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MY HERO by Rachel Ann Cooper © 1998 Story may be archived for personal use only. May not be re-posted to any site, pay of free without permission. Since this story ?turns' on a promise concerning Halloween, it seemed an appropriate time to submit it. Roger and I have been pals since the 6th grade when he transferred in from Castle Shannon. By his standard, ours was a big town and for some reason, we seemed to hit it off right away. We spent a lot of time together doing typical kid stuff down by the creek and wondering throughout the woods gathering raspberries. I guess you'd say we were best friends. He was certainly MY best friend because I had precious few of them over my short lifetime. I dressed ?funny' and had long hair and was definitely into doing my ?own thing.' As it turned out, I was a nerd, a bookish kid who even, I'm afraid, carried his books like a girl using both arms to hold them to my chest. At that time, I don't think I even knew the difference. They were just more secure the way I carried them. By the time we were ready to go into high school, Roger towered over me. He had become your typical football hero type, about 5'11" tall, maybe even 6', hard muscled and weighed about 195 pounds I'd guess. They wanted him to play half-back. He began growing like a weed in the seventh grade. He wasn't through growing yet either. I, on the other hand, had more or less quit growing by the time I was 13 and if I cheated a little, could say I was 5'4" and weighed 120 pounds. If anything, you could say I had a ?slight' build, basically just plain skinny. Almost 15 when I entered high school, nothing had changed. I was still singing soprano too and practically didn't have a hair on my body, legs, arms, face, nowhere, none that you could readily see anyway. What a bummer! One day when I was really down in the dumps about all this I said, "Mom, when the heck am I going to start growing? If I were a fish, they'd throw me back!" "Oh, honey, she said, trying to comfort me, "we are all unique. We all have something special about us. You'll see. There is something very special about you too. Just be patient. It will surface eventually." "Yeah, OK Mom," I said dejectedly. "I hope it's soon though!" Roger had begun running with the football crowd and the high school coach couldn't wait to get his hands on Roger's talents, having big plans for him as a little surprise for the opposing teams this fall. With all of his popularity though, Roger and I remained good friends, and he made sure that I was invited to parties and continued to have a sort of social life as a tag along, wallflower though I was. And tag along I did. Not what you'd call a side kick, you could find me most places Roger hung out, usually holding up a wall or something else just as useful. Once in a while, someone would even talk to me. I guess by now, you've figured out that I had gotten a little inferiority complex going. Well, in Roger's circle, I WAS inferior, so I didn't mind. At least I was breathing the same AIR. Sometimes even a GIRL would talk with me. I liked talking to girls. I sort of liked what they talked about better than what boys talked about since I couldn't qualify for macho in any form. Not that I'd ever been out on a date with a girl. I did have a couple of friends who were girls though. They too seemed to like me although they treated me more like a sister than a boy. Charlene even tried to dress me up in her clothes one time. Well, she actually succeeded I guess, with the help of my other girlfriend's urging and teasing. Between the two of them, they had enough stuff that fit me perfectly and made me up and fixed my hair and everything. I still wear it long ever since then. There I was in a pretty, full skirted dress with panties and hose and mid heeled dress pumps with makeup and all and when they let me look at their labors I was just dumbfounded. They, on the other hand, just stood there and sniggered and made over me like I really was a girl telling me how cute I was. How embarrassing! And yet, on some level, it was thrilling too. There had always been a kind of gnawing at my gut about my gender though, and Charlene and Terri must have seen right through me, because they had always treated me just like another girl. I wish my parents hadn't named me Kim. It was short for Kimball, but Charlene and Terri called me Kimmie for Kimberly. Even the idea of my asking one of them out on a date was simply ridiculous; them or any other girl for that matter. I knew what a lesbian was and I would have felt like one taking a girl out. I suppose I really felt a little like a girl even if I didn't want to admit it. I guess you could say I was teased into dressing up for them and it wasn't even Halloween. They had threatened, make that promised, that the fall of my freshman year, they were going to take me out to a Halloween party as a girl. I just forgot about it though as just some more idle girl chatter although the idea was titillating. Well, Roger was doing great on the football team and although he wasn't a starter, he got to play quite a bit. I was really proud of him and Charlene and Terri and I would be there at every game cheering him on. I must have looked a little silly jumping up and down like my girlfriends but I was so excited for him and our team. I'd always see him at the after game parties and he'd introduce me around as his best friend. That gave me a really warm feeling, having a friend as big and handsome and popular as Roger. The girls thought he was a doll. I suppose he was. Anyway, Halloween did roll around and it was near the end of football season. We had snow flurries at the last game. I had forgotten all about the threat. True to their promise, Char and Terri cornered me and bullied me into going to the party as a girl. Oh, I suppose I could have flatly refused, but that gnawing in my gut must have made me persuadable. They dressed me up as Diana Prince, the alter ego of Wonder Woman with a full skirted dark blue chiffon dress and high heels and everything. They said I was a natural with my long brunette hair and they made me work on my feminine deportment for two solid weeks before the party. Talk about indoctrination! They had me in that costume six times in two weeks just practicing, they said. I'm afraid I was beginning to agree with them. I WAS kind of cute. It was rather hard for me at first. I mean, they dressed me from the skin out with a spandex panty and pantyhose and they filled the bra with gelatin filled balloons that warmed to my body heat and they bounced just like real boobies too. What a strange sensation to actually have that weight, those tantalizing orbs, bouncing out in front of me. It was really weird how realistic they felt in the bra and Charlene's high heels made my feet and calves ache at first but after several hours of practice walking and sitting and smoothing my skirt and all that girl stuff, I got used to them. My legs ached the next day though. The heels weren't that bad. I kind of liked them, and they did make my feet look pretty, but I didn't know if I should admit that to my friends. Judging from how they treated me when I was ?practicing' for the party, I suppose I really didn't have to tell them anything at all. It seemed I warmed up to the role they had planned for me. We had a grand time and I seemed to absorb their feminine instructions like a sponge. They even made me go out to Wal-mart with them. They gave me a very feminine eyebrow plucking beforehand though. "Hey, that hurts!" "No kidding! If you're going to be a girl, you have to endure a little pain. Get used to it." "Char! What if someone recognizes me? I'll never live it down. I'm not really going to BE a girl. What do you MEAN, get used to it?" "Think about that a minute Kimmie. Look at you. You make a really cute girl for one thing, almost a fox, and we wouldn't suggest it if we thought you were going to embarrass us. We should have done this to you a long time ago, and for another thing, you are going to announce your ?coming out' to the whole school on Halloween anyway and then everyone will know how sweet and pretty and feminine you look. I really don't think anyone is going to mind or get that bent about it. They've had years to get used to how unusual you are. You make a darling girl Kim." "It's kind of obvious you like the clothes Kimmie. Be honest. They're YOU, so soft and sweet. And the way you've taken to your ?girl' lessons, well, let's just say that you're a very fast study. Must be in your genes or something. Besides, you have Roger to protect you, don't you?" "You two guys are really great. I don't know how I'd get along with out you and Roger and yes, I suppose he IS my protector." "Kimmie, if you only knew how many times he has gone to bat for you and saved your bacon, you wouldn't believe it." "Really?" "Yes, really. Some of his football friends have been wanting to beat on you but they won't mess with you because of Roger so I'd be a very grateful little girl if I were you." "Oh, I am Terri. I am very grateful to have Roger as my friend. Terri, you just called me... a girl!!" "Well? I can't tell the difference between you and any other girl except for that little thing between your legs. Your panties are almost as smooth as mine and we just KNOW how you feel deep down where it counts Kim. We never said anything before, but why do you think we're your friends? Would we hang out with a crude, girl crazy BOY for heaven's sake? I mean, they're fun to date and tease but...c'mon! We have too much fun together for you to really be a boy. You may be male on paper but that's just a technicality." "You know, I've always felt you two thought of me that way and I thought I resented it. But now I realize I don't. I really love you two. Thank you so much for teaching me and helping me to understand about myself but I'm still worried about the fallout from this party." "Just remember you still have Roger and us and you'll be fine. Just have a good time. Go with it. Play the part. You'll have a ball and who knows, some of your detractors may even see the light and come around. You never know." "I suppose you're right. Are we still going to stop by my house and tease my parents before the party?" "Kimmie, I wouldn't miss that one for the world. When they see what a sweet daughter they have, I'll bet you get along a lot better at home too." "Well, Dad has just never warmed up to me much although he doesn't bug me and Mom, well, I could gain an Ally there maybe. I don't know." "She's always noticed how I act and she has never discouraged me from helping her at home and doing girl stuff. She's even taught me some girl things like sewing and about eating, sitting and walking like a lady." "So THAT'S how you knew how to walk in heels." "Yeah. Mom caught me in hers one time and said if I was so interested in girl's clothes, then she was going to make me learn to walk like a lady. I don't know if she thought she was punishing me or not but she made me walk in heels with a book on my head until I got the walk just right. I guess I have walked that way ever since, haven't I?" "Yes, Kimmie. That is part of the problem. You glide and take little steps and I swear your hips are as wide as mine. You sort of look like a boy when you're not in a dress but you sure don't act like one." "I can't imagine the trouble I've caused poor Roger. He must take an awful ribbing about us being friends." "Yes, he does," said Char, "but for some reason, he sticks by you every time. I suppose some day we'll figure that one out. For now, we'll just have to file it under ?unsolved mysteries'." Charlene and Terri had me pretty well calmed down about showing my girl side to the whole school. I really was calm, resigned, you might say. I knew I wouldn't disappoint my friends and chicken out and I had to agree with them. I DID make a cute girl in my Diana costume at least. So the big night arrived and I went over to Char's house right after dinner to get ready for the party. They hot rolled my hair and fixed it extra pretty and feminine and took extra care with some very adult makeup on me, lining and shadowing my eyes. I looked 15 going on 22. Just then, with one of them on each side of me with their heads down near mine looking in the makeup mirror, they both grabbed an ear lobe and for about five seconds I was in pain. "Hey, what did you guys do?" "You'll see in a minute Kimmie." Then they both inserted 2" gold hoop earrings in the holes they had just made. "My GAWD! You pierced my ears. Now I AM in for it." "Honey, the way you look, anything less would be a sacrilege. You just HAVE to have pierced ears like the rest of us. You'll love it. Clip ons hurt but you'll hardly notice the pierced ones." "Well, maybe I won't, but everyone else in the world will!" "Oh be still, cry baby. You can let them heal over but we're betting you don't. If there are some guys at the party that don't know you, you are going to get hit on girlfriend. You are just too cute." "As if I wasn't in enough trouble! Now I've got to watch out for guys trying to cop a feel." At that I blushed big time although I was secretly, well, maybe not SO secretly, thrilled to hear it. Char and Terri got into their costumes as Batgirl and Catwoman and we left for my house ?trick or treating'. That's what we actually did. I had a mask on over my eyes and nose that matched my dress and we did ring the bell and when Mom came to the door, we said ?trick or treat'. "We're just kidding Mrs. Robinson. It's Charlene and Terri." "Oh, you girls look terrific. And who is your lovely friend. Diana Prince, I presume?" "Well, yes and no Mrs. Robinson. This is Kim. Isn't she just gorgeous?" "Oh my lord. KIM? Is that really you?" "Yes Mom. Do you like the costume?" "Well, it certainly becomes you dear and the high heels and everything and pierced ears? My, you do make a lovely girl. Henry, come in here and look at Kim's friend's costumes." "(this is going to be fun, girls.)" (now my MOM just called me a girl. Is this a conspiracy or what?) "Hi girls. Which one is who?" "I'm Charlene," said Batgirl" "and I'm Terri," said Catwoman and "I'm the mystery guest," I said on the spur of the moment. "Oh, a little guessing game? Alright. Who else does Kim hang out with Doris?" By this time, the three of us and Mom had the giggles so badly, we were ready to pee ourselves. Charlene finally got her breath and said, "Mr. Robinson, may I present your daughter, Kimberly?" I could see Dad was visibly shaken but he was a trouper and made very appreciative noises and complimented me. The compliment sounded sincere if not a little hollow, but only time would tell. I could see he was a bit shaken. We then left for the party and broke out in another fit of the giggles after the door was shut. Thankfully, Charlene had her new license and her Dad's car so we didn't have to walk the six blocks to the party. We all had 3" high heels on and none of us would have relished that. Pretty shoes are made to look at, not for serious walking. Some of the kids at the party recognized Char and Terri but not me, at least, not right away. However, despite my best efforts and a pretty good job of my best girlish voice, I think I was scoped out due to guilt by association. The three of us were always together and therefore tada, tada, tada. Pretty soon there was a buzz going around the room. I could feel eyes on me, undressing me, not believing and yet definitely believing. I could see it in their faces. Well, the cat was out now even though I kept my mask on. And sure enough, a fellow I didn't know came up and asked me to dance. I started to say no but Terri punched me in the ribs and I do mean HARD, so I went. He was a good four inches taller than me even in my heels and a wonderful dancer. I was grateful that it was a fast dance though and we didn't touch much. He thanked me and I went back to the girls. "Well? Wasn't that fun?" "Yeah. It was. This is all becoming very confusing to me." "Like we said Kimmie, just have a good time. The rest will take care of itself." I decided to try and do just that. It WAS fun! We were at the punch bowl and another tall, handsome blond fellow in a Superman costume asked me to dance. He had the build for it too. What a hunk! I recognized this one. It was Roger. "Hi Kimmie. You look wonderful. Come on. Let's have some fun." "And so my hero and I went out onto the dance floor. With all the ribbing he took over me to begin with, I couldn't imagine him actually risking dancing with me. And the feelings I was having about him were so...strange! A path cleared in front of us and the others left us a little air space. It was another fast dance and Roger and I had a good time. The next number was slow. He looked down at me with the strangest look on his face and pulled me to him in his strong arms. I almost melted. I couldn't have resisted his embrace even if I had wanted to. I felt so weak, helpless and delicate in his grasp as he twirled me around and held me close just like he would have any other girl with my skirt swirling about me as we danced. It was really weird. It was like there was some kind of special feeling passing between us. We had a bond of long standing friendship surely, but this was WAY different. I looked up at him and he was staring at me, at my eyes or my lips I think. I wasn't sure. It felt like he wanted to kiss me. It was just a feeling. Call it intuition. If it hadn't been for a room full of people, I really wouldn't have minded. Roger was not only my friend. From my new feminine perspective, he was a hunk and I couldn't believe the feelings I was having, especially in my panties. When the dance was over, he was still holding me and then realized the music had stopped. A bit self consciously, we split and he escorted me back to my friends. "Thank you Kim. That was great," he said and went back to his group of football buddies. There wasn't any teasing going on over there. We checked. "Well, Kimmie. How was it dancing with your hero?" "I don't really think I can do my feelings justice in words." "That's OK", said Char. "From the dreamy way you two were looking at each other, it was pretty obvious from here. We think you're both in love and don't know it." "You've got to be kidding Char! I can't be in love with a boy, let alone my best friend." "Would I lie to one of my best girlfriends? Trust me little sister. There's some kind of new electricity between you two. After all, he KNEW who he was dancing with!" "I think you're just imagining things. I CAN'T be interested in a BOY!" "Wait and see." The rest of the night went pretty normal. We all got to dance and mingle and since the next day was a school day, the masks came off at eleven o'clock. They announced the last dance which was always a slow one, and Roger came straight to me and without a word took my little hand with it's long, sculptured finger nails, guiding me onto the floor and once again embraced me in his power. All of a sudden, I realized I was in heaven and looked up at him and smiled a demure, sweet, helpless smile and lay my head on his shoulder. At that instant we knew. We knew something we had never known or admitted before. We knew the new ?why' of our friendship. It was love unrequited and I wondered if it ever could be. All I knew was I was going to enjoy this dance in my hero's arms if it was the last thing I ever did. Heaven help me, I was in love with a boy, my best friend. I was going to Hell for sure. "May I see you home Kimmie?" "Really Roger?" "Yes. I don't want any harm to come to you." "Am I in danger from your friends?" "Not if they want to stay my friends." "Alright. Thank you." "I'll get your coat. It's the blue wool, isn't it?" "My, you are observant. You knew it was me all along didn't you?" "Of course. How could I not?" Roger helped me into my coat and we left the party for my house. He opened the car door for me and escorted me right to the front door. "Kim, I don't quite know what to say." It was at this point that I realized that I was supposed to have gone back to Char's house and gotten back into my boy clothes. Just as suddenly, I realized I didn't care. I was with Roger. I wouldn't have missed this moment for the world on a string. Roger had totally made me forget and I didn't care how I went into the house. The porch light was on but Roger, again with that sweet, peculiar look on his face, bent down and kissed me full on the lips and hesitating for only a fraction of a second, I returned the kiss. We were locked together for at least a full minute. It was the most wonderful minute of my life so far. And then, just as quickly, it was over, and he said, still holding my feminine, painted hand in his, "see you in class Kimberly." My knees almost went out from under me. He called me ?Kimberly.' He really saw me as a girl too! What was happening to my world? Roger had kissed me, really kissed me and I had loved every second. Oh, my! I was still standing there and watched him drive off. I was mesmerized but then the chill of the evening breeze rushing up my dress brought me back to reality and I put my key in the door. True to form, Mom and Dad were still up, waiting for me. I don't think they expected to see Diana Prince any more than I had intended them to, but there she was. "Hello darling, said Mom. Have a nice time?" Mom never skipped a beat despite my appearance, and she was staring right at my lips. I just knew my lipstick was smeared. Why didn't I have the sense to straighten it up on the porch? Lack of experience. Too thrilled at what happened I suppose, and having never been kissed as a girl, forgot about the lipstick. Well, the damage is done. I'm sure I'll hear about it tomorrow. "I'm tired. Yes we had a great time thanks. Good night." And with that I tapped my way upstairs to bed. After removing my makeup and Char's clothing, I put in the little studs Char had given me and poured peroxide on my lobes. When I rolled back the covers, there was a silky, nylon, royal blue nightie lying there with a matching pair of lacy satin panties. Of course, I put them on. ?Mom, I love you.' What next, I wondered? Kim's dad was already gone by the time he came down for school. This morning, Kim stayed in his new nightie after finding a girl's robe and mules just the right size in his closet which, of course, ?she' put on. "Good morning honey. Did you sleep well?" "Wonderfully Mom, and thank you. I mean really, thank you for the presents. Did you go shopping while we were at the party?" "Well, as a matter of fact I did, sweetheart. What you have found so far isn't all of it, pretty much just the tip of the iceberg, actually. I think I am going to rather enjoy having a daughter finally out in the open. I've always known I had one anyway." "How is Dad with this?" "A little uncomfortable but he's always known your nature too, so he'll get used to it in time. Come sit. Eat. You're a growing girl." "Oh boy, you too? The girls have been all over me about how much girl I am." "What were you using for a bosom last night? It looked very real." "Gelatin filled balloons." "Have you thought about having the real thing honey?" "I haven't thought about much else Mom. I just don't know how. Could I? I mean really?" "We'll see honey. Maybe we just won't tell your father until after the fact. At any rate, I'll ask our doctor about seeing one of those gender psychiatrists I've heard about and that should take care of it one way or the other." "Thanks Mom." "Go get dressed for school and try to look boyish (giggle) will you?" "I'll try, but you know I'm not going to enjoy it." "After that smeared lipstick last night, I guess you won't." "You SAW that?" "Oh yes dear, I saw it and I've been dying to ask you about that and who brought you home, and why I heard the click of your heels on the porch but it was so long until you came in and I didn't hear any conversation. But I'm not going to ask right now, and we don't have time for you to volunteer. Tell it to the psychiatrist first and then maybe we'll talk about it?" "Sure Mom." When I got to school, Charlene and Terri were on me in a flash. "Well?" "Well what?" "Don't be coy young lady. What happened last night when you got home in my clothes instead of your own and what went on between you and Roger? Give! Tell all! We have no secrets now." "Do I HAVE to?" "Yes, and don't forget to bring my clothes back. I like that dress. You could maybe keep the lingerie and heels though. That isn't a favorite pair of mine and I have more lingerie than I need." "Well, thank you. I'm still wearing the panties anyway." "Well, he drove me home and saw me to the door is all." "Bull!" "Not buying it huh?" "Nope" they chimed in unison. "OK. He kissed me. I mean he REALLY kissed me and I kissed him back and I've never felt that way in my life. It may have even been better than SEX! I never thought I was gay and yet there I was, kissing a boy and loving it, a boy I've known for years. It's just so outrageous! I thought it was fun DANCING with him but the kiss was just...incredible!" "That's more like it. We KNEW it! I can't wait to see what happens next," said Terri. "You mark my words girlfriend, you are in love and so is Roger!" "Well, you're going to find out anyway so I may as well tell you. I'm going to see a gender psychiatrist about maybe..." "Really becoming a girl?" "Yeah. See what you two started. Aren't you ashamed?" (giggle) "Not for a minute. Will the doctor give you hormones and make you grow boobs and all?" "That's what I'm hoping. Mom went out and got me some very feminine presents last night and I slept in one of them and matching panties last night and I have your pair on right now and a camisole in place of my tee shirt." "Well, I'll be" said Char. See, you do have an Ally. How about your dad?" "She says maybe we'll just wait until I've developed and can't turn back to tell him I'm really going to be his daughter later." After school that day: "Well hon, I got you an appointment with Dr. Grant for this Monday after school at 4. Do you think you can be ready by then?" "Oh, sure Mom." "As Kimberly?" "Oh! Well, yes, if I wear my lingerie that Char gave me to school, except for the bra, of course." "You won't have to rely on Char's honey. You haven't been to the back of your underwear drawer yet. Why don't you go up and look around your room some more? Alright. I want you to go as Kimberly because he should see the real you to get the full impact of your situation, I think. It will help put things in perspective for him and you too, probably, having to interact with him as a girl." "We're going to have to go shopping for a dress and some shoes for you this weekend. You should wear your lingerie and hose then too so we get the right size. Imagine. A mother/daughter shopping trip with my son. How droll and decadent. We'll pass you off as a girl even in boy clothes. It will be easy. Hmmm! May as well get you a few other things like slacks and blouses too. I have a feeling you'll grow into them soon." Monday: I barely made it on time. Kept smudging my mascara. Dr. Grant was a nice looking middle aged man in a dark suit. He seemed really warm and congenial, inviting me into his inner office. He did do a small double take when he saw me dressed as Kimberly, but it was hardly a hiccup as he bade me be seated which I did in my most girlish fashion. The dress and shoes Mom got me were extremely feminine and I reveled in my appearance. "Now, Kim. Tell me about yourself and what is going on with you. I must say you do make a very attractive girl but are you sure this is what you want and please tell me why! Take your time." "I hardly know where to begin doctor. I've had this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach for as long as I can remember but I didn't know what it was. I mean, of course I know how I look and act and I've always been a bit off the beaten track, but until my girlfriends opened the door this Halloween, I really didn't understand. Now, I know for certain." I then went on to explain everything leading up to my ride home with Roger and the results. "I knew then that I was either gay or a transsexual and the thought of being gay just gave me chills. I really want the picket fence and the 2 ? kid thing. I want to be a Mom. I really do." "I don't want to have a relationship with a boy like I am. I just can't. At least, not a gay relationship. You know. That's not who I am or what I am about. I want the whole magilla, loving husband, home, kids, all normal as blueberry pie. Do you understand Doctor?" "Yes Kim. Of course. I just had to be sure YOU understood. I know it's only been an hour, but I am quite certain you fit the profile perfectly. We'll do some nuts and bolts psychological testing at your next session though. I want you to take this prescription to this laboratory and get some blood work done. Then I will call and have you come in for your first shots and your Premarin prescription." "Shots AND pills?" "Yes Kim. You'll develop faster and your male hormones will be completely suppressed. You will become incapable of being a boy anymore. One of those will be Spironolactone which will block all your male testosterone receptors. Your body won't recognize male hormones anymore. It will forget you were ever a boy. Judging by those hips, it may have forgotten already ." "Then, young lady, you will be on your way to your dream. I usually don't recommend shaking up a young life so early but in your case, it will be of enormous benefit to you never to develop the secondary sexual characteristics of a male. At 15 you must have something unusual going on with your blood not to have developed some secondary male characteristics. I will help you deal with all the legal and school problems when they arise. It has been delightful meeting you Kimberly. We will of course have many sessions like this one over the next three months while we evaluate the effects of reversing your chemistry. Please tell your mother to call me tomorrow. Here is my card. Have a safe trip home Kim." "Good-bye Doctor and thank you." To say that I was euphoric would be very inaccurate. I was way beyond that. Fly me to the moon on gossamer wings would be more like it. It was a good thing I had to take the bus as I was several months from getting my driver's license and would have probably run into someone as my mind was racing and wandering all over the place. I almost missed my stop as it was. "Well, how did it go honey?" "Terrific Mom. He says I fit the profile perfectly and I'm to get blood work done. He wants you to call him tomorrow. Here's his card. He's going to give me a battery of tests but he'll begin my shots on my next visit if the blood work turns out." "Well, that's wonderful dear. Now, why don't you go up and get out of your pretty dress and into something a little less provocative." "Ok Mom." I went up and, leaving my hair, makeup and jewelry just as before, put on some slacks, a blouse and some flats she had bought me and went back downstairs. "That's better dear. Your father will be home soon. How about helping me with supper?" "Sure. What do you want me to do?" "Get the potatoes ready hon and put on an apron." I couldn't help noticing how much better Mom and I were getting along now that I was out in the open as her part time daughter. It was Dad we had to win over and while he didn't say much about my appearance lately, he never failed to notice that he had a son in name only, the one on my birth certificate, that is. Although I was totally feminine at dinner tonight, he just carried on like it was normal. Maybe he was getting used to the idea. I sure hoped so. On the other hand, he could just be faking it. I didn't have a clue. He was a good poker player. After two months of weekly shots and pills, it seemed that I was removing some gelatin from the balloons every week and my butt was definitely blooming to the extent that I had no choice but to start wearing my girl's jeans to school. It wasn't like anyone could tell. I mean they're all alike except for the fact that mine had a ?Chic' label on them. I didn't think anybody noticed. HA! Joke's on me. They noticed! Of course, having jeans on that accentuated my behind and hips made my already small waist look even smaller. I began getting compliments on my tush and my ?figure' and ROGER even gave me one and right in school too. I was being ogled. I must have blushed at least three shades but I really appreciated his noticing. Charlene and Terri just kept egging me on to wear more girlish things but I didn't think I dared. I took to wearing bulky sweaters to school because I was making good progress, better than anyone realized, I hoped. At my next doctors visit: "Well, Kim. Let's have a look at you. Take off your blouse and your bra please. I need to see how you are doing. I need to measure you. I can do a pretty accurate measurement around your skirt so don't bother with that. I know what else is happening down there. You are shrinking. We'll check that at three months." "OK Doctor." I then did as instructed. "It's been ten weeks. How are you feeling?" "Great. I had a little dizziness at first, but it only lasted a few days." "Well! You've gained fourteen centimeters in your bust and 20 in your hips. Good progress for such a short time. Are you encountering any problems with the kids?" "Not really. I had to start wearing girl's jeans and I try to wear bulky sweaters, sweat shirts and otherwise baggy tops but I AM wearing a bra all the time now even though it's a sports bra when I'm at school." "What did the gym teacher say?" "He really didn't get a chance. Mom wrote a note to the principal and I'm not taking gym anymore." "What did she say to him?" "I don't know. She wouldn't tell me." "Well, we'll see if we can't get the ball rolling and get you back the girl's class." "Really?" "Yes. From our talks, your IQ and preference tests and your response to the therapy, there is no doubt left in my mind. You really want this, are obviously comfortable with it and I think it is right for you so I'm going to start my formal recommendations beginning with your school that you be re-assigned as a female." "Besides, I've never discussed the results of your blood test with you. You might find it interesting." "Really doctor? Blood is blood, isn't it?" "Essentially, yes. However, I had them run a special chromosome test on yours. I doubt that you have any female organs although it is possible, but you definitely have an interesting chromosome count. Boys are supposed to be XY while girls are supposed be XX. Yours is a combination of the two, XXXY. There could actually be up to five Xs in front of the Y. Although we used to think this also caused a lower mentality, we were wrong. You have what is called a form of ?Klinefelter's Syndrome' for want of a better description, and as far as your blood goes, you are more girl than boy and always have been. I hope that is some comfort to you." "It helps to explain some things all right Doctor." "Essentially what I think happened in your case Kim, was that when your body differentiated as outwardly male in your mother's womb, your mind & other areas were flooded with estrogen and did not. In the final analysis, the mind rules the body and so bringing you back to a female body would be more in tune with your true nature." "Now we'll petition the court to give you a legal name change and then the State to change your birth certificate. There have been a lot of re- assignments here and the State isn't a problem after you've had the name change. What is your Principal's name?" "Harvey Peterson." "Alright. I'll advise him of my findings and we'll see about getting a status change for you so you can start being yourself all the time. What about your father?" "I think he should definitely receive a copy of that letter. I'm still not sure about him and it will probably help." "Consider it done." "By the time your 3 month evaluation is over in a couple weeks, we should have things going in the right direction"said Dr Grant. I'm going to teach you how to give yourself shots because I have to charge you for doing that. You don't mind saving your folks some money do you?" "No. They'd like that, especially Daddy." "That's interesting." "What?" "You just called him Daddy. That's the first time you've done that and that is typically what girls call their fathers." "Gee. You're right. Do hormones change your head too?" "Absolutely, Kimberly." "The glands that make and send out hormones, which are not all between your legs incidentally, are being reversed and your brain is no longer receiving male signals. You have begun really thinking like a girl. That's a good sign Kim. Start calling him Daddy at home too, OK?" "I think I'd like that. I hope he doesn't mind." And so, with summer vacation less than three months away, I would be sixteen in May, soon to be a sixteen year old girl. When I told Char and Terri, they were beside themselves. I had never let them see how I was developing on top although I couldn't hide my bottom, but after everything the doctor said, I figured it was time. Friday, I went over to Charlene's wearing my regular bra, one that enhanced my own budding figure, without the gel inserts in the larger C cup one. The first thing out of Char's mouth was, "what happened to your boobs? They've shrunk!" "No Char. I'm not using the balloons anymore." "You're WHAT?" "That's YOU?" "Every 34A+ almost B inch." "Holy shit! Sorry. Wow. I'm impressed. Honey, you are going to be stacked like your Mom." "That would be pretty neat. With the accelerated growth hormones, I should be there inside of six more months." "Guess you can't hide anymore, huh?" "Guess not. Kimberly is definitely here to stay thanks to your meddling, Charlene. Thank you again for meddling, you devious wench!" "You're welcome already. It was about time you realized who you were and what better opportunity than good old Halloween. By the way, what are you and Roger up to these days?" "Nothing at all, really. He comes over to the house occasionally but we don't hang out at school anymore at all. I guess it's too much pressure for him or something. I do miss his company, but it's understandable." "Wait until this summer when he sees you in a bikini. What size are you now?" "A nine." "I'll bet that will be a full ten by the fourth of July. We're going to have such fun teasing boys this summer. You might get lucky." "I don't want to ?get lucky' Char. I don't want some guy doing me up the rear." "Oh. I'm sorry. I just thought...!" "Boys are more or less off limits if they start to get serious. Understood?" "Ok. We won't press it. Terri and I will keep on looking out for you and keep the wolves at bay but it won't be easy." "Thanks. I want to go to the dances and stuff but I'm really afraid to get stuck in the back seat at the drive in, if you know what I mean." "Oh, do I ever. You may change your mind though. Petting is really fun." "I'm sure, but let's drop it, OK?" "Sure." Two weeks later, Mr. Peterson called me into his office. I was still doing ?baggy'. "Kim, after that note from your mother and now from your doctor, I see we are going to have to make some changes. Please forgive me if I'm a little awkward at this. It's my first time. I know that there are tens of thousands of ?you' out there but I just never met one that I actually knew, especially a student." "I'm a little new to all this too, Mr. Stevenson but what are we going to do now?" "Well, for one thing, all your teachers have been informed. You will begin girl's gym class next Monday and you'll be expected to adhere to the guidelines of conduct and dress of our female students. That's about It. I'm oversimplifying but essentially, that's it. I understand you have a legal name change in progress and that you wear a special undergarment that makes you look just like the other girls?" "Yes sir." "And the doctor says your birth certificate will be changed to ?female'?" "Yes sir." "Well then. That's that. I don't suppose you'll be the last." "Welcome to our school, Kimberly Anne Robinson." "Thank you sir. I hope I won't be a disappointment to you or the faculty." "If we have a problem with you young lady, believe me, you'll be sitting here in a little different capacity." "I get the message sir. Thank you." "Have a good day Kim." Over the phone immediately after dinner: "Roger?" "Yes?" "You won't believe it. I start school next week as me, I mean as the girl me, Kimberly Anne." "Well, it's about TIME." "You too?" "Of course me too! I hope I can see a little more of you now Kimmie." "You really WANT to Roger?" "Sure sugar. You don't think that kiss was an accident do you?" "I really didn't know WHAT to think. You've been kind of avoiding me ever since." "I know, and I'm sorry about that. School politics. But now that you're going to be legal, I don't' care. I want to see you." "You mean as in ?date' me?" "What am I doing here, talking Chinese? Yes you silly little thing. I want to date you. Why do you think I've been coming by the house schmoozing with your parents all this time?" "I had no idea." "Well?" "I really didn't know you felt that way about me Roger." "Neither did I but now I do, so...?" "Yes, of course, yes. Nothing would make me happier." "All right. Your house. Seven o'clock next Friday. A movie and the sundae shop?" "Sure." "Then it's a date. If I don't see you before, dress up a little for me, OK?" "No problem." "Mom. I just talked to Roger on the phone and he wants to take me out next Friday. Can I?" (I'd already said yes, but I knew she would too.) "Well, of course honey. Roger is a very nice boy and he's been your friend a long time. I think we can trust him, don't you?" "Yes, but I didn't know how you'd feel about me dating him." "Honey you are going to be a real girl and you will have to learn to handle men. Your teen years are the time for doing that so you may as well get started." "What did Daddy think of the doctor's letter?" "It was a good idea having him send one to your father. You won't have any more mixed signals from him. We had a talk and he is resigned if not enthusiastic, but you just keep on being you and he'll be happy that you are his daughter eventually. You'll see." "Great." The following Monday, I, Kimberly Ann, reported to home room. My teacher, Mrs. Burton, was very kind and I just took my regular seat. I wore a simple straight skirt and a white blouse with a lightly padded B cup bra and a pair of skimmer flats. I got a few stares and there were some whispers for a few seconds but Mrs. Burton wasn't someone you wanted to mess with and the room quieted down at once. Just before nine, we did our Pledge of Allegiance and then headed to our first classes. Strangely enough, mine was gym. I had brought my bag with it's new tee shirt, shorts and pink and white sneakers along with clean panties and a fresh bra. My gaff would take care of the shower room. The doctor had placed boy Kim's testes up inside me and nothing else showed. Apparently, Mrs. Cline had called Mom after the teacher's meeting and told her how I was to handle the shower room. I could still pee. It was pretty easy. Felt a little weird, but it didn't hurt, and Mrs. Cline didn't want me offending the other girls when I showered. I didn't want to offend them either, standing there with boobs and boy stuff showing. There was quite a hubbub in the locker room when I showed up though. Shirley, who was tall and usually got chosen as basketball team captain was the first to speak. "Well, little sister, we wondered when you'd be showing up! Welcome to club chick-a-dee." About a dozen girls broke out in giggles. "Thanks Shirley, but what do you mean about when I'd be showing up?" "Honey, you are the worst kept secret in school. What! You thought you were getting away with all those baggy sweaters? Every time you'd stretch or yawn or run, we'd see ?them' or see them jiggle. We all know what they look like, remember? You look like a B cup." "Damn! And I thought I was getting away with it. I'll give you girls more credit from now on." "You'd better girlie. We don't miss much. Just one word of warning. Keep your distance from our boyfriends. You're too darn cute." " really don't have to be concerned about that Shirley." "Good!" At this point, my ?relationship' with Roger was not entirely out in the open yet. Well, gym class should take care of spreading the word to the rest of the school. I suppose I could have taken an ad out on the closed circuit TV in school, but the girls in gym class would get the word out faster. Kim was as much girl as the other girls with one little exception. In a couple of days, people who had never bothered with me before were actually speaking to me, both girls and boys. Thank heaven for the 90s and the ?information' age. Jerry Springer aside, they found out that a transsexual isn't such a strange creature after all. In my case, it was more like being born with a birth defect. I really was a girl chemically and made sure everyone got the story straight. I spent the entire week getting ready for my first real date as a girl. I was still having a hard time believing it was happening and was both nervous and excited. I'm sure you understand. Nothing was left to chance. Mom thought it was such a special occasion, she treated me to ?the works' at the salon I'd been going to ever since Halloween and Margie really did a number on me. She gave me a new, soft and curly perm, a little highlighting and double pierced my ears putting birth stone studs in the upper ones with my hoops in the bottom. Then Veronica did my nails. I wore the dress I would wear for Roger so they could coordinate my lipstick and polish. He said he wanted me to dress up a little and it had a full skirt and a bit of a revealing bodice. She gave me a pedicure and a waxing too, even a bikini wax. By the time I left, I couldn't imagine feeling more feminine. But then, Roger and I hadn't been on our date yet. As promised, Roger picked me up at seven with no honking at the curb. He came in and talked to my parents and then we left. The movie was great. It was a love story and I found myself snuggling closer to him. Roger held my hand with my now long, totally feminine nails buried in his palm the whole time. When the movie was over, we went for ice cream and there wasn't a moment that he didn't treat me like a lady. He was so attentive, he gave me goose bumps. The kids at the sundae shop sure did a double take on Roger and me out on a date but it passed on to business as usual after a few minutes. Now, the word WAS out. I think I got a few jealous stares from other girls though. When we got to my place about 11, instead of going right to my door, we parked out in front of the house and talked. Roger has a little pickup truck and it has a bench seat. I found myself moving closer to him and he put his arm around me. This was the moment of truth, the moment I'd been waiting, praying for, my next kiss. I just knew it! We both knew it was coming. Roger drew me to him and he tenderly kissed me. It was a short kiss, but that was only the first one. He had that look in his eyes again and this time, I kissed him first putting my arms around his neck. He was a great kisser and then I felt his tongue probing my lips, seeking entry. I parted my teeth and our tongues danced as we both became more passionate in our embrace. I was melting and lipstick was smearing. All of a sudden, it was getting rather warm in Roger's truck or, was it just me?. My resolve was waning. I knew that not too much could happen in front of my house but whatever that was, it would probably happen. I had lost control...again. I now knew what the girls meant about getting ?hot'. Roger reached up with his left hand as we were still locked in a kiss and fondled my right unpadded breast. My now large, brown nipple sprang to attention and as it did, he began to massage and to tweak it. It felt sooo good. Charlene was right. Petting was really fun. And then, I don't know what came over me, but my right hand found itself resting on his right thigh. We continued our kiss and my hand went higher, finding it's throbbing target. Oh, he was so big and so hard. I found myself reaching for his zipper and then I got my control back when I realized what I was thinking of doing. What was I doing? I promised myself I wasn't going to get in this position. This wasn't any different than being at the drive in movie but I knew that if Roger asked me, I would go to the drive in with him. A girl in love is willing to go a long way with her sweetheart and I was undoubtedly in my mind, in love with Roger. "Roger honey, I have to go in. Mom and Daddy probably know we are out here and besides, I'm getting a little cold." "Kimmie, one thing you are not is cold, but I agree with you. You'd better go in." "Will you go to the dance with me tomorrow night?" "The only thing that could stop me is ?death by chocolate.' "Well, how about we get some AFTER the dance?" "Wonderful." And with that, I kissed him a short goodnight kiss, turned on the visor vanity mirror and fixed my lipstick, giving him a little clean up too, then spun myself out of the pickup and wiggled my way to the front door in my spikes. Boy, that doctor was right about the hormones. I was a complete mental convert already and I just knew I was going to have a time controlling myself around Roger after tonight. He was a dream come true. My hero. My friend. My lover. Oh, my! One look at me and Mom almost broke out laughing. She knew what I was going through and probably what we'd been up to. After all, she was a young girl once. I think I had a little whisker burn from Roger's beard. I couldn't help notice Mom giving my face a quick stare. Well, what did she expect? She was the one who told me I'd have to learn to handle men, wasn't she? "How was it honey?" "He asked me to the dance tomorrow." "I suppose I don't need to ask. You're going!" "You bet!" "OK honey. Goodnight." Off to bed and dreams of Roger I went in my baby dolls with the rumba panties. I don't know why I had been afraid to explore my feelings for so long. I wish Char and Terri HAD done this to me years ago. Well, I'd catch up soon. I drifted off encased in my aqua colored baby dolls. Oh, I had such a naughty dream and woke up having to change my panties. Well, you don't wear rumba panties to school anyway! Saturday, Mom and I went shopping. Oh, yes, we bought some groceries but now that I was ?committed,' she wanted to treat me to all the things I'd missed and all the things she had missed doing with her daughter, like trips to Victoria's secret where I got the most luscious lingerie, panties, bras, camisoles and slips. I think she must have spent a hundred dollars on me in there and it didn't buy an awful lot. She bought me more cosmetics and earrings and perfume too. Boy, what a great mom! I was just going to wear a skirt and blouse to the dance and a pair of flats. I had to get used to dressing like a normal girl on a date, not fancy all the time. When Roger picked me up, I think he was a little disappointed, but I liked the way he was almost a head taller than me that way. It made me feel even more feminine and protected somehow beside my tall, muscular prince. Nobody batted an eye when we walked in and we had a great time. We both danced with other people but the ones we danced together were special. Four other boys asked me to dance that night. I danced with all of them. Maybe I wanted to make Roger a little jealous, I don't know. Maybe I just needed the experience. At the least, I wanted him to appreciate me. The way he held me on the dance floor, it was quite obvious now that we were a ?couple'. Amazing how my life was turning around. Our return home was pretty much a repeat of last night only this time I got in his pants. That was part of my naughty dream, a small part. I couldn't help myself nor could I believe what a real man felt like as they say, up close and personal, and he made me so hot I almost lost it myself. All I did was give him a little massage. When I got upstairs, I found out that I had indeed ?lost it' without even realizing, as my panties were soaked with very watery, whitish liquid. I think they call it seminal fluid, but I was sure there wasn't anything worthwhile in it anymore. So THAT'S what all the twitching in my panties was all about! Oh, that felt sooo good! Of course, I had discovered self gratification long ago, but that was before my new hormones. Back then, this stuff was thick and sticky. Not any more! *I'm sure glad Roger didn't touch me there. It would ruin it for both of us.* By the time our freshman year was over, Roger and I were quite ?an item' and everyone in school knew it. I had more friends. I was almost becoming popular. I had joined the Glee Club and occasionally had a solo. I was as outgoing and friendly as I could be and to earn extra money, I began babysitting. I just loved little kids. I never volunteered my status and none of the parents said anything, even if they HAD heard about me. I rather doubt that any parent that had heard about me would let me near their child. After all, I must be some kind of pervert, right? Wrong! Sometimes Roger would come over and we'd neck. But I never let him between my ever increasing thighs and never did anything that smacked of slutty. I realized teen romance can end abruptly and I certainly didn't want a ?reputation' as being one of ?those' girls. Mom had warned me and so had my friends. Just as Charlene said, by the time term was over, I was into a 10 with a full 34B bra and a 36 bottom. It all looked pretty good with my 25 inch waist. I was becoming quite fond of my breasts. We were becoming good friends. Sometimes I talked to them, referring to them kiddingly as ?the girls'. Sometimes I fondled them myself as Char had shown me how recently. I had no idea girls could turn themselves on like that. OOH, I LIKED it! I liked THEM and they liked me back and Roger certainly liked my new growths a lot as he proved when we petted. That DOES feel really neat, even more when a boy does it. Charlene had urged me to let him, and again, she had given me rewarding advice. It was the very girlish ideas I was having about Roger that were a little disturbing. Char and Terri and I went on a shopping trip to try on the latest bathing suitsfor summer. I came home with three, a stretch satin speedo and two bikinis. "Kim, you are getting a really cute bod. We're going to have to fight the boys off this summer." "Sounds like fun. Lead me to the water," I said. One of my suits just covered the bare, and I do mean bare essentials but it looked so cute and daring, I couldn't resist it. I didn't particularly want my Mom to see me in it though as it only covered my patch and my nipples really. My hair was now down to my shoulder blades and I knew it looked good and decided to leave it long and wear it in a pony tail or French braid most of the time for summer. Roger had never seen me in a bathing suit and even though he was well acquainted with my body by now, sometimes what you can only glimpse is more tantalizing than what you can actually see. Conjure up a picture of a black satin corselette with six garters leading to black hose and 4" black patent spikes. I had just such a set from Victoria's and he had seen that too although Mom hadn't. It about drove him over the edge. I was beginning to regret my ?partial' status immensely. Well, finally, I had my driver's license. Now, Char, Terri and I could take turns on ?girl's' nite out or when we had to ?batch' it to a game or a dance. Over the course of the summer, I continued to grow, and by the time we started back to school, I was a almost a 12; 34C, 24, 37. I had to start watching what I ate. I loved my new figure but didn't want to be a cow. Roger and I continued to be an item. He had ingratiated himself with my father, offering to cut our grass, which he did since it was no longer one of my duties. I was inside labor now. I was learning to be a domestic goddess, as Rosanne calls it. Mom and I were becoming more like sisters. My wardrobe was ever expanding as well as my collection of sexy lingerie and shoes. Well, I guess I had a little shoe fetish going. There were 30 some pairs and I was sure I wasn't done yet. I even wore heels at home a lot, especially with dressy slacks and sometimes even to school although not my spikes. There's just nothing that defines a girl like high heels. School was becoming fun and I was no longer a nerd. I guess I was a little bit on the preppy side. I was pretty and popular and got better grades than boy Kim ever did even though I had less time to study, what with doing hair and nails all the time. Thank heaven I only had to shave my legs once a week. My endocrinologist (I finally learned what a gland doctor was) had brought me a long way and seemed quite pleased with himself. Praise the Lord, I stopped developing but I was certainly matured at 16? years old. And I found out the truth of a basic law of nature. Girls DO mature mentally faster than boys. I was now older than Roger in those terms. He had become a starting half back on the football team though, and I was just so proud of him when practice started in August. He caught a lot of passes and some of them were from me. By now, both my name change and my birth certificate were official and I was in the middle of my ?real life test' as a girl. I didn't figure I could have my surgery before I was 18 anyway, so it wasn't really important to me. I sort of forgot about it. Dr. Grant kept track of me and I saw him every month. The gland specialist was better equipped to oversee my medical transition though. Dr. Breck was nice too and he changed my hormone mix a little. I began developing even faster after that in particular mentally, to where I am now, and boy Kim seemed like a distant memory. I thankfully didn't gain any weight but I surely filled out to womanly proportions and without a muscle showing. Roger had qualified and become a lifeguard, so I got to see him at work as well as on our dates. I don't think he appreciated all the boys buzzing around but Char and Terri attracted a lot of them too. I didn't mind having cute friends. It was a friendly competition. When I hung around his lifeguard chair, the other girls knew enough to stay away. Now I had claws and knew how to use them. I was more in love with him than ever and everyone had gotten used to ?us' being together. It was no big deal anymore. I was his chick. Charlene's parents had a big six passenger car and so, we three and our boyfriends did end up at the drive-in movie that summer. Well, it was a triple date and nothing much happened and I had the sense to wear shorts and a halter. I wasn't ashamed of myself in a halter top now after the reactions I got at the pool. True to form, the boys nailed us with some heavy petting and my halter was all but a little TOO convenient, one knot and there they were. Roger was such a fox. I just loved him to pieces. That was my FIRST time at the drive-in and without a real bra. I couldn't believe I let ?the girls' loose in front of my friends though. My second time was a little different. Roger asked me to go with him alone. I couldn't refuse. What can I say? I thought I'd get smart and wear a skirt and button front blouse that night with a regular bra. I had on a lacy demi cup bra and a pair of tight spandex panties and just like for gym, I wore my gaff. There was no way I was going to let Roger touch that thing. What's that they say about the road to ruin being paved with good intentions? By the time the feature was 30 minutes gone, Roger and I were steaming up the windows and they were half open. Well, you get my drift. He'd unhooked my bra and I had very carefully taken both hands and unzipped him and managed to unleash his manhood. I was so hot, I couldn't stop myself and wasn't sure I wanted to. When I did that, he reached under my skirt and ran his hand down the front of my panties finding...nothing! However, as I lovingly caressed him, he did manage to find a little spot that helped to bring me to ecstasy. We arrived at a shuddering state of collapse at almost the same time and I was SO thankful for panty liners. He was very messy but didn't seem to mind at all. There were plenty of tissues in the car and the only lipstick on him was on his face. Not that the thought hadn't crossed my mind. Oh, it had alright but at a drive in movie. Not my style. And I, well, now I guess he had something to talk about but it felt so wonderful, I didn't care. He told me he loved me and I did the same. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could go on forever like this, I thought? Everything was going along pretty normally until Christmas. In addition to the usual girl stuff you'd expect for Christmas, there was an envelope there addressed to me from GIC, whatever that was. Mom seemed on pins and needles as it was the last thing I opened. It was REALLY a good thing I was sitting down. On the basis of my psychiatric and medical evaluations, I had been invited to a gender identity clinic for evaluation prior to surgery. "SURGERY? Mom! Daddy! Is this for real? Does it mean what I think it does?" "Yes sweetheart. As soon as your summer vacation starts this year, you will be a whole person for the first time in your life. You go in for testing over spring break but it's just a formality, I'm told. Your dad re-financed the car, so we can pay for it." "Oh Daddy. Thank you. I love you both so much. "Well, needless to say, all the other presents paled in comparison. I was ecstatic and couldn't wait to tell Char and Terri but I wanted to do it in person. I called Terri and asked her to meet me at Char's and went over there. "Well Kimmie, what's this all about? You sounded so excited and mysterious over the phone I thought you were going to come right through the line and pop out on my end," said Terri. I didn't say a word but was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. I just handed them the letter. They opened and read it aloud. I imagine Char's parents wondered what we three were screaming and jumping up and down about up in her room. This was definitely over the top. Nothing so far in my life could top this, not even Roger. And, believe it or not, I had no plans to tell him. I didn't

Same as My Hero Videos

3 years ago
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Kevin had never had much luck with girls. To begin with, he was terribly shy. He seemed to freeze up when talking to attractive girls. He was okay in his dealings with his mom and his female teachers, but that was different. There was no physical attraction. His paralyzing shyness only seemed to affect him when he tried to speak with members of the opposite sex to which he was attracted. Being a young man of 18, he was attracted to a lot of girls. Since he didn't know what steps to take to be...

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Hero (Sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes. I am not perfect. Most readers have patience; others think the story sucks if there are mistakes. I do try though Hello everyone. I am so happy that my story will be on this site. It's not a story about me finding out there was a girl living in my boy's body, and it's not a story about some girl or woman making me their slave. It's not a story about me finding a boyfriend and being his girlfriend. This is my story where I tell the...

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Horvan rode proudly at the head of his army, controlling his great black stallion with practiced ease. Behind and to both sides rode his Six Companies, squat plainsmen on shaggy ponies. Fearless in battle, they were the shock troops who had taught half a continent to fear the name of Horvan. Next came rank after rank of foot soldiers. Not flashy. No waving banners. Just dull armor and sharp weapons. The core of his army, and its real strength. With these men to hold what his cavalry took, he...

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It all started in 1938, when the first superhero, the Gladiator, appeared. He claimed to be from the distant future where Earth had exploded. Due to experiments his father had performed on him, Gladiator possessed superhuman strength and bulletproof skin. He used his powers to fight crime in Cleveland. Then another vigilante, the Shadow emerged in 1939, operating in New York. He could not have been more different from the Gladiator, sticking to the shadows. Not much was known about him, many...

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Anna muttered something. I took little peeks over. My school locker was close to hers. I could tell she was frustrated. I always took peeks at her without regards to whether she was frustrated or not. Anna was beautiful and all the boys thought so. "Dang it!" she said under her breath. It looked like she couldn't get into her locker. That sucked. I would be frustrated too if I was in her situation. I closed my locker and locked it. I put my book bag over my shoulder. "William?" I turned...

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As a Therapist, Elizabeth Fare could always get the men and women to let everything out once they move from sitting in a chair, to laying on the couch in her office. Each patient comes in downtrodden and moping, but when they leave, they all appear chipper and re-energized, while, like her patients. Elizabeth is left satisfied.

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Welcome to Taleson City, a large city on America's eastern seaboard. This thriving metropolis holds over 100,000,000 people and over 200,000,000 jobs. It is also rapant with crime. That's where you come in. Where as in most cities, the police are expected to deal with crime, here in Taleson, it's your job. That's alright, of course, because you happen to be a top notch superhero. 1.Patrick Croight (Muscular Man) 2.Alice Weatherbee (Weather Girl) 3.Tom Rappaport (The Amazing Morphing...

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Switcheroo by Pamela ([email protected]) During Ted and Marsha's wedding ceremony there was a funny moment of confusion when the minister appeared to juxtapose the vows by asking Marsha whether she would take, Ted, to be her lawful wedded wife. Then a few minutes later he asked Ted if he would take Marsha to be his lawful wedded husband. Those paying close attention to the ceremony chuckled at the mistakes while most of the crowd did not notice. For himself, Ted wrote the...

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Anna was vibrating with excitement. She had been waiting to see this band for over a year now. She didn't get to go last year since all the concerts were canceled and it was only now that some of the smaller venues were allowing some shows. Her best friend Megan had hit her up the day before telling that, somehow, she had got her hands on tickets for the two of the to go see the band at a tiny little place called The Rockit. The Rockit wasn't the coolest place in town, due mostly to the fact...

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The two young couples were sharing a hotel room to save money on the weekend trip. They were close friends from high school and had been a part of each other’s weddings few years earlier so they figured it would work out OK. Ever since the wedding nights, the wives had bemoaned that they were virgin brides. Why had they waited so long? Their husbands weren’t quite as pure, having shared a drunken college girl for a night on a spring break. Maybe this was the opportunity to change that. After...

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Chris swirled Jane around in his arms as they entered the apartment. It was theirs, all theirs, and safely away from the soft cocoon of their family. They immediately started exploring, exclaiming over the view out of the kitchen, the three large bedrooms, and nicely appointed living room. “This was a great idea. Just us and no one else.” Chris said has he gave Jane a passionate kiss. The had plotted about moving to New York for almost a year, ever since they were married. Their families were...

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Sometimes you need a Hero Ero to help you find some good shit to jerk off to. Arguably, your dirty old friend ThePornDude is usually that pantless champion you need, pointing you toward your ideal fap material, whether it’s lesbian threesomes, hentai or some wild fetish porn for the real freaks. Today, though, I’m going to talk about another hero making his lifesaving rounds on the Internet smut scene. Thanks to this magnanimous fucker, I think I avoided another indecent exposure arrest at the...

The Fappening
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Rita heard the front door swing open, and Mitch thudded in wearing his heavy boots. He stopped in the kitchen doorway and leaned against the jamb. His hair and uniform were a crumpled mess. “Hi,” he said. “Something smells good.” “How does lasagna sound?” Rita said. “Sounds real good. We saved a couple kids today.” Rita wiped her hands on a thin dishtowel and turned directly towards him. The circles under his eyes were very dark after the long shift, but his eyes still danced. “Yeah?” He...

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Aaron carefully made his way into the dark, abandoned warehouse. This handsome-looking blonde-haired, blue-eyed young guy was nervous. He had not yet found Jeremy. Granted, he could barely see 10 feet in front of his face, but he had searched nearly every room in the building. There was one door at the end of the hallway that was unchecked. As Aaron approached the door, he looked down at how he was dressed and realized how ridiculous this would look to an outside observer. There was something...

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Rita heard the front door swing open, and Mitch thudded in wearing his heavy boots. He stopped in the kitchen doorway and leaned against the jamb. His hair and uniform were a crumpled mess. "Hi," he said. "Something smells good." "How does lasagna sound?" Rita said. "Sounds real good. We saved a couple kids today." Rita wiped her hands on a thin dishtowel and turned directly towards him. The circles under his eyes were very dark after the long shift, but his eyes still danced....

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From her outward appearance you'd never guess that Valerie Hawkins was a predator! Standing five feet six inches tall and weighing in at 125 pounds, she looked a lot like any other pretty thirty year old you'd meet on the street. To many people the word predator brings to mind a ravenous killer, that stalks its prey, killing it with no remorse, no hatred, no greed, just the driving instinct to attack and kill, inbred, with no compunction. No, Valerie Hawkins doesn't fit he normal picture of a...

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There wasn't much room for doubt about what was happening. The big guy had her with his one hand wrapped over her mouth and the other tight around her upper arm, jerking her deeper out of the streetlight spillover and into the alley. She wasn't even really struggling, just frog-marching along with him. The weaselly guy was beween them and me with a knife showing. "Hey!" I shouted. But at 1:30 in the morning in that section of town there wasn't anyone else on the streets to hear, and this...

4 years ago
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Swedish Man invited by horny Bangladeshi couple

My name is Hugo and I am from Sweden. I have many friends from Bangladesh and live in London, UK. I see a lot of people from Bangladesh living in East London and I go there pretty often for grocery shopping since I live close by. I really enjoy going to the grocery stores with all the Muslim Bangladeshi women in colorful clothes and some in hijabs. I take pictures of the beautiful ladies inside the stores, while they ignore me and some times take close up shots of their beautiful faces, they...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 547

???????????????? ???????? Say thanks to OldGreyDuck for this one: Part of my job entails being on the phone with people who live all over the country. I was talking with a woman who lives in a rural area in Washington state. During the conversation, she mentioned that her young grandchildren were visiting and were fascinated by the fact that her next-door neighbors had a small petting farm. In fact, the kids were watching a demonstration on shearing. The 4-year-old granddaughter came running in screaming:...

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He Couldve Rped Me And Id Enjoy It

This guy was so big, taller than me and I'm 6 feet, and bigger, not fat, just right for his big size, and I am so skinny, except for my tummy, that he could have pinned me down and forced himself onto and into me against my will, and no matter how much I'd struggle with him and fight back, he could have conquered me. That didn't happen. At least that way. I met the guy here and I'll just call him "W," and after weeks of texting each other, we were finally able to meet when his work paid for his...

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New rules 5

Introduction: Ted is home and the fun continues This is the sequel to New Rules 1 to 4. Read them first. While I had been urging Susan to talk to her husband, Phil, about their mutual infidelity my husband, Fred, had served drinks for every one and the others just stood around, naked, and listened to Susan and me. Now my husband took charge: Heres what I would like. First up Id like to watch Wendy eating Susans pussy, with her bum stuck in the air so that George can fuck her from behind. Is...

2 years ago
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USAChapter 27

The Adventure: The bus. The bus was built sometime preceding the construction of the Ark. It was tall, had huge thin woods poked wheels with yellow rubber clincher tires, and, sometime in the past, the body of the bus had been painted yellow. Presently, it was the color ... and consistency ... of rust. There were a series of openings that, once upon a time, held glass. The driver had a windshield that was mostly intact ... except for a bullet hole or two. We met the bus in the Plaza Cívica...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 102 The Olympic Experience

"One of the best things about being a dancer is that it's Tuesday, the Olympics don't end until Sunday, and we are done!" Sophia was saying. "Har-dee-har-har" replied Liz Cushman, who didn't start until the next day. "Besides which, you still have to do the exhibition on Saturday." "Yeah, but that's easy, the pressure's off," said Warren. "Thanks. Thanks a lot," Liz said. "Hey, you're going to be fine, you know," Sophia told Liz. "You've been skating like a house a...

1 year ago
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How I Feel in Love with My Daughter Carissa Chapter 13

Father: Jim Davenport, 41 years old 6’0’ 192 lbs. Brown hair and eyes with a fit build and a 7 ¾ inch cock. Daughter: Carissa Davenport just turned 15 years old. 4’ 10” 95 lbs. Very petite with long brown hair and eyes. Great legs, round ass and 34 A breasts. The divorce was particularly rough. Divorcing my wife, Cindy, after 16 years of marriage was one of the toughest times in my life. Cindy and I meet when she was 24 and I was 25. Two years later we were married. We both had good jobs and...

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A Santa Fantasy

A Santa Fantasy By Ricky 'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house... Wait a minute, I think someone has already used that line. Darn, why can't I think of things like that first? But anyway, it really was the night before Christmas and the only difference between me and a little kid was about 45 years. I was restless, couldn't sleep, couldn't read, couldn't even watch the tube for more than a few minutes at a time. My wife was planning something special...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 20

Now the work began. You can snap a hull in half tightening the rigging. But you can hog a hull leaving it too loose. Standing rigging keeps the mast from falling forward or back or sideways ... or any other angle you can think of. Aluminum has a 'period of stress' that limits it's time of use. Aluminum has just so many flexes in it and you don't know then you've used it up. One bend too many and it breaks. There are aluminum hulled boats that were still good after forty years that sunk...

3 years ago
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Ya Better Cum Now

I had the day off so Tonya and I decided to spend the day making love. The first two times were great but what happened on the third go amazed both of us. I started out eating her, loving the taste of both our juices. As usual I made her cum between 6 and 8 times. Just as she was on the verge of another I stopped, slithered up her body and slid my cock in her. She came on the first stroke, something I absolutely loved and had done to her before. We proceeded making love, very short slow...

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Incestuous HaremChapter 16 Big Sis is Punished

Thanks to Ron for beta reading this! Melody Samuels I followed Clint out of the Dairy Queen in absolute shock. What was going on? Our older sister, Zoey, claimed to be working at this Dairy Queen for weeks with her best friend, and lover, Stefani. She was supposed to be working right now. After our hot orgy with Pam’s mom—and the even hotter revelation that Ms. Hiragawa was one of Dad’s lovers and that Pam was his daughter—we had come to the Dairy Queen to eat dinner, see Zoey, and maybe...

1 year ago
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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 13

Wednesday Having gone to sleep early last night, I was awake early this morning. I didn’t want to disturb anyone else since they were all still up last night when I fell asleep. I finally got up because I had to pee. Then I took a quick shower. “You’re up early,” Cooper commented from the shower doorway. “I figured that you’d still be wiped out from yesterday.” “I was pretty tired last night, but I’m okay this morning. I’m usually up this early to hunt or fish,” I replied. “How do you...

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Secret Housewives Society

"My name's David and I've lived in the same neighborhood my entire life. There's always been something kind of off about it though, like something is always looming in the darkness during the nights or something hiding in the woods, " I said as I sat in front of Alan's camera. "You need to add more emotion to it man, it has to seem real, like you're actually scared," Alan nagged me. Alan had always been super into videos and movies, he's probably taken every single class related to it that our...

Group Sex
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My sister the cleaner and her daughter

......Thursday came and Jenny, as promised had a surprise for us, not only was she wearing the flimsiest of tops and no bra but she had her daughter with her. I had never connected the two but her daughter, Mandy, was the hot topic of our school. She was about 5’6’’ a little overweight but lips and tits to die for. I had snogged her and played with her tits at parties but it was only the usual teenage fumble. Today she was wearing a short wrap around skirt and one of those strapless tops that...

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Angel 2

© This is a fantasy. Any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. ******************************************************************* Angel stared in surprise, as the funny looking man is the striped pants dabbed the tears running down his face with his tail. “Who are you?” She asked. He stopped crying long enough to answer. “I thought everybody knew that.” He said. “I’m the Stripped Tailed Cat.” He said waving his tail proudly. “Most just call me Stripe. See how long my tail...

2 years ago
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Sex Encounter With Married Lady

Hi, all. I am Akhil and a regular reader of ISS. Well I have been following stories on Indian sex stories for quite a long time and I feel as a user of the site, I should share my story as well. I apologize for any mistakes in advance. Enjoy the feel of the story and overlook grammatical/spelling mistakes. :) to tell about me in brief, I am an average guy, well earning, unmarried and I like to have physical intimacy with married ladies more, I feel they are more experienced and good in bed....

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I showered carefully, the soap slipping through my hands as I rubbed it over my skin, the water quickly running the suds away, the droplets pooling to collect in my bellybutton or get caught the dark thatch of my hair between my legs. I paid especial attention there, rinsing it and running my fingers along my slit, rubbing and stroking for a moment before I turned off the water, wringing the wetness from my hair. The heat had steamed up the mirror, and I passed my hand over it to briefly show...

1 year ago
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RevengeChapter 5

Following day was Monday, so Hanna was going to work. Emily would go to daycare. I helped with Emily and ignored all the curious looks I got while leaving her there. Then I returned to the house, and allowed a bunch of guys in as I had ordered the locks to be changed and the general security improved. I got one of the new keys and the keycode, then I left them working and started on my own business. After all, I had a house to visit. Carl had money, and he had married more money. His wife...

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Intro to Sissies VIII The Meting of the Punishment Part Three

Intro to Sissies VIII: The Meting of the Punishment Part Three By latexslut John Phillips felt, more than saw, over one hundred pairs of eyes, turn and look at him. He was looking at Goddess Chanazene, and the ladies of color on either side of her. sissyspikes diminishing wailing was sliced off with the thunder of a very heavy door shutting. Chanazene smoked her smoke, sipped her wine, feeling a little woozy, a little upset at herself. Mistress Whip was getting out of line...

1 year ago
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Hour Lunch

‘Hey babe, I couldn’t get you, so I just wanted to let you know that I will be home late tonight. My boss just invited me out to dinner. Just wanted to give you a heads up and to let you know that you didn’t have to cook tonight… I love you and I’ll see you when I get in tonight.’ I don’t know how many messages like this Janet had received over the last five or so years from me. I became the lead QA field operations guy for the south east region for Five Star Communications. I was constantly...

3 years ago
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UnendingChapter 13

I left for London on Tuesday. I booked a first class, round trip flight with an open-ended return on Lufthansa for a reasonable $8,500. Well, reasonable when compared to British Airways $19,000! Just because I had some money doesn’t mean I need to throw it away. Security Inc was not licensed in the UK so I was leaving the team behind. Mark Nelson, the CEO, had business contacts with firms there, and assured me that one such firm, owned and run by a former Special Air Service buddy of his,...

4 years ago
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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 11

Robert plopped into his chair and rubbed his eyes. He couldn't believe how early he was to his History class. He had fully intended to show up as late as possible and prevent himself from giving Angela a chance to talk to him, but given how his night had gone, that plan had changed since he needed to get something straightened out. The TA gave him an odd look as she walked in. How often did students get into the room before the TA? Probably wasn't often. He buried his head into his...

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SandcastlesChapter 16

We wandered around underneath the stadium and made our way under the concrete mass through a maze of corridors until we got to the one special door I was looking for. I knocked on the Clubhouse door and the guard opened it. He greeted me with a big smile and a slap on the back. He was sort of deaf and spoke very loud. "Lar, good to see you, guy!" he said in his normal booming voice. "You don't come around much anymore. Coach said you'd be here tonight, though. Come on in, come in!" He...

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Dancers Demise

?We think you’re hiding a secret,? Vladimir says, pulling up a stool. ?Why don’t you just tell us, so there won’t be any surprises later??I?I don’t? Please?Vladimir sat heavily upon the stool and gnawed coarsely at the toothpick between his yellowing teeth. The woman standing before him, buckled to a single wooden beam and blindfolded under the hot glow of a single lamp, was beautiful, even in her frantic state.?My dear,? Anton grinned patiently, stepping in closer, holding the woman’s driver’s...

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Amandas Surprise

AMANDA?S SURPRISE AMANDA?S SURPRISE Chapter one ? Caught Amanda walked slowly down the dock, wincing each time the old boards creaked under her feet.? She saw the old buildings, windows broken and graffiti covering much of the outside.? She felt uneasy, wishing she was home, but she knew that she had to try to find out what had happened to her friend Susan.? Susan worked for the local paper and fed up with being sent on stories covering school fetes and store openings, had decided to do...

2 years ago
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The Perfect Game Pt 5

I had the game "warworld" loaded in my new gaming console and a cute yellow skater dress on. The console had set me back a big chunk of money, but it would be worth it. It wouldn't be long now and this would all be over. Anyway, Abby had done a new braid thing with my hair, and fixed my makeup so I looked both cute and hot. (IMHO) I put out a bowl of chips. Claire had given me a little marijuana and I had been able - though just barely - to buy a Sixpack. The salesman had been...

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How Christi Paid for College Ch 02

Christi had almost finished the last of her packing, with Hannah’s help, when Hannah’s cell started buzzing. It was the middle of the afternoon. Hannah scowled. ‘It’s a text from Anders. He says most of the brothers are on board, but there’s one he hasn’t talked to yet. They all think he’s going to be a problem.’ She started tapping at her phone and shot a text back at Christi’s rescuer. ‘Who is it?’ Christi asked. ‘A guy named Harker. Hold on… let’s see what else Anders can say.’ Christi...

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NT Runner

“I know you're excited to visit a 'real' city finally but this isn't a vacation, Yeong.” The harsh voice of a young woman echoed through a smartphone speaker in the small room Yeong was in. The boy had grown up on the countryside in Aoia, bordering the wasteland. It was a harsh land east of Trysk and Poren that saw little development even as the technological revolution came into full swing. He had been to neighboring cities but never to one of the real cities. Sprawling landscapes where...

1 year ago
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Dreams IIChapter 7

The phone awakened Josh at 10am the next morning. Victoria had gone back to Indianapolis to complete the work. She'd be gone from two to three days. He felt a lot of pain in his ankle as the swelling had not gone down yet. He'd been given two dozen percacets for the pain and took one the night before right after Victoria's lovemaking to him. "Hello!" Josh said, feeling a little groggy from the pill and the deep sleep. "Hello honey," Camille said softly with feeling. "What the fuck...

4 years ago
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Please Dont Stop I Mean Please Dont Stop

“That’s it, right there. Do my clit with your wonderful tongue!” I adjusted my angle of licking to tickle the protruding folds of her delicious trigger and looked up to see her astounding full melons swollen with passion and her nipples sticking out like little buttons waiting for the right fingers to show them the way to satisfaction. Actually, this was a bit more than I had bargained for thinking that the girl was just pulling my leg and couldn’t possibly see anything desirable in a wreck...

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Why I Met Your Mother Chapter 81

Chapter Eight Once she heard the key turn in the lock and knew for certain that he was gone, Kiara wandered like a zombie back into the lounge and sat herself down on the sofa. She swallowed hard, trying to take stock of it all. She rested her hands weakly in her lap, but they wouldn’t stop their violent trembling. She was jumpy, twitching at every little sound the empty house made around her. Her fingers knotted with each other for some sort of comfort as she thought. The horrors went round...

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Fucking New Friends On Our Honeymoon Is Naughty But Sure Is Nice Part 3

Sue and I were disappointed when Bob and Tina headed home.  We both knew we were lucky to hook up with an attractive, young, wife-swapping couple. It was obvious to both of us that most swingers are much older than we are.  And neither of us has any interest in fucking old people.Our experience in our first week was something to ponder.  Most young couples kept their bathing suits on.  The topless women on the beach were mostly older.  A few topless women appeared to be in their thirties, or...

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The ProdigalThirtythree

“CLOSER TOGETHER. Now everyone smile!” The flash went off and my mother had yet another picture of Wendy’s graduation, this time with Lissa, Melody, and me. The next picture was with Carma and Clarice. We were all glad the three-hour ceremony was over. Mom and Dad lined up on one side of Wendy with Lexi and Jack on the other and I took the next picture with Century Link Stadium in the background and the Sounder’s band playing nearby. Finally, we all headed for Carmine’s. Wendy had scarcely...

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Best 3some I ever had with virgins

I arrived at home, ready to start my chores. I proceeded to the garage and grabbed the lawn mower, and went outside to quickly finish my daily task. I had heaps of homework that night, and didn't think I'd ever be able to finish it. Just when I was done, two of my classmates came strolling along. They waved and smiled. It was during the summer so the two girls were wearing tank tops and short shorts. Anyways, they were probably the two most beautiful girls in our grade and I had always dreamed...

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I am of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. I am to please and be pleased sexually. I have a very string sex drive - and I love having sex with an audience. I enjoy telling two of my girlfriends about my sex life. They are fascinated when I tell them about the second man I have around once a month while my partner watches and joins in. My...

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A Whole New World

I am Henry, 22, just shy of 6ft with a thick set build and broad shoulders from 11 years of playing Rugby and lifting weights. My hair is wavy, dark blonde and I keep a beard of dark, well trimmed brown hair. Like most boys my school years were filled with sport, girls and fantasies of those elusive, mythical older women. What marked me out from other boys and eventually men, was that my fantasies stretched way out beyond my early teenage years, and even beyond my late teens, until in to my...

Group Sex
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Part Six It was a very sore, sorry and completely naked Debra Hutchinson that wasfrog–marched out of the mansion the following morning. Although her muscleshad ceased their spasms – having been freed of the indescribably painfulstrappado that she had spent the night bound within – her entire bodywas a road–map of aches that piled one on top of the other, making eachstep a marked effort. Two guards flanked her, both uniformed in the black suitsthat Debra was fast becoming accustomed to. Neither...

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The Shower

The Shower . It’s been a long day at work.   The runs keep coming in, the radio keeps talking and the miles add up.   For a few short minutes, you get a chance to check your email.   The clock on the computer reads six-forty five, and seems to go backwards.   You scroll down the email list and notice an email from an old co-worker.   You open it up and read every word.   You smile and squirm in your seat.   It sends your mind into frenzy.   You read it again and focus in on its content.  ...

2 years ago
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A true love story

Over the following weeks Helen and Ashley became really good friends and spent every moment of recess together. Helen was the happiest she had ever been having finally found a true friend. One day the two of them were playing at the playground, Ashley was telling Helen all about her plans for the weekend but Helen was distracted, She wasn’t paying much attention to Ashley but found herself looking over at a boy playing with his friends in the sand box. Ashley could tell that Helen wasn’t...

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