside me, deep in me. I want your cock in my ass.” I rolled over and spread my arms and legs in an X pattern. “Take me now, take my ass.”She began by massaging my back. She worked her way...

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Turned On MomChapter 9

Chet's scheme was working better than he had planned. After the Sea Scouts' meeting that night, word about the chaplain's swinging group spread like wildfire and with the greatest discretion. The boys were careful to sound out their parents about their feelings on swapper sex. If they were interested, Chet contacted them-usually the woman first. As he put it, he liked to "explore her reasons" for joining them before he talked with the husband. Anna smiled, and imagined just how well he...

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Sissy That Time of Year Again

CHARACTERS: Sissy ... lead female character, twenty-nine, business exectutive Sue ... female assistant to Sissy, twenty-two Kamp ... boyfriend of Sissy, thirty, gave Sissy a diamond Kari ... female assistant to Sissy, twenty-two and unknown rival Curt ... lead male character, thirty-four, business executive in same company as Sissy Damn, Christmas, again. Bah, humbug! I remember three years ago at this time. Actually, it was the weekend before Christmas. Kamp and I were in bed in our...

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Ted WhoChapter 4

The doctors at Johns-Hopkins seemed to share Dr. Gould's confidence that my vision was going to return to completely normal, but naturally I worried about it quite a bit. I knew that my unusual hitting style was heavily dependent upon having perfect vision. Legend has it that The Great Ted Williams' vision had tested out as considerably better than 20-20. With that swing that Ted had, he probably could have been a successful hitter, even if he had worn bifocals. Not me. I didn't have the...

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I love you too

(ring, ring) "Hello," Kelsay said when she answered the phone. It was Tim and whether Tim knew it or not, Kelsay loved him, she definately had very deep affection for him. For Tim to call was nothing out of the ordinary, these two talked everyday and when they weren't talking they were together. But this call was special. "Kelsay, I need to see you, there's something I have to tell you." Tim said. "okay, I'll come over," Kelsay replied, then soon after hung up the phone and started to wonder....

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Let It All Hang Out

June was a lady of daring and adventure. She was anxious to know everything and anything about modern day sex. From a woman who knew nothing, she became a sexual clinical trial. If you remember from "June's Private Graduation Party", she asked about the different facets of sexual activities. When June approached me on trying other sexual quests, I thought to myself, let's combine some of them for a real good time. I recommended public sex and exhibitionism for her as a "daily double". Public...

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Forgotten FamilyChapter 7 More Lessons

For the next three days, the lessons I taught did not change too much. I did bring Tanya to one class and discussed some childcare, but my emphasis was still on improving the atmosphere in the pod by making sure the others were happy. Some of the girls fought against this idea, particularly Erin who liked to brag about how good the sex was in her pod. Monica, Maxine and Rose were soon the star pupils. They enjoyed the interaction and their excited conversations made it clear that life in...

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My Long Dark Fantasy

I have had this dream for a while now, and the pieces have finally came together and now it is a fantasy that i would love to share with all of you and something i would so love to have come true.-- I have been going through a lot recently, and just needed to do something really fun, and exotic. I am single now, long story, just like i said been a lot of crap going on, and during this time, i have been on this awesome site, talking to these four ( yes four awesome guys on here). All of them...

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VIP Trap House

The Adamses. The Roosevelts. The Kennedys. The Lodges. The Daleys. The Bushes. Most of you have heard of these American political dynasties. But my city has been run by another dynasty – an African-American family by the name of Wright. It started with brothers, David and Joseph. The elder one, David, was elected to the city council and ultimately served twelve years as mayor. Joseph served on the city council concurrently with his brother and eventually became the director of public works.It...

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Gathering Fallen RocksChapter 12

"I have the rest of the week for wearing blue jeans to work. Atwood hasn't decided if we're going to have another week of construction, so I need to go get some clothes out of storage. I don't know how much stuff I have to move out of the way to get to the boxes of clothes." "We can go Sunday, but what about all the rest of it and why make two trips?" "I guess I could rent a storage room here. It's all boxed. But I'd rather sell my furniture. I don't care what I get for it. Then...

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Dawns AwakeningSixth Awakening

I was led, stumbling and not surprisingly, a little weak, through a hidden door to a luxurious en suite bathroom. I was newly drugged, bathed, douched, enema'ed, showered pampered and finally oiled. I felt and smelled wonderful when I was led back to the Playroom about an hour later. Mistress Lucy had the Japanese girl squirming on her fist, her tight tummy muscles rippling from the strong penetrations. I wanted to be on that fist... Lucy had hardly touched me in all the hours I had been...

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P I And MagicChapter 22

While Vivian went into town to do some shopping, I called my lawyer from Hank's phone. I told him that I wanted to buy some property, and told him where. It would require at least one more trip, possibly two, before the sale and title transfer was completed. After I finished with my lawyer, I went in search of Marla, the friendly neighborhood Combat Wizard. I wanted her thoughts on something. I tracked her down in the old machine shed of the farmhouse. She was fascinated by...

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Straight Reporter is Pozzed

I was working for one of those urban life magazines when my editor gave me an assignment that changed my life in so many ways. He wanted an article on the "new phenomenon" of bug chasing. Specifically, he wanted to tell our shrinking number of readers what would cause people do actively seek HIV infection.Even I knew that this was nothing new and had been going on for years. I could have asked why he didn't choose one of the gay guys on staff to write it, but I also knew the magazine was in...

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Two FamiliesChapter 2

David had always been part of a group of kids to Alice. He had a winning grin, a freckled face, and enough charm to get his way more than he should. His voice broke every now and then just to prove he was growing up. She'd never paid special attention to him, but he appealed to her and she'd always wanted to mother him even though he appeared quite self contained and independent. She knew his sisters better because they sometimes came to her when they had female problems. Alice felt this...

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GloryHole Aidra Fox 07172017

Aidra Fox just found her Hubby’s secret stash of porno, and she’s pissed. Aidra was poking around his “man cave”, with a sneaky hunch. Why the hunch? Hubby hasn’t fucked Aidra properly in months! When she found his jerk-off stash, as well as the receipt from the store he buys it all, Aidra jumped in her car and drove like hell there! Once inside, she made ridiculous demands of the store clerk, who did manage to calm Aidra down. Once he had he in a better mood, the...

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Cuz Connie loves my morning WOOD

I was 21 and a junior in college when my cousin from the Midwest hit the Big Apple and stayed with us until she could get a job that paid enough for her to rent her own apartment, no mean feat in New York. Connie was a statuesque, full-figured 24-year-old blonde with the kind of knockers that really sock it to your eyes. Cousin or no cousin, I was smitten on the spot with the hots.And I was always hot. Had been ever since I'd hit puberty. It seemed to me that I had spent enough hours jerking on...

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Gangbang party at Ricks part 1

This weekend, Rick my b/f had a poker party, more like a poke her gangbang 6 of his horn dog buds had a female hooker she had a nice 200 cash out there, well she chickend out at the last min. she heard about the cock yes 8" to 12" and she diddnt want the money , said to rick no way, and who she was, OMG she was young n hot and we knew her. found out it was later.6pm no one there yet, everyone knows he is BI his buds did to. So he called me and said His party was a bust he needed a sissy slut...

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Only for girls

Hi, I’m Enigma. 22 years old. I m from Dhaka city of Bangladesh. I’m very much naughty and fun loving boy & have an easy-going personality. I’m smart, attractive, 5’10” tall; I’ve athletic body, fair complexion & 8’’ huge penis. I can fuck girls very much in many ways with true fun, enjoyment and satisfaction that u can’t imagine. I am the gangster of love, the fun machine. Call me if you need someone to fuck. I say: ‘that it’s all about making you ejaculation until you beg me to “stop please”....

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Flashing the neighbour1

I was in the centre of a city, living on the ground floor in a converted garage sticking out from the rear of a row of apartments and houses. None of the flats above me could see my place, and there were only a couple of small high windows in the apartments behind me - an unusual situation, but the centres were full of a mix of old and new, and I was lucky enough to have that privacy - I lived in more public places where things happened, but those are for future stories. There was only one...

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Bad Seed 7

An almost satisfied smile, came to her lips as she watched her brother's ship go dark. "Open a channel Trigon." Wren said. "Channel open Master Wren." Trigon responded. "Hey idiot! What's wrong? Can't take it when someone is far better than you? Plus, they have far superior equipment, power and need I say looks? Oh yeah, that's right that's why you have so many followers, you're so damn ugly." Wren taunted her brother. 'You little bitch! You'll pay for that! I want all...

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Late For DinnerChapter 58 Hey Old Buddy

Kathy cackled as Daddy and Grand Dad wrestled Billy into position bottoms up across the leather-covered horse. "He's all your," Grand Dad told Mrs. Potter respectfully, "I've heard good things about your technique." "And I about yours," Mrs. Potter returned the complement. "It's an honour to be in the presence of such a grand master. Perhaps we can compare notes some time." "I'd be delighted, Madam." "Oh my," Mrs. Potter eyed the exquisite welt Grand Dad had tattooed...

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Gym ClassChapter 4 Returning to Reality

The twelve people boarding the waiting bus had brand new CAP cards tucked away on their persons. None of them remembered much about the testing except that it took a lot longer than it seemed. A couple of them were elated with their scores, and some were in the dumps, but most were resigned to leaving their fate in the hands of others. Beverley was both elated and depressed. Her CAP score had improved, but not enough to volunteer. She was pondering the possible reasons as she mounted the...

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wife fucked in front of husband

This story is about my nebougher's wife Rittu with whom I got her fucked . Rittu who had a very ripe body with fig 36 34 38 and she had nice boobs and big ass. She looks very sexy in it with her big boobs hanging out of her blouse.I was fucking all kinds of whores and even used to fuck in my flat.I had a very special friend named Akhil with whom I used to chat regularly.I showed some nude pictures of my dick and my dick was 9 inches and very thick. I often used to tell to Akhil to undress Rittu...

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