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AUTHOR’S NOTE: All the usual warnings apply. This is my story, so keep your hands off of it, no copying or distribution without my explicit permission. Any asking of permission, compliments, complaints, or comments should be directed to my e-mail. I will personally read and answer all e-mails. Enjoy this story, my second mc. It’s a big longer, a bit dreamier, and hopefully extremely enjoyable.


My roommate, Jill, was on the track team. Even though she already had lots of friends by the time I moved onto campus because of summer training with the team, she was nice to me and we became friends.

She was from Connecticut, which was on the way to my parent’s house in Rhode Island. We were going to get a ride home for Thanksgiving with some guy she hit at the last track meet, like she says, guys are so easy once they’re in the sack. So we went to the meet. She ran, I cheered. Everyone was in a good mood that day. I noticed her flirting with some guy on the sidelines, and I thought he was probably the guy she had got to drive us home. I grimaced indulgently, realizing that I would be sitting in the back, listening to them flirt all 12 hours home. I would have to keep her in my bed that night to make sure I got some sleep. My bed. Maybe if he was a real sound sleeper, we would…but no, that was out of the question. Snap out of it Shelley, stop fantasizing.

I picked up my stuff and walked down to the field after the meet was over and she gave me a hug, and introduced me to a guy.

‘Ok, so Shel, this is–‘



‘We, uh, went to high school together.’

There was a short pause.

‘Well girls, I’m going to go shower and the like and I’ll meet you back here in about a half hour.’


After he left, I turned to Jill. ‘Jill, how could you?’

‘How could I what?’

‘How could you get Richard to drive us home? I can’t be in a car for 12 hours with him, he’s so, so…I mean, I repulse him! Once last year I was heading over to a library table where my friend was, to sit with her, and I saw him sit down there a few seconds before I got there. I sat down, and he stood right back up, got his stuff, and left the library! He hates me, Jill.’

‘Well then, um, you guys obviously have some issues to work through and I think that this would be a good opportunity for you guys to do that. And it’s not like there’s any other ride we could get at this point.’

‘What about that guy you were flirting with the whole meet?’

‘Oh, Hugo? He’s really nice and cute and all, but he’s headed to Montana and even he wouldn’t take a detour that big. Richard…there’s just something about him. I can’t stay away, or something. I go all dreamy around him.’

That made two of us. I bit my lip in frustration.


‘Ok,’ I sighed, ‘fine. But you don’t know how weird he is. He was in my history class last year and he was just so…bizarre!’

‘Oh, who cares, this is wonderful!’

She squealed, hugged me, and ran off to get her bags. What was with her? She didn’t get dreamy over one night stands. My Jill had a much more cavalier attitude.

Rocking, rocking gently…

‘So, are you guys ready to go? Where’s Jill?’

I snapped back to reality. ‘Uh, she uh, left.’

‘Oh.’ He was definitely disappointed. Jill was gorgeous, with her muscular body and long, runners legs. Her hair flashed in the sun like gold when she was running out in front of the pack.

I’m not so shabby myself, I just don’t choose to show it. I’m shorter, with long, black hair. I have bigger breasts than Jill does, but I wear big sweatshirts. I swim a few times a week so I’m toned, but I wear jeans a size too big. I want friends before I want lovers. But there’s a loophole, I’m the weather appropriate girl. As soon as the thermometer hits 90, out come the skimpy skirts and tight baby-tees. I’d shown how hot I was back last June when the weather was hot, he knew and he still wasn’t attracted to me. Still hated me. He never talked to me, when we were in a room together he would skirt around me and talk to every other girl. Thank god he never knew what I was thinking when I was around him.

‘Um, I mean, she left to get her stuff.’

‘Oh, ok.’

We talked very politely about the weather until Jill showed, her ponytail swinging across her back like a pendulum.

‘Hey again Richie!’ she squealed, and fell into his arms. He gave a little smile.

Now tell me that wasn’t a daydream. Jill is not some helpless little girl to fall into some guy’s arms, even his. I followed her ponytail out to his car.

I grimaced impatiently while I did my work. Every once in a while I would look up from my laptop and see Jill batting her eyes. They took flirting to marathon heights. I chipped into the conversation every once in a while, but mostly I provided a nice background noise of fingers on keys.

‘Oh,’ I heard her say, ‘and thanks for the lovely present last time.’

‘You mean the card I gave you? Have you been looking at it?’

(‘Yes,’ she would say. He would pull the car off the highway and onto a closed weigh station and behind some trees. Jill would be grinning at him and glancing up at the rear view mirror and smiling at me. She would wink, just for me. He would turn off the engine and lean his seat back. Jill would smile and touch her shoulder to her cheek, playing the shy girl, just for him. He would nod and beckon her over with one finger. She would take off her seatbelt and clamber over the gearshift, flashing me some thigh. I would breathe in sharply at the same time as she would when she saw the hard-on tenting his pants. He would nod again and tell her to take it out. She would sit crosswise in his lap and comply, fishing it reverently out through his boxers and jeans and then bend down to lick the head. He would breathe deeply and stick a hand up her skirt. She would start to moan, and he would pull her up and move his arm. Her violet panties would sweep away like a curtain from over a window, and I would see the light, her dripping cunt. She would guide herself down on him, her leg muscles straining. He would smack her ass and tell her to bounce, hard. He would lie back, his hands folded behind his head as she fucked herself on his cock. She would cum and he would sit up, slap her ass again, tell her to suck it. She would clamber back to her seat and lean over to him, showing her cleavage to him and showing her ass and dripping cunt to anyone who looked in the passenger’s side door. She would giggle and look him in the eye as she took the head into her mouth. She would bop up and down furiously, willing him to cum. I would be able to see her cheeks caving in around his cock and her tongue working. He would clamp a hand down on her head and lift his hips, thrusting his cock down her throat while he came. She would cough and sputter, but she would swallow it all. When it was all over, he would smile, pat her on the back, and start the car again. They would fix their seats and their clothes and put their seatbelts on. We would head back out onto the highway.)

He twisted around in his seat. I hadn’t even noticed the car stop.

‘Want some dinner?’ My computer was on screensaver. I must have fallen asleep. I shook my head to clear the cobwebs and shifted uncomfortably in my seat.


I looked at my watch as we trekked across the parking lot to the central rest area. Shit, had it only been two hours? And I really shouldn’t have any more fantasies like that, about them. What if I moaned in my sleep? Oh no, the hotel tonight. What would happen? I would really need to keep her in my bed now, just so I wouldn’t be plagued by any more visions. I could just reach over and touch her, and maybe knowing that it was not happening would help quiet my mind. But how disappointed would I be when it didn’t happen? Why could I see his face every time I shut my eyes? His brown, blank
irises burned into my skull, just like they always used to do.

We waited out the lines and then commenced to scarf down our fast food. Halfway through my meal I stopped, fixated on one fry as the idea hit me. I turned it over and over in my hands, wondering why these heavy fantasies only happened around Richard. Why was he so fixating? I knew why. It was how cute he was, how easily athletic and obviously agile. How he took notes with his head almost touching the page. How he punctuated his sentences with raised eyebrows like little exclamation marks. How he quoted random passages from the textbook and supplementary materials.

‘Are you going to eat that?’ I looked up hurriedly, he was making exclamations with his eyebrows. Just like old times.

‘No, I guess not.’

Jill and I took a bathroom trip. Man, was I wet. I was really going to have to watch this. Looking at the map in the lobby, the ‘you are here’ star sticker said that we weren’t nearly far enough along after two hours of driving. Maybe there was some traffic I had missed when I was absorbed in my work. Or fantasizing, mayhaps.

We decided to switch it up a little, so I was in the front seat next to him and Jill was in the back. The car felt empty because of the cold, and we both warmed our hands on the heaters as soon as they started spouting hot air.

Friction. Skin on skin…

Our hands touched by accident in front of the middle heater. We both pulled the offending digits back immediately into our separate spheres. The clock ticked from 9:01 pm to 9:02 pm. He stared intently at the darkening roadway, and I looked fixedly out my window.

Jill took notes from a thick textbook.

I thought about last year, our senior year together. We had done a major history project together, but we never really pulled it together. We ended up with a C and some bad words were exchanged. But, as if to make up for it, he gave me a card come Christmas time. It was hand-drawn, and he told me to make sure I took a look at it. When I opened it that night, I found it full of little doodles and incomprehensible squiggles leading everywhere at once.

The day after that, that was when they started, the fantasies. Oh, I fantasize all the time anyway, but I’d never had any trouble pulling out of them. These seemed to run themselves, and they always felt so real. I’d had to frig myself in the bathroom more than once after they happened.

The next day, I wanted to thank him for the card. So I wandered around the school during lunch, until someone pointed me towards the theater. I entered in the back, through the stage left door, and peeked around the curtain. He was sitting in the first row, his dark head turned down intently into a book.


He looked up, his dark eyes flashing. ‘Yes?’

‘I um, wanted to thank you for the card.’

‘Have you been looking at it?’

‘Yes, it’s-

(‘It’s beautiful,’ I would say. He would smile, ecstatic with the compliment and something more and get up from his seat, take two long steps and leap onto the stage like he was flying. He would run over to me and sweep me up in a passionate kiss and sweep the backpack off my shoulders. He would cup my face in his hand and look into my eyes shining with excitement, and he would kiss me again. He would pull back, his hair following, and then rush back to me like a wave to the shore. He would kiss me deeply, kiss me well, and wrap his hands around my body. His hands would slide around as we turned our heads back and forth like in the movies. They would come to rest on my ass. He would give my butt a quick squeeze and I would jump and moan into his mouth.)

‘It’s beautiful.’ I blushed at the thought of what I had just been thinking.

He was standing in front of his seat, looking uncomfortable. He must have been weirded out that had been looking for him. Or that I had been staring into space for the last five minutes. I should go.

So I thanked him again and left. I could hear him settling back into his seat as I headed directly for the bathroom across the hallway…

The miles passed. After that first time in the theater, I started writing the fantasies down. I didn’t want to forget a single thing we did, a single detail of the way they made me feel.

Slick and moaning…

The next day in History class, I tried to bring on another fantasy, seeing as I didn’t have anything interesting to do for that particular hour. I zoned out and stared at the back of Richard’s head. Nothing. Maybe I had to be able to see his face, I thought. I got up and sharpened my pencil. I made eye contact on the way back to my seat, a risky move. He would stand, and leap across three rows of desks to get to…nope, it wasn’t working. Thirteen girls were glaring at me.

Jill asked me if she could borrow my laptop. I gave her permission and slipped back into another memory. That time in the lab…

A couple days after that time in the theater, I was in the computer lab after school trying to finish an essay. This was before the laptop. I was typing away industriously as the last few people left, and a new someone walked in. Whoever it was came and stood right behind me. I whipped my head around in a moment of panic, and then sighed with relief. It was Richard.

‘Hey Rich.’

‘Hey Shelley. What are you working on?’

‘English essay.’

‘Fun. Hey, have you been looking at that card I gave you?’


(He would smile. He would touch my shoulder and I would stand up. We would kiss briefly and I would nuzzle into his neck and nibble the soft skin of his ear lobe. He would tell me to wait and he would go over and close the door of the lab. I would walk over to the lab monitors’ table and perch on the edge. He would come over and lean down and kiss me sweetly, and then strongly. He would push me down so that I was lying on the table with my legs hanging off of it. He would get on top of me and grab my hair in his fists and mash his lips into mine. We would make out hungrily and I would wrap my arms around him, feeling his face and gripping his back and arms. I would grab his shoulder blades with the tips of my fingers. He would sit me up, and we would laugh and touch each other, and then we would get under the table. I would lean against one table leg, my own legs stretched out, the only thing visible from the door. He would kneel in front of me and place a hand on my breast. He would ask my permission, which I would give, and then he would slide his hand under my shirt and bra. He would cup my tit in his hand and start rolling the nipple between his fingers. He would grin as I squirmed and tossed my head back.)

‘What’s your paper on?’ he asked, bringing me back to reality.

‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest compared to On the Road. It’s very deep.’

‘Cool.’ His phone rang and he picked up, moving out into the room. I turned back to my computer as he opened the door and drifted out into the hallway…

‘Thanks for letting me use the ‘top,’ said Jill, snapping me out of my reverie.

‘Uh, no problem.’ I blushed.


‘Yes, Richie?’ Jill answered for both of us.

‘It’s about eleven, how about we stop for the night?’

‘Sure, Richie, sounds good. You must be tired, driving all that way.’

‘He’s only driven four hours,’ I mumbled to the door.

We got a room in a little Motel 6 right off I-90. Jill had gone in and gotten the room. She had flirted her way into a nonsmoking room with two queen beds while somehow only paying for one person. Richard and I sat in the car staring into the bright hotel lobby. Jill came bounding back out (bounding? that wasn’t like Jill, what was with her lately?) and we drove around to the other side of the hotel, grabbed some toiletries and clothes for the next day out of the trunk and filed into the room. We blinked when I hit the lights. We didn’t speak as we traded off for the bathroom. I made sure Jill got i
nto my bed.

I stared at a spot on the ceiling. Richard, with his wild gesticulations and quotations, he split the girls of the school right in half. No, not that way. At least not that anyone knew of. He never had girlfriends, I think he carried around a bible or something. He always managed to have us clutching our stomachs with laughter at least once a class. After class, at lunch, the girls would split into two chattering groups. One group thought that he was so cute he was beyond reproach. The other thought he was cute but recognized that he was human. I rolled over and faced Jill’s back.

As soon as I was sure he was asleep, I put my arms around her. She sighed and snuggled into me. Her ass brushed up against my mound and I started feeling wicked. I reached up slowly, so as not to disturb her, and grabbed two handfuls of Jill-tit. She squealed and I shushed her. I warned her to be quiet or Rich would hear. We could have some fun, but we musn’t be too naughty with him here.

She turned over under the covers to face me, wrapped her arms around me, and gave me a delicious little squeeze. I kissed her soft lips. She rolled over on top of me and we we started feeling each other with our fingertips, light and rushing, sending little sparks to our respective clits. Someone let out a soft sigh.

‘Oh, come on,’ she whispered. ‘Here, look.’ She reached a hand down and came up with a wet finger. ‘Smell how wet I am. Taste.’

I took her finger into my mouth and sucked all the way up, getting all of her tangy juices. She moaned and lay back down on me, our breasts tingling as they collided. I reached my hand down to her crotch, feeling all the way.


I felt eyes on me. I pulled my face out from under Jill’s and flicked my eyes over to Richard’s bed. I saw a pair of bright eyes twinkling at me out of the darkness.

‘Oh my god, Jill!’

‘Ohh, shit!’ We clutched each other’s arms like we were falling off a cliff.

‘Shit shit shit!’

‘Don’t stop on my account girls.’ I could hear his smirk through the darkness.

‘Oh, shut up you perv,’ retorted Jill. We turned our backs to him and spooned each other. I think we all had trouble getting to sleep, but it was a quiet night.

We woke up too late for the continental breakfast, so we grabbed some pancakes and bacon at a Denny’s and headed out.

Whatever spell Richard had Jill under seemed to have broken after his little voyeuristic adventure and she refused to sit next to him, which put me in the hot seat again. She crossed her arms and wouldn’t even look at him. He tried to speak to her a few times, but she just took out her cd player and plugged herself in. She had the thing up so loud we could hear every lyric.

He tried to make small talk, but I was having none of it. He started channel-surfing the radio and I stared out the windshield.

Those fantasies last year, they had been so powerful, so real. I could almost feel his hands on my flesh like afterimages when they were over. But it always seemed curious afterwards, like there was something slightly wrong…but no…

One day I was in the gym, shooting baskets. I had a free period, so I’d changed and picked up a basketball from under the bleachers. I stood on the free-throw line in my soccer shorts and sports bra, shooting jump shots.

I had been putting them up left and swishing them right when I heard a creak and missed my shot, my focus broken. I looked in the direction the ball was now bouncing. My ponytail swung around after my head, brushing the bare skin below my bra.

‘I didn’t think anyone else would be here.’

‘Me neither. But I have a free, and no car today, so, here I am.’ I made a small fatalistic gesture, and then my hand flopped limply towards my leg. Our conversations always had this sort of awkward tone that tended to end them quickly. No matter how much I tried not to be sketchy, tried not to stare at him in History class or tried not to find the routes to all my classes that would intersect his routes, I still never managed to be quite casual in my real-life dealings with him. You didn’t think I could stare so much and fantasize so deeply without starting to like him, did you?

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Hi guys, I’m Raaj. This is my second sex story on Indian Sex Stories. The first being – “An unexpected night with Khushika”. For any feedback/fun, reach me at – First a little bit about me – I’m Raaj, 22 years. Athletic build. I’m a graduate. This sex story is from the last year when I was in final year. The sex story is a bit long, but you’ll love it. Dedicated to all those who’ve had some wildest fantasies about their teachers. It was summer, 4th-semester exams were going on. On the day of...

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Desert DroppingChapter 15 Nailed

My hand hurt. There was no getting around it. But, under the circumstances it was to be expected, the way that Eddie was repeatedly hurling the baseball, and Luke was repeatedly swinging the bat and missing the baseball, leaving me to catch it with a glove that wasn't broken in because we'd bought everything we were using that very morning. Eddie had insisted that he didn't feel like wasting the day away looking for the equipment they already had in the basement, even though Luke swore he...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Miyu Shiina Models with her teacher in the art class and gets fucked

Miyu Shiina is an actress that has turned into an art lover and she was here to show us how she could model nude and she really got into some teacher and model sucking cock and that was just a fun day of letting Miyu try out her cock sucking skills. Miyu Shiina had such a great time as well as she was able to really enjoy the art and her nude model co-worker. She was not getting her pussy worked on but she really did suck the fuck out of that cock. So today Miyu is back and the class gets...

2 years ago
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House Party

“I had the greatest sex at a house party last weekend. I was there with my new boyfriend, and as the night went on we pretty much couldn’t keep our hands off each other. Every time we kissed it turned into making out. When nobody was looking, he’d run his fingertips up my inner thigh and under my skirt until I was aching for him… and I couldn’t resist stroking him through his jeans and feeling him get harder and harder.Every so often we’d be interrupted and then we’d go chat with friends until...

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new fuck buddy

ZoeGreeted me at the door with a nice hug and a surprising quick kiss and led me inside. I have to admit that she was a wet dream in the flesh, with blonde hair, green eyes, pretty face, small tits, and the cutest skinny little body you laid eyes on. As I reached the bed and sat down, she spun around and let me enjoy the view, her breasts were barely contained in a black lace bra and her sheer black panties exposed her thick lips and clean shaven womanhood left me wanting to see more. I stood...

1 year ago
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Me and my mom

This the story from Delhi, the story between me and mother, I am 25 I am working in Jaipur, I am the only son ,my mother was with me she was 45 years she had a good shape(41”36”43”), she had body like Indian house wife has and big shape breast big size butts, she dress saree. We had one bed only we both sleep, evening I came from college. My dad was going to Pune for business. In night while sleeping I has a sexy dream. The girl in the dream is nothing but that was my mother. In dream when I...

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The Unexpected Wonderful Encounter

Hi to all my horny friends of both genders! First of I want to tell many of my friends here that as far as my experience in Sexual Intercourse, I don’t think, that no girls/women are obsessed for 8 inches or 9 inches cock. I believe that the way you handle woman, give her pleasure and satisfaction matter to her the most. So I don’t believe in “Sizes of Cock Theory”. I am Rohit, right now settled in one of the well-known city of Southern India. My height is 5.10, have athletic body, and an...

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The Interview4

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Mz. Crawford," the fortyish woman said while plopping down in the chair behind her large impressive desk. "UH, no problem," Jane replied softly, "I've only been waiting a few minutes." "Good," Beth answered quickly. "So let's get right down to business, I don't believe in beating around the bush!" "Do you understand exactly what we do here at PIG studios?" Beth asked. "I think so," Jane replied, "you make, uh, movies with people having sex."...

2 years ago
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Detention Ch 02

First chapter is here: * It was Monday morning, time to go back to school. I had had the weekend to reflect on what had happened last Friday afternoon. I also got in a few good jerk off sessions over it. I woke up on Saturday still wondering if it was a dream. But no, I had actually had my dick sucked by Marsha Callaghan while she had her pussy eaten by Kelly Johnson. Then I fucked Kelly Johnson in the ass. Amazing. I wondered what...

3 years ago
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just got fucked by my 2nd BBC

I got my 2nd good BBC fucking today and loved every minute if it. I had my 1st BBC and 1st anal back in April and have been craving a repeat ever since, I finally decided to do something about it. I Placed an ad on craigslist for a black man that wanted to use a white sissy crossdresser, After weeding through the fakes, old white perverts and one liners. I responded to 3 guys that fit what I wanted, I picked one that could host at his place that said he loved white sissy ass He said he had a 9...

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The Fiance 2

The Fiance Chapter 2 Written by smchronos Notes: This chapter was a real pain. It may seem jumbled, and that's because it is. I must have started, stopped, written, erased, and rewritten so many times that my keyboard has become nothing more than faceless buttons. Anyway, after this release, I'm in a better mood to write; so, the next chapter should come out soon (and with better consistency!). ------------------- Ryan backed away from the doorway quickly. "You!" Ryan...

2 years ago
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Late Night at the Library A Bondage Tale

Late night Library fantasy.It all started with my late-night visits to Liverpool Central Library. I use the place at least once a week as I’m studying as a mature student. My preferred time is late, usually after midnight. It’s the best time to go as it’s pretty quiet & you be sure that the only other users are serious geeks who, like myself try to avoid being disturbed.Anyway, back to my fantasy…..One evening, I’d dropped into the library & chosen my preferred corner, the older part...

3 years ago
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Adventurous Naked Tracking With Boys

Hello my name is Shalini age 25 years with a hot slim looks with perfect boobs & butt. I got married before 2 years. Here my true incident goes as below. After my honeymoon, my husband Hemant planned to go tracking with his four friends. When I came to know he is going to tracking living me alone, I got upset and told him that I also want to come with him. He explains me that its boy’s out so he can not carry me. But I was very upset and he doesn’t want to cancel his trip so he finally agreed...

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Me The Maid And The Sage 8211 Part 2

Hi Anju here please read my previous story for intro to this story that night all my thoughts were about the sage and his snake like cock the next day morning the first thing after my husband left Suma came to me and told she could not sleep with the cock in her mind I said even I could not so we decided today we get fucked but where and how I called the MLAs son and asked for his house keys which is just 3 kms from my house and is got a big compound and just the watchman who can be sent away I...

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Flatmate Susanna says: - There are so many aspects of this story that I yearn to be true, the whole sharing a flat with a TS, going out together, being appreciated by a heterosexual man, even being fucked by one like a true woman. But like most of us the aspects that are true are the bits about the late night walks, the furtive and secretive dressing up; this is my fantasy writ large and if only I could make it come true! Robert lived in Hampstead during the week, sharing a flat...

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An Accidental Love God Ch 08B

Jana’s Tale The first thing you should know is that both Gina and I are actors living in LA. What you probably do not know is that acting in video games is turning into a very lucrative enterprise for actors, in particular women of a certain body type. Just check the acting credits on What ‘certain body type’? You ask a brilliant question. That would be the porn star body type. Both Gina and I have done everything possible to enhance our bodies. We both have surgically enhanced...

1 year ago
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Starting Over

The morning sun streams in through the windows of the bedroom. Andrew opens his eyes slowly. "What a night," he thinks to himself. He turns his head slowly to see the sensuous figure sleeping next to him in blissful slumber. Her reddish-blonde hair is wrapped around her peaceful face. The sheet is pulled down just enough that he can glimpse her perky breasts, now standing "at ease." Her lightly-tanned skin is marked in indiscriminate patterns with tiny beauty marks. Her breathing is...

2 years ago
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A World Gone Wild

The Genie Appears ############ Things ha been rough for me for the past few years. After graduating High school, college just didn't stick with me as my grades dropped and I found myself back at home within a year. With the way things were going, I could already see myself in some dead end job for the rest of my life despite my attempts to go back to college, hopefully getting a degree in the progress. My life seemed to be going down the drain, at least until I met...her. Walking the streets...

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Nagpur Ke Multiplex Me Mili Ladkiya

Hello every one of Indian sex stories dot net. This is banty again. I hope you all remember me? I will post my mail in this desi hot story, so you can all contact me. I’m back on track again. Me iss ka bohot purana reader hu. Me twenty-four years ka hu, educated hu, good average looking bhi hu aur my height is five-ten. I’m not a good storyteller so sorry for all my mistakes. Privacy ke chalte sabhi patro ke naam badal diye gaye he, place nagpur he. To chalo ab story start karte he, me last...

3 years ago
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Motherin law Motel 1st full encounter

The mother-in-law and I had our first kiss, an intense make out session but that was as far as we had gotten due to, not being able to be alone. We had text one another, emailed and shared several phone calls but other than sneaking an occasional kiss, that was as far as we could go but then, I received a text early one morning at work.. " are you free early Saturday morning ?". She text me.... "I can be" I replied back. "Clear your schedule from 8am Saturday morning till 5pm that night, I'll...

4 years ago
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A Beautiful MessEpilogue Sunset

"You got everything, Char?" Stephanie asked. Char, who was near tears, simply nodded. The suitcases were loaded into the trunk of the Mustang, everything she owned and everything I owned. Ron shut the trunk and walked over to us. He handed me a credit card, a cell phone, and a wad of bills. He patted me on the shoulder and smiled at me. Then he stood with his hands in his pockets, smiling. Charlotte stepped up and hugged him. "Don't you cry now, my girl. We'll be up to see you guys...

1 year ago
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Leesa likes it big Chapter 2

Beth smiled at Leesa. “I saw how you looked at the pony before. Were you shocked or excited?” she asked. Leesa blushed “excited, very excited” she replied “I have never seen a cock that large”. “What about your husband” Beth asked. Leesa laughed “oh God my fingers are longer”. Myra chuckled. “Yes the pony is large and it feels so nice”. Leesa looked surprised. “Nice?” she gasped “you mean, you know, done it with him”. “Yes” said Myra “both Beth and I have had the pleasure many times. Would you...

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Fucked by a Friend

Shaun is online. The message popped up on my desktop making that annoying pinging noise. The damn noise I could just not figure out how to turn off. The pop up stayed there as I glared at it. Old familiar feelings coursing through my veins, heading right for my lower regions. I sighed. I needed to stop the mixture of excitement, wrongness, and horniness from reaching my pussy.It was a sigh in vain. I was currently in a committed, monogamous relationship with a good hearted, successful boy...

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old guy has some fun

Hi i meet this old guy down the pub a few weeks ago .He told me a story about his self and a black girl i will leave it up to you if you think its true .Iwill tell it as its from him ok .mY Name is John im 73 years old i ran my own company for years now im retired my wife died years ago and my k**s are all married .So i will begin i live on my own in a big house by the sea for sex i hire a girl now and then .They all ways have to be black as i have a thing about black pussy just love it .Thank...

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A Tale Of Two Jessicas

She had many ways of relieving her stress boos, cigarets, she had even gotten her self a Latin love toy named Lance. But nothing lately seemed to take the edge off. By this time she had gotten to her car a red 99 Doge Viper with a solid top. She took her keys out from her purse tried to open the door but had to give it an extra pull for some reason it was sticking. Finally she got it open and ducked her head to get in and closed the door with a furious slam “fucking door” she said to her self....

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Sex in Coding I

Hi, everybody i m really excited about the response to my first part. Sorry i didnt gave my mail add which is now un sab k liye jinhone mera pehla part nahi pada plz padh lijiye kyonki maine usme ladki ko patane ka idea diya hai…Ab pichli story ko aage badhata hoon.Us raat maine aur sita ne sirf oral sex kiya.Us din maine unke ghar se subah bahut khush ho gaya. Aur poore din raat ki planning karne laga. Maine net kai kamasutra ki position dekhi jinse ek kunwari pyaasi choot ki pyaas bhi mit...

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 42

I awoke at dusk and led my party back to the Harmons’ house, where I found Tate still in the midst of screwing Vivien and Violet. I chuckled as I considered my options before collecting mother and daughter alike. I brought my group with me to Jason Stackhouse’s place, where we found Amy, Emely, and Jason in the middle of a threesome as well. It was hardly a surprise, of course, especially with Jason being, well, Jason. “Hey, guys, what’s new?” I announced myself while Amy and Emely both...

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ConvergenceChapter 2 State of the Union

President Scott McGowan marched through the wide, double doors, into the House chamber. Politicians from both sides of the political aisle lined his path, waiting to shake his hand. They were all smiling, but very few smiles reached their eyes. Scotty sighed, as he began shaking hands and thanking men for their false well wishes. It looked like most of the Congressmen had read the advance copy of his speech, and they weren't happy about it. That was okay. They weren't meant to be happy...

1 year ago
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Three Blackbirds Outside Akeing MiddlesbroughChapter 3

Esther Rampent showered, spotting the tall elegant complex owner pass through to a vacant booth. Hmm! Not you Frances, a bit rumpled and sweaty looking the slim, black, shapely, promotions girl thought, not her usual immaculate self. That towel not exactly concealing all your fabulous old body. It was Esther’s night out that night and the swim and exercise routine she’d completed set her up for a few drinks and boogie in whichever club her and her friends picked out of the one. Yes a stark...

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HandsOnHardcore Kris The Foxx Naughty Russian Wants Morning Sex

Sultry Russian babe Kris the Fox thinks that a little quickie in the kitchen sounds like a great way to start the day, and we couldn’t agree more. The seductress surprises her man Vince Karter when she rolls out of bed and strolls into the kitchen in a slinky silk robe with a sexy lacy lingerie set hidden underneath, waiting to be revealed. As the sizzling blue-eyed starlet gets on her knees and gives her man the eye, he realizes that his cock is soon to be sheathed by his wifey’s...

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My Wifes Naughty Confession

This is an account that my wife told me when we had been married for several years. It is about her first proper experience of sex, which was with her father. Sadly it was only after he had passed away that she felt able to tell me, because she was afraid of what my response might be. Up till that point I was under the impression that I was the first and only man to have fucked her.Although I was shocked at first, my cock betrayed me, and by the time Susie had finished I had unzipped my...

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An Indian Exhibitionist Wife

Malti Babbar stretched her body and glanced towards the screaming alarm clock, 5.30 AM it's time to get up, lazily she reached for it and punched the stop button. The early morning sun was pouring in through the window and she slowly slipped out of the bed. Without disturbing her sleeping husband, she quickly freshened up and before six o'clock she was out of the house for her regular jogging. Outside her small bungalow was a vast stretch of greenery as they were residing in FRI complex (Forest...

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Love can be in plain sight 6

We had a lot of unprotected sex after that, we were trying get me pregnant, but we kept it to ourselves for the time being, we really wanted it to be a surprise to everyone. So about 8 weeks later I started throwing up when luckily we were both home. “Shit, I gotta go to the bathroom,” I said. He saw I really didn't feel good, so he came to the bathroom with me. I threw up a few times and we wasted no time to take a test. So I took it and it was positive. "Well Bill and Wendy aren't the only...

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A Telephone Call or Ursulas Story

Warning. This story contains scenes of an explicit sexual nature and deals with transgenderism and crossdressing. If these subjects offend you then read no further. However, if you like this stuff then read on and enjoy. BG. (The first sentence of this story is borrowed from The Book of Common Prayer.) A Telephone Call Or Ursula's Story By Belle Gordon. "Forasmuch...

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Big Bang Banging

"Penny. Penny. Penny." The all too familiar knocking pattern of Sheldon Cooper, his very weird neighbour who was Leonard's roommate. What on earth does he want at 12 midnight? In her long stay as a neighbour to Sheldon, she had however learnt to expect the unexpected from him. Weird did not even begin to describe him. "Coming!" She replied and kicked her warm duvet away. She was still friends with Sheldon even after her ugly break up with Leonard. A few months back, he had even helped...

1 year ago
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Florida Was Great

Well, the day’s session had been pretty informative. You know, when you go to week long seminars some days are good and some days are bad. As I walked out of the room and into the hall, intending to head upstairs to my hotel room, I heard a voice call my name….I wasn’t aware that anyone really knew my name, I mean I live in Chicago and this was Miami Beach, Florida. I turned around and there was this perky little red headed woman who I had noticed sitting a couple of seats down at the same long...

4 years ago
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Angel Ch 03

We made it back to the apartment around one and began to pull our duffle bags from under the beds. I was actually getting excited about visiting my family. I’d been away from home for almost four months and although I talked to them on the phone a lot, it’s different when you can actually visit. I knew my mom would make my favorite foods, and my dad would be there for half of them. I know my dad was a busy guy and he worked hard for his family, but sometimes when I was younger I wish my dad...

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