Scarlet free porn video

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The windows were rolled down as my car strolled quietly down Flounder Street. I always thought it was funny as a little kid, living on Flounder Street. I guess a little kid who will laugh at ‘wiener’ will also laugh at ‘flounder.’ The 93 degree heat was beating down on me through the windshield. It was times like these that I wish I was actually financially sound enough to own a car with air conditioning that worked.

The dash said it was just past 2 o’clock. I’d gotten stuck in a traffic jam on the highway, so I was a little late to my parents house. As a 25 year old just getting his master’s in journalism, I was shit broke. I was taking a week to visit with my family before heading back towards college to look for a summer job. I just graduated from Ohio University’s Journalism program and was now stuck in a terrible economy with a less than practical degree at this point. I was just hoping to find work. Something that would pay the bills and rent on my apartment. Jonathon and Mark, my roommates, were holding down the fort while I was gone.

My car finally rolled into the gravel driveway and I shut her off. I stayed there for a few moments, breathing in the fresh North Carolinian air, however humid it was that day. Then my silence broke, and the front door flew open with my mother running out to my car.

‘Oh Kenneth, Oh my baby.’ She oozed and instantly wrapped me in a bone shattering hug. I hugged her back with as much fervor, equally excited to spend time with my family for a week. It was hard, living as a college student in a different state. You weren’t able to come home often and hang with the folks, which I really did enjoy.

Plus, not to mention, my Ducati was sitting in the garage here, waiting for me to return. I didn’t dare take it with me to school, with nowhere safe to put it.

‘Oh honey, I missed you so much.’ She kept kissing my cheek. ‘Oh… honey, you need to shave.’ She scratched my scruff, then backed off and smiled. ‘Lemme look atcha.’ I sighed, honestly just wanting to get out of the heat. ‘Grown into such a fine young stud.’

My dad came out second. He looked so much older that it almost choked me up a bit. His hair, albeit most of it is gone, was completely gray and he was starting to hunch over slightly. Still, he insisted that the motorcycles and guitar playing kept him young, and far be it for me to tell him otherwise. Then my little sister, Carley, ran out, and I couldn’t even believe how big she’d gotten. I crushed her into a hug too, missing my little sister’s incessant chatter almost too much.

‘Carls, who the hell are you?’

She smiled and twirled. ‘You’ve been gone too long, I’m not that much different.’

‘How old are you now, 12?’ I joked. She hated it most when I joked about her age and punched me.

‘Asshole. I’m 17.’

It still amazed me. Just yesterday, I was her big brother, chasing away the monsters in her room. Now, I’m probably going to have to come home more often and beat off the boys with a stick.

My mom ushered us in and a wave of her hand and a ‘Lunch’s almost ready, come on come on.’

We chattered easily as we ate, and I found myself loving every minute of it. While I loved the single college life, with parties and girls all the time, it was nice to be able to talk with my family like the old times.

‘Oh, Kenneth, I almost forgot.’ Mom suddenly jolted. ‘The Fallats, you remember them?’ My eyebrows scrunched up, and I slowly put my fork down.

‘Yeah… Scarlet and Tony. They moved when I was in high school.’

She smiled and nodded. ‘Yes, yes. But their parents have moved back here. Apparently New York was too crazy for their lifestyle, so they got John’s old job back and moved back here a couple months ago.’

Huh. Well wouldn’t you know. Scarlet was my best friend growing up and Tony was her little brother. I was a year older than her, but she was the most amazing thing I knew at the time. We’d grown up in the same neighborhood with the same group of kids, but she was my best friend. Her heart was set on picking up snakes rather than playing with Barbie dolls.

The best memory I have of her is when we were 13 and sitting by the old pond a few miles behind our houses. We were talking as usual, enjoying the summer air. Then she asked me if I’d ever kissed anyone. I remember my heart hammering. Why’d she ask me that? I said yes, I had. I hadn’t. Scarlet looked defeated, yet determined, and immediately stuck her lips against mine. Whether she knew it or not, Scarlet gave me my first kiss that day, and it was something I’ll never forget because my lips tasted like her mothers honey when I licked them afterwards. I don’t remember what we said afterwards, but I know that night I couldn’t stop thinking about her.

Then we got into our middle school/high school years and she changed. Not for the worse, but became more feminine, and I couldn’t help but forgetting the old her. Boys chased after her, and it almost seemed like she didn’t know what to do with the attention she was getting. Eventually, she found even ground, but that even ground didn’t include much of me in it. It was sad, seeing our friendship grow apart in those later years. Then, in our sophomore year, her dad got a new job in New York, and they moved almost immediately. We stayed good friends in those early months. Almost every night, we’d be on the phone. I helped her through her days of not knowing anyone, to the days of knowing a few people, to the days of going on her first date. Then, the phone calls kept coming fewer and fewer, and we eventually lost most touch with each other.

Suffice to say, she dated, and I dated, and nothing ever came of it. When the time to choose colleges came around, I chose Ohio and she chose Florida. She came back to visit in the summer of her senior year. Only for a little while, but still, it was nice, and very playful on the surface. The day we said goodbye was weirder than expected. We spent a while reminiscing on all those times as kids that we’d had together. When we’d climbed to the top of the tree on Harp Street and her mom and my mom almost had heart attacks. When we’d ate all her mother’s honey from her cabinet and were sick for days.

I hadn’t seen Scarlet in years and haven’t kept much contact with her besides the occasional phone call, which were still pretty rare.

‘Well, Scarlet’s visiting, and so is Tony. I told them you were in town and that you’d stop by later tonight.’

I nodded, wondering what I was ever going to say to them. After so many years, what do you say to the two little kids you lived down the street from?

After dinner, I walked over to the old house that Scarlet and Tony grew up in. Another family owned the house now, but it was still nice to see that much of it hadn’t changed. There was still the big crack in the bricks, and still the big oak with moss towering over the roof.

I kept walking towards their new house, a couple of streets over. I knew I was there when I got to the old Grand Am sitting in the driveway. It was Scarlet’s first car. She loved that thing and told her parents that they couldn’t ever sell it.

I went up to the front door and knocked slowly. Mrs. Fallat answered after a few seconds, and she looked almost identical to what I remember her as. ‘Oh my god, Kenneth?’ I smiled. ‘Kenneth Graham? My god, boy, you must’ve grown about 10 feet. Please come in dear, sit down.’ All the older women I knew said things like ‘honey’ and ‘dear’ and ‘sweetheart.’ I’d grown up around that kind of hospitality and warmth.

We talked for a little while about how college was, how long I’d be in town, if I had work, etc. Tony walked in and we exchanged a handshake and a nice hug that was long overdue. He’d grown into a nice looking kid, almost 19.

‘Well, I know you want to see Scarlet. She’s really excited to see you. She’s outback.’ Mrs. Fallat leaned towards me. ‘Working on her masters thesis. Can you beli
eve it? My baby’s going to be a psychologist.’ I smiled, and thanked her and hugged her once more.

Then I trekked into the backyard, which was overgrown with weeds and plants. I looked around for her, but couldn’t find her. ‘You’re not looking hard enough.’ A voice came from above me. I shielded my eyes from the sun and looked up just in time to see a pair of overalled legs jumping out of the tree at me. Scarlet landed right next to meet, right side up and smiled. ‘Ken!’ She exclaimed, then covered her mouth, unable to stop herself from using her childhood nickname for me.

I was, however, speechless. She was still the same old Scarlet, yet so much older. Her features had matured greatly, she’d grown taller, almost 5’10 I’d say. Her hair was longer, the dark brown curls hitting almost the middle of her back now. She’d finally gotten breasts and a figure, curves in all the right places. The same green eyes stared up at me, but I still hadn’t said hi. She was so very, very beautiful.

I finally found my voice. ‘Scar… wow… who is this?’

She laughed. ‘Who is this?’ She countered. ‘Mr. Macho. Mr. Muscles. What, did you buy a gym?’ Almost instantly we slipped back into the childhood banter and poking fun at each other.

‘Oh, har har.’

She gasped and covered her mouth. ‘Your voice!’ She squeaked, and I laughed. ‘It’s so much huskier.’ She put her hand on her hip and leaned to the side. ‘And to think just yesterday you were little Ken. Still hadn’t hit puberty and had bad acne.’

‘Whoaa, that’s uncalled for. And to think that just yesterday, you were little Scar, the girl picking up snakes and had no boobs.’

I said it jokingly, and meant it jokingly, but I think I almost saw the hint of a blush in her cheeks. It made me smile wider. She shoved her hands inside her overalls, looking like the most adorable thing to hit the planet, and I had to stop myself from crushing her in a hug. I wanted to so badly though.

‘You’re different…’ She said sadly. ‘Not in a bad way. But you’re different.’ Then she smiled. ‘I don’t know… I was expecting my little Ken to run up here, ready to toss baseball or something. Not this…’

I nodded.

‘You cut your hair.’ She reached up and ran her fingers through my hair gently. ‘Still golden from the sun, I see.’

I couldn’t help staring at her. Her voice was still Scarlet. Everything about her screamed Scarlet. I felt like no time had passed, yet I couldn’t help telling myself that 6 years had passed and nothing was the same. ‘Do you want to go to the pond?’ I don’t know what made me ask that. It just seemed like a good idea. The right idea.

We started walking, her bouncing her usual bouncy step, and me trudging along side. She glanced up at me and laughed. ‘I can’t take you seriously with you all the way up there. Can you try to be my size a little?’

I laughed, bent at the knees and made a funny face. Scarlet’s original laugh escaped her lips, and I hadn’t realized how much I missed that sound until now. ‘Sorry, my doctor said I’d stop growing after 6’3. Apparently not. Almost 6’4.’

We’d reached the pond and she sat near the edge of it. I went to sit next to her, but she spoke. ‘I thought about you a lot… did you know that?’ She asked quietly.

I was almost too stunned. I lowered myself to the ground next to her and turned my head slightly. ‘I didn’t…’

Scarlet nodded. ‘When we were little… I remember one time,’ she started, smiling. ‘we were being babysat together. And you, being your cute, shy little self, asked the babysitter to marry you…’ She trailed off. ‘And I just remember being so jealous that you didn’t ask me. I was so mean to that babysitter after that.’

My lips curved into a smile. ‘I remember that. You made her life hell.’ Scarlet laughed and nodded. ‘I missed you a lot. I didn’t realize until now how much.’

‘Best friends, weren’t we?’

I nodded. ‘We still are…’ We stayed silent for a little while, listening to the frogs croak and the flies turn around our heads.

Then she nudged me. ‘So, where’s your girlfriend?’ I just smiled at her, stuck out my tongue and shook my head. ‘Oh come on! You’ve gotta have one!’ I shook my head again. She sat up more facing me. ‘Lemme get this straight. Kenneth: Doesn’t smoke.’ She started ticking things off with her fingers.

I laughed. ‘Nope.’

‘Don’t drink?’

‘Not often.’

‘Does’t use women for sex.’


‘Never gets in trouble.’

‘I got into trouble.’

‘Taking your little sisters gummy worms doesn’t count as trouble.’

I laughed again, and she stared. ‘I can’t get over how much you’ve changed. Physically.’ She said.

‘And you…’ I trailed off. ‘Scarlet, you’re beautiful. Truly. I mean, you were before, all covered in mud and picking up bugs. But, it’s different now. More you.’ I nudged her knee gently with my knuckles.

This time, there was no denying the blush, and I stared wondrously. ‘You’ve been called beautiful numerous times before, Scar…’

She nodded and looked away. The blush was still there. ‘Never by the one person who I wanted to…’

This time, I really was stunned. Because I was almost certain I’d called her beautiful before. I had. I definitely had. I had to of. Hadn’t I?

‘Scarlet… I’m leaving at the end of this week… I…’

`’I know. I just wanted you to know. I’m always here for you.’ She said gently. It looked like her eyes were watering. ‘I know, I didn’t expect you to come rushing back and sweep me up into some Prince Charming kiss, I know that, but I was hoping things might be different, or somet-‘

I cut her off. Somehow, somewhere, something in my brain had come loose and I instantly knew that I loved Scarlet and never stopped. I was kissing her so softly, my fingers holding under her small chin. He lips were soft against mine and she was watching me through hazy eyes, I could tell. But all I could think was how stupid was I, to never have realized that Scarlet was one of the most important things in my life. Her green eyes penetrated mine, and all in one moment, every fantasy I’d ever had about a woman now was about Scarlet. I hardened a little in my jeans and instantly pulled away.

Scarlet fell backwards into the grass. ‘Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to let you fall-‘ I started. But she laughed and just stayed laying in the grass, staring up at me with her green eyes. Internally, I groaned. I felt her small hand wrap around my wrist and tug gently towards her. I couldn’t help but oblige.

I held my weight off of her and she leaned up to me, her soft lips waiting. I kissed her nose, my lips brushing each eyelid, each cheek, before touching her mouth again. Her breath had the very faint hint of a sigh in it. ‘Scarlet…’ I whispered her name in her ear and gently bit her earlobe while her arms wrapped around my neck. She smelled like lavender when I kissed her neck, and I let my tongue taste her. My hands rested at her sides, right below her breasts, and she didn’t object. I moved back to her lips, and this time her tongue slid into my mouth and mine into hers. I slipped my hand down her side to her waist and her thigh, then pulled it up against my hip so she was pressed against me perfectly.

She pulled her lips away and I went to her neck again, devouring her. ‘Remember,’ she whispered breathlessly, ‘when I kissed you. When we were little?’

I moved back to her lips and groaned my reply into her mouth. When we broke free again, she was even more breathless. ‘Was that your first kiss?’


She bit her lip, and smiled. Her eyes sparkled, and the sun was just on the horizon now, setting. I traced my thumb across her cheek ever so gently, treating her like a porcelain doll. I decided right then and there that I would never lose Scarlet again. She leaned up to me and I slid my arms around her back, pulling her body up and sitting with her on my lap. Sh
e let my hands wander down to her thighs, and I pulled them around me, keeping my hands under them while we kissed even more passionately. Our breaths were mixing with the sounds around us.

Then her hands started wandering. Down my neck, my chest and my stomach. My jeans were already straining against her, and I’m sure she could feel it. I didn’t want to ruin this moment at all, but I felt like I would if I tried to take it further.

But Scarlet tugged my shirt over my head and pressed herself against my chest. She kissed my shoulder, gently biting and I groaned. I wrapped my arms around her tightly, holding her to me and staring into her eyes. ‘Kenneth…’

‘Mmm?’ I responded, leaning in to kiss her exposed shoulder. Her breath was becoming jagged and her fingers were curling in my hair more.

She moaned softly when I unsnapped her overalls. I looked at her, and she stared right back just as intensely. Then she nodded, and my heart started hammering faster. I tugged down her overalls all the way, leaving her on top of me in her panties and a white cotton shirt. Her legs were so soft and smooth, and I wanted so much to be able to kiss them, but I didn’t want her to have to sit in the grass.

Ever so gently, my fingers ran underneath her panties, and I waited to see if she’d object. She didn’t, and I kept kissing her, our tongues moving passionately, and my fingers slipped past her lips to find that she was soaked. ‘Mmm, Scarlet…’

I gently touched her clit, and felt her fingers dig into my back. My calloused fingers moved slowly along her slit, listening to her moaning as I pleasured her. My cock was getting harder in my jeans and I ached to have her touch me. Almost as if hearing my thoughts, Scarlet unzipped my jeans and my cock sprang free. She moaned and licked her lips.

That alone almost made me loose it, but I kept enough control except to let out her name jaggedly when she started teasing my cock. I felt her lips at my ear, gently biting and nibbling. ‘I want to taste you…’ she whispered in my ear.

A loud groan escaped my lips, and I leaned in and bit her neck tenderly. I couldn’t let her do that here, no matter how much I wanted her moist lips wrapped around me, with her beautiful green eyes gazing up at me like she was taking care of me.

I kissed her, promising her with my lips of much more times to come. Then I pulled of her panties and pulled her hips towards me. She was breathing hard on my lips and moaned so softly and femininely that it took everything in my power not to run home with her naked and shaft her into the mattress.

I lowered her body onto my cock, and kissed hard to suppress the moans. Hers escaped though, enough to make the frogs stop croaking for a while. She started moving up and down, her lips open and eyes closed, looking like the most beautiful and sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. She threw her head back and I gripped her waist, thrusting up in her. Her squeals were getting louder, and I wrapped my hand around the back of her neck and pulled her lips to mine, smiling. Scarlet was bouncing on my cock, almost lifting fully off then slowly coming back down. The sensation was enough to drive me wild. I inadvertently pulled her curls.

She grabbed my hand, pulling my fingers towards her lips. She locked eyes with me, lips slightly parted while she road me hard, and pulled my index finger in-between her lips, moaning around it. Then she started sucking gently.

My mouth was open and I leaned my head back, willing to last longer for her to orgasm. I leaned forward and started whispering dirty things in her ear, making her whimper and move faster, digging her nails into my back and contracting around me. She grabbed my hand hastily and shoved it on her clit, and I instantly starting rubbing her. I could feel her orgasm building and I moved my fingers faster while she bounced faster.

‘Oh, Scarlet…Ohh…’

She answered by moaning louder than before, then opening her lips, throwing her head back and shaking on top of me while she orgasmed. Her nails dug into my back more and she let out a very small scream, then bit my hand.

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Monday, May 9, 2005 (Continued) I got back to school before lunchtime had ended, so I went looking for Julia and the others. They weren't in our usual spot, but I remembered her saying something about having a different meeting spot for our non-private meetings, so I went looking for that. It wasn't hard to find, it being a very large group of girls. Most lunchtime groups are half a dozen or so people, so a group ten times that size stood out, even when they were sitting down. I noticed...

1 year ago
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Professional 3

He stood there, with a night of drinking and looked hat her cum soaked pussy. His friends cousin, who he didn't really know, landed his wad all over her lips and clit. The gang bang whore just ordered him to eat her. He had just enough in him to entertain it. "Give me another one!" He held out his cup. One of his friends started pumping the keg again. "No not beer..." as he grabbed the tall bottled from the dresser and emptied it into his cup. Everyone cheered like a frat party. He downed the...

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30 March 2007Chapter 5

Wendy and Kelly stopped at the bar and bought two more shots each. On the way back to Dan and Doug, Wendy paused at the DJ booth to request a song. The DJ never turned down the suggestive actions or comments from women aroused by the sensual atmosphere of a dance night and often had a grateful admirer in bed. She put her arm around his waist, pressing her tit to his side, giving him an excellent view down her open blouse. His arm went around her waist and quickly slid to caress her small...

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I fucked the computer guy

I tugged on the legs of my shorts in hope that it would make them a little lower but it was not use. I would never have guessed that the computer technician would have been here so soon. This kind of thing always seemed to happen me for some reason. Unfortunately I had just got back from my run and had my little running shorts on and just a sports bra on when I answered the door. I’d love to change into something more comfortable but he was already in my room trying to fix my computer. Who...

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Saturday morning, a warm spring day in San Jose. Ann rolled over and rubbed her warm naked body against her husband's back. Her nipples were hard and he pushed back against them as his cock stiffened. He rolled over, kissed her and pushed her back."Annie, I think we should get up now and get on the road. Remember, you're the one that doesn't like travelling at night."That was true. Still, she couldn't resist wrapping her arms and legs around him and kissing him. She played her tongue around his...

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Canon Ch 02

They decided to send out for pizza, Amy didn’t want to leave Geoff’s arms to make dinner, and he didn’t want her to. He set the Canon to play repeatedly, and they cuddled and kissed on the couch till the buzzer rang from the gate. They ate on the couch too, snuggled hip to hip. Geoff’s arm stayed around her shoulders, and hers around his waist. It was awkward – till they began to feed each other, laughing. They talked quietly. There was much to talk about – but all that could wait. They...

4 years ago
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Deep Dive Part 4

Kate and I had been seeing each other for more than six months now.   After crossing paths for ten years, we’d finally become an item last summer.   From the outset, we’d agreed to an open relationship.  ‘Open’ in the sense that, while we would always be each other’s primary lover, there would also - especially in Kate’s case - be others.  I readily accepted this: she was the most intoxicating woman I’d ever known, and I was determined not to let her slip away.It was now January, and the...

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Becoming a School SlutChapter 33

I woke with gentle kisses on the back of my neck and ear and shoulder, to find daddy spooning up against me. I glanced at the clock, it was after 2p.m ... at first I did not realize that he had that wonderful cock of his stuffed deep inside me, till he started sliding it in and out. Being woken like this was amazing, I know I felt full but I thought it was a phantom feeling after the gangbang, (I had this same feeling after least weekend). As daddy was picking up speed; he said, "I couldn't...

3 years ago
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Power Chapter Five Janice

Sarah, Janice and I returned to my dorm room where the interviewer was waiting. After the interview Sarah said she was headed for one of the upperclassmen women’s dorms. Janice looked relieved. “There’s something about her that’s strange and I’m not sure what it is. We get along, so it’s not that.” We sat and talked for a few minutes, then Janice asked if I was going to take a shower. If so, she would join me. Things were going too fast, but I decided to hop on for the ride. I left my swimming...

2 years ago
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Unintentional Seduced Neighbouring House Wives Part 8211 4

I am rajveer, working for an MNC as a regional head, 5’9″ height, fair complexion with average built body, I like meeting and having safe sex or relationship with mature, committed, married, divorced, widows or single women (any female who wants to have a good time in any way, even in bed or outside), This incident is about how, I accidentally seduced two of my newly moved neighbouring house wives “Zainab and Aamina”, it was purely accidental and unintentional. You can mail me or send me your...

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At Ellies

This is the first ever story I have written and published on any site. All comments are welcome as they will help me with how I write future stories.  As to if it is a true story or not, well, that is up for you and your imaginations to decide! I do hope you enjoy reading it!   It was nearing 9pm when I walked up the path and knocked firmly on the front door of her home. I looked around, to see if there was anyone about, as I waited on her answering. I turned back as I heard the door unlock...

4 years ago
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Chosen FrozenChapter 6 Learning Curve

Rather than a message torpedo, the Colonel's communications staff sent off a supraluminal message addressed to the ranking Civil Service officer of Demeter, Legate David ap Rhys. Within 24 hours, a high-speed drone was winging its way through the highly theoretical dimension that is supraluminal speed, bearing the requested information about their educational system. Meanwhile, a request went around the Brigade to permit Optio Redburn to search for and borrow concubines with the desired...

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The Pizza Girl Chapter 10

She got off work and told me that she had another ride home today with Patti. I was upset to say the least but I didn’t act like it I shook it off and said bye. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She grazed my cock as she walked away but that may have been an accident. Once I got off work I called my girlfriend and picked her up. We went to a parking lot near her house and I fucked her in the car right there. “Seriously, whats gotten into you?” she asked. “What do you mean baby...

2 years ago
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Swim Team Doctor

I am a junior in high school. Back when I was a freshman I was one of the trainers for the freshmen swim team because I knew a lot about sports injuries because my father was a doctor. I had never thought of being gay or had ever experimented at all. But all that changed after my freshman year as the manager of the swim team. As every one got out of the pool in their speedos which were red in the front and white in the back, team colors, Patrick approached me. I had been swimming myself...

1 year ago
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PromisesChapter 4

Jim sat in the little club thinking. Why did Sylvie wish to speak to him after nearly nineteen years? She said when she called it was about a promise she had made to herself a long time ago. -- Older, much more mature and still attractive, she came up to the booth behind him. He stood and greeted her and when they sat down she said, "It has been a long time, Jim. I asked you to meet me here to give you some information. You know when I left that time so long ago I was falling in love with...

3 years ago
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Growing TogetherChapter 15

Like Jon and Tanisha, Ben and Joy had never acquired elegant tastes in dining, so, after a brief look at a number of houses, they wound up at a chain restaurant not far from their apartments. The food was normal American and good, although nothing special, but it was all right with them, especially since it was their first chance to talk over what they'd seen without the woman from the real estate company hovering over them. "So," Joy started things off, "What does anyone...

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No Contest Book 3 Tallying the Score 20012003Chapter 37

By the time everyone headed to Barcelona for winter break, both the new MIRE and the J’s had released CDs for holiday buying. Both bands had the same lineup, just fronted by different people, and the songs by and large were written by the lead singers. Eddie had helped considerably with the J’s songwriting but would take no credit. A small tour, November and most of December, crossed the country and played at large venues, the J’s opening for MIRE. With the tour and Rachel’s promotional...

4 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 27 The interfaces and a babe

Sol System USS Washington Ken stood there looking at the young woman who bowed her head to him. Walking towards her, his mind raced with what she had done to Amy and the other interfaces. But, after reading their mandate that was initiated when they were created, he now knew more of what she was talking about. Once they became an interface they were under the jurisdiction of the Interface council. Sandy, being the oldest, became the highest judge of the council. Stopping in front of the...

2 years ago
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Butterflies on a Mirror

Compared to my wife -- actually, compared to any woman -- Jackie was the consummate source of brightness in my life. I was captivated by her independence, her classiness, her beauty, her smile, her poise, her maturity, her humor, her confidence, the way she walked, the way she sat -- and by her breasts and her eyes and her feet and her waist and her hands and her lips and her knees and her shoulders and her ass and... Oh, was I bewitched by her! We had been a foursome: Jackie and Sam,...

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Giving Steve a helping hand part 5

This part of my story is totally fiction in a quick recap of part 4 i had just lost my mother Beverly to a sudden heart attack. Steve was over at my house i was riding Steve's cock when his son and my best friend Terry caught us and i proceeded to give Terry a fantastic blow job. Terry just looked at me i just smiled i had always wanted to suck your cock Terry but i didn't think it would happen like this. Are you mad? Terry just said i always knew you were different you didn't act like all the...

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Ma8217s Decree

My Pop’s in the oil business, so he’s often away from home for months at a time while he supervises explora- tion in the Venezuelan rainforest. I suppose we could all move down there, but our life is here, and he won’t be working in the jungle forever. So here we stay in Houston, my Ma and I, while he hacks through the jungle like Indiana Jones. I miss my Pop a lot, but it’s not such a bad life: petroleum has paid for our three story, five bedroom house, and I...

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The Cabana Boy

My name is Anthony and I’m eighteen. I got a job at the Catalina Beach Club on Long Island’s South Shore, in New York for the summer. My job is being a cabana boy. I mostly greet guests and fetch their towels, drinks, and snacks. I even get to put suntan lotion on any guest that asks for it, or spray them down with cool water to keep them cool. Often, I clean the bathrooms, change the liners in the garbage cans, wipe down furniture, basically anything my boss tells me to do. Most of the cabana...

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After Dinner Treat Part IV

Note : This story is completely fictional! We were all spent, sprawled out on the king size bed, but all three of our bodies touching in some way. I thought Jill was falling asleep but Colleen was wide awake. "She's out I think" she said about her mother, "between last night & today she is crashing." Jill opened her eyes and slapped Colleens ass saying, "oh yeah? Your ol mom is ready and rarin to go kiddo." There was still wet cum on Jill's cheek and you could see some wetness on Colleen's...

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Brody Michelle Ch 04

Author’s Note: Hey, ya’ll! Sorry for the gap between chapters, yet again. I guess I could’ve made this into two shorter chapters, but I ended up just doing one long one. Also! There’s a little sexy time in this one, so yay. Thanks for reading! ***** Two days after the hot phone snuggling session Brody and Michelle had, Brody was at home watching ‘Firefly’ (again), when his phone went off. He looked at the screen to see it was his new favorite person. ‘Hey, Sugar Baby,’ he said after...

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Fight Make Love

This is my story as to how I made up with hubby after a violent row with him. The other day, Friday, mornings as usual, is bad. Everyone is in a hurry. Bathroom, kitchen, iron table. Shoe polish, toaster, everything is in great demand by ,me, hubby, our daughter age five & and cook. We each left in high tempers and scream. Hubby as usual was shouting that we do not plan our day in advance and mornings are worst. When would I learn to plan and execute simple morning chores etc.etc. I felt so bad...

4 years ago
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he loves to taste a smooth pussy

‘hollywood please, I don’t want any hair down there at all!’ he loves to taste a completely smooth pussy. Its been a longtime since I had sex. He had asked me out to dinner and I am not leaving anything to chance. We had been text flirting and he has told me something about what he likes to do and what turns him on.. I’m wearing my red high heels- makes my legs look endless, a slightly see through short frilly caramel dress -blends in almost disappearing, with my skin. I curled my long black...

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My First Encounter With An Aunt

Hi, Myself is Sameer 23 M and working in the Hospital. This was happened to me first time when i was 20yr and starting my new job in the hospital with my studies. I have got my first job in night shift in the Orthopedic Hospital and there were only two staffs required in night shift. There were already women aged about 42 years was working and later on I joined her. Now I’ll tell u in “Hindi’ so Anybody can easily understand. Gaanv mein raat ke waqt jyada mareez nahi aate the isliye night shift...

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Simply Irresistable

SIMPLY IRRESISTABLE Creamy satin and silk Smooth nylon and lace To girls wearing these Men so often give chase So quick to remove them They sometimes don?t see Another sensation That is theirs, just for free Eye shadow and perfume Lipstick deep, shiny pink So much more exciting Than a young man might think Cotton, Lycra and leather Soft Angora wool Girls wardrobes with these things Are often quite full Bras, panties and stockings High heels and low There isn?t a...

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The First Audition

I met Ann online. We chatted for a while and finally decided to meet. Against all odds, we hit it off pretty well and in a matter of weeks, we became a couple. The first few months were like wedded bliss, romantic dates, and outings, doing almost everything together. And of course the sex. Sex was incredible. Well, at least as far as I could tell, being young and very inexperienced.Ann was the same age as me, but it was clear from the beginning that she had way more experience with sex. I...

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Seducing Servants II

This weekend, my parents went out, maybe to screw a little themselves! I remembered the last time my parents had gone out and the time I had with Raj. Since then we had sex two more times and were starting to look for something new. Now, this weekend was an opportune moment and we were so not going to miss out. We had a lot to catch up on. My other servant(call him Neil) is a black guy, but has never appealed to me. For those who don't know, I just can't resist black cocks but I could...

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Caught wanking in the library

Even after a few weeks at college I was still finding my feet. I had made some new friends, but the place itself - it was so big! I wanted to knuckle down and, being a bit of a nerd, decided to get some books on English grammar. I had only been to the library once and then it had been locked. One girl told me that it was a good place to study because so few people went in. Mobiles and iPods were strictly prohibited. I opened the heavy glass-panelled door and walked in. It had a slightly musty...

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Summer 2000 true story

My name is Helga, and my husbands, is Ricky. I am 5’5 wear a size 34C bra. I am a blue eyed, blonde from German,y with great looking legs and a nice ass. I met my husband at one of the HOT New York parties. We started talking, have a few drinks and he took me home, because the girl I came with, was busy with some guy and I was sure she was glad that I left her alone. We hit it off well, and started going on dates and finally got married. He was 27, and I was 26. We have been married now for 10...

Group Sex
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My First Sex

Linda was a 19 year old blonde fox. My older brother Rick was dating her. Linda was my Uncle's neice by marriage. Rick was drafted in the Army. He would be gone for two years. I wondered why Linda was still coming around all the time. I asked her out one Saturday night and she said yes. We went to a drive-in movie. We necked a little and talked a little. After the movie, I took her home. I was pretty stupid. She streched and said she was not ready to call it a night but I could not take the...

First Time
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Three Wishes

I was on holiday in Ireland , the land of my birth or it was if you counted several generations back.   Throw some Native American in there with some Scott and there with the Irish and you have my ancestry as far as I was ever told.   I had turned 48 last summer and I realized that this past year had been the exact same as the one before.   Which was the same as the one before and before and before then as well.   So I had decided that I was going to celebrate every birthday from then on by...

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The Tangled Web Chapter 2 Mixed Doubles

Chapter 2: September 1998 - Mixed Doubles A sister and brother find a way to meet in secret to explore their new-found feelings. This is the second chapter in the Tangled Web series, a story spanning several years, based on the complicated lives of a brother and sister and those they live with. Set mostly in the English Midlands, the tale is told through a series of interlocking short stories. Although designed to be read in sequence, I have tried to make each chapter stand as a complete and...

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Vakil sahab ke dada aur dadi ke saath jab main Pachmarhi pahuncha to wahan par ye teen auratein thi.:- a. Rekha Bai, jo hamare saath hi aayi thi, uski umar rahi hogi koi 20 ya 22 saal, uske do bache the ek 6 saal ka ladka aur ek 4 saal ki ladki, wo unhe apni Maa ke paas chhod ke aayi thi. Suna tha ki iska family planning ka operation ho chuka tha. Iska aadmi court mein chaprasi tha aur Vakil saab ke kehne par hi lagwaya gaya tha. Dada dadi ke parivar ke in par bahut ehsaan the. Yeh aurat koi 5...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 17

Life resumed its normality for a few days, then one morning Esme looked at the list of appointments for today, and saw the name "Thomas Craven" among them. She hastened to speak with her supervisor, anxious to not put her foot in it if there was any conflict of interest. She explained her concern. "Sir, this Thomas Craven may be a gentleman whom I have met socially. It is the name of my babysitter's father. If you can establish whether he was in hospital recently with a stroke, that...

4 years ago
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Betsys First Threesome

It all started out as a perfectly ordinary Saturday night-and ended up as a perfectly wonderful one, one which changed our neighborhood's babysitter's lifestyle forever. Even though she was 20, Betsy often baby-sat for neighbors to earn enough money to continue her studies at the local college. Ours is an average, middle class neighborhood and the people are nice. We're the Rukeson's, I'm Bill and Sharon is my wife, in our late thirties. We made our plans and had Betsy sit for our one...

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