Renter's InsuranceChapter 6 free porn video

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"Well Hello, Sweetie," said Bonnie into the phone in an artificially kind voice, "It's been so long since we've talked. How are things going for you?"

"They're going great Bonnie," I replied in as genuine a tone as I could muster. "not only is this situation working out well for both of us, but I really am enjoying myself."

"So you're starting to see the allure of an older woman?"

"Oh that's not the half of it, Bon, these women are passionate and experienced, and they just ooze sexuality." This was true. "Their only crime is that they're lonely. But, I will tell you, I've learned what a mature woman wants from a lover, and they have showed me so many different ways to please them that sometimes I don't think I will survive it. After every new experience, I just think 'Wow, that was amazing'. I can't thank you enough Bonnie."

"I'm so glad to hear that, Sweetie." Said Bonnie with obvious intrigue in her voice. "I was afraid you were still angry after your little episode with Nina and Terry. They DO have a tendency to run off at the mouth."

She was clearly trying to cover her tracks at this point, and for my purposes, it was best that I let her.

"Oh that was nothing," I said still thinking about what I had in store for both of those dyke bitches if my plan worked out, "But, listen, I'd like to thank YOU properly, for all you've done for me. Do you have plans for dinner."

"Why, No, I don't" said Bonnie her voice betraying her excitement

"Great, then my place at 9:00?"

"Why that would be wonderful, can I bring anything?

"Oh, No. I'll have everything we need, just wear something nice, and I'll see you then."

"OK, Sweetie, until then."

After I hung up the phone, I smiled to myself, knowing what was going through her mind. She was living the high life off the fruits of my labor, but I knew the old bag was jealous. She had heard the stories from her friends, and they were getting more exaggerated by the day. Now, Bonnie wanted some of the action. Her fat old pussy was probably dripping right now as she was thinking about it, and she didn't realize she was playing right into my trap this time.

I still had some preparations to make, so I jumped on my motorcycle started a few errands, the first being to the adult book store. When I returned a few hours later, I had a large bag of groceries strapped to the seat behind me and along with the food, it also contained several bottles of wine, some grain alcohol, and bag from the bookstore.

One of my many jobs in college had been in a restaurant, and I had actually become a pretty good cook along the way. After a couple of hours, I had the makings of a pretty good linguini and clam sauce with scallops. It was heavy enough that I knew she wouldn't eat much, and we were eating just late enough that she would be on a very empty stomach.

By 8:30, there was a nicely set table with borrowed china, candles, soft music, and a few strategically placed accessories. I showered and changed into the tux that my friend in 402 had insisted I keep, and I was sipping some watered down wine, when Bonnie knocked on the door precisely at 9:00.

If she knew what was in store for her, she probably wouldn't have been so prompt.

"Hello, Bonnie," I said sweetly as I ushered her in, "I'm glad you came."

"Well!" she said obviously impressed "You've really outdone yourself."

"It's the least I can do, really."

She was wearing a very expensive dress with a sort of grayish metallic sheen and a very low, plunging neckline that crossed over itself and wrapped under each one of her massive breasts. I wondered how many midnight excursions it had taken for me to pay for it.

"Can I get you some wine?" I asked helping her with her chair.

"Yes, please, whatever you're drinking is fine."

The wine I brought her was not like mine, it was full strength, and it was going to get a lot fuller as the night went on.

I sat across from her and offered up a toast "To a successful venture."

"Indeed." She replied enthusiastically

As we ate, the conversation made it's way through the usual small talk but quickly enough found it's way back to our venture.

"So, you're really enjoying yourself now?"

"Oh, Bonnie," I said enthusiastically while looking into her eyes, "I have had some of the most amazing experiences. I thought I kind of knew my way around a bed, but these ladies are showing me more and more each time. It really is amazing. Are you finished"

"What?, Oh Yes Dear, It really was wonderful, but I'm afraid I'm just not much of an eater."

As I had guessed, she only finished about half of her dinner, and we had both killed the remainder of the first bottle of wine, so I cleared the dishes including her glass and took them to the kitchen. I filled her wine glass lacing it with a bit of grain alcohol along the way, then I replaced the wine in the fridge.

"This is a wine that I discovered as a bartender at the country club" I said handing her the glass "You might find it tastes a little strong, but is really very mellow. I'm sure you'll like it, the ladies at the club used to drink me out of it every night."

Her face twitched a little as she sipped it, but she disguised it well and was determined to play herself off as every bit the socialite.

"Oh I've had this before, it is a good wine."

"I'm glad you like it."

"So what kind of things are these ladies showing you?"

"Bonnie," I said with exaggerated shock, "you're not asking me to kiss and tell are you?"

"Wha... , OH, No, I just meant that... well, that is, I thought that during our little escapade, that you, Uhmm, handled yourself pretty well, So I was just wondering what more..."

"I tell you, Bon, every one of these ladies has their own unique passions and desires. I learn more every night I go out, but you knew that didn't you Bon, that's why you sucked me into this to begin with it isn't it?

"What do you mean?"she asked quizzically

"Well, you figured I would be alright in the sack, but after our night together, you realized that I was liberated enough to fulfill all their fantasies no matter how bizarre."

Obviously flustered now, Bonnie took about half of her wine in a single draught.

"I'm not sure what you mean." She said avoiding eye contact.

"Come on, after I took you in the ass, you figured I would do just about anything that these ladies wanted, and you knew they would pay well for it."

"Well that's not exactly... I mean..."

"Bonnie," I reassuringly while taking her hand from across the table "I admire the vision. That was a great move. You saw an opportunity and you went after it. But, what really impresses me is that little insurance policy you took out on me."

Bonnie removed her hand from mine and finished her wine still avoiding eye contact.

"I don't know what you mean." She said softly

"Sure you do, after my first night out, went OK but I didn't follow all of your instructions, you figured I needed a little motivator, so you talked to your friends. Here let me get you some more wine, it's very good isn't it?"

"Excuse me," she said standing up "I need to use the ladies room."

She staggered a little as she tried to make her way around the table, and she was now slurring her words a little. It was time to set the hook.

By the time Bonnie returned from the bathroom, the music was a little louder, and the lights a little lower. I placed the wine in front of her then remained standing behind her and started rubbing her shoulders.

"How did you get Terry and Nina to go along with it?" I asked "that was a great move. I didn't see that coming at all."

"It was their idea." She said taking another drink

"You're kidding" I said falsely shocked

"No. You see, I've known Nina was a lesbian for a long time, and we've talked quite a few times."

"Yeah?" I said rubbing her shoulders a little deeper. I could feel the tension slipping away from her and I hoped she would continue. She did.

"Yeah, you see she had been hinting around about a third for their relationship for quite a while, so I told them about you."

I moved my hands down her arms a bit and continued to work her back through the expensive material of her dress. Her fresh glass was about half empty, and her words were now flowing freely.

"Nina said why don't I get you on video going into Terry's apartment, since Terry enjoys a man now and again, then we could hide some of her valuables, file the police report, telling them the camera's in the hall were broken.

As long as we kept the tape, we knew you would have to do what we asked.

They got their threesome, and I got, well, I got you."

"That was a great plan, Bonnie, I really am impressed. I didn't like being manipulated like that, but I really have to appreciate the scheme. Weren't you afraid the police would come back to look around though.?"

"Why should we be afraid of that?"

"Well what if they saw the stuff that was supposedly stolen?

Bonnie smiled and finished her wine.

"That's one of the better parts," she said, "Terry sold the stuff second-hand and still collected the insurance money. It was actually a pretty tidy sum between us."

I hadn't figured that part out for sure, and I had been fishing, but Bonnie had taken the whole thing hook, line, and sinker.

"There was one part you didn't count on though." I said moving my hands over her shoulders and tracing the neckline of her dress with my fingers.

"What's that.?" She slurred

"Jealousy. " I said


"Yeah, you didn't count on becoming jealous of what all your friends were getting and you weren't. At first you figured the money would be enough for you, but then they started telling you stories about how great their nights had been."

Bonnie stared at the table saying nothing, so I continued.

"At first you raised the prices on them just because you knew they'd pay, but then you, got a little vindictive when some of them balked."

"I don't know..."

"Bonnie," I said moving my hands lower, "That's a great move. Know what the market is willing to bear, and adjust your price accordingly. That's just good business. How'd you get Old Janey on the fourth floor to cough up more cash?"

I felt Bonnie chuckle a little bit then she said "I told her you wanted extra money for the fat ugly ones."

"You did not." Again falsely shocked

"I did." She reaffirmed, "she was paying close to $500 a pop for what others were getting for $150 or $200."

"That still wasn't enough though, was it?"

"I don't think she would have paid more."

"No. I mean for you. You were still jealous over what they were getting, weren't you?"

Again, silence

"In fact," I continued "you started following me, didn't you? You would use your pass key and sneak into the women's apartments while I was there and listen to us wouldn't you?"

She still said nothing, but her head nodded almost imperceptibly. I hadn't known this either, but I had had my suspicions. I slid my hands down and cupped her huge breasts, massaging them as I continued.

"You would stand out side their bedroom doors listening to us fucking and your pussy would just get wetter and wetter wouldn't it?"

She was staring at the table now, but her head was nodding more affirmatively now.

"At first you were afraid, but as you got braver, you would slip your hand into your panties and rub yourself as you listened to me giving these women what you wanted, wouldn't you?"

"I didn't wear panties." She said weakly

This was getting better all the time.


"I would wear a dress and no panties, and I would play with myself until just before you finished so I could sneak back out without you hearing me."

"What would you do then?" I asked my index fingers making circles around her stiffening nipples "Your pussy must have been sopping, like it is now."

"I would run back to my apartment and relieve myself"

"How would you do that?"

"I would, you know finish the job."

"Tell me about it." I said pressing my hard cock against her back, "It really excites me to think about it. Did you just use your fingers?

"No," she said meekly, "I have a dildo that I would jam in and out, pretending it was your cock."

"Did you just do it faster and faster until you came, or did you try other things?"

I kneaded her tits more firmly squeezing the nipples between my fingers.

"Sometimes I would, but my most favorite was getting the vibrator and sliding it up my ass, then I would make myself cum with my fingers on my button."

"You really liked it when I fucked you in the ass, didn't you."

"I dream about it."

"Then let's make a dream come true." I said helping her to her feet.

I slipped the dress off her shoulders and eased it over her wide hips as she moaned exaggeratedly. Beneath she was wearing a white lace bra and matching panties that almost got lost in her pudgy thighs. I led her to the bedroom and eased her onto the bed. Still massaging her tits, I kissed her neck and began licking my way down her body. Her breathing became heavier as I worked the inside of her thighs. I kneeled between her legs, and lightly rubbed the insides of her thighs with my thumbs working closer and closer to her drenched cunt. She spread her legs farther and waited for me to touch her pussy. I grazed her pussy lips through her panties, and she jerked each time. She was as hot as she was going to get.

Straddling her belly now, I worked her tits again, them pushed her arms over her head and let my fingers run lightly over the inside of her arms. At first she didn't realize it when I slipped the leather bracelet onto her wrist, but when she realized it was secured, her eyes opened wide and she started to say something.

I placed my finger to her lips, and smiled reassuringly to her saying "Shhh, you're going to love this."

She relaxed a little, and I slipped her other wrist into a bracelet that was secured to the other corner of the bed. When I had secured her ankles in the same manner, I stood at the foot of the bed and admired my handiwork for a moment as I removed my jacket and tie. She lay there spread eagle, her chest heaving as she anticipated what was in store for her. She had no idea. I removed my underwear and my cock sprang free. She wiggled her ass on the bed wanting desperately for a cock to be jammed into her.

I grabbed the waistband of her panties at her hip and jerked hard, ripping it, then repeated the same for the other side. I then grabbed the waistband at her belly and pulled it straight towards her face so the material dragged through her pussy lips. She wiggled and moaned until they popped free.

I knelt between her thighs and touched the head of my cock to her pussy lips. She raised her hips, but I backed away, then I rubbed it up and down her wet slit, gouging it into her clit and making her jump.

"This is what you've been fantasizing about isn't it?"

"Ohh Yeah"

"You want this hard cock banging into your pussy don't you?" I said still rubbing up and down.

"Oh Please, Yes... Do it."

"But most of all, you want to feel it spurt in your ass, making it all slick."

"Oh Please, Yesss, more than anything."

"All in good time." I said "You'll get what you've been asking for."

Then I straddled her hips and unhooked the front closure of her bra allowing her huge boobs to spill out. I pulled a bottle of lotion from the bedside stand and poured it freely betwen her tits and onto my cock.

"First, there are some preliminaries."

"Oh please yes, anything, just do it."

I placed my cock between those huge floppy tits, and pushed them together then began fucking them.

"You're going to get what you've been asking for Dear." I said stroking faster "But I'm not sure you're going to like as much as you think Her fat rolls were moving back and forth under me as I fucked her tits faster and faster.

"Do you want it now?"

"Ohhh Pleeease Yesss, Please do it now."

Her hips were bucking under me

"Do you think you deserve it?"

"Yess, Yesss, Please, oh yes, just Fuck Me."

"Then you'll get what you deserve." I said

Mashing her tits hard against my cock, I thrust forward and cum exploded.

The first cannon blast caught her flush under the chin. I raised myself up on my knees and continued jerking myself off. The second glob landed straight directly on her right eyelid and trailed down over her cheek, while the subsequent shots landed square on her lips and chin. When the last of my cum had dribbled out, I unceremoniously stood and said "let me get you something for your mouth. When I returned, her one eye opened wide when she saw that I had in my hand a red plastic ball affixed to leather straps instead of a cloth. I shoved the ball into her mouth then secured the straps of the ball gag behind her head.

"Oh don't look so disappointed Bonnie, I guarantee, you WILL get fucked in the ass before the night is over, I just need a little help that's all.

On my way out of the room, I retrieved the video camera that had been inconspicuously filming the entire sordid event. In the living room, the camera had been hidden in the bookcase with a perfect view of the table.

Taking them to the entertainment center, I performed some quick editing, then dubbed the tape at high speed.

When I returned to the bedroom, I almost laughed at Bonnie. She had obviously tried to work herself free and by the time she had given up, she had wrinkled all the sheets beneath her and now a big wad was stuck in her ass crack. The cum had dried on her face, but it was still blatantly obvious as some had dripped over the gag and left white stains on the leather. She now watched me with a look of total humiliation on her face.

I placed one tape in the VCR near the foot of the bed, then as she watched me, I opened the fireproof safe that was bolted to the floor of the closet, dropped the other tape in and locked it. I then returned to the living room with the key in my hand where I tucked it into the binding of one of the many books. When I returned to the bedroom I had the cordless phone in my hand.

"Are you getting a little lonely Bon?" I asked mockingly "Shall we invite some company?"

"MMpphh, mooor, MMMphh."

"OK Bon, anything you say."

I punched in a number as Bonnie watched horrified.

"Hi Nina," I said pleasantly when she had picked up the phone "Listen, Bonnie would like you to meet her downstairs in the apartment directly beneath yours so she can talk to you before I call the police."

I smiled at Bonnie as she lay there with huge terrified eyes and dried cum stuck to her face.

"What's that?, no, Nina I'm afraid you can't talk to her, she's a little tied up right now. Oh and bring Terry too, she'll want to hear this as well."

Bonnie closed her eyes and her head sunk back into the pillow.

"Don't lie to me Nina, I saw Terry walk into your apartment not two hours ago. She's probably got her tongue stuck up your snatch right now. I'll see you in 5 minutes, don't be late."

I hung up the phone before she could protest farther, then I pulled on some shorts and a T-shirt, walked to the kitchen and opened a beer while I waited for them.

I opened the door to a light rap in less than 3 minutes.

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Introduction: Dasha is kidnapped and raped. Taken (Chapter One): Dasha Dasha skated to the edge of the rink where Viktor was waiting for her with a cup of hot cocoa. Howd I do? She asked, leaning over the rail. He pecked her on the lips. Great, baby. Dasha pouted, Be honest with me, I need to know what to work on for the junior states next week. Well, your landing on the second double axel was a little weak, he said. But you can work on it tomorrow, I made dinner reservations at 6:30 and...

2 years ago
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Alexas Game

I get back to my desk from the end-of-the-week departmental meeting and see the light blinking on my phone. I have a voicemail. Do I want to check it? I just had a bunch more workload dumped in my lap at that meeting and I’ve got plenty of work to do. Oh, what the heck. Pressing the button, I put the phone to my ear to listen. Just some knucklehead dialing the wrong number and asking for somebody named Pamela. Whatever, it’s his loss. It’s already pushing 5:30, but I’m behind on my day’s work...

3 years ago
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Ariela Ch02 Broken In

She could arrive unannounced at any moment, unceremoniously push him up against the wall or flatten him on the filthy floor and have her way with him, using his body to sate her pleasure, defiling his body and wearing down his resolve one pounding at a time. She would usually visit once in the morning to deliver him his ‘breakfast’ and while the food he was given was a poor substitute for the diet he was used to in terms of taste, Ariela was making sure to give him enough to ensure he didn’t...

2 years ago
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Popscotch part 2

Popscotch --- Part 2 - I woke up running my fingers repetitively over and around a little donut under some thin scrunched up fabric. I didn’t know why my hand was where it was in the first place, but I just decided to stick with it, still only half way coming from my sleep. Fading into more consciousness, it began to feel more and more like a tiniest belly button underneath a thinnest shirt. I thought of Ashley, my hand draped over her and caressing her naval. The positioning...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 42 Aaron and his sisters

I woke slowly to find someone was pushing me into their vagina. I could not see who it was because all of the LED lights around the room had been turned off. The people that did my room did a great job ensuring all light was blocked. With the LED lights off, the room was pitch black. I knew for sure it was not Crystal, or even Annie, because this girl was very tight, and a virgin. She was taking it slowly trying to get me inside her without causing her much pain, or maybe just trying to do...

4 years ago
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The Cosmic James BondChapter 2

Back at The Center, I was relaxing in my apartment with another agent from down the hall. "Bev, how long have you been in this business?" "That's a hard question to answer. I think that I have been at it for over 300 subjective years, but I was first contacted in 2032 after a horrible airplane accident. So that may mean that I have not even started yet. You figure it out." She laughed at that. Beverly is a blond when she is in her normal form, but she has been in many shapes over the...

2 years ago
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Learning My Lesson

Rain poured down on me as I hiked my backpack on my shoulder as I raced across the green. I checked my watch again, 6:30pm, I only have two and half hours till I have to meet Blake at the dorm. I started dating him in a chat room as a friendly flirt but life changed after we met. Blake took our dating seriously. He was always a very quiet person in chat but for some reason everyone seem to respect and not annoy him. I watched for months while other girls had flirted with him off and on. So...

2 years ago
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My friend and I fuck my girlfriend

I used to know a woman named Sue who I met on a plane trip back from the west coast. Sue lived in Pennsylvania and I lived about 100 miles away in New Jersey. After the trip, I visited her at her apartment and we hit it off. Needless to say, we had sex on that first visit and I continued to visit Sue and have sex with her whenever I could. Sue was a somewhat plain woman, heavy, but with thin legs and no ass. But she was a good sport and we enjoyed a wide variety of sexual activities. ...

1 year ago
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BangBrosClips Sloan Harper Sloan Harper8217s Sexual Beach Vacation Day 1

Sloan Harper and her boyfriend planned a romantic vacation and it’s finally time to go! She missed him so much, but more importantly, she missed his dick. A long road trip is ahead, but she’s too horny to wait till they get to the hotel. She starts to finger herself on the car ride and he rubs her clit. They eventually pull over so she can give him some amazing road head. They finally get to the hotel and walk down an amazing forest to get there. It’s beautiful and romantic....

1 year ago
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A Dysfunctional Family

It was late and I was a bit drunk as I made my way down the hallway to our bedroom in the dark. Light was coming from my study I looked in the door and my metro step son was sitting at my desk watching porn on the internet. I stopped to watch curious what 16 year old boys watch. One was called Sissiffication and showed image after image of beautiful young women sucking cock. Big cocks. It had words on flashing through the images "Suck Dick ""Lots of Dick" . The images changed to faces of...

3 years ago
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THE NIGHT OUT (set in London, England, circa 1900)By way of introductionPeople today easily accept the fact that some men and women get married to blend in and hide the fact that each is attracted to their own sex. It is common among people who are in the public eye such as politicians, movie stars, singers, etc… One hundred years ago, people probably also got married for the same reasons. I imagined one couple, Helen and Richard, who probably lived their lives without anyone ever...

3 years ago
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Out of Afrika Chapter 18

Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Wunderboi******Chapter 18In the months since Clarissa's stunning rise to power as President of the Confederacy Country Club (known to all as the 'CCC') near Hawksville, much had been accomplished she thought, as she drove home after another positive Board of Directors' meeting. She mentally listed and ticked off her ‘achievements’ which included the expansion of some of the committees to include more women, young...

4 years ago
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Jacob what a wonderful brother

I'm 19 and Jacob is 23. He's my half brother. We never really met or knew each other well until about a year ago and from that time on, I knew we were going to get along great. His dad and our mom moved in together after a long time of separation and Jacob and I have our own wing of the house basically. Our mom and his dad decided they would need their privacy and that we got along well enough to share a side of the house. Our side of the house consist of 1 HUGE ass bathroom, a kitchen, a small...

3 years ago
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Episode 112 Sex Education

IntroductionThis story is written for Alfie and Charlie, who I hope will be encouraged to read it when they’re old enough. Their Mums Ellie (Use-my-cunt) and Emma (moist-slut) have reviewed, approved and suggested some improvements. The story mostly takes place at Emma’s house. Suzy (posh-slut) and her new girlfriend Anita (MauritianGirl) make a guest appearance and Molly (teen-tart) spends the entire weekend there.Justine (slutty_mum), comes to collect her daughter Molly, hoping that soon she...

1 year ago
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Young boy fun

Oh the pleasures of having young boys visit with me and learn new things in life.It goes something like this, " Hi make yourself at home, would you like something to drink?" We sit and relax getting to know each other. " Would you like to watch some movies with me? I have a lots of different types, what would you like to watch?" I play a video that is to our liking and watch as the young boy begins to get excited by the video action. "Are you enjoying the movie as much as you appear to be? I...

4 years ago
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MERI BETI KANCHAN I am Huma, with another hot story. It is incest story of my uncle who had been living a life of abstinence after the death of his wife. Hope you will like this stories in which I have changed names to maintain secrecy about the characters. Mera naam Satish Chander hai aur main Sonipat, Haryana ka rehne wala hoon. Meri umar 52 saal ki hai aur main school mein Hindi padhata hoon. Meri biwi Surbhi ka intkaal aaj se 10 saal pehle ho gaya tha aur tab se main apni beti Kanchan ke...

2 years ago
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Til Death

Introduction: How far would you go for the one you love? All extremes of feeling are allied with madness. -Virginia Woolf, Orlando *** It was sundown. The carriage reached the cottage on the cliffs. Porphyria told the driver to wait. And dont disturb us even if the sky is falling. She followed the path to the cottage door, but hesitated before knocking. Maybe I should go back, she thought. Maybe I should just throw myself off the cliffs instead. That would be better. But she knocked, and...

3 years ago
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Weekend cottage with friends Pt 3 Later in Bed

When I finally got to bed, Julie was under the covers with a big grin on her face. “What’s with the Cheshire Cat smile?” I asked. “You’ll never believe what I’ve been up to” “Try me” “Well, you know that I dashed to the bathroom for a pee and Jayne followed me. I got there first and sat quickly on the loo. Jayne came in stark naked and holding herself between her legs and saying how she also needed to pee urgently. ‘Open your legs’ she said ‘I can’t wait, I’m bursting’. So I did and she sat...

1 year ago
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Hard to Get

I love teasing guys and playing hard to get. OK, it's a cruel, but I can't help it. I was born a natural flirt, with big green eyes, a tight little body, and luscious brown locks. In high school, I was always known as "that girl." It's a compliment, even though it doesn't sound like one. I never worried about being tossed into the trashcan as a freshmen, or getting soup dumped over my head. I'm a flirt, but guys and girls can't help but like me no matter what. But I learned my lesson...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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My Sexual Journey 8211 Part 7 Friday Night Out

I was sitting naked on the couch and my ex-girlfriend Aisha was on my lap riding my cock. She was bouncing really hard on it; she had turned her head upwards with her eyes closed. She was moaning and screaming with every bounce, “Ohh yesss..mmmmm..fuck me ahhhhhhhhh”. I was moaning too and looking at her tits which were bouncing in rhythm; her belly was bouncing too and her body had gotten full sweaty. I had gotten sweaty too and we both were so wet that with every bounce, there was coming this...

1 year ago
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Caught fucking by younger sister

Hi, guys and girls. Thank you for your wonderful response and all the love! It’s me, Sanket, continuing my previous story. I was lucky enough to For those who don’t know about me, I’m an average guy with a 6 “ big and very thirsty dick. I won’t boast more about my dick, as sex is not about how big the dick is or how small the pussy is. It’s more about your sensual adventure. I’m sure most of you will agree with this. Coming back to the story. Things were going great between Bhakti and me. We...

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How Lucky Can One Girl Get

How Lucky Can One Girl Get By: Simonne Danielle © 2007 DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. If you are under eighteen (18) years of age, or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, or if the content offends you...DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age, eighteen (18) or older, and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The locations and characters in this story are fictional and...

1 year ago
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Star Crossed Chapter One

Star Crossed By Michele Nylons Chapter One: Hominoid J47347 became self aware on the tenth of June 2347. She knew immediately that she would die, or more correctly expire on the tenth of June 2352; Hominoids have a five-year life span mandated by law. Although she knew that she would be known as J47347 officially for all of her short existence, she already thought of herself as Jennifer. She, like all 'skin jobs' as they were sometimes called, had been pre- programmed with a...

2 years ago
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My Girly Femme Life

My girly Femme Life By Andrea I gently crossed my legs, feeling the gorgeous nylon of my black seamed stockings as they brushed lightly against each other. Shifting slightly in my chair I made sure that my skirt rode up to reveal the dark band of my stockings and the clasp of the suspenders that held them there taught. Running my long painted nails through my golden blonde hair I waited for them to come through and checking my make-up once more was happy with my look. There was a...

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Phallic Poems

EGRESS BECOMES INGRESS Egress Becomes Ingress For the tiger Or the tigress Fierce enough To enter Exits And inseminate The abyss. YOUR MOUTH Your mouth Becomes My cunt: Softness, Wetness, Tenderness Overwhelms me-- I die Within, A thousand times, But not a coward's death-- No, this time, Shakespeare is wrong-- I die Little by little, Experiencing Little deaths Punctuated with staccato bursts Of ejaculated semen, The seed of need, Planted deep Between...

1 year ago
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The Way of WarChapter 14

Two days later Shaun had a message from reception, a Miss Silverman would be at the hotel that evening at eight and wondered if he would join her for a drink. She was wearing a yellow summer dress with a cardigan hanging on her shoulders when she walked through the doors. He led her to a table in the corner of the bar and ordered vodka and tonics for them both. He sat still and lit a cigarette, has he waited for her to speak. He could see she was wrestling with what she had to say, finally...

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A Beautiful Rendezvous With Alan

This is a true story that actually took place in My home country.I currently living and work on a beautiful island in the Caribbean.I am 28 years of age and I have for a very long time had a huge craving for sexual encounters with a mature man of mainly Caucasian decent.I have my preference in the man I want to make this happen and I had only one group in mind and it was Caucasian men. My work load is very heavy and I finally got a break by being rewarded for my hard work with more...

1 year ago
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Plumbing Her Depths

It seemed unlikely that our first encounter included anal, but that's how it went down. I arched my back and gripped the bathroom tap for support, malachite irises lidded, breath fogging the mirror with rhythmic ovals in sync with heavy panting.My tits spilled from the orange V-neck. Floral skirt flipped above my hips. He scooped a fistful of tumbling oak tresses and tugged, arching me further, twisting my face to his and smothering a hard kiss that swallowed my moans. I swooned. Hadn't been...

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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 27

The 'big birds' were three giant flightless birds. They had to be at least nine feet tall and they had a beak on them that could easily be used as a substitute for the 'jaws of life'. It looked like it could tear through anything. The bad thing about them was that they were pissed. Our sudden appearance and the roar of our engines had scattered their dinner before they gotten a chance to chow-down. Now they were looking at us. We were on a small rise about twenty feet beyond the exit from...

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JulesJordan Jasmine Jae Gets Split Open By Prince Ricco In An Interracial DP

British MILF Jasmine Jae gets Dp’d by two BBC’s. Voluptuous Jasmine washes off her dirty body in the shower, making sure to clean every part thoroughly. She puts on a matching turquoise bra and panty set then meets Prince who is ready and waiting for her. Jasmine pulls his cock out and starts sucking, spitting all over his huge BBC, before bending over and letting him pound her from behind. Rico shows up for a business meeting and can’t help but join in with them. Jasmine...

3 years ago
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Klasa cz 3

Nie wytrzymałem i wyjąłem kutasa na wierzch. Zacząłem walić kutasa. Pani Maria tylko lekko odwróciła głowę i spojrzała na mnie:- Nie słuchasz mnie- powiedziała wpatrzona w kutasa. Poruszałem skórką w górę i w dół, szybko, gwałtownie, żeby zlać się jak najszybciej. Pani Maria odwróciła głowę i tylko tyłek bardziej wypięła. Pod spódniczką było widać zarys zapięć, które podtrzymywały pończoszki. Czułem, że dochodzę. Wstałem i zbliżyłem się do Pani Marii. Dotknąłem lekko chujem jej spódniczki i...

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Becoming His Play Doll Part 1

My name is Tori, I’m 5’8 and weigh 125 pounds. I just turned 18 not even a month ago. I have blond hair which stops at my waist and blue eyes. My favorite feature of mine are my 36 D breast, I feel so blessed. I just moved in with my best friends’ brother Jason into his apartment in New York. It is a short term solution but honestly I couldn’t be happier about it, I have always been insanely attracted to him and being so close to him is driving me crazy. He is 4 years older than me but we kinda...

1 year ago
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EvilX is one of those porn sites that doesn’t really give away much in the title. When I first saw the link, I kind of assumed the shelves would be stocked full of goth girls, dominatrixes or those demonic succubus whores I see on the hentai sites. It turns out it isn’t any of those, but I can’t say I was the least bit disappointed by what I actually found might not give away anything in the name, but the site is giving away a shitload of OnlyFans content, Patreon packs, and...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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MomsTeachSex Kiara Cole Reagan Foxx Thankful For My Stepmoms Titties

Thanksgiving isn’t a happy time for every family. For Reagan Foxx, her stepson Kyle Mason, and her adopted daughter Kiara Cole, it’s kind of a drag. The small family is having dessert, but Kyle is only picking at his pie and Kiara is on her phone. Reagan tries to lighten the mood by asking the kids what they are thankful for, but Kyle immediately comes back saying his stepmom’s tits. Kiara can’t believe Kyle would say something like that, but Reagan tries to keep the...

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No Strings Attached Riding Out The Storm

The following three weeks are intense. I'm given a crash course in stripping by Jacob who works at Liam's club, and Liam assigns himself as my personal trainer. I decided to try it because quite frankly, I need the money. With Liam also having some issues with his finances, I see it as a way of helping him too by working for my keep. Ultimately, I am fulfilling some of his voyeuristic desires which further increases my sense of usefulness to him.The day for my first performance in front of...

3 years ago
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I was once a mortal like you. How I gained my power is not important. All that matters is that I have chosen to tell you of some of my exploits. You will listen to my story and not ask questions. You will do this because I said you would. You see, I am The Narrator. I describe the world and the world is as I describe. No one can resist it, no one even notices anything unusual about it because the world I describe is the world as it has always been. Long ago, when my powers were still new to me...

Mind Control
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My wife has her first Black cock continued

My wife began meeting Jim regularly after that first encounter. Meeting up with him weekly, then coming home and sharing her exploits. Typically ending with us making love. Although, perhaps my cock wasn't quite filling her lubricated pussy as well anymore, usually requiring me to finish off her pleasure with my tongue. I soon became accustomed to the taste of her used, cum filled pussy, actually savouring it. Eventually she brought up the idea, that I should join them for one of their...

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