Harold Plays The Hero free porn video

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Copyright Oggbashan June 2001/July 2002 Minor revisions July 2015. The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.

None of this story has any relevance to a historical India. It is a fiction based in a mythical country which is one character's imagination of what India might seem to be after consuming too much alcohol. The persons, acts and customs are those of a mythical place which has no basis in reality.

* * * * *

Harold Plays The Hero

I was riding my horse through the native quarter. It was a hot evening even for this part of India and I wanted to get back to my bungalow in the cantonments. It had been a hard day at the office. The dust muffled the sound of my horse's hooves. The hubbub of the crowd seemed louder than normal but I wasn't really noticing my surroundings. I was startled to hear Lisa shouting for me.

"Harold! Harold!"

I looked round. I couldn't see her. Her shouts continued. Finally I looked up. Lisa was leaning out of a window on the top floor of the Rajah's palace.

"Harold! Get us some weapons, quickly! We are being attacked!"

"What do you mean, attacked?" I shouted. Had Lisa gone mad? Who would attack Englishwomen in the Rajah's palace of all places? This was the middle of the 19th Century and John Company people were safe anywhere. We effectively ruled all of India. The Rajah was a trusted ally.

"Don't just stay there!" Lisa shouted "The natives are trying to break into the zenana. We've barricaded the doors but we can't hold them off for long. We need weapons to fight them off until some troops can arrive. Get some NOW!"

"Yes, Lisa!" I shouted back. I turned my horse and galloped it back to the Company's office. If what she said was true, she was in real trouble. The zenana was forbidden to men. Attacking a zenana was as bad as sacrilege. Anyone doing that must be either mad, or d**gged, or fanatics of some kind. If they broke in the women had no chance.

As I leapt from my horse, George's horse was outside ready for him. I rushed in and met him at the top of the stairs. I grabbed him unceremoniously by the arm and pulled him in through the main entrance doors. I told him what was happening and asked him to send a heliograph to the cantonments, then join me at the Rajah's palace. He sprinted up the stairs to the roof. I made for the basement armoury, unlocked it, and gathered pistols, powder, ball and a dozen swords; all we had. I added four naval cutlasses, bundled everything in a canvas sheet and staggered upstairs.

I left half the weapons for George to bring and loaded the rest on to my horse. I left at a gallop, shouting for people to get out of my way. As I rode the short distance I wondered how I could get the weapons to Lisa. I should have known better! As I reached the palace's wall a rope of cloth was lowered from the window by Jane. I tied a bundle of swords to it. They were quickly hauled up and the process was repeated. As the last of my load was drawn up, George arrived. While we unloaded his horse we spoke.

"I got the message through," he gasped "but they've got problems of their own. They are under siege by an armed mob of natives. The Colonel had ordered the gates shut and the walls manned this afternoon as an exercise. He must have known something would happen. They can't promise to get here for a couple of hours."

"Hours! The women may have only minutes!" I retorted. "We've got to get in there now!"

"How?" he asked, reasonably "We can't go in through the main palace and the zenana has no other exit. That window...", he pointed at the one that Lisa and Jane had used "... is the only one with a view of the outside. Access to it is a privilege granted to but a few inmates."

"Then we'll have to use it!" I said "Perhaps the women can pull us up?"

"You maybe," George said "but I'm a heavy load" He looked around. "If I could climb that tree perhaps..." he looked doubtful "... I could jump down on to the roof."

Jane appeared again and lowered the cloth rope. While we tied another load of weapons on I shouted to her.

"Jane! Do you think I could be hauled up to the window?"

"If Lisa can be spared to help me, maybe." she replied.

When all the weapons were up, Lisa's head appeared beside Jane.

"We're going to try, Harold. Hang on to the rope!"

She called it rope but it was no more than native scarves tied together. If it broke, so would I be on the hard dusty street below.

I slung my sword across my back, checked that my pistol was tied into its holster and grabbed the rope. It began to lift me slowly. I walked up the wall as best I could. Suddenly the rope slipped as a knot tightened. I thought my last hour had come. It seemed hours before their hands reached out and pulled me in.

"Come on, Harold!" ordered Lisa "Jane will stay to watch this window. Her ankle was damaged when they tried to break the door down. She'll tell us if help is coming. I'll take you to the entrance without meeting any of the zenana women. You'd shock them. If we can survive this without revealing your presence we won't have offended the Rajah's sensitivities."

I waited until we were out of Jane's earshot.

"I'm sorry, Lisa. Help won't be here for some time. The cantonments are under attack as well."

She spat out an unladylike word.

"Then we'll have to cope alone. We managed to bar the doors thanks to Jane. She saw them coming and slammed the doors yelling for help in Latin. The Rajah's women didn't understand her so we were able to act before they realised. We suspect that the Ranee's invitation to so many of the important Englishwomen to see a dancing display and Indian textiles was timed so that we could be captured."

"Have any of the women attacked you?" I asked

"I like to see them try!" she snorted "The older ladies felt it was too hot to come out. Those of us who came are the younger, fitter ones who like riding, hunting and sports. We're more than a match for these exotic harem flowers even when we're outnumbered two to one. The only advantage they had is that they weren't hampered with corsets and crinolines. You'll have to avert your eyes from some of us. We've shed a few layers and are in our chemises. As you are married to me you've seen more than that!"

We reached the antechamber to the zenana. A miscellaneous pile of furniture was pushed across the narrow doorway. From beyond sounds of banging and crashing showed the attackers were still persisting. I looked at the barricade and at the white-faced women ready to defend it. The women looked determined but worried.

"Haven't they tried to blow the door in?" I asked Lisa in a whisper.

She replied equally quietly. "We've told them that we've tied the Ranee and some of the others to the barricade"

"But you haven't!" I retorted

"Well, no. That wouldn't be cricket." she replied "It is only necessary for the attackers to think we have. We've locked the women in a large room and two of us are guarding the door. We think we've imprisoned all of them but in this maze we can't be sure."

I looked closely at the barricade. "This looks sound enough to hold them for a while." I said "What about other entrances?"

"This is the zenana!" Lisa responded "There is supposed to be only one carefully guarded and controlled entrance to keep men out and to keep the women in."

"Maybe. But what about The Consort's Stairs or the viewing gallery?" I asked.

"What Consort's Stairs? What viewing gallery?" She asked, puzzled.

"Oh ****!" I exclaimed "I forgot you don't hear the stories in the Mess."The Consort's Stairs" are the private access to the Rajah's suite so that the selected woman can get to him WITHOUT having to go through the main entrance. We've found that feature in every palace we've had to capture. The viewing gallery is right behind the throne so that the Ranee can whisper advice to him when he's holding court. There's usually an access there as well! We MUST find them or we can be outflanked!"

"In that case the entrance must be in or near the Ranee's suite. It's this way." said Lisa pulling my arm.

"Hold it!" I said. "If I'm right we may be too late. We need more than the two of us to hold them off. If George has got in he could help."

"All right! We'll check with Jane."

We rushed through the maze of passages to the window. George had just squeezed himself through it from the roof. We explained what I suspected.

"I've got my revolver," said George "So have you. They should stop a rush. Has Lisa got a pistol?"

Lisa produced a short double-barrelled Derringer from her skirt pocket. It looked like a toy but the bores were massive. "I've got this, but I need to be very close to whoever I shoot."

"You'd better watch out, Harold." George said "You're closest to her."

Jane laughed. "I've got one of those too. They're meant for us to use in the last resort; to kill ourselves. That's why they have no range. But I'd rather take one or two of them with me and let the rest kill me."

"I think this attack is to get hostages," I said "Otherwise they'd have used guns before now. Are you content to stay here, Jane?"

"I'll be all right. My ankle doesn't hurt so much now. We need someone here in case help arrives. I've hung a Union Jack out of the window so they'll know we're here."

"Where did you get that from?" I asked

"Didn't you know that all English ladies carry a Union Jack in their drawers for use in emergencies" Jane asked archly.

"Ignore her!" said Lisa "It was hanging on a wall near here. We must check for other entrances before they are used."

Lisa, George and I set off for the Ranee's suite, advancing slowly. Lisa led the way and looked around each corner before beckoning us on. We reached the door to the Ranee's suite without incident.

Lisa eased the door open quietly. She put her head around it. Then we went in. This room was empty but each wall was d****d in tapestry. We looked behind each tapestry, finding that they covered no entrances, but had concealed incredibly erotic carvings and paintings. Some of the positions looked impossible.

"Don't get ideas now!" Lisa snapped at me and George. She knew us too well!

We moved carefully into the next room. This one was strewn with thick cushions and masses of silken materials. There must have been dozens of brilliantly coloured saris, shawls, scarves and other feminine garments. At one end of the room was a gaddi - a Rajah's cushioned throne. It was unusual in that it seemed to have many long silken scarves attached to it and there was a U shaped cushion for a head-rest on top. The decorations in this room were not hidden and were very explicit.

"I've never been in here" breathed Lisa, looking at the walls "I'd like a record of those pictures. They could be most educational."

Under his tan I could see George blush. I didn't. I was used to Lisa.

"This must be the Ranee's room for receiving the Rajah." I said. "If there is another entrance it must be in here. George, can you check the left wall; Lisa you check the right one. I'll look at the end wall beyond the gaddi."

We examined the walls closely. The statues were almost free-standing and linked in incredible ways male to female. I couldn't find any joins in the end wall. Lisa and George couldn't in the walls they were looking at. Suddenly Lisa giggled.

"Look at this one. Its thing is sticking out at just the right height for a small Indian lady to mount!" she peered at it closely. It certainly was realistic and erect.

"It's worn!" she exclaimed "It's polished with hard use!" She grabbed it and pulled. Even I blushed at that. Then she pushed it. There was a grating sound and the statue and its partner slid apart revealing an opening.

"That's an interesting idea" said Lisa in a normal voice "but rather TOO obvious. Any passing woman would be likely to grab an unattended prick."

George and I were horrified. That was NOT the way for well-bred Englishwomen to talk. Lisa laughed at our embarrassment.

"You men! You just don't know how women talk when we're alone. Our language is no worse than yours is when The Ladies have retired."

We didn't dare ask how she knew what male conversation was like. We were embarrassed enough!

"Come on!" she ordered. "We've got to find where this goes. Either we can block it or maybe use it to get out of here."

She plunged into the dark opening, her sword held out like a spear in front of her. We followed.

After a few metres we could see a faint light ahead. Then we emerged behind a strong metal lattice screen. It was fantastically ornate but all too obviously a fixture. This was the viewing gallery behind the Rajah's seat. But there was no way through from this end of the passage. As we returned to the Ranee's room we felt the walls on both sides. They were unbroken.

"There must be another secret passage," I said as we emerged into the Ranee's room. "We'll have to check every statue!"

We grabbed, pulled, and twisted at all the protruding parts of the statues. I felt myself aroused despite caressing only stone. That stone was so realistic. It fell to George to make the discovery. He had remembered that both Yoni and Lingam were important to Indian culture. Where I'd been grabbing protruding parts he'd been fingering every orifice! He finally fingered a most appealing wench standing with her hips thrust forward. He was rewarded when her legs slid aside. We'd have to enter between them and under her yoni!

This time I went first. We had to crawl the first few metres until the passageway became wider and higher. It was lit from small gratings up high and was very clean. It must have been swept daily. It ended in an apparently solid wall with an eyehole.

Looking through I could see the back of our attackers. The eyehole was on gallery level of the main hall. The attackers were prying at a door on the opposite gallery with crowbars. The door had been ornately carved wood but most of that had been torn away revealing riveted iron. That was what was protecting the women! If Jane had not been able to slam that door in time ...

I moved aside to let the others see. Then we fell back. We didn't want to be overheard.

"There must be some way through but the attackers don't seem to know it, and neither do we." I said. "How many attackers did you see?"

"About 20." said Lisa

"I thought less, maybe 15," said George "But how many more are there elsewhere? There isn't room on that gallery for many more than those we saw. There might be hundreds downstairs or in the rest of the building. Did you recognise any of them, Harold?"

"Yes. I did! There's the Rajah's eldest son and some of the younger nobility. The Rajah must be in this up to his neck!"

"I agree," said George "This isn't an isolated bunch of fanatics. It's a conspiracy to get rid of John Company. Those people are important in their community. If they succeed they might blame it on dacoits or thugs but they couldn't let the women live to tell the truth. They'd be massacred to keep the secret that the Rajah sanctioned the attack."

"Oh ****!" exclaimed Lisa "If that's the case we've got to break out. They've been trying for nearly an hour. When they lose patience they're will use gunpowder and blast their way in. But if the Rajah's involved why haven't they used the other entrance? It must be here somewhere."

"If it is, and I think it must be, all I can suggest is that the Rajah wants the secret kept." I said "It must be very useful to him and he might not want all his young men to know about it. How could he protect his zenana afterwards? Shall we go back and look very, very quietly?"

They nodded. Then we crept back to the eyehole. While Lisa kept watch through it, George and I searched. We found nothing. The head of the passage was about 4 metres across but plain. There were no crevices, no projections, nothing! Lisa hissed at us.

"The Rajah's coming this way!" she whispered. As she watched she signalled his progress with a hand. He approached and passed out of her view.

We heard a faint sound behind us, down the passage. George and I grabbed our swords and started towards the sound. Lisa followed. There was nothing to see until a section of wall moved silently aside behind us and just in front of Lisa. The Rajah stepped out. He must have been blinded, coming in out of the light. He didn't seem to see us although we were only a metre away. We and our swords were facing the wrong way but we needn't have worried. Lisa was on him in a flash and as one arm grabbed him around the neck her other hand silenced him. He struggled for a second before we reached him. Then he collapsed. He had fainted from the shock!

Lisa hog-tied him with his sash and gagged him with his turban. George and I stood there goggling. She had bound him in seconds!

George whispered to me "If I were you, old boy, I wouldn't argue with your wife. That looks as if she's practised."

I nodded. I didn't want George to know that she practised on me!

"He's safe for a few minutes," said Lisa "Let's explore his entrance."

It was dark inside the side passage. I struck a lucifer on the wall to show the way. The sliding door had been released by a long lever on the inside. We forgot to look for the release from the main passage. That was a mistake that I would live to regret!

We reached the entrance while my lucifer was still burning. It too had an obvious lever. I operated it quietly, opened the panel a crack and peered out. The entrance was in a recess in the wall so I was unseen. I opened the panel fully and slipped out, motioning to Lisa and George to stay put. The panel was operated on the visible side by a button hidden on a decorative flower. I noted its exact position. I might have to use it. Gingerly I stepped forward and looked around.

On the gallery opposite they were still prying at the door. Below there seemed to be dozens of natives armed with swords and daggers just waiting to rush up the stairs when the door was open. Then I paused horror-struck. Through the crowd three men were forcing their way carrying a small barrel of gunpowder. They must have decided to blow the door in!

I slipped back to the others to tell them what I had seen.

"Take the Rajah and put him behind the door." I ordered. "I'll try to delay them and then retreat through this entrance. Quickly now! You must make them hear the Rajah before they set off the gunpowder."

Lisa pecked me on the cheek before she and George set off at a run. I put down the two swords I had been carrying and loosened my pistol in its holster.

I opened the panel, stepped out, and closed it fully behind me. The men carrying the gunpowder barrel had started up the stairs. How could I stop them? A lucky pistol shot might hit the barrel but I would have to be very lucky to hit a moving target at that range.

Even if I could fight my way through the mass below I would be too late. I looked around and saw the chandeliers. If I could hang on to the nearest I could swing to the next and then across. As long as there were no firearms I might have a chance. I peered carefully - only swords and daggers. I hoped I hadn't missed a concealed pistol.

I thought of Lisa. She may have seen the last of me! I jumped to the first chandelier and grabbed. It swung violently and hit the second one. Before that one swung away I transferred one hand to it ... then both. But my momentum had been lost! I was stuck above a hostile crowd who had seen me! They shouted imprecations at me and waved their useless swords in the air. A spear thrown from the back of the hall missed me by inches and impaled one of the natives to groans of dismay.

The progress of the powder barrel had been halted in surprise. I swung by one hand and scrabbled at my holster. I pulled out my pistol left handed, cocked it with my thumb and started to lift it to aim at the barrel. I was impeded by the swinging of the chandelier. When it stopped moving I must hit the barrel with at least one of the six shots. I wouldn't survive the explosion. Unfortunately one of the natives must have been a person of intelligence. He realised my intention. He threw the barrel from the gallery into the crowd below shouting to them to conceal it. It reached the people below before I could complete my aim. I pointed the pistol down at the commotion. The barrel was being moved away from me. Then I saw a glimpse of it and pulled the trigger.

The explosion caused me to drop my pistol and grab at the chandelier with both hands. I swung violently. I jumped for the other chandelier as it touched and used it as a swing until the pendulum action enabled me to reach the gallery I'd started from.

I was still in trouble. Although the explosion had killed and injured many, a few were running up the stairs towards me and I was unarmed. I turned to run to the secret entrance and met Lisa holding out a sword for me. I clutched it, turned and then she and I were fighting for our lives. Side by side we thrust, parried, thrust again. A few bodies testified to our skill then Lisa's sword jammed in her opponent's body. As she bent to withdraw it another attacker tried to run her through.

I parried, grabbed one of the dead men's swords and threw it like a spear. It skewered Lisa's attacker through an eye. She retrieved her sword and returned to the attack shouting "Thanks!"

Then George shouted from behind us "Fall back!"

We withdrew as his pistol roared. Five natives fell to his six shots and the gallery was cleared. We ran for the secret panel, through it and slammed it behind us. We rushed through to the main passage pulling the door closed, forgetting we didn't know how to open it.

We paused panting for breath.

"Thank you, Lisa," I puffed "I thought I was certain to die until you came with the swords. And thank you George. You saved both of us."

Lisa cuffed me round the ear. "Were you trying to commit suicide? I saw everything. You hadn't a hope of swinging from the chandelier and shooting as well. I don't know how you hit that barrel ..."

"Neither do I!" I admitted

" ... but I want my husband in one piece, not blown to bits!" she finished.

"We'd better get back to the others and see how they're doing with the Rajah" said George. "You can save the recriminations till later."

As we returned to the Ranee's room we discussed what to do next.

"What if they break through here?" I said "Or through the viewing gallery? With their crowbars they could get in there even though we can't get out."

"I can stay here," said George as we entered the Ranee's room "If I sit on the gaddi I can see both secret panels and hold them off with my pistol. If you hear me fire you'll know I'm being attacked."

We agreed although we all knew that George could not hold them off with the six shots in his pistol which he was reloading carefully. If we heard him fire all we could do is prepare the women to ambush the attackers. George would be dead.

Lisa and I returned towards the main group of women by the entrance door. On the way we checked the two women guarding the room where the Ranee and the other native women were confined. There had been little sound from inside, just muted conversation. We could hear a faint murmur through the door. We saw Jane at the window. She had seen nothing unusual, nor any sign of a rescue party.

I wasn't prepared for the sight that met me when we rejoined the main group. The women had stripped the Rajah, tied him into a discarded dress and crinoline, and hung him by the heels from the ceiling. He was naked from the waist down, or rather up since he was upside-down. His head, hands and upper body were invisible under the inverted crinoline. His cries were muffled under the trailing skirts. There was good reason for his cries. His backside was being enthusiastically whipped with a riding crop! It was already reddened and the weals criss-crossed both buttocks.

Lisa's reaction was typical of her. She laughed heartily before asking "What are you trying to achieve?"

The answer was that the Rajah had refused to shout through the door to tell the attackers he was there. He'd said he rather die than admit that he'd been captured by women.

I asked the women to stop, got down on my knees and raised the skirts slightly so I could talk to the Rajah, but he couldn't see beyond me. "Good afternoon." I said "While I might sympathise with your scruples, do you realise that your son might wish to blow you up with us? If he does, he will be the Rajah. If you tell those outside that you are here he will be unable to blame the British for your death."

The Rajah did not reply.

I continued "On the other hand the women are getting impatient. They are heating a poker to push up your arse because they think that might make you squeal. I think it will, don't you?"

That drew a response. The Rajah turned pale. "They wouldn't do that!!" he squeaked.

"Oh yes they will. The poker isn't hot enough yet so they might castrate you first as an appetiser."

"Please stop them! I'll talk!" The Rajah was obviously terrified at the thought of castration.

"I'll try," I said, dropping the skirts as I stood up.

I pulled Lisa aside and whispered what I had told the Rajah. She caught on straight away.

"Is that poker hot enough yet?" she asked in a loud voice. The other women looked at her wondering what she was asking. One of them caught on. "Nearly ready, Lisa! Only a couple of minutes more before it's really red-hot!"

The inverted dome of skirts swung as the Rajah struggled inside. "Let me out!" he cried. "I'll talk to my people!"

Lisa and the others lowered the Rajah to the floor and turned him the right way up. He had to be held upright because his legs were still tied together. They bundled him towards the barricade and waited.

The Rajah gathered his breath then shouted in dialect through the door. The gist of what he said was that he had been captured (he didn't mention by women!) and that he was held immediately behind the door. If they broke in he, the Rajah, would be killed.

We waited expectantly for a reply. There was a sudden silence. There was some scuffling outside. His son shouted the reply in the same dialect. He would not withdraw but he would try to capture someone important enough to exchange for his father. Then he repeated the reply in clear English, adding "If you harm my father you will die slowly and painfully."

We all relaxed. The relief was intense. We were now unlikely to have the door blown in and we hoped that the Rajah's son wouldn't capture anyone. While we held the Rajah we were safe - for a while.

Lisa and I decided to check on George while the others secured the Rajah to the barricade.

When we reached the Ranee's room there was no sign of George. The gaddi was disarranged, showing that the U-shaped cushion was fixed to a metal frame and the other cushions were in a heap. I looked through them and was horrified to find George's unfired revolver. I showed it to Lisa.

"How could they have got at George without him being able to fire a shot? It must have been very sudden. They can't have come from the passages that we know about because he would have seen them and have had time to fire."

Although I was speaking to Lisa both of us knew that the questions were rhetorical. Neither of us had any idea how George could have been captured. He must have been captured because there was no sign of blood anywhere.

Lisa stated the obvious. "There must be a third entrance that we don't know about. It can't be near the other two."

I thought for a moment. "It can't lead outside the zenana or the Rajah's son would have mentioned that he captured George. It must be internal."

Lisa suddenly realised "The only part of the zenana we don't patrol is the room where the Rajah's women are kept. The passage must lead there! The women must have George."

"Before we rush off there I'd like to know where the passage entrance is" I said "Otherwise the women might escape through it."

As I was speaking I was rearranging the cushions of the gaddi, looking for any other clue to how George had been a*****ed. I peered closely at the U-shaped cushion and its metal support because I hadn't seen such a feature of a gaddi before. Then I stiffened and sniffed carefully. There was a sickly-sweet smell that I didn't recognise.

"Lisa" I called "Can you smell anything on this gaddi?"

She looked at me as if I'd gone mad. "Smell? Why a smell?"

To humour me she sniffed at the cushion. Then she stepped back suddenly. "So that's how they did it!" she exclaimed.

"What?" I asked stupidly

"That smell is an anaesthetic. If you smell enough of it you'll be u*********s. It's used by delicate ladies for c***dbirth and I'm told it's even used by dentists. Even our Queen has used it but it's very uncommon. We had a demonstration once at the Residency. The lady who tried out was u*********s for ten minutes but was violently sick afterwards. Most of us decided that bearing pain was preferable but we were told that she was sick because she'd taken the anaesthetic after a meal. If she'd starved for 12 hours there would have been no problem."

We looked closer at the metal support. It was made of tubing which entered the U-shaped cushion. The gas must have been passed through the tubing. Anyone resting their head in the U would have breathed the anaesthetic and passed out.

"It must be a fixture. They didn't do this just now. I've been told that the ladies of the zenana "control" the Rajah's sexual desires. This must be one way that they do it." Lisa said.

We followed the tubing down the back of the gaddi to the floor. Now we were close we could see a faint join in the flooring outlining a square trap door.

"Get the table from the ante-room" Lisa ordered

I dragged the heavy table in. Then we inverted it over the trapdoor and piled chairs and other furniture on top. Whether it opened up or down, that trapdoor was blocked.

We returned to the entrance hall. Lisa picked a group of women to accompany us to the room where the Rajah's women were locked in. When we arrived the women guarding the door whispered that there had been nothing unusual except that there had been some giggling. "The women inside seem remarkably happy," said one.

"We'll see about that!" whispered Lisa. She explained that we thought they had captured George. While the two women had a normal level conversation the door was unlocked. Then we rushed in waving swords and cutlasses. The native women screeched and some tried to hide a couch from our view but we thrust them aside. What a sight was revealed!

George was tied to the couch with silken saris. He was swathed so effectively that little of him was visible. His tool had been left exposed and a woman was just lifting herself off it, leaving it slick with her juices. His head was concealed under another woman's d****ries. As she stood up he was shown to be tightly gagged with a long silk scarf. That also was moist with female secretions as was the rest of his face.

While Lisa stood in front to conceal George from the other Englishwomen I cut him free with my sword. I had to help him to stand up and I wrapped a sari around his privates. He sank down on to the couch as I searched the room for his clothes. They were strewn everywhere! They must have been thrown around the room as he was stripped.

Much later George told Lisa and I about his ordeal. He fell asleep on the gaddi and when he woke up he was tied to the couch. One woman was riding him and another was rubbing her yoni over his face. Every few minutes the women were replaced by others. He seemed to have been straddled by every woman present at least once. He couldn't understand how he had kept his erection until after I'd released him when he found a cord tied around the base of his penis. He hadn't felt it because he was so sore from all the action his penis had endured. He admitted that it took him several weeks before his wedding tackle was fit for use again!

The Ranee had been seized and hustled away. The rest of the zenana women were tied up by the outraged Englishwomen and lined up in a struggling line on the floor. The two who had been in the act with George were turned on their faces and whipped with riding crops. I didn't say anything at the time but the native hussies seemed to be enjoying it as much as the Englishwomen wielding the crops. As George had not admitted that the two were the last of many (and he never did admit it except to us two and Jane) the rest were not maltreated.

I helped George to Jane's window. Jane thought that she could see movement at the cantonment but was not sure. I left her ministering to George while I returned to the entrance hall to see what the women were up to.

They'd inverted the Rajah again and now his Ranee was also caged in a crinoline and inverted. His and her private parts were clearly on view and hers were suspiciously wet. There was talk of red-hot pokers again. Lisa drew me aside, pulling me with my back to the view of the Ranee's yoni.

"We're trying to discover if they know of another way out" she explained.

"Oh shit!" I retorted "No-one is watching the ones that we do know about. I'd better get back there now."

I rushed back to the Ranee's room. I checked the passage with the viewing screen. It was empty. From the screen I could see natives moving around but no real action. I returned to the Ranee's room.

I entered the other passage under the statue's yoni. I crawled through until the passage opened out. I went to the eyehole but the scene was as before. There was no sign of any purposeful activity. I seemed to feel a presence in the passage with me but I couldn't see anything. I felt for the opening the Rajah had passed through and then cursed aloud because I had forgotten to look for the secret lever on this side before we had shut the door. I couldn't find it. I felt everywhere but there was no lever that I could find.

I decided to return to the Ranee's room and crouched down on my hands and knees in the low part of the passage. As I crawled along I felt that something was wrong. My hands were on a silky material that hadn't been there when I entered! I had just realised this and stopped when a head banged hard on my rump sending me toppling forward headfirst, with my arms beside me.

I expected to hit the stone floor hard but I landed on warm flesh. There was a soft grunt in a female voice then my head was tightly wrapped so I couldn't shout. Behind me the silken material was pulled backwards trapping my arms against my sides.

I was pulled out of the tunnel still unable to see until the cloth was repositioned over my mouth. Through a translucent material I was looking at a jewelled navel a few centimetres away. My head was resting on silk covered thighs. Then I was rolled over on to my back. As my head was lifted I could see that I had been bagged in a silk sack with a drawstring pulled around my ankles. Facing me was one of the Ranee's younger ladies who was lashing my legs with a scarf. Above me two breasts pressed down. Their owner was lashing my arms to my sides.

I was dragged across the floor and lowered down the open trapdoor to more waiting female arms. The two native ladies followed and the trapdoor swung shut. Why hadn't I noticed that the table had been moved? I must have seen it but was too concerned about the passages leading outside to worry about the internal one.

I was carried along the passage and into a dimly lit chamber. It was part of the secret passage. I was thinking furiously. How had I been caught? Some of the women must have been outside the locked room when we broke in to rescue George. Some could have been between that room and the Ranee's room but the table would have trapped them. The only place others could have been was the Rajah's entrance. Why hadn't they admitted the men who could have outflanked us? The women in the Rajah's entrance could have moved the table and released the others from behind the gaddi. I was in trouble but the Englishwomen guarding the native women were also at risk. There were at least six or seven women with me. If they could get through the passage they might overpower the guards and release their friends.

But my plight was more urgent. What would happen to me? Would I suffer like George?

I was laid down on a mattress on the floor. Then four or five women fell on me. While my gag was removed and replaced several hands covered my mouth. They tore away my bonds and the enclosing silk sack but I was held too tightly to escape. My clothes were stripped off me and I was bound hand and foot. I was naked except for the silken bonds holding me.

A woman sat beside me and lifted my head and shoulders on to her lap. My cheek was pressed against her naked midriff and I could barely see her face past the overhanging breasts. She spoke quietly to me.

"Well, Englishman? What should we do to you? Can you help us?"

I couldn't answer because I was still tightly gagged. She lifted me further and pressed me against her breasts. She spoke again. "It would be pleasant to find out if you are a better love toy than the Rajah's sons but we have more important matters to consider. Are you willing to discuss them without raising an outcry?"

I looked carefully at her face. She seemed to be serious. Perhaps we could negotiate? I nodded which had the unfortunate side-effect of entering her cleavage. She forced my head further in and then pulled me out again.

"I would like to try an Englishman," she said "but I must think of my people first." She untied my gag. I moved my lips and jaw, easing them.

"What do you mean, your people?" I asked quietly.

"I am the Rajah's second son's wife," she replied. "The Rajah and his heir are deeply committed to the plot against the English. I am afraid that they are misguided and cannot succeed. When they fail you English will take terrible reprisals. We will all suffer for the madness of a few. That I want to prevent. Can you help me to protect those of us who are innocent of plotting?"

"It might be possible but not while you keep me a prisoner," I replied.

"Harold!" I started at the realisation that she knew who I was - "Will you give me your parole as an English Gentleman?"

I thought for a moment. "Of course." I said.

She untied me and the women returned my clothes to me. I felt more embarrassed getting dressed than I had lying naked on her breast. When I had finished I stood up. She stood beside me. She was nearly as tall as I am.

She kissed me on the cheek.

"What was that for?" I asked

"For giving your parole to a woman. Most of our men have a low regard for women." she replied.

"My wife has taught me that women are as important as men." I said

I realised I didn't know her name "I've met your husband, Vishaladeva, but not you. What is your name?"

"They call me Serena," she said "My full name is difficult to say in English."

"Well, Serena, how are we going to help your people? Have you any ideas?"

"Yes. We have kept my husband and his advisors out of the revolt ..."

"How?" I interrupted.

"My husband honoured my bed last night. He didn't intend to and unfortunately he found that he couldn't leave it this morning. A message was sent to the Rajah that my husband and his advisors were sick and being tended in his zenana. So they are but not for sickness."

I couldn't contain my curiosity "How was it that all of them were sick?"

"I arranged for a dance troupe to entertain them last night. My husband and his seven closest advisors were present. The dancers were very good; a team of f******n. At the climax of their performance they danced in pairs around each man. Somehow the dance ended with the men bagged as you were. Now they are confined to bed with their every need attended to except freedom, of course." but the women would be safe.
"Won't they seek revenge on the women when they are released?"

"We think not. If they realise that they have been spared from participation in an unsuccessful revolt and now my husband might be the next Rajah - I think they'll forgive us. Despite their bonds they have been pleasured all day. But I must convince the English authorities that they were not involved in the revolt. I hope that you can help, Harold."


"If you can see that the men are not involved at present, and take their word that they were unable to participate today, you might be able to convince the authorities that not all of us supported the revolt. If my husband had been able to influence the Rajah there would have been no revolt here. He could not but also could not betray his father. I solved his dilemma for him."

"I can understand what you are asking but how can I tell my superiors that your husband was tied up by women? He wouldn't have any credibility left. His people wouldn't respect him."

"You English don't understand the native mind. You may tell our people that my husband and his advisors were captured by women so that they couldn't participate in the revolt but the people won't believe it. They will think it's just a clever story to account for not supporting the Rajah and part of a devious plot for my husband to succeed. Even if they do believe it, they'll probably be jealous that the men were pleasured for so long - a much better course of action than a revolt. We won't tell the people anything. We'll just spread a rumour about what happened. As far as your authorities are concerned you can think up a story that would convince them, can't you Harold? If not, you aren't as clever as your wife says you are."

"You know my wife?"

"Yes" Serena replied "How do you think the Colonel got the idea of having a practice today? I hinted to Lisa. She spoke to the Colonel's wife and so it was done. We thought that the women would be safe in the zenana here. The men's attack on it was a surprise but because Lisa and Jane were aware that something might happen they reacted quickly. We had expected an attack by the women since no man should enter the zenana. That is why only the younger Englishwomen came. They and I thought that the Ranee's women couldn't win. They didn't but they weren't in on the plot, not even the Ranee herself. The revolt was the men's idea and they didn't consult any women."

While she was speaking I was thinking fast. What could I do to convince the authorities that Serena's husband was uninvolved in the revolt? Then I realised. We had the Rajah and Ranee! If we could escape to the English cantonment with the women, and with the captured Rajah and Ranee, and I could report that escape was the work of Vishaladeva and his party ...

"I think I have the solution, Serena. Is there any way that we can leave this zenana without the men outside knowing? If there is my plan may work. Is there another exit?"

Serena seemed reluctant to answer. Then she said "Come out into the passage with me." She spoke a few words in dialect to her women. Some of them obviously protested but Serena spoke sharply, just once. When we were in the passage in sight but out of earshot of the women, Serena whispered to me.

"You are asking too much, Harold. There are secrets within secrets. The Rajah knows of the passage to the viewing screen, and to the spyhole. He knows about the entrance to the spyhole passage but the Ranee does not. She knows about the two passages, but not how the Rajah enters. She knows he has an entrance, of course, and that it is in the spyhole passage but not where. She knows about the passage to the trapdoor behind the gaddi but the Rajah doesn't. He certainly doesn't know about the anaesthetic in the top cushion. Whenever it is used the Ranee has the room perfumed and overheated so when he falls asleep he thinks that it's because he's overcome by the heat. He isn't very bright and the Ranee d**gs him frequently. But the other passages are not known to the Rajah, nor to the Ranee, nor to any of their staffs. I know because I'm a descendant of the builders. My husband doesn't know and I don't want him to know. You could make life very difficult for me if you knew about the other passages. If I am to be the next Ranee I will need those secrets."

"All I want to know is whether we can get out. How we keep your secrets is another matter. We may be able to find a way of using the passages without seeing where they are and how they are worked. We already know too much. I am sure that the Englishwomen and George and I can keep your secrets. We can give our word."

"Your women I am not worried about. They will understand my need for secrecy. You, maybe I can trust, but George - him I don't know."

"I do. If he gave you his word, he would never break it. Neither would I"

"Even to a native woman?"

"Especially to a woman. And to a princess and ruler of her people. Neither of us would say a thing."

"I'll have to believe you. Yes - there are ways out of here. We can go to my husband's zenana and then outside, or directly outside from here. Is that enough?"

"More than enough. If we go through your husband's zenana we can arrange for him to rescue the women, capture the Rajah and Ranee, and take all to the cantonment. That will show that he is not part of the revolt. By rescuing us he will be acceptable to the authorities. So far none of us has been hurt except Jane's sprained ankle and George's ordeal. He'll keep quiet because he'd never live the story down. Jane can tell her story openly. George and I will say we have NEVER been in either zenana. We must have helped from outside. The two of us will ride ahead and warn the colonel that your husband is coming. Will that do?"

"Yes, Harold. Lisa was right. You are clever. Now how do we keep my secrets?"

"We are blindfolded before we enter the passages and remain blindfolded until we are in public rooms. When we are outside we can be unblindfolded. Will that do?"

"I suppose it will have to do. But you will still know of the existence of the passages."

"Yes. We will all give our word not to speak of them."

"In that case, we'd better start moving now. Can you explain to the women without the Rajah, the Ranee or her women hearing?"

"Yes. That's easily done."

"Remember I have your parole. Do not try to escape, please."

"Of course not. If, and it is very unlikely, the women reject our plan then I will return to you."

"Come on then," said Serena. She spoke a few sentences to her women. Two ran ahead down the passageway. One came back shortly afterwards and whispered to Serena.

"The Ranee's room is clear but the Englishwomen are rushing around looking for you. To get you outside will take careful timing."

We stood beneath the trapdoor waiting for a signal from one of Serena's women looking through a spyhole I hadn't detected. Suddenly Serena tapped me on the shoulder "Go NOW!" she whispered urgently. I lowered the trapdoor, clambered through it and it shut silently behind me. I ran out of the room and collided with Lisa coming the other way. We grabbed each other and kissed passionately. Eventually we broke our kiss.

"Harold! Where have you been? We lost you and thought you had been captured." Lisa panted.

Slowly I explained to her what had happened and the plan Serena and I had worked out.

"Serena's a friend," Lisa said bluntly "I'll forgive her this time for capturing my husband, but she'd better not do it again - at least not without my consent!" She twinkled at me. "I'll explain to the others. You go back and tell her that we'll go with the plan. Don't forget to tell her that I'll spank her bottom if she k**naps you again!"

"Are you sure the others will agree?" I asked as I was returning to the Ranee's room.

"Yes - if they won't I'll make them!" Lisa replied.

When I got back into the Ranee's room I said "Serena?" quietly. The trapdoor opened and Serena emerged.

"Lisa's agreed and is persuading the others. She told me that she'll spank your bottom if you k**nap me again!"

"That sounds like genuine Lisa!" Serena giggled "Go back and tell her to bring everybody here with something to blindfold themselves. Although there's enough s**ttered around this room to provide blindfolds." She looked disdainfully at the s**ttered silks. "The Ranee's women thought about nothing other than personal adornment. I and my women have other interests as well."

I went back in search of Lisa. It was the story of my life! If I wasn't organised by Lisa, some other woman was ordering me about.

When I reached the entrance hall the Rajah and Ranee had been lowered to the ground, stripped of their crinolines and roughly dressed in their own clothes. They were bound, blindfolded and gagged. The women were struggling into their crinolines and dresses. I laced up more dresses than I could count. Finally all of them looked like respectable English gentlewomen again except for the swords, daggers and pistols!

I went to find Jane and George. Jane had dressed herself with George's help. She pointed out of the window.

"The fighting seems to have stopped. It looks as if there's a column of troops on the way. If our plan is to work we must act quickly before the colonel arrives."

"Yes. We're nearly ready. We should be the last to leave." I replied.

When we reached the Ranee's room it was empty but for Serena. She held out blindfolds for each of us. When we were blindfolded she spun us round one by one. A hand pushed my head down and I ducked into an echoing passage. A small soft hand held mine and guided me along. The passage twisted and turned for at least a hundred metres before I was forced to duck again. Then I felt a finished floor under my feet. I was led through what I felt were several rooms before my blindfold was removed. Serena was standing in front of me, surrounded by her women. I looked to my side. Still holding my hand was Serena's youngest daughter. I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed it. She giggled and said something to her mother.

"My daughter says that she is still just too young for such gallantry, Harold. But she also says if you come back to her in about 5 years time perhaps she'll be old enough." Serena smiled.

"Thank her for her kind guidance. She is old enough to lead a man wherever she wants him to go. You should be proud of her."

"I am." said Serena. She then translated my reply to her daughter who reached her arms up to me. I picked her up and she nestled against my shoulder. Then I followed Serena to the room where the Englishwomen were waiting.

Lisa spoke to me. "I've sent George off to meet the Colonel. You'll meet them on the edge of the town but you have one more task before you go. We need to see that Serena's husband and advisors ARE immobilised - not that I doubt her word but she wants you to be convinced. There's a small problem though."

She beckoned me to her and whispered in my ear. "You're not supposed to be in a zenana. So we're going to have to smuggle you in and out of the room where the men are kept. How we do that we can't let the other Englishwomen see, even though they've given their word. If they were to see, I think it would be too much to expect!"

"You've got me interested. What are you going to do?"

"You'll find out soon enough. We've got to be quick because you have to lead the women and the captives to the Colonel's column, escorted by Vishaladeva and his men. Their role is being explained to them now. While they're distracted and still held firmly is our only chance. Come on!"

I followed Lisa and Serena into a small room. On the floor was a portable bed made of rattan. Several saris were on it.

"Strip!" ordered Lisa. She was undressing herself quickly. I shrugged inwardly. Serena had seen all of me only a short time ago.

"Lie down!" was Lisa's next order. She was being dressed in a dancer's costume with a face veil.

I lay down on the bed. Lisa and Serena lashed me to the bed with the saris. When they had finished I was mummified and invisible except for my eyes and my tool. That was proudly erect. I grunted through the sari gagging my mouth as Lisa hoisted up her skirts and mounted me.

Serena snapped out an order and the room seemed to fill with women dressed just like Lisa. Some of them grabbed handles on the bed and lifted it with me and Lisa still locked together. The whole party moved through a door along a corridor and into a large room. By turning my head I could see other beds with men similarly pinioned with the exception that each one's head was concealed. Some of the heads were covered with skirts, some with breasts, and some with hands. My bed was tilted so that I had a clear view of the room. Lisa was held in position so that our link was unstrained. Then we were carried out of the room and back to where we had started.

Serena bent over me. "Satisfied?" she asked, pulling the gag away from my mouth.

"Yes. As far as I could see but Lisa hasn't satisfied me" I joked.

Lisa's vagina contracted around me.

"We soon sort that out! Shut him up, Serena!"

Lisa began to contract rhythmically. Serena's skirt obscured my view and then her yoni caressed my face. As Lisa's movements aroused me, Serena's yoni clamped over my nose and mouth. The two women moved together and I erupted in seconds. As soon as I was spent the women climbed off me and started to release me.

"Like it?" asked Lisa.

"Yes!" I replied "Now I can understand how Serena's husband was trapped. She's devastating!"

"So am I. She can only have you when I'm around." replied Lisa.

I looked up at Serena as my bonds finally were withdrawn.

"Serena. Thank you. I will treasure this forever."

"If we succeed, I'm sure Lisa will let me help you to find happiness again with her" Serena said.

"We've got more important things to do at the moment," said Lisa. "Get dressed quickly."

I dressed myself and helped Lisa into her dress. When we were presentable we rejoined the other women.

"Blindfolds again," said Serena.

We were led through another passage and emerged through a shop into the open street. I could smell the spices in the shop and I was fairly certain which one it was, but resolved NOT to try to find it. When our blindfolds were removed we were outside the palace in a side street. Serena's women surrounded us and in a circle outside them were palace guards armed with ceremonial spears. The Rajah and Ranee were in covered litters supported by bearers.

"Try to keep within the crowd until we're outside the city," Serena commanded. "Then Harold can lead us to the Colonel."

We quickly left the city through side streets. Out in the open a bearer was holding my horse. I mounted and led the large party towards the cantonments. We were barely half a kilometre from the city when George galloped up to us. He swung his horse alongside mine.

"The Colonel's agreed to your plan. You will have a small escort to the cantonments where the natives will be guarded until the Rajah's son is captured. The Colonel will storm the palace if necessary ..."

Serena strode up to us. "I have instructed one of the guards to show the Colonel a way into the Palace so that he can outflank the rebels. He waits for your orders, George."

"Thank you, Princess. That will save much bloodshed. I will wait here with him until the Colonel arrives. I hope that your help will be appreciated." George said.

It didn't seem long before we met the Colonel's force. He detached a small squad to escort us. I told him as much as I could and then continued to the cantonment.

George told us later what had happened. The Colonel surrounded the palace with most of his troops facing outwards and small groups facing each entrance. The population seemed welcoming, not hostile. The guard provided by Serena led some of the English troops to the gallery opposite the zenana door. They presented their loaded muskets over the balcony and that was it. No shots were fired. The Rajah's son surrendered. He and his officers were disarmed and brought back to the cantonment in irons. The zenana ladies were released by some of Serena's women but told to remain where they were.

At the cantonment the Rajah and Ranee were imprisoned to await their fate. When the Colonel returned with his prisoners he summoned me, George, Lisa and Serena.

"What do I do now?" he asked us. "You four appear to have put down the revolt almost without my help. Thank you, Princess for your warning through Lisa. We had no casualties and the rebels lost only a few men once they realised that they had no chance of breaking in. They kept us penned in for a few hours before they faded away back to the city. We could hunt them down but I'm more interested in getting things back to normal. So, what do I do now?"

Serena and I started to speak together. I stopped.
"After you, Princess." I said.

"I would like the Rajah, the Ranee, the Rajah's heir and his wife transferred to my husband's custody for sentencing" Serena said. "Although the women did not know what was planned, they will have to commit suttee when their husbands die."

"You intend to execute them?" the Colonel asked.

"Yes. There can be no other penalty for a failed revolt." said Serena. "If we execute them, your hands are clean. Our people will respect their new rulers for acting in accordance with our ancient laws. You can formally protest, if it suits your purpose, but you could not bring them back to life."

"That sounds possible. You are assuming that we recognise your husband as the next Rajah."

"Yes. He was not involved, nor were his officers. None of them supported the revolt. Harold and Lisa can confirm that."

We nodded.

"I see. There are only two things I would ask before accepting both your proposal and your succession." said the Colonel.

"What two things?" asked Serena

"First. There must be no public executions. They can cause riots. The executions must be quickly arranged and in private... "

Serena nodded.

"Second. You, Serena must be the joint ruler with your husband. You must be part of all decisions made."

Serena looked horrified. "That would be against all custom! Only a man can rule!"

"We English have a Queen. We think that our beloved Queen Victoria is as good a ruler as a King would be. If it is good enough for the most powerful state in the world to be ruled by a woman, why cannot joint rule be acceptable to a small state such as yours? You and I know that you will rule your husband anyway. I would be happier if I could consult directly with you rather than through intermediaries."

Lisa interrupted (I know she shouldn't have interrupted the Colonel but Lisa will do anything!) "Serena! It is important to us. We trust you to lead your people. Your husband is not clever enough to do it on his own. You will have to work with the Colonel. I have done my best to be a messenger between the Colonel and the ladies of the court but some things are best sorted out face to face. That is what the Colonel wants. Is there some way it can be done?"

Serena stood silently for a few moments. Then she answered "A Ranee cannot rule. But a Queen can. If he was King and I was Queen instead of Rajah and Ranee that might be acceptable. It is worth a try"

"Congratulations, Queen Serena. I look forward to attending your coronation - once the former rulers have departed this life." said the Colonel.

"I will arrange that now. If you let me see my husband I will tell him what we will do."

"That sounds like a Queen talking. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Not now Colonel, except... Please let my guards take over responsibility for your prisoners. We will leave the cantonment in a few hours and return to the Palace. Some of us may be dead by then but in a covered litter who can tell who is alive and who is dead?"
"Officially I do not want to know what happens. Unofficially I must know. Can Harold and Lisa be witnesses for me?" asked the Colonel.

"Certainly. They will be always welcome as friends."

"Then I believe we have arranged the future of your state under benign English guidance. We will meet again soon when you become Queen." The Colonel bowed low to Serena and we left him.

"We must go to my husband and tell him what is agreed and what we have to do," said Serena.

"That doesn't sound like a joint ruler!" I protested

Serena laughed "No. But I'm not going to be a joint ruler. I'm going to rule. Your Colonel knew that I would rule my husband anyway. But his idea was right. My people wouldn't accept me alone. Even a joint ruler will be difficult for them to accept. I had expected to be the power behind the throne and to tell my husband how to rule. This way will be easier for me."

When we met her husband Serena drew him aside and they had a hurried conversation. Vishaladeva was obviously horrified by some of the one-sided discussion but Serena spoke sharply to him. He wilted visibly and then shrugged his shoulders. Serena beckoned us over.

"My husband has reluctantly agreed to the Colonel's proposal. We have to settle the fate of the rebels NOW, before we leave the cantonment. I'm sorry that you two have to be witnesses. It may not be pleasant."

"Rebellion is never pleasant," I said "Whoever wins the results are usually bloody"

"I hope to reduce the blood letting to a minimum." Serena said "If possible there will be no more blood at all and only a few deaths"

When we reached the room where the Rajah and Ranee were imprisoned the English guards had been replaced. Serena gave a few crisp orders and we were let into the room. The Rajah and Ranee were handcuffed back to back with a pillar between them. They were released and told to sit on the large bed which was the only furniture in the room. The Rajah's eldest son and his wife were brought in and sat next to them.

Serena spoke to them. "I am going to speak in English which I know you all understand for the benefit of these two who are here to witness our justice. My husband and I have decided that the Rajah and his heir must die for starting the revolt. Their wives will be expected and required to commit suttee."

She spoke directly to the Rajah "You can choose how you and your heir are to die but you must be dead within the hour. I would appreciate it if you could die with dignity and in accordance with our traditions."

The Ranee whispered in the Rajah's ear. He nodded, whispered to his eldest son and daughter, who also nodded. Then he replied.

"Since I have been overthrown by a woman, aided by Englishwomen, it seems appropriate that I and my eldest son should die by yoni."

Serena and Vishaladeva seemed shocked. Serena recovered quickly.

"If that is your wish, so shall it be. Your wives shall be your executioners. Do they wish to throw themselves living on to your funeral pyre or do they wish to die now, once they have done their last service for you?

The two women whispered for a few seconds. The Ranee replied.

"We wi

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Harold Saves Her Husband Pt 01

This is a sequel to the earlier story ‘Harold Plays The Hero’ ******************************** Copyright Oggbashan June 2006 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. This is the first part of the sequel. I have posted it to encourage me to complete the story. ...

4 years ago
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Harolds First Time Part II

Harold was no longer a virgin! But, not even that could prepare him for the question that Jeanne had just asked him. “Do I know what a blowjob is? I am 18 years old and just lost my virginity all I have done for the last 2 years is dream and read about sex. Yes, I know what a blowjob is.”“Good, then I suggest we take a shower so we can see what part a blowjob has in our evening.”This was turning out to be one hell of a first time for Harold and Jeanne was even having a good time. How many...

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Haroldella and Betty

I won't soon forget the night with my lover Ella, no longer my granny but a mature woman in her early seventies who knows exactly what is going on in life and loved life itself. Ella knew what was going through my mind or what was left of it as I lay in her bed wearing her skirt;blouse; black patent hiheels as I romanced her gold half-round reading glasses with the small pearls beaded neck chain wrapped around my cock, she knew that symbolicly I wanted her as I romanced her half-glasses and...

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Harold and Ashley

19 year old Harold "Harry" Buchanan was a bright young man with all kinds of potential. He got excellent grades in all his classes and was not anywhere near ugly, with short black hair, broad shoulders and a slim 5'11" frame. He came from an upper middle class family, so he was always well supported. He was considered to be funny, well read, and likable. However, among all of Harry good qualities were his quirks. He had barely any friends, no job, and no girlfriend, he had never even been...

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Clothespin Girl Superhero

Once a upon a time, a long long time ago yesterday in fact. Today I began my plan to catch the elusive one. The one who rescues clothespins from clotheslines. The plan was a simple one to string up 7 clotheslines facing the wind knowing that if she was near that she might hear the cries of the clothespins. Now that the 7 lines were up I just had to wait and hope the wind would do it's job and carry the cries of the clothespins. This quest started years ago when I first put a clothespin on my...

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My Hero

My Hero By J.L. Williams As I stared at the picture I couldn't help but cry. It had been almost forty years, but seeing his picture in the obituary section of the newspaper brought all the emotion and love flooding back into my heart. I have to tell this story; it truly is about my hero. My name is Michelle Anderson. I am now a woman, but I was born Michael McKinney. I was born a male, but I am now a fully...

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The cost of a Hero

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...

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Crossroads A Young Hero

I walked through the headstones towards Dad's car. It was my car now after that accident. I was walking away from the double funeral for Mark and Carol Arrowstone. It was less than a week ago that I had come home to the cops sitting in my driveway to tell me that Mom and Dad had been in a car accident. The drunk driver that hit them was dead too. Standing next to the car was Mike Larter, Dad's lawyer. He was handling the reading of the will and the distribution of my parent's assets. I knew...

4 years ago
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Hometown Hero

Not a lot of sex. As always, I want to thank my editors, LadyCibelle and Techsan, for making my story a much better read as well as their suggestions. Chapter 1 I was getting dressed to go to the Fourth of July party. I recently returned home from the service. I was asked to wear my uniform with my latest medals. You see, I was considered a hero in our town. I don’t see myself as a hero, I just did what any soldier would have done in my situation. I’ll try to explain exactly what happened. ...

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GSP Chapter 713 What Makes a Hero

G.S.P. Chapter 7 What Makes a Hero? Fang moved through the streets in wolf form carefully following the smell that she tracked. The smells of the many humans closeness to her assaulted her from all directions, but she had no problem moving forward. People parted from her presence, startled by her larger than expected size. Possibly there might be trouble if anyone called the police about a large wolf moving freely in the city, but hopefully she had made enough appearances with the super...

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Like a Hero

My head was spinning. Absolutely spinning, and it wasn't just the glass of champagne. The last month, the last year even, had been a complete blur. From high school swim meets, to a generous college scholarship, to the Olympic trials, to the eight days I spent in the Athletes' Village, to the medal stand (three times), to the media circus back home, to this bathroom in the swankiest hotel in the capitol city of the state I was born in. How could so much happen to one person in so little time?...

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Mothers Hero

Madhav had been away at college for nine months, as it was his final year of engineering education at IIT Delhi. During this time, his mother used to call him almost daily on his Reliance mobile phone. Madhav has become very close to his mother Sarita after the death of his father. Her phone calls were full of love and longing to meet him and glowing expectations about his final results.Now as he was returning home with good marks and a placement with a leading technology firm in their R&D...

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Death of the Hero

A Hero's death need not always be literally. As the old saying goes, you either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villian. But in doing so a Hero is dead anyways. Gone are the morals and the justice. No longer are they a role model for the youngsters. Often they don't even maintain the same appearance or name. So in essence they are dead regardless. And this is one such story. Our Hero doesn't meet her life's end, but her no beginning as something not quite what she used...

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An Unlikely Hero

Ok it was like this I needed furniture for my dorm room such as a comfort chair or maybe a futon or something like that. Hell even a better mattress for the bed would be nice. However I am your typical first year college student. I'm broke all the time. So when I was heading home to my parents' house (Just so they could feed me on the weekend) I noticed a sign that said "estate auction today." Well that sign had an arrow pointing down a cross road of the state highway I was on. I thought to...

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Hero By Cassandra Morgan I knew better, dammit. I was smarter than this. From the time I first dragged a pair of panties up my legs, I have been scared to death of being caught, and the fear has made me sharp. I was never one of those transvestites who secretly wants to get caught by his mom or his wife or his co-workers. I always knew it would start a river of trouble flowing. So I knew better. Hell, I dressed before I went home, but not after. It was just for self-protection....

2 years ago
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Dont be a hero

Don't be a hero Why is my wonderful friend Josie dating a meathead like Brian Bates? Josie wants me to stay out of it, but I can't resist being a hero. ***** Josie was the girl down the road, and had been my best friend for as long as I could remember. Apart from being boy and girl, we were extremely similar. I was a bit of an outcast, but I was pretty good at school, especially maths and science type subjects, and I liked to read. I also liked exploring outdoors and riding my...

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My Hero

MY HERO by Rachel Ann Cooper © 1998 Story may be archived for personal use only. May not be re-posted to any site, pay of free without permission. Since this story ?turns' on a promise concerning Halloween, it seemed an appropriate time to submit it. Roger and I have been pals since the 6th grade when he transferred in from Castle Shannon. By his standard, ours was a big town and for some reason, we seemed to hit it off right away. We spent a lot of time together...

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PterisChapter 2 Recruiting A Hero

Daniel started. “All my life I have been a nerd. While in college, I was a charter member of the Society for Creative Anachronism. I fenced in high school, and when the SCA was founded, I expanded into all sorts of medieval weaponry. I became super nerd.” “When I was a little older than you are now, I was recruited,” he paused for effect, “by a smooth talking guy who said that my knowledge could be put to rewarding uses. I could never have known how rewarding! And now, I’m going to recruit...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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My Personal Hero

My Personal Hero By RogerGirl "Mom, can you help me with something?" my older son asks calling to me from his room. "What is it, honey?" I ask as I come in his room. "I don't want you to freak out or anything, but can you dress me up like you?" he asks nervously. "You want me to dress you up like a woman?" I ask a little surprised. Jake has never shown any interest in cross-dressing before and he had a girlfriend, so I admit I am a little confused. Maybe he's been...

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The Hero

The Hero By Margaret Jeanette Cindy Bronson was exhilarated. It was her wedding day. They were at the reception afterward and he had just left her to go to the bathroom. She was thirty-one and had thought for awhile that she would never get married. Then she met Robert and it was a whirlwind courtship and now they were married. Her sister Lorna came to talk to her. She knew Lorna didn't care for him because he didn't pay a lot of attention to her. She was used to being the center...

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The Sissification of a Hero

Izuku Midoriya loved being a hero. He loved saving people with a smile and giving strength to the weak. He loved the feeling of doing something great and the happiness that followed from the people around him. Something he did not love however was paperwork. Sadly however, with great responsibility comes a great amount of paper-work. Especially if you're the number one hero with your own hero agency. Izuku groaned loudly and put the pen down as he finished his fourth damage report of the day....

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The Hero

You are the Hero in this story. A renowned crime fighter in New York City. You have dealt with some of the worst villains in your time. Yet you always come out on top. You're experienced and served as a super crime fighter for about five years. You're a thin guy, but you've got innate superstrength. Your real name is Kyle Katarn. Mega rich, you inherited vast sums of wealth. The CEO of a successful international corporation, you control the company, delegating work so you can be the Hero. You...

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My Hero

I had a small house in a quiet neighborhood. Much different than the crowded city where I grew up. My neighbors mostly kept to themselves. An older couple on one side and a single mother with two teens on the other side. The kids were no problem, mostly everyone just waved in passing. As I said, a quiet neighborhood, no problems, until Saturday night. I'd gone out on the back deck about 8 pm. No particlar reason, mostly to enjoy the cooler evening air after a warm day. I had a t shirt and...

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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 11 Home Town Hero

I was lifting weights before school when my phone rang. I got off the leg press, to let Wolf have his turn. I answered the phone. "This is David." "Morning, stud," Missy said. "What's up?" "I have some bad news. I can't come up this weekend." "I was looking forward to seeing you. How come you can't make it?" "It's a family thing. Something came up, and I have to go home. Can I call you next week, and set something up?" "You bet." "Great, I'll talk to you next...

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Jasons TaleChapter 14 A New Hero

I was sorta expecting it, but it was still a surprise the first time an Earth Hero came through our bank. We had quite a few men who wanted to be crew on our warships and earn some easy money but could not swim, and I had to have something for them to do. I set four of them up as pairs of bank guards so that if anything happened one could continue to watch while the other went for help. One pair had the mornings and the other pair had the afternoons. I still remembered the bank at Long Cut...

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Herakles the Hero

Kalliste Periakes was humming to herself as she pushed through the door of the bar. "The Cubs need pitching," she announced to everyone in the bar... She was a young-looking woman with a thick mass of black hair, wide eyes and a generous mouth. Today she was wearing a Chicago Cubs jersey and jeans, not the usual attire for a graduate student at Northwestern University. "Amen, sister," one man said. "The starting pitching looked pretty good, but the relievers..." He shook his head sadly...

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Eddie the Hero

Blond and balding, divorced and ready to give up on women, Eddie Cox closed his toolbox and walked out of the computer room of the small branch of Albion United Bank, swallowing the last of a tomato sandwich. He stopped abruptly, a shotgun pointed at his belly. ‘Who are you?’ asked the gunman, blue eyes looking coldly through eye slits in his hood. ‘The computer guy,’ Eddie croaked. ‘I don’t know the combination to the bank’s safe.’ ‘Of course you don’t,’ snarled the gunman. ‘It’s on a time...

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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 6 A Hero

The next morning Arron woke early, bathed and dressed in his light leather armor. He walked down to the common room for breakfast and was saluted by the desk sergeant. "Good morning, sir." "Good morning, Jerros." There was a noise outside so Arron walked to the main entrance and opened the doors. He was greeted by a loud cheer. A crowd was quickly gathering; people pushed forward, patted him on the back and shook his hands. He was about to step back through the door when Jerina rushed...

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The Heart Of A Hero

With all of the superhero stories going around, I thought that I'd try my hand at one, with a bit of a different twist. Enjoy......... Raven The Heart of a Hero The wound . . . was . . . quite fatal. Lois Lane lay in a pool of her own arterial blood. "I'll . . . go for help," whispered Jimmy Olson, trying to ease her pain. He knew that in his heart of hearts it wouldn't do any good. Still, he had to do something. "It'll be okay." Jimmy started to rise to go. Lois'...

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Her Hero

I couldn’t sleep. I had been trying for what seemed like hours. So, I went for a walk to the park, hoping that would allow me to checkmate the sandman. That’s when I came upon the situation. A guy and a girl in what seemingly looked like an argument. Finding myself not ready to return home yet, I decided to eavesdrop on the squabble. From what I gathered he was her boyfriend and wanted a piece of her ‘teasing’ ass, as he so quaintly put it. I thought to myself, ‘I don’t blame him.’ The girl...

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All characters in this story are over twenty one except the baby. Morton Franks was out for his Sunday walk. He liked the peace and quiet of the neighborhood on Sunday. His route took him around the park and then down Oak Street. He was a mile from his house when he saw the smoke. The smoke was coming from a small house set back off the road. As he approached a woman came screaming out of the front door followed by a blast of smoke and flame. ‘My baby! My baby!’ she screamed, ‘I can’t find my...

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Carnival of Mirrors Hero

This is my third Carnival of Mirrors tale. The others, also available on fictionmania, are: Carnival of Mirrors: Four Fates. Carnival of Mirrors: Generations. Like those, this one is a standalone tale. You don't have to have read them to follow this tale, but if you enjoy this one you'll probably enjoy them, too. If you like stories with a World War II setting you might also like my story: Mantra: Day of the Storm God Most of that one is set in Berlin during the final...

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Return Of An Earth Hero

Kathrine gasped as she sat up in the bed. It's too soon, he couldn't have rescued her and returned already she thought to herself. She spoke to the room, "Lights please." She quickly rose, dressed, and moved toward the door. I'll meet him at the portal, since this was his second rescue he still may not be sure of what to do. I'll have both of them checked in the healing chamber and then take Ava Foreman to the bedroom. Then I'll have Jimmy wait in the den. It just seems to be too soon....

2 years ago
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To be a hero

This story will center itself around the main character: the hero. Well…at least that is what he will be at the start. You have to understand dear reader that most villains in real life aren’t inherently evil. They themselves do believe that what they are doing is the right thing. To clarify, this story does start out as a heroic tale. It is in fact a little generic. For example, it is set in the glorious country of the United States. The hero does at the start believe in the workings of a...

Mind Control
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Indian widow Mothers Hero

Madhav had been away at college for nine months, as it was his final year of engineering education at IIT Delhi. During this time, his mother used to call him almost daily on his Reliance mobile phone. Madhav has become very close to his mother Sarita after the death of his father. Her phone calls were full of love and longing to meet him and glowing expectations about his final results.Now as he was returning home with good marks and a placement with a leading technology firm in their R&D...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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I was orphaned at an early age and lived on the street. I got my education through the public comp systems. At sixteen I got a job just off the port warehouse district as a night watcher. It was not much but I made enough to rent a one room apartment once called a studio. The area was very old and close to the port so the buildings were between six to ten stories tall. Since the area was old it was also neglected by a lot of the city maintenance workers. Few constables patrolled the area and...

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A Fresh StartChapter 68 Hero

Back inside, I took another pill and drank about half a beer while getting undressed and climbing into bed. Marilyn had already fallen asleep by the time I got into the sheets. I tried to close the drapes and shut out the daylight, but the entire place had been designed to be light and airy. Even the curtains seemed bright. It didn’t matter. I was out like a light in about thirty seconds and didn’t wake until dinner time. I woke to find myself alone in the bed, but I heard the shower...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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SRU The Football Hero

SRU -- The Football Hero By Ellie Dauber (c) 2001 "Mall Security, Sam Crawford speaking." "Sam, this is Al Dehner at Rite Aide. I've got a crazy man screaming in my story." Al's voice was quivering, a sure sign the man was nervous. In the background, Sam could ear what sounded like someone shouting, though he couldn't make out any words. "On my way," Sam said. The Rite Aide was only about six stores away from the corner where the Security Office was located. Sam...

4 years ago
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No hero

It wasn’t that Jack had ever wanted to be a soldier. It was not something he chose from a range of professions. It was simply that Jack was born into an area where poverty and hardship were the norm, where the only choice for the boys who left school was either to slave in the local coal mines, or to join one of the armed services. So when Jack left school at the tender age of fourteen, as children were allowed to do in those far off days, he worked in the dirt and blackness for two long years,...

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My sons hero

This is due to the fact that the entire neighborhood is terrified by my husband. He is a city cop, and an intimidating one at that. We fell in love in college, when he was the star linebacker of our small, local college. At 6’4’’ 225 pounds, he still looks like he could hold his own against professional football players. He could have gone pro if he really had the desire to, but all his life he wanted to be a cop, just like my father-in-law. And the same aggression he used to use to bring...

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My sons hero

Introduction: A wife does something she never imagined she would, and it only gets worse from there. I was just taking the brownies out of the oven that I had made for my son, Kyle, when I heard a knock at the door. This caught me by surprise, since we get so few visitors to the house. This is due to the fact that the entire neighborhood is terrified by my husband. He is a city cop, and an intimidating one at that. We fell in love in college, when he was the star linebacker of our small, local...

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Gary My Hero

Gary My HeroA work of fictionIt was getting late, it had started to rain. Rose Tyler normally walked the long way round to her home, but tonight of all nights, she chose to take the shortcut across the common. A sixty one year old widow, she rarely stayed out late, but tonight she had been visiting a sick friend and had lost track of the time. So it was well after ten thirty when she started the short walk through the dark area known locally as the Common.The two men, stood behind one of the...

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Helping A Hero

He was exhausted, sweaty, gritty, and dirty. It had been a long tough fight and even though he had done his very best, he felt guilty and helpless.The call came in as a simple house fire. The kind he had been to a thousand times before. And like every other time, he had jumped out of bed, scrambled to get dressed, and get on the truck as fast as possible. But he wasn't as young as he used to be and he could feel the toll the years had taken on him. He was still in decent shape, he thought. He...

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Working Class Hero

"A working class hero is something to be... ... If you want to be a hero, well just follow me." John Lennon Johnny McMullen stared at the piece of paper in his hands, and felt a cold sweat break out all over his body, despite the unseasonably warm late-winter day. It had come out of a sealed envelope with his name on it that had been placed under the windshield wiper of his pickup truck, which had been parked in the lot at the foundry where he worked as a master machinist. As he read...

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Kevin had never had much luck with girls. To begin with, he was terribly shy. He seemed to freeze up when talking to attractive girls. He was okay in his dealings with his mom and his female teachers, but that was different. There was no physical attraction. His paralyzing shyness only seemed to affect him when he tried to speak with members of the opposite sex to which he was attracted. Being a young man of 18, he was attracted to a lot of girls. Since he didn't know what steps to take to be...

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