Fully Fashioned
- 4 years ago
- 25
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Six months later Isabel sat at the foot of her bed in her wedding dress. Her red hair cascaded down her back and her large blue eyes were bright… but not with hope. She had found the man of her dreams, nearly lost her virginity to him and had been torn away from him by his brother all in one night. She swallowed back the tears and told herself that Thomas was a good man who loved her and would do right by her.
The guests started arriving and Mamma and Poppa were in the back yard making last minute adjustments and greeting the guests. There was a soft knock on the door and Sarah poked her head in ‘Can I come in?’
Isabel smiled ‘Of course.’
Sarah came over and knelt down in front of Isabel ‘You’ve been the most wonderful sister and I am so happy for you.’
Isabel took Sarah’s hands ‘I will always be your sister and I will always be here for you.’
Sarah smiled ‘Maybe I will come stay with you for a few weeks next summer.’
Isabel smiled ‘That would be wonderful.’
Sarah stood ‘There is someone here to see you.’ Before Isabel could ask who, Sarah had opened the door and Jake walked in.
Sarah walked out and closed the door softly and Isabel stared at Jake. He was the most beautiful man she had ever laid eyes on and the sight of him stopped her heart and brought back the tears.
He walked over and knelt in front of her and took her hands ‘I’m sorry’ He said softly.
The tears could no longer be held back and flowed down Isabel’s cheeks.
‘Don’t cry darling.’ Jake choked and cupped Isabel’s face. He leaned his forehead against hers and gently wiped away the tears.
‘Jake.’ Isabel whispered.
He leaned down and ran his tongue over her lips and when she parted them he kissed her deeply. It seemed like an eternity and yet only seconds that he kissed her before pulling away.
‘I came to say good-bye.’ He said softly ‘I can’t stay here and watch you have children and grow old with him.’
Isabel nodded and ran her fingers over his face, memorizing every detail of his skin. He kissed her again, harder and deeper until they were both gasping and out of breath.
‘We’ll always have the tree house.’ he told her and then he got up and walked out of her life.
The wedding ceremony was over quickly and everyone cheered and danced and ate and were merry well into the night. At midnight Thomas loaded Isabel into his wagon and they made their way back to his farm.
He took her hand to help her down ‘Mother is staying with her sister and Jake is gone so we will have the place to ourselves for a few days.’
Isabel nodded and followed Thomas inside and upstairs. He showed her the wash room and told her to get comfortable and he would be back soon. Isabel was nervous but wanted to get this over with. She could not be with the man she loved so she needed to make the best of it and move forward starting tonight.
When Thomas came back she was laying on the bed waiting for him. She was wearing a thin white gown with spaghetti straps and lace across the breasts. Thomas gasped at the sight of her. He moved over to the other side of the bed and removed his robe before slipping into bed next to her.
He pulled her close and hesitantly kissed her. ‘I know the first time will hurt for you. I promise that I will be as gentle as I can.’ He whispered. Isabel nodded and tried to relax. Thomas kissed her softly and chastely for a few minutes before lifting her gown up to her waist. Isabel could feel his hard cock against her thigh. Thomas slid two fingers into her pussy and Isabel gasped at the pleasure. Thomas gently slid his fingers in and out of her a few times until he knew she was wet. He rolled onto her and positioned the head of his hard cock at the opening of her pussy. ‘I’m sorry’ He whispered and rammed his cock deep inside of her. Isabel cringed but did not cry. Four thrusts later and Thomas spilled his seed into her and rolled off of her.
Three Years Later
Isabel gathered eggs from the chicken coops and cleaned out their coops and yard before moving on to the garden where there were vegetables to be picked and weeds to be pulled. At noon Mamma Mary called her in for Lunch.
Isabel went out to the water pump and washed her face before heading towards the house. She removed her boots and left them by the stoop before entering the kitchen and coming face to face with Jake.
She gasped at the sight of him. He hadn’t changed at all. His beautiful green eyes were bright against his tan skin and he was as lean and strong as ever. Her heart stopped and she swore she was going to pass out.
Jake stepped forward and took Isabel’s hands ‘It’s good to see you sister.’ He said softly. Inwardly he cursed his brother. His beautiful Bel had become a shell of herself. Her hair was pulled back and hidden under a hat. Her eyes had lost their shine and were dull. She was thinner then before and there were dark circles under her eyes.
‘Hello Jake.’ She said softly
Mamma Mary put lunch on the table and directed them to sit down. ‘Thomas will be out mending the fence until supper. Isabel you can take a box down to him while Jake and I catch up awhile.’
Isabel nodded and kept her face down and ate very little. After she excused herself she quickly made a box for Thomas and left.
That evening at supper Isabel kept her face down and was very quiet. Mamma Mary chattered about how happy she was to have both of her boys under one roof again even if it was only for a little while.
‘Are you okay Isabel? You’re very quiet.’ Jake said quietly
Isabel looked up to find all three of them staring at her ‘J-Just Tired.’ She whispered.
Jake nodded ‘You have dark circles under your eyes and you’ve lost weight.’
‘Now Jake, That’s no way to talk to my wife.’ Thomas admonished him.
‘It’s okay. If I may be excused I think I’ll go on up to bed.’ Isabel whispered and quickly fled the kitchen.
She crawled into bed fully clothed and lay staring out the window at the stars. Some time later Thomas came in and sat down on the bed.
‘Bella my love, there is something we need to discuss.’ He said nervously
Isabel’s heart caught in her throat. He couldn’t know, There was no way he could have found out… Before she could say anything Thomas pulled her gently to face him.
‘It’s been three years and we are not pregnant.’ He said softly.
‘I’m sorry. ‘ Isabel whispered.
Thomas stroked her hair ‘It’s not you love. When I was a child I had small pox and it almost killed me.’ He smiled sadly and looked away ‘I managed to live but it appears that I am sterile.’
‘I don’t know what to say.’ Isabel said quietly
‘There is nothing you can say love. But Mamma is right, we need a child to love and to raise and help with the farm.’
Isabel looked at Thomas confused. ‘How?’
Thomas cleared his throat nervously ‘Mamma has been wanting to visit her sister Elizabeth for awhile now. In two days from now I am going to take her. Jake will stay here with you to tend the farm.’
Isabel’s eyes got real wide and she felt tears clog her throat. Her husband wanted her to have sex with Jake in order to get pregnant. ‘No! No Don’t do this.’ She cried.
Thomas pulled her close ‘Don’t cry my love. I know that you love me, but this is the only way we can have a child that will be of our blood. Don’t worry, only the four of us will know.’
Before Isabel could ask if Jake knew about this there was a loud knock at the door and Jake burst into the room.
‘Have you lost your mind?!?’ He yelled at Thomas
Thomas let go of Isabel and stood up calmly and put his robe on ‘Let us not upset Isabel. We can go downstairs and
talk about this like men.’
Jake shot Isabel a cold look and then turned and stomped down the stairs.
Thomas never returned to bed that night and Isabel didn’t sleep at all. In the morning only Mamma Mary sat at the breakfast table. Isabel timidly sat down and stared at the bowl of hot porridge in front of her.
‘Jake is a very handsome man.’ Mamma Mary commented and Isabel cringed.
Mamma Mary put her hand on Isabel’s shoulder ‘Isabel you are a daughter to me. I understand you feel as though this would be a betrayal of Thomas but it’s the only way.’
Isabel nodded numbly and got up and fled outside to do her morning chores. At lunch time she ate quickly and went back outside before Mamma Mary could ask her to take lunch out to the fields for Thomas and Jake.
As the sun began to descend Isabel wandered around the pond and stared up at the tree house where she had fallen in love. It seemed like another life time. She climbed the rickety ladder and found there will still pillows and blankets inside. Upon laying down on the pillows Isabel was enveloped by Jake’s scent and she began to weep. She wept for the loss of love and innocence and she wept for her husband’s inability to produce a child. She finally wept herself to sleep.
For the first time in three years Isabel slept deeply and didn’t awaken until a calloused hand caressed her face. When she opened her eyes She was a girl again and Jake sat staring down at her. She reached her hand up to caress his face but stopped when she saw the cold look in his eyes.
‘Three years ago I thought I was wrong, but apparently I was right. You are a no good slut.’ He said harshly
Isabel gasped and slapped him across the face as hard as she could ‘You arrogant pig.’
Jake grabbed her hand and held it behind her back and pulled her up against his chest. ‘That may be so honey, but you want this arrogant pig to father your child.’
Isabel struggled against him ‘No! I didn’t know about it until you were already here.’
Jake twisted her arm harder causing her to cry out in pain ‘I told you not to tease a man unless you really wanted what you were asking for.’
He used his free hand to tear open to top of Isabel’s dress and roughly fondled her breasts. She struggled against him causing his cock to harden and her nipples to swell into little nubs. He leaned down and sucked on her nipple and ran his tongue back and forth over it.
Isabel trembled with desire and fright ‘Jake Please. Please don’t hurt me.’ She begged.
Jake sat up leaning his forehead against hers and her tears soaked his chest. He couldn’t stop, He’d wanted this for three years now. He laid her down and tore her dress the rest of the way open. ‘You want a baby well you are going to get one.’
Isabel tried to roll away but he held her firmly with one hand and unbuttoned his pants with the other letting his hard cock spring free. He laid down between her legs and held both of her hands above her head. Her struggling was rubbing the tip of his cock against her pussy lips and he was beyond reasoning
‘Oh Bel how I’ve longed to fuck you.’ He groaned before driving his cock deep into her pussy. She cried out and he stopped. ‘Dear Lord, You’re as tight as a virgin.’ He ground out. He slowly inched his cock out of her and leaned down and kiss her hard and deep while gently playing with one of her nipples. A few minutes later she was whimpering and arching her body up against him. He began slowly inching his cock in and out of her.
‘Oh Bel. You have a body made to please a man. All wet and tight for me.’ He whispered in her ear.
‘Jake. Jake… please.’ She moaned and thrust her hips up to meet him.
Jake moaned and began pumping his cock in and out of her fast and hard. She was so wet and so tight it was hard to hold back. She cried out his name and her wet hot pussy spasmed with an orgasm and Jake cried out and shot his load into her.
He rolled onto his side pulling her with him. ‘Bel’ He whispered ‘Don’t cry honey. Please don’t cry.’
She sobbed against him and her tears ran down his shirt and onto his chest. He clutched her tightly.
‘Does he hurt you?’ Jake asked quietly
Isabel wiped her face on her torn dress ‘No. He barely touches me.’ She whispered.
Jake nodded ‘It’ll be okay. I promise. Lets get you cleaned up and back to the house.’
Isabel looked down at her torn dress ‘how?’
Jake sighed ‘I’m sure they’re looking for you. Go in through the back and I’ll find them and tell them I found you asleep by the pond.’
That night Isabel lay in bed next to Thomas.
‘Mamma and I will be gone for a few weeks. You’ll be fine here and I’ll get home to you as soon as I can.’ Thomas told her gently
Isabel nodded and Thomas wrapped his arms around her ‘I Love you’ he whispered before falling asleep.
The next morning Isabel and Jake watched as Thomas and Mamma Mary pulled out of the drive in the wagon.
Once they were gone Jake led Isabel into the house and up the stairs to his room. He shut the door firmly and began removing his clothing.
‘Wh-what are you doing?’ Isabel hissed
Jake smiled widely ‘I am going to fuck that tight little pussy of yours like a real man. You are going to beg for more and then I am going to bend you over and fuck you in every single room in this house.’
Two hours later Isabel lay naked sprawled across the kitchen table with Jake behind her slapping her ass
‘Say it’ He commanded
Isabel moaned and Jake slapped her again ‘Say it’
‘Oh Jake, Fuck Me. Fuck me hard.’ Isabel moaned.
Jake grabbed her hair and slid his cock deep into her aching wet pussy. By the time he shot his load into her they had pushed the table two feet forward and they were both sweaty and out of breath.
Later that night they lay entwined in Jake’s bed. Jake was getting hard again just thinking about how wet and tight Isabel was. For a woman who had been married for three years she was very shy and very quick to explode as soon as he touched her.
‘Isabel, How often does Thomas make love to you?’ He asked softly
Isabel blushed ‘Maybe once a month.’
‘Once a month? What did he do, lift your dress and pump pump squirt?’ Jake asked
Isabel turned crimson ‘Yes’ she whispered
Jake sighed and pulled Isabel close ‘Go to sleep my love, I’m sure that you’re tired and sore.’
Isabel snuggled close to Jake and slept better then she had in years.
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It was a crisp winter's day and Danielle was on her way to see a friend to try out her new double-ender. It was quite a walk, circumnavigating the big wood between their villages. Her Mum had always said to never go through the wood. There were tales of wolves and tigers, waiting in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest. Danielle thought this somewhat unlikely, being in West Yorkshire, but it still made her a bit weary. Danielle was known to all her friends as Goldilocks, on account of her...
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Harold saves her husband (Part 1)This is a sequel to the earlier story “Harold Plays The Hero” ************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan June 2006The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.This is the first part of the sequel. . ...
Harold Saves Her Husband Part Three Copyright Oggbashan July 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.Although apparently set in part of 19th Century India, the locations, incidents, customs and activities are in a fictional world that does not, and did not,...
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There is one thing in this world that will always be consistent, the sexual desires of a teenage boy for older women who are clearly out of their league. Having been a teenage boy and knowing how much truth there is to it I decided a little story about a young G.I. and a barber might be something worth sharing…Harold was 17 years old when he enlisted into the military. He was about 6 foot tall, 160 to 175 lbs, medium build, black, and in pretty good shape due to high school athletics. He was...
Harold Saves Her Husband Part Two Copyright Oggbashan November 2013The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************“Why is it called The Dancing Room?” Lisa whispered to Queen Serena. I could hear Lisa’s question and...
I was born a freak. At eighteen and a half, I'm still a freak--and I love it. I didn't always think that way, however. For a long time, I thought it was a curse. "How," you ask, am I a freak? Very simple, really. I was born with two cocks. No, really, I was. I've still got 'em too. You see, two cocks and either one or two sets of balls in their own sacks, is a condition known as biphallia. Google it if you don't believe me. It's a really rare condition, but it does happen. In some...
Copyright Oggbashan November 2013 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* ‘Why is it called The Dancing Room?’ Lisa whispered to Queen Serena. I could hear Lisa’s question and Serena’s reply. ‘He couldn’t call it a...
Copyright Oggbashan June 2001/July 2002 Minor revisions July 2015. The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.None of this story has any relevance to a historical India. It is a fiction based in a mythical country which is one character's imagination of what India might seem to be...
Introduction: A mother and daughter are being neglected by their sports obsessed, aand probably cheating husbands. The trophy wives decide to cuckold their husbands with a famous, ribald punk rocdk band at the bands after concert private party (orgy) CUCKOLDED BY A PUNK ROCK BAND SPORTS FIRST / WIVES LAST: Dale and his step son-in-law, Jerry, were seated in front to the 72 inch TV screen in Dales spacious family room. It was almost 5PM in San Diego, and they were getting ready to watch a...
Copyright Oggbashan July 2014 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. Although apparently set in part of 19th Century India, the locations, incidents, customs and activities are in a fictional world that does not, and did not, exist. These stories are set in an imaginary...
This is a sequel to the earlier story ‘Harold Plays The Hero’ ******************************** Copyright Oggbashan June 2006 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. This is the first part of the sequel. I have posted it to encourage me to complete the story. ...
Centerfold Daughterby Beating Off Bob ([email protected])***Bob buys his favorite girly magazine only to find his daughter and her best friend featured in the centerfold spread. If that isn't bad enough, there's a strange man's cock in his little girl's pussy. What's a father to do? (Mff, ped, mf, bi, inc, mast, oral, exh, preg)***Chuck Nelson hummed to himself as he approached the news stand. The new issue of Playpen was out and he always looked forward to that. It was a hard core porn...
Harold was no longer a virgin! But, not even that could prepare him for the question that Jeanne had just asked him. “Do I know what a blowjob is? I am 18 years old and just lost my virginity all I have done for the last 2 years is dream and read about sex. Yes, I know what a blowjob is.”“Good, then I suggest we take a shower so we can see what part a blowjob has in our evening.”This was turning out to be one hell of a first time for Harold and Jeanne was even having a good time. How many...
EPISODE IVCrimson & CloverWe decide for our anniversary to go for a ride in the country, having a picnic lunch packed with a bottle of red table wine & a blanket. Just the two of us this time. We drove for quite some time, until we drove way out into the boonies, big time! We spotted this huge field of clover growing on the right side of the country road, so we found a dirt road leading into it. Bob's road, I presumed? Ha ha. Driving in just far enough not to be spotted from the road,...
SPORT’S FIRST / WIVES LAST: Dale and his step son-in-law, Jerry, were seated in front to the 72 inch TV screen in Dale’s spacious family room. It was almost 5PM in San Diego, and they were getting ready to watch a football game. Dale’s luscious wife of three years, Celeste, came strutting into the room with an ice cold longneck beer bottle in each hand, and gave them to her husband and son-in-law. Immediately following her came the equally plush bodied Sonia, Celeste’s...
Copyright Oggbashan June 2001/July 2002 Minor revisions July 2015. The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. None of this story has any relevance to a historical India. It is a fiction based in a mythical country which is one character’s imagination of what India might seem to...
I won't soon forget the night with my lover Ella, no longer my granny but a mature woman in her early seventies who knows exactly what is going on in life and loved life itself. Ella knew what was going through my mind or what was left of it as I lay in her bed wearing her skirt;blouse; black patent hiheels as I romanced her gold half-round reading glasses with the small pearls beaded neck chain wrapped around my cock, she knew that symbolicly I wanted her as I romanced her half-glasses and...
Introduction: This story is intended to be a modern romance with a kinky twist. For the romance, I’ve worked hard to provide sympathetic characters, an interesting story, and, of course, a happy ending. For the kink, I’ve provided BDSM, non-consent, incest, anal, minor scat, exhibitionism, implied gay, mature, interracial, and group. Please let me know if I succeeded with either the romance or the kink. Or, best of all, if I succeeded in blending them together. My first scene was inspired by...
Susan gave herself one last overlook just before the elevator doors opened. The reflection that stared back at her had shoulder length, coifed brown hair and was dressed to convey a sexy persona. She thought that it had been a good idea to wear form fitting clothes to see her ex-husband Earl. However, to make sure, she undid two buttons on her blouse. Like all the women in her family, she had a big bust and a small waist just the type of figure that men lusted for. In fact, Earl could not get...
People expected things from Jason. His parents expected him to get good grades, not just good, but over the top, anything less was unacceptable. His teachers had come to expect quality work from him, his coaches expected him to perform to his fullest. He had been pushed from every direction to excel and perform at a level that kept the pressure on Jason all the time. He was intelligent enough to understand, they were looking out for his future. He felt that if he fell below those standards he...
I was raised in a strict catholic family, doing all my school years in man-only classes. When I first asked mother when I will see other girls than Judy, our maid, and her, she went mad and said I should not have such thoughts. I was only ten, I didn’t see where was the problem, but I understood it was taboo. You can imagine how bizarre was to become an adult and wondering how it would be to talk with a girl. I don’t think mother planned that, but not seeing girls made me want to see one, at...
TeenFabricio walked into the shop, bent over. Instantly dropping trow, he was ready for a good railing. But who would rail Fabricio Donitellicino, also known as Little Bee? "I'll do it!" Called Good 'ol Tumberlyne in his thick, northern accent. His bristling muscles sinuously expanding as he put down the anvil he had been using to work out his cock. He twirled his thick brown mustache erotically, and then wiped the sweat from his bald, yet still distinctly attractive, brow. "Not if I have anything...
GayNobody would be surprised by my fetish with the fact that my comforter when I went to bed ( When I could stop them finding it) when I was young was a black Aristoc harmony point, mmmmm so soft, sheer, shiny. I had grown up with my Mother, Aunty, friends of theirs all wearing ffnylon stockings and high heels and me being allowed to mingle with them when they visited for “Gatherings”. I would sit on the floor looking up and around at ffnylon tops being shown, wrinkles galore, sheer, shiny, dark,...
I have always had an infatuation with spanking. There is a certain amount of eroticism and intimacy that goes with it. When you totally submit your bottom to an authority figure, to be spanked or paddled, it is quite a feeling. I think that's why I now enjoy some light spanking in the bedroom as foreplay. Every school I went to, growing up, used spanking as a form of punishment. If you disrupted class or did anything they deemed as “hindering the educational process”, you would get your bottom...
I’ve been a ffnylon stocking lover/Pervert since I was of a much much much lower age of my 57 years now. Seeing my mother and Auntys & there friends in the most exquisite dark ffnylon stockings, wrinkles and high heels caused certain feelings in my Penis, it tingled and swelled as I looked at hints of stocking tops, dipping, sheer, shiny Nylon hypnosis calmed me. I loooooove ffnylon stocking high heeled kinky fun with the same, and it does happen sometimes............... My friend had asked...